Merry Monday from Detroit. I was at the Happiest (and most expensive) Place on Earth last week. Thanks for Mexican Sharpshooter and Mad Scientist for stepping up.
Make penicillan (or deadly botulism!) at home with this simple recipe. Archived for TEOTWAKI, but I’m not ingesting mold I made at home unless the alternative is death.
Now I’ll see the animal version of ST. Peter saying, “Send us, Woga!”
My new option strategy — short TSLA whenever Elon Musk has an interview.
Raw cookie dough, much safer than raw lettuce.
So here’s the Motor City Madman.
Detroit, making Baltimore look like a reasonable Chicago
And just HIT IT!
There is no reasonable Chicago.
To be fair, those 3 are like a pile of dog shit, horse shit, and cow shit, all arguing over who smells better.
I know there is a German sec joke in all that Tres.
I hate cantaloupe.
…and Peoria.
Hey?! So goes Caterpillar, so goes Peoria. Its not their fault.
Maybe the causation works the other way?
Caterpillar’s problems are because Peoria.
I guess once penicillin won over Peoria it was ready for the larger market.
“Will it play in Peoria?”
Well, the Peoria Chiefs (St. Louis Cardinals’ single A farm team) play in Peoria.
Albert Pujols played for them. Good place to catch a baseball game.
I saw the Peoria Suns? back in the old days… Late ’70s.
Well, you’re just wrong.
What elk-like animal did a boy send to his mother’s sister suggesting she run off to get married, and what Glibertarian fruit from today’s discussion did the woman send in response?
antelope, cantaloupe
I… I have no response.
“My new option strategy — short TSLA whenever Elon Musk has an interview.”
TBF, I don’t respect the SEC either. Or the Agency of the same name.
Yeah, I mean the board may (rightly) decide they’d like someone else to lead the company, but he is 100% right.
And regarding Stahl, she may have just worded it poorly, but if I were in his shoes and she asked me: “So your tweets are not supervised?” I am sure I would have had a flash of rage and spit out something along the lines of “I’m a grown-ass man and nobody supervises anything I do!”
Fever dreams? We haz ’em
In the wake of Robert Mueller’s release of key court filings in the Russia probe on Friday, conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin said Sunday that President Donald Trump would pull an unusual last-minute move to protect himself from potential legal action.
“I would predict here on MSNBC that when Trump leaves office he will resign the presidency 10 minutes before Mike Pence leaves office, allowing Pence to pardon him if there is not a Republican president to follow him,” Rubin told the network’s AM Joy program.
The columnist was commenting on the possibility that the Department of Justice would indict Trump after he leaves office.
She also blasted remarks from Senator Rand Paul, who earlier questioned whether Trump had broken any laws over plans to build a hotel in Russia on NBC’s Meet the Press.
“I don’t see what’s illegal about trying to build a hotel in Russia. This is pretty common and I see no problem with it,” Paul said. “Now if you’re asking and saying I will give you something in exchange for letting us build a hotel, that would be wrong, but I haven’t heard any evidence of that.”
Rubin called the comments “shameful,” saying: “I think there was a $50 million penthouse, if I remember it correctly, that was going to be offered to Vladimir Putin.
“The president has been implicated in a crime. If Rand Paul wants to say Republicans are no longer in favor of holding the president to the same standard of law we hold ordinary citizens, that is his right. But I think this kind of wilful ignorance…really is beneath someone who is in the United States Senate.”
Yeah. The ol’ flea flicker play, in the last two minutes of the game. Shifty.
and- That Rand Paul guy is so crazy he doesn’t even think special prosecutors should be given unlimited budgets to conduct unconstrained fishing expeditions into the past behavior of people based on political affiliation. What a doofus.
if I remember it correctly
Jennifer Rubin, journalist and trader of facts extraordinaire
CONSERVATIVE journalist…
In terms of WaPo and MSNBC; where actual conservatives are considered Nazi Cannibals.
So Rubin was the source of the “prominent conservative predicts” bullshit I saw all over my feeds this morning.
I doubt Rubin could predict her next bowel movement, much less a political outcome.
Either way, it’s shit.
*wild applause*
“conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin”
Nuff Said
I know hacks are gonna hack, but these people are supposed to be offering informed and thoughtful insights.
Jury duty was a bust. While quizzing the room about whether any prospective juror recognizes either counsel or the defendant, a woman said that, yes, she recognizes the defendant from her job working juvenile probation. Oops. Defense asks to approach the bench, and twenty minutes later the entire pool was dismissed. At least, I assume that’s why.
Did you give that lady a $20 tip for that?
I’m a little disappointed not to proceed, to be honest. I’m on break between terms and would have gotten paid for my morning shift for the probably two-day trial. Also, I went through voir dire two years ago and was such an anxious mess that I wanted to force myself through it again.
I wonder what’s to become of that woman. She was asked to stay behind while the rest of us were dismissed. I imagine the judge will give her a lecture about propriety, given that she made clear that if for whatever reason whatsoever we’re uncomfortable giving an answer in front of the group, we’re obligated to raise it in private.
Maybe she wasn’t uncomfortable
That was exactly my thought.
