Good afternoon, kids. I bet you thought you were going to receive SPectacular links, or at least a SPectacular layout thereof. But no.
SPectacular applies to the Tuesday Afternoon part of the title. It is a beautiful autumn afternoon here, if a little windy.
Well, let’s see what is going on in the rest of the world.
- Or above it. NASA’s ‘brilliant’ plan for a cloud city of airships in the atmosphere of Venus. Um, OK.
- Trump administration has new plan to drive Iran out of Syria. How about we use MY plan and just get us the fuck out of conflicts that aren’t directly threatening the US?
- “The latest campaign finance reports show a yawning gulf between Democrats and Republicans as the seemingly boundless energy on the left translates to a torrent of campaign cash three weeks before the midterm election.” Oh. California. Nothing to see here, move along.
- Look, I’m not saying this is a racist story, but it’s a racist story. Yet another article about a black burglary perp.
- To protect and serve…snacks?
I like them all and couldn’t choose, so you get three musical selections.
A standard.
A little darker.
And one for the Old Guy.
And one for the Old Guy.
I’m not that old.
*grumbles about lawns*
Uffda. Hate to break the news to you Tundra, but I’m not sure your PUA strategies are working on SP.
Last time when you gaffed her invitation off at the last minute, I think it backfired. Instead of being even more desperate to meet you and win your admiration, I think she just got upset. How upset? Well I wouldn’t book any travel/hotels in the Chicago area under my real name if I were you.
When negging goes wrong.
It goes even more wrong when I see Tundra at a local coffee shop and yell “What up my negga?”
Amazing how many dirty looks that leads to.
There used to be a Kowalski’s a few blocks from my house in North Minneapolis. The Manager’s last name was Niggler. I kid you not.
Was his first name Nirk?
my favorite family to deliver milk to!
Nèi gè?
No worries. I always book under Mike’s name.
That explains why they leave a corn cob on the pillow instead of a mint….
“NASA’s ‘brilliant’ plan for a cloud city of airships in the atmosphere of Venus”
Lando Calrissian not included.
Would it be racist to say Lando is sold separately?
the tictacs require a coupon
And free Colt 45 for everyone?
Works everytime
60% of the time.
Rube Goldberg
I like it better without the music.
Behold the dumbest take of the day, possibly of the week: Madison Never Envisioned Minority Rule The Framers worried about absolute rule by majorities. But they never would’ve imagined the opposite.
Shorter Bloomberg: “The Framers envisioned whatever system allows Progressives to achieve and retain power.”
I don’t think Madison ever imagined majority or minority Federal “Rule”.
Exactly. Bring back the 10th Amendment, and what goes on in DC won’t be so important anymore.
^^ This guy gets it.
This talking point that the Republican’s who control the most statehouses, most governorships, both houses of the federal congress, the presidency and the supreme court represent only a small fraction of the country based on a difference of several million popular vote in a presidential election consisting of the two most polarizing figures I can remember is awesome and sure to be a winner.
The entire popular vote difference came down to California, where the democratic super-majority has managed to so gerrymander and trick-fuck the system that most right leaning voters don’t bother to show up.
Hey, according to the Democrats, gerrymandering is only when it’s done in red states. “Districts are drawn fairly in states like California.”
Plus, they can whine all they like, they’re not going to completely overhaul the entire constitutional presidential voting passage just because they lost an election. Amending the constitution is no easy task to begin with, plus there’s plenty more states, who collectively could veto an amendment, that would be hurt by majority rule than would benefit from it.
Fuck you California, even if I live here. This state doesn’t get to tell other states what to do.
Then why doesn’t my car have New York emissions?
Who wants a car that shits lox and upstate fall color?
Well now I do.
Hey, according to the Democrats, gerrymandering is only when it’s done in red states.
To which the best response is a picture of Maryland’s 3rd district.
That’s the most gerrymandered extant district I’ve seen. If someone knows of a worse example, I’d like to know.
Here you go.
Yes, and I wonder how many of those 3M votes were legals.
My recollection was that it was the winning margins of both New York and California that equaled Hillary’s lead over Trump nationally.
The point still carries. The US is not the sum of the two most liberal states in the union. People in Iowa, and pretty much every other state, need to be protected from New York and California.
Fuck majority rule. {See Franklin: two wolves; one lamb; today’s lunch menu}
Lots of people in New York and California need to be protected from their donkey-voting neighbors too.
They can always move.
Not here of course, cause they always bring crazy with them.
The difference in CA was 4,269,978, and the total popular vote was 2,868,686.
According to wiki.
Thanks. I have a different recollection. But, who lets lived experience trump actual facts?
The diff in NY was ~2M, almost equal to the shortfall as well.
