Gee, that was shockingly…easy.
The Astros are joining the Brew Crew as divisional series winners and will await their opponent. The Brewers will face the Dodgers, who took care of Atlanta yesterday. Houston, who are the current world champions, will wait to see if the Yankees can bounce back from that manhood-robbing beatdown Boston put on them yesterday. 16-1…Jeez, that’s bad.
I hear basketball has started, but I still need to wait for a month or so to confirm. On the ice, Anaheim are off to a hot start while the Rangers and Coyotes are close to being eliminated from the playoff race already…as usual for the ‘yotes.
NO UCL this week, as national teams prepare for a round of games. Which seems like its happening every other week lately. Meh, oh well. Liverpool need a break.

Move along, buddy. We’re here to look at your sister.
If you were born on this day, you share it with: anti-slavery campaigner and first African-American publisher Mary Ann Shadd Cary, French artilleryman Alfred Dreyfus, ballplayer Joe Pepitone, singer-songwriter-guitarist John Lennon, rocker John Entwhistle, vocalist Jackson Browne, TV’s Scott Bakula, musician PJ Harvey, LPGA legend Annika Sorenstam, hockey star Henrik Zetterberg, and the lovely Bella Hadid.
Its also the day on which RichardI left Jerusalem in disguise, Woodrow Wilson became the first president to attend a World Series game, Babe Ruth hit his first WS homer, NBC formed, Laura Ingalls completed the first transcontinental flight by a woman, Hoover Dam began sending electricity to L.A., Boston had a race riot, Penthouse Magazine’s Hebrew edition hit newsstands, David Souter was sworn in to the Supreme Court, and the SR-71 made its last flight.
Wow, that’s a big day for birthdays. Anyway, on to…the links!

Ugh, not again.
Hurricane Michael bears down on the Florida panhandle and Big Bend regions. If you’re in either of those places, its time to get the hell out of there. Seriously.
The tolerant, loving left are showing their true colors. How long are we away from another psychopath trying to kill a bunch of people for merely having the wrong opinion or affiliation? And how long after it happens will it take the media to blame the victim? I give it until mid-November.
The limousine driver involved in the crash that killed 20 people shared safety fears hours before the deadly crash. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that, I would never get behind the wheel of a lumbering death machine if I didn’t have confidence in its ability to stop and go as designed.

We’re here to chew bubble gum and vote. And we’re all out of bubble gum.
Don’t worry, it was an accident. Mistakes happen. But people never take advantage of things like this. Move along. Nothing to see here.
Some people would have you believe that public sector unions are there to prevent malicious politically-motivated actions by superiors and to ensure a diverse, diligent group of workers in our cities and states. It also means, apparently, you can be an absolute piece of shit and be really hard to fire. And if you’re surprised this happened in Chicago, you haven’t been here long.
Trump misspeaks about Kavanaugh “ordeal”, although the evidence provided leans in the direction of him being more accurate than his accusers. Either way, these kind of statements drive the progressives insane and I hope he keeps them up. The American people need to see those idiots on display as they try to erode the concept of due process and innocence until proven guilty as well as utilizing political hit-jobs in order to derail our established and enumerated systems…all in an effort to regain power. I only hope they never get power of the WH and Senate anytime soon, because they will pack the courts about 5 minutes after that happens.
Nobody left my bachelor party smelling like fish. I don’t think they did anyway. These guys cannot say the same. (Yes, its nice to post a human interest story once in a while. It helps keep us all sane.)
This is a tough day to pick a song. So I’ll pick three, in no particular order of brilliance on the part of the birthday boy: Let’s get this started off strong. And then let’s take it up a notch. And then finish it off smooth. (I may not leave the computer all day once I take R to school. And if I don’t, I might leave those three on loop for the duration. Brilliance. Pure brilliance.
Anyway, on that note, go have a great day, friends.
But the Romans and Countrymen can have a sucky day.
Probably hard to have a good day when you lopped off your ears.
What did the Romans ever do for us?
Toga. Parties.
Yankees are evil and must die.
Are you referring to the team, or anyone north of the Mason-Dixon line?
Where do you live, again?
Upstate New York.
*Raises finger* Uh, UCS. Eh, nevermind.
I seem to remember Chicago being north of the Mason-Dixon line.
But the baseball team is evil and must lose, I’m not quite up for wishing death on them though.
I seem to remember Chicago being north of the Mason-Dixon line.
But I was born and raised south of the Mason Dixon line, as my southern drawl will attest.
OK, I don’t have a southern drawl, but I can pretend to because this is the Internet.
I though you had a Boston accent?
God no, that’s a capital offense.
I speak Bawlamer Slurvian. Here’s an example. The guy delightfully makes it thicker and thicker as the video progresses.
Balmer Boston close enough
Man, that guy is dead on! I’ve heard people refer to that as the “Maryland accent” and I have to correct them. There’s a Maryland accent, but that’s not it.
Sounds like a mix between Scots and Southern.
I lapse into Rahchester/Buffalo when I get angry at work.
OMWC ain’t been no ways tiiired!
So those slowly typed comments are a fake?
Uffda, I thought that was a real southern drawl.
Just remember, we have a recording of you saying that, which will be used against you at an opportune time.
I would say that I wasn’t worried, because it is SP and not you that has that recording of authentic Minnesoda speech. But then I remember that I won’t be able to resist making some crack about the Green Bush football team and then SP will retaliate.
p.s. SPeaking of which, did anyone point out that the Vikings kicking game was clearly superior to the Packer’s kicking game? And we missed two easy FG’s.
Most successful Baseball franchise of all-time. Cry harder
Living off ancient glories, eh? Although, I guess you have to wait one more year to relegate 2009 to “old” status.
Steaua Bucharest won the Campion’s league that one time….
And they’re not even Steaua any more, if memory serves.
FCSB I think I do not follow local sportsball
Who’s in the playoffs again this year? Like last year?
We know we are hated. We love it. So do owners and fans when the Yankees play on the road.
I live for being called the Evil Empire. Congrats to whoever beats us…they have catching up to do.
Playoffs? Playoffs!!!??
I live for being called the Evil Empire.
It’s funny. The reason I became a Yankees fan is the same reason so many other baseball fans hate them.
I’ll explain.
I originally hailed from Philadelphia. Philadelphia is (or at least was) an interesting case. It’s the fourth largest media market in the country. And markets one, two and three (NY, Chicago, LA) all have split markets on baseball. As a result, Philadelphia is one of the most profitable baseball franchises in the country. And, also as a result, the team owners understood that they really didn’t have to plow much money into the team to get attendance. Even if the Phillies sucked (and they often did), people would pay to watch them. But, while the business decision was understandable, it really did feel like, as a fan, I was being taken advantage of.
Under George Steinbrenner, the Yankees were the exact opposite. Whatever check he had to write to field a top rate team, he’d write. Yes, I understand that’s why everyone else hates them. But, personally, I like a business that’s willing to reinvest to achieve excellence. Evil Empire? I don’t know. It strikes me that a company that’s willing to go the extra mile to put out an excellent product isn’t really the evil player in the game.
I hate to admit it, but I am incensed with the Twins ownership every year for not doing what I hate the Yankees ownership for doing every year.
I hope you get eaten by a rubber shark.
Some people would have you believe that public sector unions are there to prevent malicious politically-motivated actions by superiors and to ensure a diverse, diligent group of workers in our cities and states – also they insure orphans get a half day a week off from the mines
Wrong department. The unions don’t do jack for mine orphans, or even the membership. I don’t know what criteria they use to pick who they protect, but it’s probably the same they use to pick how they misuse dues.
My brother-in-law (firefighter, public union and all), says that the union is there to prevent mayors from unilaterally changing contracts and getting rid of safety equipment to balance budgets. For the most part I like the guy, and didn’t feel like a family cookout was a place to bring up alternatives.
The contract can’t be unilaterally changed during its effective period. That’s the whole point of a contract.
“its time to get the hell out of there. Seriously.”
Might I also add, maybe consider staying the hell out of there?
They can bring their lovable shenanigans with them, just maybe consider doing them on higher ground.
But, but…out of their native habitat of meth, pythons, gators and humidity… how will they survive???
They can withstand a few days of displacement, and be returned to their natural habitat when the storm has passed.
I suspect the initial withdrawals will take the weaker ones, and then we’ll have to deal with a stronger form of Floida Man, but that’s half the fun!
Are you sure you wish to meet with me still? You will be dealing with an Uber-Floridamensch who can survive instant iguana freezing temperatures.
Lived in Florida for a bit. Have met Afghanistan Man. I think I can handle it.
– Mustang’s last words
or at least re-build on stilts this time. water-wings on your trailer, w/e.
+1 Stiltsville, FL
“If you were born on this day, you share it with: anti-slavery campaigner and first African-American publisher Mary Ann Shadd Cary, French artilleryman Alfred Dreyfus, ballplayer Joe Pepitone, singer-songwriter-guitarist John Lennon, rocker John Entwhistle, vocalist Jackson Browne, TV’s Scott Bakula, musician PJ Harvey, LPGA legend Annika Sorenstam, hockey star Henrik Zetterberg, and the lovely Bella Hadid.”
Don’t forget Brit legend of stage and screen Brian Blessed. And Animal!
Well, happy birthday
Joe Pepitone, the poor man’s Joe Namath.
Happy, happy birthday, Animal. Let the good times roll !
Happy Birthday. May you claw your way to the top this year.
Happy Birthday. May your fur be glossy and mat free.
How much is that in people years?
*narrows gaze*
Happy birthday, Animal!
Have a great bday, dude!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Animal!
Happy birthday! I hope you bought yourself the traditional birthday gun.
Happy birthday.
Happy B-day Animal!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, animal!
Happy b-day, Animal! Go fire off a few rounds to celebrate.
Happy Birthday!
May you have a great lap around the Sun Animal!
OK, that intro pic beats the hell out of the dwarves from last week.
The dwarves were a branding test. Unfortunately, those pics stunted readership growth.
It was greedy, barbarous and cruel.
The Glib commentariat? Sure. But we were greedy, barbarous and cruel before you ran the dwarf pics.
Who is she?
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get to the pics on the front page. They only work as links.
Here you go
Are you a wizard?
Muslim London: 423 new mosques, 100 Shariah courts
is this a reliable source? who knows… but the sharia courts stuff is creepy
There are no such things as Sharia courts and anyone who says there are is a bigot racist xenophobe pederast goatfucker from Appalachia. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard.
That is bloody frightening.
Wtf Britain?!
The NHS got away with murdering two babies, do you think the public is going to give a damn about a cancer-ridden old man?
Wrong story.
The islamization might fix the NHS though…
“Peace in our time.”
“No you can’t have a piece of our thyme.”
as if you would have thyme.
*goes though mental catalogue of herbs in cabinet*
Basil, Oregano, Bay…
Dammit, you’re right. I don’t have the Thyme.
The Star Tribune is not naming the teacher because she has not been charged with a crime.
Oh, well that’s nice of you. I am sure that people of all political persuasions are given the same deference.
It is called Minnesoda Nice. Asshole.
“You sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent”
“Ha, he wasn’t found guilty ya maroon.” /Jim Acosta
Jumpin’ Jeebus! That Tarpon must be named “Moby”.
Because the shiny scales would look cool under disco lights as it raved to EDM?
If I caught that fish I’d never let anyone I met forget it.
