Glibfit 2.0 – The Final Countdown
So how did you do?
I lost right around 11 lbs in a highly-not-smooth pace.
I also went camping last weekend with the Cub Scouts. Last year at the same camp, my kid and I got heat exhaustion on Saturday – he didn’t drink enough and I was a fat fuck. This year, I hiked, while wearing a daypack, about 17 miles over two and a half days without significant problems.
GlibFit is probably going to go on a break, but we are in need of an author for GlibFit 3.0. If interested, drop a line.
Trend line going in the right direction. Good for you. I’d take over glib fit, but I doubt I’d get many takers for my “Get drunk, walk home at 3 am, crawl into house through open window” routine.
That summa that “functional training” them college boys always talking bout?
How tall are you?
six-three or six-four, depending on what shape my back is in that day.
You’re gettin’ there, keep it up.
I used to be six-two when I was at the heaviest. We have my kids mark their height on the wall for the last couple years so they could see themselves grow. Little did I know I should have done that for myself too.
A friend complained about his weight. I was like Dude, you’re six four. You can drop weight, I can’t put on height.
Wilbur Day has a sad.
I take it this has been your first experience learning of the majesty that is Stilt-Man? Don’t worry, the confusion will pass soon. We all know what it was like to learn that we had a Stilt-Man shaped hole in our heart only when it was filled with his Stilt-related love.
The worst part of having lapsed in routing for a while is not the weight gain – it’s the muscle pain when you start back up.
I’ve heard that the new, hip thing to do is to quit as soon as you feel pain. Seriously. See if I can dig up the article. From a legit trainer IIRC.
Like don’t exercise until the muscle soreness is gone? That seems counterproductive. If they mean to not exercise to failure, IOW stop when you can’t do a quality rep confidently, then that’s what I’m doing now and I’ve seen good progress. Mind you, the thing I’m doing has me doing the same two exercises every day, no rest days, and the guidance is to pace yourself with the knowledge that you have to do all of your reps today and then the day after that, like it’s a chore you have to do rain or shine. After the first couple days you’re never sore, and I’ve progressed pretty steadily in terms of reps and weight. Which is not to say that other methods aren’t as good or better depending on your situation, just that this is also a viable method depending on your goals.
Whenever I floss my teeth and see blood, I always wait at least six weeks to let them heal up before trying that again.
I mean, when you floss you bleed, and that’s your body telling you not to floss. Listen to your body, man.
Have you thought about seeing a peridontologist? that’s not normal – or your technique is wrong.
Nah, just sarcasm covering up for my insecurities about growing up in a low-class environment full of summer teeth’ed folk. I am pretty fastidious about my teeth and gums.
And he has all his dental work done at the barber shop.
The soreness is never felt during the routine. It’s the day after.
I am debating transitioning from a “lifting heavy/powerlifting” style to a bodybuilding/reps to infinity program.
I want to be strong… … But I also want to be, like, stupidly, ridiculously, absurdly good looking. I think I can get there in time, just with lifting heavily, but the appeal of a bodybuilding program is that I could likely achieve the physique I would like in a much shorter time frame. … But I don’t want to lose muh gainz, either. Bah!
My 0.02:
The best way to look good naked is HIIT. It melts fat faster than anything else I’ve seen. It’s also suicide-inducing misery if done correctly.
I agree with everything you’ve said here. Bodybuilding programs typically do involve HIIT. I used to do Jacob’s Ladder sprint/walk intervals as part of my lighter lifting days when I still had a gym membership. Thirty seconds “sprinting” on the ladder, thirty seconds at an easy pace, for about fifteen minutes. I did love it, and I would happily do that again. But I’ve priced out that piece of equipment. It is not cheap.
They have one of those at my gym. Every time I walk past it, my brain wants to call it the “Foot Mangler 5000”
I’m telling you, man. I love that damn machine. It’s one of the only things I miss about having a gym membership.
