Week 4 – Satiety
Every GlibFit 2.0 is, in-part, about ALaTW. That’s because he is writing them and he can only write about things that he knows. But this week is more so. You see, ALaTW got fat because he was hungry. He was always hungry. I don’t mean that, every once in a while, he was a fourteen year old girl having a second bowl of ice-cream and texting “oh I cud eat a horse lol” to her friend.
I mean he was deeply, truly, pathologically hungry. All the time.
He wasn’t eating to cover up his emotions. He wasn’t eating to get back at his dad. He was ravenous. And nothing would make him full. Eating wouldn’t make him full. His rule was once a year he would eat until he was full, usually at Thanksgiving. It never worked. One year, he was bound and determined to see what it was like to be full. For Science. Yes really.
He ate so much he got physically ill. You know what he felt on the way to the bathroom? Hunger. Just like the other 364 days of the year. His normal was just an unending, unmanageable hunger pang.
When the Internet’s Hottest Young Intellectual reviewed a book about hunger and satiety, ALaTW’s ears perked up. He read the book (the way God intended, as an audiobook.) In fact, he read it twice. And he never does that. The Bible and Lord of the Flies are the only other two books he’s read more than once. But this book was particularly related to his interests and he wanted to sign up for the newsletter. That was in May of last year.
Because ALaTW is a slow and careful and meticulous and lazy thinker, he let those ideas percolate until December, when they got put into action. A doctor’s visit telling him he was going to die also helped him get started. And you know what?

Ladies, ask me about another organ I have that can grow on command… Hey, um, where are all the ladies?
Two days in, he felt something he never felt before. He felt full.
Without further narcissistic ado, here’s the meat of this post. Losing weight requires you to eat less. The human brain is the universe’s most powerful supercomputer in command of the world’s most complicated data network in your hormone system. It evolved to keep you alive, which means “with fat stores.” If you try to eat less, your brain will fight you. Hard. Most people can’t beat it. ALaTW couldn’t.
So don’t fight fair. Fight fucking dirty. Don’t take it head on. Look at it from a security perspective and twist the system to your ends. How can you give it inputs its not expecting in order to get it to behave in a way it was never supposed to?
Here’s what you do. ALaTW did this and was able to maintain a 2,000 calorie deficit a day. And he was full, the whole time.
The Holy Trinity: Fat, Protein, and Volume
The first and biggest hack is to put food in your body that looks like high calorie food. When your stomach senses fat, protein, and volume, it releases a hormone that tells your brain it got a bunch of calories. Note the flaw in this design. Its using fat, protein, and volume as a proxy measure.

If you aren’t free to buy old meat from a stranger in a cave with no refrigeration, you aren’t really free.
So eat fat, protein, and volume in low calories. What does that look like? The vegetables for a huge ass salad are maybe a hundred calories. Grilled chicken thighs, ground beef, and pulled pork are all full of fat and protein. That’s right, ALaTW ate a ton of salad. Grilled chicken salad. Taco salad. Cobb salad. Yeah, I know. Salad is something of a meme for the conspicuously non-FitGlibbing. How about a ribeye and asparagus? That’s got volume, fat, and protein too. Where’s your God now, trolls? ALaTW happens to love salad, and probably eats five a week when not dieting, so this wasn’t too hard for him.
You know what else has fat, protein, and volume? A protein shake fortified with healthy, nutritious heavy cream. Four fl oz of heavy cream, two scoops of protein, and a bunch of water was his lunch every day and it kept me full.
The astute reader might notice that.. Hm.. that sounds a lot like keto. Yeah, it is. There’s a reason it works. Lots of people on keto can eat on a deficit without trying. Those of us that still have to try find it easier while on keto. This is why.
Eat on a Schedule
Lots of people get in a routine, and their body adapts. They wake up two minutes before their alarm. Or they need to drop the kids off at the pool right before they leave for work.
Well, hunger works like that too. Eat breakfast at exactly the same time every day. Eat lunch at exactly the same time every day. Eat dinner at exactly the same time every day. Hell, ALaTW even ate the exact same things for breakfast and lunch every day. Four scrambled eggs for breakfast. Protein shake for lunch.
ALaTW’s body got on a schedule. It didn’t expect food outside of 6:30 AM, 11:30 AM, or 6:00 PM. So it never sent ALaTW hunger pangs unless he was late to a meal.
The astute reader might notice that.. Hm.. that sounds a lot like intermediate fastings. Yeah, it is. There’s a reason why it works. Lots of people on IF can eat on a deficit without trying. Those that still have to try find it easier while on IF. This is why. (ALaTW tried IF for a week by skipping breakfast. IF + 2,000 calorie deficit + an hour at the gym on no breakfast was like getting hit by a truck.)
You eat with your eyes first
Your hunger response is controlled by a very old, very primal signaling system in the brain. The best way to think about it is to think of it like a two year old. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead! I mean eating!
So when you eat, only let yourself see what you are ok eating. Make your plate in the kitchen. Then put away the leftovers, take your plate to the dining room, and eat. If you have to fight with your brain about having another scoop of food, you will lose. Instead, avoid the fight. Just like putting a toy away and distracting a two year old.
Bonus Week 4 Challenge
Cook a meal from scratch. Make it in the kitchen. Put a serving on your plate, put the left overs away, walk the plate to the dining room, and eat it there.
