My wife took our kids to do a weekend with some family. So I’m free as a bird chained to the refrigerator with just enough length to reach the kitchen, bathroom, and couch. And she expects the house clean, lawn mowed, and several various house chores done by the time she gets back. On the other hand, every time I complete a task, the fridge dispenses another beer. Not sure if this is the best of all worlds or a punishment. Its all so confusing. Like pegging.
Is this peak #MAGA?– Texas, Chik-fil-A, Trump 2020 shirt. Bingo!
Is Seattle bohemian culture being killed by the tech industry? Killed by it? Who the fuck do you think funded it for the last 30 years? Featuring a woman who used got by on her body in the 80s and 90s. Uh, darlin’ entropy is a an especially tyrannical bitch to the beautiful. Sorry.
Trump’s lawyer is an idiot. Making recordings of your clients without their knowledge is a bad idea. KEEPING recordings of them discussing what seem to me to be essentially “structuring” payments once it becomes an issue seems stupider.
If I were this kid, I would have played the long con. You know how many sets of tits he could have touched at 17 by being “gay”? On the other hand, this is probably a better way to healthy separation from his crazy mom.
Six injuries? Where’s the Teutonic pride in a job done right?
My refrain for the day.
Fantastic Front Friday.
Clearly 13 is a bit chilly.
That’s a nice set.
Something I noticed last week: Bras are unpopular among younger women now-a-days.
“Gracelyn Mae Violet Griffin”
She’s even got a MAGA name.
What is “The Whitest Name in America”?
I’ll take “White People Shit” for 500, Alex.
I mean, Brett Kavanaugh’s gotta be in the running for that one.
Kaleb with a K has to be up there for boys’ names.
My kid’s name is John. He has multiple Quinns and Harpers in his class.
I made sure my boys had strong middle names. Michael and James. Their first names? I played God with them. Levi and Ian.
One of the nice things about being a Ted is that the name is easy to pronounce, and there aren’t too many of us.
And we can call you Teddles
Chester Bennington sounds pretty white.
Remember when Douglas was a fairly common name? My teenage son is the only Douglas in the entire 4-high school secondary school district, over 6000 kids.
“Is this peak #MAGA?– Texas, Chik-fil-A, Trump 2020 shirt. Bingo!”
Oh dear, another deplorable. They’re going to name her Covfefe, aren’t they?
Sloopy and Banjos got that one tied up for their next.
I waded into the comments on that one, naturally some indignant prog wrote:
how can anyone be that vapid, sanctimonious and wretched? How anyone can stand to be around people like this is still a mystery to me….
That comment is comedy gold!
I gotta say, they’ve kept the hysteria dialed up for longer than I thought possible. Usually a toddler having a hissy fit wears themselves out eventually.
The toddler wears himself out when the enabler stops enabling. Individual progs will keep having hissy fits as long as their media enablers keep it up.
One would think advertisers would have had enough of this bullshit by now. They probably have, but media bankruptcy takes a while.
a father that supports
Note the dehumanization of the father in the comment. He’s not a person (“who”), he is a thing (“that”).
Assuming the writer knows how to correctly use prepositions.
Relative pronouns.
Well don I just, look like a dag nabbid idiot.
Wow is everyone shitfaced and drooling already? Not a lot of activity up in here
Friday is always slow. Much like Brett L.
Drooling? No.
Not yet anyway…
I’ve got lemongrass chicken marinating in the fridge and I’m just sitting down now to marinate a liver in some whiskey
No, I have to pick my wife up at train station. Totes sober.
Are you gonna make her train run on time?
Q wants to blow the horn. No. Wait. Time for drinks!
Nope. Just waiting for the 16:30 team meeting to happen so I can log off of the work machine and grab a beer. But in other job news, there’s an actual one on one meeting with my boss on the calendar now. I may be a real employee after all.
Exit interview?
I haven’t quit yet. And considering it’ll be the first conversation I’ve had with my boss since March makes it unlikely.
Now where did I put my stapler.
A 4:30 meeting on a Friday is a sign of a psychopath.
4:30 meeting on Friday? Fuck that. I blocked my Friday afternoons off because I was sick of people scheduling garbage meetings to dump their problems on my desk when I am trying to tidy up from the week. If it can wait until Friday fucking afternoon, it can wait until next week.
I’ve only scheduled a Friday meeting once, and it was at 8AM.
Half the people didn’t show up, so it was a massive success compared to what I thought would happen.
I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that I’m the furthest East of the people in the meeting (some are from Manilla), The office the manager works out of is in Colorado, and we’re going over the changes and coverage for the weekend, I’ll let it slide. I won’t be happy about it, but I can deal with it (especially now that Fridays are a work from home day).
Nope. I’m preparing for a workshop on the 4th and am trying not to let you people distract me.
What do you mean “you people”?
+1 Ross Perot
You know what she meant.
Well, based-on the conversation from the other day – I believe middle-aged, post-menopausal women, with something that resembles a tire around their waist.
