Today I wanted to talk about a local news story. I thought it would be nice to cover a local story. No story here is too local.
This is my review of Deschutes The Abyss 2017 Release (H/T: Riven)
This story starts when a boy from Tucson turned 6 years old. He wanted to throw a party, and his mom thought it would be nice. The problem? Nobody showed up so she did the sensible thing and shamed everyone invited on social media. No seriously.*

I am not going to put a caption here to make fun of a child. BUT I WILL NOT STOP YOU FROM MAKING FUN OF A CHILD
– My first problem with this:
The reason the entire class was shamed on social media is because the entire class was invited. Now this is a practice I encountered and I don’t particularly care for it. It forces parents to invite children their child doesn’t like to parties because it may hurt the uninvited child’s feelings. Okay, fine. So I have to invite the snowflakes too. Here’s an issue I had–planning around the idea that 30 kids will be attending this party meant financially allocating funds for a 30 person party. Granted only 10 showed, after they RSVP. If my kid wants to invite other people in his or her class to a party, everyone in the class must be invited. Including the smelly one.
I thought part of the reason we have schools is social immersion? Lets be real, that’s what most people got out of school, it certainly wasn’t reading. By doing this, it eliminates the possibility that a child can grow up knowing there are people out there they won’t get along with, or how to deal with these people. After all, if you don’t want somebody’s company you don’t invite them over. For a parent of a child that has few friends, this might seem challenging but I found a way around this by inviting a few relatives that had kids of their own.
Otherwise if nobody wants to be around you, eventually you figure it out. It makes you wonder if people act the way they do today is the result of poor adjustment to social interactions. Say what you want about social media, but perhaps another issue is nobody ever learned to handle things like confrontation, dissapointment, or failure. When encountered by such things they simply resort to their lowest level of social training.
– My other problem with this:
Another problem I have with this is the kid’s mother went and posted this to social media. Really Lady? Your kid is having a terrible day, so lets take a picture and show the entire world how much you think other people suck. Immortalize it forever. Let me ask a question, is there perhaps a reason nobody showed up? Perhaps the class is mostly girls and had no interest in going to a boy’s party? Perhaps enough people in the class got sick and stayed home? Perhaps your kid is the smelly kid? Perhaps coddling your child is not going to do him any good once you are no longer there to protect him from the world? Am I going to hear from Andrew Napolitano for imitating his writing style?
“Hey everyone. Check out how much this kid’s mom thinks he’s a loser.” I am sorry, but that’s what I got out of your post.
– The silver lining:
If there is a winner in all of this, its the Phoenix Suns. Yes, I know they suck but lets be real, they aren’t going to get too many real wins. Somebody affiliated with the team saw this, pulled a few strings, and got the kid courtside tickets–to the Suns vs. Lakers game. Pretty nice of them considering somebody would have paid real money for courtside seats to see LeBron play.
So how is this beer? I gotta hand it to them, I didn’t think tequila would go well with an imperial stout, but I admit I am wrong. Tequila you see, is not aged nearly as long as whiskey (Anejo is only aged 1-2 years) so it doesn’t take on the properties of the oak barrel like whiskey. This beer is more “woody” rather than “whiskey soaked.” The stout is neutral, without overpowering chocolate or coffee notes. Standard dry Irish style. Good luck finding it. Deschutes The Abyss 2017 Release: 4.2/5
*The possibility of this story being a hoax was pointed out by the stellar editing staff at Should this be a hoax, it does not improve my opinion of these people. Not only would they be liars, they got free courtside tickets to the Suns game and thus were rewarded for lying. Screw that.
I’m tired of this ageism bullshit. I’m going to treat your child just the same way I treat an adult which is just the same way I treat the half dead corpse of a human being going 35 in a 45 in the left lane. Like the asshole that they are.
Don’t worry. No one hates you more than you hate yourself.
*The possibility of this story being a hoax was pointed out by the stellar editing staff at
Cheeky, cynical bastards they are!
That sounds nicer than I would have imaged as well. I tried drinking tequila and beer once, it didn’t end well!
Incidentally, so did I.
The thing I don’t get is who do they think they are? If I’m having a private party in my home, it’s none of the school’s damn business who I invite.
True. The only way to enforce it is if the kid hands out invitations at school. If I was confident enough kids knew their own address I could mail them to exactly who my kid wants.