First! Can’t wait to re-read what I wrote and cringe at all my typos!
Easy to read. Well done. I didn’t even notice the typos, but I’m not on the spectrum like the rest of these freaks.
I like your GlibFit posts. Thank you for writing.
OT – enjoy your trip, SP!
Thanks, RAH! Next trip we are heading to your country estate.
Taco Time, FTW.
Thirded on the GlibFit posts and seconded on wishing SP and OMWC enjoy the trip.
Great post. Since you’re first, can you GIF yourself?
The nuns from CCD would *never* approve of a boy doing that to themselves.
Out of sight, out of mind, eh? Not ever having to worry about weight (I maxed out at 90kgs about 10 years ago) it is interesting to watch how people that have much better self discipline than myself struggle so much with weight.
I have a person theory that, the more ‘primal’ or basic something is, the more we should expect to see a natural variation in the population. These are the instincts driven by the older parts of the brain – what to eat, who to mate with, what a mating relationship should look like, how to protect your domicile. And I don’t think these are simple mendelian traits where people reflect their parents.
This is an extinction-protection. In a famine, the survivors are going to be the fatties – those that overeat in the good times. In war, the survivors are going to be the more lean that can exert themselves longer.
So a famine comes and kills off all the lean folks. So when the fatties reproduce, the tribe would be more robust if they produce both fatties and lean kids.
Now take this fatty / lean idea out of the bush and put them in the modern food environment. The lean kids will just not be terribly interested in eating more than the amount keeping them lean. Us fat kids, on the other hand, we aren’t adapted to be surrounded by a basically unlimited amount of delicious, cheap calories. The signal that said “go hog wild” in the bush, causing us to retain ~30 extra lbs there, makes us go bonkers, putting on an extra 200 lbs. I did it without eating much junk food, too. I love ‘good’ or ‘healthy’ food. Like I said, I like salad. I prefer whole wheat pasta to white pasta. I don’t care for sweets at all. But I could, and have, crushed a bag of Wavy Lays or a 24 oz ribeye without batting an eye.
Wavy Lays are potato chips, right? Those little f***ers are poison. Dried squid is my beer munchy snack. Seriously, good stuff.
I may have mentioned this, but it’s along the lines of avoiding seeing extra food, kind of.
During my 60 day Vegan Immersion, I’ve found that avoiding wanting to buy stuff I “shouldn’t” eat is much easier if I just avoid the grocery store. I’ve been mostly ordering my groceries and having everything delivered. Much easier to stick to my list if I’m not bombarded with the sight of all the items I’m trying to not eat.
Pick up/delivery is going to kill the impulse purchase aisle.
Progress update –
I’d been at 2800 cal a day for a little over two months, and felt good enough last Monday to go down to 2300 for 2 weeks. That worked out ok. For most of the week I was able to work out every day and work long hours every day (been busy). By Saturday, I was feeling really worn out again. Probably because I was just working / working out a lot, but decided that I wasn’t going to push it. Spent the last week at 2800 calories. So effectively 1 week with a small deficit, one week with a bigger deficit.
Lost about 9 lbs over two weeks doing this. Which is pretty great. If I can lose anything close to that *without* feeling the effects of metabolic adaptation (aka feeling like shit, no energy, retarded weight loss) you can sign me right the fuck up.
So I’m planning on making 1 week cycles instead of the original 2 week cycles. We’ll see how that goes.
That’s terrific!
Again, data tracking FTW.
? or ?? depending on your hue.
I’m mostly a Mediterranean mutt. Do the magic eye thing and make them superimposed over each other and it’ll look about right.
*does magic eye thing*
Look, it’s a sailboat!
Nice work, Leap!
As much as I hate going to work, it is so much easier to stick to an eating schedule on work days. I basically bring the same snacks every day, and I have a mug on my desk that reminds me to drink something – coffee, tea, or water. On weekends I end up forgetting to eat and forgetting to drink enough water. Being home with a wife and kids makes it really hard to stay on a schedule.
Oddly, I usually eat just one or two meals on weekends without getting hungry – that is no growling stomach. I will however get a killer headache, then realize I hadn’t eaten. Can’t do that during the week. I must have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Me too. On weekends I get busy, then all of a sudden realize I feel like shit because the only thing I had to drink all day was one cup of coffee.
I can go without food, but only one cup of coffee is a no go.
In your profession, don’t you just hook up a caffeine drip?
Lol. I wish.
When your stomach senses fat, protein, and volume, it releases a hormone that tells your brain it got a bunch of calories.
Also, eat slowly. That signal that you are sated lags. If you aren’t taking at least 20 minutes to eat a meal, you will probably overeat, and still be prone to wanting a snack before long, because the satiety signal was never properly sent.
Another trick, which is easy to do. Eat your favorite thing first. That way, when you are sated toward the end of your leisurely meal, you aren’t tempted to keep eating because your favorite is still on the plate.
ALaTW’s body got on a schedule.
A good start, but you also need to let your body tell you what schedule it wants. For some people, its five smaller meals over the course of the day. For other people, its really two meals a day. There are a few people who only want/need one meal a day.
I was on the classic three meal a day schedule out of pure habit. When I started really paying attention to whether I was hungry, I discovered that I don’t actually need/want breakfast. My natural schedule is coffee in the morning, lunch around 11:30, and dinner around 6:00 or so. Since I broke my old habit and let my body tell me what it wanted for its new habit, I’ve probably lost (and kept off) 20 pounds. This was also when I started trying to eat more slowly (still a struggle).
