What a Masters Sunday! Except for the ending, anyway. Thanks to the groundskeepers who forgot to trim one stupid limb, Speith missed his chance to birdie 18 and lock Patrick Reeds’s sphincter up a bit. Oh well, even assclowns like him win majors from time to time. Also, congrats to University of Minnesoooda-Duluth on their college hockey National Championship. They took on the best of the Big Ten and took em down. Speaking of hockey, the playoffs are almost set. I’ll give a little spiel tomorrow once they’re firmed up.
That’s it for sports. I’m buried at work today already. So I’m gonna move on to…the links!

Hey Zuckerberg, this is for you, buddy!
When one senior exec of your social media platform data mining operation has to cancel interviews because she said people should pay them extra for them to protect their data, and your CEO has to take a crash course in how to not be a smarmy, holier-than-thou idiot before their meetings on Capitol Hill to explain what, exactly, they’re doing with personal data, you might have a bit of a problem. If you’re invested in FB, I recommend shorting it as quickly as possible.
Welcome back to the sixties, man. What could possibly go wrong?
Apparently, the Department of Justice will start complying with requests from the people who are literally tasked with overseeing them. Its just a coincidence that they diverted millions in their budget to shredder purchases a week before the announcement, so I’m sure this is going to be transparent and open.
Its not a lie if you believe it. I don’t know, seems there’s a lot of weird shit that can happen to a person in space. But if Neil didn’t see it, I’m not sure it happened.

When asked to comment, the Syrian President said “meep meep-meep” and went back to Bunsen Honeydew’s laboratory.
In response to a reported gas attack in Syria, someone allegedly attacked Syrian troops. Nobody is taking credit and nobody is assigning blame. I’m starting to wonder if Syria is even a real place.
The Pacific Pole Championships were this weekend in Los Angeles. And hundreds of gals working their way through college and/or nursing school as well as others showed just how tough it really is. Enjoy art in its highest form, gents.
If we could tie this song into the last link, I’d think that was pretty cool.
Well, have a great day, friends.
““People began experimenting with microdosing in Silicon Valley around 20 years ago,” he exclusively tells Daily Star Online.”
“What could possibly go wrong?”
Well, I think the most likely thing is that since it’s illegal, one can’t be sure of the quality, quantity, etc.
That, and you could wind up in prison.
Conjugal visit prison?
Is it considered conjugal if your cell mate is the one doing it to you?
No…that would make it “pound me in the ass prison”.
Well, that’s the point.
Steve Smith prison.
And Sgt Joe Friday trying to get you down from the tree you climbed into….
With or without cutting down the tree?
Bark eating is always fun.
I’ve been reading about microdosing for a long time (although I’ve never tried it), and the consensus is unanimous that it doesn’t cause altered perceptions, delusions, huge cognitive shifts, or any sort of cray cray behavior.
The problem is that one would have to obtain and possess a large quantity of LSD, where that quantity was known, then do the math and dilute it. As far as a law is concerned, diluting it is increasing the quantity. Adding water to a deciliter of liquid to get a liter makes it ten times as much acid. So as far as the feds are concerned, that’s difference between low level dealer and drug overlord.
+1 Pot butter.
Blue Boy was the greatest half hour of TV ever. EVER. Especially the ending.
Back when Nick at Nite used to show Dragnet, I watched it with my dad all the time, and Blue Boy was definitely our favorite episode.
That autostart gave me homicidal flashback.
Our political ‘betters’ are so much wiser than us, so here’s an idea that we could use to gut the current drug laws.
Excepting legitimate prescriptions, redefine possession of current drug offenses in the following way.
A Dealer is defined as any individual transporting or storing more than 100x the LD50 of the substance.
A User is defined as an individual transporting or holding more than 10x the LD50 of the substance.
A Casual User is defined as an individual transporting or holding less than 10x the LD50 of the substance.
I’ll leave it as an exercise to the interested observer just how much weed or acid you’d have to be carrying to be anything other than a Casual User. Needless to say, ‘Casual User’ would be a bullshit ‘no prosecute’ unless combined with another, non-drug related offense (for example, reckless driving) in which case I wouldn’t object in principle to it being a sentence-enhancer.
Is that Sylvia Kristel on the front page link?
Don’t know who, but definitely not her.
Sloopy, sorry, this might sound like a stupid question. I have a memory of offering to write an article about something, and you saying you would be very interested in reading it. But I can’t remember what it was about. Any idea?
“Memory Loss”
What’s this *Don’t watch Memento* tattoo on chest?
It was on the supremacy of artisinal mayonnaise over all other forms of food.
Hallucinatory drugs
No idea.
OK, fair enough.
Top 10 sexiest moments from What Happened and the Trump Tower Novel.
No wait, I remember. It was a laudatory piece on small-ish blogs and how fucking hard it is for those managing them when they all have full time jobs and families.
Was that it?
A continuation in the artisanal deep dish pizza series? I’m pretty sure it was that.
Duluth may have won, but it’s all downhill for them.
..because “Duluth”?
The only reason I remember Duluth is because it fried my parking brake.
Duluth is pretty much the side of a hill
Also, Go Bulldogs!
Also Amen brother!
More a data dumping ground than a mine, really.
This. People seem to think that Facebook makes money by simply existing.
Facebook’s problem is that they now have to explain to the idiots how they make money off them. Something that anyone who had thought about it for more than two seconds could have figured out.
Two seconds is one second too long. Asking a Japanese person how their Prius is powered now that almost all the nuclear power plants have been shut down has taught me this.
See. That took you one minute and you’re not even Japanese.
Most of that was not seeing your comment yet.
Maybe he is turning Japanese?
I was hoping it would be the KD version
Does Kirsten even know that song’s about whacking off?
In the FB thing, it’s a free market and somebody should compete them out of it, not regulate them out. And there’s responsibility on the part of the consumer to know what he’s putting out there and the risks involved.
BUT…FB has it so people as young as 12 can sign up. How can those children agree to the terms and conditions if they’re not old enough to enter into a contract? If FB is peddling their personal information without the consent of their parents, they may be in some hot water from a legal standpoint.
They along with snapchat etc could possibly and probably will (in Europe) be held responsible for teen sexting at some point.
There is a new player in the sexting game.
An app called Monkey App is all the rage with the preteens. You get 15 seconds to video chat with a random person. If you both like each other, you can keep adding more time.
So basically chatroulette only shorter and on a phone. Definitely not OK for kids. They think it is funny. “Ha-ha… I told that man from London that he is cute”, says the 11 year old girl who has no idea of the implications of that interaction, should someone in authority see it.
It is pretty much the “get a kid expelled from school” app (at best). And simultaneously the “get some random dude who is just trying to hook up onto the sex offender registry” app. There seem to be several copycat apps out there too.
Hopefully Lenore Skenazy over at Free-Range Kids can get the corner turned on this hysteria before my kids hit puberty.
Look, we have to make all the children criminals, it’s for the children. Why do you hate the children?
Lenore has an article over at Reason in which she claims that your child is more likely to end up on the sex offender registry than to be molested by someone on the registry.
She reveals that the most common age for someone earning their ticket to the registry is….
wait for it…..
Yes, the most common age for landing yourself on the lifelong sex offender registry is 14.
Great work boys!
And they wonder why kids are on anti-depression meds and sometimes just crack and start shooting everyone. You work full time to ruin people’s lives at the youngest age possible and there just might be negative consequences. Imagine the future when we have a large percentage of the population who are completely disenfranchised half citizens. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Talk about dystopia.
Wow. Talk about phony baloney jobs.
Good work if you can get it
This speaks as much to their paranoia as it does to their secrecy.
But allcthat crisis management ain’t gonna mean shit when they’re under oath and a congressman asks “do you have algorithms that reduce exposure of politicians from the right while increasing those from the left?”
“Algorithms? No, not algorithms.”
Recruiting sergeant: There’s some questions I have to ask.
They’re a little personal.
Have you ever been convicted
of a felony or a misdemeanor?
That’s robbery, rape, car theft,
that sort of thing?
John Winger: Convicted?
Sergeant: Yeah.
John: No.
Russell Ziske: Never convicted.
“policies and procedures”
“What we do, sir, is we police hate speech, because hate speech violates our TOS.”
If you need a PR crisis team it means your position sucks
“A growing number of people think their job is useless. Time to rethink the meaning of work
In a 2013 survey of 12,000 professionals by the Harvard Business Review, half said they felt their job had no “meaning and significance,” and an equal number were unable to relate to their company’s mission, while another poll among 230,000 employees in 142 countries showed that only 13% of workers actually like their job. A recent poll among Brits revealed that as many as 37% think they have a job that is utterly useless.
They have, what anthropologist David Graeber refers to as, “bullshit jobs”. On paper, these jobs sound fantastic. And yet there are scores of successful professionals with imposing LinkedIn profiles and impressive salaries who nevertheless go home every evening grumbling that their work serves no purpose.
