You know what’s really awesome? When you work almost entirely in the “Microsoft cloud” and the entire cloud login service is down in the morning, you, uh, “catch up on documentation”. To give them their propers, it was only down for an hour and a half. Other than that, shitty football weekend, great times with the kids. How the hell are you? Aside from Yusef. Sorry about your job, bud. Good luck on the hunt!
I’m sorry, Bob Woodward might have once been a respected journalist, but I want to hear the tapes or see the transcripts on these too good to check quotes.
- Chief of Staff John F. Kelly once said of Trump during a small meeting: “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” What the fuck is you CoS doing with a job after this?
- Senior officials have taken to stealing stuff from Trump’s desk so that he doesn’t see it. AYFKM? Sack the fuck up and tell your boss not to sign something. What are you, 10? Stealing the report cards
All you Glibs between Destin and Lake Charles, stay safe! If in doubt, leave!
Here’s a feature-length article about how “technology favors tyranny” Ctrl-F reveals no mention of the words “Cody” or “Defense”. Here’s the thing — when these complicated algorithms no longer effectively produce the result set that people are trying to find — say “people who won’t default on the money I lend them”, as long as there is a relatively free market and fair legal system, someone else will start lending money to the set of people who aren’t in that algorithm that ALSO won’t default on their loans. Its just a fucking tool. Its like saying that because only church records were written down in certain places in Medieval Europe there was no complex secular law or record keeping. Demonstrably false. Don’t confuse the tool with the outcome.
This is a little rah-rah, but I’m in favor. High school holds “signing day” for seniors who have jobs in the trades waiting for them upon graduation. Show students you value what is important.
Rahm Emanuel is not seeking re-election next year. Maybe after some of those cash bribe stories started circulating, he realized things had changed.
Fuckin’ Fredocons. Republicans consider abandoning 2nd phase of tax cuts after SALT backlash. Guys, the whole fucking point — THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT — of capping the SALT exemption was to put pressure on high-tax states and localities to consider how their taxes might be a part of the overall burden.
Let’s hope it doesn’t get this bad on the Gulf Coast this time.
These people are fucking insane. Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome is hitting worse than Trump Derangement Syndrome.
AND KAVANAUGH IS A FUCKING IDIOT WHO SHOULD BE NOWHERE NEAR THE SUPREME COURT. But not for the reasons these morons keep spouting on about.
What a Dumas.
Its a signal from g-anon! Or whatever that conspiracy theory is.
I think it’s Qanon. You know, our very own Q is their leader. We must ask him.
What’s your hang up with K?
Patriot Act and some other 4A malfeasance, perhaps. Judge Nap hammered him pretty good.
That’s what it is. The 4th is already on life support, and Kavanaugh is likely to put it out of its misery.
Does this really read like someone looking to put a kink in the 4th’s IV to you? He dredged up a red-headed-step-child of a case from the 60’s that everyone ignores and says “PS, hey Jones, you might want to take a look at this.” Jones files for cert using the logic that K wrote for them, gets cert, and wins, expanding the 4th to protect us from government surveillance via trespass. Providing the intellectual foundation for a whole new theory of 4th amendment protection that Gorsuch is a big fan of (and maybe Thomas as well).
He’s awful on the 4A.
What makes you say that? Klayman? He’s only written like 5 4A decisions, and in one of them he provided the logic that Scalia adopted in Jones.
That’s a damn sight better than what generic-conservative-judge can be expected to provide on the 4th.
Thumbs-up is now a white power symbol too, apparently, according to the replies.
These people are fucking insane AND stump-dumb.
I’m really feeling the power of Poe’s law in those replies.
That…that was sarcasm. Hilariously no one noticed. Even the obvious one (peace sign = “two genders”)
Asian girls hit hardest.
I’d hit them.
It’s impossible to tell what is parody of the left and what is insanity of the left anymore.
Why do you say that? He’s still better than anyone HRC would have picked.
Said it above, but his views on the 4th Amendment are about as bad as they get.
That nobody in that thread seemed to recognize what I’ve been taught since childhood is the universal hand gesture for “OK” is odd. That its now apparently a symbol of ‘white power’ is downright disturbing
The Russians and the Kekistanis both must just be astonished at their success in leading leftist institutions around by the nose.
I miss the days when the Kochtopus ran things.
The OK symbol is mildly impolite in Russia.
Or that she’s signalling at all seems a reach.
“Its not a natural gesture” is bull. My fingers tend to curl inwards when resting. When sitting on my leg, my pointer often touches my thumb while the other 3 fingers fan out somewhat.
People are convinced everyone around them is racist and their minds manufacture evidence for it everywhere they look. Confirmation bias in action.
I pick at my thumb cuticle with my index finger all the time.
Then again, I’m not really white…
That doesnt exempt you from being a white supremacist
I’m Italian/Scottish. No one wants me.
First the Irish kicked the scots out of ireland. Then the English tried to kick the scots out of great britain. Then the scots kicked the scots out of scotland…
They weren’t true.
Maybe she has bursitis in her elbow, or maybe just holding her arm because reasons.
Man, she’s going to get to punch a bunch of fools for looking at the hole.
Hahahahah! I instinctively looked away for that very reason. But not like too fast, because you don’t want to make it obvious.
Never acknowledge.
“What fresh hell is this!!!??? Kavanaugh’s assistant Zina Bash giving the white power sign right behind him during the hearing? This alone should be disqualify!!!”
I love that MSNBC zoomed in on her hand.
I love even more that she isn’t making the “white power” sign (the “OK” sign with three fingers extended for the “W” and the index and thumb circled for the “P”). She has her pinky curled under her arm, so she is signing “V” and “P”. Vagina Power, maybe?
frantically googling Zina Bash……
Holy shit, that is a level of ‘tardation I’ve never seen before. That shit makes Infowars look like the Encyclopedia Britannica. Seriously, how high on your own farts must you be to not be able to recognize how absolutely insane you’ve become.
I can’t keep up.
This is all so so stupid.
Even the ADL says it’s a hoax.
The page days its a hoax perpetrated by white supremacist 4channers to discredit the left, so they still managed to pin it on nazis
I don’t know. I think it’s actually PW which stands for Pussy Whipped.
Then, with your last ounce of strength, you pointed to W and S. Or, from your point of view, M and S. Maggie Simpson.
That isn’t parody? That’s gotta be parody.
These are not serious people.
What’s wrong with Kavanaugh’s face? It looks like he’s getting the smallpox.
“Who is she? What’s up with the white power sign? ”
You know, she almost looks like she could be one of the good brown people. Maybe a white Hispanic though, they say those are the worst. She’s obviously signaling that women and colored folks are going back in chains as soon as this Nazi is confirmed.