Nice article however this is worth further discussion:
“Ladies, ask me about another organ I have that can grow on command”
On command? What kind of command? You yell the word “DEFENESTRATE” and it becomes erect?
Don’t be silly. I yell “By the power of Greyskull…. I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRR.”
Also, I’d venture to say that anorexia is when this system gets inverted and someone starts deriving the pleasure usually associated with eating from feeling hungry.
Furthermore, check this guy out:
David Hogg is a vampire?
Nice write up. I’m excited to see how you do with IF & Keto over time. GlibFit question: I do rowing, pull ups and stronglifts, do I need a separate ab workout or is that covered in what I’m already doing? If I need an ab workout, which is most effective?
You should be hitting your abs pretty well doing all that. If you really want to add in some abs, I’d recommend Roman Chair or planks. Crunches are useless.
If you’re doing compound lifting (clean and press, dead lifts, things like that), then all your “core” muscles have to work to keep you upright and steady. I like to add some ab work, but it doesn’t have to be an entire workout.
I don’t do clean & press but I do deadlifts, squats, overhead press. Thanks Kevin & Q.
Rowing and pullups are already doing ab and back stuff for you, too, unless you’re isolating your arms and shoulders.
Try roll-outs and suitcase deadlifts.
They have a “bar at the gym which is like a circle that you stand in the middle with weights on each side. Is that suit case deadlifts?
Nope. Just use a barbell.
Here’s a video.
I love them. Great for the obliques and grip. Harder than they look.
That looks intimidating.
Are you keeping your abs/core tight when you’re rowing/pull ups/etc? If so, then I’d say you don’t really need an ab-specific workout. If you really, really want to… I vote for “arch” and “hollow” exercises. They’re CrossFitty but effective.
Ohh, arch & hollow. I’m intrigued.
When you do your rowing, do you feel like your abdominals are being activated? That, plus proper bracing while doing squats / deads should be sufficient if you don’t feel like you have a particular weakness there. That said, no one ever died from a few planks or roll-outs (v1, v2, v3) a few times a week.
I don’t really feel anything in my abs. I keep my back straight when rowing.
That’s using your abs; here’s a pretty cool illustration of what muscle’s you’re using during which phase:
ISTR that, if done properly, rowing fires something like 87% of your muscles.
Pretty cool. Looks like I’m using correct form, I just don’t ever feel sore/fatigue in my abs. Now quads, that’s a different story when I push hard.
That said, no one ever died from a few planks or roll-outs (v1, v2, v3) a few times a week.
There’s a first time for everything.
Mrs. Dean got me going on the new rowing machine this week. It turns out that my natural laziness gives me a very efficient stroke, which is good form. First time on the rower, and she said I had better form than nearly everyone at her gym. She’s a rowing instructor, so she knows of which she speaks.
I’ve hit it every day before leaving for work, except yesterday. My main thing right now is to make it a habit. I’ve been doing a 5 x 500 meter set, with a minute rest between rows. I feel it, a little during the day, and its pretty much all over – legs, arms, back, a little in the abs. Next week I think I might try 3 x 1000 meters.
I started with the 500m/ 1 minute rest and added on 500 each week until I got to 5K for a workout. Now I’m mixing 5K without breaks and 5K interval workouts. I like it better than any other cardio I’ve ever done.
I never really did intervals on my rower, just straight endurance 5k – 10k rows. I should mix it up once my elbow is better and I’m back on it.
I don’t know if it really makes a difference, I just like a little variety. Now I’m trying to shave 5 seconds off my interval each workout and increase my pace for endurance 5K.
Plank and V2 are the same. SEE! I READ LINKS!
You don’t win friends with salad.
Is that my problem?
*reconsiders lunch of spinach salad and salmon*
OT: With Bourdain and Spades suicides, the latest rumor / conspiracy out of the Chans is that Trump is about to unleash a wave of arrests taking down rings of pedophiles, ala Pizzagate finally seeing a reckoning.
The conspiracy goes something like this:
MilIntel discovered that a huge chunk of politicians and elites were actively involved in pedophilia and ruining the country. They’d even go so far as to force new national elected officials to commit heinous acts in order to be able to control them (live boys, dead girls, etc). But not to worry, the MilIntel guys had an ace up their sleeve.
They began courting Donnie Two Scoops from Brooklyn to be our savior. He didn’t believe them at first, after all, he’s a womanizer and a poon hound. So they encouraged him to call his buddy Epstein and take a ride on the Lolita Express.
Donnie did. (There are records indicating that Trump did in fact take a trip on Epstein’s private jet to his private island) Only despite his wanting to grab -all- the pussy that apparently doesn’t include kiddy diddling. He was appalled.
On his return he kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago and decided to run for President to fix this travesty. He’s having results as arrests for pedophilia are up by an order of magnitude.
Most of his policy mistakes or seeming distraction are him setting up to take down the pedo satanist conspiracy at the heart of the leftist globalists and their controlled opposition cuckservatives. Now it is time to really drop the hammer, up to and including Guantanamo to hold these people.
It’s a helluva story
That’s a lot of drugs someone is taking.
Yeah. Anthony would be proud.
