Know what I hate? Headaches. (I rarely get them.) I thought it was sinus plaguing me all day long, but I’m now leaning more toward migraine because it Just.Will.Not.Go. and darkness helps. Oy vey!
Anyway, here’s your weekly sneak peak.
You’ll be receiving Daily Links posts from Sloopy, Brett L, OMWC…and possibly others like ZARDOZ, STEVE SMITH, SEA SMITH, and assorted Founders, depending on everyone’s work lives. You’ll also be able to plan your week based on Not Adahn’s star charts, work toward your GlibFit goals with trshmnstr and Mrs trshmnstr, plan some meals with A Leap at the Wheel and Web Dom–and some drinking with mexican sharpshooter, talk about motorcycles with Creosote Achilles and take a roadtrip with Q Continuum, head off into the woods with Animal (will STEVE SMITH come along?), hit the books with Raphael, work on wellness with CPRM, and read a perfectly timed parable from Mojeaux. And, you never know, SugarFree might have another wonderful installment for us. Oh, yes, and I’ll give you a weekly poll in the usual spot on Hump Day.
I’m really looking forward to the week!
Don’t forget, you can join the illustrious Contributing Writers page by, you know, contributing writing.
Now, without further ado, I present the Saturday Night Open Post. GYST Packers!
Two firsts in a row? Everyone have Kavanaugh fatigue?
It’s 9pm, I’m playing video games on the other monitor, not slavishly refreshing Glibs.
Playing CS against bots because I’m a big ol’ pussy, and still sucking ass.
Meh. I’m sitting outside drinking by a fire. I think I win.
Then why are you here?
The girlfriend went to bed, and it’s just my back yard. At this point I’m waiting for the fire to burn out.
You didn’t clear your plans with UCS first?
He doesn’t like sitting by the fire. Far too stimulating.
Still burning. So I’m still sitting here waiting for the fire to go out.
So, would this be a good location to mention that even the girlfriend hates Kavanaugh’s accuser at this point? It’s been a flood of rape jokes today.
“The girlfriend went to bed”
You’re supposed to go, too.
Still can’t manage that, after all these years. I can’t hit the rack at 9:30.
Second!!! Second!!! I’m first loser, yeah…
Oh goody, a train! *Gets in line*
Fourth 🙁
Caboosth! I call cabootsh!
Shit! It’s Kavanaugh!
Second loser is the best loser bc third times a charm.
George Washington nominated as the Commander of the Continental Army
Fun fact: I am usually drinking ‘Liberty Creek’ wine when I watch these.
Still watching Boise kick Wyoming’s ass and drinking bourbon.
My game has been delayed by an inferior sport.
Stupid, fucking soccer? Or baseball?
34-7 in the fourth quarter.
It’s on now. FS1.
I don’t understand men who play with balls. So you are saying Sports have a hierarchy like with intersectionality?
The “ball and cup game” is not designed for every man.
It’s just one ball.
Told you I didn’t understand it. So it’s up there in intersectionality, they are handicapped men.
Im watching tOSU make an attempt at something that could be football.
At least at a junior varsity level.
I hope Sloopy took his aspirin; the TIA is on the horizon.
I’m watching NYC (Euro) FC fail at even that vs. Minnesota. Holy balls they suck.
If I have to see that fucking Mazda ad again, I’m gonna throw my phone through the TV screen.
Meh. Sloopy will be cheering for the Astros next week, when we need the Tribe to win.
I found a candid taken at the last Founders’ meeting.
Tucker on the Kavanaugh confirmation circus
“…that was New Jersey senator Cory Booker. A man so oily, he qualifies as an alternative energy source…”
OK….that was a nice shot.
He’s the one that coined “Creepy Porn Lawyer” for Avenetti and then actually had him on his show. It was pretty meta.
