As we are in Midwinter, give or take, the festival of the Saturnalia is upon us, and such the sound track of many a place is quite transformed – and has been, depending on each person’s luck for up to a month.
It is that special time of year where in every store and on radio station you hear the same old Christmas music. Somehow, all Christmas music was made in the past and is now repeated. Also, at least round these parts, so called Christmas Fairs are popping up, giving you the chance to hear the music in the streets and squares.
Some people like that – it puts them in a Christmas mood, reminds them of childhood or it goes well with the day drinking. Some people hate it and are sick and tired of the same stuff. For both these types of people the solution is simple: instead of listening to your old Christmas music, listen to Romanian old Christmas music.
Romanian carols were originally sang by well… carolers. This was when most Romanians lived in villages and it was a deeply rooted tradition. Usually a group of people would go house to house to announce the Holidays, bring a bit of cheer in the long winter days, ward off bad spirits and get some goodies and, for the adults, a bit of tuica.
If you knew Romanian, you would catch two common themes in carols. One is religious, announcing the birth of Christ, and the second is about the actual act of caroling and asking people to open their homes, get the carolers inside for warmth, and bring out the goodies.
Goodies are usually baked goods and a bit of brandy or wine. Also walnuts are prominent, as most fruit is was not really available in winter, although recently oranges have become a staple associated with Christmas.
Off course carols, especially on YouTube, are not exactly what they were 100 years ago, but this is a selection of the more popular ones around here, the ones some of us are sick of hearing every year.
Nowadays Romanians often associate carols with Ștefan Hrușcă, in both a nostalgic and mocking fashion, depending. There are lots of jokes about him, he is a bit of a joke, but not in a mallicious way and still sort of popular around Christmas. He now lives and works in Toronto, the one in Canada, and comes to Romania to sing during December and makes some extra money.
Thanks pie! Nice traditional Xmas sounding music that’s completely unfamiliar. And 1/2 wood, 1/2 wood not. Also, needs moar food pics.
Today’s cozonac
IS THAT POVITICA?! Nom nom nom
that is cozonac. No idea what povitca is but seems similar
Well, it looks yummy.
Looking at the first googled recipe for povitca looks similar but compared to my moms cozonac seems to have less egg and less butter per pound of flour
That looks tasty.
There is a saying in Romania
What is the only thing better on Christmas than cozonac and wine?
Just wine.
Speaking of holiday victuals, turns out the JAL cabin attendant wasn’t just guzzling mouthwash and wasn’t the first incident. Hope that split of Vollereaux was worth it.
F me.
“President Yuji Akasaka and Eri Abe, the head of the cabin attendants division, will take 20 and 10 percent salary reductions for one month, respectively, to take responsibility for the incident, the airline said.”
That would never happen here.
Yeah. Akasaka already took a 20% reduction for 3 months (including or additionally, not sure which, returning 20% of the previous month’s pay) over the drunk pilot incident.
I’ve been on Jet Blue flights where I’m pretty sure all the waitresses, and possibly the drivers were tipsy. Don’t bother me none. Just don’t crash.
Merry Saturnalia Pie!
You too Yusef. May the gods of HVAC smile favorably
The “V” is for “Wampere”!
Thank God today is Xmas. Wife has had Xmas shows on since Halloween. I am Xmas’ed out.
Good music Pie, better than the pop holiday stuff I have been hearing for two months.
Thanks. Although several of them are from The Madrigal Choir not your average carolers so it is an upscale version of the songs
Upscale is good.
There wasnt legos this nice in the 90’s. That took jr. and I every bit of 3 hours to get together this morning.
Merry glibmas to you all. I hope all is well with you and yours.
Do you have Christmas trees in Arkansas? I assume conifers don’t grow there
Oh yes. Young cedars are routinely cut down for use as Christmas trees and along with pine and oak are the most common trees in this area.
In the south we have cedars on higher ground. I usually use a rifle to shoot the top out of a larger tree. They make fantastic xmas trees.
how very American of you
The best part is week or so after Christmas when everyone is getting rid of their trees. A pile of 15 or so cedars will make a fire that for a brief period of time will send a tingle down your leg.
They burn hotter and faster than gasoline. We throw some oak in there and make S’mores and hotdogs. I married a woman that can sit on a log by a bonfire until sunrise. This is why Q’s girls hold no appeal for me. I already have the good one.