Get the same result with 1 wolf and 2 lambs. Its who has the power…
So if team A wins the World Series 4 games to 1 with a 1 run margin each win, but team B won that one game 23-2, then then Team B should win the World Series. Makes total sense when you think about it. Maybe NFL games should be decided on total yards gained, but only if it produces the desired result.
It’s an especially ridiculous contention when one considers that the R’s won the plurality of the popular vote for the House races in the same election year.
They want a system where anytime the Republicans loose support they have to give up power, but when the Democrats loose support, well “Elections have consequences”.
A bit under 2300 years young at the time if you count from the founding of the Roman Republic. Since the Founders were all well schooled in history and the classics, that’s probably a good starting point.
The 2012 election when Obama “crushed” Romney.
Population USA — 2012 — 314 million souls
Obama — 65,915,795 votes — 20.99% of the population
Romney — 60,933,504 votes — 19.41% of the population
21% of the population is a mandate. A mandate I tell ya!
The 17% of New Yorkers who keep electing Comrade Deblasio agree!
We should fight for the best, most democratic interpretation of Madisonian thought, not the government as it existed in the 1790s or the 1850s or the 1950s.
Or, we could apply the Constitution as written, and propose amendments where we think they are needed. Which, you will note, is not at all what the author proposes.
The Founders, having seceded from England precisely because they had no representation in Parliament, decided to remedy that in our Constitution by giving smaller states effective representation in Congress and in Presidential elections. They had small and large population states back then, too, you know, and they didn’t want the large states curbstomping the smaller states and driving them to leave the union, so they set up a system where the smaller states had enough of a say, to stay in. The Senate and the Electoral College are really no more complicated than that.
I wonder how residents of small states like Rhode Island, Delaware, or Maine feel being thrown under the bus by every time by these mob-rule types.
The six smallest states by population are:
Wyoming (2 Reps)
Vermont (2 Dems, including Sanders)
Alaska (2 Reps)
North Dakota (1 Dem, 1 Rep)
South Dakota (2 Reps)
Delaware (2 Dems)
The six largest states by population are:
California (2 Dems)
Texas (2 Reps)
Florida (1 Dem, 1 Rep)
New York (2 Dems)
Pennsylvania (1 Dem, 1 Rep)
Illinois (2 Dems)
I count 7 Reps and 5 Dems from small states, for a +2 Rep, and 5 Reps and 7 Dems from large states, for a +2 Dem. I’m failing to see a crisis of legitimacy here.
The populace gets proportional representation in the House (so the little states can’t dictate to the big states).
The states get equal representation in the Senate (so the big states can’t dictate to the little states).
The electoral colleges is the sum of both House and Senate.
The secret to a successful compromise is that no one gets everything they want, and everyone has the satisfaction that everyone else got fucked over too.
I Have Returned! it was a close run thing, but my Cash injection worked out, so I’m good til 2019, and have some breathing room,
Torpedos in the Air!
You sold a kidney on the Dark Web ? Hopefully it wasnt yours….
I sold a few orphans, you might say I parted them out………
Capitalism !
Sounds like trouble. Getting all those makes and models mixed up like that. Do you sell the appropriate A-dapter kit?
🙂 Glad to be here Tulip!
That got mixed up…… Yes Pope, i went to the Hobby Shop and picked up a few
Whew, for a second I thought you were making some derogatory comments about my lips and I was about to call you cuntface.
*Anyone else reminded of the old Would I?/Cuntface joke by the Mushroom DIck/Horseface twitter battle?
“you might say I parted them out”
The old King Solomon Gambit.
Yusef’s back! Yay!
Welcome back, Yusef!
Good to see you back!
There’s some newbies creeping around who you need to properly welcome.
Excellent news!
I’m tired of wormyns givin me lip.
knew it ‘fore I clicked it
took NewWife to see him zero prepped, and she couldn’t stop laughing: at Baker, at me- that 200 neighbors knew his lyrics
And this has been my creed for decades: “I ain’t afraid of your husband baby: I’m coming over tonight”
oh, and he absolutely threw down on Voodoo Chile: best I’ve seen live other than SRV (Knoxville ’85).
Man, that takes me back. I saw Stevie Ray in Richmond in, probably, 1983 or 4. Great concert.
LOL at 19 seconds!
Also from the NYPD…
Didn’t he used to play for the Colts?
It says right there that he was a Chief!
The Chargers. And only Romanowski outranked him as League’s Dirtiest Player. I mean he wasn’t a roidhead like ‘ol Billy but a cheapshot aficionado. Never liked the guy.
So there is a police strike happening?
That guy was hilariously jitterbugging around the back of the fight before he was picked up and tossed like a couch cushion.