Let’s get one thing clear though: I’m not talking about the sanitation workers, the teachers, and the nurses of the world. If these people were to go on strike, we’d have an instant state of emergency on our hands. No, I’m talking about the growing armies of consultants, bankers, tax advisors, managers, and others who earn their money in strategic trans-sector peer-to-peer meetings to brainstorm the value-add on co-creation in the network society. Or something to that effect.”
How many of those are mired in regulatory compliance requirements?
My entire (quite lucrative) business is helping companies meet regulatory compliance requirements.
And, no, the irony of that is not lost on me.
I do much of the same, it’s definitely big business and the regulators never sleep or rest, apparently.
My mom worked for Procter & Gamble for 32 years, almost all of it in regulatory compliance. She was hired as a compliance specialist for Environmental issues to assist in their Mill Creek cleanup efforts, and after a year, and getting the procedures and testing established for that, she was into labeling and regulatory work the rest of her career. She’s been consulting since she retired, and earns a ton of money for it.
Useless, huh? Must be employed by the same people who fail to realize they can save 20% of their labor costs by hiring only women.
Sorry but it really is a thing.
The thing a lot of people fail to realize is that companies do not act individuals do and a job that might look necessary from one department can in fact be quite useless in reality. Then throw in the inertia of any large bureaucratic organization (which all big companies are) so that once a person is hired unless something really bad happens they just kind of keep paying them and the connection between any individual and the company as a whole’s bottom line is so tenuous that no one can really see who is necessary and who isn’t.
We had a developer here who left for greener pastures about 4 months ago to go work for a big financial company. The week after he started his project was put on hold. He has literally sat there and twiddled his thumbs collecting a paycheck and doing nothing for 4 months while they wait for the project to be given the green light to move forward.
Multi Billion dollar megacorps do not behave like free market entities seeking to maximize profits the majority of the time and the only time they really care about efficiency is if they are taking a significant loss
Professors who feature on FIRE and Campusreform.
Useless of the useless.
I think it’s a misconception that everyone can find a job that gives them genuine enjoyment. Most people don’t have interests and passions that translate into a job. If you do, wonderful. But it’s just not a realistic goal for the majority of people.
I hate the advice, “do what you love and the money will follow“. My theory is that this phony axiom is partially responsible for the crop of young people today who are getting worthless degrees in musical theater or poetry (and then blame capitalism when they aren’t making six figures a year).
The line should be, “make a list of in-demand jobs that match your aptitudes, then pick one that you think you might like or at least tolerate“.
I became a lot happier when I accepted the fact that a day job is not supposed to be some amazing journey of self-actualization. It’s just an income.
Can FB spare 500 employees for that purpose? I though everyone at FB’s full time job was censoring any wrongthink that doesn’t toe the progtard line?
Not everyone. There’s the one guy who does the disastrous UI changes every so often.
A photographer with Getty Images was at the competition and captured incredible images of the performers – both men and women – showing off their skills mid-air.
Don’t google men’s pole dancing. Trust me.
That sounds like you followed someone’s link away from this Family Friendly site.
Paleoanthropology is a particular interest of mine. But if you google “Homo erectus,” you get all sorts of results you probably weren’t expecting.
Just skip that unfortuantely named progenitor.
Hey, we can talk about Lucy here?
Does she got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do?
She’s in the sky.
With diamonds.
But only in really tiny doses.
*narrows glamorous gaze*
Glib History —
Back at TOS, there was an intern named as such, and once she left we were no longer allowed to talk about her.
You still see her popping up sometimes in in discussion of various libertarian things.
Lucy Steigerwald
I don’t remember if there was an actual reason we don’t talk about her anymore.
The contemporaneous Homo ergaster gives you similar results without the unfortunate side-tracks.
“”Combining dance and acrobatics, originally began as entertainment in strip clubs, pole dancing soon became mainstream as a form of exercise and expression,” Getty Images said in the caption of the photos. “Competitions are now held in countries throughout the world and has a participant level estimated at over 30,000 in the US.”
People need to stop making things healthy.
What no sportsball talk about the Astros? Even though they are already shaking in their boots at the prospect of playing the Twinkies?
That is pathetic.
The Twins already canceled one game with the Mariners yesterday because “snow was predicted and it was right around freezing”. Sure it did snow and it was cold, but this is the outdoor stadium that the purists demanded.
I don’t care if the twins are frozen. You get your balls on that field.
Maybe MLB should reward them by kicking off their season with a six week road swing.
today’s word salad from Chris Hedges
The Israeli army’s wanton slaughter of unarmed Palestinians trapped behind the security barriers in Gaza evokes little outrage and condemnation within the United States because we have been indoctrinated into dehumanizing Muslims. Islam is condemned as barbaric and equated with terrorism. The resistance struggle against foreign occupation, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or Gaza, sees Muslims demonized as the enemy. Muslims are branded as irrational and inclined to violence and terrorism by their religious beliefs. We attack them not for what they do but because we see them as being different from us. We must eradicate them to save ourselves. And thus we perpetuate the very hatred and counterviolence, or terrorism, that we fear.
We have declared a worldwide war on Muslims. Muslims, who read us better than we read ourselves, are rising up to resist. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the Middle East have been butchered since our invasion of Afghanistan. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya have been destroyed as viable states. Millions of Muslims have been displaced or are refugees. And when desperate Muslim families attempt to flee to Europe or the United States from the hell we created in the Middle East, they are thrown into displacement camps or turned back and branded as disease carriers, thieves, rapists, barbarians and terrorists. Islamic culture and religion in our Manichean narrative have been shorn of all nuance, humanity, complexity and depth. Islam has been replaced by a xenophobic cartoon version, an image that, to use the words of Frantz Fanon, is the “quintessence of evil.” We respond to the crisis we created out of ignorance, self-exaltation and racism.
The Israeli massacre of Palestinians is a prelude to a dystopian, neocolonial world where global elites, hoarding wealth and controlling the mechanisms of power, increasingly resort to widespread bloodshed to keep the oppressed at bay. What Israel is doing to Palestinians—impoverished and trapped without adequate food, water and medicine in the open-air prison that is Gaza, a strip of land subject to repeated murderous assaults by the Israeli war machine—will be done to desperate climate refugees and citizens who rise up to protest the pillage by global oligarchs. Those who resist will be as dehumanized as Muslims. They too will be branded as terrorists. The global elites have a plan for the future. It is visible in the killing fields of Gaza.
I could give coffee enemas to a herd of cattle and end up with less bullshit.
It’s funny how the story of Israel vs. Palestine always starts in the middle. One day, for no reason at all, the Israelis decided to build walls and force the Palestinians to go through checkpoints. Highjackings? Terrorism? Murder of the Israeli Olympic team? What are you talking about?
And nobody has any idea how such a thing could have happened!!
Maybe because it’s barbaric and equated with terrorism?
I thought it was because it was barbaric and the source of more terrorism than all other sources combined.
Islamophobe! Racist!
Yeah. Hey, maybe try not throwing gays off building and cutting the heads off of people who happen to believe something other than the divine words of your pedophile prophet. And while you’re at it. Stop blowing kids up and letting people rape the wives of rapists as punishment for their crime.
Jesus, this isn’t rocket science people.
letting people rape the wives of rapists as punishment for their crime.
Hold on, Sloop. Let’s not be hasty.
We really need to see pictures of the wives first.
And some age verification.
So if you are married to Godzilla, go a rapin, cause nobody is gonna want to rape your woman?
I don’t know. Maybe stoning women for adultery is pretty enlightened. We must be seeing something since Muslims know us better than ourselves.
hoarding wealth and controlling the mechanisms of power, increasingly resort to widespread bloodshed to keep the oppressed at bay.
I need to read that with my Marxist monocle in.
Gee Mr. Hedges, if the ME is such a paradise of culture and civilization, why don’t you go live there?
He would have, but the U.S. and its (((puppet masters))) done fucked it up.
For the same reasons that all the lefties proclaiming how the US is hell and Europe is paradise, never move there. Ever, not even one of them.
Roman Polanski did.
Well, if your name if Roman then you must just have to figure you’re on the wrong continent.
Too be fair, Madonna and Apple’s Mom both moved to London, but I think they’re still mad at us for it.
“We have declared a worldwide war on Muslims. Muslims, who read us better than we read ourselves,”
“Muslims, who read us better than we read ourselves”
I can imagine that they look at our lefties and think ‘Wow, these weak people are just going to commit suicide and we’ll just walk in and take over’.
The Israeli army’s wanton slaughter of unarmed Palestinians trapped behind the security barriers in Gaza evokes little outrage and condemnation within the United States because we have been indoctrinated into dehumanizing Muslims.
Alternatively, and I know this sounds crazy, that is not an accurate description of reality.
We have declared a worldwide war on Muslims.
They started it.
Orioles have already beaten the Evil Empire in the Bronx more times than they did all of last year. Just noting this for the record.
Which is as many wins as the Dodgers have total.
And have shown a lot of heart doing it.
And Alex Cobb is due to pitch in the bigs this weekend.