That, and the sauna. Fucking love stretching in the dry sauna after a good workout.
Oh, also, you should be doing HIIT to improve your strength training as well.
You could do something like PHAT or do a 5/3/1 with all the accessory work done at high rep ranges.
5/3/1 with the Prioritization Bible template is basically an Upper/Lower split where you do the strength work first and then do a bunch body-builder isolation exercises anyway, so its a perfect fit. At least I think so. That’s what I’m doing.
Oh yes. I have followed a somewhat modified 5/3/1 and had (what I thought) were decent results in the form of strength gains. Every day there were three movements.
Overhead press day started with supersets of pull-ups and dips (banded/assisted), followed by the prescribed work to increase weight on OHP.
Bench press day started with supersets of dumbbell rows and bench, ” “.
Deadlift day started with supersets of good mornings and hyperextensions, ” “.
Squat day was special in that I just followed the prescribed program for both back squats and power cleans.
It was a lot of fun and definitely felt like I was doing a lot of work, but I don’t think I appreciated it then as much as I might now. I might go back and read a bit of 5/3/1+ and see what’s available in programs I don’t have to think too much about.
But I also want to be, like, stupidly, ridiculously, absurdly good looking.
It’s a blessing and a curse.
Curse? I meant blast.
That’s what I’m hoping for.
Like, I want to turn heads just super casually walking down the street.
Uh, you seek out the evil male gaze?
And evil lady gaze.
I want all the gazes.
It’s not nearly as evil as the scowls she’ll get from other women.
But some women… some women won’t scowl. Some women will surely gaze appreciatively.
Those are the ones I’m looking for.
Quote Rothbard at ’em. That’s a sure-fire panty-dropper.
50% of the time, it works every time.
Don’t know about Rothbard, but my ability to quote Milton Friedman from memory is what convinced my current girlfriend to go out with me.
Trust me, you do.
BTW, I need that pan on the bottom shelf…
Maybe with my RBF! But if people would just look at me and think I’m a vapid airhead with nothing but a hot body, well, I’d be alright with that. 😉
Thank goodness it’s on the bottom and not the top shelf… Mr. Riven has to help with the latter.
Thanks, Leap for putting GlibFit together. It’s been fun reading about folks’ progress/recidivism.
I finished my coffee, and will now embark on a 12 mile run. Good day y’all!
Yes, indeed. Thanks Leap! And a big congratulations on the hiking.
Today’s run: 13.1 mi, 1:59:52, avg: 9:08 min/mi, 130bpm. That was a PR for me at that distance and average heart rate.
Last 7 days: 93 mi running, 35.5 mi biking, 23:08 total time, 126 avg bpm. Stats say 16,883 ft. of gain, but a storm came through on Saturday when I was running up the mountains and the change in barometric pressure incorrectly showed up as something like a 600 ft. gain. Altitude is the least accurate of the stats I track.
Today’s run: 13.1 mi, 1:59:52, avg: 9:08 min/mi, 130bpm. That was a PR for me at that distance and average heart rate.
Nice! That pace was my long term goal back when I ran half marathons. I got down to 2:12 before life got in the way.
Quadriplegic-name-pun jokes…
In two days it will be the ninth anniversary of me running my first mile (although I did a ton of hiking in the few years prior).
I was 46.
You’ve got plenty of time, assuming you don’t damage ligaments or get bone-on-bone arthritis, etc.
Thanks Leap for doing this. It helps to report progress.
According to the week 1 post, I started this at 188, with a goal to get to 180. I stepped on the scale this morning, and it read 172.2.
As for the rest of my goals:
Carbs: Average 18/day goal: < 30
Calories: Average 1030 net calories/day goal: < 1500. This is lower than normal because yesterday I only had 684 calories — We were planning on cooking our usual pizza last night, but it was so hot we decided not to turn on the oven, and my wife picked up a rotisserie chicken on her way home.
