So lets see, Iran was gifted a win when their opponent OG’d 4.5 minutes into a 6 minute stoppage. I hope they don’t murder for that in Morocco. Somehow Portugal ended up with a PK 3 minutes in. I assume I looked down for a minute and missed a classic Christiano Ronaldo dive. Spain of course, gets a PK waved off in a blatant handball in the box. Inadvertant or not, his hand was at shoulder level and deflected a ball bound for the goal. Spain is the far better team. If Ronaldo wasn’t so great, this wouldn’t be a game. And there’s the unfuckingbelievable tie goal. Spain got robbed by the greatest player ever
Jesus, Florida Man, you can’t have roller coasters derailing and hurting people. The Mouse’s people will take you out into a swamp and feed you to the gators.
Wait, wait, a Cabinet Secretary had is people put in a call for his daughter to help her get a White House internship? If anything it proves that its so NOT a big deal that Pruitt didn’t feel like he had to talk to The Man or the Chief of Staff about it.
I have a feeling that this sort of thing sticks with a Marine for the rest of his career, even if he fully recovers medically. Still, its not like accidentally shooting a general officer in the chest at point blank range like happened to Petraeus.
WaPo staffers pen open letter to owner, complaining his management aren’t bargaining in good faith. Expect the silence in response to be its own statement. Alternatively, look for Amazon to go big in newswriting AI.
If the order of the day is European Soccer, then the song must be from a movie that featured a brutal English footballer as the leader of a hooligan club.
No, but it’s just as boring.
as boring as this?!5797893165001
More. Soccer way more boring than golf.
Metric football is real football. It’s just the bad football
I don’t care. That last goal— I’ve reffed soccer and watched it. Even had friends in both the male and female MLS. That was magic and he would kick it 9 times out of 10 the same. I hate him because he dogs it on defense and dives to get the shots, but damn he kicks the ball better than anyone in the world.
He should have gotten a yellow card earlier in the game for dissent.
Maybe. It would take balls of steel to yellow card the star player in the first game for that. I don’t blame the red. Everyone gives CR those calls in national and club play.
Well, I think wide receivers making the “throwing a flag” motion looking for a pass interference call should get an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
yes yes yes
Absolutely. That’s where a message should have been sent. Star or no star.
Drives me nuts.
Ronaldo is such an enfant terrible the Spaniards couldn’t get their theatrics digs in.
Also, can someone explain to me why spiking the ball to stop the clock is not intentional grounding?
Because you’re at least in a single back set, so the RB is within a couple feet of the ball. Alternatively, the TE if you were in a no back set.
So that meets the “receiver in the area” requirement?
So, logically, not something you could do with 5 wideouts and an empty backfield. But then why would you line up like that if you’re trying to stop get clock.
Huh. Thanks, trshmnstr. I come to to learn.
Still, CLEARLY, the intent is to ground the ball.
Yes and it’s wrong.
Sure soccer has the occasional cool moment. But what about the other 89 and a half minutes?
I think soccer has a better claim to the name “football” than American football does. In soccer, everyone kicks the ball except for one guy who can use his hands, but in American football everyone uses their hands but only one guy kicks the ball.
Soccer is from association football. Yes, yes. Hand egg. But association football is the only round ball footy
In oblong football, two guys kick the ball, four if you count both teams. Unless your team has Randall Cunningham or Danny White.
But that only shows that the punter was often the backup QB because sometimes the punter needs to pass and, back in the old days, the QB would drop kick as part of the strategy. At least the cauncks still have the Rouge Point still in their rules.
And kickers are so good now 50+ yard field goals are a better option. Maybe if they’d deflate the ball a little…
I suppose you have a point. American Football should probably be called murderball
Murderball is actually another name for wheelchair rugby. But I agree, there’s got to be a tougher sounding name.
I call it “BattleBots”.
Millionaire ball
Perhaps those Post staffers should start a workers’ cooperative?
Yes, in which they divide up the profits and make all the business decisions.
I just don’t get why they are asking to be paid fairly. I can’t see how anyone can afford to live in DC on what they are worth
I’d be more concerned if the guy didn’t engage in nepotism.
Look, I had an appointment to a serve academy I didn’t end up using and an internship at the TX state capitol. Both of those happened because my father moved in the same social circles as the politicians. I promise you, he had to pick up the phone directly. Anyone who wouldn’t do that for their kids is failing their children. The fact Pruitt didn’t have to call the Chief of Staff directly makes this a non-issue b
Yay, iPhone and beer!
It really is all about who you know.
Eh. Hillary Clinton knows everyone AND cheated in the election, and she’s not president.
She’s not in prison either.
Don’t hold your breath.
It isn’t the whole show but it helps
That pic on the main page is a screenshot from Kurt Eichenwald’s computer, isn’t it?
“WaPo staffers pen open letter to owner”
This letter is great. I know that you saved our shitty paper from near certain destruction. I know the industry is largely cutthroat and unprofitable. But really dude, you should give me more.