No such thing as a libertarian female.
Workin on it
Just finished a python script to replace an absolutely terrible Access driven program to find homes for extra inventory in my warehouses. Feeling really good about myself.
“find homes for extra inventory in my warehouses”
Let’s keep is SFW buddy.
He IS at work!
Being slapped around by sailors and offshore oil rig workers is a better end than getting dumped in the landfill.
I mean, that’s a fetish for some folks.
I’m vacationing in New Hampshire. Live free or die motherfuckers.
I put this in the last comments, but since I did that right before 4, enjoy
aaaaah fer crissakes – here
My gods! We’ve found it! The Missing Link!
Link Gaetz?
You know who else narrowed gays?
Richard Simmons.
I was surprised that New York is a single-party recording consent state. Manafort ducked a monster bullet there, although he seems to have many more headed his way. What a dumbass.
I’m more disturbed by how Cohen’s recording was obtained and the information leaks. But yeah, both Manafort and Cohen are dumbasses.
Fuck, I meant Cohen.
Gun-grabber say: “We made thousands of new felons! SUCCESS!”
I would really like some gun control promoter to explain how registration reduces crime in any way.
That’s not a goal.
“Because of that, many gun owners probably have no idea that the laws changed and that they could be in serious legal jeopardy.”
Feature, not bug.
“Moreover, many gun owners are resistant to registration schemes because they know that registration will lead to confiscations and arrests,” he said. “And the news reports during the registration period about DOJ using the system to get warrants and conduct raids probably confirmed that viewpoint and made a lot of gun owners nervous.”
We need a war on guns.
And when those people get popped for something else, now there’s a felony enhancer just waiting to be added. And no one (other than a few isolated & marginalized extremists) will say anything other than there’s another criminal. Just as no one sheds a tear when the ATF arrests someone for an unregistered automatic weapon or any of a laundry list of 2A violating prohibitions.
“isolated & marginalized extremists”
PSSST! I think he’s talking about us!
Larry Sharpe said the same about the NY SAFE Act.
A thousand convictions in just 5 years. Yet somehow, despite what many 2A advocates claim will happen, there isn’t armed insurrection in NY over essentially gun grabbing.
This is what gun grabbing will look like. Incrementally make more & more of gun ownership difficult and illegal, and you can wipe it out in a generation or two.
My extended family has had a brush with this law. Obviously, even before that, we were all rabidly for repeal. In my backwater, redneck hometown, every other yard has a Repeal the SAFE Act sign.
That’s the question: where does anyone draw the line? At what point are people willing to risk death and/or prison for an ideal? The founders were very explicit in that what they were doing would result in death if they lost. I don’t excuse myself. If anyone had the stones they did, there would already have been fighting, not just over gun grabbing, but over a whole host of other anti-liberty measures.
Yes. Modern life is very comfortable. I too am a hypocrite.
At what point are people willing to risk death and/or prison for an ideal?
I dunno. I’d like to think that if I had illegal guns in the house and I saw some door-kickers lined up outside to take me down, I’d respond like a man and a citizen instead of a beaten-down subject, but you just never know until its right there in your face. On the plus side, I don’t have any kids or real dependents (I’m pretty sure Mrs. Dean would be better off without me; I’m just hoping she doesn’t figure that out).
I think this helps.
Someone earlier (maybe further down on the thread?) mentioned the ‘slippery slope’ fallacy, and how it really isn’t much of a fallacy, if everyone has different trigger points for when they would resist shit like this, it is a lot easier to slow walk this kind of extreme restriction on liberty into existence. It was also easier for the founding fathers because the tyrants were far away ‘others’ (the King was German, not even British!). Any modern-day insurrection wouldn’t have those advantages.
And 50% of those who did register were named, strangely enough, Mr. Molon Labe, and gave addresses under the bridges of freeways.
Same progs as the 20s.
This is just another glimpse of the left ‘when we get total power’.
Right now: I’ll pay you to have more kids.
After total power: Stop having kids, that’s costing us money, you’d better pay up.
Right now: Weed should be legal.
After total power: Weed makes you lazy, it’s off to re-education camp for you.
In beer news, the AHA broke down the list of the top 100 selected beers to show you the most popular beer and brewery in each state.
awww shit. I’m going down that rabbit hole for sure. See y’all later.
It looks pretty reasonable to me. I’m not 100% with them on their picks, but I think you can make an argument for everything on there (that I’ve tried anyway, I haven’t heard of all of em)
I knew they would pick Bell’s for Michigan. For my money (and taste) Short’s is far and away the best brewery. My favorite beer right now is Old Nation’s M-43.
This was from votes from members of the American Homebrew Association. Short’s probably doesn’t have the name recognition considering they just started distribution outside the state of Michigan a couple years back. Great Lakes getting best brewery in Ohio is a bit surprising, considering there’s a couple of young up and comers that have really made their mark. My favorite beer right now is the one sitting in a glass in front of me, courtesy of MikeS.
Ah, the Homebrew group. I was wondering why the American Hospital Association was ranking beer.
