You had Hiroshima. You had Nagasaki. And now you have Rostov-on-Don. Those poor Japanese had it. Then the Belgians got one back, yet the Japanese kept pushing. Then it was tied yet the Japanese kept pushing. Then, with what might have been the finest outlet from a goalkeeper ever, Chadli scored at the death as Japan were pushing for the win themselves and the Belgians were moving on to face Brazil. What a hell of a game. Both teams pressing, nothing dirty. Just an enjoyable game of attacking soccer. Oh, and Brazil beat Mexico in a game that was very much the opposite: flopping, hacking, dirty cheap shots one after another. I hope Belgium thumps Brazil after that shit. And I hope Neymar’s legacy is marginally tarnished for all of his bullshit play-acting antics. There’s no place in a man’s sport for garbage like that.
Serena, Venus and Federer all moved on at Wimbledon on Day 1. Sloane Stephens and Gregor Dimitrov made early exits.
And on the diamonds, the Tigers beat the Blue Jays, the Red Sox beat the Pats, the Braves beat the Yankees, the BIG RED MACHINE topped the White Sox, the Marlins beat the Rays, the Brew Crew topped the Twins, the Indians drilled the Royals, Colorado beat San Francisco, St Louis beat the D-backs, and the Dodgers annihilated the Pirates.

Heed these words
French explorer Samuel de Champlain was born on this date. So was Austrian writer Franz Kafka, assclown “attorney” Gloria Allred, selfie-taker Geraldo Rivera, “Baby Doc” Duvalier, tv’s Montel Williams, midget Scientologist Tom Cruise, eye candy Olivia Munn, four-time F1 champ Sebastian Vettel, and hero to those who believe in transparency Julian Assange.
Today is also the day the aforementioned Samuel de Champlain founded the city of Quebec, George Washington took command of the Continental Army, Jesse James pulled off a $45,000 robbery in Iowa, Karl Benz took the first automobile for a spin, Idaho was admitted to the union, the first color tv transmission was made, the Veterans Administration was created, “Double Indemnity” was released, Jim and Gaylord Perry faced each other for the only time in their careers, “Back To The Future” hit theaters, the 2 Live Crew were charged with indecency in Florida, and Steve Yzerman, arguably the greatest captain in Red Wings history, announced his retirement.
Those were better than many recent days. I even got a little love for our Canadian brethren in there. And the Frenchies at that! I hope they’re happy. And with that, I’m on to…the links!

She should be doing this with police guns drawn on her
You want to read about some shady, deep-state shit? Well this is some shady, deep-state shit. There’s no way any of this passes the smell test. No way all 40 of these (Democrat) staffs were unaware of what was going on. And no way it wasn’t a coordinated effort to get rid of evidence. DWS and Xaxier Becerra should be in an interrogation room until they give some straight answers. This is totally unacceptable and I, for one, and in no way surprised that the MSM are choosing to keep as much of a lid on it as they possibly can.
I hope Trump is still in the mood to pardon some people. I’d love to see some idiots attack this.

Wait, you mean people in the Central Valley will finally have a voice?
The (Russian-backed) bid to split California into three states is gaining traction. Sorry, but its still probably not constitutional as I read the document. But I wish them the best and think more of this should happen when parts of states become so polarized politically, socially and economically.
Multi-billionaire thinks its a good idea to have the government take money away from everybody else and give it away. Hey Dick, why not try it out by stroking checks from your own account to everybody in your hometown for a year or so instead of trying to get people to take money from me instead. Asshole.
OH SHIT!!!!!! Well of course its about San Francisco. What did you expect?
Vermont becomes the first state to legalize recreational pot use through its legislature. I guess they’re not a total shithole after all. They just are if you want to have a gun, speak publicly, keep more of what you earn or be represented by someone that is not a complete progressive assclown.

New Yorkers’ tax dollars hard at work!
OK, so here’s a head-scratcher: the city of New York’s Staten Island DA’s office is being sued for back pay…byt the guy who took care of their therapy dog. That’s right, tax cattle. You’re paying handlers of therapy dogs now for use in courthouses. Congratulations.
And let the pants-shitting, anti-Catholic bigotry begin! Trump to start interviewing possible Supreme Court candidates, which means Amy Coney Barrett can expect the progs to try and Bork her. Which will not go over well with feminists, right? RIGHT?!?!
Enjoy your pre-holiday workday, friends!
>> bid to split California into three states is gaining traction.
How many states are politically separated? West and Northern Michigan, for example, is almost pure ‘red state’ while the East side – union Detroit – has enough population to give us Democrat US senators year after year. And – until Trump came along – help any Democrat presidential candidate.
How many states are politically divided?
Take any ‘Blue’ state in the union. There is an urban-rural divide in politics.
Yeah, that sounds right to me.
And red states too, with the same divide.
Virginia is extremely red with the exception of NoVa and part of the Tidewater region.
Logically, you’d take the DMV area and make it a state and you’d probably end up with a red Maryland as well.
Why would I make DMV a state? More like nuke it from orbit. Maybe make them a territory like Puerto Rico so they can’t vote. Or, even better, like American Samoa where they aren’t even citizens.
Nah. I hate that taxation without representation thing. DC should have zero citizen residents (I’m ok with diplomats living in the government “sector”). They need to cordon off the government buildings and make that the seat of government and have all of the places where non-foreign diplomats live be a part of the state of Columbia or name it whatever.
Just my opinion.
“Nah. I hate that taxation without representation thing.”
fair enough. I had similar views before my ancap turn. Now I feel like taxation with representation is just prison rape with a reach around.
Maybe if we weren’t represented by corrupt bottom-feeders who exist solely to offer the illusion that we are ruled with the consent of the governed
That….is a lovely
pipedreamidea.I really like that, but I’m confused. Literally make it a Government Sector where people employed by the Fed Gov’t can’t vote? And the political elite have to live “off-campus” as it were? But Rome is rich and Our Betters have the money to live close to work. So the demographics of the region, WRT power would probably remain mostly unchanged.
I’m drinking soju; maybe I’m missing something stupid. Can you clarify for me?
You have a government sector. They’re protected by federal cops and nobody lives there except foreign diplomats. Everyone else lives in the surrounding state, with a normal state government and everything that goes with it. I don’t think it would be as easy as drawing a few lines, but…sorry, DC liberals sometimes Kelo goes against you too.
let me try an analogy: imagine if DC were one big federal building.
Ah yes, the DC Lateran Treaty I’ve been promoting for years. No need for a new state, make it part of VA or Maryland, except for the gov’t buildings.
Just add Arlington to DC and you’re good to go. They can have it.
Richmond has gotten very proggy as well, even in far west Henrico
Ooh, that reminds me: I’ll be in the RVA in October during the Cat UEM meetings. I may try to put together a meetup.
Assuming I’m available, I’m down.
I could probably make that
Yeah, if you took the two counties immediately surrounding DC, Baltimore City, and last I checked Howard County (or, “Hard Candy” if you want the authentic pronunciation) and peeled them off, Maryland would be red as hell. The shore is very conservative, southern Maryland is basically tidewater, and western Maryland is Appalachia, so they trend conservative Democrat, if you will. My area is pretty blue, but there’s probably 1/3 or so voters who trend red. It’s not quite like Baltimore where you may as well not even run a Republican, but it’s close. Other parts of the county are more conservative, though, especially as you go south away from Baltimore.
Upstate NY and NYC are. Look at a map of which counties supported their retarded SAFE act.
I’ve only been to New York once and it was the “finger lakes” area, nearish to Buffalo. It was…nicer than I expected, but still felt like another country. More like Canada, NTTAWTT. I definitely had a hard time squaring the circle with my limited understanding of NYC politics. I absolutely do not see how there isn’t some kind of revolt considering that the entire state seems to be controlled by a city on an effin’ island that couldn’t be further removed from the rest of the state.
I wish I understood my fellow upstaters. The gulf between upstate and the City is so wide that it makes no sense for the two to remain the same polity, and Upstate would benefit immensely by getting out from under the authoritarian boot of downstate, but there is little traction to move on a split.
When I drove from Warrensburg to Ogdensburg, I saw more American flags than I had previously, but no NY flags. I even saw a Confederate flag flying.
I feel like the 20 largest cities in the country should be treated as city-states, so they would stop fucking over the states they are currently a part of so badly with their politics.
Colorado is a big red state with two big bright blue dots, Denver and Boulder, which are overwhelming the rest of the state.
Kentucky is this (louisville and lexington) but they don’t overwhelm the state. Also there are a lot of conservative Dems at the state level who vote red for federal positions.
Lake County in Northwest Indiana is solid blue, but the rest of the state is solid red. There is enough red that Indiana always goes Republican for presidential elections. Many of us would be fine if Illinois annexed Lake County.
loveam disgusted by the way the proposed California split conveniently results in one state dominated by LA, and another dominated by the bay area and Sacramento. The split is designed to create two new blue states and one purple one.Yeah, the ‘State of Jefferson’ movement gets ass-fucked by this current proposal.
” which means Amy Coney Barrett can expect the frogs to try and Bork her”
I think Trump will try to bork her too. Probably more than a few Glibs willing to bork her while we’re at it.
She’s too old for me. That means she’s waaaaaaay too old for you.
She’s ten years younger than me!
What’s your point?
I thought that was obvious.
Put me on the would list.
She’s hotter than 95% of the supposed hot celebrities.
She’s got seven kids, so you know she puts out.
He said as she walked toward him, he hid the gun from view then shot her in the chest twice.
Double tap. *Winces*
Need to follow it up with the headshot..
Just in case zombies might be real…
” . . and Steve Yzerman, arguably the greatest captain in Red Wings history, announced his retirement. . .”
Stevie Y’s retirement was one of the things that made me lose interest in hockey. Well that, and the lockout season.
What made me lose interest in hockey? Attending a game in college and seeing how cruel the fans were to the opposing team. They were sore winners, and I did not go back.
Um, that’s college sports.
