Hey guys, I hope your day is going better than Whitey Bulger’s. Shanking an 89 year old in prison, that’s pretty damn rough. My worst complaint is there’s lots of work and a new Laundry Files book from Charlie Stross that I might have to wait until this weekend to read. And work. Did I mention fuck work?
Oh look, more unconfirmable allegations about sex — this time a woman alleging she was offered money by a person who identified himself as a GOP activist to make fake allegations against Robert Mueller, but won’t correspond with the reporters except by letter so “portions of the story have gone unconfirmed”. My bullshit meter is pinging.
Florida Man records himself on a 20-Life string of rape and assorted sexual violence charges. Not even Florida prosecutors should be able to fuck this one up.
Unhackable network? Only if no humans ever get to use it. “Pas$w0rd” is still not going to be a good password.
Hey guys, you’ll all be astonished to learn that 62% of jobs don’t provide a middle class living. Uh yeah, that’s why its so advantageous to have 2 workers in a single house-hold if you’re not gonna be rich. Note the important caveat though “after accounting for standard of living”.
Fun song, funnier video. It looks like they’ve been threatened with violence if they move off their marks. “We’re doing one take, and if you fuck it up, you’re out of the movie”. Man, I really shit the bad on that link. Sorry.
You mean, I still can’t keep it in the bathroom closet?
Never being held accountable for it is pretty much tantamount to never having been hacked, right? WDATPDIM?
Well, when you have a trail of bodies as long as Whitey’s, there’s undoubtedly someone dying to kill you
I was surprised to find out he’d not already died.
At least Lou Reed, etc.
When your as notorious as Bulger, someone always sees an easy way to get themselves a Wikipedia entry.
That the motherfucker made it to 89 is the real tragedy.
He may have not even known he was being whacked.
I miss Chris Farley.
You say that now…
Yeah, really. Have some faith, Brett.
Makes me want to watch Peeping Tom again.
The movie that came close to destroying Micheal Powell’s career. He moved into TV work and only directed a handful of additional movies before his death, but one of the was Age of Consent, with an oft-nude Helen Mirren.
I’m in favor of a 1960s naked Helen Mirren.
24 at the time, playing 17. Sort of like the CW.
I can’t, knowing how old she is now.
1981 Helen Mirren still looked pretty good in her nudie scenes in Excalibur.
Yeah, I loved that movie.
Glad she never got her face stretched to breaking. Natural wrinkles that allow real expressions are far better than Jane Fonda or other stretch-mouthed puppets.
Future generations will be horrified by our badly mangled faces.
Nah. She has no style. Nor does Fonda for that matter.
admittedly Rhesus Chart was a hard act to follow but Annihilation Score turned me off the Laundry Files.
“Every ex-gf of Bob’s gets super-powers” is probably the thing I hate most about the books. It all went south when Bob got Harry Dresden’d about book 4 or 5. The funny/sad thing is that Charlie alluded to it right at the start of the book in the setup. Why, Charlie, why?
All that said, I’m going to try to finish the series because the first two and the short fiction blew my mind. I hope I won’t regret it as much as I did finishing The Gunslinger.
Is that a statement or are you placing your order?
Both, obvs.
Fun song, funnier video.
Am I missing something, or are you?
The funny to me is just that they don’t move a step, and the weirdass camera angles. I dunno. Its just so 60s. “Well, lads, we got you in a movie like the Beatles, but the director has a couple of conditions.”
Oh shit
Now you’re just being cruel.
Sorry, everybody. I did not proof-read my post. Maybe one or two of you will watch it now.
He hates music and this is his meta-comment on it.
I don’t know what’s going on there, but there’s a better than 50/50 chance Jacob Wohl goes to jail over it, so that’ll be cool.
That kid boggles my mind. His schemes are so utterly ham fisted I can’t help but wonder if he might actually be some sort of next level performance artist.
Never of the guy, what’s he do?
This Twitter thread is a pretty good introduction to his antics:
Maybe this time maybe not but he’s prison bound eventually.
He did a crime one too many tiiiiiiimes
Wow. This guy sounds like he could be Michael Avenetti’s love child.
The funniest part is that his old man appears to be in on his hare brained scams. The deeper you dig into his story the more unbelievable it becomes.
He’s kind of like a Grade Z version of John Spanos.
And yet, they ran with the story anyway.
Just because they publish it doesn’t mean we have to read it. 😉
On a serious note, I’ve decided basically to stop paying attention to the soap opera swirling around the american nomenklatura. They’re all worthless pigs.
What makes you think I read the article? The first rule of links articles, is you do not click the links.
What makes you think I suggested you had? 🙂
It feels true, and that ‘s what matters.
/The editorial board
Hey guys, you’ll all be astonished to learn that 62% of jobs don’t provide a middle class living.
Bullshit. Standard of living or no, there’s guaranteed to be a shit ton of “I want” and “I deserve” built into somebody making $50k as a single person and not being able to make ends meet.
I made ends meet at $45K with heavy debt load in a high tax state.
Anyone making $50K who can’t when living alone is being a wastrel.
$50k a year for a single individual with no kids is going to result in an after tax income of ~$3000 – $3125 a month depending on your state taxes. Now take out another ~$400 a month for insurance, 401k contribution, and other benefits withholding’s leaving you with a take home pay of lets say $2750.
Now Lets look at the cost side of the ledger assuming living in a major city in the US at something approximating a middle class lifestyle…
Housing (including utilities like heat, hot water, electric, etc) : $900 – $1600
Transportation (Car + Gas/Maintenance or Public Transport and the occasional Uber) : $300 – $600
Groceries (Food and all household supplies) : $250 – $400
Communications (Phone/Internet/Cable/Netflix/Hulu/Other Online Service Fees) : $50 – $300
Clothing (including footware) : $50 – $300
So just these items gives costs ranging from $1550 – $3200 a month and they are by no means comprehensive. A sampling of expenses missing from the above…
Social Obligations (ex. christmas/birthday gifts to friends/family and especially their kids), any out of pocket health care expenses, replacing worn household items, getting a speeding ticket, Any form of social life, etc
Also missing is any kind of entertainment beyond watching TV or surfing the internet.
So the best case scenario is that a $50k salary is gonna net you ~$1200 a month for all of those unpredictable expenses and any savings beyond the barest minimum 401k contributions, at the other end of the spectrum $50k salary leaves you ~$500 a month short of the ability to live like an ascetic monk.
I get it you guys are rough tough individualists who can take care of your self and you just reject this as commie nonsense but you need to pull your heads out of your asses. This isn’t some progtard income inequality bullshit it is a very real problem. Yeah there are places in the country where with some discipline you can survive quite comfortably on $50k a year but there are also places where no you can’t and it isn’t just because people there are spendthrifts blowing all their money on the latest iphone. If you do not start engaging with the reality of what is going on in the world then it is going to be these proggressives screaming about income inequality who are going to be the ones making the solutions because they are the only ones acknowledging there is a problem.
Rather than dismissing this because it doesn’t fit your world view or lived experience you need to honestly evaluate the statistics and then work on explaining why government is behind the problem and the solution is less government not redistribution of wealth
A month? That’s my clothing budget per Year. The only year that exceeded that is when I had a load of laundry stolen and had to spend $500 replacing the work shirts.
Those are rather high ranges.
Are you including how much you spend on gloves?
Transportation (Car + Gas/Maintenance or Public Transport and the occasional Uber) : $300 – $600
Groceries (Food and all household supplies) : $250 – $400
Communications (Phone/Internet/Cable/Netflix/Hulu/Other Online Service Fees) : $50 – $300
Clothing (including footware) : $50 – $300
$600/month in transportation??!?!? That’s insane on $50k a year income.
$300/month on cable and internet on a $50k a year income?? Also insane.