Is this one of your customers after having a bit too much of the product?
Our stuff isn’t sufficiently adulterated to produce this kind of fever dream, I don’t think.
To be a dopeman boy you must qualify
Don’t get high on your own supply
Like many such theories, its entertaining as hell and has the makings of a good novel/movie/TV series.
Yeah, I think that novel already exists. Or if it doesnt, it should.
That is my primary interest in all this. It has joined the “OJ was framed for murder to keep the hoax moon landing secret” conspiracy at the top of my list for entertainment value.
There are pedos in power positions. Trump probably isn’t a pedo. Trump now has power. Who knows?
If this were Belgium, I might believe it give the whole Dutroux thing.
10 years ago I went back to visit family in the states. Stayed at my obese sister’s house one night. I came downstairs in the morning and she had breakfast ready: Stack of five large pancakes with butter and syrup, 3 or 4 sausage links, toast with jam and a tall glass of Pepsi. My wife asks for a plate because she thought it was a buffet for all 4 of us. “Nope, that’s alll yours. Itadakimasu!” Kudos to her. She managed to eat everything, but was looking mighty rough by the end.
What kind of disgusting monster drinks Pepsi?
What kind of disgusting monster drinks carbonated beverages period?
We’ve already had this discussion.
Beer, Sparkling Wine, Sparkling Mead (yes it exists), and Cider all need bubbles to be right.
Pepsi at breakfast?
I’m with Warty on this. Pepsi is nasty.
Mountain Dew is for breakfast.
That’s probably what killed Bourdain.
I was born a few months before Bourdain. So I have already out lived him regardless of my addition to Dew.
Oops, got that wrong, Bourdain was 9-ish months older than me. So I guess my time expires next spring.
Why straff would consider Pepsi nasty
Dr. Pepper or GTFO. Even has “doctor” in the name!
Gah, they changed the formula a few years ago. That stuff is nasty now.
And Diet Dr Pepper is the absolute worst soda concoction on Earth except for that cola I had in East Germany in 1988.
She managed to eat everything, but was looking mighty rough by the end.
That morning, she ate for Japan. /salutes
My turn around point for my run today. Time tohead home. https://twitter.com/egould310/status/1005130290807754752?s=21
Skynet HQ?
You are really good at this.
My update is boring. Great gym week, great walking week, ok food week. We had a big bash for Spawn 1 last weekend and a bunch of other social events, so I am definitely NOT in ketosis! Even when I’m not strict, though, the fact that 90% of my food is right at least minimizes the damage!
Last week I guessed I was at 209, actually was 210.
This week I guess 208. I feel lighter.
Unusually large bowel movement this morning?
Mostly I forgot to eat my 6th meal yesterday.
I’ll try to say this without getting too disgustingly graphic – my weight’s been up and down my entire life. I like to eat. I really, really like to eat. Growing up in a house that was big into pasta and rice dishes didn’t help. I’ve lost 70 pounds once and 80 pounds another time. Kept it off for years, too (didn’t have any choice when I was in the Marines), but each time I eventually ended up fatter than before. What I’m running into now, I’m not sure how to overcome. When I’ve dropped weight and kept it off in the past, I did exactly what you describe in this post – lots and lots of salads, steamed vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and lean protein – used to eat eggs and tuna by the bushel. The last few years, however, my digestive system has turned on me. Salads fuck up my intestines, to put it bluntly. Eating salads turns me into a dysentery patient. This has been going on for years now so it doesn’t seem likely to just go away. When I try to control what I eat without large volumes of vegetables, I am hungry all the damned time, and I simply can’t stay with it for any length of time.
FODMAPS, maybe?
Meaning, maybe FODMAPS are fucking you up. Also, what Scruffy said.
Keto, under supervision.
You will feel full, you will lose weight
You’ve got to train your system to burn fats instead of carbs. After a few weeks, your craving for carbs will actually disappear, it’s pretty dramatic.
A warning about keto though, you must eat sufficient amounts of fat. If you do not, you will start to burn proteins and that is not good for your body.
It takes some discipline and I recommend finding a good nutritionist to help guide you thru it so that you are successful.
This might be worth a read for those wanting to start:
The Keto Reset Diet
I bought it when it came out. Interesting science and a good framework to get going.
The “lean protein” line above did jump out at me; don’t do that to yourself, eat some delicious fatty ribeyes. And bacon. They will satiate you.
Truth, I hate lean cuts anymore.
fat == flavor
There’s plenty of recipes for “fat bombs” for people starting out on keto to try to optimize adapting to burn fat. I know it helped me when I first started.
Gut flora. Start eating more skinny people ass.
I… uh… I mean, I guess it’s just good science…
This message brought to you by the Ass to Mouth Society
Riven, Managing Director.
Or this^
OT clinical update:
Fecal transplant is proving out to be the best treatment for C. Diff (a brutal fungal infection that causes you to shit every fifteen minutes for weeks on end, and unsurprisingly is often fatal). We actually have a fecal donation program here at the hospital which involves, basically, shitting into a cup.
C. Diff is incredibly hard to kill, which makes preventing infection very difficult. How hard to kill? To test for it, the lab first “washes” the fecal sample in alcohol to kill everything else, and then sees if it cultures a C. Diff infection. Hand alcohol sanitizers are useless, and staff has to put on a moonsuit when going into a C. Diff patient room.
