“Wait, isn’t Brett supposed to do afternoon links?”

“Yeah, where is he?”

“Did he say he was busy?”

“I think he’s in his wack-off room.”

“Shit, guess I’d better do some links, and fast, before the villagers get their pitchforks.”

Florida Woman, she never fails me.

It’s the Jews. it’s always the Jews.

Every once in a while, someone says, “Fuck you!” instead of groveling. I approve.

Wait, didn’t we go through this a few months ago? Oh, never mind, it’s fundraising season again.

Team Blue, please never, never change.

“Well, we’ve been entirely unable to demonstrate health hazards from second hand smoke? What are we going to do now?” “Hold my beer.”

Instead of Old Guy Music, because it’s that time of year, something with a baseball theme. Earl Weaver was the greatest manager in the history of the game and certainly the most fun. He had a weekly radio show in Baltimore called “Manager’s Corner,” and one episode of it went a bit differently than usual…