It’s helpful in terms of keeping track of the players that they wear uniforms to their fights.
bahahahahahaha…..I’m stunned that skinny-jeans wearing soybois prove to be less than intimidating street brawlers.
I mean. To be objective it looks like both sides were edging for a fight. I’d say both sides would need to be charged with a disturbance of the peace. the video makes it look like Antifa started it, but then again the Proud Boys were off camera. I think they deserve eachother.
So in conclusion, i think its a tough shake that they are focusing on the “Proud Boys” (stupid name) but i guess this makes wearing a mask when you go out to fight a valid tactic.
this makes wearing a mask when you go out to fight a valid tactic.
Especially when the cops don’t automatically roust you for it. As they should in the current climate, where wearing a mask in public like that is (strongly?) associated with lawbreaking.
Interesting. If I’m seeing this right, the “Proud Boys” fans of Gavin McInnes basically handed Antifa’s rear ends to them. That can’t be, though. TOS assured me that they were a bunch
of incompetent alt-right neckbeards.
I can’t tell from the video who started the fight, but its crystal clear who ended it.
All those guys need to watch a few more hockey games.
These incidents piss me off, because the left controls the narrative. I don’t agree with the Proud Boys philosophy(nor do I think they’re racist), and I definitely don’t agree with the marchers at Charlottesville (many of whom were racist) . But the fact of the matter is no one gets hurt if ANTIFA doesn’t show up starting shit. But that’s not the narrative we hear.
In their tactics and the support they enjoy: Antifa = PLO.
This requires Benny HIllification.
I would agree, except for the part where the guy on the ground was getting his head kicked. I would have thrown a roughing the protestor flag on that one.
An atomic wedgie is the appropriate finishing move for these guys.
Okey doke.
This Soy Boy tries a sucker-punch. Hilarity ensues.
I love the guy who catches his punch just laughing at him.
I think he would have broken his skinny little wrist if that punch had landed.
Yet another article about a black burglary perp
WTF? Are you going wobbly on us? Calling a story racist just because the perp was black? Am I going to be called a White Nationalist if I point out the victim was white?
I find the dehumanizing language about burly gay men to be far more problematic.
Nothing to see here, people. Move along.
Please use the NY Times Style Book on this site from now on. That creature should be properly referred to as an African American Bear.
Ahem… Gay Man of Color is the new proper style.
Ursines Of Color.
Polar Bears been keeping us down.
So is a BiPolar Bear a husky gay white guy with mental issues? Or a white guy who also likes husky bitches in addition to other bears?
Mentally otherwise abled, SHITLORD.
Snow Privilege.
Titty Tuesday bounces on!
I’m gonna need an opinion from the Glibertariat on who wins the battle of THICC: 2 or 7?
the answer to that question is yes.
#2 has little Boobies so #7 is who I’m Behind……….
We do. We win.
From Idle Hands’ link:
the Senate is one of several institutions that are now giving the Republican Party disproportionate power relative to its popular support.
You know what would make this less horrifying? If you idiots would stop trying to consolidate power and control in Washington.
One size does not fit all.
I heard they were planning a single-handed takeover of the nation’s entire healthcare system, without a single vote from the other party!
It’s dumber than that they are trying to reassure themselves that they are the clear majority when all the evidence points to a different conclusion.
In short order the republicans will overreach and people will vote for the democrats again.
Sure as the sun rises…
of course it’s the nature of our duopoly. These retards just seem to be deadset against it.
The Dems just haven’t figured out how far they’re over-reaching, giving cover to the over-reaching by the Reps.
This is a good point.
If the Dems were trying to lose they couldn’t have a better strategy.
Pretty much this. IMHO one major reason that things are getting so heated is that there is much more to fight over. If the federal govt had less wealth and power, there would be less to fight about. The Calis who are so upset about MAH POPLAR VOTE ought to realize that more devolution of authority to states (like it’s supposed to be) would be a plus for them. They wouldn’t have to worry so much about hicks in Iowa disturbing their progtopia.
But then they wouldn’t be allowed to tell the Iowans what to do, and where’s the smug in that?
That’s the thing, they take pleasure in trying to force their political views on others and they’ll never ever stop.
“You know what would make this less horrifying? If you idiots would stop trying to consolidate power and control in Washington.”
States and Governorship are another institution that are now giving the republican Party disproportionate power relative to it’s popular support.
It’s like this thing i once heard a dick-head once say “Elections have consequences”. Me Today, You Tomorow and all that…
I’m puzzled on how state legislatures and governorships elected by popular vote give the Republicans disproportionate power relative to its popular support. Little help here?
Well, the allegations, which are ‘credible’, is that there is ‘gerrymandering’.
Sorry I was being sarcastic. Anything that gives Republicans power is by definition bad in the mind of progs.
If the state legislatures still selected US senators, they’d really be losing their shit right now.