Here’s a question I have as a non-lawyer – why wouldn’t the tapes Cohen made be privileged? And, if they are, could he be disbarred for releasing them?
and now a threading fail….batting 1.000 today, I am
Yes, and yes.
Did he release or were these part of the raid?
Raid apparently. The “special master” deemed them not protected.
The “special master” deemed them not protected.
On what grounds?
You should know this… FYTW.
Executive privilege for the win ?
“Juicy Bits | New England IPA
WeldWerks Brewing Co.”
While I approve of the name, I have never heard of this beer, or even the brewery, nor have I ever seen it at any liquor store. Therefore I say:
It’s in Greeley. I’ve heard it mentioned as something I should check out once I’m up there.
When do you move?
Getting in the car on 8/9 to start the roadtrip. We still don’t have a place yet. We might just stay in the Springs with my fam for a week or two while we look for a place. Classes don’t start until the 20th and the wife is only teaching 1 day a week so there isn’t really much pressure.
Coolio. Not sure how many other COGlibs there are, but perhaps we can “arrange a meeting” IYKWIM.
PS: Have you guys put any thought into whether you’re going to live in FoCo proper or elsewhere?
We’re probably going to be reasonably close to campus. There is a chance we’ll live down in Loveland though. We actually found a place we really liked, but the asshole management company won’t rent to anyone they haven’t met and we won’t be there for another few weeks. 0% chance the place won’t rent before then.
+1COGlib here.
Loveland is nice. Go check out the sculpture gardens. You gonna rent for a year then look to buy?
Yep that’s the plan. Gotta make sure the school likes her and she likes it, and then if all goes well we’ll settle in for the long haul.
Where are you at B.P?
Does it count if I’m planning on being in Denver in September for the GABF?
I’m in Denver, Colorado. Very central.
Gay Acrobats’ Benevolent Foundation?
So vomit. Much drunk.
As far as breweries go, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky don’t surprise me at all. Theeir my favorites from those states as well.
Frankenmuth Brewery, highly recommended.
Yes. Get drunk there while the wife shops at Bronner’s.
Thanks for the suggestion.
You’ll be taking some growlers home, I’m sure.
Impressive showing from Old Louisville Brewing, nice little place, I stopped there when I was there. I don’t mind the Alltech brews, but the owner/brewer created some bad blood between the beer geeks and his brewery, and I’ve got lots of options for breweries that like us geeks.
I like Great Lakes, but Dortmunder Gold is their best brew.
I like dortmunder. Great with wings. Their Nosfuratu is a great ted. They have a number of good beers.
Off the top of my head (and not mentioned):
Edmund Fitzgerald
Blackout Stout
Burning River
Christmas Ale
All excellent.
I’m happy somebody in Flagstaff won it, but that is NOT their best beer. Not even close.
What are you whatting here?
The correct answer is: Killer Penguin| Barley Wine Boulder Beer Co.*
Tactical Nuclear Penguin.
Good luck finding it.
and if it MUST be an IPA, the correct answer is: IPA and a Half| American IPA TommyKnocker Brewery.*
Stay tuned…
Not a lot better than anything else, but a solid quality beer
IPA’s suck and the people who like them are worse than Hitler.
+1 bitter swill
My husband is the beer drinker, but Toppling Goliath is a favorite Iowa brewery (dubious honor?).
Concur. Others here will back me up.
Had it at the Lexington Airport once…I had two and nearly missed my flight in a nearly empty airport.
This one is good, very good.
We need to allow beer pictures to be embedded in comments.
I don’t like beer. So, no.
-1 1996
How many nasty comments from progs did that Chick-fil-A couple get?
I’m shocked they weren’t in there harassing them while the baby was being delivered. It has to be just because they weren’t aware of it.
Fourth trimester abortion.
I’m shocked they weren’t in there harassing them while the baby was being delivered.
Texas. Even progs aren’t stupid enough to do something like that in Texas. Although I kinda wish they had – the security camera video of the ensuing beatdown would be popcorn-worthy.
Plenty, see my post above. A only perused for a second. FB comments remind me why my life is objectively better without that awful platform that gives voice to awful people.
Trump: Better Call Saul.
Better Call Saul > Breaking Bad
Let’s not go nuts here.
healthy separation from his crazy mom
Munchausen by proxy syndrome.
Since you’re all a bunch of worthless drunks.
The Mitchers and Taylor’s are good for that price. I just bought another bottle of Angel’s Envy, but it was like $60. The Eagle Rare I just bought was $40, very nice for that price.
Angel’s Envy rum finished rye is so sweet you could put it on pancakes. But I still love it so so much.
It’s the bourbon that I have. Not too sweet, very smooth.
I still haven’t tried their bourbon yet. I should give it a shot.
“I should give it a shot”
2/10 pun. We expect better.
The Four Roses Single is most excellent, but, I’d say that the Four Roses Small Batch is very very close and cheaper, so probably a better value.
I enjoy that one a lot and it’s my go-to gift.