The tradition here is to drag your tree to the beach on Jan 1st. Shortly after sunset there are bonfires down the beach as far as you can see along with much cheering and illegal fireworks. 5-10 minutes later the beach starts to clear.
You don’t have high ground in Louisiana. :-p
I know!
/me before spending two weeks at Ft Polk.
Man, I miss those days.
Merry Christmas, Lach!
Kids today.
On a serious note, that looks cool.
Last weekend grandson, wife and I spent several hours putting together lego helicopters, cars, boats etc.
When I was a kid legos were just blocks.
My eldest Grandson built a lego crossbow for his little sister that knocked the target clean over. His current Step-Dad is a hunter so at least he’s learning a skill or two.
Wow. Very cool. Lego’s have indeed changed in a few decades.
I’m partial to this series of Lego.
Or this. I understand that there are teams that each build a section that is capable of charging and discharging balls at a certain rate. Then each team brings their contraption to a location and they are all hooked together. Pretty damn cool project.
Wow! I was mesmerized for 7 minutes. Very cool.
That is cool, thanks!
Wowza ! Beats my Tinkertoys that I had as a kid. Merry Christmas, Lach. Good job.
I’ll have to post a pic when my son makes the roller coaster lego set he received today. It’s enormous.
When I was a kid, Lincoln Logs were as fancy as it got.
My one set of grandparents had a set of Lincoln Logs and Tinkertoys for the grandkids to play with. I remember them fondly.
Shit, that sounds awesome.
I was all about the Legos when I was a kid, and sometimes I’m tempted to buy a shitload and just build all the gigantic, grandiose projects that weren’t feasible with my childhood collection.
My gripe with Legos was that they seemed to be moving towards large, specific pieces instead of small, multi-functional ones. For example, there was some kind of underground mining vehicle I had, and the body was one big piece with six spots to pop the wheels on. You can’t really do anything else with that piece or turn it into any other type of vehicle. With Legos, 10 percent of the fun was building what’s on the box. The other 90 percent was when you get tired of playing with that thing then tear it down, add all the pieces to your master collection, and see what else you can build.
Maybe that has changed; I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Lego trends since I got involved with all this lame-ass adult shit like a job, mortgage payments, taxes, and politics.
The other 90 percent was when you get tired of playing with that thing then tear it down, add all the pieces to your master collection, and see what else you can build.
Yes! I remember things changing over when I was younger, but we still mucked about with combining sets.
Man, they were fucking awesome.
I remember having a ton of the mountain pieces, and one of my favorite things was to build a city on top of a huge mountain but have this whole subterranean lair with secret entrances hidden in the various buildings.
The most plentiful building pieces I had were the Wild West ones, so I had some American frontier town up top, then there would be a secret passage behind the saloon counter, and all of a sudden you were in a goddamn ancient Egyptian tomb with a freakin’ sarcophagus full of treasure.
That sounds awesome!
Lego in the 90s was headed that way. I think they had over 17,000 different pieces, also nearly went bankrupt over it. The family of the founder got control over it and scaled the part count to under 10,000, at least for a while and got them back on their financial feet. Brick type count is back up slightly but with the exception of the ‘juniors’ line the use of big funky pieces is way down.
I like the Ninjago stuff a lot. Especially the buildings.
Those were fucking sweet. I had one big set and loved it. I would have loved to build an entire city out of those.
Man, anyone remember the Technic line? The mechanical pieces? I had this giant helicopter (easily two feet long) with a functional rotor that tilted and everything. That was one of my favorites for a long time; I even added a little room inside it where the Lego men could sit down (being influence by Final Fantasy games, I loved building “airships”).
I also remember a bigass crane truck that gave me hours of amusement.
If you knew Romanian
I’ve studied Spanish and Latin, and dabbled a bit in French. Sure, I remember very little of any of them, but I can understand nothing of Romanian
Thanks Pie!
The Bucks Knicks game sucks. Being one of the few games at a watchable hour here I though I would watch. Meh. If I don’t fall asleep by 10 I may watch some of Thunder Rockets but not to much of it cause I rarely make it beyond 11
It’s Christmas day. Historically, Mrs Gould and I would go to the Lakers game. Until 2012. I gave up on the Kobe show. And for good reason. This year, I have decided I will pay attention to the Flying LeBrons. And since I never pay attention to the NBA until Christmas, today I officially will be watching and rooting for the Lakers. We won’t be at Staples Center, but will be watching the game, at our local bar.
