Gun Leather
Let’s talk about gunbelts and holsters for outdoor work. No concealed-carry stuff here – let’s discuss rigs for carrying a heavy, powerful belt gun for serious outdoor business.
But before we do that, let’s talk about guns and loads.
Woods-Bumming Guns
While I favor my Glock 36 for everyday concealed carry, for outdoor work I like a big-bore wheelgun. When woods-bumming, I usually have either my S&W 25-5 or my Ruger Vaquero, both in .45 Colt. If I take it in my head to carry a semi-auto, it’s either the 1911 or the Glock 21, both (obviously) .45 ACPs. In the revolvers I like 8 grains of Unique behind a Lasercast 250-grain hard-cast flat point. That load will blow through a railroad tie and knock a big handful of splinters out the far side and will easily lengthwise a big mulie or a cow elk.
For the .45 ACP I like the 200 grain Lasercast semi-wadcutter. Like most Glocks, my 21 will feed almost anything; the 1911 is a little fussier but will feed SWCs fine with a good magazine. I use Kimber magazines, and the 1911 will feed empty cases with those.
Now, your mileage may vary; almost all my woods-bumming these days is done in the Rockies in Colorado and Wyoming, where there are several species of big, thick-skinned, toothy critters in residence, so I recommend a major-caliber handgun for hereabouts. But if you’re outdoors in areas where the most likely targets for your sidearm are coyote-sized, anything from a .32 Long to a .38 Special will work as well, along with being a little easier to shoot. The Ruger Single-Six is available in .32 H&R Mag, a fine revolver in a good round for medium-sized varmints and, with a mild load topped with a hard-cast lead pill, nice for whatever edible small game presents itself.
But, let’s move on to what I really wanted to talk about, and that’s how to tote your belt iron.
Gun Belt Rigs
The gun belt and holster should be comfortable and solid. Choice of material is up to the shooter; some like nylon web belts and holsters, and there is certainly nothing wrong with such a rig; I’ve used many myself. But it’s hard to beat good leather. Heavy harness leather should be used in the belt, and good stout bull hide in the holster. A heavy leather rig will start out very stiff, but wear and the application of a softening oil, like neat’s-foot oil, will soon make the rig softer and more wearable.
(Disclosure: I am in no way connected to nor do I have any financial interest in the companies mentioned, I just like their products.)
For my belt guns, I like (in fact, it’s my favorite rig) the America’s Gun Store #110 Wyoming Drop belt with the #114 Cheyenne holster, which rig hangs the butt of the gun at about wrist height when your arms are hanging naturally. I find this near perfect for being able to get the gun into action quickly; if you use the leg tie down to hold the holster in place, you can wipe off the holster’s hammer loop with the shooting hand’s thumb just as your fingers wrap around the grip.
Train yourself to keep your finger off the trigger while drawing; cock the single-action or start the double-action pull after you have cleared leather and are already pushing the muzzle of the piece towards the target. I try to get in some reflex shooting practice every year, but draw and dry-fire won’t always work; most folks tend to shoot high when shooting instinctively. Practice!
The Wyoming Drop Belt also comes in a two-gun version if dual six-guns are your thing, and a cross draw holster is available for the one-gun version as well. Personally, I don’t much see the point in carrying two revolvers; if you’re that concerned about running into some kind of trouble, best to pack along a rifle.
Lots of folks like the Threepersons holster as well, and the same statements apply. For that matter, there is nothing wrong with a simple leather cartridge belt like the Hunter Company Straight Cartridge Belt outfitted with the classic Mexican loop holster, like the one I tend to tote my Vaquero around in.
Trouser Belt Holsters
There are options for folks who aren’t into dedicated gunbelts as well. When talking belt holsters, I’m tempted to just mention Bianchi and let it go at that, but there are plenty of good holsters our there, ranging from Uncle Mike’s vinyl to high-end leather, prices from $25 or so to, well, as high as you care to go.
Find a holster that holds the piece canted at the right angle for your natural grip and your gun hand and carry it in a position that’s comfortable for your build; I tend to favor a right-hand hip carry. I’ve used a cross draw belt holster a time or two but don’t much care for them, as I find it awkward to reach across with my shooting hand. Your mileage may vary; as noted above, continue your draw-dry fire practice until you find the holster position that allows you to bring your piece into action quickly with a minimum of extraneous movement.
