Under crushing deadline from work, and my kids haven’t slept worth a crap this week. Friday afternoon has come too late… I started drinking at 11:30 this morning. I’m not sure this will help my productivity, but I FEEL better about the work I’m doing. How the hell are all of you? It made me wish the flavor of string theory with infinite little pocket dimensions were true. I’d set one up with a sweet little bedroom and nap every fucking day. Zero seconds lost in this universe. Get on this, eggheads!
Here’s a list of the oldest building in every US state. Europe has underwear older than any of these.
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, BBC ponders whether Heathers is too much for today’s sensitivities. Name one other movie in the 80s featuring parental acceptance homosexual male behavior (and implied incest). Or one that offered such a hand up to the disabled as the ending. Ahead of its time, not insensitive
Every man has a mother, and every mother thinks its someone else’s fault when her son goes bad.
Thankfully, libertarians have the magic power of the autism spectrum to protect themselves from this new tactic in the robot uprising.
A lot of mid-90s pop is not as good as I remember it. This one is at least fun.
Here’s a list of the oldest building in every US state. Europe has underwear older than any of these.
It’s too bad they haven’t washed it in 250 years, it’s starting to get a biosystem.
Grow* a biosystem
We’re from America, where we think 100 years is a long time. They’re from Europe, where they think 100 miles is a long distance.
I note the oldest building in CO goes back to 1190. I’ve been to some pueblos in NM, surprised that none of them are the oldest in that state.
I have been to the oldest building in every state I have lived in except Massachusetts.
Yeah they must have some kind of strict definition on what a building is, because there are Anasazi ruins in the Four Corners area that are older than anything in Europe.
Some of the cities too.
It’s too early to drink.
I don’t have any drinkable beer in the house, dammit. To add insult to injury, my wife is at a happy hour at dogfish head.
*contemplates a run to the convenience store*
Surely, you have drinkable something? I mean, because if not, what kind of shitlord are you? What are your orphans doing?
The orphans are too busy on my latest mining project, radium. They’re too grotesque looking to do my beer runs for me anymore
Better than asbestos. That’s what I’ve got mine on and they’re dropping like flies. I might actually have to invest in *retch* safety equipment to keep the numbers up.
BAH! Latency period for asbestos is many years for cancer. Unless it is so dusty they are scouring their lungs out with grade 3 asbestosis…. dang, if that is the case, RESPECT FOR Q!
I learned long ago, in fact I learned if from someone here. That’s why you keep your house stocked with liquor, even if you almost never drink it. In case you run out of beer. Else you could wind up in the horrifying situation I once found myself in where you actually attempt to drink wine, which has no alcohol in it and tastes like grapes with piss in it. You don’t want to go there.
Leave the Maddog 20/20 on the shelf and try drinking some real wine.
Trust me, I’ve drank plenty of ‘real’ wine. It all sucks sweaty green donkey ballz.
It’s better than beer.
I’m sorry you were born with such a disadvantaged palate.
You want OMWC to use steganography software to embed his “secret stash” in your forum avatar before contacting the authorities?
Because this is how you do it.
MD 20/20 is the only real wine!
Accept no substitute.
Any PORT in a storm amirite?
yuk yuk yuk
Fonseca, ftw.
Taylor Fladgate, asshole. Not that Fonseca shit.
I think you helped me finish all my ’70 Taylor, dammit.
I’ve got “one” bottle of ‘70 Fonseca. I will agree that Taylor is tops.
My wife used to work for the importer that represented both Fonseca and Taylor Fladgate. Our wine cellar is full of bottles of both of them, which we rarely touch. If you are into Ports let us know the next time you are in the Bay Area, we’d be delighted to share as much as you care to down of both any evening.
CA, you have no idea what you’re getting into. But yes, yes, yes.
Our liquor cabinet usually has around 10 gallons of liquor in it (not counting liqueurs). There’s generally nearly another gallon of beer in the garage fridge, too (a half gallon growler and misc. bottles). Plus about a dozen bottles of wine (all gifts) that we keep in the unlikely event we have guests. Who like wine, that is.
Oh, and I forgot the six bottles of 20+ year old port, aging comfortably in my closet.
I like wine.
*plans raid on Casa Dean*
“Now, where would the port be….”
*racks slide*
The port is in the closet. In the bedroom. Where the Dean Beast with the bad attitude “sleeps”.
*retargets the ’70 Fonseca*
Can’t remember the year exactly (maybe mid-90s?), but its Grahams.
Actually, there are five bottles still in storage. These are reserved for anniversaries, and we opened one earlier this year.
And dayum, was it good.
Well, I tried sending my daughter on a beer run, but she couldn’t quite figure out the Fred Flintstone thing with her red and yellow car. Instead, we turned the trip into a family bonding experience.
“This is Total Wine, sweetie. Its a total misnomer because they also have excellent beer. In 18 years, you need to find a job that will let you afford to shop here.”
I miss total wine. I don’t even know where the closest one is. They’re all neutered here because of the commie ABC stores
I’ll start @ 6, with dinner.
You mean you’ll start with 6 at dinner.
He’s Irish?
It’s never too early to drink. Sometimes it is too late to start drinking. I should have started already but I thought I was going to be good. I hit my booze limit for the week. I decided to ignore the limit after how work went.
Not really a ‘limit’ then, is it? 😉
It’s my version of the penaltax.
This beer is excellent.
Yes it is. A couple of years back they released another solid porter. I haven’t seen that one back on the shelves since, looks like it’s been demoted to a pub exclusive.
Damn. That looks good.
Yep. When it’s cold.
Stouts and porters are apropos year round.