I was expecting “Blood blood blood blood! Stake stake stake stake!” sorta like Carol of the Bells.
I’m so mad at Imgur for banning my fairly mild Renaissance Fair cleavage pics that I am going all in now.
I know they’ll ban me for life but fuck them.
Also, NSfW. Sorry.
Well, you can call me Johnson! Good heavens….
I just may spend Christmas in my bunk.
That’s called “going all out”
Merry Christmas. Those things are Q worthy. ?
And now I see how rash I was to post . Will go delete soon. You snooze, you lose.
Do not delete. Stand up straight, look everyone in the eye and be proud. And never apologize.
Sir, yes, sir.
Honestly you just prevented me from deleting.
Heck, only my hubby gets to touch; seems a shame to keep them from being seen.
Yes M’am. Never let anyone try to shame you for who you are. Tell them to fuck off or put a knot on their head if you can.
You said you were angry for what Imgur did? Pisses me off too.
Huzzah to Hayek and Suthen! You be you Hayek and as long as you remember “1 lb for every inch of web” you’ll always break track. (And may the prudish algorithm be banned to the countryside.)
I think that “Qwerthy” should become a thing on these boards.
That’s actually pretty funny!!
Yeah, sometimes I’m witty-drunk instead of being a twitty-drunk.
You mean “punny.”
I think it just did.
Yeah, I’m on board. Qwerthy. Qwerthy. Yes.
You’re a better man than I, Gunga Dun.
Uh, not a man.
I thought it would be amusing to be true to the quote. Ironically, of course.
Tee hee.
I do love me some Rudyard❤️
“Do you like Kipling?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never kippled.”
That is quite obvious.
Emphatically not a man.
Not rash, Hayeks. Merely causing some rash. (do you realize how many virginal neck-beards actually haunt these precints?)
*Because someone needed to be that guyu
I blame my iPad.
“Do you enjoy Kipling?”
“I dont think Ive ever Kippled”
That’ll teach me to comment before scrolling further.
You know what ‘Splosives, I would swear I have seen you at a renfair. My wife loves those fairs and we have been to more than a few.
You got banned? What the hell? What is wrong with boobs? I like boobs. Half of the world has two boobs. That is a boob for every person on earth. I dont get it. They are wonderful and you are definitely blessed. Fuck Imgur. Shitheads.
Lifts morning ale to Suthen and Hayek!
Might have seen you guys! We mostly haunted the Minnesota rennie but were often photographed and published at other websites
So could be that.
I think Imgur has to ban for a few days at least to prove good faith on #metoo but they usually relent.
This most recent provocation was so mild, I overreacted with full up tits out just to say good bye Imgur
It is possible. Does the line “Would you like some warm nuts?” while holding a tray of roasted…uh…walnuts? Pecans? ring a bell?
A young woman approached me that way at a renfair. In my memory she was a dead ringer for you. Of course I am a bit old and addled so I may have that mixed up in my head.
“when you get old the problem isnt remembering what happened but rather remembering what didn’t happen.” – Mark Twain
Lolz. No. I was never a performer or nut seller, always a patron. First time I went, 1999, one of the performers charmed me into having a glass of mead while he tried selling me some scented oils by massaging them into my hands. I actually came to orgasm. I hadn’t been laid in a year.
It was wonderful. And I’ve never since had that sort of thing happen.
Damn Chinese have been throwing off the boob ratio because of their barbaric birth policies. As a free man I demand that my boob be not shorted!
Yes, I have broken into the aged nog.
I have never tasted egg nog. Am I missing out?
You have got to make dbleagle’s. Wow.
It’s rich and creamy with lots of spice flavor. I love it mixed with brandy or bourbon, and I’d guess that dark rum is great in there as well.
Or go the dbleagle method and use all three.
I sub’ed in D’Usse VSOP cognac this year. Very nice.
The Ren Fair pic was fairly mild. Just when I think the modern day prudes can’t get any prudier…
Shut up you Random Drunken Asshole! She’s showin’ some titties!
I was talking about the people who banned the pic, not Hayek
I, conversely was making a jape at your expense.
