Special thanks to STEVE SMITH for stepping up to the plate this morning. The 70s really were a strange time. Also special thanks to whoever brought up fish and grits in the comments yesterday. I realized today that I had bacon, grits, and fish. That was a heck of a good lunch. Also my wife made me breakfast and mowed the lawn, so I suppose I will get a big-ticket item request today or tomorrow.
What part of “It’s a 1A right” don’t you get?
Elderly are getting into the hot car asphyxiation racket. You’ll never believe the weird twist.
According to my father, this is what Mass used to look like in his Nana’s church in Brooklyn.
I assume this site is totally not credible, but it fits my biases.
Sorry, no time to look for music today, some genius decided our Azure DB needed FB data center levels of performance and the client was pretty shocked at the bill. I’ve been spinning like a sales-guy in a delivery meeting all afternoon.
While it’s true that lingerie’s true purpose is to be taken off, there’s something to be said for simply moving a G-string out of the way.
14, 17, 19, 23, 27, 34, 41.
According to Mrs. TOK, the g-string is supposed to be worn over the garter belt, like #45. This allows easier access for peeing and sexy times.
peeing and sexy times
i note the boolean operator you went with wasn’t OR
Content like this is what makes this site golden
I feel like I need a shower after that comment.
These puns are making my brain leak out
Check out the whiz kid over here.
A constant stream of idiocy.
Hey, we don’t judge here.
What are you talking about? This group is highly judgmental, we just don’t call for laws.
Right, we don’t judge, we mock.
Huge difference
“the g-string is supposed to be worn over the garter belt”
Good call. She can keep garter belt on then.
10 can has Gumby legs.
I am going to humbly request that you stop leaping into posts, first (or shortly thereafter) and pasting in the tit or ass links? Thx.
#8, #45
or Second to Q’s titties, which is Fine……
Does Q have nice titties?
Senate Democrats introduced legislation on Tuesday to prohibit blueprints for 3D printed guns from being posted online.
Bunch of shit stains, the lot of ’em
I continue to give them credit for dropping the bullshit and actually being honest about their agenda. At least it makes for clear-cut choices on several issues.
They’re feeling their oats these days, convinced that their dreamy Marxist America is right around the corner.
Most of the Senate Democrats voted a while back for an amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision, so it’s been clear for a while that they are no friends of the 1A. Compared to banning books critical of politicians, banning gun blueprints is peanuts.
They didn’t make anything available. They chose to get out of the way of the taxpaying, voting citizens who have inalienable rights.
I guess I’ll have to download some designs first thing tomorrow. Just in case.
Several downloads are already available.
The initial release of the Libertator is already up there.
I can’t figure out why the Republicans, or the media, or anybody with a platform for that matter, don’t make more out of the blatant disregard for the first amendment with this sort of legislation.
Yes, 3D printed guns can be used to kill people, but so can bombs, and the damn Anarchist’s Cookbook is for sale on Amazon right now with no calls to ban it. So can trucks, or ball peen hammers, or anything else with any mass or a sharp end.
Once you decide that the government has the authority to ban the publication of things because they’re scary, you’ve given the government the authority to ban anything it likes as long as it can be tangentially related to public safety. The conservatives were rightly made out as repressive assholes when they tried to ban the Catcher in the Rye from school reading lists, but they never talked about outright banning publication. This is even worse.
Somebody really needs to nail these bastards down on this and I sure as hell don’t trust the ACLU to do it. Hell, they’ve basically admitted they don’t give a damn anymore about speech from people they deem icky.
They’re not called the Stupid Party for nothin’.
Besides, once banning books is accepted, then we can ban smut. Or abortion texts.
Well, tweeting about abortion might get you fired: http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/24232333/tasmanian-staffer-challenges-cricket-australia-dismissal
Step 1 – Get people off of print books and onto eBooks
Step 2 – Ban unwoke books – Amazon and Google “disappear” the unwoke books.
Step 3 – Adjust tin-foil, tri-corner hat.
There’s a shit ton of Republicans who would be perfectly happy to see Citizen’s United overturned. Those campaign finance laws were bipartisan. Politicians are fine with money in politics – as long as that money is flowing to them. They want to control the message.
ACLU hasn’t touched it b/c GUNZ R BAD
ACLU hasn’t touched it because their DNC handlers told them not to.
i’d point out that Nelson’s about to lose to Scott this November but it wouldn’t matter b/c Scott’s not exactly a 2A stalwart.
Its the Crypt Keeper vs. Skeletor. Mr. Lizard’s people don’t even bother using realistic skinsuits anymore.
Ya, but the Rick Scott skin suit has gone a bit native. But you’re still welcome for the not-high speed train between Tampa and Orlando.
You know, because I want to Uber to the train station from Pinellas County, and the Uber to the 99% of Orlando that isn’t anywhere near the goddam train station. On the other hand, its not stop-and-go traffic with possible death by random asshole on I-4, so it has that going for it.
Oh I know, we have actually high resolution zoom cameras monitoring the whole length from orbit. We do both live feed and recorded highlights on the intergalactic feed. The galaxy loves some Florida Man Twisted Metal action.
Can we burn all the chemistry books next?!? They teach you how to make explosives and poison gas!!!
Good luck putting that genie back in the bottle even with a law…it can’t be done so they can get fucked.