$300/month on clothes and shoes??!?
With all due respect, anybody who has those kinds of numbers in their budget has a much more serious issue than the cost of living in their city.
Oh come on, it’s not like my car payment when I was making $45k was $350 with about $30-50 in gas per month…
+ insurance
+ taxes
+ maintenance
+ parking
Oh wait that $380 – $400 a month just all of a sudden became more than $600 a month didn’t it?
Sorry my ranges are not high you guys are just not actually factoring actual costs just focusing on the superficial ones.
Similarly with the clothes. $50 a year on clothing? There is no way you spend less than that on SHOES as the average pair of shoes costs more than $50 and lasts not much more than a year and most people need more than 1. Now how many years does a pair of underwear last you? How about socks? a new pack of underwear and socks every year is gonna run you $20 at a minimum now throw in 2 pair of pants and 4 new shirts a year and you are up over $200 a year and more than likely you buy more than 2 pants and 4 shirts a year. Also you are not paying NYC prices so kick it up another 25%.
So lets get real and start looking at the real costs, not what you like to imagine them to be
Rasilio, Most years I don’t buy any clothes. I have two weeks worth of work clothes, a month of socks/underwear in active rotation and reserves of at least two months on the bottom shelf. My last pair of shoes lasted two years, and was only replaced because I got paint all over them. $50. This year I splurged and replaced my jacket $100. I got a new shirt that was a joke- $40. So this year was high at almost $200. Which is right in the range where I said my annual budget was.
What do you do to your clothes to go through so many? Toss them when they get dirty?
Also, if you’re paying for internet, you can ignore that BS “NYC Markup” when looking for the cost savings. $10/month for free two day delivery.
Lastly, it’s not $20 for a pack of unmentionables. Especially if you put in the effort to shop around.
Not having the cash to make the most convenient purchases is not the same thing as not making enough to live the lifestyle. You just have to put in the effort.
Or you could put in the effort to find a better paying job, perhaps in a cheaper place.
Ok, so it is $18 not $20
That’s still 50% higher than a 9-pack on amazon, and I have not done any real shopping around.
Walmart sucks, Ras.
Yeah, my monthly costs were in the middle of those ranges on a considerably higher salary (back when I had one of those). Except clothing which like UnCiv was more like yearly.
FYI, so it doesn’t seem like I’m just talking out my ass, here’s my monthly budget:
$1850 – mortgage/property taxes
$500 – food
$80 – car ins
$150 – gas
$200 – utilities
$50 – internet
$10 – netflix
$10 – Amazon prime
$25 – trash
$70 – phones
$25 – pets
$80 – House supplies
$150 – kid expenses
$100 – other misc expenses (car inspections, car maintenance fund, etc)
$3300 for a family of 3
Granted, I get health insurance at a discount and pulled out pre-tax. Also granted, I didn’t include our car payment because the first car is paid off and the second car is a luxury we would do without if we were making $50k a year.
I also didn’t count my student loans because that has nothing to do with the standard of living in a certain city and they are a large reason why I’m not making $50k a year right now.
$650 Mortgage/Property Tax
$90 Car Ins
$60 Gas
$150 Utilities
$60 Internet
$10 Amazon Prime
$90 Phones
$40 Amortized car maintenance (annual/12)
$50-100 random household supplies
$??? Food (I spend too much here and it is the most elastic cost when times are tight)
So I’m currently running $1250+ food/month required spending for a single guy.
If you want to throw in the car payment that’s $360 more, so give or take $2k in total.
It makes a huge difference where you live as far as property taxes. I noticed on Zillow some places back east that are easily $1,000 a month for a modest house. Here in Colorado it’s about $150.
How do you people stand for it?
TWO people making $100,000 are already middle class.
You have to have the latest iPhone, high-speed internet, eat at nice restaurants 5 nights a week, nice clothes…
…which socialism will provide to everyone.
By getting rid of all of that for anyone and everyone but the top men?
Can you even get low-speed internet without paying hipster prices? I have the cheapest internet available and can stream on at least 3 devices at once. And also, the cheapest iPhone available, because the SE is actually a superior form factor if you just want a phone.
has a good job as a public relations specialist that pays more than $50,000 a year.
But because of the $1,440 a month rent on her studio apartment in the Prospect-Lefferts Gardens neighborhood, she never takes vacations, dines out just once a month and scrapes together dinner leftovers for lunch the next day.
$1440*12 = $17,280
Even assuming a ridiculous 40% tax rate, take home is $30k, leaving this single, unencumbered person with $1k a month to live on. Subtract out a couple hundred for utilities and $300 for groceries, and you still have $500/month for savings and luxuries.
$1680 a month on a 15-year mortgage for a 3-bedroom house on 1.16 acres of land.
But who wants to live in Iowa.
I’m required to pay $640/month on the mortgage. 2bedroom, no lawn. But it’s in the capital district of New York, so it’s probably killing me.
To be fair, though, I don’t think a junior PR flack is going to be pulling down $50K in Iowa. Still, there’s neighborhoods she can get a place for less than she’s paying. It just involves a longer commute.
WHAT? And be inconvenienced like that? What next? You will tell her to make her own coffee instead of spending $9 at Starbucks for that crappy shit?
I think the last time I bought a cup of coffee rather than making my own was August of 2017 when I stopped at a McDonald’s for lunch on the way to a wedding.
She should move to Iowa, then she run for Congress. There is a good chance this 29yo twat with a PR degree is going to be my next Congresscritter.
Solid 6.5, would.
Not to throw shade on our Iowa peeps who I love, but that’s a straight up Midwest 7.5.
I scrape together dinner leftovers for lunch the next day, and eat pretty much anything the rest of the family has given up on. And I have a pretty good chunk of money socked away and no debt.
Well, yeah, but read later on…
she never takes vacations, dines out just once a month and scrapes together dinner leftovers for lunch the next day.
So, in other words, she’s living a lifestyle roughly what you’d expect for a person in their late 20s-early 30s. And, yeah, Lefferts Gardens isn’t exactly bargain hunting.
Honestly, I really get the impression these kids don’t really get the concept of “starting out in life”.
“I should never have to make sacrifices”
/their base philosophy.
It’s not just them.. I had to had a talk with my ex after we got married and explain to her that her parents, as did mine, took decades to accumulate the wealth and things they had. She wanted the nice house, car, and so on to happen after being in the work force for less than a year. She never got the whole financial stuff ((which is why she is the ex). That was almost 30 years ago. The entitled club today is worse. I am glad I was able to unlearn my son of the stupid she and the current culture have foisted on most of these young uns, cause if he was complaining like that I would kick his ass.
BTW, who would pay public relations people any real money anyway?
Have you seen how the little fuckers live in college?!? The dorms are nicer than my first four or five apartments. The campuses are like resorts.
Is it any wonder that going from that to a shitty little studio that smells like stale cabbage and cats is kind of a buzzkill? Shit, I’m so fucking old that a shitty little apartment was heaven, because I was on my own and didn’t have to share.
It was glorious.
Yup. I remember my first place was a basement apartment that only got a few rays of sun for a few hours a day. And I loved it for the same reason.
Wait, your first apartment was my college dorm?
(I did not see the resort campus experience)
Get a roommate. That would open up $720 per month.
Studio apartment so no it wouldn’t, She’d have to move into a larger 2 bedroom for that and the costs would increase commensurately
There are roomates that share the bed with you…
And she could set up a webcam for extra income!
But it would be cheaper overall. Most New Yorkers in her situation have a roommate and live in a neighborhood that isn’t so nice.
I don’t think anyone here wants to ignore the factors that make it so expensive here – hell, we talk about them all the time. But some perspective is in order. It has *never* been easy for a single person to afford a nice life in the big city.
she never takes vacations, dines out just once a month and scrapes together dinner leftovers for lunch the next day.