“All we are asking for is fairness”
Ok. Sold. You each get a 20% pay reduction and if you don’t like it we’ll replace you with semi-literate 8th graders and no one will even notice the difference.
Scott Adams wrote that the concept of fairness was invented so children and idiots could participate in arguments. My wife heard that for the first time the other day, and thought it was hilarious.
“leveraged his status to get the former speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates to write a letter to the University of Virginia School of Law in support of his daughter’s admission there”
He writes as if lawyers have ethics.
I cannot hate on lawyers right now. My lawyer next door neighbor gave me 2 tix to the Rays-Astros and offered to watch my kids so my wife and I could get out.
Don’t eat the hotdogs
I had corn dogs 2 weeks ago at the Trop. They sucked.
State Fair (brand) corndogs are good.
Sounds like you had State Unfair.
But the stingray petting zoo is cool.
Corn dogs are one of those things that are so much better in theory than in practice. Two corn dogs a year is about my limit.
The Best Corndogs are Hillshire Farms, But SF is tasty too
Back when Pronto Pup had actual stores, those were great. Fresh batter & good dogs.
Worst are steamed/microwaved/oven heated dogs. Gotta put them in the fry for that crisp outer shell.
Crikey, I think not
Stingrays are cool but fuck them mercilessly!
*looks at stingray scar on foot*
[insert picture of Michelle Bachmann sucking a corn dog]
Lucky corn dog.
Doesn’t everything at the Trop suck? Most of all the Blue Jays when they come to town?
Besides brewing a new batch of beer and figuring out what the hell is leaking onto my basement ceiling, nothing going on this weekend. Maybe I’ll pen an article or two. I have a proto idea in my head of an article about the beauty of the free market.
+1 self-organizing system.
Much like the mould that’s growing on your ceiling.
Rene Boucher sentenced 30 days in prison for attack on Sen. Rand Paul.
Beat the shit out of a Senator for arguably political reasons, get slap on wrist. That won’t have negative consequences in the long run.
It’s not like he was killed.
That sounds about fair, as if we could ever know his real motivation.
Dude came at Paul like a whirling dervish.
I thought he’d at least get a year. 30 days is a cake walk.
I’ve always thought that was sort of an odd simile. I don’t think “violent” so much as “hypnotic and pretty”
that said; I never liked the “special law” that makes assaulting a member of congress supposedly ‘extra violent’, but ffs, if they’re going to have one at all, dude should get more than 30 days. Shit, you can get 30 days for unpaid parking tickets afaik.
We need common sense Jap Tackle control.
Does Rand now get to sue him for his medical bills?
And pain and suffering…
Bankrupt the asshole.
Good, fuck that guy.
30 days. By yourself. And, you feel shame. And then you get free.
I think the 30 days was just for the federal crimes. Pretty sure he still faces state/local level charges.
has this made the rounds yet?
What is to be done?
First, some redistribution. As Richard Reeves notes, hoarding opportunity is plainly unjust, and we must take steps to shorten the lead that rich kids are allowed to take in the race. We might start by abolishing private schools and charter schools, while leveling the resource allocation across public ones.
But a more radical program starts with the nuclear family. “On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based?” asked Marx. “On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie.”
We should think hard about concrete steps toward denuclearization. Rearing children in more socialized contexts can spread parental pride across the community, and redistribute parental investment across children — all of whom are equally worthy of the best opportunities.
[head desk]
These ghouls are what the 2A is written for. No, you can’t have my children, you disturbed fuck!
And as well, I don’t want their smelly rugrats.
^ This.
I already contribute a portion of my taxes towards your child’s education despite having no children of my own. That should be enough. And believe me, you don’t want me to be a steward of your children. I don’t particularly like children. And being forced to interact with them via the state would likely result in me intentionally messing with their heads, because the state put a gun to mine.
See the open versus closed systems article from yesterday.
“Won’t someone think about the children” mothers may kill progress, but that’s not what the writer has in mind.
Pure unadulterated evil.
Come and try to “redistribute” my children. I guess on the positive side, it’s only something they can try once.
Come and try to “redistribute” my children
They’ll just sneak in through the schools and media and indoctrinate your kids behind your back. This is the real reason why they’re so against private/charter/homeschooling.
Completely agree. I just bought a lifetime membership to the Home School Legal Defense Association.
I think the tide is shifting back in favor of homeschooling. The gov is pushing hard but they’ve lost a lot of court battles that the HSLDA has fought and won.
Their new tactic is kidnapping the children of homeschoolers using the CPS. Some judges have been complicit in what have essentially been staged trials with a foregone conclusion. It’s really disturbing to read about. They may be losing, but they aren’t giving up their perverted vision of utopia without a fight that destroys the lives of small children.
Molon labe – not just for firearms anymore!
I stopped reading at “public schools are underfunded.”
Just because we’re spending twice as much on schools, after adjusting for inflation, than we were 40 years ago, with no discernible improvement in outcomes whatsoever doesn’t mean they’re not underfunded!
