Just when I think I’ve got the Army/Vegas hockey team figured out, they lay a giant egg. Did they play on skates made of lead last night? Had they been partying in San Francisco and got literally bum-rushed? That display of hockey was embarrassing. And in the east, Tampa just toyed with Boston in their 4-1 win. It looked like the Bruins might have gotten a half dozen quality shots on goal. Other than that, they had no solution for the stifling Tampa defense and it was all they could do to string three passes together. Tampa looks to be the real deal. And I can’t wait for tonight’s games. Although they won’t be the same for Washington, as their chief goon, Tom Wilson, has been suspended for the next three playoff games. Sorry pal, you’re playing for the Washington Capitals, not the Charlestown Chiefs.
Over on the hardcourt, the Rockets fell to the Jazz, although I stand by my assertion that the NBA West is scripted. Its gonna be Houston-Golden State in the western finals, with GSW winning in 6. Both series in the East are back in action tonight.

On to Kiev!
And across the pond, Liverpool held off a late onslaught of goals to lose 4-2, which was good enough to beat Roma on aggregate (7-6) and advance to the UEFA Champions League final in a few weeks. They followed the same script they’ve followed all year: play well for 80 minutes or so and then inexplicably fall asleep when they thin they have the result they need. But I can assure you, with no games to look forward to after the final, they won’t be going to sleep on Real Madrid that night in the Ukraine. Should be an entertaining game, as neither team is nearly as interested in defense as they are scoring.
Is today your birthday? If so, you’re lucky enoughh to share it with such famous and infamous people as: sociopath Niccolo Machiavelli, emporer Constantine III, stateswoman Golda Meir, crooner Bing Crosby, boxer-extraordinaire Sugar Ray Robinson, The Godfather Of Soul himself James Brown, goalie Ron Hextall, and skinny person Poppy Delevigne. Its also the day this short masterpiece was written. And Joe DiMaggio made his major league debut. And sadly, it was the day Ulf Samuelsson cheap-shotted the career of Cam Neely.

An affordable car that works? That’s like, impossible!
Lots of stuff there, huh? And to think: I hadn’t even gotten to…the links!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the darling of the business world. I wouldn’t hire that dumbass to deliver pizzas. And to looks like his investors are starting to feel the same way.
The Norks have moved three American prisoners from a labor camp (read: death camp) to a hotel ahead of the impending summit between the two nations. The terms of their release seem to have been set, although no official word on it out of Pyongyang. And to think, we didn’t even need to send them a planeload of Euros under cover of darkness in order to pull it off.
The Boulder (CO) City Council goes full retard. Didn’t anybody tell them you never go full retard? Anyway, this will never stand judicial review. But they’ve probably assured themselves reelection for the foreseeable future in that progressive city.

This lady gets it. Fuck you, Boulder.
A new scandal is brewing in the Bay Area involving a 49er. But the rest of the world outside of myopic west-coasters know the player is in the right here.
Trump makes his best decision to date regarding the Mueller investigation/witch hunt. About time the pros from Dover got called in.
Looks like some people in the Atlanta government got some ‘splainin to do.
And a former Missouri City, TX cop will remain on death row as his federal appeal is rejected.
I hope those links were to your satisfaction. And I got the feelin’ you’re gonna like the song as well.
That’s it. Now your turn to comment.
After lengthy deliberation, the council landed on a law that is in some ways stricter than what City Attorney Tom Carr originally drafted, with many fewer exemptions than might have been included.
Assault-style weapons, under a specific and technical definition Carr has written, could not be sold or possessed under this law.
They are what we say they are
Top. Men.
That does leave quite a bit of room for shenanigans doesn’t it? You could arbitrarily define an assault weapon as any firearm that can fire more than once without reloading.
Which I’m sure is the goal.
Feature. Not bug.
You could arbitrarily define an assault weapon as any firearm that can fire
more than once without reloadingbullets.The most infuriating thing is the people who define and restrict others’ “needs.”
“I have a feel about something and I get to decide if you ‘need’ it.”
They do this with guns, but they wouldn’t do this to another person in other ways. (Well, they would, actually).
They wouldn’t tell a person who wanted surgery, “you don’t “need” to be a female”
They’re not assault weapons, they’re emotional support firearms. Stop othering me.
“emotional support firearms” I’m stealing this
Something something ‘service weapon’?
Can I take it on a plane?
“They wouldn’t tell a person who wanted surgery, “you don’t “need” to be a female”
They would tell a child to get lost though, and starve him to death.
They have told kids “you don’t ‘need’ to read Huck Finn”
It is amazing how the Dem brand is that they are the party of tolerance and an anything goes approach to life.
The problem is that there are a shit ton of people in the GOP that are just as excited to restrict freedom too. Just other stuff. So liberty and freedom bodies have no where to go.
I’m going to start telling them:
“You don’t need to have abortions; there’s birth control pills, condoms, and abstinence.”
“Gay couples don’t need to have a marriage; a civil partnership is good enough.”
“People don’t need to choose their own gender pronouns.”
You don’t need effective pain medication.
Violent crime rates in Boulder skyrocket. News at 11.
I was talking to my brother yesterday who moved just west of there, up the mountain. He’s not a political person but he said, “They’re progressive, and you know what, they’re just fucking uppity jerks who want to control everything.” I have rarely been prouder of him.
Great definition of progressive.
The article fails to say what that definition is. I mean, I know it’s stupid, but I would like to know exactly how stupid.
Ok, here we go
Assault Weapons – Definition
(a) All semi-automatic rifles that have the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and that have any of the following characteristics:
(1) A pistol grip or thumbhole stock.
(2) A folding or telescoping stock.
(3) Any protruding grip or other device to allow the weapon to be stabilized with the non-trigger hand.
(b) All semi-automatic center-fire pistols that have any of the following characteristics:
(1) Have the capacity to accept a magazine other than in the pistol grip; or
(2) Have a protruding grip or other device to allow the weapon to be stabilized with the non-trigger hand.
(c) Any firearm which has been modified to be operable as an assault weapon as
defined herein.
(d) Any part or combination of parts designed or intended to convert a firearm into
an assault weapon, including any combination of parts from which an assault
weapon may be readily assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the
control of the same person.
So, about the expected level of stupid. The fact that it’s on powerpoint is especially good, though.
Why are they on about vertical foregrips?
Statistics show that guns with vertical foregrips are 87% scarier.
Over on the hardcourt, the Rockets fell to the Jazz, – I blame Australia.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the darling of the business world. I wouldn’t hire that dumbass to deliver pizzas. And to looks like his investors are starting to feel the same way. – a bit harsh. he milked a lot of money for making something so useless in the grand scheme of things. Also spacex
I like this segment best:
“Endless YouTube questions
Musk then gave the floor to Galileo Russell, host of YouTube channnel HyperChange TV, which has around 9,300 subscribers.
Mr Russel asked a series of questions of Musk and other senior Tesla executives, which lasted 20 minutes, with Musk thanking him for the ‘great questions’ at the end of the exchange.”
This Russel guy might be a shill. When you have to put a shill into your earnings call to deflect real questions, that’s the beginning of the end.
The Boulder (CO) City Council goes full retard. Didn’t anybody tell them you never go full retard? Anyway, this will never stand judicial review. – it passes common sense and cares about childrenz, judicial review in irelevant.
All you are a few gun control friendly judges and you’re all good.
“All you need”
Take it to the Supremes.
Diana Ross will never let this stand!
The Boulder City Council has been full retard for years and years. This is just the latest piece of evidence.
Everyone that opposes Team Blue is a Russian bot
Canova is a Bernie-style “Democratic Socialist”, and I’m voting for him in November because he’s not Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Broward County is a joke at this point. Sorry JB.
It’s been a joke for a long, long time. It’s less of a joke than Miami-Dade though.
Scott Israel is only the third worst sheriff the county’s had in the past 30 years. That’ll tell you something.
And that isn’t a joke. Hard to believe.
And Israel just faced a “no confidence” vote from his deputies….. not because of how inept they were during the school shooting, but because he didn’t defend the inept deputies enough.
Makes me feel so much safer….
I guess (almost) anyone is better than her.
Forget the almost.
I would vote for George Soros over DWS. At least I know where he stands.
I would like to thank all the Glibs for their help in drafting a plan for my road trip. Apparently the theme is “Grimdark” as the places I intend to visit include Hershey’s Chocolate world, three different caves and the grand opening of the Warhammer Cafe. At least one of the caves does permit video on the tour, so I’ll be filming that. Might even post it somewhere.
Rambling aside, I have to figure out if I should avoid stopping for lunch near St. Louis. I don’t really have any plans for Missouri, but it’s a nine hour driving day, and the middle falls somewhere in that metropolitan area. Are there any eateries of note that might be worth stopping for, or should I just avoid the city?
Are you looking for a Missouri compromise?
I missed UCS’s full itinerary. Is there a Louisiana Purchase planned?
Not anymore, I decided to forego the Battle of New Orleans and give it an Ole’ Miss instead.
My brief encounters with St Louis indicate that you should avoid it like you would avoid a naked Rosie O’Donnell in your tub.
St. Louis has a great chess club and chess museum.
With my timetable, I’d only have enough time to stop if I Played the fool.
cheese would have been more interesting
Just stop and ask a local where to go.