My value bourbon is Beam and coke.
My value bourbon is Buffalo Trace. Can’t think of anything else that good for the price.
I agree with all of this.
I just poured a glass of the small batch. Yummy.
Evan Williams single bbl is the best value in the bourbon world.
many of those are either things i’ve never had, or things i’ve had but which never blew me away.
the michters and the woodford reserve are both way up my whiskey-drinkin alley.
I’m not so crazy about the Woodford, but Mitchers is a decent rye.
And it’s not a slideshow list.
Wild Turkey 101.
I’m not worthless, I have some value!
And no Bulleit on the list? And Glenfiddich over Glenlivet?
Nobody likes a braggart.
Bulleit. And damn if that Jameson Caskmates isn’t a decent one.
Which one? There’s two variants of Caskmates out there. The Stout one I liked, the IPA (Irish Pale Ale) I thought was lacking.
$50 is not worthless.
They missed a few but I’m okay with that. +10 on the McKenna 10yo.
Free nuggets for life.
I stopped by a Chick-fil-A for the first time last night (on East Colfax!) and bought my growing boy a dozen nuggets, not knowing they’d be the size of a pin head.
Chick-fil-A is ok though I don’t see what the fuss is about and why people go so nuts over it. My old house in Lakewood was right by one and the drive thru line would go out into the street sometimes. I wonder if it didn’t become this Kulturkampf fulcrum it would be as popular.
Yes. I grew up in N. Carolina (my avatar is my cite). For damn near all of my life people would drive a half hour to get their food in the next larger town. And when a new one opens up, there’s a huge damn line and this all goes back 25 years.
I took some to a party here not long ago and one of the lefties was at first all ‘ohhh, they are bigoted’. Then I said, ‘just eat the fuckin’ chicken man. I paid for it and the bigotry must be what makes it taste so good.’ He tried one. Half a dozen nuggets later, ‘God damn, the bigotry /does/ make it taste good.’ *munch on more*.
Chick-fil-A is the gold standard of fast food restaurants – they are consistently good, both in service and product. While there are other fast food places I prefer, none have matched that consistency, which means when I’m on the road Chick-fil-A is the first preference for a quick meal pit-stop. They have a fairly narrow offering though, so I can understand people who don’t like it for being outside of their palate preferences, and the people who go crazy for it probably are fast food junkies comparing it to other fast food places, not proper restaurants.
Eh, I disagree. I like CfA, but when they went hard on their expansion phase they changed their seasonings somewhat and their spicy chicken went from being relevatory to somewhat bland and they’ve been aggressively trimming their menu for the past few years. Service-wise I’m consistently blown away by the effort they put in to be efficient and friendly, so I’ll grant the service portion of it without quibble.
I’d completely glossed over the service. And they tend to employ young, perky people and it makes me feel a little dirty when they say ‘My pleasure’ in response to a thank you.
Yea, my five year old can eat about 15. I usually get the 30 ct to split with him.
Sandwich > Nuggets
It’s the pickles, man.
Every time I hear or am reminded of that song, the Born in East L.A. version pops into my head and won’t leave.
“Green card? Man, I’m from East L.AAAAAAAAA”
Value meals,
They’ll fill you up,
Value meals,
Soda from a bottomless cup,
Value meals, value meeeeeeeals
Chicken too good!!!
Snowflake guidelines on campuses because Trump.
A lot is being made of what Trump said in Finland. Again, I just can’t get worked up over what he said. Obama said stupid shit abroad too. Red lines and all that. But no one seemed to care because he played chess while the rest of the world played Hungry Hippo or something.
Look, I put up with Obama and Bush for 16 fucking years without once freaking out. Fuck these toddlers, they’d better grow up and put on their big girl panties.
I put up with Obama, Bush and Clinton in my adult lifetime. Suck it up, buttercups.
I was 6 when Kennedy was shot. So I vaguely remember LBJ, but I came of age during Nixon. So, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, before Clinton moved into the office.
Clinton too, pretty much the worst president in modern history. I’m sure Obama could have done just as much damage if he would have had the GOP helping him out like Clinton did. Although Obama did get us Obamacare.
People rip on Obama’s foreign policy (which was awful) but forget about Clinton selling basically our entire competitive military advantage to the Chinese. He and his “wife” are both Quislings.
You don’t even have to back that far. Not only was Hillary taking Putin’s money while Secretary of State, but she (via her husband) was taking Chinese money, as well. And let’s not forget the entire ’90’s era scandal where the DNC was taking brib…I mean, donations from Chinese nationals.
That snake reminds me. Yesterday I saw a car with a Bernie 2016 bumper sticker. It also had a New Hampshire “Live Free or Die” license plate.
I found it… disconcerting.
He thinks free means free instead of free.
goddamn freegans.
Gratis vs. Libre.
Free as in free beer, not free speech.
I’d go commie for free alcohol.
The free alcohol will be Thunderbird and Natty Light.
Victory Gin.
Only if you’re in the inner party.
