Not a lot of famous birthdays today. But some quality in there nonetheless. politician/despot Hosni Mubarak, actress/skinny person Audrey Hepburn, guitar hero Dick Dale, quality typecast actor Paul Gleason, baseball fan George Will, fast man John Force, and “punk” “rocker” Mike Dirnt. That’s a big bunch of meh except for a couple.
Let’s see about events… Handel’s Toloemo premiered in London. Rhode Island told Britain to fuck off. Grant vs Lee at Rappahannock. The first game by the first professional baseball team (Cincinnati represent!) took place. Lou Gehrig hit three homers in a row. Al Capone went to prison. Hemingway won the Pulitzer for “Old Man & The Sea. Kent State. And Maggie Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Some interesting stuff there.
And now to sports. The fighting LeBrons laid the wood to Toronto after a shocking comeback two nights before. Cleveland has a 2-0 series lead. Maybe now Drake (the rapper who doesn’t write any of his own stuff) will shut the fuck up. And the Celtics came from 22 down in the first half to dump the Sixers and also take a surprising 2-0 series lead.

No caption necessary
On the ice, Caps fans are still bitching about the (perfectly correct) Wilson suspension. Meanwhile, the Pens tied the series 2-2 and the Caps may have another suspension headed their way, as TJ Oshie decided to take a cheap shot run as Chris Letang as the Pens were about to score an empty-net goal to seal the game. Letang decided to drop the gloves and fight, but the initial play was questionable under the current rules. Meanwhile, the Predators topped the listless Jets to also even that series. The Lightning – Bruins play their fourth game tonight while the Sharks take on Vegas/Army in the fifth game of their 2-2 series as well.
Also, Arsenal were bounced out of the Europa semifinals and Arsene Wenger officially has no more important games to manage.

God’s got a sick sense of humor
OK, that should be a good enough appetizer. Now its time for the main course of…the links!
Gaia gets some revenge in Hawaii for all of that global warming stuff we’re doing to her. Pretty cool photos, by the way.
If you were planning on starting a sex cult with Hollywood actresses, then you need to read this and take copious notes.

Cult leader shakes hands with man
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is focusing his investigation on the relationship between Roger Stone and Rick Gates. Because nothing says Russian interference like two American citizens talking over dinner. I guess the whole direct connection between Russian intel operatives and the person hired by the DNC to dig up “dirt” on Trump must have been a figment of my imagination.
Students walk out of class to protest gang violence. Unfortunately for them, school is the safest place they’ll be all day. Too bad they, and their teachers, don’t realize that the solution is not to take guns away from law-abiding citizens (since the gangs won’t turn theirs in), but its to get the government out of the morality business and legalize the distribution of drugs, which is largely what these gangs are fighting over.
Chicago continues its descent to lawlessness. And the city resorts to violating the privacy rights of every vehicle owner to combat it. Big freaking shocker there.
A journalist outs herself as a horribly irresponsible parent. OK, maybe that’s a little extreme, but come on lady!

Praise the Lord…and Texas cooking
And lastly, Ted Cruz hardly ever gets anything right. But I have to say, he gets this one 100%, dead-on perfect.
Posted for no real reason. I just wanted to hear it. Hope you enjoy.
I hope y’all have a great Friday and a hell of a weekend. I’ll be away Monday and Tuesday (and maybe Wednesday and Thursday too). But it felt good to get back to contributing to this place. I missed you lot of misfits and miscreants.
And now to sports.
Don’t want to bring up Yankees/Astros? hahaha
The series that never happened…
I thought the Yankees blew yesterday’s game, but then the ‘Stros blew it even harder.
{Writes) “I will not punch myself on TV. I will not punch myself on TV. I will not … ”
Giles: “Do I have to do this — really?”
Hinch: “Keep writing.”
Stolen from a Yankee Forum
*narrows gaze*
Shouldn’t that have been noted as:
( . Y . )
Well… WTF is that?
Call a chiropractor.
Speaking of Texas Barbecue, Any recommendations in the Dallas Area? I mean I’m spending four days there, I can’t not seek this stuff out while I have the chance.
Riscky’s in Ft Worth for sure.
These guys?
Yep. The best in my opinion.
A lot of people swear by Angelo’s but I prefer Riscky’s. Also, if you want to stay on the Dallas side of the metroplex, go to Cattleack. But be there early.
The brisket here is delicious!
Turn around and drive back to Memphis?
*waves to Texas Rangers*
“He’s over here, boys!”
Let him go. Anybody that would prefer Memphis BBQ to a Texas two meat plate should head east anyway.
I have literally never set foot in Texas outside of the DFW airport. And I am okay with that.
Actually, I have spent very little time west of the Mississippi River in my life. I have spent far more time in Switzerland than the western US.
Join me in Dallas on June 8, we’ll try the local BBQ together and you can make an informed opinion instead.
I’m Barbecue Kanye.
I love all Barbecue
Same here. It’s all different, yet all good.
Not that weird NC vinegar bullshit.
Erroneous. It’s all good.
You’re worse than your namesake, Badolph.
Nothing’s better than Lexington NC-style BBQ. Nothing.
BBQ involves BBQ sauce. Vinegar is not a sauce. QED. You can all be on the wrong side of history if you want.
The absolute best BBQ is the KC burnt end
Now wait just a second. A good vinegar sauce (dressing?) makes pulled pork. Dumping syrup all over it just says you’re not confident in your smoking skills.
Pork is only a side dish at real barbecue!
+1 Bobarian
So KC sauce tends to be sweeter (we shall not discuss the disgrace that is KC Masterpiece), but I prefer the vinegary sauces.
I guess that makes me Pizza Kanye.
There is a BBQ chain called Rudy’s that is legitimately good. Excellent breakfasts, and get the green chile stew.
Pecan Lodge.
A journalist outs herself as a horribly irresponsible parent. OK, maybe that’s a little extreme, but come on lady!
I taught myself to cook in college. Im by no means a good cook, but I waaaaay outclass both my parents. I never understood why they didn’t bother to learn.
I don’t understand why anyone forgoes learning to cook. Everyone has to eat, and the best way to make sure what you’re eating is to your tastes is to make it yourself.
I had a leg up – everyone in my family cooked, so I learned early.
Were you raised in an area where there was no salt or other exotic spices?
That slander is unfounded.
Though I am reminded that I should write up the “UnCivil Cooks” article for which I already have the photographs.
Black and white?
Too colorful. They’re white only.
(That’s actually a running gag in the article outline, as the foods are derived from stereotypical whipypo food and are themselves rather pale in a lot of the steps)
I must confess that I find the ‘UnCivilServant has a dreary, bland palate’ meme to be one of my favorite bits of site lore. Your cooking articles are wonderful and serve to make your supposed Ned Flanders taste in comestibles all the funnier.
“Vanilla and Mayo Pudding”
Vanilla is a rare and costly bean! “Pudding” is made by adding a splash of oil to the water when cooking the gruel
You guys jest, but I’m from the south and old enough that the cuisine I had growing up largely consisted of overcooked food with salt and pepper as spices.
I had no idea how bland our cooking was until I hit college.
I also had no idea that if you don’t cook them into mush, vegetables are pretty tasty. The only vegetables I would eat as a kid was corn on the cob (not really a vegetable) and fried okra (anything fried is delicious). Things like squash were cooked in a casserole with cheeze-its crushed on top. Bleck! My dad loved greens (turnip or collard) with bacon grease. So I suppose we also had bacon grease as a “spice”.
Fried okra is the best okra. Southern style, Indian style, it’s all great. Damn you, now I want it for lunch and it’s available nowhere near here.
Damn you both. Now I’m hungry.
Jerry Clower on Okra… fried and boiled.
Sounds like an okra homie.
My wife and I are both from Maryland, although she grew up in east Texas and most of my family is from the ‘Bama originally, and for we never realized how spice-averse parts of the south seem to be. I’ll never forget stopping in at a diner on the way back from Savannah. We both got grits and asked for hot sauce (I’m a Crystal man, she’s Texas Pete) and they had to find a jug in the kitchen. The cook and the waitress both watched us put hot sauce on our eggs and grits like they didn’t think it could be done and couldn’t imagine why someone would want to do it in the first place. Meanwhile, I can count on one hand the number of things I’ve eaten this week that didn’t involve a hot pepper of some sort. And that’s only because we spent the first half in Virginia Beach.
Bacon grease it the greatest spice known to man.
There is nothing it can’t make better.
I used to think that, then I discovered smoked duck fat.
The funny thing is that my grandparents are all good cooks. My mom’s mom gave me a copy of her cookbook as a wedding gift, and it’s my go to for baking. My dad’s mom makes the best freaking Italian food ever. However none of it rubbed off on my parents’ generation.
Your parents must be millennials.
Haha, my mom is right on the boomer/gen x line (1962). My dad is solidly gen x (1965).
My mom doesn’t have the attention span to cook well. My dad can’t stand the thought of the kitchen becoming messy. As a result, I pretty much thought the oven was decoration as a kid.
Your mom is the same age as me (apropos of nothing).
After my parents divorced, my mom was having a hard time keeping up as a single parent. One day she just said to me and my sister, “you are each responsible for dinner one day a week. I don’t care what you cook, but it’s up to you, and if you don’t cook we don’t eat.” I was 16, my sister was 10. We ate a lot of macaroni & cheese and hot dogs that year.
I was responsible for a protein, grain, and vegetable dinner once a week starting at 13. It helped me learn to for real cook.
Thanks, I really needed to feel old this morning.
My kids are your parents’ age. I eat what my wife cooks, may not be what I like but at least I didn’t have to cook it. There is a sign in the kitchen that says “Mrs Fourscore’s Kitchen. I read and heed.
I wonder if these journos who write derogatory things about their family just don’t care, or don’t understand how they are hurting their loved ones.
They don’t care. If they had any empathy, they wouldn’t be journalists.
I taught myself to cook in college. Im by no means a good cook, but I waaaaay outclass both my parents. I never understood why they didn’t bother to learn.
Same here. Nowhere close to some of the glib cooks here, but I can cook tasty meals from scratch.
My mother only made omelets or frozen french fries in the oven. The omelets were overcooked and rubbery. The french fries came out burnt every single time . My dad was a decent cook but rarely made anything.
I live in a shoebox, but I’m pretty happy with it. I’d say my whole apartment is the size of one reasonably large bedroom, kitchen and bathroom included.
I actually don’t mind it. I live alone and more space just means more shit to clean. But my kitchen pisses me right the fuck off. My prep space is about 18″x12″ and I have ONE burner on the stove. I have a tiny oven I bought that can maybe, max, fit one NYC-style slice of pizza in.
I love cooking, and I’ve kind of decided to embrace it. Lots of one-pot meals and I’ve always treated Sunday as a holiday—Sunday Soup Day, where I make a crock and live off it for as long as I can. It’s taught me how to better organize myself and how to get the order of events down, when I need to get multiple ingredients and a sauce all together at an optimal temp. But I’m also very adaptable to shitty situations, to be fair. I do miss having an actual kitchen. But bitching about it isn’t gonna make it any better.
The kitchen space is a real problem. Apartments always fuck you on kitchen space. The only way to get more space is to get a much bigger apartment. Don’t need 2 or 3 bedrooms, but want a kitchen that you can get shit done in? Tough shit. You want a big kitchen, you have to take all the other shit with it, whether you want it or not.
My mother never bothered to teach me a damn thing about cooking.
I learned after I got married.
I learned how to cook when I was young, like 6 or so. I started off with a lot of stuff in the microwave, then after about a year I convinced my grandparents that I wasn’t going to set the house on fire and they’d leave me alone to use the stove and the oven. In my family, for whatever reason, none of the women can cook worth a damn, so there’s this machismo thing about being able to cook well. It’s part not having to depend on anyone else and part “Cooking is complicated man-science, and women are too careless and inept to be trusted with it”. Funny thing is most of my aunts have learned to cook pretty well, and I think it’s sort of a spite thing.