When I was living in Memphis a buddy and I went on a salmon trip on Lake Michigan. My buddy ended up with a 34 lb king salmon. He had it stuffed and he hung it over in his desk at the office.
His job was working with a bunch of redneck truckers who all called him “college boy”, so he had a bunch of fun pointing at his salmon and telling them to fuck off with their puny bass stories.
This is why people should be screaming FUCK TRUMP
Higher?! What about lower?
Those Iowa corn farmers’ dicks aren’t going to blow themselves.
Insert screaming nooooooo! Gif here.
If someone can put my face on it, that would work too.
Thank you coffee fairy!
First time I’ve seen DOOMco’s face.
I got pretty famous on inauguration day.
So who was that hipster douche in the pictures you posted?
I guess my nose looks a little different in this picture.
I have a favorite fairy now.
“allow” – fine, I won’t use it… “Compel” – no, dammit!
Engines would run better with 0% ethanol. That it is mandated in fuel really grinds my gears.
Engines would last longer with 0% ethanol. Fuel stores better with 0% ethanol.
Ethanol is a shit fuel.
I drive almost an hour away to get pure gasoline for my lawnmower.
Bummer. It’s widely available here. I use it in the old car and all the small engines.
#metoo The chainsaw and trimmer get ethanol free or else they won’t start worth a shit.
Anything 2-stroke is a problem, because the ethanol and the oil don’t store worth a fuck.
I bought a 4-stroke weed eater, which ended my ethanol woes, but it weighs a fucking ton.
You can buy that true gas at Walmart for a gazillion dollars a gallon instead.
Exactly. IF you are going to use that corn for something other than feeding pigs and cattle, it should be used to distill vodka!
You spelled Bourbon wrong.
He’s in a hurry
* returns to cooping kegs *
This all gets down to the arguments for regulation: how do we keep a thousand neighbors from killing us a milligram at a time (MTBE)? I don’t have all the answers, but I’m downhill, downwind, and downstream from tons of emissions I can’t protect myself from, and I can’t sue every emitter for the 0.0002 days of my life they’ve each taken from me even though I’ll bet you I don’t live near as long as my cancer-free forebears. I don’t think one needs to be a screaming California hippy statist to worry about this (and don’t even get me started on what I’ve seen in my chemistry career).
Of course I’d prefer that some crony solution wasn’t in charge of octane ratings/CAFE, but, even knowing all that I know about internal combustion and chemistry, I got nothing other than continuing to let Iowa bend us over.
If is any consolation, this Iowan hates ethanol blended fuels; hates subsidies for ethanol blended fuels; and wishes we’d go back to feeding the world instead of growing fuel.
sure…I’m not attacking Iowa collectively; if anything, my Iowa stereotypes are favorable
I have great respect for the farmers in the state. Their livelihoods get fucked with in so many ways by the government. Farm subsidies keep them in business while holding down commodity prices and thus keep basic food prices down — which keeps poor people from demanding more shit from government. It’s a circle jerk of horrible proportions. But it made some sense.
Ethanol subsidies divert commodities from the food chain and drive up food prices around the globe. But they put more bucks in the hands of farmers and keep the huge agribusinesses flowing donations to politicians. It’s obscene.
There’s less energy density in ethanol too. So you make less power and get fewer miles per gallon AND it costs more! What a bargain!
E85 is clearly marked. Nobody is forced to buy the garbage. Although I would love to see the subsidy disappear.
I don’t think the E85 is really the issue. It’s the ethanol they put in the low octane “regular” fuels that is such a pain in the ass.
Headline and several instances int eh article make it sound like a ‘suggestion’, only when we get to this part:
Is it clear that it is a suggestion in the same way that a mobster suggests you pay him, you know, for your own good.
With all the Fuck Trump cries around you know what needs to happen…
Stormy Daniels needs to get a T-Shirt with a picture of a mushroom that says “I Fucked Trump before it was cool”
If it means I can finally get something above 91 octane on the regular I’m all for it.
And congratulations to your Astros Sloopy. I was hoping for the Indians to at least show up to play in the post season, but they did not, and were soundly routed. I was ready to curse Bauer’s name after the two errors in the 7th, and then the 8th inning happened, making it a moot point.
Man oh man did they lay down a clunker.
But Houston are awesome. They’ll beat anyone in the AL and head to the World Series.
I was concerned after the Indians hitting was just shut down in the first two games, but there was still hope. Until that 8th inning. The Indians need some big moves in their bullpen this off season.
I only hope they never get power of the WH and Senate anytime soon, because they will pack the courts about 5 minutes after that happens.
I don’t think this would ever happen, or rather it would be the end of our country if it did.
I asked a person this the other day, who is very unexcitable about politics, probably the dictionary definition of stoic, and their detached response was that if any politician was truly stupid enough to do this, there would be rivers of blood flowing until this country was either restored or dissolved.
I guess should have stated my point, which is that I think packing the court would awaken a sizable proportion of our population who will not show their displeasure by wearing pussy hats or making angry tweets.
Yeah, I don’t know man.
I’d like to believe that there are enough people still exist that would rise up over something like that, but I don’t see it.
I kept hearing that Antifia was eventually going to “wake the adults up” and it never happened.
A LOT of the people who screech about rebellion and civil war would immediately crumble if things got hot. The fact is a bunch of elderly, obese, diabetic Trump supporters will do exactly nothing.
That’s kind of my point but you’re conflating it media noise. There’s a lot of quiet Americans out there who aren’t hardcore Team Red or Team Blue. They don’t play dress up in black with bike locks on chains. They don’t tweet. They don’t give a shit.
Something like packing the court could cause them to start giving a shit. The whole Kavanaugh gambit didn’t backfire on the Dems because it was partisan politics, it backfired because it was an attack on the foundation concept of Due Process this country still honors.
That’s primarily because it’s contained to the cities. Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s been a lot of people moving out of the cities specifically because of this nonsense. It would make a lot more sense that the cities will just whither away and some equilibrium comes back before a shooting war starts. I mean really, who is going to be marching outside of the cities to track down conservatives? The military? Gimme a break. Seems more likely the cities would just suffer a “soft siege” and crumble. We’ve already got examples of that.
^This. I was talking with some folks about this the other day, and it seems to come up here now and again. Urban areas trend liberal. Who knows why? My wife thinks it’s because there’s a higher population density combined with cities being target destinations for immigrants, so you wind up with people tending to be exposed to different ideas and cultures and so forth and thereby tending to be more open to those things. I think she might be on to something, but the evidence doesn’t really support that as a major factor. I think it’s because of the Marxist influence on the left of our political spectrum and the fact that the highest concentration of people who’d be the proletariat in the Marxist system living in urban areas. For instance, if you look at social welfare stuff, the highest concentrations of voters who benefit by that live in urban areas. That isn’t to say lots of people in rural areas don’t take advantage themselves, but they’re not concentrated in districts the way people are in cities. Same with minimum wage and so forth.
So you get people who are most likely to LARP as revolutionaries in cities where you have large concentrations of people who trend left and who are in the financial sweet spot where they are poor enough to benefit from other people’s shit but wealthy enough to get by on a barista’s wages. And that will tend to include a lot of untenured academics, who typically don’t make a ton of money, or at the very least will get swept up in being an older brother to young, hip students going out to stick it to The Man.
Away from those places you tend to have people who are benefiting or at least doing well enough under the status quo to not want to change it. Or, people who tend to not want their problems solved by government butting into their lives for one reason or another. Now, you’ve also got poor white trash with meth problems and widespread obesity, sure, but the overwhelming majority of people outside of the cities are the former rather than the latter. The latter group just gets more press because, frankly, they’re more entertaining and they feed into the urban conception of people outside of cities being stupid, fat, and lazy. At any rate, those people–the middle class, not the junkies and fatties–are the ones who would curb-stomp Antifa and their ilk should they be stupid enough to take their act on the road.
The music takes me back, way back, way,way back, to when my kids were teenagers. Has it been that long ago? Some of y’all are gettin’ a little long in the tooth.
Hey, they tell me that 40 is the new 20. I love that about my generation. Every decade we hit becomes the new 20.
Cut that shit out – it’s stopping the current 20s from growing up.
Reading a thing about the Brazilian election. Slate has become a very popular news source for the googlebot, lately. And there’s this:
I think what explains Bolsonaro is, first, the violence in Brazil. He promises that he’s going to put an end to violence. Bolsonaro has a way of speaking that he promises everything, but I don’t know if he is capable of delivering the things he is promising. But we are going through an economic crisis, cultural crisis, political crisis. If you look around, everybody is like, “OK, what happened?” People are very angry. People are very mad at politicians and Bolsonaro presented himself not as a politician, even if he is, [but as] a kind of Messiah. People like these kinds of promises.
It’s a mystery. People don’t seem to like living in a violent, chaotic shithole, for some reason. And the weird part is, people might be starting to blame all those corrupt socialists who have been in charge during this long downward slide.
And, of course, this guy Bolsonaro is just like Trump. A far right radical populist who wants to put everybody in chains. You’d have to be crazy to vote for that.
Damn, I really wanted those last two paragraphs to be a part of the article.
But tilting at socialist windmills is our shtick.
It’s a mystery. People don’t seem to like living in a violent, chaotic shithole, for some reason. And the weird part is, people might be starting to blame all those corrupt socialists who have been in charge during this long downward slide. – sadly people just vote for the next asshole promoting magical solutions. The socialist fell out of favor cause they happen to be in power recently. After some years they start peddling the same shit and get elected. So I think at least some of the people just blame the corrupt in power, do not associate socialism with it
If they fall as far as Venezuela, the thicc asses at carnival are endangered.
Speaking of which
Suspect in Maduro assassination plot dies in mysterious fall from window
“You have failed me for the last time.”
Does this count towards the Clinton body count?
The Clintons would have been more creative.
Did he have two self-inflicted gunshot wounds in the back of the head, too?
The problem is that when the things people that tell you the answer is to spend other people’s money broke get fixed, a large majority of do-nothing types decides they want free shit again.
I’m assuming the people REEEing about Kavanuagh not being proven innnocent are the same ones who declared that Hillary was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Oh, come now, Hil was only exposing classified information, selling a fifth of our uranium and getting people murdered. It’s not like there was some awkward encounter in his history. That was Bill’s department.
I still stand by my belief that Janet Reno is Chelsea’s father.
I made this exact comment to that asshat that told me this AM that he was guilty until he proved his innocence at my workplace. I told him I hope his wife accuses him of abuse, divorces his ass and takes it all, and that he then loses his job over it all. Should have seen the look on his face when he realized this game could be played on him as well.
Thank god people at my office don’t spout off about politics, I’d be fired within days.
Silicon Valley is filled with the best and brightest.
An image suddenly flashed of a million red-bereted feminazis laughing as they gun down a naked group of so-not-woke men and gender traitor women, their bodies tumbling into a pit.
*Actual shudder*
I’m giving this guy the “special place in Hell” benefit. It’s not clear at all that he’s calling for violence, but more that he’s talking about men going to hell.
To me, this is insinuating their deaths are imminent:
Could just as well be referring to electoral defeat.
The tweet is unhinged, but it doesn’t read as explicitly violent to me.
He’s a politically frustrated beta-male and angry tweeting is literally the only tool he’s got in the toolbox.
I’m just thinking of the Monty Python skit with Q approved topless ladies chasing a man off a cliff.
