In the fine tradition of Cortes, Mexican Sharpshooter laid me low yesterday. His evil plot did not succeed- I am still alive- but I must admit that he winged me pretty good. Yes, it was the beer he sent me, the New Belgium Lips of Faith “Le Terroir”; after drinking it, I did not feel well, and ended up taking to my bed to detoxify my humors. Clearly, this is a beer that’s antisemitic. I’m also guessing that the name was a typo and that this was actually made with the extract from a Terrier.
In any case, I think I have expelled most of the poison, transferring my suffering to the porcelain, so I can at least drop some news items here for your amusement and commentary.
I’m stunned, STUNNED, shocked and surprised, that Trump flicks out brain lint with no real meaning and media freakouts ensue.
What does WaPo love the most? Yep, Rednecks In The Mist articles. What happens when you send their most rabid Obama-worshipper to an NRA convention? I think you know.
This does not appear to be Mueller’s week. I guess he needs to find friendlier judges.
And this is a truly fascinating article about a very intriguing prosecutor. If there’s any locals here, I’d love to know what people on the ground there really think of this guy.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder if we can start getting progs on board for the idea of taking the First Amendment seriously? Eh, it’s a dream, I know.
The Fresh Maker. I’m sure this was racism.
Why is this totally non-surprising? What got my attention was the added bit that simulates ejaculation. I keep thinking of the Shake Weight on South Park.
And finally, Old Guy Music. There’s something unique about this song, care to guess?
Katie is the Puritan Correspondent.
Someone explain to me how that is illegal and not just a diplomatic issue.
Will it finally put that scumbag Peter King in prison?
They were unwitting.
That has been my question about the whole “ohmagodtheRussians” thing from the start. Every country including the US meddles in elections. The US does it with gusto and will even overthrow a government every now and then. Politico spins it as most meddling was to help Trump, but these so called media messages were also promoting #Resist events and protests in front of Trump tower widely covered by the likes of CNN. Pettifoggery indeed. The whole thing is a joke.
It’s not even meddling at this point, but saying that everyone outside the US doesn’t have rights to talk about the election. Seriously, under their definition of “meddling”, Rufus, when his isn’t WORKING, is meddling by talking about what a shitheel Clinton is even though he’s Canadian. Half their case is about RT saying mean things even as NPR basically calls for war. They started with the premise that Russia “interfered” and are trying to force reality to fit that hole even as it doesn’t.
Yes, good point. I am using “meddling” as they do. I think, and I remember reading an article that the so called meddling really had zero effect on the election. That guy got shut up pretty quick though.
Rufus should, kindly, stay the hell out of American politics. Along with the rest of the Canadians around here.
manipulate “unwitting” American citizens
I.e. people who don’t vote their own interests (according to my definition of their own interests) or otherwise exhibit beliefs and behaviors that are just fucking wrong (as I and every other enlightened person know). /proggus-maximus
In all fairness, the cop thought he had a two liter of Coke under his jacket.
He pulled his gun for a person he thought was shoplifting? Holy fuck, that dude has no business carrying a firearm and he certainly shouldn’t be a cop.
It does kind of look like a gun
The commercial Mentos should have made. NSFW
You were warned
Why is this totally non-surprising?
Women are just as sex-obsessed as men.
O’Donnell told the paper that donating to anti-Trump candidates eases her anxiety.
Along with eating.
So, will she go to jail just like Dinesh D’Souza did? (OK, it wasn’t jail-jail, just a place he had to report in each night)
The only difference is that he knew what he was doing and used straw buyers. Rosie is too dumb to even know she broke the law. In our country today, that does seem to be a valid excuse for the ruling class. Wouldn’t work for me.
Gives new meaning to being on the rag.
Michelle Obama whines at the United State of Wahymn Summit. Hillary losing = we hold women to an impossibly high standard that we don’t for men, apparently. Because she was just super qualified. At least, that’s what they keep telling us. They don’t tell us how Hillary was so super duper qualified.
She has extensive experience in corruption and silencing of political opponents.
She has a vulva and she’s TEAM BLUE. Those make her the most qualified candidate in history.
“She has a vulva”
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Web didn’t hatch Chelsea on his own.
Also, this bit is completely hilarious.
Yes, men just get to constantly fail and still move up all the time. Male privilege, amiright? We totally never see women get put in higher positions that they aren’t qualified for simply because vagina.
That’s pretty dumb and witless even by her low standards.
I hope she uses but dull knives in the house.
Um, isn’t she sleeping with Exhibit A of a dude being promoted upwards and onwards despite having no track record of accomplishments or success?
Maybe other women are not married to guys like that. (Not my wife. Lord knows she and Michelle could commiserate on being married to a tool)
How much longer are we going to have to listen to this horseshit? Clinton was the worst candidate in history. She would have lost against my labrador yet the tears never end. Goddamn.
We will have to hear it forever unless she tries to run in 2020 and they don’t want her.
I kinda wonder – if she ran again, and lost the nomination, would she finally crack? Maybe even burn the whole thing down?
She will never burn it all down Chelsea is gonna be the first Wymn president someday.
I could totally see her going full Cersai Lannister…..Queen of the ash pile and all that
She will run and she will win the primary.
