It’s that time again! No, I’m not talking about autumn, nor am I talking about holiday season. *glares at all the pumpkin flavored crap already out there*
GlibFit 3.0 starts tomorrow, September 12th! The timing of this GlibFit is going to be a bit different. Since US Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, we’re starting and ending on a Wednesday. Ten weeks from tomorrow is Thanksgiving Eve, and we’re going to have you in good enough shape that you enter the holiday eating season with confidence!

GlibFit 3.0 will take on a slightly different theme than prior GlibFits. Mrs. trshmnstr and I will be working together to get you some kickass content. She’s going to provide the detail, and I’m going to provide the direction.
Generally, the format will be as follows. There will be a deep dive topic of the week. The major themes are going to be HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), eating while regularly doing cardiovascular exercise, and maybe a couple articles on sleeping. Each article will include a HIIT workout of the week and/or recipe of the week that you are encouraged to try.

Beyond that, it’s like normal. Set your own goals, check in weekly (Wednesdays at 1400 GlibTime), and set good habits as we get into fatass season!
HIIT Training of the Week
Mrs. trshmnstr recommends giving this workout a try for 3 or 4 days this week. Gauge this to your own fitness level and abilities. Modify the exercises to fit your abilities.
5 rounds of
- 1 minute sprint (on treadmill, outside, elliptical, bike, rower, etc.)
- For those who aren’t yet ready to sprint, power walking with a high incline on the treadmill is fine. Obviously, any of the other machines can be subbed in, as well.
- 1 minute walk
Then, 5 rounds of
- 10x pushup
- 10x squats
- 10x jumping jacks
- 10x sit-ups
This is a roughly 20 minute workout, and the eventual goal is to work up to doing the workout 2-3x through.
Recipe of the Week
Salsa chicken
- Chicken breast
- A jar of your favorite salsa
- Taco seasoning
- Sour Cream
- Mexican blend cheese
- Fresh herbs and vegetables (cilantro, onion, lettuce, tomato, jalapeno, etc.)
- Rice/Tortillas/Beans
This is a super simple recipe that gets you a ton of protein and as much fat as you need to feel satiated.
- Dump chicken, salsa and taco seasoning into slow cooker and cook for 4-6 hours on medium heat.
- Shred chicken with a pair of forks.
- Serve over a bed of rice, in a tortilla as a taco, with some beans, or however you prefer
- Top with fresh herbs and vegetables, a dollop of sour cream, and some mexican blend cheese.
I’d love to join in this time, but it appears that my regularly-scheduled exercise regimen of weight training has allowed me to injure my left shoulder’s rotator cuff. This sucks for many reasons, one of which is that as a hobby photographer/portraitist, I can’t hold my rig up to my eye for longer than a minute or so right now — my left arm just loses power and wants to hang limply at my side for awhile to recover.
I haven’t been doing a lot of photography lately. Dammit.
Did wonders for me.
Thanks, mang.
I also injured my left shoulder recently. It was from a hit into the wall at hockey practice. I am going to PT for it, which is mainly dry needling with electrical stimulation, and rotator cuff exercises. If you are not seeing someone for this, do so. It can take a long time to heal and you don’t want to waste time.
Oh, I am seeing a physio. The major problem is that it appears I’ve compromised a tendon or ligament, which at my age is never good news, and probably means minor surgery somewhere down the road. (Tendons and ligaments are mostly non-vascular after your 20th birthday or so, which means the body can’t heal them by itself — no way to transport raw materials to the injured areas to effect repairs.) We’re working on strengthening exercises for the affected rotator muscles (mainly the supraspinatus), but my physio’s not optimistic. :-/
Don’t wait. I did. Everything got exponentially less optimistic. My rotator cuff repair had a 100% chance of success 4 years ago when I was told to get it done. After 4 years of steroid shots until I couldn’t use my arm much at all, I now had 3 different things to be done, as my muscles had retracted (though not atrophied), and I have a 50/50 chance of this surgery succeeding.
Sadly, “don’t wait” is a piece of advice that I can’t usually take in the B.C. health care system. “Wait” is SOP. The glories of socialized medicine, eh?
My physio’s probably gonna call it one way or t’other in the next month or so. If it’s “surgery,” then I’m gonna see about private alternatives which can get done more quickly. Thankfully, that’s at least a possibility in the B.C. system (I’ve had to do it before for a knee op and a hernia op). People in a lot of other provinces haven’t got much choice but to wait.
I am so sorry. 4 years ago, I was diagnosed and scheduled for surgery the next week, but I backed out. I was thinking too much about short-term sacrifices and wasn’t thinking about the obvious fact that it would get worse with use.
The benefits of living in District 2 aren’t as good as District 1, but sure beat the rest.
Just had rotator cuff repair. I am in pain and bored out of my mind. Guess which one is worse.
I just had an ankle replacement on Thursday. I feel your pain. I’d rather have an arm tied up (been there) than be missing the use of a leg.
Yeowch! Condolences, dude.
Thanks for posting trsh! I like the format. I can add two things:
1) I have been trying HIIT training and it’s amazing. I am slimming down a little, and my endurance is great after just 15 or 20 minutes a few times a week. I have been fighting a shoulder injury, so I’ve skipped sled hockey practice for about a month. I just went back on Sunday, and my endurance was great thanks to the HIIT workouts.
2) That recipe is so easy and so good. You can also do a variation using just chicken broth instead of salsa and taco seasoning. Either way it’s very versatile, and you can make a batch to eat for lunch all week.
Current stats: 320.8. Total loss is just a hair over 100 lbs. I was at 322 a month ago, then had a funeral and camp out back to back and put on a few lbs as I knew I would.
Current activities: 1 hike per week with a backpack on. Currently on 20 lbs, increasing a bit every week.
Current diet plan: Eat at maintenance 6 days a week, fast on Sundays.
I’ve been doing this for about two months, and its been working out really well for me. I weigh myself every day and plug it into a spread sheet along with my calorie number every day, and it spits out an estimated total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). I eat that much every day, which usually is right around 3500 calories a day. Saturdays I go hiking with a slowly-increasing load in a backpack. This is primarily to build up for actual backpack camping, but it burns a shit ton of calories. A three mile hike probably burns around 1,000 calories, based on studies of smaller people and conservative extrapolation.
So per week I have a consumption deficit of 1/7, which would be the same as a 500/day deficit. I just group it up in one day, which is pretty easy to do and I haven’t had any metabolic problems doing so. Fasting for a day is much easier than it sounds, if you’ve never done it before. Especially if you pound a cup of coffee when you get a hunger pang since coffee is an appetite suppressant (or at least I think it is, which makes it one…)
I have totally given up weight lifting, and I have noticed that my muscles have atrophied a bit. But I think the metabolic stress was no beueno and a big part of why I was having metabolic responses as powerfully as I was. My plan is to stick with this for as long as I make progress and don’t feel like its a problem to keep doing. Then I’ll try something else. That something else will probably be to keep my weight at steady state and lift again.