I remember going to the CFB playoff game when Ohio State beat Alabama. And the Bama fans were all shit-talking machines…for a while. By tge end of the game, those taunts turned to tears and we were flat-out abusing them.
Fuck people who can’t take a little taunting. Especially the Bama fans who can’t.
You know who else couldn’t take a little taunting?
Woody Hayes?
Metta World Peace?
Ron Artest couldn’t handle taunting. Metta is grounded, his mind is focused. He lives in the light of clarity of thought. Metta knows no taunting.
*bangs on Chinese gong*
You couldn’t take it when the committee didn’t put tOSU in the playoffs last urar, so add tOSU to the fan bases that can’t take it.
We were pretty pissed but that doesn’t have anything to do with shit-talking rivalries.
You’re gonna have all fall to bitch about Ohio State football. Don’t blow your load in July, man.
Texas v. OSU in 2022 and 2023
Just a few more years…..
We’ll have been able to rebuild by then (lol riiiight…) and Urban Meyer will finally be fucking dead and buried (is he allowed on hallowed ground or will he disappear in a puff of smoke and brimstone?)
But then Herman will have moved to Columbus to take over and Texas will be back to “shitty”.
The only way Herman ever leaves Texas is if he gets fired. That said, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Texas sucks forever more.
And you have all fall to be a tedious hypocrite about it. Don’t blow your wad in July.
That’s half the fun of any sports rivalry – the shit talkin’.
Fair point. Maybe that’s why sports in general is just tedious AF.
Part of what makes sports great is that it’s the last socially acceptable venue for stereotyping and outright hatred.
I mean I’m generally opposed to collectivizing, BUT I’m still completely comfortable hating everyone for Oklahoma and wishing tornado-ey destruction on their mobile homes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Agreed. I am a diehard Cubs fan, as many know. (WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T YOU LIST THE CUBS GAME, SLOOPS?! WHY?! HUH?! *…..slinks off*… was an off day. Carry on!(
I love that I can get our genetic tribalism out in such a safe and healthy way. When idiots say that there is no point to sports, this is what I clobber them with.
Sport, music, dance, art. Do not fuck with things that are literally universal in the human species, regardless of culture. They are there for a reason.
I was at the closest bar to the stadium (O’Connells), and the night before the first home game, there were supporters of the opposing team (Pitt) who had driven all they way from Pittsburgh.
They didn’t have to pay for their drinks.
Then at the game, these same gracious hosts were the most hateful, venomous people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Then after the game they were normal people.
This is further proof that Oklahomans are better than you.
This is further proof that Oklahomans are better than you.
Demonstrably false! They are from Oklahoma or worse, chose to go there voluntarily.
Hey, the University of Oklahoma pays very well for scholars to pad its stats!
I see your anecdote and raise you this one. (Per standard internet debate rules, my anecdote shall constitute proof and your anecdote is like totally not important and stuff.)
Yep, when it comes to sports hatred, the Sooner brigade are total saints!
First of all, that was a TEXAS fan, so NHI.
Second of all the TX fan was 32, and supposedly got his balls torn off <by hand by a 53 year old church deacon.
I’m trying to figure out what part of this story makes the OU fans look bad.
The only thing good about the lockout was cramming games into the shortened season. Teams played 5-6 games a week for a few months.
A foul odor permeated from a massive bag of human excrement sludge left on a street corner in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district Saturday.
The heat wave melted Pelosi.
It said 20 lbs, not a shit singularity.
MMMMM tenderloin
“Watch your step, you don’t want to step on a San Francisco tenderloin”
Let alone eat one in a sammich?
“Vermont becomes the first state to legalize recreational pot use through its legislature. I guess they’re not a total shithole after all. They just are if you want to have a gun, speak publicly, keep more of what you earn or be represented by someone that is not a complete progressive assclown.”
How did the other states do it?
“Vermont formerly had very few gun control laws. But in 2018, the state enacted laws requiring background checks for private sales, raising the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21, banning the sale of handgun magazines that hold more than 15 rounds and rifle magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, banning the possession of bump stocks, and allowing police to seek a court order to seize guns from anyone deemed an extreme risk.
The open or concealed carry of firearms is allowed without a permit.”
That’s an odd mix.
Other states have done it through direct vote.
Legislatures have done it with medical pot, I believe. But not recreational use.
“missing server”
Check the basements, closets, and bathrooms.
Also, DWS looks remarkably bad lately. As does Pelosi and the Hilldabeast. I guess that’s what the dark side does to your body.
“40 House offices may have been victims of IT security violations.”
I’m not sure victim is the word you’re looking for…
Participants? Co-conspirators?
The word “Willing” needs to be in there…
I guess that’s what the dark side does to your body.
The progressive anti-smoking movement is just an attempt to divert people’s attention from their yellow eyes and veiny, grey complexion. When that doesn’t work, force choking.
20 pounds of actual City were found in 46.9 square miles of feces
due to the density of City, that’s only like a pint.
SJWednesday: A Day Early and A Few Calories More
>>It’s become common knowledge that diets don’t work. People now disguise their diets by saying they “eat clean” or other euphemisms that mean, “I’m going to restrict some part of my eating to lose weight.”
Hmm – I lost 29 pounds since last summer and kept it off too. It’s called a lifestyle change, sweetie.
You want her to EXERCISE*?!!! That’s just right out.
*Weight change is 80% what you eat, but somehow that 20% what you do seems to have an outsized effect of success. Even, or perhaps especially, if it is just going from “not moving” to “moving” regularly
Weight change is 80% (or more) what you eat and only 20% (or less) how much you move, but feeling and being healthy is more dependent on exercise than diet. Then factor in how much easier it is to cope with stress and maintain discipline (including the discipline of diet) when you feel good and you come full circle.
Unfortunately the loop works the other way as well. Stop exercising, start eating badly, feel bad, harder to exercise, more stress more eating badly.
I have spent the last 5 years visiting the two extremes, thought I had finally made the shift to ‘lifestyle’ change when I kept myself under 185 for a year, working out a ton, then let myself slide a bit during last year’s holiday season, came out of it into a few months of work stress and poof back to fat and not working out.
That website is so dense it gives off Hawking radiation.
Look, your weight is purely determined by genetics. Its the same gene that makes you undisciplined and incapable of taking responsibility for your own actions that makes you fat.
The ultimate curse.
Trump to start interviewing possible Supreme Court candidates
FTA: “as he considers his options to fill the vacancy with a justice who has the potential to be part of precedent-shattering court decisions on abortion, health care, gay marriage and other issues.”
“Precedent-shattering”, lol. Which happens every session.
That wouldn’t happen if the government had a group of people that could pass laws.
+1 Roy Moore
Can you imagine the shrieking?
I wish the courts in general and the SC in particular had a lot less concern for “precedent” than they do now. Lookin’ at you, Wickard, Raich, and Kelo.
Gay marriage and abortion aren’t going anywhere.
“The February 2017 memo itemizes “numerous and egregious violations of House IT security” by members of the Awan family, including using Congress members’ usernames and “the unauthorized storage of sensitive House information outside the House.”
“These employees accessed user accounts and computers for offices that did not employ them, without the knowledge and permission of the impacted Member’s office,” it said, adding, “4 of the employees accessed the Democratic Caucus computers 5,735 times.” More than 100 office computers were open to access from people not on the office’s staff, it said.
Chris Gowen — a former aide to Hillary Clinton who is now serving as Imran’s attorney — told TheDCNF, “There is no missing server and never was.”
He didn’t provide any support for his claim, which is contrary to evidence Kiko and Irving presented to Congress.
The memo said the CHA possesses voluminous evidence, including, “Interview notes with House Members’ Chiefs of Staff,” and “Logon activity and computer access logs.” Prosecutors have not brought charges.”
So how are they going to blame this on the Russians?
Un. Fucking. Believable.
I can’t wait until someone from the Respectable Media cracks this wide open!
Me neither, but I think we’ll be waiting a while.
More like forever…
“There is no missing server and never was.”
That was a fake! The real one was in a bathroom in Hillary’s house.
SJWednesday: A Day Early and A Non-White Person Short
Idaho SJW’s hardest hit
It’s Tuesday.
“If your feminist organization is predominantly women….”
I refuse to incur the brain damage that would accompany reading that story, but I can’t help but wonder if that organization was founded by three women or two women and a dude.
I contend that Back to the Future is the best trilogy of all time.
Star Wars was once in the running. So was Indiana Jones. I would’ve certainly accepted an argument for Toy Story (which I think is now the strongest contender), but they’re coming out with a fourth next year and it sounds lame. The Nolan Batman Trilogy? Didn’t stick the landing. Same with The Godfather. The Lord of the Rings? I sincerely believe that they are the three *best made* movies of all time. But with the shitshow that was the Hobbit….same director…same universe…is it really a trilogy anymore? Man With No Name? All solid, but really the first two don’t at all compare to the majestic perfection of Good/Bad/Ugly.
I also think the correct ranking of Back to the Future is the first (DUH.), and then three, then two. A lot of people disagree with me, but I’ve given it a lot of thought.
Am I forgetting anything? DISCUSS!
/Linda Richman tawkin’ cawfee ya know no big whoop
Only the first was good, imo.
The first is certainly the best. It’s literally a perfect motion picture.
/inb4 Jaws kerfuffle, though I am firmly in the “Jaws is a perfect movie” camp./
BTTF 2 and 3 are still fantastic. The parallels between all of them are numerous and frequently incredibly subtle. For example: In the first, You get introduced to Biff after he gets in a car crash while drinking. In the third, you get introduced to Mad Dog after he gets into an equestrian accident while drinking. The threads are beautifully woven.
Lots of fun ideas, well-crafted characters/dialogue/acting, and such a “Sit Your Ass Down and Enjoy Yourself” movie, but done with a masterful eye for story. It is also the best title for any movie ever.
Unlike these guys, I’ll give you BTTF 2. But 3? Come on. 3 is terrible. Talk about not sticking the landing….
ZZ Top disagrees.
Also: Mary Steenburgen>Lea Thompson.