Given how badly his ideas turn out, I’d rather not take advice from a Griswald.
What do you mean? He got to go to Wally World with no lines. He stopped that kidnappers and became a hero. He got a bigger raise than expected. They all got free cars.
Don’t underestimate the long game Clark W Griswold plays.
Poorest U.S. consumers seen hit hard by T-Mobile, Sprint merger
Moot point the poorest consumers can’t afford the 4 big carriers with current pricing. That’s what prepaid is for.
You’re correct and there are already plenty of companies who serve that market and there’ll be more if Sprint Mobile falls down on the job.
It’s amazing to me that Sprint still exists. They’ve made so many boneheaded business decisions over the years it boggles the mind.
When I used to manufacture equipment for them, the joke (not really) was that you couldn’t get coverage on their network in their corporate headquarters.
I still prefer them to Verizon because Verizon had the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced in any industry, and I’ve been a Comcast customer so that should tell you something. Actually, I only stay with Sprint because of the grandfathered unlimited data plan I’ve had for almost a decade. Still, fuck Verizon. I’d use dixie cups and string before I’d give another cent to Verizon.
I’ve never had any problems with Verizon. Was your bad experience in-store or via remote communications methods?
On the phone, mostly.
Ah. I usually deal with them in-person, and it could just be that my local store has good people.
I developed the habit because when I did suffer a rare problem with my cell phone, I had nothing to call them with.
I feel that way about Sprint. They tried to fuck me on a new phone deal, and I told them I didn’t want it if it hadn’t shipped. They told me it shipped. I got it the next day with “priority overnight” stickers all over it. I sent it back and told them I wasn’t paying for it. They told me I had to, I told them I was changing my service and I wouldn’t give them another dollar. I didn’t, either. and the day the collections guy called me, I offered him 75% and he took it. He was a bit bemused at how enthusiastic I was about paying him.
A ton of my colleagues at Iridium came from Nextel, then Sprint. Now they’re applying their “magic” touch to sat phones. Hope they run the company into the dirt.
Or Cricket.
T-mobile’s CEO John Legere is a wild man – not quite McAfee level, but out there.
A thirty dollar Tracfone came with a double minutes card. $10 or $15 for minute cards, I forget which. Got you like 300 minutes. Tiny up-front investment and very affordable recurring charges. That’s panhandling change.
I have the triple minute phone.
They sell smart phones, but I can’t get it to work in my AO.
So I spend in a year what most people spend in a month.
Allez Allez Allez!
The final’s going to end something like 10-8. Salah and Ronaldo might have double hat tricks.
In regards to Tesla, it looks like the 15 coats of lacquer on that turd are starting to wear off.
Selling unreliable trendy junk cars to someone as a fifth car to a fat cat is one thing, selling them to people who need a daily driver is another. Tesla should stick to premium cars for people who are interested in, and can afford to, make a statement.
Literally all of the people I know with a Model S have it as their daily and then one other car for the wife. None of them regret their purchase. Often, the other car is a crossover of some kind or a model X. The S is kind of pricey but it isn’t just fat cats buying them – its generally professionals. They’re all over the roads in AZ specifically because 1) we have to fucking drive everywhere and 2) HOV lane exemption. The cars save time, everyone really likes that it can integrate to electronic schedules. The gripes I hear are 1) insurance symbols are high because parts are expensive and 2) I wish I’d got autopilot. Their customers love them in spite of the various electrical gremlins because 9/10 times they’re sorted by a later software update. There are good serviceable used examples in the 35-40K range. Neither is it about making a statement – people want to axe that gas bill, drive HOV, and generally like not dealing with maintenance. Unless you get a turd, heavy maintenance is basically non-existent as they’re all solid state. They build a product that many people want and if they can figure out how to crack the lower price segment they’ll do alright.
Looks like some people in the Atlanta government got some ‘splainin to do. – what do they have to explain? the point of politics is graft. It is like asking basketball players to explain why they shoot the ball.
My species believes in a policy of functional graft. A high ranking overlord can wet his snout however he chooses. But if the results are shit he will find himself in a disciplinary hearing (which mainly consist of his superiors and coworkers laughing at him from the safe side of an air lock inner hatch as they toy with the purge button)
Yeah, this just looks like a normal Tuesday for Atlanta.
We need to get to the important issues for the Citizens of Atlanta….. were the minority set-asides large enough?
Rothschilds set them up.
“It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.”
-Leo Tolstoy
Great collection with many fine choices, but 5, 24, and 46 are the triumvirate.
Amy Schumer sports a flannel shirt and briefs as she reveals she’s ‘on the mend’ following kidney infection
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5686289/Amy-Schumer-sports-checkered-shirt-briefs-hospitalised-kidney-infection.html#ixzz5ERPsqmQQ
And from the bottom of the article ChinaMan attempts to steal dolphin from the beach
Obviously taking it for nefarious porpoises
Did he have any orcamplices?
I think it’s a whale of an idea!
*starts to narrow gaze, then hangs head in shame*
I guess I did leave that one hanging over the plate, eh?
*narrows gaze*
It’s a Sino the times when the Florida Man infection has spread to Asia.
Schumer looks like your average West Virginia trailer queen.
The trailer queen would probably be a lot more fun to be around though.
Amy Schumer should only be allowed in public wearing one of those EOD suits.
Good luck to the Chinaman lifting that landwhale anywhere
Muscle mass, BMI, and mortality among adults in the United States: A population-based cohort study
Apparently some research showed higher BMI linked to less mortality which led to some “fat is healthy” takes. But it seems if you separate higher BMI caused by more muscle from higher BMI cause by more fat, only the former is healthier.
Just goes to show, BMI isn’t worth shit.
According to BMI I am at the low end of overweight. Yet I have a 42 inch chest and a 31 inch waist, because BMI doesn’t take muscle into account. It’s worthless.
Oh, I’m overweight too according to BMI. It must be quite a sight to see a lardass like me jogging 20 miles a week.
I wrestled at 174 lbs. and 183 lbs. in high school. Both of those are considered overweight (according to BMI) for a 5′-9″ fella. There was not much more weight I could have cut back then.
Did you think about elective amputation?
I keep seeing “BMI doesn’t take into account muscle mass versus fat, but for most people it’s a good general indicator,” but a.) it seems like there are more and more people who are exceptions to the general rule, and b.) if it’s a general indicator then a discrete, linear scale where a difference of one point determines whether or not you’re clinically obese isn’t appropriate.
It’s hokum, like the food pyramid. You don’t need a formula to tell if someone’s too fat.
The issue with general indicator is weather there is any use saying the average shoe size is X as a general indicator? I mean you can say the population is kinda fat but so what?
Right. I mean, I get that measuring body fat percentage takes longer than plugging height and weight into a chart and getting a BMI, but it strikes me that for all the good it does you you’d be better off just looking at a person and estimating their body fat percentage. And if that’s not accurate enough, then take the ten minutes to do a skinfold caliper test or something like that.
I wouldn’t hire that dumbass to deliver pizzas
At least as long as he is driving a Tesla. There is no need for your pie to get burned because the delivery vehicle experiences spontaneous combustion.
Um, I’m not a fan of the cops, but I hate stupid laws that don’t actually do anything even more.
Lots of pearl clutching here in Minnesoda because cops can legally have sex with people in their custody! OK, if the detainee doesn’t consent, it is still rape, but there should be extra penalties for cops who rape! Just like prison guards and phychotherapists.
Sigh. And this new law changes any of those scenarios how? So many police reforms you could have worked on, but no. This is the law we deserve.
If you ever want to hear someone espouse the worst ideas, just propose some police reform and wait for the head of the FOP to speak.
That is actually what I’m waiting for. The cop union might be dumb enough to oppose this law. It isn’t like they have a good ear for politics and might just reflexively bitch about this law because it is “anti-cop”.
Poe’s Law?
CERN physicist.
Bonus: (((them)))
Don’t stick your head in the particle accelerator.
http://www.stop007.org is her website. It is full on Infowars, 9/11 Truther-level insane.
Sounds like she had a schizophrenic break 6 years ago. Her age at the time fits for a typical young adult onset.
She must be correct then.
Male colleagues constantly sending pics of their hadrons can drive anyone insane.
**golf clap**
Yeh well that officiating helped to protect Liverpool from getting the Barca treatment. Jesus, where do they find these third rate referees? They wouldn’t get a gig in Serie C and here they are on the biggest stage.
It’s a make-up for the way we got screwed over (worse than yesterday) in the Europa League final a couple of years ago.
Besides, we only fuck up and lose from a winning position. If we’d been in a worse position near the end we don’t give up those two goals.
Except critical calls were not made that should have been made earlier. It would have put pressure on a midfield that was playing above its pay grade. Make up calls eh? Gee, if that’s the case, Serie A teams need a massive repayment plan. /wink
“Besides, we only fuck up and lose from a winning position. If we’d been in a worse position near the end we don’t give up those two goals.”
Maybe. Maybe not.
I wonder if we under rate what bad officiating does. We see it in the NFL how literally changes outcomes.
Sounds like Milan’s collapse in 2005 against Liverpool. They dominated for 80 minutes and then had a damn brain cramp. And I’m still pissed at the referee for not disciplining the keeper for jumping off his line multiple times during SO. I remember Shevchenko looking at the ref with a ‘wtf’ look.