The same people who lead the charge against “climate change” are planning for this fuckery? HA ha ha ha ha. I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes
It’s dumber than that they are trying to reassure themselves that they are the clear majority when all the evidence points to a different conclusion.
That’s undoubtedly correct, but in a more sane arrangement (like the one originally envisioned) the idiot majority in California could not subjugate the other fifty six states.
From Venus Link:
“This is higher than the melting point of many metals including bismuth and lead, which may even fall as ‘snow’ onto the higher mountain peaks. ”
I don’t recommend catching those flakes on your tongue.
You’ll only do it once.
Then you’ll learn.
With all that lead, maybe you wouldn’t learn.
Look, I’m not saying this is a racist story, but it’s a racist story. Yet another article about a black burglary perp.
Oh, so you always want every thing to be about race? This is clearly a homophobic story!
I was at the Hobby Shop today talking to the War gaming Modelling Master, and he asked why I didn’t sell these, a Hand made rock outcrop,
It looks like a simple rock, but WGers use them a lot, they call them scatter pieces. Trees, Bunkers, ponds, Barricades and Painted figures, the Rock up above is worth 15$ I think I’ll go into the Terrain business,
That’s the life, doing what you love and getting paid for it. Now I just need to figure out how to monetize sitting on my ass and reading glibs.
Start writing hit pieces for Salon?
Under a pseudonym. Then you can link to them here for the extra hits due to hate-reads. Win-win.
Paint figures while drinking Beer and Glibbing, BTW Can I join up for Glib Fu? I think there’s time….
Or get a government job.
Build, paint, sell, DRINK!
Step 2: ?
Step 3: PROFIT !
Become a paid informant?
Well-made terrain is well worth the price!
I’ll keep you posted,
/plans future sales
Live by the one eyed monster…
72? That has got to be like 200 in Pimp years.
“‘Ron Jeremy went to wake up Dennis about 11am this morning and found him dead in his bed. He must have died in his sleep.’
Well, that would terrify me too.
And he never was awarded Pimp Of The Year
Wait, are we still talking about horse-face?
Well, if he’s talking about Tiny, he wouldn’t have to jump very high.
“He was also facing an allegation of rape and being investigated for human trafficking at the time of his death. “
Ah nice to see your mammal nanny state bend every law to shut down things they do not like.
What did he have on Hillary?
Awesome music selections, SP. You rock.
•Or above it. NASA’s ‘brilliant’ plan for a cloud city of airships in the atmosphere of Venus. Um, OK.
Well, now we have our setting for the sequel to Bioshock: Infinite.
This was bottled 2 days ago, and my Beer store Guy gave me a Sixer to try out, I love Johnny!
Big Grapefruit backtaste, really quite fresh, not overly hoppy, 7.2% Abv
I guess my alma mater is tired of fundraising…
” Student’s Choice Award”
Is this like the “Kids Choice awards”?
Maybe its more like the kiss-of-death “Best New Artist” Grammy?
“She’s the Dexys Midnight Runners of Grievance Studies”
I wonder how long Dr. DiAngelo has lived in lower-middle class neighborhoods.
I’m going to guess that the reason it is so tough to talk about Racism is the same reason that it is difficult to talk to your wife when she is mad. Nothing you say will be right and will only make things worse. Just sit there quietly until things blow over (phrasing heh, heh).
Her area of research is in Whiteness Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis, explicating how Whiteness is reproduced in everyday narratives.
Let me guess: every objectively true proposition buttresses white privilege.
**Hands TLPB his PhD in Discursive Critical Studies Theory**
You mean the dominant culture is dominant? Huh, go figure.
It was better when it was call Western Civ
Why can’t our plan for Syria be: Get the fuck out and let the Russians and Iran stick their dicks into it instead?
It kills me every time I read some shit piece by a neo-con who is worried that by not getting involved we are letting the Rooskies get the upper hand. For fucks sake. If the Russians can sort that shit out, more power to them.
More to the point, Syria has been a Russian client state for generations. The first non-USSR citizen they allowed on one of their space missions was a Syrian. By any rational assessment, Syria is their business more than ours.
Media: President Trump should be ashamed of himself for not intervening in the Middle East. Millions upon millions are dying because of him.
President Trump intervenes-
Media: Oh my gawd! Look at how many of our men and women have died over in the Middle East? Why would President Trump send our military over there. He’s doing it because he hates the Mooslims!
Fuck em’ all.
We’re just prolonging the misery of millions to make some stupid geopolitical point and are allying with some of the worst bastards in the world to do it. It’s fucking disgusting.
This time its different, man. Its NOT like VN, its the desert, not the jungle. We can…
Its hard to believe that politicians never, ever learn. ‘Course the money is in war, not peace.