She’s good at manipulating the gears of power behind the scenes. What other Dem is out there that seems to be semi-competent enough to unseat her in a primary?
Her problem is trying to convince actual human voters that she isn’t the worse human (semi)alive.
Jay Inslee. They guy has a knack for sounding rational and moderate, even when his proposals lean hard left. If the power brokers decide that the way to counter the populist wave is present a guy who seems to have his shit together but still cares about transgender bathrooms and single payer, he’s there man.
Given the choice I’d have voted for your Lab. I’ve never met a Lab I didn’t like.
Ugh. That ‘my struggle is real’ and ‘this is serious shit’ mug she tends to give off is insufferable.
The Russians get extra points for using an English word that Mueller probably had to go look up in a dictionary.
Oh, now who’s guilty of pettifoggery???
Oh dear God. Both Newsom and Villaraigosa are running for governor? This state is so screwed.
If the CA Republican Party had any brains they’d be putting up signs all over CA with the pictures of those two a la Dumb and Dumber.
The problem is that a lot of CA voters probably like both of them.
What the CA Repubs need to do is try to promote both Newsom and Villaraigosa and hope that splits the Dem vote enough for both Republicans to get the top two spots. That’s their only hope for victory.
OMG…. Has anyone there pointed out that the cost of this would be something like double the current entire budget?
I am in full support of building a wall…around Kalifornia. The rats leaving the sinking ship are fucking up every state they go to. I left six years ago, so I have tenure and can now bitch about the transplants.
Oh, and when we build the wall? We’re keeping Lake Tahoe and San Diego.
Letters to the Local Rag: Protestant Reformation Edition
“Jesus need not apply”
Cause Jesus being unmarried isn’t disputed at all…
“We do need to stand up. We do need to vote more Republican. We do need to get rid of the people who want to get rid of our rights,” Connie Henderson said.
I’ll bet that gave WaPo girl the flutters.
“We need to vote more Republican”…….checks executive branch and majority in both houses……..sure, that’ll do it…….HD
Literally Hitler doesn’t allow this stunning and brave teacher to give her speech while he gives her an award. It’s all part of Trump’s anti-woman, anti-immigrant, and anti-LGBTQWERTY agenda I tell you!
The real question is did her students actually learn anything in her class.
Wait, is that Daniel Manning?
Where’s the media freakout? I was promised a media freakout, all I got was a barebones ‘Trump said this some D said that’ write-up. This is why no one reads the links. Cancel my subscription!!
She went on to add that she wished “girls could fail as bad as men do and still be ok.”
“Watching men fail up is frustrating. It is frustrating watching men blow it, and win,” she later added while discussing standards for women.
Tell that to the suckers who invested in Elizabeth Holmes’ scam.
If she was smart she’d embark on a career as a progressive politician. Plenty of opportunity to fail up in California.
“It was not immediately clear what Trump meant by the remarks.”
No shit.
In 1917, as a “temporary” measure during World War I, New Zealand instituted a 6PM last call for pubs.
That “temporary” measure lasted for 50 years.
Last I heard, the US is still technically in a “state of emergency” (which, of course, grands the FedGov some extra powers) from WW1.
NYC’s rent regulation is an “emergency measure” that’s lasted almost 70 years now.
Plus one Jonestown Flood Tax.
I heard the Ivy Bush and the Green Dragon will still serve after six, so long as there aren’t any Bounders around.
Either Mueller and the cult that’s driving this banana-republic -like investigation either believe it to be true (which makes them dumber than a piece of lint) or they’re that evil since it seems to destroy people.
Are there other reasons?
They’re stupid AND evil.
and Trump campaign officials into protests, demonstrations and the recirculation of media messages. Most of the interventions were intended to benefit Trump or demean his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, the indictment alleged.
How insulting. If democracy is so vunlerable, it should be agreeable that popular voting is rolled back some, right? Right?!
Why, one might even conclude that the federal government should have less power if a presidential election can be swung by a few thousand bucks worth of Facebook ads!
There WAS a known IRA nexus to the USSR during the Cold War. But this is just Team Blue gibberish and has been since election night 2016.
After Arreola tells the man he paid for the candy, the man asks the clerk, “Did he pay for this?”
The clerk confirms the purchase, and the officer apologizes to Arreola.
New Professionalism, straight up.
And they all went home safe. The End.
Q is interested in people named Areola.
I have a customer whose ladt name is Arreola. Nice lady. I also have a customer whose first name is Lagina. Nice lady too.
Smoking this joint and heading out for a 10 mile run. G’day you glibs!
Yes, but his interest seems to upset his circle of friends so they are trying to nip it in the bud.
I’ll read the Gonzalez article later because I’m prepping to go cycling, but who’s the guy framed on his wall?
Zapata. Not to be confused with Zappa.
Viva Zappa!
Zapata. He’s a really big shoe!
“And there is a major political element to the event, with the president and vice president this year asserting their support for an organization that since a February school shooting that left 17 dead in Parkland, Fla., has been directly challenged by students, activists, corporate America and politicians.”
Holy shit. That is the worst sentence ever written. There are so many things wrong with it I dont even know where to start.
The WaPo is certainly setting new standards for journalism.