“Here is what a person looks like”
You are banned!!!
*Looks ‘splosives straight in the eyes*
Merry Christmas!
*glances down*
And God bless us, every one!
Caught meself doing that at the Beer Store the other day with the flirty cashier. I realized that i was looking at her boobs before I reined myself in and looked into her eyes and she just winked at me. Sometimes it’s good to be old enough to not be seen as a threat.
I was in St. Augustine, Florida several years back for Christmas. The day after Christmas I sat down in a coffee shop to read. There was an old guy in there using that fact that he had just turned 89 to hit on 20-something year old women at the coffee shop. The staff were praising him.
Ha! It is kinda funny that we’ve met in real life.
Well, now you know the rest of the story.
It does make it extra special for me. ?
Merry Christmas to you and your hubby!
Excellent picture. Thanks!
I’m surprised Imgur bans pictures with any nudity. There are still are some folks from the amateur Reddit subreddits posting there.
Sigh… amateur porn Reddit subreddits.
Holy crap! Awesome!
Thanks Ms. Splosives. Mr. Splosives is a luck guy.
lucky* More mimosas.
I made another Imgur album but even I’m a little shy about it.
imgur bans cleavage?
Merry Glibmas to each and every one.
Totalitarians aspire and power grab.
Yet we now live in the healthiest, freeist, most prosperous society the world has ever known.
Huzzah for the free future!
Merry Glibmas to you, too!
Hayeksplosives for everyone! It’s a Christmas miracle!
Hah! I just looked at the pic again myself. It shows the little divot above my left breast where I had a Medtronic Reveal installed for 2 years to make sure my heart was OK (It is).
Sometimes I regret the scar, other times I say, “Scars build character “
Hmmm. Never noticed. Have to go back for another look, Captain!
Two miracles, really.
Just pulled a hunk of pork carnitas out of the roaster to feed “Jugsy”, time to begin day-drankin’ !
Ya know, after today’s events, she may have to share that nickname with another individual…
My fatal flaw in high school. It wasn’t even me, it just happened that way!
+2 bitch tits
I have never seen that movie. Still not selling me on it.
Overrated, just like the author.
Exactly. Ive seen it once, and other than a couple of clips here & there, Ive never felt compelled to sit through it again.
The wife and I are kicking around the idea of a little European Vacation at Christmas time 2019. Fly into NYC, for a long weekend in the city, then fly on to Budapest for 3 days. Rent a car, then drive to Vienna for three days, and then on to Prague for three more. Try to hit Christmas and New Year at the best party.
Our kids are trying to talk us into a joint holiday to Scotland for Wifey’s 60th. Sounds expensive and terrible.
Depends on when your 60th is during the year, where you’re going, and what you’re into. My wife and I took our honeymoon in Orkney and Skye, and it was worth every penny and all the effort. On the other hand, we went in late June, so Orkney and Skye were pleasantly cool while Edinburgh was basically a giant sweat box.
Orkney was quiet, full of cool neolithic, viking, and medieval ruins and structures. 2 great whisky distilleries, truly excellent seafood, and friendly people. Plus, excellent scenery.
Skye was way too damn crowded, but gorgeous scenery and shockingly good food.
Basically, if you like whisky or gin and are looking to spend time in rural areas looking at incredible scenery or ruined castles, you can do a lot worse than Scotland. If you’re looking for a more urban, cosmopolitan vacation… probably not the best option.
Probably best not to go anytime between November and March, too. It’s cold and the sun sets at 4.
Scotland is one of my favorite places in the world, ruined by the denizens of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen.
Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!
That’s the rub. It wouldn’t be just us. Three daughters and their assorted Hubbies getting sloppy drunk and fucking up my reunion with my ancestral homeland. My family is actually highland Scottish on both sides but I’ll be fucked if I’ll make that trip on someone else’s schedule.
Someone else’s schedule. Yeah fuck that. My wife and I travel light, and with little itinerary other than find some good food, a decent cocktail, and some decent music. One particularly fun travel event was a chilly, drizzly late Tuesday afternoon in San Francisco. We stopped in a hipster pizza joint for a quick slice of delicious pizza. The pizza man told us to stick around, because at 5pm, the place became the neighborhood after work bar, cocktail spot. So we stayed and had cocktails. At 8pm, the bartender said stick around, the place is about to become an all night dance party. For the next six hours, we were dancing and drinking (we were getting free cocktails at this point) to some funky soulful downbeat electronica. It was fun. And nobody cared.
