I was bemoaning, today, the passing of basic networking from the skillset of certain software types. At what point did not knowing the difference between a local network IP and your public facing IP become a lost art? It worries me that someone who basically admitted to not being able to configure his own home network beyond (possibly) plugging the router into the modem has a technical job my work may depend on. Which is not to say that I know all about networking. But for me that’s the equivalent of knowing how to pop the hood on your car. For those of you who want to acquire this skill — here is a link. Bookmark it and seem smarter to your IT sysadmin. for bonus credit, if your IP address is in one of these ranges — that is your LOCAL address and you may need to follow the link.
Note the expression, the inability to believe that this moderately attractive HR drone has both gotten his name correct and wants to give him a cookie (but not actually have skin-to-skin contact), the inability to engage in social rituals such as replying “thank you”! to
- to
- to
Here endeth the lesson.
Sports Update: Russia is now a tie away from advancing after thumping the Saudis 5-0. Hard to image how they don’t go through if they tie Egypt or Uruguay. I’m assuming Saudi Arabia gets to cheat on their OPEC targets for the rest of the year in return.
If I had to recommend just one article from today to a friend about why I’m a libertarian, I would pick this one.
In their battle to destroy adolescent behavior, they would make us all children. “Mo-ooom! He won’t stop looking at me!”
The IG in the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email server probe gave their sternest judgement. “Procedures were not followed, but no political intent”. Amazingly, they found, no contact was recorded between DOJ head Loretta Lynch and FBI head Comey ahead of two important press conference. Why, its almost like she didn’t need to be briefed because the fix was in.
I’m sure this ricin recovered from the apartment of a Tunisian national in Germany was part of his dedication to bring back the Red Army Faction, right?
I’m really looking forward to the NYT and WaPo “rednecks in the mist” article about the new gay mayor of Del Rio, TX. Sorry, bud. You’re never going to convince me that a man can wear heels under a suit unless they’re connected to a pair of boots, but I wish him great success.
I guess I’m in a Lucero mood.
I miss the ricin scares of yesteryear.
*reports to DHS*
Don’t worry, it’s just Cologne.
gay mayor of Del Rio, TX
Is this the Gaytown I used to hear about?
Del Rio? Did he get Llewellyn Moss’ vote?
Del Rio makes Gaytown look like Victoria, TX..
A Russian bear is celebrating today’s victory with a vuvuzela.
That bear must be stoned out of his or her gourd to just hang out like that.
I’ve figured out Comey’s campaign slogan for when he runs for something in a few years – Incompetent, not crooked!
“Vote for the Idiot! Its important!”
I always thought the “Ready for Hilary” slogan should have been accompanied by a picture of a tooth tied to a string tied to a doorknob. The message was the same – this is going to hurt!
I too am sick of people looking at me for more than five seconds.
Just because I’m naked and in front of a school doesn’t give people permission to assault me in an ocular fashion. Makes me uncomfortable.
To be fair, its not often they get to see a penis that small.
“It’s like a Vienna Sausage cut in half!”
On the other hand, I have three of them and gigantic balls, so it balances out.
The social papers say you’ve got the biggest balls of all?
Hung like a cashew!
I too am sick of people looking at me for more than five seconds.
Just because I’m naked and in front of a school doesn’t give people permission to assault me in an ocular fashion. Makes me uncomfortable.
I two am sick of people looking at me for more than five seconds.
If your IP is between to, you fucked up.
Pulchritudinous playmates present plump peaches.
Lucky 13.
Wow. One of your best. Almost all of them.
*stares at Brett for six seconds*
Linda Stasi slurs a Fox personality – apologizes, claims she didn’t know Guilfoyle was Puerto Rican – totally okay,
Rosanne mocks an Obama staffer – apologizes, claims she didn’t know Jarrett was, uh, something protected – fired, so fired.
Picking grapes is a slur against Puerto Ricans?
What are you, one of those grapepickers?
What about cherry pickers? What group will inevitably claim that common term is a slur not to be used?
Yeah, it’s hella dumb.
I think the people who see racism in stuff like this are the most racist of all.
you know who loved wine? The Romans loved wine. So I think it would be a slur against the Eyetalians.
Are the Russians tired of winning yet?
RE: The fabulous Del Rio mayor.
Good for him. The article was irksome because of this:
“When thinking of Texas, the fact that Lozano is gay should have been an issue[…]’I don’t even think people during the primary – Democrats or Republicans – even knew who I was until I won'”
So we assume that all of Texas is “homophobic” or would automatically reject a gay man for public office AND Democrats are the one and only party that would support a gay candidate. The fact that these two facts are tossed out so casually shows how deep the bias/indoctrination goes.
Not the mayor of Los Del Rio?
Los Del Rio. That sounds familiar…
Coulda been worse
Sounds like a case of the yips.
Also: “Earlier this year, Gledhill sought the help of Colin Richards, founder of Intimacy Matters. She took part in a workshop as a “volunteer massage receiver” to help her deal with her body confidence and shyness issues. During a three-hour psychosensual treatment, which combined counseling and intimate bodywork, they explored her childhood, teen years and relationships.”
So she talked about how Daddy didn’t hug her while she got fingered?
No mention on whether her partners climax or are crushed during the attempt.
As long as she got rid of that hideous septum piercing.
There are few things in this life as satisfying as a good ear lavage. I feel like I need a cigarette after, and I don’t even smoke.
Terrifying seeing how much crap can come out of a human ear, though.
That reminds me of what came out of our cat’s ear last week at the vet.
*Start Rant*
I know I’ve made fun of the 5’0″ Guatemalan janitor in my building before. He does a really good job, but he doesn’t deserve this.
If you can’t control your piss that you leave yellow puddles on top of the urinal. Clean it up, asshole.
*End Rant*
Last week someone must have been hovering over the toilet while having explosive diarrhea because the seat was a Jackson Pollack of liquid feces. Some people are simply barbarians.
Work in an amusement park for a summer. You’ll learn things about humans you never wanted to know,
If you want the worst, clean the women’s bathroom at a college nightclub.
Sorry, but the Golden Corral called. You ain’t seen shit.