So… does she spend the rest of her pay on her heroin habit?
I had a roommate until I was 36.
Even assuming a ridiculous 40% tax rate, take home is $30k, leaving this single, unencumbered person with $1k a month to live on. Subtract out a couple hundred for utilities and $300 for groceries, and you still have $500/month for savings and luxuries.
I decided to get the actual numbers. Total taxes across local, state and federal for a single person making $50k in NYC and not taking advantage of a single tax reduction technique will pay roughly 23% in taxes.
Take home will be roughly $3200/month. Subtract out $1440 in rent, $250 in utilities, $300 in grocery, and $150 in transportation, and this aggrieved person has over $1000/month for discretionary spending. Where the hell is that money going?
Did you include Social Security in the take-home calculation?
Yup. I used a new York take home pay calculator
I have relatives in that cohort who feel they must go out every night for four or five appletinis to make the scene. They then wonder how they can’t manage to get by.
Student loans perhaps.
Probably. Too bad the article was too busy hawking a commie think tank’s study to address that question.
Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.
“There’s an opportunity crisis in the country,” says Jim Kessler, vice president of policy for Third Way and editor of the report. “It explains some of the economic uneasiness and, frankly, the political uneasiness” even amid the most robust U.S. economy and labor market since before the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009.
Where the hell is that money going?
I wonder what her wardrobe, and especially her shoe collection, looks like.
I also very seriously doubt she only eats out one (1) meal per month.
“Lunch in the city isn’t eating out.”
“I’m frustrated with the fact that I’m not going to be able to save anything because my rent is so high,” says Akutekha, who says she’s 30ish. “I don’t even know if I can afford” to have children.
Well, you live in fucking Brooklyn. Also, no, you can’t afford to have kids because your 30ish ovaries are becoming less fertile.
There are even neighborhoods in Brooklyn she could cut expenses. But, my experience is that when “30ish” girls say they want to live in Brooklyn, they aren’t thinking Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, or Sheepshead Bay.
Sure if you work from home and never leave your apartment since you didn’t allocate any money for transportation
Also it is a good thing you will never leave your apartment because if you are spending less than $50 a month on clothing then eventually you are gonna be going naked an awful lot because it wears out faster than that. If you actually work in an office job in NYC good luck spending less than $100 a month on clothing and if your job is customer facing at all or in a professional environment then it can easily cost you $200 a month for an appropriate wardrobe
Where are you shopping for clothes?
Hint about being poor – cost savings will require putting in a little more time searching for the best prices and bargains, but that’s the trade-off.
What the hell are you doing that you’re wearing out $50 in clothing a month?
Professional Wrestler?
/Hulk Hogan Shirt Rip
Oh, no. I’ve got a scuff in my Prada wallet! It’s worn out now. I’ll have to get a new one.
I refuse to believe that UnCiv literally could spend only $50/year on clothing costs including shoes. Particularly in a climate that necessitates winter footware. Though admittedly, my $150 snow boots did last seven years.
Amortization, NotA, my winter boots are about 5 years old right now. I want to know what Rasilio is doing that necessitates replacing so much attire in any given year.
Got me. I have never had a shirt last more than 4 years. Most are ready for the trash within 30 months, Pants I can generally get 3 – 5 years out of so I generally shoot for a 3 year replacement cycle on shirts and 4 years on pants and try to keep 2 weeks worth of shirts and 1 week worth of pants in my closet at any given time
Speaking only for myself I go through several pairs of shoes and many pairs of socks a year. Being a fatass on a treadmill (to become less of a fatass) is not good for foot-coverings.
$600 a year in clothing? You think that is a lot? Especially for a woman?
Lets see, for a male such as myself every year I generally spend (note fractional amounts mean I do not replace them every year and so it is the partial cost for the item)
Footware –
1 pr tennis shoes – $60
1/3 pr boots – $60
1/3 pr sandals – $10
Undergarments –
Underwear – $20
Socks – $20
1 pr blue jeans – $30
1 pr Dockers – $30
2 Polo shirts – $60
2 Pocket T’s – $30
2 Graphic T’s – $40
1 pr sweatpants – $15
1pr dress shorts – $15
2 pr gym shorts – $30
1 Hoodie – $30
1/2 light Jacket – $20
1/2 winter coat – $30
That comes out to $470 a year on clothing and there is nothing fancy, outrageous or expensive in there
That amount seems sensible to me. I’m not trendy or high maintenance either.
No dress shoes? Those probably also come out to $10/year-ish.
You can probably get <$5 year for belts.
I wonder what GILMORE spends on pocket squares?
Dress shoes? Only if you need them frequently.
I think I’ve needed mine four-eight times in ten years, so it depends on the circles you run in. I do not remember how much they cost originally.
Lets see, for a male such as myself every year I generally spend (note fractional amounts mean I do not replace them every year and so it is the partial cost for the item)
You wear through clothes really fast compared to me. I’m still wearing gym shorts from 2007-08. The underwear that is just now aging out is from the same time frame. My newest dress pants and khakis are from 2014. My work shirts are from 2013-2016. My jeans are newer (2016-2017), but I was buying them on clearance at old navy for ~$15.
Many of my t-shirts were free, and the rest are at least 3 years old and were bought on clearance.
My wife’s wardrobe is a bit newer, but she had a baby in the interim, and is currently thinner than before the baby. She has still only spent around $300 in 2 years, and that includes maternity clothes.
I’ve spent a bit more on shoes, but I have boots from 2006, sneakers from 2013, and $60 loafers that will probably make it to 2.5 years before needing a resole.
To be fair, you do live in a garbage can.
But yeah, I wear out clothes at about the same rate. Plus I’m a slob.
In my defense, it’s a really fancy trash can! It even still has a lid!
I pointed out above two locations in the metro area where she could keep her job and pay way less in rent. She doesn’t HAVE to live in an upper middle-class neighborhood in Brooklyn.
Rasilio, for the first few years after I left grad school, I shopped at second hand stores for clothes. I still wear many of those clothes and I get compliments on my clothes. Your upper bound clothes numbers aren’t realistic. I imagine New York has more and better second hand options. The lower probably is.
UCS’s number also isn’t realistic for a woman in her profession. She does need to dress well.
Okay, I confess – I dress like a man in IT.
Anyone taking out health care insurance? If it’s not paid by your employer, it can be as expensive as rent. Assuming $500 a month would probably cover the health insurance costs, and that’s if she never actually gets sick and USES it.
I was thinking after I wrote this, my father’s parents bought a house in 1952 or 54 for $25,000. They got the down payment by my cop grandfather working in his buddy’s stationary store and then going home and addressing and stuffing envelopes pretty much every day he didn’t have a shift for several years, as well as saving off his earnings. That was how you got a middle-class house back in the day. If you worked a salaried day job and then went off and worked a service job, you could live “middle class” pretty much anywhere, although home ownership might be out of your reach in a dozen downtown metro areas.
I was making between 50 and 60 when the wife and I bought our first house – new construction, 4 bedrooms. And we had money to go out to eat and take relatively inexpensive annual vacations.
I was making 40k. It was tightish. I got a raise to $48k and I had splurge money!
Have you considered moving somewhere where $50k/year will go further?
But then they’d have to leave their “prestigious” PR job!
My job might suck, and I might live in a boring town, but I can afford $10 for decent Pad Thai.
Fair point.
I’ve never liked any job I’ve ever had. I do it because it pays well.
And the won’t make $50k a year anymore.
If all you can pull in is $50k in NYC you’re gonna be lucky to land a job paying more than $35k in Iowa
She needs to leave her studio and get a roommate. That sucks, but is necessary. The trade-off is she could have more of a social life.