THAT is exactly the way I used to travel! No hangers-on, no vibe killers, just you and some future times.
Someone else’s schedule.
No. Fucking. Way.
Makes notes about Orkney and Skye
I turned 50 in Edinburgh. Absolutely loved the city, the people, the Highlands and loved, loved, loved this place.
I can’t wait to go back.
Edinburgh is one of my favorite cities in the world
The last time I was in Scotland the sun never came out and I spent days humping the mountains with a rucksack and weapon. (But the SAS could party when the day was done.) I have been wanting to walk Hadrian’s Wall coast to coast and spend some time in Scotland. Sounds like I should try to make in happen in 2019.
Last time I was there was early may – weather was great (except on the north coast)
Everyone talks about Ireland as the Emerald Isle but I kinda would rather go to Scotland.
Sounds like a great and varied land.
The one place I wish I could go back to is Yalta.
Well, we missed Scotland, but Ireland was the high point of my UK trip. Could a skipped England and just hit Wales and Ireland and been happy.
If you have never been, Budapest is absolutely amazing, Prague as well, but I loved the few days spent there. Definitely check out at least one of the baths for a half day soak and there is a great open air Soviet statue park just out of town. The Central Market is well worth a visit at lunchtime.
Prague looks lovely in photos
Budapest is a great city and the porn capital of Europe. Prague is too crowded with tourists. We’re going to Budapest, Slovakia and Malta this summer.
New year’s in Shetland or the Orkney’s is supposed to be amazing
Do it! But make sure to arrive early enough for one of those Christmas markets.
Also, cannot recommend Tokyo high enough for a traditional Christmastime. It’s like Miracle on 34th St in the modern era. Grand department stores, decorations and lights, and people dressed in suits or equivalents as everyday wear.
Do it. Our best Christmases have been traveling Christmases.
Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. EDG, by the way!
Merry Christmas to the Tundra’s. From the Toyotas to the Frozens, a merry Tundra Christmas to all!!
Unsolicited travel tips: I’ve been to Prague and Vienna. Prague only once, a few years ago in May. I’ve been to Vienna three times in spring, late summer, and fall.
Both Prague and Vienna have Christmas markets. I think Prague’s is open on New Year’s Day. I think Vienna’s ends at Christmas. I have friends in Vienna that really like the Christmas markets.
The Vienna Philharmonic has a series of New Year’s Concerts: practice concerts leading up to New Year’s which are open to the public, and then the actual concert which is broadcast throughout the world. Rights to buy tickets for all of them are done via lotto on the Vienna Philharmonic’s website. If I remember correctly, you enter the lotto in February and the drawing is in March. I don’t remember when you have to buy the tickets by.
Watch out for pickpockets in Prague. If there are tourists, there are probably pickpockets. I didn’t have any problems, but I was careful about what I carried with me and paid attention to what was around me. A friend of one of my cousin’s took me on a walking tour of the city and mentioned two hotspots: The King Charles bridge and one metro line which leaves from near Wenceslas Square (I can’t remember the metro line number).
I’ll stop here unless you want more. I’m pushing propriety as it is.
The pictures I took of Prague are no longer on-line. Have some night time pictures of Vienna I took last fall.
Thanks for the advice. Nice photos of Vienna.
You’re welcome for the advice and thanks about the photos. If you want more advice, just ping me. I like both Prague and Vienna.
Hayek – I just showed your photo to my wife. Two seconds after I showed it to her she laughed and said ” Would you like some nuts M’lord?”
She recognized you instantly.
Good grief, that’s been years ago. You do make an impression.
“Make an impression” kindles thoughts of Marilyn, Jane and a patch of wet cement…
Yeah, the girls would make a funny cement imprint for sure. Little finches drinking water…
Geez, either I have a doppelgänger or I’d had a lot of mead that day. Either is equally plausible.
Hubs and I got to stay overnight there once with a vendor friend hubs helped out, and oh my does that place get wild at night. I am thankful I was happily married at the time (still am btw)
Count me in this group. Christmas music is about number 12 on my list of reasons to avoid shopping anywhere but Amazon for the holiday.