Yikes, that’s hardcore.
I’ve seen some of the transplants. It’s not as gross as it sounds. Standard EGD and deposit a pill. Easy peasy.
The donation program needs to be administered by two girls.
My wife has IBS, and I’m not an expert, but this is what I understand:
* IBS is very properly a syndrome. That means its a collection of symptoms, but we don’t know the underlying disease.
* Given the collections of symptoms found, there are likely at least 2 very different underlying mechanisms at play. Probably more.
* Some people seem to respond to the elimination of the FODMAPs. If you haven’t, it may be worth trying to eliminate them for 2 or 3 weeks and see what happens.
* Some people probably have inflamed tissue in their colon / intestines. Keto diets switch you to using ketone bodies for energy. One of those ketone bodies is beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). While I don’t know if any direct research has been done to study antiinflamation on the digestive track from BHB, it is well known to be antiinflamitory for the brain, which is why keto dies are used to treat some epileptic patients. Therefore, it may be worth trying keto for 2 or 3 weeks
**This will likely be very hard for you. Ketogenesis takes 3 to 7 days from the start of diet change for most people. In those 3 to 7 days, you won’t have the antiinflamitory bodies but may be loading up on leafy greens and other things that cause you problems.
*Or it just could be something else and you spent a month eating weird shit that didn’t help you out.
If you are still having trouble with hunger, I would really recommend you get that book I linked to – The Hungry Brain. There are a lot of other nuggets you might be able to mine to help you out.
Oh, and try adding a protein shake with a lot of water in it to your diet. Drinking a large amount of water with food can make you hungry. But a protein shake with a water, that is all liquid, seems to keep me full and my wife full. If you tolerate dairy, a few ounces of whole milk may help. If not, some vegetable or nut oil mixed in may help.
I have replaced dairy milk with almond milk as a result of my diabetes.
Some of the recommendations sound like Seth Roberts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shangri-La_Diet.
Isn’t the ass-eating (or poop transplant, I guess, if you’re boring) supposed to be helpful for IBS too?
Eating salads turns me into a dysentery patient.
Yeah, could be FODMAPS, or you could be like me — I have a properly-diagnosed case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), “-D” variant (IBS-D, for, you guessed it, diarrhea).
I developed it after a rather nasty food-borne infection probably acquired on The Big Island of Hawai’i in the early Oughts. It’s dogged me ever since. It’s mostly under control with dietary changes (bad news if you wanna do keto — the secret’s soluble fiber, which you find in starches/carbs) as well as mini-doses of Imodium just prior to significant food intake. I’m one of the fortunate ones — there are people out there who have uncontrollable IBS-M (mixed symptoms), which basically makes them shut-ins for all practical purposes. You could also be like my eldest brother, who has a diagnosed case of diverticulitis, which is aggravated by raw veggies.
If I were you, I’d consider getting a diagnosis to help guide your food choices going forward. Sorry. You have my sympathy, believe me.
Uh, anything I should avoid? I’ll be there in a few weeks.
Honestly not sure. I *think* it was due to some Poha Berry jam I bought in a local store (artisanal-made, bleh), which I took home and then consumed — I’d fallen in love with the stuff at a hotel I’d stayed at earlier in the trip. It really is awesome, but as you can imagine, I have an emotional reaction to the idea of eating the stuff now that isn’t rational.
The other possibility is a buffet I went to on the last day of our trip — the only thing I consumed that my wife didn’t was some punch. When I got sick back home, we compared notes on what we ate during or immediately after the trip — the jam and that punch were the only things I had that she didn’t. ???
Thanks; my lack of sweet-tooth would keep me from those two things anyway. I plan to eat the hell out of some poké, but that’s just plain old parasites I’ll need to worry about 🙂
Cryptosporidium‘s endemic to the islands; if a person who likes the great outdoors there (and don’t they all?) manages to catch crypto from groundwater, and if their infection hasn’t subsided and they’re working food-service, they can contaminate food if they don’t practise good hygiene after the toilet.
Just one of the many (minor) risks you take while traveling.
As long as it doesn’t hit me while I’m on the plane home, I’ll deal with the (minor) risk. Hawaii health actually claims Cryptosporidiosis is present in Hawaii, but it is uncommon, so fingers crossed.
Salads fuck up my intestines, to put it bluntly. Eating salads turns me into a dysentery patient.
Seriously, I hope you’re able to figure it out.
I need to lose some weight, but thankfully not 70 or 80 pounds like a lot of people on my Mom’s side of the family did. I wore a 32″ waist in college 25 years ago, and now I’m up to 36″.
Does anyone notice anything strange in this paragraph from the NYT’s? Something that perhaps there should be more curiosity about? A certain name, perhaps?
I mean, it’s amazing how Podesta’s ties to the same shit aren’t being scrutinized, and then we get to find out he’s cooperating with Mueller. For those who don’t remember:
And then there’s that talk about Cohen selling influence based on his ties to Trump…
When you are charging Manafort and letting Podesta and others walk for the same god damn thing, how can you even keep up the pretense that this isn’t a politically motivated prosecution with trumped up bullshit charges? It’s doubtful that Manafort could even supply dirt on Trump – he can’t even really be turned into a useful witness against him. It’s just smearing Trump by a previous association.
prosecutors suggested they may have been aware that the nonprofit was really controlled by the Ukrainian government.