Sounds good, Leap! Summer always kicks my ass. I’m that freak that is more fit over the winter than the summer.
By the way, I have a pretty large backpack for when the weight gets up there. Being able to distribute it helps a lot.
I tried on a bunch of different packs, and settled on the Deuter Aircontact Lite 65+10 The fit was by-far the best out of anything I tried on, and every adjustment could go larger if it needed to. I’ve worn it packed full to 50 lbs and taking up the full 75 liters, and it was still manageable, though I haven’t hiked like that.
Great choice! I dig hiking.
You’ve lost over 100 lbs? Holy shit! That’s very commendable.
Yep, and thanks. Education was the primarily stumbling block. Once I knew *what* to do, it gets a lot easier.
A Chinese couple heartily agrees.
A Chinese
couplewife heartily agrees.Yeah, that’s awesome!
And you look amazing!
Thanks, Trashy!
I’m in. Let me know if you want any recipes. I’ve been doing a lot of one-pan dinners that have been fantastic!
Yes please! I’ve been racking my brain for more recipes!
Shoot me an email. Minnetundra at the evil ones.
*wonders which evil ones are being referred to… they’re all evil*
It may be easier for you to email me.
Ellipto-trainer girl… *drool*
I look at your recipie for HIIT and my reaction is “That’s a really fast way to demotivate someone.”
But only twenty minutes of demotivation a day.
I could just watch CNN for 20 minutes.
My blood pressure can’t take that.
I do question the one minute sprint. I ran track in high school and sprinting for one minute is basically the equivalent of sprinting 400 m. Sprinting 400 m 5 times will not leave you much energy to do much of anything else.
I don’t think I could get my bulk up to track sprinting speeds, but I also have a lower reserve of ready energy.
Why did our biology make it so hard to tap into the long term storage? Ideally a better design would let a fat bastard eat nothing for weeks and live off the lipid stores until I was no longer fat.
Like an anaconda after eating a pig.
I think “fast run” is probably a better way to phrase it than “sprint”. Looking for maybe 85% intensity, not 95%
It is a killer workout, but it is extremely effective. All of the workouts Mrs trshmnstr is designing are “do what you can” workouts. If you aren’t particularly fit and you try doing them exactly as written, you WILL puke. Ask me how I know.
It has been a bit hard to find a good balance between challenging the fit folks in the audience and still providing something that is accessible to less fit folks. In her day job, she’s able to see when somebody is struggling and suggest modifications to make things easier until they get their fitness level up. Since she can’t do that here, it’s on y’all to modify your workout to your fitness level and your health (nobody die, please!). However, these workouts are meant to achieve substantial results in 10 weeks by kicking your ass.
I read a study in prepping for GlibFit 3.0 that said you begin to see measurable improvement in fitness by 10 HIIT workouts. At 3x per week, that means by the start of week 4, you will feel better.
Psychologically just looking at it discouraged me. Right now I’m especially angry at myself because I stopped doing a lot of things and I backslid on all metrics. My gut reaction was “I wouldn’t even complete one iteration of that”. Which isn’t true for the second half, I could do one iteration of those. But after the “kill yourself and break your knees sprints” there was that very indignant voice that crops up like a supercharged contrarian.
Getting over that voice and the reflex that causes it is pretty much my #1 problem.
Yeah, that’s gonna be a challenge for most of this iteration of GlibFit. I’m not looking forward to getting up at 6am tomorrow and doing this. I remember what the first week felt like when she let me attend her gym.
Two pieces of good news. 1) nobody is watching you, so if you walk instead of run, nobody is gonna yell at you; 2) my experience is that after 3 or 4 attempts at this type of workout, you figure out what you can and can’t do, and adjust your effort level accordingly. A week or 10 days of suck and you’re over the worst of it.
adjust your effort level accordingly
So critical. I’m rowing for my workouts, and for flabby old me, the key is starting slower than I think I need to, so I could at least finish the programmed workout. I can do 1 500 meter “sprint” in around 1:50. 4 x 500 meters, I can consistently almost get to 2:00 each, but if I start with a 1:50, I’m pretty much done after the second one. 6 x 500, I can’t finish unless my splits are north of 2:10, which feels really slow for the first few, and almost impossible for the last one.
I started doing HIIT when i was way out of shape, and quite possibly when I was heavier than you are now. My recommendation from my experience is to push the working times down to 15 seconds or so and replace that time by extending the resting times. As I understand it, the stress you are looking to put your body into is the sudden uptick in intensity (at least to start with). Once your heart, lungs, and muscles react to that, you’ve got enough stress to adapt to and you can go back resting.
You can google “HIIT progression” and find routines that increase difficulty. It has to do with the ratio of work to rest. Start easier and then go to the next level once you feel ready. And/or, do fewer rounds and build those up slowly. This type of workout lends itself well to progression.
I watched this earlier and it fits here.
JP and Rogan on improvement.
can’t watch at work.
i’ve read JP’s “12 Rules…” and he has a whole rule devoted to self-improvement. part of it is not comparing yourself to others but to compare yourself to where you were yesterday, day before, a week ago, year ago, etc.
Tangentially related – I’m feeling thoroughly uncreative, depressed, and unmotivated. I’m staring at this 10lb. pork shoulder and wondering what to make. May I enact y’all’s labor for recipe ideas?
Chile verde.
Too spicy… and I can’t find my fish gloves. 😉
Brine it, dry rub, smoke it.
Puerco pibil! (Damn it’s good!)
Carnitas. Bake at 350 in a sealed dish until you can shred it. Shred it, reserving the liquid. Reduce the liquid down to a syrup. Toss pork w liquid and spices. Fry in an uncrowded skillet to make crusty bits. Serve on flour tortillas with lime slices on the side.
Winner. You can also do this with a crock pot.
Winner indeed. Wifey took one look and said “That’s the one.”
hey, I didn’t get to 420 lbs by accident. I really love food.
Pro tip: If you do use a crock pot it can take 6-8 hours.