Still, juvie probation… I assume there are privacy issues. Maybe not. No idea. Never was a troublemaker. I’m not going to ask my brother about it.
You need to not vote. I quit 12 years ago and after the first four, was dropped from the voter rolls. As a result, I will never get called-up for jury duty.
Yep. The pool was tainted.
*resists urge to make taint joke*
*lowers disapproving stare onto Swiss*
Sigh. That WAS a taint joke. Switzy, it’s me.
Taint nothin but a thang
Went for the teabag and missed?
Correct – prior criminality has to very specifically allowed as evidence, not just revealed. She cleared the room.
She cleared the room.
he hehe heheh
Also, wouldn’t (shouldn’t) her job be in jeopardy for just blurting out that he was in juvie? Isn’t that supposed to be sealed?
“Get of Jury Duty with this One Easy trick, Judges hate it…”
#3 will get you disbarred !
I desperately want to get on a jury so I can nullify some victimless crime conviction.
And therefore, you will never be called on.
eh, you never know. I ended up foreman of a jury and we threw out a BS intimidation of a juror charge. It wasn’t nullification, I am okay with the concept of it. But that wasn’t it. We found guilty on the lesser “violating a no-contact order”. Felony vs misdemeanor.
We gave him 1 year on the misdemeanor assault charge and $1k fine on the no-contact charge. We could have done up to 1 and 1 on each.
They were wanting to put the guy away a long time as a serial felon, but that wasn’t the charge to do it.
I once got out of jury duty by answering “yes” to the questions, “Do you think drugs should be legal? All of them?” The defendant was caught selling drugs while in possession of a firearm, and this would have been his third strike. Probably a good idea for the prosecution to dismiss me.
I once got out of jury duty by forgetting about it and not showing up.
Yea, I just ignore it. I have a friend who was on the same jury call, (one of those “so excited to do my civic duty !” types) she said the judge issued arrest warrants for the people who didn’t answer. Since I am never home, I am assuming the nine to fiver that they hire to issue warrants has been unable to catch me at home.
So you denied a chance for jury nullification. I’m certain the guy serving life for doing something that shouldn’t be a crime and being armed because selling drugs is dangerous work due to prohibition appreciates that.
This was a few years before I heard about that concept.
Reminds me, I was up for selection once and when it came to that, one candidate raised her hand, and notified that she knew the judge, as he was the one who had sentenced her son a few years back.
When my brother was called for jury duty, he realized he and the judge had been on the same beer league hockey team, and they exchanged pleasantries. The lawyers were not ok with that.
That’s apparently a big problem in the small county I own land in – everyone knows or is related to everyone else. So finding juries is uh difficult.
Plus the police force in the townss is made up of locals, who went often know everyone else in town by name.,_Michigan
Looking for the perfect Holiday gift for the statist in your life? Why not buy them praying candles adorned with an unaccountable special counsel and former FBI chief under President Bush?
Tis a strange faith you have there.
St. Mueller decides whether Trump goes to heaven or hell.
I’m so glad we replaced Christianity with a better religion.
That’s just sad.
At least this sycophantic bullshit was cute:
If you order now you can probably get it in time for Christmas.
Ha! A Teddy Bear with a combover. You guys are right…we are living in the best timeline.
LIberal Democrats and progressives praying to the former head of the FBI is truly bizarre. We are living in the strangest timeline
No batch of cookie dough in the Gadianton household has ever made it onto the cookie sheet without having been sampled raw. Sometimes, there’s not enough dough left to bake. No salmonella, no e-coli.
Elon is not looking well. He’s right, the SEC is a douchebag convention, but it’s the reality of BEING A PUBLIC FUCKING COMPANY!
Grow up, putz. Jut get your ass out and secure a partnership with a big guy that can absorb your losses and help you build cars.
“secure a partnership with a big guy that can absorb your losses and help you build cars.”
So stay away from GM then?
Absolutely. He should have done a deal with VW. Now they are building insane race cars and are close to bringing a bunch of EVs to market.
You’re the commentor who owns a GTI right? Ever had any problems? VW’s increased their warranty to six years/72K miles and I’m seriously tempted.
Nope. A Passat, Jetta and Beetle.
I think it was Not Adahn who has the GTI.
I have heard for years about how bad the VWs are and have never experienced it (well, maybe with my 74 Super Beetle…)
With the new warranty, I’d buy that GTI in a heartbeat and smile all the time.
I loved my 2001 Passat. Our latest vehicle (we basically drove the Passat into the ground, which took us 12 years) is a Toyota RAV4, ’cause the spousal unit always wanted one and it’s !!!RED!!!
Le sigh. Neither of us have an emotional connection to the RAV4 — it’s a good vehicle, but it just doesn’t make us feel proud or make our little hearts go pitter-patter. She’s now talking ’bout mebbe a goosed-up Jetta or a “hot hatch” Golf (which we may have to import from Germany). I’d love the hot hatch. We rented one on our vacay to France/Spain a month ago, and couldn’t stop grinning.
Wait. You went from Euro to JDM (even if it’s a *shudder* SU *spits* V) and now you want to go back to Euro?
Hey HM! Know why there’s a button in the RAV4 marked “Eco Mode”?
‘Cause “Joy Killer” wouldn’t fit on the button.
