Pretty good week, just like the stars said. Lots of work to do, lots of work got done. Except some mirrors I ordered on the 11th which broke during shipment on the 13th, re-ordered on the 15th… still aren’t here. Today they gave me some UPS tracking numbers which don’t actually correspond to anything.
Anyway, what’s up? (Get it?)
MERCURY RETROGRADE is over. No alignments.
But… things are starting to shift back to more harmonious conditions. In addition to Mercury having gone station direct, Mars has done so as well. The early part of a transition is especially auspicious so with Mars being in Capricorn, those of you who are competitive will not only win, but win money in your competitions. If you’ve been putting off a haircut, this is now a good time to get one. I’ll probably get one on Sunday. Venus in Libra brings success in juggling both your primary partner and your side piece(s). Leo gets good news, the weather will be hot. Good yields from gardening (Capricorn has that Mars transition mentioned before, but it’s conjoined with Saturn (retrograde) so “bounty unending.” Low probability of stings when you’re working in the garden, thanks to Jupiter controlling Scorpio.
There is a major water-influence going on with the Moon in Aquarius. Expect something big happening with the ocean. Good surfing? Floods? Hard to say.
Remember: quiet stars mean happy people.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, unless you want to talk about those covers which are better than the original, and maybe get OMWC to tell the story about how he once had a Four-way with the Andrews Sisters:
I’m squeezing my hog to this. Gonna keep doing it even if you ban me.
Still? Isn’t there a medication for that?
Is it the redhead Jewess, or the mug-o-matic bassist?
I kind of have a thing for the chic on the right.
Five way. When I assemble my harem, I will be calling all of those girls to offer them positions. Ahem.
“offer them positions”
Doggy style… go on.
“I don’t know what this is called but the only other time I’ve seen it done the guy won a medal.”
I got nothin’
well something in the goddamn stars is messing up my breathing.
Great vid choice! Classy gals.
444 words. That’s as far as I’ve gotten all weekend. That’s a ‘meh’ evening after the day job level of output.
Take more pictures, it works for me 😉
Looks like another heat wave is coming this week. Spooky!
How would that be good news?
Yeah, it is most definitely not good news to my ears. I am so over this summer.
Well, I’ve got the walkthrough on my new house tomorrow. Let’s see if the starts have been straight with me.
And summer seems pretty much over — some trees are beginning to turn.
I could do another three months of the temps, but the 97% humidity’s gotta go. As much as I bitch about Maryland, the fall around here is pretty much the perfect weather. Keep the summer warmth but lose the summer mugginess.
Yeah we get so much humidity on the east coast it’s easy to forget how big an impact it is. The last few days with under 50% at times were delightful.
Thankfully Sloopy isn’t around to tell us we don’t know what real humidity is.
Well, when my in-laws, who live about 45 minutes west of Shreveport on the other side of Toledo Bend Reservoir, first came to our house in July we didn’t have air conditioning, just windows and fans, and they weren’t here for an hour before they ran out and bought us a 9000 BTU window unit.
The heat is finally breaking here. We’ve had a lot of rain the last few weeks.
88, 89, 88 for the next three days, yesterday was the same. I don’t see a break here for us.
What does all this mean for a red-state, sixgun-toting type temporarily relocated to (ugh) New Jersey?
What’s your sign? (he leered)
OK, so what’s everyone’s sign? I just want to know why each of you is an asshole. I’m sure it’s somewhere in that sign.
Are we doing a survey? I’m a Leo. In the Chinese zodiac I’m year of the Horse, born in the Monkey hour. I was briefly eff-buddies with a Chinese chick who was into astrology, and she told me while we were still on good terms so I’m assuming that’s true.
My sign is “Proceed With Caution.”
“Front Toward Enemy”
Aries. ✔️
Capricorn. I donnonuthin about all this year of horses and monkey tree stuff.
*looks out the window*
My sign says ‘Posted No Trespassing’
See what I mean, all ya’ll is assholes. /being an asshole
Taurus on the cusp of Aries.
Have you noticed Not Adahn never mentions anything about us Gemini’s? I think he is discriminating with the charts on purpose.
Alright, Leo.
Happy now?
“temporarily relocated to (ugh) New Jersey”
It means you should thank the sky gods that it’s temporary.
From what I’ve seen so far, with the exception of gun laws it’s better than Silicon Valley, where I spent all of 2017.
Good grief, to be worse than Joisey takes a whole lot of shithole. But if there is such a place, I guess that area, leaving out much better weather, could be it.
A big part of the reason is the town we’re staying in. Raritan seems to be a quiet little middle-class town, still a main drag with little local businesses. We’ve found a great local pizza joint and a neat little neighborhood bar within a short walk of our temporary lodgings.