I’ve been watching calories, cleaving pretty closely to macros, and exercising six days a week, and I’m still at 230. On the other hand, I seem to be losing fat based on how clothes are fitting, I’m close to running a 5k without throwing up, and I’m military pressing 70lbs. per arm for reps, which is the most I’ve ever been able to do. So, I’ll go on record with the following goals to be reached by Turkeyfest:
– run a 5k routinely
– reach a 5-rung ladder for presses comfortably (more on this below)
– lose two inches around my waist (from 41″ to 39″)
My exercise schedule is weights Monday (light), Wednesday (med.), and Saturday (heavy), and jogging Tuesday, Thursday, and either Friday or Sunday. The weight routine is kettlebell presses for five sets of three “rungs” on light days, four rungs on medium days, and five on heavy days, or as close as I can get, followed by snatches on light days and swings on the other days, as many as I can do within about ten minutes. If you’re not familiar with the ladder bit, it goes like this: each rung represents how many reps you do for the set, so three rungs means that you do one rep per side, rest a few seconds, then two reps per side, rest a few, then three. Each set of a three-rung ladder would then equal six total reps per side. On a heavy day, assuming you complete all reps for five ladders of five rungs each, you’re doing 75 reps per side, total.
Unfortunately, I’ve gained 20 lbs over the past few months. I’m a stress eater, and the combination of work, grad school, and watching the kids all day has done a number recently. Everyone’s got their own shit though.
Started a new plan this week of healthier snacking food and eating a salad or bag of frozen vegetables before meals. Will see how it goes.
I curbed my previous stress eating by simply not having food around. I may have dented or broken that habit, depends on whether I give away what I’d been planning to bake, or end up stuffing my face. (This week has not been that great between work stress and knowing people in the path of the hurricane…)
That’s a good idea but harder to do with kids in the house who consume food like bottomless pits. I have good willpower, just need to remember to keep healthier food stocked and that it’s there.
Nuts and pork rinds for me, or if I’m feeling ambitious, grilling up loads of deboned chicken in advance and munching a cold thigh when I feel peckish.
Snacks of any sort would be terrible to have near me.
I do not snack. If I eat, I am always hungry and shovel stuff into my gob past the point of sickness – and still feel hungry. If I don’t eat, it stops grumbling and I can go about my day. The only way I’ve ever been successful is with strict plans and a forbiddance of free-form anything. I don’t know why the normal feedback chains are broken. I have to ignore the hungry/full signals because they are always wrong, and simply not allow myself the option to overeat.
>hovel stuff into my gob past the point of sickness – and still feel hungry. If I don’t eat, it stops grumbling and I can go about my day. The only way I’ve ever been successful is with strict plans and a forbiddance of free-form anything. I don’t know why the normal feedback chains are broken.
This sounds 100% exactly like me. I said recently I only say about two books “you gotta read this, it will change your life,” but here’s book three. My feedback mechanism was broken, and this book was the first step to me understanding that.
I’ve used whats in here as the basis of formulating new feedback mechanisms that aren’t based on hunger signals. They are based on food logging and objective goal setting. This only works for me because I’m analytical and I like objective analysis. Knowing what I know about you, I think you have the personality type.
And here’s my standard offer anytime I make a personalized recommendation to read a book – if you read it and decide afterwords that it wasn’t worth your time, I’ll buy it from you (assuming it wasn’t super expensive) and I’ll donate $20 to a charity we mutually agree upon.
Yea, that’s part of my plan. Lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat.
My goals are to do 1-2 sets of 50 pushups per day and eat enough to maintain weight. I have trouble eating enough food whenever I’m stressed. As a student, I have free* access to the gym. I don’t have much interest in going there to work out, but I’m tempted to go to the cycling classes to meet girls.
Have you tried the 100 push up program?
It did not get me to a 100 push-up max, but i did get to 78.
I haven’t. I’m not good about doing push-ups on a regular basis. I’ve probably done about a dozen sets of push-ups over the summer. Right now, I’m maxing out around 50-60.
Humblebrag confirmed.
“This is a roughly 20 minute workout, and the eventual goal is to work up to doing the workout 2-3x through.”
Is this per week or month? Not ready for the per week routine but I believe can handle it monthly.
I hate to break it to you, but the eventual goal is 3x in a row. ?
Obviously, if you’re not in shape for that, please don’t kill yourself trying. Just do it once, taking breaks when you need them and reducing intensity where necessary to retain consciousness.
Thanks, TM, I laughed
I had a cold last week (still do) and missed an entire week of gym time. I went yesterday and today. Man do you lose a lot of ground with just a week off. I’m so sore even with a deload. It was bad timing because I scheduled my physical for the end of September with the goal of ramping up my exercise and a really tight diet in an attempt to get all my lipids in the green. *shrug* what are you gonna do?
I grilled chicken thighs last week. Lacking oil for the grill (I’m in the middle of moving again) and unwilling to drive back to the store, I brushed on some mayonnaise. That’s a thing, apparently.
Remember you can’t live your life on 9/11 you must stop what you are doing and pay tribute!
NBC: Trump begins solemn 9/11 anniversary with tweets about FBI, Russia probe
CNN: Trump pays sober tribute to 9/11 after Russia tweets, fist pumps
Huffpo: Twitter Eviscerates Trump For Extremely Minimal ’17 Years’ 9/11 Tweet
MSNBC: Joe on 9/11 anniversary: Trump harms ‘dream of America’ more than foreign foes
So…why is the 17th anniversary such a solemn event?
17 is a significant number in (((kaballah)))?
Listen. They could talk about this for a day or go back to athletes facing extreme oppression.
Typically, it doesn’t seem like they’ve bothered to even talk about it for a day.
I reset myself with the big 5 a couple of months ago. Making some progress while getting a little leaner. I’m at 220 and would like to be 20 – 30 lbs lighter with the same lifts or better.
Any biologically male bike riders around here?
I have a bike. In theory I would enjoy bike riding as a form of exercise much more than, say, running. Problem is, bike seats make my balls hurt. I tried replacing the seat with a softer one and wearing actual bike pants with a big crotch cushion, and those help but don’t eliminate the problem. Anything else that can be done, or is ballache just something that bike riders accept and live with?
There are some seats with a little slice taken out of the middle to allow more space for your taint. What’s really happening is the seat is putting pressure on your pudendal nerve (located in the taint) and you’re essentially giving yourself transient neuropathy in it. There have been a few studies that link bike riding with long term sexual dysfunction (granted it has to be a shit load of biking).
Long story short, if you wanna avoid it completely, get a beach cruiser with a big, wide seat that allows you to sit more or less normally. That won’t put pressure on the nerve. Or a recumbent bike would work too.
I think it’s something you get used to. It’s less of a problem when biking outdoors where you can take small breaks to stop pedaling and stand up or pedal while standing for a few seconds. Biking indoors, it feels very unnatural to stop pedaling for a few seconds and you tend to be remain seated the entire time.
It helps if you have these.
It’s all about the “sit” bones.
Here’s the contrarian solution: a harder seat. Your butt and the thing it sits on need to be as firm as possible; this minimizes how much off your taint settles onto the saddle.