Also, if the NRA pusses out on this one they’re dead to me.
Oh they will. Cops don’t want 3D guns so the NRA won’t defend them.
GOA for the win.
Once you break the plane, and prohibit distribution of software, plans, blueprints, whatever, well, where does it stop?
It doesn’t stop although I’d hope the Supreme Court would smack it down hard.
RE: CO2 – 3 possible headlines
“Congress Lobbies for Common Sense CO2 Control”
“Statement from Sierra Club – Rising CO2 Levels Claim Yet Another Victim!”
“Kill Yourself in a Car With This One Weird Trick!”
Life insurance companies HATE it!
I’m just wondering if they smelled that CO2 before it got to them.
Baby, is it cold in here?
Sorry, no time to look for music today
Here you go.
The First Amendment is restricted by yelling fire in a theater, even if there is a fire in a theater. This is known.
And how do you activate a gun? You FIRE it. Besides, guns are limited to 18th century technology and only militias are allowed to bear arms, so I’m afraid your so-called rights are problematic.
/smart person
Don’t forget you have to belong to a militia!
Which means the National Guard.
Weren’t the vast majority of 18th century guns good for just one shot at a time? What’s different about these scary 3D guns?
Do they have bayonet lugs, things that go up?
Straw bayonet
Is anyone else thinking it? – Former Alter Boy?
Yes. Its Altar Person. As children of all genders are allowed to assist the priest during Sunday Mass.
Uh huh.
I never trusted those Dippin’ Dots guys anyway.
In today’s Good News, I got my tickets to the Great American Beer Fest for this year. So the current plans for me are being in Denver September 19th-23rd if anyone wants to meet up (well any day but Thursday, when I’ll be at the GABF).
Are you taking your Gam Gam?
I’m going to Denver tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll be staying there that long.
(well any day but Thursday, when I’ll be at the GABF)
I’m guessing this consequently means that Friday morning is blocked out on the schedule as well.
blocked out blacked out tomato tomahto
Negative. My ancestry and liver are strong.
I may not be moving at my usual chipper pace, but I’ll be up and about.
every mass i ever went to was exactly like this. except for that one time we went to midnight mass and i had to help carry out all the drunks who had collapsed during the ‘kneel/stand/kneel/sit/kneel/stand’ bit.
I remember when I visited my relatives in Bavaria and went to Mass. I was surprised they didn’t do the “share your germs by offering some sign of Christ’s peace” shtick.
well then, they’re all going to hell I guess.
I was expecting something like this.
I was expecting this:
That’s how my grandparent’s southern baptist church rolled. The thing i went to as a kid was more like c.1150AD, Latin, Robes, Incense, scary choral stuff. it had really solid production-values.
My buddy has this series of hellfire & brimstone sermons from the 20’s – they’re pretty amazing.
“Black Diamond Express to Hell…”
This just in: hack journalist covering justice issues doesn’t know what jury nullification is.
Nice trolling:
I’m calling it trolling because of their profile:
Video of Manafort and his wardrobe
It’s hard to believe, but Manafort is the only one coming off as anything approaching a stand-up guy in all of this. You sit there and spend a small fortune rather than just rolling over on The Don. Risk decades in prison. And no pardon is guaranteed.
Dissidents staying for years in exile in foreign countries. Check.
A businessman punished for working for the political enemy. Check.
A non-stop hysteria demonizing contacts with a certain foreign country. Check.
I guess Gulags are next?
We kinda have one, but its on the beach rather than the tundra. We can’t even gulag right.
If this article is true, Carter Page is also a decent enough sort.
Greenwald oscillates between sane and nutty street preacher on a daily basis.
I used to respect him, but it seems that ever since he ended up in Central America for whatever reason he’s completely lost his marbles.
Do you know how hot it is in Central America? You people think Florida Men are insane. Well, they’re not. They’re not insane. It’s the heat. It’s the heat. Central American man just doesn’t get the same media coverage.
When he’s right he’s spectacularly right, and when he’s wrong he’s spectacularly wrong. There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground.
Rio ain’t in “Central America”. Just sayin…
Which side of the Rio Grande is she dancing to? The US side or the Central American side?
Honestly I couldn’t remember where he was at exactly.
OTOH, this was a pretty good one by GG:
Is it possible that Greenwald is trying to be funny here?
That’s was my take.
Ostrich isn’t exactly an “exotic”
Greenwald is dumb about some things and not dumb about some things.
Just for Playa
See? The system works!
Not working fast enough – this is what happens when you hire someone from the bastion of food safety known as Yum! Brands
I had puts on them a few years ago when that happened. Three cheers for norovirus!
Saw you comment in response to my question the other day but thread was dead. Thanks for taking the time.
Ecoli is just the price you occasionally pay for getting to eat GMO free burritos. You fucking pricks.
Dan Rather projecting so hard that he should have a Casio logo tattooed to his forehead
Rather called Trump “authoritarian,” saying Trump wants Americans to believe that “the one and only truth comes from him.” When Lemon mentioned Trump stating, “Don’t believe what you see or what you hear, that’s not what’s happening,” Rather responded, “It’s straight out of Orwell … Orwell, what he wrote, it’s practically a shooting script for Donald Trump. … There is a method to this, and the method is to convince people that the only truth is the truth that comes from me, the ultimate power … As several people have said before me, he is not just attacking the truth, he wants to annihilate the truth. He wants to move us completely into the post-truth political era in which there’s no such thing as objective facts. He is the only fact.”