Bad Weather
If your stomping grounds tend to be wet and snowy/rainy, like the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, Great America’s also makes their very nice K #17 flap holster, which keeps weather off the gun but makes it take longer to bring the piece to bear. Bianchi makes a mil-spec flap holster for various automatics if more modern hardware is your thing.
Whichever rig you choose, keep it clean and softened (saddle soap and water for leather rigs, good cleaning with clear water and a little clear soap for synthetics) and it will give many, many years of solid service. A well-made firearm can last for a couple of generations if it’s well cared for; there’s no reason the carry rig shouldn’t last as long.
Great write up.
Agreed. This is really useful info. Alas, I can’t use it here in southern CA. But, one we move…
Yes, that’s me in the photos.
You look much more human than I expected.
He must have went through a bunch of razors for the photo shoot
I get that a lot.
I wish I could rock a hat like that.
Nice article, Animal. Thanks for writing it up (and costing us all more money).
I didn’t know John Milius posted here! 🙂
I was thinking C. Everett Koop with a mustache.
Oh yeah! Yours was much better than mine.
All the boys say that.
I get the same, but from the ladies…
Thanks, Animal! Great practical advice anyone can put to use. Love that!
a tree chicken in every pot?
Paging Mr. Lizard..
Come clean.. what is this a plot to?
Very nice write-up. I’ve been thinking about getting a holster for my GP100 and learned a lot here.
Sort of OT. You mentioned .45 ACP can take down big game and .38 Special for coyote-sized critters. That leaves .357 mag somewhere in between. What’s the biggest critter one could reasonably hope to take down with .357 mag? Whitetail deer? Wolf?
Bullshit. If I had the America’s Gun Store #110 Wyoming Drop belt with the #114 Cheyenne holster, no way that motherfucker gets the drop on me.
Sometimes, I think we may overdo STEVE SMITH, but no, it still makes me laugh. I’m simple that way.
It will never get old.
You’ll shoot your eye out kid.
/advice to all aspiring porn actresses
I’ve read about whitetails being taken with the .357. I’d be comfortable trying it. I’ve had several in the past, although I don’t have one right now (I’m a 45 guy). Don’t know as I’d try an elk with one, but wolves/whitetails, sure thing.
I took a whitetail with a Thompson Contender, 30 Herrett. It wouldn’t be the cartridge, it would be the person trying to hold the sights on a short barrelled gun.
I won a $20 bet with a guy once by crawling through a field of crop-top wheat and taking a doe antelope at about 15 paces with a .357 mag.
Not the caliber you asked for, but .327 magnum is great for coyotes of want to save the pelt like if your running a trap line. Smaller hole, more than enough ass to drop them reliably with a single shot.
.357 magnum would be enough to down a wolf or a white tail. It can take a black bear, but personally I’d want a .44 or bigger, because bear.
Don’t take a 357 for deer. It is legal but I can tell you from experience…not enough punch. The lightest pistol round that can be depended on for deer size game is 41 mag. with 210gr bullets. IMO.
A flap holster is good for keeping the elements off your belt iron.
And who doesn’t like to look like a Mountie?
Snidely Whiplash?
Neat and timely, since I’m moving to CO and thus have an excuse to waste good money on new gear.
I’ve been thinking about getting a Ruger Super Blackhawk (5.5″ .44mag in SS) for a woods gun and obviously I’ll need a rig to carry it.
question for the CO glibs though. If I open carry in the woods will I cause all the hippies I pass to swoon in fear? Or is it relatively unremarkable? Something tells me the granola crowd might freak if I carry a sixgun in a cowboy rig…
In the woods people won’t bat an eye; in fact people won’t bat an eye outside of Boulder, Denver and a few neighborhoods of FoCo. Outside of those areas, the state is pretty sane.
^ This. Go up around Meeker or Parachute and you’ll see people packing iron on the streets. Out in the woods, nobody cares.
“Out in the woods, nobody cares.” Sigh. Wish that was true in the forests of CA.
I never got a second glace while in the mountains with my gun owb.
In Boulder, though?
Fuck Boulder.
Can’t stack rocks. Can’t use plastic bags. OJ has a $1.32 sugar tax on it.
The guns are the least of the problems!
The Sheriff was pretty good at getting me my ccw. No real complaints there.
ohhhhhhhh i love them Ruger Super ‘hawks.
Is this the first incidence of a Glib outing themselves with a legit photo in the history of the site?