Driving back from the airport this afternoon, I made the mistake of turning on the radio. And there was Ben Cardin (D- Murderland) huffing that because Saudi Arabia killed one of its own citizens in its own sovereign territory within Turkey, that the US had to Take Action.
Team Blue: War is always the answer.
War is the answer until it goes sour and then they just blame it on the R’s.
They deserve condemnation and maybe even some economic actions but war? Here’s a rifle and a plane ticket Ben, have fun.
“Team Everyone: War is always the answer”
Yes – I’m not sure why we are supposed to care about this story. I’ve been to Saudi Arabia – the place is creepy. Journalists are following it only because it’s anther journalist.
Just out of curiosity why do you say creepy?
Hard to explain – huge empty highways, strange suspicious people, no women in public that I saw except for a few Kuwaiti refugees. Just a weird feeling of oppression in the big towns.
I was there in ’90-91 as a Marine.
Who will win in Tejas tonight: Beto or the Astros?
I still hate the AL, but it’s time to print out some scorecards and open a beer. Go ‘Stros!
Anything that knocks the Sawx out is a good thing, even if it means a return trip to the Series for the Astros.
Seen on the internet: Mr. World Leader, how do you deal with journalists?
Best response:
Yeah. (Trump) personally came to my house and unplugged my internet connection.
From the comments:
Trudeau: “Look at my funny socks!”
Now that’s a Graham Slam
Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Tuesday that he is taking a DNA test to prove that he is more Native American than Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
“I’m going to take a DNA test,” Graham said. “I’ve been told that my grandmother was part Cherokee … it may just be all talk, but you’re going to find out in a couple of weeks.”
“I’m taking it and the results are gonna be revealed here,” he said. “This is my Trump moment, this is reality TV.”
“Will you ask for a million dollars from the president too?” Fox’s Brian Kilmeade asked Graham.
“No, I want a casino and a million bucks,” Graham replied.
This is all great fun, but I do hope his politics improve.
I never thought Graham would crack me up so much. He’s had some weapons grade snak the last 2 weeks.
Hey CCW glibs? And those of you with some legal training? Im certainly not an expert, but Im guessing that this particular FloridaMan™ is about to go to jail .
That’s a close one. Is that the exact moment he pulled the trigger? Or did the guy raise his right hand with the knife?
My arm-chair take on it is that the guy’s life wasn’t in danger, and the thief was backing away.
I wasnt there, so…..
Yep, jail it is.
The guy was an armed robber leaving his store. The hatchet he stole makes him armed. Probably should have let him go. He is, however, entitled to try to detain him. I’m not seeing enough of a threat here, personally, but I wouldn’t argue with a jury verdict either way.
This is a more complete video, with the requisite warnings and shit since it shows dude actually getting ventilated.
“Sign in to confirm your age”
Are you really that old ?
Here you go:
They’ll get him on some felony charge, won’t be murder though.
He is, however, entitled to try to detain him.
Exactly: cap him in the thigh and hope you don’t hit the femoral. But then figure $30-50k defending yourself even on a clean shoot…over a $4 piece of Chinese crap…and then the civil case begins.
I couldn’t hurt anyone over property, and I think most folk should just let most property crime go. If the pricing doesn’t figure for inventory shrinkage, you deserve to go out of business. Just hope the camera gets something the cops can use so that the neighborhood can spend $4,000 on a trial and then sentence him to time served (six weeks while his mom refused to bail him out) or send him out on the country median raking detail for ten weekends because that totally stops crime dead in its tracks.
Maybe Clarence Saunders had it wrong: people should just stand under the eave and wait for the clerk to return with the goods that only get passed through the window after the cash is shoved in?
Screw that. Having had my truck broken into twice at work, and one of my buddys’ another time, fuck thieves with a rusted spike.
I couldn’t hurt anyone over property, and I think most folk should just let most property crime go.
I’m conflicted over this, especially when the theft involves armed robbery. Probably not a one-size-fits-all solution for me. This one, sounds like the guy was probably a known figure, could easily be picked up later by police, the smart thing would have been to let him go. OTOH, a store owner does have the right to detain a thief, and he was exercising that right on a thief he knew was armed.
cap him in the thigh and hope you don’t hit the femoral
Shoot to kill, or don’t shoot at all, is my policy.
If someone stole something from me and I catch them running down the street with it, I’m not going to shoot them. If they’re in my house in the middle of the night when I catch them, I’m shooting to stop them. If that includes killing them, too bad for them.
cap him in the thigh and hope you don’t hit the femoral
Oh I was just thinking out loud in the mindset of someone who was trying to navigate some middling ground in this no-win situation. There’s probably not an healthy way to detain a dude with a hatchet that springs to mind short of burying him. YMMV; if you shave, you’ve got to look yourself in the mirror every day.
