In October 2012 I went to the local gun show in New Bern, North Carolina with my sons (10 and 16). A gun store dealer had a steel .45 caliber Baby Eagle for $600. I had shot one of these a couple years before and had been looking to buy one. My younger son told me, “Just buy it, it’s your money, you don’t need to ask Mom.” But, luckily for me, common sense prevailed and I called my wife. She gave me permission, but she wasn’t happy about it. My wife is Japanese and was used to my rifles, but she is not a gun person.

Best $600 .45 you can buy IMO
Since it was a gun show, and I had never bought a new gun before I was surprised and a little irritated that they had to do a background check on me. I had always heard of the “gun show loophole” and was stupid enough to believe it. As Suthenboy always says, “Gun grabbers lie, it’s what they do.” But I went through with it (never again) and was approved. The only loophole was as an active duty Marine I needed permission from my Commanding Officer, but this doesn’t apply to gun shows.
I was due to deploy to Afghanistan in January, so I planned on getting my North Carolina Conceal Handgun Permit(CHP) when I got back. While I was deployed, I started looking into the laws and requirements for the CHP. As I did the research it was grinding my gears, and I kept thinking this is not something you should have to ask permission for. One of the websites I found was and there I learned that a permit was not required if you open carry in North Carolina.
I was unfamiliar with OC and really looked into the pros and cons.
OC Pros:
- Comfortable, I don’t have to dress to hide the gun.
- Easier to access the weapon in emergency
- Deterrent factor, if a bad guy sees it, I’ll be more likely to be left alone.
- NO PERMIT REQUIRED! (in NC, VA, and 29 other states)
OC Cons:
- Potential target, this is the one most often mentioned by CC advocates, but if you look at statistics it is a minuscule risk.
- Attract attention from law enforcement, this happened to me once and it was scary and enraging.
- People reacting negatively, hasn’t really happened, most people either don’t notice or care.
- Prohibited from certain stores, happened to me once, but I’m ok with this. If you object to my being armed, I assume you don’t want my money.
- Losing the “element of surprise,” this is another one you hear from CC’ers, I would rather not shoot someone that tried to rob me because they thought I was unarmed, but that’s just me.
I decided OC was the best option for me, and since June of 2013, I OC everywhere outside of work, since I work on a military base. The first time it was like a 13-year-old boy with an awkward boner, you feel like everyone is looking at you. Over time it gets easier as you realize nobody cares. My wife is used to it, and even my proggy Mom doesn’t complain when she comes to visit.
I’ve had several comments and the overwhelming majority have been positive. As I look over the list below, there are some that were negative, but I’ve forgotten many of the nice things random people have said to me. 99% of the time no one says a word and I think most people don’t even see it.

Custom FIST Leather holster with thumb break
Here is a rundown.
Went to the Wicked Superstore in Havelock NC to look for a costume for my 11 y/o son. We weren’t in there for more than a minute when a guy who worked there came up to me:
Guy: “The owner wanted me to ask if you were law enforcement?”
I’m wearing work boots, jeans , a long sleeve black t-shirt with a Spartan helmet on the front and MOLON LABE on the sleeves and an old Penguins ball cap, so I don’t look like a cop.
Me: “No, just a normal guy.”
“She said if you’re not then you need to put the pistol in your truck.”
“Then we’re leaving”
“I’ve been to a lot of different places and never had a problem.”
“It’s her property.”
“I know, guess we’ll go somewhere else.”
“Sorry about this.”
“I don’t care, we’re going.”
So we left and drove to the Halloween store in Morehead. I wish I could have taken a receipt back to the Havelock store, but my son was getting into the too cool for Halloween stage and we ended up not buying anything.
At a Hardee’s in Fredericksburg VA, I had a man walk up to my table.
Man: You can carry like that here?
Me: Yea, totally legal.
Man: You got a permit though, right?
Me: No, not required and I don’t want to jump through hoops for other people’s feelings.
Man: I’m not used to that, we’re from Jersey.
Me: Feel sorry for you, that is on the list of states I won’t move to.
Man: OK have a good one.
Me: you too
Later he came back and was amazed when I told him there were no limits to the number of bullets I could carry, I finished with, “Freedom is awesome”, and he replied with “I guess,” although I did hear him tell his wife they should move here “to get away from the Nazis.”
Chick-fil-A in New Bern with my wife, had the following conversation.
Some Guy: Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you a question?
Me: Not at all.
SG: Are you a cop?
M: No.
SG: Do you ever get hassled?
M: No, been kicked out of one store, but that doesn’t bother me.
SG: So the police leave you alone?
M: Yeah, I’ve eaten in here right next to two state troopers and been at another place with a couple county sheriffs and they didn’t say a word.
SG: Cool, I let my concealed lapse, since I didn’t want to take the class again, so I was OC’ing earlier, but put it in the truck before I came in here since I thought it would create a scene.
M: I go all over the place in New Bern and Havelock and 99% of the time people don’t notice or they have nice things to say about it.
SG: That’s good, I’ll let you get back to your lunch. Have a good day.
M: You too.
Dryer quit one night, so my wife and I went to the coin laundry in New Bern. There were two people plus the attendant, no one said anything and about 15 minutes later the other people left.
