There’s nothing better than that first chilly evening of the year. You gather a load of wood and bring it inside. You load the wood stove, add some kindling, and use your blow torch to get that first fire of the year burning. The fire lights and your home starts to warm. It’s a wonderful feeling and a wonderful time of the year.
But, over the years your stove might start to rust beyond the point of repair, or maybe you’ve moved somewhere new and need to buy a new one. Regardless of your reason for getting a new one, you’ll be happy to know that our friends in the government are watching out for us! Because, if you didn’t know, your wood stove needs to be EPA approved. You wouldn’t want your emissions to be to high. And don’t worry, they’re making them even more stringent in 2020!
That’s right, the government can screw up something as simple as a metal box with a door and hole. I mean, why wouldn’t you want a catalytic converter on your wood stove? Really, it’s something so simple that you can make one from a 55 gallon metal drum. In fact, since government has artificially raised prices with all of the new testing required for emissions, more people than ever are making them out of metal drums.
While many people (myself included) have fires for ambiance and supplemental heat, there is a large group of people that heat their homes solely with wood. These people tend to skew poorer. But don’t worry, Big Brother is just making sure these people . . . I can’t finish that sarcastic sentence. We all know it’s just a racket. It has nothing to do with the environment. It’s there to increase the bureaucracy, and subsequently it disproportionately hurts the poor. Not that I wish them any harm, but I hope that if they end up in hell, they get burned in an efficient EPA approved stove.
As someone who, as a career, tests emissions from things like combustion sources, I approve that message
And go ahead and…..HIT IT!
I’m trying to get the stupid pre-loaded windows install off this laptop, and there’s something that’s causing the live USB stick to crash during boot. I’m checking to see if it’s the hardware.
Move faster stupid progress meter…
Well, the linux mint installer was borked, but the ubuntu installer ripped the windows infestation from the drive. I can replace that with fewer concerns that there’s some hidden security feature ‘protecting’ me from myself.
Windows embedded a conscience on your computer?
Donno, but it claimed to be named “Cortana” before I killed it.
Oh you like the ones that go from 0-99% in 3 seconds then hang for 20 minutes?
No, I want it to complete faster.
Okay, the problem appears to be the utility I used to make the live usb stick the first time. Mint is installing now.
Just venturing a guess, perhaps the boot media utility formatted the stick for legacy BIOS while the laptop is set up for UEFI?
It still booted to the stick, but acted… oddly when starting up the program (ie, I’d get the grub menu, make a selection, see the logo and then it would throw an error and drop to a recovery console which couldn’t actually recover anything.)
Grew up in a household that relied on supplemental wood heat. It’s nice to know they are pricing poorer people of of a cheap and abundantly available renewable resource to heat their homes. Someone needs to get this shit infant of Trump. I’d love to see the tweet telling us he’s going to give us the biggest, classiest gas cans and wood stoves back.
The poor don’t know what’s best for them
We heated our house with wood when I was a kid, and got the wood from a woodlot. I *hated* having to drag firewood to the truck so Dad could split it.
Wood cutting was one of the chores I didn’t try to weasel out of. Before I could swing a maul my dad let me split the smaller, straighter pieces with an axe. It made me feel much more grown up and powerful than the typical mindless drudgery he usually found for me to do.
I’m also reminded of the time crazy mother first heard about the gypsy moth infestation and made my sister and me go out and scrape cocoons off the trees on the woodlot one autumn day while my two eldest siblings were helping Dad cut and stack wood back at the house. 😐
I remember the gypsy moth nests. Those things were gross. Whatever happened to those? Are they cyclical or did a couple cold winters kill ’em off?
Huh. Nature took care of it. Go figure.
Lots of spraying.
We didn’t solely use wood but we had one of these for awhile cuz it was apparently cheaper than the crazy heating bills we had before it, which were higher than our mortgage IIRC. Shit was expensive AF in the early 80s.
We had a kerosene heater for supplemental heating, which didn’t seem to do much.
Obligatory – one of my faves
“Shit was expensive AF in the early 80s.”
Yep. In 1982 or so my parents financed a VCR. Monthly payments because the fucking thing cost $400+. We got a 24” tv that day too. My dad was an MD and made a good living, and he had negotiate term on a VCR. There was a discussion about VHS vs Betamax: we went VHS. ???????
Sheet, this laptop can’t handle VHS. It only has USB and SD ports.
Try this one
+1 Be Kind, Rewind
No idea if that’s real but I chuckled anyway.
There’s no room for the hinged panel protecting to tape in that casette to move anywhere, so it’s not a real device.
Forgot to mention it was a *color* TV.
At some point in my childhood, after I was moved to the basement next to the old octopus coal furnace, I inherited an ancient floor model color RCA from somewhere. I felt like a king down there.