In the maternal side of my family, cooking is woman’s work. So I didn’t do any of it, till I started camping in Boy Scouts and learned how to cook. Turns out, I’m really good at it. Granted, i’m an overweight glutton with the engineering mindset and Italian ancestry, so if anyone is predisposed to it, it would be me.
But once I started cooking at home, and had fine grain temperature control that doesn’t involve instructions like “prepare a bed of coals by building a TP fire on top of log cabin arrangement, it got real easy real fast.
The irony now is that among my siblings, the males are the better cooks / more interested in it. Drives my grandmother up the wall at Thanksgiving time, but… eh. Worth it if my brother-in-law is going to make a porchetta-wrapped-turdeken again.
Porchetta wrapped turducken? When and where will we be dining?
I can cook. I hate cooking. My kids forage (bad mommy alert) amongst the ingredients in the refrigerator and cook their own food. Husband and I went to the amusement part Saturday and came home to 8 loaves of pumpkin bread XX Tax Deduction had made for her lunches the next week. It didn’t last the weekend.
Roger stone and Rick Gates led a sex cult? That is shocking, makes you wonder about pizza-gate.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
::whistles casually::
Ha, ha. Cruz. Good one.
Not a lot of famous birthdays today.
Any relation to Jon of Mars?
Not for complexionary reasons, no.
Yes, sadly he tried to set up a hegemony on Venus.
Kilauea sounds a little more exciting than when I was there. Took a helicopter tour over the volcano during Memorial Day weekend 2014 – we got to see some burning trees to the south, but not a lot of action at the time.
Seriously though – KMC (Kilauea Military Camp) is one of the best deals out there – the Big Island is such a great change from Oahu.
Assuming it doesn’t burn down, definitely planning to go again in the future. You’re closer to the volcano than the official park hotel, walking distance to the main visitor center, trails in the caldera, etc. And amazing prices – for servicemembers/vets/dependents only though.
Heading to the Big Island in July and we may stay at KMC; it’s not just vets but “Sponsored Civilians” too
Get off my (taxpayer paid for and maintained) lawn!
Thank you LT Fish! Added to list of future vacations. They know their audience. No biscuits & gravy on the menu, SOS on biscuit or toast.
I second Lt Fish for the recommendation. You are across the street from the Kilauea crater and can look into the lave lake. (The lava smiley face photo). The current eruption zone is outside the Park which is a good thing. Once the limits of the eruption work themselves out, the parts of the lava flows not in neighborhoods will be easy to visit. You can never predict when lava falling into the sea will start and stop, but it is a great sight to see.
In the summer months the Southern Cross is visible from the KMC shortly after sunset. (Cue CSN song). The only point to remember about the KMC is that it’s around 5000 ft above sea level so bring something warmer than just beach wear for the evenings.
Yet when the Northwestern students walked out in their neighborhood of Liberty City, they did not even have the support of their entire community — and not just because it was risky. The debate over guns and bloodshed is old and fraught in this part of town, and bringing youngsters into it, some community leaders said, felt wrong.
“I’m the adult in this environment — if something is broken, then the adults fix it,” said T. Willard Fair, president of the Urban League of Greater Miami, who added that the school should have prevented the protest. Gun violence, he said, is “not going to change by walking out.”
You had your chance, old man. Now step back and let the fresh-faced otherkins show you what justice looks like.
Not enough F-bombs to indicate how clearly your thought is laid out.
Protesting against guns in Liberty City? I know this mission – the guy from AmmuNation hires you to run them down in a van or something.
Well yea. The parents “don’t know how to use a fucking democracy”.*
*The insufferable prick (Hogg) that said this doesn’t even understand that the US is a republic (if we can keep it), not a democracy. He would do well to pay better attention in government class and spend less time giving Hitler-esque speeches about mass disarmament.
Unfortunately our government has long since evolved past your antiquated notions of a “republic”. The fedgov is the monolithic uberstate that most people always wanted and the rules are set by the 50.001% without constraint.
I exaggerate slightly, but not by much.
We haven’t kept it.
Wouldn’t it be better if the the student’s coordinate walk-outs to coincide with the striking teachers?
I like Oshie, but given what just happened to Wilson, that’s unbelievably retarded.
Plus with Letang’s history of concussions, no wonder he took exception to it.
The Caps are losing their cool. Pittsburgh is remaining calm.
Guess what comes next if this keeps up?
The usual? I don’t really follow hockey but I’ve watched the playoffs for the past few years, and it really is kind of funny in a sad, hollow, empty sort of way how damn near every DC team has this weird knack for getting to the playoffs and then blowing it. The funnier thing might be listening to people trying to defend the Wilson hit. Oshie losing his cool I get, but Wilson was out there to hurt people. At any rate, this is surprising to absolutely nobody. Caps will lose a game 7, as usual.
“If you were planning on starting a sex cult with Hollywood actresses, then you need to read this and take copious notes.”
* takes notes *
Mee too. Those women need a mentor. A person who will love them for what they are.
I would have have superimposed Magnum with his signature grin on each of those Hawaiian pictures.
I mean, if I were editor. But I’m not. Which may be a good thing. Or not.
On the uninteresting GoPro front – Tonio had commented that time-lapse was a pain for the model he had. Well, they’ve apparently fixed that since then. I set up mine as a dash cam and ran a twenty minute errand with the camera on ‘time lapse video’. What I got was a single two minute file of about 420 MB. It offered no hassles from a video perspective.
I am not going to upload that one as it basically shows where my house is.
“I am not going to upload that one as it basically shows where my house is.”
Foiled again!
It’s the one with no distinguishing features in an open field.
One story, square, beige adobe.
In Upstate New York? That would stand out like a sore thumb.
He moved to Phoenix?
We already know where you live, UCS. Warty’s actually in that big tree in your backyard.
That’s a relief, now I know you have the wrong place.
aha! Now we know its the other one. Good job JB, tricking him into narrowing it down!
It’s a double bluff!
You’re not going to trick me into telling you it’s not that place either!
New Glibertarians challenge. Dox UCS.
This is why I’m going to cut down all trees on my next property I buy.
No, buddy, I said that video editing was a PITA if you’re doing anything other than extracting a single clip. I have a huge backlog of footage I need to edit down. The best thing you can do for yourself is catalog it after you shoot it. A simple text document listing all your raw footage, where it was taken, who was in it, and anything noteworthy, ie “Tonio crashes and burns at 3:51.”
Glad you’re enjoying it. Good luck.
Ah, I misunderstood.
But yeah, video editing has always been a pain.
The new developments indicate that Mueller’s team is interested in Stone beyond his interactions with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange during the campaign.
“Mister Stone may or may not have communicated with a person or persons unknown. Furthermore, in the course of these interactions, it is possible things were said. “
Mueller’s tossing more chum in the water than Martin Brody.
Mueller has to know how ridiculous it all is….doesn’t he?
His job is to keep the investigation alive, not to actually prosecute anybody.
Mueller and Rosenstein at a strategy session
We already knew this, of course. They do want to take your guns.
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.
The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt, one that would take “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” away from law-abiding citizens and threaten them with jail time if they refuse.
“Reinstating the federal assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come,” Swalwell wrote. “Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.”
A bunch of meaningless words strung together to form a meaningless term. The entire point of 2A is to have military grade, modern tech weapons in the hands of the citizenry. You cannot buy BACK that which you never owned. You are proposing compensated confiscation. And I do not think the enforcement of this would go the way you think.
As long as Muh-thin blue line got a carved out exemption, they’d burn down all the houses they need to to do so.
Those guns only belong in the hands of the police. They are qualified experts. This is why gun violence is a black, Latino, women, immigrant, LGBT, poor, etc. issue. Because we can rely on the police to keep us safe. This is what we’ve been screaming as we stick our fists militantly in the air and stand alone against the Man. Your job is to listen and affirm.
Instead, you seem to be suggesting that that vile Uncle Tom Kanye West may be on to something.
Precisely. The only people who should carry firearms are government appointees, hired by Donald Trump and his subordinates. I’m sure that’s what the good Representative has in mind.
I went to lunch the other day with a bunch of folks from the office and I saw a weird version of the US Flag on the wall that was all black with white stars, except for a blue line in one of the bars. I asked what that was about and one of my co-workers said it was a thin blue line flag to show support for cops. I decided to restrain myself because the speaker was in my food chain, and seemed like a cop-sucker.
I was thinking that was some bullshit and they shouldn’t fuck with the US flag and cops can eat a bag of dicks.
It also made me think again about how different cops are from fire-fighters/paramedics. I have several close friends who are the latter, and they are mostly cop-suckers. I don’t understand why they think they are so similar, because I see no similarity at all, other than that they both work for local government authorities. Fire-fighters/paramedics sit around and shoot the shit in the firehouse until someone needs their help, then they go and try to help them when called. Cops roam the streets looking for reasons to fuck with people. That’s the difference from my perception.
It’s the first-responder brotherhood. I had some friends of both who used to brag how they were speed ticket proof, especially the firefighter with lights in his personal vehicle.
Cops roam the streets looking for reasons to fuck with people.
Yep. Two things that would absolutely fix the cop overreach problem are 1) none of thr fines and property confiscated by the police can be kept by the department. It all goes to crime victims’ charity, either directly or by auction. 2) cops are personally strictly liable for civil rights violations (which would require them to carry malpractice insurance) and criminally liable for negligent or worse civil rights violations.
There’s a real sense of brotherhood among people who feel that they work largely in the same “system.” Social workers, public school teachers, garbagemen, utility crews, and other city workers are more marginal, as are nurses, but in various ways have a certain sense of common “circle” as the aforementioned groups. Note the high level of marriages among them, for example.
Since the post-Vietnam professionalization of the Armed Forces, Americans–especially in some communities–have grown more and more detached and less familiar with military culture. Thus, to deal with our sense of guilt and detachment, we have come to regard the people in it as not just people with a unique lifestyle familiarity with a culture that is vital to our nation’s survival; but as individual, abstract “heroes” in some distant sense we’d rather not think further about, regardless of the danger of their actual job. Because this sentiment is not really based on actual knowledge of fact (indeed, based on the lack of it), it was all too easy to add not just firefighters but cops to our litany of civic saints. Public school teachers are creeping in too, as you may have noticed. And why not, since these brave souls head off to work with their families not knowing if they’ll return or die in a mass shooting?
I agree about fucking with the flag.
These are the same folks who have a conniption fit when the gays make a rainbow American flag.
This is why I only fly the Jew fag flag.
Don’t fuck with the flag or the cosmos will fuck you up
Yeah, that’s the one.
*hovers link*yeah, I’m not clicking that no matter what it says
See what happens? And people blame me for using TinyURLs to keep the suspense alive.
A difference between firefighters and police: Firefighters will put themselves in real danger to save a life; Police will take a life to avoid imagined danger.
Go for it Eric.
See how it affects the midterm results.
^^ This. I’d pay to have Team Blue make this a center-point of their midterm campaign (they kindof have already). Seriously, go full gun-grab and see what happens.
I forget who said it a few weeks back, but the goal of the gun grabbers isn’t total confiscation. They just want to make us all felons. What use is a scary assault weapon if you can’t shoot it without attracting attention from the feds?
Well, once NFNB, which the incumbent president supports in its strongest form, passes, any future president can simply put every American on the larger “terrorism watch” list (still can fly; just considered broader persons worth monitoring) the next time Congress “fails to act”–because enough is enough and this is just common sense. This is a mere “administrative measure,” like current 2A legislation and lifetime sex crime penalties, whose Constitutionality has been affirmed without apparent limit by a whole host of court decisions. And it’s clearly within the plain meaning of the NFNB statute.
I’m not getting something.