Yep. Going to have a Yeti (or two) from Great Divide when I get home tonight. Well, after I work out.
The amber ale and vanilla porter are definitely the best of the Breckenridge craft pack I bought yesterday. Just about to pop another of both of them.
Breckenridge Brewery
I officially declare beer o’clock! DRANK!
Not quite yet, I have shopping to do first,
Then BEER!
No shopping, no speed limits, no one is going to slow me down.
Europe has underwear older than any of these.
They do. And they never, ever, shut the fuck up about it.
My brother in law pulled a good one years ago in the old country. Some guy was going on and on and on about the buildings in Genoa where he was visiting. Beautiful this, sophisticated that. Blah, blah. Of course he was right but….my BIL who is a Ford F-150 GC, camper, American muscle car sort of guy trolls him and says in Italian, ‘Nice. But I’d tear it all down and put up condos American style.’ The guy’s face dropped, while my sister was embarrassed – but she admitted to laughing.
Perfect. Buy him a beer from me next time you see him.
*laughs, while looking at picture of himself standing on the 6 millennia old Ziggurat at Ur*
You weren’t the asshole that left a bag of Doritos at the Ziggurat were you!?!?!?!
Certainly not!
I narrowed my gaze at all my soldiers…if they had as much as dropped a crumb, I would have shot them myself.
/BA, MA in History
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?
Osama’s mother looks like a man in drag.
She reminds me of the Kids in the Hall poster I have hanging in my reading room/office:
That’s uncanny.
I know, eh?!
I think the Kids is hotter though.
Are we sure this interview is legit? I mean could it be a Sacha Baron Cohen sketch?
Ok, that is freakin’ eerie
She also seems to be wearing her carpet. Beautiful as it is.
What? You don’t think she’s a GILF? LOL.
He looks like her.
Burqas exist for a reason.
RE: Begging robots.
Are these sex bots? Special versions designed for serial killers?
The wife and I go out of our way to remind the kids that machines / robots whatever aren’t people and shouldn’t be addressed as such. Hopefully they’ll be able to pull the trigger on the little bastards when they try to kill us all.
this new tactic in the robot uprising
Begging for something to not happen will be the key to successful sexbot sales.
This is getting really tiresome.
Call me when they bring rifles and actually start killing each other, otherwise the LARPing is just tedious.
The slap fights are funny, though.
“Counter-protestors are promising to meet Gibson and his followers head on. A handful of leftist groups have organized a counter action on Facebook, “Resist Patriot Prayer: Violent Alt-Right Bigots Off Our Streets.”
Four groups – Eugene Antifa, Rose City Antifa, RASH NW and Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective – have banded together for the confrontation.
“We make no apologies for the use of force in keeping our communities safe from the scourge of right-wing violence. Make no mistake, these people are coming here with the intent to harm and threaten people,” the event’s posting states.”
Sure, Jan.
So they are announcing their intent to be violent. Sadly (and without irony/sarcasm), I’m sure the Portland po-po are fine with that, and won’t do anything to prevent it.
It’s bound to happen eventually and it won’t be pretty.
It might happen this weekend. The Portland po-po has been allowing anti-fa to carry cudgels and ASPs and such, and then allowed them to interact with the Patriot Prayer guys after disarming them. (There’s a great video of a antifa loser attacking a downed PP guy with an asp, turning around and trying to hit another PP guy and then getting knocked the fuck out by his intended target).
This rally though is in an area where the cops can’t stop the PP guys from conceal carrying. Been lots of hysteria about it. I suspect Antifa doesn’t show up in quite the force they are claiming and thanks to Oregon being a stand your ground state, we could see some dead commies.
“we could see some dead commies”
I’d like to see both sides lose, but this outcome is not unfavorable.
Along those lines, I did see a guy at the gym yesterday wearing a “FUCK ANTIFA” shirt. He was not the kind of guy you would want to pick a fight with either.
Notice how they refuse to call Antifa ‘far left’.
Great. I’m going to Portland later this month.
The nonsense is relatively easy to avoid. If you need any suggestions or anything let me know. Kennath can vouch that I will not STEVE SMITH fellow glibs.
I don’t remember any foul play.
Rohypnol is a hell of a drug.
Speaking of that I have a colonoscopy scheduled next month. Not sure what shit they plied me with last time, but of ALL of the substances I consumed in my younger years, none wiped me out like that; chunks of time that just flat out vanished.
Thanks. Renting a car and staying at a friend’s close to the airport for a night, then driving to Lincoln City. I’m only familiar with Lincoln City so any Portland advice would help…
Depends on how much time you have to kill, what night of the week, and the sort of shenanigans you like to get into. If you drink, there are dozens of good places to get beer or local made spirits. Lots of good food from funk food carts to several high end places that are regular James Beard Award finalists for the PNW.
They’ve also got I5/I84 connector all fucked up until September.
But if you’re staying in the NE part of Portland, there’s plenty that’s going to be close to you. Feel free to email me at my user name @gmail.com if you’re friends don’t have ideas.
I notice that shit never happens in Crockett, Texas or Shreveport, La or anywhere other than deep blue bubbles.
Great musical selection. I like those dudes.
Another good one.
I almost posted that one. I started with Sponge, because I heard one of their songs on the radio and thought it wasn’t bad. Then I saw the old videos and remembered how much they reminded me of trying to be STP. So then I went to STP, and couldn’t get into it. So Flaming Lips it was.
Sixteen candles down the drain
That’s all I remember of Sponge
Surely, you’ve heard their song Plowed.