In 1987 my parents bought a computer. It was an Apple II GS – iow, the last of the Apple IIs, basically obsolete the minute they bought it. With the fancy color monitor and the printer, they spent about $3000 on it.
For a fucking Apple II. Dad was pissed about the way that all went down for a loooong time.
Theres a documentary on YouTube featuring Thomas Massie and his home; one scene he discusses how he would heat his home from a fallen tree. Due to govt regulations, that tree may instead end up rotting eaten by termites resulting in significant methane released. So instead of carbon neutral, a much more potent gas is produced.
But we gotta protect those termites, don’t you see?
Not according to Louis Farrakhan.
I pulled the water flow restriction crap today. Thanks for the inspiration.
Speaking of water flow restriction, I installed an iron filter this week, and for the first time since we moved in 2 years ago, we have a water system that doesn’t lose pressure after 2 days. So nice to have consistent pressure again!
Congrats to the both of you!
I do what I can . . and don’t forget to pack your pliers to remove them at hotels, It’s just common courtesy to the world.
I tried to remove mine but the best I could do was mash some bits of the plastic out with a drill. That bugger was not budging.
If I had any plans to pass through NY, I’d offer to take a look (I’m kind of an expert), but honestly, I’ll never be passing through New York, I’m not much of a people person. Hopefully you improved it some, and if not that, I hope you at least didn’t make it worse.
Ha no problem thanks. There was nothing to even grab on to with my pliers – the visible holes were too small to fit the plier tips – so I was little mystified about the whole thing. But it is actually slightly better now so it’s a win.
there is a large group of people that heat their homes solely with wood. These people tend to skew poorer.
My next door neighbor heats purely with wood. I’ve been half tempted to replace the current flue-less wood stove in the basement with a controllable one to heat the (unconditioned) basement. Perhaps this will light a fire under my ass.
If I ever build a house I’m putting a wood stove in the basement and building a wood-chute into the foundation. I’m also going to use the blower motor to push warm air directly into the heating ducts. A friend in MT had that set up and it was awesome.
with what design heat exchanger? A few things come to mind, but at first blush I thought we were about to pump the exhaust into your house.
Well idk know about the air intake but the point being you can see how the blower motor feeds into the ducts.
Look up “rocket mass heater”
If you’re going to build, go for the best.
I still have the old coal chute on my house. I’ve never had it open. But it is right next to where I want to put a stove in the basement . . .hmm, I’ll have to check on that.
I will gladly admit i do not miss hauling wood. I also do not miss the mess burning wood makes. Natural gas is the bomb.
I suppose if I needed to I would install a super efficient wood stove, but gas is actually cheaper than wood right now.
I wish we got gas out here. I’ve never had a gas stove before.
We still have the heating oil boiler/radiator system , but I have no interest in repairing and maintaining that system. The heat pump does just fine.
How about wood gas? Someone built a Volvo that ran on wood.
Those would be the deplorable rural poors who
don’t reliably vote for Democratsvote against their own interests, right? So, you know, fuck them.Whats nice about twitter and the permanence of the internet is there are plenty of progs willing to say things like that in earnest without thinking that it will ever come back to haunt them.
Enh, I grew up in a poor rust-belt city. With a wood burner (for awhile).
Interesting experiment tonight. I’m a food snob/slut. I truly appreciate quaility but in the end, I’ll eat just about anything.
Fred Meyer(Kroger’s) has installed freezer cases that hold bins of prefab food. You pick what looks good, fill a bucket with a scoop and take it home. I’ve avoided it because that’s reheating, not cooking.
I had no idea what I was going to cook tonight, so I wandered on over and took a look. I ended up taking home a bucket of chicken/sausage gumbo. Think globs of frozen something with a vaguely gumbo color.
Cooked up a pot of rice, tossed my bucket of globs in a pan, covered it and turned the stove to medium, per instructions. 12 minutes later, I had a pan full of gumbo. Scoop of rice in a bowl surrounded by gumbo and off to the table.
Damn. This was pretty good. Suthen would probably bitch slap me in disgust if I put a bowl of this in front of him but it looked like gumbo, tasted like gumbo and had more heat than I would have expected from grocery store prefab food. And although I though the meat content was a little skimpy, my wife and I were both stuffed by the time we were done.
I will be trying a few more offerings on the days I don’t feel like cooking.
We have a place here called Fresh Thyme. Like a Whole Foods, I guess. They have a ton of prefab meals that I mocked when my brother told me he got them all the time. He told me I din’t know shit and gave me a salmon/asparagus meal to try.
It was really good.
Hmm, there is a relatively new Fresh Thyme here that we haven’t tried. May have to check them out…
It’s the future of cooking. Sci-fi from the ‘30s is once again correct.