“Don’t get cocky, kid.”
Data concerns: YouTube under fire from child advocacy groups
Or you could pay attention to what you’re children are doing online? Advertisers don’t even need to pay for ads on YouTube. Other than Peppa Pig drinking bleach, the videos my 3 year old watches, are of people playing with kids toys. I don’t get how that’s entertaining but apparently kids love it.
YouTube will fix this by putting anyone who says, “Huwhite” in restricted mode.
Just put every video in restricted mode.
Throwing out the baby and drinking the bath water.
::Starts screaming like Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, VC:: OH MY GOD! Both my kids went through the most infuriating phase of watching nothing but Kinder/surprise egg opening videos.
“Open the box, sloooowly. Now, peel off that wrapper, real sexy like. Yeah, that’s it. Oh, yeah.”
There is a very long list of things people have come up with as business ideas that I would have ridiculed that went on to make millions.
This is right at the top of the list. I thought effete Brits playing Minecraft was the epitome of stupid. Then I saw a video of some girl showing off her squishy collection. One by one she opens and squeezes overpriced foam toys. “Ooooh! Cake! ….. Squish….. Oooooh! A piece of cheese! …… Squish…..” She had over 2 million views for that nonsense. That’s Sean Hannity levels of viewership. For squeezing a piece of foam.
And the idiot who invented bottle flipping….. there is a special place in hell for that guy.
I thought effete Brits playing Minecraft was the epitome of stupid.
Why you gotta harsh my buzz like that?
We are more of a DanTDM household here.
That’s Sean Hannity levels of viewership.
To be honest, there’s very little difference in content quality.
[T]he videos my 3 year old watches, are of people playing with kids toys. I don’t get how that’s entertaining but apparently kids love it.
That’s basically the kid version of watching “Let’s plays”, which is a super popular video format among the older set (i.e. teen & young adult) on youtube.
Chemical attacks in Syria again, and what’s to blame? American inaction according to McCain.
His advice? MOAR WAR!
He really wants to blow up the weapons he put in their hands.
I don’t know who did it, don’t want us to be in a war in Syria, and don’t really care any more than if the victims had been killed with artillery. Every time I hear about chemical weapons in Syria, I fell like we are getting a formal invitation to spend thousands of American lives and Billions of dollars in another quagmire.
But chemical weapons! And the chilruns!
If Trump pulls out of Syria, McCain and Graham will both suffer a terminal case of butthurt. It would be glorious. But the timing of this is sort of weird in that Trump was supposedly just talking about getting out. Makes me sort of suspicious that it ever happened.
Don’t forget Bolton.
I’m increasingly of the opinion that if we want to just say chemical weapons are off limits. Then we should just drone a general or politician and their family every time they use them. No troops.
Of course, rationally, chemical weapons are no different than cluster bombs. But if it shuts the war hawks up and keeps us out of ground engagement, I’ll take it.
Sure, if you are sure which General ordered it. It seems a perfect way to set up an enemy for a good droning.
US policy about the use of chemical weapons is that we will respond with nukes. Do that already.
Twitter CEO Shares And Raves About Article Calling For Dem Victory In Second ‘Civil War’
In case you had any doubts – yes they really hate you.
That medium article is just insane. They want to actively shut down anything not towing the California Dem lion.
Actively shut it down. For two generations. So they could get things done.
Even if all blues followed them into it, the strategic situation does not favor a blue victory. Their people are largely disarmed and already concentrated into urban areas where they are easily blockaded even by an irregular force. If there is a breakaway violent action movement, I doubt it would bring along everyone who votes blue, andit would go very, very badly for them.
Blockade food and toilet paper deliveries. Maybe pajamas too. The place will turn into a dog-eat-dog world where everyone is wearing milkbone underwear.
Don’t forget the panic when Starbucks runs out of vanilla almond soy and fair-trade pumpkin spice syrup.
Thank you for sharing this. I would never have seen it otherwise.
At least now you can die happy.
Well, the issue is, they don’t have any icky guns and the other side has a lot. What are they going to do, twitter us to death? They even fail at that.
But I thought rich people were all Republicans?
Only the greedy ones!
Note to Twitter CEO: This isn’t going to end the way you think it will.
if only they had permanent majority, Utopia would ensue.
Yeah, just like all the cities that have been under exclusive Democrat rule for at least half a century, like Baltimore, Detroit, D.C.,…oh, wait….
Don’t you Kulaks and Wreckers get it? We have not had the right Top Men in charge or spent enough money on the problem yet. That is why it has not worked out….
At least they outed themselves.
As long as we know who the assholes are.
Kurt Schlicter’s books both describe (IMHO fairly accurately) a likely scenario if the left were to try and impose California on the rest of us even more than they try to now. Same with Tom Kratman’s “A State of Disobedience.”
California, despite its mass wealth inequality, growing lack of social cohesion, poverty, and soaring housing costs “provides a model for America as a whole,
I must say, I question your judgement.
This is a civil war that can be won without firing a shot.
See how that works out when you decide to take peoples guns.
California, despite its mass wealth inequality, growing lack of social cohesion, poverty, and soaring housing costs “provides a model for America as a
whole,Fixed it for ya.
Bill Cosby retrial.
We’ll keep bringing Cosby to trial and stacking the jury until we get the correct verdict!
The #MeToo movement caught fire four months after the first trial, raising awareness of sexual misconduct as it toppled Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Al Franken, Matt Lauer and other powerful non black men.
That’s probably not a place they want to go.
Fat, disgusting Jew was a good starting point. Beloved AA comic? No.
“Thanks for helping set the appellate record, Kristen” /Cosby lawyer
There’s a reason they call him “Buzz”.
Nice. Taking a shot at an American hero. Shame.
That was a compliment.
My two favorite things involving Aldrin: back when he was funny, Letterman introduced him as “the first man to walk on the moon…named Buzz.”. And the look on Aldrin’s face when Ali G asked him what it was like to walk on the surface of the sun.
“It has also hired a team of experts, including a former special assistant to President George W. Bush, to put Mr. Zuckerberg, 33, a cerebral coder”
Has he ever written any code? I’ve heard numerous times that his college roommates wrote all the code for derpbook.
Hah! I was going to make that same comment.
I don’t think he was all that impressive as a coder either. I think he was just a smart guy in the right place at the right time who grabbed the tiger’s tail and held on.
or a CIA plant, depending who you ask
Makes sense. Business success, which is what Facebook has had in spades, requires business acumen, not technical skill. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were successful because they knew business and/or marketing – not because they were technical wizards. Having a great product is not enough for success (usually).
So Patrick Reed got booted from U(sicd)GA for cheating.
Did he not know how many points a 3-point shot was worth?
11. What is the name of the exam which all high school seniors in the State of Georgia must pass?
e. Paternity
*Damn, that sounds racist on second thought.
Can’t you
optpull out and avoid taking the paternity test?not 100% guaranteed to work
Cheat off your neighbor.
That medium article is just insane.
Oh, come on. It’s awesome. It’s like purified and distilled lamentations of the wimmenz.
wanna read something stupid? Sure you do
Concern trolling meets preaching to the choir staring in:
About the boys: Tim Winton on how toxic masculinity is shackling men to misogyny
So basically lets pretend we care about boys issues. A complex problem Nonsense, it is all toxic masculinity and misogyny. No definition of what he means by all this misogyny, no example of these things. Because every right thinking person knows they are everywhere in society. Also patriarchy!!!
Boys and young men are so routinely expected to betray their better natures, to smother their consciences, to renounce the best of themselves and submit to something low and mean. – newa to me
s if there’s only one way of being a bloke, one valid interpretation of the part, the role, if you like. There’s a constant pressure to enlist, to pull on the uniform of misogyny and join the Shithead Army that enforces and polices sexism. – off course the sexism police.
Lets just vomit a word salad of buzzwords without anything vaguely clear or any solution!.
We’ve scraped our culture bare of ritual pathways to adulthood. There are lots of reasons for having clear-felled and burnt our own traditions since the 1960s, and some of them are very good reasons. But I’m not sure what we’ve replaced them with. – it is almost trying to think
Toxic masculinity is a burden to men. I’m not for a moment suggesting men and women suffer equally from misogyny, because that’s clearly and fundamentally not true. And nobody needs to hear me mansplaining on the subject of the patriarchy. – buzzword density increasing!
Boys need help. And, yes, men need fixing – I’m mindful of that. Males arrive in our community on the coattails of an almost endless chain of unexamined privilege. I don’t deny that for a second. – off course you don’t, you would loose your virtue signaling
Do these people think these articles speak to anyone outside their leftist bubble?
I have an idea, they should start a civil war with the unwoke so they can find out what masculinity is for.
Imagine the hordes of soy-boys in their pj’s wielding deadly assault lattes.
Trying to make the enemy laugh themselves to death?
Top heavy babes ready to rescue you from the drudgery of existence.
Great group. Would all, with extreme prejudice.
what are you, new to the chive?
Do you even lift bro?