Now that it’s just my wife and me, the attendant calls me over.
Attendant: Do you have a permit for that?
Me: Nope, don’t need one to open carry, only if you conceal it. It’s still mostly a free country.
A: You can’t be in here, what if someone tries to take it and shoots us?
M: That never happens, are you telling me to leave?
A: Yes, I’m not comfortable with you in here.
So I stood outside on the sidewalk while my wife was inside (clothes were in the dryer at this point). Little later he came out.
A: It’s illegal to carry that without a permit.
M: No it’s not, can you tell me the actual company name?
A: Why?
M: I want to email the corporate office and find out if it’s their policy or just your policy.
A: It’s my policy, but I’m in charge so I say you can’t be in here.
M: I am not arguing that, I am just trying to find out where this comes from.
A: You can’t be in here.
Then he mumbled something about permits and walked back into the laundry. So I figured I could Google the company and find out. Five minutes later he comes back.
A: I’m not trying to be a dickhead, I tried to call my supervisor, but she’s not answering. You can go back in if you want.
M: OK, I’m not trying to cause a problem.
So I went in and he wanted to talk about problems with other people not listening and bringing dogs in, I said my gun will cause less problems than a dog. He asked why I didn’t get a permit, so I told him I don’t believe in asking permission, so I open carry.
All in all, minor inconvenience, and when I went back one more time he didn’t say a word, just nodded a greeting.
I got thanked in Popeye’s for “exercising your 2nd Amendment right.” I wasn’t quite sure what to say, went with, “do it everywhere I can.”
This one still pisses me off. Went to the Havelock Chili Fest, ate some good chili and walked around for a while. I think we were there for an hour, but as we were leaving a pair of Havelock cops came over to me. Only one cop did all the talking.
Cop: You can’t be armed here.
Me: Why not?
C: It’s illegal.
M: No, it’s not.
C: This is a festival.
M: So?
C: You can’t carry here, not even concealed, just like a place that charges admission, or a parade.
I jokingly point to their pistols and say, “but you’re carrying.”
C: You’re just a citizen.
M: This isn’t a parade or demonstration, so it’s legal.
C: No, it isn’t and you can either cooperate or….
He shrugged his shoulders a little and gave me a look. He didn’t say it, but I knew what he meant. I couldn’t keep my big mouth shut though.
M: I carried here last year. I also carry at the seafood fest and mum fest; cops definitely saw me.
C: If they didn’t stop you they are wrong. Are you going to put the weapon in your vehicle or not?
M: (deciding on not being arrested) We were leaving anyway.
I just started walking towards the parking lot and they didn’t say anything else. My wife says I need to work on my “angry face,” and I know I talked a little more than I should have, but at least they didn’t try to ID or disarm me. Spoiler Alert: I was 100% legal, but I was retiring from the Marine Corps and job hunting so I wanted to avoid having to answer “YES” on the “Have you ever been arrested” questions.
At Flatwoods Outfitters in Jacksonville NC, the RSO made me go back to my truck to unload and then hand carry my empty pistol to the line. It is illegal to OC if admission is charged, he admitted it was stupid, but the law is stupid and makes you do stupid things.
I went to the NC seafood festival, not sure why: food was too expensive and there were way too many people. But on the bright side, there was not a single reaction to my pistol (except my wife). She started with, “there are so many people, if something did happen, you couldn’t do anything.”
I explained that if someone started shooting, most people would get down and it’s not like I would go looking for them, but if they were coming towards me it would be fairly obvious who the BGs were. Then she told me that I was the only one with a gun, so I said that’s not true, I’m just the only one you can see. No big deal, for the most part she leaves me alone about it.
The gun did protect me while walking to the festival, there were two ladies sitting outside of the Democratic Party HQ and they stopped the people about 100 yards in front of me, but when I got to them they didn’t say a word.
At a HESS in Ahoskie or Oriental (it was a long trip, not sure) a man says, “You can carry like that up here?”
Me: That’s the only way I carry, since I refuse to get a permit.
Him: That’s legal? I’m from Florida so I’ve never seen that before.
Me: Totally legal, most people don’t notice or care.
Him: My man! I’m all about that.
Me: Freedom is awesome.
Him: We need more like you.
Me: Carry yourself. NC is a good place for it.
Him: Maybe I will, I keep mine in the truck.
It was nice to get a positive reaction, although no reaction is just as nice.
In 2015 we went to the gun show again. There were some nice guns and accessories there and the usual group of booths. I entered a few raffles and bought both of my boys a knife. One booth had a raffle for a free CC class and when the guy asked me if I wanted to enter, the conversation went like this:
Me: No, I carry open and don’t want a permit.
CC’er: Really, well what if the you go to CVS and the minimum wage worker freaks?
Me: I’ll leave and contact management.
CC’er: What if she calls the cops? (starting to get himself hyped up about something)
Me: Not breaking the law.
CC’er: What if he doesn’t know that and takes you to jail?
Me: I’ll sue their asses.
CC’er: Well, you be careful, that doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
Me: I am, never had a problem (as I’m walking away, no patience for this).