CNN is certainly giving them a run for their money. The ‘school shootings cause an uptick in interest in guns there is no other explanation’ article was…jawdropping.
Oh no! Trump’s NRA speech has hurt the feelings of some Europeans! Can’t have that.
“Knives, knives, knives,” Trump added as he made a stabbing motion.
It’s shit like this that make me want to love Trump.
I love how every MSM about Trump is basically a fact-checking exercise.
Since there are rednecks here…..I pulled out my smoker and noticed some rust in the interior. I imagine I can take an SOS pad to it but lemme ask y’all your advice.
Also, anyone know about The Pit Barrel? I’m having a hard time finding a site that delivers to Canada. Before I go buy a Weber, any other suggestions?
My opinion of rust is rust shmust. Unless it is flaking off in your food cook away. One of my smokers is pretty rusty. The only thing that ever concerned me was setting food on rusty grates but oil and a wire brush do the trick.
The pit Barrell looks cool. It could be a good excuse to get some new tools to make one. I had a Brinkman round/barrel smoker for awhile but I gave it away.
Yes, just brush off the rust.
“I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit”
Know what? I kinda believe O’Donnell she thought that.
She’s a dolt but it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
Last month, however, a pair of Washington-area lawyers suddenly surfaced in the case, notifying the court that they represent Concord Management. POLITICO reported at the time that the move appeared to be a bid to force Mueller’s team to turn over relevant evidence to the Russian firm and perhaps even to bait prosecutors into an embarrassing dismissal in order to avoid disclosing sensitive information.
On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.
That’s not fair! They’re supposed to ask for a plea deal, not say, “See you in court, Dumbass.”
LOL, “sensitive” in DC is anything that might embarrass someone “important”
I’m curious, as purely a fun exercise, how will history likely to view Mueller once the burning stops? Will he get the McCarthy treatment? Something else?
Man, this espresso has a nice kick to it.
History will probably be written by TDS academics, so they’ll love Mueller.
My guess is it depends on how things end. Either a hero or he will be memory holed. When is that last time you heard about the Vegas shooter or YouTube shooter. As far as historians an honest assessment will come eventually but the more 1984 we go the longer it will take.
Okay, this is bugging me. Microsoft has an ad for… Windows 10? featuring some homely chick blabbering about how there weren’t people who looked like her around when she was growing up, but now she has whatever, and the world is made better. She’s a fat chatty Puerto Rican girl, as far as i can see. That doesn’t exactly make her a unicorn. Maybe she grew up in Kansas.
Microsoft- For the .00000000002%.
Which is funny because it ends with her on a roll about “I’m so unique! You find what makes you different!!”. Uh yeah, whatever.
Top comment on that Wapo piece:
Cosmic debris
12 hours ago
“They just see us as crazy gun people”
Probably because that is exactly what you are.
Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the gun.
Mueller’s team sent a copy of the formal summons to Dubelier and Seikaly and asked them to accept it on behalf of Concord Management, but Dubelier wrote back on Monday saying that the government’s attempt to serve the summons was defective under court rules. He did not elaborate.
The three companies named in the indictment are all reported to be controlled by a Russian businessman known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “chef,” Yevgeny Prigozhin. He’s also one of the 13 individuals criminally charged in the case.
In their request on Friday to put off the arraignment, prosecutors included the extensive demands for information that the lawyers for Concord Management have set forth since they stepped forward last month.
“Until the Court has an opportunity to determine if Concord was properly served, it would be inadvisable to conduct an initial appearance and arraignment at which important rights will be communicated and a plea entertained,” attorneys Jeannie Rhee, Rush Atkinson and Ryan Dickey wrote. “That is especially true in the context of this case, which involves a foreign corporate defendant, controlled by another, individual foreign defendant, that has already demanded production of sensitive intelligence gathering, national security, and foreign affairs information.”
The Mueller team proposed that both sides file briefs in the coming weeks on the issues of whether Concord has been properly served.
What a fucking clown show.
I thought I learned from Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny that they’re required to give the information to defense counsel.
(Well, assuming they use it in the prosecution.)
It was meant to be a symbolic indictment to appease the OHMYGAHDRUSSIA!!!!! people. Turing over actual evidence was never meant to happen, because this was never meant to go to trial.
It would be funny as shit if this is what tripped Mueller up. Having the Russians use discovery to leak all his non-existent info would be awesome.
You are absolutely right. This was never supposed to be anything except a chance to create alarming headlines in the press. “TRUMP/RUSSIA INDICTMENTS HANDED OUT!!!” That is all the great majority of normal people who don’t pay attention to stuff will know.
My guess is that discovery would reveal that he had nothing. I’m also sure that the Russians would leak all that info to the press.
The Mueller “dream” team of shady democratic prosecutors are getting trolled.
Seriously – I love how the media talks about these cunts. Like they’re some great legal minds as opposed to just overpowered and unscrupulous assholes who get their rocks off abusing power in a system rigged to see them succeed.
Hey, you got your lawyering skills from the same source that I did. Now let’s talk about positraction.
Michelle Obama on Saturday discussed the 2016 presidential election at the United State of Women summit, during which she said she is still reflecting on the outcome and asking how “we let that happen.”