I don’t know if Liverpool have the horses to beat Real and Cry Baby Silk. Juve is a stronger side and they lost to them last year. On the other hand, Real is weaker than last year but get a lot of bum tapping calls. Real is certainly beatable.
I won’t be watching though. I am not investing time in a game that could be decided by a retarded call. I just can’t do it anymore.
Bring in VAR.
Marcelo should have given up a penalty for handball in the box.
How comment about “many calls going against Madrid” is nonsense, too.
Bah. Mane drew a penalty three minutes in they didn’t call. It would have been 2-0 10 minutes in.
Bring in VAR.
So Machiavelli’s birthday, huh?
That allows me to ask the glibertariat a question concerning The Prince. So Ol’ Nikki was tortured and exiled and then he wrote his little pamphlet. When I first read it and had classes regarding it, it was depicted as being honest-but-nasty advice to said Prince in order to ingratiate himself back into the Medici fold.
Then in college the consensus seemed to be that it was a satirical work, that did show how best to effectively lead a city-state, but also showing how evil you’d have to act in order to do so.
And now it seems like the consensus has switched back to it being an honest take on how to most efficiently maintain power over the people.
He wrote it specifically for people to wonder over the time about what he meant.
Nick was being a troll, and knew he’d confuse people.
Here is a podcast with transcript of the subject. Personally I think it was an honest take of a dictatorship even though Machiavelli in his heart was for a republic as the best form of government.
A denim brand is selling ‘extreme cut out’ jeans for $168 and people are seriously confused
What’s the point?
Also, if you wanted something that awful, you can take a pair of scissors to regular jeans for a lot less than $168.
Fck’n Boulder.
What a joke. Dipshit councilmember calls out law for what it is, symbolic, feel-good bullshit that will accomplish nothing, then still votes for it. Tarran is always saying these people are animists and I’m inclined to think he’s right. They’re witchdoctors or alchemists; if we say the right magical incantations, utopia will arrive!
It’s worse than that, now they will spend tax dollars defending the unconstitutional law in court. You know, instead of spending it on actual public goods that could improve the lives of the locals.
this will never stand judicial review
I am not so sure given that we live in a world where any court anywhere in the country can prevent the president from doing things that fall squarely within the legitimate powers of the president (i.e. rescind executive actions of the previous admin. by executive action) and a world in which laws are re-written by the court(s) (i.e. penaltax). That and the plain language of 2a and it’s state equivalents has been routinely ignored allowing for a gun control regime so expansive that 90%+ is patently unconstitutional but is taken to be enforceable anyway.
Yup. A politicized judiciary has really dropped the mask after Trump was elected. This tweet is pretty much spot on.
Sorry for no link. Blocked at my work for some reason.
Yup. That tweet really nails it.
Samuelsson was a piece of crap. Neeley beat him up several times before and after that hit.
My post from below fits better here.
Musk is such a visionary (who hasn’t dreamt of the electric car and fricken rockets?) he’s too busy visualizing Muslkand to field questions about financials like retained earnings and profitability. Like liberals think the budget will balance itself, he thinks he just has to produce (even at a loss) and the balance sheets will work themselves out because the demand will be such that Bullwinkle will pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Managing earnings calls is the most basic responsibility of a CEO.
Rule number one, “Try not to be a dick in public.”
If I were on the board I’d be beating the shit out of him after that one.
All tackle box, no fish
Musk is a tech guy. Tech guys come up with an App or a Program, and if you want to sell 10,000 or 10,000,000,000 copies, there won’t be any drop off in quality as long as you keep adding server space (or in the old days, burn more CD’s).
Manufacturing is a different animal. When making tangible products, scaling up production by a few orders of magnitude causes supply chain issues, quality issues, logistical problems, and a host of manufacturing challenges. If Musk could have pulled it off, his real innovation wouldn’t have been building and marketing a great, affordable e-car. It would have been figuring out how to ramp up production so quickly and still turn out a great product and meet demand in a timely fashion.
Instead, you get a fraction of what was promised and a not very good product.
Applying a techie mindset to manufacturing is very misguided.
Musk is no Ford.
A couple of year ago, I tried to explain to John (at TOS) why Tesla’s high end sports car could not be productionized as a mid-priced family sedan.
It was wasted effort.
“Musk is no Ford”
And yet in the space industry he has transformed launch services, producing rockets at a rate that no one else can match, despite having been in the aerospace industry since the inception. And now he’s about to explode launch availability through reuse, creating a launch environment where the limitation is launch pad availability rather than launch vehicle availability. He’s also reduced prices to the point where the cost of the launch is barely a factor compared with the cost of the satellite.
And they are set to transform things again with their Starlink satellite internet service. And then again with the BFR spaceship – a rocket capable of carrying many tens of people, instead of 2, 3 or 7.
The difference between Tesla and SpaceX is really interesting. Both are disruptive and transformative companies that hang on a futurist’s dream of how things should be. But SpaceX is much more grounded in lifted by their own bootstraps, build a better mousetrap approach.
Tesla was conceived as a way to demonstrate that electric cars can be sporty and desirable (in response to GM’s EV-1). The Roadster was an ample demonstration. Then the Model S proved that an electric vehicle could be an elite luxury sports sedan.
Really, the model 3 has been their first big misstep – and the problem has been ramping up production to Big 3 levels. But with a half-million pre-orders they are poised to make huge profits if they can ever work out the kinks.
Oh, and then there is their battery production. With the potential to be the world’s largest producer of rechargeable batteries.
Things aren’t as bad as the nay-sayers would have you believe…. even if they are nowhere close to where Musk’s over-optimism has them pegged.
A lot of “going to” and “about to” in there
As a finance guy myself, Musk really pisses me off. I can’t stand CEOs that are dodgy and irritated that you have to ask questions about their business. You’re asking me for millions of dollars, don’t be upset when I ask you why your cellular business is hemorrhaging money. I realize that these calls are about something slightly different… but ultimately Musk is still asking people to invest in his company, so the analyst needs to know why his company is not profitable, and how it will become profitable in the future.
CEOs that act like that give me cold feet, and I’ve told one or two of them to fuck off no money for them. It’s sketchy. Character is a huge component of credit quality in my eyes.
Elon Musk is running a bunch of Ponzi schemes. I think the least sketchy company in his group is Space X. Tesla appears to be a ponzi scheme. Solar City is outright fraudulent, with its acquisition by Tesla transferring its debts to another company.
My guess is that within a decade Elon Musk is going to be residing in the same cell block as Bernie Maddoff.
SpaceX is clearly profitable in their own right.
Heck, they are fast approaching a monopoly on voluntary spending on launches.
The US government is intentionally spreading the wealth out to keep old space (ULA) afloat for national security reasons. The same goes with the EU, Russia, China, India and Japan.
And they have only just now rolled out their fully matured Falcon 9 Block 5, a rocket designed to be reused 10 times before needing to be refurbished. A feat that will theoretically increase their profits per launch by nearly 10x.
Unless they truly blow it by running themselves into bankruptcy with the BFR or Starlink, they should be set to make money indefinitely.
But then again, it is a privately held concern. So he doesn’t have to take those calls. He just has to talk with single investors who own a big piece.
Tesla has a real concern with their pre-ordered Model 3’s though. I hope they have all that cash squirreled away. Isn’t that how Detroit ran Tucker out of business, by claiming he defrauded investors on cars that didn’t exist – even though the were being produced? It sounds pretty close to me.
A MAN ended up behind bars after being found in a Dunfermline street with an offensive weapon, a potato peeler.
Scott Walker, 39, of the James Bank Hostel, James Street, appeared from custody at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.
He admitted that on Saturday in Appin Crescent, a public place, he was in possession of an object that which had a blade or was sharply pointed, namely a potato peeler.
Defence solicitor Selina McKay said her client “suffers from significant learning difficulties which have been lifelong”.
Not sure if this is funny or …
It’s funny, just not ha-ha funny.
Wrap it up people, we’re done.
Ban potato peelers? That is tyranny!!
Only a dick tater would enforce such a law.
Eye see what you did there.
Part of a clever plan to really stick it to the Irish again.
*narrows gaze*
There’s a Robert Peel joke in there somewhere…
The Peelers don’t like peelers.
But, what about pointed sticks?
And if you want to know what real socialism is
Everything you want you just have by magic, 10 hour work weeks tops, no one needs do a job they don’t want, and big tits on all women.
The good old SPGB, proving once again that retards never give up.
speaking of retards
Yeh. It’s a ‘philosophy’ Twitter account like I’m Romanian.
There’s a difference between smart alec commentary and actual philosophy.
One pretends to be deep and insightful, the other drops the pretense.
I chuckled at that.
Delusion mixed with arrested development. The worldview of a 7 year old.
Speaking of Arrested Development, season 5 is coming soon.
Too bad they didn’t release it on the cuatro.
The stunning thing about ‘socialism’ is that although so much has been said about it by so many people for decades, no country’s ever had an actual class-free society of equals. Socialism is the future economic system that comes after outdated capitalism is eventually abandoned.
All those pyramids of skulls are because they didn’t do it right.
The thread reads like a parody. Every single libertarian spoof is in there. It hasn’t been tried. (Venezuela and Maduro is actually a capitalist scheme to control the means of production. Really.) 10 hour work week. Everyone will work voluntarily. Everything is free. Everything will be better quality because there is no profit incentive.