Well, like the doctor asking his patient if it hurts when you do this – don’t push it!
*raises hand*
I have a 2018 GTI. I’ve had it since early September.
I LOVE IT. The warranty was a factor in my decision, but I’ve been an AUDI/VW fan boy for a long time.
I got the loaded Autobahn version. The ability to vary the suspension firmness is so cool.
I had a 2010 GTI Autobahn too, but this new one blows that one away.
Whoops, now I remember. Being old sucks.
How does it compare to the the R?
I never drove an R.
On paper, the R is heavier, AWD, and more money.
I’m good with what I got. It pleases me more than the Audi it replaced.
I drove the R when one of mine was in for service. It was really fun!
Unfortunately it doesn’t haul or tow like my F150…
I’m thinking about getting the base version with a manual, I just need to get over my chronic cheapness and buy the thing.
Consider the midline version – SE. Upgraded brakes and other niceties. There should be good incentives to bring the costs down.
I had a 2008 Mk V GTI. Absolutely loved that car, despite the DSG going out in it (thankfully under warranty, else it would have bee a $4k fix). Car was an absolute blast on the Autobahn – it felt exactly the same at 140 as it did at 60. No shakes, squeaks, rattles. I ended up selling it about 4 years later when a number of electrical gremlins started rearing their head, but I am seriously considering getting another.
You were in Orlando and didn’t let me know? I could have met the Fam and showed them the under belly of this city. Oh, I see why…
I thought Norway was more expensive anyway.
Norway at Epcot is even more expensive.
Sorry, it was a day-trip and you know how I-4 is. Next time we will do a stay-over and I’ll make plans for a Glib meetup.
It’s ok. Just head down OBT. I’m sure you can find something to kill the pain. Drugs, hookers, or a badly priced car deal.
I just rewatched the episode of Sliders where they ended up on a world were penicillin was never discovered and they had to grow it from moldy trash to survive.
Oh man, I remember that show. It was like a late 90’s imitation of Quantum Leap. Classic
Eh, more like Voyagers.
I don’t accept any reality that existed before Quantum Leap
I loved that show when I was a kid. I was devastated when Jon-Erik Hexum accidentally killed himself on set.
Fungus Among us
“and then the mushroom said, HEY! Im a fun-gi!”
Sabrina Lloyd was super cute.
I liked the one where all the men had died…
What service has Sliders?
Oops. Defense asks to approach the bench, and twenty minutes later the entire pool was dismissed. At least, I assume that’s why.
Did you all take her out and buy her lunch?
They carried her out on their shoulders singing “For She is a Jolly Good Juror”…
Good afternoon, Glibs. I spent the afternoon digging out from Snowmageddon.
Yeah, I had to drag myself out of the pool the other day and towel off. I feel ya.
Me too. Although, TBF, it was the heated indoor pool at the gym.
One, or several of my neighbors were stupid enough to drive out and into the entrance hill, packing the 15″ of snow so much that a plow can’t take care of it. So, I’m stuck another day. Personally, I think I need to install a game cam, and have those individuals pay for the extra time it would take the plow company to bring up a backhoe and scrap off the ice.
We got 17 inches of snow here. The kids and dogs loved it. Not so much for the chickens or livestock. They haven’t set hoof out of the barn.
I “worked from home” on open source material as a “snow day”. After driving home last night I sure didn’t feel safe driving to work on those friggin roads – late start or no late start. It’s gonna be even colder tonight but it should be sunny early and my drive and the cul de sac is nice and clear – for a late start again tomorrow – so I’ll chance it.
Admittedly I only live about a half mile from my office, but there’s no way in hell I’d try pedestrianing across Rte 29 even if the weather was nice. People around here drive crazy 24/7.
Dylann Roof’s pen pal busted in ‘upscale mass murder’ plot
Surprised they allow him to communicate with the outside world.
upscale mass murder plot? So the guy’s a socialist? *rimshot*
“an upscale mass murder”
As opposed to the low brow variety
AFAIK, they can’t stop that without an order from a judge, and only if it’s a demonstrable risk of some sort. Mail is read, except for legal mail (to/from lawyer, court etc). I think they can suspend non-legal mail for administrative reasons but I think there’s a time limit on that.
Dear Dylan, [REDACTED]
I get the sense that if you’re a decently practiced chemist, making penicillin wouldn’t be terribly difficult, just very attention intensive.
If you’re not a decently practiced chemist, you will kill yourself.
You add chili powder as the secret ingredient, right?
Isn’t it love?
That’s why you need the penicillin.
Sure, if I can acquire an autoclave, a hood, and about $50k worth of equipment, I’d totally do it. But I’m not boiling glassware in my kitchen like this is just canning pickles to prevent cross-contamination unless dying of gangrene is the other option.
More biology than chemistry.
“Get of Jury Duty with this One Easy trick, Judges hate it…”
“He looks just like the guy who snatched my purse. Oh, wait; you mean the defendant? I was talking about that prosecutor over there.”
Your Honor, I know the defendant, because i am the plaintiff…
“I believe in jury nullification. If the law is unjust, I’ll acquit.”
Or just toss the jury summons in the trash. If you didn’t have to sign for it, you never received it.