Inquiring minds and all that.
Nah. Swiss posts pics of himself all the time.
And camels.
Everyone has a fetish.
Riven did it a while back
A few have a picture of themselves as their avatar. Jesse and Tundra, for example
My avatar is a bunch of German hitch-hikers I picked up in Australia.
Everyone has a fetish.
You’ll notice he said nothing about releasing them afterwards
Their families paid the appropriate ransom on condition I did not discuss what went on while they were in captivity.
Just maintaining the Karmic Order …. I’ve been on both sides of the hitch-hiking equation, many, many times.
I noticed you didn’t weigh in on the Truck Stop Hooker discussion yesterday.
Maybe he was the author of some of those stories
This is my first appearance here in about 12 weeks. I imagine I’ve missed quite a few things.
How’s things? Dad duties kicking your ass yet?
My daughter is awesome, though Mrs Gordilocks has been carrying much of the parenthood load (phrasing!).
I’ve been unbelievably busy, as some friends of mine started a legal hemp farm to supply a CBD oil production facility granted a license from Albany. So when I’ve been done swinging a hammer, I then drove to the farm for a few weeks to help there … and then my BIL has had one of his apartments under major renovation, so I’ve been helping him there as well. So between 3 jobs and being a new Dad, yeah, time has been scarce.
My daughter is awesome
Good news!
Being busy with three jobs is better than not having one at all.
You mean your avatar isn’t a photo?
No, it’s a state of mind, MAN.
Artist’s representation
Well. Not a *recent* photo.
MikeS is the Boston bomber! Well, the other one. No, not the other brother.
My avatar used to be my photo. Then I lost like 40 lbs., grew my hair out, and got really good at playing guitar. So I changed it on Monday to Johnny Thunders. It seems to make sense.
Noticed it? It’s the home screen on his phone!
Riven; I swear I’m not stalking you! I haven’t even been to Montana…this week
Damn, missed my shot at Riven stalking while I was out there. I knew I was forgetting something.
DoomCo showed himself to be a smug Millennial.
That’s right! With terrible taste in sunglasses.
Those sunglasses were pretty sweet, though, you have to admit.
Now with more hipster mustache
“DoomCo showed himself to be a smug Millennial.”
LOL, I remember the pic with the cheap sunglasses.
You’ll be happy to know I now have expensive sunglasses I somehow haven’t fucked up or lost yet.
I managed to break one pair of Ray-Bans I bought by dropping them on concrete and cracked one of the lenses, and the other Ray-Bans I had just got all scratched up. WTF? I’ve never even had cheapy sunglasses that scratched like that. So I tossed those and got Oakleys. So far, so good.
Target all the way.
When you eventually scratch your Oakley lenses, get replacements from Fuse. They’re fantastic and less scratch prone.
Thanks for the tip. Almost one year now and no scratches.
I’ve had my Oakleys for 10 years now. They’re comfortable and have held up to a lot of abuse over the years. My wife bought me them shortly after we started dating when her hound-mix ate my old sunglasses.
She, on the other hand, goes through sunglasses like crazy so can only have cheap ones. I buy 6 or so pairs at a time for her when I find a good deal (like those 2.99 ones at Aldi).
My wife has Gucci sunglasses. She’s a spoiled brat.
I need prescription sun glasses. So no cheap options.
Polycarbonate lenses; scratch resistant coating; polarized tint. Costs a small fortune, but they last forever.
Kinnath, have you tried Zenni Optical? I have heard excellent endorsements for them, though can’t vouch personally since I got Lasik.
Not familiar with them. I will check them out.
Zenni is great.
I have a few sunglasses from them as well.
My eyesight impaired friends use them for glasses.
Same here. Just got a new prescription, sprung for Maui Jim sunglasses. AND BY SPRUNG, MEAN . . .
Yeah, they are very pricey. But the best I’ve found, IMO, and when you live in Southern AZ, you get the best sunglasses you can afford.
Seven years in Phoenix. This is when I started to wear brown polarized glasses with UV protection.
There are numerous online retailers for eyeglasses.
The prices are about 1/4 of brick and morter stores.
Im guess the retailers are just the same labs that the brick and morters acted as middle man far prior to the internet.
When getting your new perscription be sure andvtell them how you plant to buy your glasses and they will provide you with a measurement that the manufacture needs.
Easy now. Cheap sunglasses just means he’s a ZZ Top fan.