Who posted that link about the German concert currently going on near Hamburg, in an article earlier today? Anyone remember? I’m still trying to figure out who the band was that was then playing on the livestream. A thicc blonde with a fiddle and another chick playing a flute like Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull.
It was Leap.
Oh yes. Do you know who that band is?
Jethrine Tull?
Oh, I answered your pepper questions in the other thread.
Thanks. These are from today. I couldn’t get there yesterday because of the rain. There are all off the same plant, and by the looks of them, I assume most are going to be firey hot.
I have so many I think I need to put them in the food processor and then freeze them for cooking? Not sure what the best method to store them is.
I freeze them whole. Then again I have a deep freezer (it’s much colder than the freezer section of a fridge).
You can also smoke or dry them.
Thanks, again. I have a LOT of tomatoes on, but they are all green, because I assume it will not stop raining. If we have a couple of days of sunshine I will have a lot of tomatoes. The peppers don’t seem to care, they just keep coming and getting ripe regardless.
I pickle them in a salt brine with carrots and onions. Great for burrito coverins.
I have some of that in my fridge I bought in a can at the local market. Talk about hot jalapenos, good lawd, those are hot!
Chop them up, then simmer in a vinegar/water mix, add garlic etc.. if so desired, once soften up give it a half-assed draining and then puree, put puree mix in oak barrels ( before you put the pepper mix in drill a bunch of small holes in the top) store in a cool place and cover the holey lid with about an inch of salt to keep out bacteria, three-to eleven years later you will have a really good pepper sauce.
Step 1 – buy bacon and cheese
Step 2 – make jalapeno poppers
Step 3 – profit
Is that a STEVE SMITH sticker on the singer’s guitar?
I might actually fire up the latest version of No Man’s SKY. The most hated game of all time. The last update, NEXT, looks awesome, just stunning graphically. I can’t say much about the gameplay yet, I’ve only spent less than an hour on it. But a lot of people are saying it’s a totally new game.
Makes me feel better about holding off on buying it. I got burned years ago by Spore promising some of the same shit. And my backlog of games is large enough that I don’t need to pay full price for a game anymore.
Just ordered a new heinously overpriced laptop because my hard drive controller send to be going bad.
I’m looking forward to revisiting some games at fantasmic settings
Are you on Discord? I hear multiplayer is actually a thing in NMS now and who better to group up with than fellow glibs who want to be left the hell alone.
“Are you on Discord? I hear multiplayer is actually a thing in NMS now and who better to group up with than fellow glibs who want to be left the hell alone.”
Nope, I don’t play multiplayer. But yes, multiplayer is now a real thing. Coop is ok, but no multiplayer for me. I learned that lesson with RUST and GTA 5. Humans really suck.
Between cleavage, sideboob and underboob, I definitely favor cleavage. However, I’m nothing if not accommodating to Glibs who may feel otherwise, so here you go.
I don’t care if 11’s photo is doctored, it gets an A. 12: tranny, drug addict or both? 16 seems like a great fishing buddy. 29 is borderline between THICC and John. 40 is what I imagine the girlfriend of a cartel boss looks like.
Lucky 13 wins!
Is #41 Sara Jean Underwould?
Would put Sara Jean under wood.
1, 13, 41.
Dang! I’m at work and can’t check these out. Guess I’ll have something to look forward to after the workout (and while enjoying some beer).
3 for me please!
The girls in 19, all night long.
As someone prophecised yesterday, quit correctly, our little excitement at Wright-Patt seems to have almost immediately devolved into a mult-jurisdictional shitshow .
And Im still sober.
not for long…..
Sup Tres!
Stop being a bad influence on our fellow glibs, Yusef, you shitlord.
I haven’t had a Beer yet, whatever do you mean?
It’s late enough for Tres IMO, and Yes I’m a Shitlord. Hell I’m even a White Guy
I haven’t had a Beer yet, whatever do you mean?
You should have a beer. If not, I’ll have one for you.
I join in support of DEG, I’m having a beer for Yusef also. And obviously one for Tres, who he is obviously trying to corrupt with shitlord ways. There’s only one way to stop this, more beer, so be it!
For you, Yusef. It’s good.
As someone prophecised yesterday
*buffs monocle with tanned orphan leather*
How am I only now finding out about this person?
I love trolling.
Does he only know that one song?
What other song do you need to know?
Africa by Toto, of course.
Don’t Stop Believin’!
Wake me up before you go-go?
If he’s a sax player, Baker Street.
Ok, fair enough.
That guy only wishes he were this guy.
The place I grew up in stopped being a republic before America was even discovered.
You’re almost Scandinavian. Almost.
OT: How in the world did Holmes manage to get such major players for her scam? I get the odd venture capitalist or some big fish but the list she bagged (hoodwinked) was impressive. Goes to show no matter how smart or experience you think you may have, you’re one step away from falling for those dudes running shell games on every corner in NYC back in the day.
How in the world did Holmes manage to get such major players for her scam?
Mostly, for the same reason Hotsy Trotsky gets air time. She’s a good looking woman, which lowers the IQ on men and, in her case, got a lot of women all lathered up about one of their own being a mogul.
Two things people get stupid for, sex and money; she was playing off both.
Hotsy Trotsky?
She Guevara
Pol Twat. Karla Marx.
That doesn’t look right.
Occasional-Cortex is also acceptable.
The others are good, but this is the first laugh out loud one, since it plays off her actual name.
Señorita Stalin?
Bolivarian Barbie?
Gulag Barbie
Dumbshit Horseface
I’m kind of partial to this one.
Describes too many people though.
I had it narrowed down to Cortez or Huma.
I like this.
Commie Cunt
I like this too.