That sounds more like Benny Hill.
The constant assumption from progressives that they speak for all women. They don’t even notice that they do it, it’s just wired right into their tiny little proggy brains.
Wife is taking some courses on sustainable design right now and doing very well, but the overwhelmingly proggy bullshit from her peers and the material is really killing her motivation and just making her angry. She’s not an angry person. I figure if she can keep from being brainwashed and learn the useful stuff, she’ll probably male a killing as a businesswoman in the industry.
“she’ll probably male a killing as a businesswoman in the industry.”
*shitlordian slip*
Shitladies don’t wear slips.
businessPERSON, thankyouverymuch.
Get a load of Justin Trudeau over here!
I realized being hired at Google and Amazon doesn’t mean you are particularly smart when I thought about the economics of it. They have to hire a ton of people, Which means they can’t be as selective. The key for big organizations is to add processes and stuff that make it resilient to dumb people.
Truer words were never spoken.
I don’t think they are doing that.
The video of the company meeting at Google where the CFO cried on stage because of the 2016 election is proof of that. They’re encouraging people (with the right opinions) to get emotional at the office. That’s a recipe for all sorts of bizarre antics at the workplace.
There’s an old saying in business that as an employer you have to put the cult in the company culture. FedEx did it by hating on the brownshirts at UPS, Jobs did it at Apple by force of personality. A lot of the new generation are putting politics right out front and that doesn’t bode well for anyone.
Who can forget the “Great Delivery Company Wars of 1998-2004”?!
I had this discussion with a lady friend that pointed out I should be working for one of those Silicon Valley considering all the shit I know. I told her that while people like her were impressed by that sort of credentialism, I would prefer to be in a job where I deal with less bullshit. I also told her that if I was going to make the effort to leave “The People’ Republic of Connecticut” I would not be moving to somewhere like San Francisco in CA. That would be taking several steps backwards. Some people really are impressed by these shallow things.
When I interviewed there they made a point of saying that they only recruit from top schools. I guess that could mean that they are credentialed rather than smart. This was about 12 years ago, and even then I got an arrogant, proggy feel from the interviews.
You missed the best part when he announced he’ll be slowing down on social media and added, ‘be good to one another’.
It’s like consistency of logic and principles don’t figure in their minds.
They are immature spoiled bitches.
Shoulda gone with “Be excellent to each other!”
…and party on, dudes!
I assume he got a promotion? VP of something-something?
Google exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination: ‘F–k. You. All. To. Hell’
But Google is not biased and is definitely not going to engage in information warfare to sway the election.
Fucked up my close tag. Stupid fingers.
The Cultural Revolution continues.
Man shamed out of job for trying to be balanced.
Google Exec gets eloquent and promises a purge: “Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell”
SNL Apparatchik Orders Kanye West Back to the Plantation
Ford’s accusation “stinks of political maneuvering.”
Even if you swallow her every word whole, you can’t deny her handlers used her to delay for time. Or you could, if you’re a partisan shill and never really cared about her testimony in the first place.
They used her and she’ll never be mentioned again. Like that other poor crazy lady with the dead son from the Iraq war who got ignored when Obama took office.
Cindy Sheehan?
I’ll give her credit. She kept bitching when Obama took office. And she’s still bitching today. She has tried to make both major parties own the war but the media only started giving her airtime again when trump came into office.
She’s been consistent in her antiwar stance. Gotta give her serious credit for that.
If you actually believed her you will almost 100% be one of the morons that falls for the people telling you they are rich oil magnates from Nigeria that need your help cashing in.
Talk about speaking truth to power. On a program devoted to preaching the party line, West said of Democrats,
“You know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out of the home and put them on welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s the Democratic plan.”
This sort of ideological intransigence warrants a severe scolding. White guy Pete Davidson ripped into West for being insensitive to blacks by wearing the MAGA hat.
“I wish I would have suggested that, you know, it might upset some people, like, your wife or every black person ever.”
Democrats still think they own black people.
They were really mad when then Republicans took away their slaves.
Watching the Pete Davidson video, I didn’t know a person could pack “like” into a sentence that many times.
Reminder that Pete Davidson has a Hillary Clinton tattoo. lol. Doesn’t get more pathetic.
“I hope the last images burned into your slimy, evil, treasonous retinas are millions of women laughing and clapping and celebrating as your souls descend into the flames,” he added.
“I’m not crazy. You’re crazy!”
“I cannot stand the Trumpists – they are so hateful!”
Hurricane Michael bears down on the Florida panhandle and Big Bend regions.
So you’re saying it is time to overreact all the way in Virginia?
US Gulf Coast Bracing For Impact As Florida’s Governor Calls Michael A “Monstrous Hurricane”
Treating each storm as if it is some new, unknown terror is getting old.
This is why they should consider a new hurricane naming system.
I’m sitting in a meeting at work watching our annual sexual harassment training video.
As the video currently plays, one guy is drawing dicks in permanent marker on another guys safety glasses.
The problem is the permanant marker part. Those safety glasses are ruined.
They’ll still protect his eyes. Just not from seeing dicks.
They’re useless if you can’t see what you’re doing.
*Kavanaugh perks up*
Is that a company sanctioned thing for people who fall asleep during trainings?
actual LOL
Give that man a medal.
Ours was done as an e-training module. When the videos would start, I’d turn down the sound and fill in my own dialog, which was about 10,000 times better than the original.
Our e-training module has no audio/video component, and it’s the same text every year.
They are doing it in group format this year as the completion percentage for employees actually doing the training individually over the past few years has been what one might call poor.
What the hell? You work in a foundry. Are there even any women there?
That’s sexist Suthenboy, the gay steel mill allows lesbians to work there too.
There are some who work in the admin building across the street.
The very few who work on the operations side are not the kind who would take offense to crude humor. Quite the opposite really.
I turned off the sound and let it run in the background while I posted to Glibs. I’m pretty sure that’s a firing offense anyway.
I am soooo doing this the next time I have to waste another hour doing this.. Just need to make sure I get a conference room so I don’t get overheard.
Sexual Harassment Panda
Never give up on your dreams.
A classic, but still funny.
Why is that sexual harassment? Dick jokes are totes cool.
What about this classic?
That would never be allowed today and these people would be railroaded for doing it.
Man shamed out of job for trying to be balanced.
“You are beyond dreaming if you think 17-year-old boys are not going to misbehave from time to time as they begin to attempt relationships with the opposite sex,” he wrote. “That is just the way animals are made!” – yeah I don’t see this as balanced. Misbehave sure depending on your definition, but what Kavanaugh was accused quite of is beyond that.
This should have been an answer. I blame the blog as I never post in the wrong place.
Was it?
I am sorry but there is no way any sane person can intrepret Fords story as an attempted rape.
You have 2 football players who manage to lock a 90 lb girl in a bedroom. Had they been attempting to rape her she would have been raped because there was literally nothing stopping them from raping her but themselves.
yes if her story is 100% accurate in all ways and we only consider her POV then it does cross the line into sexual assault but only barely and the reality is even today it would be unlikely to result in more than a misdemeanor charge. But then factor in the reality that even 2 hours after the incident her story is probably not going to be 100% accurate and her POV is not the only one that we need to consider and it becomes decidedly less clear that the behavior is even criminal or out of the ordinary.
Assuming there is any truth to her story at all SHE may have perceived it as an attempted rape (honestly I do not believe for one second that she did, not that day at least and likely not for years afterwords, my guess is she never mentioned it before 2010 because she did not really consider what happened to her that day to be all that serious until sometime post 2005), Ford and Kavanaugh (or whoever it was in the room with her) however probably just thought they were roughhousing and never had any intent of forcing her to have sex and might very well not have had any intent of having consensual sex with her either
And how long after it happens will it take the media to blame the victim? I give it until mid-November.
Not if the victim is a Democrat.
Cancer-stricken father, 56, ruled ‘fit to work’ because he could make a cup of tea died with just £8 in his bank account
He told i: “My father was ill and he would have died eventually, but I believe the stress of living with no money finished him off. The state killed him.”
While that is sad the state din not kill him. People misuse that word and it can be a problem. Then again the guy is grieving
Reminds me a little of the movie I, Daniel Blake, an English movie about a guy caught in the British beaurocracy
Well, it is the NHS.
Tard Tuesday: The Lowest Form of Art Edition
The despair is palpable. *Shrugs*
Our Mandatory Birthing Center just opened. State-of-the-art. All glass so you can see the births happening live!
A perfectly sane and measured political cartoon. . .
But seriously, what fucking world do they live in?
A world filled with straw men, apparently.
Christ, what an asshole!
Lol. I say keep it up Mr. Ford, you must be doing something right.
1. Starting an article about ‘social murder’ by quoting Engles (in your favor) is a form of Irony, right?
2. I don’t know who Doug Ford is.
Premier of Ontario and brother of Rob Ford.
2. Canadian Politician, brother of the Torontan mayor known for being photographed smoking crack with constituents.
AKA Ford the Lesser.
So we glibs are all murderers now. I suppose we shouldn’t try to “own” these guys, right?
There have to be some liberal memes or commentary that says ‘owning the libs’ must be the way conservatives dog whistle their desire for slavery.
An orphan to anyone who can produce it.
Why would I want slaves who are incapable of doing work and whine a lot?
So you have an excuse to whip them more. I thought that would be self-evident. Monsters didn’t want slaves to work, they just had to use that as an excuse to unleash their racist and bigoted inner desires.
Do I get to horsewhip them?
Make no mistake this guy thinks libertarian economics is murder. Nothing about weed, mexicans and Ass-Sex. This is the biggest (I think?) newspaper in Canada’s largest city!
I love Doug Ford if anything for reminding us the left are retards.
It is social murder.
Social murder is what socialists do.
“A Rosemount special education teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave after posting a tweet Saturday that appeared to call for the killing of new U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.”
Are they sure she’s not IN special education?
Dude, I’d much rather hang out with her students than her. Let’s leave them outta this one.
Those goofy bastards are just about the best thing I’ve got going in this crazy world…
Her teaching style is somewhat revolutionary.
I still haven’t seen the actual tweet, may I remind people about woodchipers and Places in Hell. If people lose their jobs for shooting shit to blow off steam, things are going to only get worse.
It’s quite a bit worse than anything said on the woodchipper thread. Still, didn’t sound like a direct threat to me.
I can’t find the actual tweet in the article. My reading comprehension is poor, so it could be in there
“Who’s gonna take one for the team and k*** Kavanaugh”. Without the asterisks.
Kiss Kavenaugh? 😉 Thanks
I don’t wanna get on no more lists than I already am.
Kriss Kristofferson.
I think this one could be closer to actual threats.
The woodchippers was a travesty. This one seems very grey.
These libs are actually hoping this shit happens.
The news is not that he posted the tweet or should be fired. The news is that he’s an employee of Google, which is constantly telling us how they’re impartial and would never slant their results in spite of the emotionally unhinged rants of their staff, which always seem to be on the left side of the equation for some reason.
Different situation, this is with a teacher.
Guess I should look all the way up the thread before responding. Maybe P Brooks is right, threads do kill.
It happens to the worst of us. 😉
Good morning, Sloopy!
Man, that’s a good song!
No love for Polly Jean, though?
Off one of my favorite PJ albums.
I just realized I posted the same video. Edit Faerie?