Also Hobbit and Yusef.
I have a photo of my car for an avatar.
I have one
“Is this the first incidence of a Glib outing themselves with a legit photo in the history of the site?”
Not unless Sloop is not considered a glib. Also, I do believe that Suthen’s avatar actually has the real him in it.
Yes it does. Also, in the Catahoula Cur article there is at least one photo of me…in pajamas I think.
My avatar photo is me.
Thanks. Good info
Animal, any thoughts on leather tool belts? I have an Occidental Leather tool belt which is about 30 years old, having inherited it from my father in law. Methinks the leather care info applies just the same.
Yeah, pretty much any leather worn outdoors, I should think the same care applies. I have my Dad’s old hand-made, silver-inlaid Mexican spurs he bought in Nogales in 1943, I still saddle-soap and mink-oil the leather on those and they’re still just as usable as when Dad bought them.
That’s awesome.
I have to say, being on the East Coast, it’s kind of odd thinking about needing a sidearm just to go in the woods. Ain’t too much that can kill you around here, other than the black bears, and they’re a)not terrible numerous b)rarely aggressive at all. Black bears will usually just climb a tree to get away from you if you stumble into their vicinity.
At the undisclosed location, moose are the biggest threat; they kill far more people than bears.
Though I typically carry, woods or otherwise, to protect from two-legged predators.
Moose are pretty aggressive.
They really are. There’s enough in the woods by my house to carry.
Mind you, I was bit by a mØØse once.
That sounds pretti nasti.
The commenters have been sacked.
They seem pretty docile.
Yeah but you don’t want to shoot a moose with anything smaller than a Volkswagon cause you’ll just piss it off (I have a friend who was a passenger in a VW bug that hit a big bull moose, it proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes beating the shit out of the car with it’s horns and then walked off like nothing happened)
Only dangerous animals up here in the Cleveland area are the rare bear, some coyote, and people. The coyote have become an issue in some of the suburbs, where they’ve realized that pets are really easy to hunt.
In central KY, there are rare bear and elk, both of which are much more numerous in the eastern part of the state.
Snakes, coons, possum, coyote, and white tail are most common animals. Bobcats are actually fairly abundant, but stay away from people so that you will rarely ever see them.
Snake (or small animal with rabies) would be the only thing I’d ever see the need to shoot for defense. Something like a Taurus Judge is probably the perfect woods gun.
Yeah, I’m aware that you have to beware the rare bear there.
Lessee, dangerous animals around Tucson:
Mountain lions
Gila Monsters
And by “around Tucson”, I mean “regularly spotted in residential areas”.
There’s also jaguars about 30 miles south of here.
What about the Chupacabra?
Weirdly, on my drive to work a few years ago, I saw on several occasions a creature that looked just like the “chupacabras” you see on some videos. It even moved funny, didn’t hold itself like other animals, and was an odd gray-blue color. And I mean, exactly like some of those videos.
One day I drove up on it, and I saw it was coyote with a terrible case of mange. An “open sore over a foot long and probably 4 inches wide down its back” terrible case of mange. I felt bad I didn’t have a gun, because it needed mercy.
I have yet to find a holster that can handle my .460.
4″ barrel?
/euphemistic dis
Complete with compensator.
/sports car
I’ve got boxes full of holsters I don’t even use.
Yay for more firearm articles!
This will be saved, as my girlfriend starts carrying her gp100 more and more while working.
Nice write up.
I have two of these for IWB Carry.
For OWB, I have one each of these.
All are built with FBI cant. This is my everyday belt.
Milt Sparks is local and I like buying local. All four of these holsters are for 1911s.
Oddly enough with all that fancy leather, what I wear more than anything else is this.
It holds a Springfield XDM .40S&W and sits in my vehicle. It clips on quickly when I’m off for a hike and is very stable on my belt.
What are you using for a boat?
I don’t. That’s why they keep falling in the water.
Kristen, if you’re still hanging around, do you know if elite has a high powered rifle range? My dad is coming in town in a couple weeks and wants to know whether to bring the MAC-90.
Speaking of moose. This happened not too far from where I used to live.
“The Ruger Single-Six is available in .32 H&R Mag, a fine revolver in a good round for medium-sized varmints”
I have one of these. I have only shot it a couple of dozen times but wow….
I shot a 50 gal drum at 100 yards with a cast bullet. I figured it would penetrate the front and just dent the back side. Nope. I dont think the damned thing slowed down one bit. Zing! right through front to back. That little fucker shoots like a rifle.
