Oh yeah, there’s a crossfitter throwing weight around like a lunatic. Any bets on how long before his next injury? Oh wait, there it is!
The weight floor is a great piece of people watching if you like to see who cares more about appearances and who cares more about results. Ever see that guy who basically yanks on the barbell, using the momentum to reduce the strain on his muscles? How about that person who locks out their joints to take the strain?

Alright, this has to be one of you guys!
It’s all over the place! Knowing your lifts and using proper form is more efficient and has a much lower likelihood of injury.
Seriously, nobody gives a shit how many plates you have on your bar. Drop weight and do things correctly. Learn the difference between lifting with power and yanking. Learn how to modify your cadence to achieve endurance versus peak strength. Generally, fewer reps and a faster cadence gets you peak strength. More reps and a slower cadence builds endurance.
By the way, women. You won’t get “bulky” by lifting more weight. You’re not a man and you’re not on steroids, so you’re much more likely to get “toned” than to get “bulky”. Seriously. You may see some gains on the scale, but that’s only because you’re replacing loose pillowy fat with dense, lean muscle. The metrics that actually matter (appearance, fitness, and performance) will universally improved when you strength train.
HIIT workout of the week
Read it from the source, here.
Healthy meal of the week
This isn’t actually a meal, but it’s instructions on how to properly cook a healthy food.
Specifically, salmon. People abuse the hell out of salmon and it still tastes half decent. Eventually it’ll get chalky and chewy once you render all the fat out, but you shouldn’t cook it that far.
Once I learned how to properly cook salmon, I realized why half decent isn’t good enough. I’ve essentially ruined restaurant salmon for myself except at nice restaurants. The key, just like almost everything else cooking, is to cook based on temperature rather than time.
We usually get cheap Aldi Atlantic salmon and it tastes better than an overcooked Pacific Sockeye. We should splurge for a good salmon filet and see how it turns out!
Essentially, the method is as follows:
-pat dry before cooking to prevent steaming the fish
-cook the filet on medium-low heat to prevent chalkiness
– cook to 120 before giving a quick sear on the meat side and pulling the fish
Weight: 150.7#, HR: 45bpm
Today: 13.11 mile run, 40# pack, 2:14:37, 130bpm, 10:16 min/mile
Saturday was Deadman Peaks Trail Run: 53mi, 11:14:46, 127bpm
DPTR53M went well. I ran at a comfortable pace until the last four and a third mile segment which was basically downhill. For that, I put on my BMDM playlist and sped up.
I’m happy with my average pace for my training run today and that I’ve lost a bunch of my JJ100 weight.
Sunday is the Ghost Town 50k, down in the Gila.
By the way, women. You won’t get “bulky” by lifting more weight
Best line I’ve seen on this. Weights don’t make you big. Cupcakes do.
If we’re being honest, and I’m not judging here, 99% of women who avoid lifting weights because they’re afraid of getting “bulky” are looking for a justification to avoid actual exercise.
Oh, you’ve met my girlfriend?
Looks like Trump is determined to end Muellers witch hunt before the Dems take control of Congress…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s going to legalize weed.
Honeymoon is over. Trump looking for a wartime consigliere.
I’d bet that was a done deal if the Dems won the House. Having an AG who recused himself from half the shit the House is gonna issue subpoenas over would be stupid, and I’m sure everyone involved knew that.
Wasn’t Rosenstein supposed to be canned a while back as well?
Deer camp menu was venison pasties, venison stroganoff, two kinds of chili (Texas Red and Colorado Green), burgers and brats and lots of alcohol.
I somehow lost 4 lbs over the weekend.
Skipped the buns?
I always skip the carbs.
Monday’s weight was 151.4. If things continue as they have been (read your prospectus before investing, past performance is no guarantee of future returns), I should hit my goal of 150 in the next couple of weeks. This losing weight stuff is expensive. I had to pull an old suit coat out of the back of the closet about 6 weeks ago. The one I was wearing looked like I was wearing my Dad’s coat. Now the older one is too big for me. I guess I’m going to have to cough up for a new suit. I haven’t been this small since I was 30.
You people…I haven’t been 150 since eighth grade.
Agreed. I have two ultra vests that I can’t cinch up tight enough to prevent the bottles from slapping my chest as I run. I’m going to have to get at least one new one.
My external frame backpack that I use for BMDM training and competition has a hip belt that was tight enough for today’s run, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to tighten it further if I lose more waist.
I’ve already bought some new clothes, but I want to get to my goal and then stabilize for a couple months before I buy anything else.
I had a rough day lifting because I’m still recovering from working on my truck.
Hockey last night. Hard work that is fun.
Sessions is fired!
Sous vide salmon is ridiculously good, if you have the equipment. I’ve never bothered searing it, it’s delicious right out of the bag.
Still fasting on sundays, still working
So fewer reps, slower cadence is the trick, huh? In that case I should be peaking about day after tomorrow. My semi official goal is to make 190, got 2 more lbs to go. I have dropped a few lbs over the last few weeks but deer season interrupted my schedule for a few days. Now if only there was a way to get rid of stubborn belly fat, besides wearing loose shirts.