A get-out-of-jury primer.
So here’s the Motor City Madman.
Here’s the MC5!
I raise you:
Good one. Another raise.
I see you’ve pulled out the big guns.
Uncle Ted sent me down the rabbit hole to ‘Free for all’. ‘Dog Eat Dog’ and ‘Wango Tango’.
Stranglehold or I’ll burn a house down!
What no Love?
You can’t raise MC5 with Alice Cooper, your raise has to be of equal or greater value than the previous wager.
The Alice Cooper band is seriously underappreciated.
Frank Zappa thought so. Are you saying you know better than Frank?
Granted, but they are no MC5.
I like the MC5, but I like The Stooges and The Alice Cooper band more.
With you on The Stooges, we’ll just have to disagree on ACB vs MC5.
We’ll always have Iggy Pop
Detroit sucks balls, but man, they have a great musical history.
There is a reason for that. People had good manufacturing jobs so they not only could afford music lessons for their kids, but homes with basements and garages where they could practice.
May I play?
Also acceptable…
Suck it Chipotle:
$15 for a Taco Bell Burrito? WTF Australia?
You get real kangaroo in your taco there, not the fake kangaroo we get here.
Yeah, AUD & NZD are only about 2/3 of a USD, so it’s “only” $10, but still, wtf? I like their tacos, but if they were $5 each, I don’t I’d be lining up for them often.
Yeah, but cost of living is a tricky thing to calculate. Minimum wage in NZ = $16.50/hr = $US11.33.
Median rent for 1-2 bedroom house = $NZ780/month. OTOH, a Big Mac in Wellington is $US4.23 = $NZ6.15.
Not ragging on Ozzie or Kiwi in general, RN. Just saying I don’t think I’d go to a TB if I was there.
The one about 2 miles from here has burritos at about $1.50 a piece . So you can get 4 for a less than one Ozzie burrito.
But yeah, 2 nice countries, and great potential hiding places if I’m ever accused of treason. I already like the AFL, I just need a Demons t-shirt.
I didn’t take it as ragging. I just wanted to demonstrate my superior knowledge about cost of living 😉
In general, though, I agree with you. When I was in Tasmania a few years back, I paid about $10 for a fish & chips meal. That’s what I’d be buying.
During my trips to Australia, I found fish and chips to be a great value when eating out. And much better than any fish and chips I’ll get in the States.
Yeah, I’ve tried fish & chips in many parts of the US and none rank higher than passable.
After having fish & chips in the UK , gotta say , sad but true. Our hamburger are better, though.
Yeah, hamburgers and hot dogs should only be eaten in the US.
Our hamburger are better, though.
Not always. The best burger I ever had was in a pub in Gatwick. Made from some Scottish artisanal beef that I’d never heard of and didn’t have the presence of mind to write down or otherwise record.
Fuck me, but that burger was good. There’s a bistro run by a Brit near my house that does a Black Angus burger that’s a respectable second, but that British burger would’ve made Jamie Oliver give Gordon Ramsay a blow-job in public.
I had an excellent cheeseburger at a bar in the Leidesplein in Amsterdam several years ago.
Unfortunately, I discovered on my last trip to Amsterdam that the bar changed its menu around and the cheeseburger was sub-pay.
Meh, generally speaking, if you are eating artisanal anything, it’s going to be better than it’s run of the mill, everyday equivalent. Regardless of where you are.
sub-par, sub-par, not sub-pay.
Food prices in general in AU and NZ are crazy high.
but you get all the sheep you can fuck.
Putting together preliminary stuff for my 2018 taxes. Looks like I’ll save about $2k thanks to the increase in standard deduction alone.
“Crumbs” indeed!
But that’s only a dollar an hour for a regular FTE
Crumbs while the fatcats got 50trillion an hour in tax reduction
Faces of evil:
I could do without the slow pace and spooky piano music.
I thought it was a nice touch.
The piano can be both the most joyous and spooky of instruments. Best instrument evah!
Not one mention of the Clintons. Not a peep.
That’s just “suicide prevention”.
If the left had the smallest iota of real evidence of Trump wrongdoing he would not have been allowed to appoint 2 SC justices plus about 100 frderal level judges.
It’s a scam.
That was a nice display of some thiccnezz
Can’t we just ease up on our educators? They are doing doG’s work and it is just mean to harass them they accidentally post anti-Trump stuff to FB using the school account.
I have to say this is quite possibly the best video on hockey fights ever. It revolves around one fight specifically and one in which I watched live….in horror…..Yes. The hate was real and the tension in Quebec that high.
America. If you were to ever invade us….make sure to watch this first.
We can be mean.
Real mean.
Hyperbole aside, it’s a fun video for the hockey guys.
Or people who just can’t comprehend why fighting is allowed in hockey.
One of my favorite Econtalk episodes addressed that question.
Your video has a clip of Justin Trudeau accompanying a statement of pride in Canada. That is… not frightening. It’s sad. Very, very sad.
Sad….and horrific.
Bill C-16. Forever in infamy. Bastard.
I remember that. It was and is fucking retarded. The game is better today.
In the 80s it wasn’t that bad. There was a mix of pugilist teams like the Bruins and Flyers. Ballet teams like the artistic Oilers. And hybrids like the Islanders and Habs.