I CC the Ruger LCR in .327 Fed Mag, basically a .32 Super Mag. Using 100 grain ammo in that thing hurts my hand worse than anything I’ve ever shot, including the .460. I have to use 85 grain ammo and, yes, it’s an insanely hot round, even out of a 2 inch barrel.
I remember that the 357Max failed commercially because it was so hot it was cutting the forcing cone on revolvers. Damned shame because it would make a pretty good round for a carbine.
The early 10mm loads were like that. When the FBI first went to that round, the service weapons (S&W) were cracking the rails and the recoil caused a lot of wailing. And like the Berreta 92, was too big for some hands.
They produced a 10mm lite load for the FBI, but they still ended up dropping it for the .40S&W (Wiki says their hostage response still carries 10mm).
It’s about the most oomph you can have in a reasonable sized auto, though. Desert Eagles are not reasonable. Gaudy pimp guns.
I have a Delta Elite…great gun, great round. Not really more punch than a 45APC at reasonable ranges but shoots a lot flatter. If I build another 1911, and I will, it will be in 10mm.
1911 in .357 magnum?
Glibs doing a night out on the town in Boise
We’re gonna need a bigger truck.
/lights the Spudalicious signal
Those little fuckers just decimated the landscaping. ‘Cause goats do roam.
Also, I am getting 1000 fps out of my 45LC with 230gr round nose bullets and 9 grains of IMR 800-x
That is a little hot but low recoil at 44mag-like velocity.
I call Bullshit on the claim that they could not determine the motive of Vegas shooter. Methinks they have a desire to bury this story for some reason, so they are hoping this claim allows this to die out.
There is something hinky about that situation. At this point I’m ready to believe almost anything from aliens, to Old Ones, to a botched false flag, to a CIA op on US soil gone horribly wrong. (Okay, maybe no all of those, but…)
“a botched false flag”
*dons tin foil hat*
I guess it shows how cynical I’ve gotten that this at least seems plausible to me. Whether to agitate for gun control, to an attempt to frame Trump supporters as gun toting psychopaths, to a fake terrorist attack; given the behavior of the FBI/DOJ we’ve seen, I think they’re capable of anything. Same way I think that the FBI purposely ignored the Parkland kid and let him shoot up the school so they could latch onto it for the gun control narrative. Same way that Piglet had been on TV multiple times before, happened to be the son of an FBI agent and conveniently starts showing up on TV yet again within minutes of the shooting.
I use to be dismissive of any conspiracy theory. But after things like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the DNC/Sitting Pres and intel agencies collude to interfere in an election then try to blame it on the guy who wins anyway by bringing in the Russians as the villain? Or how blatant the reality of the politically connected left playing by different rules is? It starts making me wonder if things like a false flag aren’t more plausible. And maybe Hollywood really does have cabals of rapey kiddie diddlers.
I think the Qanon stuff is some kid LARPing, but primarily because I don’t think there’s anyone riding in on any white horses to save us, not that all the dark part of that doesn’t have some truth in it.
I think the most plausible conspiracy is that it was some kind of law-enforcement sting operation that went pear shaped.
It explains the multiple agencies being in lock-step on maintaining their story.
Something like DEA/FBI working with LVPD.
If you live in a society with low trust in public and private institutions, It’s completely natural to consider conspiracy theories when the official version of events doesn’t make much sense. I kept saying this for years on the TOS. Now it’s just more obvious that we live in such a society.
I don’t care for the argument that conspiracy theories are bunk because people can’t keep secrets; I think we only have evidence of failed conspiracies because some people can’t. By definition, no one will ever find out about a successful conspiracy.
Successful conspiracies must be small conspiracies.
The complete lack of curiosity on the part of the media, plus the utter silence of the FBI about the *worst mass shooting in history* has screamed “cover-up” to me since the beginning. It’s been buried the same way that the attack on Scalise was buried. That says to me the guy’s motives were unfavorable to the narrative in some way, either to the DNC or to the permanent bureaucracy (but I repeat myself).
I was raised on a farm boys. That means I know horseshit when someone hands it to me.
Fuck you. The guy killed as many Trump voters as he could. That is what you dont want to say. The left is the left is the left always and everywhere. All of the violence in this country that is politically motivated has come from them, just like they have done everywhere else.