That’s in the Ralphs here. Deep freezer with about 15 different options that you can shovel into a bucket.
Including mushroom risotto. I hear it’s better than yours.
” But don’t worry, Big Brother is just making sure these people . . . ”
The memory hole spilled its contents into a wood burning furnace IIRC.
I heat solely with wood, though I also have a propane furnace for those lengthy (days/weeks) times when we’re gone. I have a central heat wood furnace with a blower in the basement that’s ducted both upstairs and down. It doesn’t heat downstairs too well so I have a Franklin stove downstairs (basement) that I use in the day time since I spend most of my time downstairs or outside. Have the same furnace in one garage and a homemade steelplate stove in the other garage. Its possible though unlikely that I’d have four stoves going at once..
I can’t keep up with all the dead/dying trees that need cutting. I cut/haul/split (with a wood splitter)/stack all my own wood, though its getting a little tougher these days. I like wood heat for a couple reasons. I grew up with it and feel like I’m more traditional and keeping the memories of my youth alive. Second, I save money and I’m a notorious cheapskate and last I like the dry heat, I can keep the house 75-80 and not feel uncomfortable.
Biggest problem is keeping upstairs cool enough when the sun is shining through the windows, often it’ll be in the mid 80s in the afternoon, fire goes out and if it’s a -20 outside it cools off a little before bedtime. We don’t keep a fire at night, house rarely gets below 65 in the mornings.
BTU wise I think wood is comparable to propane, cheaper than electric, at least in this area. I have an unlimited supply of wood, except for the work, and don’t worry about the cost of the BTUs.
You make me ashamed of my lazy ass.
I wrote an article on envy today and submitted. It’s woefully inadequate and I thought about 6 things I’d like to change after I sent it off. Still, hope you enjoy it!
Hey, thank you!!! I started three times and chucked all of them!
I envy your quick turnaround time!
Well, some of us fuck off when we should be working
someall of us fuck off when we should be workingI work when I’m supposed to be working. Sometimes I even work when I’m not supposed to be working… like this evening.
Except Rufus of course.
Ahhh, but you are productive in other ways. I consume all my production. Not entirely true, for a few years I was cutting/splitting for a friend whose only excuse was he is overweight and gets tired easily. He did give me the wood splitter that I have so I guess he paid for it.
An eastern wood like hard maple has about 24 MM-btu/cord, and a cord can weigh around 3,757 lbs, so you get 6,388 btu/lb
Natural gas gives you between 17,500 and 22,000 btu/lb
Hey Fourscore – Sorry again that I couldn’t make it to the honey harvest this year. We just cracked open the mason jar you sent over and tried it. Holy Mosley that is some of the best honey I’ve ever tasted in my life.
Hi Leap,
Hope to see you and all the other locals on the Honey Harvest. Always the third Sunday of Sep. Always a good time, lots of interesting old folks. All Glibs are invited. Enjoy the honey, the dead bees are free.
I saw on one of the latest Mike Holmes show where there was a mixed gas/wood furnace. With the right house that is something I would go for.
My buddy has an outdoor gas fireplace. He puts a log on top and uses the gas to act as an easy starter. It gets clogged occasionally, but overall it works quite well.
There are also areas that ban wood-burning stoves/fireplaces in new construction. The Bay Area is one, NYC is another.
They actually have fireplace “cops” in the Bay Area. Think busy body proggies. I believe Denver Metro has some wintertime restrictions.
No restrictions here but you’d be hard pressed to find a house built in the last 20 years with a fireplace, unless it’s a custom build.
Denver. Right, that was the other one I was thinking of.
Not only do they ban the building of new fireplaces here in the Bay Area, we have several dozen ‘Spare the Air” days per year where it is illegal to burn anything other than natural gas in your fireplace or barbecue, apparently decided by local authorities due to the wrong “atmospheric conditions” on that day. Because someone somewhere might have easily-triggered asthma goes the excuse. And the fines for being caught start at $500. Oh, and they encourage you to report your neighbors if you think they might have a log in the fire on Spare the Air days, great way to keep the neighborly spirit going.
Another weird coincidence — it seemingly is always a Spare the Air day on Thanksgiving, Xmas eve, Xmas and NYE. Amazing how the atmospheric conditions are annually so consistent on those days.
I would use propane to barbecue the politicians, feed them to the homeless, and then leave. I figure once the homeless have a taste for human flesh, it’s a solved problem.
That’s how you get hoof and mouth disease.
I wonder what the EPA would do if they found out there are still homes heated with coal.
I burn gas, but coal is still really cheap.
I had a nuclear heated apartment… it didn’t work so well. Might have been water heated.
Not much. China is a bit out of their jurisdiction.
I’m talking about the USA. There are homes in the US that still use coal. Not a lot, but they exist.