It was in the 1990s – say 91-97? – when the garbage settled in and goons ruled the game during the clutch and grab era.
What do you think? Or am I just off?
But then again, even the Oilers were dirty. Led by Messier and Anderson.
Even the Flames who could skate, had their fair share of toughies.
I guess you couldn’t survive if you didn’t have a line of fighters and/or enforcers.
Yes, exactly. Watching these guys later in life is brutal. The head traumas are real.
Also, the Matt Cooks of the world drove me insane. Cheap shot shit.
Seriously, I still don’t mind an honest scrap, but the old time hockey stuff is tired.
Oof. Matt Cook. There was another one….his name escapes me. But they’re were a few for sure. I agree.
And before them who could forget….Ken Linseman…..The Rat.
I agree. Just look at Joe Murphy
That was brutal when I first saw that a couple of months back.
You’ve apparently never seen little league parents go at it.
You cannot invade Canada. There would be a hockey stick behind every maple leaf.
“Aw, here she goes again.” LOL!
There she goes again:
We know. That’s why we are softening the target up before the strike. From my vantage point, PSYOP TRUDEAU is proceeding according to expectations.
After Zubov, I loved Carbonneau who ended up in Dallas in the nineties when Armstrong and Gainey came down to run the show.
Hatcher would be eventually be captain, a guy who fought his own fights.
I don’t worship violence, but, in that Bob Gibson sort of way, I think a guy should get the beaning he has coming; if your guys are right, stick up for them.
Bewbs – prolly some are NSFW:
6 seems to sport the biggest natural tits – OMG large
12 is likely on the chubby side, but has chosen her camera angle well to focus on what matters
9 has a pretty face and decent boobs too
2, 5, and 10 are the realdolls.
2 and 5 maybe.
10’s armpits look real — the creases and subtle color gradients look much too complicated for current gen realdolls.
#6 is Aussie porn star Angela White.
Dated a #2. Just too much work getting close enough to kiss her.
Students Oppose Clarence Thomas Building… But Know Nothing About Him
Always tryna keep a black man down. I don’t really get (I mean I do, but…) the Clarence Thomas hate. Same goes for Ben Carson. These two people had very humble beginnings and rose to prominence and success despite any hardships in their youth. They are model Americans in that regard.
They’re only signaling stepping stones to be stomped on while working your way to higher prog social standing.
“The absolute worst I have ever been treated. The worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.”
– Clarence Thomas
There are few things progs hate more than an uppity n***** who doesn’t know their place.
I’m always referred to me as the Republican Black guy by my Progressive friends despite me not hating on the GOP. In their minds if you not voting straight Democrat then you’re an Uncle Tom. Another thing is that they always ask, ‘How as a black man, can you not vote for Democrats?”
It really boggles my mind how being openly condescending toward black people who dare express and unapproved opinion is considered perfectly fine by the left. IMO calling a black person an “Uncle Tom” should be considered equally as offensive as any other racial slur, yet somehow it’s considered well within the bounds of appropriate public discourse.
Especially when you witness first hand at how government programs, policies, and a lack of school choice harms the black community than some jackass on twitter making racist jokes.
“But all those things are done with the best of intentions so shut up and take what you are given.”
Dang, the handle and avatar is even funnier knowing that.
Ed Wuncler: I admire entrepreneurship in young people.
Huey Freeman: You mean like them 12-year-old girls that work in your sweatshops in Indonesia?
Ed Wuncler: That’s right, every morning I wake up and put one foot on the ground and the other up the ass of a 12 year-old Indonesian girl.
Mammary Monday continues!
13 has gone a black girl’s booty on a white girl. Day-yam.
3 and 45 are good to go, too.
Old and busted: Betsy DeVos wants to take us back to the days where women could be raped on college campuses without consequence!
New hotness: Betsy DeVos wants to take us back to caveman days where we could claim women by bashing them on the head and dragging them off by their hair!
It’s weird how if Republicans kept control of the House the deficit would continue to increase, whereas now that Democrats have the House the deficit will continue to increase and they will try to strip due process. Seems almost……worse
Those worthless bastards had both houses and the presidency and did jack shit with it. They are useless.
Two Republicans cosponsored that crap?
“Tough on crime”
What are the odds people get fed up with the unelected ‘1000 kings’ who rule over America?
Church sex abuse: It’s not just for Catholics!
This occurring in fundamentalist baptist churches is … not surprising.
I wouldn’t get too high and mighty criticizing the Baptists.
Do we really want to play that game, because there are a lot of glass houses?
Damn Baptists
Do we really want to play that game, because there are a lot of glass houses?
I do, because we can rope everyone in. Everyone.
Speaking of, I’ve always wondered why more wasn’t made of the sex abuse in public schools. The Catholic church is a punchline, but don’t you dare criticize public education. Kind of revealing about what the true state religion is.
And in other church news …
I was raised Baptist. I am not surprised in the least.
“I was raised Baptist.”
But it got in the way of your drinking?
Not really. I never liked the youth groups at church. A bunch of sanctimonious assholes competing to be the biggest sanctimonious asshole.