It can’t be real. Has to be a parody.
Someone even went down the “Ok, so you vote in a socialist society where everything is owned by the people. What happens to the people who own something and don’t want to give it up?” They refused to admit that they’d have to take it. They reclassed it as “capitalists are violent by nature” and if they resist giving up their stuff it would be the capitalists who are violent.
So it just has to be a parody. Nobody really thinks this way.
“The Socialist Party
Socialism can’t be achieved until a clear majority know what it is, and want this alternative to capitalism. ‘Liking’ the previous pinned tweet will provide some useful data about socialism’s popularity. See this video for more information about socialism”
Socialism: An impractical ideological system that must eradicate personal, moral and intellectual agency in order to impose through coercion its unicorn dystopia. Also. Death and gulags.
Now we know. Next.
Total of 406 likes since January 1, LOL.
Harvard foreign student takes massive amount of drugs, strips naked, and runs through traffic. When cops arrest him, the outrage machine screams RACISM!
Mama Obama is in da hizouse
Former first lady Michelle Obama declared herself America’s “forever first lady” during a college event on Wednesday.
According to the Washington Examiner, Obama made a public appearance at Temple University in Philadelphia, Penn. to talk to high school seniors preparing to go to college. The former first lady apparently made the “forever first lady” comment in an attempt to tell the students that they can accomplish anything.
“If I can be standing here as your forever first lady then you can do anything you put your mind to,” Obama said.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the Obamas are never going to go quietly into the night.
So humble
Ms Nobody – you are not married to the current President of the United States. Your Courtesey Title has expired. If you and Citizen Barry were half as smart as you claim to be, you’d have pissed off by now.
Don’t talk to our future president like that (You know that’s coming, right?).
The next Dem President will be a triangulation back towards the center. Ultraprog scold doesn’t play to the independant voters and doesn’t motivate the larger party base.
Except anyone other than an ultraprog scold is unlikely to get the nomination.
I’m starting to wonder if they feel they can become the first husband/wife Presidency.
And boy would they love to stick it to the Clintons.
That Princeton thesis going to drop down the memory hole? It was pretty fucking bad,
Mueller will get Trump and Obama will be declared President for Life.
There’s indeed a certain lack of humility that’s somewhat disconcerting with these two.
Especially considering she once said she was ‘finally proud to be an American.’
It only took her husband to become President for her to become proud.
Very dubious stuff.
The proper way to interpret the Obamas is as Chicago politicians.
Never mind her lavish vacations with her entourage on the taxpayer’s dime. She really thought she was the fucking Queen.
They’re absolute egomaniacs, and that trait has only gotten worse with 8 years in the White House, constant appearances on late-night talk shows, features on the covers of magazines, and near-worship by the media and Democrat Party.
We’re never going to hear the fucking end of these two. Barry is going to have his own Netflix series, and they’ll continue to be on talk shows and making $1,000,000+ speeches at universities. Even after they’re dead, we’re going to see a sickening eruption of re-naming shit for the Obamas… The Barack H. Obama Memorial Highway Overpass. The Michelle Obama Public Library. At least it will be morbidly apropos when every Barack H. Obama Boulevard is a run-down shithole with needles on the ground and regular gunfire.
George W. Bush may have been a shitty president, but he’s my favorite ex-president ever.
That’s why I love Trump taking a chisel to Obama’s legacy. He hasn’t done enough quite frankly.
Six shot in Little Earth neighborhood of Minneapolis. While I’m happy that no one died, I’m upset about this blatant cultural appropriation.
Why is it cultural appropriation? Little Earth is a housing complex/neighborhood for Indians. How dare they use firearms in their domestic disputes? They should be sticking to their traditional way of life and shooting each other with arrows. And no assault style compound bows are allowed either.
To go real traditional they should be throwing Chakrams.
Odd that native Americans would chose to live in an urban area
Prostitution is not a job. The inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace
If prostitution is “sex work”, then by its own logic, rape is merely theft. The inside of a woman’s body should never be viewed as a workplace.
I mean I expect stupid but am surprised every day.
So surgeons operating on women can’t get paid?
“The inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace”
Also: we need a guide to Romanian prostitutes. I’d like to see that write up.
I remember when I drove thru Hungary the hookers along the highway were of significant number and quite obvious.
I’ve seen them by the highway in Slovakia and Italy too. Mostly Gypsies. Hungarian hookers hang out in bars, strip clubs and hotels. From what I’ve heard anyway.
This is why Dems were so panicked about Kanye.
Yeah, the numbers are still pretty dismal; but, as I’ve said, if only 20-30% of black people stay home (they don’t even have to vote R) the donks will be in serious trouble.
this fear has been brewing for years, btw, and kanye’s outspoken declaration of independence (or declaration of ‘tardation) is just a canary in the coalmine:
“the black vote” has been a near total-monolith for decades, and it simply defies any real political logic. any group that is so overwhelmingly single in the voting habits is a group that can be effectively ignored, because there is no risk they will ever betray you. All you need to do is spend cash come election time to drive them in buses to the polls.
The real fear is not that they’ll vote for GOP in any significant numbers, but that they’ll splinter and no longer turn out in historical sized #s. If the Dems need to fill gaps, the sources of gap-filling are already more fickle and demanding of people they vote for. The progs, for instance, demand vocal support for things other voters dislike.
This fear was part of the whole Ellison/Perez fight in 2017. Whether to prog-harder, or focus on shoring up legacy base.
Another fracture in the Dem foundation.
But, hey, I suppose when you keep a chokehold on public education, it’s only a matter of time before you can wean blacks off Christianity and make them more like enlightened, progressive whites.
that said, i don’t think poll #s re: Trump mean very much. its all still very symbolic.
the thing that is so terrifying is that they’ve gone full blast, 100% down a specific line of political posturing, and it has nevertheless resulted in key groups like Millenials and Blacks both saying, “meh, i don’t believe you”.
e.g.Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials – Reuters/Ipsos poll
This isn’t so much ‘good news’ for the GOP. in fact, from the pov of conservatives, i think they should be equally nervous because the more these groups become up for grabs, the more GOP politics will become populist,
SJWednesday: Reason Darling Runs for Senate
Yeah I know it’s Thursday. I was busy yesterday.
I thought Manning was prohibited form running for public office due to military status?
Math and Teachers Union:
They conflate school funding and state education spending. In Oklahoma, unions proclaimed that per pupil school spending fell by 28.2% over the past decade. That refers to the inflation-adjusted state’s general funding formula. But total per pupil outlays increased by 16% in nominal terms between 2006 and 2016, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent public education finance report. Adjusting for inflation, that’s a decline of only about 2%.
On average across the country, state funds make up only 47% of total school spending. Most of the rest comes from local property taxes. Since property tax hikes are politically unpopular, unions put pressure on state lawmakers to increase education spending from general funds. That has the benefit of diffusing accountability for local spending.
• They use elevated spending baselines. Teachers unions nearly always compare school spending and teacher salaries today with peak levels before the great recession, which were inflated like housing prices. Between 2000 and 2009, average per pupil spending across the country increased 52%, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. After flat-lining for a few years, per pupil spending ticked up by 7.5% between 2012 and 2015. School spending growth might have slowed over the past several years, but it still increased faster than the consumer price index.
Per pupil funding in Oklahoma shot up 46% between 2000 and 2009. During this period, average teacher salaries rose 52%. While average salaries have since fallen by 5%, even on an inflation-adjusted basis they remain higher today ($45,245) than in 2000 ($44,861) or 1990 ($44,088).
• They don’t account for other forms of compensation. Since 2000, per pupil spending on employee benefits has doubled. Benefits make up about 29 cents of every dollar of staff compensation, compared with 21 cents in 2000. In Arizona, about 24% of staff compensation goes to employee benefits, up from 18% in 2000. Teachers don’t see this in their paychecks, but pensions and health benefits are the fastest-growing expenses for many school districts, and most of the money goes to retired teachers.
• They elide data that don’t fit their argument. According to the National Education Association’s annual survey, the biggest average pay bumps in 2016 were in California (4.3%), Colorado (3.9%) and Wisconsin (3.5%). Wisconsin’s 2011 collective-bargaining reforms limit annual base salary increases to 2% while letting districts negotiate pay with individual teachers based on criteria other than job and education level.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in 2016 reported that two-thirds of districts “say they’ve been outbid for applicants and are increasingly offering special pay raises in hopes of keeping high-performing teachers.” Thus, “merit pay” can drive up teacher salaries. But unions focus on base salaries in their promotional materials because they oppose a competitive performance pay structure.
• They use misleading cross-state comparisons. The New York Times recently reported that Arizona, after cutting taxes, “spent under $7,500 per pupil annually in 2015, the last year for which census data was available; only Utah and Idaho spent less.” Unions similarly claimed recent state income-tax cuts were to blame for Oklahoma’s ranking 49th in teacher pay. But state rankings are remarkably consistent over time. In 2000 Arizona ranked 48th in per-pupil spending and Oklahoma was 48th in teacher salaries.
Just curious if there has been an increase or decrease on actual time on-site required. At least around these parts, days off for teachers seem to have increased, so that the compensation on a per-hour basis has increased well beyond just the increase in base salary and benefits.