It struck me as strange that a legal activity that doesn’t affect him at all was such a big deal. He was a little agitated when he got into the “what if” scenario, but it could have been worse; I thought he was going to start with the, “you’ll be the first guy shot” thing. My kids thought it was funny especially after I put it into the “two types of people”* discussion. It was funny to me because I’ve seen these types of discussions on the Internet, but this was my first experience in real life.
*There are two types of people, the ones who want to be left alone and the others who refuse to leave them alone. I always try to stay in the first group, but a lot of people jump back and forth depending on the issue at hand (drugs, healthcare, guns, religious freedom and so on).
If it doesn’t hurt anyone else I believe there is no reason to join the second group.
I was in Truckers Toy Store in Morehead City and no one complained, but I did have a customer come in and loudly say, “What the hell is going on here, we got guys with guns!” The lady behind the counter looked up a little startled and said, “WHAT! Oh yeah, he has his,” then she kind of shrugged and after he left she said “sorry about that.” I don’t know why people feel the need to bring attention to themselves trying to make a stupid joke. But it really didn’t bother the staff so it’s all good.
Since I’ve moved to Suffolk, Virginia and have been OC’ing all over Hampton Roads, I’ve seen some other OC’ers and haven’t had a single negative reaction. I always try to encourage OC’ing instead of CC’ing, but I think most people think it’s crazy. If you carry and it’s legal for you, maybe this will at least help you think about letting your freak flag fly.*
*Disclaimer: Check your local and state laws
Gratuitously OT:
Who was it that Said ” Do Omaha Beach” Fucker. I just realized I must do 2 separate Dioramas, one For the Landing Craft, and one for the Germans. Even at 1/72 scale, I need at least 5 feet of depth to get an accurate size. This thing is going to blow Minds, including mine,
Not even Close,
Well, I’m pretty sure the GIs & Germans were all open carrying, too.
Does anyone do miniature miniatures, like 1/8 dioramas of 1/72 dioramas?
I’m already Blind from this Shit, ask the !/72 Guys if they do miniatures……………
Uh huh. Blind from the model building.
C: You’re just a citizen.
The people are the police and the police are the people. I know modern cops don’t give a shit about the Peelian principles, though, and think non-cops should be second-class citizens.
In America, We are Second Class
Which is why I hate the whole “veterans are automatically heroes” vibe and the phrase “first responders” as well.
I’m with ya Ted, I volunteered to be an A/C Guy, I get what the job entails, Deal with it…….
I’m a veteran and so patriotic I’d make Abe Lincoln puke all over George Washington’s tits. I still get uncomfortable when people do the ‘thank you for your service’ bit.
“Thanks, lady, but I never saw combat. Can I just get my 10% off these tires now?”
I’d make Abe Lincoln puke all over George Washington’s tits.
Gotta step it up a notch. I dont have a flag decal .
Not a decal of Calvin pissing on George Washington’s tits?
Why’d you have to take it German like that, Sally?
I have no issue with the German People, and my landscape is done in Imperial German Colors , Red, White and Black, Eat German Shit Fuckers!
Stupid cop has it completely backwards. Ron is in the Marine Corps while the cop is just a civilian civil servant who should be kissing Ron’s ass and apologizing for disturbing him.
Th cop should be kissing Ron’s ass regardless of whether he’s in the military.
That line gave me an angry shiver
everything else i thought was cute
I hate that this line was stolen from the military/citizen distinction. The distinction between military and citizens is that the military members do not have the same rights and have a separate legal code applied to them (on top of normal laws). A more burdensome one. Police say it because they want to compare the risks they take to the ones taken by those who fight wars. They want that distinction between themselves and everyone else, but while also getting special privileges granted to them and not having to follow the same laws that they enforce.
Funny, I’d figure walking around unarmed by law and not even allowed to wear body armor would make my job as not a cop significantly more dangerous than a cop in my same neighborhood. But what do I know? I’m just a “civilian”.
“Disarmed”, not “unarmed”.
JUST a citizen.
I mighta said something. My husband woulda kicked my ankle to keep me from saying something.
Yeah. I probably would have said “What do you mean, ‘JUST’?”.
Open carry has been legal for a long time in Wisconsin, no one ever cared. Then when they were trying to pass concealed carry laws some guys got the bright idea to open carry their rifles into a restaurants and such in protest for cc. Suddenly businesses started putting up no gun signs. The cc law passed, but those signs are all still up. So even though now the law allows for more carry options, private businesses restrict it more than before.
The NC Gun group is always trying to restrict OC in favor of CC and nobody seems to think it matters since there aren’t many of us.
You can OC in Florida if you are going to, coming from or engaged in hunting/fishing. I’ve never tried it because cops are not great on laws.
Obviously, as shown in the article, cops do not care one bit about what the law says. *sigh*
I have the choice of being “right” or being “not shot”. I chose life.
In Ohio, not that long ago, it took a letter from the AG to sort LE out, since they were routinely messing their panties:
Oh, and this from Ohio Carry
Ohio seems pretty good regarding OC, I might go to their Amish country in 3 weeks
Well, I dont know how )))they’ll((( take it. My people are pretty anti-weapons, unless its a hay-rake.
(opposite of jew, duh)
Don’t call it that.