I joined the Boy Scouts and learned how to party in the woods instead.
Out of the fire and into the frying pan.
Dammit! Other way around.
Same. I am still nominally a Baptist I guess and I like the church I go to now although I very deliberately stay on the periphery of things, The church I grew up in could not have been more dysfunctional, as you say;
“sanctimonious assholes competing to be the biggest sanctimonious asshole.”
Parental failure. My daughter is 6 and already knows to stab a man in the junk with a pencil if she can, and bit him if she can’t.
Canadian man coughs up blood-clot.
I saw that earlier. I’m surprised he lived 9 days after that.
Wieselthaler had the patient’s heart connected to a device designed to help blood flow, but these devices can cause clotting,
“This pill will cure your allergies, or will give you congestion, runny nose and watery eyes.”
She’s 14?
Goddammit, now I’m on a list.
I mean, another one. I’m sure I’m already on a lot of lists.
Now I feel dirty. Thanks
The second link looks like a realdoll. Which may preview the upcoming arms race for the attention of men — as RealDolls and their ilk get more lifelike, actual women will try to mimic the dolls.
I’m wondering what her parents are thinking.
Apparently the cosplayer is 21. The character she’s portraying in the first link is a 14 year old. No lists here!
phew… ::nervously wipes brow::
You just reminded me of a certain scene from End of Evangelion and now I’m traumatized again.
Get in the robot, Shinji.
Oh look, now you can take her out to dinner.
OK, that’s different.
Like the twelve-year-old Korean girl from that episode of IAS. (Her actress was 25.)
Endangered monk seals and their eel snorting epidemic.
I saw that earlier. Is their no end to the effects of the societal breakdown caused by global warming in Trump’s America? Sad!
someone commented that they were snorting eels due to…..pier-pressure
Wave bye-bye, Tres. You’re in over your head.
I have a feeling we’ll sea Swiss any minute now…
Why so salty ?
I wont sink to your level.
*gratuitous beaver link*
I was promised Italian beaver.
Maybe Rufus can hook you up?
Also apropos .
I had a different kind of beaver in mind.
Ive decided to show some class at the various Christmas parties I’ll attend this season.
What if they play this?
I’ll get the fuck out of their cab?
Aircraft porn.
Hubba hubba!
Submitted w/o comment
TW- zerohedge
Privacy is completely dead. Everything is being monitored nowadays and added to your file so there’s blackmail that can be used against you in case you ever achieve anything. See the Heisman winner situation from the other day.
There’s only two ways out of this situation: total systemic collapse and establishing new self-sufficient nations, which are not mutually exclusive. Given the lack of available land to set up new nations beyond the reach of tyranny the only really viable option is to set up outposts of humanity offworld. A Mars colony wouldn’t have the capacity for an all-encompassing surveillance state, and if their Earth overlords tried to impose one, well, good luck enforcing it.
Are you kidding?
In space, you cannot escape. The environment will kill you. So you are stuck in the habitat that you reside in. And whomever controls the habitat owns your ass.
The notion that off-world colonies will be a safety valve like the new world was during the 1600-1890’s is wishful thinking.
The environment absolutely will kill you, but the rest would depend on how the colony was implemented.
If it’s a Total Recall style situation where for example there’s one person who controls the air supply and can unilaterally shut it off to certain areas, then yes that person absolutely owns you. That’s not the only way things can go down though, and a decentralized system makes far more sense. Putting all your eggs in one hydroponic farm or one atmospheric generator for entire colony is pretty risky.
Right now its kind of a moot point though since there’s not going to be such an option for the foreseeable future, but it could certainly be done in a way that isn’t entirely totalitarian.
The difference between colony, capital ship, and fighter/transport is a relic of the fact that sci-fi came to prominence after WWII. There’s no reason “colony” will be the unit of analysis in the real world.
“So you are stuck in the habitat that you reside in. And whomever controls the habitat owns your ass.”
Dude. Moon is a Harsh Mistress
What happened to that kid doesn’t require a surveillance state, just a compliant population willing to dump their every brain-fart into a permanent social-media database, and a vindictive, ideologically corrupted media ready and willing to dig it up.
And a lack of people willing to tell the fuckheads to go blow it out their ass.
“I did what when I was ten? Ok, if you say so. Now fuck off”
I have never found that hard to do. I guess some people do.
The people who dredged up those old tweets are a bunch of fags.
It ain’t the media, it’s us, the media is just supplying a product that is unfortunately in high demand. The sooner we start shugging and saying ‘meh.’ to all this crap the sooner it goes away. Start teaching your children that sensational “News” is best ignored and shunning/scorning acquaintances who partake it the middle school gossip mill.
I agree a lot of this is our society being “broken” to some degree.
It really is “the middle school gossip mill”, both literally and figuratively in many cases.
They dredged up tweets from when the kid was the same age as Kavanaugh was when he was allegedly raping his way across America. If Twitter had been a thing when Kav was a teen, no way in hell he’d be on SCOTUS unless he had the wherewithal to not be like most teenagers and jump on the latest bandwagon.
Personally I’m always amazed at the stories of teenagers getting bullied on Instagram nearly (if not fully) to the point of suicide but can’t bring themselves to just not use Instagram. But, it’s where all their peers congregate and how they communicate, so regardless of how dumb it seems to us, to them its simply not an option to do what we think of as common sense.