Rather claimed there “has been some desperation” in Trump’s recent attacks, adding, “And as he gets more desperate he takes bigger risks in telling bigger lies or more often telling lies. And telling people, ‘Look, don’t believe what you read or see anywhere else, just come to me. I have the ultimate truth, I am the way,’”
I literally can’t even.
“Every statement he makes should be preceded with: ‘I was tricked by an idiot who couldn’t even be arsed to use the correct font on a forged government document'”
I’m starting to think none of these people have ever actually read 1984.
Didn’t Herself say the lesson of 1984 was to trust the authority figures?
Yes. And the last paragraph of this piece acknowledges that the gov’t used the media to control the people in ‘1984’. So Rather using it as a comparison is bass ackwards.
Fuck Dan Rather and all the morons that keep citing him as some sort of paragon of journalism.
What’s the frequency Kenneth?
A man who looked his whole audience in the eye and said the words, “Fake, but accurate” to explain why he ran a hit piece on a Republican president running for re-election with a single source and no independent verification, against all standards of journalism.
It’s not like he was forced to retire after getting caught in a political hatchet job before an election or anything here.
Amazing how progs now cite Orwell – the world THEY want to create.
Dan Rather’s gonna lecture me about “truth”, eh?
Is there a journalist with less credibility than Rather? The fact that anyone listens to anything he says/writes is mind boggling to me.
Henry Blodget?
Critiquing journalists is something only Hitler would do! Listen and believe, shitlord!
“Dry ice by itself isn’t going to kill anybody,” he told the station.
I wonder if he feels the same about other inanimate, yet potentially deadly, things.
“Water by itself isn’t going to kill anyone”
What part of “It’s a 1A right” don’t you get?
The “Congress shall make no law … abridging …” part is totally ambiguous.
As ambiguous as “Shall not be infringed”.
That part is useless because, Militia.
“shall make no law” and “shall not be infringed” cancel each other out.
Well regulated, well regulated!!!!
but enough about my bowel movements
+1 crowded theater
Elderly are getting into the hot car asphyxiation racket. You’ll never believe the weird twist.
Old people sex?
*clicks link*
The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office said the elderly woman likely died from asphyxiation, and investigators believe dry ice in the vehicle may be to blame.
Missed it by that much.
Old people sex?
Did anyone check for freezer burns?
+1 hot dog on ice
Am I reading this right? The mayor of Portland Ted Wheeler gave a stand down order to police to not respond to ICE asking for police protection?
ICE union sent him a cease and desist.
Thanks for the link!
Sean Riddell… Riddell.. that name seems familiar… oh, that’s right, he was the chief fuckup investigating the governor’s fucktoy’s corruption scandal.
His boss, the state AG quit before his first term ended after thoroughly fucking up the state DOJ, then went on to fuck over Reed College until he quit there last month.
I know I should be outraged about this. After all, ICE agents are human beings. Immoral ones who, if they had any shame, would immediately quit their jobs and take up honest more socially productive work like heroin smuggling, or wiping jizz off the windows of nudie-booths. If the government is going to claim a monopoly on the production of security, every human being, even worhtless scum like ICE agents, are deserving of state protection.
On the other hand, it’s immigration and custom’s enforcement. If those guys all decorated the walls of the buildings or vehicles they are in right now with their brains, we would all be instantly better off.
Do you want to get this site subpoenaed? Because that’s how you the site subpoenaed.
It would be a huge boost to our profile
No, it’s pointing out that despite all of the rumors, there is no proof that a specific attorney fucks sheep.
“every human being, even worhtless scum like ICE agents, are deserving of state protection”
This is at the root of the question I posed in the midday post: if the ICE agents are being attacked by a mob, do they have the right to gun down the mob? Set aside the ugliness of government lackeys shooting “civilians” in the street, an angry mob is one of the more dangerous and unpredictable entities I can think of. If I’ve called for the state goons to come protect me, and they’ve explicitly said they’re not going to, I don’t care who you are, I think you have a moral case for defending yourself with deadly force.
Change my mind.
of course.
if such a thing happens, it’s the mob’s fault for picking on a target that has the means and will to do so.
ICE agents, being human beings, have the right to self defense.
One can’t be attacked by a mob. only by individuals that make up the mob. Any individual mobster that attacks you is free game, not so much the ones yelling from the sidelines, even if they are holding the same placard as the aggressors.
There will always be more guys ready to take their places. Worse ones, at that. I don’t think we’d be better off at all.
It seems he thinks police protection should only be doled out to those with the right beliefs.
Is he the guy who sits behind his desk on a big inflatable rubber ball?
The funniest thing about this whole affair is that the mayor had to cave and break up the camp because it had become a biohazard to the local community.
It’ll be ironic to see the 101st Airborne and the freshly federalized OR National Guard escorting federal employees to and from work in 2018…
So the OR National Guard is like 10,000 spoons?
All I need is a knife Ted.
You people are dead to me.
Ted Wheeler’s going to pose a formidable challenge to Gulag Barbie in 2020.