She was out of her depth with this group. Hell, Lennon almost didn’t make the cut.
Australia immigration: New migrants may have to live in rural areas
They should send them to live on an island somewhere.
It’s islands all the way down.
Climate change is making people crazy
Is climate change stressing you out? A new study linking weather and mental health in the United States suggests things could get much worse.
The study outlines three separate ways that hotter and more extreme weather stand to undermine the mental well-being of the people forced to experience it. The effects will be most pronounced for women and for low-income Americans, the findings indicate.
“Ultimately, if observed relationships from the recent past persist, added climate change may amplify the society-wide mental health burden,” the study authors wrote Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The CDC surveys used in this study did not provide the kind of detail researchers would need to explain exactly how climate change translates into worse mental health. But there are plenty of possibilities.
Needs further investigation. Send more money.
The study outlines three separate ways that hotter and more extreme weather – neither of which is occurring in the US comparing to the 1920s-1930s
“hotter and more extreme weather”
Any word on how AGW will effect the loch ness monster?
There they go getting the cause and effect confused again.
Campaigners are calling on India to protect girls in state-run institutions who are at risk of sexual assault and violence after 34 girls were violently attacked by a mob for fighting off sexual harassers in Bihar state.
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, a residential school for girls in Supaul district, witnessed chaotic scenes on Saturday after some girls objected to sexual advances and lewd messages from a group of boys.
A mob comprising the boys and their parents later entered the school where they beat and injured dozens of girls aged between 12 and 14.
I can only imagine how much worse the US is
Hey – She Not Puttin Out?
Reminds me of pro-immigrant libertarians.
Let us not forget how British immigration to Ireland helped kill classical liberalism in the UK.
Not at all. I know exactly how immigrants vote. That has nothing to do with it. When you are a deontologist, you have to deal with the consequences. Fuck utilitarianism.
I think Winston is saying that libertarianism doesn’t work in groups bigger than 3 people.
Sounds legit.
I’m only going to link this story about the perils of global warming to Minnesoda to laugh at the “reporting”.
First, how about this “weather not climate” NOT factoid.
Ever since I’ve been a kid, farmers have bitched about rain in the fall. As a hunter, I have learned to pay attention to this (and the price of corn, wheat and beans) because it helps to know how a farmer’s life is going when you are asking permission to hunt on his land. Yeah, some years are wet and the farmers have troubles getting the crop in. I’m also sure when we have a cold snap this year, the same reporter will scoff at climate skeptics with the “this is weather not climate”.
My favorite. This may be the greatest example of a reporter not really understanding where electricity comes from:
Electric cars good, coal bad. The same sentence. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that contradiction placed so closely together before.
You missed the part where they say Natural Gas is bad. From what I remember, Natural Gas burns cleaner then any other fuel (and was promoted as one of the solutions to global cooling back in the 70’s).
I am curious how they think the electric cars will be recharged, or are they pushing for disposable electric cars?
They’ll be recharged by putting the deplorables on treadmills driving generators.
You can only fill up as long as the wind is blowing.
It’s been pointed out, but any energy source that becomes viable alternative to carbon is villified. Nuclear, hydroelectric.
Wind is a perrenial favorite because it can never be viable. If solar ever becomes effecient you can bet they all the sudden discover the polluting involved in creating solar cells.
Already happening.
Oh? You didn’t see that wind power may cause warming of up to 1 C? Trigger Warning: Gizmodo (I purposely went for the clickbaitiest, leftest source for this article).
Are you saying that if we gave the Greenies complete control over the coal and gas resources, they would stop complaining about Global Warming simply because this was all about control and not the environment?
Uhhhh…. I think that’s called “not farming”
So, I’ve actually been exposed to a new (to me) line of thinking here: Farming perennial crops instead of annual crops. Hazelnuts being the one I am currently familiar with. I’ve only scratched the surface, but it is an interesting concept.
The thinking goes that if you can replace a large number of annual crop acres with perennials, you’ll be storing more carbon in the soil and the plant itself, as well as reducing the need to burn carbon fuels because there is no yearly tilling, seeding, etc.
Like I said, I’ve just recently been exposed to it because the wife and I are seriously considering planting hazelnuts on an acre or two of our property and it came up while researching hybrids for my area. Our initial reason for looking at hazelnuts was for the possible money and not to save Gaia, but the tree-hugger side of it is intriguing. Maybe I will write up an article on it from a non-AGW-ist viewpoint once I learn more myself.
Even IF carbon dioxide were the problem, wouldn’t the greater quantity of carbon needed for the annual to grow counteract the amount put into the air planting them?
Right, the plant needs CO2 to grow and ends up storing carbon it in it’s roots and branches. Thus sequestering it. Is that what you’re asking?
Well, yes.
Glad I could help.
But you didn’t answer the actual question of whether the numbers worked out.
Are you asking if the amount sequestered is greater than the amount needed to plant, maintain, and harvest? I assume so, but that I am not sure of yet. The claims that I am seeing are more comparison-type. For instance:
Right now soybeans are a staple oil crop. Well, hazelnuts can provide more oil per acre than soybeans. A field of hazelnuts require much less CO2 to be released because they are an annual. Just the lack of yearly tilling alone is a huge reduction in CO2. Add to that the fact that the plant is also sequestering carbon out of the air, and you get a big net gain compared to a soybean field. So you are getting the same -or more- oil per acre, with a net reduction in carbon.
I vote for anything over soybeans, so that might be unfair.
Seems to me there should be some analysis of the efficiency of harvesting and processing hazelnuts vs. soybeans before a conclusion can be reached. A tree doesn’t go through a combine header very well.
Of course that research is ongoing. If I said anything to suggest that any conclusions have been reached, I apologize. And most of the projections are based on those challenges being met.
But harvesting nuts is hardly a new process. And the specific ones I (and many others) are looking at are more bush than tree, so the thinking is that existing blueberry harvesters could be used.
I’d go for the actual hazelnut havester: https://agriculture.papemachinery.com/blog/5-reasons-the-monchiero-stands-out-among-other-hazelnut-harvesters
I can’t imagine this is as efficient as a bean header and combine though.
I don’t care if hazelnuts are less efficient than soybeans, we need to end the soy scourge!
UnCiv, I agree. I’d rather be a nutboy than a soyboy.
That “actual” hazelnut harvester is for harvesting tree hazelnuts. These are bushes. And before you say, “grow the tree kind” the reason for these hybrids are.
a. they are hardier in northern climates
b. they are very resistant to Eastern Filbert Blight
And so what if combining soybeans is more efficient? Think of all the other times a tractor needs to go into the field for a soybean crop compared to a tree crop.
I’m not against a hazelnut.
I am saying the “number of times” is irrelevant.
One process uses more resources, call them carbon resources or not, than the other to obtain the same result. It matters not how many “times” you have to put equipment in a field.
It appears to be a good niche farm product and most soybeans are used in animal feed anyway.
How could it be irrelevant? You need to look at the entire year’s worth of resources used, not just harvest time. That bean field doesn’t till, seed and spray itself.
Hazelnut meal leftover from oil processing can be used for feed, as well.
I don’t know if it could ever truly replace soybeans, I suspect not. But dismissing it out of hand seems shortsighted. It’s almost like you are a soybean farmer…
FYI: I am not anti-soybean. But I would like to see some viable alternatives. Maybe this isn’t, more likely it isn’t. But who knows?
And honestly, none of that is why I am looking into these. I am just learning some interesting things along the way and thought I’d share.
lol…I didn’t say I had anything against hazelnuts or really care that much about soybeans.
I’m simply saying exactly what you just did. You have to take into account everything, including the speed of harvesting and processing. If I put a piece of equipment in the field 100 times but it’s 1000 times faster than harvesting a hazelnut then it’s probably going to be more efficient to achieve the same goal, which in this case I assume is a husked bean or husked hazelnut. That’s why “number of times” is irrelevant. Some of it has to do with available equipment, some of it is because of the physical makeup of the product. For instance, a soybean come out of the field husked because the combine does this process and from what I’ve seen a hazelnut needs to be processed again out of the field. The waste from soybeans goes right into the field and doesn’t have to be dealt with afterwards, etc. etc.
There’s also a natural byproduct from soybeans that enriches the soil for corn (I don’t know what it is. A friend of mine showed me some nodule on the soybean plant once and explained this to me in passing) simply by growing it in the same field, which is why a lot of farmers rotate corn and soybeans.
Behold the wonder that is the Soybean!
You can use other, less awful crops, for the same purpose.
You’ve pushed me to write an article after I’ve done a deep-dive into this…being very sure to assess all cost inputs necessary to raise hazelnuts. I look forward to your criticisms. ?
natural byproduct
nitrogen for grains
They capture nitrogen in nodules on their roots. Till ’em under and next year’s corn eats that shit up.
An article would be fantastic.
And just because something isn’t feasible for mass production, and I’m not saying growing hazelnuts isn’t, doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea for someone that doesn’t want to farm 10,000 acres.
No, the carbon needed for the annual growth is only fixed in the plant matter until it is decomposed (a form of slow oxidation, and all oxidation unfixes carbon) or burned (a form of rapid oxidation). So any carbon fixed by an annual is only going to be seasonal within a year.
Carbon fixed in a tree is also only fixed in the plant matter until the tree oxidizes. However, if you are paying attention to what you are doing, tree matter can be fixed in perpetuity. If you let the tree die and mulch, or if you burn it for firewood, it will all return as free carbon to the environment. If you harvest the trees and sell them to a furniture maker (or even if you just bury them in concrete) the carbon will remain fixed.
In addition, a field of annuals, if left untended, is likely to be put to another use. An orchard, on the other hand, even if left untended, is more likely to be left as a wooded area. This is actually what happened in the Amazonian forest. In Pre-Columbian times, the native peoples killed off the non-fruit-bearing trees and promoted the spread of fruit-bearing trees in basically the entire rain forest. When early European disease decimated the population and they couldn’t continue tending the orchard, the rain forest went feral. But it was so heavily skewed toward fruit-bearing tree that our conception of the rain forest is a forest stupid with fruit and bounty. Its not “naturally” that way, its a product of human cultivation-the-die-off.
Mike – be sure to consider how you will dispose of the older trees if you want to fix their carbon. I don’t know that hazelnut is a particularly useful wood for furniture makers, but walnut certainly is and should grow well in your area. Avoid fruit woods, which can be used for woodworking but can also make delicious barbecue.
Then I definately support annuals, unless they’re soybeans, because our atmospheric carbon levels are too low.
The atmospheric carbon will eventually be transformed into limestone, resulting in the extinction of life on earth.
Well, honestly, fixing the carbon is exceptionally far down the list of reasons we are thinking about doing this. I just stumbled across the theory and was intrigued by it.
I get what you’re saying about the above ground wood, and haven’t seen anyone disputing that. However, apparently these hazelnut hybrids develop tremendous root systems. And they believe the root crowns will live for hundreds of years, meaning the carbon sent below the surface will stay there for a very long time.
Thanks for the input, Leap. I am just starting to scratch the surface of this. And again, saving Gaia is honestly not a reason for doing it. However, if that’s an accidental benefit, that’s great, too.
Here’s where I was first exposed to the concept if anyone is interested.
Cool. I don’t know anything about hazelnuts, other than 1) no ethical system would support putting them in coffee 2) every ethical system must include mashing them up into sandwich spread.