I like vulgarity.
Mamacita Commie
Red Curtains
Bolshevik Clam
The Gulag Gash
New super hero, Gash Gulag.
[citation needed]
Agreed. Weird looking chick.
Latina Olive Oyl.
I thought we were talking about Elizabeth Holmes, who is nobody’s Latina.
Who definitely needs a nickname, BTW. I’m sure Hotsy would be happy to redistribute some of hers. “No one needs 8 derisive nicknames”.
You missed the tangent going off on?
Loony Lizzy?
Like with Hotsy, we’re grading on a curve here.
Chips’ explanation is better, but I think one of the reasons they wanted it to be true was because the front person was a good-looking blonde. As with Hotsy, I don’t think Triggly Puff would have gotten the same results.
Holmes is one of those people who takes really nice posed/portrait shots, and really odd candid shots.
I’ll take the “Celeb No Bra Day” picture of Charlotte McKinney clickbait in the sidebar.
“Elizabeth Holmes net worth is $4, 5 billion dollars.”
Whoah. Who would look her in her crazy eyes and decide to give her money? She looks like an extra from every movie with insane asylum.
Yep and the turtleneck doesn’t help either.
I am guessing colored contacts.
She has the”I don’t blink often enough” look
Crazy eyes outweigh the body on that one.
I’d do her again.
They wanted it to be true, sooo bad.
to clarify, they wanted a woman to make this kind of breakthrough. Regular dude, would have gotten tossed aside.
You could ask the same of Musk
Young woman. Everyone wants in on the “First XXX to do YYY!!!”
Repost from midday article:
My disappointment that this didn’t happen in San Francisco is counterbalanced by my elation that this happened in Florida.
It probably has, it’s just not news in SF.
“Thigh’s the limit! Sports Illustrated model Georgia Gibbs puts on a leggy display in a spotted frock… after revealing she was bullied at school for her ample curves”
Ample curves?
Are those her real legs or is she riding a giant chicken?
Does she dance wi6h Henry?
“With”; I’m on my tablet.
What kind of tablets are you taking?
Not the good kind. 🙁
Maybe she grew up in Auschwitz.
Mika Brzezinski’s identical twin?
I was bullied!
Translated: Somebody teased me once
This has to be a troll job.
“she was bullied by girls at school for her statuesque frame and ample curves”
Yeah, it was tough for me at school, guys kept making fun of me for my big dick and tall stature. 🙁
Speaking of getting the weekend started early, someone *definitely* smoked a joint in my office bathroom.
Between that and the fish microwaving, it’s been an eventful day in lame-o white collar land.
“someone *definitely* smoked a joint in my office bathroom.”
And they didn’t offer to share? You didn’t see Obama around there anywhere, did you?
Was the fish microwaving with malicious intent?
Even if it was just reckless it’s still death penalty eligible.
I’ve done worse things to a microwave.
The context wasn’t sexual for me, but if you’re German, it might be for you.
So you were microwaving Scheisse? Extra kinky.
Kinky? So it IS sexual for you.
Don’t judge.
Surely there’s a way to upper deck a microwave.
fish microwaving
This violates NAP. You are now morally obligated to murder everyone in the office.
They’re doing it wrong anyway. The proper way to microwave a fish is to put it in there for an hour on a Friday when you’re the least person to leave for the weekend. Let the whole office steep in the fragrance for 2 1/2 days. ??? Profit.
Same guy that microwaved the fish.
“It has been 17 years now [since 9/11] and she remains in denial about Osama,” Ahmad says. “She loved him so much and refuses to blame him. Instead, she blames those around him. She only knows the good boy side, the side we all saw. She never got to know the jihadist side.
At least others in the family realize Osama was shitty.
Neighbour: Ahmad, you notice Osama getting all jihady?
Ahmad: I KILL YOU!
Neighbour: Sheesh, calm down.
Ahmad: Tea?
OK, who’s going to fess up?
Do blow up dolls count?
Florida MAN!
Peak Florida.
Old news
Are you sure that’s his momma? I’d run away too.
Good lord, they hired a real sweetheart there.
“If I had a bazillion dollars, I’d buy the NYT just for the pleasure of firing Tom Friedman.”
Wait, I’m starting to like this girl. Will you fire Bruni also? No wait, fire them both at the same time and then clean out their desks and throw it all out the window before making both of them strip nekked before leaving the building?
That is too perfect. I love life.
Ok, smarter than I thought, but shithouse rat crazy.
Brooks is an absolute nitwit tho
That one checks out.
“The NYT claimed that Jeong was “imitating” the behavior of people who harassed her online, but this does not explain why she was tweeting “fuck the police” and encouraging people to “kill all men.”
In addition, Jeong repeatedly tweeted about killing men, and joked that, even if only “bad men” were killed, that would still include all men.
She tweeted in 2014, “kill more men,” and seemed to sadly state at one point, “I’m likely to actually kill zero men in my lifetime.”
White women were not spared from Jeong’s rage — during the 2016 election she eloquently tweeted “fuck white women lol.””
There She Is, Miss America
“And I don’t think the New York Times should fire her — in part because they largely share her views on race, gender, and oppression. Their entire hiring and editorial process is based on them. In their mind, Jeong was merely caught defending herself. As Vox writer Zack Beauchamp put it: “A lot of people on the internet today [are] confusing the expressive way antiracists and minorities talk about ‘white people’ with actual race-based hatred, for some unfathomable reason.” I have to say that word “expressive” made me chuckle out loud. (But would Beauchamp, I wonder, feel the same way if anti-racists talked about Jews in the same manner Jeong talks about whites? Aren’t Jews included in the category of whites?)
