Once again our Beer it Forward (BIF) QB (Nephilium) did us all a solid and set up another BIF in honor of the change of season. Okay, maybe it has to do with bottles exploding in the winter so if we were going to do it, we’ll have to do it now.
I do plan on running reviews from other Glibs in the near future, once we can confirm everyone gets their beer. FOr now, you will just have to deal with me talking about mine. First up, what did I sent to Hyperion The Hyperbole? That’s a good question–a damn good question…well:
You can see a few that might be familiar, others that you haven’t seen. If The Hyperbole want to chime in and tell my how much of an asshole I am for conflating him with Hyperion good guy I am, I’ll let him tell you what he thinks.
As for what I received (H/T Trials and Trippelations):
These come with a bit of backstory. One thing I noticed when I was stationed in the south is they all had, what I considered to be, screwy liquor laws. There were dry Sundays and the like but one that stands out, and likely keeps a lot of craft brewers down is a self distribution law they are lobbying to repeal:
For the second time in as many years, a 20-year-old “secret agreement” between Anheuser-Busch and a North Carolina wholesaler is being highlighted as a key piece of evidence as Tar Heel State brewers look to change a decades-old distribution law. The document, first reported last year by NC media, is part of a franchise agreement between AB and Raleigh-based R. A. Jeffreys that encouraged the distributor to give priority to Anheuser-Busch products above others, which itself would be illegal under a 1989 state law, says a lawyer representing North Carolina breweries suing the state.
According to the Charlotte Business Journal, ABC Commission Administrator Bob Hamilton agreed in the assessment. Last year, distributors noted that “the kind of favoritism suggested in the 1997 franchise agreement is barred by a 2012 state law involving franchisers,” according to the Charlotte Observer.
It all surrounds an ongoing fight to overturn a state law that prohibits self-distribution when a business surpasses 25,000 barrels of production. Two Charlotte-area breweries, NoDa Brewing and Olde Mecklenburg, have helped lead the legal battle for their in-state peers.
Which is something I is something I was surprised to learn Arizona once did, until recently. They may be wrong, but at least they fixed it, right? Many have issues with the InBev distribution deals, but I am ambivalent about it. On one hand it means InBev is fully aware of its inferior product but banks on it’s ability to distribute, and on the other hand it allows a smaller player to quickly gain a bigger footprint. InBev is not making the beer, and they are not making other brewers change their product. If they did, it wouldn’t sell. In the end both sides win, that’s how the market works.
So I picked up my package and was informed by T&T it arrived during the last week of October. Which was good timing because I was out of beer and the World Series was on at the time. The artwork on a few of them as you can tell is much nicer than what I am used to here. There are three IPAs in the package and I drank all of them over the course of the marathon 8 hour game that I totally shouldn’t have stayed up for. But I am a petty sports fan and mainly wanted to see the Dodger loose, so I was disappointed that night. The three IPAs are all in the solid 3-4 range:
- Burial Brewery Asheville, NC Surf Wax IPA 3.1/5
- Catawba Brewery Asheville, NC Hopness Monster IPA 3.5/5 (SEA SMITH APPROVED)
- NoDa Brewing Charlotte, NC Hop Drop and Roll IPA 3.5/5
My beef with IPA is how many of them often taste the same. Your mileage may vary. As for the others:
- Durty Bull Durham, NC Lager . They get extra points because Bull Durham is one of my favorite movies. 3.8/5
- Southern Pines Brewing Southern Pines, NC Malty by Nature Scottish Export Ale. Reminds me of Kiltlifter, in a good way. 3.5/5
- Holy City Brewing Charleston, SC Pluff Mud Porter. Charleston is an awesome city and if you have never been there, you are wrong. This is a nice balance between dark malty beer, while keeping it light. I feel like I can drink dozens of these. 3.8/5
- Ponysaurus Durham, NC Rye Pale Ale. Definitely my pick of this bunch as I have mentioned my affinity for the use of Rye in beverage making. Take that German MEDIEVAL.TOP.MEN. 4.0/5
Specials thanks to Trials and Trippelations for the awesome beer, and Nephilium for putting this on!