“Jugsy”. the girlfriend, left half a pizza here. I may scrape the toppings off and eat my feelings.
scrape the toppings off
Im on low (>50g) carb. I’ve been deliberately carb-deficient all day just so I can drink beer and get faded for football.
You wound me, sir.
High carb?
That was very confusing because I just assumed you were going to eat only the crust.
I mostly drink wine, but I still like beer.
You’re deflecting.
I can’t wait to wear that shirt.
I ordered mine already. Also can’t wait.
Will the poll work this time?
I vote “Undecided”.
I vote “None of the Above”.
Will you cancel your subscription if it doesn’t?
I generally write-in either Jimmy “The Rent Is Too Damn High” McMillan, or Vermin Supreme. Or abstain.
Based on the behavior of the DNC over Kavanaugh? November will be a straight (R) ticket.
I usually skip the midterm elections but I’m voting this time, although I’ve been disgusted by the left’s behavior long before Kavanaugh. Can’t quite bring myself to vote straight Republican though.
Just to further prove the point that the left are scumbags here’s a nice little article about why Kavanaugh shouldn’t be allowed to coach his daughter’s basketball team anymore.
Same here. I don’t like it, but the Democrats are bat shit crazy. Can’t afford to allow them to take the house.
What are the rules for write-in candidates? Do they have to live in my state? The GOP is not running any candidates in my district for the U.S. House of Representatives or either of the chambers of the state legislature. The Republican governor is likely to be re-elected but I’m not voting for him. Wouldn’t an out-of-state write-in candidate, like–I don’t know–Brett M. Kavanaugh invalidate the entire ballot?
I feel you – our ballots are a wasteland of derpy Dems running unopposed.
AFAIK, you can write in anyone you like.
Fuck, Renacci is my house representative, I dislike him, and I still may wind up voting for him for senator if this shit continues.
My second daughter was born yesterday. Two days before due date 9 Lbs. 3 Oz. Why didn’t you people remind me how exhausting it was having a new born!? Having a 3 year old that has been the center of attention for her whole life will probably make it even more crazy.
Nobody forced you to knock up your wife.
Seriously, congratulations.
Well that’s debatable…
Congratulations! You’ll start sleeping through the night in about 2 years!
My first started sleeping through the night at 3 months. It was amazing. So we are guessing this one will be a terror.
I thought that too when we haf #2, but now I realize what an asshole the oldest was when he was a new born.
That continues until however old my oldest is. Probably longer.
Until they are 16, that is…
Congrats. Some people say that having a second kid is actually not that much more work. They are wrong.
Yeah, they’re actually cheaper by the dozen.
Wunderschoen….herzliches gluckwunsch.
Why didn’t you people remind me how exhausting it was having a new born!
That is for you youngsters to figure out on your own.
Congrats. Enjoy the next twenty years or so. There is a good chance the shit will stop talking to you for no reason at some point.
Mazel tov!
As a childless middle-aged dude, I can only share my younger brother’s fine advice: “Please don’t ask me if I’m tired. I am always tired and talking about it makes me more tired. So just assume I’m tired.” (he’s got 3 boys with about 2 years between each).
I wish you many sleep-filled nights.
You can’t remember three years ago? Is your last name Ford?
See my post above, re: sleep deprivation.
l’chiam !
Congrats to you and your wife (hope she’s doing OK)
Congrats! I’m so happy I’m done with child rearing stuff. Thanks for picking up the ball.
Good stuff.
Nah, it’s fun. Before you know it, they are on autopilot and you are sitting at home on a Saturday night and realize that most of the people you really like are Glibs.
So congratulations to you and your family!
Remember, sleep is overrated (and really only for the weak anyway!)
Remember, sleep is overrated (and really only for the weak anyway!)
That’s what I keep telling myself.
Hey, look on the bright side: we get to read more bools than those 8-9 hour a night losers!