My own policy (wonders if this website ever gets introduced as evidence) is Shoot to Eliminate the Threat. I’ve mentioned here before that I’ve used a gun to stop a property crime and I’ve shot someone in a civilian context. Believe me it is that last thing you ever want to do if you can avoid it. FWIW, my opinions in this space have not chanced since either event.
I’ve used a gun to stop a property crime
Were you willing to shoot?
Hard to say without knowing all the details, but just from watching that my gut reaction is that it was excessive force.
Guilty or not, dude’s got some questionable tactics. Never get that close to a dude with a knife.
Advice for all the old farts here.
Must be all the soy causing this. *Dons tin foil hat*
“Male Menopause Is Going to Suck, But You Can Get Through It”
As long as you don’t like sex you’ll be OK. Desire and performance may be in opposition. YMMV
HRT will fix that. If you like sex, you might eventually need a fix. It might not be in your 50s, but eventually you might want to fix that so you can still do fun stuff other than tell kids to get the fuck off your lawn.
Hillary Rodham Tlinton?
I didn’t say fix it to where you can never get wood again. I meant ‘fix’ it the good way.
If Hillary was your only option, you’d probably never want to get hard again. I don’t hate Bill because of Monica, but because of his rapey “fun-times”.
+1 Lolita Express
Hrvatska radiotelevizija
The conceptual airship would float around the planet, being blown by the wind.
It could, usefully, be filled with a breathable gas mixture such as oxygen and nitrogen, providing buoyancy.
No weirder than “Space: 1889”.
+1 Martin Landau
“he conceptual airship would float around the planet”
Let’s just say we create one of those. Why in the fuck would we decide to put it in orbit around Venus? Is it a good view, or what? Because if it goes down, it’s not going to be the most fun death ever.
I assumed they would be unmanned. Or UNWOMANNED.
I had that spaceship toy as a kid. Well… 100 years later.
The new strategy would not involve the U.S. military directly targeting and killing Iranian soldiers or Iran’s proxies, however, since that would violate the current U.S. authorization for using force in Syria. The U.S. military does have the right of self-defense under the authorization, and could strike the Iranian military if it felt threatened.
I’m certain there are cops reading this story and thinking, “Why is this stopping the military? We’d be shooting up the place!”
And their dogs
Reminds of Mattis calling the Russians about a couple of hundred Russian soldiers, err, “mercenaries”, heading toward a refinery we were guarding. When the Russians said “Who? Nah, those guys aren’t ours”, Mattis called in artillery, air strikes, choppers, and cleaned them up. Gotta wonder if the Iranians are going to claim every single Quds asshole they have in Syria.
Of course, I think we should GTFO, pausing only to tell the Iranians not to fuck with shipping traffic in the Gulf, or else.
somewhat related: a friend of mine from the Marines had a brother who was a grunt. He said that, almost without exception, whenever they worked with reservists, the ones who were cops in civilian life were hotheaded assholes who routinely escalated situations that didn’t need to be escalated. I know, who knew?
In the Midwest, northern/central European families, especially German, Swiss, Austrian et al, have their own slang, I assume based on original German. In their slang, a ‘grunt’ is a piece of poo, like a grandmother saying to grandson “do you have to go grunts honey?”
I assume your use of ‘grunt’ here means something else?
Inversely, in the Marines, being called a POG (Person Other than a Grunt) is an insult.
I always heard it in the context of the “runny grunts”.
I thought it was just guys who hump their gear: they “grunt” their way through the jungle…standard Marine stuff.
A Grunt is a foot soldier/ infantryman.
Some acronyms–
Government Reject Unfit For Naval Training
General Replacement, UNTrained
I’m actually in favor of articles like these because if you’re so dumb you need this explained to you, you definitely shouldn’t be reproducing.
Or you could just have one sex partner in an exclusive deal. I know, that’s old fashioned and all, just saying.
Did you hear Playboy is marketing a magazine just for married men? Its the same centerfold every month…..
People still pay for Pr0n? On paper?
OT: I’ve noticed some cracks on my walls (only on one side of the house and in one ~15 foot area) that appear to be getting bigger. You can tell that these same exact cracks have been plastered over before at some point before I bought the house (4 years ago). I’m really concerned that it’s some kind of major foundation problem. I’m going to call some local construction/foundation companies tomorrow and see if I can get an estimate… But any idea what this could be or how much it could cost? The home has a crawlspace, not a slab.
“But any idea what this could be or how much it could cost?”
No idea without seeing it. Is there a basement?
Could be a lot things. We had a house with a crawlspace that had some cracking. Turned out to be bad sill plates, cost maybe a thousand or so(?) to fix. But, there are many things that could be causing the cracking, so its hard to say.