Mail? How quaint!
Hey, who are you callin quaint?
Judging by the mother’s other actions, I assumed it was to see how big a pile of gifts the kid would receive. Shooting for “peak gift”.
“The thing I don’t get is who do they think they are? If I’m having a private party in my home, it’s none of the school’s damn business who I invite.”
All of your children is belong to us /the government
Nevertheless, it’s still far more credible than the official line.
This article has literally everything that I hate in it. Children, birthdays, unattractive Moms (MIDNWTF), photographs, attempts at using children to guilt adults, almost certainly shitty pizza, Mexicans, and finally stouts.
What’s wrong with photographs?
Where did you pull Mexicans out of this article?
Surprised he didn’t mention his hatred of sharpshooters.
What’s wrong with Stouts?
This comment was everything I hoped of it.
And completed expected from him.
I hated the whole party thing when my son was younger.
The last party where we felt obligated to invite his entire school class was held at his taekwondo school. I was so proud of my son as he’d had enough of the whole crappy presents thing that it was his own suggestion to donate the toys. His birthday is the end of November so we gave the whole lot to Toys for Tots and said that was we were doing on the invitation.
We got a ton of presents and good stuff too!
I’ve some Deschutes beer before. They did a great job on those beers. I’ll look for this one.
Oh. I guess I should have paid more attention to the picture. “Remarkably limited release.” Shit. It’s probably all gone.
Aaah, I didn’t see that either. I am a fan of Deschutes as well.
I dunno. I’m sticking with “the mother put the wrong date on the invitations.” There would have been at least one kid who’d show up just for cake.
She didn’t call any of the parents before the party?
She probably didn’t have their numbers. If I had to invite every kid in the class, I wouldn’t bother with RSVPs, and I wouldn’t call their mothers (if I had their numbers) to shame them into giving me a yes or no.
Perhaps I should have thought of that as a reason nobody went to the party?
Still, not one parent called to confirm the time date, or location? Not one parent called about their kid’s food allergy or some other nonsense? It’s hard to believe.
I got ten bucks if this actually happened, the Mom put the wrong date or some other misunderstanding. No way an entire class would snub a kid when free pizza is involved. The fat kids would have showed up.
Yeah, the free pizza is the give away, the moocher parents along with their fat kids are going to show for free food, always. And they’ll stick around after the party to see if you want them to save you from throwing out all that perfectly good leftover food. It’s not like I’ve never done this party thing before.
Check the kid’s backpack. There might just be a bunch of invitations in there that he forgot to hand out. He’s only six (almost).
Is it Wednesday yet? This political season is one of the worst shit shows I’ve had the displeasure of witnessing in my lifetime. Team Blue is going to take the house and Team Red is going to expand it’s margin in the Senate. We’ll have two years of government gridlock which signals good times for the American people. The infighting will prevent the government from “helping” us. And by help, I mean…
I’m not a big Deschutes fan but I can typically find limited regional release beers around here. I’ll keep an eye open for this one.
And by help, I mean…
So do they.
You know what Wednesday is? The full-on kick-off for the ’20 Presidential election. And the media will have nothing better to report on than every fucking Blue asshole aspiring to their 15 minutes of fame by demonstrating how un-Trumplike they are.
Wow. Just kick me in the balls next time.
You have my word as a gentleman.
Why would I let you off that easy?
You guys suck on ice. I love this forum.
I think I had one birthday party as a kid. I hated it. I hated going to them. I hate adults that have birthday parties. I hate people. I’m filled with hate.
I love you, man.
Hate Paper Doll
Not their best. Fortunately there was a link to I Don’t Want to Know If You Are Lonely.
People suck. It is known.
I remember one Bday party as a ute. I got this album as a gift from one kid.
Get out the vote on the Twittter
“Moderate to severe fuck-its”. Nice
If there’s only one kid at the party….. Who ate the other 5 pieces of pizza?
I’ll bet mom goes at least 2 bills.
I try to buy a couple of bottles of The Abyss each year for the local Liquor and Poke store. I’ll have to see if it has arrived.
Maybe the kids were pizza snobs and holding out for some good pizza?
“Local liquor and Poke store”
I want to live where you live
Liquor in the front, poker in the back.
*standing ovation*
Most of my first dates are the other way around.
