In the first place, it was a nice day.
Because they put foam rubber on their heads and leave the delicious cheese in the refrigerator.
But the bear was in the basement…OMG, it was raiding their beer fridge!
Bears love beer. This is known.
I just thought that the Bears crawling out of the cellar over Wisconsin was just an omen of how the NFC North was going to go this year
My Packers are going to the Super Bowl this next season!
(Possibly in private cars without their uniforms.)
“…when he used a ladder to rescue a bear cub from an under-construction basement…”
I’m waiting on a Jesse comment at any moment.
I’m sure I t’s just a coincidence.
Is Erdogan an official “strongman” yet?
Yes. And this election is only going to make things worse.
I would say that Maxine is losing her mind, but before you lose something, I suppose you have to have it in the first place.
Great minds…
So now we have elected officials…well, that one anyway…calling for harassment. How long before the harassment turns into violence?
Are they sure they want this?
Getting pretty close to inciting violence there.
Close? For an elected official it is as close as they get.
“How long before the harassment turns into violence?”
Rift after they lose in 2018 and 2020 again. And the media will justify it. Don’t think they are not noticing a trend going on around the world and don’t want some of that for their own? Just look at Maduro, Xi Jinping, and now Erdogen. Anyone think that election was legit? If a Democrat is ever elected president again, they will not leave office voluntarily, if they don’t get a super majority necessary to change the constitution and declare that president ruler for life, then they’ll resort to violence. The writing is on the wall.
*looks at stacked crates of 7N6*
eh….. didn’t we already have someone taking shots at republican congressmen?
I’d say this is just the latest escalation in a movement that turned violent a long time ago. The “think tank left” has been working on ways to incite violence for quite a long time. They got their riots with the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. They managed to provoke a dozen klan sympathizers into showing up at protests in Richmond – and then confront them violently (antifa), caught on tape doing so even though their sympathizers in the media didn’t want to report it that way…. and then managed to get someone killed by a nutcase in a car.
They have taken a lot of swings at ginning up political violence prior to Trump defeating Clinton. That just stripped away all caution. They really became unhinged at that point, and then felt emboldened as they discovered that pretty much every member of the media was just as unhinged as they were. With the Obama administration openly bragging that they disseminated classified information to undermine the incoming President just after the inauguration, the media’s complicit cheerleading removed all inhibitions that any of them might have had. They are now all just a bunch of internet chat room nutcases running around saying and doing all of the nutty things that they only dared whisper under a pseudonym a before.
Auntie Maxine is a class act. At a toy drive, no less.
God is on your side, eh?
*Browses for sales on ammo*
“God is on the side of the bigger battalions”
That made me chuckle.
Gott Mit Uns, ja!
What an interesting link!
I love how they all claim moral authority to act like brown shirt dirtbags.
Somehow I doubt that literacy in mid 20th century history is high on their list.
I am evil. I did chuckle a little at the guy in the wheelchair.
As did I.
They should have played Yakkety Sax music though.
Where’s Richard Widmark when you need him?
I’m glad America isn’t racist like those Europeans turning back ships of children seeking refuge from the harsh world.
The love boat….
….soon we’ll be making another run….
Well, they didn’t separate the children from their guardians.
‘Course they didn’t give them a hearing ether.
Something to take the edge off
aaaack thpffftt
The Bears still suck.
I saw this story in the sidebar, and was surprised it wasn’t from Florida.
I saw this and thought “so this snake is a Gators Fan?”
Ouch. *flips on super bowl shuffle*
Because I didn’t get a response from you heathens earlier, I’m posting this one again. Proof that there is a God!
Who says there are no women in STEM?
Her channel is a lot of fun. Watched a half dozen of them earlier – apparently she also got reamed by Vice a little while back and got a lot of blowback online from the SJW types – took down her patreon, etc. Couldn’t find the article on Vice so they may have had to pull it in response to feedback. Follow-up. Hmmm, just found this one too: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vice-vs-sexy-how-18216256
I’m just glad she’s OK now.
That made for an interesting read.
Surprising that VICE went so far as to come after her sole source of income like that.