Sure, like you can concentrate on reading…
(I don’t have kids and still don’t get 8+)
Digital books have been great for this. I can read on my iPad in the bedroom recliner and if by chance I fall asleep, the app knows where I left off. I used to drop print books when I slept and they’d close and I’d have to waste time (and patience) trying to find my page again.
I love my Kindle paperwhite for that very reason. Many a morning it’s on the floor when I wake up.
Do you have one with a light? I love not having to keep OMWC awake with my reading light like I used to.
Yes, the backlight is excellent. Same deal – Mrs. Tundra goes to sleep earlier than me and my stupid booklight was like the sun.
The Kindle is one of those products that just never lets me down. Bright sunlight and sand – no problem. Dark room and sleeping partner – perfect.
Thanks Jeff Bezos!
Congrats and good luck. You didn’t have the good fortune of the older one asking for a sibling, did you?
Stopped by before going out to get hammered and give you your Saturday night titties.
18, 25 or 28? You decide. I’ll just take all 3.
1 got an “oof”. No reason to go beyond that.
#1 might be my dad.
Your dad is hawt.
His massages are painful.
56. Winner.
It’s not homophobic when they do it.
A few nights ago you left a comment talking about CBD. Who did you purchase from? I’ve been taking CBD from Infinite CBD but I’m always on the hunt for something less expensive that comes from a reputable supplier.
Comedy genius.
BTW, did you break open the box wine and, if so, how is it?
See below.
Also, yeah it’s fine. I’m no expert so really anything better than, say, Night Train is OK by me. I don’t normally go for “heavy” red wines but this stuff is pretty good.
Lindsey Graham got his WWE on the other day. ” In this cawnah, representin’ the Carolinahs, Lindsey Graham! The Southern Daaaaaandy!”
They’ve done that many times before. Maher has had that running joke for years and years.
In polite society they’d refer to Graham as a “confirmed bachelor” and never take note of his propensity for flowery language, seersucker suits and proteges. In a polite society.
Responding to Rosie O’Donnell’s tweet:
Ast??n- Gold Guns Bitcoin
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @Rosie @LindseyGrahamSC
This is why your son joined the military, your daughter ran away, your wife offed herself, and you’re in a mental institution doing Trump art therapy
Holy shit, dude.
If you want to get banned from Twitter, may as well go down as a legend.
Damn, bringing the fire.
Whelp, N.D. just broke this game open.
Let’s see what Ohio State / Penn State is doing.
I am not watching atm, but I have had my eye on New Delhi. Glad to see they are doing well.
Rageaholic Cinema: DEATH WISH
The Rageaholic is pretty awesome in 3-4 minute doses. If I wanted to listen to someone bark at the wind for half an hour I’d just call my brother up and remind him about the 2016 election.
I find his videos to be the perfect length.
1. It’s hard for you as the listener to really stop and question him because he goes so fast
2. I can’t listen to his voice much longer than any of them. It’s the loudness/anger that he goes for, but the spittle behind everything he says.
But I mostly agree with his takes and he does sometimes introduce me to legitimate arguments that aren’t ignorant.
Man, I forgot how woozy I get on wine.
That answers part one of my question above 😉 How is it?
It isn’t box wine if you remove the bladder from the box.
We save all our fancy wine bottles and re-fill them with box wine when Swiss comes over for dinner. He never complains.
It’s probably the roofies.
You promised you wouldn’t tell!
I forgot for some reason.
Stupid forgetful Playa.
Rhywun is a man of discerning taste, so it’s _good_ box wine, not that that Franzia that Swiss likes.
Box wine bladders work as personal flotation devices. Don’t ask.
Sure…. but not when they’re full.
+1 slapbag
It’s backpack portable.
Perfect for your local sporting event.
Exactly. It’s like these people have never been on a river trip.
Apparently decent.
I have found a new love Triple hot Jamaca’s Finest ginger beer in anything. It’s too hot for the girlfriend, so it’s safe for me.
Stay away from Central Park you little minge.
