We’re on the sad part of our trip, the journey back from Heaven to Hell. At the moment, we’re stopped halfway, in Purgatory, otherwise known as North Dakota. The mountains behind us, the prairie ahead, and our faithful companion, Manfred The Mighty Wonder Dog, already anticipates being able to shit in her own yard again.

Enough of the personal, now to the important things for y’all to ignore. First, anniversaries and birthdays. On this day in 1963, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Abington vs. Schempp that public school-run recitation of Christian prayers was unconstitutional. I remember this well: I was in third grade, my first year in public school, only Jew in the class, and resentful that we had to do this shit. My teacher made a point of telling us that anything we heard about this didn’t apply and that she would continue punishing anyone who didn’t enthusiastically participate. Which she did. This was one of the early steps in my development of total scorn and disgust with government indoctrination centers public schools. Today is also the birthday of Harry Browne, for whom I voted twice (in different elections, I wasn’t in Chicago then) and Jello Biafra.

Today’s news that struck my fancy:


I do not have much love for Rudy Giuliani, but every once in a while, I have to tip my hat in his direction.

Giuliani also said that he didn’t mean to call the former vice president a “mentally deficient idiot,” as he did in an interview with HuffPost, but then went on to attack Biden’s intelligence.

“I didn’t mean that, I meant that he’s dumb,” Giuliani told Cuomo when asked about his comments.


This is why we have such a high regard for the Washington Post, stories like this which really get into the nitty-gritty of an issue.

Such a situation could have long-term, devastating effects on young children, who are likely to develop what is called toxic stress in their brain once separated from caregivers or parents they trusted. It disrupts a child’s brain development and increases the levels of fight-or-flight hormones in their bodies, Kraft said. This kind of emotional trauma could eventually lead to health problems, such as heart disease and substance abuse disorders…

Nearly 4,600 mental-health professionals and 90 organizations have joined a petition urging Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and several elected officials to stop the policy of separating children from their parents.

Huh, it’s really weird that no-one was covering this and circulating petitions three years ago. Huh. I wonder what was different. I guess the WaPo reporters were too busy then to get to this. Yeah, that must be it.


Will this be an excuse to step up even more military adventurism in Afghanistan? I mean, our war there is now becoming a national tradition, and we need to make sure that all of our generations to come can feel the same joy that we have had for the past 18 years. We don’t have Bush or Obama any more, can we count on Trump to follow his wise and brave predecessors in maintaining this glorious honor? I worry about this.


Never let it be said that we don’t find news that can transform your life.


Having grown up watching Brooks and Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer, Dave McNally, Eddie Murray, and Boog Powell, this shit is painful to me, but one of the comments absolutely cracked me up.

This is bullshit, man. Did the Sixers give up when it seemed impossible to set the NBA record for longest losing streak? No, they went out and set that record, and then they broke it the very next year. Did the Browns give up on the dream of an unvictoried season after going 1-15? No, they went out and achieved.

History is history! We may not all be destined for greatness, nor should we demand it. But what more can any man ask than to have his name etched in the annals of recorded humanity? To know when the great cities of today have crumbled, when the valleys have risen to become mountains and the mountains are but dust in the desert, that in some forgotten chamber in some dank corner of the Earth, still there rests a book of human history, and within its pages lies the humble name of the tragic man. “Worst Individual Season (by fWAR) In Baseball History: Chris Davis, 2018, -8.9.”


The headline alone of this story should tell you how absolutely worthless the UN is.


Old Guy Music! This was a wonderful and appropriate Jack Bruce number, here covered by (((Leslie West))) with Felix Pappalardi on vocals- Pappalardi had originally produced Jack Bruce’s version on Bruce’s superb album Songs For A Tailor, so this kinda brings it full circle. Mountain Climbing seems appropriate, though, for the week we’ve just spent, and yeah, it’s a good cover. I was amused that the comments on the video were all basically “Dad Song,” so they also fit the Father’s Day theme.