I’ll be kind enough to not ask how “high-performing teachers” is defined and who makes that judgement…
Inflation-adjusted spending on education has approximately tripled since the 1970s. Academic achievement has remained flat.
The best predictor of academic success is parental engagement.
And that’s not even accounting for the fact that the curriculum has been dumbed down in order to mask the embarrassingly low performance. Things that would have been basic knowledge for high schoolers 30 years ago have now shifted into the realm of college.
Since property tax hikes are politically unpopular
Not as far as I can tell they aren’t. Not when they’re for the holy trinity – police, fire, schools.
Tech is turning love into a rightwing game – I am sure it is
Now, far-right agitators mine the data from OKCupid in order to justify eugenics on the basis that that data shows we only like people who are like us. Right-leaning intellectuals meet on the Atlasphere, a dating site based on the works of Ayn Rand. Importantly, it is not just the choices of the users but the technology itself that is structured to encourage this logic. – well I am convinced. Some fringe movements also use technology. There ought to be a law…
Alongside this, forthcoming “smart condoms” such as the i.Con endorse a bro-culture of sexual “prowess”, affirming the activity of the male lover by syncing their sexual performance statistics with their smartphones. Such patterns are related to a sinister trend in tech culture that aims at the “gamification” of love, with features such as “Tinder closer” supporting the idea that women themselves can be played like a game. The same patterns can be seen in the VR world of videogames such as Summer Lesson and in virtual girlfriend mobile gaming, where the user learns to treat relationships as a set of missions to complete. – Oh my god they need to be stopped
It’s not news that feminists think male sexuality is a dirty, immoral, ignoble thing. But I really do wonder how they would explain the gold-digging, backstabbing, manipulative behavior that females tend to engage in when in pursuit of rich, attractive men.
Male = bad
Female = good
The iCondom sounds like a really bad idea for most guys. Wasn’t there a study in the last few years saying that the average was less than 7 minutes?
SJWednesday: Asian Feminism Is Where It’s At (aka We Can Blame Whitey Too)
How much of an asshole do you have to be to criticize your friends who are empathizing with you
These people will eat their own in an attempt to get the top of the victim pyramid. I’d have to assume they’d throw their friends under the bus for any social advantage at all.
Better question – why on earth would anyone want to be friends with such a person?
Well, they managed to get in most of the meaningless jargon buzzwords.
Remember before the white man came along, when Asian societies were all about peace and gender equality?
Bound feet are free feet!
It is a relationship built on a foundation of war, colonization, dominance and control.
Right, like Mr. Prosser amd Genghis Khan, my direct-line lineage from British merchants and soldiers has given me the bloodlust for Asian women. It has nothing to do with their pleasant facial features and trim, petite bodies.
Yes, because politeness and hospitality are terrible traits invented by the wypipo patriarchy! Women should always be rude and abrasive.
I like those ‘we will not comply’ signs.
Is this an example of America inching closer to a showdown on the 2A? NY under Cuomo is going retard, now CO. Who’s next?
CO is an interesting case. El Paso county is actually the largest municipality in the state and is about as shitlord as you can get. I could see them passing a “sanctuary” law on firearms if the state goes full retard. It’ll be interesting to see where it goes.
People will be hiding (((guns))) in attics and under floorboards.
Scenario: You’re on a date with a super-attractive woman. She’s smart, funny, you’re getting along great and clicking. She invites you home and you start getting busy. As you undress her, you suddenly see RBG’s shriveled, corpse-like visage tattooed on the side of her torso.
Do you:
A) Continue with what you’re doing and turn it into a hate-fuck
B) Run screaming from the home
C) Ask to use the bathroom, give her an upper-decker and then feign illness to leave
D) No sex, just a blow job
E) Pull out a hard copy of the South African Constitution and get some.
In this scenario, did I give my real name?
Actually, ink of any kind is a significant negative. Ink of that nature is a distinct deal-killer.
B – why risk it?
A. ill roll the die
And if you don’t call her for a second date?
Congratulations, you’ve just committed rape.
D) then if she swallows, say “I only date vegans” and storm out.
(A), but don’t call her back. You will have gotten laid, and her preconceived ideas about men will be confirmed (remember, people like more than anything to be proven right). So win-win.
If you’ve ever seen A Bronx Tale, think of this as a version of Sonny’s “Door Test”. “You dump her, and dump her fast. It means she’s a selfish broad and can’t be trusted, and believe me you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg!”
Nice reference
RBG’s not a dealbreaker. Neil Degrasse Tyson and I get the fuck out.
Re the 49ers. Heh. Garoppolo’s nickname is Jimmy GQ. The Patriots were denied a good-looking QB duo!
So is he right about In’n Out burger? Do I bother when I’m in CA later on this year?
They make a good burger. Almost Whataburger-level good. But their fries are embarrassingly bad. And they don’t even have gravy for them.
I feel genuinely sad for those in parts of the country/world that don’t get to experience the magic of a Whataburger.
So do I, because I’m in one of them.
Of all the burger chains I always see people raving about, Five Guys is the only one we’ve got, and those only showed up about 2 years ago. I’d like to see what all the fuss is about.
Come to think of it, I haven’t planned my summer vacation yet, maybe I can turn this into a themed road trip…
It’s the best fast food burger I’ve ever had, but being up here in NoDak I haven’t had some of the others that people rave about. And like Sloopy said; the fries are horrible. I can’t understand why they serve such bad fries with such a good burger.
Very good burgers and shakes. Fries are as bad as people have said here.
Whataburger is awesome too, one of the few things I miss from Pensacola.
I find Jame Brown to be repetitive and boring.
People with melanin refer to that as “groove“
Maybe you should listen to James Brown.
Dave Rubin: The Other Fabulous Deplorable
When it comes to having a free and open debate on today’s hottest issues, Dave Rubin walks the walk.
The host of “The Rubin Report” has interviewed some of the biggest names in conservative circles. Think Thomas Sowell, Greg Gutfeld and The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro.
Rubin also has chatted with far-left pundit David Sirota, comic Bob Saget and climate change guru Michael Mann.
So it makes sense that he’s the latest addition to the upcoming film “No Safe Spaces.” The Fall release, spearheaded by podcast king Adam Carolla and conservative talker Dennis Prager, reveals the war on free speech on college campuses nationwide. Right-of-center speakers are under physical assault for simply expressing an opposing point of view. Students call anyone who doesn’t align with their progressive world view “racist,” “Nazi” or worse.
It’s happening now at universities nationwide, and parents are paying a pretty penny to send their children into that hateful cauldron.
“No Safe Spaces” wants to change that. The film recently announced the addition of veteran comic Tim Allen, Jordan Peterson, Cornel West and Van Jones to the list of experts on the subject. That lineup gives the film more ideological balance than you’ll find at most institutions of higher learning.
But do you agree with that?
The stunning thing about ‘socialism’ is that although so much has been said about it by so many people for decades, no country’s ever had an actual class-free society of equals. Socialism is the future economic system that comes after outdated capitalism is eventually abandoned.
Would you like to know why? Because such a thing is not possible. It’s not “You’re doing it wrong” it’s “IT CANNOT BE DONE”.
Knock it the fuck off.
I loved Trump’s formulation about faithful execution. And this is why I’m a Burkean not an anarchist: I need only reflect on how ignorant and clueless I would be in rearranging the prevailing order, and then project that onto anyone who actually believes himself capable of the undertaking. And then project that image onto the whole committee of would-be busybodies who’d rise to the occasion. Any revolution is going to look like your average city council meeting, except they’ll have guns and bayonets and the entirely undeserved egos of radicals. No, I’ll take the gradual reform thing over revolution.
Something something THAT’S NOT TRUE SOCIALISM! something something
class-free society of equals
This can never happen because people are individuals that all differ from one another.
Socialism is the future economic system that comes after outdated capitalism is eventually abandoned.
More like “Socialism is the poverty-producing economic slavery that comes after abundant wealth-producing capitalism is destroyed by tyrants and tyrant enablers.”
So is he right about In’n Out burger? Do I bother when I’m in CA later on this year?
I find In N Out to be overrated. Five guys, too. YMMV
There is no place to get a good burger in Californey.
Tommy’s is damned good.
Five Guys sucks balls. It’s a shitty greasebomb burger with even greasier fries. And the shakes are OK, but you can get shakes at McDonalds that are just as good. Save about 10 bucks on the meal too.
I have a three day weekend. I also have many…plans. Chick I slept with last week is coming down tomorrow night. We’re gonna go to some islands in the southwest together.
We’ve been talking, and we both have agreed to and are excited for it to be a full-fledged fuckfest. Colored South African girl. Huge rack, great body. Is eager to do many things and for me to do many things to her. I’ve been going through a dry spell and now I have an out-of-town blank check to pretty much do whatever I want. My loins percolate.
This weekend is going to be fucking awesome. Much travel. Much fuck. Much cuddle. End brag.
I feel like a kid in some kind of a store!
Just remember the key word: anal.
That’s the one thing she said she won’t do.
Annnnnd…..I’ve tried it and didn’t get the appeal. So no skin of my back.
I’ve tried it and didn’t get the appeal.
It’s better when you do it to her.
Colored South African girl.
You mean African-American South African.