Dammit, I bend over backwards for my good customers, but occasionally one of them reminds me that I need to watch my back more carefully. I just brokered a piece of equipment between two customers sight unseen and the seller handed me a beaten up piece of shit with accessories missing that I know he has because I sold them to him. I sent a check up front because he’s a good customer and his controller asked for it. Now I’m stuck with a piece of crap that’s been promised to another customer at little to no markup who may balk when he sees it. Fuck me for trusting him.
Nevermind that I issue credit to the seller on a regular basis and then he requires my driver to show up with a check. Ticks me off.
Yeah, I have the same experience with clients. It’s important to remember they don’t really give a shit about you.
I have some that do. But they can lure you into thinking that most are that way.
Nevermind that I used to issue credit to the seller on a regular basis
I’ll get my pound of flesh. I’ll be pencil whipping his invoices from here on out. But if I don’t give him credit, I won’t get the opportunity.
You may be confusing a “good” customer with “frequent” customer…
What bothers me about people like this isn’t their shadiness, but their stupidity/shortsightedness. They look for the first chance they have to get one over on someone who they have a productive work relationship with just for the sake of it. Then they think they’re clever. Then they continue to ask for favors.
I used to have a neighbor this. He’d buy machinery and whatnot from companies going out of business and then sell it to whomever needed it. He’d brag about how he scammed some guy out of this or that. And he never could understand why he didn’t have repeat customers.
I’m at the Gordon Biersch in Annapolis and they brew a beer called _Naptown Pils_ and I chuckled a little when I read it.
Maybe I’ll meet a real-life Glib one day. *sigh*
“Maybe I’ll meet a real-life Glib one day.”
You won’t because we’re all Tulpa.
Only Tulpa would try to convince you he’s not Tulpa by admitting to being Tulpa.
That’s exactly what Tulpa would say.
You shoulda said something. I literally work less than a mile from there.
That said, Gordon Beirsch sucks. I don’t drink so maybe their beer makes it worthwhile for your alcoholics but their food makes TGIFridays look like haute cuisine
“I don’t drink”
*melts down*
Yeah, the food is pretty “meh,” but its a chain restaurant so you pay for consistent “meh.”
Nah, the beer is pretty Meh as well.
Do not do not do not order the quesadilla.
They fucked it up.
How do you fuck up a tortilla with melted cheese in it, one may ask? Don’t you just put cheese on a tortilla and nuke it or send it through the salamander?
No, you slather it with butter first, creating a greasy, flavorless piece of shit on your plate.
I still live in MD, just not in Carroll anymore.
Tarantino defends Polanski.
I love every time I see his ugly mug distancing himself from Weinstein. The guy has had females in his movies produce masturbatory fodder for his own personal fetish for most of his career. He’s the exact sort of guy who wouldn’t get laid if he wasn’t who he was in Hollywood. Just like Weinstein. Like he was beyond offering work for sex.
Also, he apparently fucked Kathy Griffin.
All that fame and Pulp Fiction and that’s the best he can do?
he apparently fucked Kathy Griffin.
“Also, he apparently fucked Kathy Griffin.”
But why?
He didn’t have a goat.
Know hat goes into 13 twice?
Roman Polanksi!
/try the veal, tip your waitress!
Just be better than Polanski and make sure she is over the age of consent before you give her the tip
… the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
See? It doesn’t say anything about 3D printing!
1A only applies to printing presses!
Now, now, now. Don’t forget the town criers.
Mental defecation:
Let’s assume for a moment that all of the worst predictions of the warmistas are correct: that man-made emissions are causing a catastrophic alteration in the composition of the atmosphere that’s leading to global warming that will have disastrous environmental consequences. What the hell are we supposed to do about it? I mean, really what are we supposed to do; not pie-in-the-sky enviro bullshit about dismantling modern civilization which we know will never happen. Even the most alarmist climate scientists seem to tacitly admit that most measures at reducing or mitigating emissions are feel-good and would have no significant effect. If that’s the case, then I don’t understand how this is a political football at all. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter which side is right, things are gonna continue going the way they’re going no matter what. I’m all for conservation and efficiency; I’ve been trying to find ways to reduce my footprint for years (to save money for my own selfish ends, not to atone to Gaia), but let’s be honest that regardless of whether the warmistas are right (protip: they probably aren’t) nothing is gonna change.
What the hell are we supposed to do about it?
Invest in ammo and firearms?
How does that deviate in any manner from what we are currently doing?
This time, it’s for the *right* reasons.
You are implying there’s a wrong reason?
Redistribute the moneys. It will solve everything.
I had a longer post on how this is a ponzi scheme at worst for most of these people (the Obama’s and UN types) to just a means of social signalling for most of the lower progtard peons. But it’s stuff that’s been said around here a million times.
This isn’t about fixing problems, or even mitigating them.
It’s about control and dunking on your opponents.
And a lot of opportunity for graft.
It’s a political football because they’re trying to figure out how to profit off it. There is no such thing as a politician who wants to fix it.
Wasn’t life larger and more diverse when the planet was warmer? Why would I want to stop that?
UCS is always quick to point out that CO2 is just plant food, after all.
Why do they hate plants?
First and foremost remember who the major proponents of the idea are, and that their core philosophy is one of control.
That’s all one really needs to know about the reason to make it a big deal.
Here in Iowa at least, we are doing our part to do it without dismantling modern society.
Not too many years away from >50% of power being produced by wind. Towers are going up all over, and there’s got to be some seriously odd conditions for the turbines to not be spinning.