Walking: I switched routes this week I'm now doing ~45 minutes per day, which works out to about 2 1/4 miles. The new route has a couple of actual inclines on it, so my legs have been a little whiny this week.
This, by the way, is a big milestone: When I started tracking this, I weighed 222.4. So, since January, I’m down just over 50 lbs.
That’s awesome work.
Thanks. I’m amazed at how fast it’s come off.
That is a bonkers amount of weight loss, man, congratulations!
Thanks. My wife walked into her old job a couple of days ago, and her old boss said “Look! It’s 1/2 a person!!”
~10 lbs/month, wow. Do you feel a lot better?
I can climb stairs!! When I started this, I would get to the top of the landing (1 flight from ground floor to where my office is) and be puffing and panting for 5 minutes after I got to my desk. Now I go up them and barely notice. As I mentioned above, I just extended my morning walk to 2 1/4 miles. I probably would have fallen over dead trying that in January. 18 months ago my back was in such poor shape I couldn’t stand for more than 10 minutes without pain. This morning I helped my son unload bags of Miracle Gro from the back of my wife’s van. I stopped because I got light headed (see low food consumption yesterday), but my back didn’t cause me any problems.
My wife, who started this right after New Years (I joined about the 11th – after realizing she was cooking one meal for me and one for herself), is down about 35 pounds (she’s got a trophy wall of pants that don’t fit anymore). Her health changes are much more dramatic than mine. She’s off her anti-depressants, and her allergies have gone away.
Not to sound after-school-specialy but fitness and health really is a gift you give yourself.
It really is.
Funny you mentioned not using the oven. We’ve been grilling just about every day just to avoid turning the oven on, and as a result we’re eating better than we have all year. Grilled chicken on spinach with tomatoes from the yard, even just like burgers and that sort of thing. More protein, more variety especially in terms of vegetables, and it keeps us from doing the lazy default of baked chicken nuggets or crap like that.
Every week this thread depresses the shit out of me.
I’ve been slacking off for the past… month? now, and been holding steady at 213lbs and slooowly losing inches. I’m now a comfortable size 14. So, over the course of this round of GlibFit, down 3lbs and an inch or two in my waist (from a comfy/loose size 16 to a comfy size 14). I need to get back to walking and shed some more inches. My wedding dress is on the way now, and hopefully it fits, although I won’t entirely complain if I have to have it altered down. I’m also to the point I don’t gross myself out looking at myself in the mirror– I’m pudgy for sure, but not “eww, rolly and vaguely reminiscent of the Michelin Man”. I’m also noticing improvements in other areas IYKWIMAITYD.
Hell yeah! Way to go, girl!
Nothing wrong with slacking off (aka “taking a break”) from time to time. Does wonders for your mental health, at least! And you’ve made awesome progress. 🙂
Thanks! Yeah, between dealing with wedding stuff, the heat wave (I take my walk on lunch, and I just can’t convince myself to get out there when it’s 95F with a 105F heat index), having a bit of (I guess, never went to the doctor but it felt like how others describe) plantar fasciitis I had to shake off, and other random stuff, daily exercise fell by the wayside. I still do sporadic bodyweight and low weight/high rep dumbbell exercises here in the office, on top of chores like tending the garden, but that’s about it. So, I’m surprised my weight has stayed steady, and even more surprised I’m still continuing to slim down a bit. Still makes me feel like a slacker that I’m not out there humping the backpack around every day.
Depending on which goal I go with (it depends on how I look when I hit the first one), I’m either 1 pants size away from my goal, or two. I’d settle for a size 12 at this point, but size 10 might be nice. Depending on the manufacturer, both could fit my goal of a 32″ waist. If I step my exercise back up, I could easily be a size 12 by Christmas, or sooner.
The butt and the boobs don’t go anywhere no matter what I do. *shrug* Not that I’m complaining.
“I’m also noticing improvements in other areas IYKWIMAITYD”
Improved cross-court backhand?