I’m sorry, Bob Woodward might have once been a respected journalist, but I want to hear the tapes or see the transcripts on these too good to check quotes.
Chief of Staff John F. Kelly once said of Trump during a small meeting: “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” What the fuck is you CoS doing with a job after this?
Senior officials have taken to stealing stuff from Trump’s desk so that he doesn’t see it. AYFKM? Sack the fuck up and tell your boss not to sign something. What are you, 10? Stealing the report cards
SugarFree is the prophet of our time, and Hat and Hair is a documentary!
I just write what the voices tell me.
Just like Bob Woodward!
I’m pretty sure that was a line of dialogue from “Our Cartoon President”.
Nike shares down 3.16%. Will be interesting to watch this.
Are you saying Kaepernick has spiked the stock?
“Nike shares knelt 3.16% percent today.”
Now I know what John 3:16 means.
Austin 3:16 says I just whupped your ass.
Anyways, Adidas was down 4% today as well, so I wouldn’t be so fast to attribute it to Kaep, at least in the short term.
Don’t harsh the narrative JB, #GoWokeGoBroke #JustBurnIt
Just not of the social kind these leftist cunts were thinking is my guess.
That signing day link is great. Who care’s if its a little rah-rah. Rah-rah works, especially on teenagers who are, by their nature, young and stupid.
Technology doesn’t favor tyranny. Cowards do. Go pick up a copy of wired from 1994 and compare it to today. Tyranny needs nothing more, and nothing less, than this change.
I went to the signing day facebook article. Actually kind of moving.
2600 was very influential on a young Naptown’s politics, if on a more instinctual level than anything else.
“In 2018 the common person feels increasingly irrelevant.”
The Unabomber pretty much wrote the same thing.
Uh, most everyone is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Other than being important to family, friends, and co-workers (like that matters), few people have impact on the larger world.
Tell that to George Bailey.
No one lives in Frank Capra’s universe.
So did Sirach.
Fuckin’ A! Great article.
Ah, Henrico County. That’s my kids’ school system.
Gordon should be at worst a Cat 1 on landfall near the LA/MS border. I mean, it’s a cat 1 hurricane, which is bad, but it’s not Katrina bad.
I’m reminded, however, of the statement put out by the National Weather Service in New Orleans about 36 hours before Katrina hit. It likely saved thousands of lives.
(Amateur weather forecaster note: Don’t be surprised to see a storm hit the US East Coast (maybe up near the Carolinas, give or take … which means anywhere from Florida to Maine) in about 12-15 days. Florence will probably curve out to sea eventually but there’s a storm or two behind her that’s going to track further west.)
“these too good to check quotes.”
Sourced no doubt from people familiar with Trump’s thinking.
As for the hurricane season, I need to stock up. Water, batteries and plenty of canned food. I have a lot already but more cant hurt. Wife goes nuts without TV so maybe a couple of 1000pc jigsaw puzzles.
Pater Dean loses power occasionally during thunder storms or ice storms (which can knock the power out for days). He put in a natgas powered generator (sized, because Pater Dean, to run the whole house).
Just make sure you have plenty of bullets. If you have bullets, you can obtain supplies from other survivors.
Republicans consider abandoning 2nd phase of tax cuts after SALT backlash.
I wonder how many people bitching about the SALT deduction caps live in districts that aren’t solidly blue.
They should double down.
Are you kidding? Those nutless wonders?
I want a constitutional amendment reserving the 16th, prohibiting the taxation of incomes of any sort by any public entity.
I’d also like it to require all funding for the federal government come directly from the States and prohibit financial transfers in the other direction.
That alone would deal a massive blow to the creeping totalitarianism in this country
reversing* not reserving.
OK, John.
Dole v. S. Dak. is probably the second worst active precedent behind Wickard.
So this guy has been challenging Neil MacDonald for Derpiest CBC Writer for a while, and if he can top this, he’ll get the crown:
Experts warn populism, not socialism, destroyed Venezuela’s economy
The headline has changed since this morning, now it’s “Useful lessons from Venezuela’s crumbling populist economy: Don Pittis”
Not mentioned in the article: people who called this development ten years ago.
populist economy
Seriously. It’s State Capitalism.
Of course it’s a populist economy. Why? Because people call Trump a populist. That’s why. You know what else is popular? Lefties singing the praises of socialism until it runs out of other people’s money and then calling it something else besides socialism.
Everything past the 3rd paragraph is a lie. Not wrong; LIES.
The comments. The goggles do not work!
So let me understand this perfectly.
What critics predicted would happen, happened. The people who did not believe this would happen, now say the entire exercise was something completely different from what they claimed it was at the beginning of this fiasco.
Sounds legit.
You nailed it. It is the same story every time it has been tried. They do this every time.
Forseen consequences of socialist policy occur, results not liked, language and plain meaning of words are warped to defend socialism…wash rinse repeat an unlimited number of times apparently.
The spinning in this article left me with vertigo.
It was just a practice swing. Next one counts.
Look, it’s very simple. If this was real socialism then everything would have worked out just like socialists imagine. Because things didn’t work out that way, this couldn’t have been real socialism.
Astonishingly, Cato published the same diagnosis a few months back, written by the novelist Mario Vargas Llosa:
Just in case you’re not paying attention, it’s a pdf file.
It’s not libertarian to criticize socialism anymore. Now we have to use euphemisms like “populism” so people know that we are good and righteous.
Opening line: “The worst and most dangerous enemy of democracy is no longer communism, but populism. Populism has replaced this great enemy
that we had for so many years.”
Is this guy writing this from some poorly recorded moment before the Peloponnesian War? Nothing else makes sense.
That’s just fucking sad.
CATO jumped the shark quicker than TOS I think. They were on board with the “Russia hacked the election” almost from Day 1. The other day I was listening to one of their Daily Podcasts where the person being interviewed argued that if Trump had used his own money before the election to hush up Stormy Daniels then he should be impeached because that was interfering with a free and fair election.
Hmmm. The Trump Quantum Theory….
It IS a campaign expenditure, but it also isn’t.
Schrödinger’s pussy
Why Are Young Men of Color Joining White Supremacist Groups?
Spoiler: they’re not. The Left has reduced everyone who opposes them as being “white supremacists”, ergo, of course a progressive writer who is confined to this nonsense would view Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys as “white supremacist groups” when they don’t even promote anything relating to white nationalism. They’re just pushing some boiler plate nationalism wrapped in a flag. That didn’t use to be so controversial as it was amusing.
This is so obvious that you have to wonder just how far up their own asses these progressives writers are that they honestly believe that these groups are white nationalist fronts?