I’m well aware that the Democrats will relentlessly attack any minority/female who the GOP puts up for anything just the same as they do any other Republican. We’ve seen that. They also resort to more openly bigoted lines of attack. But if Kavanaugh ends up getting railroaded based on these sexual assault allegations, how do you resist appointing a black female? A black female who maybe even leans very libertarian. Isn’t that the best fuck you? Say the Dems do take congress. Kavanaugh’s toast. What happens then?
My guess is the Dems go full retard and start claiming that Trump is illegitimate. Sure, they could attack credentials or try to actually make their criticisms about policy. But that’s weak sauce that their base doesn’t care about. I think at that point the mask completely slips and they’d probably go full impeachment. It’d be a train that they wouldn’t be able to stop.
Trump should nominate Candace Owens.
My sister blew up at dad last night, texting him paragraph after paragraph of Ford’s testimony in between expletive-laden rants about his misogyny. Out of nowhere, frankly: dad had just flown back after helping her with the kids for a week because her husband’s at a conference. But because he won’t bend the knee to the all-encompassing progressive narrative, he’s a woman-hating asshole. The rage-monkey theatrics this hearing inspired is deeply unsettling.
She seems nice :-/
She’s got a mean streak when she’s upset, but it’s not typically about politics. Something about this grabbed her, clearly.
I think what irks me most isn’t the listen-and-believe attitude–that’s dumb but understandable. It’s the immediate imputation of hatred–for women, for Muslims, for gays, whatever. That simplistic, idiotic go-to when you can’t argue in good faith. That bugs me.
Would? Not you of course, but like what did your friends think of her.
My Dad’s response when one of my siblings starts that crap (about anything, not just politics): “I’m not going to talk about that.”
If they keep it up, he repeats, “I told you I’m not going to talk about that. Goodbye.” And he hangs up.
He told me last week that he doesn’t text because he has “enough to ignore already.”
And she impugned both him and me as typical woman-hating conservatives. I hadn’t even talked to her about it, or anything related!
More funny than anything, really.
dumb but understandable
It’s dumb and illogical. It needs to be stopped. I have a sister that is still in high-school. I intend to teach her reason.
So would you say it grabbed her by the pussy?
/ducks and tries to avoid the cat butt
No. Grab it by it’s fucking leg! Piker…
Pshaw. We all went there.
“Something about this grabbed her, clearly.”
This is all y’all’s future. Submit to the Progressive Truth, or be destroyed. Just make sure you’re not the first to stop clapping.
Well, in all fairness he did just help her out for a week so after that bit of familial altruism all bets are off, Man! What a cunt.
I hope he writes her out of the will.
If a black female was nominated she’d be savagely attacked as a race traitor and an Uncle Tom. Her melanin wouldn’t save her.
Many of them would go that route. That is confirmed by past experiences. But that’s weak shit. You’d be forcing them to have a vote on a black female judge.
Hell, at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if they went the full Garland route for 2 whole years. We’re that far down the rabbit hole. But I think that would still be the best play for Trump. I’m not saying they won’t attack her character. But they’d never have anything that’d really stick.
“She was racist to Latinos. She abetted rapes. She promoted white supremacy. She viciously attacked black activists on behalf of the segregationists. She hates gay people. She hates trans people. She hates women. SHE HATES ABORTIONS!”
Plausibility of the accusations no longer matter. In fact, the more outrageous the accusation the better.
But they’d never have anything that’d really stick.
The Kavanaugh claims are utter bullshit and yet they’re apparently sticking. I think you’re underestimating the willingness of partisans to pretend that nonsense charges are to be taken seriously.
I sadly have to admit that there are true believers in the logic of something like #MeToo. The attacks will all be made. They’ll get vulgar with it. But she’s not a white male. A significant number of their base will have trouble really frothing at the mouth over it. Those attacks will fizzle out, and they’ll only really be left with the partisan objections when the smoke clears.