Which gives Podesta et al the necessary scienter for a criminal violation, if working under the direction of the Ukrainian government is a crime.
Progress report:
Goals: 1500 cal, 30g carbs, walk 20 minutes 5x/week.
Haven’t started walking yet. Need to get some tennis shoes.
Calories: Average 1198
Carbs: Average 17.6
Weight 181.6
Everything you said in the article is why this is working for my wife and me. I’m averaging about 90g of fat per day, which keeps me from grazing my way through the fridge after dinner. We only take the food we’re eating to the table, and we eat about the same time every day. I don’t necessarily feel full, but I’m not needing to eat.
Nice work.
You could try walking barefoot. When you scab over from all the cuts from broken glass and hypodermic needle sticks, just imagine how tough your feet will be!
Thanks. I’ll pass on barefoot walking. I’m not worried needles or broken glass, but we have oak trees in my neighborhood, and 20 minutes of walking on acorns and oak twigs would leave me looking like someone took a cane to my feet.
I used to wear these–up until the point I hit a rock on my arch. https://www.amazon.com/Vibram-Mens-KSO-Cross-Training/dp/B0108T2TT2
They work as advertised but do not do what the idiots that sued them did, and immediately run in them.
Those look cool. I may give them a try. How close is the size conversion they give?
I wore a size 43 or 44. The boots I am wearing right now are 10.5 Wide. There’s a bit of space in the toe pockets.
Thanks. I’ll look into them.
You can also look at some minimal shoes, like https://www.newbalance.com/pd/minimus-10v1-trail/MT10-V1.html?dwvar_MT10-V1_color=Dark%20Grey_with_Yellow#color=Dark%20Grey_with_Yellow
if you don’t care for the hobbit look.
Thanks, as well. Given that I haven’t bought anything but dress shoes in years, I’ll give all of these a look.
Do try them out first. I have a pair of Nike Free something or other for travel. I love the compactness & weight savings, but it definitely feels different and less supportive than a traditional shoe.
A tidbit on Bourdain:
For the past year, Bourdain had been dating Italian actress Asia Argento.
I suspect that how this plays into his suicide depends on where she falls on the hot/crazy matrix.
She’s pretty attractive and “Italian” and “actress”, so I’m guessing not drama-free.
She used to be attractive until she decided to recreate her dad’s filmography on her body.
She’s a #MeToo dame, so don’t say nothin bout her looks or your a rapist.
Yup. Those eyes are a warning.
I injured my shoulder, likely from overuse. I decided to stop boxing for the time being and thus haven’t been to the gym in about two weeks. Jesse, Warty and Riven pointed out that nearly every time I work out I was doing a push motion, and was overdeveloped on the front. It turns out this is a common injury and it made sense when I did the math. I’m probably throwing hundreds of punches each time.
So my solution was at first to deal with the soreness. I actually worked out a trade with a relative that does a lot of cannabis research. She cooked up some sort of cream containing CBD oil in her kitchen in exchange for some electrical work. While it smells like ass, it does work but it left my shoulder with a numb, hollow feeling.
The other part was something I assembled in my sons’ bedroom. My oldest got into Ninja Warrior about a year ago so I set up a rock wall in his room, and hung a couple cannonballs from the ceiling. I started using them for pull-ups and a couple other exercises, like inverted rows, since they are spaced about shoulder width (for me, not the boy) apart. It feels a lot better but I have to assume a lot of that is just from rest.
Maybe I’ll go again today.
Get the woman to massage your shoulders. I’ve found that a lot of times I can resolve annoying overuse injuries like this by just massaging the knots out of my muscles. Which hurts like hell, but so what.
And also do a lot of chinups for dem rear delts brah
Its a ball…I simply rotate my hands and pull.
I go to hand & stone and have this really masculine lady workout my knots. There is no mercy in her dojo.
Also learn how to do roller techniques on your own muscles. I recommend this guy:
I’ve been to his clinic when I lived in Calgary, and he’s the real deal. Also did some work for the Canadian Olympic team. His roller app’s worth checking out, too.
“Make your plate in the kitchen. Then put away the leftovers, take your plate to the dining room, and eat. ”
This is why I make one serving. If I eat the one serving, and I know there is only one serving, I’m fine, I feel full. If I know there is more, I want to eat it.
Our routine is pretty much this. Since I tend to eat everything I can reach, it is a good thing.
I thought the food you eat while cleaning up was the same as what you ate while cookig – calorie free.
Only if you consume a glass of wine while you’re cooking. Don’t you even science, bruh?
This morning in the wino trash in the parking lot behind the bus depot, I saw a discarded bottle of cooking sherry. Sad.
Official weight this morning: 213lbs. So I finally broke 214.
I wore a halter top the other evening that I bought in college. It’s a junior’s size 11/13, so basically a missus 12 but small on top (which, being a halter top that ties at the neck, just means skimpy). Which means my other halter top that’s a missus L (12/14) will fit. So glad to be back into those– I tried to wear them last summer, but I either couldn’t get them on at all (especially at the beginning of the summer) or they illustrated the point of “just because you can get it on, doesn’t mean you should wear it”.