This from the same people who label Jordan Peterson as a “white nationalist”. The guy isn’t a bigot. He’s boring and dull. But, when you accuse all of your political opponents of being bigots, of course you’re going to have to answer some uncomfortable questions, like “why don’t minorities realize that these people are bigots?”
File this under “utter lack of self-awareness”.
Just saw someone already posted this in the last article. Screw you guys
Are people of color the same as colored people?
*collapses on fainting couch*
No, you see, one of those terms is racist, because we said so. The other is not racist, also because we said so. /the left
Even with these idiots in it the world is still OK *knowingly flashes white supremacist OK symbol at Just Say’n*
I think you’re Okay too. But, I’m pretty sure half of the country is thoroughly insane
Because they are not actually “white-supremacist” groups?
wrapped in a flag
wrapped in a flag
Don’t tell me:
Stars and stripes themed condoms?
Weird. Just tried the link and idk what it is. It was supposed to be Kieth Olberman during his recent breakdown.
Peterson borin and dull?
Well, he IS Canadian.
But I still have to give you the middle finger out of support for my compatriot.
“He’s boring and dull.”
This opinion is trite and banal.
Tarrio and other people of color at the far-right rallies claim institutional racism no longer exists in America. In their view, blacks are to blame for any lingering inequality because they are dependent on welfare, lack strong leadership, and believe Democrats who tell them “You’re always going to be broke. You’re not going to make it in society because of institutional racism,” as one mixed-race man put it.
If racism doesn’t exist, I ask Tarrio, how would he explain the disproportionate killing of young black men by police? “Hip-hop culture,” he says. It “glorifies that lifestyle… of selling drugs, shooting up.” Because of that, “Obviously you’re going to have higher crime rates. Obviously you’re going to have more police presence and more confrontations.” (Police kill black males aged 15 to 34 at nine times the rate of the general population.)”
Right on man. Honestly surprised the author included these lines.
Check out this line in one of the linked articles. I have heard this idea phrased a few different ways, but I like the way it’s said here.
“Gibson thinks there might be a loop where he’s denounced as a white supremacist by those trying to discredit him and his efforts, thereby attracting the real white supremacists, white nationalists and other extremists.”
Also, apparently I don’t know how to use italics tags either.
It’s just i or em (em is the new way I think), inside of greater than and less than brackets.
em (and for bold) on this site. i doesn’t work.
strong for bold. You can see it works, even with a space between the word and the carats.
Is this surprising at all. They’ve been calling every political group right of Mao’s cultural revolution, a right wing extremist group with it’s roots in Nazism. That shit is infuriating, fuck all of them.
I haven’t been following much of the Kavanaugh confirmation circus (I WORK, RUFUS), but this just happened to pop up in my Twitter feed:
Stupidity truly is a bottomless chasm.
First reply! First reply!
But yes. These people are extremely … I’m not sure what, actually. They’re extremely something.
Kudos to whatever teenager on 4chan came up with this.
They’re extremely something.
I think “crazy” covers it.
4chan meme’d you into making yourselves look stupid, and you still can’t cope with it.
I’m sure that, on net, we’d be better off without 4chan, but goddam if they haven’t done some awesome shit.
May be time to recast Gene Spafford’s quote about usenet
Dammit. Sorry, JB.
Best exchange:
Replying to @Amy_Siskind
Just in case anybody is not familiar with the hand signal Amy is referring to: ⬇️
It’s beyond f–king outrageous! And that’s putting it exceedingly mildly!
eva piccininni
44m44 minutes ago
More eva piccininni Retweeted ACLU
this is a hoax. the @ACLU didn’t create this image.eva piccininni added,
We did not create this image.
D.C. Douglas ?
Verified account
37m37 minutes ago
A hoax that has been adopted by white power people. Because ignorance persists.
Ma Deuce
22m22 minutes ago
4chan meme’d you into making yourselves look stupid, and you still can’t cope with it.
Eva Pickaninny?
Would “pick that ninny”?
Just realized there is a racist connotation to that name. I had no idea. These are strange times we live in
There are a zillion racist names like that that are as old as time. People now dont know most of them because
Pretty much.
STFU Bluegum Lover!
I’m sure people reference Col. Sanders using them, and that’s just as bad, if not worse.
Preach on, hoss.
“Zina Bash Is the Woman Sitting Behind Brett Kavanaugh
Bash’s father is Dr. Lawrence Richard Gelman, a “distinguished physician” in the Rio Grande Valley, so says a feature in Empower Texans. That feature says that Dr. Gelman “is a second-generation Polish-American Jew whose parents barely escaped the Holocaust and found solace in America.” Dr. Gelman met his wife, Maria Esperanza, in Monterrey, Mexico, and the couple was married in 1979.”
Exactly the pedigree I would expect for a neo-Nazi.
White supremacist.
Wow! They got a white-nationalist American sleeper agent to be a polish-jew persecuted by Hitler so that two generations later their sleeper agent can signal to other sleeper agents on national TV. That’s, like, the perfect cover!
So, in other words, a white supremacist.
Wow, she’s a beaut!
“Kavanaugh’s former law clerk Zina Bash is flashing a white power sign behind him during his Senate confirmation hearing. They literally want to bring white supremacy to the Supreme Court. What a national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law.”
Eugene Gu, Scientist
Speaking of science, the folks in the comments went and field tested the gesture:
44m44 minutes ago
Replying to @jackiecall3 @eugenegu
Yeah I just tried to do that and that ain’t fucking normal
8 replies 0 retweets 19 likes
35m35 minutes ago
I tried it too. You can either relax, or you can maintain that gesture. You can’t do both. It’s 100% intentional.
“Keep digging! We’ll be out of this hole in no time!”
Oh, please let this be the big story about today’s hearings.
What the fuck is happening to America?
And who the heck is Zina Bash?
You don’t know yet? She’s one of them, you know, THEM.
“As a person of color…”
Is he talking about ‘Asian glow’?
These people vote.
I assume most of them are safely embedded in some blue zone so their votes don’t change anything.
These people need to be given a liberal dose of Haldol because they’ve lost their fucking minds.
Still think it’s the ‘don’t look at the hole game’. Y’all played that, right?
*Drills Creosote with a Monkey Bump… and then two more for flinchin’
Way late, but we call it “flying asshole.”
So, which is it? Was the white power symbol thing a hoax that was adopted by white power people, or a hoax that was perpetrated by white power people.
Get your stories straight, wokesters. Geez.
I used to think the dumbest story possible was the YEC story about the Devil planting stone bones in the ground in a way that looks like fossilization from an old earth. I regret learning the error of my thinking.