For Suthen
Your new Senator awaits.
Thats good…
Now to break into my BIF beers.
Wouldn’t be surprised. Cult of personality and all. But can he make a roux and how is he on the fiddle?
I tried some Rye Ales based on your Rec, a great addition to my palate, Thanks Messy
Thanks Yusef!
I get the feeling the German Purity Laws were protectionist, “those Belgians are taking our profits with their dirty Fruited Beers”
It was also to protect the income of some royalty.
We agree.
I grow both wheat and barley. One is for bread, the other for beer. You figure it out.
It’s soothing, almost cathartic, when you realize how little people have changed over thousands of years.
It gets more fun when you start looking at things like acidulated malt, which is malt that has been treated with lactic acid. So you can use it in a beer that follows the purity laws, while you couldn’t just add some lactic acid to the mash/boil without running afoul of the same laws.
Then you’ve got some styles (like Gose) which were also allowed to be produced in violation of the purity laws. Although the style almost died out before American craft breweries started making again in the past decade.
A grave mistake. X_X
Oi! A well made gose is a thing of beauty on a hot day. Same as a well done radler. Some breweries don’t quite get it though..
/thinks back to a brewery with a 7% ABV “radler”
This relative non-story on Matthew Whitaker, short on details, was the headliner on most prog and ‘mainstream’ news sites yesterday. CNN highlights that he may have not just gone after a Democrat, but a GAY Democrat! Which is super double triple wrong think!
But only tinfoil hat wearing partisan Republicans dare point out the political biases of anyone on Mueller’s crack team.
“No hon, I went after you because you’re a ass.”
What would YOU know about what it’s like to be a homo, ever-persecuted by society and right wingers?
Homophobic slurs hurled at Lindsay Graham are okay though.
CNN highlights that he may have not just gone after a Democrat, but a GAY Democrat! Which is super double triple wrong think!
Did they mention what that disgusting fag Graham had to say?
I don’t know, but I think it’s time for a Voxchart that Voxsplains how Trump directs most of his attacks at the minorities, gays, and women.
Isn’t BIF in violation of state laws? Dormant commerce clause? I always thought this was dumb, but I am one of those weirdos who would get a $50 license from the state to distill whiskey (so that I am in the boundaries of law).
Sort of answers: https://beerconnoisseur.com/articles/beer-shipping-laws-deconstructed
Great minds and all that…
I think that is the most relevant bit.
which glassware survived?
Glass survives well if you pack it right and call it “Optical Glass”
The bliss avenue brewing company Willi Becher.
Are you wearing a wire?
It’s best to just assume she was honeypotted and to ostracize her.
So mead it forward?
It is illegal to ship through USPS unless you have a license (which I remind people of on the BIF side), and then it breaks down to a state by state level as to the legality. For UPS and FedEx it’s technically against policy for them to ship alcohol (unless you have one of those aforementioned licenses), so people get creative if they get asked what they’re shipping. If the state/feds wanted to crack down, going after individuals would be a waste of time, they would just go round up any club running a homebrew competition and throw the book at them.
And distillation requires a federal permit, not just a state one.
Thanks all for participating in the third BIF. I haven’t heard from anyone not getting their package, so I’ll be considering it closed out and completed. Hope you all enjoyed your packages, and had fun picking out items to ship.
I included some glassware in my package to Lackadaiscal. Apparently one of the glasses broke, but all the beer arrived safely. I was probably sloppy adding in the glassware.
Until the brewery closes, or stops giving out so many glasses anyone I ship to will be receiving a lovely Platform shaker glass. I’ve got about a dozen myself, and get 3-4 every year during Cleveland Beer Week at events.