Can walk across rice paper without ripping it?
Is that what the kids are calling it these days? 😛
Articles like this make me think that the eugenicists might have been on to something.
Mom of the year right there.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but for me a mother talking about her son’s sexuality when the kid is too young to even know what that is, is some sort of sick pervert. Child abuse, lock her up for the poor kid’s protection!
Next thing you know, she’ll be letting the kids walk to the park alone! Menace to society!!!
Oh, no, she would never do anything like that.
Kid might see normal parental interactions unfiltered and realize she’s fucking nuts.
I think she’s only a menace to her own kids. And that poor husband, cuck no doubt. Only a menace to her own kids now, but I’m sure she’d love to talk to your kids and everyone’s kids about sex, sick fucking cunt.
She’s a narcissist more interested in her own virtue signaling than in her child’s healthy emotional development. I guarantee you that kid is going to have some mental scars.
Bingo. My kids are 10 and 8, and I’ll be damned if I know what their sexuality is because they are TEN AND EIGHT GODDAMNED YEARS OLD!
Clearly you’re a homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, panophobic, misogynist shitlord from Hell. Report to suicide booth 5 and your children will be turned over to the Rainbow Collective for proper upbringing.
10 is too young? I knew I liked girls with big titties at 5. I didn’t know what that meant, exactly, but I knew I liked looking at them and I knew I wanted to marry them.
I think you may be a special case. Just a wild guess.
Really? You mean to tell me that most people don’t just have this instinctual subconscious feeling of what they are until early puberty? I find it hard to believe that at 12 or 13, the knowledge of what gives you a boner just magically comes to you like Neo downloading kung-fu into his brain. We know that boys like playing with boy toys and girls like playing with girl toys. No one had to tell them they were boys and girls, they just knew instinctively.
It was slightly tongue in cheek.
I noticed girls in third grade, my son is either extremely good at hiding it (which I doubt) or is much later to the game.
Either way, I don’t believe parents publicizing their kids sexual proclivities in grade school does the kids any good.
That goes without saying.
10 is the older son, the CIS shitlord one. The other looks to be about 5.
By ten I was talking to girls in the “like girl, nervously ask for phone number, get phone number, run back over to group of guys feelin’ like a hero” sense. I was aware that there was sex, and it was a thing I would hopefully be having with girls soon, but I was a little fuzzy on the specifics. I had the general idea down, though.
At 10, my daughter left her Youtube search history open and I saw that she searched for “anime girls kissing”. Two years later, she told me that she’s a lesbian. I think it’s all quite clear. Anime makes you gay.
That plus fluoridated water.
It’s a multivariate phenomenon.
Causation is not correlation…
I remember boys and girls having their own little tribes. And we didn’t trust the other tribe and thought they were icky and we might get cooties if we actually touched one of the alien creatures. Then about age 12, girls started getting girl bodies and that’s when some of us noticed they were different in other, interesting ways, and maybe it was worth risking getting cooties if we could actually touch one of them.
If you play the odds, you get cishetero somwhere north of 97% of the time. So if you expected straight and treat boys as boys and girls as girls, an overwhelming majority of the time it’s going to be right. While there is that small percentage where it won’t turn out as true, playing the odds is alos less liable to damage them too.
I haz sadz thinking about how much weight I used to be able to do before my injury. But not being in pain is preferable, so I’ll stick with my machines and cucky weights.
Better than nothing at all, Q. You do you!
what was the injury?
Congenital deformity of the spine. Didn’t manifest until last year. L5 is not connected to S1 and it partially dislocated from weight lifting. No more barbells lest very bad things happen.
whoa. yeah that’s heavy. i was going to bitch about my shoulder arthritis but i can go get a corticosteroid shot and sleep like a baby.
I took a month off, ok 2. So I had lost 32 lbs and gained 20 of it back. I have to get back on the wagon, starting to not feel well again.