So many questions. Are the cracks horizontal or vertical? Can you inspect the crawl space under the are the cracks are appearing? What kind of foundation do you have? Do the Cracks extend through the blocks of the crawlspace? Is your house situated on a hillside? In a wet area? Is the soil in your area predominately sandy or clay or silty?
Good news is catastrophic foundation failure is rare, you are most likely dealing with normal settling issues.
Most of the cracks are diagonal. I can get under the crawlspace, but not today. Might have to wait until the weekend.
It’s a limestone foundation; the house was built in 1920. I don’t know that I’d call it a hillside, but the house is on a slight grade. The elevation decreases about three feet as you walk from the west end of the house to the east (so the front door is level with the ground, but the back door requires steps to get down to ground level).
It looks like all these cracks have been plastered or taped over before, so I’m wondering what that means. I’ve lived in this house for four years, and I’ve never seen them re-open like this.
Was it especially rainy this year? It can cause a corner of the house to start Sinking.
There are clay soils in Texas that expand when wet. The trick at my place in Fort Worth was to trickle water on the foundation constantly: keep it pumped up year round instead of letting it vacillate with the weather.
Yep, I ended up having to pay $5k when I sold the house to get my DFW house’s foundation leveled. Wet spring and dry summer led to cracks all over the place. I wasn’t diligent with the foundation sprinklers.
If it’s that old then settling probably isn’t the problem. I’d also doubt foundation problems, when you check the crawl space look at the framing more that then limestone, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have some rotting sill plates as RC D said above or even rotting joists. Lastly, consider climate change, has it been unusually dry or wet this year? An old house like that is likely not well insulated and a recurring but not constant issue like you describe could be from expansion and contraction exacerbated by extreme seasonal changes. have a pro take a look but don’t lose any sleep a 100 year old house that isn’t in obvious decline isn’t just going to collapse overnight.
I don’t think the rainfall has been out of the ordinary, but it did seem to get cold very quickly. It was in the ’80s one week, and last night it got down to 34.
Thanks for the tips, everyone. I tend to worry myself to death over everything; I was laying awake in bed last night wondering if the house was going to collapse in the middle of the night. I’ll call the construction company tomorrow.
Could be almost anything. Be certain to get multiple quotes. Foundation repair is rife with sleazeball companies.
Where are the women in engineering: another study
Feds Spend $368,695 Studying Microaggressions in Engineering Programs
Nice to know that difficulty with thermodynamics is because someone didn’t smile at you the right way.
“Where are the women in engineering: another study”
I have an answer and it didn’t require any study or money.
Who gives a fuck.
It’s like you don’t even non-falsifiable “science”, bruh. Sheesh.
I have 3 clients that are engineers, and happen to be women. While not Beulah Ballbricker types, they work in manufacturing environment with toxic men.
They pretty much just dont take shit from anyone.
Yeah, well when they start building commercial airliners shaped like vaginas, you’re going to get worried.
Reminds of the rockabilly band:
Jonny Salami and the Flying Vaginas
You just made that up.
I prefer Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys.
The study will “build a gender and race microaggressions psychometric scale”
Just stop, please.
Who doesn’t want a team of social justice warriors following them around and marking down on their clipboards every “microagression” you make??
Umm, me?
Ohio cop delivers stern lecture to kids. Everyone has just teh best feelz evah.
Every kid I knew had a bb gun. No one ever called the cops. Progress.
This line is why Im currently letting beer drain from my sinuses:
“The last thing I ever want to do is shoot an 11-year-old, man. Because your life hasn’t even gotten started yet and it could have ended because I wouldn’t have missed.”
Sure thing, Annie Oakley.
What a brave occifer, someone give him a free donut.
Tamir Rice agrees
I see they tried to make it about racism.
They pixelated the kid’s faces, but not their hands. Im sure that was by design.
I didn’t notice the hands. I was just going by the completely irrelevant inclusion of their race in the article.
Luckily, they didnt have a dog with them.
Apropos of nothing: I’ve never liked Bruce Springsteen. I’ve always thought he was crap – I could see no value to his work whatsoever.
The exception was one song, which I thought was brilliant, and for a long time, I wondered how that could be. Then I found out his then-girlfriend wrote it.
I’ll stick with my original opinion.
I only know her version. Had no idea he was ever involved in it (or her).
You’re better off for it.
Not the 10,000 Maniacs version?
Oh, right. Meh.
Ghost of Tom Joad
Well, I’ll say this: I can understand why someone could like that song.
If I want Great Depression-era themed music, I’ll take “Man of Constant Sorrow” or In Hell I’ll be in Good Company,
Greetings from Asbury Park and Nebraska are great albums.