Not a chance it is worse. Not a prayer. I do not think it is possible to make a worse mess with human waste products and other bodily materials than I used to clean up after a packed night of 25cent draft beer. Basically if there is a substance contained in, secreted or excreted by, or in any other way produced by the human body it was to be found mixed and smeared on every surface, pooled in every concavity, and soaked into a wad made of multiple full rolls of toilet paper and wedged into any drain or container in that cesspit of hades. Add in the residue of cans of hairspray (this was the big hair era), cheap perfume, beer mud (mix ash, shoe dirt, vomit, tobacco spit, and assorted mixed drinks with a hundred gallons of spilled Milwaukee’s best, allow to steep), and a random admixture of used condoms, and spilled make up. Crank the temperature up to the 120 you hit on a summer night when you have 350 people crammed into a building with a fire capacity of 150, and AC rated out for maybe 100. I have seen hell my friends!
I remember back in the day when I used to go into dive bars, for whatever reason that doesn’t even make any sense at all to me today. I remember seeing urinals splattered all over with some sort of thick piss/bloody mess mix. I just assumed the maker of that mess must have had some sort of really serious STD. Plus toilets overflowing, shit all over the floor, on the walls. People are fucking gross.
“I know I’ve made fun of the 5’0″ Guatemalan janitor in my building before.”
Ah, one of the tall ones. He was probably known as ‘El Gigante’ in his village.
When we lived in OK, my wife would take me to a Mexican bar in OKC, because her cousin went there and they had a good Ladies Night. I have never before, nor since, been in a room where I was the tallest person.
“Procedures were not followed, but no political intent”
I’m starting to get the impression that laws are not for everyone.
They are “procedures” when you’re trying to sweep things under the rug.
Magically, intent only seems to matter when you’re connected.
Translation: Laws were not followed, but there will be no prosecutions.
Yeah, that whole thing about not finding evidence of political leanings affecting their decisions….
Uh, they said that they hated trump and would make sure he didn’t win. What the F did you expect to find?
“Hey… I am about to decide to sabotage the Clinton investigation for political reasons. Can we start an investigation into Trump, for political reasons?”
Democrat candidate takes a load in the face for gun control.
Saw that yesterday. I wonder if that guy realizes how big a joke he looks doing that.
Thank you, Lou Reed.
I’m deeply offended, Drake. You did NOT read my posts yesterday.
I could just have a really short attention span and ban memory.
*narrows gaze*
I thought that was some type of parody. It’s hard to believe that dude is serious.
Well, I don’t know that I’d say he’s serious, exactly……”earnest” is probably a better fit.
He “means well.”
Does that help keep out the pepper spray?
I don’t get the point yet, He needs to keep doing that until I do.
I didn’t realize Democrats were for the wall in 2006.
Politifact couldn’t go with the ‘full true’.
Trump in 2016 was basically a carbon copy of BJ Clinton in 2006, as far as policy goes.
But the context was different!
I’m all for contextualization but I don’t see how things have changed on this front.
PF gives it a ‘half true’ based on the context but it seems tenuous to me.
Jesus. They really are going for the “its a fence, not a wall” argument at polifact. These guys really an not very good at their job (giving talking points to people who want to yell at their uncles on facebook)
This has been Politifact’s metier since Day 1. Overstate the falsity of Republican claims, underplay the falsity of Democrat claims in a way that can be cited as fact.
Sure. Just didn’t realize how bad they were at it.
I asked my wife to buy me sweet potatoes at the grocery store. Imagine how pissed I was when she came back with yams!
Mine came home with Russet when I asked for Yukon gold!
Grounds for divorce.
Tell me about it.
I made her eat them.
That’ll learn her.
The fence said ‘Please Stay On That Side. Muchos Gracias! xoxo’ The wall says ‘Keep Out Spicks!’
Far more dangerous!
So we rate this ‘Half true but/and half false’.
“But the context was different!”
Yeah, I mean, he was getting his dick sucked in the Oval Office because of all the stress of the job. Trump fucked a porn star a decade before he entered the political arena because he’s a dangerous white supremacist rape Nazi.
Ergo: Clinton = Messiah, Trump = what would be created if Hitler buttfucked Satan
No no no, Satan Buttfucked Saddam Hussein
“Ahhh. Come on guy. Let’s fuck.”
Trump was born in 1946, so… Plausible!
Hmmmm. And you never see him and Hitler in the same room at the same time…
Sucking carbon out of the air won’t solve climate change
Vox to the rescue.
In a paper in the new energy journal Joule, the company (led by its founder, Harvard’s David Keith) reports its experience over the past three years running a DAC demonstration plant in Squamish, British Columbia. It’s the clearest look yet at how DAC might actually work, not just as a technology but as a business. “I’m impressed with the degree of transparency, detail, and clarity in the Joule paper,” Dr. Julio Friedmann, a former Obama appointee at the Department of Energy and a distinguished associate at the Energy Futures Initiative, told me. “It sets the standard for future players.”
The headline news from the paper is that the cost of capturing a ton of CO2 — estimated at around $600 in 2011 — has fallen to between $94 and $232. Almost any source of renewable energy can prevent a ton of carbon for cheaper than that, but still, down at the lower end, beneath $100, DAC starts to look viable in a low-carbon world.
Something about the idea of pulling carbon out of the air really struck a nerve. The study was met with extensive and enthusiastic press coverage, some of which involved headline writers getting out over their skis, like this one on Robinson Meyer’s Atlantic piece: “Climate Change Can Be Stopped by Turning Air Into Gasoline.” (Narrator: It can’t.) The article itself is judicious and smart, but it’s pretty clear from the broad public reaction that not a lot of people read past the headlines on this story.
It actually seems like a pretty evenhanded piece, but I can’t help thinking the guy is horrified at the prospect of not being able to run around yelling, “Put this hair shirt on, we have to save the planet!”
Also, I’m still waiting for somebody to tell me how the energy density compares to other liquid fuels. There was, however, a reference to the superiority of this air capture fuel to biofuels.
If its actually making something with the energy density of gasoline that is liquid at most atmospheric temperatures and relatively hard to start combusting… Nothing compares. If we didn’t HAVE gasoline and diesel readily available, we’d have worked out a way to invent it because of all the great properties as an energy storage and transfer medium.
How much does it cost to plant trees?
Now? $15/hr in some places.
Pshaww. How do you pay the rent on a nice 2 bed apartment in a good location with that paltry sum?
There can be no other solutions to the non-problem of carbon dioxide than complete government control over your life, comrade.
Just more watermelon nonsense.
“We’ve got to stop using coal for electricity! IT’S KILLING THE PLANET!”
“OK, here’s natural gas, it’s super clean and abundant.”
“Natural gas is unacceptable! IT’S KILLING THE PLANET!”