I just get burned out on Christmas music so fast. What are there, about 20 different standard Christmas songs sung by 100 different musicians?? Hell, even the classical station is playing little else besides Christmas music.
I really do love this time of year… I just get a bit tired of hearing the same music all the time wherever I go.
Fa la la la la
That’s what this is for:
oh, and:
OK, more:
f’d up that link. here:
It’s like pop music. They play the same 10 songs over and over, but completely ignore the hundreds of other songs out there.
Present for ya. Happy Xmas.
Ham 325 for 40 min
Potatoes 375 for 60 min
What to do……
I lnow, Beer!
Sounds about right. Merry Christmas, Yufus!
Beer is always the answer, Bob.
I have coffee Stout for dinner, my only gift
You have other gifts, I’ve read your posts and gleaned some other things from your comments. Wendy seems to be the light of your life and I know that you love your children and animals. You are indeed a gifted Man.
Well thanks Festus, I also have you guys around for me to bug the shit out of,
Merry Christmas!
Good choice. And I second Festus’ comment about your other gifts.
More Romanian Christmas music
I hate you, Ted. Merry Xmas!
Ted revels in your hatred.
That’s half the fun! *reinserts ball-gag*
The funny thing is, the guy is actually an accomplished musician. It’s just that he got name recognition in the West by doing arrangements of pop songs.
He played the panflute for the Once Upon a Time in America soundtrack, if I’m not mistaken.
Awesome movie… But if you watch it, please do remember that it’s sort of a damaged work; Sergei Leone wanted to do two very long movies, but the studio execs made him cut it down to a single four-hour movie (and let’s not even speak about the 90 minute version that was first released in the US).
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, had a wife but couldn’t keep her.
Perhaps he should have been a peach eater instead.
Hey Q! Someone said that Hayek was Q worthy and I quipped back that we should make Qwerthy a thing for the glibs.
Q, if you haven’t yet, get up-thread to comment #8. ‘slosives gave us a Christmas present.
That’ll teach me to scroll down automatically.
Told him to pay a little extra for the manual but nope, he went with the slap shift.
euphemism ?
Tres, I believe we are beyond euphemisms at this juncture.
Are we doing euphemisms?
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas you too, Count!!!
Hey Mojeaux – about teenagers. My boy barely crawled out of HS and at 17 I was reasonably sure that if someone else didn’t kill him, I just might.
I attended his graduation at Texas A&M two weeks ago where he got his PhD in Bio-chem.
Teenagers – there is a reason God doesn’t give them to you until you are deeply invested in them.
Thank you, Juris. I know it’s supposed to get better, I just have to get us both through it without damaging her for life.
That’s the way I feel about my teenage son right now. If he’d stop making so many stupid decisions maybe he wouldn’t feel depressed.
Fourscore called it.
She has recanted, with the sentiment that she knows she doesn’t deserve the gift. As I have taken back gifts that she didn’t appreciate, she thought I wouldn’t let her have it after all. But she FINALLY thought about what I said about learning on a small acoustic guitar and as she proves she will stick with it and get better, we could start investing in better instruments and lessons.
Anyway, I will let her have it and see how she does.
Good luck!
I have no advice and think you are doing the right thing. I remember being 15 and really wanting not just a generic thing, but a very specific thing and how upsetting it was to get generic thing. I was an ungrateful little shit and had to figure out how to be gracious, how to understand why I got generic not specific. It’s hard to be 15. Your daughter is wrong, but I’m glad you’re letting her keep it.
Thanks, Tulip. I hope it’s the right thing to do. Mr. Mojeaux’s still angry enough to send it back right now.
What kind of music does your daughter listen to? Get her some stickers to slap on the guitar.
I was an ungrateful little shit and had to figure out how to be gracious
Reminds me of a family story. One Christmas when my nephew was four or five, his parents taught him how to be gracious upon receiving Christmas gifts. So we have our family get-together, and somebody gave him a battery-operated toy. Only, instead of putting the batteries in the toy, they wrapped the batteries separately. So the kid opens the smaller package first, which is the batteries.
Kid holds up the batteries to show them to everybody, and very phonily says “Just what I always wanted!” Poor kid couldn’t figure out why we were all laughing hysterically.
That’s actually very sweet. Kid was raised to be polite and not look a gift horse in the mouth.
Today’s ray of hope.
