This week starts off really well by giving me an extra hour of sleeping, though in reality the whole idea that the gubbmint can dictate what time it is seems like one of those Canute-levels of arrogance that is unfortunately too common among the priestly caste.
The big news is Venus(retrograde) being her bitchy self, but the rest of the sky working to keep her contained. Specifically:
She’s in alignment, but with the Sun (which is directly opposed to the anti-libido of V(r) and with the moon (which diffuses and deflects her retrograde effects). Even better, in opposition to that alignment is Mercury (signifying oppositional/negatory change) and Mars (which is the counterpart to Venus and so puts the kibosh on the retrograde aspects.) Furthermore, Venus(retrograde) is trying to pull her crap while being in Libra. Libra, being the scales of justice, is having none of this backward-ass motion shit. Venus(retrograde) is a terrible sign, but with everything else going on this week, she can just go pound sand.
I know 11/12ths of you are getting irritated at all the attention that the universe is giving Scorpio, so I’ll get it out of the way first. Congratulations on surviving your dry spell. With Venus(retrograde) moving off into Libra, your home life should begin improving immediately. And I do mean home life — having the moon conjoined with Jupiter indicates that any problem you are having with extramarital partners will lag behind your spouse resolution-wise.
We’ve already talked about Libra having to play host to Venus(retrograde). Ordinarily, this would be bad, but as mentioned above, all the celestial censors are doing their part to shield you. So good news! Your week isn’t going to suck as the primary signs would indicate!
Aquarius still has to deal with Mars for another couple of weeks or so. Expect less belligerence starting about Nov 15.
Saturn in Capricorn is good for achieving your Glibfit goals. Start making room in your waistband for Thanksgiving dinner now.
Mercury in Sagittarius is an auspicious time for hunting. Also, this indicates that I’ll finally be able to get my father’s pistol out of gun-jail. About fucking time.
Loved the extra hour of sleep.
And first.
I’d like it more if the dog would reset her watch as well.
no kidding
Mine must have thought it was “spring ahead”. She slept in longer than me.
Wait, that doesn’t make sense…I’m going back to bed.
Unfortunately mine has an upset stomach (I don’t know what she ate – rabbit poop?) and woke me earlier than usual*. Fortunately, she seems to be feeling better, wanting to eat, drink, go for walks, but I’m watching to decide if we need to go to the vet.
*she didn’t make it outside in time for the first wave, so this week is starting out pretty shitty.
We just had this happen. Kota had diarrhea for 4 days. We called the vet to see if we should bring her in; he recommended two Pepto-Bismol tablets twice a day, and get her on a “bland” diet. I.e rice, cooked and drained hamburger, real chicken, stuff like that. Not sure how much was the diet and how much was the bug had ran it’s course, but she got better pretty quickly.
Important dosing fact: Kota weighs ~70 lbs, so go a lot lighter on the Pepto with smaller dogs.
Ooh, my dog would love getting human food all the time.
(Thankfully, he doesn’t have diarrhea.)
I fed her rice w chicken broth this am and gave her a photo. She definitely wanted to go for walks, but slower than normal. I’ll call the vet tomorrow regardless because rimadol can cause this. (No rimadol until I talk to vet.)
Ahh…yeah, the Rimadol changes things. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
A pepto, not photo. It’s recommended for greyhounds.
Best wishes for your pup and hope it clears up on its own. Sucks when the little guys aren’t doing well and can’t ask them what’s going on (or maybe it’s better that they can’t?).
I just about have myself talked into getting a dog. I havn’t had one since the early ot’s.
Despite cleaning up after a sick dog at 5:00am, I think you should get a dog. It’s worth it.
No doubt… I was up killing off a whole magnum of wine last night and slept super late… Glad to see I have an hour to get shit done.
I didn’t notice until the Horoscope was late, then it wasn’t……..
There’s a couple of things on gunbroker I’m watching that end tonight. We’ll see how much drunk bidding i do tonight.
That counts as hunting, right?
Only if you’re wearing camo.
Or going commando.
Why not both?
I have a nice pair of camo underwear for just such occaisions.
Drunk, sitting at the computer in camo underwear, bidding on guns. That’s a good Sunday.
Hard to argue against.
The last two links go to the same video. Which seems like something we should not have to take any more.
If that’s his best, his best won’t do.
Obviously, the last link was supposed to go here
It might be PTSD instead.
And you wonder why there’s a 40% suicide rate.
My first reaction to anyone who is transgender is to think ‘wow, they are so unhappy.’
So NHS does pay for the important things.
Meanwhile, people with cancer are dying on the waiting list to get their procedures done.
Don’t give me that shit about farmers. Cows can’t tell time.
I haven’t seen anyone (including farmers) say it helps farmers. The argument I have seen is that it improves safety of kids going to school in the morning.
And electrical usage.
Hah! My home state of Queensland (Australia) is the only one that doesn’t use Daylight Savings. Back in the 1980s, the government was dominated by a rural-based party. They opposed DST “for the farmers.”
When I left Indiana, I remember thinking that no daylight savings time was the only good thing about the place. Since then, they’ve decided to go with the herd and try DST. Well, good thing I left before there was nothing good about the place.
I’m assuming they don’t change their time because the official clock is surrounded by gympie-gympie trees and vipers?
“The late premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen insisted the “extra” hour’s daylight faded curtains while in an appeal to dairy farmers [he] claimed their cows needed to be milked an hour earlier for the milk to be collected on time.”
*looks at cheap, faded curtains, ponders…*
Seems legit to me.