At a certain age, we just get softer. Riding is much harder for me at 50 than it was through my 40s: I just fell off a cliff one day when I just didn’t have the mass and firmness any more. I just take more pleasure in standing sprints more often. I haven’t ridden over 60 miles in four years now; I’m not sure if I ever will again.
I just didn’t have the mass and firmness any more
Happens to all of us, bro.
Good news for me: I admired the uncles and grandfathers I had before I turned into them; I grew accustomed (well before Watergate) to the idea that great guys don’t have much hair and move carefully.
My golf handicap keeps going down: I hit a new all-time low yesterday (15). I shoot as well I ever did. The only muscle that has completely withered away is the one that helps you sit through a bunch of corporate, civic, or philosophical BS that (I instantly know) is never going to work without shouting down every idiot in the room; I just don’t care anymore who drives off which cliffs.
Try getting a lady friend to massage them before you go bike riding. It won’t help with the pain, but I still think its worth a try.
Three factors you need to pay attention to for long riding.
1) Narrow seats — you don’t want a wide seat between you legs
2) Slot down the middle — you don’t want the seat pressing on your nerve (see Q below)
3) Proper angle — you don’t want the front end of the seat pushing up into your balls.
You want all your weight on your butt in the back and no pressure on your balls or nerve.
Of course, this assumes that you have the proper size frame, the seat and handle bars and the proper height, and you have the proper posture for riding. 😉
Could be worth going to a good bike shop and having them check your setup. This would be different than a full blown “bike fit” which could be needed if other avenues are exhausted. Saddle angle, location on rails, handlebar position, brake hooks (if your riding drop bar bike) seat height, can change how you feel on the bike.
I would recommend a firm seat, squishy just lets you slide around and chafe. Get some good bike shorts, I use Mt.Borah bibs, they are a club style fit, not full pro.
The dirty secret that you may not know, go commando. less fabric sliding around is typically better. I don’t use it personally but chamois cream is good for some.
When riding, get out of the saddle and pedal while standing (good time to do your HIIT session) let blood return and give the sensitive bits a brake.
And time, it does take some getting used to.
For people struggling with their diet, a couple of suggestions:
(1) Journal what you eat. Every bit of it. Don’t change what you eat, necessarily, but write it all down for a couple weeks (be honest and don’t try to lie to yourself). This really helps some people as it makes them aware of what and how much they eat – I’m convinced a lot of obesity is due to unconscious eating (I’m prone to it myself – if there is food within reach, it tends to mysteriously disappear). If you do adopt a formalized diet, journaling will help you stick to it. I know people who this has really helped.
(2) Go through your pantry and fridge and throw a lot of it away. Face it, unless you already have a pretty healthy diet, a lot of the food in your house is unhealthy. This is pretty much how we cracked our carb habit – we just threw away the chips, pasta, candy, etc. and then DIDN’T BUY ANY MORE. If its not in your house, you’re not going to eat it out of habit or boredom or stress. Its easier to exercise willpower for an hour a week at the grocery store than all day every day.
I think these two steps are a good foundation of a successful and long-term change in your diet, to whatever you think will work for you.
The food that is in my house is not the food that I eat regularly. The stuff that’s still there is the stuff I bought thinking I’d make use of, then never did. I’m also not the guy who buys a week’s worth of food at a time. I found out fast that turns into three-four days of food and I get angry at myself. So it’s down to never more than two, aiming to get as little in the house at any time as possible.
It’s like you’ve read the next few weeks’ articles. Next week is about tracking your intake. The week after is about macros. The week after that is about getting rid of the crap food and eating good stuff instead.
Put the app on my phone… Swissfit is getting results.
all the cheese you can eat!
I’ve never had to worry much about my weight and can’t speak to the efficacy of keeping a journal, but suggestion #2 is spot on. A few years back I started cutting carbohydrates out of my diet because my metabolism couldn’t keep up as I entered my forties and left me feeling sluggish all the time. Getting rid of many of the sugary and starchy snacks helped a lot. I’ve replaced them with nuts and varieties of trail mix which keep well and are great for satisfying any snack cravings.
OT: Not sure if straff was being snarky suggesting Japanese car exports in the last thread, but it actually turned out to be a goldmine. If a car is >25 years old, it can be imported to the US on EPA waivers. There is a whole market for used Japanese cars to be imported. I may be able to get a Samurai (known as a Jimny in Japan) with uber low miles (<50K) in great condition for <2000 bucks and that includes shipping and certification!
Fuckin' A.
Aren’t the steering wheels on the wrong side? Which, honestly, kinda adds to the cool factor, IMO.
They are indeed. There is no requirement that the driver’s seat be on the left.
+1 Honda Windy
congrats. good find.
Speaking of high intensity workouts- goes anybody jump rope anymore? That used to kick my ass at the end of a weight workout.
Something I have found beneficial for my fucked up shoulders (particularly the left one, which is extremely weak, with serious muscle atrophy from nerve damage in my neck) is doing “figure eights” with the engineer’s hammer (a short handled 4lb sledgehammer, basically).
Hammer in working hand
free hand on knee, so back is ~45 degrees to floor
trace figure eights with hammer head above floor
The object is not so much raw strength as using all those muscles which control the shoulder and hold it together; the weight resistance seems less crucial than the control required for changing direction, if that makes sense. I have added weight by slipping olympic 5lb weights over the handle of the hammer.
I too have fucked-up shoulders (my doc’s actual clinical description). Im glad you shared that, and Im likely gonna give it a shot.
Im guessing I could substitute a 5 lb kettle bell for the hammer ?
I have two goals for GlibFit 3.0
1) 3x per week doing the HIIT workouts
2) losing 25 lbs by Thanksgiving. I’m at 280.0 as of this morning. I want to be sub-255 by the time the turkey stops gobbling.
Thanksgiving is 10 weeks away. Do you know what it will take to get there in that length of time?
Using the very basic 3500 calories per pound conversion, that’s a deficit of 1,250 calories per day.
Using and some WAGs about your age and height, using “light activity” for 2-3 days a week of exercise, that means you should target 1980 calories a day or so.
The NIH calculator says you should eat at 2100 calories per day. It is probably more accurate, because it models the initial weight loss caused by release of water stores when you start dieting.
Do you know what 2100 calories a day looks like? Are you able to eat that much for a few months? If you are careful, you probably can. I did 1800 calories a day while weighing 420 lbs and I did it for about 4 months.
I can’t even think about fitness. A 2nd day straight of getting almost no work done because of something, I dunno, asthma? Bronchitis? I think the former. I’ve never had this before, seems odd that I would develop this shit in my 50s. And if that isn’t bad enough, I watched MNF last night. Holy fuck, what a clusterfuck. What happened to Carr? Did he hit the bong too hard before the 2nd half? I’m glad I don’t really take the foozball seriously anymore, back when I was a die hard fan, I would have been running around the house ranting like a madman and probably throwing stuff at the wall. Now I can just roll my eyes and make sarcastic comments.