Just to keep this thread on topic, qwerthy Christmas carols:
Apparently, she also does classical:
That is hilarious. And not what I expected.
Today marks the day Qwerthy was coined into the lexicon.
It is a glorious day, indeed. One that will not be soon forgotten.
(unless I keep drinking these mules…then who knows how much I’ll remember)
I had mules last night, screwdrivers today. Orange juice is healthy, right?
Too much sugar. Vodka martinis are healthier.
I’m more of a gin martini man, myself…
But vodka tonics with some bitters, well, that’s where vodka really sings in my opinion.
Yes. It’s just like at work when we have fruit and donut day. Bananas cancel out the donuts. Science!
Aw shucks. *digs toe into the dirt*
Merry Xmas all. Have a prime rib in the smoker, just about ready to cut it up. Dogs are licking their chops, because they know they’ll get the drippings. We have ribs for tomorrow and briskett for Friday. I’ll be lucky if I don’t gain 20 pounds this week.
Merry Christmas!
I have fricando in the crock pot.
*brisket… Damn phone
Your phone auto-corrects “brisket” to “prime rib”??
No we are having prime rib. I mis-spelled brisket
That’s awesome.
Awesome. I’m eating a few post-workout bowls of chankonabe (chicken, Japanese meatballs, tofu, shrimp, and a shitload of vegetables). Gotta get dat protein.
I went to jam with Pachebels canon in D, they are in C# wtf?
I don’t know why, but that tickled me pink.
I’m just glad scary Mo isn’t around, it freaks me out, ooh no Pavaratti doing Ave Maria!
Merry Christmas Mo!!!!!!!!!
You just need to adjust the thermostat up a touch
Merry Christmas, YUFUS !
You too tres, enjoy and tell Jugsy much love!
Oh, and I agree with the others about your gifts. The way you speak of Wendy is just heart-meltingly romantic. You’re a good man, Yusef.
Getting misty in the office, and I still need to start dinner
Don’t let that mist get in your eyes or anything… ?
She’s off to get Cindy Lou Who, but Imma show her what you said when she gets home,
Thanks Mo
Awww. Good old fashioned love.
Makes the world go round and keeps us sane.
No the keyboards are fine, I have messed up with pitch on my MIDI controllers though, hilarity ensued, to be sure
(((I))) have been sick all day. Merry Christmas goyim Glibs. I hope you have had a wonderful time with your families.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you are on the upswing. My wife just got over a terrible stomach flu that since Friday came, went, came back again, and has now finally abated.
Thanks MikeS. That sounds a lot like what I have. I just want to be sick and get it over. I’m glad your wife is doing better.
Being sick on the holidays is the pits, but having a loving spouse to take care of you and spoil you a little does make it much better.
Get well soon
Get well soon!
Thanks for the links & music Pie!
Nice to spend the holiday with you deploraNazis. My family’s Christmas was yesterday, so I’m just enjoying one last day off before I have to go back to that hateful job that I hate. Did I mention that I hate it?
Oh well. Gonna find a good opera to watch and crack into some Yuengling Black & Tan, Buckeye Vodka, and Maker’s Mark 46.
Hold on, are you claiming you hate your job more than I hate mine? Although you appear to want a really brutal hangover to go back to work on, so maybe you do.
I was a bit concerned about going to work with a hangover, but I realized I’m going to be tired and miserable at that job no matter what, so why the fuck not?
mmm…. Yuengling.
European Sophistication
The most reaction soccer can get out of me is making me get off the couch to find the remote control and turn it off.
These guys… need something to believe in.
Enjoy a goal from Shaqiri.
It’s right up there with Zidane’s goal to win the 2002 CL.
Or that other Z guy.
Right with you HS. It’s lots of fun to play but no way am I watching it.
I think my brain is missing the part that creates excitement over watching total strangers play a game (I understand if it’s your kid’s sports game or something, but that’s different).
The only game I would watch people play is one that I also play myself, and the only reason I would watch them is to learn from it so that I can improve my own skill (e.g. chess or weightlifting).
Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the autism spectrum.
Is that like the old axiom that if you wonder if you’re insane, you’re not?
I don’t know how any of this works.
9 hours later…
Just need to wait a few minutes before pulling my pork.
Quit jerking us around!
You going with a bbq sauce? Side dishes? Details, hombre.
