So…Last time, we suffered through the Bum Beer Challenge – seen here and here (Personally, I think mexican sharpshooter got the worst of it…even if his writing was much better than mine). This time the challenge was in the opposite direction. We wanted to find something so fancy that even a libertarian would sprain their pinky, holding it out as they sampled it. Their monocle would fog up and their top hat would deflate, it would be that highbrow.
This did get me to wondering about the pinky out thing…is that really fancy, or just some made up bit that managed to worm its way into common belief?

Still funny.
This source says:
People often think proper tea drinking means sticking your pinky out. That’s actually rude and connotes elitism. It comes from the fact that cultured people would eat their tea goodies with three fingers and commoners would hold the treats with all five fingers. Thus was born the misguided belief that one should raise their pinky finger to show they were cultured. Tuck that pinky finger in.
“That’s actually rude and connotes elitism” AWW YEAH! PERFECT! We are spot on here.
So, anyhoo, here is my entry into the Snob-off o’ beer.
3 Sheeps Brewing Company hails from the noted center of culture that is Sheboygan, Wisconsin. But don’t let that fool you…they make classy beer. The best. Bigly good beer. I chose their fanciest:

Awwww, yeah!
We make a lot of beer. Some of it experimental, some of it pushes the boundaries of brewing, some of it puts unique twists on traditional styles — but it’s all a part of who we are. Once a year we step back, take a look at the work we’ve done, and create a special beer that draws from the best of the past 12 months. We call it Cuvee Blend. It’s a nod to the French winemaking tradition, a blend of aged beers from specially selected barrels, each chosen for their unique wood characteristics and blended in endless combinations until our palates are happy. Once we’re sure it’s perfect, the blend goes into another barrel to undergo secondary fermentation. The process is time consuming and meticulous, but we end up with something really special, something that’s more than just the sum of its parts.
Yeah, sounds fancy to me. So what is the blend for 2018?
19% imp stout aged in 2nd use rye whiskey barrels. 50% imp stout with toasted coconut aged in 2nd use bourbon barrels. 25% imp black wheat with coffee aged in 2nd use bourbon barrels. 6% belgian-style quad aged in 2nd use bourbon barrels.
Now that is fancy!
A snobby description can be found here.
Mine own impression was that each aspect of it came forth, caressed your taste buds and bowed out for the next. The bourbon hovered in the background shepherding all this along. The coconut was quite subtle, the coffee not overpowering – it simply introduced itself, gave you a bit flavor and yielded to the rye. The rye was courtly in manner, taking your taste buds, bowing over them and stepping back to let the hint of Belgian quad finish off with a whisper.
In lay terms…Jeebus, this was a fookin’ great beer. All sorts of good flavors, packs a good ABV too. Would swill again!
But in all seriousness, it was one of the best beers I have had in my 52 years on this Earth.
5 out of 5 pinkies out.
Next up, Part 2, wherein mexican sharpshooter gets his fancy on.
“Tuck that pinky finger in.”
Then do the hokey pokey?
Nice Euphemisms!
Beers I’ve had this week. All pretty good.
Breckenridge Avalanch Amber
Bosteels Tripel Karmeleit
Jackie O’s Chomolungma
Moeller Brew Barn Walley Post Red Ale
Kentucky (Alltech) Bourbon Barrel Strong Ale
I had an Elysian Dragonstooth Stout last night, real good stuff,
How much did that beer cost you Swiss?
Let is just say it is like a menu at a 3 star Michelin restaurant… if you have to ask, you cannot aford it.
ooooooohhhhh someone has twenty dollars….. Checkout Mr. Big Shot over here.
They should stick a different finger out.
Damn it. I’m just drinking cheap beer. Now I’m thirsty for something good.
Perhaps I’ll pass out by three and get to a beer store.
All I drank this week was Yeungling — cheap but reliable.
Sitting around drinking Blue. I see six cans empty right now. Supposed to record a podcast but our audio guy isn’t here. I’ll be drunk way before recording begins.
Beers Ive had (too many of) this week:
1) Coor’s light, 12 oz can
2) Keystone Light, 12 oz can
3) Keystone Light, 16 oz and the Double-Deuce
4) Coor’s Light in 40 oz bottle, with paper-sack accessory (not always included)
I found the Coor’s Light 40 to be constantly playing a naughty caprice with my tastebuds; mildly impudent with just a hint of impertinence.
I give it 4 rednecks out of 5.
The other night, my friendly neighborhood bartender offered me a taste of the “raspberry wheat” beer they recently added to the lineup.
Good grief, it was awful. Imagine pouring a Miller High Life into an unwashed Flintstones jelly jar. What the fuck is it with these people and their tutti fruitti beers? Can’t they just drink wine coolers?
Thursday, I poured two home brew sour ales at the club meeting. Both were based on blonde sour ales. One was finished with mandarin oranges and vanilla bean. The other other was finished with raspberries. Both are tart and dry with a bit of brett funk. Lovely beers.
Don’t blame fruit, blame bad brewers.
Generally, Im with you. However after seeing Yusef’s sterling recommendation for that Lagunita’s blood orange stuff, I may to to break tradition with my typical fare of MillerCoors/SAB/InBev products for at least a 6-pack.
You’ll dig it, now, back to Bevmo!
Is this raspberry beer the kind you find in a second-hand store?
What a Princely statement
Meh, I thought it was a bit too leisurely.
*narrows gaze at the lot of ye*
Narrowed gaze? Whatevs *standing ovation for the lot of ye*
Which reminds me, I need more Rolling Rock. I hope it’s still $9.49 for an 18pack at Town Pump.
Any of you tried beers from Victory Brewing in Downingtown, PA? Well regarded in Philly area but don’t know if you folks in the hinterlands
(i.e. west of the Susquehanna) ever see it. Their Hop Devil is pretty damn good, but then I haven’t compared it to all the exotic brews I keep seeing mentioned here.
In my opinion Victory Prima Pils is the perfect summer beer and my favorite pilsner. I really love their Kirsch Gose too. Dirty Wolf isn’t my favorite DIPA but its quite competent.
Victory is a solid brewery
*DirtWolf that is. We get Victory in FL and we had it in TX too. I would assume they have national distribution.
Make a black and tan with it and their Storm King.
Yes. Victory makes good beer.
Yes I have.
Victory is one of my favorite brewers. Love Golden Monkey and Storm King.
That beer looks excellent.
And so it was.
It’s fun sometimes to buy a stupidly expensive beer. Especially when it turns out to be awesome!
I’m sure since it’s from WI, I won’t be able to get it. 🙁
Fucking border battles.
Thanks, Swissy!
We need to build a wall around Wisconsin. Those Packer fans, they’re not sending their best, some of them I assume, are good people.