I’ve had login problems on several financial services today. Was there a backbone down today or something?
Microsoft had a regional data center outage that overwhelmed some of their non-regional activities. If your site is tied to M$ or hosted in the cloud, it is possible.
Some of them probably are.
Schmoobs hasn’t really thought this through.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, made clear what he wants to do if the party takes over the chamber in the midterm elections: Impeach President Trump.
During an appearance at a Labor Day parade on Monday, a bystander asked Schumer, “When are you going to impeach Trump?”
Schumer said into a bullhorn, “The sooner the better.”
“The sooner the better — that’s not answering the question,” said the man.
“We got to get a few Republicans [on our side],” Schumer said. “The Democrats are on your side,” he said, pointing to the man.
I say run on this.
You can impeach with a simple majority, right?
Impeach with a majority in the House. Remove with 2/3s vote in the Senate.
Yes, and on something like jaywalking. The one thing that will be interesting to watch if the Democrats win and try to impeach will be what charges they will bring.
curl your finger, girl
send me a secret signal
white power, mon amour
Makes no sense to me
what passes for logic these days
o temps o mores
In a fit of stupidity, I tried to point out the idiocy of thinking that the “ok” symbol was white supremacist to somebody (in a thread under one of Senator Soshanna’s posts)
Reply I got from the person:
“Libertarian. Blocked.”
And then they blocked me.
How inclusive and tolerant!
Sounds like you had it coming, what with the talking sense and all.
Logic fucking burns some vampires.
Coming soon, “Law and Order: Hate Crimes”
That sound like it would be really good if it was narrated by the Hulk.
Starring Lou Ferrigno?
Where do I invest?
If gain the ability to time travel, I’m going to murder Dick Wolf in his crib.
Then Dick Wolf can be the subject of his own show.
Law and Order: Timecop Unit starring Jean Claude Van Damme
I might actually watch that.
I would totally watch that.
Everyone tries to kill Hitler their first time.
Not me. I try to get everyone laid more often.
I’d actually kill Marx first. I would save a lot more people for a much longer time.
Only if its based on the novel based on the movie based on the comic book. Because I’m a purist.
The original law and order was a fine show. Just kill Dick when he starts to think about casting Jack McCoy for the show.
Bingo. Ben Stone was a good character. Jack McCoy was a shrieking, hysterical jackass.
Law and Order has probably done more to condition people to the police state and the infallibility of prosecutors than anything else in this country in the last 50 years.
I don’t know, that sounds an awful lot like hate speech
Oddly, L&O was one of the factors that began moving me to anti-cop.
Listen to old Gunsmoke radio shows, Marshall Dillon was a grade A asshole.
I caught a “Gunsmoke” tv re-run earlier. Dillon actually got laid, and not by Miss Kitty.
This has to be satire. It has to be.
I’m sure every episode will end with “the white guy did it”
I can’t wait for Law and Order: Microagressions.
I would actually shoot my tv.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. I actually LOLed.
Dun! Dun!
I expect every episode will end with:
Sassy Black Chick: “Wypipo, amirite?” *eyeroll*
*Assembled cast laughs, freeze frame and fade*
I picture Wanda Sykes in this role.
They’ll have one “very special episode” where the crime was committed by a person of color. The crime of course would be committed to show how racist the country is and the perpetrator meant well.
“Person of color” meaning a half Jewish, half Mexican female legal aid scratching her elbow on C-Span.
Maybe a white hispanic?
I’ve just caught up with the news on Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings and is thoroughly convinced that there is no such thing as peak derp.
I weep for this country.
I’m hoping this childish pushes what sane Democrats are left to vote for someone else.
Childish behavior* damn phone
I just want to remind everyone that these people are grown-ups. Think about that
Well, maybe “grown-up” is too strong. They have reached the age of maturity under the law
I sincerely believe that much of this is caused by late adoption of social media by large swaths of people that don’t have the capacity to understand its broader implications. If these companies’ CEOs were truly as “woke” as they portray themselves and sincerely cared about the well being of society, they would limit new registrations to an annual lottery at this point.
I think what’s bugging me out is that they are worst then children throwing tantrums. At least with children, they throw tantrums because they haven’t emotionally developed and lack the ability to explain what’s bothering them. With these asshole grown ups, there’s no excuse for this sort of behavior. Like fuck, deal with it. Your woman lost fair and square under the rules that are given.
If these fuckwits spent even half the energy they use “resisting” to find out why folks are rejecting them and chose Trump, they could actually do some good. But nope, they would rather piss and moan while trying to burn it all down simply because their guy (gal) didn’t win. Fuck them all in the ear.
Imagine if they “resisted” the president for continuing unauthorized wars? But, then, of course, they would lose all of their neocon supporters
Consistency would have required them to not like the last president, though.
Logic causes some forms of vampire to ignite.
I was under the impression it was super-difficult to get admitted to a hearing like this. Don’t you need a ticket or something from your Senator? So, can’t we find out what Senator gave out tickets to the protestors who disrupted the hearing? Not that the msm would cover it or anything.
There is peak derp. That peak is the critical mass which either collapses the country Venezuela style or ignites a civil war.
Then and only then will we know peak derp has been achieved. Until then, stock up
I’m heavily invested in derp and the derp inflation rate is killing me.
Its following a bitcoin-esque growth pattern. Time it right and cash out big. Time it wrong and be left holding the bag.
Invest in lead.
“Trump to host UN Security Council meeting on Iran, Haley says
President Trump will host a United Nations Security Council meeting with foreign leaders on Iran when he visits the U.N. General Assembly in New York at the end of September, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said Tuesday.
“He is calling the meeting to address Iran’s violations of international law,” Haley said at a press conference Tuesday afternoon, adding that the meeting will also address the “instability” Iran is sowing throughout the Middle East region.
“There is a growing concern about Iran,” Haley said, referencing Tehran’s ballistic missile ambitions, weapons sales to Yemen and support for terrorist groups. “Some are old things, some are new things.”
Trump is also expected to chair a session of the U.N. Security Council on an “important regional issue,” the U.S. mission to the U.N. said earlier Tuesday.”
Is our assisting the Saudi bombing and destruction of Yemen going to be on the agenda?
After a chemical weapons attack in Syria, Trump said he wanted to assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “Let’s fucking kill him! Let’s go in. Let’s kill the fucking lot of them.”
Do you know who else?
Let’s kill the fucking lot of them.
Just doesn’t sound like Trump to me.
You don’t believe that Trump adopts British affectations when he’s really mad?
That reminds me: During the campaign, some pranksters dubbed Trump with a foncy British accent. It was amazing the difference it made. Allofasudden, he sounded reasonable and erudite rather than crude and boorish.