If I carried, I’d need to carry concealed. I do not do well attracting attention to myself, even if, like yours, it’s positive or just neutral.
Like I said 99% don’t care, the only real issue I ever had was the cops
I OC when I’m in the sticks, but I’ve never had the balls to do it in town. This might give me the boost I need.
Go for it, in Colorado I think Denver as a ban on OC but not the rest of the state.(I’m not 100% sure)
I avoid CaCoD as much as humanly possible; that is to say the only reason I ever go there is for a Rockies/Avalanche game. Otherwise fuck them. Fuck Boulder too.
It is legal on the good side of the state and not uncommon to see. Nobody cares.
I should add unless you are drinking. If the cops see you have a beer at an event OC’ing you will be hassled and then escorted to your car/truck and made to put your gun away in which they then know what car/truck someone drinking is driving and they will follow up on that because anyone dumb enough to OC and drink is dumb enough to drink and drive. This is why FBI agents in Denver CC when they are drinking, dancing and most likely driving.
I wouldn’t drink while I was OC’ing in public.
But I don’t really drink in public anyway.
Doesn’t the FBI have a mandatory offduty carry policy?
Plenty of lousy trigger discipline here, but you don’t really care do you?
I think 30R is a future ex-Mrs. Q.
Many of those girls need to be disciplined.
“Well, I could stay a bit longer.”
I fuckin hate you. I knew that was Holy Grail w/o even clicking.
Moral of the story: There is a theme of T&A that is appropriate for every occasion.
I’m too much of a gun nerd to not notice the horrible trigger discipline. It’s a turn-off. #10 looks like she’s both attractive and competent, so she’s got my vote.
Get your finger outside of the trigger guard, you dumb bimbo.
Is 31 a Peacekeeper?
Great article. We were just talking the other day about how few people notice either way.
*Disclaimer: Check your local and state laws
I’m in Minne. We are a shall issue state, but you need the permission slip to carry open. Winter is mostly OWB for me anyway, but I’ve not carried open in the summer, when it would really be convenient.
The Rare times i see it, I think, Cool!
Florida Man: “Probably go to jail, probably not, I don’t know”
Wise words, florida man. wise words.
I’m starting to really like that guy.
If the store didn’t sell him so much liquor in the first place, this problem probably wouldn’t exist.
It’s almost entrapment, frankly.
Step #1: shut your mouth
Step #2: retain a lawyer
Nice article. We have Constitutional OC here. I’ve only open carried occasionally in town and it’s usually when I’m on my way to the range. No comments but a sidelong glance from a convenience store clerk.
If I’m out hiking trails, there is always a sidearm on my belt, even if it’s local. Not a single comment, or any indication that anybody even noticed.
Just OC?
What state, Spud?
Idaho. CC is legal without a permit but not in the Constitution. There are a few restrictions, but they are few. The only reason for a CCP is reciprocity.
I’m surprised Idaho has any restrictions at all. Were you infected by California, too?
CC without a permit has always been legal outside of city limits but required a permit inside. The State passed legislation a couple of years ago changing that. The fact of the matter is that most just ignored the permit requirement.
We’re currently experiencing a massive Kalifornia infection. I’m glad they got these laws in place when they did.
Firearm laws were similar in Oregon. The gun grabbers are doing their best to chip away at them just the same.
The CHL is a pain in the ass with limited reciprocity but you can carry in most government buildings including schools and are exempt from city/county restrictions on open carry.
If I’m out hiking trails
Or boating.
Oh, no. If I go boating, all my guns keep falling in the water. Gets expensive.
I had always heard of the “gun show loophole” and was stupid enough to believe it.
I have N-1 guns bought through the gun show loophole. I’ve only been background checked once, and own substantially more than one gun. It’s really not a loophole. It’s a private sale, which isn’t subject to a background check in many states.
I understand that now, but all the guns I had bought before that one were from friends so it was my first experience with the stupidity of calling it a loophole.
I used to get worked up by the semantics of it, but the grabbers get super pissy when you say that you’ve bought somewhere between zero and 50 guns through the gun show loophole and smile innocently at them.
I used to sell veggies at a farmers market in Nebraska and there was a hottie customer who open carried. It gave me a boner but lots of pants shitting emails were sent around if we should “allow” this. Fuck off slavers
What asshole at Twitter decided it was a good idea to allow videos, but we’re going to mute them if you scroll or change windows on your browser? Then auto-restart them if you click back onto the link?
I can’t get them to work in Firefox, anyway.
I was just going through the comments on the Rand Paul Milton Friedman tweet. This one made me laugh:
I clicked on the guys profile to see who the dumbshit was. First thing on his feed was interracial porn and stuff about sharing his wife. But, hey, he has two retweets and 12 likes for the Rand comment.
I can’t OC. I’d be escorted out of my office in a minute flat. The only person I suspect knows that I CC is the former military guy who gives me an approving nod on occasion.
Nothing against OC, but I don’t need any more reasons to attract the ire of prog assholes.
The biggest reason was I didn’t have to ask the State if it was ok with them if I carried a pistol.