The editors of the Verge, where Jeong still works, described any assertion of racism in Jeong’s tweets as “dishonest and outrageous,” a function of bad faith and an attack on journalism itself. Scroll through left-Twitter and you find utter incredulity that demonizing white people could in any way be offensive. That’s the extent to which loathing of and contempt for “white people” is now background noise on the left. What many don’t seem to understand is that their view of racism isn’t shared by the public at large, and that the defense of it by institutions like the New York Times will only serve to deepen the kind of resentment that gave us Trump. Last night, for instance, Fox News made the most of the Times’ excuses for race-baiting.
Yes, we all live on campus now. The neo-Marxist analysis of society, in which we are all mere appendages of various groups of oppressors and oppressed, and in which the oppressed definitionally cannot be at fault, is now the governing philosophy of almost all liberal media. That’s how the Washington Post can provide a platform for raw misandry, and the New York Times can hire and defend someone who expresses racial hatred. The great thing about being in the social justice movement is how liberating it can feel to give voice to incendiary, satisfying bigotry — and know that you’re still on the right side of history.”
Today, in goat news.
I wasn’t near there and I don’t own a fucking goat!
Oh, goats. I thought LeBron James changed teams again.
Wake me up before you goat-goat?
Stop linking to Afghani porn.
You can make a lot of money during fire season with a herd of goats.
Mmmm, cabrito.
From the replies to the Stupid Sarah Jeong ripping on NYT tweets:
Overlords take note: I will be VERY DISAPPOINTED in you if I don’t see this as an into pic to the lynx one of these days.
For you Goose haters.
Goose was the best RIO ever!
Hand of God, wow
Sure, Gossage can be a crotchety bastard, but hating him? That’s too much.
Right in front of the Aaron’s, too. Sad.
I larfed. I hope to decrease the population in a couple of months. Goose breast pastrami for the win.
No mustard seed? I AM OUTRAGED
“I have been a parent for my entire adult life and have worked with my whole heart for my children to never have to deal with what the government is now saying they must deal with. Because someone has weaponized the system against us with a false report.”
So clearly the answer is more government.
We need common sense government control
There oughta be a law!
sending CPS is a bridge too far.
A situation where all sides are assholes.
It is an asshole move that deserves a serious beatdown.
Oh, absolutely. Now Talcum X just needs to complete the circle and realize that a government given that kind of power can use it in all sorts of evil ways, and maybe he’ll learn something for once in his fuckin’ life.
Yeah, “someone” didn’t weaponize the system HE and his allies weaponized the system, someone else just pointed the gun the progressives created at him
Not a fan of CPS, but this is a little fishy.
There was definitely more than an “anonymous complaint”.
Not really, an anonymous complaint is all that is needed.
My ex wife pulled that shit on me. Lucky for me she was too stupid to change her livejournal password so we were able to log in and show the social worker immediately the posts where she and a friend were discussing getting revenge on me
Your ex-wife isn’t a disinterested party.
I’m not trying to minimize what you went through. I’m sure it could have been awful if you hadn’t gotten lucky.
But, in this case, he’s making it sound like some random stranger on the internet made an anonymous phone call. It doesn’t work that way.
Actually that is exactly the way to worked in my case. My wife is not the one who made the call but rather she had the friend, who was only an internet friend that had never met me in real life make the call.
So a random person from out of state called and made specific allegations of child abuse it was sufficient to trigger an investigation
So Urban Meyer, who didn’t know anything about Zach Smith’s 2015 incident, now says he knew about it and that he reported it.
So why’d he lie at Big 10 media days?
Or maybe he knows he’s gone and is trying to throw OSU under the bus to make sure he gets the $38 million left under his contract.
Because he thought it was a throwaway question and didn’t want it to become a big deal?
I heard he reported it to Joe Paterno.
Yeah, ok…
To the author:
Try harder.
Hmmm….. the guy has a blue check mark on twitter
fake news
I am a gun owner but even I….
Everyone knows that the only reason anyone ever votes for someone is because they fit in the same artificial identity niche.
Can you describe your platform?
Sure, Mexicans.
“Vote for me because…*La Cucaracha starts playing*”
Well. I know who I’m not voting for.
I’m Peach was on sale last month for 4 bucks a bottle, so I got a whole bunch.
I just opened the last one.
Cheap beer vs. politics.
In my book, cheap beer wins every time.
(note: this beer is not normally cheap. I got it half off.)
If I remember when this was brought up before, they seem to be just having fun with the impeach/peach beer thing, not actually calling for political action. more satirical than political.
Correct. Stone was being more satirical. That said, I’m pretty sure Stone co-founder Greg Koch is a typical southern CA lefty.
that sounds refreshing. i had a triple peach a few weeks ago. it was terrible. tasted like schnapps.
I am so disappointed in you.
I buy whatever Costco manipulates me into buying.
$4! That’s a damn good price. I know the sale has since passed. But, where was this?
EDIT: Ah, Costco. It’s hit or miss with good beer at Costco. Also depends on the location. They had six packs of 12oz cans of Ballast Point Sculpin for $8, an excellent beer that is often highly overpriced (usually $13 – $15 for a six pack; if I’m spending that much on a six pack, it damn well better be an imperial at 9% or more ABV).
‘…my beautiful queer daughter…’
“I love my dead, gay, football playin’ sons!”
I don’t think that’s what she was doing.
“Is it okay to make fun of white people online?”
Making fun of =/= being overtly racist
There is difference between making fun of white people online and saying you wish they would all die or disappear.
You’re just being reactionary
This is getting ridiculous.