Future Lower Back Problems.
Thanks. I thought it was the sound you make as you rub your face on her tits.
#7, 42 makes me sad
I have to wait until I get home from work (and for the gf to be occupied) to look at these. And that makes me sad.
Beautiful girl, but too many tattoos.
Personal OT here. When I was a kid, I loved “I’ve Got A Secret,” and most especially Henry Morgan. He was snarky, funny, irreverent, and smart. Some of the shows from 1960-61 are now available on streaming, and holy shit, they really have held up. SP had never seen them before, and like me, she was totally taken with Morgan. So it turns out that he was in a couple of movies, and the first one we saw him in (in a small role near the end), his acting was terrific. He only starred in one film, which is something I don’t understand, and that film is pretty obscure. We ordered the DVD (unavailable for streaming) and watched it last night. “So This Is New York.”
Wonderful movie, funny as hell. Morgan was perfect. Arnold Stang is another neglected comedy genius. The world is poorer for not having more movies with the two of them.
This was at least 16.7 times better than Jaws.
I’ll check it out (on my own since no linky). My favorite old time actor was Foster Brooks. Nobody played a better drunk.
I bet neither one of those guys could hold a candle to Richard Dreyfus.
HOLY SHIT, the whole movie is on YouTube!
Word I heard, way back, was that Henry was a foul mouthed, horrible tempered individual that nobody wanted to work with.
That sounds like me.
buzzword density increasing!
Shields up! Prepare for impact!
Heidi Klum has weird nipples.
They remind me of Japanese dicks.
The Japanese have square black dicks? Man, those Japs are even stranger than I thought!
Square, but yellow. And smaller.
So, exactly how much time have you spent examining Japanese dicks?
Hmm, good question. I’ll need to start keeping a log.
+1 Father Ted
A bridge too far!
Look it was depressing when the anti-sex prudes were #MeTooing up the campuses. But now it is spreading to bars? Fuck that. Sure it is just foo-foo bars in a tourist trap today, but what happens when it comes to the bars I like?
Uffda! Can you imagine such horrible sexual harassment going on in a bar!!!!
should we ban bars or just pick up lines?
We should ban everything where people are having fun. /progtards
I love the TSA is hiring ad in the middle of the article. Good at harrassing women at the bars? Well we have a job for you!
Or here is an idea. Do not go to place we’re peopel go to socialize and meet people if you do not want to socialize and meet people
*throws edit flag*
“I finally went up to him and said, ‘Another one? Dude, you’re relentless.’ ”
No man ever said this to another man. Like ever. Until….
Maybe he said it in an admiring way.
OT and at the risk of sounding like a new member of the BNP, I submit for Suthen’s entertainment and dismay, Why have the white British left London?
SMDH. Again.
Since when is there OT on a links thread?
Some people are of the view that links threads should discuss the links, although this flies in the face of longstanding tradition. I think the compromise view that the first few comments should discuss the links and everything after that is a free-for-all is the right path, so 6 is in no way OT.
Since when is there OT on any thread?
I don’t get it, Kublai Aman the Kahn says he’s going to implement common sense knife control. What’s the problem?
“…white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents.
So where have they gone to…?
Acting jobs with the Hallmark Channel?
Maybe they now simply identify as non white
There are details in one of the interactive maps … but it looks like primarily rural(?) communities in Derbyshire, Devon and Norfolk. It’s notable that historically, the movers out of London would go London-Suburban or London-adjoining counties. The trend now seems to be the most popular (see below) locations are at least 50 miles from London, and often far further.
One of the problems with that article is the larger cities are also experiencing significant immigration by Europeans, and ethnicity and nationality aren’t proving very easy to model. Add to that the number of potential relocations places, and it’s more probable that the overall effect is far more diffuse than it seems, however again – historically, I would have expected the ‘normal’ pattern to be the bulk of the emigration favoring Essex, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex, Hertfordshire etc.
And the USA. The Canadian and English immigrants that I know have all become gun nuts. I love it. An English chick was blasting away with my Saiga-12 off of my back porch a couple of weeks ago. I would swear she had an orgasm putting buckshot into 2 liter bottles filled with water. Her South African boyfriend especially liked my 7mm Rem Mag. He made watermelon rain down out of the sky for 5 minutes.
Well, there’s a cultural filtering process going on. In their own way, Brits are voting with their feet, when they can.
I have some old friends that own property down near Hot Springs who plan to emigrate when they retire. Even my brother – stalwart Tony Blair fan and Trades Unionist – is thinking of leaving the UK, and will probably do so if Corbyn gets in. My formal education in geology means that a fair number of my old college buddies are/were experienced expats and just about all of the ones still left in the UK are making plans to depart either as retirees or as part of their last change of company.
Just like Parisien Jews, their future lies in abandoning their heritage.
Probably soon enough the British government will stop them from leaving, on the grounds of ‘right to free healthcare’.
That or find a means to tax them good and hard…
Cause it is all about the money.
I don’t get it. Why would they move from peaceful utopian Europe where everyone is happy and everyone has free healthcare and free everything to some barbaric backworlds hell hole where no one has healthcare and you can’t even go to the grocery without people with machine guns spraying bullets everywhere? Makes no sense.
They’re moving to the Midlands? That’s different. Moving out to one of the home counties makes sense if it was traditional “white fight”, moving to the suburbs but still working in London. If they are all the way out in the Midlands they just outright quit the city entirely. Wonder what they’re getting up to out there, they don’t exactly have the same economic base, so they can’t all be doing the same jobs they were doing back in London. Perhaps a good chunk are pensioners that watched a few too many episodes of “The Good Life”?
As I said, I think the overall pattern is more diffuse than it seems, and a lot of the migration might be retirees. When I was a kid, a typical retiree location was the South coast (e.g. Eastbourne, Hastings etc) and maybe that’s still the case. I don’t think I’d want to retire to South Derbyshire though – it’s like Aberystwyth on a wet Sunday – all year round.
Incidentally, “The Good Life” was pretty much the nearest thing to broadcast porn when I was growing up. It’s sobering to think that Felicity Kendall was probably responsible for more rubbings-out than even Diana Rigg in The Avengers. *ahem* – Or at least, that’s what I’m led to believe by friends.
Does Aberystwyth have dry Sundays? Their weather is as grey as their slate.
Speaking of Londoners leaving to the hinterlands and the physical embodiment of depression that is the Welsh coast as depicted by the BBC, don’t suppose you’ve seen “Y Gwyll/Hinterland”? Pretty decent modern noir, it’s on Netflix.
No, I’ve heard of the series, but I waste far too much time on Glibs to watch TV normally, but I’ll check it out or sic SWMBO on it.
Enjoyed Hinterland. Although I prefer Shetland a little more.
“So where have they gone to”
To a NIH facility? It’s like the Hotel California. Well, you do actually check out but where you’re going, you ain’t coming back.
New housing developments?
Hint – skip to 1:30.
I’ve been analysing and mapping the census data, and what emerges is a much more positive story than some headlines would make you think.
Better curry?
Why have the white British left London?
It might have something to do with the recent influx of cultural enrichment.
I kinda liked London when it was British. We’ve been thinking about vacationing in England. I haven’t been in years, so it will be interesting to see what the changes are.
Last time we went to Amsterdam (six years ago?), I was warned for the first time against going into certain neighborhoods (that had acquired a certain ethnic/religious orientation) after dark. Unless, I suppose, I wanted to culturally enriched.
London is worth avoiding at night. Limit your visits there to just the museums etc that you want to see, and otherwise, visit the countryside and smaller towns. There’s still plenty to see.
Where does this fit on the #metoo spectrum?
He needs to get together with dan blizerian.
Or maybe they’re actually the same person…
As in I wish I was there #metoo?
“His advertisement read: “You will naturally become accustomed to the finer things in life such as designer clothing and accessories, five-star travel around the world, expensive cars and jewellery, fine dining and exclusive private parties.””
I don’t think #metoo applies to prostitution, so it must be sex trafficking.
Online support grows for women after rugby stars’ rape acquittal
I read about the trial and while it is possible there was abuse there was not enough hard evidence for a conviction.
There have been rallies and placards, headlines and hashtags; the seismic fallout of the acquittal of two high-profile Irish international rugby stars following the Belfast rape case has been profound. – there was not enough evidence for a cl;ear guilty verdict. I don’t think protesting is productive, save it for actual miscarriage of justice.
The hashtag #IBelieveHer is trending, Facebook pages have been launched, women are speaking out, and activists are lobbying for change to the criminal justice system. – you may believe her but there was not enough evidence at trial. Changing the criminal justice system to what?
It’s easy pie. You change the criminal justice system, which obviously was invented by the patriarchy so that cases are decided upon identity and not facts. Easy peasy.
Changing the criminal justice system to what?
To a kind of reverse-Sharia, where any man can be convicted on the mere say-so of any woman, evidence not required.
It’s not the Onion….
“He has told me he’ll use this as a learning experience to be a better person. And here I am, single and free.”