Again, to be fair, it’s probably a little more complicated than that. My guess is that she’s a junior PR flack. My guess is that she wouldn’t be pulling in $50K in other markets.
Akutekha was set back in her career path because she graduated from college during the Great Recession and initially could only find jobs in industries such as fast-food and as an assistant in a law office. She got the public relations position at a nonprofit this year but, “I just feel like I’m back to square one,” she says.
Hey, Nonprofits, depending on the institution, have been known to pay certain employees a crapton.
/Planned Parenthood Lambos.
Morris Dees.
She could probably cut her rent in half by moving to Long Island or New Jersey and keep the $50K job. Transportation gets more expensive but not by too much – unless she needs a car.
Who needs a car in the City? By the time you get to where you parked, drive, and park again you can take a cab, and parking vs. cab has to be a wash.*
*I haven’t been there since Uber became a thing. Maybe you can Uber now.
Right – one doesn’t need a car in her area. I’m talking about the burbs. In Long Island or New Jersey, she may or may not need one.
When I was single and in my late teens and early twenties I made in the neighborhood of 50k every year and I had more damn money than I knew what to do with. I drove a Ford ranger I paid cash for, I lived in a rent house with a buddy that cost me about 200 a month for rent and utilities. The insurance on my truck was about 100 a month or so. The rest of what I made was pure fuck off money. If you can’t live comfortably on 50k a year, it’s your own damn fault.
Also,damn near anyone can do this. There are good paying jobs available if you are willing to work hard.
There are good paying jobs available if you are willing
to work hardshow up and not fuck off for at least 3 out of 8 hours a day.You never heard of inflation?
Titty Tuesday brings you ladies wearing overpriced underwear designed to accentuate fertility signals.
32… damn.
I’d prefer “infertility” signals such as “I’m on the pill” or “Stick it in my butt.”
“Wanna watch me have sex with my girlfriend?”
2, 4, 14.
32 is the opposite of what I personally like.
I expected to read this the day after Halloween, not the day before.
Snowboard champion Shaun White apologized to the Special Olympics for dressing as “Simple Jack” it’s a hilarious costume.
But Sgt. Lincoln Osiris is tots o.k. still right?
Well, there you have proof. NEVER go full retard.
You haven’t made it if you were never forced to apologize publicly for something stupid.
He apologized so he’s fucked.
“I’m sorry you retards are offended.”
“Fuck your feelings.”
It’s Apologize for Costumes season. Here’s a Kentucky dad who decided to pull a Cartman:
das ist sehr Kartmann !
One of the most adorable instances of dismal parental judgement I’ve ever seen.
Breathtaking, really. It’s hard to even be mad at him.
It is really well done.
Did I mention fuck work
“Fuck work” would be a gigolo’s job?
“Fun song, funnier video. It looks like they’ve been threatened with violence if they move off their marks. “We’re doing one take, and if you fuck it up, you’re out of the movie””
I didn’t know SugarFree was in a band.
The Inflamed Cloaca. They’re kind of new, you probably heaven’t even heard of them. ShockGothMetal.
They’re gonna be huge.
The Inflamed Cloaca.
The new cream I got has been helping out quite a bit.
Know what?
I’ve tuned out with all this racist this and rape that. White privilege this and Nazi that.
Fuck you.
I have been there for a while.
Call me a racist…yeah, whatever. Fuck off.
Welcome. Not giving a fuck is very liberating.
Meh, It’s okay I guess.
Bulger was one mean, depraved motherfucker.
Love Howie Carr’s stories about the Boston mob.
My brother’s mother in law died last night. I wouldn’t mention it except that my father called just now about the funeral and during the call told me a story I had forgotten about.
Thirty years ago when my father brought his peruvian bride back here to the states the brother’s mother in law hosted a party for that peruvian woman. It was to welcome her to the US and make her feel at home. The MIL, pure as the driven snow and naive as the day is long, served tacos because she didn’t want the peruvian woman to miss the food from her home.
That cracks me up and makes my eyes water at the same time.
My condolences to you and your family.
She sounds pretty awesome, though!
Sorry 🙁
Condolences. Great story though.
My condolences.
It looks like they’ve been threatened with violence if they move off their marks.
It looks like they are fulfilling a contractual obligation that none of them are too happy about.
“Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto Refuses to Meet President Trump During Visit”
Christ, what an asshole.
In August 2017 there was a terrorist attack on La Rambla in Barcelona. A year later the Spanish King visited Barcelona for a memorial service. The (pro-independence) leader of Catalonia refused to be seen next to the King. People don’t want to live in the same country.
And then he’s all ‘we need to come together to heal as Americans.’
‘we need to come together to heel as Americans.’
/fixed it.
All politics, all the time.
Was Mayor Bill Peduto invited to meet with the president?
Take THAT, Trump!
“I don’t really foist blame upon any person,” Myers told the CNN host. “Hate does not know religion, race, creed, political party. It’s not a political issue in any way, shape, or form. Hate does not know any of those things.”
“The president of the United States is always welcome,” the rabbi said later in the interview. “I’m a citizen, he is my president. He is certainly welcome.”
Well, I guess somebody’s not going to get an invitation to speak at the next Democratic Party dinner.
Totes edgy
What didn’t move? was there supposed to be a link?
Rent is 35% of gross pay. Yeah, that is too damn high.
*does math*
My required mortgage is 8.4% of gross. I pay 16% of gross to lower total interest paid.
I think she should move to a cheaper neighborhood.
But if the house is actually appreciating in value, it may not be worth it.
+1 Jimmy McMillan
0% of pay.
/guy who paid off his mortgage.
Mine’s paid off too. There’s still taxes and insurance and HOA fees. Plus maintenance costs.
Wouldn’t it be cool if a group of guys trolled the internet by dressing up as politically incorrect people?
Black Face, Hitler, Obama, (insert cultural appropriation costume here), etc., etc.
Heck, if I was remotely talented, I’d do a Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band of politically incorrect rejects.
Actually, I think Hitler is in there already.
Whoops. It was Marx
Same crap.
What about blackface Hitler?
Adolf Jolson?
*golf clap*
Obama dressed as Hitler? -My bad there are commas in that statement.
Black Face, Hitler, Obama,
I think you covered the third one with the first two.
“URGENT: LifeSite is under attack (UPDATED)
The company told LifeSite it is acting in response to a months-long campaign of complaints against us by Adam Flanders. Flanders is a convicted sex abuser and homosexual activist who is angered over our reports exposing him and his past. As LifeSite recently reported, he has already succeeded in taking down other pro-family websites by targeting their server companies.
Flanders’ latest complaint is focused on the absurd allegation that LifeSite “has been implicated in a violent hate crime against a gay man and Catholic church,” and that we “instigated property damage and a physical assault.””
That’s not URGENT at all.
Stupid Flanders.
Homosexual activist! *faints*
Stupid sexy Flanders.
It’s like he’s wearing nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Hey guys, you’ll all be astonished to learn that 62% of jobs don’t provide a middle class living.
I love these random number definitions. We could cut poverty in half if we just lower the poverty line.
And- sorry, no sympathy for people who live in NYC and whine about the cost of living.
By some metrics there is no poverty in the US except for a few thousand homeless people.
Less than a dollar a day, counting all charity and welfare payments, and in-kind benefits.
And I even wonder about that. If people with a $200 a day drug habit could just cut it to a $100 a day drug habit, they could live pretty decently.
Chicago may have a lot of things wrong with it but I love the that the rents here are way less than the rents in San Francisco and NYC. Buuuuut, the City Council are trying to do all they can to make sure that the price of rent artificially increases by trying to pass rent control. Not all o the City Council but the Prog members on it. Daley and Rahm shut that shit down immediately, but with Daley gone and Rahm leaving soon, the next Mayor may very well try to implement rent control.