If 100 million Americans own guns (which is I figure I hear) that’s almost 30% of the population, that’s a huge chunk of the will of the people and voting block.
Why in the world are left-wing Democrats trying to attack their rights like this? It’s baffling. Do they actually believe by ignoring people’s rights because of their faux self-righteous bull shit is a good strategy?
The scary thing is they keep screaming and eventually they’ll get their way. Just look at NY and CO. ‘Yeh, well we’ll go after the retailers!’ They’re never going to stop. A message has to be sent. I don’t know what but man this is nuts.
Why in the world are left-wing Democrats trying to attack their rights like this? It’s baffling. Do they actually believe by ignoring people’s rights because of their faux self-righteous bull shit is a good strategy?
They’re operating on a turnout strategy. They think that riling up their leftist base will allow them to override any negative reaction by increasing turnout of the reliably leftist voting blocs. Gun control is unpopular, but it doesn’t drive too much pro-gun turnout.
They ignore the 30% because it only takes 50%+1 to enact their will. Unless the people who are concerned for their rights are willing to take great risk to resist, the tyranny of the majority will get its way.
Look at districting. Urban areas trend blue, as does the northeast, the west coast, and the rust belt. In blue areas, you’ll notice that voting districts are drawn to isolate registered Republicans, such that any remotely sizable number of Team Red voters will tend to be distributed through districts with majority Team Blue voters, rather than putting them in a block where they might be able to get a Republican elected. And look at the EC at the national level. If the 30% are mostly in rural areas, who cares? Policy in this country is decided mostly by the urban coastal areas, and that means NY, CA, and FL. Of those three, two are reliably anti-gun.
You can go back 2000 years and see the same thing. This is the grain dole given to the plebs urbana to win their votes in Rome all over again. Nothing is new under the sun, and human nature doesn’t really change.
It will be < 24 hours before I see the next progtard rolling their eyes and proclaiming that nobody's trying to take your guns, you paranoid hick.
That’s PRECISELY what they want.
“And I do not think the enforcement of this would go the way you think.”
This rant has been posted before, but it’s a good one…
“He will be home part of the summer, and the plan is to give him a crash course in cooking some basic meals. I don’t have lofty ambitions .. maybe boiling pasta, scrambling eggs, grilling chicken.”
Wean him off the breast milk first.
Those are cooking skills for pre-teens. How have you avoided passing them along so long?
Other than the eggs, I don’t know what there is to teach in that list. If all you do is turn on the heat and watch it until it looks right then take it off, you’ll have done a serviceable job. A person with a modicum of curiosity could figure it out. Scrambling eggs would require some instruction, though, since you need to know what to add to your eggs to get it right.
There are a few things to make those processes successful, such as stirring the pasta after adding it so that it doesn’t stick, turning the heat down so the chicken fully cooks through, etc.
True, but that is stuff that you’ll figure out through trial and error once you start, no instruction needed. Noodles are sticking? Move them around (or put more water in). Chicken burned on the outside before cooking? Turn down the heat. Eggs, I don’t see how you would figure out that to get the best result you need some dairy without someone telling you. But then again, I guess my assumptions in both directions don’t hold for all people.
Those are all things where you can reach mediocre success with minimal effort, and where you’ve got a lot of range to improve by just developing better technique. Like any idiot can make pasta go from being hard and brittle to soft and flexible, but the key is to get it to an even al dente. And don’t get me started on scrambled eggs. I’m a french-style man, so I’m shooting for something roughly the consistency of cottage cheese. This is a skill that is learned over time.
I made Gordon Ramsey’s scrambled eggs. They were really great but I also actually like ones without cream that are cooked through more.
Grilling chicken, and doing it well, is an order of magnitude more complicated than the other skills listed.
You need to cover: Food safety and cleanlyness, butchery, proper salting, two or three zone grill setup, cooking to temperature, managing different thickness on the grill, managing different meat textures, and managing flair ups.
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.
Utopia, here we come!
Trashy’s DCA liveglib #4:
Well, the girl next to me either just broke up with her boyfriend over the phone or is an extremely contentious person. I get that sometimes that whole “disrespect” dynamic works, but men don’t thrive when their significant other carries their balls around in a purse. I pity the poor guy.
As recently as a couple years ago, battery conservation was priority #1 in airports. The cell service was spotty and there were very few electrical outlets. Finally, most airports have caught up with the times. I’m sure the red tape for getting these charging kiosks in the secure side of the airport was tremendous.
Never use the charging kiosks.
Especially if they’re USB connections. They have been used as a vector for spreading malware. Bring your own charger and find an outlet. Most airports will have an unguarded outlet you can make use of.
Good to know! Thankfully I use the transformer on a regular outlet already because it charges faster.
What? Why would the USB charging connections be connected to anything other than electricity?
You expect people to be smart?
Plus, if I can find the link I’ll post it, but there was a case of people setting up a fake kiosk specifically to harvest data from phones and infect them.
It’s not so much “being smart” as that it would be a fuckton more work and cost to actually build a network behind those USB ports that connect to a server or whatever than it would be to just make them dumb charging ports. I know that you’re techno-literate, I just can’t see what the purpose would be and I’ve always assumed that they’re just dumb charging ports.
I understand the “fake kiosk” angle but that also seems like a fuckton of work for little return. You’d get a lot more ROI from hooking a credit card skimmer up to a gas pump.
One wifi-capable device with a USB hub is all you’d need. If you’re running malware, you’ll have servers anyway, and you just piggyback on the airport’s network. Plus with all of the myriad apps people have on their phones, financial and otherwise, a compromised phone is worth more than a single credit card number.
So the government can look at your device and snoop around/steal all of your data with your consent.*
*probably something in the TOS on the airport’s website that grants them access to while the phone is connected.
Luckily, this is a solved problem.
Here’s the original. There are many others now, many of which are available on Amazon.
If it’s what I think it is, it’s grossly overpriced. A USB cable and 2 minutes with some needle nosed pliers would accomplish the same thing
Or it becomes uncessary if you just avoid strange USB cables.
I’ve never seen one of those before. I think building one is beyond the skills of anyone who doesn’t for instance build their own network cables, but I agree that the price for that one is shockingly high.
Amazon seems to have a bunch of them for about $12, which is exactly what I’d expect.
USB is 4 pins: hot, data in, data out, neutral. Snip the middle 2 pins on the male connector, and you don’t have to worry about malicious data.
Network cables are easy to make. The hardest part is making sure the wires stay in the right order while you’re getting them into the connector before you crimp it.
Later versions of Android default to “charge only” mode when plugged into an outlet. You have to affirmatively switch the device to one of several data modes.
If I cared more about my data security, I’d be nervous about software protecting a hardware interface. If there were an exploitable weakness in the USB driver or in the software data block, it could still be hacked. If you yank the pins, there’s no way of programmatically getting around the protection.
Agreed. But for for unsophisticated hacks better than nothing.
I carry an external battery powered charger for use on the airplane as well as my own USB charger. Similar to others here I use my own charger. I won’t trust a public USB port.
I am not going to upload that one as it basically shows where my house is.
Oh, come on! A few eggs won’t hurt the paint, and they come right off with the hose. And the first good rain will get the toilet paper out of the trees.
Be a sport.
Half my family doesn’t know where my house is. I’m certainly not going to tell internet randoms.
I am an Internet specific, I’ll have you know!
Re the sex cult. I don’t see what’s so hard about recruiting actresses. Have you listened to Charlize Theron?
Not the brightest bulb in the shed.
I still remember her dumb quip during the draw for the World Cup in South Africa regarding France ousting Ireland. Yeah, Henry was a cheat and a black eye for soccer but that wasn’t the place to voice your displeasure.
I heard she gained 50 pounds for her latest movie. Will not see.
All on her head.
Congrats to MikeS!
People are noticing the work he has been doing.
‘The grim story of Hansel & Gretel and the brother who didn’t make it out alive because the oven door got stuck’ was the original title.
Wean him off the breast milk first.
“Because nothing says Russian interference like two American citizens talking over dinner. I guess the whole direct connection between Russian intel operatives and the person hired by the DNC to dig up “dirt” on Trump must have been a figment of my imagination.”
Let me get this straight:
The Clinton campaign hires a company (Fusion GPS) to torpedo Trump’s campaign, and in the course of their effort they make contact with Russian intelligence officers who deliver information to them that they use to start a federal investigation of Trump for the purposes of winning the election for Clinton. Is this about right?
Looks like text-book collusion to me; by the Clinton campaign, not Trump.
Looks like the Russian bots have shown up (just kidding).
Look at the Russian bot accusing others of being Russian bots.
/Russian bot
We are all Russian bots.
And we are all Tulpa.
Ergo, Tulpa is a Russian bot. QEDMF
*head explodes*
Students walk out of class to protest gang violence.
School Gang violence
Understatement of the year.
But fear not! Emanuel and the city council have everything under control!
“Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson had a direct message to the offenders on Friday: ‘Believe me you will not get away with this.’ Johnson ordered more special units in the neighborhood to ensure the safety of residents and find those responsible.”
There have been 777 people shot in Chicago this year, 128 of whom were killed. Is this the first time that Superintendent Johnson got really excited about chasing down the perpetrators?
I will be in Little Rock, AR on Monday and in Dallas (Addison area) Tuesday and Wednesday if anybody wants to grab a couple beers.
Y’all know my email address. Let me know or email me if you’re game.
Damn, missed me by a day. I’ll be in Dallas (Plano) through Monday morning.
Fuck Plano!
I haven’t been there since 1999 when my then GF was staying with her aunt. I hate Plano, but thinking of driving up there from Austin every other weekend that summer… those were good times. Except sitting on the 75 interchage through Dallas
That was my commute every day for 4 years. Either I got to work in 45 minutes, or it took almost two hours, depending where the crashes were. You were guaranteed 1 crash at all times each morning and each evening. A second crash was a 50/50 chance.
That stretch of highway was the single biggest reason we moved. We saw the writing on the wall as they piled more and more houses and businesses on the 75 corridor (and on the toll way). It was getting unpredictable even just commuting east to west (and back) across Plano.
Yeah. IIRC, 2 hours from 290 to the 35-75 changeover, 1-2 hours getting north of big D.
You know it’s bad when the police officer gets put on paid vacation even before the video actually makes it to the public
It’s a sad statement that it doesn’t warrant an immediate firing and filing of charges.
But this was the same day! Usually the video gets leaked to the public 8 months later and THEN the officer gets put on paid vacation a few days after that. It’s … an improvement?
OMG this. He should be arraigned and posting bail like any other person.
What? You want people put on charges for just “violating department policy?” Jeez man, it’s not like he committed a crime. You probably want the death penalty for forgetting to polish your badge.
How would Law & Order handle this?
One day, there will be an incident where a cop has to watch his idiotic partner to this sort of thing to someone he personally knows.
In your sports links yesterday you failed to mention the Ohio State golf team, so I called you out on it in the [REDACTED] thread.
Just trolling, as they didn’t make the tourney. What is up with that, how do they not make it every year?
As I mentioned in the other thread, GT is a 1 seed in their region.
They probably haven’t gotten to play much this year. They had snow on the ground 2-3 weeks ago, didn’t they?
I am sure most of the tourneys are held in the south and west.
Kent St, Illinois, Northwestern, and Penn St all made it.
I mention Kent St because although they are in as MAC champs, they are seeded high enough that they would have easily got an at-large bid anyway.
Cleveland St also is in, but as a 13 seed, so Ohio St might have the second best golf team in the state. Maybe.
The parents “don’t know how to use a fucking democracy”.
It’s not a real democracy if you cannot use it to crush your enemies and drive them into the wasteland.
Democracy is the people. I am a person. Therefore democracy is me getting what I want with the force of government compelling you to get with my program.
lol. My buddy who is a financial analyst just told me he knows one of the guys Musk blasted. What an idiot. Portfolio managers aren’t gonna keep that stock with smug crackheads at the helm.