“In light of this last election, I’m concerned about us as women and how we think,” she said at the event. “What is going on in our heads where we let that happen, you know?”
How’s the view from up there on the Tree of Woe?
Not a bad view.
Ugh. That ‘my struggle is real’ and ‘this is serious shit’ mug she tends to give off is insufferable.
Why does anybody in the universe give a shit about what Michelle Obama thinks? I am utterly dumbfounded.
Well in the Star Wars movies Chewy never made a lot of sense but his guttural bellowing did seem to get peoples attention.
From the WaPo article:
Are there many fully-automatic air rifles?
There are at carnivals.
I remember those. They looked like Thompson’s connected to an air hose. Good fun and you could win a stuffed animal that smelled like a Carny.
Are there many fully-automatic air rifles?
Thousands of rounds per second.
Sweet tapdancing Jesus the comments on that WaPo article are shameful, for example:
““Others said they wanted to show solidarity with the organization and to reject what they say is the assertion that anyone linked to the NRA is complicit in mass shootings.”
Gun goobs and their beloved domestic terrorist organization (the NRA) ARE complicit in mass shootings.”
There seem to be a good many people in this country that see the NRA and its members as being on the same moral plane as Al Qaeda and they want them treated accordingly.
Step 1: take away the rights of marginal groups (terrorists, actual nazis, crazies) and know that few will defend those idiot groups.
Step 2: claim everyone that you don’t like belongs in one of those marginal groups
Step 3: take away the rights of everyone you don’t like
Step 4:??????
Step 5: Communist utopia
Step 4 is the intelligentsia that pushed for the other steps gets purged, happens every time it seems but that never seems to get them to step 5.
Yeah, I was gonna say:
Step 4:
while (1=1){
Initiate purges of undesirables with increasingly strict purity tests resulting in millions of deaths;
Needless to say, some people find this to be… problematic; troubling, even.
“In this generation everybody’s fascinated with guns,” said Jarret McClain, a paintballer in Durham, North Carolina. “But if you got paintball guns and you know nobody can get hurt and it won’t cause nobody’s family to cry, at the end of the day it becomes fun shooting at people.”
McClain credits the Atlanta rapper 21 Savage with sparking the recent wave of interest in paintball after he posted a number of videos to social media in early April calling for “guns down, paintballs up” as an alternative to gun violence. McClain said it’s been effective too, and that his crew had already settled three separate vendettas with other groups through paintball.
“These dudes we’ve been feuding with for like one or two years, all of the sudden they just wanna squash the beef and have a paintball war,” said McClain, an aspiring rapper who added that he was no stranger to real firearms.
Besides Atlanta and Durham, the trend has caught on in Detroit, Milwaukee and Greensboro, North Carolina, as well. Typically small groups and cliques of young men target one another, riding in vehicles and taunting rivals in social media posts on Instagram and Snapchat. The threats are often menacing, appropriating language from more serious threats of violence, but the actual battles are mostly approached as fun. In many of the paintball war videos that now litter YouTube, participants can be heard laughing and joking throughout.
Oh, no they’re channeling their aggressive male toxicity into nonlethal avenues, when they should be sitting in a circle holding hands and singing songs.
It’s never enough.
I’ve met some dumb people in my life. I don’t know if I want to meet the guy who was going to shoot another guy until it occurred to him that he could settle things with paintball. Like, I was just going to do a drive by guns blazin…but this will do.
The whole story sounds like bullshit.
blind squirrel and all that
Last week Detroit’s police chief, James Craig, called the paintball campaign “well-intentioned but misguided”. Police there have made at least six arrests in connection with paintball activity and said that they had taken 95 related calls for service over the course of the week.
“Any effort to reduce violence in our city or any city around the country we appreciate,” Craig said, “but having paintball wars across the city is not the way to do it.”
Official channels, People! Leave this stuff to the professionals!
What they really should do is revive formalized duelling. Got a beef? Paintballs at sunrise.
Conspicuously missing from the dildo article is how big it was. Were Georgian women size queens or what?
It was “ivory” so it was a double whammy of shit lordism. Exploiter of African resources coupled with adding to the trope that white is beautiful.
Sunday morning blondes and boobs.
1 is a little scary but if you stop there you’ll miss 38. 7 brings back memories of dating a gymnast my freshman year of college.
The story about the Texas DA is pretty interesting; we could use more prosecutors that used to be defense attorneys, especially ones defending low-level victimless crimes.
Of course Politico can’t resist their obsessive need to make it about race. It’s like a toaster making toast; expecting it to do anything else is unreasonable.
Ya, good for that guy. I love it he was rock bottom in his class and ends up DA. There needs to be more prosecutors who don’t get off on prosecuting for prosecutions sake. Someone linked to a story about another guy with similar tactics awhile back. I hope it is a trend.
Dispatch from Capitalist Woodstock
During the traditional Q&A session at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting today, a shareholder challenged chairman Warren Buffett on his refusal to pressure Berkshire subsidiaries to divest from gun-related businesses. Following February’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Buffett told CNBC: “I don’t believe in imposing my views on 370,000 employees and a million shareholders. I’m not their nanny on that.”