And then there are those who use coal as transferred via Electricity.
It was a joke. Are you talking about places like WV etc.?
Yes, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York State.
When I was looking at houses about ten years ago, my real estate agent tried to get me to look at a house heated by coal, in southern NH of all places. I said no. I grew up in a house heated by coal, no thanks. I don’t want that again.
We still have a bin of coal up at the cabin. My guess is it hasn’t been used in 50 years. I lit a lump once just out of curiosity. I couldn’t put it out fast enough. It clearly didn’t qualify as “clean” coal.
I live in an old historic house. It has a coal chute and you can see the remnants of the coal octopus ducts. When I’m planting my garden i usually dig up several pounds of coal. The garden is at least 40 feet from where they would be dumping coal, and it;s not from a natural vein. I’m always wondering why they dumped so much coal in that area.
I can’t believe they are requiring a catalytic converter for a wood stove in 2020.
It’s time to return to king coal
Pea anthracite stoves are real efficient and clean burning.
“Who knows what emissions a man hold in his hearth, The Shadow Knows”
Let the freakout commence.
I usually keep my mouth shut at work, but somebody was complaining that Trump was doing this without any input. I said, no one cared when president pen/phone did things unilaterally, so it’s a little late to complain about the imperial presidency.
Remember when Obama ordered the assassination of an American citizen and noncombatant without anything resembling due process or oversight?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I member
I remember as well, shame he is the Second Coming of Jesus and can’t do no wrong.
But he wuz so articulate and presidential!!1!!
It’s like invisible finger said in the previous thread; it’s all vanity and no substance with them.
That’s also why they don’t bring up that his 8-year-old daughter was killed during a SEAL team raid ordered by Trump…it would lead down some awkward paths.
Man, we really hate the al-Awlakis, don’t we?
Hope we don’t have any unfortunate people here named al-Awlaki.
And then killed his teen aged son a little later..
And remember when in response to questioning over that fact, the White House Press Secretary merely answered “Womp womp.”?
Back when The Atlantic criticized Democrats.
I remember, sort of.
Funny, the other day at lunch a coworker said, in response to Trump shutting down his charity, that Obama didn’t have any scandals. I said, “Obama is a Chicago politician, of course he has scandals and dirt. He’s just better at it than some.” Unfortunately, killing that citizen had slipped my mind. I remembered it some hours later. Dammit.
I seem to remember some type of scandal involving his Secretary of State. Something about an embassy.
Wasn’t there something about a politically weaponized bureaucratic agency. It wasn’t the INS, but it was close.
That kind of comment makes me want to start throwing things at them. These people have such dim brains that they think Trump just sits on his solid gold shitter and comes up with this stuff without talking to any body else first. Idiots.
Everyone I work with loves ’em some war. I can’t wait until I have to spit out a piece of my tongue when she asshole starts whining that if Trump keeps it up, we’ll lose our jerbs.
“Everyone I work with loves ’em some war”
‘Cause they ain’t never been to no war
If men who started wars were still obligated to lead the charge into battle at the front of the line, we’d have a whole lot less of them.
Fucking Trump is such a goddamn warmonger!……wait wut?
It’s already commenced. Lindsey poo has soiled himself and to think, just a week earlier, Trumputin killed off the Weekly Standard, then decided to pull troops out of Syria. and now this. Guess what happens next? If you guessed that the Democrats go full on neocon, you guessed right.
Shamefully, I was a neocon through at least the first couple years of college (this was during the early years of the 2nd Iraqi War). Unlike so many people, I learned from my mistakes. Everything that they said was true wasn’t, it didn’t make us any safer, it didn’t resolve any conflicts, it didn’t make anything more stable. And then I saw friends come home all fucked up because they had to go over there and kill brown kids. What I can’t understand is how you can watch that and can’t learn from that. I can’t understand how you can look at our involvement in the ME and see any positives that outweigh the negatives. These are people that we are sending to kill others and be killed, and for what. It makes my blood boil that no politicians can view this with any objectivity. Even if I disagreed with it, I’d at least like to hear a good coherent reason why we’re there, what our objectives are, and what benefit it has for us and them.
something something ISIS something ISIS!1!
That’s all I see.
I think our objectives have been 2 things. Originally, we were on a mission to democratize the world. We were gonna turn them savages into western democracies. Only thing is, they didn’t want it. They still don’t want it. But then it became very profitable, the military industrial complex is so enormously profitable, that what Trump is doing is just not going to be popular in DC. Those defense contractors gotta get that New Rolls this year again.
Did sugarFree have knowledge beforehand? I mean, the Warboner series is scarily relevant.
Holy crap, I was just telling some idiots who were upset about the pullout from Syria that I was upset because we weren’t leaving the ME entirely, but hot damn, we’re getting closer.