Reading through the secondary sources, the basic story is chick agrees to do interview, but only if you leave out her private life (which, living in china could be dangerous to her – to the point of getting tossed in jail for being an activist). Vice then asks for a skype followup about her private life, naming her partner. She goes balistic and doxes the good folks from Vice in one of her videos. Vice then has her video pulled and her patreon account pulled as well, putting her out of business and back into coding as her job.
I get that everyone was “following procedure” here, but the net effect was a billion dollar organization coming after a little youtube blogger with both barrels, attacking their ability to earn a living.
In her “I’m back” video, she alludes to “things happened” that she warned Vice about… probably meaning that the government came after her. Because of this, she says she cannot comment on “things that are important to” her… probably meaning improving the position of women in STEM fields in China, and specifically in the maker community.
So, well done Vice. You kinda did the exact opposite of what Vice was all about in the old days.
Maxwell Smart would like a word….
Some girls sew their own clothes…she prints hers.
Good Lord.
It actually survived. That’s . . . impressive.
Someone tell Q that he can take the night off. Someone else, because I’ll be in my bunk.
Xièxie Lt Fish!
When you look up “Cantonese-Accented English” in the dictionary, it just plays one of her videos.
I’m definitely here for the jokes.
Advanced Twitter Settings
THE #METOO MOVEMENT HAS RUINED WORKPLACES – A rational, hot Aussie. You’re welcome.
I didn’t bother turning the sound on.
I find something about her eyes to be really annoying. Even on mute.
I thought it was going to be Claire Lehmann.
Definitely. Nice cheekbones too.
Man in a motorized wheelchair mows down two old women
This wouldn’t happen if we had commonsense wheelchair control.
1969? wtf UN
Haven’t some of the Palestinian refugee camps been running for 70 years?
Imagine suggesting the Sudeten Germans have a right of return.
Or Ostpreußen or Posen or Schlesien or Elsaß-Lothringen….
I like the link inside:
I guess they’re not interested in asking what it means for the unfortunate humans that have to live there.
I’ll just leave THIS here…..
Umm, yeah, I got nothing.
Bright side. There is someone for everyone.
Darkside. May not be remotely attractive.
It makes these people look even worse. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wjq99z/why-cant-my-famous-gender-nonconforming-friends-get-laid
It’s sweet but frightening.
The sharpie eyebrows make it all work.
Good for them, but I can’t fap to that.
I’ll say. I may need some recovery time before I can fap to anything.
Thankfully I clicked back after I saw the headline but before any image showed up.
That is heartwarming
i suppose its an important first step before moving to the outer-part.
it is a little sad.
she’s also going to be bald in short order. you can see her thinning scalp already. its a rough deal
Is it a bad sign I laughed at every SEA SMITH joke?
simple pleasures for simple minds?
Good job Towely.
Mexico sees crater of doom dead ahead, steps on the gas pedal.
Venezuela part deux
Part deux nuthin’, he is just rereading Chavez speeches. It’s a re-run.
Mexico will collapse faster. They are already talking about seizing mines. You can run an oil well for a little while with incompetents. A mine? Not so much. They will grind to a halt overnight.
If they seize the fields also they will get one harvest, that’s it.
Game over.
He’s got a pretty obvious game-plan to plunder what’s left of the economy – a shoo-in!
The simple way to stamp out that corruption is to cut the size of government.
The corruption there isnt just the government. It is the culture from top to bottom. The only way to get rid of it is to get rid of the Mexicans.
I rather imagine a Mexican saying the same about us.
I miss your old avatar with Paul Bunyan and the first aid flag.
Yeah, the new one is a little muddled. An avatar needs to be clear and simple.
The trick is to open the image in a new tab and remove the size bit.
Everyone is a critic these days…
The new one is less of a plus.
True Swiss, and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong.
Down there a cop doesnt really get a paycheck. They go out and shake down people…traffic tickets, fines, etc. but they take the form of bribes. Not many people actually go to jail.
The cop then gives all of his bribe money to his commander who in turn gives it to his captain and on up the chain. Then small portions of it are passed back down as pay. It is a criminal organization.
Things are bad here but not that bad. As Twain said “America is the worst country, except for all of the others.”
They are corrupt as hell but the corruption in and of itself isnt that bad sans the War on Drugs and the black market it creates. The huge amounts of money involved turn that third world corruption from a relatively harmless nuisance into a deadly, horrid business.