After the road trip and not getting back into the routine upon return, I only went up by 13 pounds after two months. I’m sorry for your gain.
I just gotta get back from permanent vacation mode. I’m working a lot, but my mind is somewhere on a beach with a cooler of beer. I have to resume control.
OT: wut
Saint Lucia looks like a good deal if anyone is so inclined. I want somewhere that doesn’t have cell phone access, but still has internet.
I actually believe this. My wife told me once that if we moved to Brazil and I put like 150,000 in a bank account, they’ll just make me a citizen. I never have checked to see if that’s true, but she’s pretty knowledgeable on these things. I’m sure I could just buy it for that price.
Whose bank account?
My own I would assume. But I get what you’re saying. It’s an investment, so it has to stay there for like 5 years I think, to qualify.
It was supposed to be a joke regarding the degree of corruption in Brazil.
I know.
That’s like half a million reais at current exchange rates.
Who the hell wants to buy citizenship in Turkey?
Ben Franklin?
Someone who’s lost their marbles.
John Madden?
Applause Gif
I remember when he was pondering how many turkeys that Cowboy’s offensive line could eat at a single setting. Back when football was still fun.
The US does this too… it might just take a bit longer but:
Invest 1Mil, you get your green card. then 10 years, citizen.
Just about every country has a way to let high net worth individuals hang around.
Once you’ve got a green card, then citizenship is basically a given unless you’ve recently went on a murder spree. I don’t know anyone who’s ever been turned down.
Hence all those immigrant businesses and the cartels that provide set-up funds.
Sounds to me like MadDogPac is actually a GOP front group.
That’s quite hilarious when the dems themselves are claiming to be socialists. Projection?
That’s not real socialism.
So lefty PAC puts up that billboard at the same time that the DSA “Communism is good” crowd is taking control of the Donks.
Makes sense.
I don’t like this new page style that keeps showing up. Not enough contrast. Links are not obvious.
A while ago, as I was going down to town, I saw a fat woman riding a Vespa-style scooter up the hill on the dirt road. All I could think of was, “Oh, that poor little scooter.”
And- to no one in particular, “Where did all these fat people come from? There didn’t used to be so many fat people around here.”
What I don’t understand is why it pops up sporadically.
It has happened before; can’t remember the specific reason, but the sporadic change is because the caches for the site aren’t in sync. Usually you get the correct one, but occasionally you’ll get the bad cache instead. SP had a hell of a time getting it corrected last time, it was some sort of WordPress bug.
A moped riding a moped.
“Oh, that poor little scooter.”
This makes me giggle.
They migrated in on scooters, duh.
Changes in the food environment. We’ve always been around, but we’ve never had so much access to food that is so incredibly palatable and incredibly dense in calories. For 99.99999% of the human existence, famine was the risk, and our bodies adapted to minimize that risk. But we didn’t evolve in a post-Borloug, post-synthetic-fertilizer, market economy.
Its like solving parasites in water. Good, because it leads to better health. But also leads to new autoimmune problems (probably). Not worth going back to having filthy water, but still a problem.
I like it.
GlibFit 2.0 week 1: 164.75, today: 152.25.
To combat muscle loss while losing weight I boosted my protein and added a 40 pound pack to my Wednesday run (13.1 miles, 130bpm).
May 30th 40# 130bpm pack run: 12:47 min/mile. June 18th: 10:57 min/mile.
Goal body fat ~7.3% before I resume eating more and training harder. I have my third hydrostatic weighing Thursday. That’ll tell me how much remaining to lose.
I have my first 200 miler, the Tahoe 200, on September 7th.
The next BMDM is March 17th. My goal is sub four and a half hour (with a 35 pound pack). My plan shows up if you web search: BMDM training plan
OT: WaPo torches the mask, not only fellates power but takes a big juicy load in the face from power and begs for more.
I thought they were all about protecting the American people from abuse by unelected and corrupt bureaucrats?