Its going into queso for some pulled pork nachos
That’s not even a euphemism.
Just back from dinner with old high school friends. Duck and capon with all the accessories. Got home and the deer were waiting under the yard light for a handout. Great to have friends/Glibs. Merry Christmas to all.
And like a true libertarian, you gave the deer nothing, am I right?
Trainees for next year’s Christmas flight, they need all the nourishment they can get. Someone has to think of the kids.
The Reindeer Santa Left Behind
Just back from dinner with old high school friends
That would have been true by definition.
Merry Christmas!
Tucking in to my 3rd cocktail (Jim Beam and ginger ale)?at the in-laws. Wife is putting together a platter of turkey, ham, green beans, mac n cheese, stuffing, potato salad. There’s a couple of pies and cakes waiting for dessert.
Mmm… sounds delicious and comforting. Enjoy!
Got a third of the way thru my coffee with the slice of cheesecake, decided I didn’t want to drink the rest of it unabetted, so I added some Bushmills and Baileys. There is a swig or two left as I type.
Cheers! Merry Christmas!
Coffee and Bailey’s: Perfect together.
Absolutely. My second favorite booze for coffee is Southern Comfort
HAH!! I indeed provoked the Imgur puritans sufficiently to the point that I am “Banned from uploading images to the public gallery.”
I was trying to upload a landscape picture of San Diego.
Hilariously, they (Imgur) are totes fine with me uploading pictures to the “hidden” albums like the one I linked above (and the other one I shared with the two of you Glibs who emailed me to request it politely). They want the clicks, but they have to hold a fig leaf up for Tipper Gore types.
Well, I can see why.
Ok, that was funny.
I tee’d it up, you knocked it in.
Well played.
Christmas wasn’t that good to me this year, but at this point, I’m just happy and blessed to have my family back home healthy and safe, you beautiful and wonderful dysfunctional lot, and last but not least, Lou Reed. A bit of beer and fried chicken were also nice. Merry Christmas to you all and hope you all had a great one.
Also thank you Pie for these Romanian carols. I always appreciate learning and hearing new things here.
Feliz Navidad!
Tu tambien. Hope you were blessed with Demi Rose underneath the Christmas tree.
Time for some annoying old timer story. My first Christmas here was spent alone eating Doritos and swilling tap water as I sat on an inflatable chair in my one room flat (similar to Trump). No phone, but I was able to watch NHK on a TV that was fished out of the garbage.
The next year I spent it at work and went out for drinks afterwards with coworkers. Year by year, the circle of friends expanded and holidays were never spent alone. Marriage and the kid meant spending all my holiday season with relatives and the “momma circle” (sounds better than it is).
I’m happy to have all these relationships, but I’d pay good money to be back in that one room flat just one more Christmas. This time, though, I have enough money to bring some tunes and booze.
Enjoy the time, Raphael. It’s all about your state of mind and not the circumstances.
One room flat, tunes, booze. Basically my entire 20’s.
Thanks for the story, and you’re right. It’s all about the mind over matter and it’s all good. Cheers man, and again thanks.
It’s been a long day hosting family for xmas. My gf did a great job putting things together. She rewarded herself by getting quite drunk. She made it through (barely) until the guests left and is now passed out on the couch.
I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. I need one more day off.
Good luck with resuming work. Take comfort in knowing most of the people you’ve got to deal with are in the same mental and physical condition.
Most people I deal with at work are idiots. Whaddya trying to say? ?
Ha! Just meant tired, slightly hungover perhaps, wishing for more vacation time.
I think I might watch Die Hard.
Should I keep drinking the pinot noir I had with dinner, or switch over to rum?
Depends. What type of pirate are you?
Oh my
I think Die Hard calls for rum.
Liquor on wine, feeling fine.
Light, dark, or gold rum?
I like to sip a nice gold rum like 10 Cane just over ice. Light ones, I enjoy with limeade and club soda. Dark ones go well in a Hot Toddy.
white anejo
Stroh’s 160 rum or gtfo.
I second the rum.
Gosling’s Old Rum.
Not my style, but for that type of rum, the best I’ve had recently, is Kraken.
I’m Finishing up a work weekend, 6 or 7 hours left to go. Merry Christmas you sick freaks.
Speaking of working, how is that Rufus hasn’t chimed in?