Which is a step forward after like 10 steps back on Kavanaugh.
You’re projecting your sanity onto insane people and are making the mistake of presuming rationality on their part. They aren’t rational and any antiabortion nominee will catch pure hell in dither dirtiest way imaginable.
the dirtiest way…
I’d be willing to bet money that Kavanaugh will be confirmed once this farcical FBI investigation is over, as long as they don’t find something of course.
Sure he will! This has been nothing but frantic stall tactics by the DNC. Wall-eyed Booker, shrunken-headed Feinstein and whore-a-matic Kamala can’t reverse the 2016 election no matter how hard they try. I mentioned on here a few weeks ago that someone I know actually thinks that Mueller is going to topple the Presidency and then “Hillary will be in!” This is real no-shit opinion. How do you parry that bit of idiocy without breaking a relationship?
As I told the girlfriend, the entire hope of the Dems at this point is that they can stall the nomination until after the elections, and hope to win the senate.
I also told her if I was nominated it would go something like this.
Trump should negotiate:
Fuck Urban Meyer. I hope that when he dies and his deal with the devil comes through that Satan has something especially cruel cooked up for him.
What he did?
He put pubes in the hot dogs.
I think this will be Urban’s last year. The circus that was Zach Smith made him lose his motivation; in hindsight that was just a warm-up for Kavanaugh.
Same tactics, smaller theater.
I don’t know. I think that he loves it too much to let the haters drive him out.
I might get this shirt too.
I would want #believeallmen added.
Stop it!
I don’t need any more fscking t-shirts.
Okay, I admit it. I want to be Kavanaughed by Judge Jeanine. I want her to shove me down on a bed and work me like a rib.
I hear that poppers help.
She’d be leathery and look like skeletor with excess droopy skin without her dress holding her form together.
But probably would.
The older you get, the looser your standards. 8-80, blind crippled, or crazy. If they can’t walk, drag ‘em.
As OMWC would say, “Old enough to pee, old enough for me!”
Fuck that. Black don’t crack. Judge Jeneane could have me as she wanted.
How about Kavanaughs wife. I’d hit that.
She is proof that Ford is not even his type. Also, would.
His aide, Zina Bash. She’s even got a porny name.
Any chick who makes Nazi gang signs is going to be a freak.
Mexican Jewess who’s a White Supremacist? You know she’s a total freak.
I’ll be in my bunk.
And I’ll be snuggling up next to you in a totally no-homo way!
I think we’re going to need a bigger bunk.
Yeah, it needs to be a big bunk. “Mexican Jewess” sounds pretty great to me.
That’s a spicy matzoh-ball!
Ribbed for your pleasure.
So I just got back from watching the Twins manhandle the White Sox. It is the first game I’ve seen all season and sweet Jesus it was more boring than I remember.
I left in the 7th.
Bring on the hockey season.
I left in the 7th.
So, really, a Dodgers fan.
Baseball is the most boring sport. Change my mind.
It wasn’t always this way. I used to be a huge fan when I was younger. But christ, just throw the fucking ball already. I could go get a beer and only miss one goddamn pitch. Blah.
Kind of fun that I’m starting to sound like my grandpa!
I walked into the warehouse the other day and apparently someone was shipping a load of pipe tobacco. Jesus, brought me right back to sitting on Grandad’s knee.
You used to sit on your grandpa’s lap in pipe tobacco warehouses?
Don’t judge.
It was a simpler time…
I was walking one evening near the plaza in Las Vegas, New Mexico, and stopped abruptly and turned around and went back to an elderly gentleman smoking a pipe while sitting on a park bench.
Before I could say anything, he said, “Yes, it’s Half and Half. Was it your grandpa or your dad?”
Thanks for that, SP. It brought a tear to my eye when I got that whiff. He was a curmudgeon of the first order and brooked no bullshit. Red haired until the day he died. He didn’t like me much.