Do you happen to have a link to that?
There was also one where someone gave him a foppish proud queen affectation, I found it hilarious but it was probably very hateful and problematic.
The same guy that did that also makes videos where he gives Trump a sassy gay voice.
I remember that one. I thought it was hilarious.
This is the British accent one I remember, with Barbara Walters.
We have the best assassinations. Nobody does assassinations as big as us. It’s gonna be yuuuggee.
Except for that whole Cuba thing.
Sounds like someone else who was in the news a lot this past week..?
Deceased Senator?
Apparently he was the greatest statesmen we’ve ever had?
Name escapes me… I think his fat daughter is on some show called “The Zoo”?
Tres Sr. when he wages war on the moles tearing up his yard ?
Rahm Emmanuel is not going to run for a third term as Mayor of Chicago and some conservatives and free market types actually think this is a good thing.
Hint: Rahm was well liked by Daley because he would keep the radicals at bay. My body is ready for socialism
The conservatives and free market types are just confused because the technical name for the end of a Chicago mayor’s term is an “indictment.”
Look, Chicago’s going the way of Detroit one way or another. May as well get it over with faster.
The only somewhat hardcore progressive that’s campaigned for the office with any formidable name recognition recently was Garcia, and he’s now seated as a Cook County Commissioner. Barring some DSA wet dream of a miracle candidate appearing out of thin air, the next mayor is most likely to be Vallas or McCarthy.
Vallas and McCarthy are going to split the votes on the far northwest and southwest sides. Leaving the field open for someone who has yet to announce their candidacy. Now that Rahm’s out, more people will come out of the woodwork.
While everything you’ve said is true, I still wonder who this emergent candidate might be. I honestly can’t think of a single person whose name might carry an election in Chicago.
Toni Preckwinkle maybe or Kim Foxx (although she was just elected).
Chance the Rapper
Like we would be that lucky
Ooh. He would definitely win. That would be interesting. The resistance would have a government in exile and everything.
Karen Lewis was originally suppose to run but she ended up getting brain cancer. I hate her with a passion of a thousand suns but wanted her to run because the insults between them would have been epic.
By the way, I held my nose and voted for Rahm and not Garcia because he’s the least ugly chick in a bar full of ugly girls.
“By the way, I held my nose and voted for Rahm and not Garcia because he’s the least ugly chick in a bar full of ugly girls.”
So happy that I moved out of that god forsaken city. The tragic part is that whoever wins the mayoral race will be 20x worst. And most of the candidates are fucking socialist shitweasles who wants to raise taxes on those who produces to pay for their pipe dreams. The minimum wage is already 12 bucks a hour and now some asshole in city council is proposing that the city institutes rent control even though the terrible effects are well known especially in NYC and San Francisco. It’s a fucking race to the bottom.
I’m off to the suburbs, too, I suppose. Did you go north, west, or south?
I moved to the Northwest Suburbs.
Rent control? Holy shit, even Detroit never went that insane!
Did you move out of the county, Ed?
Yep. Moved to Lake County. It’s still corrupt but not as bad as Cook though.
Get a tax bill yet?
Oh yeah. My wife looked up the tax bill last night and we paid for the second installment since the previous owners already paid for the first one. Granted it was credited on closing day but still, it’s a hefty amount. I guess it for the privilege of living in Barrington.
Barrington. Fancy. I was thinking middle class Northwest suburbs like Arlington Heights or Park Ridge or something.
Oddly enough, it was harder for me to find a house in Park Ridge within my price range for the square footage I wanted than it was in Barrington.
Harder to get downtown from Barrington than Park Ridge. I paid more per square foot for my house than I would have paid in most suburbs.
I guess that’s why you haven’t come over to our place yet. We are definitely not Barrington Fancy.
It seems like this Zina Bash chick wants to offend Brazilians with her “take it in the ass” sign she’s throwing. Totes racist.
Is she offering to take or give?
Wait, who gives a damn, I’m in!
Why would Brazilian women do that if they also invented the Brazilian wax? Seems rather ridiculous to go through that suffering if you’re just going to turn around when the big reveal comes
The waxing is for those tiny bikinis. Brazil is all about dat ass.
Still makes no sense to me. All that effort just so you can wear a tiny bikini? That doesn’t explain the exceptionally thorough waxing.
Tropical lice?
I have never seen a bare pussy on a Brazilian. Landing strips, tight v shape, closely cropped, but never, ever bare.
Now I don’t believe in nothing no more
All that effort just so you can wear a tiny bikini?
Its like you’ve never met a woman.
It’s never small enough.
I think you are confused about the anatomy of a sizable portion of the female population of Brazil.
I think I’m in love.
Wow, look at all the feminists in those comments and quoted Tweets.
Rich, beautiful, and married. Two outta three. Maybe she’s not happily married?
Reply I got from the person:
“Libertarian. Blocked.”
And then they blocked me.
Party of Facts!
“Sen. Graham destroys Democrats over Judge Kavanaugh: “You had a chance, and you lost. If you want to pick judges from your way of thinking then you better win an election.””
Glad to see he’s over his boyfiend’s death.
“Elections have consequences.” -Barack H. Obama
They shouldn’t. /hopeless libertarian
Yes, and apparently no matter who wins those consequences should favor the democrats.
Well, this is a shitshow:
Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts
The manager told a string of obvious lies while kicking out paying customers because of their t-shirts stated that they were ex-Muslims, which is a pretty cut and dried violation of public accommodations/anti-discrimination law (SLD applies here).
Doesn’t this go against the public policy Starbucks was screaming to the heavens after the incident in Philadelphia?
Oh, not these ex-muslum ex-customers were unwoke, so they totes don’t count.
Only if they were junkies.
No, these people were paying customers.
Why do they even need to be customers to be in Starbucks?
Wow. Kick out paying customers, let bums inside all day and chase away others. They must be looking to bring Rahm Emmanuel aboard as CDO – Corporate Diversity Officer.
Rahm isn’t diverse enough to be CDO
manager is between a rock and a hard place there. Those shirts could provoke some shithead to show up and be violent – property and reputation damaged, people hurt. But it is a public accommodation and he is throwing people out for opinion? Religion?
He’s fucked.
It seems more likely he just Streisanded attention seekers from the other team vs let it happen and maybe someone from team Prog might twitter something about it.
Sporty girls like to show off their hard earned assets.
#15 to go please.
I’ll just walk off with #6 and call it good.
But not the Glib Number 6.
I haven’t seen him here lately.
Only if one or more them is flashing the OK symbol…otherwise hard pass
I will happily let #20 kneel or my anthem…
You like them headless?