It’s the drug war more than anything.
Oh boy. Nothing like having an even-more-failed failed state on the southern border.
Says the man who can’t wait to get his cut.
Same thing if Obrador does do well.
Did I post this earlier? I cant remember.
Maybe someone else posted it.
Holy shit.
Fuck that dude.
The graft and corruption gets easier without a lot of pesky poor people hanging around yammering for shit.
Well he can call mass migration to the moon a right too but wtf is he going to do about either of those things. Nada so stfu.
The next (D) president will be happy to accept as many as this guy wishes to ship north.
Well he wouldn’t have to if he doesn’t want to because the press will stop reporting on immigration and foreign wars or policy at all, and will go back to talking about how charismatic the prez is and how shiek his wife is. They’ll lull the sheep back to sleep.
Why not just full out call for Reconquista of Aztlan?
I spoke with my father earlier. He has spent the last 40 years on and off working in Mexico. I asked him about it. His answer: 1)The drug cartels are going to take over the government in Mexico. – As far as I am concerned this can be laid squarely at the feet of the US WOD. 2) The Mexicans are as mad about guns smuggled into Mexico from US as Americans are about drugs smuggled into the US from Mexico – Again, the WOD.
I thought most of the drug cartel’s guns were pilfered from the Mexican military and police forces.
They are, but the local still like to blame America for it.
Nothing says serious cartel thug like a semi-auto
I find this idea of US gun shops supplying cartels to be pretty fucking ridiculous. These organizations specialize in obtaining huge quantities of illegal stuff, they have corrupted their nation’s military to an insane degree, and they have illegal shipping lanes to regions of the world that are awash in Soviet-era weaponry… Yet, they must send individuals to the US to purchase semi-auto firearms?
And even if the US gun industry were a significant source of firearms for them, why is it the job of the US to correct that? If a nation chooses to make something illegal and fails to stop it at their own border. If it’s our job to restrict gun rights our own citizens so that Mexico can uphold their gun bans, should the US also crack down on porn sites because people in Pakistan might be looking at them? Or should the US restrict sites discussing Tienanmen Square because Chinese people might be accessing them in violation of their firewall?
Many of them are and like you I was under the impression the balance came from black market guns from all over the world, least of all here. Probably a blame game. They hate our guts so easy to hang on us.
Many of the guns from the military (eg. M-16) were originally from the U.S. And many are from Russia and other foreign countries. Their origins can pretty much be figured out by caliber. Clearly, weapons running “combloc” ammo aren’t from the U.S.
Just like Chicago, the problem is other jurisdictions that don’t disarm their non-criminal citizens, not the gun control that leaves criminals armed and non-criminals as targets.
i’ve been under the impression that the Mexican govt has been run by the cartels since at least the mid/late 1990s when colombians handed over 100% of the coke distribution to the mexicans.
people have claimed its been the case since at least the mid 1980s. I suppose its a meaningless point since its always a matter of ‘degree’ not any ‘either/or’.
i’m relatively convinced that the US govt has basically supported them (the mex cartels) because the biggest fear is govt collapse;
I deeply believe what Razorfist said about the US not having a ‘border problem’: we have a mexico problem.
And i think the US govt barely ever breathes a word about “mexican govt” when taking about the border because they’re terrified people will recognize that they have no solutions, they basically want to keep the status quo from blowing up and turning into a venezuela type situation.
and i think there’s never any serious talk about changing drug policy because organizations and politicians rake in millions to more or less keep things this way.
i am generally not conspiratorial, but i simply believe there’s no other way we could have a literal failed-state on our doorstep for 40 years and somehow the US has never honestly addressed the problem. its simply safer to not rock the boat.
I even partly suspect the reason the State Dept are happy to have people talking about far-flung ‘problem’ places like Iran + NK is because if the next-door neighbor were better understood, the entire country would realize DC has been complicit in a long term ‘pay no attention to the disaster next door’ game.
I thought Chuck Norris stopped all the drug cartels in 1990.
That’s just what they want you to believe (wraps new layers on tinfoil around head)
Well, people still suck but not as sucktastic as this morning. I got the yardwork done. I didn’t get to food processing but I did yank a couple of fists of garlic to confirm they’re about ready to come out of the ground.