It’s the beginning of the end for Tesla. Classic case of over-promising, and not handling the reality that you aren’t genius enough to bullshit your way out of reality.
It’s amazing to see how long he’s been able to string investors along. His bullshiting has made him more money then I’ll make in my lifetime.
Anyone got dibs on the netflix documentary yet?
Yeah. Musk Production, Ltd.
It’s a pretty tight world on Wall Street and Toni Sacconaghi is actually very well known. The interesting thing is that Toni is a tech analyst and not a US auto analyst.
Disclosure: former sell side equity analyst
What’s up with all of my comments being flagged for moderation lately? Am I on double secret probation?
If they told you, it wouldn’t be secret.
Here’s the real # for 911.
Of course you are, Tulpa.
Three or more links?
Also, sometimes the spam filter gets clogged and randomly moderates people.
Stop trying to post about your sister’s cousin’s new job and the new Lexus she bought after making $593479 a week.
Aww, all I got was $7382 and a Citroen.
I’ve got no idea. I’ll find out.
I think UCS is probably right. My last comment contained three links. You could say I was irrationally exuberant with the linkage.
Ok, I found out. It’s because you had 4-5 links in the comment that just got flagged. There’s a 2 link max otherwise it gets hit for moderation.
Wait, you can have two links in a comment without it getting flagged now? When did that happen?
*whistles innocently*
Seriously? Two links? I am so gonna spam up threads with YouTube videos of marginally talented punk rock band footage from the mid 1980’s. Big time!
Now the video has surfaced. It shows an Miami Police officer taking a running start and then kicking a defenseless, handcuffed suspect in the head. A police department spokesperson confirmed this was the video in question.
There could be others, you know.
“I’m not sure why he tased that pregnant woman for jaywalking. As soon as we get permission from the union, we’ll ask him. What do you mean, ‘What pregnant woman?'”
It isn’t Tundra or me. Who is this Minnesoda Glib?
Would a Glib carry a knife in his pocket like that?
I do, right now, sitting at my Desk. Are you allowed to do that in NYC?
/ Real Men Wear Knives
Short answer it depends. I have a different blade that I carry in NYC Amazingly enough even the NYT has said “enough is enough”
Link: NYT
It’s an FJ Cruiser. Doesn’t that make it a justifiable car-bashing?
That pipeline was asking for it!
Minnesoda officials manage to get shit back asswards on proposed pipeline
Uffda. Yes, it was the pipeline company that left that giant mess and caused such a ruckus in NoDak.
It’s easy to chase one deep pocket – a thousand shallow pockets are harder to score a payday from.
Especially since those thousand pockets are pretty much empty.
It is pretty brazen though to so openly shake down the pipeline company. Imagine how hard it must be to work in the PR dept for Enbridge and have to deal with shit like this all the time.
Trashy’s DCA liveglib #5:
I’m watching some girl chickenpeck her keyboard. Usually the chicken peckers skew old and male. It sends the vibe of “I ask my grandson to upload me to the Facebook”. I’m utterly confused by this girl. She’s younger than me and doesn’t appear to have been raised by feral cats in a cardboard box, yet she types like a 5 year old.
Sometimes I wonder about the viability of using helicopters for commuter traffic. Pack a couple hundred people into a Chinook, and cut an hour commute down to 15 minutes.
You should go mansplain typing to her.
“Didn’t they teach you this in Home Ec?”
They’d abolished Home Ec by the time I was in high school. They did offer a keyboarding class. I went from 14 WPM to 15 WPM, but I finally learned the layout of the keys. I think I’m faster at typing now, but that’s mainly because I’ve written a lot.
“excuse me ma’am. I’ve noticed that you’re pecking your keys like a chicken. Could I introduce you to another pecker that is the size of a chicken?”
Its a big cock.
Some people apparently are pretty fast with that. Also I suspect the upcoming generations aren’t as good at typing as everyone assumed they’d be–just as few of them turned out to be “tech savvy” in any but the most superficial manner.
Full-featured personal computers are now quite solidly a work productivity tool again. Other than those who engage with them for that purpose extensively, most people do the overwhelming amount of their “computing” on various consumer devices. Most they ever did was those five-paragraph essays back in school, and you can get by just fine there with hunt-and-peck.
I found it funny from square one when lazy pop-wisdom would assume that the phenomenon of kids running circles around their bewildered parents in “tech-savviness” was not an anomaly of that particular moment in history, when consumer technology began to move rapidly enough that everyone from then on would grow up with a suitable mentality of adjusting to its constant development, but rather a phenomenon that would repeat itself with each generation in perpetuity. Even now many graybeards (and presumably childless people deferring to them) seem to have held onto this silly theory.
Some people apparently are pretty fast with that. Also I suspect the upcoming generations aren’t as good at typing as everyone assumed they’d be
This one is not very fast. Proficient, but definitely not fast.
I’d assume that kids who have been in a keyboarding class since age 5 would at least have the form down by now. Whether or not they’re tech savvy, they should’ve been broken of the chicken pecking by age 7
I have not been an early adapter for much, but was for typing. Learned on an old typewriter before I left for first grade! I’m not that old, but this was back when the world could easily tell that PCs were bringing to a close the era where typing was a dedicated career skill, but before it was actually being done.
You reminded me that I wanted to get a mechanical typewriter to go along with the electric typewriter I have.
(Fun fact – I’ve actually had to use the typewriter because there are still state forms on NCR paper with so many layers that it’s impossible for a pen to mark them all)
That’s funny. I picture the typewriter being in a secure location that you have to badge in to access.
My first keyboarding class was in 2nd grade, and I had a high school keyboarding requirement to graduate. I was the kid who memorized my dad’s password and all of the DOS commands required to launch my favorite game, so keyboarding was more of a “get done fast so I could play Oregon trail” thing.
Yeah but you know everyone hated you when they could see you there playing Trail every day and they were stuck doing the shit you finished in five minutes
*nods in knowing agreement*
I learned to type on a manual typewriter while Nixon was still president.
Spent a lot of time in a Shithook, er…Chinook? NO THANK YOU!
I have a millennial coworker who also chicken-peck’s his keyboard. It’s funny because he’s actually tech savvy – buys the latest gadgets, built his own gaming rig, helps people around the office with simple IT questions. He just never learned to type as a kid, and by now he’s determined never to learn (he has a bit of a stubborn streak).
You know. I just realized. Christopher Lloyd, Walked and Bill Murray never did a movie together. What a crime against pop culture!
Well, there’s still time. Write your favorite director/producer.
I like the guy who made Rushmore.
Gutzon Borglum?
Your morning dose of hero worship
Obama was credentialled, but he was not an intelligent man. He also packed his cabinet with yes-people for whom competence was secondary to unity.
He was a skilled Chicago politician.
This is not a compliment.
Cunning and ruthlessness is not necessarily a sign of intelligence.
I can’t imagine ever being so dependent on who the president is. Either this is waaaay overwrought, or this woman has emotional issues.
When Government is your God, it matters.
When Government is that annoying tick you just cna’t seem to burn out, it matters less who it is than what they’re doing.
Conclusion: we need to eliminate the electoral college.
If we decide to set up the apparatus to conduct true national elections we can start talking about it. As it is there have been a few slowly creeping national standards (like Motor Voter, Help America Vote, etc.) but nothing very much. Our system is 50 state elections for national office and that is all it is set up for. It is completely inappropriate to lump all the votes from all the states into one national election pool while leaving it up to the states to control the circumstances under which the votes of their residents will be added into that pool (voter qualifications, ID, voting time and ease, which votes to count under what standards, etc.). You cannot abracadabra the current system away simply because you regard it as “obsolete.” And that is certainly what current proponents want to do–especially as you see measures like the Popular Vote Compact that is sweeping the nation. If that ever passes some judge needs to strike it down for One Man One Vote violations.
Given the magnatude of voter fraud in the most anti-voter states *cough*Commifornia*cough*Illinois*cough*New York*cough*, excuse me, it must be dusty in here, anyway, as I was saying, the number of fraudulent in just one bad-actor state swamps the entire voter pool of Minnesota.
Distributed ledger technology is the obvious solution as a voting system. Also a good way to enforce a poll tax.
I always picture Michelle in a comic strip ripping trees out of their roots with her bear hands.
And I envisioned her relationship with Obama to be like:
God the part where he wants to whack Bugs with club has me in stitches.
She’s got bear hands? No wonder she’s so damn strong.
I literally meant beat hands.
Hero worship? I’d call that messianic devotion.
a beautiful wife
In the eyes of the beholder, I suppose. (but compared to Melania? Gimme a break)
an educated, intelligent man
I too, will miss his smug condescension. //Not
She is a microcosm of the dangerous emotional attachment some people have to politicians, and the presidency as an office.
That’s the most laughable part of the whole claim. Trump’s cabinet is filled with far more successful/intelligent people than Obama’s ever was. Trump’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knows how to delegate properly.
Surrounded by intelligent people? Name three.
Obama was surrounded by career bureaucrats. He appointed people who would tow the lion and not rock the boat, like most career politicians tend to do. Particularly on the left, it seems.
Rudy Giuliani: Stable Genius
In fact, Giuliani, a bare-knuckles brawler in the rings of both politics and litigation, was laying down a marker. The former New York mayor is sending a clear message to Special Counsel Robert Mueller: It’s been more than a year; show your cards. Put up or shut up.
Giuliani was showing his cards when he explained that Trump had personally covered the $130,000 payout to Daniels. Cohen was on retainer, and apparently empowered to take care of these kinds of situations without telling Trump, thereby insulating his boss. This might not be pretty, or the kind of thing a Mitt Romney would do, but it’s not illegal…
Just about an hour before Giuliani broke the news cycle, former Trump campaign official Michael Caputo was on cable news recounting his experience being interviewed by the Mueller team. He said something interesting. He said the Mueller investigation knows more about the Trump campaign than anyone who worked on it. This is telling.
If the Mueller investigation, which the White House has cooperated with, has every bit of information regarding the campaign, what more does it need to tell the American people if collusion with Russia took place? This is the question Giuliani is asking. He is even offering that his client, the president of the United States. is willing to sit down and clear things up. It’s a good question, and one the American people should be asking: When will Mueller tell us what he knows?…
The message to Mueller could not be clearer: What do you got? And it is asked with a New York swagger that perhaps only Rudy has perfected more completely than Trump. Giuliani is convinced that the Mueller investigation has nothing on his client. It may indict Russians, it may find that Paul Manafort engaged in shady business practices, it might find that James Comey bravely broke the law, but on Trump it has nothing.
Possibly. Either way, I’m low on popcorn.
“When will Mueller tell us what he knows?”
Completely dependent on the outcome of the 2018 elections. If the Dems take the House, then he’ll report his findings and tie it all up in a nice little bow for their impeachment; after all, that’s the only reason he’s doing this charade anyway, to do the Dems’ job for them. If the Pubs keep the House, he’ll slow-walk it until 2020 when he’ll spin what he’s found to undermine Trump’s reelection.
Let’s not kid ourselves, this “investigation” is tax-payer funded oppo research with subpoena power. Congratulations, we’ve reached Nicaragua-level governmental corruption.
Nicaragua-level governmental corruption.
Band name?
But, yea. This farce is going to damage us. Government agencies and offices are worried about the loss of credibility perceived by the electorate but are doing everything in their power to ensure that said credibility will be further diminished, all for their interest in control.
Oooh, I need to get some popcorn to watch Sloopy and Mike fight this one out. Journalo claims Texas “colonized” NoDak.
How dare those NoDak’s not condemn the free market and demand that they get free unicorns.
Is that lady functionally retarded? They’ve done everything they can there to capture tax revenue. And they’ve also done everything they could to limit exploration and extraction by limiting housing.