Liquor in the back, poker in the front?
Where’s HM when an ass eating meme is truly needed.
No kidding. My kingdom for some poke.
OK…. For people who don’t have young kids, here’s how these things work now:
All of this stuff is done through Evites (or paperless post, or eventbrite, you get the idea). At the beginning to the school year, you get a class directory with the parents’ emails and cell phone numbers.
Not once have I ever gotten a kids’ birthday invitation in the mail. In fact, if one was mailed here, I probably wouldn’t even get around to opening it until after the party.
I have no idea what actually happened here because the story is short on the facts, but the most likely scenario is that Mom and Dad need to step up their game.
It’s Tucson. I hear they barely got high speed internet in 2016.
Then NN ended and they all died?
…would explain why no one showed up.
Yeah, I don’t see any possible downsides to that idea.
There’s an opt out.
I haven’t used it. I want other parents to be able to get ahold of me if they need to.
I’m betting that no kids were invited and this was a social media ploy from the get go.
That was my thinking the first time I saw this story and my mind has not changed.
Kids in my son’s class bring invitations to school and hand them out. Maybe this kid has a stack of invitations stuffes in the bottom of his back pack?
Reports of needles in Halloween candy in Salem, NH
Police say a man came to the Salem Police Department Friday and reported finding “sewing needles” inside several pieces of candy that had been handed out during trick-or-treating.
The man said they went trick-or-treating in the neighborhoods off of Kelly Road, but did not know which residence the candy came from. Salem’s official trick-or-treating time was Wednesday (Halloween) from 6 to 8 p.m.
Images from Salem Police show needles stuck inside of small chocolate bars.
It was witches! Salem, NH. Oh, then it’s just a hoax.
Where has my America gone.
I never heard of official trick-or-treating times until I moved to New England.
I’m calling shenanigans.
Hmm. Now I’m worried that my Snickers-with-asbestos will be taken the wrong way.
What’s the ABV on this stuff?
Double digits. I want to say 11%
Today is National Cliché Day. Yes, I know, that info as about as useful as a lead balloon.
Side note: I Learned there is a couple (Thomas and Ruth Roy, Wellcat Holidays) that invents and copyrights holidays. That’s way up there on the “wait, what now?” list.
*counts chickens before they’re hatched*
Don’t you mean its as useful as tits on a bull?
The way you talk makes me as horny as a 3-balled tomcat.
I think it’s pretty cool, like farting through silk.
This is like the worst chat room ever.
It is more effective than a screen door on a submarine.
You reap what you sow
Sucks to be you. It’s like you don’t even cliche, bro.
Why don’t you make like a tree, and get out of here.
Hate to burst your bubble, but it is national sandwich day which is better.
ENB hardest hit
Dear ENB, please accept these nice sammich ingredients and make us a nice sammich. Which we will share with you since we see your bony ass is starving. /Glibertariat
She really does need to eat more, I suspect she’d be much better looking (healthier too) with 5-10lbs more on her.
There’s no accounting for taste.
I made roast beef and provolone sandwiches on toasted home made bread. With mustard mixed with horseradish, garlic, and black pepper. Twas yummy.
I made a grilled cheese and bacon with swiss and pepper jack served alongside jambalaya. To die for.
I have half of a spicy chipotle chicken panini sammich, so I’m in luck. I can just re-grill that. After I eat the salad and stuffed peppers the wife just made. Oh, I forgot, then we’re making steamed snow crab clusters and corn on the cob. Well, I might miss sammich day.
So….. the tally so far.
1 woman who may have had sincerely held beliefs, but probably didn’t.
3 women who were definitely lying.
That’s not a very good track record.
Democrats probably couldn’t have wrecked the MeToo movement harder if they tried.
He should ruin their lives with a defamation lawsuit. He won’t, but he should.
The discovery process itself would be worth it.
“That’s not a very good track record.”
Besides being investigated and just having been ordered to make a large cash payment to someone he screwed over, that’s all that Avenatti has on his resume for the 2020 run. Why does no one think of the sleezy whorettorneys?
The wind picked up here and started blowing leaves all over. I was reminded of the birds.
This deck was pristine an hour ago…
Wife cleaned ours spotless yesterday. Just looking out right now, there’s about a foot deep of leaves on there.
