Under crushing deadline from work, and my kids haven’t slept worth a crap this week. Friday afternoon has come too late… I started drinking at 11:30 this morning. I’m not sure this will help my productivity, but I FEEL better about the work I’m doing. How the hell are all of you? It made me wish the flavor of string theory with infinite little pocket dimensions were true. I’d set one up with a sweet little bedroom and nap every fucking day. Zero seconds lost in this universe. Get on this, eggheads!

Here’s a list of the oldest building in every US state. Europe has underwear older than any of these.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, BBC ponders whether Heathers is too much for today’s sensitivities. Name one other movie in the 80s featuring parental acceptance homosexual male behavior (and implied incest). Or one that offered such a hand up to the disabled as the ending. Ahead of its time, not insensitive

Every man has a mother, and every mother thinks its someone else’s fault when her son goes bad.

Thankfully, libertarians have the magic power of the autism spectrum to protect themselves from this new tactic in the robot uprising.


A lot of mid-90s pop is not as good as I remember it. This one is at least fun.