Hopped in the shower and was greeted to tepid at best water, almost like Trump getting tinkled on by ruskie piss-whores. Seems the Honeywell controller on my water heater conked out. Anyone have experience with that? Tips or tricks before I drop $120 on a replacement?
(I did perform due-diligence and called customer support, and got talked through diagnosing that its the controller and not the thermopile)
Wow. $120 just for the controller? I’d seriously consider putting that money towards a new water heater.
I love Technology, they added a circuit board to a 30$ Gas valve and Still has a standing pilot, but does nothing for performance, then sell it for 120$
Or ruskie piss-whores?
Spend the money if it’s 5 years old or less, otherwise buy a new WH
Just the board alone is $109
Make sure it just doesn’t need to be reset, usually can find the instructions online.
Did you try unplugging it, waiting 30 seconds, and plugging it back in?
There isn’t a lot you can do besides a reset, you don’t repair Circuit boards these days
I don’t really believe in astrology.
But I’ll never get romantically entangled with another scorpio.
Is it wrong that it’s only 11:30 and I already have a beer in front of me?
It’s 12:30 here, so you’re cool.
Can’t say you drank all day if you don’t start in the morning.
Also, it’s 12:30
No it’s 10:35
I opened my first at 11
And if I recall, on our football Sundays, weren’t we already well into the first bottle of wine by 10 am kickoff?
This is true.
What is also true is that this day has been officially written off.
Yes, you should have a bourbon to back that beer up.
/came home with a case of this and a bomber of this.
Those both sound interesting.
They’re both really good. The Nut Smasher has won the past four (I think, I know three for sure) Heavyweight Brewer’s Brawl. The Brewer’s Brawl is an event in the middle of summer put on by Fat Head’s where all the beers entered into the competition must be at least 7.5% ABV. The fact an Imperial Porter continues to win (in the middle of summer no less) is amazing.
Is it wrong that it’s only 11:30 and I already have a beer in front of me?
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere.
No it is not wrong.
What an ugly day. Cold, windy, rainy, dreary, dreary, dreary. At least the snow turned back into rain. For now.
Time to teach my daughter how to clean a gun.
We’ll be picking up a Springfield 911 for her later this week.
Those look pretty cool. You getting the We The People one?
He’ll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth.
Beware of Scorpio!
His twisted twin obsessions are his plot to rule the world
And his employees’ health.
He’ll welcome you into his lair
Like the nobleman welcomes his guest
With free dental care and a stock plan that helps you invest!
But beware of his generous pensions
Plus three weeks paid vacation each year
And on Fridays, the lunchroom serves hot dogs and burgers and beer!
He loves German beer!
When you catch your child commenting on a post.
More like:
I gotta remember to use that one.
Only on Thursdays.
From the album Chicago Plays the Stones: Sympathy for the Devil by Billy Branch
Expect less belligerence starting about Nov 15.
From myself or others?
Start making room in your waistband for Thanksgiving dinner now.
After inspiration from the morning links, I am working on a pumpkin recipe.
I’ve got a couple of test recipes to make before Thanksgiving, but there’s been no special requests, so it’s pretty much open for me to make anything.
In shirt related news, my brother in law loves the shirt. My sister… is not a fan. Now that she’s seen it, my BIL has referred to the shirt as the leg lamp of fire station shirts.
So to the campusreform article in the morning links. I am routinely baffled at these assholes calling everyone fascists as they support actual fascist things, such as being anti-
capitalistfree-market. The fucking ‘tards need to read a book.Football food today is asian chicken tacos and I have a pot of candied jalapenos reducing on the stove to top a burger later. Or maybe tomorrow if I eat too many tacos. I like to keep a jar of candied japs in the fridge but got out of the habit. Excellent on pulled pork.
Had a crepe with prosciutto, emmenthaler, and cornichon. Served with a simple salad of mixed greens and mustard vinaigrette. Black coffee, and a Stone IPA.
For dinner I’m giving my colon a break, and keeping it simple tonight. Chicken breast sautéed in evo and butter, finished with chopped olives and lemon. Spinach salad with feta, chopped tomato, chopped cucumber, chopped parsley, chopped red onion, red wine/lemon vinaigrette.
sounds great. dinner chicken needs capers and white wine.
I’ve recently started getting into crepes. You do anything special for yours?
Yeah. I drove to this place for breakfast.
I made pretzel rolls that I will eat with some prosciutto.
I have tri-tip in crock pot. Going to have with mashed potatoes and gravy.
Wife baked a homemade baguette yesterday so I made up some pizza bread for lunch. Already had some pizza sauce made up.
I knew guns were sentient and could commit crimes on their own.
Long, but fascinating.
Thats what she said?
Moral preening
Google’s sophisticated employees understood that their walkout would be covered in news media worldwide. They probably also understood that the Times story on its own would motivate Alphabet’s senior leadership to change internal sexual harassment policies.
The employees were therefore doing more than requesting workplace changes like the dropping of mandatory arbitration for contract-related disputes, or that the company’s chief diversity officer report directly to Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai.
The Google employees who walked out were taking a public, collective stand in the broader conversation about sexual harassment. They were able to make that statement in part because they were Google employees, whose actions would make news and whose cultural prestige put significant weight into their protest.
Management seems to have interpreted the protest in this way. In an email, Pichai acknowledged that the problem of harassment “had persisted for far too long in our society.” And he promised his employees “the support you need” in connection with the walkout. In essence, Pichai was trying to get behind the walkout. That may have been clever corporate management, but it was also a recognition that the walkout did not need to be interpreted as criticism of Alphabet so much as an act of societal protest.
“We’re all #METOO, now!”