Smoked and reversed seared the tri-tip from my half steer. Whipped up some fresh coleslaw, salsa and guacamole. Tossed all of it in small tortillas with a dusting of cojita and gobbled them down. Plenty of booze including a Modelo and mezcal with dinner, I’ve hit cruising altitude for the evening. Sipping a bourbon with an ice cube as I buzz along with the bees in the flowering Linden tree. Think I’ll grab me a stogie.
Sounds like a man with a plan.
I have not yet begun to defile myself.
Yum! Did the reverse sear on a bone-in ribeye and a tenderloin for the wifey. Could have used a little more indirect on the tenderloin but she was happy and that’s what counts
Also chipped the edge of the new grill. Dammit.
Also chipped the edge of the new grill.
Honourable war wounds, buddy.
Best to get the initial damage out of the way early.
The chip adds character. Now it is officially *your* grill.
So it looks like Cali is about to pass a law requiring background checks for freaking gun parts and will maintain a database of people purchasing said parts:
I wonder if it’s possible to dream up a gun control bill that the California state legislature won’t pass.
No. No it’s not.
I wonder if it’s possible to dream up a gun control bill that the California state legislature won’t pass.
That’s kind of like a question that I’ve always wanted to ask gun control supporters but never got the chance:
“If you support the 2A and the right to bear arms, then what is the point at which you would decide that gun control has gone too far and start to oppose it?”
I’m gonna go with “the point at which the government and my security guards can’t get guns”.
Let’s just not name anything after a person anymore. Everyone is problematic.
Of course it was.
Then they all bent over to smell their own farts.
I’m going to have the Little House theme running through my head for the rest of the evening. You know, before it gets memory-holed along with the rest of the show.
Hey lass — you still comin’ to Vancouver?
Yes. Wednesday to Saturday.
As in “the 27th through the 30th of June”? Did I just drop the ball?
I’ve asked the site admins to send you my e-mail, if’n you’re interested in trying to get a meet set up. As I mentioned previously, Pan Zagloba’s also in the Lower Mainland, I b’lieve. And my wife would be very interested in meeting up with one of the Glibs, if only to prove to herself that they actually exist. 😉
Lemme know one way or t’other, ‘K?
You never fail to deliver, HM.
And for those of you thinking it, allow me to enact your labour for you:
“That’s what she said!”
I thought only serial killers lived in Vancouver? NTTAWWT.
Oh yeah, Clifford what’s-his-face. That was almost four decades ago.
Pickton, on the other hand, is around a decade ago I guess. His pig farm’s being turned into a shopping complex with a lot of fancy-schmancy “saltbox”-type 2, 3 and 4-bedroom townhomes. Just a few klicks from my place. On a floodplain by the Pitt River (a tributary of the Fraser). I expect the whole place to get flooded out one of these days. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
. . .
What? Too much?
Shouldn’t the tributary of the Fraser be the Niles?
the vote “was greeted by a standing ovation by the audience in attendance.”
And the first person to sit down got reported to the Cheka.
LOL. I look forward to all the dark humor American dissidents will come up with. Not to mention the first book Rand Paul publishes from prison.
Shoot, the right/alt-right is already funnier than the humorless progressive scolds on the left. One Day in the Life of Bubba Yokelovich is gonna be an instant best-seller.
The Bowling Green Archipelago.
If we purge enough history we’ll get to Year Zero eventually.
I’ve started my own list
This should take a while.
Year Zero, good book: https://www.amazon.com/Year-Zero-History-Ian-Buruma/dp/0143125974/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1529889567&sr=8-1&keywords=year+zero+a+history+of+1945&dpID=51xWUxtcLlL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
Added to my wish list.
Even worse, her daughter was one of the founding mothers of Libertarianism!
I smell an article coming on.
It’s sad I was reading these to my kids as a bed time story and my wife asked me to stop because they were too morbid and offensive.
Wow. That is too bad. My kids (26 and 31 now) loved those books, as did I when I was very young.
Our first-grade teacher read us the entire “Little House in the Big Woods”, a chapter each day, before lunch. I was on the edge of my seat, imagining living in the wilderness like that, when all you had were a few tools and you had to prepare for the long and difficult winter. She described the life back then so well, I couldn’t wait for the next chapter, and was sad when the teacher’s daily updates ended. But then I found there were other books that chronicled the family’s constant move around the country to find work and shelter.
