When last we checked in the mailbag, we had received quite a variety of spam messages. That hasn’t changed, but the messages themselves have.
TURN $1 INTO $5, $10 … EVEN $50 ALL DAY LONG
Free Video Shows How To Make 5-50X ROI
In The Untapped Crypto Market With
Yes, I’ll get right on this.
Casi te nos escapas. Estamos a punto de poner en marcha nuestra página de alquiler de apartamentos [REDACTED]
Estamos aquí para facilitarte la vida, nosotros no cobramos comisión a los propietarios y puedes añadir las propiedades que quieras sin coste ninguno.
Tenemos mas de 5 millones de clientes por todo el mundo. ¡Apúntate ya! En unos días empezamos…
I’m blaming Mexican Sharpshooter’s links for this one.
Best Link Building Software For SEO
Designed to publishing your content and backlinks to thousands of websites.
Read More: [REDACTED]
No, I do NOT want more trolls to come over here and create more work for me.
I loved your site (glibertarians.com) and would like to contribute a well written article that your readers will love.Would you be keen for this?
Not that keen, no, Sam. But thanks for asking.
My name is Morgan, I’m the main writer at [REDACTED]. I’m currently on a mission on empowering individuals to make the most out of their physical health.
I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I recently published an in-depth post on the benefits of the Ketogenic Diet. While I was visiting your website, I noticed you had linked to another website on a similar topic. (see here: https://glibertarians.com/2017/03/fur-fridays-4/).
I believe my post is very comprehensive, actionable, and references trustworthy sources.
You can review it here: [REDACTED]
Feel free to add it in your website as well!
I think your audience would also find it valuable. In return for referencing our post on your site, we can share your page with our huge social media following.
Let me know if that sound like something you’d be interested in. Either way, keep up the great work!
I’m wondering if the post xe references even mentions keto diets, it might, but I don’t care enough to look.
Hey there!
I noticed you have glibertarians.org. Are you intrested in glibertarian.com? If so please let me know and I will send you more information about the sale. If not, sorry to bother you and we wish you a nice day!
Daniel Leach
Hey there!
Do you have any interest in glibertarian.com? It will be on sale soon, you can leave an offer by replying to this email. If not, have a nice day!
Sarah King
Many people think we might be interested in being just a lonely Glib and not a community of lonely Glibs.
But this is the one that really made me LOL (as if anyone is getting paid around here!):
Paychex, the number one leading business payroll service for years providing the best service for small, medium and large businesses in the united states.Benefits of using Paychex
Top Payroll service company in the US
Used by 600,000 businesses in the US
Free 2 month of payroll service
No contracts, cancel anytime
For over 12 years, the preferred payroll provider for CPA.com
Find out how your business can benefit from using Paychex payroll service
Claim 2 months free here: [REDACTED]
The interesting thing, to me, is that these and the dozens of others we receive every day are being sent by actual humans who are presumably being paid a fraction of a cent to fill out an online form, solve the CAPTCHAs, and submit.
My life could be worse.
Mmmm….Spam…Salty Spam…
What? No emails from Nigerian princes with oil wealth they will share if you help them launder it through your bank account or claims that they need your bank account info to deposit the millions you won from the Spanish lottery you never actually bought a ticket to?
Damn it. We missed a chance to be joined by hundreds of keto fanatics!
Now we’ll never know if they’re all comprehensive, actionable, and trustworthy.
Maybe we should have let them in…Hi Ketofolk…meet your new friend STEVE SMITH.
Now that is a movie I would watch if Hollywood made it…
Wait until the Crossfit fanatics show up.
I’m run the ‘hostmaster’ account for several hundred domains – some of the e-mails that slip through the filters are quite humorous; some people are _really_ confused about our ability to have things removed from Google searches.
There ought to be a law
Very unlibertarian to oppose geting payd. Very libertarian to oppose paying though
At least your spam didn’t cause oral injuries.
You know what’s been getting through the filters for me? Some damn good Apple forgeries. “Your account is being disabled” from not a garbage email address. If I had Apple Pay set up, I might have actually logged in (not from the email link) and checked.
AM I the only one who thinks these posts should end with the Monty python spam song
Minnesota, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and the squirrels are above average:
Fuck, racoon not squirrel
I love the Saints. They never take themselves seriously and the owner is hilarious.
But raccoons suck. They’re filthy, destructive assholes. I was cheering for the little fucker to fall.
Yeah, these were all American animals and had a certain cute uniqueness to them when I was younger. Now I own a house, I’m adopting the “cleanse them all” attitude.
We need a raccoon pogrom.
Yes – I was going to comment that city-folk who don’t interact with these kinds of pests hold them in much higher regard.