At 5 PM, Tropical Storm Gordon is 95 miles SE of Biloxi, heading northwest at 15 MPH, with a maximum sustained wind of 70 MPH. So it’ll probably just bump category 1 hurricane strength before it hits, though it doesn’t matter much there. Main issue is rain.
I started reading that comment and thought it was going to be one of those math problems.
If a category 1 hurricane is headed towards the coast at 15 MPH and the coast is 95 miles away, how long until somebody blames it on global warming?
Trick question! It’s climate weirding now!
/Common Core Student
3 days beforehand.
Dammit, clicked on refresh data instead of refresh.
*twiddles thumbs waiting for view to repopulate*
Zina Bash
If she’s a white supremacist, sign me up. A snazzy uniform and I get to hang out with her? Hubba Hubba. ///JK
Would bash….er….smash
Sorry, gents. Married with a kid.
I was gonna say, so there is still a chance then since she is likely unhappy with her home life.
Democracy Dies in Dementia
But they’ll carry it out anyway, for a simple reason: because they can. As I have explained before, we are living in an age of minority rule, in which the system allows the Republican Party to control the presidency, the House and Senate even at times when it has won fewer votes for all three. Despite the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in six of the past seven presidential elections, five of the nine seats on the Supreme Court will have been filled by Republican presidents. And in Kavanaugh’s case, a justice appointed by a president who got fewer votes than his opponent will be confirmed by a group of Republicans who hold a slim majority despite the fact that in elections for the current Senate, 15 million more votes were cast for Democrats than for Republicans.
There is one final reason Democrats have every right to be outraged that Republicans are trying to sail Kavanaugh’s nomination through with the smallest amount of scrutiny possible. The only reason he will be able to move the court so dramatically to the right if he is confirmed is that Senate Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat, refusing to allow Judge Merrick Garland to even get a hearing, let alone a vote, when he was nominated by President Barack Obama to fill a vacancy in 2016.
So spare us their huffing and puffing about Democratic obstruction. Democrats could glue the doors to the Judiciary Committee’s hearing room shut, and it would not be even a fraction as offensive to democracy or the Constitution as that despicable act, which was supported by not just every Republican senator but by the entire Republican Party. If we lengthen Kavanaugh’s confirmation process by a day or a week so we can discuss the implications of his nomination in some more detail, it’ll be more than worth the trouble.
Republikkkin kkkontempt for democracy! Oh, perfidy! Oh, shame!
The Supreme Court will be a hive of Nazism and oligarchic thievery as soon as Kkkavanaugh is confirmed.
” And in Kavanaugh’s case, a justice appointed by a president who got fewer votes than his opponent will be confirmed by a group of Republicans who hold a slim majority despite the fact that in elections for the current Senate, 15 million more votes were cast for Democrats than for Republicans.”
And there it is, again; sparsely populated states get just as many Senators as California, and that’s not fair. Muh Dumocracy!
Which is utterly, completely irrelevant under the Constitution, but hey, good effort!
Your (the Left’s) numbers are meaningless because our system isn’t designed for majority (popular) rule.
It’s like they don’t understand what the point of electoral districts is.
Give me a fucking break. If the same scenario happened in June of 2008 and RBG dropped dead, the Democrats and their cohorts in the media would have done everything possible to make sure that G.W. Bush couldn’t nominate a Supreme Court justice. It’s the fucking lack of principles that galls me.
“We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”
True. But I tend to think the Rs were dicks for not allowing the Garland hearings to go through. If it had been, like, October, but it was almost a year out.
I thought they were dicks for doing that too. The issue I have with DC politics is that no one has any principles and will do anything to fuck the other side over, even if it’s not in the best interests of the country.
“will do anything to fuck the other side over”
Except what the voters have actually voted for the Rs to do.
But the Democrats didn’t put up much of a fight because they were sure HRC would win.
I know that I am in danger of getting into a bad “who did it first” argument, but this whole shit show is because (IMO) the Dems a) spiked Robert Bork’s nomination and b) went nuclear and removed the filibuster for confirmations.
Both times the Dems thought short term and created a monster. Now that the process is so politicized how can there be anything except this giant turd sandwich?
So yeah, the GOP is probably going to regret not at least holding hearings on Garland.
That’s what I used to tell my Left friends whenever Obama did stuff by Executive Order, or when the Democrats in Congress threw the rule book out the window to give themselves an advantage. The monster your created will eventually turn on you.
Me today, you tomorrow.
Its the Law!
My recollection is that not taking up Garland’s nomination during a Presidential election had some precedent.
You can’t hold hearings on a nominee without taking a vote. You take a vote, and what are the odds the Repubs vote him down? On what grounds?
Not voting is the same as a no vote in the Senate. Too bad that does work for us little people.
It bothers me that so much of the governing process relies on the civility of the parties involved.
Except it really doesn’t. Are there really more laws that desperately need to be passed? Name one bipartisan law that was good. Gridlock was built in to our system for a reason.
That’s my point, though. The gridlock inducing 60 percent rule was just a senate rule upheld out of civility. Now that they have done away with civility, the wheels of big gov have been greased.
Doesn’t matter. The Senate can, within their authority, and no matter its partisan composition can confirm, deny, or not even take up the issue of a scotus nominee.
Confirmation is part of the appointment. Neither President has a right to have their pick confirmed.
…in which the system allows the Republican Party to control the presidency, the House and Senate even at times when it has won fewer votes for all three.
Let’s do a quick fact-check of this easily obtainable information for the Post, since that’s apparently too difficult for professional journalists.
Presidential Election 2016 – 62.9M R vs 65.8M D – check
Senate Elections (2010-2016, combined) – 104.1M R vs 122.4M D – check
House Election 2016 – 63.2M R vs 61.8M D – fail
Not quite “fewer votes for all three”.
The projection is so strong it’s probably visible from space.
I thought they liked it when minorities rule…?
“the system allows the Republican Party to control the presidency, the House and Senate even at times when it has won fewer votes for all three.”
Umm, what?
Here’s a fucking idea: learn what the election laws are, then create a strategy based on maximal gain around the tenets of those laws.
Or lose and whine like bitches.
RE: White power gang sign nonsense.
This kind of stuff is a symptom of paranoid delusion. You believe that the people on TV are sending out secret signals and only you and your cohorts can understand them is not qualitatively different from believing that the CIA is broadcasting subliminal messages through your AM radio.
Also, the circle sign? WTF? People who have ever SCUBA dived know that this means “OK” or “I’m doing fine”. Apparently SCUBA diving was a white power activity all along though.
Sweet Christ.
