Why, hey there, Glibbys. I’m back for Morning Links! Without any further ado…

Notable Births

Lots of really amazing people were born today!

Ferdinando I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1609.

Emily Bronte, 1818.

Henry Ford, 1863.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1947.

Jürgen Klinsmann (who is largely considered the reason the USMNT didn’t qualify for the World Cup). 1964

WebDom! 1980-something

Notable Deaths

Maria Theresa of Spain, 1683.

William Penn, 1718.

Thomas Gray, 1771.

Otto von Bismarck, 1898.

Bảo Đại, 1997.

Notable Events

WebDom was born.
[Ed. note: SP started going gray. Causation or correlation? You decide.]