Speaking of the office, was talking with some coworkers at lunch the other day, and the progs started whining about some gun related issue. Anyway, the conversation split off and the girl next to me asked whether I owned any guns. I felt funny telling her “maybe” while she was less than a foot away from my CC.
Dude. She was coming on to you.
He flirted right back.
It did feel like she was flirting until I saw her strangely horrified look when I said maybe. It blew her mind that somebody like me would own a gun.
Maybe that was her “O” face.
Perhaps that was it, too bad I was too socially awkward and married to take advantage of it. ?
(seriously, she’s Chinese and is curious about middle American culture. Somehow she thinks I’m a redneck cultural expert)
That;s another benefit of OC, t acts like prog repellent.
In Iowa, you can’t carry open or concealed within the limits of any incorporated town/city without a permit to carry a dangerous weapon. You cannot carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle anywhere without a permit to carry. So, you have to get the permit. At that point, it’s a personal choice to carry open or concealed.
I have spent the last few weeks working 80 hours a week trying to make God damn sure that when my baby is born in October that I have the cash reserves in stock to pay everything and not run into the nightmarish disaster of Bill’s that happened with the last kid.
That said. A buddy of mine is trying to sell a 71 model browning A5 in 20 gauge for a price that I can’t hardly turn down.*sigh*
It’s an heirloom for the kids. I your truly love them, you have to do it.
Or even ‘if’.
600 bucks and in damn near perfect condition. Like I said, *sigh*
Sounds like an investment in the future to me.
She’s purrty
Yep, that’s purty alright.
Damn, six hunge!?!? I mean, I don’t want to get you in trouble, but I’d feel guilty not buying that.
Speaking as an aficionado of old Brownings, at six bills that one is in the “buy it NOW” category. Grab it.
Arkansas’ attorney general said in 2013 that open carry is legal in arkansas. This is based on vague statutes that haven’t been challenged in court.
We have the worst law. Ostensibly, it’s legal. If you do it, you’re liable to be arrested and then good luck being the case that determines whether you’re a criminal or not
The best part of dinner tonight was the eggplant side. Eggplant, onion, tomatoes, garlic and basil all from the garden sautéed in olive oil. Finished with a touch of balsamic, fresh basil and quality evoo. Summer on a plate.
I will eat anything. Two exceptions,
Water chestnuts
Fresh water chestnuts are a revelation.
I disagree.
That is all
i completely agree re: the water chestnuts thing.
i’ve never in my life had them in any form that wasn’t ‘crunchy nothing’ that didn’t give me anything in return
Now… eggplant….
i think unless you live in parts of the country w/o long history and breadth of italian cuisine, there’s no freaking way you’re ever going to have that moment where you get blown away by it.
basically, you need to have lots of italian neighbors w/ grannies who make egg.p parm, or egg.p lasagne or make fried cutlets of it on top of zucchini or caponata… ma donn’ look the shit is good, you just need to know the right place.
i also agree its fucking gross if done wrong. fwiw, many people in the north east say the same shit about Okra but i’m like, “y’all need to see how they do it in the south”.
True also for Greeks. My first and most frequent encounters with eggplant have been in mousaka form.
yeah, i never got so much of that, but my buddies who lived in Astoria were all about that.
i was always in either very-italian westchester or very-italian UES or very-italian northside brooklyn
Fresh water chestnuts are a revelation.
Man, I miss 99 Ranch. Or even Country Square.
I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before they get to IL.
You’d like them like this, I suspect. They’re crack.
Well, I’m going to bed soon, I wake up at 5 east coast time.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
Good stuff ron.
IMHO, everybody everywhere should always open carry. It would make things better.
Good submission. Thanks. Made me wonder why I don’t OC.
Good work, for sure. I like abstruse libertarian philosophy as much as anyone, but it’s even better to see liberty in practice.
I did indeed!
I did enjoy this post, ron73440! Thanks so much!
Definitely some good content.
Well done Ron. I enjoyed it.
I got my first paid drafting gig! Kinda. I’m drawing up plans for a family friend’s addition. Just a bedroom and bathroom. But she needs a set of plans for the permit. And the best part is that afterward, I have a job building it.
Congrats, man!
Woohoo! That’s terrific!
I find the talk about Trump’s brinksmanship with the EU interesting. It’s no surprise that the media here and in Europe want to paint this as Trump being gamed. He dropped his threat and got nothing besides future promises of talks! Plenty of libertarian leaning individuals here tariffs (or, in many cases, just Trump’s name) and scoff.
It’s like, why didn’t Trump rework trade in a week! Or Trump is just doing exactly what the wily Europeans want after he backed out off the TTIP! Only, when you listen to what they say anonymously, that’s bullshit. They’re concerned, and largely because they know they’d get their asses kicked in 1-on-1 negotiations with the US.
This is actually a lot like how they painted Reagan as a madman for the brinksmanship with the Soviet Union. The conservative tough talker is going to talk us right into a war! Then when the opposite happens, they desperately try to credit the other side or discredit its significance. The EU hasn’t caved – yet. Maybe they won’t. But he’s forced them back to negotiating with him even though they all desperately hope/want to believe he’s just going to be a one term president who will be out on his ass in 2 more years.