Pull completely out of the ME and pull every single dime of military spending from Europe. I mean if you’re going to do Putin’s bidding, may as well do it right.
We need a Sad Ben Shapiro GIF to accompany this. He was whining about the Syria wind down.
A bunch of lefties I talk with got all pissy about it because (in their words) Russia obviously wants us out of there so they can take Syria and trump is obviously working for them. *cue kiff sigh*
So we are supposed to base our foreign policy on what pisses off Russia?
Or pisses on Russia, if the dossiers are to be believed.
Apparently. I must’ve missed the memo that said we were in 1980.
I don’t think the memos have been going out, because I seem to be missing one that clarifies why Russia is now the biggest threat when the Left mercilessly mocked Romney when he said that same exact thing.
“Apparently. I must’ve missed the memo that said we were in 1980.
No, no, you see, that was the good Russia. Just ask comrade Bernie.
It was the Russians what done it all along. Trump is a miracle worker, he managed to turn the left into a bunch of Neo cold warriors.
“Two administration officials told CNN that Trump wants the plans drawn up in hopes he could announce the drawdown in his State of the Union speech”
Ah. Diabolical to use lack of warmongering to advance a political agenda.
Absolutely. The. Worst.
Are there Trump admin officials besides Conway that talk to CNN?
I honestly have no idea.
CNN right now online is absolutely freaking out that we would stop being involved in endless foreign wars. They write that goes against seven decades of precedence of American presidents, both Democrat and Republican!!!
Of course, if Obama was doing the exact same thing he would be hailed as the Bringer of Peace and likely snag another Nobel Peace Prize or two.
So why didn’t he? Seriously. Obama was (is) at least as narcissist as Trump, and he ought to have known that he would get this reaction to such acts. He wouldn’t have had to have risk his reputation, that’s for sure.
Maybe Viking in the last thread was right. He was weak. He knew he would receive praise regardless, and he didn’t have the courage to stand up to the warmaking bureaucracies. Eventually, they became his people. Fuck it: If you don’t have to interact with those outside your bubble, except those who are willfully ignorant and will love you regardless, why bother appealing to or appeasing any such people?
Fuck him.
“Absolutely. The. Worst.”
If any doubts remain, he’s not only pulling out of Syria and partially from Afghanistan, he just said he wants to sign some horrible prison reform thing. I mean, these things were unthinkable during Bush and Obama. Worst.Hitler.Ever.
I see Lindsey Graham is getting tired on people liking him and decided to stop pretending he’s anything other than a shitstain.
No one bought it anyway.
A judge in Hawaii just ordered the troops back in.
I’m assuming this is a troll, but it’s hard to tell these days.
LOL. I’m actually expecting that any time now.
I remember some time around 1980 my father and his coworkers all bought wood stoves, chain saws, splitters, and the like. Most of my small town used oil, propane, or electric for heat. The next several summers were filled with splitting wood, stacking, and cutting down trees.
My dad built a series of metal ducts across the basement leading to vents he cut in the floor. He connected the ducts to a box surrounding the stove. It worked great.
My friend ‘s dad just bought the biggest stove he could find and figured heat would rise. He used to get it nearly white hot. I don’t know how he didn’t burn thier house down.
“connected the ducts to a box surrounding the stove. It worked great.”
That’s what I have. Actually the stove comes with the duct holes and 2 blower motors attached.
US Stove Company, Model 1400
One set of my grandparents had a home with electric heating and a Franklin stove in the basement. There were grates in the floor to allow heat to rise from the basement. My grandfather got the Franklin stove nice and hot, and they hardly had to use the electric heat.
We had fuel oil heat growing up, but the furnace was too small for the house and fuel oil was expensive. Also the basement was stacked rock (no mortar) and not under the whole house
My step dad dug out space for steel i-beams. Once the house was secure, we started digging underneath with the bulldozer. I remember doing homework at the kitchen table one winter day, and feeling the vibrations (and smelling the diesel fumes) of the dozer directly beneath my chair. We poured footings, then a stacked cinder block wall, then poured the floor. Afterward we installed a wood furnace (we kept the old fuel oil furnace as backup). The house was always cozy after that. In fact it was sometimes too hot.
I grew up at the beach. It was rarely cold, but when it was we’d use a fireplace with mostly scavenged wood from construction sites. We were pretty damn poor. My childhood neighborhood is so gentrified it’s shocking. It used to be called ghetto by the sea back then.
round these parts, we burn corn
Did you ever find a hole in your corn?
Wristwatch! Crisco!
Washcloth! Sideswipe!
If you find yourself in a hole you’ve dug and can’t get out of.
Just bought it for my nephew!
Wish I could have found this.
“first chilly evening of the year”
January 1st?
