If you need to snooze
And you can’t do links
Who ya gonna call?

Call SP!

If you want some news
With no HM kinks
Who ya gonna call?

Call SP!

She ain’t afraid of no Glibs.

Good morning, my Glib friends. And the rest of you, too.

First, let me address a nasty rumor you may have heard floating around the Tubes. Sloopy has NOT, I repeat NOT, abdicated. He told me he was going out for a pack of smokes and he’d be right back.

Now that I’ve cleared that up….

It was a beautiful weekend here at Chez SP/OMWC, except for the #CincoDeDrinko attempt on OMWC’s life by a certain Señor Sharpshooter.

Truthfully, I don’t think it was Mexican’s largesse that almost did in OMWC, but, rather, the fact that he is actually, truly OLD and yet insists on mowing the acreage with a push lawnmower as if he were a teenager. If only the Glib I know with a landscaping business were closer, I’d get OMWC off his own damn lawn.

Oh, right, sports. Sadly, OMWC is not having a good time this MLB season. My beloved Cubbies are currently 4th in the NL Central, but they are still doing better than the Orioles.

Our hometown-ish independent league baseball team, the Boomers, plays an exhibition game tonight at home against the Joliet Slammers (what a great name). We have a great love of minor and independent league baseball. There is just something charming about the small stadiums, enthusiasm of the players (who are usually making about $500/month), and camaraderie of the fans. And, hey, gotta love the prices! We’ll be there for a few games this season, hopefully joined by Swiss.

In Albuquerque, the 33rd Annual Run for the Zoo took place. At least one Glib lurker was among the 12,000 participants. Here are the race results. When I lived in New Mexico, the BioPark was one of my favorite places to go.

In other sports, some other stuff happened, but, eh.

Scary stuff intensifying with Kilauea, the volcano currently causing problems in Hawaii. I hope any Glibs close to the situation are safe and sound, and their properties, too. TW: autoplay; WaPo

While I was staffing the Editorial Desk, Chafed sent in this gem. I guess someone whose doctoral dissertation was titled, “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism” might, in fact, be harboring some antisemitic ideas. Yes, that’s H/T Chafed.

This is my philosophy, as well.

You know public employees in the great state of California are really suffering, and this planned strike shakedown is going to fix everything. “The union cites growing income disparity, higher healthcare premiums, outsourcing of low-paying service worker jobs and an internal union research document that they say proves that women and minorities at the university are regularly paid less than white men.” (If it’s an internal union document, it must be true and unbiased!)

Ready to book your summer vacation travel? I’ll get the sign-up ready for the Glib Tour.

And, speaking of coffee.

OK, I’m outta here. Hope all of your day is fun, kids!