In 30 years, all that data will be brought to bear against them if they transgress against whatever our betters deem to be good and proper at that point.
If Brett had Twitter/Email/Texts, he’d likely have a bevy of texts from Christine both before and after the alleged incident begging for his affections.
You mean like the ones that were sent by the Columbia mattress-whore that the media pretended didn’t exist?
My son gets into the Twitter twaddle. I think he enjoys the pissing matches. I give him two pieces of advice. First, it’s a big country, so you can always find someone who is “outraged” by anything. Second, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, and most of them stink.
True that his situation doesn’t require a surveillance state, but my point there was that his thoughts were monitored. He certainly facilitated it, just like all these people who buy Amazon Echos, Facebook Portals, or Google Homes facilitate the monitoring, but its all being logged nonetheless. Willingly putting your every thought on social media just makes it easier for everyone to troll.
I dont think the point is to sell these to the wider public but to be used as a prop and surveillance for agents in disguise or undercover or whatever they call it these days. After all, how much time would your vacuum cleaner be in a place to catch you hatching a criminal mastermind plot? It would record the inside of your closet and the only thing it would really see would be your ass while you vacuum.
Speaking of which, in entertainment venues these guys are portrayed as super James Bond types. In reality they are bumbling idiots akin to the Keystone Cops.
Your crotch, not your ass, unless you vacuum differently from the rest of us.
Shop Vac. I pull it along behind me. Whatever the length of the air hose is it is that far behind me looking at my ass. I dunno, maybe someone at the DEA would get off on that.
“High school football player is arrested ‘for the murder of pregnant 17-year-old cheerleader who was found in a dumpster one block from her home'”
I guess that’s one way to get out of child support.
Well, and he’ll get less time for the murder than if he was a 3-strike weed slanger
If he does less than 50 years, that father will be waiting for him to get out.
You may be on to something. From
Murder in Indiana can be punished by the death penalty, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or between 45 and 65 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. Note that defendants who were 16 or 17 at the time of the murder can’t be sentenced to death, but can receive life imprisonment without parole unless found to have intellectual disabilities. Children in the U.S. cannot be sentenced to death.
Also, although Indiana law permits the suspension of any part of a sentence in most cases, for murder, the court may only suspend the sentence that is beyond the minimum of 45 years.
“She was found hidden in a dumpster behind a pizza restaurant near her home”
Either the limeys dont know how a dumpster works, or dont understand the meaning of “hide”
Dude has a beetle brow, a giant bird nest on his head and a tendency to murder. That’s who she picked to screw? I realize every teenager is a Darwin Award contender, but c’mon.
I doubt she knew about the tendency to murder.
High school football player and a cheerleader. ‘Nuff said.
Isn’t the number of players on the team higher than the number of cheerleaders? You’d think ladies would still be able to choose.
Ugly, and a year younger than her. WTF? I guess being violent fuck made up for his shortcomings.
I’ve seen enough Maury to conclude that looks often don’t matter.
“The most important decision you will make in your life is choosing who you will have children with”
– My father, 40 years ago
She was in her 153rd trimester. What’s the problem?
You know who else couldn’t find an alternative to death…
Methuselah ?
Jesus Christ, son of Joseph?
Oh oh change my answer because Lord Humungus:
Mad Max
If you’re tempted to lick the bowl after mixing cake batter or dig in to that raw cookie dough, however, you need to resist.
Consuming unbaked food that is supposed to be cooked can make you sick, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta warns. Kids also can get sick from handling raw dough used for crafts, the CDC says.
Man I lovvve raw cookie dough. Better than the baked version.
Plus old school weightlifters had a lot of raw eggs…
“And they all die eventually!!!!”
/unquestioning consumer of all things CDC/USDA/FDA
Are you deaf? I clearly said campaign finance violation.”
Someone’s triggered over the Eagles abject failure yesterday.
The Dude Abides.
I’m so confused. So is Cohen a Russian agent? Or was it Stormy Daniels? Or Karen Macdougal? Are our elections safe now?
“Are our elections safe now?”
You are asking the wrong people. I refer you to Brenda Snipes.
Clinton was impeached, just not removed, don’t forget that part
Yeah and it still sticks in their craw. They’re looking for payback.
No, if Clinton got stuck in the craw, he wouldn’t have been in trouble. His problem was he got tuck in a dress.
Just finished installing a new bathroom faucet from Pfister. Taking the old piece-of-Chinese-junk out (no, we didn’t install it, it came with the house) involved a great deal of swearing and curses upon the nefarious manufacturing habits of mainland China. The new one went in pretty quickly, considering that we also had to work around the piece-of-Chinese-junk vanity into which the piece-of-Chinese-junk faucet had been installed.
Took over 3 hours. Most of that time was struggling with the Chinese stuff. The Pfister was a 30-minute install, if that. The majority of the plumbing connections were click-style, and are watertight (at least so far). Man, plumbing’s come a long way since I was a kid.
I am guessing the original junk had a pair of those cast from shit-metal lock nuts under the counter top. The ones that corrode like crazy and cant be unscrewed.