For my part, I hope he rams American beef right down the throats of the French. Flood the Eurozone with cheap GMO-stuffed cow byproduct and make them like it.
I am still not convinced that Trump is some sort of free trader in disguise. It goes against everything he has said to this point. I think he doesn’t know what the fuck he thinks and the hair has watched some old Milton Friedman youtubes or read Hazlitt in the shitter and is whispering in his ear. If he went all zero tariffs he would piss off his populist base of morons to no end.
“I am still not convinced that Trump is some sort of free trader in disguise. It goes against everything he has said to this point.”
Agree. One of the main themes of his campaign was a kind of protectionism for the 21st century.
I see any sort of wheeling and dealing as an unexpected boon. I fully expected one of Trumps worst aspects to be his foreign trade policies.
i don’t think he is anything ‘in disguise’. i think he’s a business guy who thinks ” i want to get a deal done, and i have 2 methods for getting deals done”
method one is “be nice first”, then go, “WHAT IS THIS SHIT” and pretend its terrible and force the other person to concede
method two is “be a huge dick first” and then go, “I love you lets be besties”, and call whatever happens success because you’re not fighting anymore.
basically, he’s not someone with any ideas, he’s someone with ‘methods’. and he uses them repeatedly because everyone else are overthinking everything and end up being suckers to his methods.
and what does he care in the end anyway whether he wins or loses? he’ll pretend like he won, and move onto the next deal.
I called this checkers below. Ascribing any sort of strategy to Trump’s behavior invites people to scoff. But this description helped me find the perfect analogy for it. Pigeon chess. A quick Google search reveals that I am not the first person to come to liken the two.
Trump has been anti-trade in general since he entered the public conscience. I used to consider it the only stable aspect of his platform. Now, I think it just may be a strong distrust of East Asians. Has anyone ever caught Trump eating Chinese food? But right now, you guys are discounting his words as well as actions.
He’s forcing the EU to the negotiating table on the basis of free trade rhetoric after abandoning the TTIP (the EU refuses to cut a unilateral trade deal with China). And his base is fine with it. He’s out maneuvering the Europeans after the media trashed him. He’s playing off his reputation as a business man.
But I think you are both overestimating the importance of protectionism per se to his base, who is really more about the notion of cutting deals that favor Americans (NAFTA is viewed unfavorably by certain types not really because its associated with free trade itself, but because it fucks over American workers in their minds). There’s a distinction. I don’t think it’s a hard sell to the American worker that by reducing European tariffs, Americans are going to benefit because we’re Americans and better. We’re already out working them, they just don’t want to compete. And there’s some truth to that – the EU has more trade barriers against us than vice versa.
Then there’s the central component of his public persona shtick – he’s the blustery deal maker. It’s about what he can sell the deal as rather than the particulars of it. This is a guy willing to negotiate with anyone. It’s the same pattern every time. It doesn’t make him a mastermind because the media is hysterical about everything he does and misses the obvious. He ratchets up the rhetoric playing the crazy man. Forces the other side to back down and then ratchets things down and tries to cut a deal. He’s done it with North Korea. He’s done it with Iran. He’s done it with opposing politicians. He does it with public personalities. He wants to do it with Iran. He’s doing it with the EU.
If the EU negotiates with him, what is it that you think they’re going to negotiate? More protectionism? He’s going to jack up American tariffs while lowering European ones? That’s not even remotely realistic. And if he just wanted a trade war, then he wouldn’t have any need to stress negotiating.
It isn’t 5 dimensional chess. It’s checkers.
Excellent choice of weaponry. Does the safety function as a decocker?
I think It’s decocker only but not sure. Your heavy DA pull is your “safety”.
I have the same in 9 mm and the safety is a decocker.
Very nice. Your author voice is enjoyable.
In Missouri you don’t need a permit for OC or CC.
If people (by people, mean pediatrician) ask if we have guns in the house, we say no.
Thanks, it sounded a little boring to me because that’s how I talk, so I was a little nervous about submitting it
Oh, as a patient in the VA Healthcare system, Im routinely asked “do you own firearms?” Or “do you have guns at home?”
My answer is always to shrug my shoulders and either say “Im not answering that” or “I did, until that boating accident on the Ohio river….”
Yeah, I wasnt happy to find out my wife replied yes to our doctor. Pissed they ask.
Some late night fun
Election night?
A couple years back we had a local cop in Ohio freak out over some dude carrying. It’s legal here in Ohio to OC but the cop didn’t even know that. He pulled hus gun on the dude and tried to arrest him. Luckily he didn’t shoot him. I’ve known OC was legal here since I was 10. Dumb add.
Loved the article ron!
Question: what about car carry? Here you have to have unloaded gun in trunk with ammo stored in separate container. Do you have to do that every time you get in or out of car? Or are the laws different there. You find that a hassel at all if so? I’m going to be in NC visiting daughter in September.
I have two loaded firearms in the car at all times. Both within arms reach. I love America.
Sweet. I’ve been putting off getting my CC for a long time. I always figured if I ever felt I “had to” carry I would just do it. Been considering it lately though as our city keeps growing and the BS along with it.
We can carry in the car with the CHL.