It’s kind of a down-to-earth little place. Silicon Valley is just 180 degrees away from that.
I hear good things about New Jersey, at least the parts that aren’t the shore or the NYC metro area.
Some areas of NJ aren’t bad, thankfully including the one I’m in. But, if I didn’t like my job as much as I do, I’d be out of this state in a heartbeat.
Maybe someone should organize a north NJ meetup… Morristown? I have no idea how many Glibs are within driving distance.
I’m about half an hour or so from Morristown for a while. A Saturday meetup would be great.
I’m about 45 minutes away. My email is xg6qx9b9x7r at this.
Well, that didn’t work. But the address is buried in there.
Is the bar Michael’s by any chance?
Damn, the amount of sack licking from the media on McCain is literally making me sick. I’m going to have to skip a few day of news. *barf*
My wife was feeling especially chippy last night and got into it with me after I remarked that I’d read a joke that John McCain held on this long because he wanted to stick around for impeachment proceedings. Cutting straight to the chase, I told her that I sympathized with his family and I don’t wish anyone dead, but John McCain was a piece of shit and no amount of cancer can change that. And all the bullshit eulogizing from CNN and MSNBC is hypocritical and repugnant, as are the people who agree with it. As you might imagine, this did not go over well, but sometimes in marriage you hear the Dukes of Hazzard theme in your head and gotta just gun it over the ravine.
Did it have anything to do with your birthday?
I would’ve thought I’d get at least the remainder of the month before she got back to bustin’ my balls but I can’t catch a break. I live Rodney Dangerfield’s stand-up routines.
My wife kicked me in church when did a giant roll after the Pastor mentioned McCain in prayers.
Thankfully I don’t have a church for anyone to kick me in.
Exactly. Death does not expunge your misdeeds in life.
I’m curious to see what the mainstream media will say about Trump when he dies…
I am now at church. Let the dick jokes come.
So, your minister tells dick jokes during the service?
No. I do. Here. For y’all’s pleasure.
You should take bids to live stream yourself telling dick jokes in church, like $50 to whisper “dildo” or something. This is how the new economy works, I understand.
It’s like you aren’t even trying with your euphemisms
Did I ever tell you the one about Brigham Young and the flock of sheep?
You and Drake need to get a pew together.
So a penis and a leopard skin rug walk into a bar. The penis walks to the bar while the rug sits in a booth. The penis orders four beers and four shots. The bartender asks, “is all that for you?” While motioning over his shoulder the penis replies, “No you dimwit I don’t drink, it is for skin!”
Mojeaux wanted jokes.
Well I am not done yet, I am just thinking. Ok, ok……
Bartender: “Ok, no problem pal, you don’t have to be a dick about it.”
Penis walks into a bar
Bartender: What’ll you have
Penis: …
one Strohs, please.
Bartender: What took ya schlong?
Also, it is hard to come up with penis jokes off the top of ones head.
What you did has been seen.
I have disappointed you all. I got caught up in a discussion of Job and it got a little heated.
My basic argument was that Satan and God made a bet at Job’s expense, which was a dickish thing to do.
I just cracked an egg and got twins – first time ever. I shudder to think what that portends.
You’re going to blow or get blown by a Gemini?
Have a Geiger counter handy?
Double yolk = hood sign
Double partially developed chicken embryos = bad sign
‘hood sign? Like shoes over a power line?
Wait, you cracked an egg and got hit by two busses? Or a doubledecker?
Good Lord, I am going to go broke buying sugar. The hummingbirds have gone through 30lbs this year and they wont be leaving until early October.
I keep a hummingbird feeder out and it gets drained pretty fast. Unfortunately I went out of town for 3 weeks and haven’t refilled it since. I figured you’d know, should I just put it up or refill it? I’ve heard inconsistent feeding can be bad for them but it’s all anedotal. I’ve also heard feeding them too late into the fall can cause them to not migrate and die, while I’ve also been told that that is a bunch of bunk.
I keep my feeders up until they migrate. One day they are here hitting the feeders hard to build up fat and then the next day *poof* they are gone. I dont buy that bit about feeding them late. I suppose inconsistent feeding could be bad if they come to rely on your feeder and then it runs dry, but I doubt it. They have other sources of food.
Yes, just fill the feeder. By this part of the summer they need to start building up fat before their tropical vacation. Length of daylight is what prompts them to migrate, not feeding. They need all of the food they can get.
We sometimes have as many as a hundred of them around here. From my observation it seems that they hatch and raise three batches of chicks in a season. By the end of the season we have quite a crowd and they suck up some food. I have six quart sized feeders and by mid-september I will be filling them every day.