To date this year, 38.5% of all electricity in state was by wind turbines and the net difference between coal and wind YTD is about 300GWh with coal in the lead.
We have the new solar field going in here in Ames – I’ve been assured by local politicians that this will make my energy bill ZERO in some months if I invest now!
I have 5kw in roof panels. I can zero out my meter, but there’s still 30 bucks a month in taxes and “connection fees”.
The one that gets me is the Red Rock dam hydro retrofit.
They are paying an enormous cost for a piddly 35-40Mw plant. Probably could get 5-7 times the capacity by doing wind turbines instead.
The Ames thing kinda looks like they are trying to crowd-source all (or most) of the funding. Assuming the city utility isn’t monkeying around with things (ie by paying double or triple the cost to the solar company vs buying wind/coal generated power), that actually doesn’t sound too unreasonable to me.
Then again I could be misunderstanding how it is supposed to work.
The official statement on the solar field is: SunSmart Ames “Power Packs” will cost approximately $350! Customer interest will determine the final cost. Payment can be spread into 12 installments. Each share is expected to generate 2.5% of an average home’s annual electric usage.
So if you paid $14000 up front, in principle your electric bill would be covered. Depending on your annual bill, you might recover your cost in 10-15 years. Those are averages if the program is fully subscribed, I suppose the devil is in the details.
You mean like windstorms and loitering high pressure systems associated with heat waves?
Fortunately those are exactly the times when nobody needs electricity!
I mean, really what are we supposed to do; not pie-in-the-sky enviro bullshit about dismantling modern civilization which we know will never happen.
But, that’s exactly what the hardcore proponents want. Their ultimate solution is that people (other people, never them) learn to do without. It’s hard for a person of goodwill to wrap their minds around, but these people really do fetishize denial and human suffering., Climate change is really only the latest iteration of their rationalization for it.
Raise awareness and social signal the hell out of this motherfucker.
If we did everything in our power throughout North America and Europe to eliminate CO2, how do we convince China and India alone to stop with the emissions?
how do we convince China and India alone to stop with the emissions?
Same answer I just gave.
That’s a really good question to ask the panelists the next time the “OMG, Global Warming -We gotta Do Something” circus comes to your town or campus.
350 KT at a time?
Tariffs. Winning?
Tariffs, teabagging–if the result is something resembling actual free trade, who am I to argue?
Trump could get the entire world to drop all trade restrictions with this crap, and the CATO/cosmotarian crowd would still to be sure him.
I catch Ken’s stuff at (t)Reason on occasion. He maintains that tariffs are being used as a bargaining tool to get better trade deals. So far I have to agree. Free trade is ideal, of course, but you can’t engage in that if the other party(s) will not.
Is there any other way to see it? He’s using American economic might and leveraging it because he knows it’s stronger than the EU and China.
People are freaking out because a) how dare the Americans! and b) we always did it this way!
Whatever and who cares.
Dude is rewriting the rules on trade it looks like.
Yeah there is another way to see it.
I think he’s using tariffs because he’s a dumbass.
Perhaps I read to much Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, but what happened to ‘nations don’t trade, individuals do’ and ‘tariffs only hurt the citizens of the country imposing them’ and ‘If China wants to shoot itself in the foot, we don’t need to blow our own toes off in response’ Whats the worst case scenario if we go ‘free trade’ and other countries don’t? We get cheaper shit? Have more buying power?
Nothing. We should immediately drop all trade barriers and protectionism now.
I’ll admit that the romantic notion Trump is trying to negotiate other people lowering tariffs is quite appealing. Maybe we will drop our own protectionism when they do. Maybe he has a grand vision of free market.
He does not though. Don’t lie to yourself. This is socialism.
Trump has been pretty anti-trade most of his life. He’s basically been little different than a union crackpot on the issue. But this isn’t about anyone projecting their own values onto Trump. Or concocting a grand vision to explain his seemingly random and off the cuff behavior.
And then we aren’t speculating as much on the result because he actually has moved us closer into the exact direction stated here.
I think if you’re going to attack the strategy in question here, and it is a strategy – Trump hasn’t been hiding this – you should actually characterize it correctly. Which when we are talking about the people I mentioned above, that subset of Trump hater, they aren’t characterizing his position correctly. They are instead painting him as hostile to the notion of free trade itself. Which he has been in the past. But Trump has been everything in the past. His current position is to force concessions from others on trade in a way that will make trade freer for actual individuals in both America and elsewhere.
The same people in question here also tend to support trade agreements simply on the basis that they, in general, reduce barriers to trade (though often times increase barriers for some). Baked into the managed trade they are defending here is that there are going to be individual citizens everywhere getting the shaft based on what some bureaucrats and politicians decide to allow.
So, when these deals get negotiated – and they are negotiated – a bunch of disconnected political hacks get into a room and decide who the winners and losers are going to be. Using the interests of individuals who want to conduct trade as bargaining chips (hm…). And this typically gets applauded by the people I’m criticizing because, in a general collective sense, trade becomes freer. Which it does.
But these same people bemoan Trump for cutting out all the petty bureaucracy and time wasting. Even if the end goal he is aiming for is something closer to genuine free trade with far fewer drawbacks. On this, Trump is just doing away with the pussyfooting around and cutting to the case in a direct and more personal manner.