As a condenseur of shitty alcohol, I have to say I’ve never tried Thunderbird.
I have consumed more Icehouse EDGE than I care to admit.
Yeah, I’ve got friends who, when I first met them, were all about Ayn Rand, wore John Galt shirts, etc. But they loved and voted for Bernie. I didn’t ask.
Maybe they thought it meant live for free (at someone else’s expense).
Time capsule. So there’s an article at the Consequences of Sound about the ups and downs of rock festivals since the late 60s. It links to various NYT articles along the way. In case you thought the insanity at the Newspaper of Record is a new thing, take a walk down memory lane in this 1991 on Lollapalooza:
It’s all about despair… and it’s hilarious. There’s science…
“Every heat wave stokes fears about holes in the ozone layer. ”
And economics…
“And, with an economy in which real income hasn’t risen since 1973, they can look forward to moving back in with their parents after graduation and competing for low-paying service jobs”
And sociology…
“On the job, if there is one, labor unions have taken an economic and ideological beating. So have other vestiges of collective action, which have been atomized by a decade of competitive greed and a revival of self-made-success myths. ”
I went to Lollapalooza in 1991. I don’t remember having any of this shit on my mind.
I went to Lollapalooza four times in the ’90s. I remember a)always being moderately disappointed because the acts I wanted to see were restricted to sets of an hour or so b)strategically “bumping into” hot girls nonstop, because, y’know, I was a dork c)drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.
For me it was a head full of LSD
a proposal to build a city-certified “brain trust” of culturally significant individuals – realtors, urban activists and artists among them – has been floated, as have changes to city code meant to foster creative spaces.
The problem is as good as solved.
When I think brain trust….
I think of Janitor and his buddies from Scrubs.
You know who else cultivated a brain trust of culturally significant individuals?…
Vince McMahon?
Fuck ya, I thought that would be a tough one. Good job softcore porn mammal
Ha ha ha ha, So that is totally my cousin Frank on vacation with Overly-Attached Girlfriend
Reason TV?
The DNC’s Sucide By Socialism
I’ve got to have a couple of beers before listening to Razorfist.
I agree with much of what he says. His voice, with the sound that spit is always slightly flying out or that his lips are too wet or whatever the fuck it is…it makes me want to commit murder.
I have to listen twice to make sure I got it all. Its like a 45 min podcast condensed into 10 mins.
that’s part of the pleasure for me. your brain sometimes has to stop and digest what he just said to figure out what the combination of words actually meant.
i think many people have the same problem w/ rap music
(or used to before rap turned into trap)
Agile Cyborg.
Needs more wasp nipples.
And star fucking.
I don’t think he breathes the entire 10 minutes though.
I like that much better than Sargon who turns a 10 min podcast into a 2 hour podcast.
My mind jumped there as well.
When I first encountered him, I really liked him, but he needs an editor to cut his shit down to 20 mins tops.
“And it’s a fucking doozy” LOL
Shut up, Razorfist, I mean in case they might listen to you.
“The last thing you need is to shift further to the left”
Oh, who am I kidding, they’re not going to listen. And they are going to do it. Fucking hilarity shall ensue.
Microsoft’s campus in neighboring Redmond – a muddled expanse of mismatched office buildings – was typical.
Razorfist is on it
“Will Anderer
Will Anderer
1 hour ago
Alexandria Cortez looks like the chick who will kill you with a frying pan while you sleep for leaving the toilet seat up one too many times.”
That is quality stuff right there.
Razor is the man.
Justice Department Wants Refund from Sheriff Who Bought a Dodge Charger Hellcat
In all fairness I rather they bought hellcats instead of bearcats
Nothing left to cut
I’d ask if you’d rather they bought an M-RAP, but I doubt that’s enough coin to buy one of those.
Beat ya by 15 minutes…sorry salsa-flavored precise ballistics mammal
Not salsa flavored today…
DOJ’s Money Laundering
Some honest there.
Subalpine fir – Abies lasiocarpa
A medium-sized tree usually 20 to 35 metres tall; occasionally grows to 50 metres. Subalpine fir has a distinctive long, narrow crown of short stiff branches.
Needles have blunt ends and are often notched at the tip. They are blue-green with a single white band on the top and two beneath. Needles all tend to turn upwards, but often a few stick out from the underside of the branch.
Seed cones are deep purple and grow upright at the top of the crown. Like the cones of the other firs, they disintegrate on the tree, leaving a central spike. Pollen cones are bluish.
Smooth and grey, with resin blisters when young; bark becomes broken into large scales with age.
Cups & Confiers Weekly
+1 subscription pre-order
(“Quarterly” rolled off the tongue better, but shipping costs)
Back home. It’s nice to go away, but it’s even nicer coming home to relax.
On the way out of the Poconos, we stopped off and got high speed ride alongs at
We also stopped to do some sporting clays as I had hoped to do. That Lehigh place I linked to this morning is *really* nice.
I recommend both of these places if you’re in that area.