Just heard this one on Secret Agent Radio. Good stuff…
I tried drinking tequila and beer once, it didn’t end well!
Tequila is not alcohol, it’s some other sort of drug. Stuff will mess you up, no beer required.
I cant keep up lately.
Bday party story…complete bullshit.
Halloween candy laced with nuclear bombs….complete bullshit.
What the hell is wrong with people? Me me me me me…yeah, whatever.
I am hoping all of the predictions about election day are wrong and the dems get their asses handed to them all the way around. It will be fun watching them freak the fuck out on top of what they have already lost. I hope they go full revolution and all of the soyboys march in the streets.
Shit, now I have to go again.
I’ll just list two huge contributing factors to all this bullshit.
the media
public education
Both need nuked from space
Deschutes also makes this.
Me likee velly mucho.
I haven’t found anything of theirs I like. Except the labels.
Shit, now I have to go again.
Must be something you et.
I may tell the story of what happened to me last wednesday night sometime. I will wait for another SugarFree article to tell that story.
I love Idaho. This school is about 20 minutes away. Must have triggered a Cali transplant.
I’m currently drinking a Bavik Super Pilsner from Belgium. Very nice beer.
Love the groveling from the functionary. Dude, grow a pair.
The reason they are upset is dumb, but I don’t think the teachers should be making apparently political points in school… if they were just having a kickass costume, that is different.
I agree.
Same. Meanwhile, school district here hangs pro illegal alien posters. Gets ripped down by someone so of course they have to investigate.
It’s adjacent to deep blue Ada.
So, I fill out and seal my mail-in ballot voting straight L. Before I can mail it in I read that Rick Breckenridge (the L Senate candidate) has thrown his support to the Rosendale (or whatever his name is) the R candidate. Seems it only just now occurs to him that third-party votes could again give the election to Testor. Thanks a lot Breckenridge I’ve moved from MA to MT just so I can vote for another Bill Weld with an L after his name. Couldn’t have thought about this before you ran in the first place?
FU Dickie I’m voting for you anyway. That way if Testor wins you can suck on it for the next six years.
So, I’m voting against someone by voting for them.
I’d have chucked the ballot, but I wanted to voted against most of the initiatives.
Breckenridge was a shit libertarian candidate. Rosendale was more a friend to libertarians, imo, and I cant stand Tester.
I did vote for Swanson, though; she’s a good gal.
Also voted against most of the initiatives. **high five**
Wow, MS, you really liked this one. Have you given a higher grade?
Also, I miss Riven.
I miss you, too!
Others also, but especially you. 🙂
I didnt try the tequila barrel aged option, but their standard 2017 reserve was damn fine. Saw the tequila option on the shelf, and it just screamed Mexican Sharpshooter to me. I had to have it… and hear about its taste from someone else
That’s wasn’t meant to be a smartass comment, tirador de primera. I’ve just seen a lot of 3-point-somethings and couldn’t remember a 4-point. FWIW, I hope you find that 5.0 someday. Right after your long lost uncle that you never knew bequeaths you $50k in his will.
See? That’s why I miss Riven.
I was serious too. I’m just on my phone and too lazy to look up which one it was because I can’t remember which one it was. I want to say it was the Goose Island Bourbon Barrel Stout last year.
Just two weeks ago was this:
Grand Canyon Brewery Will o the Wisp Bourbon Barrel aged imperial Pumpkin Ale 4.8/5
Yeah and all thought I was trolling you…its cool. I sent one to Hyperion, so we’ll see who’s trolling who.
You bastard! Hyperion!?! I have never been so insulted!
I’m going to drink it mañana while I watch the Browns kick the Chiefs’ asses, I’ll report after.
I’d have chucked the ballot, but I wanted to voted against most of the initiatives.
I listen to Pandora during the day, and they run that goddam sad-mommy ad whining about “thousands of miles of poisoned rivers” about every fifteen minutes. Vote for 186, because we don’t need no stinkin
minesjobs around here. I never hear any anti-186 ads, so I was beginning to wonder if there were any. But- the other day I was watching some youtube stuff (vintage sprint cars from Langhorne, PA- spoiler alert: Foyt wins it) and I saw a series of anti-186 ads. So maybe there’s hope.At least the voter info pamphlet Stapleton pointed out that at least three terms in I-186 were undefined and would need to be clarified at a later date.