Further, it doesn’t really compute with this:
You can debate the merits of Trump engaging in this behavior from a libertarian perspective. But it becomes a bit disingenuous when you were applauding managed trade deals of the past because they incrementally improved things. You didn’t have problem with government throwing its dick around to accomplish that before. Who cares if Trump substitutes his own dick and gets it done quicker?
Razorfist: On the Supreme Court Carnage
Agreed, but it’ll never happen. The siren song of short term power is just too seductive.
Also my wife made me breakfast and mowed the law
I didn’t think SP had any grass to mow yet. (Probably NSFW)
mowed the law
Just watched Yan can cook make fruit sushi with chicken fingers.
/ Not high.
“hot skillet, cold oil….food no stick”
I hear Martin Yan nearly every time Im over the stove.
I thought that was the Frugal Pedophile, uhhh, Gourmet who said that?
Yan’s thing was, “Now you cut it up, cut it up, cut it up! Isn’t that mahvelus? And you can do this at home!”
It was, although I think he said “pan” instead of “skillet” and “won’t” instead of “no”. Shame he got #MeeToo’ed Junior edition, guy reall brought a certain passion into the kitchen.
Luckily I didnt confuse that with Chef Tell on PM Magazine….I SEE YOU
Just watched Yan can cook make fruit sushi with chicken fingers.
Are you trying to entice Rbbby over here?
A David Gates song done well
Let’s assume for a moment that all of the worst predictions of the warmistas are correct: that man-made emissions are causing a catastrophic alteration in the composition of the atmosphere that’s leading to global warming that will have disastrous environmental consequences. What the hell are we supposed to do about it?
Ask the Dutch.
Build some dykes is your answer then?
Build? I thought they were just born that way.
“Dyke” is no longer PC. They’re “Berms”. As in “Berms on bikes”.
“Berms on Spikes” doesn’t have the same ring when you describe the LPGA tho.
Point taken. And there aren’t nearly enough leaked sex tapes from LPGA tournament locker rooms.
Well, just imagine Abe Vigoda and Ed Asner loofah-ing each other’s backs.
You obviously don’t watch the LPGA. Lot’s of lipstick lesbians.
Tell yourself that.
ya go. This is more the rule than the exception
Not a fan of the argument. I think if there were catastrophic warming coming we actually could do something about it. Because we are that fucking awesome of a species. We’d figure it out.
However, there has yet to be a year of my life where food production hasn’t increased, global poverty hasn’t shrunk, and the human condition hasn’t improved. Hurricanes, droughts, floods, tornados, are not increasing in severity or number yet. Sea level rise is steady and small and easily overcome.
Before I agree to spend trillions of other people’s money, I might just need a little cost benefit analysis.
Not sure if this already posted, I don’t have too much time to lurk and post, wife away, so I have assumed all house cleaning, laundry, cooking duties. Any way, apparently, Canadians are racists and xenophobes. And I was completely convinced that stuff was unique to Muricans.
Canadian Racists
William Shatner as Dr. Evil
I’m not a huge fan of spiders , but I dont think I would allow that to happen.
That is… remarkable.
I think its time that we, as a nation, have an open and honest dialogue about common-sense tong control. There’s no reason those things should be in civilian hands.
Look, he had already spent his entire daily paycheck at the bar. What, do people expect him to go home with nothing to drink when he’s barely even buzzed? It’s fucking inhumane. Alcohol is a human right!
“Alcohol is a human right!”
I like what you have to say. Do you have a newsletter that I could subscribe to?
Ya that was a nice little zinger we made up for you guys. Careful you may be betting against non-skinsuit Lizard people…or some other galactic citizen
This is CNN…
This is such a secret, mind you, that Guilliani started his media blitz after teaming back up with Trump by stating as much. And was then roundly mocked by CNN for it while a bunch of progs in the media tried to refute him.
Fortunately, this doesn’t apply to me.
“you know how much condoms used to cost? I dont know….we never used ’em “
The problem is your not using them right! Follow the instructions printed on the end…
Oh, you’re not rolling them far enough down to see them?
That was a WTF moment when I read it (yes, I read the links…err…most of them)
We watch ID all the time and that was a first.
I guess we finally know who started the fire.
Billy Joel hardest hit.
Arsonists usually start fires for attention, not write stuff in chalk.
I failed to see that the article referenced Arthur Brown .
Bonus end-of-the-month Giant Super Happy Fun Sample Theater!
The hip-hop group CunninLynguists stole that hook from ol’ Art for their song Hellfire in 2006.
Commercial plane crash: http://abc7ny.com/aeromexico-plane-involved-in-an-accident-in-mexico-airline-says/3856630/
I know you have an affinity for such things- have you seen the guy with the Draco bush plane he modded?
You may get a kick out of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqhI4MeCn1c
I normally go for big loud jets, but that’s pretty badass
Looks like the fuselage stayed intact, although it’s been burned now.
Reportedly no fatalities
A nice reminder via Zerohedge of how shitty governments can get when they run short of funds (city owned gas company putting liens on people’s property):
According to the courts it’s all good.
I fail to see how they have a security interest in any property.
The gas bill is the responsibility of the account holder, who is not always the same person as the property owner.
They’ll use the gas as an incendiary to firebomb the properties. It is Philadelphia, after all.