Trumpians are DOOOMED!
Leftists promise more strife in response to disappointingly low unemployment.
This proves that Trump is racist. All of those employed people could have been artists or poets if not for the orange dictator.
Some asshole just microwaved fish in the office. Definitely a violation of the NAP.
What kind of fish?
The skanky kind.
Is she making moaning sounds?
She’s leaving quim all over the breakroom counter. Completely unsanitary.
Breakroom lizard? Call back to the lot lizard story.
don’t. That story was a warcrime.
Fire him immediately.
Only because that’s legal but scourging him with the cat o’ nine tails is illegal.
It’s blaspheme to microwave anything that’s supposed to be eaten. Except popcorn maybe. Just don’t burn it, that really is a huge NAP violation.
For example. Put fresh pasta (like 3 cheese tortellini) in a very large glass bowl. Cover with water. Set microwave for 20 minutes. Walk away. Come back when it dings. Drain, add pesto and Parmesan cheese. Enjoy.
I’m with you. Water and popcorn are about the only things that should ever go into both a microwave and your stomach.
Potatoes. I forgot potatoes. They are good microwaved.
Hmm. Yeah. Fork them several times and put just enough water there and they can be good mircowaved. Esp. if you then mach them up properly.
My wife is a philistine. She thinks dehydrated potato flakes made in the microwave with cheese melted in is a perfectly cromulent side-dish for her microwaved spaghettios with franks. *shudder*
Goddammit! Microwave pork rinds are the fucking bomb.
No, you should also microwave coffee and then proceed to stir it with a very cold spoon.
Popcorn should never come out of a microwave.
Stop top only please
Sorry but the Microwave is actually the best method to cook Bacon and it can very effectively be used to cut the cooking time of Baked Spuds
Nonsense! The best method for cooking bacon is the oven!
A chick here did that with scallops once.
I can’t wait for beer o-clock so I can have me a manly man’s drink.
Manly Man’s Drink!
That’ll put some hair on the old chest if anything will. I’m going to put Tabasco sauce in it, I swear!
And here I was expecting this.
Wait, that doesn’t have a pink mermaid on it. How is it manly?
The guy in the Photo and Karla Marx. Democrat dream team 2020? Because there is a guy who knows how to make socialism work and he’s proving it! Imagine his experience combined with the energy of Pol Twat.
Venezuela, socialist paradise
I’m thinking Hotsy Trotsky is the nom du derision for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. It bundles up what is most objectionable about her with the only reason she is getting the attention she’s getting.
I fail to find her attractive at all. And I find Latina women the most attractive of all. She reminds me of the Hispanic version of Olive Oyl.
I dont remember who said this: “She looks like the kind of woman who would brain you with a frying pan while you sleep because you left the toilet seat up one too many times.”
She’s a politician. We’re grading on a scale, here. You can’t tell me she’d get nearly the media time if she looked like Triggly Puff.
I’ve said it before – she’s not bad. She’d be a lot less attractive without that great Halle Berry-type skin. It’s her best feature.
That and the electoral damage she’s doing to the Democrat party.
Between this and the DWS Pakistani mess, I’m feeling pretty solid on the notion that most of this Mueller business is simply an attempt by Democrats to deflect from their own secrets.
No shit. And pull off a soft coup.
I am not sure how they imagine that would work out but I dont think it will the way they want.
Meh. I honestly think they were just spying because the could. Also they wanted to have dirt on Trump to keep their jobs. If Hillary had one and fired Comey I think we’d be in the same situation(emails), although with 10000% less media cooperation for the republican special council.
“The staffer was not charged with a crime”
But he was a real actual spy. And we’re trying Paul Manafort for… having an ostrich coat?
Because TRUMP!
The fact he wore it to the trial tells me he is the biggest pimp on the planet. That took a titanium sack. If I were on the jury I’d vote to acquit over that alone.
If he actually did that, I’m really starting to like the guy. And I know nothing else about him. That alone is enough.
That’s what I heard on the radio yesterday. Could be fake news. But supposedly the motherfucker wore it into the courtroom.
I doubt he wore this to court:
Did he? I hadn’t seen that.
Pimp’n ain’t easy, but tis necessary…
Trump will pardon him anyways.
Everything is projection with progs. Just accuse your enemy of the exact stuff you’re doing.
Or would do so long as no one responds with the muzzle of a gun planted on your proggie nose.