You know, for people who claim to love Gaia so much, they sure don’t seem to know much about her…
Actually they think they know a ton, but what they know came from Disney movies…
Familiarity breeds contempt?
But, Tundra, they’ve read the best articles from the best SCIENTISTS!
We live just 9 miles outside of NYC, and they are all over the place. The little fuckers like to get into my garden and eat my tomatoes. And by “eat” I mean they pluck a tomato, take a bite, toss it on the ground, pluck a tomato, take a bite, toss it on the ground, repeat. And they’re smart enough to do their work late at night when the dogs won’t be coming outside.
Count the damn squirrels in on that, too.
Definitely. I have a macadamia nut tree in my front yard that the squirrels treat as their personal buffet. I have yet to eat a single macadamia off the tree.
Good grief. It’s a critter. A critter with opposable thumbs and a large brain. Life is hard out there poking around in creeks and under stumps for enough to eat. If it was you wouldn’t you take advantage of dumb hominids that pile a smorgasbord outside their dwellings and leave it unguarded?
Cut the trash panda a little slack.
I said the same thing to the judge when he got all hot and bothered about my child support check bouncing.
OK, I need a new monitor after I spewed on mine at work laughing so hard…
It’s a damned raccoon, why is it in the news?
Little bastards get into stuff and tear it all to shreds. Not to mention they’re rabies carriers.
My cousin and her husband, ethical vegans, had a mother raccoon get into their attic, give birth, shit and piss all over, tear up everything and finally die in the soffit.
They will happily see any and all raccoons put to death.
But not for food.
They get into my construction equipment on a fairly regular basis when they’re not infiltrating the building. I’ve executed my share over the years.
Hmm, so Fox News is reporting that the IG report contains the little nugget that one of the top FBI men tweeted to his girlfriend during the 2016 campaign, “we’ll stop Trump.”
Nothing to see there. I mean it’s not like he was one of those in charge of investigating Trump or anything.
They leaked her post to him which in itself was damning, but never leaked this post, which basically all but confirms this whole thing was staged from the start to steal the election for Clinton. And these are the same people that investigated the Clinton server criminal behavior and felt she shouldn’t go to jail for something that anyone else would be doing 20 years for.
But yeah, Russia!
I haven’t looked at the news. Out sweating in the sweltering heat.
One of the top men? Which one?
Peter Strozk, #2 in the counterintelligence division & led the investigation into Russia collusion charges.
The problem today is that no one trusts the institutions in this country. We’ll show them.
Must be why Hot Rod threatened the congressional oversight committee when they told him he had to produce the base evidence because the DOJ had been caught lying & redacting critical information to this investigation, too often…
I desperately want this to result in heads rolling, a purge of federal law enforcement agencies, a permanent stain on the reputation of the Obama presidency equal to or greater than that of Nixon, and a healthy suspicion of government that lasts generations. What’s really going to happen is that most people have already made theirs minds up about Trump one way or the other, and this is going to largely be ignored.
Something to listen to as the results roll in.
But apparently the report also says Comey’s antics were “not politically motivated”, which should give the Dems and their media allies enough wiggle room to proclaim it a nothingburger.
In Comey’s case they probably weren’t politically motivated they were much more motivated by his desire to cover his own ass and hold on to power as long as possible
Sounds about right.
For a timeshare ad? C’mon, you should see my Google Ads. Think NRA in Español.
Yeah, there you go.
So the ATF?
these and the dozens of others we receive every day are being sent by actual humans who are presumably being paid a fraction of a cent to fill out an online form, solve the CAPTCHAs, and submit.
You don’t choose gig life, gig life choose you.
Hi, SP!
SP, I never thanked you for offering to officiate my wedding a few weeks ago, after my GTI met its unfortunate end a week before we were supposed to drive it to CO for the wedding.
So thank you! Fortunately, the insurance payout was delayed but not excessively so, and we were able to sell Mrs. RegicidalManiac’s disintegrating RAV4 and acquire a new car to drive all the hell out to CO for our wedding, which went very well (except for the shuttle for our guests getting stuck for an hour going down the mountain, blocking traffic in both directions). Even though we didn’t have to take you up on the offer, you’re welcome to come visit us in Madison, and I’ll happily get you that champagne. I have to figure that’s the bare minimum I owe you for setting up this site and putting up with all these reprobates (myself included).
Where in CO did you get married?
Sunrise Amphitheatre, which is a little west of Boulder, partway up Flagstaff. Lovely venue. Can’t wait to get the pictures in a week or so.
Glad to hear your are married.. ass all the married guys on this site will attest: why should you be happy?