Chicago is considerably less dense than SF or NYC (11K per sq. mi. versus 18K and 28K respectively) but yeah, you don’t want rent control. It’s a scam.
Why delay the inevitable? Just let them do it and hasten the implosion.
Just from a pure math perspective, the 62% number isn’t surprising.
What percent of households are “middle class” or above? 60% (upper 3 quintiles) sounds about right.
So right there, 40% aren’t providing middle class. And that is assuming only 1 earner per household. With many 2 earner households, obviously fewer single earners are going to get to middle class. So I think 62% sounds about right.
The woman in the article is solidly 4th quintile after adjusting for living in NYC. Nothing wrong with that. She is “30ish”. If she gets married to someone earning similar, they will be solidly middle class or above. Or, if she doesn’t, she will be there when she is “40ish” or “50ish” if she keeps moving up.
What percent of households are “middle class” or above? 60% (upper 3 quintiles) sounds about right.
That’s actually one of the few things the article addresses. According to Pew: 72%
A slight majority of Americans, 52 percent, do live in middle-class households, according to recent annual reports by Pew Research Center. And another 20 percent or so live in upper income households.
That’s about right in our house. My son is a student who works part time, so no way is his pay going to be middle class. My wife also works part time, but even at full time her job would be lower middle class at best. With my salary we’re in the top 10%. So in our house 67% of the jobs won’t provide a middle class living. But all combined we’re in the upper middle class.
I think it was Russ Roberts on Econtalk who mentioned that the average number of jobs for households in the upper quintile was 2.1. The average in the lower quintile is 0.5. Combining incomes makes a big difference.
Thank you for bringing that up. We got fixated on one Brooklynite’s money management and forgot the essential lie with statistics.
Oh yes, I’ve found out the hard way that it’s considerably more difficult to pull your own way.
Yay! More politics in everything we do!
“A report by PR firm Edelman on “belief-driven” firms found that their stances on political issues impacted sales and stock prices by helping shape the public perception of the company. The report said that 64% of consumers around the world feel that a company’s stand on prominent societal and political issues would affect what they buy — up 13 percentage points from 2017.”
It affects what/where I buy. Dick’s is off my list; Ben & Jerry’s, not happening; etc. It’s a longer list every week.
Let’s be honest. If B&Js and Bluebell are next to each other in the freezer, there’s no contest anyhow.
Turkey Hill is the best ice cream.
My kid returned a racquet to Dick’s last spring. He bought it with his own money for school tennis team. He got home and was showing it to me. Then during the evening news we saw something about Dick’s being assholes about guns. So he brought it back and bought the same one from Amazon for $5 cheaper.
Sort of proud about the kid every once in a while.
Don’t let him know or he’ll get a big head.
“The report said that 64% of consumers around the world feel that a company’s stand on prominent societal and political issues would affect what they buy”
Yeah. That’s called “playing with fire”. You’re gonna lose half of those people on any controversial issue. Idiots.
If you are going to roll those dice, make sure you target the demographic that screeches the loudest but doesn’t actually buy your products.
Like an outdoor sporting goods store catering to hipsters in Brooklyn?
Ben & Jerry’s has always catered to the crowd who wants to signal by buying their SO TRENDY Cherry Garcia. And now they get to signal to the “adulting is hard so I’m gonna eat ice cream and cry about Hillary” crowd of basic bitches too (as described in an earlier link). So it’ll get publicity and sell for a month in urban blue stores, and then it’ll be gone. No different from making a pumpkin flavor for fall — it’s the “election special edition” that’s all.
Unilever Brands Inc DBA Ben & Jerry’s ice cream isn’t very good.
Unilever Brands Inc DBA Talenti gelato is far superior.
That sounds phrased in such a way as implying it would be a good thing to take a stand when the smart move is to say “We make good Z, and that is all.”
It’s affected my decisions to not buy at REI. I suspect I’m not alone as they have been hammering my inbox with spam ever since they discontinued brands owned by the parent company of some merchant of death, and they’ve sent me a couple of surveys asking my opinion on whether or not they should take stands on various issues.
I stopped going to Penzey’s because of long political anti-Trump screeds in their newsletter instead of just giving me recipes, coupons, and information about new products.
Penzey’s is intolerable. Just shut up already and sell a product people want.
I’ve tuned out with all this racist this and rape that. White privilege this and Nazi that.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz *hmpf* did somebody say something?
I said, “If you don’t agree with left wing policies you’re a racist.”
“Emma Roberts flashes her burgundy bra under a tight wrap top as she steps out for lunch in LA… after getting a horseshoe tattoo”
Looks a little chilly.
And what’s with the clown shoes?
The bag is the worst part of that whole mess. It looks like she made it herself with a glue gun on a drunken shopping trip to Hobby Lobby.
If you look at the ground, I think one of those pom-pom thingies fell off the bag, so I suspect she may have actually made it herself.
Ugly and poorly made? That bag has everything!
Mother’s Day gift idea noted.
It becoming less possible to believe that you are straight.
But you’re saying there’s a chance?
“Gorgeous dusky pink trainers” for realz?
U G L Y You ain’t got no alibi, they ugly.
Wait, this is the Scream Queens chick? I liked her in that. It was a very uneven run, but the good parts were really good.
No. Ass.
Yay! More politics in everything we do!
I clicked on the “entrepreneurship” link in the google news business section the other day. Half the linked articles are about inclusion and diversity and generic sjw bullshit, with heavy emphasis on teh womynz’ empowerment.
I doubt any of them talk about cash flow.
Thar’s yer problem.
I love a radio interviewer: she’s the best-prepared and most worldly talent of that sort I’ve ever heard, and she’s in a major market, so she gets great guests.
The problem with many of the interviews is this sequence: people do dumb things, prog writes book, interviewer asks earnest questions about the appropriate regulation needed.
Who could I ask her to interview who could explain that markets are the best solution engines and that statist solutions are evil or lead to evil ?
Oh I notice.
“Woman who had sex with 20 ghosts is now engaged to a spirit”
Mazel Tov?
Wait till one of them rapes her.
I hate to victim blame but you shouldn’t dress like that when visiting the spirit plane.
Who has jurisdiction over Astral Plane? The Inquisition? Ghostbusters?
I wouldn’t have clicked the link but for your comment.
Thanks a lot. That is a shit-ton of crazy, and I dont just mean the ghost fucker lady.
*thinks back to Ghostbusters movie and the ghost goo stuff*
Goo and not this?
It’s October. According to one of the Glibs, a ghost puts his cock in your mouth every time you yawn.
That ghost sounds very busy.
Ghosts aren’t like Santa Claus. There’s more than one.
““Then one day, while I was walking through the bush, enjoying nature, I suddenly felt this incredible energy. A new lover had arrived.””
In a row?
. . . a Yale prom. If all the girls attending it were laid end to end, Mrs Parker said, she wouldn’t be at all surprised.
You know, once they legalized gay marriage this was bound to happen.
A Blythe Spirit?
Trigger warning: Triggering. Watch at your own risk of getting super triggered.”
New Ben & Jerry’s “Resist” ice cream, for those who like to indulge in leftist shilling while you’re giving yourselves diabetes:
Oh, FFS.
Petulant assholes.
And yet the “coarsening of the culture” is Trump’s fault.
Surely they will release also “MAGAdemia Delight” because free market and making money and stuff?
I wonder how long Unilever is going to continue to put up with this gradeschool antics?
It’s full of nuts!
He shoots, he scores!
$100,000 between four different groups?
Hey, big spenders!
In more recent years, we’ve seen “Bernie’s Yearning,” an extremely limited-edition pint celebrating fellow Vermonter Bernie Sanders that was actually spearheaded by founder Ben Cohen, not the company. Earlier this fall, Cohen and partner Jerry Greenfield also introduced a septet of flavors in support of seven congressional candidates.