Like Julia-Louis Dreyfuss and Liz Hurley, managed to somehow get *hotter* with time.
Also: Mary Steenburgen>Lea Thompson
Ok, now you’re just trolling.
Mmmm…. Caroline in the City era Lea Thompson.
The second and third ones were at best average and in my personal opinion actually sucked. Sorry.
Haters gonna hate.
Main thesis still unanswered: Who gets the award for Best [Pure] Trilogy?
I really would’ve said Toy Story before this new one was being made.
This battle is over the minute they release the 3rd ‘Weekend At Bernies’s’
You hit it in your post. Star Wars.
There are only 3 Star Wars movies. There will only ever be 3 Star Wars movies.
As much as I’d like to agree with this, it just ain’t true. I too do do not recall a fourth Indiana Jones film.
But there it is.
I would argue that it’s still a trilogy though. It’s a complete story. The others are other stories.
LOTR stands alone from the Hobbit movies. It gets its own rating. Also, the Blade trilogy, the Mad Max trilogy, and the Alien trilogy. Hell, I’d almost go so far as to put tge Hannibal Lector trilogy (Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon) in the mix.
Ugh. Silence is perfect and Red Dragon is shockingly good, Hannibal is absolute shit.
With the VERY important exception being the opera song…which is honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.
It’s almost like we all have different preferences for different things!
Hannibal would have been worlds better, had it stuck to the book ending.
It was a shit movie, but still better than Jaws. Low bar, I’ll grant you.
You’re a towel.
LOTR is a trilogy because it’s three movies, but the second and third aren’t sequels, because it’s based on a three-volume book.
3 volume or 6 volume?
6 volumes within 3 books, but it’s picking nits. Do you want to count the Appendix as well?
LOTR: Appendix would be a decent movie.
If we are going to pick nits, I think it is 6 books in 3 volumes.
No love for Highlander? It was an awesome trilogy and the guys from Talladega Nights say it was the best movie evah!
Sharknado 1,2,3……..47
Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma counts as a trilogy. It’s top 5 easily.
Eh….since all of the Kevin Smith movies (the NJ ones, anyway) are all in the same universe, you have to include Clerks II, Chasing Amy, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and thus not a trilogy.
Two trilogies.
Both easily in the top 10.
I’m going with The Man With No Name. Sure, The Good the Bad and the Ugly stands out, but the other two are good movies. I can’t think of another trilogy that doesn’t have a clunker in it.
Alien/Aliens/Aliens3, maybe? I also love the Bourne Trilogy, even though Matt Damon
Doesn’t count according to Evan because there are more than 3 Alien movies.
The only 3 movies with a real Ripley.
House of 1000 Corpses, Devil’s Rejects, new Rob Zombie film that’s 3rd in the trilogy.
Come on. That’s just…. That’s just…
Ok. That’s actually a solid offering. Both movies are actually pretty good and I have confidence in the third. Devil’s Rejects also wins points for the single greatest use of Freebird in history.
Real talk, Rob Zombie actually has a great eye. Lords of Salem had some really striking visuals and overall was a really good “low budget” (It had money behind it, but he aesthetic was low budget) horror movie. Worlds better than Blumhouse crap.
Yes it’s old and foreign
And somewhat cheezy
I think we have a winner, here.
How about 3 movies that aren’t a trilogy in linear storytelling, but are a trilogy stylistically and thematically? Woody Allen’s Annie Hall/Manhattan/Stardust Memories.
Or the Cornetto movies.
World’s End was crap. It drags the other movies down by association.
They’ve each got highlights and put me in a certain mood, but World’s End is my favorite by far. The pacing, the melancholy and pity of the setup, then the absurd second half and the payoff.
Hot Fuzz, Hands down.
For the Greater Good!
Roberto Rossellini’s War Trilogy.
Two is obviously the worst, your ranking is correct.
Gotta give it to LOTR since I consider the The Hobbit movies to be fan fiction.
In other cases where we have a complete trilogy, then a fourth movie comes out later as a cash grab, I motion that the 4th movie is non-canonical if it’s released 10+ years after the previous title. Now we can safely put Star Wars back in the strong contender list.
BTTF is the most fun trilogy to watch.
LotR, hands down. The Hobbit movies are unrelated trash.
Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, The Enforcer.
Sudden Impact and Dead Pool were 10 years later and therefore exempt.
Sundance has a Dirty Harry marathon running today or tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip. I really dig those movies. It’s a good window on how crime exploded in the late 60’s-early 70’s and how low it is today in comparison.
I saw Magnum Force again recently. It’s still excellent.
We may have a winner.
All three movies stand up well, unlike ‘For a Few Dollars More’.
Had that been the only movie of those 3 made, no one would even know about it.
‘A Fistful of Dollars’ was great, even though it was a scene by scene rip of ‘Yojimbo’.
‘GB&U’ was arguably the finest western ever made.
For westerns I’m partial to High Plains Drifter myself, but I appreciate that it’s subjective.
None of those three Dirty Harry movies are as good as ‘GB&U’ but all three are as good as ‘A Fistful…”
The Good Bad and the Ugly isn’t just the best western ever made, I put it in my pantheon of Best Films Ever.
By my liking it’s currently #2, only behind LA Confidential.
I’ll second this. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is nearly a perfect movie. And Morricone’s score is just amazing.
L’Estasi Dell’oro
I’ll second that. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is just about a perfect movie. And Morrisone’s score is amazing.
L’Estasi Dell’oro
Brazil, Time Bandits, Adventures of Baron von Munchausen.
Yeah, Terry Gilliam made them as a trilogy.
“Doc, you’re not gonna believe this, but we gotta go back to 1955.”
Ray’s Apu trilogy
How did “Trilogy of Terror” get left out? Karen Black three different ways.
For me? Three Colors. Not very wide appeal though.
American wasteland
the scale of our culture of waste is matched only by the heedlessness with which we participate in it.
The living standards of the whole PLANET are objectively higher and safer that at any time in human history. So that’s a pretty good trade-off
Missing the point again.
You can feel free not use straws, bub. This is about force.
Also ignorance. Plastic is icky, so we ignore the environmental footprint of paper, not to mention the actual source of most of the waste plastic in the ocean. Oh, and the requirements for landfills.
Party of Science!
What is the source of most waste plastic in the oceans?
The rivers that flow out of shithole countries.
Whew. Thought it was me for a second.
Three rivers in Asia.
How could they possibly generate that much plastic. What the hell do they do exactly?
Dump it in the river while chastising the USA about pollution.
Asians? Shitholes? get it?
I’ll reiterate.
Asia is terrible!
use gallon of water to keep a handful of paper plates out of the ground, Science!
Shocked I am.
July 3rd, what an awesome date for a sweep-it-under-the-rug plea deal.
If you doubt this is the deep state covering for the corrupt democrat machine, then you truly believe the whole Russian collusion nonsense.
Is it the FBIs job to “accept” evidence? Isn’t that the court’s job, accepting or rejecting the evidence that LEOs are merely tasked with collecting? If someone goes to the FBI and hands over records of misconduct, don’t they have a duty to collect that evidence?
bid to split California into three states is gaining traction.
One of the gf’s cousins once lamented how this would give Team Red more representation in congress. I commented that, sure, it would be just awful for people to be more adequately represented in the government as opposed to being controlled by Sacremento, LA, and San Diego.
It says it’s gaining traction but it’s still polling at like 15%. It’s not really.
The Constitution requires 1) the existing California legislature to approve the split, and then b) the U.S. Congress to likewise approve. Neither will happen. The ballot initiative is just so much asswipe. This is, literally, a nothingburger.
And that’s even if this were popular. Which it’s not. Secession movements in every Western state are polling better, and they are not that significant either.
It will fail, as the Jefferson people don’t want to be ruled by SF.
I’m a rube and don’t understand CA politics/demographics at all, but that map seemed shady to me.
It looks like they are trying to carve it up so that each state will be dominated by a large blue population center (LA, SF and SD). Is that a something that is possible? Or would there be enough rubes in the sticks to counterbalance the cities?
And if I lived in the sticks, I’d want to segment off those big population centers into their own state so that they didn’t drive my economy into the ground (like they are currently doing). The reason I’d want three states is to quarantine the loonies on the coast.
I have a better idea for a 3-way split. There will be a new state called Los Angeles. A new state called Bay Area. And the rest of California will be California.
No, one new state of San Angeles hugging the coast, two from the larger halves of the remainder.
There are a whole bunch of coastal counties that want nothing to do with LA and San Fran.
Who said the state need be contiguous?
TW: The Root
Rich White People Shunning Other Rich White People For Supporting Donald Trump Is Hilarious
These people not only play video games, they vote.
That’s the sort of hard-hitting intellectualism I’ve come to expect from The Root.
BLM focuses too much attention on the unequal treatment of black people, instead of focusing on police abuse issues in general.
I think this is actually what Dershowitz has been saying.
It’s exactly what he’s been saying and he’s correct.
Yes. If you actually cared about police brutality, you’d want to universalize the problem so that people realize that ANYONE can be a victim, that it’s not just black people. However, if all you were doing is trying to shore up black support for the Democratic Party…..
Some seem to be so off the rails that they appear to be arguing for increased brutalization of white people as a means of leveling the field rather than lessening the brutalization of blacks. BLM was arguably a good idea at the beginning but it’s become irredeemably toxic.
How are you gonna peddle the racism meme if you actually try to solve a real problem and don’t just use incidents to virtue signal? Do you even social justice, brah?
Spics Pick Dick Chick
Is she thicc?
She has unfortunate facial features.
“It’s a disgrace to see people sleeping on the streets with this material wealth all around them,” Branson said.
Don’t look at them.
That sentence could be read the opposite.
Why does he hate the poor and homeless?
Because they’re gross and stinky?
There already is a basic income. Its zero. That’s the starting point and it goes up from there depending on the individual circumstances.
Trump admin to rescind Obama-era policy that encourages use of race in college admissions
WSJ article.