You shut your mouth, you damned northern hemispherian. Or western hemispherian. Or something. It’s just too cerebral for ya.
/said in fun in case you’re not sure.
Cricket has its moments
2016 world series. Two long time losers in a best of seven series. Compare that series to any NBA series in the past 10 years.
The NBA hate on this board gives me the sads. This many smart people thinking poorly about it makes me think…am I so out of touch?
No…it’s the Glibs that are wrong.
(Picture the pertinent Simpsons clip here, posting from phone)
The players are universally unlikeable, the rules so heavily deemphasize defense that some of the elite players just phone it in on the defensive side, 80% of the coverage is like a fucking soap opera, and the players have outgrown the court.
Three easy fixes to make the NBA more watchable. 1) really tighten up the traveling rules; 2) completely eliminate the charge cylinder; 3) get rid of defensive 3-second violations.
1) Wrong. There’s literally nothing wrong with the traveling rules, and fans call traveling on non-travel plays constantly.
2) What’s wrong with the charge cylinder?
3) This obviously ties into #2, but why should defenders get to camp out under the basket all the time? This isn’t hockey. The offense isn’t allowed to camp out, why let the defense?
To be fair, let me make some suggestions so yall can have a crack at me.
1) if you call time out in the backcourt, you have the option of advancing the ball past half court but you do NOT get to inbound it into the backcourt. That is horseshit. If the ball cannot go behind the halfcourt line while in play, why is it then cool to throw it back there on a dead ball?
2) You may not Hack-a-Shaq a player who is behind the halfcourt line. I’m fine with HaS, but it cannot be allowed when the fouled player is that far from the basket. This will encourage teams with DeAndre Jordan or Dwight Howard to play 4-on-5 ball.
3) I would crack down on “Harden-ball”. I think his approach is fan-killing. Great as he is, he plays specifically to draw contact. That’s not playing the game on merit, and I’d figure out a way to nip this shit in the bud before other players try to trick their way into 12 FTAs a night. He’d be one of the best players in the game regardless; he doesn’t need to stop the action so often to be effective.
Rule #1 – ENFORCE THE FUCKING RULES AS WRITTEN! No more traveling, no more carrying and make three in the key an actual offense again. I was a pretty good athlete when I was a pup but basketball stymied me. I’d foul out before the half.
This. Right here. I remember when traveling was called. Of course, I got soured on the NBA back when Jordan punched Ferry in the face, and Ferry got the Technical.
The NBA now is perhaps more entertaining than at any time in its existence. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a Warriors fan. There are definitely some legit arguments that traveling is not called enough and the reffing can be bad. I much prefer the three and general emphasis on passing and team movement. The Dubs have shown that defense is still a crucial part of the game.
I actually dont hate the Warriors. They do have cheat-code shooters, but they really do look to pass the ball. And, except for Durant, they built that team from the ground up. They were the best in the league already, before he got there
It was an unbelievable turnaround and built with players that they developed that were not considered top talents from college. I like their style of ball and the league is going to change to meet the challenge. I think they do it again this year, but after that it is open. I was born in 74, so I watched many years of suck. When I lived in Oakland in the early 2000’s it was ten bucks for a weeknite game and it included a soda.
It’s perfect for putting on in the background while doing something else. It’s also more interesting the more you are into the details. I think the NBA is much more boring than the MLB even though I like basketball better than baseball.
“It’s perfect for putting on in the background while doing something else.”
I usually just go with women’s beach volleyball for that. You look up every once in a while and it makes you smile.
Women’s golf used to be that way until those squat Koreans started dominating. Good Lord, what are they feeding them? St. Bernards and Pomeranians, I’d wager.