In tribute to Suthen, everyone say it with me now: Gun. grabbers. LIE.
The left’s obsession with the NRA is comical. They really believe if they could just somehow make the NRA go away, they would magically get all the gun control they dream of? If anything , it might be good if the NRA goes away. Maybe they would be replaced with some organization who would actually fight to undo the harm that has already been done to the 2A.
Imagine SAF or GOA with NRA’s membership!
It’s the rolling stone, honesty has always been optional with them.
If I just wish hard enough….
As annoying as this chick is, I don’t really understand why everyone is shitting their pants over this so much.
Her attitude and opinions are well within the mainstream of the American Left nowadays and the NYT is a propaganda rag for the American Left so it’s hardly surprising they would hire someone like this.
Just like the fact that it wasn’t surprising the Atlantic fired Kevin Williamson, it was surprising they hired him in the first place.
“America is f—king racist.”
Compared to what?
She might want to have a conversation with a couple of my Asian friends.
They keep using this word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
Oh they are quite aware of how meaningless it it, but as an epithet it is potent. Until it dies from overuse.
“Sure, I’m a racist. Who isn’t?”
Asians, Germans, ITALIANS (holy fuck, Italians are racist as shit), Croatians (sorry, granddad).
And you know who really hates black people? Central and South American laborers.
Compared to the above, Americans are the embodiment of tolerance.
Spend a little time in an international airport in Europe or Asia and you’ll see overt racism that hasn’t been visible in the US for decades.
I’ve said it before the most racist person I ever met was an exchange student from Denmark.
It’s all about appearances. Same reason they had to torpedo Bernie. They dont think the voting public is ready for unabashed socialism yet.
*reads article*
Oops, wrong left winger
Well, one must assume these days that all articles regarding the left have to be about Pol Twat. She’s all the rage. Reminds me of the first Zoolander movie
Mugatu: It’s that damn
Hansel! He’sPol Twat, she’s so hot right now!I am sure they are orgasming over the possibility of running her in 2024 but it aint gonna happen. She is going to implode before then. She is batshit crazy.
May be wishful thinking on my part…crazy Maxine is still around. I wish they would run her.
Maxine and Karla Marx on the 2020 campaign trail.
Maxine: Uhh, free maxi pads for everyone! Impeach Trump!
Karla: Free everything for everyone!
I think much of it is ginned up as a ‘Hold them to their own standards’ gambit. Which I approve of, really.
She’s a one-trick pony that has turned her theory that the internet is solely a place for men to harass women into a career. She’s a corollary to Sarkeesian.
“Men are too f–king emotional to be let out in public. Jesus Christ,”
Poor baby. Sick of being laughed at to your face?
I don’t really understand why everyone is shitting their pants over this so much.
Because she grinds the double standard in everyone’s face.
I agree with CA, mostly. Personally, I don’t think people should have their lives ruined over a few ill-considered comments. And a world where she was a racist and did her job wouldn’t bother me terribly. But the left, people like Ms. Jeong, decided a world like that was totally, utterly, and completely unacceptable. And if our better angels lead us to just let this pass, you could safely bet your house that, like the rest of the left, Ms. Jeong would be part of the next leftist lynch mob looking for blood the next time someone sang along the “n-word” with some rapper. As much as I wish it were otherwise, this nonsense will not end until a significant number of leftists get their lives destroyed the same way they seek to ruin other people’s lives. This isn’t the world I wanted. Not by a long shot. But, it is the world they demanded. And the left isn’t going to see the error of their ways on this until they bear the full measure of what they’re demanding.
Am I terribly surprised the Times hired her? Not really. I know how much of a leftist propaganda rag they’ve become (or probably always have been). But wide swaths of the American public still regard the Times as a reliable institution. And a non-trivial portion of them are the sort of nice, workaday liberals who would still be appalled by such sentiments. I think a lot of the reaction is to push the Times to acknowledge just how far left its outlook is, or fire her. Either way, it’s a win.
As much as I wish it were otherwise, this nonsense will not end until a significant number of leftists get their lives destroyed the same way they seek to ruin other people’s lives.
Yup. Every time they wreck somebody’s life with a Twitter mob, they are rewarded.
You get more of what you reward
You want less of people getting their lives wrecked with Twitter mobs?
and less of what you punish
OK then you all have convinced me.