I’ve kept up with the keto, and it’s still giving results.
As of yesterday, I was at 163.4. Starting weight was 222.4 in the app, so that puts me at 59 pounds. If I count from the 225 I saw at Christmas (before I started tracking), that’s about 62.
The program is still:
Net carbs < 30g
Net calories < 1500
Fat ~100g
Protein ~85g
Exercise: walking 1 hour/day. My route is ~3 miles (unclocked) so I'm doing a pretty good pace.
I'll look at adding the HIIT. Now that I'm down to a reasonable weight, more exercise might be useful.
The hard part for me is getting the fat without blowing out the protein.
How tall are you?
You are a dude, correct? That’s a lot of weight loss for a guy. Do you have an end goal in mind?
Nice job, Gad!
I’m 5′ 9″.
Yes, I’m a guy. End goal is ~150 — which is what I weighed until I hit 30. I have the pants I was married in hiding in my closet. The meta goal is to be able to wear those again. That may not be realistic (I was 22 then, I’m 53 now), so we’ll go with getting down to 150.
I figure that if current rates continue, I’ll be there somewhere around Thanksgiving.
About 6 weeks ago I decided I was tired of having lots of clothes that didnt fit. Since simply buying larger clothes didnt seem to be an ideal option, I jumped in feet-first to the low (<50g/day) carb bit. I generally walked a mile or two daily, but I took it a bit more seriously, and bumped it up to 3.5. So currently, 5-6 days a week its a 3.5 mile walk in about an hour, followed by 25 minutes on the elliptical I affectionately call Big Pun (short for punisher), at moderate-high resistance.
To date, Im down 14 lbs if my scale can be trusted. 6 more to go, and then Ill agonize how I can incorporate (non-beer) carbs back it w/o me blowing the whole effort.
I will always have lots of clothes that don’t fit. My wardrobe ranges from the fat bastard to the less fat bastard, so something will always either be too tight or too loose. What annoys me is that I was previously looking at shortening my belt again and now I’m threatening to need a longer one again.
I am going to gain some weight. I am currently 172. I’d like to be 180ish. Anyway, today I climbed a bunch of stairs at a local high rise in all of my gear with about 30 other firefighters from our department* to commemorate 9/11. My legs are going to be very sore for the upcoming Hurricane Florence Operational Period.
*City of Myrtle Beach
Damn, man. You staying put for that?
Yes, I will be here. I imagine that when I go to work in the morning I won’t be released for several days.
Good luck and stay safe, man. A guy I work with up here has a couple places he rents out in Wilmington from when he lived down there and he’s sweatin’ bullets. A bunch of his friends have decided to sit tight and drink their way through the storm, which sounds both fun as hell and like a horrible, horrible idea. Knock on wood, but his one sounds like it’s gonna be a doozy.
Thanks, yeah, it is going to be shitty up in Wilmington. I don’t know how bad it will be here but I think it will be worse than most locals think (like my law job boss) but not as bad as the Governor thinks. We’ll see, the Euro models have it pretty shitty for us. The wife and kids went to Columbia to stay with family. I am trying to get my mom to at least go to Florence since she is a diabetic with cardiac issues but my step-dad refuses to leave.
I am now sad. I liked Wilmington.
What do they do at Parris Island when the weather gets exciting? When I was there it was just hot-as-balls or thunderstorms.
Buses – not cattle cars?
Off post travel, maybe? I’m not sure those are legal on highways.
That makes sense. I’m laughing remembering the first time they pulled up a cattle cars in front our my training platoon. “You must be kidding?” and “are they sending more for the rest us?” were our naive questions.
How many PFC’s can fit in a 5 ton?
One more
One time (and one time only), something happened- couldn’t cram anymore in, or the rest of the cattle cars left early, and there about a half dozen of us put into one. Oh man! To be able to sit down or move around. Wow! Best was range duty so you could ride in the back of the picket truck and rack out.
During one movement, the side door of the cattle car came open. That was a bit concerning. Trucker (almost always some retired NCO) had the diesel revved as high as it would go it seemed, there’s this open hole and hoping that the mass of privates won’t start releasing through it.
For those who never rode in one, this is similar to what we had at Benning:
Other than the one time we were misloaded, those were always packed. No one ever sat on the benches. Those were for standing on so that more snuffys would fit in the aisle.
I think it’s more of a tactical retreat to a more strategic position than an evacuation.
Im guessing I could substitute a 5 lb kettle bell for the hammer ?
I don’t see why not. Go for it. I hope it helps.a
Also, s strength has improved, I have added a ” forward sweep” which is similar to what we used to call a “forearm shiver” in football.
It’s more linear, just a swinging motion of the arm from vertical to parallel with the floor or thereabouts, with small weight.
Quadriceps tendon blown out 7 Feb 2018 — Surgery 28 Feb 2018.
Recovery goals:
1) lift a full carboy off the floor (done) so that I can start brewing again (1 beer and 1 mead started last weekend)
2) walk 18 holes (done)
Autumn plans — turn swamp in back yard into a pair of raised planting beds surrounded by dry walkways
Materials on order: 400 landscape blocks; 250 bags of egg rock; 75 bags of pea gravel
Work — move 1,000+ shovels full of dirt, put down 100+ feet of drainage tile, plop down 400 landscaping blocks, pour out 325 bags of rock
Fuck your HIITs. 😉
Damn. That’s a lot of work, but it will be nice when its done.
Yeah. How about some pics, kinnath?
I will try to get before and after and maybe some in progress.
Only 3 weeks for a surgery. Just imagine how socializing medicine here will speed that along.
That was two weeks to get into an MRI. Surgery was less than a week after the MRI.
Why would the State want us shitlords strong and healthy?
O.T. – Democrats and their cohorts appear to be hard at work filming the GOP’s campaign commercials:
Angus is an “Independent” supposedly.
Hence “cohorts”, though “useful idiots” would be much more apt.
I have a route which reliably gets me two miles of walking distance. There is a slight incline on about a quarter of it (downhill 1/8th mile one way, uphill 1/8th mile the other). It’s been too long since I’ve walked it. Crossing the bridge with an umbrella will be interesting as it’s raining today.
Since we last did this, I am down to 200.4 pounds. Goal is 184, preferably by the end of the year.
The most important OT you will read today.
BBC to RBS, “hold my beer”:
Good god am I sick of that shit. Should I hold my breath waiting for the BBC to castigate Tyler Perry’s exploitation of the “myth of the angry black woman”? Perhaps in the film, “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”?
My head hurts.
Black women seem to have little trouble expressing their anger, from what I’ve experienced.