“Rao describes the book as narrative non-fiction and says she mostly wanted to tell the story of the outsiders—including “all the con artists, all the criminals, all the fugitives”—who came to North Dakota to make money and then leave ASAP.”
Narrative non-fiction, huh? That phrase looks like a tell.
who came to North Dakota to make money and then leave ASAP.”
My grandmother was born in NoDak, and as best I can tell, about 80% of people who come to NoDak leave ASAP.
Everything they can to capture tax revenue? Well, yeah, it’s government in an oil state. But the oil extraction tax was cut in 2015.
Yes, a few retarded city councils outlawed ‘man camps’ and did a few other stupid things, but I think the limit on housing was more caused by getting construction materials and labor to the middle of nowhere North Dakota in sufficient quantity to keep up.
You also have to look at the history of oil booms/busts in the area. A lot of the older people remember past booms that resulted in way overbuilding infrastructure, then a bust a few years later than eventually left everything in shambles. Out there, the busts last much longer than the booms. A lot of people were reluctant to repeat the cycle. The most common theme among people in the area was “I am not against drilling for oil. I just want you to slow the growth, so we can build our infrastructure in a sustainable manner.”
wished it could “be done in a more responsible or respectful manner.”
IOW, somewhere else.
Keeping money out of politics
Giuliani gave two interviews to Fox News in which he acknowledged that Cohen paid Daniels on Trump’s behalf to silence Daniels’s allegations of an affair with Trump, while insisting that the affair never took place. But he also acknowledged that the payments were made in order to shield Trump’s presidential bid from scandal. That would appear to make Cohen’s payments an excessive contribution to Trump’s campaign, as well as an unreported campaign expenditure, both violations of federal election law. Knowing violations of campaign-finance laws can be subject to criminal prosecution.
“It certainly appears that the $130,000 that was paid to Daniels was a payment made in connection with the election,” said Brendan Fischer, an attorney with the Campaign Legal Center.
By all means, let’s make election finance laws as arcane and convoluted as possible, so we can entrust the operations of our political system to a small cadre of Mandarins. That way, we’ll get nothing but the most professional and highly qualified career public servants, and no more crazy dillettantes like Public Enemy Number One.
You’ve mostly captured it. The thing is that it’s the so-called 4th Estate that is most threatened by Trump. They perceive themselves as king-makers, and Trump has robbed them of that perception, both by winning the election against their wishes, and exposing them as lying hacks, continuously. They desperately want to be among the Mandarins who guide the ship of state, but that is not possible in “Trump’s America”.
$130,000 is nothing in a Presidential election… nothing.
If the process were clean and Trump were an outlier on this, I’d say throw the book at him. <a href="" title="But when the opponent stands accused of laundering $84,000,000 of campaign contributions thru the state parties to get around contribution limits” target=”_blank” >But when the opponent stands accused of laundering $84,000,000 of campaign contributions thru the state parties to get around contribution limits and is not being prosecuted because the opposing party refuses to nominate people to the committee that oversees such activity, I’m not going to get upset if Trump isn’t held accountable for some fairly minor financial shenanigans.
Well shit…
I had a bottle of Patron Reposado over the weekend and really enjoyed it. I think I’m going to switch over from bourbon to tequila for the summer. Any recommendations on a budget tequila for regular drinking?
I was looking at the Hornitos or 1800 Reposados? Something around that range.
Unleaded regular is about $3/gallon.
Hornitos is passably good for what it is (huh, my phone tried to correct Hornitos to Horny Otis).
Horny Otis sounds more like an absolute rotgut bourbon.
I would definitely buy a tequila named Horny Otis.
Sounds good, I’m just looking for something to throw with some cheap margarita mix and down in the pool and around the grill. Anything nicer would be wasted.
That’s what I use it for and it’s perfectly good for that. Beats the hell out of Jose Cuervo.
Hornitos it is then, thanks.
Hornitos is good. Also, try to experiment with making your own marg mix. The store bought stuff is shitty, too sweet, boring.
Make simple syrup (slow boil equal parts water and sugar together). Fresh squeezed citrus juices lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit are the way to go. Also pineapple Don’t forget some mint, basil, cilantro for a little twist. Garnish with citrus slices or mint or cherries soaked in Cointreau. Do some good margs this summer. Treat yoself!
That’s a good idea. I might do that for some parties we have upcoming. We have all this fresh mint and basil from the garden.
Also cilantro = soap.
Don’t use mix.
2oz Tequila (get something decent)
1oz St. Germain
half lime, squeezed,
Some sparkling water if you need.
Delicious and you won’t get that gross sugary mix taste and feeling in your gut.
For the money, I was pleasantly surprised by Lunazul.
Thanks, this one looks good. Local ABC doesn’t stock it though. I love the Bernie Sanders style alcohol system in VA. Does anyone really need a choice of 23 types of tequila? Fuck McDonnell.
We were down in Virginia Beach and hit an ABC. It was a vivid reminder of why I can’t live in an ABC state.
Where my wife used to work, there was a single ABC for the entire county. And it closed at 5pm Friday evening.
One liquor store to serve the county and it closed at 5pm everyday. I can’t even begin to understand.
Define “budget”. I usually drink Casa Noble anejo. Sometimes Don Julio. I have a bottle of regular 1800 that I use for mixed drinks.
Costco sells a Kirkland-brand anejo (reposado? can’t remember offhand) that is surprisingly decent for the price.
Anyway, my own opinion is that good tequila is well worth the cost. If you have a Total Wine in your area, they have a good selection at all kinds of prices.
“Silver” tequila, regardless of brand or price, is indistinguishable from paint thinner.
1800 for mixed drinks sound about the right range. I don’t want anything much nicer. That would be like mixing Four Roses with coke, I’ll use Beam for that.
I wish I could buy liquor at Costco. I buy pretty much everything else there. I get the state-run monopoly ABC instead.
Hornito’s black label is pretty good for it’s price point.
Hornitos sounds like a good choice, thanks
I like Hornitos Reposado for sipping, and Plata for Margies. When buying tequila the thing to look for is “100% Agave.” If it doesn’t say that it’s cut with industrial vodka.
Plata is unaged, Reposado is barrel aged, Añejo is aged even longer.
I have seen Lunazul in some ABC stores. Try Carytown. The stores stock what sells in that location.
Hey Tonio, I didn’t know you were VA too. It’s been about 15 years since I was last in Carytown, but I did find some Lunazul and others recommended here at a larger ABC I can hit when I next head out of town.
My local one does stock the Hornitos Reposado so I’m going to start with that after work.
BBQ thread reminded me of something I have been meaning to ask.
I will be in Baltimore in late June, any restaurant recommendations? Not BBQ.
Actually, other than flying in and out of BWI, I will only be in Baltimore one day – visiting the Aquarium. So anything interesting in that area would be the best bet.
If you were there a couple weeks later you could’ve gone to Bronycon!
The Inner Harbor area near the Aquarium (which is awesome by the way) is pretty tourist-y, mostly chain stuff. Or at least it was the last time I was there a couple of years ago.
Is there a furrycon? I wonder if those two groups hate each other with a passion no outsider could understand.
Um… yeah, there’s a furry con. It’s in Pittsburgh though. Called Anthrocon. I learned about it when they had something similar in that episode of CSI. Or maybe it was NCIS. Those shows are pretty much the same, aren’t they?
It was CSI. the dead furry got mistaken for a coyote and shot by a landowner of some kind.
That sounds damn near stupid and unrealistic enough to be on CSI. Who the fuck is going to mistake a medium-small canid for a grown man walking around on two legs in a creepy stylized furry suit? It’d make a more convincing cover story than that if the landowner said he mistook him for an Armenian.
I think it was both. I remember one where the dead furry had been crushed by a fat girl in bed.
Now that is fucking realism in television! I’d watch that shit.
It’s not a long walk over to Little Italy from the Inner Harbor. If I were there, that’s where I’d go.
Any specific recs there? I think my wife found one place in little Italy she was interested in.
None specific since I’ve been away for a while. I’d be inclined to one of the old traditional spots, Da Mimmo, Sabatini’s, Chiaparelli’s…
Seconded, if Rio Lisboa is still around, they have excellent Brazilian fare as well.
isn’t it waxy?
If you’re into history and museums, Ft. McHenry (where the flag was flown that inspired the national anthem) is in Baltimore, and it’s pretty good if you’re into that sort of thing.
I will be there with a 2.5 year old. I think pretty fish and lunch is about all she will be able to handle.
Good call, then. The Inner Harbor is your best bet then. There are quite a few restaurants that have nice views of the harbor while you eat lunch.
If you’re up for a little drive or a long walk you could hit Little Havana on the other side of the harbor. Cuban food, kind of a sports bar type setup, but there’s outside seating on the water and the food was pretty good last few times I’ve been there.
My PM, who is crazy, was telling me about a place on the harbor with a great balcony and great crab cakes. I assume that describes about 250 restaurants.
Take the water taxi to Fell’s Point. Several good local seafood places there.
Captain James Crabhouse.
From 2015, on our next Speaker. I liked it mostly for the cartoon.
Friday boobies.
5 is sufficient, but I’ll take 21 as a side order.
Garbage in, garbage out
Drawing almost no attention, the nation crossed an ominous milestone last year that threatens more economic polarization and social division: For the first time, public colleges and universities in most states received most of their revenue from tuition rather than government appropriations.
This historic shift away from tax dollars funding the bulk of public higher education comes precisely as the nation’s youth population is crossing a succession of milestones to become more racially diverse than ever. As statisticians would say, it’s an open question whether these twin trends represent an example of causation or just correlation. But whether resources are shrinking because diversity is growing, or the two trends are proceeding independently, their convergence is still a dangerous development—not only for higher education, but also for the nation’s economic future.
Oh, no! The cost of higher education is being shifted from the taxpayer to the students. It’s a hate crime, pure and simple. Nonsensical blather about how college funding is being stripped away to keep the darkies from realizing their true potential. Something tells me his claims about nefarious “reductions in funding” are total bullshit.
The cost of higher education is being shifted from the taxpayer to the students and back to taxpayers when that bubble pops.
This. Fuck the entire industry.
Maybe higher ed should stop being useless indoctrination factories and actually give a shit about educating students and teaching critical thinking skills. What a novel idea!
Doing that would mean less money. This is the same sort of maths progressives base their inequality arguments on. More students are being taken in, and retained thanks to lower standards. So what students pay is outpacing what the government is paying. At least, nominally…
I say nominally because the students are paying with tax dollars or subsidized loans, anyway.
The Kanye Effect
The Wrap reports that a new Reuters poll shows that support for President Trump among African-American men “doubled from 11 percent, for the week ending April 22, to 22 percent, for the week ending April 29.” The poll also notes that this is the high-water mark for Trump in this survey so far this year.
Yes, the numbers are small, but doubling up is better than doubling down.
What is most remarkable about this “Kanye Effect” is the fact that the left has been working overtime to discredit him for not only speaking against leftist orthodoxy, but remaining unapologetic about it.
The MSM went nuts “reporting” on which celebrities unfollowed Kanye on Twitter, as if that blatantly obvious attempt to publicly shame him would work.
Having failed with that weak approach, the left sent the hive-mind late-night hosts after Kanye.
But the question is, does Kanye like fishsticks?
Yes, the numbers are small, but doubling up is better than doubling down.
CBP steals $41k from woman, refuses to give it back unless she (a) promises not to sue them and (b) promises to pay them back for the money they’ve spent to try to stop her from getting her money back
What’s the difference between asset forfeiture and armed robbery again? Besides that you’re more likely to get your money back from an armed robber?
Once again, the Institute for Justice is awesome.
Has anyone ever seen them take a case in which they weren’t dead on right?
Every other organization seems to have some issues. I don’t always agree with FIRE even though they do great work.