I never understood why stuff around a water source are made of water-perishable material. It’s just dumber than hell. See: fiberboard countertops around the kitchen sink.
I’ve got a basement sink that is still good, but all the plumbing is corroded to the point where nothing short of an angle grinder is going to take it off. Considering the value of my time, it would probably be cheaper to just buy a new sink and new plumbing, but I might be stubborn and try to save the sink.
Two years ago the temperature valve in the shower finally went after 40 years. Had to replace the whole faucet from the shower head to where it met the copper pipes, as well as the bath faucet part. Getting it off was a dickens, and nothing fit right.
Oh, and the new one seems to have a leak: if you turn the head the wrong way, water spurts up toward the ceiling.
I had the same problem. Turns out the compression nut that holds the shower head on was plastic. It cracked when I put it on, and I put it on with my hand, not a wrench. It broke from the force of my bare hand, and I didn’t even buy a cheap one. I didn’t discover the crack until I tried moving the shower head.
If the old sink is still good and of good quality look at new ones before you make your decision. If you pull out an old cast iron and ceramic sink you may get to the store and discover that outside of plastic crap something of equal quality is prohibitively expensive.
The old sink is cast iron and ceramic, but from the 90’s so not particular well made. Not some rock made by American Standard in the Eisenhower administration. Its a floating style, and the brackets holding to the wall where never installed right. So water is has pooling in the front of it for close to twenty five years.
If I had all the time in the world, I’d make a new vanity from scratch and put a new sink and plumbing in, but 1) I hate plumbing 2) we use this bathroom exactly twice a week when I shower at home on non-gym days and 3) its a bathroom in an unfinished basement, so doing something nice is really gilding the lilly.
I am guessing the original junk had a pair of those cast from shit-metal lock nuts under the counter top.
Actually not. The major problem was that every connection that mattered was made snug up to the bottom of the counter-top, directly behind the sink and inaccessible because the vanity in which it was installed had a number of non-removable cross-beams to stiffen it which made it impossible to actually see any of the things we were trying to take out (you couldn’t get your head inside the vanity cavity to look up and see the important stuff behind the sink). Every action was by touch and guess. What’s this thing? Do I turn it? Can I turn it? What’s it do? Is it important? Etc.
Yeah, they’re inexpensive and they look cool in a showroom, but they’re crap to install and crap to maintain.
I hate shit like that. The guy that put it in knew he would never be the one to have to fix it.
All of my hose spigots on the outside wall of the house are soldered onto copper tubing. Now there is a genius move – lets make something that can only be worked on by introducing open flame inside of the wall.
The guy that put it in knew he would never be the one to have to fix it.
Bingo fucking city, d00d. Every reno I’ve ever done I’ve had to correct the laziness of some previous doofus who couldn’t be bothered to think about stuff or do things to make the next person’s life easier (or safer, for that matter). Idiot decisions, overbuilt or underbuilt structure, code violations (I’ve found extension cords behind walls being used to extend a star connection from a box [also buried behind the same wall] to create a new duplex outlet), you name it. It really is unbelievable what some people will do to save a few bucks or 20 minutes of their time.
My brother lives in a house like that. It was built and maintained for 50 years by a guy that was not only cheap but had no idea what he was doing. When I visit we try to fix things and invariably when we get a look at it we both say “What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck is that?! What the….what….what was he thinking?”
I blame Time Life books and the invention of BX cabling.
Although lamp wire stapled to wooden studs inside a plaster wall stuffed with highly flammable insulation to run a new outlet is a whole other dimension of stupid.
We didn’t have plumbing when I was a kid
You lived in a rolled up newspaper in the middle of the street?
In case someone doesnt get the reference
Conjure up foreign booger men to scare people with so they wont notice that the army is actually there to protect the ruling class from their own citizens. Nowhere is this truer than France.
It’s amazing how a bass ackwards nation with an economy the size of Italy’s has so much influence in the world. If they really are that smart (they aren’t) we’re in deep trouble.
Trump continues his war on the media:
And the republicans will just sit on their thumbs. Elizabeth Warren investigating corruption? This is a joke, right? Someone needs to crawl up her ass with a microscope.
The Republicans are a bunch of worthless wusses with only a few exceptions.
Alternate headline: Trump Assured of 2020 Reelection.
The democrats seem to be bound and determined to make that happen. Do you think they secretly yearn for all of his policies? Or is he just such a good cash cow for them to milk their base of donations that they never want to give him up.
I think it’s the latter. The Pachyderms did it with Zerocare and look what they did when they actually had the chance to get rid of it.
Before we calculate how much to cut benefits, let’s tax all Hollywood revenue and salaries at 90% and add that to the kittie first. They won’t mind.
Too bad Brown is gone next month. Not that the union/Dem machine won’t burn down the state before giving one inch anyway.
I always knew the media leaned left and parroted leftist talking points. But I never really understood the extent to which they would engage in political theater in order to advance their agenda. Because that’s all any of this shit is. It’s all political theater. None of it is real.
Careful though, the kid who points out the emperor doesn’t have any clothes doesn’t get applauded and clapped on the back, he gets torn apart by the crowd. People do enjoy their delusions to an alarming extent.