Is it Popehat who asks people like Sam (above) to write articles about ponies?
Yep – https://www.popehat.com/tag/ponies/
Nothing recent, though.
Trump returns salute of North Korean general at summit.
“…an extraordinary display of respect from a US president to a top officer of a hostile regime.”
How undignified.
And… exactly. Members of the military salute foreign officers all the time. I’ve saluted Saudis, Brits, and probably others I’ve forgotten.
As a civilian, I’ve only saluted one specific group.
I thought that would be a Q-related link…
Nah. I ventured onto his turf yesterday.
Me Too. My hopes were dashed.
Well played Tundra. And that’s a salute I’m glad to give.
Russia kick the crap out of the Saudi’s – MBS didn’t look happy in the box with Putin giving high fives.
Spain – Portugal early AM tomorrow, so breakfast with Ronaldo.
I love World Cup.
My wife is trying to find a Peruvian restaurant that is showing Peru v. Denmark. She gets really excited for WC.
The 4th goal was impressive. The others make me question how SA qualified. Or why Asia has so many bids.
TOS today – just wow.
which article specifically, I perused the headlines but didn’t see anything really too out of the ordinary
Pretty TDSey.
In the Ron Bailey piece Ken Shultz is…being Ken Schultz.
Ken is still alive? I hadn’t seen his wall of text here in quite a while. I assumed something happened to him.
which article specifically, I perused the headlines but didn’t see anything really too out of the ordinary
which article specifically, I perused the headlines but didn’t see anything really too out of the ordinary
well link something don’t leave us hanging
TOS comments got so boring… I was reading the site for the comments as much as for the articled now it kinda lost it’s appeal. Then again I was just lurking there never commented
Tearing Babies from Their Mother’s Breasts Is Now Your Government at Work
Zero tolerance enforcement against illegal border crossings turns Wal-Marts into essentially jails for kids.
Brian Doherty|June 14, 2018 1:00 pm
The Trump Foreign Policy Doctrine? “I’m Trump, Bitch”
He celebrates his weak deal with North Korea while tearing up the Iran deal only because Obama signed it
Shikha Dalmia|June 14, 2018 12:10 pm
Trump’s Economic Ignorance on Tariffs
Another week, another bumbling trade declaration from the president.
Veronique de Rugy | June 14, 2018
Hey, Libertarians, Maybe Republicans Just Aren’t That Into You
June 12 was not a good day for free-market constitutionalism in the modern GOP.
Matt Welch|June 13, 2018 2:31 pm
(Because Mark Sanford lost)
America Needs to Declare Zero Tolerance for Trump’s Border Abuses
Ripping kids from migrant parents is both lawless and cruel.
Shikha Dalmia | June 13, 2018
Tearing Babies from Their Mother’s Breasts Is Now Your Government at Work – I am sort of ambivalent on this one…
Trump’s Economic Ignorance on Tariffs – this is true. trump is shit on trade.
Hey, Libertarians, Maybe Republicans Just Aren’t That Into You – this is true
Shikha Dalmia is not worth discussing
I still think it’s hilarious that Trump woke up in a G-6 meeting and asked what they talking about. When the answer was “free trade”, he proposed getting rid of all tariffs – at that point Trudeau’s eyebrow fell off and all the Euro-weenines act like he’s crazy.
Pie nailed it.
Shikha is fucking pathetic
And speaking of pathetic, here’s Nick talking about hyperpoliticization – a perfectly good topic and a real problem, but he throws in this:
Right. Trump did that. Everything was peaches and cream before Trump, one big happy family.
Remember when Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote? Yeah, neither does Nick.
It’s official – Venezuela’s problem is that they never had real socialism in the first place
socialism is utopia. anything not utopia is not socialism.
Great way to keep butchering millions and putting billions under the yoke of misery inducing tyranny.
It was only real socialism up until it (predictably) failed horribly. Then it became state capitalism.
I wonder if the author was able to keep a straight face while he wrote that.
“You will see now! This time it will be done right and you will see it works!”
MSM, 2007
“That’s not real socialism! That is state capitalism!”
MSM, 2017
US and European imperialism and right-wing governments in Latin America have launched an hysterical campaign, denouncing the results as “not valid” and presenting themselves as champions of democracy.
Uh, wut?
socialism is utopia. anything not utopia is not socialism.
By George, I think he’s got it!
TOS today – just wow.
I read something by Tuccille which was pretty good (about new proposed ATF regs). That’s the first time I have checked in on them in months.
Well, the IG report is proving to be pretty much what I expected, but it’s interesting to see Trey Gowdy reversing himself from his previous vocal support of the FBI.
Any links to a decent review of it?