Why the hell is the federal government dictating how college admissions should be handled in the first place?
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Because according to the collectivism peddling morons now seemingly making all the decisions for us, government should be the entity responsible for picking life’s winners & losers, brah.
Someone was actually paid to write this
Pure fantasy penned by a college department chair.
The TDS is strong with that one.
One of Donald Trump’s major accomplishments has been to catalyze a widespread resistance movement to thwart his policy agenda and to challenge his efforts to dismantle the fundamental norms and institutions of American democracy.
Norms like respecting the results of an election?
Since Trump took office, America has seen an unparalleled level of protest
All of which is hypocritical at best and flat out retarded at worst.
Trump’s dizzying display of megalomania, lies, bigotry, and cold-blooded cruelty
is legion but it is mostly in your head.
We Need Nonstop Protests Against Trump
Well, it’s not like any of your average leftist protesters have jobs, so…
And the “20 ways to do it” are comedy gold.
This has to be written by a millenial. I am pretty certain the civil rights movement in the 60’s and the Vietnam protests in the 70’s eclipsed this nonsense didn’t they? But, I wasn’t around for the former and was too young to remember the later. Can some of you *ahem* more mature Glibs weigh in on that?
I haven’t seen a millenial Trump protestor self-immolate, yet…kinda looking forward to it.
Not a millennial – he’s a department head at Occidental College.
So, he’s just insane.
Used to be, professors influenced the minds of students.
Looked like the liberal protesters in the ’70s were made of sterner stuff than today’s soy boys.
Buy the book!
Paul Simon hardest hit.
You know who else banned single use plastics?
How are they going to haul the heads they lop off. Paper leaks.
Being traditionalists, the proper conveyance for hauling severed heads is atop pikes.
Though it gets expensive shipping the fish in…
Ah, so that’s why “the fish rots from the head.”
Los Angeles raw dog prohibitionists
That’s the way to grind the terrorist groups to a halt. Infect those groups with some Social Justice.
That sentence could be read the opposite.
As in, “Get off your lazy ass and get you some of that!”?
Interesting take.
I tried to read that article about the Supreme Court justices, but the autoplay video is so fucking obnoxious I just closed it. What in the everloving fuck leads the people who design those websites to think uncloseable video windows that jump around the page is a good idea?
+ infinity. The scourge of our times.
100%. I immediately close any page like that. I wonder how much traffic they lose.
It’s infuriating, especially the ones where the vid is completely unrelated to the article. It’s like their website development people are all tweakers.
I’ve seen some pages where the window playing is above or below the text you’re reading, so you get the sound playing, but can’t find the window. If you scroll up you see the window briefly, then it shoots to the bottom of the page.
Those developers should be shot.
Shot is too merciful.
I vote death by slow slicing.
It’s about page count for the advertisers, so once you came there, they don’t care.
I still think it was animation that lead people to install ad blockers. They were used to seeing ads in newspapers and magazines. But a moving image is way more annoying.
That’s an understatement.
Absolutely true. I don’t mind ads in the least. I do mind ads with buggy animation that cause my browser window to crash, ads with animations that take fucking forever to load, ads that blast me with loud unwanted noises.
“A long running script is preventing this page from opening.”
Absolutely. Put a static ad at the top of the page and I will just scroll past it. Ad block is for everything else.
+1 Dancing Mortgage Ad
Every once in a while I *try* to read a web page on my ipad (no ad blocker) and it’s completely unbearable. In addition to all the video and animation shit, the text I’m trying to read constantly shifts around the page as the ads slowwwwly load all over the place. I don’t know how anyone can tolerate the unfiltered internet.
Most people read mainstream websites as substitutes for opening a newspaper or magazine, not as a substitute for visiting Dave and Buster’s.
That’s how you get Donald Trump.
It’s a line I’m sure we’ve all heard multiple times. Hell, I’m sure it’s a line we’ve all used multiple times. The implication is obvious. Donald Trump is really bad and idiocy like whatever is being pointed to is what repulses voters to the point that they vote for Donald Trump. But, lately, something’s been bothering me. I think it stems from this piece in the Times. It’s essentially an article bemoaning the First Amendment and civil liberties because they also apply to conservatives. And, of course, there’s the Jennifer Rubin piece, yesterday. And the idiocy over at TOS.
At what point, does Donald Trump actually cross over to being the actual good guy? Not just the less bad guy. But, the guy whose opponents are so utterly monstrous and vile, you have to look at him as good in comparison. I mean, FDR was a bastard. But, I think most of us would agree that, in FDR versus Hitler, we’d all root for FDR. And if Trump’s enemies seem to be converging on totalitarianism, and they do seem to be doing so, it’s hard not to think of Donald Trump as the relative good guy. And I’m saying this as a guy who didn’t vote for Donald Trump, even as the lesser of two evils.
Just remember the spending bill. That will remind you that Trump is still bad, even if his opponents want to throw you in jail for wrongthink. That said, if nothing major changes, I think I might vote for Trump in 2 years.
My sarcasm meter is on the fritz. Sarcasm?
No. Trump is still the lesser of two evils, not an actual good guy. Any good he does is accidental. His opponents are awful beyond belief though, and with only two realistic choices, I might have to go with him.
His opponents are awful beyond belief though
That’s just it, though. A spending bill I think is idiotic versus they’d throw me in a cage for my opinions. Sorry, but the two don’t even begin to compare. That’s not an endorsement of the spending bill or Trump. It’s just an acknowledgement that the latter is so awful as to render the former trivial in comparison.
I think we agree, we’re just talking semantics. Yes, Trump’s stupid shit isn’t on the same plane as the current Dems stupid shit. I just think whether Trump is “good” shouldn’t be a relative matter. In a vacuum, Trump has done some bad things that prevent me from referring to him as good and it’s only the Dems that make him look good. But yes, relatively speaking, Trump is the superior choice right now.
“That’s just it, though. A spending bill I think is idiotic versus they’d throw me in a cage for my opinions.”
So much this Bill. That is why to me Trump has become the good guy. He is making these evil fucks show their true colors when they finally drop the pretense and tell us all what they really are aiming for.
How about his dumb ass tariffs?
If I am following wdalasio -and I think I agree with this- the left trying to stifle 1st and 2nd amendment rights (at a minimum) far, far outweighs Trump’s big spending and tariff nonsense.
But he still sucks and is a moron. Just not as much as the socialist dillweed the Democrats are going to nominate.
Oh, absolutely. But I don’t see him doing anything evil like the left are wanting and trying to do.
I look at the tariffs as part of his ‘art of the deal’ process.
If he gets some of the other shitholes to change their trade relations, and then relaxes the tariffs, then he may, in fact be ‘good’.
They are indeed part of the deal.
I dislike tariffs as I dislike all taxes. However, tariffs are the most strictly constitutional tax for the Federal Government to levy. If we went back to funding the entirety of it through nothing but tariffs I’d be happy for that outcome.
Rubin’s piece was shameful, a call to harassment of and *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* violence towards her political foes.
With enemies like her, yes, Trump is actually the good guy.
Outside of the legislative differences that I have with him, the issue I have is that Trump eventually uses the tools of his enemies against them. He is the creation of and reaction to the left. He saw how they weaponized social media and did it himself. He saw the base appeals to emotion and did it himself, etc…
At what point in time is he going to mimic their own calls for the silencing of speech? I don’t see Trump as a principled actor, but as a competitive businessman who was trained in the New York real estate market. He’ll do what is necessary to get the building built, even if that means participating in some shady shit.
In short, the left has crossed the line over into authoritarianism, I don’t trust Trump not to follow them.
That said, he’s still better than Clinton.
He may not be principled, but I do think he listens to his base. Remember when he hinted that he’d be open to some minor gun control measures? His base flipped out, and we haven’t heard a peep about it since. Same with Syria. The media was really pushing for boots on the ground there, while his base was screaming “false flag”, and thus far he’s kept us out of there.
He does. But how principled is his base concerning these issues?
How many Americans actually understand that the Bill of Rights is a limitation on government and not a granting of rights to individuals?
We’re rapidly devolving into a struggle where the only thing that matters is power. The left is leading the way, but the right has started to learn Alinsky’s lessons as well.
I think his real base is way more principled on these things than you’d probably give them credit for. As an example, over at r/The_Donald, anytime some young, overly emotional new-con starts advocating Obama-esque tactics against the press, they’re usually slapped down in the comments pretty quickly.
He didn’t know what Aleppo was either.
The court’s five conservative members, citing the First Amendment, had just dealt public unions a devastating blow. The day before, the same majority had used the First Amendment to reject a California law requiring religiously oriented “crisis pregnancy centers” to provide women with information about abortion.
Conservatives, said Justice Kagan, who is part of the court’s four-member liberal wing, were “weaponizing the First Amendment.”
“Weaponizing” = “judging based on what is actually written in fedgovs founding document”
Kagan is an unprincipled hack. A worthy successor to Ginsburg who believes that ends justify the means.
From her point of view, what individual private citizens can do and what the government can do WRT discrimination ought to be the same. I don’t think she’s right, but I understand the argument as a little more complex than most here are giving credit for, because it runs directly antithetical to the major premises of the ideology on this site. However, if one were to believe that citizens are no more free to associate (or discriminate) than State actors, her premise follows. I guess what I’m saying is, don’t just make the mistake of saying “this is stupid”, go out and explain why, based on documents like the Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, and Constitution why the premise is wrong and the argument can’t hold together.
VDH gets at that kernal of truth from the other direction: why are you trivializing Nazi atrocities with horseshit, ahistorical comparison?
The unremitting Nazification of political discourse has surpassed mere ignorance and stupidity. Ignorant and stupid is what I expect of Parkland commentators and other teenagers serving as the left’s child preachers. Ignorant and stupid is excusable, given the pitiful state of public education. But supposed adults like Kristol, Rubin, et al. who blithely invoke Nazism are evil motherfuckers.