“OK, here’s nuclear energy, it’s renewable and creates much less pollution.”
“Nuclear is unacceptable! IT’S KILLING THE PLANET!”
Fast forward 50 years…
“OK, here’s fusion energy derived from sea water. It’s essentially limitless and only has helium and H2O as byproducts.”
“Fusion is unacceptable! IT’S KILLING THE PLANET!”
Fast forward 100 years…
“OK, here’s a matter-antimatter reaction derived from harnessing particle creation in the quantum foam. It provides an infinite amount of energy with no byproducts at all.”
“Matter-antimatter is unacceptable! IT’S KILLING THE PLANET!”
etc. etc. etc. in perpetuity.
Let’s use wood.
Deforestation kills the planet.
Whoa there buddy, that creates Dihydrogen monoxide which is one of the most deadly chemicals known to man. Why even inhaling a small quantity in it’s liquid form can lead to death.
Records examined by the Allies after the war indicate that every single prison guard at Dachau was given a supply of that chemical, and they could use it just about any way they wanted.
Because, in their hearts, it’s actually our consumerism (also known as capitalism, the free market, or simply “freedom”) that will kill the planet, and they have found the perfect attack on consumerism. If you can nullify Global Warming with technology, it won’t “encourage” people to cut back, nor give the watermelons the power to force (other) people to live as poor primitives. A limitless, clean supply of energy is these peoples’ nightmare; the dirtier the energy source, the easier their argument.
Abso-fuckin-lutely this. If the solution to the stated problem doesn’t result in a change in everyone’s behavior…well, that’s not a solution, because the masses didn’t learn their lesson.
My TV avatar is very happy that your TV avatar gave me (him? it? no, me) an “Abso-fuckin-lutely this”.
I believe that, although I have been up-voted, quoted, applauded, narrow-stared-at, insulted, liked, hit on, and three times declared “today’s winner of the internet”, I honestly believe this is the first time that I’ve ever received an “Abso-fuckin-lutely this”.
*slight hitch in voice to imply being deeply touched*
Dammit, and I didn’t get this until 6 am.
Thanks for that.
I think this will get turned into some kind of indulgence system like carbon credits.
Vox. Ugh.
So, the issue isn’t whether or not the cost of pulling CO2 out of the air for fuel is competitive with renewable energy sources. The issue is whether tacking the cost of CO2 capture on top of the energy produced by non-renewable carbon-based energy sources is acceptable to consumers. If CO2 produced by fossil fuel use is a problem, then your goal should be to mitigate the CO2. So if you take some of the punitive taxes applied to fuel and use them to pay for the capture of CO2 such that the net CO2 added winds up being zero, then the additional energy from the CO2 is really just gravy. Again, if CO2 is your concern, then fossil fuels are only a problem insofar as they produce CO2 when combusted; capturing that CO2 removes the objection.
But, I suspect that the issue is less to do with CO2 than with the terrible prospect that people might have access to cheap, efficient energy. They might do stuff like produce things to sell to each other for profit, and we can’t have that.
Almost any source of renewable energy can prevent a ton of carbon for cheaper than that,
Citation needed.
Looking at anyone longer than five seconds is considered creepy.
**Narrows gaze for longer than 5 seconds.**
I may have to.permanently narrow my gaze…
Your mom always said your face would get stuck that way if you kept making funny faces.
I thought he had it tattooed on.
That bear must be stoned out of his or her gourd to just hang out like that.
It’s a Russian bear. Vodka, and plenty of it. Just hope you don’t get the bear who’s a mean drunk.
Stars pose naked to draw attention to overfishing. What cause would entice Glibs to pose naked…not curious.
Really good Tex-Mex within 15 miles of me? Adult margarita slushies, good queso, and charro beans, as well as decent migas or fajitas.
This kind of publicity stunt has really list it’s edge ever since Al Gore went ahead and took the initiative to create the worlds largest pornography-delivery machine.
I’d pose naked for free fish.
I’m going to try that at the sushi place tonight.
If you rub your privates on the fish like they’re doing in the pictures, I bet they’d let you take them home without paying for them.
Free toro, here I come!
Exactly zero of those are people I want to see naked.
Are you saying you don’t find this a convincing argument?
Well, considering that it put me in the mood for some ceviche, I’d say it didn’t do a very good job of drawing attention to overfishing.
However, I am now highly concerned about fish bestiality.
Concerned… or aroused?
Pffffft, Led Zeppelin was doing this with groupies like 45 years ago
I made a reference here to shark girl about a year ago, and I got corrected by several people.
Apparently, it’s very important to get that story exactly right.
I remembered that! That’s why I didn’t go into details.
I mean…. there’s a shark! How much more detail is needed?!?
“It wasn’t Bonzo, it was me. It wasn’t shark parts anyway: It was the nose that got put in. We caught a lot of big sharks, at least two dozen, stuck coat hangers through the gills and left ’em in the closet… But the true shark story was that it wasn’t even a shark. It was a red snapper and the chick happened to be a fucking redheaded broad with a ginger pussy. And that is the truth. Bonzo was in the room, but I did it. Mark Stein [of Vanilla Fudge] filmed the whole thing. And she loved it. It was like, “You’d like a bit of fucking, eh? Let’s see how your red snapper likes this red snapper!” That was it. It was the nose of the fish, and that girl must have cum 20 times. But it was nothing malicious or harmful, no way! No one was ever hurt.”
But wait! There’s more!
“The shark episode is alleged to have involved some type of sexual act with a fish. However, there are many variations on the story, some involving one or two members of both bands, as well as variations of the type of fish (often claimed to be a shark, mudshark, dog shark, or aholehole), and the nature of the acts performed.”
I really, really hope it was the um… aholehole.
Some people know Simpsons quotes, others know Zappa lyrics… And It was The Vanilla Fudge.
Judy Dench is the new Lobster Girl? Couldn’t they have gotten someone on the right side of 70 for that?
Or at least Helen Mirren or Raquel Welch if they were gonna make me look at a naked septuagenarian.
You had to know that the conversation was going to head in this direction.
I said I wasn’t curious…
“Ben Kingsley and squid”
I saw them at Madison Square Garden back in the 90’s.
I’m naked right now.
What cause would entice Glibs to pose naked…not curious.
151 Rum has caused me to do that… and a lot worse.
I don’t drink rum anymore.
Bourbon is a good enough cause.
So Gillian Anderson is really draped in that DEAD thing?