I’m about where you are with environmentalism. Its not the main driver in my life, but if I can alter my behavior to what it would be if all my externalities were included in the price of my actions, I will.
Also, you can’t be a good citizen that’s concerned with the environment without learning about science and the natural world, and science and the natural worlds are cool as shit.
Their oil, if used for cooking is supposed to rival EVOO, and if used for fuel is supposed to surpass soy. At the moment, my only info on this has come from biased (although seemingly trustworthy) sources, so grain of salt and all that.
Maybe I can make an article out of all this. More research first.
Mike, I’m going to let you in on a little secret – the future is in butt lube. If its good for that, you’ll be selling it in 55 gallon drums.
Nutella DOES sound like the future of buttlube.
How many sunshine hours you get? Just cover some lakes in solar panels or something (Minnesota is the one with the lakes right?)
that is a to round number to be believable.
Fine. 11,820.
wiki says 11,842
Expecting exact numerical precision is pretty rich coming from a guy who has an irrational number as part of his name.
Wisconsin actually has more.
We count more bodies of water as lakes in WI. So we are padding the stats on that one. We do however, have lots of Great Lakes shoreline.
North Shore MN is still better though.
I’ve seen what in NoDak would be called sloughs with names on them in Minnesoda. So I find it hard to believe you count more than them, but I’ll take your word for it.
I love the North Shore, too, but after visiting the South Shore in the UP this year…I don’t know which is better.
Look, they need a claim to fame, and their re-labelled puddles are it.
As the video currently plays, one guy is drawing dicks in permanent marker on another guys safety glasses.
“Everywhere I look, I see dicks. Dicks, dicks, dicks! We’re dooooomed!”
*jumps out window*
Taylor Swift’s next hit will be a song about Trump abusing her.
Politics are getting stupider and stupider.
Were they ever smart?
But, boy, is it getting entertaining!
If your political opinions are shifted based on Taylor Swift they’re not worth very much.
“Let’s say I like Taylor Swift’s music 25% less now.”
He’s giving Coolidge a run for funniest Preezy.
these kind of statements drive the progressives insane
As if they are immune to fucking up the language.
Hacking our democracy.
:The American people need to see those idiots on display”
All they need is a mirror. Idiocracy confirmed.
Who did they poll?
:rolls eyes: and I’m sure that they all watched the hearings. I want to know what percentage of those people think.
If the Republicans were smart, they would continue to investigate Ford, Ramirez, and Swetnick in the background.
Add Schumer and Feinstein to that list. But they are already out there talking about how they need to be able to work together so they will let things go. And when the team blue scorched earthers repeat the tactic they will be all surprised at it. Team red is not called the stupid party by mistake.
What was the item, what was the sample? Sounds like bullshit to me.
We shall redouble our efforts.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), who is poised to take over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee if Democrats capture the lower chamber in November, says he will investigate Kavanaugh for sexual misconduct and perjury.
“We are going to have to do something to provide a check and balance, to protect the rule of law and to protect the legitimacy of one of our most important institutions,” he told The New York Times on Friday.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, vowed the same.
“As soon as Democrats get gavels, we’re going to want to get to the bottom of this,” Whitehouse said last month, referring to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 36 years ago.
Democrats said the FBI’s supplemental investigation of Kavanaugh last week was far too circumscribed to find any corroborating evidence, which it didn’t, to Ford’s accusation.
Mike Lux, a Democratic strategist and former political adviser to then-President Clinton, said Kavanaugh will be an ongoing liability for the GOP.
“Given the fact that there’s clear evidence that he perjured himself, which there is, then I think it’s perfectly appropriate for legislative bodies to investigate,” he said.
Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you.
What is this clear evidence of perjury?
“He said he didn’t do it”
Nate Silver was 99% sure that Kav was committing perjury when he said Devil’s Triangle was a drinking game. Why do you hate science, Winston?
I always though that silly and I saw no evidence that Devil’s Triangle was widely used as a sex thing in 80s America.
And one of the guys wrote to Congress saying it was basically a variation of the game quarters that they made up.
There were multiple lines of evidence including one guy in the yearbook was credited with coining the name. I do not think they would say he made it up if it was a widely used term.
I think I saw two letters, with multiple signatories, saying it was a drinking game.
Whatever we want it to be, you fool!
We’re gonna vote until we get the result we want. Then we are going to quit.
Sounds like the globalist movement. See EU.
Democrats said the FBI’s supplemental investigation of Kavanaugh last week was far too circumscribed to find any corroborating evidence, which it didn’t, to Ford’s accusation. – but what evidence could there be found now? Her lawyers didn’t. the FBI didn’t. Given the publicity you think there are people who know and have not come forward yet? Also all the people claimed to be at the party denied it. What kind of witness can be found? Someone who says he heard from a friend of a friend that it happened?
I am seriously curious what kind of evidence could turn up 36 years after an incident with no possible physical evidence – groping cannot be proven except if caught on camera – and with no corroborating witnesses – certainly none first hand. The only first hand were Ford Kavanaugh and Judge. So what evidence? A third hand witness who has no way of verifying his testimony?
Who needs any kind of fucking evidence, you shitlord? BELIEVE HER!
We joke around these parts but this is a dilemma for me. Because it goes beyond Kavanaugh. What proof can be found in any case like this?
That’s your mistake right there. Whatever proof was found would be ignored if it didn’t fit the left’s narrative.
I think there’s a legitimate question about what to do with cases where there’s a suggestion that something happened, but there’s not enough evidence for it to go to trial or result in a conviction.
The left has succeeded, mostly, in pushing its “believe women” agenda in extra-judicial areas (universities, the workplace etc.). As so often with the left, their solution to the problem is vicious and stupid, but they’ve managed to steal a march because the right doesn’t want to acknowledge the issue at all.
Say you have a ‘he-said, she-said’ issue that can’t meet the necessarily high burden of proof required for putting a human being in a cage. Just shrugging your shoulders and saying “innocent until proven guilty” might be technically correct, but it loses you the sympathy vote every time.
Where you can’t actually know who is lying, there isn’t really any way to be neutral.
What proof can be found in any case like this?
I think there’s a legitimate question about what to do with cases where there’s a suggestion that something happened, but there’s not enough evidence for it to go to trial or result in a conviction.
Actual assaults result in injuries, the victims of which report to the police when they also seek medical attention.
Sadly, social stigma is the only recourse to somebody treating you in a way you don’t like that doesn’t actually harm you in any measurable way.
I like how the fact that Ford did not provide corroborating evidence is ignored. Nor can they name some corroborating evidence that the FBI ignored.
Well, Ford obviously didn’t lie so it’s the GOP’s fault for not finding any corroborating evidence.
This is how their logic works.
It sure sounds like they are saying that the inability to find corroborating evidence is itself evidence of a bad investigation.
What about her therapist notes and the second front door? Not to mention 4 witnesses!
Corroborating, or at least supportive evidence, that Ford could produce but has not:
(1) Therapist name, for interviews.
(2) Therapist notes.
(3) Evidence of long cross-country trips rather than flying.
(4) Testimony that she has not done some things that require flying.
(5) Evidence about the second front door – floor plan, work orders, timing.
(6) High school transcripts showing drop in grades.
(7) College transcripts showing academic difficulty.
(8) Testimony from friends/acquaintances showing social withdrawal/ problems.
Exactly none of this secondary evidence, most going to her claim of lifelong trauma, has been produced. When the dog ain’t barking, maybe there’s nothing there.
Mike Lux, a Democratic strategist and former political adviser to then-President Clinton, said Kavanaugh will be an ongoing liability for the GOP.
“Given the fact that there’s clear evidence that he perjured himself, which there is, then I think it’s perfectly appropriate for legislative bodies to investigate,” he said.
It’s a bit rich for a Clinton adviser to tut-tut about perjury. Perhaps this fellow would benefit from meditating on the parable of the mote and the beam.
there’s clear evidence that he perjured himself, which there is,
Funny, I haven’t seen anything.
If I’m rank ordering who may have committed perjury here, he’s not at the top of my list.
Given the fact that there’s clear evidence that he perjured himself, which there is
If saying it would only make it so.
I had an argument yesterday with someone who insisted that Trump should (and that he can) pardon Jason Van Dyke (the cop in Chicago who was convicted of murder).
I also got into an argument with someone who’s convinced that they’re going to find a smoking gun and that both Kavanaugh and Trump will be impeached.
I think the answer to all this is that I’m really stupid and should stop getting into arguments with people dumber than I am.
The problem is that you’re a human butt plug and you spend your time surrounded by assholes.
I award you the internet for today. That made laugh uproariously.
should stop getting into arguments with people dumber than I am.
That would be the easiest New Year’s resolution ever for me. The odds of me actually finding someone dumber than me during my daily routine are astronomical.
*This assumes that the fact she married me does not tank my wife’s smartness ranking to the point where she is technically dumber than me. That was just one moment of idiocy on her part.
These people are so frustrated by the fact they believed they were on the right side of history and Hillary should have won so their ideology could be vindicated, that they now are creating their own reality in order to avoid falling into a comma because they simply can’t deal with the reality that they are wrong.
Just a regular comma? Or the dreaded Oxford comma?
Worse, one of the many, mant misplaced commas that fell into the cracks in the intertubes.
I don’t do commas. They piss me off.
Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
Vampire Weekend
Two spaces after the period and the oxford comma — this is how it shall be done.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Generally, I agree with you in all the things. This time, you are right about the Oxford comma. Two spaces after a period…only for a monospace font like Courier.
*sadly crosses out Mojeaux’s name on will*
Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.
*golf clap*
Two spaces after the end of a sentence, one space after less significant uses of a period (such as an abbrev. in the middle of a sentence)
The internet has ruined that one.
The internet is wrong. Ignore it.
So where is the line of a call to violence?
Woodchippers aren’t, we learned that the hard way though.
But at some point, there has to be one.
Credible and specific threat works for me.
Well the kav tweet was specific about a target.
Was it credible? I guess not, it was an open ended “who’s with me?”
I guess I’m seeing the trend of these kinds of sentiments only ending with actual violence. It’s a little frightening.
I’d probably put the line closer to:
When the violence really comes, it will be as a “response” to the violence of the right. They’re victims, and they’re being re-victimized by the refusal of the conservatives to bow and scrape to their every whim. Therefore, their violence will be justified.
Proof once again that Duffelblog is the only accurate source for news.
Kill Kavanaugh.
What about Keith Ellison?
I think he’s too busy running for Atty Gen here in Minnesoda to go out to DC on a professional hit.
He’s got bigger problems.
That ship has sailed. The DFL report on Brother Keith has already come out. Get your surprised face ready because the accusations were “unsubstantiated”.
She should release the video if she wants anything to come of it.
I don’t think it exists personally. I hate to side with Ellison, but I don’t think he is a wife beater. His problem is that he has stuck it in crazy on more than a few times.
This is Roy Moore stuff though. Why bother with these stupid pseudo scandals, when there is so much real crap you could discuss about them?
It isn’t like Ellison wasn’t a member of the Nation of Islam (and still has a soft spot for Farakan), or that he was chummy with gang members who killed a cop, or that he has a history of not paying tickets or court fines.
I bet that they used the old Clinton Trailer Park defense? Wait, in this case they would have to call it Da Project’s Defense I guess.
The real question is whether Ellison got upset when accused. Did he arch an eyebrow? Did his lip quiver? Did he retort with a sharpness some might find disqualifying?