“Please tell us you misspoke,” the questioner asked, via an email read to Buffett by New York Times journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin.
He had not. “I do not believe on imposing my political opinions on the activities of our businesses,” Buffett said, drawing applause from the admittedly pro-free-market crowd. “If you get into which of our companies are pure and which ones aren’t pure, I think it will be very difficult.” The gun question is a hypothetical one for Berkshire; in February, Buffett said he was unaware of any Berkshire holdings in firearms.
Buffett hasn’t gone completely insane, I guess. Ten bucks is (still) ten bucks.
That smarmy little weasel Sorkin probably made that e-mail up, thinking he was lobbing an easy home run over the plate, and Buffett just sort of watched it float by.
Nice. Would have been perfect if he added the coda “If you have a problem with that, please feel free to divest your personal holdings from BH.”
“Buffett said, drawing applause from the admittedly pro-free-market crowd. ”
Those evil people who believe in voluntary exchange!
Speaking of smarmy little weasels, Chucky Todd: Is Putin’s gamble paying off?
Good grief.
Gamble on what? WTF does that even mean?
The entire premise of the “MUH RUSHUH KULLOOSHUN” is beyond retarded in the first place. Why in Hell would Putin prefer Trump to Clinton, a known influence peddler he could exploit at will?
“Gamble on what? WTF does that even mean?”
His gamble of putting Trump in as president, which was so easy for Super Putin, you really have to wonder why he didn’t do it before. Putin of course had nothing to do with Obama because Obama was just so dreamy and totally the best president ever. So why did he wait until 2016 to make his move? Well obviously because Hillary is a woman and so him and Trump colluded to make sure a woman could not be president. Anyway, so obvious to everyone that Putin’s gamble did pay off with how Trump has already destroyed America. I mean just last year I could go out of the house and even go to work. But not so today with all the dead women, children, and POC lying in the streets, cats and dogs sleeping together, locusts, etc, etc.
Chucky has latched onto the Ghouliani “hush money discrepancy” with his badgerlike jaws of death.
Mueller looks like a syphilitic Basset hound.
This guy could learn a little something from DJ Khaled.
Hey, he’s got that asshole image to maintain. I say let anyone on the receiving end of that nastiness get in a few free licks.
A stick to the nads would probably end the licking.
Back from vacation – will report later. Still recovering.
I didn’t realize you were away.
I wish this was parody, but it isn’t:
lectures from a transgender Marxist philosopher
It’s a guy in a dress ranting about capitalism who really wants that expensive pair of shoes.
Best part is later in the video when he talks to himself in different costumes.
Louboutin or GTFO.
Mr Lizard makes an appearance though. Top notch production there.
*crawls back from the sporting clay range*
The fuck you talking about?
*skims through video, checks active agent file*
So not one of us, but does look eerily like one of the incursion suits in the catalog
Marx Bday
Really? Evil or just dumb? Both?
Good comment:
“No. It is not comical. At some point, when you promote policies that lead inexorably to tyranny and murder, to the deaths of scores of millions, when each and every application of your ideas has led to mass suffering, poverty, backwardness, repression and social stagnation, at that point your promotion of that idea is no longer comical. At that point it must be assumed that you desire the known consequences of your ideas and not the fantasy consequences you pretend to desire. Knowing what we know about the real world consequences of communism (and it’s barely distinguishable sibling, fascism,) modern proponents of communism must be recognized as evil people who desire all of the evil consequences of their bloody ideology to be visited on real people in the real world.”
THAT WAZNT REEL COMOONISM!!!11!!! /Every scumbag who owns a Che t-shirt
I remember seeing this image that had two columns: The first one was full of screenshots from left-leaning American media outlets in the early 2000s touting Venezuela as “socialism that finally works” and “the beginning of the end for American-style capitalism”. The next column was screenshots of articles from the same outlets decrying it as “not real socialism” and “state capitalism”.
It’s always trendy to say that socialism “works” in the early stages, when they’re feeding off a comfy stash of other peoples’ money.
Marx or the author of the article? Oh wait, the answer is the same……
No, I don’t think it’s the same. For at least some amount of time after Marx came up with his stupid ideas, he could probably have been forgiven for just being naive or stupid. But the person who wrote that article, now after over 100 years of death and suffering because of Marx’s ideas, there is no excuse, the person is either evil or clinically mentally ill.
“Where is the sweeping Republican legislative agenda?”
I’d love to see an anti-legislate agenda in which the entire session is devoted to repealing.
You know all the shit you like about Pai and Mulvaney and DeVos, well, that’s all going away in two and a half years. Wouldn’t it have been nice if Congress had done something to cement their legacy in place. But no. They preserved Obamacare and passed a pricey tax break.
Speaking of which, have you seen Robert Mueller’s ‘list of questions’ which he wants Trump to answer? About half of them aren’t even questions of ‘fact’; they’re subjective, qualitative inquiry into ‘state of mind’ and ‘motive’ and ‘feeling’ behind already-establish *statements*.
as in “what was the purpose of tweeting X”? Everyone knows what X said. But Mueller feels there is some hidden, secret agenda behind the “BUT Why?”. The questions themselves impute intent not apparent from the statement.