My God, you don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 ice cream flavors or of 18 different frozen yogurt when children are hungry in this country.
This is pretty funny.
I like me some of their flavors but damn if they don’t work hard to reject my business.
“portions of the story have gone unconfirmed”
“We are running with this bs anyway”.
Not sure why it surprised me that, if you want serial killing done right, you go to a German.
It’s the kind of work ethic, producing volume while treating each victim as an individual, that your North American mass murderers just don’t have.
His motive, prosecutors say, was to impress colleagues by trying to revive the very patients he had attacked.
Seems a funny way to impress people, since he seems to have failed to revive them.
We don’t know how many he brought back. He could have batted .900.
Bill Nelson: America Just Like Pre-Genocide Rwanda
“When a place gets so tribal that the two tribes won’t have anything to do with each other … that jealousy turns into hate,” Nelson said. “And we saw what happened to the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda, it turned into a genocide. A million-people hacked to death within a few months. And we have got to watch what’s happening here.”
But which are you, Hutu or Tutsi?
I thought we were just like Wiemar Germany or 1992 Yugoslavia? Am I supposed to shoot my neighbors or cut them up with a machete?
No, but you’re more like 1987 Yugoslavia then you’d like to admit. Someday I’ll get hammered and go on rant that’ll get me banned…
And of course shooting your neighbors is the American way. It’s in the Constitution! Machetes is what happens when gun grabbers win.
A rant that will get you banned from this place? Consider that a challenge and start drinking!
Rant away. I want to hear it. It seems to me that a lot of the SJWs are trying to turn us into Yugoslavia, though they may not be aware of it.
1850s USA.
Umm… so much wrong with that facile comparison. I guess whichever side the Republicans are should just surrender their guns so we can have us a good old-fashioned machete reprisal war. Also, zero reference to how that whole thing got set up.
in 1990, the army began arming civilians with weapons such as machetes, and it began training the Hutu youth in combat, officially as a programme of “civil defence” against the RPF threat,[86] but these weapons were later used to carry out the genocide.[87] Rwanda also purchased large numbers of grenades and munitions from late 1990; in one deal, future UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, in his role as Egyptian foreign minister, facilitated a large sale of arms from Egypt
So they can let me know when the Republican-heavy army starts handing out machetes and teaching kids to fight and we’ll talk.
The CMP & JROTC are clearly part of that effort. Clearly.
Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali
/Ali G
Apparently Tutsis carried out a genocide against Hutus a decade or so before.
“Naturally, this whole sorry state of affairs was brought about by my political foes, who really are less than fully human.”
Congratulations. You are the new Democratic party spokesperson.
Honestly, I’m not going to get too worked up about his comments. It’s obvious that he is talking about a worst case scenario. And, honestly, I do think it would be a good thing to see everyone tone the crap down (and, yeah, I’m somewhat guilty, myself; my only defense is that I do try to make clear I’m talking about some elements of those I disagree with).
There was a time in America, when singers could actually, you know, sing.
If music had remained an auditory experience, they would still pick people who can sing.
The actual singers in Milli Vanlli has a sad.
The Animals may be my favorite British Invasion band.
Finally, we have a police chief who gets it. Mpls chief takes actions to ensure officer wellness is a priority.
Yup. It sure is sad when you guys start shooting each other by accident. Even more sad is the fact that Arradondo is probably the best/sanest chief they’ve had for decades.
Uh, Chief. I think I’ve got an easier solution to your problem.
Actually, I do want to see a repeat.
Will Minnesoda Glibs be swayed by the endorsement of Bigfoot for local DFL-er?
Based on yard signs, I think the GOPer is in trouble. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing. Paulsen has always been a tool. He was very willing to pass “common sense” gun control during the last gun control bonerthon. The only reason I am even considering voting for him is a) the Kavanaugh shit makes me want to punish the Dems for being so feckless and b) his opponent is the multimillionaire son of the Phillips distillery. Phillips makes every kind of booze and it is always the cheapest rotgut you can imagine. How could I vote for someone who has caused so many hangovers for me?
Well, you can always write-in the Bigfoot, he sounds the most reasonable choice of the three…
Based on yard signs, I think the GOPer is in trouble.
I think you are right. He’s a perfect example of the GOPe douchbag. I actually called his office during the last tiresome gun control joke.
Fuck him if he supported gun control.
Exactly. He’s also one of those douche bags who has never had a real job. He interned for a GOP senator, then worked for the old congressman for our district (Ramstad) for years. When Ramstad resigned he tapped Paulsen for the seat. I doubt he would have won if he didn’t get that endorsement.
He’s always been a squish who is more worried about keeping his seat and getting invited to cocktail parties. He dissed Trump and made a big deal about withdrawing his support after the Pussy Tape came out. I’m sure he thought that that would make him safe from the mob. Now he’s getting screwed because the Left is always going to vote for the DFLer and guys like me who might have pulled the lever for him are not too crazy about him.
I’d say good riddance if I thought I wouldn’t have to put up with Phillips for the next twenty years.
As they say around here, yard signs don’t vote.
They seem to be a pretty good indicator in the past. The lack of Hillary signs was the first tip that she was going to lose. I drove all the way out to western NoDak and I saw one sign for her. I saw about 20 Trump signs. Both those numbers were super small for a presidential election. But it confirmed to me that her support wasn’t real.
Fun, cool news about the Queen of the River. * Also, the Carp Queen pictured …. wood.
Neat-o. Those disgusting fish are why they drained Rice Lake awhile back. It was amazing how many of them the workers were hauling out.
Bite your tongue!
Carp fishing is one of my very favorite things to do in life. I can’t tell you how much time I have had sitting on the river bank with buddies fishing and drinking. We even started a semi-formal club called Club Carp (with t-shirts and everything).
I will grant you that they aren’t edible (unless you have Iowegian blood) but they are also very smart and wary. And when you do hook one, you are in for a fight. Altar Boy #1 almost lost the battle with a nice 12lb carp when he was little. I had to hold his belt loop to keep him on the river bank.
I get that the activity of fishing is fun all by itself, but why not catch something delicious?
Then you have to bring them home and clean them. With carp, you get a great battle and then you throw them back. Everyone is happy.
When I’m hungry, there are all sorts of places I can go to quickly catch some decent fish to eat.
So, it’s basically an exercise in fish molestation?
Oh yeah. They don’t call me Pope “Broacast Spawner” Jimbo for nothing.
Because they don’t call you that?
I’ve caught a million of them and yes they are fun, especially in the Mississippi on a fly rod.
Nevertheless they are fucking gross.
Czechs eat carp for Christmas, if I’m not mistaken.
This is how it’s done!
(but with catfish)
Teach people how to brine and smoke carp and they would be wiped out lickety split.
(now I have a hankering for smoked carp)
The first generation Hmong, Laotions, Cambodians and Vietnamese looked like they were going to put a dent in the carp, but their kids all learned the snobbery from the native kids they grew up with.
Several times when we were spending a lazy Sunday fishing, the Asians would see us throwing them back and nearly cry. A lot of times they would even ask us to keep them for us. We never had any problems with that. (their same laxness in following game laws for other fish made a few of pretty upset)
And if I wanted to smoke marginal fish, I’d go catch a mess of rock bass and cook them.
I remember learning to avoid the fuck out of the gun range before deer season in Wisconsin. The local Hmong had . . . unique ideas about firearms safety.
Heh….I had a friend from Montana who used to tell me stories of Hmong hunting misadventures he had witnessed.
Yep, I used to fish where MInnehaha dumps into the Mississippi, and the Hmong kids would freak out when i tossed the fish back. I tried to explain to them how nasty the water was and that there would be much safer bodies of water to fish, but they weren’t having it.