Back in the 90s, we had 3. IP addresses at work.
It turned out that 3. was owned by GE and was they used it internally (and for partners, like us) instead of 10.
They had an entire class A that they wasn’t public facing.
PSA for all you DIY type globs.
Dont be the idiot who wears non tear away gloves while operating a lathe.
Sent a guy to the hospital this morning with 2 of his fingers in his pocket. While wearing them, he allowed one of the fingers of his glove to come into contact with the rotating piece. A burr on the piece grabbed hold of his glove and sucked him into the machine. The first thing to give was two of his fingers. It pulled them right off at the knuckle joint.
Dont be that guy.
This is why I don’t wear condoms.
Or sunscreen.
I watch a lot of guys making knives on youtube. The number of people operating a 2×72 belt grinders at low-speed-high-torque with gloves on is terrifying.
Whoa, shit! Yikes. It sucks that people have to learn that by getting maimed or watching someone else get maimed so often.
I use a lathe irregularly and that is a mortifying tale. [Shivers]
Then you should use it the regular way.
A well regulated Lathe, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Racing Parts, shall not be infringed.
Why? What do YOU use to peel potatoes? *scoffs*
Meh, It sucks short term but losing a digit or three isn’t a big deal, adds character actually.
The carpenter who would work at our house growing up was missing at least 4 fingers and the others were completely flat at the end.
*attempts to raise middle finger*
See, now that’s character, usually, they get lopped off from the outside in. Missing the middle? this guy has stories to tell.
My grand-father was missing the tip of his middle finger.
He told us kids that the Japs shot it off in Guam, when he was testing the wind/flipping off the Japs.
I was 30 years old when I noticed it was missing in his baby picture.
A laundry wringer.
I certainly hope you destroyed that photo and any other evidence that belied old man’s prideful boast so his heroic tale will live on as family lore.
I almost lost a finger a few years back when doing some logging work while wearing gloves. The log tongs I was working with got hung up and opened backwards onto my left hand which had a hold of the chain they were attached to. It caught me right at the knuckle and my index finger separated at the joint.
When the tongs released (after some yelling and screaming on my part at my father who was working the other end of the chain with a skid loader), my finger snapped back together. I still can’t believe it didn’t get severed.
You’re fortunate to have your finger. That sounds dicey.
I was more afraid that the 3 ton log I was working with would take off down the slope with me still attached. The precise thought that ran thru my mind was
“This really fucking hurts, but I hope my finger comes off before I get made into hamburger by this log”
My Shop Teacher told us NEVER wear Gloves, Jewelry, untucked Shirts etc. for just that reason
I always wear oven mits.
When he masturbates.
Well, someone’s been violating Netflix’s “5 seconds” rule.
I picture Lachowsky as a giant, barrel-chested man with a great big beard, flannel, a blacksmith’s apron, and an enormous hammer that would have been at home on a medieval battlefield every time he talks about some crazy story at work.
Don’t tell me otherwise, Lachowsky. I can’t recall someone with a manlier job.
I assume off to the side there are two or three young ladies biting the first knuckle on their finger and wearing their undies around their ankles.
Every young lady Q has posted.
Lachowsky groupie.
Something like this?
He’s Hephaestus?
By the way, where’s Jesse?
He dead.
I was out of town for a few weeks and have let most of my internet habits slide into doing things in meatspace. I have a sunburn for Krishna’s sake! Who knew the sun even still existed. I’d heard it was myth.
Oh hi!
Just glad you’re still alive. Sounds like you’re using your time more wisely anyways.
Oh, I think my time has been well spent. Maybe I’ll subject y’all to photos from my cycling trip across Slovenia…I think I still have authorship rights around here someplace.
*dusts cobwebs off compose button*
“doing things in meatspace”
That’s funny.
I now imagine OMWC as Jewcano ever since someone mentioned Minoriteam on here.
:tips hat to Hudson:
Why it isn’t more of a “thing” around here, I’ll never know. Same goes for ATHF.
Dana Snyder:
Motherfukkin’ keyboard….
THat was supposed to be
Dana Snyder:
Dont be the idiot who wears non tear away gloves while operating a lathe.
No shit. Roll your fucking sleeves up, too.
Or necktie. Which is why I never have a lathe in the office.
I always thought the SawStop brake thing for table saws was quite innovative, however.
The choice of a hotdog to demonstrate the SawStop always unnerved me a little.
Should have used half a Vienna Sausage instead.
Would have been more relatable at least.
/just out of the pool
You expected a schnitzengruben, or 15?
I have a buddy who used to work in a chicken processing plant. A lot of the chicken cuts used to be done by hand on a bandsaw. Needless to say, a shit load of people ended up running fingers into those bandsaws.
They installed a camera that would instantly recognize a certain color. The camera looked right in front of the blade. The employees all wore a green glove. If that green color was detected by the camera, an oversized brake would instantly clamp down on the pulley that ran the blade.
Apparently this system worked very well as they never had another person lose a finger or severely cut themselves there.
That’s really cool!
So THAT is where the name “chicken fingers” came from!
….the more you know!
They use water blades in some places now.
I’ve used it a lot. In addition to the cool safety sensor/clutch, it’s a really nice saw. If I were to buy another, the SS would be the one.
No synthetic fleece around anything with flames either. I read a horrible report about a grad student in a lab where it caught fire and melted to his body.
I’m not a welder, but I believe that is a big no no there.
Leather Smock and Long Epaulets
Anything polyester is a big no no when dealing with electricity
An arc flash will melt that shit to body in a way that is very very bad. I wear 100 percent cotton everything to work everyday.
The non funniest thing like that I have ever seen is when a woman I worked with got her hair stuck in a drill press. Yanked a big bald patch right out of her head.
One call I went on was a Mexican line cook at a new pasta place. He had gotten his arm caught in a commercial pasta mixer. His arm looked like it had three elbows and two of the blades were embedded in his forearm. It was going to take awhile to cut him out, so I started a line and slapped two rounds of morphine in him. I knew I had reached a good loading dose when this poor fuck with his arm wrapped around a shaft with blades sticking into him looked over at me and smiled.
Earlier in my career, we picked up a guy who had been working on a dump truck sized compressor. A fan ripped his arm off at the elbow.
We hauled him over to a recently opened trauma center in a more “upscale” part of the county. While we were putting the rig back together, one of the ER nurses came outside. They had found a syringe in his boot and wanted to know if he was a diabetic. We Just looked at her and walked away.