I enjoyed Matt Damon’s take on Kavanaugh “losing it” on SNL, but not for the reasons he thinks. The point of the joke was that Kavanaugh became enraged almost instantly and most inappropriately without cause.
Of course I immediately remembered Reason.com interview with Matt Damon about education reform. I wouldn’t exactly call him “hinged”, and all that was happening was a discussion about the possibility of allowing people to send their kids to the school of their choice. I’d love to see his reaction if he were to be grilled in public about details of his youth entirely designed to malign him and embarrass him. I’m sure he’d be completely measured in tone. That’s what Bostonion men are known for, isn’t it?
Bob Murphy pointed out, that Matt Damon is on record in an interveiw saying he would go scorched earth against anyone who tried to ruin his name by #MeToo-ing him.
To jail with you for saying we should do something about a loyal party-member of the Left.
I laughed when I read this, then I realized how sad it was this is exactly what reality is….
I assume the next GOP SCOTUS nominee will be accused of kissing a girl without consent when he was around 8 at some random gathering.
“It is alleged that on several occasions Judge XXX’s mother removed his diaper to change him and found that Judge XXX had an erection. Mother XXX did not in any way ask for or deserve to see an erection. Her life has been a nightmare ever since.”
The Penis is Evil after all. I know this because our lord and savior ZARDOZ told me so.
Interesting take on Columbus. He didn’t just want to open trade routes to India, he wanted allies and another front against the Islamic jihadis who were attacking Italy.
Pulled that stupid “Load more” crap, so I stopped reading.
You’re not enticed by the promise of more, like a scrap of hypertext negligee hinting at the existence of pleasures untold just beneath the fold?
How the fuck are they going to get their click count up for the advertisers, huh?
It doesn’t seem to be reloading the page. If advertisers are paying extra to get JS to count those clicks they’re even dumber than I thought.
Don’t be silly. Columbus landed in North America and promptly committed genocide against the entire native American population, principally through deliberate germ warfare half a century before germ theory was formulated.
That was the premise of the Orson Scott Card book Pastwatch/em>
The Europeans had been looking for “Prester John” for centuries.
Of course the closest thing they had was a potential Franco-Mongol alliance against the Mamaluks, but, as usual, the Europeans fucked it up by being European.
Who will tame the savage Kavanaugh?
What I am suggesting is that the three female members of the Supreme Court may be the remedy for all that will engulf our nation in the aftermath of his confirmation. They will be mentors and role models for him, even though all three will surely be on the opposite side of every contentious ruling on which Justice Kavanaugh decides.
Yet, they can teach him how to hold fast to convictions, which all three have done. They can show him ways to argue that do not look obsessively partisan. They can counsel him on the issue of judicial temperament, which his last appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee called into question. They can remind him how to argue passionately without forfeiting collegiality.
It’s like these people think Kavanaugh is the Wild Man of Borneo, plucked directly out of a drunken toga party. He will have to be taught not to throw red solo cups at the attorneys pleading their cases before the Court. Only through the soothing guidance of a wise latina can he hope to attain respectability.
We should start a GoFundMe for Kavanaugh. He can collect if he does a photo-grope of RBG next time she falls asleep at the State of the Union address just like Franken.
You’re wrong, instead we should start a gofundme for Brooks to get remedial typing skills.
Do you work for the FedGov? Is your only solution to any problem simply pouring money down a rathole?
Money ain’t gonna fix Brooksy.
That’s just it. The goal wasn’t to fix the problem, it was to earn Scruffy some extra cash.
I have a Remedial Typing Adult Education license that I need to put to use.
Sometimes I just don’t have enough middle fingers to flip.
counsel him on the issue of judicial temperament
Some shrieking harpy is going to tell a man to remain calm?
They can counsel him on the issue of judicial temperament,
Judicial temperament is shown (or not) while actually being a judge. It is not a requirement when you are not being a judge, such as when answering unsubstantiated accusations that you are an alcoholic serial rapist.
Example: Nobody ever complained about Scalia’s judicial temperament, as far as I know. Yet, he was a hunter who would shoot animals with a gun. If he were to bring a gun to court and shoot an animal during a hearing, that would not be good judicial temperament. Doing the very same thing when not in court does not reflect on his judicial temperament.
Stupid fingers.
Great conversation on MD&E about the Kavanaugh garbage fire. Cooke discusses his preference for originalism and the ludicrous positions some on the left have taken, e.g. “The court is now politicized” for having an originalist majority. Williamson extemporizes for several minutes on the Satanic Panic and Janet Reno. Much scorn heaped on the shoddiness of Democrat journalism.
The left felt the court was legitimate when it legislated their agenda. Now that it has swung into the direction where instead it might start doing what it originally was intended to, it has become a politicized and illegitimate entity. The left is basically again pointing out that they feel unless they are calling the shot it is all illegitimate and undemocratic. Heck, we actually had a chain on exactly that the other day. They truly believe that unless they are getting their way democracy has failed. How do they miss the irony and the fact that they are a bunch of fucking tyrants.
“How do they miss the irony and the fact that they are a bunch of fucking tyrants.”
They dont. They are well aware, they just dont care.
They’re on the right side of history. You can’t be tyrannical when you’re on the right side of history. You don’t need to compromise or moderate your behaviour, because the people who oppose you are on the wrong side of history. All you are doing is correcting the historical wrongs of the world, acting in the benefit of its oppressed minorities, who have been silently crying out for your brave assistance for all human history.
This isn’t even an exaggeration.
Soave provided this link in his story about a “false accusation survivor.”
money quote:
Innocent until proven guilty is particularly offensive. Yup. That’s where we are. I actually kept reading to find out if there was a why to go with the assertion. Yes, she has a why.
So at least there is a form of logic at work here. She also gets bonus points to linking to a quote that says 1 in 6 women will be raped (or attempted raped). That’s quite a bit better than 1 in 4 or 1 in 5, as one usually sees quoted. So good for her!
I’ll just post this again.
I have no idea what real numbers are, but stats are wild and the truth is probably in the middle.
that is to small sample to be taken into consideration
It is impossible to know the number of fake rape claim. Probably between 15 and 20%. The issue is they may increase if this belie women thing takes off
It all depends on the definition of rape being used. You get 5 out 4 women being raped when a man holding the door open is included in the definition.
Or more seriously, I’m now reading calls for it to be considered rape if the male doesn’t call the next day to pursue a relationship.
How would we know the number or % of false rape claims if the police just shrug and ignore them? My friend was locked up on false charges by his ex-wife. It took the cops about a day to establish that she had completely fabricated the story – then nothing, she faced no consequences at all.
How would this occurrence get captured in the stats? It was a reported rape, but the case was closed without any prosecution. I doubt they reported it as demonstrably “false” accusation since they did not prosecute her.
How would this occurrence get captured in the stats?
As a rape, duh.
Criminals who falsely accuse of rape should face the same consequences as criminals who commit actual rape. Then we’d know the number of false rape claims, though I imagine the number would immediately plummet in such a scenario.
She also gets bonus points to linking to a quote that says 1 in 6 women will be raped (or attempted raped).
Almost raped (NSFW).
I used to go to that damn site almost every day. That one and the an hero ones are my favorite articles there.
If a man is considered “innocent until proven guilty” that means women are considered “attention seeking, political opportunistic liars until proven raped”
Well, maybe women who sit on their accusations for decades until a politically opportune moment to seek attention are, in fact, attention seeking politically opportunistic accusers who need to put some proof up to convince people they aren’t lying.
The idea that every single woman who doesn’t fall into the “sit on my accusation for decades until an opportune moment” bucket will be treated as if she sat on their accusation for decades, etc. needs to be roundly mocked and derided.
What about the accusing party though? If a man is considered “innocent until proven guilty” that means women are considered “attention seeking, political opportunistic liars until proven raped”
Holy non-sequitur, Batman! Tone down the proggie emotional outbursts. Accusers are just that, accusers.
So (t)Reason is now against due process. Fuck them.
Hotel forced to apologise for ‘sexist’ ad of couple enjoying breakfast in bed
These people are just always out looking for a reason to be angry and offended. How fucked up do you have to be to live like that?
Does not matter really but 70% of Financial Review readers are male…
“I don’t actually read it, it’s just part of the uniform.” -Sir Desmond Glazebrook, Yes, Minister.
Even better now that I know there is a Milton Keynes.
MK Dons suck! Don’t even get me started on their ‘crest’
Maybe it’s a silly question, but why do the execs in these stories go along with it? Do they really think the Twitter mobs and Social Justice Cadres are their target market? The cheapest room at the Sofitel in Brisbane for next Monday night (I checked on Hotels.com) is $417 USD per night. These clowns aren’t their target market. They should tell them to go screw themselves.
That reminds me, what is it that these $3-400/night hotels actually provide that’s worth $2-300 more than your relatively clean motel?
Status, the ability to avoid the hoi polloi, better chefs (and more expensive in house restaurants), better alcohol in the bars (and more expensive), and have I mentioned status?
It was on my mind because I was starting to look at places to stay in Milwaukee for my road trip. Then it occured to me I didn’t know what part of town is best avoided.
In addition to this, it is also about market segregation or Location Location Location. Business travelers want to not be bothered by a scene from National Lampoons Vacation, and they want to be as close as possible to the office or event they are traveling to. A luxury downtown hotel a half block away from where business is happening vs the Ramada by the hotel is a couple hundred extra bucks a nigh. If the estimated value of the trip is in the tens of thousands of dollars, cheeping out on room is penny wise and pound foolish.
And business travelers are the golden geese of hotels. All of those rewards programs, all aimed at business travelers. Mix rewards programs with people with an analytical mind, and lots of spare time on business trips, and you get stuff like this.
Aesthetics does count, especially if the purpose of the trip is leisure, not business. You can decide for yourself how *much* it counts.
They’re risk averse wusses who don’t get that an apology is akin to a confession. Better to keep quiet until the mob moves on which they surely will.
Yes. The only saving grace of the SJW social media mobs is their short attention span. There’s always a fresh outrage to hurl hate at.
As I periodically remind our people when something bad about us shows up on social media.
“Its social media. How long does it take anything to fall off your feed? A day? Two days? In three days this will all be completely forgotten.”
I have yet to be wrong.
The other thing is to point out that Twitter is essentially the Internet’s version of the wall of an only-occasionally cleaned men’s room of a popular dive.
Sure, among the “for a good time call $ex-girlfriend’s-number” and “there’s nothing so underrated as a good shit and nothing so overrated as a bad fuck” comments someone may say something mean about you. But it’s still just ink on the men’s room wall.
Olivia de Havilland Is Bringing Her ‘Feud: Bette and Joan’ Lawsuit to the Supreme Court
The 102-year-old Oscar winner’s legal battle has thus far been unsuccessful.
Probably be cheaper to just wait her out at this point, eh?
we should start a gofundme for Brooks to get remedial typing skills.
New bionic fingers are my only hope. Or a smoking hot secretary who will transcribe my witticisms. Yeah, that would work.
“and naked. From the waist…. Everywhere.”
“So just a belt.”
“Well, I hope it’s a seat belt”
“We’ll see”
No way. If we spent a bunch of money on bionic fingers or a hot secretary, you’d be back in less than a month complaining that you need a new one because the old one was all gunked up with hand lotion and “other” stuff.