Is he gonna have to apologize for spending all that extra time masturbating in the bathroom too?
Only if he didn’t clean up
Maybe they have that guy who wipes down the loads
Damn, do you think my saying “Girls have Cooties” back in 4th grade will come back to haunt me if I run for office?
Sexist! #metoo
I don’t know which bothers me more.
The fact that someone is having to apoligize for tweets they made in middle school
The fact that people in middle school recently enough for twitter to be a thing are now in College
“Could geico really save u 15% or more on car insurance??…….Do black guys like flamin hot cheetos?? Hahaha no affence black guys!” read the second tweet.
That’s it? Black guys liking Flaming Hot Cheetos? That’s “racism” in 2018? Talk about devaluing the fucking word.
I happen to be the whitest white guy on the planet and I love flamin’ hot cheetos. I dont allow them in the house because they turn me into the cookie monster. I had no idea this was a thing.
My wife’s a Filipino, and she loves flamin’ hot Cheetos.
Yesterday, a black doll was found hanging at an historic black site in Philly. Pandemonium. Mayor Kenney immediately says it is because Trump has unleashed the forces of hate, yada yada yada. By evening, a couple pre-teenaged black kids admit they did it to “creep people out.” Today, State GOP chairman demands apology from gun-jumping Mayor. So far, crickets.
Why would he apologize? He gains nothing for doing so.
It wasn’t Zombie Lester Maddox? NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!
Yeah any parent who has ever had a 3 year old is utterly immune to this shit. We’ve seen it all and just want you to go the f**k to sleep
I try not to manually deactivate my children. Apparently both blows to the head and asphyxiation to loss of consciousness isn’t good for the developing brain.
That’s what the Rohypnol is for.
Benadryl…..the $6 babysitter
Some parents fall for that shit. It’s not good.
Google says no to US military, yes to China:
Intent on abiding by its founding motto, “Don’t Be Evil,” Google announced in June that it would not participate in a U.S. military program seeking to apply artificial intelligence to drone technology. This week it has been reported that Google is attempting to reintroduce its flagship search engine into China, albeit with censoring and surveillance filters demanded by the Chinese government. This does not compute.
Eight years ago, Google co-founder Sergey Brin pulled the company out of China, telling The Wall Street Journal that “in some aspects of their policy, particularly with respect to censorship, with respect to surveillance of dissidents, I see some earmarks of totalitarianism.” That was true then and is more so now. China is famously using advanced technology to erect an Orwellian surveillance state.
But like other companies, Google has concluded it cannot sacrifice access to China’s market, which is now dominated by the Chinese search-engine company Baidu. That means conforming itself to China’s rules on social control of the internet. Google hasn’t decided whether to proceed with this search-engine initiative, but clearly no license will be granted unless the company agrees to give Chinese censors access to the site’s vast internal information.
That means conforming itself to China’s rules on social control of the internet.
So much for “Don’t Be Evil”.
no license will be granted unless the company agrees to give Chinese censors access to the site’s vast internal information.
I still use Google for searching. If they sign up with China, I will purge every molecule of Google from every device I own. Bad enough that the NSA has access to their data, but the commies? No fucking way.
New York progginess for the win.
““I’ve experienced the pain of losing a child. The grief can be unpredictable and overwhelming,” Funke said in a statement. “No employee should have to fear losing their job in order to take the time they need to mourn.”“
Three months…
And they’ll be ungrateful little shits about us taking up their slack.
I had some stuff go down last month.
4 days. Unpaid. Fuck that guy.
I keep waiting for this nonsense to price my job out of New York.
To be honest, 3 months is not enough time to get over real grieving, that takes months or even years. That being said, I don’t see any reason why an employer should be held responsible for that. This is just more wrong headed non-sense.
Depends on how you grieve. For a child, I imagine it would take forever.
Yeah, I can see that. But again, punishing employers is not a cure. Only time is a cure, if there is one.
One of my great aunts was murdered by her boss in the 70s. My mom said my great grandfather was never the same. Went from an outgoing playful bull of a man to a withdrawn, quiet, stoic man.
It takes the rest of your life. It never ends. Parents? It takes a little while to come to grips with. Siblings? That is a little harder. Children? That doesnt end.
I imagine it would take forever.
Me, too. And I don’t think time off work will really do much to help. Hell, going to work as an attempt to maintain normalcy is probably healthier.
I’d think that a week or two to settle down from the rawness of it would be helpful, but I agree. Time off would only delay your establishing a new normal.
Took me years to get I’ve my dad. Maybe three months of paid leave would have shortened that. Yeah, no.
My mother’s employer gave her open-ended leave. She went back to work about a week after my dad died because if she didn’t, she’d break down. It kept her busy and focused.
Nothing worse than too much time to focus on bad shit happening in life.
I’ll respect that everyone is different, but I can’t imagine that I would move through the grief process in a healthier way without the structure of having to pretend to be normal in order to pay my bills. Life goes on, even when we wish it would stop. Sometimes 3 days isn’t enough, sometimes the company you work for can’t wait longer. It isn’t their problem.
Agreed. I actually find work to often be an escape from reality.
Sound to me like Sen. Dick is in a……*dons sunglasses*…….FUNKE
NY to France: hold my beer.
Damnit, Amazon, you lazy fucksticks. Why do you have to try to cram stuff into my mailbox? Walk the fuck up here and put it at my door. It’s pouring down rain! Been a Prime member since Prime was a thing. Time to complain again, sigh…
Isn’t that more USPS Being USPS?
I’m not sure yet, Amazon has their own deliverers around here, so could be, or not.
Ah. They use USPS here. Hopefully it’s worked out.