Lesson? Don’t jab needles in your arm before working on dumpster sized compressors.
Sooo…my experience with equipment lately (Navy) has been much more hand tools – grinders, needle guns, .50 cals, etc. I *thought* back in high school shop that gloves were required to use the lathe, grinders and other types of equipment, but it’s been a long time – just along with eye and ear protection. Is there a different type of equipment that’s actually recommended?
So Russia beat the Saudi’s 5-0 today. A couple goals were pretty dirty. I haven’t followed soccer in awhile and didn’t even know the World Cup was starting. But now I know what I’m doing this weekend.
Damn! This would have to be the weekend I have that appointment to go watch paint drying…..
^^^ yep.
I think I’m going to go redo my taxes from 1998 this weekend to see if I missed anything.
My comment from previous thread:
Meh, not real football. I have to at least pretend like I care until the Brazilians get stomped by Germany again.
My dad told me he almost lost a finger while operating some sort of ticket-printing machine when he was in college. It hooked his wedding ring somehow and nearly! dragged his hand into the machine.
No jewelry, neither, kids.
Basically, you should have on an appropriate respirator for your environment, steel toe boots, googles, muffs, and a Speedo whenever you work. You’ll get some weird looks if you show up to the office like that, but better safe than sorry.
Googles. Goggles. What’s the difference?
In case you work at a steel mill on the Simpsons?
Everybody dance now!
Budgie smugglers?
Hot stuff! Coming through!
No one is going to elaborate on ‘muffs’?
I has much disappoint.
Oh, be nice!
We work hard. We play harder.
Rings and car batteries should be avoided, if possible
And metal band watches. My father got his across a 24V boat setup one time, he got a nice third degree burn on his wrist as a prize.
Unseen Live wires, shorts to Conduit you have your hand on, Fun times
Indeed. One of the earliest lessons they learn ya in radar technician school was to take everything metal off of your hands and arms.
Even though you’d never, ever work on it with power applied, I still always had a knot in my stomach when I had to do anything with the transmitter of the AN/TPN-22. No matter how thoroughly I grounded the corona nuts, all I could ever think about was NEGATIVE 43 THOUSAND FUCKING VOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Check that. There WAS a procedure to check the voltage on the corona nuts with a high voltage probe, but thankfully I never had to use it. They demonstrated it in training but didn’t have us do it, probably because they didn’t want any dipshit students frying themselves.
I still have a scar across my right wrist from working on a HF radio set in a UH-60 (it was an AN/ARC-174). I went to check the antenna, and the clueless pilot (they really are), decided to key it up. 400W RF burn. From that point forward, any aircraft I was working on with pilot nearby, I grabbed all the mic cords, with instructions “you can play with this when Im done. Sir.”
Refrigerant Burns suck, instant frostbite, and once the skin dies away, it itches for Weeks after theinitial pain….
My Granddaddy’s story was of jumping a fence at a run when a sow was chasing him, and catching his wedding ring on a nail on top of the fencepost. He said it stripped all the meat off but it didn’t detach, so the doc just folded it all back into place and wrapped it up.
We call that “Degloving” – makes my stomach turn.
Old Army poster
My wife’s dad lost his finger to bandsaw while working in a furniture factory.
That’ll teach you to go and get married in college.
Dude, we all know you just wanted to join in. Go get blown instead of blowing it up.
More likely, his ex-wife was already in there. Airtight.
Sometimes two just isn’t enough.
Note that there a few other private nets you may see:
e.g., we use internally (among others).
And, yes, it’s shocking how ignorant software developers often are of the environments they work in.
Annnd Gilmore’d that.
And, oops.
Dont be the idiot who wears
non tear awaygloves while operating a lathe.Just not gonna.
I figured I’d add the tear away part because it’s fine if you want to wear laytex hospital style gloves to try and keep your hands clean. Other than that dont wear anything.
The only tim I really wear gloves is when I have to handle material that is too hot to touch or electrically energized. Pretty much everything else I do bare handed.
The linked Quilette article “The Limits of Expertise” almost perfectly reflects my own inadequate ruminations on this subject over the last 30 years or so. Back in my salad days, I did chaotic systems research into economic and financial phenomena, and came away shaking my head over the arrogance of those who thought they could, in some detail, essentially predict the future of open systems (such as the Earth’s climate, ferinstance). Nothing I’ve seen, experienced or read in the last three decades has changed my mind about that conclusion — if anything, I get stronger in my resolve every day.
This has led to some unpleasant interactions with friends and family. Sadly.
Tom Nichols is going to totally hate you now.
If you don’t believe that humanity can be shepherded to a kinder, gentler, more peaceful and prosperous future by a committee of technocrats and experts, you’re a racist, sexist Nazi. How does it feel to be worse than Hitler BEAM?
How does it feel to be worse than Hitler BEAM?
Somebody had to do it. Think of me as a pioneer.
I can’t recommend this book enough. The author does an excellent job of getting to the origins of the Progressive movement and its obsession with expertise. I’m constantly on about Progressivism, but it’s because I genuinely believe it is a more dangerous, unethical ideology than even Socialism. At its core is a complete dismissal of the inherent worth of the individual. There’s no regard for liberty, individual rights, or anything other than the ultimate goal of a society run like a machine controlled by “experts”. It is the very antithesis of classical liberalism.
That’s a great book. Seconded.
Imo, it’s not really expertise. It’s credentials mistaken for expertise.
That’s not entirely true. The reason that progressiveness got as popular as it did is because in many instances, the experts were able to produce results. Taylerism worked. Just like the Nazi’s were able to leverage technological advancements to more effectively fight the War against traditionalist opponents steeped in old-tech tactics, there was a *lot* of slack in the economy that could be taken up if cutting-edge technology, statistics, and data analysis were used.
This was the turning point in the economy where you could start applying book-lurnin to farming and manufacture and reap big rewards. Getting the right sized and standardized shovel for shoveling coal made a big impact on some steel mills, for example. And that’s the kind of advancement that requires Taylerism. And Taylerism is a part of progressiveness. Probably the best part of it.
But no one knew what the limits of the new learning were. It wasn’t till the end of WWII that it really became apparent that progressiveness taken to its logical conclusion, as embodied by the Nazis, was many not so much a great idea in all ways. (remember, progressivism wasn’t a left-wing phenomina at the time).