I was brought up with baseball, even though it was terrible (I had a relative who played for the Indians back in the 80’s). My grandmother (to her dying day), listened to every game and carefully kept track of every call and every score. Baseball has a part of my soul that no other game can claim. I had a chance to request to hold my relatives bat at the Louisville Slugger museum, but the girlfriend thought it would be dumb. Mind you, my name is rare enough that the How Many of Me site shows 1 of me, and less then 150 people with my last name.
She decided later that I should have asked to hold the bat…
Yes you should have asked to hold the bat. And yes, baseball is the best of sports. I grew up going to Candlestick when the Giants mostly sucked. It was $2.50 for GA back then.
Thankfully, the girlfriend enjoyed Louisville enough that we’ll probably go back at some point (even if it’s a stop to go somewhere else). At which point, I’ll walk into the Slugger museum, and ask to hold the bat.
And I hope the Indians beat the hell out of the Astros next week.
I really enjoyed Louisville. Did you make it to the Holy Grale? I really enjoyed that place. Also had a great meal at Bistro 1860. Sadly, we were there for my wife’s grandfather’s funeral, so we don’t have any compelling reason to return, but I liked the city quite a bit.
Losing toenails whilst playing catcher is never boring. Fight me.
I fail to see how a discussion of your sex life is relevant.
(how are you losing toenails like that?)
Foul tips and too poor for hard-case catchers cleats. I still have a little toe nail that needs to be groomed with the dog clippers. I loved playing that position, fucked up toenails be damned. If I hadn’t got fucked up playing football I’d be a lawyer today.
Catchers are like goalies – a really demanding position where you’re remembered only for when you fuck up. I have a lot of respect for that position.
I know quite a number of ladies who were huge fans of Jason Varitek’s… assets behind the plate.
The game ended like four minutes ago, and Sloopy is probably still spontaneously ejaculating.
If he didn’t have a heart attack. That was brutal. I hate playing there.
No food in the house… don’t feel like going anywhere. So I’m going to boil me up a couple cubes of bullion and call it dinner.
That fills me with sadness. I’d rather you just drink scotch for dinner.
Oh man, scotch would be awesome.
Dude! Go to Costco and buy a pallet’s worth of saltines. Everything tastes better on a cracker *winks, nudges*
Brett Kavanaugh Opens The Door – SJW Cringe
I’m oddly…intrigued…by the bearded lady.
As long as you stay away from my redhead goddess from a previous thread.
redhead goddess
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Riley Dennis looks more feminine than ever before. Still wouldn’t, but he looks better.
No Blaire White.
Not even close.
Nope. That’s a dude in drag.
They’re all quite full of themselves so they want everyone else to be full of them too.
They talk like fags and I’d wager that their shit is all retarded.
Mitsubishi Eclipse – Everything You Need To Know
That was interesting, but I kind of want to punch the guy a few times.
Phew! It wasn’t just me then. Relieved.
I test drove one of those about 13 years ago. The torque steer was ridiculous.
As a rear wheel drive or better, using the evo’s all wheel drive system, that would have been a great car.
The pants-wetting over Jimbo Fisher briefly grabbing one of his players by the facemask is ridiculous.
Your worldwide leader in sports, everybody!
The sports media is even more obnoxiously woke than the media in general.
So I gotta believe her, eh? How about next time you don’t roll out a fucking bullshit allegation at the last goddamn minute? You trot out some banana headed fruit cake and expect us to bow our heads in shame for something we didn’t do, you have no evidence Kavanaugh did, all the while daring us to go after the only source of information so that you can scream, “You hate women!”. GFY. I’ll bite. The last time I saw a head shaped liked that, Gallager was smashing it with a mallet. And what the fuck did she clean her glasses with? A chamois that soaked over night in a bucket of pork chop grease? Then we get to hear her claim that her memory is absolutely accurate because a cowboy used a hot branding iron and seared it into her cerebral cortex. Again, GFY. After her kabuki performance, you listen to Kavanaugh’s testimony and pull out the, “Why you mad, Bruh?” card. We need an FBI investigation? Really? We could dedicate half our GDP to inventing a time machine that would carry the entire FBI, CIA, TSA, IRS back to 1983 and still have no fucking idea what happened. GFY, Flake. You know goddamned well that a week of G Men asking people, “Was he a rapist?” isn’t going to yield some Columbo moment. The circumstantial evidence that this is a political stunt outweighs the evidence that Ford has produced. On one side of scales is a heaping pile of dog shit and on the other is air. So no, IOW, I don’t believe her.