I walked most days, added another book to the backpack yesterday so I’m up to hiking my property with a ~30lb pack (I need to weigh it one of these days to get an exact weight, especially since I don’t want to cross that 40lb threshold that starts risking injury even if you’re fit). I also did crunches (toe-reach variation) and pelvic thrusts (I think I’ve also heard them called half-bridges, since it’s like bridge but you only lift your lower body) at least once this week, and some random barbell exercises at least once.
I also got some berry picking in, although the last couple days after work I just wasn’t feeling it. But still, with all that walking around, squatting and bending to look around, and reaching (and kicking to get barren-but-extra-thorny primocanes out of the way of the berry-bearing floricanes), it’s a really good exercise. My yard work has been lightweight stuff, mostly just walking around the veggie bed checking on the plants, hauling over the water hose to water them, things like that.
I wore a halter top the other evening that I bought in college.
*recalls that comp is a chick*
Really, its the activity that’s important. I think the delta from sitting to doing light yardwork is at least equal to the delta from light yard work to a typical workout (caveat: not one of those crazed CrossFit workouts which Mrs. Dean so loves).
Diminishing returns.
The difference between nothing and something is critical for the average, middle-aged (or beyond) person.
The difference between something and something more is no as important.
Playing video games: 1 METsclearing light brush, thinning garden, moderate effort: 3.5 METsrunning, 4 mph (15 min/mile) : 6 METs
Yep. The delta from playing video games -> moderate yard work is the same as moderate yard work -> running at 4 MPH.
I burn a lot of calories playing this:
Definition of adventure: picking the black raspberries in our back yard and the trail behind the house while on blood thinners.
On the bright side, it’s a way to lose weight.
*fires revolvers into the air*
Congratulations. It’s feels good to break a barrier.
Wait, what’s this 40lb threshold for injury?
*thinks back to days of humping a ruck as an AG and how much that sob weighed*
Woohoo on breaking that obnoxious barrier you had hit! Congratulations!
And, yes, I wish more people would abide by the “just because you can wear it…” point.
And, yes, I wish more people would abide by the “just because you can wear it…” point.-
*runs off sobbing*
No, no, I didn’t mean YOU! I meant “those people.”
I was going to make a joke about this attitude ruining the market for cosplay costumes. Then I realized I’m old, culture moved on, and cosplay is done by hot chicks now.
Now i’m sad.
I could start a whole list of related laments:
– video games are played by hot chicks now
– board games are played by hot chicks now
i.e., every thing from my childhood that marked me with the nerd badge of shame now has hot chicks involved.
I saw some rando woman wearing a Doctor Who sweatshirt at the grocery store today. I feel your pain.
Don’t get me started on Doctor Who being beloved by women now…
*tosses insanely long scarf over shoulder and sulks off*
I…still don’t get Dr who.
When I was young, it was this quirky British SciFi show you’d find on PBS; near-immortal hero science’s his way out of problems without violence (mostly), with Earthling sidekicks in tow.
The modern version quickly become unwatchable for me, due to all the social signalling.
That’s the beauty of being a history nerd – no chance that ever gets corrupted by girls and their cooties!
I beg for cooties every night.
Surely rail-fans are only lads, right? Right?
Y’all fitness nuts don’t blow your diets from the munchies when Trump signs the bill legalizing the Devil’s Weed:
If he means it this is good news.
That would almost guarantee re-election I would think. Decrease crime, increase economic activity, maybe get more black votes since they seem to be targeted for minor drug crimes. I’m not holding my breath though.
He’d be reelected for sure if he did this, barring an economic downturn of 1927ish proportions.
you mean 1929
That one too.
I’m not sure how this would play in moving black votes to Trump. A lot of black community leaders are hardcore drug warriors; they conflate the damage done to their communities by the WoD with the damage done by drugs themselves.
The black leaders would be pissed because they need a villain, but your average black voter that has been hassled or had a family member arrested might feel different.
When trolling goes right.
The comments are predictably hilarious and unhinged.
I can’t follow that comment format. I gave up before even getting a taste of the derp.
Similar reaction today from the progs when Trump asked the NFL players to send him some names of people to pardon.
If he gets even 75% of the black vote along with all the people who voted for him in 2016, he would have a Reagan level landslide.
I could also see that as just vagary depending on what the actual question was. I mean, if the question was just “Do support Republican Senator Gardner’s bill?”, I think he would give that same answer without knowing what bill they were talking about.
Wow, Trump’s presidency is really turning into a welcome surprise. All this winning – and best of all…no Hillary!
I usually don’t participate in these threads because I don’t have any specific goals or programs. But I have been able to lose 65 pounds the last two years. I chalk it up to pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs letting me do things I like to do again. I have so much more energy when my back and everything below my waist doesn’t hurt.
“I chalk it up to pain medication”
mmmm. alcohol.
All of my weight loss is in spite of all the beer I drink. If I quit drinking, or even cut back I might waste away.
Deplorable’s progress.
Last weekend I ran a mile race in Santa Barbara with my high school age son (he runs track & cross country). I was in the 50-59 age division, he’s in the 15-19 division. My goal was to beat my personal record of 7:42/mile – I killed it with a 6:51/mile. I’m very pleased with that, being 53. Of course, I still can’t run with him (those boys practice 6x/week at 5 to 8 miles each, and their pace for that is in the sub 6’s). Me? I try to run 3-4x week at a 8:30/pace for 3.5/mi. My weight at 163lb is pretty good for, but 155lb would be awesome, but I think I’d have to give up my evening martini & wine to get that, so it probably won’t happen 🙂
See, folks, this is how you humblebrag.