Anyway, back to your point, it was hard to disentangle credentialism and expertise at the time, because credentialed people were producing tangible results. My sense is that, at least pre-Macnamara, it was really hard for most folk to be able to see the difference. For example, That Hideous Strength was a work of giant moral weight not just because it was right, but also because it was was a voice in the wilderness. (hmm… I wonder if there’s a compare/contrast article about CS Lewis and Jordan Peterson that I want to write now…)
I’m not arguing against expertise in any way, however.
I’d say that educational credentials have a much weaker relationship to expertise than governing Institutions expect. Especially in a society where people are paid by the government to obtain said credentials.
But yes, hiring people with credentials who cannot prove they produce results is still likely better than hiring people without credentials and no proof of their ability. I doubt anyone would argue with that.
Better yet, always hire the person who can prove their ability, regardless of credentials. Nassim Taleb, in his book “Skin in the Game”, makes some excellent points re this. If someone without credentials might have the ability to do the job, make sure they’re responsible for the results. With corresponding rewards and penalties for performance and failure.
I was thinking of that comparison earlier today. And also felt some affection for any man who called his own and other toddlers under his care “Monster” as a nickname.
I second this.
A must.
Dems say Obama return from sidelines is overdue
It was just revealed today that his claim he knew nothing about Hillary’s email fiasco was a big fat lie.
“When former President Obama left the White House, he pledged to take a back seat to make room for other Democrats in the party to shine. Nearly 17 months later, that’s proving to be an impossible task.”
Impossible because his ego won’t let him…
Democrats in the party to shine
I can’t really blame him.
Ex-aides say Obama has been unsettled by not only the tone and tenor of the Trump administration but by the policy stemming from his former office.
It’s funny how elections work. It’s like the next guy (or gal) gets to do the things they want in office. It’s almost like elections have consequences.
Yes, that’s a good idea. Bring back the guy who was so bad that he’s most of the reason Trump was elected.
I’m sure the gun industry will appreciate him making more appearances.
Except…..he’s never shown any ability to improve anyone’s electoral prospects but his own. His tenure in office saw the Democratic party lose seats hand over fist at almost every level of government.
So Obama is gonna do what he does best? Shit disturb using Alinsky’s tactics?
The only tim I really wear gloves is when I have to handle material that is too hot to touch or electrically energized. Pretty much everything else I do bare handed.
The thing that amazes me is watching people tig weld wearing big thick heavy gloves. Sometimes the work gets so hot you have to do something, like when you’re repairing aluminum heads that dropped a valve set, but I hate welding in gloves. Most of the time, I’ll lay the glove on top of the piece as a heat shield.
No matter how thoroughly I grounded the corona nuts, all I could ever think about was NEGATIVE 43 THOUSAND FUCKING VOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of severed body parts, has the article from the guy who severed his foot in a motorcycle accident and then had his friends eat it been linked to? Don’t hit the imgur link in the article if you are about to eat tacos this afternoon.
What is with reporters parroting things they read on Reddit?
Laziness. But I will say that is the only feel good cannibalism story I have ever or will likely ever read.
Which is the same reason why reporters write “stories” that are essentially compilations of what random jackasses are saying on twitter.
Okay then….
North Carolina Teacher and Softball Coach, 26, Accused of Sexual Activity with Teen Student. It’s a damn epidemic! I need to get a CDC grant to study the phenomena.
Didnt they insist they needed like $1BN over Zika?
No mention if she’s related to Annie Sprinkles.
Good stripper name.
She could run with the whole teacher thing and Ms. Sprinkles, the naughty teacher.
Softball coach. No mention of the gender of the student. I’ll make my own conclusions.
My thoughts as well.
Kayla Sprinkles. She never had a chance did she?
Her booking photo is the best one.
North Carolina teacher? WOOD.
But I repeat myself.
You haven’t seen Snakes on a Plane?
Has there been any mention of….
A) Apple making the iPhone unhackable and sending police and conservatives into a tizzy?
B) The NY AG suing Trump, his family and their foundation?
Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation was allowed to quietly close up shop?
Funny how the donations stopped rolling in when there were no more favors to grant
Good on Apple for what they did but nothing is unhackable.
Kid in my Jr High shop class tried cutting a 1″x1″ piece in the giant band saw. Cut the end of one finger off. Shrieks. Shop teacher runs up and says “What Happened!” The kid demonstrates and loses the end of another finger. Shop teacher had a box with cotton for such incidents. Kid and his finger tips went to the hospital. Fortunately the band saw was nice and sharp and they were able to put his fingers back together.
I once stopped a guy from trying to rip a piece of wood with a sliding miter saw. People are really dumb.
How’s the AH coming along? Our other thing kind of died.
then there was the kid (same class) with another 1×1 this time in the industrial-strength jointer. Lost the ends of two fingers. The jointer blades were also real sharp, but in this case that didn’t help him get his finger tips back.
Got the Healey running really rough then noticed a growing pool of oil on the floor. The flexible line from the block to the mechanical oil pressure gage had ruptured. I remember installing it that I should really replace it (it’s the factory part). Oh well. Haven’t gotten any further. Dealing with elderly parent issues. Getting their house ready to put up for sale.
Ugh. No fun at all. I was in charge of getting my grandmother’s house ready. It was a chore and I wish you luck!
That line is copper, no?
Yeah, the role reversal really sucks.
Line is stainless-wrapped rubber to allow for the movement between the block and the chassis.
Brings this episode to mind.
Well, yeah. It only follows that people get shot. They should really make a law about guns or something.
I realize this is from a partisan outlet, but I think it sums up the findings from the IG report pretty well.
Honestly, this is all stuff that anyone with half a brain and imagination could have inferred from what was already known. But it’s nice to have it all wrapped up in a nice little bow.
Now Trump needs to use this as justification to clean house in these agencies; as in fire 1/3 to 1/2 of their employees. I’d be perfectly happy to have those employees not replaced at all, but having them replaced without blatantly partisan operatives would be a nice start.
Does Trump have a unicorn ranch somewhere on his properties? That’s the only way I see this happening.
There’s no room for unicorns because the porn stars are taking up all the space at his ranch.
Is porn star wrangler a job?
*looks for spurs and rope*
They’re out there on the prairie, cold and alone and hunted by wolves. They NEED you, Tundra!
Don’t forget the chaps
I never take those off.
Is there any other kind?
I’d rather read anything by SF than the industrial accidents sprinkled throughout the comments above.