Then again, I guess those voters who care about that sort of thing are few and far between.
Most people here fall into “my daddy worked in a mine! Dont you take our jobs!” or “Mines are bad, mkay? You shouldn’t even have mines.”
And yet most of the people in favor of this want what’s mine.
I see lots of anti 186 signs and bumper stickers – but then I can see a limestone mine out the kitchen window.
Stupid initiative. Want to make paving roads more expensive? This is how you do it.
Has anyone listened to this Papadopoulos interview?
I am part way through. Very interesting.
After listening to it, either Papadopoulos is a really good liar or he was set the fuck up and there are numerous people in the Obama administration, FBI, and maybe CIA that need to be ushered in front of a grand jury. One horrible consequence if the D’s take the house is it will all just go away to protect Obama.
“Eventually you figure it out”
I was expecting a link to a picture of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Going another brisket, but it is a small cut of the point. Also have some bacon-wrapped sausages, stuffed mushrooms, and smoking a potato and onion for a small potato salad.
Life is good
That sounds tasty. This is funny, because I doubt it convinces people my age vote
Tax cuts for the rich? Hell yeah! I’m rich as f***.
That was Cool,
This “fuck old people; they’re the cause of all our current problems; once they die we might finally have utopia” meme is pretty obscene. I’ve heard it for years (since gay marriage was a hot topic) and it’s always made me regard its speaker with contempt. “Ageism is OK when we do it.”
That was good.
I did some light cleaning around the house, now I’m all itchy. I must be allergic to cleaning. Can I get disability for that?
IANAL, but, sure, why not?
I really hope this kids parents don’t get rich off of this.
The teacher cannot escape?
Oh, thanks for clarifying that they were in the room. You couldn’t incorporate that fact into the previous sentence? We need separate lines for three awkward sentences that could easily be rolled into one.
I’d smack him, too.
Damn, that’s some fire and passion. And question marks? Who needs question marks.
Who needs editors?
The student said some racist shit, that probably set the teacher off. Especially since the teacher has had issues before.
…a student said, grinning the entire time.
So much derp on display.
Our news was covering swastikas and other crap in bathrooms at a local university. I sez to the wife: dollars to doughnuts that this was perpetrated by some kid wanting to raise awareness and not some actual anti-semite.
You have a 100% chance of winning that bet.
Now now, it might be some antisemite who projects his hatred onto others and wants to raise awareness that he thinks others are horribly antisemitic.
James Polite is a G name, though.
For those trying to get on the naughty list. Lol.
I think that’s convinced my wife, at any rate.
Some musical accompaniment.
Slightly more direct
This JP interview got hilarious at the end:
“As someone honest.”
I can’t not like him.
Yeah, he’s cool.
That framing is shit, the camera man who shot it and the editor who didn’t fix it in post should be fired.
How his head is part-way out of the shot?
I don’t have much of an artistic eye, but it started bugging me.
Yes, on the Over The Should Reverse Shot he should be on left side of the frame, but not down in the corner. It makes the shot look bad, but also makes the cut between that shot and the wide shot not work and makes the edit look choppy.
This is one of the greatest things pointed out in the Plinkett Reviews, even if the viewer doesn’t notice bad film making on a conscious level, their brain still knows it’s wrong.
Perhaps the cameraperson was hired on the basis of equity rather than competence?
“what is your biggest regret”
“That I can’t have multiple orgasms”
I’m an hour and fifteen into the interview and it’s been pretty interesting. She’s handcuffed by ideology.
Yes, but she is certainly more reasonable than other hostile interviewers have been, and I don’t feel like she had any terrible moments. She is able not to lose her composure (except the fidgeting) when he scores points, which I think helps.
I agree. There’s a lot of journalists that could learn something from her. Like journalism. It was obvious that her preconceived notions locked her up when he didn’t respond the way she expected him to.
Proof that Beto-mania is sweeping the country. Just not in Texas.
What’s the correlation between Beto-mania and beta-mania?
Well, one is phony, and should bite the dust…….
From your link: “Harsh, but fair: The Root formally requests that Hillary Clinton ‘go sit her a** down somewhere“
Also: “Oh my: Now David Hogg has declared that the gerrymandering on campus is ridiculous”
What do you figure he thinks gerrymandering means?
gerrymandering, verb
The act of standing in line for Ben and Gerry’s new #Resist ice cream.