I sent a pilsner and a willi becker. I hope the becker survived. He also got a hat. They are from the leftover boxes from when I closed.
I managed to include a sample of Fat Head’s/Jameson’s Salted Whiskey Caramel Corn, they were handing it out for free at the beerfest I went to the weekend before I shipped. Sadly, none of the breweries at the beerfest were handing out bottle openers this year (which is just strange).
*checks the box again*
Yup, I opened it upside down.
shaker glasses are the american wheats of glassware.
that isnt fair, i drink from shaker glasses.
True. But free glassware is free glassware. I mean, this is what I got for free this year, there’s two tulips in there, sample glasses, shot glasses, and a nonic. And this year was a light haul on free glassware. I’ve got friends who keep complaining that their wives break all of their glasses, and I just can’t understand it. I’ve had two glasses break in the past ten years.
my wife breaks all my glassware. I dont let her near the good stuff.
Mine insisted on all new Ale Glasses for the move, I bought Her 4 Sierra Nevada and 4 Stone brewery, and 4 more generics.
She doesn’t drink beer out of them but Milk!
I use Old Fashioned glasses as cookie presses.
My kids break them. I get them at thrift stores, so it’s not too bad.
Thrift stores, you say? Are you a Pyrex collector, by chance?
good idea Mo!
You can generic Ale glasses from Dollar tree as well, pretty tough too,
@egould, I use Pyrex exclusively yes, but I’m not a collector. The quality has gone down on new glassware, though, so I may become one. Are you a collector? If so, what are you looking for?
Side note: I found a vintage Pyrex double boiler with a lid on eBay that I paid a pretty penny for, but my kid promptly broke the lid. Now it’s worthless.
We’ve been using the same highball glasses we bought at the 99¢ Store 18 years ago.
However, I destroy wine glasses/stemware. Probably been through 4 sets of martini glasses, and countless wine stems in 18 years.
My vintage stuff, though, I am very careful with. I’m a thrift store addict.
@Yusef, that reminds me of a story. When I was in high school, Macy’s downtown KC was going out of business. Our parents took us for the clearance sale and each of us got to pick own set of dishes. Our cabinet was schizophrenic, but it was fun having china, glassware, and silverware that we had picked for ourselves. That was when I fell in love with Old Fashioned glasses.
@egould re thrift store addiction: They’re like a treasure hunt! I found a good bundt pan at one and an old angel food cake pan I couldn’t find anywhere else.
Also, picture frames. The markup at Michael’s and Hobby Lobby and JoAnn is outrageous. I have framing tools so I can get a picture frame with glass, throw out the art, and put in my own art.
I also like vintage Christmas decorations, like those fuzzy little dancing Santas.
Hey Mo,
I don’t need any more Pyrex. I could open a Mid Century Modern vintage shop and have 18 months of inventory. I need to sell shit.
If you’re serious about selling, eBay is your best bet. I use eBay like a garage sale when I’m decluttering.
I love mid-century modern everything, but wouldn’t want to live in it.
Oh yeah. For about 3 years, between 2004-2007, I was buying stuff in L A thrift stores and selling it on ebay. Made some nice dough. And built a very nice collection of mcm tableware, barware, serving ware, linens, artwork, furniture, etc.
It was addictive.
I like mine, TY Neph
Busy but I wanted to stop by long enough tho say I’d like in on the next BIF and that I stumbled across this (actually it showed up in my IG feed) and it’s awesome:
You have plenty of time to think about the next BIF, I’m not planning on running another one until Spring (or someone else can always step up and run one, it’s not like I have a lock on the concept).
spring/fall is perfect schedule, imo.
It’s the safest time to ship, where you don’t have to worry about freezing or temperatures getting up over 100.
You get the best beers that way, as far as seasonals go. Winter/summer seasons are inferior.