Found out I got work off tomorrow. I’m drinking Jim Beam. Wailed on guitar for the last 2 hours. Wife’s out of town till tomorrow night. Plan is to get food; get wasted; rebound…. profit?
That’s a good night, right there. Bang on the strings, eat well and drink too much. Sleep through the hangover. Life is good.
For a while in my younger years I lived in a unit in an old industrial building. A previous roommate royally fucked me on the gas bills (of which I will spare you the details), and I ended up owing the gas company a few grand when all was said and done. As a result I ended up with no heat in a drafty old building during a particularly brutal Midwest winter. Because I typically run a deficit of fucks to give, I ended up buying a cheap cast iron stove off of the Internet. The building was brick with concrete floors, so fire hazard was minimal. I ran galvanized ducting from the stovepipe, out the window and up to the roof. This didn’t do much for heating three thousand square feet of space to any level of comfort, but it made it tolerable and kept the pipes from freezing. The best part was my building’s proximity to a fire station which was literally across the street. How I didn’t end up being raided by the city inspector is still a complete mystery.
One of my good friends in college moved in to an apartment with friends. They figured they would save money by not having the gas turned on, hoping the other apartments would provide them with enough heat. As the months grew colder, they got colder. They ended up buying a couple of electric radiator style space heaters. My friend would put that between his legs and put a blanket over it so the heat would stay trapped around him. One day he fell asleep like that and woke up with his leg fused to the radiator. He had to go to the hospital and still has a scar to this day. They got the gas turned on after that.
When it got real bad (upstate NY), my mom used to heat up bricks in the fireplace and we’d sleep with those at our feet.
Ugh, that sounds nasty. How did he not manage to wake up before the whole flesh beginning to melt phase? Was he drunk?
He probably was drunk, I can’t remember now. But even if he wasn’t, that guy sleeps like a brick.
I have a nice one of those – the thing can heat up a whole room easily. No need to sleep with it. For when it gets close to zero or so – my landlord is a little stingy with the heat overnight but more importantly I have windows in three directions and live on the top floor where I get the full blast that Canada sends my way. My neighbor only has windows facing south and I wouldn’t be surprised if he could actually do the absorb-heat-from-his-neighbors thing if heat wasn’t already part of the rent.
“” How I didn’t end up being raided by the city inspector is still a complete mystery.”
It’s the quality of your armor.
Fuck yeah. Also, the top comment nails it:
From my oldest memories, I do not remember heat. We lived in SoCal and we didn’t have heat in the house, or AC. It was sort of arid and the temps were generally mild, so I’m not even sure if AC or heat were things in that area back then or if they even are today.
Anyway, fast forward until I’m around age 10 and we moved back east. We always used wood heat for as long as I can remember, but at some point we also had gas. When I first moved out into my very own home, I used all wood for about 5 years. I rented from a farmer who owned several hundred acres mostly wooded and he just told me ‘see them there woods over there, you can cut your wood from there’. So I cut, split, stacked, and cured my own wood for 5 years. I’ve only used gas since then. But I enjoyed the wood heat and bought myself a fancy/smancy wood stove with electric blowers. Only thing I didn’t like was the challenge of getting that thing to burn all night without having to get up to put more wood in it. I remember a couple times that I’m glad that thing had heat guards around it because I got up trashed drunk and fell into it, lol.
The one year I lived in CA (SF) we had some weird vent in the middle of the hallway floor. That’s the only climate-control I remember seeing. I think it turned on once.
I think SanFran is a little chillier than Simi Valley.
Yup. I remember mid-30s a couple days. Then eleven and a half straight months of 60s with one or two days of 90s in the middle.
Growing up in Napa, we had no AC and the windows were all single pane. Worked just fine. Open the windows, run the fan and go outside to sweat and play.
I don’t think I’ve ever left the heat on all night and that includes some Januaries that never reached zero in the afternoon.
My pipes freeze if I don’t leave the heat on.
Just run alcohol through them like any good Sconnie.
The house I grew up in we relied exclusively on wood for heating. In fact my old man still uses wood for heating that house.
We had a propane furnace as well, the original from when the house was built in the early 70s. Rural propane delivery of course is somewhat expensive so wood was the fuel of choice 99% of the time.
The stove was a home made stove
Did it heat the house to a comfortable temperature regardless of how cold it was outside(-10F was rare but not unheard of).
Problem was it was horribly inefficient, and difficult to ensure a consistent temperature.
A couple years ago he put in a newer stove (Manufactured sometime in the early 2000s I think) and re-did all his duct work.
He now uses about 1/3 to 1/2 the wood he used to use with his home made stove.
I miss having wood heat.
If I can ever find a piece of empty land round here that isn’t 10+ acres(that is, it isn’t a farm) and doesn’t have covenants or associations I think I’m going to insist on using wood…though the slightly unconventional house design I’d likely build wouldn’t need much in the way of heating to begin with anyways.