If you dont have a lot of birds the main thing that empties most feeders is temperature change. The air in them heats up during the day and pushes the liquid out. At night it cools off and sucks more air in and the process repeats.
I also suspect that the hummingbird population is much larger than it used to be due to the popularity of feeding them – they have access to much more food now.
That is about all I know.
Thanks! I have steady traffic but no where 100’s!!! I think at any given time I’m feeding about 3 families (but enough about income tax)
We dont have that many every year, it fluctuates. This year looks like 30 or 40 birds.
I’d have thought they migrate to Louisiana.
We have about four days of good weather. Two in the spring, two in the fall. Otherwise it is baking hot with high humidity or cold with high humidity. They love our summers but cant take the winters.
For some values of cold. :-p
Also I replied to your comment on the dead thread regarding property owners voting. I’m thinking about submitting a short article mostly to spur discussion (I’m not sold on the idea of ‘owners only’ voting). I we may even be able to get a good old Georgist feud going!
With that rule the wealthier property owners jack up taxes to price everyone out of ownership, then buy up everything. As I said, around the last turn of the century only timber companies, railroads and insurance companies would have been able to vote. It is a disaster.
I’m not disagreeing. My point was Property > SCIENCE! When it comes to voting rationale. I don’t think there is a perfect solution and the appeal to broaden voting to the masses would be ever present in any system. I think a thread devoted to it would be fun and enlightening.
Might be interesting to start with the purpose of voting, which I bet most people have never even considered.
I agree with everything you said. There is no perfect solution and de Tocqueville was correct about the masses voting themselves largess. I have no idea how to fix that problem.
Yeah, write the article. I would love to read it.
To RC….
Because I’m lazy and only marginally well read….do you have a source you recommend?
No, it’s just something pretty fundamental that never comes up.
Thought: skip voting.
At 35 everyone takes a general test covering basics in subjects like history geography some knowledge of law economics etc. From the people who pass the test X are chosen at random and get 2 year terms. No parties no elections no campaigns.
The House of Representatives (representing the People) should absolutely be chosen by random selection. A self-selected candidate pool is statistically impossible to be an accurate representation. Also, random selection would remove the argument the the house is “too _____”
Sounds like epistocracy…
Soon the ATF might atop by and ask if you’re making moonshine.
My wife makes soap. I got the third degree from an idiot in the hardware store once because he was suspicious about my buying so much sodium hydroxide so often. I explained, he was puzzled. He had no idea how soap is made. He then suggested that we just buy our soap. I suggested that he mind his business.
You may be joking but I do remember a fellow who was arrested for having a darkroom in his house. The genius cops thought it was a drug lab.
I was going to say that my grandma used to make soap and did not use sodium hydroxide but then I googled the ingredient sodă caustică and it seem to be the same thing..
the result was something that looked like dirty brownish yellow bricks
We made that same stuff when I was a kid. At one time I suppose everyone did. I hated it. That is just lard and sodium hydroxide. If the reaction doesnt go all of the way your soap will start to smell like death after a while.
The stuff my wife makes is super fancy stuff. She has colorants, smells and a million potions to put in it. Then there is the clay, the oatmeal, coffee…..
It goes on and on. I have also built her a dozen complex molds.
Here is a random example of what I am talking about
I remember wondering why there was kosher soap until I learned around 7th grade how the colonials made soap with animal fat.
you mostly lard it was… some people still look for it because some claims it is better for your hair than shampoo.
that is way fancier than my grandma. Then again in rural Romania the soap was mostly used for laundry during commie times. It was mostly gone by the time I was old enough to remember but people still washed laundry in the river as they had done for hundreds of years. not very ecologically sound, I would assume.
NaOH, also known in English as lye.
Yes. Also, ash.
This is why the “If you see something, say something” bullshit is so pernicious.
Is it the usual practice to fatten up the hummingbirds before eating them? I assume you need a really small caliber to shoot em and have something left.
Can’t speak for Suthen, but I shoot them with a Daisy Red Ryder, then my pomeranian runs out and retrieves the kill.
I can’t get my hummingbird call to work, though – I’ve gone through like five of those things.
Ortolan bunting
My MIL took down her hummingbird feeders about a month ago when a bear climbed a tree and came over the deck railing for the sugar water.
That’s funny.
I had a bear in the yard at least twice. I put electric fence around my back yard and around my beehive. He came one night and ate every fig off of my tree outside the fence.
I like bears in the world but not in my yard.
I went out one night in my skivvies with a flashlight to get firewood. Just as I got an armload I heard the damned bear. Fuck. I could tell from the sound that he was closer to me than I was to the door… I thought I was cooked, but I never saw him.