Not gonna bother wasting my time with Fox, or any of the mainstream leftwing media, I already know what they will be saying about it
Not really – I flipped through the actual report briefly and have seen comments people are making on twitter.
Best (or worst, depending on your perspective) part I’ve seen so far – Comey claimed that in 2016 he didn’t know Huma Abedin was married to Anthony Weiner.
i presume this was in the context of some excuse why he’d been sandbagging the whole “weiner laptop” aspect of the clinton investigation?
i can see him claiming, “he thought they’d separated” (they did, afaik, at times), but to deny knowledge of their relationship is…. simply incredible
Simply incredibly, and yet:
Sean Davis
According to the IG, Comey claimed that he didn’t know Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin were married when he was told about the 347,000 Clinton-related e-mails discovered on Weiner’s laptop in September 2016. https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download …
2:53 PM – Jun 14, 2018
In Comey’s defense, it does seem incredible that Anthony Weiner could find anyone willing to marry him.
Everybody knew Abedin was married to Fredo Corleone, come on!
Comey is a liar.
Basically, this thing is a)admitting that the FBI completely bungled the Hillary email investigation b)claims this was just incompetence rather than “bias” c)says Comey is a fucking idiot d)reveals a bunch of things that are pretty damning but then just kind of hand-waves them away in the conclusions.
The only people I think MIGHT go down for all this are perhaps Strzok and Page. The “We’ll stop Trump” message is damning enough on its own, but even more so since the DOJ/FBI redacted it from the original release of the Strzok/Page text messages.
which is itself more-damning than just letting that info come out.
it shows that they redact shit not because it has any significant nat.security or ‘ongoing investigation’ relevance, but simply because they redact anything they think “might look bad”.
iow, purely for PR reasons.
Exactly right. Now watch every major media outlet ignore that aspect.
I would wait for Andrew McCarthy’s (National Review) take on it. He has consistently had the best and most complete reporting on all of these shenanigans.
seconded on that. while he does take a partisan view of the matter, his legal analysis and knowledge of the bureaucracy is second to none, and even if you disagree w/ his politics, he often points out details/angles that other coverage completely overlooks.
I see the NYT set-up Comey with a special Op-Ed.
This is why we mist RESIST! Look how dangerous Trump has made life for Gays…
As fucked up as that story is, I have no doubt the mouth-foaming DU types will try to find a way to pin it on Trump.
That’s easy. Trump will be said to have fostered a homophobic atmosphere worldwide which instigated these attacks.
Don’t forget the Putin collusion angle
NY AG claims there is evidence of persistant lawbreaking involving the Trump Foundation (other Foundations named for Presidential Candidates apparently squeaky clean however)
So if there is all this evidence why is this a lawsuit and not an indictment?
I wonder if this guy would look at what the Clinton foundation has done and come to a completely opposite conclusion when there are just a few entities as corrupt as that foundation out there…
naked extortion
The patriarchy is at it again.
I’m going to guess that this correlates heavily to the usage of antidepressants in both populations.
The biggest problem with antidepressants is that sometimes you are depressed for entirely rational reasons that no drug is gonna help resolve
From the BBC,s unsurprising take on the issue:
No mention that white males in their middle age account for about 7 out of 10 suicides in the U.S., and that their preferred method is gunshot.
The US sucks blah blah blah gunz r bad blah blah we’ve gotta do something to be more like Europe etc. etc.
I’m beginning to think these articles are written by an ML algorithm.
I’m half tempted to try and write a Markov chain to try and prove that theory.
It sure sucks when you wake up and realize that your odds of having a relationship with anyone who isn’t a Drunk unemployed looser is approaching 0
10 per 100k must almost put them around the male rate.
The National Violent Death Reporting System doesn’t track that grouping specifically and I’m to lazy to do the math, but for people aged 45 to 54 the suicide rate is 2.8 men per every woman, and 55 to 64 it is 2.9 men to every woman, so no, not even close to the male rates.
They are men. Therefore they had it coming.
See how easy that is?
Interesting article.
NYT, so tread lightly.
This seems plausible to me.
I can easily buy getting PTSD from being responsible for remote drone strikes. Unfortunately the NYT lacks the self awareness to see their own role in continuing said drone strikes by covering for Obama as he ramped up the drone program
i wrote a long reply after reading that whole piece. (which got lost because i wasn’t logged in) Its a good piece. But its sort of a cheap, pathetic-appeal-driven way to suggest their opposition to drone campaigns… basically using PTSD victims as their bloody-flag, rather than just doing the fact-based analysis that argues that use of drones has lots of downsides which the public needs to be more aware of. and those downsides aren’t limited to drone-pilot fee-fees.