But the IJ seems to have a 100% record. Freaking amazing.
That’s why they got a donation from this website.
Trump needs to reconsider his position on CAF.
L.A. Antifa Group Hangs Trump in Effigy, Calls for ‘Revolutionary Violence’ Against ‘the Capitalist State’
“We stand in solidarity with the Red Guards and principally Maoist collectives who are working towards the creation of the Maoist Party. We stand in solidarity with Maoist parties across the world who are committed to building socialism and fighting revisionism through People’s War!”…
“What needs to be done is the concentric construction of the three weapons of revolution: the Maoist Party, the Maoist People’s Army, and the Maoist United Front. What needs to be done is to militarize the masses and all the pre-Party Maoist formations!”…
“We must prepare today, yesterday and tomorrow for the prolong confrontation, the protracted war, against the capitalist state. We must carry out military actions against the enemies of the people!”
No Doesn’t pass the imminent lawless action test.
Fuck no
At least they’re getting more honest.
At least they aren’t just punching and assaulting people this time
There was a time, not too long ago, when one could hope such a shameful display would be some kind of performance art.
Sadly, we no longer live in that time.
Me, America’s son…
But first, please turn in all your guns, you paranoid redneck clingers.
Ok that picture …
*begins drafting suit for intentional infliction of extreme emotional distress
* remembers self respect
Now that the state mandated tests are over and the teachers can actually, you know, teach, my kid’s teacher (3rd grade) is teaching them cursive writing.
I didn’t know schools did that any longer.
I think its a good thing. Even if it isnt, on the list of things schools teach, that would be far down my list of things to cut.
I haven’t written in cursive since grammar school. I only use it when I have to sign my name to a document.
printing > cursive
Same, but some of the cursive glyphs have made it into my writing style. It was worth learning for that part alone.
Social justice cursive.
That’s woke af
All your sentences have to be constructed with an equal number of each letter used.
Just no exclamation marks. Those were invented by the !Kung and other click-language peoples of Africa and culturally colonized by the white man.
At least that means your kid will be able to sign their name proper. That’s the only use I have for cursive, but as the people I know who don’t know cursive have very terrible signatures I’m glad I learned it as a kid. Doesn’t have much other use, though.
NPR chases down hypocrisy, no matter where the trail might lead.
President Trump will speak at the National Rifle Association’s annual convention on Friday, a little more than two months after he pledged to stand up to the gun rights organization in the aftermath of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.
In the days after the shooting that killed 17 people, Trump called out lawmakers for being “afraid” of the NRA, saying the group had “less power” over him. He even publicly backed raising the minimum age to buy long guns and supported imposing more expansive background checks — positions strongly opposed by the NRA.
But when the White House actually announced its proposals to improve school safety, the approach was much more narrow and pretty much in line with NRA policy stances.
The mismatch between Trump’s rhetoric on gun laws and the legislative actions he ultimately ended up backing fits a larger pattern for Trump. He has repeatedly floated ideas publicly, seemingly off the cuff, before pulling back to conform with more mainstream Republican principles.
He says one thing, and does another. He’s unlike any President in history.
Trump is a puppet of the NRA. Why hasn’t he been impeached?
From the cooking article. The first line, laid out as plain as day, lists the problem with journalism.
That counts as research for journalists. Depending on a search program that tailors itself to give results that comply with your worldview, political leanings, whatever.
It also shows that they’re cheaping out. Instead of providing a unique product to the marketplace, theyve taken their sliding Financials as a sign that they should realign to compete with bloggers. It’s not a good look.
I think Giuliani and Trump should do a buddy comedy movie together
Oh, wait, that’s already been done
TW: CNN Unemployment is below 4% for the first time since 2000
The unemployment rate dropped below 4% in April for the first time since 2000. The Labor Department reported Friday that it fell to 3.9% — inching closer to territory not seen in half a century.
Employers added 164,000 jobs, slightly below what economists were expecting but better than a comparatively sluggish March.
The report indicates another month of solid job growth for an economy that has been expanding for almost nine years — the second-longest streak on record.
Business would be adding even more jobs if they could find the workers they want. There are more than 6 million unfilled job openings in the United States, near a record. The number of people quitting jobs is also historically high, as people leave for better jobs.
“The employment situation continues to surprise everyone,” said Robert Frick, chief economist with Navy Federal Credit Union. “Getting down to 3.9 is quite a marker.”
Clearly this is a delayed effect of The Lightbringer’s policies.
The unemployment rate is meaningless. And the job gains were below the target.
Yes, percent between age x and y employed is actually the meaningful stat.
I wouldn’t want too be married to any of you.
‘Dad, I got 90 on my exam!’
‘Why couldn’t you get 91?’
*I recently pulled this act with my daughter. I immediately reigned myself in with ‘what am I doing?’
“I wouldn’t want too be married to any of you.”
Really? That hurt my feelings
You don’t think I’m pretty enough to be gay married to?
Eh, what would you know, you’re a puppet
I like those job numbers, actually. Indicates to me that the economy is not over-heating.
It’s a BS stat, so I’ll bitch about real unemployment just as I did when Chocolate Nixon was in office.
Chocolate Nixon
Nixon was a far better man than Obama.
I would definitely buy a tequila named Horny Otis.
“I don’t always drink tequila, but when I do, I drink Horny Otis, and nothing else.”
*emerges naked from hot tub, with giant pixilated erection*
*emerges from hot tub naked, except for sombrero*
Please tell me that the sombrero is on your head.
Sigh. Why did I know you’d use the two sombrero loophole?
“What needs to be done is the concentric construction of the three weapons of revolution: the Maoist Party, the Maoist People’s Army, and the Maoist United Front. What needs to be done is to militarize the masses and all the pre-Party Maoist formations!”…
“We must prepare today, yesterday and tomorrow for the prolong confrontation, the protracted war, against the capitalist state. We must carry out military actions against the enemies of the people!”
Are these the same people who want to ban guns?
I can’t keep up.
Yes. The idea is to disarm you and then use maoist/marxist/stalinist/fascist mobs to intimidate ( or beat you) into submission.
Because of course, in their mind, a rag-tag group of part-time Community College Red Guard LARPers are going to be allowed to have weapons and act as the vanguard army.
Their naivete would be almost touching if it weren’t so depressing.
They will throw bean-bags at their enemies while shouting “M-4, M-4! Grenade!”
The most famous domestic Maoist group in American history (I don’t even think Beijing had a program to infiltrate us) by an enormous margin was the Panthers. (Can you even name the runner-up?) And I like them, as far as proponents of history’s most murderous ideology go, if for the only reason that they were crazy pro-2A. Presumably until their revolution succeeded, but still. At least they understood what sticking it to the Man was–not simpering and licking his boots while you hold your fist in the air.
Who the hell do you think you are?
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
What are you going to do with that gun?
“What are you going to do with your gun?”
–Huey converses with Oakland’s Finest, 1967
“The employment situation continues to surprise everyone,” said Robert Frick, chief economist with Navy Federal Credit Union. “Getting down to 3.9 is quite a marker.”
Notice how there is no mention of the reduced corporate tax rates.
I’ll admit it, I laughed.
“Only 1 scene with my husband was anal”
I guess even porn stars have to leave something for their spouse.
Joe Rogan used to do a hilarious bit in his standup in the early 2000s about one of the porn stars he’d worked with on Fear Factor claiming she wasn’t a whore because she didn’t do anal. “You’ve got two dicks in your pussy. Those guys are going gay — because, I’m sorry, if two men’s dicks touch during sex, that’s gay — all because you won’t take it up the ass!”
“Sure I have sex with different dudes on camera for money, but not anal. I have standards. Bukkake on the other hand…”
Jesus, Stormy Daniels getting into it with Roseanne Barr. The only thing missing is Rosie O’Donnell (I assume).
1999 Toyota Corolla – Fine AF – $2500
Get your checkbook out!
At 208K miles it’s just getting broken in too.
i fell asleep just looking at a couple of the pictures.
It is neat though to see a car that old and that common be is such good shape.
Everyone is so flummoxed as to how this con artist scammed these women into joining his sex cult:
“Westernized women secretly want to be enslaved and dominated!”
“His message of feminist empowerment lured them in and they were too weak to get out!”
“Women are too stupid to know what they’re getting into!”
I think it’s pretty simple really:
1) He’s a psychopath, so he’s Machiavellian, amoral and very good at reading people
2) He specifically targeted out-of-work women with low support structures in vulnerable positions
3) Actresses/heiresses tend to (not always) have poor self-image and are dependent on external validation; perfect candidates for a cult
It’s been done a thousand times before, this guy just happened to target famous women.
One might say he was the “Mack Daddy” of cultists.
*throws rotten tomato*
He did manage to get some premium tail, I’ll give him that. Definitely a notch above the Manson women.
Adventures in false equivalence
Slavery was an integral part of American history and touched nearly every initial settlement, including all 13 colonies. As the institution matured through the 18th and 19th centuries, industries, universities, cities and states were invested in the business of slavery and in enslaved people.
Yes, it was a long time ago. But so were the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution, yet students study every detail of these events. Today, our sixth-graders learn more about ancient Greece and Rome than the history of slavery. Even though core curriculum in public schools requires students to examine political, economic and social events that shaped the United States, slavery is rarely included. The institution of slavery was a large part of all three areas of development and at the center of American history from the time Europeans stepped foot on native soil.
Last time I checked, despite the best efforts of people like whoever wrote this crap, the American Republic (unlike institutional, legal slavery) is still a going concern.
Also- Kanye West is a race traitor, and must be silenced.
So what I’m saying is, why can’t we get over slavery the same way we got over the Constitution?
Getting over slavery means the Dems have to give up their leverage over black people. Therefore, we must remain obsessed with it for all eternity.
Slavery was an integral part of
Americanhistory andtouched nearly every initial settlementwas used by every race and culture…Fixed it.
Dan Carlin made an interesting point in one of his podcasts at Hardcore History that I will mangle here.
He talked about slavery being a step forward in history. Before slavery armies would simply kill everyone so they could take their stuff. Once slavery started there was an incentive to keep the losers alive because they were valuable.
Like I said, I mangled it and shortened it up by a lot.
I’ve read the same argument in other places.
Slavery was an improvement over mass slaughter.
I shocked a friend by praising forced relocation and reservations. It’s pretty shitty, sure, but a step up from slavery and two up from genocide.
She was similarly nonplussed when I suggested letting business owners discriminate would be a good thing. “Wouldn’t you prefer knowing that a restaurateur is a bigot?” She did not.
We stopped talking politics when I extolled climate change. “Think about it! We’ve prospered to such a degree as a species that we are terraforming our first planet!“
And of course my formulation that has yet to catch on: We’re much better off solving 21st century problems with 21st century solutions than we were 20th century problems with 20th century solutions. Think about everything humanity faced in 1901: Two World Wars yet to be resolved. A perilous nuclear arms race. The rise and fall of Communism. Eradicating polio and smallpox. Brit pop. We can’t know what this century will bring, but we know our toolset is much, much better, and even the most hysterical forecasts of climate change are thin gruel next to beating back the Nazis, and we did that with telegraph wires and prop planes.
Look, if we throw these bottles and milk jugs into the ocean, that will just sequester the carbon and spur innovation in oceanic-plastic harvesting robots once we hit peak oil!
I read most newspaper articles in “Dan Carlin voice”. It’s far more entertaining.
The institution of slavery was a large part of all three areas of development and at the center of American history from the time Europeans stepped foot on native soil.
The first part of that sentence is correct, but the second part is ridiculous. Even where slavery has been a major part of an economy, it has rarely taken center stage in historical events. Slavery took center stage in US history only in the decades leading up to its abolition. If an American history course that covers that time neglects the topic that is wrong, but putting it at center stage from the 16th century onwards is also wrong.