When my wife was pregnant with our first kid she wanted me to go catch her a few carp (out of the Mississippi in Memphis – ugh!).
According to her, it is common for Korean women to eat carp when they are pregnant because they think it will give the baby big eyes and make them strong. I refused to bring her a carp because I was sure the kid would be born with no chin and whiskers.
You know what else gives the baby big eyes?
Yep (the first search of “sperm with face” yielded much different and less safe for work images)
no chin and whiskers
what have you got against Eric Clapton?
I lived about 2 blocks from there as a kid. We would walk up the crick in our tennis shoes, spear/rebar/landing net in hand and dump the carp on the bank to rot. Occasionally there would be a diverse crowd of 2 or 3 following us and picking the smaller ones. Great fun for an early teen. Rebar worked best because there was no time wasted carrying fish to the bank to discard them.
Man, you done pissed somebody off good if you get traded for a 7th round pick that’s 2 years away. Ty Montgomery goes from losing the game for the Packers to being a Raven.
Dayum. That’s one way to “por encourager les autres“.
Although, honestly, Rodgers has been a disappointment this year. Its like he’s overthinking everything; my theory is that his huge new contract has messed up his head – now he feels like he has to earn that absurd amount of money by making every play a perfect play, by tricking the defense every time, etc.
Honestly, Rogers always struggles to begin the season, but usually ends the season so well people forget about it. I think it has more to do with not getting enough work in the preseason.
And also, HaHa Clinton-Dix to the Redskins. I think Tramon Williams might be moving to safety ala the aging Woodson route.
They traded Ha-Ha, too.
That’s not funny.
What about the Motor City Kitties trading Golden Tate to the Eagles?
Can’t say I’m unhappy to see him go. He’s always burned the Vikes.
I’m loving seeing him in Philly. We’re down multiple WRs due to injury, and he’s a good one. We have an extra second round pick and will likely be getting multiple comp picks as well, so a 3rd rounder isn’t too bad a price.
Oh g-d Jacob Wohl is the #1 trending topic on Twitter in the US. That is FABULOUS.
See my link below. He’s so fucked.
Posted without comment.
Cool story. I would never have learned about it if it weren’t for your link!
You read the links?
Only to nag you.
“Orgasms I have with my spirit lovers have been way more satisfying than any I’ve had with ordinary men.”
This is what happens when you refuse to admit that you masturbate.
Oh boy. This kid is in deep shit:
Dumb dumb dumb
He used his real email when he set it up?
What a dipshit.
That was dumb. The fake employee profiles are the icing on the cake.
He used Cristopher Waltz’s picture for one of the employees. I’m not even sure there’s a word in the English language to describe how dumb that is.
As Col. Hans Landa, or as Dr. King Schultz?
Who is this turd?
A very, very stupid boy, it seems.
Stupid boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjvPcpdu8mk
Oh sure, he’s a turd, but Sasha Baron Cohen gets famous with the same shtick…
Wohl managed to get banned for life by the CFTC when he was 18 or 19. That’s, like, really difficult.
OK, I give up. What’s the story with this guy after you translate it from Twitter to English?
He somehow got people to invest with him and ran a “hedge fund” as a teenager. As is not surprising, it was a gigantic fraud. He ended up being banned for life from working in the securities markets when he was 19 (early 2017). Since then, he’s just been a guy on Twitter spouting bullshit and looking for his next scheme, which was apparently this.
He has a habit of going into “hipster coffee shops” around LA and overhearing the hipsters talking about how much they love Trump. https://twitter.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/1019616633252405248
Heh OK thanks. I think.
Did you see the latest?
The allegation leaked. It’s as poorly thought out as everything else.
Chutzpah minus brains is just a man too stupid to know when to stop.
The guy who allegedly tried to frame Robert Mueller for sexual assault.
At first, I thought the allegation was laughably ridiculous. Now, I totally believe that he did it.
I can’t get enough of this right now. The balls on this kid must be ten times the size of his brain.
From wiki:
So Bulger was in a FL prison for 4 years without incident, and then the same day he arrives at the new prison, he’s murdered. At a facility that’s had two other homicides in the past month or so. I’m sure everything is on the up and up.
That is a lot of transfers for an old man.
Probably not, but ain’t gonna be too many tears shed for Whitey Bulger. Regular people hate him for being a murderous scumbag, other crooks hate him for being an FBI informant.
The more charitable reading is that he was threatened and they kept moving him around because of it.
Like stated above, Bulger wasn’t going to be popular with anyone in a prison — neither the correctional officers nor the other prisoners. I’m kind of surprised it took this long.
He served in the Air Force and later did time at Alcatraz and other federal prisons for bank robberies. His brother William Bulger became one of the most powerful politicians in Massachusetts, serving 18 years as president of the Massachusetts Senate and eight years as president of the University of Massachusetts.
So, what you’re saying is, both of them should have been in jail?
So, what you’re saying is, both of them were mobsters?
I never heard of this Jacob Wahl kid. Sounds like he and Avenatti would be two peas in a pod. Avennatti was just smart enough to get a Law degree to finagle his way around
But did he make a sculpture of it from mashed potatoes?
This……MEANS something
That’s one tough old boy. Good for him.
Wow. What a stud.
That guy kicks ass. What an inspiration.
I’m a little annoyed at the density of the commentary on Trump and the birthright citizenship EO. I don’t think anyone, including Trump, actually believes he can change that by EO; this is a combination of red meat for the base and forcing Congress’s hand. This would be a total non-starter with Dems controlling either house, so I wonder what info Trump is getting on next week’s election.
Now, whether a statute changing birthright citizenship would pass SCOTUS muster is an interesting question, and could be an excellent case for looking at the difference between “textualist” and “original intent” approaches to interpreting the document. What I have never understood, BTW, is why the US allows dual citizenship, and I wonder if that isn’t a potential opening for the “conservative” reinterpretation of birthright citizenship. There’s also room, I think, for allowing the children of legal residents to be birthright citizens because their parents voluntarily and expressly accepted US jurisdiction, while its not clear the same can be said of illegals. OTOH, the “plain meaning” of the clause sure makes it look like birth tourism is perfectly OK. We see a lot of it at my hospital, generally accompanies by various forms of fraud and often with non-payment of the bills. We ain’t getting the rich Chinese women here.
From a purely technical/jurisprudential standpoint, this is a juicy topic.
2 prominent lawyers have weighed in so far, and they say it’s not impossible.
I did a c-section for a colombian “tourist” last night. It is odd the number of 9 month pregnant women that want to visit Disney World from other countries.
Insurance, or are you going to get stiffed on the bill?
Even El Chapo Guzman’s kids have US citizenship.
Honestly I stopped looking at insurance status, because I’m ethically bound to provide the same level of care regardless of ability to pay. But word around the campfire is Brits almost never pay.
Why do I find this unsurprising?
We don’t have to pay in jolly old England, why should we pay here even though we’re scamming the immigration system to get away from the shithole we’ve made for ourselves?
Given South Americans’ propensity for C-sections out of convenience (as opposed to medical necessity), I figured you guys would have some sort of system in place for that.
It might be the election forecast, but it’s very definitely a laser pointer to go have the media chase something besides the “how the GOP is responsible for all violence always” talking point of the last week.
What I have never understood, BTW, is why the US allows dual citizenship
It’s not so as the US allows dual citizenship, it just doesn’t require citizens to hold only a single US citizenship and renounce all other citizenships like some countries do. Even then, citizenship decisions are really at the sole discretion of that country, as Young Chun found out.
Beto Kushner for Senate!
Oh, do tell. Really.
I was wondering if there was an example that didn’t boil down to “Landlord wants tenant to pay their back rent”.
Or “Prospective Tenant without ability to pay gets rejected.”
But… but he goes by Beto! He’s a man of the people! Swarthy, blue collar people!