As the risk of being redundant, I’ll take ‘It didn’t happen for 600, Alex’.
ABC news? Why the hell is this news?
I second that emotion…
Another bombshell article brought to you by ABC news!
This really is some hard hitting journalism.
” One college senior dumped her boyfriend after he claimed she had a “beer gut.” ”
How does this even qualify as news?
They were out of Trump material for the day?
I have no damned idea. The media has lost its mind.
I’d rather see them post silly stuff like that than be raging hysterical hypocrites, like this:
Debt crisis, oh noes!
It’s not that I don’t agree with them that all this debt is bad, it’s just that they are being disingenuous. How do I know? Because for the last 8 years before Trump was elected, the entire left media penned literally hundreds of articles downplaying all the debt the Obama admin racked up, even going so far as to say debit is actually good.
This isn’t news either, but at least it’s funny:
That’s just like rape.
“When you’re in 20s, don’t settle.”
Wait until you’re 30?
You know what is worse than Illinois Nazis? Minnesoda Bike Advocates.
We already spend waaaaaay too much money on trails, but they demand more. And it is just precious that they claim that the reason they need more money is to help the poor.
Yeah, poor people love them some biking in winter to get to their jobs. I wonder what those folks would choose if you said asked them if they would rather have a bike trail OR one of those VW diesels that are sitting around collecting rust.
Aspen sees MN’s stupidity and raises you: https://www.aspendailynews.com/news/bridge-project-s-phase-zero-underway/article_9e0786c6-36ec-11e8-a2e2-e34d0601e9db.html
Basically, there’s one bridge in and out of Aspen for the most part. They’re closing it down to one lane for the next two months, to widen & improve the bike path (called footpath here but it’s mostly used by bikes). Then they’re going to open it for the peak of the summer in order to not inconvenience the tourist, then close it again in the fall to finish the project. No one seemed to consider the idea of building a separate bike bridge.
You don’t get to be the top bike city in the world (suck it Portland) without throwing bales of cash down the hole.
A separate bike bridge? Our bridge to financial ruin: AKA the Martin Olav Sabo bridge.
We paid $5M to build it because our Light Rail project had made that crossing very busy and dangerous. Then 5 years later a design flaw (they didn’t account for vibrations from the wind on the cables) caused several cables to snap and it had to be shutdown for a while. The shutdown allegedly cost the city another $1M (due to them having to close light rail stops and replace with more buses. Add in another $750K to repair those cables and you are starting to see why maybe a second bridge isn’t the deal you think it would be.
Of course part of the problem was that this wasn’t just a simple bridge. Nope, had to be fancy to appeal to the sensibilities of the proggie bikers. So we fancied it up with a bunch of cables.
Quality journalism, and don’t you forget it
In the early 1880s, legend has it that Daniel B. Wesson, a co-founder of Smith & Wesson, the gun manufacturer, heard about a child who injured himself by cocking the hammer and pulling the trigger of one of his firm’s revolvers. Wesson, known as D. B., was so distraught about the accident that he and his son, Joseph, developed a more child-safe revolver that they called the .38 Safety Hammerless.
Wesson was also my great-great-great-grandfather. Though it has been half a century since my family was involved with Smith & Wesson, I feel a twinge of responsibility every time a mass shooting occurs. I realize this is not entirely rational: I play no part in making or selling firearms and have never lost anyone close to me from gun violence. But it still haunts me.
After 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., I learned the shooter used a Smith & Wesson M&P 15, a version of an AR-15 military-style rifle. So I had to ask myself: What would D. B. Wesson have wanted his company to do? Would he have accepted the repeated refrain, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”?
Let’s give a pulpit to this person who has no connection whatsoever to the firearms industry, and has no demonstrable practical knowledge or understanding of the function of a modern (or antique) firearm, because she agrees with us, and we can cloak her unsourced and unverified anecdotes and “family reminiscences” as highbrow social commentary. What a load of sentimentalist crap.
As far as “hammerless pocket pistols” go, I thought they were devised in order to prevent or at least mitigate the having the hammer snag as you were pulling it from your pocket when you needed to dissuade somebody from harming you.
Her little story on the development of the hammerless has to be bullshit.
Yes back then the original ‘tragedy’ was regarded as a self-correcting problem. Your species used to be so much more durable
A steaming heap. From the S&W web site:
They used kids to clean and maintain industrial machinery back then because of their spindly arms. I doubt one kid being injured would have inspired any navel gazing on their part.
“As far as “hammerless pocket pistols” go, I thought they were devised in order to prevent or at least mitigate the having the hammer snag as you were pulling it from your pocket when you needed to dissuade somebody from harming you.”
Never underestimate the breathtaking abandon with which lefties just make shit up.
Gun grabbers lie.
So now the kid doesn’t have to cock the pistol to shoot himself?
Wesson wanted his company to make money.
There is no evidence at all to support the authors story. I couldn’t even find an example of the supposed legend. Everything I’ve found says it was created for concealment and a quick draw.
“I feel a twinge of responsibility every time a mass shooting occurs.”
Because people that aren’t you did some stuff? Nice collective guilt you have there.
“I realize this is not entirely rational”
So do we. Now is the time to STFU.
” One college senior dumped her boyfriend after he claimed she had a “beer gut.” ”
Something something violence inherent in the patriarchy.
Look, if he said she had a beer gut and was still willing to date her, maybe that guy’s a keeper.
The hashtag #IBelieveHer is trending, Facebook pages have been launched, women are speaking out, and activists are lobbying for change to the criminal justice system.
In the words of Robby Soave, “Prove your innocence.”
Fuck that guy.
These people are desperate to go into slavery. Once something like that is accomplished, there’s only one positive outcome. When facts are no longer relevant, someone is going to have to decide by decree who is innocent and who is guilty. That someone will be a totalitarian despot, the real kind, not what they imagine Donald Trump is. Then they will keep their mouths’s shut when told, or else #metoo will wing up in the gulag or salt mines.
So now the kid doesn’t have to cock the pistol to shoot himself?
I forgot, and left that out. Pulling the trigger still makes the gun go “bang!”. If it didn’t, nobody would buy the fucking thing. The women obviously hasn’t the slightest understanding of how a revolver works.
The self cocking version was introduced in 1880. The woman is insane.
I would say it’s more like she’s dishonest. Honestly, the left these days have completely abandoned truth because it seems that far too often reality does not mesh with their narrative. So they just make stuff up. Anyway all their useful idiots believe anything they’re told, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be leftists, they already bought into the biggest lie of all.
Well, there’s no such thing as absolute truth because nothing has meaning beyond that interpreted by people’s perceptions. So, she’s speaking her “truth”, which is as true as anyone else’s truth, but since her truth is coming from a place of love and concern for children it’s a better truth than the one that’s based on niggling, pedantic details like gun hammers, who’s related to whom, and self-cocking whatevers, because of the children.
/sarc, just in case
Fuck! It looks like Twitter changed it’s page format, making it much worse.
Look, quality doesn’t matter so much, what matters is diversity, we had to hire the midget albino retards, not having enough was a serious problem! /tweeter
Panramio, one of the greatest features of Google Earth has been discontinued.
Maybe maintaining the code involved math or something. Math is an evil racist tool of the patriarchy.
Weird, I rebooted my browser an, so far got the old format back.
It looks like Twitter changed it’s page format, making it much worse.
You say that like its a bad thing.
Mum has dementia and now Dad’s dead she will have to sell her home. Why?
I dunno selling a home the mother can no longer live in to fund a care home seems reasonable. Why is that not a good solution instead of forcing others to do so?
It is a sad situation and I may be wrong but I feel a bit of “why should we need to pay for parent’s care” thing in this article which I am not sure I like. They are your parents, your family, they birthed and raised you. Also it feels a bit like “I should be able to inherit the home but not pay for care”. Maybe I am interpreting it wrong
No, that makes complete sense to me. I and everyone I know just take it for granted that if and when your parents can’t take care of themselves for financial reasons or whatever else you step up to help them. Any family, really. And also the reason owning property is so important is that it’s a fairly reliable investment of a large amount of money that you can use later in life while still being able to enjoy it immediately. You can’t sell food back after you’re done with it, but you can live in a house and sell it later. I don’t know, the older relatives of people I know typically either keep the house in the family–younger family moves in and takes care of them, or they just stay in the house until they die–or sell it to pay for assisted living or a condo in a senior community or something.
About 90% of the action around Medicaid for older people who need home care, assisted living, whatever, is their kids trying to keep as much as possible of the inheritance for themselves.
Fuck that noise. Your parents saved and built an estate in order to (a) be able to provide for themselves in retirement and secondarily (b) pass whatever is left AFTER THEY PROVIDE FOR THEMSELVES to their heirs.
In other news, Jonah Goldberg does not exist.
Now who is going take care of all those imaginary dogs?
And shoe0nhead and Kurt Schlichter and Ian Miles Cheong…
It’s almost as if anyone who doesn’t tow Dorsey’s ideological lion is fake.