The Hard Times can be kinda hit or miss sometimes, but this one is an absolute gem:
I’ve not been too attentive here this week. Was there any update on Suthen?
I mean, the early money was on the gators got him. But it was actually the mosquitoes.
Instead of Kristallnacht we’ll have Scheissenacht?
Arguably an improvement?
Reichsmarschall Whipple approves as long as nothing gets squeezed.
Biological terrorism. Cool.
Also, I’ve never been accosted by an hysterical mob of protesters when going about my daily business. I’m not sure what I’d do. It’s probably all for the better since I don’t really want to go to jail (or get covered in beard oil, pick papier mache bits out of my fists, etc.).
Poo flinging monkeys flinging poo. Shocking.
The lack of comments is almost forcing me to consider at least thinking about reading the article and accompanying links.
it does seem to be slow, but some people do stuff on Friday nights apparently. Stupid work blocked this site (Someone probably said “Holy crap this one dude has spent over 900 hours on this site!) so now I’m out for morning and mid-day links and articles. My productivity has skyrocketed (I work in the public sector so by ‘productivity’ I mean ‘some more pointless busy work is accomplished’) but my morale is in the tank.
I believe a monkey just flew out of my butt.
That is surprising. On a related note, am I the only one that thinks that state governments, after being slapped down by a district court, should face some sort of penalty if they continue to appeal and continue to get slapped down by higher courts?
Holy fucking shit. We really have gone through the looking glass into some weird Mirror Universe.
Damn. When even the 9th circuit says you’re wrong…
Now it’s extra urgent we prevent that Nazi Kavanaugh. Our democracy depends on it!
Let me guess… 9th Circuit… doesn’t go far enough?
Only half joking, but still some doozies in there
Oh, well if it had a historical pedigree, then it’s completely ok. Must be in the invisible ink section of the Constitution.
A lot of people actually believe this, and that’s why, in my opinion, the “slippery slope” fallacy is not really a fallacy at all when it comes to political matters. One bad decision will be used as justification for more, and the cycle could repeat until all the freedom is gone.
Slippery slope is not an actual fallacy.
So im not gay, but isn’t it kinda offensive to assume that if your son likes playing with ‘girl toys’, that they are Gay /gender fluid / or anything else? My daughters like to build with blocks and play pirates, but i don’t treat them differently.
Once again maybe im missing the point, but i feel like there is too much emphasis in linking what kids like to do, and their ‘sexuality’, which seems pre-emptive for someone who hasn’t gone through puberty yet.
I remember one girl I went to school with who was the biggest tomboy you ever saw. She got nicknames like Butch and others. Then about Sophomore high school, holy mother of gawd… if you know what I mean.
It’s like taking a young child seriously when they swear they’re going to be an army man, or fireman, or astronaut when they grow up. You cannot take things kids do as kids seriously, they’re kids. The problem is that the mentality of the mother is at a lower level than the kids.
It’s a misguided overreaction to “OH MY GOD MY SON KNOWS HOW TO USE A SEWING MACHINE, I’LL SEND HIM TO THE FOREST WITH MY BUTCHEST FRIEND FOR CAMPING AND MANLY FEATS OF VALOR” which is what my childhood looked like. Guess what, still gay.
Just because things were in the wrong spot before doesn’t mean the opposite needs to be implemented to make it right. Kids will go through their own bullshit and try on a bunch of different identities as modeled by other people in their lives and parents can encourage their interests without pinning an identity to it.
Sheesh. Sewing skills & camping? Everyone know that that just leads to making their own outdoor equipment. Gay outdoor equipment.
If only. At this point I can put a button back on things faster than most, but otherwise I’ve forgotten how to sew entirely.
I’m trying to picture what gay outdoor equipment would even look like.
The same, but more colorful and stylish?
Pink tents, with stakes driven in using a phallic-hammer. Duh.
I wish Id taken the time to learn to sew properly- as I age my weight seems to fluctuate (increase) and Id love to be able to tailor my own threads.
Ask the folks at!
Probably something that will require Technu by the 50 gallon drum.
I looked up gay+camping….. should’ve saw that coming.
Oooh, did you find Badger Flat? The Satyr MC annual camp-out/fetish event? (Link is work unfriendly)
Delightful fact: a motorcycle
gangclub is the oldest continuously operating gay organization in the USI merely browsed the results. Most appeared NSFW.
This does not surprise me. Much of the “old guard leather” traditions that the fetish and kink communities … fetishize grew out of MCs that were composed of gay men returning from WWII wanting to maintain some of the camaraderie and structure while getting their kicks / rocks off.
It involves lumberjacks
I don’t really get why sewing is considered unmanly.
It would be immensely useful in a survival situation. You may have to repair torn clothing, join pieces of cloth together for a shelter, or even stitch up a wound.
Plus, buttons fall off of clothes sometimes. That’s why I don’t understand how people get through life not knowing how to sew – what do you do if a button falls of your shirt??
It’s just women who refuse to learn how to cook because it’s not feminist.
