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Category: Marriage

Glibertarians After Dark: My New Fetish

I once trolled a libtard so hard his eyes rolled out of their eye sockets and then worms rose from the ground to eat the eyeballs. Then they consumed the libtard, resulting a brutal painful death, and then a huge bird arrived and ate the libtard’s corpse. After that, the Skeleton King came down from above slashed the corpse in half with his sword, which looked pretty fucking metal, and ate it raw. Then he sunk into the underworld and all that was left was me doing the Fortnight dance. Mark Dice then came out of the darkness and said that I was the Ultimate Libtard Destroyer. He clapped so hard that the whole world began to shake and to scream from this amazing act, and then as soon Mark said “When you destroy a libtard, epic style,” the world began to rawr! (Yes, rawr!!!) And this caused the world to split in two, but unfortunately it turned out that a hellish beast came out of the center of the earth and it clapped with us. Then the world exploded.

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