I read many of her books, losing interest as the Laura character grew older. The TV show came when I was already into my teens so I never really watched it, but it sounds like a lot of people appreciated it, and no doubt it led many to also read her books.
So depressing that kids will be discouraged from reading her wonderful books that truly represented a slice of America of that age, and encouraged you to picture things in your mind. Keep sandblasting the past, Left, but guess what? 100 years from now no doubt people will find some reason so that YOU will be banned, because you’ll set a precedent that all should be judged not from the time they lived but somehow by contemporary standards.
Farmer Boy was based on her husband. The character’s name is Almonzo, it might just be me, but when my mom read that book to me I never pictured the character as white…maybe that was me just being racist. I don’t care enough to look up facts on this.
Way, way OT: I’m at a JFK Airport hotel with my daughter. It’s been a bit of a long day of travel. Ordered dinner from a local Italian restaurant that delivers. Guy on the phone tells me it will be an hour for delivery. WTF? It’s 9:15 on a Sunday night in Queens. Can they really be that busy?
Sure. Between the airport and whether the Mets are playing, there could be a lot of traffic.
Thanks. I’m hangry so I’m a little short tempered. Now I’m just hungry and annoyed.
I got arrested once at JFK. Cute story, but it explains why I ALWAYS use LaGaurdia.
Flew into LGA. Sending the oldest spawn on a trip to Eastern Europe tomorrow so need to be at JFK. I fly home out Newark so I guess I hit a trifecta.
Jesus, that sounds awful. And I live here.
Not a schedule I’d choose but I had to get back tomorrow night to speak at a conference on Tuesday. The only way to do it was to get over to Newark for an evening flight.
How local is “local”?
I haven’t flown in or out of JFK in a long time but I experienced the pleasure of LGA four times this month and the traffic… oh my.
The restaurant is roughly 2 miles away.
Well, if they really are that busy that’s great because the food should be good.
Often it’s the slow times that cause late deliveries because it’s easier for the restaurant to get overwhelmed with orders. They are usually staffed for the busier times because they make their money at that time. In slow times, they often go with the minimum staff to save on labor cost. If you have 5 orders come in during a time that you usually only get 1 or 2, that can easily swamp you. Also, they’re gonna staff the shittier employees during the slow times. Sucks, but whaddayagonnado?
Delivery man showed up 20 minutes early. Go figure. I’ll count my blessings. Time for a late dinner.
Bon appetit. I managed a restaurant in my Uni days. Sunday nights we’d be doing inventory, weekly cleaning tasks etc. Orders coming in at that time were basically a bother and not why we were there. Glad you got your grub.
Italy calls-out rescue charities:
Pro Activa Open Arms, a Spanish charity, said that its rescue vessel, which has previously taken such migrants to Italy, had been told that it was not necessary to offer assistance. The Italian coastguard told the crew that Libya would provide assistance.
Italy’s decision to rely on Libyan rescuers followed its ban this month on the Aquarius charity vessel landing 629 migrants in Italy. It went to Spain. The clampdown reflects the anti-migrant policy of Italy’s new populist government, which claims that it has been abandoned by Europe.
“Let Libyan authorities rescue them and take them back to Libya, as they have been doing, without the greedy charities disturbing them,” Matteo Salvini, Italy’s interior minister, said. Last night he said that the Libyans had rescued 820 migrants and taken them back to Libya.
Where the helpless women and children on another deck?
“Spanish students forced out of their houses to make room for Aquarius migrants”
WTF?? If even Spaniards can’t be depended to be to insular self-righteous dicks acting their own self-interest, Europe is over.
They were splittin’ skulls over the Catalan, but this passes?
Yeah, they’re done.
In the meantime, the non-far-left government was replaced by the Socialist Party.
What a shit fucking weekend. I hate looking forward to Monday, but I’m glad this one’s over.
Sorry to hear that. IIRC you work and study – not a low-stress lifestyle.
To be honest, I’m more stressed about work slowing down. I’m still a year out from graduating with what could be a lemon degree–won’t know till I start applying–I found out on Friday that I’m moving again in a month, and on top of that, having my car window busted out and my bag stolen for no reason other than I’m a retard for leaving it in there. I’m looking forward to work and class and the sense of momentum it affords me. I hate sitting on my broke ass seething and feeling sorry for myself. /rant
graduating with what could be a lemon degree
Majoring in Citrus Studies?