Possible Answer to all of them: “Its called “Politics”, dipshit”?
When you’re getting attacked in the press every day, politicians use the bully pulpit to discredit critics. Somehow this is a mystery to Mueller, and he seems to think that decoding Trump’s motivations will expose some ‘crime’. Its genuinely bizarre.
Some of the questions make sense and seem to be legitimately pursuing ‘unknowns’. Others are just this, “What was your reaction”, feels-stuff which seem to me to pre-suppose that Trump has deep-thoughts and reflections to begin with. Not a premise i would be basing my case on.
I’m not generally a fan of Victor Hansen, but he did post a delightful mirror set of questions for Obama.
I now want Trump to just call Mueller a dipshit in every answer. And for it to be broadcast on every major network.
Trump should answer all the questions ‘What? Like with a cloth?’.
Somehow this is a mystery to Mueller, and he seems to think that decoding Trump’s motivations will expose some ‘crime’. Its genuinely bizarre.
Exposing some “crime” is exactly where he is going. NPR interviewed a WaPo reporter yesterday and she made it clear the goal of Muellers investigation is to prove obstruction of justice. I have little doubt that is exactly what his final report will say regardless if Trump answers his questions or not. It is an impeachment inquisition and nothing else.
I’d like to see him answer “Fuck you, that’s why.”
Why does a lot of this “it was for her own good” bullshit remind me of the T4 euthanasia program. Moral posturing trying desperately to justify why she had a late-term abortion. Pretty sick.
TW: Ad-blocker blocker; tried archive and paste into google, couldn’t find a way around it. Sorry.
I tried listening to the Tom Woods debate over “Russians” but when the guy defending Mueller starts out talking about how Trump Jr was willing to get opposition research from a foreign national with ties to the Kremlin, I had to stop. Try to be intellectually honest man. Also he argued that “people went from ‘there was no collusion’ to ‘collusion is not illegal'”. No what happened is that your “team” said buying Facebook ads was collusion and we said “that’s freedom of speech”. I might try to finish, just to see the guy get demolished.
a) The *possibility* that the Trump campaign inquired about a ‘Russian-someone’ someone claiming to have info….
(which turned out to be a crock of lies, and which they instantly dismissed as some sort of scam)
… is supposed to outrage people more than
b) the Clinton campaign ACTUALLY paying Fusion GPS to pay a UK Russia expert to pay Russians (who may have had ties to Kremlin) for “opposition research”…
…which also turned out to likely be a crock of lies – but which the Clinton campaign had no qualms pumping via every channel available to them, including funneling it through the FBI and using it to get warrants to surveill the opposition candidate.
What sort of bizarro-universe are we living in where the media pretends the former is a crime, and the latter is just “normal politics”?
God, how I love it when I hit post and I’m prompted to log in.
It’s the best.
Chinese TV Show promotes ‘Scientific Marxism’
It seems to be partly lecture-show, partly game-show, quiz format.
I am reminded of a book by Solzhenitsyn called, “We Never Make Mistakes“…
Making “the Truth” illegal always seems to be one of the first requirements of socialism.
Kinda flies in the face of all the usual propaganda I see about how China is supposedly becoming more “capitalist” and “free”. Yeah, right.
Trump’s tariffs made them do it!
Free? Yeah, I guess sort of, as long as you don’t fall victim of a bad social credit score. Which you surely will if you run afoul of the Communist regime.
This just in.
It’s a two-fer! Firearm magically discharges of its own accord during a high school wrestling match, and no charges will be filed since it was the firearm of one of the King’s Men.
Trump should answer all the questions ‘What? Like with a cloth?’.
“What difference, at this point, does it make? Hmmmmm?”
All the Dems wanted was a plausible excuse to deny reality. And that’s all that was. “What, like with a cloth?” Yeah, hon. That’s all it took. She’s just an innocent old windbag, she doesn’t know, she was tricked into it, she’s not laundering money for a slush fund.
(salutes flag)
Every time I’ve heard someone use the word “cultural appropriation”, I’ve asked them, “how does ‘cultural appropriation’ actually cause harm, and who are the victims?” I’ve never gotten an answer.
Its a weapon. that’s all. The people who use it, use it because it allows them to attack people from a safe space where they have presumed moral-authority.
You can never go wrong screaming “YOU ARE ALL RACISTS” because no one ever imposes any cost for it on the speaker. Its ‘free’. The costs are born by the persons being accused, who have to jump through hoops going, “Wait, no im not, that doesn’t even make sense… wtf”.
The benefits are largely the attention the accuser gets from their own peer group, and the applause from others who want to join in advertizing their fake self-righeousness.
we’ve created a media environment where “pretended-Self-Righteousness” is a social-currency. it has nothing to do with ‘race’ and everything to do with self-promotion and exchanging of virtue-points.
I mean, what the fuck do you think the point of the “singer complaining about lack of African-American-Friendly Shampoo in hotels was about?”
No one cares about the shampoo. Its never the shampoo Shampoo.
I don’t use the hotel’s shampoo either. I take it with me. What the hell is so hard about that? Are minorities now banned from buying shampoo in the same way they aren’t allowed to get an ID to vote?
Ask Morris Dees, “Whycome you not speak Hebrew?”