Anyone who makes these kind of lazy, cheap, dipshit comparisons should read some of the more obscure books I’ve read that lay out in horrifying, painstaking detail exactly what it is the Third Reich did. Not in an abstract “they killed a lot of people” manner, but eyewitness accounts, official documentation like the Jager Report, etc. Books like French MacLean’s book about the Dirlewanger Brigade, Ernst Klee’s The Good Old Days, Yitzhak Arad’s book about the Aktion Reinhard camps, Raul Hilberg’s The Destruction of the European Jews, Christopher Browning’s Ordinary Men, etc.
Trump is pro-government spending and a strong economy.
Trump’s opponents are pro-government spending and a completely stale, if not ruined, economy.
Hard not to pick Trump. I like to think that economic prosperity will lead to an easier promotion of libertarian ideas.
Regarding the tariffs, hasn’t Trump said off the record that his goal is to eliminate tariffs entirely?
His goal, as stated, was to force countries were taking advantage of the horrible deals for America and Americans that some stupid fucks had previously negotiated to come back to the table, and renegotiate deals that were equitable (or at least less fucking detrimental to the US and the American people that got reamed by these globalist douchebags).
In a 10lb sack?
*high five
Cincinnati moved past San Diego for 12th place in the NL.
Pittsburgh is up next, which would finally move the Reds into 4th place in the Central division.
Don’t lose your head.
Unless the bystanders are all shills dude is going to get shot at some point
“‘Psychic’ Octopus That Correctly Predicted Japan’s World Cup Results Is Killed and Sold for Food”
TW: Autoplay.
“Unpatriotic Traitor Octopus sentenced to death.”
Dicks out for Rabiot?
All 8 of em’.
Stupid Octopus didn’t even commit seppuku
The Supreme Court decision striking down mandatory union fees for government workers was not only a blow to unions. It will also hit hard at a vast network of groups dedicated to advancing liberal policies and candidates.
Some of these groups work for immigrants and civil rights; others produce economic research; still others turn out voters or run ads in Democratic campaigns. Together, they have benefited from tens of millions of dollars a year from public-sector unions — funding now in jeopardy because of the prospective decline in union revenue.
Oh, no, how awful. Money taken from unwilling people was being used for political advocacy, just as was claimed. Now they’ll have to find another way to get their hands in the workers’ pockets.
In this shitty world, sometimes a ray of sunshine breaks through the gloom. The Janus decision is one of those wonderful little moments of pure, unalloyed joy.
and Churchs don’t have to promote Abortion anymore ……
Sounds like a tacit admission that public unions are merely a wing of Team Blue.
Was there any doubt this was the case?
“Civility is also white anglo culture. I have never met a polite African or a Jew that insisted on manners over urgency so. Stop forcing WASP culture on us lmao”
Because Trump is Presbyterian?
Has Muna ever actually met any Africans? Depending on what part of the continent they are from, they can be very civil people. I’m also trying to remember the last rude Jew I’ve met. I’m drawing a blank.
Yes. I can’t say I know a ton of African immigrants, but the ones I have met are almost invariably exceedingly polite and well-mannered.
Ditto. Hell, the cultured, baritone, black African with a British or French accent and impeccable manners is practically a cliche. Also, my church is full of them.
Ditto. Not exactly punctual–the phrase “African time” comes up a lot–but very well-mannered and effortlessly considerate.
I spent a few weeks in South Africa a few years back. Overall the situation was tense due to the flood of refugees out of Zimbabwe, but almost without exception the locals I met – blacks and Afrikaaners alike – were polite and friendly. I had a great conversation with one guy about the many tribal languages spoken in that country, and how most folks can speak at least a few words of all of them.
You are missing her point though: WYPIPO BAD!!!! *Exclaimed Young Frankenstein style*
A claim that is so self evidently false that it doesn’t need to be addressed.
Well we did steal anything of value through tricknology and exploitation. Everything good about Western culture was robbed from POC if you listen to anybody at The Root ….or the DNC.
The thing about intellectual property is that you can copy something without depriving the creator of their copy. Or did White People Magic make color technology all die?
The second one!!! /What ‘party of science’ retards think
I think people confuse directness for rude. In most if my dealings with (((people))) from out east, they are direct. That can quickly turn rude if you don’t return the favor and instead drag the transaction/conversation out longer than neccessary. Most Africans I’ve met have been overwhelmingly polite.
Rational debate requires civility. Since they’re not interested in rational debate and actually oppose it, the quickest way to get rid of it is to eliminate civility.
Yeah, I’m not so sure they’ll be fans of what takes its place.
Apparently she has never been to parts of Asia.
+Angry China Man
Fine. We’ll start yelling back.
Is he/she/it suggesting that non-Caucasian people are not capable of being civil? ///thatsracist
She’s probably met lots of them. She just didn’t notice them because they weren’t acting like assholes.
No hoochie-mama?
The phrases that men and women love to hear during sex are very different
Serenity now!
“And coming up the rear, ‘I love you’ got just 13%.”
So not into anal?
I think that’s what you’re supposed to say during anal to make her feel better about it.
“just the tip”
Fake news. “Don’t look at me in the eyes!!” and weeping has to be like #1 or 2.
Even better when she is a stripper
This is an eggplant:
“Donald Trump’s dream casting for America’s next SCOTUS justice: Amy Coney Barrett
(CNN)For Donald Trump, image is everything.
How you look is a major marker for how you will do in Trump’s world. You need to look the part for him to imagine you in the job. Your personal story has to stand out in the crowd.
That “central casting” view of the world goes for reality TV contestants, Cabinet picks and, yes, likely even Supreme Court justices.”
TW: retardation, sexism, autoplay.
If only Republicans could be as uninterested in superficial physical characteristics as the Democrats are.
@HM: Around March next year I plan on moving to Chiang Mai and doing the digital nomad thing. My plan is to do 3/4ths or so of my work teaching online and branching out and get into freelance editing/copyediting to build that side of my resume.
I was hoping to talk to you about some realities of living there and what I can expect. I’ve been to Bangkok and Phuket a few times and have travelled throughout most of SE Asia. Anytime I can pick your brain or you can give me some pointers would be much appreciated.
Might be better to have a private chat, but I also know you’re a busy man (thiccly busy?) so I just wanted to reach out. Evan g mathews at gmail if you have the time and want to go that route. Much obliged.
Can’t get no justice, under da system.
Sweet sweet schadenfreude.
Today, in “Ben Shapiro is a Nazi”
Typical progtard.
And, of course, there’s the Jennifer Rubin piece, yesterday.
No rest for the wicked. Do these people not comprehend the concept of a “two way street”?
Thinking about that piece afterward, I seized upon the metaphor of gang warfare. Are we going to have to display ours “colors” in such a way that we may be identified as friend or foe, like the goddam Crips and Bloods? Will there be lists of safe refuge establishments? “You don’t want to go in there, that place is BernieBros only. They’ll skin you if they figure out who you are.”
And what makes it even more mindboggling is that these are the same people who will rend their garments and fill the air with lament at the thought of some business owner refusing service to anyone in a protected category of specialness.
Jennifer Rubin is a “conservative” in the same sense as David Brooks.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if popular backlash buried ostentatious political signaling instead? If I’m going out for dinner or a drink with my folks, the last thing I want to do is discuss politics, much less wrangle strangers into the conversation (or find myself wrangled into theirs). Few things will make me take to Yelp to badmouth a business, but having someone else’s half-assed, ill-considered, cable news-informed opinions foisted on me during my patronage brings out the consumer banshee.
I don’t think it’s out of the question that that’s where we end up. I think a significant part of the Trump phenomena is regular people who are FUCKING FED UP with being lectured by dim-witted asshats who deem themselves to be their superiors in the media and elsewhere. I don’t know how long it will take business to get the message that pissing off your customers might not be the best idea, but I do think the backslash isn’t going to let up soon.
You’d think Starbucks may be starting to wonder whether trading the sovereignty of bathroom privileges for abjectly failing to appease woke hucksters is going to bite them in the ass.
Fuck ’em. All the local coffee shops are run by irritating progressive doofuses anyway, but at least the coffee is competent.
“Portland State University is offering a course this fall on “Ecofeminist Spirituality,” which combines “feminist biblical interpretation” with the idea that “the oppression of women and the exploitation of the earth are related.”
According to the professor, the most radical form of ecofeminism is “Socialist Ecofeminism,” which posits that the capitalist economy exploits both women and nature.”
Commie treehuggers.
She is free to relocate to the woods, free from the patriarchy and capitalism, to attempt to support herself.
Go on, we won’t even try to stop you.
It is a shame how capitalism is so hard on nature. I mean anywhere communism was tried the natures were totally respected and the landscape looked like middle earth, right?
Well… Mordor was part of Middle Earth, so yes.
Good point
Roads across the Sahara seems scary.
that is cool
Very cool. I had no idea there were so many undersea cables.
“Men reveal the three words they LOVE to hear during sex”
“Taxation is theft”
“Who are you?”
A non reader…..
“Here’s a sandwich”
“Yippee ki-yay motherfucker.”
“Fuck me, slaver”
“leave the money on the nightstand”
Make sure you don’t have a negligent discharge because you’re distracted.
7, 18, 38, 39, 48, 50, 55, 57.
7, 18
I finally got around to reading that “weaponization of the First Amendment” NYT thing: Holy shit.
There was a certain naïveté in how liberals used to approach free speech, said Frederick Schauer, a law professor at the University of Virginia.
“Because so many free-speech claims of the 1950s and 1960s involved anti-obscenity claims, or civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protests, it was easy for the left to sympathize with the speakers or believe that speech in general was harmless,” he said. “But the claim that speech was harmless or causally inert was never true, even if it has taken recent events to convince the left of that. The question, then, is why the left ever believed otherwise.”
Some liberals now say that free speech disproportionately protects the powerful and the status quo.
“When I was younger, I had more of the standard liberal view of civil liberties,” said Louis Michael Seidman, a law professor at Georgetown. “And I’ve gradually changed my mind about it. What I have come to see is that it’s a mistake to think of free speech as an effective means to accomplish a more just society.”