If this continues the inevitable end result is that landlords will no longer allow tenants to have the gas account, rather they will include it in the rent and jack up the rent sufficiently that they won’t lose money no matter how much gas the tenant uses.
So on a house that typically averages $150 a month for gas the rent will go up by $250 a month and gas will be included.
Sucks for you if you are a poor person who was frugal and used less than the average amount of gas though You don’t get the option of controlling your expenses any more.
Or, it will dry up the rental market. Who in the hell would want to risk a foreclosure based on the actions of their tennant?
It’s Philadelphia, the Shithole of Brotherly Love
That’s an understatement. I think many people here would be surprised by the conditions many of the poorer residents live in. It’s bad…really bad.
Feces, urine, bedbugs, roaches, black mold, friable asbestos, ceilings open to the outdoors, etc. Basically buildings that should be condemned.
Hey Kristen,
I don’t get to do much plane spotting out here in the land of wheat and cattle,but the other day I did manage spot a couple.
Federal judge drops trou and lays a big pile on the Constitution.
This is more of a 1st Amendment issue than it is a gun rights issue. Cody Wilson isn’t a wuss and I expect him to continue to challenge this nonsense as far as he can manage to take it.
It’s now even bigger than that. This case will never succeed, but if these arguments were allowed, you would have a massive constitutional mess. An actual honest to god constitutional crisis.
And the notion that Trump did this…like he’s the mastermind? It’s just became a statement of fact. Something known. Why else would they do this? It makes no sense in proglandia. It couldn’t possibly be that the DOJ realized that they were fighting a legal battle they couldn’t win on first or second amendment grounds.
Trump is no mastermind, at least when it comes to guns, it looks like he’s about to side with the wrong side here which will won’t make his core supporters happy at all.
He has disappointed me today.
My statement was meant more along the lines of that this is being painted as the Trump White House did x, when Trump White House was most likely unaware. Or at least Trump himself was. It had nothing to do with what Trump said on the issue.
Some DOJ employees made the call here to end the fight. The media jumps on it with zero consideration of the legal questions at hand, and covers it only as a policy issue. One that they believe most Americans are going to see and think is extreme because they view it as obviously so. Besides that, they think every right is subject to common sense regulation – especially the second.
So what was more likely the DOJ throwing in the towel on a legal battle that didn’t think they’d win long term has become a political football.
Or maybe some Trump appointee really did give the marching orders here. In which case, maybe someone could do some actual journalism and find out who and why (I laughed at this – I’ve seen people claiming it’s the GOP caving to the gun manufacturing lobby). Instead of just assuming it’s the Trump admin’s radical pro-gun stance.
An actual honest to god constitutional crisis
Facilitated by decades (centuries?) of (purposely) faulty reasoning by scotus in its decisions creating precedent that flies in the face of original intent and the actual words of the Constitution. How else was something like the AWB allowed to stand? Or the first Sedition act? I want a court decision that bleeds into every patently wrong decision that the court has ever made on the 1A and 2A issues.
Bleeds into and corrects pursuant to the Constitution that is.
If the Democratic AG’s were allowed to succeed, states would have the ability to sue and enforce their policies nationally. It’s worse than nullification or a failure to enforce the law/follow the constitution. You are tearing the constitution up and saying that if a couple judges agree with the cause, one or a couple states could dictate policy to the federal government and the entire country.
This should have been laughed out of court. It’s not even worth entertaining.
I don’t see where I am wanting to shred the Constitution. I want Cody Wilson to win his case on 1A and/or 2A grounds, hopefully resulting in a broader deference to the Constitution. Are we still talking about the same thing?
The “you” there was not referring to you, but the Seattle judge/any judge who entertains these arguments on the 10th amendment. So, poorly written on my part.
I asked my AG what the difference was between the NYT winning its case to print actual honest to goodness stolen classified documents vs speech (code) created by a private person for distribution to other private persons.
I’m not holding my breath for a response.
These state AGs are the fourth-generation imbeciles Oliver Wendell Holmes warned us about in Buck v. Bell.
Drops trou or just ‘lifts robe’?
You know RBG is naked under that thing anyhow.
You owe me dinner.
Good luck keeping it down.
You are an evil man.
That article doesn’t touch the legal arguments being used by the Democratic AG’s. They’re claiming that the Trump administrations refusal to ban something (because we don’t follow a fucking precautionary principle – something isn’t illegal until someone is given explicit permission to do it) at the federal level is a violation of the 10th amendment and the Administrative Procedures Act. The feds not banning something is somehow an infringement on states rights. Sort of like with Schumer’s bogus lawsuit over the tax plan. They want a handful of states to be able to dictate federal laws and policies on matters that have nothing to do with state rights. It’s like reverse, retarded federalism (in actuality, it’s just blatantly partisan politics).
So, yes…this judge took one incredible shit on the Constitution. And we get another nation wide injunction. This one being the flimsiest yet by far.
Aren’t the states free to ban it and to attempt enforce that ban if they so choose?
No, the states aren’t allowed to violate the 1st Amendment, which is what the lawsuit and settlement were all about.
Two separate things are being confused here. There is the initial litigation when the Obama administration attempted to ban the weapons.
Then there is the lawsuit by the 8 Democratic AG’s.
If the individual state’s passed laws banning the sale of 3D printed guns, they could be challenged on the same grounds as the Obama DOJ was. And based on precedent, they’d probably lose.