Winter is when the big stouts and such come out to play though. All of the breweries in Cleveland release some kind of Christmas ale starting in November. Mainly because Great Lakes (the grandfather of Cleveland brewing) has released one that’s been their top seller for decades. It’s even popular with those who generally do domestic light lager, and it’s on tap at every bar in the area. This year’s Gavel Slammer was just released on Thursday, and that brewery usually releases something special on Black Friday (past years have had BA Gavel Slammer and Batch 200 BA BORIS). January is when Great Lakes releases their BA Blackout Stout (the BA Christmas Ale is due out in a bit).
Summer is much more of a mixed bag for local seasonal releases.
I’d say winter is a mixed bag too, or maybe I’m just remembering overspiced Christmas ales for some reason.
Winter also heralds the release of my favorite seasonal beer. And if you like Belgian beers, it also heralds the release of Trader Joe’s Vintage Ale a veritable steal at $6/750 ml (brewed by Unibroue).
I’m not ever in TJ’s, I may have to reevaluate at that price point. We’ll see how I feel in 6 months. 😛
I used to go more frequently before I moved. Now it’s a pain to get to, so it’s a rare trip, but I needed to pick up some Vintage Ale (and some supplies for Thanksgiving).
Celebration is a bit Meh, I try them every year, always meh,
Sierra Nevada is My favorite Brewery, so I’m not biased……..
“If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective”
that is pure awesome.
Sauntered down to the world famous Reno Room to watch the 2nd half of The Ohio State v MSU game. Drinking a greyhound. Go Bucks!!
That is the only Michigan team they are going to beat, and they only beat the Spartans because of MSU’s cooperation.
Spoiled Dog Alert! Bella loves eggs, but now She will only eat the Yolk, won’t get near the egg whites,
/First World Doggies!
I was listening to the local silly cooking show on the radio today and they are doing a gingerbread house decorating competition. I thought of you Yufus. You should bake up some ginger bread parts and have those grand kids do some ginger bread dioramas.
Hmmmm, the Season is upon us, that will be cool to do, as in, I’ll do just that,Thanks WS!
Please post pictures.
Alcohol distribution laws are evil and the people who lobby to keep them restrictive in any way are assholes. We still can’t buy booze in grocery stores here, and we still have 3.2 beer which is dumb. When I lived in FL, the county I lived in had no Sunday sales but a five minute drive fixed that. Stupido.
3.2 Water, maybe the one cool thing about Cali, 7 days a week, 6 am til 2 am and Grocery stores
I remember living in CO, we always bought our Sunday Beer on Saturday, and Always drank it before the game ever started
/Drunk kids…..
So 3.2 beer is measured as alcohol by weight instead of by volume. 3.2 is actually around 4%, which isn’t that much lower than a Budweiser or Coors.
What they told us in drunk class back in 1985(?) when the state said I needed to go to drunk class, was that all national brands hovered around 4-5% regardless whether it was sold as 3.2 or 6.0. I am sure that has changed with the onset of craft brews who tend to be proud of their alcohol %’s and probably monitor more than the giant brewers. I myself being a cheap bastard buy 3.2 quite often. I don’t notice a big difference if any. Making two different %’s for different locations is just dumb though.
“We still can’t buy booze in grocery stores here”
And the stupidity is underlined by the liquor store located next door to almost every grocery store.
Ohio says, “Hold my bourbon”. Liquor can be sold at the grocery store (under a wine license) if the ABV is under 21%, and most of the major brands produce a watered down version of their liquor for sale at the grocery store. So if you don’t know this, and don’t check, you could walk away with a low ABV version of your booze. Liquor above that 21% cap can only be sold at a licensed state liquor store, which can exist inside the grocery store (Giant Eagle up here has been buying up as many liquor licenses as they can and building state liquor stores inside their grocery stores). You need to pay inside that area, and they’ll put your purchase into a brown paper bag and staple it shut with a receipt so you can shop in the rest of the store.