I can read the URL. I don’t need to know anything else about the article.
As someone that lived through Nixon and Watergate, I cannot fathom how any part of the national press can publish horseshit like this.
Time to buy more guns and ammo.
It’s easy to fathom – it’s only bad when the other team does it. The Viet Nam War was only bad after R’s inherited it.
I am willing to bet that over half the people in this country would agree with the statement “Nixon started the Vietnam War.”
In 2006 the True Guardians of the People were the People’s Representatives in Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi, and they were fighting against the machinations of the Rumsfield/Wolfowitz/Ashcroft led cabal of Career Bureaucrats What Lurked in the Shadows.
Then after 8 years of Darkness Democracy Was Restored to The White House when a Real Popularly Elected President with a Staunch Congress of the People’s Will behind him was able to lower the sea levels, give everyone healthcare, and Bring the Boys Home. The economy was amazingly productive and there were no scandals. It was a golden age.
But see now, Darkness has returned. The Corporations Purchased Congress in 2010 and have never let it go, and of course in 2016 The Dark Lord himself with Russian Collusion stole Her Rightful Place. Now only the True Professionals, the Loyal Guardians of the Government, the Incorruptible Straight Shooters of The Civil Service, can stand in the way of Literally Hitler and All His Literally Hitler Lickspittles in Congress. Oh, and Hawaiian Judges. Those are also Very Good People Who Make Good Decisions.
Whatever center of the federal government is controlled by the Democrats becomes The Actual Final Arbiter. If they have the Presidency and not Congress, then “America is ungovernable under this Republican obstructionism. Pen and a phone!” If they have Congress and not the Presidency then “The People’s Elected Representatives are going to fight the Imperial Presidency”.
Shit remember in the lead up to the Penaltax Ruling, progs were talking about what a shame it was that 5 old white men could Stop Progress, and then when Roberts bent the knee all of a sudden it was A Conservative Court Agrees That Obamacare Is The Law of The Land, The Subject Is Closed.
It’s all about power. Power and who has it, and now they are openly calling the Bureaucrats the 4th branch of government.
You could be quoting the article and no one would be able to tell the difference.
We’re going to be hearing these asshats shrieking and moaning for another 2 years aren’t we? Just imagine if they lose in 2018 and 2020 again. Then it’s 6 more years of this bullshit dialed up to 11.
I doubt you’d rather they win.
To quote Leap from upthread:
I’d rather they slither back under the rocks from whence they came.
“bent the knee ”
This no longer means what you think it means. Colin Kaepernack and his friends say it means “resistance” not supplication.
I don’t care how much they protest. It’s their right. However, if I’m a guy who just paid $300 for NFL ticket or just paid a shitload more than that for season tickets, then I care. They can go kneeling on their own damn time, they’d better be playin the foozball on my time.
“I thought they were all about protecting the American people from abuse by unelected and corrupt bureaucrats?”
We don’t have time for that now that Putin has hacked our democracy and Trump is sending minorities, women, and poor immigrants off to the death camps.
“Democracy Dies in Darkness”, eh?
I’ve read Eugene Robinson and have always regretted the time wasted. Well not this time Eugene.
Fly your flag at the first sentence of the article so everyone knows where you stand. Then everything you write after that will be taken as absolute truth.
Just in case it wasn’t clear:
“Here” in my comment above refers to my little corner of Big Sky Country.
OT: People laughed when Corey Feldman talked about Hollywood being a cesspool of pedos.
I dunno. Figure a person can get upset when a lynch mob goes after someone for tasteless jokes, or a person can get upset when someone makes tasteless jokes. My view is that you have to pick one.
God forbid any of us ever have our Glib comments collected online.
We would all look like a bunch of drunks and sodomites.
It would be true, but that’s not the point.