Abandon that fucking platform and go to Gab already people.
shoe0nhead being on that list kills me.
I though shoe0nhead was a fascist. Turns out shes just a big old faker
Maybe the NYT can scrounge up up some guy who claims to be related to the Wright Brothers to analyze the recent cluster of military aviation crashes. That would be useful.
My great-great-great grandfather owned a farm. Allow me to declaim upon commercial agriculture from a position of expertise. After all, through the sciencey science of knowledge inherited genetically, I know as much about farming as that twit knows about firearms.
Eli Whitney’s inventions motivated the South to fight the Civil War while giving the North the means to win it.
Speaking of the Smiths and Wessons (and Colts) of the world… I watched a little documentary not long ago called “Arming America” which is a history of the gun industry in this country. It was about a high school level production (undoubtedly made by/for the NRA, because they kept coming back to NRA museum experts), but the best and most important part, in my opinion was the part about standardization of components and mass production. According to this show, it was the Connecticut gun makers who invented large scale modern manufacturing.
Connecticut was the toolmaking and precision engineering powerhouse of the US. If you were building great houses in Chicago in the 1800’s, the hand tools you used would have been made in CT. Planes, saws, machine tools, instruments – pretty much all CT. If you wanted to start making guns, this was where the tools, and the machining expertise were.
When people talk about the collapse of the Rust Belt, they’re talking about a cycle of creative destruction that New England in general suffered two generations earlier. Those Bridgeport lathes and milling machines? Built in Bridgeport CT.
That’s the sad thing – once upon a time, CT actually had a thriving community that didn’t rely on fleecing commuters to fill the state’s coffers.
I always found it amusing that most of the stuff that is associated with the Wild West was made in Connecticut (Stetson was in Danbury, Winchester was in New Haven, etc.)
Well, Danbury (Hat City) is a natural. Of course, many of the denizens are still fucking crazy from the mercuric chloride.
Whoops. Mercurous nitrate. Chemistry fail.
Well, Connecticut and Massachusetts’ Connecticut River Valley.
Nothing the lefties in charge hate more than lippy middle class types speaking honestly.
Swedish dentist Bernt Herlitz revealed to authorities that after checking the molar teeth of hundreds of migrant children that 80% of the so-called children were actually adults. Herlitz was quickly fired and now may lose his home.
Another beneift of single-payer?
Thinking back to my days of reading TOS I am pretty sure all of the ME immigrants to Europe are doe-eyed widows and young orphans.
To Britain, to be sure.
They never did think through the consequences of their big ideas. Made me think they weren’t serious people.
They should’ve given that guy a medal.
“Herlitz was quickly fired and now may lose his home”
History will not be kind to those who forced Western Europe to commit suicide.
Quislings, I think they’re called.
History will say whatever the winners want it to say.
Given the current trend it will all be oral tradition handed down around the bonfires fueled with the books and artwork of the evil European Patriarchy.
“It was so… I can’t even”
/the extent of the tale.
That’s a chilling thought.
I wonder what the risk is for the museums, etc. in Eurostan and Britstan? We’re probably a generation away from unassimilated Muslims having enough political clout to do much, but what about free-lance fundies? We know they love destroying art. Can you imagine what a catastrophe a truck bomb at the British Museum or the Louvre would be?
The Buddha’s of Bamiyan are intimately familiar with that catastrophe… Of all the evils the left promotes I think the worst is this promotion of savages as our cultural superiors. They claim to be promoting equality and fighting bigotry, but they see bigotry in every aspect of enlightenment thought and scoff at proof of the savages raping, murdering, and enslaving .
I don’t understand how they (the Left) thinks they’ll be in control when they and their Islamic allies finish chasing away whitey and destroying western civilization. Do they think the Muslims will be content to serve them as good communist peasants?
quickly fired and now may lose his home.
Because tolerance!
Aliens is, of course, the only legitimate explanation as to why we are still getting snow in central Virginia in April.
That’s just crazy talk.
Everyone knows its the chemtrails.
“Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens’ accuser wavers on blackmail charges
Lawyers for embattled Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens are demanding that prosecutors share exculpatory information after the woman who has accused him of blackmailing her admitted she couldn’t recall if Greitens took pictures of her with his smartphone.
Greitens earlier this year was indicted on felony invasion of privacy, accused by his former mistress of blackmailing her to keep their affair quiet. But in a deposition, the woman, who has not been publicly named, conceded that she could not recall whether Greitens took revealing pictures of her with his smartphone as part of the alleged blackmail.
In a copy of the seven-page motion, obtained by the Washington Examiner, Greitens’ mistress said she might have imagined the governor’s actions in a “dream.” Greitens had not yet been elected governor at the time of their sexual affair. In the motion, his former mistress is referred to as “K.S.””
That Patrick Duffy was in her shower should have been a hint.
I’m sure that once this woman’s story unravels and it becomes clear that she made all this shit up, the media will name her. Right?
Oh yeah, they still won’t publicly name “Jackie”.
Wait, the sitting Governor of a state was blackmailing his ex-mistress about their affair? Doesn’t that strike anyone as . . . kinda backwards?
But in a deposition, the woman, who has not been publicly named, conceded that she could not recall whether Greitens took revealing pictures of her with his smartphone as part of the alleged blackmail.
“I was drunk, Your Honor.”
Scenario: You’re a high powered politician looking to step out on your marriage. Just go to a damn prostitute (and don’t support “anti-sex trafficking” legislation so she’ll keep your identity secret). Banging a civilian is just about a guarantee nowadays to getting metoo’ed.
You know, lots of cultures have solved this problem in the past via courtesans of one kind or another. This is where the “escort service” ought to fit in. Hell, maybe it already does, and the guys getting busted for extra-marital flings with random thots are just idiots with poor impulse control.
“Client Number 9”
Right. Any guy with enough power, money, and/or charm can hook it with an attractive 20-something he meets in a nice hotel bar. You’re paying for the discretion.
And for them to leave when it’s over.
Well, Connecticut and Massachusetts’ Connecticut River Valley.
Yes. Also, the armory at Harper’s Ferry.
Well, that’s true, firearms manufacturing happened wherever they needed to make firearms, but the tools and (often) the expertise to produce the prototypes of the guns and processes were very often CT/MA people initially. That concentration of talent drove prosperity in other industries too.
I asked the other day, but didn’t get an answer. Since you are the smartest and most knowledgeable group of people I know, I’d thought I’d ask again. Does anyone have any recommendations for an online store or advice on hardware for nicotine vaping?
I distinctly remember answering. Whether it was a useful answer it is uncertain.
I’m certain it wasn’t.
I’d go to a local smoke shop and ask. You definitely don’t want to buy one of the crappy ones they have at gas stations.
Oh, that’s definitely true.
Sorry, bro, Don’t vape.
pole dancing championship
I sense a new theme for Q links.
And now from the annals of non authoritarian left
We went too far in toppling authority. Some is good for us
Eliane Glaser
‘Anti-system’ populism is a ruse. To effect change, the left needs to make a case for the crucial role legitimate authority can play
Oh how authority was toppled these days …
The right were once the upholders of high-mindedness in politics and the arts alike. But while they have become Maoist modernisers, taking to the promotion of a virulent compound of economic elitism and cultural populism, the left is failing utterly to make the case for positive forms of authority. – this paragraph totally makes sense
Progressives coyly avoid defining what is true and good. The bottom-up, the grassroots, and the ultra-local are popular buzzwords. Nobody is supposed to be in charge, at least on paper: leftist meetings these days work as if Jo Freeman’s seminal essay The Tyranny of Structurelessness, which skewered the cant and inefficiency of apparently “horizontalist” organisations, had never been written. The same old mansplainers dominate, and there’s no clear plan of action. A lack of structure is the reason why the Occupy movement fell apart. Without leadership, it’s impossible to produce coherent, lasting change. – could not have said it better myself
Now let us have a teensy old peak in the comments, shall we?
She puts her finger on a leftist conundrum. The left hates the innate tyranny of the state but knows that strong overnments are the only antidote to the predations of the ruling class. That’s why I have such a love/hate relationship with Cuba.
So is that enough Guardian for today? Cause there is a lot more where that came from
Where to begin?
Since when does the left hate the tyranny of the state? All of the left’s signature economic positions require a state to redistribute wealth one way or another.
They sure do hate it when it is not one of them in charge of the state, whether any tyranny is going on or not, and that is a fact..
Cognitive dissonance is a real bitch
To effect change, the left needs to make a case for the crucial role legitimate authority can play
That would be a drastic change in direction. Not quite 180 degrees, but maybe around 0.0005 degrees.
“Sex wearable is coming to track your performance and judge you
The i.Con Smart Condom, which markets itself as the “world’s first smart condom,” is actually a ring that fits over a boring, dumb condom and claims to track the exercise of your man bits, as well as detect chlamydia and syphilis.
The ring, first announced last July, is currently available for preorder on British Condoms for £59.99 (about $74, AU$97) with an unknown release date. But you can’t actually put a ring on it yet — the company says it won’t take your money until the product has a firm release.