Don’t forget that the native americans had lots of slaves before Columbus discovered them. Shit even since the time that Leif Erickson discovered them.
True, but American history courses rarely cover the pre-colonial history. It’s understandable, though, as while fascinating there’s not much of it since so much was oral and got lost in the mists of time.
I was called a bigot for bringing that up in college history class in college, once.
Today, our sixth-graders learn more about ancient Greece and Rome than the history of slavery.
I’m calling bullshit on that. Unless the sum total of sixth grade history education is ancient history and American history is covered in other grades, this just has no baring on anything I’ve seen in public.
Meanwhile in the worker’s paradise
Fortunately you don’t need electricity to use the lampposts for hanging.
Jennifer Naranjo, 8 months pregnant, eats by the light of a shrinking candle stub
SEE! They DO have food, LIARS.
Don’t worry Maduro is working hard to fix that problem.
In regards to the carjackings in Chicago, it isn’t just in the city. A former co-worker was carjacked in Oak Park a couple weeks ago. Oak Park of course is right next door to the shithole West Side.
Secondly, if my car gets booted I’m going to have to steal an un-booted car to get around.
But Dr. Dre and Tupac said everyone knows it’s the best side! Did they lie to us?
I probably should have said Far West Side. Near West Side has been gentrifying. The displaced gotta go somewhere, and Woke Park will take them.
I’ve been there many times for business and never understood why anyone would live there by choice. Many people have told me how much they love it but their reasons never reached 5% of the negatives on my mental scale.
But it’s so authentic.
authentically shitty
Live in Chicago or Oak Park?
Oak Park is a pretty town, but it’s a socialist paradise of high property taxes and tightly regulated zoning. The best part of Oak Park is Hemingway’s house and the Frank Loyd Wright buildings.
Chicago is nice if you’re in the neighborhoods. Although there are few actual neighborhoods left, for the most part they’re close knit communities with lower property taxes than the suburbs and often times much safer than the rest of the City.
My impression was that Chicago violence, per capita always worse than NYC’s even at our worst, was also always far more localized–so that many kids in Chicago, for instance, would go their entire childhoods with little more concern about being robbed anywhere they’d walk or hang out than those in demographically similar suburbs. (Not so much as Los Angeles, but certainly more so than New York.) And now, at the much lower levels that we find tolerable in the 21st century, the smaller upward trend violence is pretty much limited to certain out-of-control areas; for most Chicagoans it’s as much something you see on the news as it would be for anyone else in America.
Yes, most of the crime is localized to specific areas for the most part, but that isn’t anything to brag about, in my opinion. There is a racial tinge to the fact that when there is a shooting in Englewood the mayor and the lakefront liberals just shrug, but if there is a shooting downtown there is a massive police response.
Every shooting in Englewood is covered on the news, followed by interviews with gun grabbers who live 15 miles away.
Yeah, that’s pretty much how it goes. They cover it and then go straight to someone in Lincoln Park complaining about guns. And then they ignore Englewood.
John Kass at the Tribune has written about this game they play a lot. Instead of focusing on the crime in Englewood they focus on what white liberals think about crime in Englewood in the abstract, because God knows they don’t want those kids in Englewood to go to Lincoln Park’s safer and nicer public schools
Friend is CPD who used to work Englewood. (Now he has Roseland, lateral move, I told him.)
Anyway, he told me of one Englewood car theft incident I’ll never forget.
Victim: (flagging down squad car) Someone just stole my car!
CPD: License plate?
VIctim: (gives plate number)
CPD: Color, make, and model of car?
Victim: ’98 Chevy Malibu, blue.
CPD: Anything of value in the car?
Victim: Just my gym bag.
CPD: Which direction did they go?
Victim: South on Cottage.
CPD: Did you get a look at the person?
Victim: Hey, I ain’t no rat!
The one time CPD wants to investigate a crime with an actual victim, and no cooperation from the victim.
Is John Kass the one who wrote that utterly superb and incredibly compelling longform on Daley Jr. and his careerlong relationship with him? If so that motherfucker should win a pulitzer. That was some Grantland level shit right there.
John Kass took Royko’s old column at the Tribune. Like Royko he’s originally a “neighborhood guy”.
You might be confusing him with Royko
Nope. Read. It’s everything a local columnist should be.
Oh it most certainly is racist. But there doesn’t seem to be anything to be done about it.
What’s remarkable to me is that, while Chicago has always been an overregulated hellhole, since that was essential to its corruption, nowadays they (every city, but the change is very notable there) has dropped any semblance of blue-collar politics; now these same cigar-chomping Harold-Washington-“nigger”-yelling pols go around passing resolutions on slave reparations and trans history, try to keep Chik-Fil-A out, banning horse carriages, banning smoking and plastic bags, and so forth. Seems like they’re as corrupt, venal, and thuglike as ever, but nowadays they don’t even pretend that the rich elite and their priorities aren’t 100% in the driver’s seat. Again, this is every city, but the erstwhile “city of big shoulders” really sticks out.
Just purchased a place in the New East Side – love it.
Your welcome for the tax subsidy
Just kidding. But, seriously
I thank you – the property taxes are quite reasonable.
I grew up near the “old” East Side: Hegewisch
That use to be a rougher neighborhood
My mistake. It’s still rough, but you’re talking about the actual “East Side”. The “New East Side” is along the lake downtown. It’s not an actual neighborhood. It’s a re-branded marketing name
I know, I just wonder how many downtown real estate agents even KNOW there is an actual neighborhood in the city called “East Side”. My guess is zero, maybe one if I’m feeling generous.
“My guess is zero, maybe one if I’m feeling generous.”
No, it’s definitely zero. I can’t even have a conversation about good restaurants with people who didn’t grow-up in Chicago. “It’s a new place in Jefferson Park” I’ll say. “Is that a suburb? Where’s that?” They’ll always respond. “By Lawrence and Central.” “What suburb is that?” “It’s the City, you idiot”.
It’s like they’ve never been west of Western or south of Pilsen
How the fuck do people have trouble navigating around Chicago? It’s the only place easier than Philly! All your neighborhoods are well-known and their names and boundaries are stable, well-defined, and well known; they’re not overlapping, often obscure, and constantly being taken over (especially in such places) by all sorts of asinine real estate neologisms. Also your whole city is a perfect flawless Midwestern grid, with consistent street numbering from block to block (and even into most suburbs!) and the streets run the entire length of the city. You shouldn’t even really need a GPS or map app! If you don’t know how to get around Chicago you are hopeless.
It’s even easier than HTML!
Does Chicago even have an East Side? Ain’t that in the water, like Philly’s?
Yes. The actual East Side neighborhood is close by Indiana. But, no one refers to a geographic area of the city as “the east side”
Sort of like how there is no South Detroit, contrary to what Journey songs tell you.
Well now you’ve ruined that song for me. That’s a staple at neighborhood dive bars
I just assumed Steve Perry couldn’t come up with a rhyme for “Windsor”.
Oak Park has Maywood to the West and the Austin neighborhood to the East. There is a reason why the woke af people of Oak Park have more police per capita than any community in the State
I didn’t think any but the North Shore suburbs were particularly woke.
No. The North Suburbs aren’t even that woke. The most left-wing suburbs have always been Evanston (Northwestern University) and Oak Park. They are so woke that Oak Park is used as a boogeyman in other inner-ring suburbs that surround Oak Park and tend to be less socialist in disposition
True, the North Suburbs are more of the Rockefeller Republican types.
Yes, except with a large Jewish contingency that basically have the same opinions as the Rockefeller Republican types
Park Ridge must be the Goldwater Republican type. Maybe they turn into Rockefeller after they demagogue the Drug War and move to New York to run for statewide office.
Park Ridge is not as conservative as it once was. The neighborhoods of Chicago that border it, though, are very conservative.
Fun Fact. Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater girl in Park Ridge before she turned to evil.
” The neighborhoods of Chicago that border it, though, are very conservative.”
And gerrymandered so that no conservative can win public office (for more than one term).
“And gerrymandered so that no conservative can win public office (for more than one term).”
On the state and federal level they are gerrymandered, but on the ward-level those neighborhoods consistently elect Republican alderman (technically, aldermanic races are non-partisan, but they get endorsed by a major party)
Conservative, but conservative Democrats, no? That is the 41st, Roman Pucinski’s ward, right? Didn’t his daughter rejoin the Democrats, and the Democrats recapture that ward from the Republicans, leaving a State Senator or something as the only Chicago Republican in office? Though it does seem like all Chicago’s Republicans historically have come from either there or I think around Lincoln Park.
I get the feeling Republican politics in Chicago is essentially a hobby or social club, not really anything with even a pretense of being ready for primetime, like Republican politics in the old South. I remember the official party website had pictures of Obama photoshopped into African tribal gear, and photos of dogs taking leaks against his campaign signs.
“41st, Roman Pucinski’s ward, right”
Ah, yes, Pucinski. I don’t know if Pucinski ever really left the Democratic Party during the infamous “Council Wars”, but he was a conservative Democrat (otherwise known as a “Regular Democrat” or “Machine Democrat”).
Lincoln Park has never been a hotbed for Republican politics. That was a Puerto Rican neighborhood and then became a wealthy white liberal neighborhood. Republican politics in the city are only really confined to the far southwest and far northwest side.
Brian Doherty (not the writer at TOS) was the lone Republican alderman, but the Democrats made a concerted effort to get a Democrat fireman to run against him to get him out. And It worked. So while it isn’t the typical gerrymandering per se, it’s the next worse thing.
Doherty was replaced by a Democrat, but she only served one term. Now Napolitano, another Republican, is the alderman
Pucinski never left the Democrats; he just died and was replaced by a Republican before the Democrats recaptured his ward (and may have since lost again). His daughter became a Republican and held some countywide office in that guise before rejoining the Democrats. I am not sure how much difference it makes that an alderman is a Republican. In a machine city the slogan is “never lose a primary“; the opposition is independents; actual Republicans get along with the machine just fine and usually vote with them. (If anything, they’re the last ones resembling old blue-collar Democrats, voting against the woke resolutions and bag bans and so forth.)
You may be thinking about Bernie Stone of the neighboring 50th, who briefly became a Republican after the Council Wars to challenge Carol Mosely-Braun for some countywide office and then ran for mayor.
Or you may be thinking of his opponent in that primary, Fast Eddie Vrdolyak, who won it and then lost to Daley, became a radio commentator, and then became Betty Loren-Maltese’s lawyer before Cicero was lost to the Democrats and Mexicans. I think he got out of prison and then went back in for tax evasion. (Vrdolyak’s fellow 29 leader, Ed Burke–of whom Chicago’s most prominent black pol recalled, “Vrdolyak was just an opportunist; Burke was the real racist”–remained in the fold to survive and thrive in the New Chicago I was bitching about, passing resolutions about reparations and LGBT and PeTA-endorsed laws and so forth.)
Bernie Stone was, in fact, a genuine bigot. I spoke to him in private before when I worked on a political campaign for a Jewish Democrat up north. I don’t like to accuse people of being bigots unless I know them well, but Stone was very “upfront” about his opinions with regards to various groups and people.
You obviously know your history well, Diego. I was specifically referring to the 41st Ward though that covers Edison Park, Norwood Park, and parts of Edgebrook. That continues to be skewed toward Republicans. And you’re right that for the most part it doesn’t make a difference, because they all get along, but Napolitano is very combative because his constituents are getting pissed.
Wow! Good gossip on Stone. I never knew. I understand that Chicago’s second-most-famous Jewish Republican Bernie–Epton–really was a good and decent, if weak, man who found himself thrust into a very ugly role.
Everyone always calls the 41st “Chicago’s only Republican ward” but I figured since it was represented by Pucinski for so long and was recaptured by the Dems sometime later this was just people trying to make some interest where there was none. (Though I do think, as I said, this is where any Republicans that do make it, however briefly, come from.)