Where is our daily Demi Rose link?
Give the dear Count a bit of time, we gotta EARN those daily Demi Rose links, good sir.
Titty Tuesday comin’ in hot!
I’ll just take 7 until I’m drained of life force and discarded as a useless husk.
5 and 38 wew, man. Also I see you like SUCCubi in that case.
38 is spectacular.
#1 is #1 for a reason. Also 23 and me.
Second 1
Is that a Fleshlight in the background of 26?
Yes. Yes it is.
“Emily Ratajkowski recalls her rage at being turned away from a dance for looking ‘too sexy’ at just 13 as she talks feminism, marriage and sexuality
She was recently arrested for protesting against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the U.S. Capitol, alongside actress Amy Schumer.”
No, they weren’t.
Et tu EmRat?
Female empowerment in 2018 means you can go to a junior high dance dressed like a stripper, and if any of the boys look at you they can be jailed for sexual assault 30 years later.
How to avoid sexual assault charges:
1) Be attractive.
2) Don’t be unattractive.
3) Don’t ever make her mad about anything in perpetuity.
4) Don’t seek public office as a Republican.
*looks at list*
*slumps head and cries into his beer bottle*
That’s right! Let me dress however I want to get attention-STOP LOOKING AT ME! YOU SEXISTS ARE VIEWING ME AS A SEX OBJECT!
Seriously, the whole thing is dumb as fuck. Dress however you want, people are going to look at you no matter what. Dressing like a clown or furry gets looks too. People judge other people. Maybe that’s just a thing.
Yes because showing sexy looking 13 year old can on no way look bad
She’s poison. Cute, but poison.
I was thinking dumb as a brick and really wants to be taken seriously in her social circles.
^^^This. She suffers from a particular pathology that afflicts stunning women who have been stunning their whole lives. They usually have two choices: they lean into it and try to stay stunning way past their expiration date or they try desperately to show that they are SO MUCH MORE than a pretty face and T&A. She’s already approaching 30, practically an old lady in the entertainment industry. She wants to prove to herself that people pay attention to her for reasons other than how she looks (which is, of course, not true).
I think there’s a lot of what you’re saying to it. I’d only add that people like her never get the “I call bullshit” factor. Most people are kept in check on their insane ideas by other people challenging them, calling bullshit on their flakier ideas. Someone like Ratajkowski? Yeah, I’m sure there’s just a line of guys just waiting to tell her she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. Add her celebrity status to that and you have a girl who could say the moon is made of green cheese and she’d be lauded for her brilliant scientific insights.
Madona is/was by all accounts a pretty intelligent human being, but no one was buying her records because of what was between her ears. I remember her trying so, so hard for so long at this game, and it just didn’t matter.
Look, Hedy Lamar couldn’t win at this game, and Emily is no Hedy. As beautiful and talented as Hedy was, her moral bravery (noping the hell out of the Nazi game early) and technical intelligence (seriously, go look her up) were much more impressive than her beauty (and she was cast as Delilah). But when it came to her war contribution, people just wanted her manning kissing booths not developing spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology.
It’s not Hedy…
“Don Jr ‘met with Israeli psy-ops firm’ which offered the Trump campaign a plan to create fake social media profiles and gather ‘intelligence dossiers’ on Hillary Clinton whom it nicknamed ‘Forest'”
Fake social media profiles destroy “democracy”. This was the smoking gun we needed to prove it all.
Now Hillary may take her rightful place as Queen!
Didn’t she do the same?
Hell, she had the social media firms themselves in the tank for her. Given the enormous structural advantages she enjoyed, it’s a minor miracle she lost and underscores just how terrible she is.
Clinton had an uphill battle as the incumbent party leader on the heels of Obama’s dubious second term. Fortunately for her, the GOP chose a candidate like Trump. Fortunately for him, the Dems backed her.
They were able to offer steep discounts by just using the Steele dossier from Fusion GPS and using search-and-replace to change out the principals.
Not Russians? Bigfoot? The Illuminati?
You lost. Get over it. Trump is president. He is going to be re-elected. Hillary is not president. Not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Not ever. She is never going to be president.
They’re desperate enough to have moved on to JOOOOZZZ!
I think that was always going to happen anyway.
Too long for a bumper sticker? Maybe a tee shirt, or a poster.
Just got a news notification that Nikki Haley resigned. What gives?
No clue. Wait five minutes.
“big announcement”
Can’t wait for the Hat’n Hair Take on this.
They missed a HUGE opportunity right there.
You’re all a bunch of toothless, moronic, bigoted religious fanatics! Now vote for us!
As usual: It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.
There’s obviously no cost to her for being an asshole. Therefore she will continue in her behavior with nary a word from the party leaders.
That’s one of the weird things I don’t get about political consultants. They can utterly and unmitigatedly crap out on their races and it doesn’t seem to have much effect on their employability. You’d think something like this would make her radioactive, since it almost certainly turns off voters. But, it’s a comment that fits Democratic sensibilities. So, it gets a pass.
The only thing weirder is GOP consultants, where they lose and make comments hostile to GOP voters and still get hired on a regular basis.
How much of their job involves compliance requirements for ballot filings and whatnot?
They’re like weathermen.
What’s new? I came of age during Bush’s first term, and heard much the same about Republicans back then. It’s not like Buttplug cut “Christ fags” xerself from whole cloth.
You’d think that they would learn that you are supposed to attack the candidate, not the voters.
BREAKING: Disgraced outlet publishes new evidence about possible link between Bank from that bad Country and Trump.
Cause after Kavenaugh, i’m going to think there is any editorial discretion at the New Yorker.
Without reading the article, the link says “was there?” which means it’s pure speculation.
Are we skirting libel if we phrase it like a question?
Might it be a kilt?
Now that I’ve actually looked at the article, they’re rehashing some bullshit from a year and a half ago that was already debunked.
Jebus they sure have ripped the mask off. The left is completely insane. Every where I look they are acting like loons. Don’t these people have lives? No matter what happens politically I still spend most of my energy looking after my wife, changing the oil in the cars, mowing my yard, grocery shopping, feeding my dogs, etc, etc. I dont have time to march in the street waiving a sign and screaming at the top of my lungs. No matter who wins elections my life goes on. What the fuck is wrong with these morons? You lost an election. Move on and live your life.
Most of the ones screaming, marching, rioting and waving signs are paid protesters. They get hired off Craigslist, then “organized” by people involved with activist groups and collect a paycheck at the end of the day. My guess is 80% of the people protesting don’t even really understand what they’re protesting beyond “Republicans are evil, come get paid to fight them”. A fair amount of the SJW keyboard warriors are paid shills and/or bots as well.
They got, or are in process of obtaining, degrees in the Grievance Arts. Of course they don’t have anything else to do.
Are we skirting libel if we phrase it like a question?
Will we ever know for certain if Trump is a rapist tax cheat who colluded with the Russians to hand over the nuclear codes?
Researchers Create New Font That Helps Boost Memory
It’s called San Fogetica…cute.
Well apparently it doesn’t work since I completely f’d up the spelling of it. Sans Forgetica
If that picture is an example of the font, my reaction is “Fuck that noise” because the broken letters are obnoxious.
The thing they’re ignoring here is that added effort to read the unfamiliar font is something that rapidly goes away with familiarity. The very use of such a mnemonic enhancer will reduce its efficacy. Eventually it will just be text and you’ll have the change the letters again to get a similar effect.
Not worth it.
My assumption would be that you would only use it on study materials before a test, for that very reason. However, I could see the effect backfiring and people just getting pissed off and not learning a damn thing.
More like Bullshitica.
If I were forced to read that it would just piss me off.
Cool. I read the KJV bible for the same reason.
That font works on me for its intended purpose.
Well, after traumatizing my eyeballs, its certainly indelible in my hippocampus.
I don’t remember much of anything typewritten or on a screen. To remember it for a significant amount of time, I must write it out. This font takes care of that for me.
This seems like something some evil fucker came up with to fuck with us dyslexics.
I already read too damn slow. I don’t need to slow it down any more!
Open Dyslexic
Oh, they’re serious.
My Kindle had that. I’m not dyslexic but I used it awhile just for something fresh.
Republikkkins is paranoid crackpots!
TW: Krugabe
And now senior figures in the Republican Party, which controls all three branches of the federal government — if you had any questions about whether the Supreme Court was a partisan institution, they should be gone now — are sounding just like the white nationalists in Hungary and Poland. What does this mean?
The answer, I submit, is that the G.O.P. is an authoritarian regime in waiting.
Trump himself clearly has the same instincts as the foreign dictators he so openly admires. He demands that public officials be loyal to him personally, not to the American people. He threatens political opponents with retribution — two years after the last election, he’s still leading chants of “Lock her up.” He attacks the news media as enemies of the people.
Add in the investigations closing in on Trump’s many scandals, from tax cheating to self-dealing in office to possible collusion with Russia, all of which give him every incentive to shut down freedom of the press and independence of law enforcement. Does anyone doubt that Trump would like to go full authoritarian, given the chance?
And who’s going to stop him? The senators parroting conspiracy theories about Soros-paid protesters? The newly rigged Supreme Court? What we’ve learned in the past few weeks is that there is no gap between Trump and his party, nobody who will say stop in the name of American values.
But as I said, the G.O.P. is an authoritarian regime in waiting, not yet one in practice. What’s it waiting for?
Well, think of what Trump and his party might do if they retain both houses of Congress in the coming election. If you aren’t terrified of where we might be in the very near future, you aren’t paying attention.
Those bastards are going to get re-elected, and then they’re going to be in charge of the government. They’re going to do stuff I don’t like. It’s a coup.
Wake up, sheeple!
How did this man ever obtain an advanced degree?
He was publishing really good work, before politics ate his brain. If he stuck to academics, he’s be rightly seen as one of the most important economists alive. But he drank from the poison chalice of politics, and now he’s just another partisan who’ll be forgotten two days after he dies.
Krugman. His contributions to the understanding of international trade are the most important I can think of other than maybe Ricardo’s.
Then he turned into a dick.
That nice Spanish gentleman that Lucile Ball married.
You just won’t let me have the joke, will you? 🙁
Look, doing all that big brain shit is hard, and what do you get at the end of the day? A gold medal and more work. Orrr… you can write 2 screeds a week and go on speaking tours and make big piles of folding cash. What’s the rational economist to do?
Some years back one of our commenters posited that Krugnuts is actually a absurdist performance artist, possibly Andy Kaufman faked his death and is now in disguise posing as a NYY columnist.
I like this theory.
I think it’s like the ‘Paul is Dead’ theory. The real Krugman died around the turn of the century, and was replaced by a look-a-like. The proof of this is that he is barefoot in his NYT byline photo.
Alternatively, he is the Saruman of economics.
It’s always disappointing when someone with great powers and insights goes off the rails, and so I see it with Krugman. I studied a few of his developments in the early 1990s: there were some interesting ideas in trade, and his early critiques of political discourse were objective and linked to basic principles.
Since then, he does my least favorite thing: principals over principles.
if you had any questions about whether the Supreme Court was a partisan institution, they should be gone now
Well, I’ll just accept that with no explanation!