“How can our society be more just and equitable, if people who do not agree with me are allowed to run around saying things I don’t like? That’s just dumb. We can only ensure justice and equality if we have total control over what people think and say.”
Power is the only thing that matters.
Full-bore Marxist tactics.
The best thing Trump ever did was get them to rip off their masks.
Well said Q. That alone served to seriously curtail my initial dislike of the man.
Power is the only metric. Because without power how can you usher in utopia?
“there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.” – Marx
“The state is an instrument for coercion … We want to organize violence in the name of the interests of the workers.” – Lenin
Power is the only thing progs understand. It’s their only true purpose and goal, to amass the power necessarily to force other people to submit to their will.
something something boot stomping on a human face for eternity etc etc
“Some liberals now say that free speech disproportionately protects the powerful and the status quo.”
Who will be in charge of limiting speech?
Major dumbfuckery going on there.
Why, the noble, benevolent geniuses of the NYT editorial board silly.
As I said above, that’s the piece that got me thinking re “Trump as good guy”. I mean “respectable voices” in our society are really starting to flirt with full-bore, unreconstructed, totalitarianism. Trump has some shitty policies? Yeah, no doubt about that one. But, HOLY FUCKING SHIT he’s not openly rejecting freedom of speech and religion. He’s not trying to rule by mob violence. These people are really playing around with something no one should want to see opened up.
And the truth is these sociopaths haven’t thought one step beyond their little fucking temper tantrums. The norms and standards they’re looking to throw out protect them, probably even more than the rest of us. And, honestly, I’m getting to the point of not particularly caring that they continue to be protected by those norms.
So, just as with democracy, free speech is like a train. When you reach your destination, you get off.
For the progs it sure is…
Elections until they get what they want, then everyone is fucked into perpetuity when the true colors are shown..
Let’s not forget that today is also the day, in 1863, when Gen. R.E. Lee and Gen. G.G. Meade decided that the United States of America would survive.
Is it just me or did General Lee take stupid pills for three days straight for that battle.
To a certain extent. Lee definitely fell into hubris in that battle and acted as if he believed his own mythical invincibility overcame a lousy plan of attack. You’d think the guy who watched the futility of the Union’s frontal charges at Fredericksburg would have known better than to try the same thing at Cemetery Ridge.
The failure of reconnaissance (JEB Stuart) left him pretty well fucked out of options.
Lee has to bear responsibility for that, too. He gave Stuart a great deal of freedom when he already knew that Stuart had a propensity to freelance.
And even despite this, Lee held the advantage after the first day. If he had listened to Longstreet, day two would have forced Meade to attack him in conditions favorable to the Confederates by flanking Meade on the right. There would have been nothing standing between the Army of Northern Virginia and DC at that point, compelling Meade to attack into the teeth of Confederate defenses.
Longstreet DID do a lousy job through the rest of the battle because he was pissed off that Lee refused his suggestions, but his instincts in this case were much better than Lee’s. Lee’s own reasoning behind the move north was to draw pressure away from Vicksburg in the west, not to face off in a decisive battle on enemy territory. He made a snap decision to engage at Gettysburg because he thought he could just beat Meade, hence his comment that “the enemy is here and so here we will fight him” or whatever his exact words were. He could have avoided the battle, or after the first day he could have baited the Army of the Potomac into fighting the battle he wanted. Instead, with limited intelligence, he plowed on ahead, culminating in the disastrous decision to charge the high ground on the third day, which effectively broke the back of the Confederacy. And, after the battle, Lee knew he fucked up and admitted it publicly to his men.
+1 Cemetery Ridge
How many Americans actually understand that the Bill of Rights is a limitation on government and not a granting of rights to individuals?
I saw something the other day, probably in an article about Kennedy and the SCOTUS, in which the claim was made that a whole litany of rights created and granted by the Supreme Court in their magnanimous beneficence will be lost when Trump seats his Nazi justice and brings back slavery and public executions for sexual deviance.
I can’t remember where I saw that, but it jumped up off the page at me.
The ignorance is pervasive.
How many Americans? I’m going to guess less than 10%.
How many Congresspeople? Even lower.
Socialism! right next door! We are so screwed…..
Raise your hand if you’re still against building the wall.
[hand raised]
On the other hand, I have no problem with pulling our troops out of Korea and Germany and Afghanistan and Iraq and stationing them along the border.
Potato, potahto. Whether it’s a wall, troops or some other method, that border is going to have to be defended. If (when) Mexico goes the way of Venezuela, there’s gonna be a refugee crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen. I think there’s a pretty high likelihood that Mexico could have a civil war that spills over the porous border as well.
Who knows? Maybe it would be the catalyst that finally sparks a US Civil War (as unlikely as that is).
Also, a president of one country encouraging uncontrolled, mass migration to a neighboring country would, under most definitions, be labeled as “invasion” and constitute an act of war.
You know, you need facilities to house those troops. I think we should build a very long and thin barracks on the southern edge of the country to house our returning soldiers.
I only put my hand up because a minefield is less expensive and more effective.
I just don’t understand what went wrong with Mexico specifically and Latin America in general. Why can’t they seem to get it together?
I really don’t know. It’s as if they’re actively trying to lend credence to the arguments being put forth by White Nationalists.
Something something evil white oppressors something something colonialism
Non Reform Culture, think about it….
Mexico does seem to have a great setup. They are close to the US and Canada, have a good climate, and access to an ocean on both sides. But I think it all comes down to culture. I’ve read about the tribal culture in Afghanistan and Iraq, where people put their family and tribes first, and their national government is a lower priority. It might be similar in Mexico and Latin America, where corruption and being let down by their government is just a part of the culture and a way of life. It’s been that way as long as anyone can remember.
I’m sure the relationship with property rights has something to do with it as well. Hernando de Soto has some interesting things to say about this.
Mexico has always had a political corruption problem. The narcos just came along and had enough money to buy the country.
The US holds some responsibility simply because of the WOD. But even if we were to end it now, the narcos have such a toehold that I don’t think that Mexico is going to get rid of them for decades.
Also, all the good men of character that would fight to rid Mexico of corruption came to the United States decades ago.
…or have been killed.
Also, the gun control measures from 1971-1972 that make it very very hard for private citizens to keep and bear arms.
We’re their relief valve, as long as the disaffected can just pick up and come here nothing will change and the political class in Mexico loves it that way.
Exactly, which is why I’m all on board for saying “No, we’re not going to be your release valve any longer. Get your shit together.”
There are two things that the US could do that would help Mexico immeasurably.
1) End the WoD
2) Secure the border (wall, troops, whatever, just get it done)
Do those two things and I guarantee Mexico would see drastic leaps forward. It might get worse before it got better, but in a couple of decades it would be a safe, prosperous place.
3) Annex and occupy. Same as Canada. No more pussyfooting around with half-measures like trade agreements and amiable phone calls. We must end the horrors of narcho-anarchy. And Trudeaulatry.
Mmm… nacho-anarchy.
You’re correct Q, ending the WOD is also a key component of Making Mexico Great Again and, unfortunately, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Sure, plenty of people are for it when it comes to marijuana or their particular drug of choice but for the others? Uh-uh.
I remember reading something a long time ago that claimed that the reason that the US and Mexico turned out so differently is that they were colonized by different types of people.
The US was colonized by people who intended to stay and build a new life. They were trying to build Utopia and made long term decisions to that effect.
Mexico and Latin America were colonized by people who were there to make a fortune and go back home to live in luxury. They didn’t care what happened long term as long as they got theirs.
I think you’re on to something there. Also, I think most of the first settlers in NA were trying to escape some form of persecution in Europe. Religious or class based persecution that made them think that they would rather live the hard life of the untamed frontier rather than a life of relatively easy serfdom back in the old country. Those were some badass motherfuckers.
“The truth is Mexico’s new president will be neither socialist nor savior”.
In short, the vote for Obrador is anti-establishment, not anti-capitalist; Obrador is hemmed in by low oil prices and foreign investors; and his naivety vis-a-vis domestic security is likely to be a much bigger problem for him (and, inevitably, for voters) than any socialist ambitions he has.
I think that might be overly “optimistic” (if you can even say that) about AMLO being penned in by market considerations. Never underestimate the ability of a socialist to destroy and economy and create misery and death. Venezuela had money hanging out its asshole when Chavez took power. Now they’re a failed state with average people starving to death in the streets.
Thinking more about it, I guess it depends on how pragmatic vs. ideological AMLO is. Trump could cripple Mexico economically with the stroke of a pen by taxing remittances at some astronomical rate and by kicking Mexico out of NAFTA. AMLO has to understand that fact and perhaps all of his US-demonizing is just red meat for his supporters. If he doesn’t understand it and Trump actually does that stuff, along with getting the wall (seeming more and more unlikely as time goes on), Mexico could spiral into civil war in record time. Frankly, Mexico already is a failed state, the US has just been propping them up for decades. Cut that lifeline and prevent a refugee crisis and the country would burn.
Has anybody heard from Hayeksplosives? Is she settling into her new digs?
Here’s one clue as to her whereabouts.
A banner from the linked page.
that is some range…
Y’all are too funny.
No, I haven’t killed anyone…lately.
Truth is that it’s been crazy wacky here since I moved March 31. I had 90 days paid in an apartment, then had to move out June 28 to a hotel, and am closing on my house (fingers crossed) this Thursday. A huge semi full of my household goods is in storage. I’ve been living out of a couple of suitcases.
At work, they are making me a manager in about 2 weeks, which I’ve known about for 10 weeks. I’ve been in a huge holding pattern since then, dying to get on with it.
After a few weeks, I hope to get happily regular about posting. For now, Mr Splosives is usually on this computer and I daren’t boot him off. I do lurk almost daily.
Keep on keeping on, Murca!
Interesting article discussing the original edition, and who the real author is, of Frankenstein .
The Real Frankenstein and Its Author
TW: In the last few paragraphs of the article the author whines about how hard it is to be super smart.