2 whisky glasses of Redemption Rye on Rocks to start. Now drinking Chimay Grande Reserve Blue. Good start to weekend
I can’t do Chimay Blue anymore. I can smell it from across the room.
Love drinking bread:)
Chimay blue is delish.
Damn you, JB! I keep eyeing the Angel’s Envy, and the Blanton’s, and the Eagle Rare, and the Pitu Vitoriosa… and I’m home alone, mamacita too far away to wack me with her rolling pin… you trying to make me get drunk? I need someone to blame.
You can blame me if it makes you feel better. I’m blaming LH because of the lot lizard article yesterday.
Yeah, I’m down with being blamed as well:)
*amends notes, blame Scruff AND JB* See, honey, they made me do it, I was outnumbered!
You need to stop hanging out with your hoodlum friends! Church is Early Sunday. You BETTER be ready to go!
*furiously scribbles note – blame Scruffy. Goes to get tumbler of ice*
I haven’t had Chimay in a long time.
Grande Reserve is pricey stuff. Had one last night.
I suggest I’m Peach at Costco.
It’s got fruit in it. It’s the beer version of a wine spritzer.
Give him time. He just ended a long relationship with watermelon. Don’t ask him to go cold turkey!
There’s no actual fruit. They just give the esters names.
Ester isn’t a good enough name for you?
Played by Joan Collins, no less.
You need you some
And I’m only in one Victory at Sea so far. Might be time to switch to something else.
So it has artificial fruit in it?!? Double fail.
6 mile run. It felt like swimming in warm pudding. Showered. Walked down to the liquor store. Just sipped the first Smirnoff and lemonade of the day. Started the pilot episode of the old Twin Peaks. Will be a good day.
It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.
I remember goading you into going to the beach on Reason.com maybe….. 5? years ago?
Your response was something like “I like dark places with liquor and smoke”.
And now you’re out JOGGING? SMDH
It’s worse. He lost 40 lbs, too.
That’s tough to do when you live near such good food.
We went out to brunch near his place. I ordered a whiskey/coke. The garnish? A baby back rib.
They stuck it in the drink?
On the rim. Garnish.
I ordered a few more knowing that I’d have a rib coming my way. It’s genius.
I am awed and intimidated.
Switchback is now canning in addition to bottling their stubby bottles. Got a 4 pack of pints on my way home
1 hour until I can leave. I have reached that awkward point where I’ve done all the brain sweat I can do for a week and finished up a deliverable ahead of schedule because the pace here is glacial and expectations are low. it’s too late in the day and week to start something new. I’m caught trying to look busy. I’ve been here almost 6 weeks and my office hasn’t been built yet so I’m still in the training room corner. And the a/c thinks it is 100 degrees outside despite it actually being in the mid 70s. I’m a fat guy wearing a sweater at work in the summer because it is cold enough to hang beef in here. And you fucks aren’t posting much so I’m bored out of my skull and all I can think about is at least after work I will have a glass of bourbon waiting for me when I arrive at my destination.
^^ There are some tits up that way ^^
Alas, the firewall would not allow it, I don’t think. But a worthy suggestion.
He uses archive. Try it!
What’ll you know. It worked. Thanks Tundra!
Got to say, I’d exclude #39 from the orgy.
An hour is just enough time for a preweekend nap.
Be careful of the overachieving. My wife was let go after six months at one job because she was making everyone else look bad, and form over substance was the rule.
They did give her five months of severance pay so she wouldn’t sue them, which was nice.
It sounds like she did 11 months of work.
It was a very nice check. She got over it quickly and soon landed a consulting gig for twice the money.
I caught on that I needed to slow my roll week 1 when I was doing productive work day 2 and they weren’t expecting any work product out of me for 2 weeks at the earliest. The work may be done, but I’m not handing it in until the time it is due.
Where I work the AC is terrible too. Everybody complains about how cold it is and then you get in the hallways outside of the office and it’s like a steam bath.
Ah yes, and now Roadhouse Hot Garlic wings delivered to go with my Chimay.
I still don’t know how this is legal.
A federal judge on Friday ordered a total restart of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, dealing a blow to the Trump administration.
So long as judges aren’t punished for overstepping their authority it’s perfectly legal. It’ll be overturned in a higher court though.
Kneel before Zod.
+1 Terence Stamp.
It’s legal because the judge says it is and because, Trump. This needs to go all the way to SCOTUS, if necessary.
He should tell the district Court Judge to shove the ruling up his ass. There’s no ‘rational reason’ test for rescinding an executive order.
*Mind blown*
I’d just ignore it if I was Trump.
As in He made his law. Let him enforce it. ?
I rather liked this:
Well that settles it.
“What we have been able to answer are the questions of who, what, when, where and how,” Lombardo said. “What we have not been able to definitively answer is … why Stephen Paddock committed this act.”
Police say Paddock fired across Las Vegas Boulevard into the crowd from his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
Lombardo said no one else will be charged in the shooting, according to the AP.
“Today it is still incredibly difficult to try to comprehend this senseless act of violence,” the sheriff said, calling Paddock an “unremarkable man” who showed signs of a troubled mind ahead of the shooting.
Bull. Shit.
Wasn’t Paddock some kind of millionaire?
And did all sorts of weird shit?
How is he ‘unremarkable’? Smells like horsedooky.
@Count Potato: Sorry, I wasn’t around the other night to respond. Sadly, the geek you were reading got that one wrong too (the bit about time resolution versus sample rate). Rather than go into a long-winded explanation of why (yet again) he was a poster child for Dunning-Kruger, I figure I’d send you to someone who actually does know what he’s doing and actually demonstrates it. (The time resolution thing is debunked starting at about 20:50, but the whole video is worth watching).