-NBC Olympic broadcaster
I’m still singing, even if Rufus thinks the refs helped us win.
We’ve conquered all of Europe
We’re never gonna stop
From Paris down to Turkey
We’ve won the fucking lot
Bob Paisley and Bill Shankly
The Fields of Anfield Road
We are loyal supporters
And we come from Liverpool
Allez Allez Allez
Allez Allez Allez
Soccer would have to get a whole lot more interesting to even reach the level of “dull.”
My Italian barber has it on constantly. I sometimes can’t work up the interest to swivel my eyes in the direction of the TV rather than staring at a wall.
OMWC = True American hero
It’s a sport that here in America we enroll our youngest children in, because its a sport simple enough that a 4 year old can understand it. It’s something to get them active and in a team sport environment before they can comprehend the more complex and sophisticated sports like baseball or football or hockey.
No. First, I think Roma didn’t play to its strengths. It had a much stronger midfielder and better overall attack. They just had the tactics wrong in the 1st leg. So that’s on them.
In the 2nd leg they were somewhat in half-belief mode and were sloppy. On them.
But they were still dangerous and still managed to make it interesting. It’s not just me who thinks this. I always head to sites where actual refs (and I linked to it) comment to see if I’m wrong or being too myopic and in this game, clearly there was something amiss. The Man example Sloopy referred too was just a call but this game was poorly run.
Minor infractions were being called but he let the major ones go. Terrible.
Fact: Roma is a filthy commie team
Soccer is a filthy commie sport, so by definition all soccer teams are filthy commie teams.
/Lazio fascist salute.
You know who else tried to conquer Europe?
5 Guys, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the restaurant I visited, which was within a month of having opened, but it tasted like cafeteria food: a bland, small burger with damp fries. I went as a teenager to another location, and loved it. This last time? Eugh.
5 guys is the only premium burger chain we have, but I’d mostly agree with that assessment. The burger is a half notch above Wendy’s and the fries are consistently lousy.
All you can eat peanuts, though. Which is great, because none of those whiny people who are allergic to peanuts are there to spoil everyone’s fun.
I laughed.
This is an annoyance to me:
Tesla loses $2 BILLION in value after Elon Musk calls an analyst a ‘boring bonehead’ and says the ‘questions are so dry they are killing’ him during a bizarre earnings call
Elon Musk is known for his outspoken views on a range of subjects, but his candour appears to have cost Tesla $2 billion (£1.47bn) overnight.
That’s the total wiped off the electric vehicle company’s market value, seemingly in response to the CEO’s rude attitude during a quarterly earnings call yesterday.
That idiot did not “cost” Tesla $2billion, he cost the
investorssuckers who hold those shares $2billion. No money magically disappeared from the cash furnace currently known as Tesla Motors.did not rea
You can quibble about whether the loss of unrealized share price appreciation qualifies as losing real live money. But the loss is taken by hareholders.
If the federal government, let’s say, acts on statements made by Musk about manipulation of energy credits and fines the company a big pile of cash, then Musk’s statements will have cost Tesla the company money.
Yep, that’s exactly what I reacted to as well, P. He didn’t cost *Tesla* anything. I would say the shareholders should be rending him to bits, but on the other hand, his skills as a top-level grifter are all they really invested in anyway. As far as I can tell Tesla the car company isn’t worth much.
Jesus, my hands are fucked.
Nail holes?
Of course (((he))) would go there.
Also, LOL
I was thinking about brick and mortar standard 9-5 hours for store operations. I can see how when there was one breadwinner this worked well given (usually the wife) one member of the household would go shopping. But today in most households have two people who work. So who has time to go to the bank or retail shops during the same hours they work?
Most people, I think, can only go after 6 but not many places stay open beyond that.
That’s a peeve of mine as well. Back when I was a kid, many stores that normally closed at 5 would be open until 7 or 8 on Thursdays. It would be nice if stores did something like that again.
Christ, boys, move to a real fucking city! I’m having trouble thinking of retail businesses around here that don’t stay open until 8 or later.
I’m confused when stores close.
You just have to go home and return when they open again. It’s pretty straightforward.
But why wouldn’t they go through all the effort of closing every night if they’re just going to open again in the morning?
/3am and irate
Check your population privilege!
Oh, there are more and more of those for sure.
But my local cycling shop closes at 6pm during the week. I’m lucky though. I’m a boss. So I can do whatever I want! /Cartman.
We live in a pretty small town. Our grocery store is open until 10pm every night. The hardware store is open until 8 or 9pm every night except Sunday, when it’s 6pm I think. I never actually set foot inside my bank so I don’t know what their hours are. Amazon is open around the clock.
Forget about the private sector.
If I was governor or some other vip pol, I would make all govt offices be open on Sat/Sun. So normal people could avail themselves of all those services that we pay for.
Work for the govt? Your weekend is Mon/Tues. You don’t roll on the shabbos? Tough shit. Either roll or quit.
I’ll see if I can fix that mess. My goddam fingers feel like I swiped them off a corpse, this morning.
That idiot did not “cost” Tesla $2billion, he cost the
investorssuckers who hold those shares $2billion. No money magically disappeared from the cash furnace currently known as Tesla Motors.You can quibble about whether the loss of unrealized share price appreciation qualifies as losing real live money, but the loss is taken by shareholders and should not be considered or characterized as some sort of cash outlay.
If the federal government, let’s say, acts on admissions made by Musk about manipulation of energy credits and fines the company a big pile of cash, then Musk’s statements will have cost Tesla the company cash.
I hope that’s a little clearer, and not not so spazzed up.
it was clear the first time and you are correct. I gotta say, though, I’ve really enjoyed watching Musk as the pressure mounts. Some idiot analyst the other day floated a Tesla/SpaceX merger. I almost hope they try it, just for the laughs.
As CEO, Musk’s job description is to “maximize shareholder value”. He literally did the opposite yesterday and lost investors real live money.
Next time he needs to raise a bunch of cash to fund something, this will bite him in the ass and cost him real live money.
What makes you sure his statements aren’t “maximizing shareholder value”? What kind of value are you seeking? He only “literally did the opposite” if you accept the premise that a publicly held company’s greatest obligation is to maximize short term value.
Nail holes?
Funny you should say that. There are times when it feels like somebody is driving a fucking spike through the palm of my hand. That, or repeatedly slamming my hand in a car door.
Is that you, Jesus?
I asked up top about In’N Out. What about Wahlburger in Boston? I know there are New Englanders here.
Semi-on-topic: When I was in the Mall of America a few weeks ago, I saw they will be opening a Wahlburger there.
Wallburger? I suppose there’s hope for our Non-Kosher Floorburgers.
“Double-Bacon Owl Floorburger with Cheese and Crispy Locust Sauce? Who’d eat that?”
“Not an observant Jew, that’s for sure.”
Don’t forget the scallops.
That’s an add-on option with an upcharge.
Stick to poutine Rufus.
I’ve been to the one in Orlando. It’s… ok. Decent burgers, but overpriced.
That’s more like it.
It’s not nice to make muppets agitated.
There’s shitloads better burgers in Boston. Why get a Doucheburger?
Smasburger is a decent upscale burger joint. Find one of them.
I’m probably not the right guy to ask – not really a burger aficionado (I mean, I like them, but not like I seek them out) and tend to skip chains when I have other options (e.g., the Toad Burger is awesome) – that throat-clearing aside, I’ve had them a couple times, they were a decent burger but liked In-N-Out better.
CO is an interesting case. El Paso county is actually the largest municipality in the state and is about as shitlord as you can get.
Haha, that’s funny. When I was going to Colorado College, in Colorado Springs, a long time ago, a very large part of the “college community” devoted a tremendous amount of energy to patting themselves on the back and preening about how CC represented a tiny island of sanity in a sea of backwards warmongering simpletons. I suspect it’s far, far worse now. Fortunately, I haven’t set foot on campus in twenty years or more.
I just saw someone in my company directory named Wang Kok King.
How that guy didn’t end up in porn, I don’t know.
Also, I really hope that guy has got a big dick. Otherwise every time he goes out with a girl it’s false advertising.
“What is this cocktail weenie!? I thought you were the wang cock king!”
My brother went to school with a kid from China named Wang Dong.
Tom Wilson got way more games than he should have for that hit. One game I’d understand but three games on a top 6 forward for a playoff series really blow. Although I’ll be excited to see him back in Game 2 of the Conference series.
I predicted at least two games yesterday for two reasons. First, and worst, he left his feet. Second, he’s a fucking asshole with a history. You can be a monster out there without being a douchebag (see Dustin Byfuglien).
I think three is fine.
I don’t know, I can remember Byfuglien being a douchebag multiple times, particularly this one
The NHL doesn’t even consider crosschecking a penalty.
But that’s fair.
Since we’re talking burgers, if you’re ever in Arlington, Richmond, or Charlottesville, this place is legit.
Yep – one of my new favorites on the downtown mall.
It was smart of the British state to just starve that child to death. Had they imposed a tariff on food or water from entering his mouth than they would have really upset those brave Western “liberals”. Because tariffs are worse than Hitler, but starving a child is therapeutic for reasons.
As CEO, Musk’s job description is to “maximize shareholder value”. He literally did the opposite yesterday and lost investors real live money.