I’m going to guess it means that blacks and whites don’t sit together in the dining halls and he thinks “gerrymandering” is all about race.
Someone needs to tell him it’s more like gender fluidity.
What a surprise from piglet. His admissions weren’t rejected because he was a scholar & a thinker.
This is right down the street from me. I had no idea. Would be pretty cool but if I had the money I wouldn’t spend it on that.
I’m hungry. I want dead animal flesh protein. Where shall I go?
Smoked animal flesh at some dive bbq joint that also serves booze.
Most people here fall into “my daddy worked in a mine! Dont you take our jobs!” or “Mines are bad, mkay? You shouldn’t even have mines.”
I’m so sick of the egregious lies from the anti mining side i wouldn’t care if they really did strip mine Emigrant Peak.
CERN huh. You might be on to something elf girl.
I’ve never really listened to her before, but I found her election video awesome, I don’t think she is old enough to run for president, but I would vote for her anyway.
I had to cancel a birthday party in middle school because of a presidential assassination and the resultant city wide movement controls. I was displeased. Fuckers couldn’t have waited one more day to blow the dude up?
I’ve found assassins to generally be a selfish lot.
It was a nice country – aside from the bombs. And unless you were very unlucky those were more a nuisance than anything.
What country was that?
What country did you grow up in?
I’m guessing Chechnya.
I got five on Croatia.
Sri Lanka?
OT: On the dead thread from last night. I’ve actually watched Ituzra na kissu.
I’d suggest Koi wa Ameagari no You ni. No idea on the manga, but the anime is quite platonic. Of course many woke folk here didn’t care for it.
I prefer live action to anime, but I’ll have to add that one. I see it’s available on Amazon Prime.
Leon Czolgosz ruined alot that day.
Definitely Ruined Mark Hanna’s day:
Hate to write this, but due respect: LOL
Gab now hosted by Epik.
Back up tomorrow? I may have to register out of basic principle.
That’s what I did last weekend. Don’t know if I’ll ever use it, but like you said, principle.
I… wow.
“Have you seen the name?”
“Is this the type of amazing actor and nice person we want delivering a preachy liberal speech this award season?”
The words are in English but none of it makes any sense to me.
Deadpool makes funny video about Wolverine…wait I don’t think that’s in your wheelhouse either.
Huh, who knew
Enh, for now I’m gonna withhold judgement on the obvious connection they’re trying to make given that it seems he has mental health issues and grew up in foster care.
What’s really sad is that I feel no surprise at all.
Yeah….I pretty much expected something like that
It may be a little more complicated than that post is implying.
So she got her claws into a sixteen year old foster kid with mental issues and probably tried to mold him in her image.
Not so crazy as to not be able to get through Brandeis… which has scrubbed him from their alumni page.
Took all of 30 seconds to mention the hate crime combating thing. Why is this guy lying about CNN?
I appreciate what you’re doing here. I will note that the broadcast Saavedra references is from a tweet at around noon and the video in the link you posted was from 4 pm.
It is always good to examine our own biases first, and anything that caters to them. I don’t think eh is lying, but it also sounds like he didn’t give them much of a chance(?), it may be difficult to do so, given some of their reporting.
Or rather, his tweet is from noon(?), braodcast seems to be from 3 pm. I must be in the wrong timezone according to twatter.
I think he is speaking of the CNN clip he has linked in his tweet where they mention none of that.
Watched 4 flicks total for VA Film Festival. Reviews should be up tomorrow but just wanted to post the trailer for the last flick I caught today. This animation is unlike anything I’ve seen before – really enjoyed it but talk about different. Highly recommended if you can catch it (probably out on netflix/BR/amazon eventually).
So Michigan crushes Penn St. and OSU barely gets by Nebraska. Not looking good for Buckeye fans.
I watched it with that in mind. As much as I love my tOSU, I suspect they’ll get flattened next week.
Let’s hope Michigan wins this year and finally shuts up the tOSU fans.
why do you hate Sloopy ?
I only hate what a shill for tOSU he is. That, and obnoxious about it.
red-grey blood runs pretty deep
Anyone else notice that this post has been in the first spot an unusually long time?
Other posts are sometimes superseded within a couple hours. I’m starting to think our overlords are not infallible, or else, they want to force em to work on the articles I said I’d write… hm.