@Gilmore: Paul McGowan is a marketer, first and foremost. Anything “technical” that he says or writes should be treated with the same degree of credulity you’d give to a Bernie Sanders speech. I can recommend reliable and generally unbiased sources of info if you have a particular topic in mind.
I don’t remember quite remember what his point was regarding sampling rate, except that if he was arguing a higher sampling rate makes things worse he’s wrong. Although the data does take up more storage space. And that the difference isn’t worth that cost is a perfectly valid opinion. The video above touches a bit how higher rates can make things better. All digital is band limited (even bucket-brigade delays in guitar pedals before digital audio was available used anti-aliasing filters). So there are at least two things here. First, is the Gibbs effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbs_phenomenon Secondly, is that there is no such thing as a perfect filter. All of the different polynomials and topologies have trade offs (ripple, phase delay, etc.). And their effects are not inaudible. For some older gear, such as the Lexicon PCM-42 its steep phasey input filter is part of its “vintage sound”. Granted, it is way less of an issue with modern converters. Still, at higher sampling rates, you can have lower-order filters above the audible range.
And their effects are not inaudible.
Zero actual evidence of that for a competently engineered filter (which is most of them outside the high end niche) at 1/2 Nyquist for 44kKz (22 kHz) and a lot of people have tried. The NOS stuff can sometimes be heard because it’s stupid and puts a bunch of imaging artifacts into the audible range.
The guy is a moron, through and through. There’s lots of them in that world, alas.
Is that varnish?
In celebration of SP completing a year of daily Italian lessons, cultural appropriation for dinner tonight. No beer, but a 2006 Prunotto Nebbiolo d’Alba with mushroom ravioli.
Lei parla Italiana adesso? Bravissima!
Now we can talk behind your backs.
What’s the sauce accompanying the mushroom ravIoli?
Oh, also insalata caprese with burrata.
“Britain’s Populist Revolt
More than two years have passed since Britain voted for Brexit. Ever since that moment, the vote to leave the European Union has routinely been framed as an aberration; a radical departure from ‘normal’ life. Countless journalists, scholars, and celebrities have lined up to offer their diagnosis of what caused this apparent moment of madness among the electorate. Russia-backed social media accounts. Shady big tech firms like Cambridge Analytica. Austerity. The malign influence of populist ‘Brexiteers’ like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage. The Brexit campaign exceeding its legal spending limit. Or a much-debated claim, written on the side of a bus, that Brexit would allow Britain to redirect its millions of pounds worth of contributions to the EU into its own creaking health service. Typical is a recent piece by a (British) columnist in the New York Times who argues: “Britain is in this mess principally because the Brexiteers—led largely by Mr. Johnson—sold the country a series of lies in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum.””
I dont do social media, let alone the Twatters. But what does the giant X mean?
As you can imagine, I saw the avatar, and was intrigued…
It’s a meme among “conservatives” protesting Twitter’s unequal treatment of viewpoints.
Ah. Top drawer, that.
“4 dentists accused of raping woman at Las Vegas Strip hotel
Four California dentists, including three brothers, face sexual assault charges after a woman accused them of raping her at a Las Vegas Strip hotel last weekend.
Ali Badkoobehi, 30, Saman Edalat, 39, Sina Edalat, 34, and Poria Edalat, 30, were arrested Saturday after a woman reported to Wynn Las Vegas security that she had been raped, according to police records. All four men are licensed dentists in Southern California, according to Dental Board of California records.
The woman told police that she met Badkoobehi in a nightclub early Saturday before he asked her to his suite to continue drinking, according to Badkoobehi’s arrest report. On the way to the room, Badkoobehi kissed and hugged her, the woman told police.
She told investigators that Badkoobehi pushed her onto a chair and got on top of her a short while after they entered the suite. That’s when multiple men started coming from a bedroom within the suite and took turns raping her while holding her down, according to the report.”
“4 out of 5 dentists surveyed….”
I once told an ex that I though she should bleach her asshole .
Then she dumped clorox on me.
“71% of straight men in a relationship say they’re open to the idea of prostate massage.”
No! No! No! No! No!
I don’t believe 71% of men know what the prostate is.
Globally? Or if you distill that population down to say, San Fransisco, W. Hollywood, or the Village?
I don’t know a whole lot about it either. All I know is I don’t cotton to the idea of someone trying to massage it.
How many of those 71% are just saying “yes, honey”?
I don’t even like it when my female doctor does it.
Mr. Lizard? Did something accidentally get loose up there?
Meh, probably the guys on watch getting bored and fucking around
Now onto Maudite! Quite lovely
Good beer.
Right up my ally for sure
You gonna go see Darth Cheeto tomorrow?
Lol. Greater aspirations I have:).
I had a customer today tell me that I was going to burn in hell because I wasn’t giving her what she was demanding. I told her that may be true, but I still couldn’t meet her outrageous demands.
*pours glass of bourbon*
So what were those outrageous demands?
I’d prefer to not go into detail, but she was way beyond reasonable.
Was your prostate mentioned?
Not today.
“For the sake of clarity, could you define “hell” in your terms? “
She continues to complain and he has no bourbon to pour?
So you’ve met my ex-wife.
“I’ve known I will burn in hell since I put my first wife in the ground.”
*dead-eyed stare*
Winner winner, visit from HR before dinner
Can you get fired for telling the truth?
What if she had anal bleaching done first?
“I had a customer today tell me that I was going to burn in hell ”
I usually have to pay extra for that.