Actually, it’s 2.5x (as of 2006) to 3x (most likely current figure), not “just” 2x. It’s amazing what all that money in the hands of
schoolsteachers’ and administrators’ unions has(n’t) accomplished.They’re out of their fucking minds. Good lord that’s terrible.
Based on what gets posted here, Current Affairs is now worse than Jezebel and Everydayfeminism put together.
I have a vague recollection that they weren’t Marxist at one point, but maybe I’m confusing them with the Economist.
while leveling the resource allocation across public ones.
This asshole is aware the most highly funded public schools are inner city shitholes where administrators siphon off the cream, right? ‘Leveling’ resources will just give more money to suburban schools.
I just landed an entry level job in my field without any help from family or friends. Somehow I did this after driving across the country to get away from NY. Have I met people who got a leg up by knowing the right people? Yes. Do I begrudge them that? Somewhat. I met someone at a summer job who immediately after graduating from an Ivy League went to work for a Board of Directors in NY and I doubt it didn’t happen without a helping hand from mommy and daddy. But if I were a betting man, I’d put money on my career being more successful over the next twenty years (sometimes I can be a tad competitive). Socializing the children just ain’t gonna fix that (not that they’re looking for an actual fix).
I’m reading (listening to) a book about income inequality, and it spoke briefly about the psychology of others’ success. If you see others gain something and you don’t gain, you see it as undeserved gain. When you gain alongside others, you see it as deserved gain.
I do admit to being human, which is why I chose the name I did for this site. After seeing the way most of my friends and acquaintances find employment however, I’ve gotten a little salty on the subject of nepotism which schools now wholeheartedly embrace in my experience.
I’ll bet this idiot doesn’t know that this has already been tried – at least once. Communist Roumania – it wasn’t pretty, but maybe that’s what they have in mind.
I takes a village, to get away with kidnapping.
Bad news fellow Chicago Glibs. If you were going to see Stormy Daniels preform this weekend, well, it looks like you’re out of luck.
She stormed out after being asked to sing “Happy Birthday Mr. President” to a midget. Club plans to sue her. Never saw that coming, especially with her history of perfectly honoring contracts.
“Many in her position might keep a low profile, but Daniels is leaning in. ”
Does anyone want to make that phrase better? I know you guys won’t let me down.
Huh. Makes me want to get on Camster and make the same request.
low pro? Gotta cash in on that 15 min deal.
Its weird how she keeps booking these ridiculous events, then bailing on them.
example: she was supposed to “dance” with naked statue of trump in Oregon
maybe its just a cheap scam? I’m just not sure what the purpose of her celebrity-touring is. it certainly doesn’t really bolster her credibility.
“She stormed out after being asked to sing “Happy Birthday Mr. President” to a midget.”
If that’s not made up, it’s pure fucking gold.
“But because Stormy refused to sing the song Thursday, one of the Admiral’s regular dancers—clad in a blonde wig and a see-through, rhinestone-encrusted dress sang it at a faux presidential podium with a large cake resembling the one brought out for JFK.
A Trump impersonator was supposed to come out during the opener (originally Chicago comedian Matt Kissane, according to Robert Feder) but the Admiral also arranged for a little person to play Trump for a special appearance during Thursday’s performance. Daniels wouldn’t work with him, said Cecola.”
Would I lie to you?
So, she doesn’t do short films?
“Sam Cecola shrugged. “I’ve been in this business for almost 50 years—before Donald Trump I’d never even heard of her. She was here eight years ago, and was totally unremarkable.”
Gee, imagine that. I totally can’t believe it.
this one is a doozy
Asserting that “athletic performance,” “weight loss,” and even “longevity” are merely “Western values,” they claim nutrition science is shaped by “cultural beliefs, funding streams, lobbying advocates, and food industries.”
It’s too bad Pie isn’t around for the PM Lynx.
Derpetologist obviously wasn’t around for the AM links, cause I already posted this
science is shaped by “cultural beliefs, funding streams, lobbying advocates, and food industries.”
… but only because it’s doing things they don’t like. If it was “nudged” the right way, all of that would be ignored.
No stick the crazy.
Why is the school responsible for his crazy chick?
He sued her, not the school.
Oh, I wonder if she can actually pay.
It seems they may need to find her first.
She’s Korean apparently and probably went back. I’d be surprised if he ever collects. That is hella some crazy.
Now I really wish Pie were around.
Marine: Are we really sure he shot himself? or did the weapon simply discharge?
I never got ammo on guard duty, then again was only million $$ cobras and shitload of avgas.
I don’t want to make fun of the guy. Just noting that this sort of thing probably follows you
No not of him, journalists yes esp ones that don’t understand firearms
I should of been clearer. ——– thinks about j-school, lols gets another beer
Dicke Hupen.
#1… drool. #3 looks like a lot of fun, but it might kill you. And the holy trinity of 29, 30, 31.
Good collection. Orgy.
1, 18 Thicc
39 pleeeeeze
There are some people out there who really don’t like Scott Pruitt for some reason.
First day of summer for the kids. Graduation this morning, and now they’re all mine.
Time for a trip to Storytown Village.
Is that like Santa’s Village?
Except it has prostitutes.
Got to keep the dads entertained somehow.
Vacation plans?
Also, do you have a non-stock wok recommendation? I purchased an All Clad d5 wok for my husband, but he wants non-stick.
Hawaii or Bahamas at the end of August; still haven’t chosen between a hurricane or getting blown up by a volcano.
I got a Kirkland brand wok at Costco about 5 years ago. It even came with a lid for steaming. I have punished it continuously for half a decade, still holding up quite well.
I also have a Lodge cast iron wok, but I rarely use it. It gets so hot that I can only cook using animal fat or avocado oil; every thing else will trigger all 6 smoke detectors in the house.
I have been to the Bahamas in August. It’s quite lovely BUT do not be anywhere near the beach after dark unless you want to be eaten alive by sand flies.
Survival odds are better with the hurricane, but many vacations were ruined/cut short back when the kids were young and we opted for beach vacations.
Thanks for the Costco recommendation.
Unless you want to visit one small corner of the island of Hawaii volcanoes won’t be an issue. Each island has their own “personality” and there is something for most people. Plus no snakes or sand flies.
How has this not been posted here before?
Aaaaaaaand delete browser history
Why U confuse my penis?
^^^ this
Looks familiar
I’ll play.
I have a thriving peppermint plant. Any suggestions for what to do with all of the leaves?
I need some peanut-butter on my fluff.
Vietnamese-style spring rolls
Crush a few leaves into a small jar of honey, leave for a few days. See what happens. I had several jars of honey unintentionally ferment. I like the flavor better than the unfermented. Has a slight wine flavor. I see jalapeno honey at stores and fairs but I’m not a spicy guy.
Burn it some place very far from me.*
*I hate mint
Not sure, but if you plant that stuff outside, it’s invasive as hell, your entire property will smell like mint in a few years.
I planted some at the old house, and it beat out English ivy for the bed. I love mint, so I was happy, but it would constantly try to cross the sidewalk and get into the yard.
Yeah, it’s an invasive weed. A friend of mine gave me some and I planted it in the corner of one of my landscaping beds. Good grief, I hate the stuff now as well as the person who gave it to me.
I was going to go with lemonade or iced tea, but this is a much better idea.
A Southside uses mint as well.
Whiskey, a little simple syrup and you’re good.
Dry it, and used it for tabouleh.
This really belonged in MS’s Spanish lynx.
Dats my reptile right durr
Unpossible, Hispanic belong to Democrats, like pets, you know.
There really are no flattering pictures of that man available.
Not much of a Rick Scott fan at all, but I will laugh my ass off if he beats that phony motherfucker Bill Nelson.
Can’t blame them Governor Skeletor has his issues, but he’s better than Major Bomb.
I have a proto idea in my head of an article about the beauty of the free market.
Oh, sure.More Nazi propaganda.
He’s going to name the article ‘How to starve poor people and put minorities back in chains – the beauty of the free market’.
One official with the Marines told Fox News that “early indications are this was a negligent discharge.”
Was it a Glock 40?
I have to well aksually the guy that made the video. The Glock (model) 40 wasn’t released until around 2015-2016. That dumbass shooting himself in the leg has been making the rounds for nearly a decade prior. Him calling it a Glock 40 rather than a 23 is perfectly acceptable for the time the video was made.
Fact Check Rating: Probably True, maybe not.
Along with prison time, Boucher will also have one year of supervised release and a $10,000 fine. He is not allowed to have any intentional contact with the Paul family, and he must perform 100 hours of community service
They should make him mow Rand’s lawn.
Intent is hard
That was a clear foul on Ronaldo – and I really think he’s antics on the field are despicable but that was a good call. He should have been carded in the 2nd half for dissent.
Costa got lucky for not getting called on the foul on Pepe (antics aside). 99% of the time that’s called. Hierro also took Costa off too early. Spain were a tad too arrogant if you ask me and they got pinched.
Poor refereeing. And that’s rare coming from Italian refs who are generally solid.
Neither of these teams impressed. I know a lot of people are saying this was a great game because it had goals, but in terms of quality? Meh.
If not for CR Spain wins 3-0 going away. I think they’re better than you give them credit for
They’re good and better overall than Portugal. Both sides have suspect defence. But that was poorly executed soccer on their part and Hierro ain’t gonna cut it coaching like that.
You can’t tell me that’s championship caliber soccer. They have to improve.
Costa was good.
And they did contain him somewhat. His three goals came of a penalty, a horrible misplay by De Gea and set piece that (I think) was slightly deflected.
Mostly napped through it, I loathe both teams.
Dear NY Times. Nobody drinks alcohol because they want to be healthy. They drink because they want to be drunk.
Major Study of Drinking Should be Stopped, N.I.H. Says
Actually i know a bunch of old people that drink every day solely because it reduces risk of heart attack.
just saying.
I masturbate to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. I’m fighting cancer daily. Sometimes for hours on end, or in smaller 5-10 minute sessions depending on my mood.
I also drink daily.
Even if you die young, you’ll die happy.
However they want to justify their alcoholism is fine by me.
I’ve never really thought about justifying my actions. Not sure what the point would be.
No one needs a dozen choices in beer. In Bernie world, there would just be on beer, in white cans with black lettering ‘BEER’. It of course, would not contain alcohol.
“C’mon kid, let’s go get a beer.”
Now that’s beer justice right there.
While I don’t begrudge anyone their responsible vices, that justification seems a bit post hoc to me.
No, seriously:
a lot of men over the age of 60 who have never had a drink in their lives get recommended by Doctors to start having 1-3 drinks a day.
its a thing, and has been for like 30 years. it reduces risk of heart attack (for some) significantly.
Not to mention, I know plenty of people who do not drink alcohol to get ‘drunk’. I enjoy the taste. Admittedly, some of the time my goal is to get pretty buzzed. Drunk? I’m not sure when buzz stops and drunk starts. I guess according to who you ask. But to me, it means I’ve drank too much safely operate machinery and my motor skills have went quite a bit downhill.
I only know I’ve had too much when I wake up the next day with a headache. I drink every night but I hate getting drunk.
I think it’s been 3-4 weeks since I over indulged. I can also tell when I wake up. Not necessarily a headache, just that ‘Oh fuck, I drank too much last night’ feeling.
Major Study of Drinking Should be Stopped, N.I.H. Says
Along with everything else that CDC attempts to study that isn’t contagious or infectious? Agreed. Next item!
They must be close to finding that alcohol cures cancer.
We should think hard about concrete steps toward denuclearization. Rearing children in more socialized contexts can spread parental pride across the community, and redistribute parental investment across children — all of whom are equally worthy of the best opportunities.
Modern day Young Pioneers, shipped off to
indoctrination centerscamps. What could go wrong?You know who else had youth groups?
The UN?
We’re just one more Cultural Revolution away from utopia. It’ll work this time.
Again with my pet peeve, shortsightedness. Anyone who advocates this assumes they would be put in charge of the children, and there’s no way President Trump would hand pick the people in charge.
OMWC approves.
I have a thriving peppermint plant. Any suggestions for what to do with all of the leaves?
*strokes chin in thought*
*nods assuredly*
Don’t let that shit loose in a garden – it spreads like VD.
Hmm.. would my liver be able to keep up with the production?..
Ice cream.
Has this been posted yet?
A Leonard Cohen cover for Tommy Robinson.
And another:
Dear friends
Good news. Work got a lot more interesting this week. It’s nice to finally have a job that fits my personality.
Don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for a while. I am doing great things and fulfilling my mission.
Psalm 18:37
I pursue my enemies and I catch them; I do not stop until I destroy them.
Derpetologist, signing off the net
*reads post*
*takes sip of natty ice*
*salutes monitor*
Good luck!
The Army is sending you on a suicide mission to kill the Iron Giant?
No, it’s a top secret program in which he will BE the iron giant.
Worse, they’re probably making him translate the derp from his target language.
Alright. That’s mean. Good luck, Derp.
Good luck and stay safe.
Zardoz approves.
Good Luck. We’re all counting on you.
Have fun stormin’ the castle!
Good luck and God speed.
Give ’em hell, buddy.
Pours out some 40 oz…..hums Battle Hymn….À votre santé!
Good Luck and Hurry back!
Enjoy the deployment.
Good luck, Derp. Fuck some shit up then come back here.
Stay frosty.
Probably won’t see this, but best of luck. Give ’em hell.
Management has previously suggested replacing annual pay raises for all employees covered by the contract with merit-based increases for top performers, a move the union says will add up to a pay freeze for many employees.
Amazon has long been criticized for its low-wage jobs and poor working conditions, and the company has taken a hardline stance against union drives. The extent to which Bezos has had direct input on the Post’s contract negotiations is unclear. He is the boss, though, and presumably has final say over budget decisions that, to him, might as well be pennies lodged in the deepest crevice of his very large pocketbook.
Merit based pay and promotions? Oh, horror.
Also- You don’t get to be the “richest man on Planet Earth” by overpaying for commodity business inputs.
The effectiveness of “merit-based pay” is entirely dependent on the measure of merit, which is to say it falls into the metrics trap. However, if the union refuses to police its own (i.e., it’s like most American unions) and the company can’t jettison it entirely, then it may be their only recourse.
I remember reading sometime ago that if you cut the salary off the top 10 highest paid executives at McDonalds to zero and redistributed their former paychecks among the rest of the employees, each employee would receive an hourly pay raise of less than a penny.
The way the Left argues, you assume each employee would make $50/hr if only the executives weren’t so greedy. I’d say these large corporations should do a better job countering the commie claptrap, but I guess they don’t care.
They have commie customers too, and they chose not to alienate them.
“I’d say these large corporations should do a better job countering the commie claptrap”
Death and starvation hasn’t stopped the commie claptrap, why do you think any other counter arguments would do the trick?
Derpetologist, signing off the net
Good luck, man.
The effectiveness of “merit-based pay” is entirely dependent on the measure of merit, which is to say it falls into the metrics trap. However, if the union refuses to police its own (i.e., it’s like most American unions) and the company can’t jettison it entirely, then it may be their only recourse.
I have said many times, in many places, the truly pernicious effect of unions is not so much their upward pressure on nominal wages as the enforced inefficiency embedded in union work rules and the substitution of seniority for productivity as a means of promoting and rewarding workers.
This is a good read, if it’s so bad why come?
And if it’s so bad, why not leave?
Once America is multicultural enough, it’ll be awesome – like Mexico and South Africa.
Was it Chris Rock?
“I know I said I would move to Canada if Trump got elected but now I think I will stick around and see how this tax break works out.”
Where’s my Heather Macdonald trigger warning?
Criminal charges filed against Theranos fraudsters.
Federal prosecutors filed criminal charges against Theranos Inc. founder Elizabeth Holmes and the blood-testing company’s former No. 2 executive, alleging that they defrauded investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars and also defrauded doctors and patients.
The indictments of Ms. Holmes and Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, Theranos’s former president and chief operating officer who was also Ms. Holmes’s boyfriend, are the culmination of a 2½-year investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office in San Francisco, sparked by articles in The Wall Street Journal that raised questions about the company’s technology and practices.
Ms. Holmes, 34 years old, and Mr. Balwani, 53, were charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud in an indictment handed up Thursday and unsealed Friday.
“This indictment alleges a corporate conspiracy to defraud financial investors,” said Special Agent in Charge John F. Bennett of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in San Francisco. “More egregiously, this conspiracy misled doctors and patients about the reliability of medical tests that endangered health and lives.”
Good, she deserves jail time. Her scam really screwed with patients’ medical treatment.
Did they oversell it or was the entire thing complete BS?
Complete, total BS. I’m in that industry and people who know the science were yelling about it being a scam from day 1.
That’s something else. She should have taken whatever money she had and left for some country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with us.
That isnt how that works. Those countries dont have extradition so that they can fleece people like that and then when the money runs out they just hand the over.
Not disagreeing, but I’m wondering how this would play out in a kind of Rothbardian stateless legal system: would civil suits for damages be enough for the victims of the scam?
How about a posse, some rope, and a tree? There have to be people up daisies from fraud tests who would otherwise be alive.
Elizabeth Holmes went to the jobs school of dressing
Yes, on purpose:
She’s certainly no Brigitte.
She should have gone to the Musk school. Then she could have gotten billions under dubious circumstances, and been labeled a heroine
She did those things, just couldn’t keep the scam running.
She was banging that dude?
He sounds like a blustering idiot –
I know guys like that, who just drifted through management on pure bullshit.
If the guy in that picture weighs “150 pounds”, I am his favorite actor “Brad Pitt”.
Surprised no one linked to this:
In all fairness, I also thought Canada was always at least a day behind us, anyhow.
I am glad I am retired.
I used to just be glad I’m out of college. Now I’m sure I’m going to be glad when I retire. Just when you think things can’t get any dumber,they do. Idiocracy is already here.
What a pathetic overreaction. What guy in his right mind would work there?
Given the insanity of #metoo, it’s not that surprising.
How long before giving permission for your number to be distributed is seen as aggressive harassment?
riiiiiiight now
Wait, did I give you permission to reply to me? Where’s my fainting couch? I need to lie down for a minute.
How do you know if they’ve given permission if you can’t ask them?
Where these like the old Japanese soldiers
So what do you do? Keep a stop watch in your hand and time how long everyone looks at you? The start yelling at them? Turning everyone into toddlers sure sounds like a great idea. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
TW: potatohead
Gorsuch, the only dissenter in this Contracts Clause case, actually understands that Clause. Definitely a great Trump pick.
Also, I’m pretty sure Nick Sibilla of the Institute for Justice is one of you guys: “Instead of Madison and The Federalist Papers, the Supreme Court’s Contracts Clause decision seems to have much more in common with the legal philosophy of Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back: ‘I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.'”
Jeezus Christ, what a POS decision. Plain text & plain meaning, but Kagan inserts a “does not substantially impair pre-existing contractual arrangements” standard. Does that appear anywhere in the Constitution?
Modern SCOTUS opinions are like undergrads padding out the word count to meet a minimum. Lots of puffery & meandering to support a decision 180 degrees away from both the clear written meaning and the intent of the framers.
Modern SCOTUS opinions are like undergrads padding out the word count to meet a minimum. Lots of puffery & meandering to support a decision 180 degrees away from both the clear written meaning and the intent of the framers.
Yup. The hardest part of law school, for me, was learning how to write that way. I’d much prefer to give a bullet-point list of why the opponents are wrong.
I’m tempted to link the law review article about how the rule of law is a farce. It’s been linked here before, and it’s so true. You can find/warp precedent to come to any conclusion you need. It’s 100% about convincing the judge and 0% about being faithful to the law.
Here you go, Trashy:
Were you the one who called ‘learning to reason like a lawyer’ really ‘learning to justify like a lawyer’ the other day? The concept has been stuck in my head since.
Not me, but I definitely cosign that thought.
Kagan may be as dumb as I feared:
Apparently, making a significant change does not impair pre-existing arrangements.
But just because many policyholders want to change their beneficiaries doesn’t mean they all do, and you can always express your own goddam intent without the fucking legislature sticking its nose in. As she admits when she says:
The difference being, of course, that (i) the court does so after giving some kind of due process, (ii) you know its happened, and (iii) dividing assets and changing a beneficiary are not the same thing at all.
“And even ‘if the presumption is wrong,’ policyholders ‘can reverse the effect of the Minnesota statute with the stroke of a pen.'”
Why even have constitutional protections since legislatures can simply change statutes with the stroke of a pen? That anti-gay law? Who cares? The legislature can change it. No need for the courts to enforce constitutional rights against the state.
sloop, you asked in a dedthred:
Why don’t you come to the sale? I’ll have the venue booked pretty soon. It’ll be somewhere near DFW airport.
That weekend is boxed in with work stuff. Can’t fly in Friday, would have to leave Sunday, can’t see it working for me.
I’ll be bidding, though. Damn you.
Pruitt is done at the EPA. The only question is timing. And it’s his fault because he’s an idiot.
Yeah, what a wasted opportunity. Fucking idiot.
Bureaucracy takes another scalp.
I wonder how much is really different from any other appointee but because he’s got a target painted on him, the spotlight was shoved up his ass the whole time. Not that it matters. Fucking idiot is right.
All of Trump’s problems ironically stem from him caving to media pressure. His biggest campaign scandal? Grab’em by the pussy tape. Did people really care? No. But he apologized because the pressure the elites brought down was too much.
If he doesn’t fire Flynn for fucking nothing – a bunch of fabricated nonsense – there’s no Mueller.
No one is going to vote against Trump because of Scott Pruitt and what the media paints as scandals (but would completely ignore if it was happening under Obama).
So much this.
They are real nothin’ burgers. Not good optics, or ethics, but hardly selling the country down the river.
Someone said his Italy trip cost less than the one Obama’s EPA guy took. Dunno if true, just what I heard.
Doesn’t Trump get to put in his replacement? He should nominate me, I’ll make them long for the Pruitt days.
Oh, as someone that’s dealt with local/state/federal EPA over the course of nearly 2 decades, give me that appointment.
Nah. His antics are one of the better non-Twitter based misdirection in Trump’s repertoire of inadvertent misdirections.
It seems its been a newsworthy couple of days in my neck of the woods.
The sword welding lady holed up about 8 blocks away from my home. Good times, good times.
…shit. Please forgive the double links in one post. I forget at times.
Oh, obligatory:,width=650,height=650,appearanceId=2,version=1527147233/welcome-to-kansas-city-duck-mother-fucker.jpg
Ein Maß Kölsch heute abend.
Belgian Golden Ale From Pikes Peak Brewing, 8.7% in Bif Shwag Glass
Is it good?
Very, Bevmo, 10$/6 pack, quite nice! Nutty, not at all Hoppy, and doesn’t drink like the Lager it appears to be…
I got a 6-pack of double-deuce Coor’s Lights.
Beer snobs.
“Double deuce”…. Double D? You can get breasts from Coors?
I think He means oz. but 22 is usually for Craft Bomber, while CL, Bud and Cobra opt for 25 oz. at least where I shop
I know what he meant, but I thought I would have a little fun.
I didn’t….
Dude, 8.7% for 10 bucks is pretty good, and you know I’m not afraid of a 1.25$ 25oz cobra anytime!
/not a snob, Spoiled
Ive toured the hallowed halls of the Coor’s brewery in Golden, CO before they sold out to Miller/SAB/InBev. If only there was a Coor’s titty dispensing that sweet nectar, Id still be there. Kinda like this.
I prefer to leave my Beer at the Store until ready for use, it cuts down on my Refrigeration costs, just buy Plenty…………
How is it? looks right up my alley…..
It’s not quite right for a Kölsch, but despite that I like it.
The ad on that site. *Turns ad blocker back on. Rinses eyeballs with bleach.
Ad blockers are your friends.
AB Stoddard is nice,
That’s a good article. Thanks!
I was hesitant, Shes a fucking moron, but I hoped it was as it was written, nice Gal after all…….
I didn’t know who that was (she??) but that was a good article.
I’ve always liked her.
Woo, wine delivery has arrived. Good start to the weekend.
Delivery Rocks! Ganja and Beer, at last!
It’s sentimentality as much as anything that keeps me subscribed to their wine club –
The greatest “tasting room” I’ve done – just the right-hand man of the two owners, drinking white right off the tank, climbing around the barrels they have racked and pulling tastings with a wine thief.
If anyone’s ever going to be in Lompoc (some Glibs may be visiting family there), give them a call.
Bookmarked. Looks like a nice little weekend excursion. I freaking love the Central Coast.
Just rolling up some Lemon Cake into joints. Sipping a bourbon/Perrier. Strumming my guitar along to Blonde on Blonde. Gonna cook a nice prime rib. Twice baked potatoes. Cheddar, sour cream, scallions. Sauteed mushrooms in butter with thyme. Simple salad (lettuce and shredded carrot) with vinaigrette.
Strumming my guitar along to Blonde on Blonde.
That’s barely even a euphemism.
“Strumming my guitar along to Blonde on Blonde.”
Oh Shit, I read that as 4 Non Blondes, not Dylan, Apologies!
Dylan. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m punk rock as fuck, but I always have time for Bob Dylan.
Now I’m all high and shit. Going to put on Neil Young’s Zuma and wail away on guitar.
Not Blondie on Blondie?
Of course, Debbie Harry turns 73 in two weeks. 😮
Fathers Day
#1 pick up Grand Daughter1’s Birthday cake and deliver to my MIL’s house
#2 wait til Handicapped Wife leaves in power Chair to drive to Her mom’s House
#3 Take Wheelchair ramps to MIL’s House Via the Van
#4 Come back and Bug Bomb House
#5 Spend afternoon in Garage with Pets
#6 Take Wheelchair ramps to my house Via the Van
#7 Drink………..
#5 makes it all worth it. Oh, and #7, of course.
I’m surrounded by my Dog/Cat all the Time, I would rather set up a Slot Car Track like this,
But #7, yeah
#8 – #50 – repeat step #7
See above for Typical Yusef Alcohol Levels, Maybe #7-15? 16?
The Eagles are first class. Almost makes up for not going to the WH.
Brett Chapman
It’s comical to be paranoid enough to think you need to own a semi auto
Brett Chapman
Mar 25
Lol freedom. The biggest buzz word. Ok let’s let people drive drunk, buy dynamite and chemical weapons, and let utility monopolies make us bankrupt. Freedom man. Go freedom.
This guy.
When I was a kid on the farm we had a case of dynamite, caps, fuse. My dad loved using that stuff for July 4 celebrations, neighbors were far away. He showed us kids how to use it safely and reminded us never, ever to touch it when he wasn’t there to do whatever needed to be done with it. Well, if you’ve ever been a teenager that a challenge. Wait’ll Mom and Dad go shopping and are gone for a couple hours. He said 40% couldn’t be detonated with a .22. He was wrong. I blew out stumps in the woods that didn’t need blowing, fish that didn’t get out of the way. We never knocked over a bank vault though.
“We never knocked over a bank vault though.”
Yet. There’s still plenty of time. And dynamite.
When life gives you a 45m tower, throw shit off of it:
thicc or fat?
RIP my teenage-hood. That girl was somethin’.
Good voice, Fat…………… 🙁
I notice a title linking to a youtube video is ‘Hillary was staring at my bosom’ as she and Ellen laughed it up.
It’s cool when they say it.
Wife made some delicious curry, like really amazing. Best thing I ever ate. I bet she doesn’t even know how she made it. Q.Q
Your “Optical Glass” looks to arrive by Saturday, Enjoy! I did, and this is a fun Project
Rufus, I’ll repost if it turns out this thread has died, but I saw you’re going to be in Nashville in a couple of weeks. The girlfriend and I are going to be there in the first week of July if you’re still going to be in the area.
Yo. We haven’t set a firm date but we’re looking at going from the 28th of June to July 2 – ish.
We’re driving into Nashville on the 3rd after spending a couple of days in Louisville. Feel free to hit me up at my handle at the mail of Google.
What handle at the mail of google?
/I’m slow eh?
I trust your Canadian brain can figure out the commercial part of it. 🙂
Heh. I thought it was something like that but wanted to make sure.
.org it is!
Thinking about going there in the fall. Wife wants to go to the National Quilt Museum in Paducah.
“610 Islam •Qur’an taught men & women are equal •Muhammad(sa) forbade harming women & punished rapists
2018 USA •Equal Rights Amendment still not law •1 in 3 women suffer sexual assault & 98% of rapists avoid jail
If you could stop waging the War on Women that would be great”
Islam: the ideology is pure but the practice is trash.
West: the practice is pure because it’s contingent on law, not ideology.
Woman tells Iranian morality police to go fuck themselves, takes off her hijab.
Alyssa Milano, Constitutional Scholar
“Patricia Arquette
Verified account
Jun 9
Replying to @Alyssa_Milano
Prepare. You will be met with an insane amount of trolling. The bias against women is very deeply rooted in America.”
Ah. Everyday celebrities teach us.
The internet was a mistake.
Okay. So Professor Weinstein testifies to Congress about the Evergreen riots. What’s the purpose of involving Congress? Is it to determine if they get funding? Is it to let politicians know what’s going on?
I wonder if he still thinks being progressive is the smart way to go.
I somewhat disagree with the claim the extreme on both the left and right are equally dangerous. They both exist, this is true, but one side has access to the levers of power more than the other. I don’t see the ‘extreme right’ doing what we see at Evergreen and elsewhere. It should be admitted one side is at fault.
ENB is getting married tonight. Sorry guys.