Summer has begun, and here in beautiful northern Illinois, it has been marked by monsoons and much colder than normal weather. The upside to that is that the street shootings tend to diminish slightly, though I don’t see any improvement in the kill ratio (our local yutes are lucky if they manage to waste one out of every twenty people they wing). So of course, my links will have nothing whatever to do with summer.

It’s an auspicious birthday list today. At the top, Alan Turing, father of modern computing theory. Saint Art Modell and his former employee Brandon Stokely as well. Clarence Thomas, who always skips four when he counts to ten. Country icon June Carter. And #metoo fall guy James Levine.


I’ve visited 49 out of the 57 50 states, the lone exception being Hawaii. I have had zero urge to go there since I hate hot humid climates, don’t do ocean sports, won’t eat Spam, and am allergic to grass skirts and progressive government. But maybe I should reconsider.

…sources revealed a number of criminal investigations into activities at the home. One of those investigation involves a mother who says her 5-year-old daughter witnessed sex and nudity at the home while there with her father. The girl drew a picture of the naked people in the house for her mother.

“She was sad, mad and confused. (She asked), why does everybody have to be naked?” said the girl’s mother, who asked not to be identified. A Child Protective Services document obtained by Hawaii News Now says that in May 2018, the girl “showed signs of sex abuse.”

“She took a small toy and was using it as a sexual toy,” the document said.


I’m not going to say that this is one of our beloved commenters, but… it’s one of our beloved commenters.

It is legal to shoot iguanas in the head with a pellet gun, stab them in the brain and even decapitate them as long as they don’t suffer, according to state law. University of Florida researchers say bashing in an iguana’s head and destroying its brain quickly is the most humane way to kill one.

It’s a crime to drown, freeze or poison iguanas. “When you put out rat poison, you can’t control what’s going to consume it,” Portuallo says. “The animals die a slow, excruciating death, which is inhumane.”

Meh, I’m sure he has far, far worse planned for us mammals.


It’s nice that the lazy leech Bernie Sanders doesn’t rely on having money funneled through his corrupt wife any more and has found new ways to grift. I’m sure that as he relaxes at his third beach home, he’s busy giving away all of his money to good causes, like the Koch brothers do. Right?

It is not clear if Sanders will contribute to two nonprofit organizations he founded in 2016 after his presidential bid — Our Revolution, a 501(c)4 political organization, and The Sanders Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit think tank co-founded by his wife and stepson.

Sanders formed his own “dark money” group at the same time he railed against 501(c)4s, which are not required to publicly disclose financial information, and have been effectively used by conservatives to influence elections and policymaking.

Sounds legit.


And speaking of corrupt politicians’ wives…

“Sara Netanyahu is a brave and honest woman and has never done anything wrong. Alongside her work as an expert educational psychologist treating children every week, she spends a lot of time helping children with cancer, Holocaust survivors and lone soldiers.”

Cue massive eye-rolling.


Though I advocate a massive reduction in Customs and Border Patrol and rate them only slightly better than the DEA and ATF, I admit that this was probably a better outcome than encountering STEVE SMITH.

“They put me in the caged vehicles and brought me into their facility,” said Roman. “They asked me to remove all my personal belongings with my jewelry. They searched me everywhere.”


Old Guy music will acknowledge the start of summer with this wonderful cover of a great Eddie Cochran song by a band which really presaged hair bands and spawned heavy metal. One of the comments noted the resemblance of the drummer to Cousin Itt and I can’t help but but agree. I also like the short Hendrix quote at 2:00.