I have not seen any sign of it lately. maybe it moved on.
My woman and I try hard to dig each other’s hobbies. The minute I realized I was stuck in an “interpretive improv dance” performance, I booed the fuck out of there for a cigarette. On the other hand, after this sacrifice I don’t want to hear a peep out of her during football season.
We’re in the same boat, pally. I go to a fair amount of modern interpretive dance performances with my wife. She goes to alot of white boy punk rock shows with me. 15 years of marriage, and going strong.
By popular request, today’s Doonesbury. What is it with the left and putting people into camps?
They are all REI shareholders?
Camps are what made the Soviet Union great.
Wow. It was never a good comic, but now… holy shit, not even pretending.
What this world needs is a Second Coming of George Herriman.
It is what they know best. They are having a harder and harder time holding it in. They want permanent power and will crush whomever and whatever they need to in order to achieve it.
It’s that kind of power-madness that has me set to vote Trump in 2020 (provided that he doesn’t do some incredibly statist shit between now and then, and it would have to be pretty severe).
The Left has completely dropped the mask. They want control over all communication in the name of preventing “foreign interference”, “fake news”, or “hate speech”.
I used to be of the belief that Democrats and Republicans are equally bad, but I’ve come to see that this is no longer the case. I always knew there was something seriously wrong with the Democrat worldview, but goddamn, it’s worse than I ever imagined.
That is some nuclear grade projection right there.
It is about control. Power. They use fear as a tool. You have to torture and kill some now and then to keep everyone else bowing down.
Doonesbury still exists? Who knew.
A propos of nothing, Amazon sucks. Well, not Amazon per se, but all the third-party sellers they’ve got shitting up the place. I’m going to estimate that probably 75% of the stuff we’ve gotten from third-party sellers either doesn’t match the description, or doesn’t work, or gets broken during shipping. At this point has virtually replaced Amazon for us, because it’s free shipping over $35, when you order something you get what you expected, and everything shows up in good working order within a few days.
The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was when I ordered a bottle of leather cleaner nearly a month ago. $20, and only offered by third-parties. The idiots shipped the bottle in an envelope. The glass bottle. In a padded document envelope. After going back and forth with them they finally just refunded my money after having thought they shipped me a replacement but forgetting to actually do so.
Went on Jet and found it in thirty seconds. It’s showing up Tuesday. $10.
I have never heard of
It’s pretty much like Amazon and Wal-Mart had a baby. In fact, I think Wal-Mart bought them a while back or something like that. We get pretty much everything but perishables through them now.
I used to see commercials for them but not in a long time. If asked I would have guessed they went out of business.
What this world needs is a Second Coming of George Herriman.
Make Coconino county great again!
Just posted eight new songs to my epic Spotify playlist Jangle Noise. 25 new minutes of guitar based rock n roll from Volcano Suns, Protomartyr, Crayon, Bummers Eve, Eyelids, France Camp. Follow at
Ah, that explains the auto download that just hit. Thanks, man.
Tundra posted your playlist, and I added it last week. I am a new Spotify subscriber. I turned on my laptop it started downloading your latest additions. I was wondering what it was doing since I had not added anything this weekend.
The unbearable excruciating pin of misgenderedness
There are, of course, plenty of people—including many women—who have no problem being addressed as “guys,” think the word has evolved to be entirely gender-neutral, and don’t see a reason to change their usage. But others aren’t so sure. “I think there’s a really serious and welcome reconception of gender lines and relationships between sex and gender going on,” says John McWhorter, who teaches linguistics at Columbia University and has written several books about language. He says “something has crested in particular over about the past 10 years”—something that has people examining their everyday communications.
In my reporting I heard from several people who said that the word is particularly troubling for trans and gender-nonconforming people. “As a transgender woman, I consciously began trying to stop using guys some years ago,” says Brad Ward, a college counselor at a high school in Atherton, California. She added, “When I’m included with a group that is called guys, there’s some pain, since it takes me back to my male days in a way that I’d rather not go.”
I’ve been to one World’s Fair, a picnic and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing i ever heard come over a pair of earphones.
I worked in a mental hospital for ten years. I wore out on listening to this kind of crap a long time ago.
I say say “guys” all the time. I guess now I can even feel better about it knowing there’s a chance it could make a snowflake cry inside.
Would definitely bang bang the diggy diggy.
Totally. “Sexy” doesn’t always mean showing as much skin as possible.
Plus, they get major props for taking a Kid Rock song and rendering it listenable.
Yep, now let’s see what they can do with a Nickleback ditty.
That may be a bridge too far.