Please ACLU, keep going. There’s a 90 year old guy in a coma that might think you still have some credibility.
I cannot stand the ACLU, but let the record reflect that they did not create that image.
They’ve been known to do things like that.
During the post-Newtown furor, they made some fake Brady Campaign images that betrayed an embarrassing lack of knowledge about guns. One of them was a picture of a girl (alive) with some stitches on her forehead, a picture of a 7.62×39 cartridge, and the caption “This is the bullet that was removed from this 5 year old girl’s head“.
I thought it was a bad idea because 1) You don’t have to resort to fakery to make a pro-gun case; you just have to use facts and evidence, and 2) The pictures were obvious fabrications and would make the pro-gun side look bad. Fortunately, it never caught on.
Yes, it’s 4chan.
Jacques Cousteau was a secret Nazi? Wow. mind blown.
Vichey and Fishy sound alike for a reason.
It means OK on land also.
It’s also a game where if someone looks at it you can punch them.
The first couple minutes of that hearing (featuring Zina Bash as the hot woman behind what’s his name) is a fricking clown show. Harris wouldn’t even wait for the first two sentences of introduction to start her whinging.
Jesus Howitzer Christ, that was too embarrassing to watch the whole way through.
What an absolute shit-show.
Local lefty columnist has to go get a drip bucket over his new beau Sen. Whitehouse.
Funny, how in all those cases, none of the RBG-4 ever voted with the evil Roberts-5. Amazing how all those cases were slam dunk against the GOP and the only way there were won was via cheating bastards voting with bias in their hearts. But RBG-4 voting together all those times just shows how faithful they are to their office.
Ah, but RGB-4 voted the “right” way, the reasonable way, the common sense way, while the others did the wrong thing because of partisan hackery!
They’re looking out for us unwashed masses, whether we like it or not
“When does a pattern prove bias?”
I wish he would’ve given us his answer.
If it was the other way around and the Justices voted the way the Left liked, then there would be no complaints from them whatsoever.
Needs more penaltax
I think I figured it out. John McAfee is HM’s dad.
The man is a goddamned hero.
Green onions on hot dogs:
Yay or nay?
Hmmm…. Lifelong (well, mostly) orthodox Chicagoan here, but I must say your proposition does have a mysteriously appealing ring to it.
As not sweet onions go, green onions are clearly superior.
For culinary purpose you need something sweet…if not sweet onion chopped 1/8×1/8 then perhaps a sweet mustard?
Nay, Stick with Vidalia onion
Reluctant nay. I love green onions but it seems wrong here.
If it were a chili dog, sure. If it’s a standard dog, probably not.
Sliced thin and tossed on top as a garnish or nestled whole in the bun next to the dog? I’ll say nay to the former and yea to the latter.
Sweet onion. Walla Wallas or Maui. I’m hatin’ on the Vidalias these day because.
Your name was taken in vain last night at the concert.
Cool. ?
Hell yes! sounds good!
I’m only asking because I don’t want to go to the store, but I have some really nice SRF Wagyu dogs and buns that were baked about an hour ago.
I guess I’ll go to the store to get some real onions. Red, maybe.
Just an FYI, no matter what you do, those dogs will pop open. And eating two was a bad idea. But I still did it.
Nay. Green onion for salads. Sweet onion for hot dogs. And don’t forget the chopped tomatoes and mustard.
Chopped tomatoes? That must be a typo.
Chopped tomatoes? You mean like ketchup?
I never put chopped tomatoes on a hot dog. I’ve never even seen chopped tomatoes on a hot dog. And I’ve worked a several places that sold hot dogs.
I’ve never heard of it, but I’d be willing to give it a shot. I’m in the ketchup-mustard-minced yellow onions-relish market, or alternatively onions and chili.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
This is a perfectly normal, understandable and even expected reaction to someone whose wife and family are subject to misplaced vitriol (and to say nothing of any alleged threats). The replies, on the other hand, are the insane raving of deranged lunatics. There is no reasoning with these people. They’re like Rainman, but instead of toothpicks it’s some sort of triple encrypted secret Nazi signaling that only they can see.
Twitter is a cess pool for people with brain damage. There’s nothing else that could explain the rampant idiocy I see whenever I click a link there.
Well it *is* primarily used by Lefties…
Twitter… yep, still cancer.
What? She’s a (((Messican )))? If she likes weed (No Chance…Kavanaugh) and ass-sex, put her on the ticket. I’ll vote for her.
I’d be more than willing to test the “does she enjoy anal sex?” hypothesis.
“Zina is Mexican on her mother’s side and Jewish on her father’s side.”
I guessed that she might be a white Hispanic. White Hispanics are the worst racists. I lurnt this on the teevee.
She’s a traitor to her race and her religion.
A white Hispanic Jewess. *shudder* she could be da debil.
Stuff like that is why I only follow models on Twitter. I’d just go insane if I delved any deeper.
And the worst part of it is that it’s going to get worse, much worse. It will be like this until leftists have total power.
I don’t think that ‘sign’ is unintentional. I mean I’m just guessing, but when I first saw it, all I could think is that she’s giving the ‘asshole’ sign to the media. No one would deserve it more.
Holy fuck is the left unhinged. The Kavanaugh hearing was a complete shit show. Accusing an aid of flashing a white supremacist sign gets the “what the fuck is wrong with you?!?” response. DiFi, “more people will die from gun violence if Kavanaugh is confirmed”. TDS is a hell of a drug.
Woodward’s book is full of bullshit from disgruntled employees and outright bullshit, and I’m not a Trump guy on his personal behavior.
Gulf Coast Glibs, stay safe.
House guests left this morning. Love them to death, but five days is two days too long for us. Drinking on the patio enjoying the calm.
House guests left this morning. Love them to death, but five days is two days too long for us.
Yup. Last time my mom visited, it turned into a shitshow because she didn’t listen to my advice and only visit for 3 days. Love ya mom, but stay in a hotel next time.
My MIL was banned from ever staying here again (this was before she was excommunicated completely). My wife’s choice, not mine.
If you can’t stay in my house without disrupting my kids’ school/eating/sleeping routines, stay in a hotel. If you’re treating your visit as a So Cal vacation, stay in a hotel. If you want to bring other people with you, stay in a hotel. It’s that simple.
Hey, you mind if I come stay at your place for 10 days? I’ll be bringing my dogs with me. And I’ll need to borrow your “extra” car while I’m there. Oh, and I have these specific food allergies, so plan accordingly.
Don’t forget needing a place to utilize the services of the hookers. Just an hour or two a day.
Oh, and I smoke both Cigs and Pot, but it’s legal there so cool, Right?
I’d smoke with you Yusef.