The internet has changed the world in some undesirable ways. If there was a permanent archive of every joke I told as a young man, I would be living in a cardboard box somewhere. Racist jokes, check. Anti-Semitic jokes, check. Sexist jokes, check. Pedophilia jokes, check. Thalidomide baby jokes, check. Dead baby jokes, check.
Now I just hang out at Glibs and try not to post something that will trigger some deputy AG to come fuck around in my life.
What’s the difference between a truckload of dead babies and a truckload of bowling balls?
Can’t unload bowling balls with pitchfork.
What is the difference between a truckload of dead babies and a truckload of bowling balls?
Leap got it.
Uh, I was trying to play the straight-man so you could finish the joke.
There we go
I loved those jokes as a kid.
What do you call a quadriplegic baby in a pile of leaves?
No. Russell.
“Can Billy come out and play baseball, Mrs. Smith?”
“Now Jimmy, you know Billy doesn’t have any arms or legs!”
“That’s ok, we just want to use him as Home base!”
Yup, that’s one of them.
Yeah, maybe it’s because all of my friends have absolutely vile senses of humor and we mainline sarcasm constantly but nothing from that link bothers me. It’s pretty clear that it’s a joke. And the headline is deceptive.
A deceptive headline at Breitbart?
Knock me over with a feather.
Interesting article. The first part is a pretty good description of why keto works, and he then spends the rest of the article tying it to the Word of Wisdom (LDS doctrine relating to health and diet).
Cool article.
I had to laugh at his opening:
I have sat at that table, and said that prayer.
People just never stop with the sweets and treats nowadays. Like, back in the day you might have pie with company. Or go out for ice cream Saturday night. Now people just buy it in big bunches at the supermarket and it’s Oreos with lunch and candy for a snack and icecream after dinner. They eat 1000 calories in sweets every day and wonder why they’re fat.
If you’re having 15 treats a week, that’s not a treat anymore.
Need a quick and easy dessert?
So it’s funny, because my wife and I very rarely eat sweets, and the idea of dessert as a course (or a meal with courses) is limited to something you’d have at a restaurant or a relatively formal dinner. We wouldn’t consider having dessert after dinner; we just eat whatever we eat for dinner, and that’s it. But my grandparents on both sides would have a dessert of some kind every night.
On the ‘Bama side it might be pecan pie, or ice cream, or banana pudding, and on the Philly side it might be ice cream, or cake, or apple pie, but it was a definite, discrete course to dinner and dinner wasn’t over until dessert had been served. And this was separate from just having shortbread or cookies or whatever at hand to eat during the course of the day. Same on my wife’s side of the family.
Neither of our parents carried the dessert thing forward, although her mother is more likely to have candy or fruit out on the table for a holiday dinner. My father used to be fond of coffee, followed by a dark rum or something similar. My wife’s Texas family, to the extent they have sit-down meals, generally consider the smoked brisket to be both the main course and the dessert, and they wouldn’t be wrong. But they’ve been known to have a maple bourbon over vanilla ice cream from time to time. Or just Rumchata on ice.
May I ask what your cultural heritage is?
Sure. My dad’s side of the family are all of English and Scottish descent, mostly around Alabama and Tennessee, with some outliers in east Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina. My mom’s side of the family are mostly Irish and Scottish from Pennsylvania, nearly all in or around Philadelphia. My parents’ generation mostly grew up in Bowie, MD, and have largely stayed in the area, although my dad and I moved to Annapolis in 1992.
I see. I ask because I’ve found in Semitic cultures that it is de rigueur that you end a meal with something sweet. I grew up in a Jewish household, we always had dessert (usually coffee and cake) at the end of our everyday dinners. Later on, in my job, I have met several folks from the Middle East and North Africa and they would invite me to dinner. The same cultural rule applied. It’s just something you do. Though, since you mention your grandparents did eat dessert regularly, I wonder if a generational thing was also at play (We didn’t have dessert during the Great Depression, so I will be damned if I don’t eat dessert now, etc.).