So I get to mess with one of my employees tomorrow. He has been on a bender at the World Series of Poker the last 5 days. He has blown off work (didn’t affect productivity) and myself and his Union rep are gonna make him sweat.
I take it he didn’t win.
World Series of Poker and Golf.
I don’t know which is worse.
Golf is only good when it’s in a movie. Like Caddyshack.
Apparently spent his time with ladies and people with a lot of money. He even asked of his going to face disciplinary actions. It’s gonna be fun
I think his friend lost oodles of cash on hookers and blow
Much better than gambling; at least he’s getting something for his money.
This guy works for you? Or maybe your guy was the one with the flush.
We are all ex military. This kid isn’t gonna like his Friday
Does it violate the policy if I only stare at their tits for more than 5 sec, but avoid looking at their face?
The man asking the important questions.
Is there anything they wont store in there ?
My dick 🙁 .
The pink zone is for loading and unloading only.
“he spotted a vehicle leaving PinUps (an adult entertainment club) and spinning around in circles (donuts) in the middle of the road.”
That’s just doxxing yourself.
He should’ve just reenacted the Tommy Boy scene, but instead of BEES yelledCRABS!
Is it “donuts” or “doughnies”?
Nature’s pocket.
The last time I looked in one of those I found 2 mackeral, a cobia, and a North Carolina license plate from a 1979 Buick.
Since you EU-sympathizers are messing your frilly panties over FIFA, via Dave Barry, the Soccer Dad.
“the boys are bigger, faster and stronger, and the pace of their game reflects that. But the boys also tend to be much more likely to whine about fouls, to dive, to flagrantly overact in hopes of getting a call, to preen and strut when they score a goal”
The man speaks truth.
Sounds like basketball players except that it’s a basket, not a goal.
It’s annoying how the same criticisms that could be made about other sports (god knows how boring baseball is) get glossed over for those sports, but are considered a deal-breaker for soccer.
Yeah, it’s always been a conundrum to me why people get so passionate in their dislike about soccer. Like it’s personal somehow. Did the sport fuck your wife or something? I don’t find watching baseball on TV to be interesting, but I don’t feel the need to launch into a self-indulgent diatribe about how terrible it is every time someone mentions watching it. You don’t like it, don’t watch it.
Basketball was supposed to be on TV, but somehow the Russians made soccer play instead and now I have to watch soccer instead of basketball which deserved it AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT.
Here in SW Ohio, 700WLW had former Red’s player Tracy Jones on air for a bit. I found him to be a self-absorbed asshole most of the time, but that was probably part of his schtick. Either way, he said one of the most insightful things about baseball that Id always known, but never heard- “baseball is a lot of fun to play, it’s horrible for a spectator sport.”
I love watching baseball. The slower pace and nuanced strategy are positives in my mind. The gnat-sized attention span of modern sports fans is a net negative on the sports they watch.
And I respect baseball players immensely for their skill and really enjoy watching a game at the ballpark for the atmosphere, but don’t enjoy it on TV. And that’s fine. My misunderstanding is why a certain subset of people can’t seem to let the word “soccer” be mentioned in conversation without throwing themselves on the ground and rending their garments about how it’s the worst catastrophe on Planet Earth since the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Funny thing is I think the same thing about soccer. I loved playing it for 11 years, but cant stand watching it.
I think 99 percent of the dislike for soccer is really a dislike for euro-style elitists and their perceived effeminate manner.
The word soccer was imported from the British.
So the smugness against it is misplaced.
The only legitimate reason to “watch” Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Bowling, Nascar, darts, poker, etc… is if you want to get drunk and take a nap on Sunday afternoon and need an excuse to keep the wife/life partner from bitching because you got drunk and took a nap on Sunday afternoon. Which should have been Article One of the Bill of Rights.
Partially true, but when it comes to soccer I actually enjoy watching it en route to passing out drunk. Otherwise, dead on.
lol. I watch (well when I had/have time) soccer and baseball. Boy did I watch my fair share of games.
Because you know who makes up the vast majority of soccer fans in this country? Ezra Klein types. Will Wilkerson types. Mr. ENB types. Skinny jeans wearing soyboys who ostentatiously love to throw around British soccer terms instead of their American equivalents (football instead of soccer, kit instead of uniform, pitch instead of field, side instead of team, nil instead of zero/nothing, etc) and sniff haughtily about American football because they think it gives them a veneer of sophistication and elevates them above the average ” ‘Murrikan” rubes they so despise.
That’s why. I mean, don t get me wrong, it sucks as a sport too but so does tennis yet hearing about it doesn’t bother me at all like soccer does.
Well, shit, Edit Faerie? May I beg your assistance?
Of course in Europe the soccer fans are the exact sort of people the sophisticates hate.
Most of the fans in Columbus are Messicans.
Scott Adams on “Wake up, Punchy” and the summit.
He no longer has his blog?
Dunno, I don’t follow him too closely. I just stumbled across that video this morning and found it interesting.
I’m not a fan of videos where it would be easier and quicker to read the stuff and just sitting in front of a camera reciting it doesn’t add anything.
In other avian news regarding the Hate Birds, the Birds That HATE.
I like that guy’s style.
I like the idea of the municipality having a ‘grievance day’.
Weird thing — I googled “The hate birds, the birds that hate” and all I get are a couple Glib links,
But … I swear I’ve heard that phrase before even coming to Glibertarians.
Q and others: Word salad or just bad writing?
Oh, the guy he’s talking about is basically a Marxist who has taken the concept of multiculturalism to nefarious ends in Canada. He also thinks animals should be co-citzens.
From what I can tell, it’s a lot of masturbation about semantics; what do we call this and what do we call that, why has the word “liberal” been hijacked and what does “neo-liberal” mean… I guess it’s a discussion worth having, but I’d much prefer a discussion about liberty from basic principles regardless of what we call it.
Let’s just coin a new term: flubobian. I am in favor of maximum flubob.
I really appreciate folks linking to a variety of things. I read most of the links – especially those provided by our overseers.
But this?
“Not a “neo-liberal”, for sure. Kymlicka concurs with the Marxist Slavoj Žižek in decrying the ascendency of “neoliberal multiculturalism”, which he associates with a hollowing out of citizenship rights and justice-based multiculturalism in favour of the inclusion of minorities and foreigners through assuring mere “equal access to the market” in a globalising world. The argument is linked, at the end of the article, with the ascendency of “super-diversity” as a sociological condition in which solidarity and membership has become becomes impossible in a world of “liquid mobility”.”