Having to hide your Liquor? like Penthouse in the mail, back in the day… For Da Chidrens!!!!
No, the bag is sealed so you can’t easily shoplift while you do the rest of your shopping. If you go to a regular liquor store, you can just walk out with your booze like an adult. Although any liquor sales (unless it’s changed) need to be cash only, so better hit the bank before you go pick up your aged single malt.
The Cash thing sounds like pot stores out here, cash and brown bag only, Federalism I guess
The marijuana stores taking cash is because the credit card companies will not accept the dispensaries as clients. Thank the FedGov and operation Choke Point for that.
Neither will Banks accept the money, due to the Fed rules
And the stupidity is underlined by the liquor store located next door to almost every grocery store.
And is why you can’t buy it in the grocery store. Fuckers don’t want the competition and fight it every time it comes up on a ballot. They say it will put them all out of business, and can be proven by all the states that have grocery store sales have no liquor stores.
“When I lived in FL, the county I lived in had no Sunday sales but a five minute drive fixed that. Stupido.”
Not that I disagree with your assessment, but being friends with your local Kwik-E-Mart operator will help you with this.
rrrrrrrr tsting22222 rrrtesting asdwfervxcsdare testingrrrrrrrr
/Filthy keyboard..
You ok, buddy?
Yes, my keyboard wasn’t, and I commented during the test, DUUURRRR
I went to a local brew pub last night. Breaker Brewing company. The place is in a repurposed church and rectory. They replaced the alter with brewing tanks.
Great food and decent beer. They sold $11 flights of 7 beers, 6oz each.
They are IPA and stout heavy, but I like 3/4 of thier beers.
Thats a great price. They should erect a statue of Bacchus or some such.
Seems to be a trend. And that’s a steal for the flights, what were they selling their regular pours at? $3?
$3-6 depends on the size.
Damn. I’ll have to keep that place in mind if I do a road trip to Upstate New York.
You said ‘rectory’ hehehe
I’m going to be in Atlanta in a few weeks, anything worth seeking out while I’m there?
The next flight out of Atlanta?
Ask OMWC, he seems quite fond of the city.
See if you can find some torches, a Union uniform, and combustible buildings.
Coke World is pretty nice. CNN is also there if you want to piss everyone off there with a MAGA hat
The aquarium
Visuals aside, White Zombie can BRING the Death Grind!
Sean Yesault. Banging the base.
You should be so lucky.
Man. I must have been drinking when I wrote this.
Ya, well, most of us were drinking when we read it so all good.
I just started 30 seconds ago, and still liked the post…….
/Tall Cans!
So the news finally hit about the ATC at Las Vegas becoming incapacitated while on position…sorry on phone and can’t link. If you want to hear some of how bad it got…11/8 0730-0800z time frame on LiveATC. KLAS Tower (both).
I worked that night but it was about an hour after whatever the hell happened.
Wow, that’s some scary shit. Was she the only controller on duty?
The other one was on break
Yeah. I listened to all…from when coherent to when…honestly…sounding drunk or a major medical episode. I pulled the paybacks of the surface radar and the planes and pilots did an awesome job of recognizing it was bad.
There is one point, given the configuration of the airport, planes were being directed to a closed runway for departure. She is heard saying they can’t use that runway because “it’s like too cold”.
Surreal, especially since I had colleagues out on the AOA doing work.
I think this is it:
shit, amazing she held on so long
Was not a stroke
Juust woke up. Nice write up. I’m glad you enjoyed the beers. I am pleased one of them got a 4/5 rating
This is a very good question.
What’s going on in AZ MS?
Ends justify means. There is nothing they won’t do for power.
That was yesterday. Sinema is up 20k votes now. They have 400k to tally still.
The process is normal, its just the first time in a long time a statewide race has been this close.