Hand it to your woman and demand satisfaction?
Wait, did we change topics to handjobs?
Tailoring is an honorable profession. Female garment builders are not referred to as tailors.
Both my father and grandfather were master tailors. I will duel to the death any man who disparages my family honor.
When I was a little kid, I used to like to hang out at my grandparents place. My grandmother taught me gardening, how to cook, do laundry etc. I was interested in that stuff, especially gardening. A lot of other boys were into cars and guns. Not that I wasn’t into that stuff also, but you would more likely would find me in the garden or reading an encyclopedia than watching my dad work on cars. And if there would have been computers, well. I didn’t turn gay probably because I like female tits and ass even more than gardening.
Camping and hunting isn’t manly enough. My therapy would be murdering puppies.
Tell me more about your conflation of masculinity and psychopathy.
*reclines in leather chair, lights pipe*
It probably started when I was 7 and a German Shepherd bit me. There were a group of girls who laughed.
They never laughed again. I did become fond of the dog.
So you are saying your first bear was an actual bear?
Lol. I doubt he would’ve been a bear, probably an otter or wolf or something in the leaner categories of hairy men. The main takeaway was that beards were manly, and 7-year-old me had surprisingly good hand-eye coordination for throwing knives.
but, otters eat clam…
My wife played with Tonka trucks and she is definitely not walking the other side of the road.
When I was a kid (as in 5ish)I guess I went through a phase where I liked playing with a baby doll in the toy box at my grandma’s house. My grandmother, noticing that I liked it, got me one for Christmas. I opened the package and said “This is a girls toy!” She was unhappy but I think it proved a point; kids just take a random shine to stuff and it doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on their masculinity/femininity as they mature.
it’s even more rediculous when you realize these are the same folks that last year said that all observed differences in the preferences between little boys and girls was the result of social conditioning.
This goes way beyond the last year. Everything about the argument over gender identity contradicts what feminists have been screeching about for like 50 years. But logical consistency has never mattered to most of these types of people.
The feminists who are holding the line are called out as TERFs (like it’s a bad thing) and I have seen many tweets by MtF trans threatening to rape them with the penis they don’t want to acknowledge. I watch this trans v TERF fight like a lookie-loo driving past a fatal accident.
You’ve said that several times before. I’ve never seen those tweets. But I’ve seen countless feminist hoaxes.
I will look for the sources.
OK, I’m incredulous because the majority of MTF are androphilic, and rapists are a tiny minority of people who are gynephilic (ie. the vast majority of straight men are not rapists).
It’s also very illegal, and against Twitter’s policies.
So the odds of someone being MTF, wanting to rape women, and being brazenly stupid enough to announce it in public seem vanishingly small.
Fair enough. This column is where I fell into this rabbit hole: I had never heard the term before. The comments were interesting to me. I’m on my phone at the moment so this was the best I could do.
Thanks. I just read it. Although I don’t see where the author claimed a MTF threatened to rape women.
I’m not saying it never happened. But it certainly isn’t common, or something that MTF wouldn’t immediately condemn.
I had followed a link from the comments to another blog that had screenshots, but lost the thread and now can’t find it.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they were fake. Feminists have a long history of making false rape accusations.
I cannot fathom what kind of adults think kids are capable of that level of reasoning.
I have heard a theory that people would rather think their kid is trans than gay, which … I can’t even.
That’s not *that* crazy. In fact, it’s policy in at least one country.
No, it’s still that crazy. Iran is perfect exam of if one person does something horrible, it’s a crime. But if enough people do something horrible, it’s a culture.
The behavior is crazy, but the idea that some segment of the population is more comfortable with wedging their child into gender misidentification than non-standard sexual orientation is not that surprising.
“Lori Duron tells how her younger son loves dressing in girls’ clothes and prefers sewing to playing soccer, in a new book titled Raising My Rainbow”
Because the important thing in raising children is getting good book material.
1600!!! Time for booze!!!
See, that’s the problem with you people not in the best (Eastern) time zone. You have to start everything late.
Yeah, I’m on my 4th beer already.
Yeah, but by the time you’re unconscious, I’m still going strong.
Based on the fact you’re friends with OMWC, I may still have “youth” on my side. 🙂
Oh, he’s decades older than me. But you still may be right…
“Taylor Swift is reportedly being sued over the moniker of her gaming app, The Swift Life.
According to TMZ, computer consulting company SwiftLife owned the name since 2007 before the singer, 28, launched the social media app last year.
The publication reports that the owner, Patrick Benot, has launched a lawsuit claiming he was never contacted by the singer or her representatives over the use of the app’s name ahead of its release.
Benot reportedly states in his lawsuit that Taylor knows about trademarking products, having trademarked 64 items herself.”
‘Mom, I’m straight. It’s time you faced the facts,’ Chase said.
‘I know what you’re doing. You always leave it open, like I could be gay. But I’m not,’ he continued.
I think Chase is going to be one fucked up adult given his fucked up mother.