The ring, which will come with a one-year warranty, will have a Micro-USB charging port to provide six to eight hours of “live” usage (not clear if this means thrust usage or something else). It will work with a combination of “nano-chip and sensors,” and pair with your device via Bluetooth. (I thought it would charge kinetically, but maybe that’s just a pipe dream.)
Worried about privacy, the data kind? British Condoms says “all data will be kept anonymous, but users will have the option to share their recent data with friends, or, indeed the world.”
Forget dick pics. Now we have to worry about dick status updates.”
detect chlamydia and syphilis. – i sincerely doubt it can do this
Forget dick pics. Now we have to worry about dick status updates. – hey baby. how but 5 inches for 5 minutes?
Wait until some hacker gets this thing all set up and doing what it is not supposed to be doing to you…
What, the piezoelectric battery got shafted?
I see what you did there.
So, the opposite of Elon Musk then?
Also – nice use of “firm release” eh?
It will be coming soon.
Fun with numbers, pt 2,746
Historically, gun homicides have accounted for a little over 60 percent of total homicides. But that figure hasn’t always been constant. The chart shows the raw numbers of gun and non-gun homicides going back to 1910. These numbers aren’t adjusted for population, because we’re interested primarily in looking at the relationship between the two, rather than their relationship to the total population.
Guns’ share of total homicides has surpassed 70 percent only twice before in the past century — in the early 1920s, at the start of Prohibition (when the federal data covered about 80 percent of the population), and in the early 1990s, at the peak of that decade’s crime wave. During both of those eras, the total homicide rate approached 10 deaths per 100,000 or more. The current spike in gun homicides relative to other homicides is unique, in that it’s happening during a period of relatively low homicide rates (6 per 100,000) overall.
We want to use these raw numbers because they’re scarier than adjusting for the fact that the homicide rate has actually declined over time, and we want you to think every “gun death” is the result of some random madman in a school or shopping mall gunning down children for no reason.
Right. And, again, gun homicides happen at 1/9th the rate of pool or bathtub drowning deaths.
in the early 1920s, at the start of Prohibition (when the federal data covered about 80 percent of the population), and in the early 1990s, at the peak of that decade’s crime wave.
If you are looking for a correlation before moving on to causation, this seems like an interesting one, once you recall that the 1990s crime wave was about crack cocaine.
“Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit
Long-term use of antidepressants is surging in the United States, according to a new analysis of federal data by The New York Times. Some 15.5 million Americans have been taking the medications for at least five years. The rate has almost doubled since 2010, and more than tripled since 2000.
Nearly 25 million adults, like Ms. Toline, have been on antidepressants for at least two years, a 60 percent increase since 2010.
Continue reading the main story
The drugs have helped millions of people ease depression and anxiety, and are widely regarded as milestones in psychiatric treatment. Many, perhaps most, people stop the medications without significant trouble. But the rise in longtime use is also the result of an unanticipated and growing problem: Many who try to quit say they cannot because of withdrawal symptoms they were never warned about.
Some scientists long ago anticipated that a few patients might experience withdrawal symptoms if they tried to stop — they called it “discontinuation syndrome.” Yet withdrawal has never been a focus of drug makers or government regulators, who felt antidepressants could not be addictive and did far more good than harm.
The drugs initially were approved for short-term use, following studies typically lasting about two months. Even today, there is little data about their effects on people taking them for years, although there are now millions of such users.”
Look up the withdrawal symptoms for Zoloft. I don’t want to out anyone but someone very close to me has been taking that for anxiety for years. Whenever she gets close to running out it becomes an emergency situation, because she gets hit with extreme anxiety, feels like she has the flu, and gets all kind of fun stuff like nausea, blurred vision, etc. Nasty stuff.
Coming off of Paxil was absolutely brutal-shaking, brain zaps, insomnia, and panic. It’s no wonder many people just decide to stay on them.
An interesting article from the Washington Examiner (these people have lost their minds):
“Don’t Worry, the US Would Win a Nuclear War With Russia”
“Win”? So these people have never heard of Mutually Assured Destruction, have they?
Mr. President, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed, but I do say no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops! Uh, depending on the breaks.
I have always made the case to morons that love them some death and big government that if Washington D.C. got nuked, it would not be a big loss for the country. Telling them that taking out a bunch of blue state urban cities on the East & West coast might also be a boon, but they would then wise up to their stupidity.
It would be a hell of a loss for me.
Well, maybe they don’t mean ‘Win-Win’.
Our rats will be tastier than the ones the Russians have, we have huge stockpiles of canned dog food, and we have a lot more guzzoline.
Apparently Tom Rogan is a direct descendant of Buck Turgidson.
JP on inborn personality traits and their relation to Political Correctness.
“Mark Zuckerberg has been apologizing nonstop for more than 15 years. It’s always the same apology for pretty much the same act. When do we talk about the obvious: Facebook’s decisions are primarily driven by its business model.”
What’s Twitter’s business model?
Your opinions.
You mean my navel pickins?
Hemmorage cash until it becomes utterly untenable and then collapse in on itself in a singularity of virtue signalling.
I believe Twitter, if its smart, should be angling to actually be declared a utility of some kind (a natural outcome of the various calls to declare these platforms public (in the sense that gets them regulated by anti-discrimination laws). The Repubs and conservatives demanding that Twitter, etc. be subjected to anti-trust and anti-discrimination scrutiny are setting the table for Twitter etc. to be quasi-public entities, which means (a) protected from competition by a wide moat of federal regulations , (b) eligible for sweet subsidy cash and (c) overseen by SJWs that are embedded into, and empowered by, a federal agency.
You want to make Twitter a bulletproof filter on public discourse? Regulate it.
“Why Zuckerberg’s 14-Year Apology Tour Hasn’t Fixed Facebook
I’m going to run out of space here, so let’s jump to 2018 and skip over all the other mishaps and apologies and promises to do better—oh yeah, and the consent decree that the Federal Trade Commission made Facebook sign in 2011, charging that the company had deceptively promised privacy to its users and then repeatedly broken that promise—in the intervening years.
Last month, Facebook once again garnered widespread attention with a privacy related backlash when it became widely known that, between 2008 and 2015, it had allowed hundreds, maybe thousands, of apps to scrape voluminous data from Facebook users—not just from the users who had downloaded the apps, but detailed information from all their friends as well. One such app was run by a Cambridge University academic named Aleksandr Kogan, who apparently siphoned up detailed data on up to 87 million users in the United States and then surreptitiously forwarded the loot to the political data firm Cambridge Analytica. The incident caused a lot of turmoil because it connects to the rolling story of distortions in the 2016 US presidential election. But in reality, Kogan’s app was just one among many, many apps that amassed a huge amount of information in a way most Facebook users were completely unaware of.
By now, it ought to be plain to them, and to everyone, that Facebook’s 2 billion-plus users are surveilled and profiled, that their attention is then sold to advertisers and, it seems, practically anyone else who will pay Facebook—including unsavory dictators like the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte. That is Facebook’s business model. That is why the company has an almost half-a-trillion-dollar market capitalization, along with billions in spare cash to buy competitors.
These are such readily apparent facts that any denial of them is quite astounding.
And yet, it appears that nobody around Facebook’s sovereign and singular ruler has managed to convince their leader that these are blindingly obvious truths whose acceptance may well provide us with some hints of a healthier way forward. That the repeated word of the use “community” to refer Facebook’s users is not appropriate and is, in fact, misleading. That the constant repetition of “sorry” and “we meant well” and “we will fix it this time!” to refer to what is basically the same betrayal over 14 years should no longer be accepted as a promise to do better, but should instead be seen as but one symptom of a profound crisis of accountability. When a large chorus of people outside the company raises alarms on a regular basis, it’s not a sufficient explanation to say, “Oh we were blindsided (again).””
The incident caused a lot of turmoil because it connects to the rolling story of distortions in the 2016 US presidential election.
I really wish these motherfuckers would put into words whatever nefarious, misbegotten thing they think happened in 2016. Russians interfered how and to what degree? What were the lies that led so many flyover rubes astray? Quit it with the ambiguity and use your fucking words.
The ghost of Stalin used reanimated corpses of the Soviet Army to march into Deplorable America and reprogram the Diebold machines. Obvi.
Who didn’t know this? I mean, you’re on a “social media platform” that uses algorithms to show you targeted content, including advertising. You’re not paying them anything, but you use it 16 hours a day, and the company’s worth a bazillion dollars (well, maybe not a bazillion…). Where do you think they’re getting the scratch to make payroll? These must be the same dopes who would walk through the mall and fill out the entry forms to win a car or get a time share and then wonder why they’re getting telemarketers and junk mail.
You’re not paying them anything,
Which is a flat-out guarantee that you aren’t their customer, you are their product.
I have been calling social media users (and others) data cattle for years for a reason. Everyone acts shocked that the cattle are produced to be milked and/or slaughtered. Unless you are six years old, you should know better.