There’s a reason I like you, BP.
We ever hang out, OM, we can put on Brubeck’s Take 5
fun to listen to
but 5/4 makes my head hurt if I try to play along on guitar
Dude, I play bass, and I learned most of that album at one point (along with Pink Floyd’s 7/4 Money. Sorry, no sympathy unless had to sing lead besides. (Then – huge sympathy)
Take Five is a rhythm exercise for me, not my strength on a good day.
Money is just soloing and comping, so: easy. . .so long as someone else has the rhythm down.
Everyone’s wired differently, but I’ve always thought lead guitar was easy, and I’ve always been too lazy to do anything else.
OT: Bruce’s 1949 Broadcaster is boss; don’t leave that one laying around.
Crap. N one bit at the singing Take 5 joke.
Dude, try playing this outside blues in 7/4. It’ll fuck you up real good.
Confession: I can play the head, but have to actually count.
Meh, not a fan but I’d rather listen to The Boss than many other popular artists (I’m looking at you Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley, and The Beach Boys) also without Bruce we may never have got Little Steven, no Silvio Dante, no Underground Garage. Springsteen’s okay.
Well, there’s ONE reason to like him
caveat emptor, Bitcoin trader
Griffin and Shams noticed that when Bitcoin fell to certain levels, purchases using Tether would flood in
Hell, you can’t even solder with that stuff.
are we sure this will help TeamRed ?
“It’s disappointing but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said of the deficit
If the Judge K stuff has the right people headed to the polls, shouldn’t McConnell just shut up, lie back, and enjoy the returns?
Geez Mitch, I thought you were smarter than that.
unforced error
but that sort of thing doesn’t matter in the tribal politics era
it’s just that I know he’s an extremely intelligent guy, so, yeah, ………..
Nothing the GOP can do about blue wave. Polls have spoken.
Sounds like it couldn’t hurt Team Red, what with Team Blue advocating higher costs and therefore rising debt.
you think you had a bad day
Murphy had just left the Swan Lake Golf Club when he plowed his white SUV into a group of Boy Scouts. . .Andrew McMorris, age 12, died of his injuries a day later. . . Toxicologists estimate that Murphy’s blood-alcohol content was 0.19
Game.Over. Do not pass Go; Do not collect $200.
0.19 and the guy can’t drive? He didn’t practice drinking enough.
I love you, man.
0.19 and the guy can’t drive?
For funsies, I ran my usual afterwork alcohol intake through an online calculator. Turns out I probably peak at around .08 or so. Legalities, aside, no way would I drive in that condition.
So what you’re saying is you can’t handle your liquor? :-p
The hatchlings were walking on the side of the road.
I just had my imaging guys on the dreadnaught look up the area. There is nothing but forest on either side of that entire road….hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anyways he was probably screwing with his phone. That combined with what most proper drunks would call a ‘minor impairment’ is probably what caused it.
Murphy, a fitting name.
0.19 and he couldnt keep it on the road? He must have liver disease or something.
“Murphy had turned down a friend’s offer to drive him home on the day of the crash, officials said.”
Thats where it falls apart…..always let the other guy take the rap.
Must have thought he had white SUV privilege.
Jesus. End of Life. Enjoy dying in prison.
a group of Boy Scouts
Yeah, that’s some bad optics right there.
as a defense lawyer, you could posit “My client, while his actions are irresponsible and tragic, likely prevented the molestation of those children”
/too soon?
I totally laughed
/Eagle Scout with Silver Palm
/Eagle Scout with Silver Palm
These euphemisms.
May as well have a hit a bus full of nuns. He’s done.
So, if you hit a bus full of nuns, do they all get pregnant?
Drunk guy stumbles into a bar. Sits down, orders 3 double-doubles, and gulps them down. The bartender notices he seems kinda anxious, so he asks the guy, “hey buddy? You OK?”
The guy orders 3 more, and pounds them.
Bartender says, “look….you dont look so good, and you’re going to be unconscious soon. Is everything OK?”
The guy looks at the bartender and says, “about how tall are penguins?”
Bartender says, “I dunno….maybe 3′ or so?”
Drunk guy says, “shit…I just ran over a bunch of nuns.”
/be here all week
Yeah. There nothing good that could come from this, no matter what happens
P.J. O’Rourke had some thoughts on on drinking and driving back when he was more entertaining.
That is awesome.
Junction Boys swept away
The bodies of three men were recovered and on Tuesday morning
Gene Stallings is fine.
Portland police won’t stop criminal thugs from rioting in downtown, but they’re happy to issue illegal orders:
Actually a law was broken, when that sergeant used his badge and office backed up by the threat of lethal force to illegally demand that they lock up their firearms. Fuck you popo.
1. Buy Beer
2. Stay home