Don’t want a bunch of whiny profit-seekers looking over your shoulder? A compelling reason to not go public. The problem is Musk isn’t dumb enough to set a giant mound of *his own* money ablaze. He needs the rubes.
I misread that last line as “He needs the Rubles”. I suppose both are true.
Mossad smuggled half a ton of nuclear documents out of Iran – in one night
Definitely wins them the world championship of spying.
How livid must the IAEA be right now? What they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them, but then Israel went and blew up their spot.
Those damn (((Israelis)))
Meh. All I’ve seen is hand waving .
Damn! That’s almost as much weight as the pallets of cash our government smuggled in in one night.
Except our government is too incompetent to not get caught.
Stay tuned for their next installment, Electricity is the Work of the Devil.
Concrete is a disaster for our planet: can the building industry break its addiction?
Well, I’ll give them a point for at least asking that question. Usually, environuts just act like petroleum, natural gas, plastics, or some other extremely necessary substance can just be eliminated without any ill effects whatsoever, like these substances were just invented by those devious Koch Brothers in order to destroy the planet or something.
CNN – Children’s News Network.
They want to turn The Three Little Pigs into a longer series than Ice Road Truckers.
I’m all for inventing newer and better materials and techniques for building things, as long there is no government mandate involved in the process. I also don’t care about the motivations behind the inventors’ efforts; I care about results.
Production of cement is disastrous for our biosphere
Structures the Romans built with concrete thousands of years ago are still standing.
You will get three responses to that.
1 – ignoring you
2 – handwaving
3 – “The romans used a different type of concrete from us”
The romans used a different type of concrete from us
And serious people are still trying to figure out how the did it. And no, we aren’t going to stop using what we have now while waiting for them to figure it out.
A world where I build my house upon the corpses of slain environmentalists.
That’s a very wobbly foundation. I’d prefer something more solid as a substrate.
Really more of a figure of speech, I’d use their bones as a calcium source for my concrete.
Also, Roman concrete pretty well understood:
Carrying on the theme from yesterday, ‘My Clients Are Fleeing NJ Like It’s on Fire’
Click on the first link to avoid paywall.
I just want to know where most of them are going so I don’t go to the same place.
Amen. I’m afraid it will have to be somewhere kind of challenging, like Wyoming or Alaska.
Florida generally, sometimes South Carolina.
I can tell when somebody in town retires, their cars have Florida plates the next day.
Who do you suppose will vote for a federal bailout of tanking blue state economies faster, Dems or ‘pubs?
So, are we going to see “Detroitization” of high-tax blue states?
I think NY and CA will survive because they have very lucrative cottage industries that can weather the exodus of the middle class. NJ and Illinois however…
But would we want to live in a world without concrete?
No. Now fuck off.
Maxine Waters emphatically proves Kayne West’s point.
Don’t Talk ‘Out of Turn’
“But we also think that sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.“
From his
masteroverseercommunity organizer.Amazon Prime is going up to $119/year. Deciding whether to renew or not. Still get 4-5 day free shipping on orders over $25. I hate that I’m subsidizing other people’s memberships. Their video and music service suck. I think I’m talking myself out of it as I type.
Fuck that.
I buy enough stuff with the “free” 2-day shipping to cover the cost of Prime. I do not use the video or music services at all.
I still order more than one object per month, and still prefer the reliability of two-day shipping. It would cost me more than that in either irritation or cash to drop it.
In what way are you subsidizing other people’s memberships?
Students are $50/year, low income $10/year.
What is “Low Income” defined as? And are they counting welfare handouts in that value?
How to sign up for low-cost Amazon Prime
Only customers who have a valid EBT or Medicaid card qualify for the discounted membership at this time. The card will be used for proof of eligibility but cannot be used to pay for membership.
I messed up the numbers. The cost is 50% less, not $10/year. So, both students and EBT/Medicaid get it for $50/year.
I purchase enough to make the 2-day worth it, and also use music, video.
That said, the discounted rates for students and low income nearly caused me to cancel.
It was the reason I cancelled.
I assume you mean former reliability. The actual delivery experience for me has suffered considerably since the switch to USPS. A significant number of packages do not arrive on time, undamaged, and left in a reasonable location.
Everything I order on 2-day shipping comes UPS. I haven’t seen anything from Amazon come USPS.
Opposite at Government Central here in Ames (three post-offices) – USPS is the primary.
Interesting. Somewhere in 2017 I started getting 100% of my Amazon deliveries via USPS. I’ve got a relative who lives in the state and drives for UPS and he confirmed to me that they lost the contract. I assumed it was national, but maybe it’s regional.
At my current residence, My local Mailman is more reliable than the UPS Guy. FedEx is okay. But UPS, when they even get there on time, they’re liable to drop it by the side door – which is 100% exposed to the elements and highly visible to the whole street (a higher risk factor in thefts) instead of the front door, which has a sheltered alcove and plenty of not fully visible options for stashing the box. USPS and FedEx deliver to the front door.
Of course YOU get good service from the government, you’re an insider.
Back when Amazon was mostly UPS (and I was at my apartment) the people who worked the counter at the depot recognized me because I had to drive out there so often to get stuff, even when I was home and the driver just decided to slap a “sorry we missed you” sticker on the door instead of knocking.
At our location, UPS is the most reliable. They routinely put deliveries inside the enclosed entryway at our front door. USPS and FedEx will leave packaged in the rain by the garage door. Although FedEx has gotten better since I had a chance encounter with the driver one afternoon and told her to put the deliveries in the front enclosure.
It does seem to boil down to the person doing the last mile delivery with a lot of the perception of the various options. The rate of lost/damaged packages being low, and the only thing that the rest of the chain can impact.
We’ve been at out current house for 13 years. The original UPS driver gave me his cell phone number so I could coordinate on packages that required signatures. He eventually retired. We’ve been through a couple more drivers since then. They all put stuff in the enclose space (hidden from the street and protected from the elements). I think it comes down the the local operation, not just the individual driver.
I buy wine and beer online and have it delivered. FedEx used to be a disaster. Now I can schedule packages online to be diverted to the local FedEx (Kinkos) shop.
USPS is by far the worst for delivering any kind of package.
We’re saying more or less the same thing. For me, the drivers themselves are utterly faceless, since they always arrive while I’m at work. Though I did meet one after I complained that they dropped my drill press off at the wrong house. (They literally had to cross someone else’s lawn and put it at their back door rather than leave it by either door to my house. They missed the fact that there was an alley between the structures you could almost drive a car down that said they were not the same property.)
I love Fedex’s hold at location service. So much easier to pick up a package that way.
I’ve noticed more & more Amazon is moving items over to the add-on or Prime exclusive categories, and waiting several days to ship items for the free two day delivery. BS, if it’s not on my porch in two days, it’s not two day shipping.
Mine renewed in March, so I won’t have to make that choice for a while yet. I’ll probably keep it at that price, but that’s about the limit for me.
I order a lot through them and do like their original programming, plus the free prime movies.
I do most of my shopping on Amazon, so the juice is most definitely worth the squeeze for me.
Yeah, I’ve got the new Bosch season queued up. I use their streaming music a bunch too.
My HBO is cheaper per month through prime than Directv
I’m with you on this. I’ve been in Prime continuously since they created it, but this hike — combined with the switch from UPS to USPS — has got me thinking hard about whether I’m going to renew this year.
I buy stuff from them more or less every week, but most of my orders would qualify for the free non-prime shipping anyway. And I really do want to send them a message about switching to USPS.
For us, the kids live on Amazon Video — which is way cheaper than cable, and I do like the Prime Music. Mostly because I can still upload music if I can find a CD-ROM drive linked to the Intarwebz.
The only reason I’m in it is for the shipping. I really don’t care about the music, video, live puppet shows, and whatever the hell other bolt-on services they’ve added this year.
If they offered an Amazon sub-Prime that was back to $80 and didn’t give you anything but the free shipping, I’d snap it up in a heartbeat.
My account still says the next charge (in October) is for $99/year.
The price hike is being phased in, hitting new subscribers first, then going to renewals later on.
Do you have someone in school somewhere? Know someone? Get the education version.
Today’s word of the day is “introitus”.
Be sure you use it in a sentence today.
My wife and I were going to have sex, but the kids came home early from soccer and introitus.
Manufacturing cement, concrete’s binding agent, is energy-intensive, Fennell says. Ordinary Portland cement — the most common form in concrete — is produced by baking lime in a kiln and emits approximately one ton of carbon dioxide for every ton of cement. Concrete production is responsible for approximately 5% of global man-made CO2 emissions, according to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
A few years ago, the Holcim cement plant in Trident, Montana put forth a proposal to use waste tires as fuel. A huge freakout ensued (of course). The weenies in Bozeman rose up as one to block this dastardly scheme.
This, of course, pisses me off, because what the fuck else would you do with those millions of old dead tires? There is so much energy captured in a tire, if they occurred naturally, they’d be mined. But- noooooo; some trace pollutants might be released (I think they settled on mercury as the deadly child-murdering culprit). It’s not like they were going to just throw the damn things on the ground (or ring-toss them around the necks of protesters) and soak them in diesel fuel. If you burn them hot enough, you can make it work; or so I have been told.
I don’t want a greasy black pall in the sky, either, but sometimes you can make rational tradeoffs.