I am mystified why anyone thinks “believe all women” is some sort of compelling slogan.
You’re mystified why it plays well among women?
You make a fine point.
“Believe all people”. Why would anyone say that someone else committed a crime if it was not true?
This answer, probably the most repeated aspect of her testimony, was the most scripted. From her smile while she was being asked the questions to to the language which almost seemed geared towards the I fucking love science crowd. It handwaves away all of the inconsistencies in her story or details she doesn’t remember but reaffirms one single detail. It goes along with years of propaganda from the left on “victims” and their memories. Actual rape victims experiencing severe trauma may not remember every detail of clothing their attacker was wearing. Or every line of dialogue perfectly. Minor details that may get lost in an actual traumatic experience. They don’t fucking forget what year their attack took place in. We could go on and on about this, though.
She was coached thoroughly. She was probably even taught how to (poorly) pretend to cry. Because there were no tears there.
Hey, she still has scars on her back from the shattered glass table she was raped upon!
I erased a bit in that comment on the fake VA rape story. Basically, she remembered every detail of the attack.
They take legitimate arguments – a rape victim does not have to be a perfect human being or made perfect choices or have perfect memory – and completely twist them to suit their political agenda.
You know it’s bullshit, I know it’s bullshit, the American people know it’s bullshit! (mostly, I hope).
That’s the thing, I don’t want to go down the path of analyzing her expressions, voice etc. The case is so solid without doing that. You can’t toss out uncorroborated allegations at THAT FUCKING TIME. Especially when you had it well beforehand and we know you had it. Can you imagine not caring about what precedent this would set?
Not meaning to sound very dickish but she seems like the least vulnerable target of a teen-aged Lothario. She wishes that it would have happened and after three and a half decades, it has finally come true! “Brett recognizes me now! Maybe we’ll go out some time!” Uuffda…
I want this house.
Looking at Zillow, that area looks reasonably priced.
What’s the list?
That video is from 2016, so I’m guessing it’s off the market
Landscape it or I’m walking away. Including pavers for the driveway.
Ozzy Man Reviews: Concrete Buffer Fail
Splits racing.
If this was America, you can guarantee some dickhead would have tried a lasso by now.
I would have been that dickhead (using a standard orange extension cord).
Reminds me of this one
Note to self: don’t throw a wounded duck into triple coverage.
Wait….. I already knew that.
I have a 100% certain memory that I’ve done it and it worked out fine.
So, would OJ have been convicted today? Black, male defendant – white, female victim? Intersectional scholars would have gone bananas over that one.
Easy, OJ would have been a victim of the police who targeted a black man instead of finding the real killer.
Wait! He was a 1-percenter, so guilty!
So were the victims, and race beats class anyway. Not guilty!
Kavanaugh to his high school stalker –
SNL was on at work (no audio, thankfully) and I noticed that Matt Damon was playing Kavanaugh for the cold open (a take on the Senate hearing). I cringe to imagine the dialog of that bit, and the “he’s a rapist and emotionally unhinged!” tendentiousness.
Now I hear through the grapevine that Kanye was the musical guest, wore a MAGA cap and made a controversial speech along the lines of “
George BushThe Democrats don’t care about black people.” lol, what a shitshow. (Beyond just the usual shit show.)And was cut off at the end too?
There shall be a kerfuffle that lasts for one, mebbe two days until the next brave accuser steps forth. Thinking about duct tape, dryer hose and parking somewhere quiet…