Of course not. They didn’t even mention the alcohol.
Mas tequila!
Burge is the best.
Not sure what their Tweet has to with Southern Poverty…guess they are straying a bit off mission?
I’m pretty sure that their mission is to be assholes so….
They are based in Alabama. And they’ve got $400million in the bank
Clearly their method works
“Mexican culture cannot be reduced to tacos, oversized sombreros and piñatas.”
Damn right! They left out burritos and ponchos!
I’m sure Mexicans would really appreciate if we all boycotted their restaurants and clothing products to avoid culture appropriating. Commerce. How does not work? Go to Cherokee, NC. They’re not selling Indian merchandise to each other. Maybe the liberals would prefer they not be able to make a living off the tourist. Do they consider that cultural prostitution since they’re all pretentious assholes. Not a question.
I’m guessing by the results they’ve produced in places like Seattle with this bullshit, no they don’t care. They’re too stupid to care. Right at the moment the left are busy eating their own. We should just leave them be until everyone hates them, then the problem is solved.
Tijuana donkey shows. Don’t forget the donkey shows.
I actually remember my neighbor telling me that her friends from Europe have “American parties”, where they drink beer out of plastic cups (they were here as college exchange students, so they are under the impression that Americans always drink beer from plastic cups) and engage in other humorous imitations of American cultural customs.
There is also a town in Japan coincidentally named Obama, and when Barack Obama ran for president, they just found it interesting that he had the same name as their town, and they put on a lot of celebrations with Uncle Sam costumes and hamburgers and hot dogs.
Given that these two things definitely fit the SJW-Leftist definition of “cultural appropriation”, perhaps some Americans could speak up on how these events have negatively affected them? Are there any Americans who are actually getting mad and saying, “my culture is more than Uncle Sam costumes, hot dogs, and beer in plastic cups!!“
Red Solo Cup.
when the guy defending Mueller starts out talking about how Trump Jr was willing to get opposition research from a foreign national with ties to the Kremlin, I had to stop.
It’s like these people have never heard of Radio Free Europe (never mind Obama’s flagrant attempts to get his greasy thumb on the Brexit scale).
Meddling in the domestic affairs of other nations, whether allies or foes, has been standard practice for centuries.
I’ve been reading some Marcus Aurelius lately, and it helped me implement the idea that you shouldn’t let yourself get mad at things you cannot change. Don’t get pissed because an ass behaves like an ass. I’ve been a lot happier since I put this advice into practice.
But goddamnit, it makes me fucking angry beyond my control when I hear people whining about something Trump did when another Democrat politician did something very similar and they didn’t say shit.
Off-duty cop’s gun accidentally fires at school event
Must have been one of those autonomous self-firing guns I have been hearing so much about.
They should be issued DAO.
“He’s proficient, just sometimes incidents happen and this is an unfortunate event where it’s just an unfortunate incident that happened”
Yeah, it “just happened”. The moron having his finger on the trigger while holstering didn’t have anything to o with it.
“Proficient”. The word doesn’t mean what you think it does.
This is good. From that slobbery “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx” excretion in the LA Times:
Citizens have been made somnolent by the trinkets of capitalism the way populations in your time were subdued by conquering colonial powers.
Aside from the utter idiocy of that statement, her complaint is this: the widespread undeniable success of capitalism has lulled the ignorati to sleep. Who will overthrow the robber barons, if the masses have copious leisure and amusements , comfortable sturdy shoes and clothing to wear and food on their tables? Damnation, capitalism has wrecked life on this planet.
How can we have a revolution if there is nothing to revolt about!
We must resist this possibility of having nothing to resist!
If she really believes that, she’s free to move to Venezuela where most people are not suffering from the burdens of capitalism.
“if the masses have copious leisure and amusements , comfortable sturdy shoes and clothing to wear and food on their tables?”
So, we’d all be better off if Jeff Bezos along with all the rest of us, had none of those things? Because if that’s not the argument she’s making…
I’ve had this conversation with progs more than a couple of times. I start with the fact that even the lower middle class in America today are richer than the richest nobles of only a few centuries ago. Then they all come back with the same thing, that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if the average American has 2 cars with a garage to put them in, 3 or 4 bedrooms and 2 or 3 bathrooms, electricity, running water, a wide array of healthy foods year round, several televisions, cell phones, computers, etc, and are in no danger of dying from diseases or bacteria that commonly killed people back then. Nope, none of that matters. The living conditions of most of the country today, has nothing to do with how good things are. All that matters is that some people have more than others. Even if Bezos has 100 billion dollars and every single other person on the planet has only 99 billion, that is inequality and it must be eliminated even if it means we all have to live in caves in a brutal and short life. Equality is all that matters, nothing else. How poor we have to make everyone to achieve that equality is of no concern.
“Its a weapon . . . to attack people from a safe space where they have presumed moral-authority.”
Logic, reason, and experience are, collectively, the Maginot Line of culture; they’re the old weapons that no longer count. Made-up phrases are the weapon of the day; they distract people from first principles; they’re an emotional bypass, a vector designed to purposely avoid and deny reality. The motivation is adoptive victimization; after decades of legitimate progress against bigotries, today’s pseudo-victims see the ease with which the powerful can be upended by posture, distracting emotion, and assertion (carpet-bombing the bad guys in social media). Oh the joy and ease of rationalizing one’s failures by obfuscating the actual reasons and dynamics.