Is this like Truman Capote writing “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
I haven’t read his book, but he outlines a compelling argument in the article.
Huh, so another feminist canard shot down.
I just don’t understand what went wrong with Mexico specifically and Latin America in general. Why can’t they seem to get it together?
There. I said it.
Corrupt Marxist Catholicism (liberation theology)
See above,i said Non Reform Culture, Romanists! Papists! there, I Said it.
Look at the Colonization efforts of the past and See…….
For whatever flaws it has, the English legal tradition has proven over the centuries to be far superior to its continental counterparts, and outcomes in former colonial possessions bear that out strikingly.
So… the Eternal Anglo was right all along???
Tribalism. I cant stick around. Just when I want to I am stuck in business and cant. I will be back
Too bad Eddie and Just Sayin’ aren’t around…what am I going to do with all this popcorn?
Mexico, along with most of Latin America has a serious problem with political corruption that the WOD has only kicked into high overdrive. In Brazil they have a word on dealing with the corruption, “jeitinho” or “the little way”. In any dealing with government bureaucracy you need a friend of a friend or a cousin to grease the wheels. When I lived in Brazil I literally saw uniformed military police guarding drug houses with a drive through. I got hit up half a dozen or more times for bribes in the two years I was there.
Just Sayin’ got banned?
I think he stopped coming voluntarily because he perceived the Glibertariat as anti-Catholic.
Don’t think he was banned, but he was pissy because Swissy (poetry!) told him to knock off the jabs at Lutheranism (or Methodism, can’t remember which now).
He has a spat with Swiss when he made a few Protestant cracks that were not funny and hedging on mean spirited. After that his comments trailed off and now he seems to be back over at TOS. Its sad really, I enjoyed his comments. I don’t think it was over irreconcilable ideological opiniona as much as you miss a lot of tone and infection in type and it’s easy to misread comments.
My earlier comment about auto-correct….
(and I agree with your summarization, disappointing outcome)
True, and it’s difficult to discuss religion without offending people.
Especially the Baptists…
Yes, he joins Ken Schultz in the ranks of the former Glibs who have drifted back to TOS. Which I find astonishing, given that occasional perusal of the HnR comments tells me that the situation over there is even worse than when I left.
Difference being I found Just Sayin’ funny and insightful. I found Ken to be tiresome most of the time. I don’t miss his Paul Derangement Syndrome.
“Anti-Trump comedian Michelle Wolf compares Ivanka to ‘vaginal mesh,’ ‘herpes’ in vulgar attack on first daughter”
She sounds nice.
woops! Gilmored.
I hope she doesn’t have the audacity to put “Comedian” on her tax returns.
There. I said it.”
You said it, but it doesn’t offer much of an explanation.
Central America is around 40% protestant and just as corrupt. Canada is around 40% catholic and extremely civil. And catholic countries in Europe don’t seem generally worse than non-catholic countries.
At first read I thought you wrote that Canada was “around 40% catholic and extremely evil.” It seemed a bit harsh, but I wasn’t going to refute it. After all, they do use the metric system.
They may be 40% Catholic but they’re 100% Canadian.
He gets a pass of course.
Nobody that dreamy and woke could ever have made a pass that was unwanted. Fake News.
Be attractive, don’t be unattractive.
It’s simple really.
Also have the right politics……er, ‘left’ politics
You know who else didn’t recall?
Jill Stein?
Alexander Graham Bell?
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Oliver North?
*explosion in the background*
Trump has some shitty policies? Yeah, no doubt about that one. But, HOLY FUCKING SHIT he’s not openly rejecting freedom of speech and religion. He’s not trying to rule by mob violence. These people are really playing around with something no one should want to see opened up.
And the truth is these sociopaths haven’t thought one step beyond their little fucking temper tantrums. The norms and standards they’re looking to throw out protect them, probably even more than the rest of us. And, honestly, I’m getting to the point of not particularly caring that they continue to be protected by those norms.
Exactly. It does not seem to register with them that their tactics may be turned back upon them. What happens when a group of business owners “gangs up” on Kirsten Gillibrand at some county fair someplace and starts asking her what makes her think she knows what their employees are worth better than they do? Will that be portrayed as justified self-interest, our misogynist oppression and patriarchal violence against the downtrodden masses? I’ve got my bet down.
They’re tactics won’t be turned back on them though. Left wing culture breeds true believers who have nothing better to do than protest, harrass and vandalize property. Right wing culture doesn’t for the most part. People outstanding debt of left bubbles are too busy living their lives to mount a counter movement.
*Outside of lefty bubbles……screw you Google, stop thinking you know what I meant to say
I have a theory that you learn things about people based on what autocorrect chooses for them.
Lol….I do rant about outstanding government debts on a regular basis so…
They’re outstanding, the very best. The best. Everyone says so.
Beautiful debt. Really classy.
I agree with the thesis, but that’s only true until they starting bringing it to your doorstep, right? At some point, “just ignore it and go to work” is no longer an option. I don’t know if we’re going to get to that point or not, but I agree with W that the progs aren’t going to like the results if we go there.
I agree, once Progs take it from the public space into the private they won’t like the results…..but until that happens I’m not expecting to see their tactics used against them beyond some minor alt-right agitation
Are we…are we trying to protect the progs from themselves?
Its like watching smart 10 year olds. They’re smart enough and capable enough to do spectacular things, but lack the experience to know how big the downside is. How were they supposed to know that putting a whole shitload of firecrackers in a coffee can would blow up the barn?
re: Music of the day
If you’ve never seen the 1966(?) Stax/Volt show, live in Europe… it is something to behold.
Sam and Dave perform that same song, plus a few encores
Pretty solid backing band, eh?
Yes, whoever that drummer is.
It must be Al Jackson, Jr.
Greetings from MEM
Maybe Stax didn’t always rule, but Booker T and the MGs, the Memphis Horns, and Isaac Hayes (Hayes probably not in that clip….didn’t watch), did.
I often wade amongst Duck and Steve’s childhood friends, and they all insist those two were always the best guys. You can chat up David Porter on the sidewalk just like a neighbor.
Good folk.
4The Stax doco is pretty good for the “behind the music” type genre
I also really liked the Muscle Shoals doc, and the “Wrecking Crew” documentaries which came out in the last ~4-5 years. I knew a lot of the details already, but it was interesting hearing from actual people involved.
Also, wardrobe.
In regards to San Francisco shit I have a number of stories as I live and work here (often in the Tenderloin too).One sticks out in particular. I was working on a condo next to the beach and noticed a bum sleeping in the garage alcove next door. On one of my trips back to the van I passed him with his ass against the front door next door. He was in the process of spraying diarrhea from the door knob to the threshold. There were bushes right across the street but he choose to fuck up this person’s day. I went back in and told the homeowner to call the local station (yeah, I know). Cop came out 45 minutes later as I was finishing job. “What to you want me to do about him”, she asked. He was back to sleeping. “Take him down to Bryant Street.” “No I don’t want him in the back of my car”. “I don’t know give him a ticket.” “What, to add to the sixty he already has?”
Not that I have my ear to the ground or my finger on the pulse, but it seems to me that there’s a shift happening in public perception of SF. 10 years ago, most “normals” recognized SF as a bastion for the loony left but still considered it a beautiful and interesting place to visit. Now, I see more and more people saying that, regardless of the beauty and culture, it’s turned into a dangerous (literal) shithole that is unsafe to visit. If that becomes very widespread and starts really hurting SF tourism, it will be interesting to see how the powers that be try to reconcile their lefty tolerance, their NIMBYism and their practical economic concerns.
I’ve spent a lot of time there over the last 40+ years. My experience is exactly how you describe it. Not that long ago it was just an eye roll. Now it’s fucking gross.
When I was a kid, SF was one of my favorite places to visit. I even have a tacky Buddha incense burner on my desk that I bought in Chinatown more than years ago. Now, unless I have to go for work, I’ll pass.
In the past when I used to listen to Michael Savage for the yuks he would praise SF in one breath and bitterly criticize SF for exactly the reasons y’all describe in the next. If the average Joe there is starting to think like him something’s going to have to give.
It sounds like the Average Joes are slouching off to cheaper digs outside the city, or state.
They can turn it back into paradise if they just do exactly what they’re doing now, but harder.
You are correct. I was born here and have definitely seen the slide in the last decade. Coincidentally it has happened along with the complete and total domination of progressives here. Just yesterday the local rag had a story of how a medical convention just cancelled here due to the disgusting street life. People openly shoot heroin, smoke crack, defecate and set up tents on the street with not a care. I think the only thing that might change it would be the tourist industry taking a real hit, but the city is so awash in money even that may not help. I was planning my exit in 15 years when the kids are all grown, but lately I’ve been very tempted to cash in and say fuck it. Business and family are the sole reasons for sticking it out.
Leave Now, your kids will be better off.
Once you admit that bums shitting on your sidewalks is an actual legitimate concern, I don’t think it takes long for the word to get around and for the public to decide there are probably better places to visit.
NPR is all over the controversy
Flags to half mast for the Annapolis newspaper shooting? First, Public Enemy Number One says no, then backtracks. Because sources say so. Let there be no doubt, however. Trump hates truth.
The president said Friday, one day after the attack that left five people dead, that the killings at the newspaper “shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief.”
“Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” he added.
However, since well before taking office, Trump has been openly antagonistic toward the press, calling it the “enemy of the American people,” tweeting an image of him throttling a stand-in for a major media network — and, just three weeks ago, saying, “Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!”
Why don’t we just leave the flags permanently at half staff (upside down), or at least until a Democrat returns to the White House?
Oh for crissakes, they’re still weeping over the CNN wrestling gif? Grow up already.
Trying to make this about Trump won’t change the fact that the incident in question was due to the targeted newspaper writing a hit piece on a psychopathic nut job. They’re only proving his point.
The point of pieces like this is to remind you to hate Trump, no matter how badly this newspaper fucked up. The intention is to reinforce the wall of the bubble.
First of all, I see we’re back to “not kowtowing to us is pretty much the same as pulling the trigger himself” bullshit.