Or, he may turn out to be the most rational and well adjusted person ever. I mean, how old is he and he’s clearly more rational the adults in his life?
I have this bridge for sale…
I think it’s funny that they shut down the comments on that article. I’m guessing it’s because the majority of them were calling her out for making money by trumpeting her very young sons [alleged] sexuality and her own wokeness. I’ve no doubt she pushed that kid in that direction, why else would her oldest son feel to break the news that he’s straight? It is no different than the SoCons who try to’ un-gay’ their kids.
Upon close inspection that article is from 2013…….these links are stale yo!
The link identifies as new.
It’s actually different than Socons trying to ungay their kids since in one case they’re are assuming a natural genetic disposition and in the other they’re assuming an attention grabbing fad. Much of parenting is steering kids away from those fads, not always successfully but usually.
Six injuries? Where’s the Teutonic pride in a job done right?
The article says he’s a German citizen but he might be a Turk or other newcomer.
How long before Germans demand common sense knife control?
Iranian origin or whatever people call it – but a German citizen(?)
It can happen. I thought it was easier than it was for the kid of an immigrant to become a German citizen, so maybe not.
James Gunn fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 over old tweets. The guy used to write for Troma and they didn’t know he’s written offensive jokes?
I guess these are the tweets? Wow, if those jokes can get you fired I sure hope no one ever doxxes glibs.
At least we still have the Russo Brothers.
They worked on community, if someone digs deep enough I’m sure there is a story out there of them telling a raunchy joke to Chevy Chase or them laughing at one of his which makes them guilty by association.
I’d also think that dealing with Harmon taught them to never apologize, never back down.
/still waiting on the movie
“I was defending James Gunn earlier because I thought the extent of his actions was posting edgy jokes on Twitter. I was wrong. He shared a CP-ish video of pubescent girls alongside an equally disgusting caption by a man who was later convicted for possession of CP. I feel sick.”
OMWC better be extra careful.
Making you safer
A new city ordinance that would assess hefty fines of up to $10,000 against Seattle gun owners who do not safely store their firearms or report their misuse was signed Wednesday by Mayor Jenny Durkan and take effect in January.
“This is the kind of action we need to save lives. While we can’t prevent every gun death or injury, we can take steps to help prevent future tragedies,” Durkan said in a prepared statement.
The ordinance was drafted following the release of a new University of Washington study showing that nearly two in three gun-owning households in Washington state do not safely store their firearms.
“For me, it’s very simple. We’re just trying to save one life at a time, said Seattle City Council President Bruce Harrell. “One life at a time. And whether this law or any laws drastically change the needle, that concerns me less. We’re trying to save one life at a time.”
If this law doesn’t work, we’ll write another. That’s our job; writing laws.
So, are they going to inspect each home to make sure guns are stored correctly?
Don’t give them ideas!
Trigger Warning: TOS
New Kamala Harris Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California’s High Housing Costs
Of course, it refunds 100% of the amount over 30%, and is refundable. No way this further enriches people with renting stock in high-cost areas…
Either democrats are dumb, or their base is, maybe both, or all three.
I learned when I was a high school senior about the bubble-inflating fallacy of shit like this. When applying to college, I had to fill out a financial aid form, after which the college would figure out how much our family could pay towards the costs. The remainder of the money would be taken up by scholarships, loans, and work study. I very quickly realized that if the government provided more financial aid, the college would still determine that we could pay the same amount, and that extra money would go toward raising the price of tuition or room/board.
Yup, the extra kicker for me was that mom and dad weren’t even paying, so their financials had nothing to do with my ability to pay.
I guess the idea of becoming an adult at 18 is foreign to colleges.
Time for Jimmy Mcmillan to run again!
Going to repost in late links when they come…
Tilted Axis Spheric Wave
King O’ The Monsters or GTFO.
Ass backwards “reasoning” from the ACLU about why we’ll all be more free if we just accept more common sense gun safety laws.
As we as a society consider the issue of gun violence, these implications for American freedom also need to become part of the conversation. In particular, those who support expansive gun rights as a protection against excessive government power should strongly consider how much government intrusion and expanded power they’re willing to trade for those rights.
All those gunz make everybody nervous and jumpy (especially the police). Get rid of the guns, and nobody will be afraid anymore. We’ll all exercise our right to not be terrified of our neighbors.
What a maroon.
I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $400, Alex. I think I get what he is saying, the state accumulates power by scaring idjits into giving up freedom so they can effectively contorl the ‘gun violence’ problem. But the author’s ‘solution’ is worse than the problem. After all, how do you enforce the shitty bans on guns? Why, by violating the shit out of people’s rights. Just replace guns with marijuana or alcohol for a primer on how giving up your rights only emboldens the state.
Is the author able to breathe unassisted, or does he need reminders?
There is no valid argument for this, so anything they say is always going to be “huh?” Watching them tie themselves into pretzels in order to justify taking away other people’s rights would be funny if it weren’t so fucking evil.
But enough about the Supreme Court…
Read them talking points, CUNT!