So all the areas the “smart people/pundits” said would break for McSally turned up votes for Sinema? I, like a lot of people are having a hard time believing all the uncounted ballots seem to be going in a certain direction in both AZ and FL and it is totally legit. It’s definitely not in FL and they have been caught turning in illegal ballots in the few hundred provisional ones that got checked.
100k of those remaining were also from Pima county, which is NOT McSally friendly. I’ll wait for.the final count before.I sound the alarm.
What does it say about our system when 100K votes can be outstanding so many days after the election?
We’re fucked.
That was the sentiment Razorfist was expressing. From the outside it looks real shady, but most of the rest of the country some how seems to be able to count ballots in a timely manner.
And is the Senate race truly the only one where lead totals are changing? Every other race is perfectly 50/50 while just the lead for the Senate race is changing?
If The Hyperbole want to chime in
Oh, there’s going to be chiming, you can count on that. I just have to muster up the courage to drink the MoonJuice, once that down I’m going to chime-in the hell out this thing.
How about a nice story, drought? no problem, Aussies! this really works, let nature alone……
Move to where the water is? Classic
True, but this shows how human degraded land can be restored, in spite of Government or a lack of rain, it’s much more fun than old Kinison rants, and it’s free Market!
It’s much better policy than Kinison but much less funny.
Good lord, 62 combined points in Bedlam’s first half.
It’s all Helter Skelter, Madness, Mayhem, AGGGHHH!
Drinking my last BiF beer now, its a canuckistani beer. will do my write up soon.
I just poured three fingers of George Dickel rye. Feeling that tension just melt away.
Just mixed up a Milk and Honey with Legacy bourbon.
*raises glass in Sean’s direction* ?
Cheers Spud.
Just finished dinner, drinking some Celebration after trying an Akron brewery’s Tripel. Bourbon does sound like a nice next step.
that Porter looked good,
/Tall Cans 🙁
That porter was good, but I only had the one bomber. I’ve got several six packs of their Peanut Butter Cup Coffee porter in the fridge as well. It’s only 5.5% instead of the 11.5%.
That’s more a normal Porter IME, Working Beer, like it was/is
I see whiskey in my future
Past, present, & future for me.
Tullamore Dew. Cheers y’all.
Cheers, Raven.
Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout. The last one then back to the cheap beer.
Now that Saturday night drinking is well under way, I’ll just leave this here while we wait for the Saturday night links, or what’s coming next week, or whatever.
Dont gloss over this that used Ozzy’s sample.
(PG-13 lyrics)
I like that better than Spuds.
If you don’t like Lil’ John, you just aren’t trying hard enough. Noimsayun?
I actually prefer music.
Sup Tres!
Both Terrible, this is good,
Every time I see Lil John I expect to see Dave Chapelle.
I keep expecting to see Big Chuck.
I can’t stop staring at her knees.
Yeah, she’s got flabby knees.
I kept waiting for her dress to get higher.
Spud’s is nicer
Just don’t listen to Yusef’s
foo wate
Another One
Wellllllll, okay. I clicked on all those, to my detriment, which I did to be polite because I am going to ask for suggestions.
As you may remember (probably not) (that’s okay), I’m writing a Prohibition-era novel and am struggling over a plot problem. Therefore, I need music.
I am fresh out of suggestions for jazz noir. Wrong time period (40s-50s detective film music) but I really need something dark and slow so I can get my groove back, and I honestly do not like most of what came out of the 20s and 30s. I can only do so much with Gershwin.
You don’t need dark and slow. You need Stuff Smith.
Any relation to Steve Smith?
Considering his contributions to the gene pool, every single member of humanity, past, present, and future, is closely related to STEVE SMITH.
I can use that for some of the speakeasy scenes. Thank you!
Have you heard of a band called Alien Fashion Show? They may fit your need, although they were much more modern then the period you’re talking about.
Ooh, that’ll work somewhat.
Let me return the avant garde flavor: Amon Tobin
Decent, not to my usual tastes, but could fit in the rotation.