Sorry, dude.
Me too. But thank you. I really shouldn’t complain. They left the car.
/seethes anyway
Sorry about the broken window. What are you studying?
Architectural drafting, aiming for building information modeling. I might end up doing project management, haven’t decided.
Building information modeling? Sounds interesting as hell. Googling it now.
Good luck.
A good friend of mine makes great money doing precast concrete drafting. Best thing that ever happened to him was getting laid off after the 2008 crash and starting his own business. He did have a lot of experience in this area and a lot of connections. Seems that a lot of companies would rather outsource this type of work than do it in house.
I had a job offer (or an offer for a job offer, it never panned out) doing QC for a company making precast concrete girders. I’d have been going out to sites making sure installation followed the company’s guidelines. Sounded interesting and probably payed okay, but I’m trying to get a desk job out of this.
That sounds like a useful degree. Why do think it’s a lemon?
Dumb insecurity. I know it’ll work out if I put the work in.
Commodius, you can always have pride knowing how ever little you make, you make more than the guy who animates Hat and Hair cartoons.
Fair enough. But I’ll never take as much pride in my work.
If I had more pride in my work Hat and Hair would be a Saturday morning cartoon show. I don’t think anyone want’s that fate to befall the world.
Glad to hear hear it. You sound like you are going down the right path.
For E gould and any others,
Needs more cowbell.
Beautiful thanx
It’s the 4th of July;
How to win an argument team blue style.
Were you able to watch Japan-Senegal?
Yep, good result.
Sadly it’s working in some quarters.
The timing is wrong for them. The immigrant children/Monster Trump depiction needed to come out in September or so. It’s disintegrating already.
Yeah, I think you are right.
Sup glibs…
I may be flying to Norfolk VA to buy a car this week and may stay an extra night or two in Norfolk, virginia beach, or anywhere between there and the drive back to Columbus OH. Any recommendations on places to visit? I’m particularly interested in bar districts, day drinking and nightlife 🙂 but i’ll note any recommendations for daytime activities as well. I know there’s a lot of navy history/attractions in the area, and I like that stuff too.
Otherwise I haven’t been posting much the past few months but still lurk daily!
In flipping channels I saw Lou Dobbs dyed his hair. Apparently TV personalities think orange Kool-aid is a great hair color.
So, I said the other day I have a scifi story I’ve been kicking around for years I might write for this very site. My big delay in writing in has been how to show the world. The premise is all leftist dreams dominate the world except for one small spot. So I’ve flip flopped on this leftist utopia. Should it be a soviet style place, or play a wider range where it really looks like a utopia until you know the whole story?
Mentioned it before, but I recently read/reread every dystopian novel I could get my hands on. If I were gonna write one, I’d steal the way Rand (Fountainhead) handles sex, the way Orwell handles imagery, and the way Zamyatin (We) handles personal relationships in a dystopia. Throw in Bradbury’s happy ending just for lulz.
How does that answer my question about world building?
I can’t answer that exactly because I don’t know enough. Is it going to be an all encompassing, authoritarian state, or just a fucked up one where some rights are brutally repressed?
I mean basically I’m wondering about the world itself. Is it more compelling if the reader knows from the start how the world failed, or if one wrote an idealized future where all the leftist ideas lead to what someone today would think of as utopia, only to realize that this utopia is far behind in technology of the one place on earth that refused that ideology.
1984, Fahrenheit 451 and We all begin with a world that is fully dystopian. Fountainhead shows more of the descent into dystopia. The world is X and then the character explains why it became X, or the character warns that Y leads to X and is the vindicated when SHTF. I think the former is more convincing because it isn’t up for debate. You could do it either way and have fun regardless.
After the original idea of a dystopia, I thought more about what their actual utopia would look like, and perhaps that is a more compelling story; that the reader is presented with this utopia, but it turns out they are basically living in the stone age compared to the one free place on the planet.