No shit.
Generalization alert: Black women seem to have a flair for? weakness for? drama, which can definitely amp up their expression of anger.
I still don’t agree.
The other day I argued that women appear more stable when compared to the shitstains that about 1/3 of men I know seem to be.
Along that line, I’d black chicks put up with a lot of BS quite well.
This kind of stuff seems like competing cases of confirmation bias. I like my numbers: I measure people for a living; I work with lots of minorities on factory floors all over North America; I was a minority in the town I was born in and in the city in which I reside.
Serena had a bad day, I hear; I don’t doubt it. But, that said, I think most black folk are sucking it up and going on about their business as well as anyone. They certainly compare favorably with my toothless (white) cousins.
But this I’ve also become accustomed to: about a fourth of black folk on the sidewalk in the South don’t acknowledge me….they look away or busy themselves as we pass. I live in a town where folks still howdy each other at the store and on the street, and a lot of blacks prefer to avoid that exchange with the tall, large ScotsIrish dude that I am.
I will inform my wife that her beloved Mama Bear trope is not a performance of femininity.
Wake me up when a central trope of black stand-up comics isn’t the “exuberance” of black people as contrasted to the reserve of white people.
IMHO, the cartoon captures Serena pretty well, although he left out the bulging veins.
I didn’t read it, but I’ll tell you what I know from my artistic side: if race and racism are things, every caricature is racist.
I made the mistake of sketching someone at work once and it didn’t blow up on my naive ass. Immediately, everyone is “do me!”…..especially my grand (((boss))). I had enough sense to say no to everyone from then on, so I didn’t have to no to him in particular, but there’s just no winning in this stuff. He’s got the eyes and the nose thing…fine: I couldn’t care less, of course…but I’ll be d-g-damned if ima draw that honker and catch a load of grief at work.
When you make fun of things or exaggerate things, that’s where this goes. In Boy Scouts I learned that making fun of people isn’t the way to go: always stay above board; but that grinds me; I tend to come down on the side of comedians: everything is okay (away from work) and everyone just needs to laugh a little more. I was raised Democrat, Baptist, and ScotsIrish in Mississippi, and apparently it’s okay for everyone to make fun of me, but it turns out it’s just not worth it to share my sense of humor much.
Where there you go. How dare he try to evade the hyper-sensitivity of everything surrounding race in America today by pretending to not be an American.
“If I say a whole system must be upset for me to win, I am saying that I cannot sit in the game, and that safer rules must be made to give me a chance. I repudiate that. If others are in there, deal me a hand and let me see what I can make of it, even though I know some in there are dealing from the bottom and cheating like hell in other ways.” – Zora Neale Hurston
Gee, amazing I’ve never heard of her.
i’m assuming he made her into a fat baby b/c of the tantrum.
From “most important OT”:
Knight deleted his Twitter account on Monday.
Another scalp for the teepee wall.
Honestly, if you started your day out with deleting your Twitter account it would be time well spent. At least Facebook reminds you of birthdays. I’m still waiting to see the benefit to a Twitter account.
Getting other people booted off, mainly.
Prompter & usually better customer service from companies. That’s what I use it for.
I’m getting back on the keto train as of yesterday. It’s the only thing I’ve ever found that worked for me. I need to incorporate more exercise so I’m figuring out how to do that currently. I’m a 224 and want to get back down to 180 within a year.
Using some WAGs for your age (40) and activity level (desk job, non-strenuous activity at least once a week), says you should eat 2200 calories a day to pull that off. Work out once a week, and it says 2370 calories a day. Work out multiple days a week, and it says 2860 calories a day.
Punch in some more accurate number for better (but by no means perfect) results.
Good guesses. Unfortunately, I don’t think that doing rope suspension counts as a workout per se. But that is my calorie target. When i’m not eating carbs (read sugary snacks) I pretty much stay under that easily. In 2017 I got down to 185, and then fucking blew it and gained it all back.
The compendium of physical activities has three entries for sexual activity. “active, vigorous effort” is 2.8 met, which means it is 2.8 times as much metabolic work as sitting at rest. Other activities around 2.8 are “calisthenics (e.g., situps, abdominal crunches), light effort,” “casino gambling, standing” “carpentry, general, light effort” and “football or baseball, playing catch.”
Well! I’m more active than I thought. Doing a rope suspension for 45 min. to an hour is at least the same as some of those others you mention. I just need to add weights a couple times a week and I’m golden.
Incorporate the weights into the suspension.
No pain, no gain (yuk yuk yuk)
I’m all about the WAG’s, but I don’t understand what that has to do with my caloric intake. Usually it’s just some hot chick in a bikini.
Noémie Happart exists.
I’m beginning to question everything now.
This job has one unexpected fitness benefit – there are far too few bathrooms for the number of people in the office, so finding one that is neither in use nor so groteque that it would render you ill by proximity requires going walkabout across multiple floors and opposite ends of the (rather long) building.
The building I work in has all the restrooms on the second floor. It was build 50-60 years ago. There are no elevators. The closest restroom that doesn’t require walking up stairs is a couple hundred yards away in the adjacent building.
For four months after surgery, I did not use the stairs at work. This meant a lot of walking around in a full leg brace just to pee (and I take a diuretic for blood pressure control).
There are stairwells right next to the bathrooms, so I take the stairs (since I do not have a reason not to)
There’s also a stairwell next to the elevators, and it pisses me off when people take the elevator one floor without any need to do so. (It always happens when I’m trying to leave the building, so they’re not only going one floor, they’re going down one floor)
Good lord, I thought I was lazy. I live on the 6th floor (+ a ground floor) and routinely take the stairs down. If I lived on 1 or 2 I would probably take the stairs up most of the time but 6 is admittedly past my limit. One day the elevator was broken and I had to take the stairs and carrying groceries – I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
My hospital has 9 miles of hallways and is mostly on one level. Those are red-blooded American miles, BTW, not those faggy Euro kilo-miles that fall short (as do most things Euro) of the American version. I don’t count steps, but on a typical day I probably walk at least a mile at work. My office is at one end of the building, and it seems inevitable that the meetings or people I need to get to are at the other end (or in an outbuilding). I draw the line at walking to buildings at the other end of our campus – a 2+ mile round trip is just right out, especially during the 9 months of summer.
But does it have sufficient clean bathroom facilities?
Yeah, we have over 400 bathrooms. I doubt any one actually knows exactly how many. They are kept pretty immaculate (with the exception, I’m sure, of the ones in C. Diff patient rooms).
The last time I had to be admitted for C. Diff my room did not have a bathroom. They designated one of the public ones as my restroom and put up yellow police tape in front it. I felt so privileged. It was the best day.*
*not really
I always told my coworkers I got my exercise by walking outside for a cigarette. It was a really long walk, like 3 blocks. Multiply that by three times both ways and boom.