What exactly are its residents so pissed about now, that is upending traditional Illinois cross-party politics in Chicago all of a sudden? The Dems have a real (one-man) opposition in City Hall (btw why is it “city council” but they are called “alderman”? weird af) on something other than casting the sole vote against the silly woke resolutions and shit? What would he even do in that capacity?
Ah, and I do love local politics and history; and Chicago, unfortunately for you guys, has by far the most interesting in America.
The 41st Ward is pissed because of the bag ban which is hurting local business and they want to kill the neighboring alderman in Jefferson Park (Arena) who has shown himself to be really far left (even though he just barely beat his Republican opponent). They hate Arena because of development that he’s pushing. Some NIMBY complaints. Plus the 41st has a lot of cops and firemen which are pissed about being trashed.
The whole northwest side is pissed for the most part. Those are the remnants of the old ethnic enclave blue collar middle class old man Daley Chicago Democrats. They are not woke af and they’re rather proud of that. They have the old neighborhood mentality. Don’t go to their bars if no one knows you there, don’t walk their streets if you’re not from there, and don’t talk down to them.
Most of the ethnic enclaves over there have collapsed over the past ten years. The Italians are gone. The Greeks left before everyone. The Polish are still big. The Hispanics are still there. And the Irish are still there. But they Irish will never leave, because they’re too stubborn for their own good.
They just won’t accept not being the most important part of the city anymore. They’re selfish complaints.
Minneapolis PD does some trespassing and dog-shooting BFYTW.
Herpes is the new black?
Cara Delevingne’s eyebrows are unsettling.
Paris is a definite would, though.
Trashy’s DCA liveglib #6:
Well, my standby flight just got delayed an hour, so despite waking up at 4:15 this morning, I won’t be leaving the airport before 1pm.
As I look out in the distance at the Potomac, I find myself missing the Flying Saucer in Dallas on Lake lavon. It was the perfect balance of low key ambiance, great beer selection, and decent bar food. It was one of the few buildings in that area that survived the Christmas F4 tornado a few years back.
Besides the gridlock (mentioned above in another comment), the other main reason for moving away from Dallas was the summer climate. The saucer was one of the few places you could exist outside in Texas during summer without sweating through your clothes. It’s something we haven’t taken advantage of enough here in DC. Hopefully that changes now that baby trshmnstr is 1 (happy first birthday baby trshmnstr! sorry I’m stuck in an airport instead of spending it with you, and sorry you’ve been puking your guts out for the last 3 days)
Sorry to hear you are experiencing the joys of business travel. Last time I went to Chicago, I started my timer when I left my house. As I was leaving the parking garage in my rental car, I figured I saved less than 30 minutes by not driving. Fuck you TSA, fuck you Delta, and fuck you Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
Happy birthday to Baby Trashy! When my kids were young, I would bring them back magnets from the places I went. They still have them all.
Besides the flight cancellation/delays, the experience has been one of the smoothest i have ever experienced. Shuttle bus wait was less than 5 minutes, No line at security, ticket counter did exactly what I asked, plenty of room to sit, plenty of outlets to charge my phone. If the point of being here was to get me to the gate in a timely and unencumbered fashion, and provide basic amenities while I wait for my flight, they did fine (I’m grading on a curve). All I need now is an airplane to leave here for Dallas at some point today.
Safe travels. And good luck to your trash baby, get well!
“CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?”
Well, “incels” are only a problem in that they believe that other people owe them satisfaction of their wishes due to the fact of their existence. Anyone want to place odds that Ellen K. Pao shares precisely those premises?
Ignore you, you stupid twat.
I hope Gilmore doesn’t see this.
“The Hard-to-Trace Ingredient Behind Skyrocketing Cocaine Deaths
Often laced into popular illicit drugs, synthetic opioids are killing more people than heroin or OxyContin.
In the United States, more people are dying because of synthetic drugs like fentanyl than because of heroin or prescribed painkillers. While, to many, the opioid crisis has been synonymous with heroin and prescription pills, a report published Tuesday in JAMA Psychiatry builds the case that the class of synthetic drug is increasingly making its way into other drugs like cocaine and leading to overdoses. From 2010 to 2016, more and more overdose deaths have been found to be caused, at least in part, by drugs like fentanyl.
In a way, this isn’t exactly news. The same data the study used was reported on late last year with the shocking headlines that synthetic opioids like fentanyl have overtaken heroin as the source of opioid deaths. But, according to Wilson Compton, one of the new report’s authors, his study zeroes in on a particularly insidious aspect of the drug: the increased risk it poses to people who seek out drugs like cocaine and Xanax and end up with fentanyl-laced products that could kill them in as fast as a few minutes. For example, in 2016, nearly a third of the people in the United States who were declared dead from overdosing on benzodiazepines—drugs like Xanax and valium—had also ingested fentanyl or something like it.”
Adulteration of mind-altering substances is a serious problem! Why, just last week, I picked up a bottle of my favorite liquor, but unbeknownst to me, it turned out to be 160 proof instead of 80. I nearly died of an alcohol overdose because of this.
Oh wait, that never happens. I wonder why alcohol is always the same product but other types of drugs are wildly inconsistent and unreliable…
“For a Radio Station to stop playing @kanyewest music because of his views is a violation of his First Amendment Rights. You can’t just silence someone because you don’t like their Free Speech. Thoughts?”
Uh, it’s a private radio station, they can do whatever the fuck they want. Those chicks need to re-read the 1A.
Maybe they’re suggesting he paid for the airplay in the first place.
Also, ever heard of the Streisand Effect? Kanye’s too big a star to be “silenced” because some two-bit radio station gets butthurt.
My thoughts is you bitches crazier than Kanye, Don King, Mike Tyson, that Milwaukee sheriff, and that dude with the “Blacks for Trump” sign put together. Trump deserves better. And he doesn’t deserve much.
“CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?”
Same thing we do with psycho cunts. Try to get them to focus on doing the work they’re being paid to do.
Require all of us people who just want to put in our hours and go home to sit in on diversity lectures and do mandatory diversity assessments?
If the ideas held by incels made it legitimate to fire them, every progressive in the country would be out of work.
Start campaigning for legal prostitution?
Whore breaks instead of smoke breaks.
“It’s time for a fresh one.”
“Opinion: 8% of prisoners are women. That’s about 8% too many.
When it comes to committing crimes, humans have two distinct forms. Overwhelmingly, men perform most criminal acts. And – with only a hint of exaggeration – women never commit the most heinous offences.
The numbers don’t lie
Women constitute approximately 8% of all Australian prisoners. That figure may seem small, but it should be somewhere between 0% and 1% of the total prison population.
Let me explain.
When women kill, it is usually motivated by different factors than when men kill. Women often kill against a backdrop of victimisation and hopelessness – not because they are angry or revengeful.”
“Women who commit the same crime as men should, in most cases, receive lighter penalties”
That pussy ain’t gonna pass itself
So women only murder for the purest motives. It’s not really murder at all, just a strike against the patriarchy.
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
I recall, off the top of my head, one Australian serial killer who forced her children to drink hydrochloric acid, because she got sexually excited while watching them suffer. Another one sodomized the toddler she was baby-sitting with a pencil, then, when he wouldn’t stop crying, she picked him up by the ankles and slammed his head into the floor several times.
Obviously victims of society.
I, for one, welcome this abrupt change of heart about the inherent differences between the sexes. Who would have guessed in this benighted age that a feminist might yet come to her senses and recognize that men and women are very different creatures, behaviorally and biologically, and deserving of differing considerations.
So, what you’re saying is that you believe women are so pathetic that they can’t even murder people without being victims?
When women kill, it is usually motivated by different factors than when men kill. Women often kill against a backdrop of victimisation and hopelessness – not because they are angry or revengeful.
Wait, wut?
They just love too much.
You know who else believed himself victimized and hopeless?
Roy Moore?
My barista this morning?
Sex cult leader: “hey, Allison, great work you’re doing… just,wanted to chat about… well, some thoughts on some of your prospects”
Sex cult leader: “well, its not like I want to be critical, because frankly you’re the best brainwashed-sex-slave i’ve yet produced, its…. just…. well..”
Sex cult leader: “No, no no … its, well…. (sigh) see, its Kelly”
Sex cult leader: “Ally…. its…. look, we’ve got to set some standards. And i’m not sure you’re clear on what sort of characteristics we’re looking for in sex subjugation”
So you are saying John should start a sex cult?
I’m saying sex cults should have higher standards.
Maybe it was this Kelly Clarkson
sorry, can never unsee the photo which Daily Mail provided
After further consideration of the “techbro Incel conundrum” I think tech company TGIFs should be required to feature glory holes, staffed by beautiful young ladies (or men, if that’s what revealed preferences indicate). For the good of the nation.
It’s not about sex for incels.
They’re assholes who think they deserve love and companionship. They did the whole “I’M A NICE GUY WHY WON’T YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME” thing and when that didn’t work, they went with “GIRLS JUST WANT ASSHOLES” and blamed everyone but their asshole selves for the fact that they’re alone.
They’re insulted by the very idea that they should just visit a sex worker.
The answer to my question above is that Rodgers kid from UCSB. You want a society predicated on narcissistic victimhood? One in which service to family or community is subsumed by obsessive personal and cultural grievance? Well, there you go, there’s your narrative playing out. You can bitch all you like about whether white men deserve to engage in victim politics, but once you’ve cultivated that mentality of extreme self-involvement and oppression as identity, there’s no constraining it to any race or sex. Especially not when you’re casting one particular race as the mighty oppressors, singling out vulnerable white boys for your ire. How stupid would you need to be to think that’s not going to backfire, violently? “Yes, everyone is a victim, except for white men, they’re not victims, so it’s okay to heap all your anger and spite on their heads, and if one or two of them are schizos and take your spite seriously, that just goes to show that white men are inherently violent and racist and misogynist and…”
“Why Is Fish Sex So Hot Right Now? An Investigation
Women woke up one day to find that their husbands voted for Donald Trump and their sons have been shitposting on incel boards. Even before we heard the claims about Harvey Weinstein’s history of sexual harassment and assault and the ensuing avalanche of other horrifying Me Too allegations, we heard about our president grabbing women “by the pussy,” Bill Cosby feeding women roofies, and R. Kelly allegedly sexually exploiting young girls. So many straight men, we have been forced to accept, are bad to and for us. Why would we take the enormous risk of loving one of them?
Like the creature in “The Shape of Water,” Theo seems to be an exception to the rule of toxic straight maleness. Where other men hurt, threaten and betray, these unhuman beings pleasure, console and conspire with women.”
TW: HuffPo
Why Is Fish Sex So Hot Right Now?
I do not know, Mistah Bones. Why?
“When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take a second to say but for them it could last a lifetime.”
You have a beautiful pancreas.
“You know what would look really beautiful in you?”
A bacon cheeseburger?
I, um, agree with Piers Morgan here.
Ajax and steel wool will take away the icky feeling and make you clean again.
This is Piers’s blind squirrel moment.
That’s not fair, though. Really, the issue is that Piers Morgan is taking the reasonable position here because he identifies with the sort of people who might give someone an innocent compliment and be accused of sexual harassment. Piers doesn’t own guns, so he could give a fuck about people who do.
But, he happens to be absolutely correct here. This is an example of the glorification of victimhood that is the foundation of intersectional social justice, and it’s a cancer that infected feminism years ago.
I’m saying sex cults should have higher standards.
Some days, you choose the sex cult, some days, the sex cult chooses you.
“why not take time to sexually harass a stranger.”
Why not, indeed. I think I’ll make this my mission for the day.
Dick Dale (+hair) + Stevie Ray
So, what’s this “incel” thing? Is this a thing only young people understand? Is this like one of those things where we’ve already got a perfectly good word for it but someone made up another one because they want attention dollars, or they think they’re being clever?