People today are already living in a dystopia, but they don’t realize it because that’s the way it’s been for their entire lives. The dystopian novel, IMHO, is supposed to lift the veil on what the state is already doing to you. It’s just entertainment when it presents a world for the sake of being shocking. Is it a dystopia if you don’t realize you’re living in a dystopia?
I don’t know, from a standard narrative point, I think about the typical dystonia idea, and I just wonder, what if it was more about the revelation that everything you believed was wrong. Most dystopian stories give up the game very early in how they describe the world. But what if the ordinary leftist would see this world as a utopia, and come to realize it is a dystopia.
So a road to Damascus moment for a leftist? Interesting. Schadenfreude sells.
Ok, you want to know how far in the tank the media is?
Bing is pushing an MSN story about Sarah Sanders. No.. not that story about how she got shown the door at a restaurant because she’s associated with Trump. No, MSN, MSNBC et. al. have decided that the real story here is that an *expert*… specifically an Obama administration official who was the ethics chief… says that Sanders committed an ethics violation by telling all of us that the restaurant owner kicked her out for political reasons.
You see, she used her official twitter account – which means she was doing it in her official capacity. And that is a serious ethics violation!
Sanders used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons … she can lob attacks on her own time but not using her official position.
Setting aside the fact that every inch of this is a hit piece, every syllable of that is a lie. She’s not “lobbing attacks” or “condemning a private business for personal reasons”, she’s responding to attacks on her person by people who are attacking her in her official capacity as an administration official while she’s off the clock as a private person.
I wish these idiots would quit making me take Trump’s side on issues. It really is tiresome.
Does Obama use the same twitter account he did when he was president? I don’t know, nor care. Is Pie’s account a different account than before she was press secretary? Judges have already ruled Donny Two Scoops can’t block people on his personal Twitter account that he had before he was president because, um, something…
I seem to recall Obama making a statement on an open murder case at an official White House press conference, which seems to be significantly more serious than getting in a silly tiff with some restaurant because they refused service.
I saw a Twitter feud on that yesterday. Summary: “It’s the same as a cop showing his badge to get free pie. Also, it violates section 2.463 of the ethics code and so she is clearly in violation.”
When you have to immediately go to: This is just like that! You’ve admitted you can’t build a persuasive case against the thing you’re criticizing. I don’t know what the worst case would be if she even did violate the code of ethics.
Exactly. I make the fucking Hat and Hair cartoons, but I find myself having to defend the stupid piece of shit. It’s very frustrating.
Amen brother. Amen.
If political officials aren’t supposed to criticize private businesses, what about the times when Obama used his official position to criticize Fox News?
And it’s not whataboutism – it’s pointing out that the Left is using selective enforcement of rules and norms as a political weapon.
Appealing for partisans to be consistent is like appealing for cats to stop coughing up hair balls.
Don’t I know it.
I just like to point out this blatant dishonesty because the Leftists in my life are always trying to tell me that the Democrats are wonderful, principled angels who were sent from heaven to usher in utopia on Earth.
Can’t reply above for some reason, but to CPRM, for me the most compelling narrative is showing how the dystopia is not the world around you, but that it’s all in your mind. When Winston scribbles, “Down with Big Brother” or Montag starts collecting books are the moments we see them break free. Only the individual is capable of seeing dystopia. The collective is mindless.
I’ve been trying to flesh out this idea lately of an attempt at a small utopia that goes wrong because of all the typical reasons – trying to contradict human nature, doubling down when things don’t seem to be working, exiling and cracking down on dissenters until you become a tyrant, etc.
I don’t really want it to be an overtly political story, though. I want it to be a good story about human experiences that has a political/social message in the background.
I think one of the things holding me up from writing a good story is this little voice that says, “Why would anyone want to read this? What’s the point?” And in thinking about an answer for that question, I realized that *I* don’t even know why I enjoy books. I just do, and that’s all I know. I haven’t taken the time to philosophize about what makes a book enjoyable and how I can recreate that enjoyment for other people.
Part of me thinks that I need to just force myself to write a story from start to finish even if it seems crappy. It’s just like learning how to create anything else – your very first one will probably suck, but if you keep creating them and paying attention to why they suck, you can make them suck a lot less and in time, make some that are very good.
Ever try to look at the back of your head without a mirror? That’s what writing without someone who will give you honest feedback is like. Write it, feedback, rewrite, feedback.