Vorsicht! Ein, zwei…BUWAAAA!!!!!!!!!


I am not sure what the SMITHS are up to…but I am sure it is no good. ZARDOZ might be off on a long grain hauling mission…or whatever the ZARDOZIAN equivalent to sitting around and recovering from a long week is. So, you get my links tonight. I’ll try to keep them short and to the point.

  • What has happened to Canadian politeness? Good to see noble and gallant PM Zoolander/TWINK IN THE NORTH hurrying to stand up for her. Feh. Oh and TW: Bloomberg, so most of the article is how this is all Trump’s fault.
  • More sterling personnel management from a Cook County governmental agency. When the Swiss are finally done with me, I am so leaving this state.
  • Hey, when you go bankrupt, you do whatever you can to raise cash.
  • Dang…looks like drugs have infiltrated another sport.

OK, there it is for ya. I guess ZARDOZ would tell you to go forth and kill comment. STEVE SMITH would throw a big rock at your head, or tell you to have a nice night, maybe?

So I’ll just let you go and do you.