If that song will work, they’ve got some jump swing, but other jazzy, slow, and dark songs they do are include a cover of Roxanne, Bad Seraphim, Catwalk, Blue Bed, Cool Thing, and the Owl Song. They only released one album (that I’m aware of), and only toured in my neck of the woods once. It went… strangely. The opener cancelled on them, so they decided to do two sets. The lead singer got drunk from the first set leading into the second, and forgot they played the first set entirely. He then took a picture of all 30-40 of us that were at the show (in a little old school club on Coventry) and said they would put it on their website.
If you’re looking for some other obscure stuff like that, you could look towards the Atomic Fireballs and Lee Press on and the Nails.
I like both of your links. Thanks!
Irving Berlin, puttin on the Ritz,
The Entertainer by Scott Joplin.
Ragtime is cool, but gypsy jazz is even cooler.
(Thumbs up emoji)
LOL That’s the ringer for some of the alarms on my phone.
Or this, and you can enjoy the dancing, too.
I’ve been listening to electroswing to get that vibe. Here’s one for you: St. James Ballroom
Is this close?
Sorta. It works in its own way, though, so thank you!
I’m looking for something akin to but different from .
DAMMIT! I totally SF’d that. L.A. Noire soundtrack.
Miles Davis “Kind of Blue” is what you want.
Yes! Thank you. I have his soundtrack to Elevator of the Gallows on loop, but I’m tired of it.
This is what you need right here.
Movie that came out in the 1970’s about the late 1800’s so the math might work out.
+1 mannequin hanging from a noose.
And today is Ennio Morricone’s 90th birthday.
not in anyway shape or form does not fit the bill at all.
Let me make a few calibrations and fix that for you.
*Grocery shops and opens the gate!
How about mournful and slow?
That link isn’t working for me.
So…pm links?
On Saturday night, it will be SP’s coming attractions post, which is an open thread.
I was wondering the same thing.
I am at blue spruce brewing co in Littleton Colorado because the GF has students doing recitals, and she is doing accompaniment. Am drinking a Blue Spruce Dunkleweizen. It is pleasant. Half the menu is IPAs, because stupid people think IPAs are good beer.
IPA’s can be good beers, especially when well made.
I’m with DJ on this one. There might be a good IPA out there, but I havn’t had it.
What flavor profiles do you generally like, and where in the country are you?
I prefer pilsners, but do like a stout from time to time. Had a Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout earlier, but it was my last one. I am in CO and there is no shortage of IPA’s or brewers. They just don’t taste good. All hopps because apparently an over hoppy beer is in and has been for years.
Yes. Hoppy. It’s like Starbucks burnt coffee: a generation has been taught that good coffee tastes burnt and good beer tastes like hops. Even if they don’t like the taste, they want to appear like they know good beer and order garbage when they would be happier drinking something else.
Yeah, also not a fan. I figure the trend will subside soon enough – like tatts and hair gel.
I’m not drinking and read that as “the GF has students doing rectals….” Maybe it’s time to start drinking.
Sam Adams Octoberfest for me tonight. It’s the best that the hotel bar had on tap.
Great dinner here in Annapolis! Got some blue crab at Cantler’s Riverside Inn.
Sam Adams is usually a good choice.
Drinking Wild Ride 3 Sisters Red Ale. Pretty good, if slightly more hoppy than I prefer. “Cooked” a smoked ham for dinner tonight. So much better than what passes for ham in the deli department these days.
Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur is pretty good. And the bottle looks nice. Not as chocolately as Bailey’s.
Flavor fail corner:
chicken stroganoff.
Yea, I don’t imagine that would be good. Beef stroganoff is a classic; it’s one of the few places I can stand the presence of mushrooms. No need to mess with it.
On the lighter side of things, I made BBQ ribs, green beans, and mashed Yukon potatoes with grated sharp cheddar. Awesome. And there’s plenty of leftover mash to use in potato pancakes tomorrow morning.