A tale of international diplomacy – and how so much of it is just pandering to domestic audiences that are wildly ignorant of what is actually being debated
1) Macron wheezing that the world will join together against the awful forces of protectionist Trump
2) knowing that absolutely no one who reads that tweet actually READS THE FUCKING NEWSPAPER, and recalls that Macron is the most protectionist leader in Europe
this is that same Macron who preens about being a member of an open economic market, yet passes laws barring *specific groups of people from competing w/ french labor* and proposes laws barring outside investment into French real-estate or French business, specifically by china, who has ramped up EU FDI in the last 2 years
Weren’t they dumping Spanish/Portuguese wine down the sewer just last year?
I resent being called “the sewer,” although it probably was one of my nicknames back in Uni.
No weight gain or loss since last week. I’ve adjusted my routine a little because of my second hydrostatic weighing. Overall, I lost 2.7 pounds a week for 9.6 weeks. My goal was 2 pounds a week, but I didn’t actually do anything to slow my loss until I saw that about a third of my loss was calculated as lean muscle mass.
I’m still happy with both my weight loss and my performance. I just want to see if I can lose a smaller percentage of muscle for my third weighing. As such, I’m no longer fasting before my Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning exercises. I may have overcompensated, but I’ve got plenty of time, so I’ll continue doing more or less what I’ve done this last week and see if I resume losing weight or if I stagnate.
The upside is I have a lot more energy (and consequentially perform better) in the exercises where I’m adding calories before and during the exercise. That’s not surprising and my plan had been to add calories back after I hit my goal percentage body fat (7.3%); I’m just experimenting with adding it in while I’m still trying to lose weight.
my goal percentage body fat (7.3%)
If I were to ever say that was my body fat percentage, it would be because I left off a digit.
So, “07.3%”?
Just remove the decimal point.
Question for the rowing machine crowd:
Do any of you watch TV while rowing? If so, any issues with motion sickness?
I’m looking at purchasing a machine and concerned the motion will be problematic.
Usually, yes – ISTR a Game of Thrones episode is about 8K long 😀
Or I’ll watch sports.
No problem with motion sickness – I think i’d only be an issue if you were setup very close to the TV and had to adjust your head to keep seeing the screen during your stroke (which would have to be very close indeed).
I’ll recommend some wireless headphones for the TV if you care about the dialog at all – even my Waterrower is too loud to hear well.
Thanks. I find exercise incredibly boring and only tolerable watching something – my treadmill is loud so I generally select something I’ve seen before (GOT is a great idea). I’m also one of those people who needs Bonine for every train, boat, plane ride.
re: headphones – I’ve got these Sennheiser wireless headphones hooked to the TV and they work well during rowing.
I have a similar set that I use every night after Mrs. Dean goes to bed, and I curl up with a bottle of tequila and some trashy TV. Pretty much the American Dream, amirite?
Oh, they’re not _just_ for rowing. Swap Tito’s for tequila and we’re on the same page.
I usually watch the power rack while rowing to evaluate people’s squat technique. I have odd hobbies.
All the silent judging burns extra calories.
I hate rowing machines, and I can barely row, but I do like to judge the technique of people using them. People who don’t throw the arms out quick enough in the recovery and so have to lift their hands to clear their knees.
That’s a pretty common mistake.
I find the way a lot of other people row to be inexplicable. Its a nice, natural motion. WTF is all that flailing around for?
Caveat: this may be the only physical activity other than walking that comes naturally to me. I literally sat down on a rower for the first time, grabbed the handle, and started rowing with good form. The only critique was to relax my shoulders a little, not grab the handle so hard, and not take my elbows past my knees at the catch.
So far, I have to concentrate pretty closely to keep a consistent stroke rate and decent splits. I’m really just trying to make it a habit to row every day and get good form ingrained without picking up bad habits. It helps that my workouts so far are pretty short – 15 or so minutes on the machine. Eventually it may be hardwired enough that I could have something other than music on, but not yet.
Our gym in Chicago had the rower you recommended and I tested over the weekend – very nice. I’m considering Model E to spare my knees and for easier on/off.
Wow. That was enlightening. Interesting.
Cook a meal from scratch. Make it in the kitchen. Put a serving on your plate, put the left overs away, walk the plate to the dining room, and eat it there.
I just made scrambled eggs with cream cheese and salmon and ate it out of the pan, while standing at the kitchen sink. I fail.
I love this article. I have a completely new respect for ultras. No one fucking told me there was booze and drugs!!
When someone runs a marathon for the first time, it is not uncommon for that race to be that runner’s first time running that long.
How about the runner’s first race ever? 1995 Twin Cities Marathon. My first and only marathon. My first organized race, ever. I was in a bagillion races over the next 20 years, but 25K was the longest I ever did.
I admire you crazy fuckers.
Fuck. Wrong tab.
Hey, it’s not really off topic! How fortuitous is that?
The longest I ever ran was 13 miles. It was in Iraq and I was bored. Last damned time I ever did that. I was fine through about mile 10. After that, my body was screaming “STOP!” at me. I was in pretty good shape at that time, too, ran about a 22 minute 3 mile.
My weight went up again (286). Oh well. I expected that.
I indulged at the company outing. Lots of beer and ice cream. It was good ice cream.