I’m pretty sure every Mormon has said that prayer at least once. You’ve got two ironclad LDS rules in conflict: 1) if you want to get people to your function (RS Meeting, Mutual, Fireside, EQ, etc.), you always say there will be refreshments and 2) people aren’t going to touch anything until its been blessed.
Personally, I’ve taken to saying “please bless that it will do us no harm,” but I don’t know if that’s any better.
I liked that article. I always ponder the fact that sloth and gluttony are deadly sins when I look around at the church crowd at a Sunday brunch.
Better than ponder the whole “covet thy neighbor’s wife” thing at the swinger’s party the night before.
Church is FOR sinners, after all.
Every Christmas Eve we go downtown to meet old friends who are in town for the holidays. The bars are all about a block away from St. Anne’s Episcopal, which is in the middle of Church Circle (hence the name) and at 11:50 PM they all empty out as the crowds of people jostling for drinks leave to go to Midnight Mass. There’s also a brisk post-service crowd on Sundays, although the few times I’ve been to a Sunday service there I noted that there were a fair number of people in shorts, rough-lookin’ polos, sunburns, and boat shoes who were clearly still drunk.
For some reason that sounds, in my mind, about as stereotypical East Coast Christmas as I could imagine. Who knows why.
No WASP Christmas is complete without a steady flow of booze and cashmere.
I can read the URL. I don’t need to know anything else about the article.
I made it to the Eugene Robinson byline before the adblockerblocker locked me out.
They all want cake.
Eugene Robinson sounds like Kermit the Frog and has half the insight into politics.
Weighed in this morning at the exact same weight as day 1 of the challenge. To me it’s mixed news. I’m glad I didn’t backtrack, but progress would’ve been nice.
Got out last night and played tennis for the first time in years. Hopefully this turns into a regular thing. I missed playing tennis.
Many thanks to Leap! Glib fit 2.0 was substantially better than glib fit 1.0, which is awesome! Anybody want responsibility for 3.0 to start in a few weeks?
ROFL. I just entered my lunch into my tracking app. The burger from Mooyah’s I had has more calories than I ate all day yesterday.
OT: Do what I say, not what I do.
I was just about to post that. After all of that, it turns out he’s just another political grifter in the mold of Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, etc.
Here are some houses for sale in his current neighborhood.
I’d say something fun and snarky but all I can come up with is fuck that hypocritical piece of shit.
What a two faced cunt
It’s different when he does it, he’s on a mission from god, just like Bernie.
Mission from The State…God doesnt exist.
I’m pretty sure the late night comedians will be making jokes about this.
Y’know, if only there were a natural version of this same drug that is much less harmful and people could use legally.
And like the government does with alcohol, I wouldn’t be surprised if the DEA “denatures” spice.
Omelet, eggs, etc.
I found this much funnier than I probably should have.
I shit the bed.
I’m heavier than when I started the glibfit challenge.
At the festival last week, I was on my feet a lot, I went on a nice hike, and I made it to the gym almost every planned day. I had planned five gym days using a guest pass while I was away, and made four of the five. According to the scale at my local gym, I put on one pound.
I didn’t go to the gym today. I had a “fuck it all” attitude today. I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on around the house. I have a few things related to the acquisition I need to take care of. I have some testing for work I need to finish up. I’m going to give the home stuff priority.
I decided that I’ll start measuring my waist in addition to weighing myself. Something SP said about adding muscle a few check-ins ago clicked in my mind. If I really am adding muscle thanks being better about going to the gym, I should see my waist measurement drop despite my weight holding steady or occasionally increasing.
I read the article (commented first then read as is appropriate around here).
Congratulations on your weight loss and the improvement in how hiking affected you!
Thanks for putting this together.
Thanks for doing 2.0 Leap. Great submissions and congrats on your progress. But I think the Batman rendition in your graph either means you need a chest/stomach plate to achieve six pack abs or you should take up a life of crime because you have moved past Batman intervention.