I imagine him sitting in a corner with his arms around his knees, rocking back and forth and repeating “Republicans bad, Democrats good” for hours on end.
questions about whether the Supreme Court was a partisan institution
The court has members that ostensibly are orginialists that won’t me practice lawfare to get my way on patently unconstitutional gov’t = “partisan”
the G.O.P. is an authoritarian regime in waiting
The same GOP that is ostensibly small-government oriented and is being made so much more by the current president via tax cuts and deregulation?
oreign dictators he so openly admires
He blows smoke up peoples asses to get them to do what he wants.
e threatens political opponents with retribution
She broke the law. Like A LOT. Very Bigly.
demands that public officials be loyal to him
Someone is unfamiliar with the Obama whitehouse.
I can’t go on.
Eventually it will just be text and you’ll have the change the letters again to get a similar effect.
Hawthorne effect
“BREAKING: U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Resigns”
Clearing her calendar to be RGB’s replacement?
It sounds like it was always her plan to do two years. If you can believe her, of course, not forgetting she is a politician.
Would you want to deal with the UN for more than that?
My theory is this is classic corporate revamping. You bring in the heavy for two years to pencilwhip every damn thing and person in the organization, then they move on and you bring in someone who seems reasonable by comparison, but is still far tighter than the old guy.
This surprised me a little. At least the Dem numbers did:
It’s pretty clear she needs to run for president.
Unfortunately, she is way too smart.
Maybe she can run as Trump’s running mate in 2020, then go for it in 2024.
“Facebook Employees Shouldn’t Be Surprised That an Executive Supported Kavanaugh at His Hearing. But They Should Be Mad.
When Facebook’s vice president of global public policy, Joel Kaplan, a former aide to President George W. Bush who joined Facebook in 2011, decided to sit two rows behind his longtime friend Judge Brett Kavanaugh as he testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, the seasoned Republican operative surely expected someone would notice. His colleagues back in Menlo Park sure did. Since the hearing, hundreds of Facebook employees have expressed objection within the company over Kaplan’s public show of support of Kavanuagh—so much so that it’s caused a firestorm within Facebook that the company is struggling to contain.”
Oh FB, please don’t struggle to contain the rheeing of your idiot employees.
Why anyone would want to work at one of these Silicon Valley gulags is beyond me.
My brother worked for netscape way back in the day. His stocks options were double is salary.
Of course, that was 20 years ago when tech was king not progressive politics.
Someone dissented! Get him!
Don’t worry. Facebook is still totally a content-neutral platform.
Comment from Krugabe’s hysterical blabbering:
Chicago1h ago
Times Pick
My grandparents did not get out of Poland in time; my father and his uncle did. What country will take American refugees running from American Fascism? Not a rhetorical question: I’d like to know, for the sake of my children.
Run! While there’s still time! Teh Genocide is coming for you!
What country will take American refugees running from American Fascism?
I hear the southern border is easy to sneak across.
Oh, “Steve”…. Trump likes (((your kind))). Unless your children are… mixed. *shudder*
Fear not! My understanding is that only Orange Satan is concerned about letting innocent refugees permeate his country’s border. You will be welcomed with open arms to literally any other country on the planet. I suggest you set out by the end of the week to avoid the heavy traffic.
“Times Pick”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
If only these people were serious about leaving and not just virtue signaling/LARPing.
No shit. I would love them to mass migrate out of the country.
I am still waiting for the Trump rape/murder gangs that we were promised.
Apparently not Canada, Steve, but if you pick up a little Spanish you can probably relocate to that paradise of freedom and prosperity, Juarez.
Breaking Hope Hicks update:
Completely skating over the most important question of all: will she have my baby?
G-d I love women’s baseball.
Thanks a lot, asshole.
But in Amazon warehouses across the country, many longtime workers are fuming that — based on the information they have received so far — they may end up making thousands of dollars less a year.
Yes, Amazon is increasing wages, which will benefit most employees. But it will no longer give out new stock grants and monthly bonuses. Some workers believe that means their total compensation will shrink.
Whether Amazon finds a way to close that gap will be closely watched in Washington. On Oct. 4, Mr. Sanders, an independent from Vermont, sent a letter to Jay Carney, who runs Amazon’s public policy, “asking Amazon to confirm how the total compensation of employees who would have received stock options — those with the company for two or more years — will be affected as a result of the recent changes,” according to a copy provided to The New York Times.
Mr. Sanders, who was alerted to the issue by workers, has not yet received a response from Amazon, a spokesman for the senator said.
But unintended consequences are a myth. They’re just an imaginary beast in capitalist folklore. Something the robber barons use to frighten their children with at bedtime.
It’s almost like he realized you punish good workers when you make them all equal.
So Sanders is going to come to the defense of “employees who would have received stock options”? That’s rich.
I’m confused. Is he opposed to giving others a ‘living wage’ by taking from others who are more well off?
Why would they care? They’re finally making a LIVING WAGE!!!11!
You mean companies make salary choices based on ROI, market value and cash flow? Raising minimum wage doesn’t magically increase total wealth? HOW CAN THIS BE?!?
Fucking Kavanaugh.
I really hope that Amazon calls this the “Sanders Plan” when they explain it to their employees.
Amazon maintained in a statement that the higher hourly wages “more than compensates for the phase out” of the stock and incentive bonuses. A traditional pay raise, the company said, is “more immediate and predictable.”
And, if you read between the lines, they also say, “See? You don’t need some dopey union to get rid of performance incentives and coddle the least productive members of your crew. We did it on our own. Keep working.”
I wonder if the replacement of bonuses with higher base pay is budget neutral for Amazon.
Budget neutral *and* lower administrative costs.
Dollars to donuts Amazon thought they would get away with lowering their total labor costs and everyone would praise them for it instead of calling them out on it.
I am wondering how/if their productivity will suffer.
They will be more automated soon.
I think this is the key. They’re transitioning to increased automation and this lets them get ahead of that with an announcement about higher low-end wages.
Possibly, NSFW.
Christ, what an asshole.
The RATIO is nice. Even a lot of “on your side” types telling him it’s not cool.
Former professional model once posed nude. Shocking.
I like the reply “And if Michelle Obama had done this…”
The country would have an acute shortage of eye bleach.
It’s funny how the “liberal” left is now taking the same positions the “Moral Majority” held back in the day. Clearly their main objections to the world of the Handmaid’s Tale aren’t the wardrobe, the authoritarianism, or the moral browbeating.
jesse.in.mb hardest hit.
help me out: where’s the asshole part ?
I think it’s funny in a straightforward way, the same way I laugh at some stuff Limbaugh or Dennis Miller produce….unless that’s what we mean by “asshole” now.
I sense a lack of tongue-in-cheekness with Merloni. Seems like an intense, serious guy. But maybe not.
Lul. who told the web designer for the Thunder bay museum that it would not be a problem to have a black navbar that covered half the screen and made it impossible to see the putative content?
I also found it funny that their tourism site didn’t bother to describe what a “Persian” was and assumed everyone knew about this regonal item.
I was just about to bitch about a very similar thing. My insurance company website has a navbar at the top that, should you inadvertantly mouse over it, pops up an enormous menu that obscures the entire page you were trying to use and then leave it there for 10 or 15 seconds before deciding maybe you didn’t want that menu after all. If I *wanted* the menu I would *click on* the navbar, you fucks.
A certain website (OK, this one) does that to me under certain configurations. Those drop-down topic menus are very aggressive.
I hadn’t noticed that here, maybe because that menu bar scrolls off the page when you scroll down so the odds of unintentionally hitting it are a bit lower. Unlike my insurance website.
Are you on a phone? It’s a bug sure but it’s only covering a tiny portion of my (real) screen.
Are we looking at the same Site?
Yep, and I think I see the problem. They’re doing fancy-schmancy dynamic layout. If I make my window wider just right, I see what you’re describing. At my default width, the menus don’t appear at all, just the hamburger bun thingie in the top right corner.
I see, if I shrink the window to “tiny” the navbar goes away. If I make it fullscreen, everything fits on one line. The width my window is at has it in full navbar, but spaced across multiple lines, eating up the whole darn space with navbar.
Wonderful quality assurance testing they did there.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of that dynamic layout stuff myself. But everyone’s pushing it because they think it allows them to get away without coding a separate site for mobile users.
I find a lot of websites unreadable these days. If I go to a website i want to read the page, not play space invaders with all of the shit ads and menus and videos popping over the stuff I am trying to read. About half of the time I just say fuck it and click the page off.
I notice that when I browse on my ipad, which doesn’t have an adblocker. The unfiltered internet is completely unusable.
Without noscript, adblock, and something to manage cookies, I get seriously fed up with the internet really fast.
YES. Even with adblock etc. there are a good number of sites that give my browser AIDS.
What the hell is that? Who thinks that is good design? Who thinks that is a good idea? What are they teaching in school these days?
It’s just going to get progressively worse the more people use adblockers. Unless someone comes up with a money-making scheme that doesn’t involve pissing off your potential market.
Back from Garyjohnsonland. It was awesome, as usual.
Is that the Rio Grande Gorge? I haven’t been up that way since I was a teenager.
Yep. We went to the Taos Wool Festival (where I bought a sweater from the parents of a Forged in Fire winner), then to the Earthships (boring!), then the Gorge (amazing – and windy)
Did you hear the Hum?
Yeah, but it was just because I was sick & congested
We went to the Taos Wool Festiv
I have great memories skiing in Taos and the handful of times we spent the night there. (Usually we’d drive up and back home on the same day.)
You should drop a line if you ever make it down to Albuquerque. I’ll be hiding behind the couch pretending I’m not home, but you can meet up with deadhead.
I’m coming to ABQ for the holidays; I’d be happy to not meet up with you.
Just a brief stop in ABQ for my flights. The balloon fiesta is something I try to avoid. Y’all can come meet us in SF for some hipster cocktails (fuckin mezcal…yuck)
Also, the friend in the pic with me is the curator of Latin American shit at the International Museum of Folk Art. She has an exhibition going on right now that’s pretty cool. If you’re into that museumy stuff. She’s very good at her job, in providing interesting narratives and context for the displays.
I like Taos. I trust you stocked up on delicious New Mex chilis/chili powder while you were there?
Damn, nice view. Still never been 🙁
I’ve stood on that bridge several times. Good stuff.
It’s not that great of a finger pic.
We may never know the motive.
Their team won the superbowl? Their team lost the superbowl?
I find a lot of websites unreadable these days. If I go to a website i want to read the page, not play space invaders with all of the shit ads and menus and videos popping over the stuff I am trying to read. About half of the time I just say fuck it and click the page off.
Michael Avenatti’s contribution to the Stop Kavanaugh movement:
If it isn’t footage of him self-immolating on the steps of the Supreme Court, I’m not interested. Put up or shut up, Mike.
What’s up with the pitcher chick doing the standing splits, anyway?
Its all about distracting the batter. Tough to pick up the ball coming out of her hand when your eyes are on her crotch.
How is it that you haven’t seen that before? Apparently it’s a thing because there are numerous videos like that. Here is one.
She’s a fan of Vida Blue.
I’ll tell you what’s up
What’s up with the pitcher chick doing the standing splits, anyway?
Does it need a reason?
Joe Pepitone? How about Hall-of-Famers Rube Marquard and Joe Sewell (the latter had an amazingly low 1 strike-out per 73 plate appearances). Although I wouldn’t have out them in the HoF myself.
Man, that “Little House on the Prairie” lady did a lot of stuff!
What’s up with the pitcher chick doing the standing splits
That’s her left foot.