Now that’s funny
Seems that Ohio’s giving its police officers free reign to pull over anyone they want, wherever they want, for whatever reason they want.
In my experience, they were already doing that.
IME, PA state troopers don’t even bother unless you’re 15 or more over the limit.
My partner got pulled over and received a written warning (no fine) for driving 5 (five) mph over the speed limit on a highway in Ohio.
Linndale or one of the other speed trap towns?
“Seems that Ohio’s giving its police officers free reign to pull over anyone they want, wherever they want, for whatever reason they want.”
I agree with your point, but in all honesty, cops have been able to do this for a long time. If you don’t believe me, just ask a cop. They will tell you.
Also, there is absolutely zero recourse for a citizen who has been stopped unjustly. There is nothing you can do about it. One can get pulled over and the officer can bluntly tell you that you were pulled over because he fucking felt like pulling you over and there will be zero consequences for the officer or the department. There is no mechanism to disincentivise officers from doing this.
I find it funny that you are well within your rights to say nothing to the officer and simply crack your window to accept whatever citation they end up giving you in written form. Whats funny is this often ends with you on your face in handcuffs like this lady:
Sadly unless you are a lawyer or have the money to pay a good one I wouldn’t recommend it.
What was Elmore Leonard’s line? “You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride”
Isn’t that the Victorian Matron who wrote Westerns for hollywood in the mid 20th century?
/rehashing old misunderstandings.
Last time I got pulled over I had a cop let me out of a pretty big ticket, in part because I was very civil and readily admitted I was speeding. Inspire of his friendly demeanor he still asked a bunch of probing questions:
“Where are you going?”
“Where did you come from?”
“If you are on a road trip why so little baggage?”
I really wanted to say “None of your damned business” but at that point I didn’t want to fuck up the $400 ticket he was letting me off on.
“Wait? My luggage is gone? I have to call the last hotel, I must have left it behind!”
+1 left of center, +2 didn’t signal lane change, +3 following too close.
+4 you weren’t wearing your seatbelt
+5 you failed to completely stop at that stop sign back there
+6 I suspected your window tint was too dark
+7 you driving exactly the speed limit is suspicious
+8 you driving less than the speed limit is suspicious
+9 you driving over the speed limit is illegal
+10 you were weaving between the line
+11 you weren’t wearing between the lines
I had a refreshingly honest deputy tell me this once. One morning at the gas station I was asking him about my burned out license plate lights, and he said. “yeah, you should get them fixed, but if I want to pull you over, I’ll find a reason to pull you over.”
Well, at least one court called a deputy out in a lie about a traffic stop and threw out evidence.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good dash cam?
I recommend doing research on youtube. I use a “BlackVue” brand, it works fine, don’t know how it compares to others since it’s all I have used. Also a few years old now, but I would probably buy another one of the same brand since I’m familiar with it, unless future research steered me elsewhere.
As a lifelong Ohio resident, I will say I believe OH cops are very aggressive compared to other states for pulling over cars. Driving in FL was shocking to me. There are many things I like about this state, but the highway patrol are huge assholes.
I’m drinking another BIF beer. I’m not sure what to make of this one. I need to drink more to find out.
I’m drinking my first beer from Hyperbole. The generous soul that he is, he sent me two of these, so I get an extra attempt to rate this one.
I’m just glad you finally got them. 5 days of ‘severe weather emergency conditions’, thank god I wasn’t sending you anything important.
Well, define “important”. But yeah, ridiculous. It could have been time sensitive, or perishable. I kinda laid into the dispatcher or whoever the hell called yesterday. He couldn’t say much, but I got the vibe that it didn’t surprise him with this driver. He did admit this idiot has gone in the ditch twice in the last couple months. I also got a “how’d we do” email survey that they are going to fail miserably.
I’d see if you can get your money back. I think they conditionally guarantee the 2 day delivery on ground. And while they can maybe make the lame excuse that the roads were bad (they weren’t) there’s no getting around the fact that it just sat at the terminal, by itself, in a truck yesterday because it got forgotten.
The locals line up for this limited release. I am not that fond of it myself.
I just finished it. I’m not impressed. I think if they toned the whiskey down a bit it could be a good beer.
Whatever the NORK version of Photoshop is.
I believe that’s called “pirated” Photoshop.
Well actually it’s still called Photoshop. Kim Jong Un created the program and the evil Americans stole it.
Ya I doubt there’s that many potatoes in North Korea
That’s just Kim’s Dinner.
This Jacob Wohl thing keeps getting better and better.
For the accusation, they picked a WORKDAY where Mueller reported for jury duty. Didn’t even bother to google the date. AND, they said that Mueller took the woman up to his room on the 19th floor. The 19th floor of the St Regis is a fitness center.
My god, it’s like this kid wants to go to jail.
This is almost as stupid as the people giving a teenager money to invest in a “hedge fund”.
Making up false sexual assault claims gets people put in jail now?
What party is the accuser/accused?
This kid is as dumb as people think Trump is.
*Not that Trump is a super-genius, but he’s proved (to me at least) to be no stupider than our last two presidents, and has in idot-savant ability to play the media like a 5lb fish on 20 lb line. They go where he wants every single time.
I thought we were supposed to believe the woman all the time.
Chuck Woolery has completely lost his marbles.
Nice thread but just write a damn blog.
Heather is cute, and seems chubby.
Why don’t you invite her over here?
also, re: Carp
I thought that was going to be an overly-THICC Q type video
Some scuzzy looking guy is passed out, face on table next to me at Denny’s. Half a carafe of red wine in front of him. Staff is having a having a helluva time waking him up. It’s 8:45 am. “Dear customer, dear customer, *shakes shoulder* You’re bleeding on the table.”
All night bender at Denny’s?
“Denny’s: When you aren’t quite drunk enough for Waffle House.”
I think Waffle House patrons generally have enough meth in them to power-thru the alcohol. I mean, he said that Denny’s has wine. Who does that?
Japanese Denny’s, apparently.
I seem to remember Denny’s introducing beer at some point in the past. Generally if you were eating at Denny’s you already consumed enough alcohol to kill any pathogens that may exist in the food.
I really cannot recall ever eating at Denny’s when not somewhere in the netherworld between drunk and hungover.
Acquire some relatives with senior citizen discounts. It gets you in the weekend morning crowd.
And eat there while sober?!? I have standards, Sir!
Fair enough.
Not since I was in HS and (a)nobody gave a shit if we sat in the smoking section and smoked and (b) we damn sure weren’t going to see anyone who knew our parents.
Or…too drunk?
who hasn’t been there, amirite ?
With wine?! No sir I have not!
Good times
Who knew your Denny’s are just like ours.
We really are all the same!
I’m pretty lit. Getting on a plane from Reno back to LAX.
This Is Our Last Chance
Hmmm….hamfisted. I’ve come to expect more from the Right. That’s leftist level parody.
Exactly why I hate everyone. No one does nuance anymore, no one does that sideways glance that tells you “yeah ‘I know’ wink wink” It’s all the drunk (who in fairness is pretty damn funny) but he repeats the joke over and over and with each repetition he gets louder, because maybe you didn’t hear him the first ten times.
Bro, do you even Nuance?
Plus the caricature of the prog voter being a basement dwelling millennial is both overplayed and inaccurate. Poking fun at the fact they are the ones who have all the money yet scream for income equality, see racists everywhere but are in reality uncomfortable around minorities, decry violence yet condone it when it suits their purposes, these are much funnier jabs than “hurr durr I don’t want to work so I can play video games all day”
#WalkAway March – Stacey Dash
Cinema Sin: Stacy Dash is not my girlfriend in this scene.
“Black don’t crack.” Still a solid would.
Still a solid would.
She definitely makes my wood solid.