I’ve been thinking about starting a list (dictionary?) of the bullshit words and defining them in terms of first principles. My favorite, even better than “cultural appropriation,” is “gentrification.”
Crikey! It’s another beautiful day in San Diego.
Attended a great Derby de Mayo party yesterday at a co-workers place. Got offered a million bucks of R&D funds by a director to do something cool, and made a few other useful friends.
My hubby who was quite reluctant to move from Minnesota is now trying to figure out ways he can avoid ever going back there. San Diego and some wifely TLC have done the trick, methinks. 🙂
Saw your comment about Carey Lander the other night. Very sad, yes. I don’t know whether she did the backing vocals for that track, but I’d like to think yes.
I think so too, and I don’t care to be disabused if that notion, so I will investigate no further.
She was playing with the band right up till the end, so I think probably yes.
They called off their North America tour when she finally succumbed, and I can’t tell that they’ve done anything since. That was three years ago. Damn it.
And by “do something cool”, he meant…. Well, I’m not going to go there. :-p
Lolz, no, #notmetoo, he was actually talking about killing people and breaking things, much better.
today’s award for mental gymnastics
Why supporting abortion is a pro-life position
I didn’t have to travel long distances, worry I was getting there too late in the pregnancy, find money to pay for child care or walk past angry or intrusive protesters. Instead, I went in pregnant and, a few hours later, came out with my future back in my control.
Anti-abortion protests banned outside London clinic
I was unaware at the time, but that future would eventually include life as a writer of a column dedicated entirely to abortion, lobbying elected officials on Capitol Hill and sharing my abortion story in front of thousands of people.
She sounds like a blast.
“came out with my future back in my control.”
It always was in your control. You just don’t like taking responsibility for your poor choices
Further, the only entity without any control in this situation was the one you terminated.
But it’s just a clump of tissue!!!
At this point, I’m jaded enough to say “fine, fewer future Democrat “liberal” voters.
The thing is, I’m generally in favor of allowing abortion with restrictions. I don’t like it, but I see no way to outlaw it without serious violations of individual rights.
But when idiots like that start talking about pregnancy like it’s something that was forced upon them or they caught like the flu, I get seriously irate.
I think the unstated tenet of feminism is that women should never have to face any consequences for their actions.
Several rural Illinois counties have taken a stand for gun rights by co-opting a word that conservatives associate with a liberal policy to skirt the law: sanctuary.
At least five counties recently passed resolutions declaring themselves sanctuary counties for gun owners — a reference to so-called sanctuary cities such as Chicago that don’t cooperate with aspects of federal immigration enforcement.
Dave Workman, of the Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation, sees something more.
“It’s like a warning shot across somebody’s bow,” said Workman, who knows of one other place, Oregon’s Deschutes County, that is looking at doing something similar to the Illinois counties. “If you’ve got four or five counties telling Chicago something, that’s significant.”
Such talk worries Kathleen Willis, a Democratic state representative from suburban Chicago who sponsored some of the gun legislation.
“I don’t think you can say, ‘I don’t agree with the law so I won’t enforce it,’” she said. “I think it sends the wrong message.”
It’s different when *they* do it.
My favorite, even better than “cultural appropriation,” is “gentrification.”
“People with jobs are moving into the neighborhood!”
The horror.
Gentrification, I’ve tried to explain, is just the market of real estate.
But where are these people supposed to live? Anywhere they want.
But they can’t afford to live where they want to? Sure….who can afford that…certainly not me, either; what’s your point?
You had a beer and puked? I lulz at your old manness.
Maybe we should make killing your girlfriend illegal, and see if that helps. What? No, really?
When women are killed by intimate partners at this rate in such a small and beautiful community, I believe that this indicates serious gender disparity. That power imbalance and the resulting violence can feel overwhelming to address. However, the good news is that the Bozeman Cities for CEDAW movement provides a holistic and graceful solution.
The ordinance the movement will present to the Bozeman City Commission meeting on May 14, is one that suggests that all decisions made by the Bozeman city officials be run through a broader lens that keeps the experiences of those who identify as women involved in the decision-making process. This will be a powerful way to account for the power imbalances that I believe contribute to the intimate partner violence all too many people have experienced in Gallatin County
The fact that law can act as the great equalizer is well known and we are excited to be taking this major step in ensuring gender parity in our vibrant community. We all deserve to be safe in our personal relationships and for our lives to be valued.
Yeah, that’ll fix it. Laughing out loud at this probably means I’m going to Hell.
Those who identify as women….
What if I identify as a woman and my wife beats the shit out of me, does that count?
This happened to me the other day… the link cut off at the right part, but the blue text formatting carried on through the whole comment.
Halp, Edit Faerieeeeee!
What if I identify as a woman and my wife beats the shit out of me, does that count?
Cowgirl up, honeybunch.
the unstated tenet of feminism is that women should never have to face any consequences for their actions.
That, and, “We don’t know whose fault it was, but we know whose fault it WASN’T.”