You need to get one of those little golf cart things. You’d pick up so much trim riding one of those around.
Pictured: Dean heading out to pull some pussy.
It’s a one seater. That’s how you know he’s a real stud.
I didn’t think that was him, but then I saw that vanity plate. Yeah, that’s gotta be him.
Bzzt. My vanity plate reads “Front Toward Enemy”.
Empty Claymore bags worked great as a dopp kit. Plus that wonderful C4 smell would linger forever. Probably not so good for air travel these days.
If you aren’t wearing a white coat and a stethoscope, the chicks who are looking for a hookup in a hospital aren’t interested.
I think it’s just that doctors are even bigger assholes than lawyers somehow. Chicks like assholes.
That would explain why surgeons get lots of tail even by doctor standards.
Its more the size of the wallet. I don’t know why we even buy physician compensation surveys; our nurses seem to know what each specialty can expect to earn, to within a few hundred bucks.
We have a doc who is a notorious poonhound and seems to think we hire new grad nurses just for his personal enjoyment. He was smugly arrogant and absolutely confident that the medical staff wouldn’t do anything about his constant harassment of our nurses (and I can’t say he’s wrong).
Imagine his surprise when I told him that I had all the authority I needed to just ban him from our property (and have him arrested for trespassing if he thought I was kidding), or require that a member of our security staff follow him around while he was in the building. I haven’t heard any complaints since our little chat.
So I ask you, who is the bigger asshole, him or me?
/Mrs. Dean
Wait til you see the inside of this Amazon Building I’m going to work in….
If they don’t care about Weed (So Cal Edison didn’t) I’ll start on the 24th, and……. Do stuff.
It may be an article, depending on what I see on the inside, But no pictures………………… 😉
Be careful….you probably shouldn’t tell too much.
Although we already know: pick and retrieve, bar codes, packing stations, scanners, steel-toed shoes
Although I’m curious, I’m with Don on this. Don’t put a sweet gig at risk just to amuse us.
Thanks! I won’t. So now I’m here For Yooz Guy’s entertainment?
AH Ah?
No steel toes, and let’s just say I’m going to look at any NDAs very closely
I think the real problem is that government workers get too many bathroom breaks.
My regimen of not eating is still working. Diet pop (not coffee!) keeps me awake,
‘pop’? Why do you keep getting punched in the face?
It’s what civilized people drink.
‘civilized’ is just a euphemism for degenerate.
Q is correct.
When in Rome… It’s “soda” where I live now and “pop” when I visit the folks where I grew up. I don’t like getting strange looks.
A variation of the Maduro Diet?
Also, pop is the correct diminutive for Soda-pop.
I’m sorry, but you are wrong.
Keep telling yourself that pal.
*Takes a bite out of a deep dish pizza*
You continue to demonstrate further defects in knowledge. We’re going to have to revoke that doctorate.
The correct answer is coke.
As in:
Would you like a coke?
What kind?
Can’t you people just call it by freaking name written on the side of the can?
i.e.Can I get a Fanta?
Guess what? If I ask for Fanta, they aren’t bringing me Shasta.
i.e.Can I get a Fanta?
peach or cherry, sir?
/ grocer’s son
Red Cream, please.
Wait…they make it in peach?
Enjoy your low sperm count drinking those artificial chemicals.
Been tested and I’m good to go!
They confirmed that you were, in fact, a eunich as per your harem guard contract?
The doctor called it “Kendollification surgery”.
I hope you got a receipt and warranty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!
Your mom seemed to think it tasted just fine.
That’s right, I made a your mom joke. It is 1998 and I just got done watching In Living Color.
Which went off the air in 1994.
That long ago.
I recall that they had the all-time greatest Super Bowl Halftime show, including the famous “Men on Football” sketch. It was hilarious.
Gay bars used to re-play the “Men on….” sketches in rotation with bits from SNL back when it used to be funny. I dunno what they play now that humor is dead.
I got 2 kids. No real need for sperm anymore.
The only problem: Democrats have little to no power on the Hill right now. So even well-crafted, well-intentioned bills come off as little more than virtue signals in this partisan Congress. Still, Schatz says, there’s a chance Democrats return to power after the 2018 election. And if they do, “we have decided that we want students to be able to afford college,” Schatz told me. “And what I’m trying to do is make sure we have legislation to do just that.”
But until and unless there’s a blue wave, it’s all hypothetical. The bill does not have a reasonable shot at passing without a Democratic House, a Democratic Senate, and, potentially, a Democrat in the White House—and even then, all Democrats may not be on board, let alone Republicans. Democratic aides are working to convince lawmakers that debt-free college is an idea that they should get behind.
The Kalamazoo promise was simple. Live here, go to school, and your tuition is paid for. But with scale comes complication. The idea of free college is still in its infancy—it took 28 years to get the Morrill Act right, and it’s only been 13 since the Kalamazoo Promise. But in the current political climate, the path forward is murky and winding, and that makes it hard for the movement to maintain the momentum it needs. The window of opportunity for nationwide tuition- or debt-free college is still ajar. The next couple of elections could close it completely or throw it wide open.
However, the idea of a truly free college for everyone—a system where fundamental public education is no longer considered K-12 but K-16, appears out of the country’s grasp for now—and people have, for the most part, stopped reaching.
We need free college for everyone, presumably because free high school has proven so spectacularly effective.
If college can be free, why can’t everything be free? We just need to abolish money and Utopia can begin!
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Democratic aides are working to convince lawmakers that debt-free college is an idea that they should get behind.
All they are trying to do is change who has to pay the debt for all that college.
I have a feeling I’m going to pay for it one way or the other.
Where do I back-invoice for the eighties?
I can’t help but think that the real goal here is to force people into government indoctrination centers for even longer. Further infantilize the youth and get them hooked on the gravy early. I’m sure some dumb fuck probably also looks at the voting demographics of those with degrees and thinks that if we just made everyone smarter with more schooling, Democrats would finally have their permanent majority. As a country, we already send the highest rates off to college, though. We send too many. The progressive goal here isn’t to duplicate what they have in Europe, but to rip it of its few saving graces (like, they don’t force everyone to go to college – they in fact ration it and send the others off to learn trades) and use to increase their power.
^^^This this this.
That’s the detail they seem to forget. Yes the German government will pay for college but one will have to take exams to qualify for a “college track”, and I doubt they have much slots open for ___ studies majors.
If you scratch a prog hard enough you can get them admit that their fantasy health care will have to be rationed. I don’t how they think the same won’t apply to education.
Online education?
It will help some people but I don’t think it’s as effective as personal instruction myself.