They have so far failed to actually show that CO2 is prima-facia harmful when released into the wild.
As for tire burning, so long as I didn’t have to smell it…
It would be a pity to use tires as fuel and cause a swing shortage to zoo apes.
Denmark is a great example of waste-stream utilization, particularly as they couple with co-gen facilities (limited in the US). Unfortunately, doesn’t fit the current narrative of “burning bad” and obviously doesn’t line the pocket of so-called green companies.
I’ve seen old tires ground up and used as part of the asphalt on road surfaces. I thought that was a pretty brilliant idea.
The watermelons probably objected to it for some reason or another. They are a millennial death cult; Gaia will only be safe once the plague of man is eliminated.
They should ally themselves with ZARDOZ.
Playground turf, too. Probably known to cause cancer in the state of California, though.
Watermelons: *RHEEEEE*
“Manufacturing cement, concrete’s binding agent, is energy-intensive”
When did progs start caring about how energy intensive certain processes are? Someone should show them how energy intensive the creation, transportation, assembly, and maintenance of wind turbines are… and compare how much energy these pieces of shit generate.
They care whenever it is politically expedient for them to do so.
Actually, they have always cared. It’s only recently that they’ve had the climate change excuse to rip the masks off. They want de-industrialization. They want us all grubbing in the dirt for our sustenance. They firmly believe in the myth of the noble savage. If only we didn’t have all this abundance, we could be better people, don’tcha know?
I always ask them which set of billions of people should starve to death. One of my best friends used to be a “no fossil fuels” guy until I asked him who should die first.
Luckily, he’s reasonable, just a little naïve.
Answer to that is simple. Let them have their way. And institute a tax on the city of Bozeman to pay for the disposal of all the tires in the state.
Environmentalism is a luxury good. Let the bastards who want to buy it pay for it.
Was this covered already?
Trouble flares at £100k funeral of burglar killed by homeowner
So the Travellers have £100k to drop on a funeral, but spend their time on petty thievery?
Petty thievery doesn’t count against the income requirements for the Dole.
Well of course, why do you think they have to steal they spend their money on things like this.
What in the hell? Have the Brits all lost their minds?
It seems so. Potato peeler = dangerous weapon. Travellers walking down the street with slingshots and hucking rocks at people = you need to be culturally sensitive.
Family with kid who’s disease they won’t treat for “free” = mouthy trouble makers, not allowed to leave country.
Meanwhile, neighbours of pensioner Richard Osborn-Brooks, who killed Mr Vincent during the burglary, blocked his road to prevent the procession coming anywhere near their homes.
Not all of them, not just yet. Of course, declining to lose one’s mind is quickly becoming a prosecutable offense.
‘People will the sit around and say nice things about him. I know he’s done a bad thing, but he’s dead and it’s only right for the family to pay their respects.’
If he’d killed his victim, is there any doubt these same people would be rioting about his imprisonment? “I know he done bad things, but putting him in jail for killing a septuagenarian pensioner who tried to defend himself, I mean, he has rights, too.”
There’s a real classy bunch of shit-stains.
My boss: “Hey! Today’s Google Doodle is about George Melies!”
Me: …
Boss: “He was a 19th century French filmmaker!”
Me: *loses all interest in conversation*
I think I might be severely uncultured.
Careful, KK – I think Melies was a friend of OMWC.
I attended his bris.
The rocket-ship hitting the moon in the eye is a pretty famous image, but I had to look up his name.
Is it cynical that, whatever doodle Google puts up, I immediately think… Communist sympathizer, no doubt.
PacMan was a Commie?!
It has gotten so bad I was shocked a few days back that the Doodle was Gauss. “Wait, someone who actually accomplished something?”
I’ve been playing too much BattleTech, my first reaction to seeing ‘Gauss’ was “Focus fire on that heavy”
Hugo (the movie)
Brilliant, really, when you consider what he was able to do with light, costume, sets, etc. at the time.
I’ve got the new Bosch season queued up.
I’m three episodes in, and it’s good. No spoilers.
Having cut the cord and gone roku, I watch Amazon video and youtube almost exclusively. Sometimes finding something to watch on Amazon is a challenge, but…
And I have been shifting more and more of my random shopping to Amazon. The last pair of tires I bought came from Amazon. And the new distributor for my pickup truck.
I’ll hang in there for a while, anyway.
Yep, I do a lot of JIT-style ordering from Amazon – e.g., I’ll have 30 lbs. of dry dog food rolling in on Monday, along with a dozen cans of wet. Cases of paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, etc. No need to schlep that crap home. Still worth it for me.
From Pie’s link above:
“Prostitution is not a job. The inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace.”
Non sequitur. The vagina is not *technically* inside a woman’s body; just like the esophagus is not *technically* inside the body. The vaginal canal forms a morphologically continuous surface with the skin. Where do you think the word “invagination” comes from?
Everyone knows that being technically right is the best kind of right.
+1 Hermes
By that same analogy, then, nobody should do physical labor. Hands are not a workplace. Legs are not a workplace.
Also, something that involves food or drink. The mouth is not a workplace.
You’re allowed to sacrifice your body for sports or MMA, but for sex? No, no, women shouldn’t have that option.
Don’t let’s worry about pumping out kids for welfare checks, of course.
So, you’re saying that getting past the introitus isn’t far enough to be “inside” the body?
“The inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace.”
We certainly know that the inside of at least one person’s body – the brain – isn’t a workplace. Sheesh.
The mouth is not a workplace.
Then why do they call it a….
never mind
If you’re not working hard, you’re not doing it right.
The other day, I was looking for .22lr magazines for my 1911 on Amazon. Just in case. I found a nice set of grip screws (they are some oddball thread pitch, so you can’t just grab four black allen screws at the hardware store) on Amazon, a while back. But the mags- I found none.
Do they make 1911s in .22lr?
Conversion kits are also available.
Thanks, My knowledge of pistol options is impeded by the difficulty in getting one past Emperor Cuomo’s stormtroopers. So I spend less time shopping for them.
NoDak farmer carves message about President Trump in field
Is he going to claim federal crop insurance for the damage?
When progs set fire to his fields? Bet your ass!
The progs melt into acid unless within 10 miles of a coffee shop at all times. No way they’d ever make it out to a farm.
Do they make 1911s in .22lr?
You can get a conversion kit top end, which goes on a standard 1911 frame. Kimber makes one. I think Colt does, too. Mine (because I’m a fucking cheapskate) is a GSG.
I don’t know if they still do, but Sig was selling some of their guns with a .22 conversion included. They’re very popular with the defensive pistol competitors, because you can practice with your game day gun (so you get the exact feel, heft, trigger) on the cheap.
As of last fall (when I was shopping for pistols), Sig was still selling some 1911s in .22lr.
As if that Guy Ritchie abomination about King Arthur weren’t bad enough…
Eggsy finds a time machine.
If this was a Sam Raimi movie, it might be worthwhile.
JFC. Was that Gondor? I think they’ve crossed the streams.
Did not see any woods in trailer…
I thought it was an Assassin’s Creed movie.
The “Action” looks like spastic twitching. And this is what they thought would get people interested?
That looks fucking retarded. What happened to Guy Ritchie. Can’t he just make 10 variations of Snatch?
Errol Flynn FTW.
What’s this, about Guy Ritchie and King Arthur?
*Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is one of my most favoritest movies ever.
The “King Arthur” flick isn’t that bad, fairly entertaining overall – it’s not like any recent adaptation has been truly faithful to the material (more like his Sherlock Holmes reboots). The problem stateside was that it had minimal advertising, promotions – I didn’t know about it till it was already in theaters.
Big fan of his early stuff though – I will do a review of “Revolver” for my channel eventually. (LS2SB and Snatch have been reviewed more than enough times).
it’s not like any recent adaptation has been truly faithful to the material (more like his Sherlock Holmes reboots)
What, are you going to tell me Sherlock Holmes wasn’t written by Ian Fleming?
Agreed – also a fan of *Snatch* & *Rocknrolla* – there’s a through-line there…
“‘arry ‘orrible ‘atchet” would be a good handle
I don’t remember that one. It will go on my list of must-sees.
It was pretty fun to watch.
Yeah, didn’t do well in the theater, I think, but I’ve rewatched many times.
It’s also a just-before-they-were-really-famous-couldn’t-afford-them-all-now cast:
Gerard Butler
Tom Wilkinson
Thandie Newton
Mark Strong
Idris Elba
Tom Hardy
(Wilkinson might have been the most established actor at that point, though it was a couple years after 300).
I haven’t seen it all the way through, only parts of it, but it looked decent.
Haven’t seen Rocknrolla; will look for it.
that movie is worth the time. very entertaining.
This is something we can all get on board with when Trump talks about attracting highly skilled immigrants.
Based on the picture, she’s not bad looking, but I’ll let you decide where she falls on the hot/crazy spectrum.
Stay-away crazy.
Not even with your lung.
Cute redhead. Would; but I get to search the house for weapons first.
Oops! Missed one!
everything seems normal so far…
‘over-reaction’? to what? the voices in your head?
Yes, i think this is probably all just a big misunderstanding.
Jesus christ, the stabbing victim looks like… well, like a 17yr old weedy brit.
Ok, now you’re just being dicks, journalism.
What happened to Guy Ritchie.