I live in Maryland, so all this is largely academic for me. As I recall, and I could be wrong, you can open carry long arms unless prohibited by county statutes or if you’re within city limits. If you’re transporting a gun in a vehicle, it has to be unloaded. There’s no OC for handguns, and CC is “may issue”, and usually means “almost never issues”. You have to argue that you have a specific concern for your safety, meaning there’s a particular person or group of people who intend to ambush you or something along those lines, and you have to renew it annually. I knew a guy in college who worked as a night manager at a convenience store, and he’d have to do the night deposit by himself. He applied for a CC on the not unreasonable grounds that he worked in a bad neighborhood, alone, and had to travel to a bank by himself with a conspicuous bag full of cash every night. He was turned down.
That said, I’d probably opt to CC if I had the choice. Part of it is that I’m a natty dresser and like shoulder holsters. Part of it is that I don’t go places I think I’ll need heat, and if I do, 6 rounds of 9 Makarov will do just fine for my purposes. That changes if I’m outdoors or if I had to go somewhere I’m not comfortable, but for my day-to-day I’d prefer to opt for discretion and comfort. I take issue with the guys who load up an AR to go get a latte just to make a point, because it makes them, and by extension all other gun owners, look like petulant teenagers, but I have absolutely no problem with someone carrying a pistol in plain sight. Shit, like you say, cops do it all the time.
My entire family in rural NYS has concealed carry permits. One day my Dad was open carrying his .357, as he walked a little girl to school through a neighborhood where a newly-moved-in-but-known-locally pedophile lived.
A State Trooper pulled up next to him.
ST: Sir, do you happen to have a permit for that?
Dad: Yes, I do.
ST: You know, it says “concealed” right in the name, right?
Dad: I am just walking my granddaughter to school through this newly hazardous neighborhood, but as soon as I can get to a place with a jacket, I’ll put it on.
ST: Good idea. You know, it sure is hard sometimes to find jackets that are going to be comfortable in this hot weather. Have a good day.
newly-moved-in-but-known-locally pedophile lived
/puts on Paul Harvey voice.
“And then… they got married. And now… you know… the rest… of the story.”
…Page 3
“Cit as in CITRUS, CAL as in CALCIUM…..CIT…..RICAL!”
As noted by another Iowan, our permits are for weapon carry, so open or concealed is an option.
Your experience suggest to me that I ought to just chill out and not worry about it in town, especially now that its summer and IWB can be uncomfortable.
In my 3 years living here I’ve only seen one other person OC so I kinda feel like I would stand out like a sore thumb.
I did OC in Yellowstone and Grand Tetons a few years back. Mostly on the boardwalk areas where all the tourists congregate. Talked to a bunch of other hikers and not a one was put off. Got two ‘atta boys’ (one from a vacationing cop), and one ‘is that legal’
Even took a walk with a Ranger (the tour guide type rangers) and she didn’t bat an eye at it.
Two law enforcement Rangers in Tetons on the other hand were not happy at all. They even tried to tell me I needed a permit to OC unless I was a Wyoming resident (which is of course not true).
I liked this article. Manners. Not sure how the asshole cop or laundry dude interpreted Ron’s behavior (possibly as being passive aggressive), but Ron knew how he behaved and that’s what counts.
I talk to strangers, but i don’t paint them pictures.
Is that legal?
Yes….end of conversation.
The frustrating thing about gun rights is the best arguments for robust protection of them have already been made. Good guy with a gun, right to self defense, last line against govt tyranny etc… The argument should’ve been won and we move on to something else, but hoomans will always circle back to stupid arguments for taking away other people’s freedom. Stats be damned because “it’s different this time!” or “it’s 2018 not 1790!”.
Eric and Brett Weinstein both make the argument that capitalism was all fine and dandy in the past, but with all the gains in technology today, we can’t have pure capitalism anymore because some people are not able to compete or even sustain themselves. Jordan Peterson also makes the assertion that there isn’t anything people with IQs below 85 can do in today’s world that would be a net positive to an employer (shortened version of his argument), but at least JP admits that there doesn’t seem to be anything the state can do about it that wouldn’t exacerbate the problem.
Times and circumstances change, but your right to defend yourself or to keep the fruits of your labor do not. If the entire world comes under the rule of one egg head supervillian, maybe then you can curtail these rights. It’s more likely that curtailing these rights will lead to an oppression of the masses by an inner circle of psychopaths. Take care of your own defense and take care of your family members that can’t provide for themselves. That is something that I doubt will ever change.
My theory is that the average human intelligence level is not fixed by biology. Sal Khan (founder of Khan Academy) made a speech where he posited that in the Middle Ages, people probably thought of literacy as some kind of elite skill that only a few super-intelligent people were capable of learning, but the literacy rate is close to 100 percent in developed countries.
I think it’s the same with other skills, particularly computers. There are plenty of elderly people and poor people who didn’t grow up with computers and don’t know how to use them, but computers will become cheaper and more prevalent with time. Within 50 years or so, I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find a person who didn’t have some basic familiarity with computers.
My theory is that the average human intelligence level is not fixed by biology. Sal Khan (founder of Khan Academy) made a speech where he posited that in the Middle Ages, people probably thought of literacy as some kind of elite skill that only a few super-intelligent people were capable of learning, but the literacy rate is close to 100 percent in developed countries.