I guess people learn differently because I infinitely prefer it. Can never go back to a synchronous, in person environment. That goes for work too.
It depends on the subject. For some topics, a good lecture works best for me. For others, especially technical matters, I have to actually try the work.
I went to a state university for my BS and got my MPA online. Some subjects I think it works, I doubt I would ever catch on to my chemistry courses at all online.
Local school offers many of their chemistry sequences online. Some are online lab, some have optional or required in person labs (as all day sessions so only a couple days vs 5 hours a week for a term). Not enough for a Chem BS, but enough to satisfy the chem or science requirements for many majors.
We send too many. The progressive goal here isn’t to duplicate what they have in Europe, but to rip it of its few saving graces…
And that, more than anything, is the whole point. What we’ve been running is, in many ways, an educational Ponzi scheme. We push marginally qualified students through knowing full well they aren’t college material. They’re shuffled though largely in the wreckage that is the current state of the humanities. For that to work, though, you need to create “post-college jobs” for the people you pushed through in the humanities. To make that work, you need to require degrees for more and more entry-level jobs. At least some of the rest, you push into administration. Both of those, options, however, mean you have to bring in even more (increasingly marginal) students as time goes on. The goal isn’t to help students (a bursting of the higher ed bubble would do that much more), but to keep the whole higher education system afloat.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit doing heroin.
There’s a right week?
/Keith Richards
Next week.
Product. Merchandise. Etc.
You can’t explicitly call it heroin.
paywalled, incognito doesn’t work
May have already been posted.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
Christ, what an asshole.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner:
that was great!
See, that’s what happens when you don’t abide by the Iron Laws:
Me today, you tomorrow.
Kav’s confirmation is critical. the Left no doubt is working tirelessly to derail it. i don’t want to jinx it b/c September 24th is still two long weeks away.
I am in terrible shape. I am old. I have RA. I drink too much.
I have 60 acres to plant by hand – walking from one end to the other (2,400 feet) in rows 8 feet apart and planting tree seeds every 8 feet. I may be doing it without any assistance.
I will take my time and go slow. If I dont survive it y’all have a toast for me.
Pace yourself.
What type(s) of trees are you planting?
Black walnut, black cherry, white oak , red oak, pecan, hickory, pine, yellow poplar, and various others (persimmon, redbud, paw paw, black gum)
I have most of the seed now, others to be collected later. The planting will be in late february. The various others will be planted within 25 yards of the creek, most of the black walnut on the hillside on the back of the property.
Probably 50% pine on the bulk of it and the rest mixed.
I am shooting for veneer logs in 40 years. I will be long in the ground myself by then. The grand children will be the beneficiaries. It should be worth a fortune by then.
That sounds very cool. I can’t remember if you’ve said ages for your g’kids? Too young to help plant some of their inheritance? 😉
I’ve looked at paw-paws a bit. The dang things intrigue me. There are some cultivars being developed for northern climates and I’d like to try to plant a couple. I was just looking at it for the fruit. Is the wood desirable as well, or are you just planting them for diversity?
“I am in terrible shape. I am old. I drink too much.”
If you can manage to plant 60 acres of trees on foot, you’re doing OK.
I am in terrible shape. I am old. I drink
too muchexactly the right amount.If my liver can’t handle the load, I’ll fire the lazy fucker and get a new one.
Don’t think it’s my liver that is the problem. I’m overweight, again, and now I apparently have asthma. No surprise since i’m predisposed for it, I’ve had fairly severe allergies all my life and asthma is one thing that seems to run in my family. Now I guess I better get to the doctor so they can pawn their latest designer device or drug on me. I hate doctors.
Can we get an uffda in here, stat? Where’s Pope Jimbo?
I’ve been following (roughly) this diet – and it works pretty well for me. I’m not a big breakfast guy (food turns my stomach in the morning so take note).
Morning: Glass of Almond Milk
Mid-morning snack: Handful of almonds
Lunch: 3oz of sliced turkey on baby spinach salad. Add your favorite non-dairy, high-fat dressing. (Alternative: veggie burger, no bun.)
Mid-afternoon snack: seed crackers with hummus. like 3-4oz of hummus, not the whole tub
Supper: grass-fed burger, steak, or chicken stir fry with another – you guessed it – salad
8PMish – Dessert: a single ice cream bon-bon from Trader Joe’s
Add in extra calories from gin & diet tonic. On Wednesday night I allow myself two beers and hamburger (no bun) and french fries.
Your salad needs bacon.
Seems like a good enough regimen for a Road Warrior.
That’s pretty strict during the day. The only thing I might take another look at is the almond milk – that can be high-sugar/carb.
They make unsweetened versions.
I just got around to weighing myself yesterday after missing the last couple Fridays… oof. I was 210-211 the day of my wedding on the 25th, now I’ve been slacking off recuperating, avoiding the heat (88-92F, 103-105F heat index every day, ugh), and eating all the leftovers (so much BBQ, so much mac and cheese, so much cake…) and I’m up to 214 again. I’ve gained back at least an inch in my waist, and my stamina and endurance are down.
Once the hurricane passes, I’ll get some exercise cleaning up after it and then get back to what I had been doing with walks and occasional weight stuff. Maybe toss in some yoga, but I always say that. It’s really discouraging being stuck doing beginner forms of the poses because I’m not as flexible or skinny as I was when I was in my late teens/early 20s, when I used to be able to do advanced poses. But I suppose I can’t get back to it if I don’t start doing it at all.
But I suppose I can’t get back to it if I don’t start doing it at all.
I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had this conversation:
Them: “X will take years to show any benefits, so we haven’t started on it yet.”
Me: “Sounds to me like a good reason to get started on it immediately. Right? *dead-eyed stare*”
Yeah… the real discouragement isn’t realizing how much of a lardass I am every time I do yoga, it’s the fact that the first time I started doing yoga when I was… 17? I jumped right to the intermediate poses for most of the poses, and in 2 months was doing advanced stuff. Now I’m having to take breaks from downward dog. >.< But yeah, I just need to quit being so lazy (lazy is what got me fat in the first place) and suck it up.
I’m in. I’m at 183 but should be around 172 or so. My problem is I’ve been working out on and off for many years, and I think the gain is mostly muscular (as in I look different in the mirror … I’m toned but not cut but I do have some lower back fat to shed)
Alright, I’m in for this 10-week period (and Mrs. Nomad too). I like the idea of HIIT, but prefer the efficiency of Tabata sessions. It’s only 4 minutes. I’ve done it with squat-thrusts and on a recumbent exercise bike. I just need to do it regularly. I also want to get back into lifting weights on a regular basis. I’d like to regain some strength and develop some endurance while losing about 20 lbs. Then I may get back into playing competitive volleyball without risking injury (or being embarrassingly bad).