I owe you a Joint, She’s Beautiful
She’s hideous. I wouldn’t give her more than half of my 401k!
I thought you quit the cigs.
Rhetorical statement, I smoke a pack a week now, almost there….
I’m 100% vape. I haven’t burned tobacco in months.
I’m close, but I burnt a Battery today, so I’m kinda fucked til Tomorrow
I have two unregulated 18650’s. I should probably buy another one. Maybe even a second mod, just in case this one fails.
Allow me to interpret this stuff: We want to win just like you. The way we function in the world is through manipulation and indulging our id. It looks personal to you, but it’s not. It’s just about power and by appealing to emotion, we can get power. We’ll deny it’s about power either because we don’t or can’t admit it even to ourselves. We’re a mob. Did you expect something different?
Nope. It’s just constantly amazing how willing they’ve been to completely abandon rationality and reason.
As a former student of psychology, the last few years have been an astounding case study.
Interesting article positing that Nike’s unbearable wokitude of being is a cynical corporate ploy.
(As if it ever weren’t)
Trump reduced black unemployment, by getting Nike to hire Kaepernick.
37-dimensional underwater backgammon confirmed.
“And now, for the cost of a few million — remember Nike had nearly $10 billion in revenue last quarter — the company bought the loyalty of the woke Social Justice Warrior crowd. Sure, some folks on the right will announce they’re boycotting, but nobody collects and analyzes marketing research data like Nike. They’ve no doubt run the numbers on this and concluded that the controversy was worth it. In fact, the controversy is the whole point of the marketing campaign. (It sure as heck isn’t Kaepernick’s performance on the field!) The aim is to get every Kaepernick-hater in the country publicly raging about it — the president, conservative-talk radio, sports-talk radio — so that everyone who agrees with Kaepernick feels almost obligated to go out and buy the Kaepernick sneakers, shirt, hat, etcetera.”
I wan’t under the impression that jocks were particularly woke. So maybe it means most of the people buying Nike aren’t athletes.
Zina Bash will be starring in the remake of this.,_She_Wolf_of_the_SS
With that name, she could definitely pull it off. They’ll have to bleach her though, not white enough.
I did Nazi that coming.
Oh, Reich. Pull the other one.
RE: 2018 midterms.
If the Dems do in fact win back the House this fall, they’ve signaled that they’ll definitely vote to being impeachment hearings. I’m not 100% sold they would do so, however Schumer said “the quicker the better” when it comes to impeachment.
Whether pandering to their base or grandstanding or what, I think it would be a huge political miscalculation to go through with it. If anything would reenergize the Trump coalition and make the Dems look like clowns it would be a song and dance like that. Keep in mind that Clinton’s impeachment (absurd as it was) actually had a basis (perjury), but more importantly it was during Clinton’s second term. It would have been retarded, IMO, to try and pull something like that during his first term when I think it would essentially guarantee reelection.
I hear a lot of “I can’t stand him but He’s getting things done” so, other than Cali, I see a Red wave in November, I’ll stand on it as a Prediction,
The only thing I can think is that after watching the behavior of the democrats since last November, I don’t see how anyone could vote for them. They’ve lost their fucking minds.
Lots of idiots are 200% invested in the woke identity, and Trump defeating that crook Hillary hit them so hard it made them unable to hide their stupidity and condescension. If we don’t get a blue wave in 2018, a lot of these people will be suicidal and even more mentally unstable than what you see now. It will be fucking epic.
That recent insanity has me slated to vote Trump in 2020 (and probably vote Republican even if he doesn’t run again). Republicans have some bad shit on their platform, but the Democrats have unmasked themselves as totalitarian communists, and I’m not even exaggerating.
@Evan From Evansville (if you’re around)
You asked for some tips about copywriting, so here’s my whole stash of knowledge:
I worked mostly through “content mills”. Textbroker is a good one. You may not make that much at first, but if you get a five-star rating and impress clients, you can get some pretty lucrative direct orders (orders sent to you personally, and you can set whatever price you want). There’s a lot of really easy stuff that you can just bust out. From time to time, you’ll see tons of gigs where they just want a 60 word description of some liquor brand. You go to the website, memorize some of the main selling points, and spit them out in a nice paragraph. Easy. It may not pay a lot, but I’ve gotten into a rhythm before and made a decent hourly wage just busting them out one after the other. You do find longer articles sometimes, like the 2000-word article on home security that I wrote.
Constant Content is another site I use, although they don’t seem to be as busy. On this site, you can write articles on whatever subject you want and post them. The catch is that there’s no guarantee that anyone will buy it; you’re basically working on spec. There IS a request system there, but I’ve never used it before.
I plan on going back to this forum called BlackHatWorld. Now, anyone who was involved in freelance SEO or affiliate marketing may have heard a lot of bad things about this site, but they’re not all justified. It is a “black hat” place, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bunch of fraudsters. Their main distinction is that they use ranking strategies that the search engines don’t want you to use. They basically figure out how to game the algorithms and get their sites to a top spot in the search results. I’ve bought services from BlackHatWorld users before and never got anything less than what was promised. The reason I’m planning to start selling articles there is that there are always people starting up new websites, and they need content (I plan to focus on fitness and diet, which is a hugely profitable niche.) I might also try to snag some jobs writing text/banner ads, sales emails, and content for sales pages.
Also, I’d recommend the book The Grammatical Lawyer by Morton S. Freeman (it’s more of a general style manual; I’m not really sure why it has “Lawyer” in the name). The Elements of Style by Strunk & White is also a classic.
What’s up with women on social media and soft acceptance of new age/eastern mysticism? Everything is karma this, yoga that, meditation this, vibes that. Either that or astrology. The only thing I haven’t seen yet is somebody hawking those damn energy crystals. It seems especially prevalent in 20-something single women in my Instagram feeds. I usually unfollow such bullshit, but I’ve run across a lot of it lately.
I guess for them it gives the feeling of spirituality but minus all the religion? The vibes are tough to read.
Levi Strauss anti-gun initiative.
I liked the part where it said they were gonna pay employees for political activism too.
Why, it’s so common sense, it’s already law for all new gun sales in the fucking country, and for private sales in a few states.
Hey man, it’s common sense to have new laws that cover the stuff the laws already in the book cover. Do you even legislate?
It’s common sense to use incrementalism to disarm the fucking plebs so they can’t interfere with the top men…
Fuck this entire culture. This it getting really fucking toxic.
Not sure you ladies have seen this, but it seems we have another leftist hit piece from none other than that douchebag Woodward being called fiction. And if Mattis said this is bullshit, I believe it is for sure now. That guy doesn’t do bullshit.