*grabs pitchfork*
Oh wait, that means I have to sign up for Twitter…
*throws pitchfork away*
Throwing pitchforks might be a little excessive. I mean, I just want them publicly humiliated, not perforated.
The appropriate response is to ignore the NYT. This is their fuckup.
It would be in a world where they weren’t taking scalps while hiding behind the legitimacy the public lends institutions like the Times, it certainly would be. That’s not the world we live in, sadly.
“And the left isn’t going to see the error of their ways on this until they bear the full measure of what they’re demanding.”
There is a reason the word idiot is in the term ‘useful idiots’.
“Take them to Siberia and show them the gulags. They still wont believe it. They will believe it when the military boot is crushing their balls, not before.” – Yuri Bezmenov
“And a non-trivial portion of them are the sort of nice, workaday liberals who would still be appalled by such sentiments.”
This, alone with Scruffy’s comment, should be the real aim. Hit the NYT in the pocketbook. Getting some racist mental midget fired, while satisfying, doesn’t accomplish any long term goal. The goal should be to delegitimize the entire movement. The way that happens is getting enough of said workaday liberals (forgive the term) woke to how extreme the Left/DNC/DemOpMedia Complex has gotten so they cancel their subscriptions. If the NYT is faced with moderating or going out of business, I’m ok with either outcome.
For the rest of us, I will continue to not click on NYT lynx or buy their shitty fishwrap.
I think getting some mental midget fired who is part of the movement could be a step toward delegitimizing the movement. Worth a try, anyway.
The NYT won’t begin to moderate until it first starts firing immoderate writers.
I like the Bible’s guidance on these issues:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is how you approach people.
Turn the other cheek. Don’t immediately retaliate if someone is a jerk. Note, however, that you only have one other cheek. They get one free pass.
An eye for an eye. They blow their one free pass, they have shown you how they do unto others, and thus how they would have others do unto them. Weapons free time.
-1 “7 times 7 times” – and no, Jesus didn’t mean unload whoop-ass on time number 50.
I know, its not the Jesus version:
But it works for me.
*At least I got the number of cheeks right.
Hit the NYT in the pocketbook.
I can’t spend less than zero with the NYT, so I can’t hit them in the pocketbook.
Like Q, I’m not about to join Twitter, so I can’t join the mob.
I can only cheer their suffering from the sidelines. May it be public and prolonged.
The way that happens is getting enough of said workaday liberals (forgive the term) woke to how extreme the Left/DNC/DemOpMedia Complex has gotten so they cancel their subscriptions.
And how do you do that? I mean it would be lovely if the world were filled with rational intelligent people who you could show the illegitimacy of the Media Complex’s arguments and get them to see the light of day. But, it just doesn’t work. At best you’ll get them to agree with your point and they’ll move happily along in their Gell-Mann Amnesia. But, “I hateses me white people! They steal my precious!” still has a certain shock value. It slaps people in the face with the fact that just how extremist these people are.
Related, and funny.
+1 example of why the left support censorship
“For a period of time, he responded to criticism by lashing out, fighting fire with fire by executing dissenters and implementing policies that sent countless people to their deaths. He now sees this only fueled the rage against him and was not entirely appropriate.”
The Onion is Dead; Long Live the Babylon Bee.
If I didn’t know that Stalin is actually dead, I could have believed that was a real NYT article.
Wilson or GTFO.
Chip McCormick.
I have a couple those as well…
Okay that’s mean. Good article. My favorite leather rig is a chest holster for my 1911. It’s a simple way to allow more to be carried on my back when hiking.
I generally wear my holster around back. It keeps me from banging my elbow on the rear site when I swing a machete. That shit hurts. A lot.
But then I dont hike with a full backpack. I carry my backpack on my left shoulder only and it usually just has a couple of sandwiches and some bottled water in it.
And spare ammo. And a knife. And a compass. And firestarting gear. And a small first aid kit. And a flask . . . .
and a chainsaw tool….well you get the idea. It isnt that heavy
I have a few Kimber mags. They really are great. Expensive, but great.
My disappointment that this didn’t happen in San Francisco is counterbalanced by my elation that this happened in Florida.
Chicks with big tits don’t dig me. But I dig them. BTW that black chick is a dude.
:train thoughts by straffinrun
5:00 am? Are you up really, really late from a bender, or up really, really early for work?
Bender. I’m fucked tomorrow.
Good man.
4% on the old phone. Tiddies?
Go to Afternoon Lynx and the tiddies will find you…