They don’t like editing, or spell check, You need to do that first,
/Don’t enact others Labor
OK fess up; which one of you is this?
TW: Autoplay.
Who do you think I am? Trump?
Its not paying for sex, it is paying for an experience.
For 15 girls at once I wouldn’t care if I was paying or not. Why else do I work?
Yup. I might be a sexy, beautiful man in perfect shape with lots of money, but I still don’t think I can pull than many THICC Colombians at once.
*checks bank account*
Well, whoever he is, he’s ruined it for the rest of us.
Fuck that guy.
Is one of us Bill Clinton?
6 grand for four days? A bit out of my price range at the moment, and I am not sure I would do that even back when I made the kind of coin.
I didn’t know there were two Canadian pop stars. Who’s Beiber’s buddy?
Bryan Adams is Canadian.
I (and I assume he) meant currently big pop stars.
Michael Buble?
Ann Murray?
/totally would
Gordon Lightfoot ?
He’s on tour with Lou Reed.
I hear Bowie opens for them.
Nivek Ogre?
That Nickelback guy.
Maybe I should put my money towards this instead of buying guns and house improvements.
I mean, how many improvements do you need?
It’s time for new windows. Some don’t close right. Some have broken seals. Some have fucked screens. Bugs are getting through a few. New windows are expensive.
My boiler has started an occasional dripping of water. It’s 30 years old and I decided to replace it. I’m waiting on the third estimate before I make my decision.
6000 dollars, even if not inclusive of airfare isn’t bad for half a week.
Enjoying the hell out of this Magic hat Circus boy.
Its a nice, light unfiltered hefe with some citrusy notes on the aftertaste. Somehow it was buy-one-get-one at the beer store. I guess it is a summer beer so it must have been getting old, but it tastes great, and is inspiring me to drink lots more. 4/5
That’s illegal in 35 States, be careful…
I assume they know what they’re doing, since they have multiple locations and do this with relative frequency. I just wish I’d picked up more.
What goes on between a man and his Magic Hat Circus Boy is not ours to judge Yufus.
Second to last BIF beer on top of what I had for dinner.
This beer is good.
Lemme guess, Nephilium…….
Nope, I’m not that lucky. Thought I did send beer to him on a previous BIF.
Though I did.
I got him last time, very impressive selection,
He probably has the best selection of everyone here.
Unless you want Stouts, then I’ll take the Role anytime
Still waitin’ on my BIF. 🙁
Which one did I miss. You’ve posted about the CoCo Stout, the Oktobot, the Compensation, the G.G. dunkel, and now the Tragedy.
I’m glad you like this one.
Oja. I’ll drink that one next.
There was an Oktoberfest from Confluence right?
Yes. That was good.
So other than the Oktobot, it’s been a good run?
Yes, a good run. Thank you!
You are most welcome.
Thanks for the play-by-play on the brews.
I am enjoying a Duckpin Pale Ale from Union Craft Brewing. The label/can declares it a Baltimore original. I’ll buy it again.
I just submitted a new Travelogue, it goes well with Tall Cans! of Cobra!
Very nice! Thanks for sharing!
Much more to come, but I have 2 articles submitted already, so it might be a while, but worth it, IMO TY!
I’ll share some of mine. Kites at Schloßhof.
About Schloßhof.
Nice! 🙂
Phew…..Bonnie Raitt is really old .
Red Heads don’t age well, this is shown…..
/Bleach it like Yusef!
That’s a good song.
Question for the authors here.
In the wordpress dashboard, is there anything you need to do to save a draft you’ve been working on? Don’t want to lose my work.
I’ve have not wrote anything there yet but I see a “save draft” button at the bottom.
I’ve have………ima gud writer two.
I found the child labor law discussion from earlier interesting. One of my primary libertarian arguments when I want to shit on government action is that by the time the government acts, most problems are just about solved, anyway. This is used when people try to argue that the government spurred progress on. It’s usually true and effective.
By the time child labor laws were enacted, they were mostly out dated. Society had changed, the roles of children had changed, and government simply reaffirmed what was already naturally happening. Naturally, we ended up stuck with a system into perpetuity which screws over young people looking for work for legitimate reasons and businesses who hire young people.
Maybe I’ll write an article. Huh? What if I do? How would you cunts like that?