The way that a horoscope should be cast:

Call up the charts.  Get the rough facts in mind.  Where is what, and at what angles.  Don’t worry so much about interpretation.  Sleep on it.  Draw initial relationship markers.  Sleep on it again.  Consume some of your favorite consciousness/awareness expander (if available) and really study the charts.  Write down your revelations.  Reformat those revelations and upload.

That’s the way I have been actually casting them lately.

Wake up on Monday, head to work.  Engage in shouting matches with various trades, particularly emphasizing that “pre” means “before” which means those facilities should have been in place before you spent two days disconnecting, decontaminating and packing for shipment a piece of equipment that really is quite necessary for the functioning of the fab only to find that the tool has literally nothing to connect to in its new space, and why did you confirm that you were on schedule and ready to receive the equipment when I am plainly staring at a piece of completely empty RMF where there are supposed to be drains, water, CDA, nitrogen, argon, and vacuum lines? And, btw, absolutely none of this runs on 110 so why is that outlet there when the drawing clearly calls out 208?   Rinse and repeat until after stomping into the lab you find it strangely quiet because the trades don’t work on Friday.  Realize that it’s Friday and you have no recollection of Wednesday or Thursday.  Also realize that you haven’t worked on the horoscope.

For this week, we have a BARCO alignment of Mars (retrograde)-Terra-Sol with Mercury-Venus in opposition.  Since Mars is in Aquarius, this indicates that the World cup is going to end (creepy how accurate the stars are, isn’t it?) With the Sun being part of the alignment, this indicates that the correct team is going to win.  Mercury-Venus is an odd combination to be in opposition to a Mars retrograde alignment.  In this case, we have “false news of a massacre,” either one happening and not being reported on or a false report of one happening.  It’s hard to say which, but the particularly bad part is that the news source at fault here is going to be one that is trusted.  Since I only trust for my news, I’m wondering which one of TPTB is going to treat me like a dead Browns fan.  For future reference, it’s pretty generic to interpret any Mercury-opposed construction as “the news media are lying pieces of shit” and the customer will be able to confirm your predictions.

This week, Jupiter has finally pulled its head out of its enormous Jovian ass and gone station direct.  Since it did this while in Scorpio, it means increased chances of breaking a dry spell… unless it’s with your SO.  For that to be true, we’d need a conjunction with Venus, but she’s hanging out over in Virgo.

Venus in Virgo.  The personification of sex and The Virgin.  Astrologically, this isn’t that big of a contradiction, since Venus represents peace more than passion, the former of which is very good for Virgo.  But again, Virgo is stability and thoughtful consideration, and joining Venus is Luna, the sign of change.  When you put these together, it adds to the instability I mentioned last week that occurs to all non-Cancers during this month.

Mercury in Leo: expect news about royalty, drama.  You want to hear bout drama?  I get a call from a union plumber installing the lines onto my VPD.  It went like this:

“Yeah, usually I just make a flare connection but the part that the tube goes over isn’t there.”

“That’s because it’s not a flare connection.  It’s a compression fitting.”

“So, I just ask my boss for compression fittings?”

“… Who is this?  You’re a plumber, right?”

Then he wants to know if I have a catalog number for the fittings.  Then if I would buy them for him.  Then there was drama.

Mars retrograde in Aquarius.  Not only does it signify the end of the World Cup, but it indicates a reduction in waste.  It had fucking better.  I’m paying these assholes $79/hour base, plus the various levels of “supervisors,” etc.

I have nothing creative to add.  All of my creativity is dedicated to torture fantasies of the people to whom I am paying vast sums of money to do crap work.  But here’s some relevant zodiac music: