I was bemoaning, today, the passing of basic networking from the skillset of certain software types. At what point did not knowing the difference between a local network IP and your public facing IP become a lost art? It worries me that someone who basically admitted to not being able to configure his own home network beyond (possibly) plugging the router into the modem has a technical job my work may depend on. Which is not to say that I know all about networking. But for me that’s the equivalent of knowing how to pop the hood on your car. For those of you who want to acquire this skill — here is a link. Bookmark it and seem smarter to your IT sysadmin. for bonus credit, if your IP address is in one of these ranges — that is your LOCAL address and you may need to follow the link.

  • Note the expression, the inability to believe that this moderately attractive HR drone has both gotten his name correct and wants to give him a cookie (but not actually have skin-to-skin contact), the inability to engage in social rituals such as replying “thank you”! to

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Here endeth the lesson.

Sports Update: Russia is now a tie away from advancing after thumping the Saudis 5-0. Hard to image how they don’t go through if they tie Egypt or Uruguay. I’m assuming Saudi Arabia gets to cheat on their OPEC targets for the rest of the year in return.

If I had to recommend just one article from today to a friend about why I’m a libertarian, I would pick this one.

In their battle to destroy adolescent behavior, they would make us all children. “Mo-ooom! He won’t stop looking at me!”

The IG in the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email server probe gave their sternest judgement. “Procedures were not followed, but no political intent”. Amazingly, they found, no contact was recorded between DOJ head Loretta Lynch and FBI head Comey ahead of two important press conference. Why, its almost like she didn’t need to be briefed because the fix was in.

I’m sure this ricin recovered from the apartment of a Tunisian national in Germany was part of his dedication to bring back the Red Army Faction, right?

I’m really looking forward to the NYT and WaPo “rednecks in the mist” article about the new gay mayor of Del Rio, TX. Sorry, bud. You’re never going to convince me that a man can wear heels under a suit unless they’re connected to a pair of boots, but I wish him great success.


I guess I’m in a Lucero mood.