I think it’s the same with other skills, particularly computers. There are plenty of elderly people and poor people who didn’t grow up with computers and don’t know how to use them, but computers will become cheaper and more prevalent with time. Within 50 years or so, I think you’ll be hard-pressed to find a person who didn’t have some basic familiarity with computers.
^^^^ proof of squirrel intelligence
/dons aluminum hardhat
The idea goes: technological change is so rapid that fluid intelligence pays an even higher role in success than ever before. You can teach someone with lower fluid intelligence how to do a certain task using a certain technology, but that technology will become obsolete within a very short time frame. JP uses the touch screen system at McD’s to explain how even low skilled jobs need a higher IQ than just ten or twenty years ago. One effective person can outperform two, three or five ineffective people given the new tools. He will also be able to adapt to the new technology faster because of both IQ and having experience with the previous technology. It eventually becomes a chicken or egg discussion, but to me it doesn’t matter. It’s a Luddite’s argument.
The world needs ditch diggers too.
“Stats be,damned”
because my rights have nothing to do with the means, modes, skewness, or standard deviations of others.
“The argument should’ve been won and we move on to something else”
The argument against socialism should also have been won and finished, yet here we are.
That was my point. We can’t have axiomatic truths because it’s diffffernt this time.
I’m in TX enjoying reciprocity. There was one library posted against OC. I CC most of the time. If I print in that library, it’s a crime. I’ve never been made by anyone who would say anything, but it makes me nervous. I love that TX finally passed OC so I can stop worrying about printing most of the time.
I had a beer while carrying, legal here because I was I wad in a place that makes less than 51% of its revenue from alcohol……and I was not under the influence. In I can carry in a bar but can never imbibe and carry.
“In TN I can carry in a bar but can never imbibe and carry.”
Has this been posted yet?
Fucking thugs with badges. Shoot first and justify later. Cop needs to be thrown in prison for murder. Pour encourager les autres.
“Mr. Black walks out of the bathroom to see other individuals who had also come in the home. Black’s wife had called the police and ran outside. She specifically told the police what her husband was wearing and there was a naked man attacking her grandson. Mr. Black walks out and is shot by police.”
“Other individuals” means the cops, right? I know there hasn’t been a lot time for the story to be confirmed, but c’mon…
Also, how hard is it to distinguish between a naked man and a clothed one?
Damn, police will shoot Blacks even if they’re white.
They make it all sound so clinical. As if the screaming wife wasn’t telling them within minutes that they shot the wrong person.
The story seems like it was entirely taken from a confusing press release put out by the cops rather than any attempt at actual reporting. But it’s also just piss poor writing that fails to establish the basic facts.
This could actually be a chaotic episode. Poor communication and multiple 911 calls with varying reports. Everyone isn’t on the same page. So the mother may have told someone at the scene what her husband was wearing, but everyone may not have gotten that relayed to them. You go in, and an armed man comes out of the bathroom. Someone shoots not knowing all the details. You have three males in the home here.
This is a case where I’m not going to jump to attacking the cop or cops who shot. It needs an actual investigation. Hopefully, it gets an actual impartial investigation.
This could actually be a chaotic episode. And that is the excuse they’ll always use after gunning down a resident in his own home. It’s too bad they’ve turned that defense into a total joke. It’s the same reason fake rape allegations are so horrible. They discredit legitimate ones.
I’m eith you but color me skeptical the investigation will actually be impartial.
I have a, um, somewhat different view of the matter. I really don’t like open carry.
First off, the risk of a criminal targeting you for your gun is a real one. For whatever reason they rarely make the national news, but I know of more than a dozen incidents in which an open carrier was relieved of his pistol by a criminal. The criminals that are going to be deterred by open carry, are frankly not the ones I need a gun to deal with.
Second, and maybe even more important, open carry attracts gomers. It’s sad to say but nonetheless true, that many gun people are painfully dim and have all the cultural intelligence of a carnival sideshow act. I don’t want some schmuck coming up to me and trying to have the, “Whut you carryin’?” conversation while I’m out trying to eat dinner.
Third, open carry limits options. If no one sees my gun, no one can throw me any shit about how I’m ‘not allowed to carry here.’ Very convenient for attending festivals, concerts, bars, and other non-permissive areas.
My problem with open carry as a crime prevention strategy is this: Let’s say you’re standing in line at a gas station and a thug walks in looking to rob the place. If he sees a gun on your hip, he knows to just take you out first. Sure, many criminals will just back off if they see someone else with a firearm, but some of the bolder ones would probably just stand behind you and pop you in the head. Basically, open carry would be a better idea of far more people did it – so many people that about 25% of people in any given public place had guns on their belts.
Of course, I still think it should be completely legal To Be Sure™.
As a woman, I would not open carry. It’s asking for trouble.
that holster is a beauty. how much practice before you were used to the thumb button, then draw?
i cc in VA. as you stated, OC is legal but i live in an area SATURATED with the second kind of people. i would expect to be annoyed from the time i set foot on a public sidewalk until i stepped off it… and i can’t tolerate annoying questions from annoying busybodies.