C’mon Rufus that’s cruel. And I have no idea what any of it means. As usual “both” is the answer.
Now you know how I felt. It wasn’t easy on the eyes and at some point you’re like ‘dude, you’re dancing around making cogent points and then spin off into excessive minutiae of terms’. Not fit for good reading.
Kylmicka is a highly influential proponent of the ‘open borders multicultural bleed into one and whitey better follow or else they’re racist’ school of thought in Canada.
Dude is a scourge. But a very well compensated one.
And vegan.
I didn’t find it all that obscurantist, to be honest. I even agree with his thesis. Though, I guess in my line of work, I’m like the guy who has been bitten by snakes so often I’ve developed immunity to venom.
Looka dis guy… ‘osbcunt’ whatever.
I’ve lost patience for this sort of writing. While in university I put up with it but doesn’t make for fun reading. Not that I was the intended audience.
It’s too bad because it takes away from his point.
Anyway. I just wanted to get opinions. I leaned ‘bad writing’ but I didn’t trust myself on this one.
From now on, “obscurantist” will be replaced by “obscunty.”
And in titties news.
That doctor probably “reads” your links.
So NHS goes to great lengths to very publicly starve an infant, but then hands out free titties?
I approve of their priorities, to be honest, and Obama’s.
Obama is Mel Gibson? Or did I get the wrong message?
Those titties are 100% murdered baby flesh. It doesn’t get any softer, ladies! /NHS
Oh shit, I just got a free $6000 boob job and now I don’t have to go around with people wondering why I am so flat chested. FIRST.WORLD.PROBLEMS.
Causal understanding of water displacement by a crow.
Filthy fucking casuals.
That was very cool to watch, just in a different way than most of your links.
Perhaps this woman, upon being released, has a career in the NHS:
Hi Heroic Mulatto: Who are the elites that should have more power in the US? What sort of policies are the populists preventing them from adopting?
“McGill music student awarded $350,000 after girlfriend stalls career
She wrote an email posing as him, turning down a $50,000-a-year scholarship so that he wouldn’t leave
McGill University music student Eric Abramovitz was among the top clarinetists in Canada. He studied with some of the country’s elite teachers from the age of seven. He won first prize at the Canadian Music Competition six times. He was a featured soloist with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestre symphonique de Québec.
In late 2013, Abramovitz applied for a full two-year scholarship to complete his bachelor’s degree at the Colburn Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles. Every student at Colburn receives a full scholarship, including tuition, room and board as well as money for meals and other expenses, worth roughly $50,000 a year.
A month later, Colburn sent an email to Abramovitz. He had been chosen.
Except Abramovitz never got the email. Jennifer Lee, a fellow McGill music student and Abramovitz’s girlfriend at the time, did. They had started dating in September 2013, and within a month he was staying at her apartment almost full time. He trusted her. He let her use his laptop. He gave her his passwords.
Scared he would move away and perhaps no longer be in a relationship with her, Lee deleted the email. She sent the Colburn Conservatory of Music an email, pretending to be Abramovitz, refusing the offer because he would “be elsewhere.”
She sent Abramovitz an email pretending to be Yehuda Gilad, under a new address she apparently established herself, giladyehuda09@gmail.com, saying Abramovitz had not been accepted for a scholarship at Colburn. Writing as Gilad, she told Abramovitz he was offered a position to study at the University of Southern California with a scholarship of $5,000 a year. Annual tuition at USC is $51,000, a cost she knew Abramovitz could not afford.
Abramovitz was completely taken in. He lost his two-year scholarship opportunity to study with Gilad. He completed his studies at McGill, and then did a two-year certificate program at USC, not on scholarship, where he got to study part-time under Gilad.
Abramovitz learned of the deception two years later, and he sued for $300,000 in general damages, including for loss of reputation, loss of educational opportunity and loss of two years of income potential.”
She seems a bit clingy.
And he was an idiot for giving her his passwords.
That is horrible.
White dude. And… Jennifer Lee? Sounds Chinese. And them Chinks are suing lefty bastions of higher education for discrimination, so she’s basically worse than white.
” Jennifer Lee? Sounds Chinese. And them Chinks are suing lefty bastions of higher education for discrimination, so she’s basically worse than white.” I always knew there was something off about Robert E., oh and the Duke brothers too.
Jeebus. Just got home from work and started hearing shooting that sounded like it was coming from my property. I walked outside to look and saw a bullet zing through the vegetation at the edge of my pasture.
I Load up and drive over to the source of the shots. As I figured, there is a party going on at a swimming hole owned by my neighbor. About 30 kids drinking and apparently at least one shooting a rifle. Luckily I knew one of the kids.
A good dressing down got them to put the gun up and to make a promise to not shoot anymore.
OMG Gun Nut hypocrisy confirmed!/ Gungrabber
Actually, this is exactly how disputes are resolveded in a stateless society.
Erm I was spoofing a gungrabber?
Pretty much. They were shooting into the far bank of the swimming hole. That bank is sloped rock. They were shooting an AR with a 7.62×39 upper on it. I’m sure it was FMJ comm block ammo they were running through it.
What the fuck did they think was going to happen to the bullets when they hit that rock.
That’s just stupid. Incidentally, I remember shooting a 9mm by the Rio decades ago. Almost learned the hard way that rounds can skip off water.
So, one of my gaming buds just sent me this. He’s a big fan of online gaming. I prefer single player, but playing drink, yeah, I can dig it. Although I peak at around 4-5 beers, after that it’s straight downhill.
Playing Drunk
I can’t imagine playing LoL drunk. Or sober. I can’t imagine playing LoL.
Land O’ Lakes?
I was that guy, but still not usually the worst on my team.
Uninstalled that cancer a few months back.
Wait. The other persons caught at the FBI via instant messaging. claiming they didn’t know it was official communications. Fuck that. You get a message everyone you log in that its a government network. What a crock
Sloopy forgot a birthday this morning.
Happy 243rd, US Army!
A “weapons” store vandalized by idiot Portlander, described by the reporter as controversial.
Why is it controversial? Because their racist son was convicted of a hate crime several years ago. Any hint that the parents think the same way? Nope. Reporter goes on to call it an armory store because the word armory is in the store name. I wish there were armory stores.
Don’t nobody worry ’bout me
You got to gimme a fight
Why don’t you just let me be
For no reason at all, other than it is funny, I want Trumpsucker to become the next new political slur.