O.T.: Interesting FB thread about a Chicago Transit Authority bus spotted in upstate New York. Some actual CTA drivers chime in to explain what’s going on.
They make subway cars up there too.
From the Last Thread:
So what you’re saying is we could get The Hat and The Hair cartoon on there?
You go girl.
When I was a kid we used a wood burner. Eventually we hat a fuel oil system. Wood heat is too extreme for me though, you sweat your balls off then you get cold, then you sweat your balls off, then you get cold.
Sweating your balls off.
finally Japan pixelating something I don’t want to see instead of the opposite.
They don’t pixelate the good stuff.
Glad to see Rikishi is still finding work.
That guy looks Samoan.
So what? Do you hat Samoans? Should not Samoans be allowed to wrestle? I am on to you.
They’re all the same. (Yes he was, but his character was supposed to be a sumo wrestler, so I think his character was Japanese, not that it matters to wrestling fans)
A Rikishi is a sumo wrestler. There are foreign Rikishi, but it’d be odd to call him a Rikishi if a Samoan is doing WWF.
It’s fantasy for drunk yokels and teenagers. Fuck off with it having a connection to reality you SJW!
That makes the Whitesnake videos look subtle.
You can always link to Whitesnake, ya know. *Flashback to cheap stripbar days*
Song about what you’re talking about.
The outdoor woodburning furnace that I use to heat my house with is no longer made because it has been banned by the government. Fuck them.
fossil fuel is evil mkay… although wood is renewable.
Anyhoo why would you want an old model? Get the latest and greatest
Well this was an awful day to get to work. Some sort of freezing rain overnight and everything was slippery. I am usually sure of foot but this time I had to hold on to a fence at some point to prevent falling I think I slipped 15 times overall. Fortunately no fall.
Good morning glibs.
Youtube let me down. ‘Dracula slips on ice’ got me nothing, the world is failing me!
TGIF. Time to start the drinking soon.
Do they have slippery streets in Japan or is every sidewalk heated?
Only snows once or twice a year in Tokyo and that brings everything to a crawl. The Western coast of Honshu gets a shitton of snow as does the North and Hokkaido. Raphael’s stomping ground gets a lot (Aomori). No heated sidewalks in Tokyo that I know of.
Heated sidewalks? Does salt harm vampires as well?
We’re going to have heavy rain and a record high temp (for Dec. 21) around 15C.
On topic when I was a kid the heating was not. Communist apartment blocks were centrally heated and the heating never came.
Just as ol’ Nicky C was bucket kicking my parent moved in an apartment in an older building that had natural gas stoves. They were terracota and some care was needed to prevent overheating. Also the gas pressure was not great, but overall it was warm. Later we moved on to a central heating system – the type which you heat water and move it through radiators I lack the english phrase – also natural gas powered – being in the middle of Bucharest there was no need for other ways.
In the countryside where I spent all my holly days there were wood burning stoves in every room. But not all of them were running, less used rooms were cold. Also there was a good bit of cooking on wood because there was not nat gas network and in the 90s gas canisters were hard to come buy. People had these refillable tanks lets say and a special little cart to pull them in and once a month you got to stay in line and swap the empty one for a full one, and had to ration the gas in the meantime. I even got to chop wood as a kid how amazing is that?
Boiler system. A good one works great and keeps a nice temp, the only problem is if you run out of the fuel to power them, the water can freeze along with the other plumbing.
In the city you don’t run put of fuel. But yes I turn the heat on in late Autumn put the thermostat to 20 and simply leave it at that. Also heats water, my 24kW Viessmann Vitopend 100.
My mom has underfloor heating at her house. That is rather nice as well although the installation was more expensive and looks kinda of complex to me.
I would prefer if electricity was cheaper and I would replace gas burning with electric. This is why I wish for molten salt reactors.
Well, from the laws passed that you said the other day, if electricity got cheaper, it really wouldn’t get cheaper, it would just be taxed more.
So what you’re saying is communism builds character and we should all be so lucky for such
privationspiritual enrichment. /BernieHeh. The re re arrested Ghosn. That guy is never leaving the island.
Now I really do feel sorry for you.
You fuckers had him number 1.
Not in 2011, but then the Reps ran Romney. Fucking Iowa and New Hampshire.
Aggravated breach of trust is the new charge. Unless that’s the Japanese equivalent of fraud it sounds like bullshit.
From what I’ve gathered, the original charges were stockholder fraud and tax evasion. If they want to nail him, he’s toast.
From what I’ve gathered, the original charges were
stockholder fraud and tax evasionnot paying his fair share. If they want to nail him, he’s toast.True. CEO pay is nothing compared to the West. He probably did a little trickery to boost it some and got nabbed by an insider. You’d think it would be a fine, but they want him in the clink.
