Know what I hate? Headaches. (I rarely get them.) I thought it was sinus plaguing me all day long, but I’m now leaning more toward migraine because it Just.Will.Not.Go. and darkness helps. Oy vey!

Anyway, here’s your weekly sneak peak.

You’ll be receiving Daily Links posts from Sloopy, Brett L, OMWC…and possibly others like ZARDOZ, STEVE SMITH, SEA SMITH, and assorted Founders, depending on everyone’s work lives. You’ll also be able to plan your week based on Not Adahn’s star charts, work toward your GlibFit goals with trshmnstr and Mrs trshmnstr, plan some meals with A Leap at the Wheel and Web Dom–and some drinking with mexican sharpshooter, talk about motorcycles with Creosote Achilles and take a roadtrip with Q Continuum, head off into the woods with Animal (will STEVE SMITH come along?), hit the books with Raphael, work on wellness with CPRM, and read a perfectly timed parable from Mojeaux. And, you never know, SugarFree might have another wonderful installment for us. Oh, yes, and I’ll give you a weekly poll in the usual spot on Hump Day.

I’m really looking forward to the week!

Don’t forget, you can join the illustrious Contributing Writers page by, you know, contributing writing.

Now, without further ado, I present the Saturday Night Open Post. GYST Packers!