But the Democratic AG’s aren’t arguing that they have the right to pass a law banning 3D printing. But that the powers of states are being infringed upon by the federal government not doing something. Which is far, far more retarded and dangerous than the typical slow erosion of the Bill of Rights with special FYTW carve outs.
Yes. Yes they are. But these assholes are arguing that the federal government not banning something is the same as infringing on states’ rights to regulate firearms. Imagine this logic applied to everything the federal government does.
The states don’t have the right to regulate firearms (regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court hasn’t incorporated 2A yet).
File under I’m glad I don’t live over there:
Did they stone the dirty whore to death?
“All those Bigfoot erotica jokes are helping normalize white supremacy
House candidate Denver Riggleman should be taken to task, but not for enjoying cryptid porn
But — and this shouldn’t have to be said, but here we are — human sexuality is far too complex to be reduced to this kind of oversimplified character assessment. Most of us don’t get to choose or control whatever happens to turn us on, and there are plenty of perfectly normal, fine upstanding citizens whose sexual tastes run to the bizarre and taboo. So long as everyone involved in a sexual scenario is a consenting adult (or an entirely fictional character), it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business what those consenting adults are getting up to. (Although it’s certainly worth saying something if someone engages in nonconsensual or abusive behavior, as has been the case with various politicians felled by the #MeToo movement.) No one, no matter how kinky, deserves to be mocked for whatever out-of-the-ordinary thing excites them, and none of them deserve to have their qualification for public office determined by whether they adhere to whatever erotic palate is currently considered “normal.”
By making a candidate’s sexual interests a part of the campaign rhetoric, we’re sending the message that the kind of smut you’re into is as important as your policy platform. And that message is problematic. It discourages talented people from even considering running for office because they don’t want their careers tanked by an accidental glimpse into their erotic psyche. It equates being aroused by something weird with noxious policy platforms that seek to oppress and disenfranchise people. Worst of all, it distracts from meaningful discussions of candidates’ actual merits and qualifications — in the specific case of Riggleman, it turns the conversation away from his truly monstrous affinity for normalizing white supremacy, a trend that is growing more widely acceptable in American political discourse by the day.
Cockburn may feel that there’s no place on Capitol Hill for sexy yetis, but I couldn’t disagree more. The halls of government should be more than welcoming to people who are into bondage, people who are polyamorous, people who love puppy play and suspension and latex and leather and piercing, and yes, people who are interested in exploring Bigfoot’s sex life. What it shouldn’t be open to is purity tests about the consensual sexual activities and interests that politicians pursue in their personal lives. Well, that and white supremacy.”
…so…people are defending someone they believe is a white supremacist because someone is “kinkshaming” him over Bigfoot porn? Is this where intersectionality has taken us? Because it’s entertaining as hell.
I don’t think this article is defending the guy; they’re claiming (probably not true, but I don’t know anything about the guy) that he’s a white supremacist, and that’s why you shouldn’t vote for him, not his kink.
“It’s Harry Potter’s birthday…and Muggles are joining Dumbledore’s Army to fight back against Trump and the Dark Arts:”
She’s an uninformed, uninteresting, idiot.
Based on her Wikipedia page, she’s not had a lot of work lately to occupy her time.
What’s with the potato with the fuel gauge?
Don Quixote’s reply is my favorite:
“1) Everyone at Hogwarts was trained in the use of a deadly weapon; 2) Open carry of that deadly weapon was heavily encouraged; 3) The first thing Voldemort tried to do was confiscate all the wands and restrict access only to those he approved of.”
You’re grounded Sam, and no MTV for you for a month.
Ok, finally got this review in the bag – a Korean western – “The Good, The Bad, The Weird” – highly recommended! https://youtu.be/HWoJP_DVIEc
I enjoyed that movie. I watched it when I was going thru my Korean cinema phase.
My Korean phase is a slow burn currently – just haven’t had time to look up too many “new releases” since 2013 – In Seattle and Hawaii we would actually get subtitled new releases (the exact same week as they came out in Seoul) in the Cinemark theaters since CJ Entertainment bought some of the distribution stuff.
This movie probably sucks, but Emma Roberts is still adorable.
I liked her in American Horror Story.
Does “Now This” publish anything that isn’t straight-up retarded?
I got as far as “downloadable 3D guns” and had to stop as to prevent smashing my fist through a wall. It’s almost as if they really want people to believe that you can just click a button and make a gun pop out of the computer.
Dangerous 64-bit guns have no place in our society!
It’s like they got their computer knowledge from Weird Science.
Watching Season 5 of Strike Back. First episode in and it’s what the original run used to be, tits & bullets, before it got sucked down the rabbit hole of too much character development & relationship crap.
For low carb chips, these are pretty decent. The sour cream and onion ones are a bit bland, but go well with TJs dips.
“There is a war on boys in America: chemical “castration” (ritalin), the mythology of #ADD, the scourge of pedophilia (#NAMBLA), the feminist jihad against virtually all normal male behavior in pre-teens and teens, etc. It is open war on boys and the prognosis is devastating.”
oh please.
while i think there are some ‘slightly concerning’ trends, this “who can play victim harder” shit has got to end.
Any male offspring in college? A legitimate shit-show given the number of “required” courses.
This guy gets it.
Did Donahue realize how out of his depth he was?