He’s probably the final puzzle piece to bring Trump down. They have him this time for sure!
That was quick.
No Kentucky Christmas for Carlos-san! It’s not the most implausible reason…
And who cares? Snitching co workers, that’s who.
I mean things could be worse than a hot drunk stewardess on a plane.
The dream of the 60s really is dead
You already know what’s going to happen tomorrow?
Seriously, I screwed up the date and messed up. *That wash of cold sweat feeling*
I’d rather have missed my wife’s bday.
Isn’t the date of purchase what counts more?
Your secret is safe with me. I just logged off of the ASX. I know what happens tomorrow too.
“We have a problem with pilots drinking.”
“Let’s breathalyze the flight attendants.”
“Fucking genius. Let’s do it.”
*translated from Japanese
So, can you facilitate this? From the Last Thread:
Playa Manhattan on December 20, 2018 at 6:34 pm
I have a few friends who are execs at Netflix. They don’t favor the woke stuff per se.
They have a bunch of it because it’s damn near free
So what you’re saying is we could get The Hat and The Hair cartoon on there?
Unlikely for a number of reasons.
Because you’re lying out of your ass?
Some might say that your pitch is going very poorly.
The Hat: Pitch? This ithn’t fuckin thocker!
The Hair: I don’t think that’s what he meant.
Something’s gotta get you through the day.
Fuck it, they’ll never let you alone. Go hikikomori.
Warm apartments are a bourgeois affectation
how the fuck did this comment get here? Should have been beneath the previous commend. I blame soy.
Maybe JAL (and their employees) are getting serious about alcohol while on duty. Multiple incidents over the last year, breathalyzer that could be easily defeated, it was a non JAL employee that noticed the intoxicated pilot at Heathrown.
Although in this case the cabin attendant says she wasn’t drinking but had a dental procedure that didn’t allow brushing so was using mouthwash instead. Interesting that JAL has breathalyzers inflight.
Also, hit that music.
My dad was against weed till his dying day because when he was in the AF somehow a high pilot lead to a plane outright exploding on the tarmac.
The breathalyzer is yet another way for supposed “managers” to shirk their responsibilities and avoid the consequences of using their own judgement.
Either somebody is too fucked up to perform their job, or they aren’t. Either there’s suspicion or there isn’t.
But hey, let’s do it at random and lay somebody out on a mouthwash incident. It’s just protocol.
Ok, I’m pretty sure this whole song is about masturbation, but it’s so damn catchy.
Fuck! I missed an appointment I had fucking around here. That company just called and left a message. Ugh. Left my schedule book at another company by mistake and thought I had the day off. Now I gotta call that company and grovel. Nice way to kick off vacation.
*in The Hat voice* Hehehe, my plan has come to fruition!*
So that’s like what, 45 degree bow and left pinky?
Government work, so they might not care too much. Still…I hate screwing up like this.
Oh, you’ll be early then.
They wait until 3:30pm to call me when the appt was at 9am. WTF?
1. They didn’t want to be impolite.
2. You’re like 3 ft taller than them and scary.
3. It’s the government.
What is a schedule book ?
My day planner. I’m old, Pie. Old.
Do you have a fax machine?
I don’t even have a landline.
He prints out his google calendar every morning.
I guess Shumer and Pelosi were completely wrong. Trump got his spending bill through the House and with 5.7 billion for his wall. Now team blue gets to shoot it down in the senate. Who is shutting down the government in this scenario?
Meh to much money spent on to much bullshit I assume.
How much wall does 5.7 billion build?
If you convert them to Bolivars, you could build a wall out of cash the entire length.
Yeah but the goats would eat it. Do you have goats in America?
Do you have goats in Japan? Are goats real?
Goats in Japan? This anarchy has got to end.
Why are you non Japan based Americans not sleeping?
When I can’t sleep I tend to stay in bed trying although that I understand is not the best strategy
What about you, Pie? It’s what – 6:06 AM in Bucharest?
10:08. I generally wake up at 6:15 and am in the office around 7-7 15
Well, it’s Friday, anyway.
Not only that it is the last work day of 2018
It’s only midnight here!
Because I went to sleep at 1800 and woke up wide awake at 0100?
I blame Arizona
Might as well!
PewDiePie endorses hacking. That dude is growing on me.
Re: Warboners – this guy ( is definitely worth checking out periodically – has a much deeper familiarization with the history and geo-politics of the region and a lot of the associated motivations – puts out some good pieces.
I grew up in a house heated largely by an enormous native white limestone fireplace. No scrubbers, no converters. Just a stone flue.
I can only imagine what the Old Man would have said about this bureaucratic horseshit.