Secondly, those people didn’t deserve to get shot of course, but we need to “honor” them by having flags at half-mast? We’re honoring them for what, exactly?
Fuck these guys.
I’m not going to read that. Did they quote a source “familiar with Trump’s way of thinking?”
Apparently the real deal is the mayor sent a request to fly flags at half-mast, it was denied by some functionary on whatever basis that’s done, presumably because the US flag flown at half-mast would be done all over the country, most of whom don’t even know where Annapolis is, and then Trump heard about it and gave the go-ahead. But, you know, fuck Trump because he practically told that guy to kill those people, I guess, if I’m going by NPR.
Your daily reminder that the supposed “democratic socialists” of the DSA are nothing but filthy, evil Commies.
At least they’ll take a vote before you get the 9mm Makarov behind the ear.
Socialism, when you eliminate the euphemisms, is simply the slavery of all to all, even in its most idealized form. Communism is simply the variant of socialism that acknowledges this. A person who tells you they’re a socialist is basically telling you they believe in slavery. One of the great tragedies of the 20th century is that liberals were too generous of spirit to make this fact blunt and obvious. As a result, the socialists managed to co-opt the moral high ground. Liberals were willing to delude themselves that socialists were simply “naive and idealistic” and bought into a noble ideal that just didn’t work in reality. No they didn’t. They bought into a genuinely evil-as-fuck “ideal”. They bought into slavery as a moral good. It doesn’t work because slavery isn’t a moral or useful system for organizing human interaction.
Such brave
A mother confronted President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on Monday, asking him to resign.
Kristin Mink wrote on Facebook that she walked up to Pruitt at a Teaism restaurant in Washington, D.C., Monday carrying her 2-year-old son. In a video, Mink is seen telling Pruitt how her son loves animals, breathing clean air and drinking clean water.
No justice no peace.
People who take two year olds to actual restaurants (as opposed to McDonald’s or Red Robin or the like) are the real monsters.
Great idea. Let’s harass everyone in the government so much that they decide to isolate themselves even further from the rest of us. That will turn out well.
He should have berated her for reproducing and putting such a stress on Gaia.
“I hope you’re not stupid enough to think that the EPA actually ever cared about any of those things.”
“A mother”
…who is a teacher at prestigious Sidwell Friends. Funny how that got left out.
“Mr. Pruitt, I’m actually retarded, like my mental development was inhibited from an early age, and I’m also the manifestation, nay, the very avatar of every single stereotype about wealthy Progressive airheaded idiots, and I’d just like to offer you my ill-considered, emotional, barely coherent opinion in the hopes that it will solidify your and the rest of rational America’s image of your opponents as excitable window-lickers who have nothing of worth to say. Good day, sir.”
OK…. Costco opens in an hour, and I got the green light to cook whatever I want for the 4th.
Are you having an open-house style party, where people drop in at different times, or a smaller group with a set time to eat?
A big party where everyone brings something and shares. All of the men are bringing meat and liquor.
I’d make some hot dogs, burgers, and brats to have on hand in case anyone didn’t bring enough. Those will be ok sitting out for a few hours.
For you, personally, I’d suggest some big fat pub burgers with sauteed onions. Another option is steak roll ups. Pound some steaks thin, marinate in teriyaki sauce, roll some peppers and onions inside, secure with tooth picks, grill.
Costco might already have the roll-ups, which would save me some time.
Skirt steak.
Why is this even a question?
Costco has flank rolled with portobellos.
Pass. Skirt is the way to go. You can get some from rare all the way to medium well in a single piece of meat, not to mention the crispy ends.
Get some cilantro, minced garlic, sea salt, fresh ground pepper, put it in a big ziploc with some olive oil and marinade them for a few hours. Get to room temp and lay them on the grill.
There’s only one place around here that sells outside skirt.
Everywhere else tries to pass off flap meat as skirt.
I’ll be passing by El Gaucho on the way home… maybe I’ll get some just for me.
I’ve gotten some pretty dope lamb chops from Costco. I rub that with my V Spice and it’s amazing!
My new favorite food is pork burgers made with ginger and black garlic. I make up some gochujang mayo for them and chiffonade some thai basil to go on top. So far they have met with universal acclaim.
For the non-foodies out there, black garlic is fucking amazing and you need to experiment with it.
Where would I find that? Asian market?
I buy it at Whole Foods. Any gourmet grocery store should have it too.
Most grocers carry pork.
Something like this?
Sort of. I do not endorse using water chestnuts for anything.
I mince up fresh ginger and the black garlic and mix it into the pork with panko crumbs and salt/pepper. I shoot for about 1 to 1.5 cloves of black garlic per burger and I just eyeball the amount of ginger and cook up a small test bite to make sure I’m in the right ball park.
equal parts gochujang paste and mayo (add or subtract to get spicier or milder).
I’ll try that out. Thanks!
We just had black garlic for the first time a couple of weeks ago in a chicken stir fry from Blue Apron, and it was awesome.
I’m having Chorizo burgers tomorrow.
au vide gaufres! With all the fixins!
I knew this was coming, and yet, I couldn’t stop it.
It’s traditional at this point.
If you’ve got a grinder attachment for a Kitchen Aid, make ground meat out of something like a rump roast and bacon, about 2:1. Make hamburgers. I mean, seriously, other than tweaking the ratio of bacon to beef, there’s no way to go wrong here. I’ve done this with a Cuisinart, too, with lesser but adequate results. Basically, the texture gets a little weird. Still delicious.
Since we’re on our own for basketball news — Did anybody else watch the Phillipines/Australia FIBA World Cup qualifier? Or at least the third quarter, as that’s when the Phillipines finally put up a fight. When Steve Smith calls something outrageous, people may take notice:
DeMarcus Cousins is also headed (back) to northern California, but this time to the two-time defending champions.
And it wasn’t a totally lost week for Mexico…in the middle of their World Cup shutout sandwich, they did beat Team USA in a different qualifier. Both teams advanced to the Americas final 12 though (7 advance to next year’s FIBA World Cup.)
Why are all those soccer players playing basketball?
Don’t mock them. I think it’s cute that there are sports for kids that can’t skate.
Toe pick.
Andray Blatche, noted Filipino
“Magistrate, 67, who defended his family against an armed gang who stormed his £2million mansion was ARRESTED himself… and accused of racially aggravated assault
A magistrate defending his family against an armed gang who stormed his home ended up being arrested himself – and accused of a racially aggravated assault.
Police detained Nigel Stringer for three hours and he remains under investigation while the gang – believed to have been armed with a gun, knives, metal bars and a crossbow – were allowed to leave.
The 67-year-old, who has been a magistrate for 26 years, is now standing down to pursue a private prosecution against the men.”
Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
What is the world coming to when even DM shuts down comments?
Serious question – where do the British police think this shit is going to go? Do they think, if they just arrest anough normal, sane, Englishmen, the country will suddenly turn “woke”? I really don’t think that’s where this is going to go. I think, if you arrest enough guys like this, you wind up with real, actual, honest-to-God racists being able to tell the public, quite accurately, “The existing parties are nothing more than the cronies of the Pakis and Arabs we’ve been bringing in. They’re more loyal to them than they are to actual law-abiding Britons.” In effect the British police are making the case for the people they’re claiming to want to stamp out.
Conquest’s Third Law? You’d have a pretty easy time convincing most Britons or outside observers that there was a not-so-secret group dominating the British government using “social justice” and “political correctness” to gloss over efforts to destroy British culture and turn British society into one where native and assimilated Britons are second-class citizens.
Did we not just tip over into A Clockwork Orange here?
Lol, what a racist asshole:
Ha! Ahh-hahahahahaha! Ha-ha!
What a fucking twit. And yet she has been, and will be again, looked up to as some sort of “hero” for her “principle stand.” Or something.
So many own goals with these people…
the only way that could possibly be funnier is if she wrote that not as a joke.. wait, did she not mean that to be a joke??
OK…. Costco opens in an hour, and I got the green light to cook whatever I want for the 4th.
^ this ^ Just be careful to not over cook them. It’s very lean meat.
Costco? get a pound of that tiger shrimp too. they grill up nicely. does Costco have oysters?
Anna Chu, vice president for strategy and policy at the National Women’s Law Center, said she was concerned that a female pick could be a kind of “Trojan horse.”
“What’s important in addition to increasing diversity is how that person would actually interpret law,” Chu said. “There are real stakes here. You could be a woman and not be fair minded.”
from the Chron link above.
oh boy July 9th can’t get here soon enough. the wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to be epic when he picks a pro-life woman.
But we’ve been assured that all that matters is increasing diversity! This can’t be true. What changed?
I’m sorry, I was told several times during the previous administration that simply interpreting the law wasn’t enough, and that the identity of the jurist was more important. I believe the issue was that old white men wouldn’t have the same lived experience as, say, a wise Latina, and so would interpret the law in such a way as to privilege (that’s the word, right?) WASPs over people of color. That was the deal, right?
“There are real stakes here. You could be a woman and not be fair minded.”
Look at how the current women vote!
Anna Chu, vice president for strategy and policy at the National Women’s Law Center, said she was concerned that a female pick could be a kind of “Trojan horse.”
“What’s important in addition to increasing diversity is how that person would actually interpret law,” Chu said. “There are real stakes here. You could be a woman and not be fair minded.”
Assimilate or die.
But we’ve been assured that all that matters is increasing diversity!
Diversity of skin tone and sexual identity.
Uniformity of thought.
Saw a comment on Twitter that resonated with me: “Socialism is weaponized envy.”
I don’t know if it was here I saw this (if so, apologies): “Soyboy + socialism = soycialism.”
Oh, and let’s not forget that the Deep State includes not only Congress and its staffers, but the DOJ as well, which just gave Awan a real sweetheart deal.
So the whole thing gets swept under the rug. I would say unbelievable, but its all too believable.
Awan should have asked for $1,500,000 as well. Probably would have gotten it.
You don’t find anything when you’re not looking for it.