“Don’t Worry, the US Would Win a Nuclear War With Russia”
“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed.”
But I DO say no more than 10-20 million killed, tops! Eh, depending on the breaks.
Something something “minds… alike…”
It looks like the Israelis were responsible for the attacks on the Syrian airbase last night.
They really need to stay out of this one, especially now.
They usually blow shit up heading to Hamas -so, no, they won’t stay out that.
Israel is in a simmering war with Syrian proxies. I got no problem with them taking it to the house periodically. If Syria doesn’t want the Israelis to bomb them, they should stop arming Hamas.
And yes, I know they had a public falling out. Somehow, though, Hamas has amassed a massive missile stockpile. Supposedly, some are made in Gaza, but most are Syrian-made.
Iranian Proxies, of which Syria itself is one…
Despite not being white, I think HM could have some very useful things to say about Asian fethism.
She’s an astute woman.
And damned easy on the eyes, I might add.
The more significant reaction was way lower on me than my eyes, dude.
Easy on the eyes. Hard on elsewhere.
Esther Ku masturbated on mic for the short-lived Opie and Jimmy show. Pretty hot.
*DuckDuckGos furiously*
Near the end, I think.
TW: Chip talking dirty to Ku.
“Top doctor: Ban deadly blades from our kitchens
ONE of Scotland’s leading doctors has called for a ban on “killer” kitchen knives.
Dr John Crichton, the new chairman of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland, wants the sale of pointed kitchen knives to be banned to help reduce the number of fatal stabbings.
He first suggested the move three years ago, but his proposal did not win enough support from policy-makers. Since then dozens of people, including schoolchildren, have lost their lives as a result of attacks involving bladed instruments.”
Doctor, heal thyself.
You know what has a relatively blunt end, despite its name? A pointy stick.
Next up. no public carrying of hammers, frypans, shoes with pointy heels and metal-frame laptops.
In a sane world, this would be satire.
We do not live in a sane world.
ABSOLUTELY. Did you know kitchen knives are responsible for 100% of cuts caused by kitchen knives? END THE MADNESS.
Inmates are in charge of the asylum.
Good thing nobody can take one of those and grind the end into a sharp point.
That’s why there are no weapons in prison.
Well, the much-anticipated follow-up white paper recommends the banning of mechanisms which can re-shape blades, via cutting, grinding or in some other manner which can put aso-called “edge” onto metal – so they got that covered.
Fuck off, slaver.
About this “data scraping” or whatever you call it. How is this different than a person in meatspace (let’s say, in a Starbucks) who routinely observes the behavior of customers and even people who habitually pass by at a predictable time using that information?
“Oh, hey, Joanie. The usual?” OMFG!
“Oh yeah, I think I know who you mean. He usually goes by here about 8:30 or so, headed south.” The HORROR.
Unless this person uses that information in the furtherance of a criminal act…
“The armored car rolls up to the bank at 4:15 every day, like clockwork. The driver stays in the truck, and two guards move the bags of money. They’re out on the sidewalk, exposed, for at least five minutes. They look like they’d be pretty easy to get the drop on.”
…so what?
I think it’s more the presumption that you could use an advanced online service with significant operating costs to stay in touch with friends/family, not have to pay for it, and still expect the company to honor every personal desire for anonymity. It’s a ridiculous expectation.
Nevermind the fact that the data being mined is stuff that people voluntarily put on the stupid website. Don’t want people to know something about you? KEEP IT TO YOUR DAMN SELF AND DON’T POST IT ON THE INTERNET.
Exactly. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t read your mail and go through your garbage, dummies, you offered up details of your life to a website on the Internet for free. If you’re upset, blame the person in the mirror.
“There’s nothing in the mirror”
No, that was Google and your ISP
This is why everyone should encrypt every email.
Back in the mid 90s there was a movement to do this, but it didnt catch on. If it had, things would be different. For one thing, its hard to send spam with a public/private encryption system.
And phishing is a non-starter.
I think what killed email encryption, aside from some barriers to usability, was 9/11.
That would be an interesting article, though – what happened to the momentum PGP had at one point toward becoming a commonly used privacy tool?
It was always a pain in the ass, because of the lack of really easy to use tools. That, and the underlying email protocol. If I want to get a secure message to someone I know, there are better solutions that keep data off someone else’s servers.
If I want a semi-secure solution, I have to assume my recipient is as security-minded as me. In the commercial world, I’d be better off smoking opium.
Time has shown the PGP may be secure, but it isn’t anonymous.. so it spews metadata everywhere, and the snoopers don’t need to know what you said.. but that you were talking to X.. and PGP tells you that.
When a protocol isn’t in wide usage it screams “look at me, I want to be secret”.
Well, it’s the efficiency of the collection that makes part of the practical difference. The coverage of the data and the clarity of the network of intercommunication, in a way.
Even if Facebook were truly anonymous on the servers, where nothing about the individual was tracked at all, and just the communications between anonymous entities, the metadata you could collect and use would be valuable. You’d observe “Client 0” for an idea, and based on the followers, and the propagation of the idea, you could infer the “power” of the idea, the influence that that particular “client 0” had. You could observe how the idea that “Clinton is a lousy candidate” propagated and use that to insert another idea, and see how that propagated. Based on numerous similar probes, you could – for example – advise the DNC that they should drop Hillary and support Chelsea.
Now – should THAT be illegal? Arguably not, except that Facebook might deny that service to people it didn’t like (anyone to the right of Mao).
My pastor is scary good at that kind of thing.
He was at our previous house for dinner one night and after a few minutes he asks, “Whats up with your neighbor?” and points across the alley.
The neighbor has PTSD from Iraq. The pastor could see something was bothering him from the way he was pacing inside his house past the windows.
“The Gender Pay Gap”
I thoroughly enjoy Jonathan Pie even though I don’t agree with a lot of his politics.
I find him pretty dull.
I had enough of his ilk back in the 80’s and 90’s with Ben Elton, Alexei Sayle and all their imitators. The whole ‘messed up tie and uncombed hair’ is kinda overused too.
The Young Ones/Comic Strip Presents is comedy gold.
Agreed, but as stand-up comedians, the named individuals were as funny as a root canal.
Or another one-
The customer who wears a BERNIE shirt all the time comes in, and the barista says, “Hey, dude. Did you hear about the gun safety protest at City Hall this weekend?” Oh, no, it’s a targetted ad!
Careful, Sarah Palin got Tulsi Gabbard shot using targeted ads.
“GaymerX Cuts Ties to Toni Rocca Following Sexual Abuse Allegations
Pro-LGBT gaming organization GaymerX has parted ways with Toni Rocca, who was designated to replace disgraced game developer Matt Conn following allegations of sexual misconduct and grooming.
Weeks Matt Conn was forced to retire as the gaming organization’s CEO, Rocca, his replacement at both GaymerX and Midboss (a game development studio), has also been charged with similar accusations, as DANGEROUS previously detailed.
Conn originally founded GaymerX to organize events and conventions for the LGBT community in video games. His studio, Midboss, developed the pro-LGBT game, 2064: Read Only Memories alongside Rocca and a small team of LGBT developers, many of whom have lobbed accusations of workplace impropriety, alleging sexual harassment against the two individuals.
The creators of 2064 attained notoriety when they infamously ordered Trump supporters not to buy their game. They wrote: “If you voted for trump or support his facist [sic] regime, please don’t play our game.. Just go fuck off!”
I’ve never heard of any of those people and yet I’ve still been able to play Skyrim VR for 10 hours already.
Pro-LGBT gaming organization GaymerX
Get a fucking life, you locusts.
If they were capable of that, they wouldn’t be activists.
Gamers ruined gaming.
Gaming is hardly ruined, not when there is Skyim VR. If I see any activists in there, they get an arrow to the knee and then the axe.
That sounds damned fun. You don’t have issues with vertigo?
“As a societal way of renting housing, this doesn’t work.”
put in that order, those words don’t mean anything to me. they’re spelled correctly. i’m sure of at least that much.
“Hate Crime” is really bad. So bad, it even has the word “crime” in the name.
scarier than “rape crime”?
The free version of Sketchup is now browser-based. Nifty.
That sounds awful. There’s a lot of useless overhead in a browser, I don’t want to cram any application inside it that doesn’t strictly need to be there.
I mean what’s the point of treated a browser as an operating system in an operating system? With all the layers of virtualization you’re going to end up with an OS metrushka doll – A hypervisor running a VDI running a browser running your app, soon you’ll have a browser app that runs applets that run nanoapps that run…
Sure. I use Pro because I get it free on campus, but it’s nice having it accessible at work as well.
Now if only Quake Live wasn’t blocked…
Speaking of Syria, here’s a scene that doesn’t exist anymore – Baron Hotel, Aleppo. Also, one of the people in the pic is dead (from cancer, not from Syria).
What’s a leppo?
Dunno – what’s a leppo you?
The existential pain of Mark Zuckerberg
The cavalcade of scandals that followed that November—disputes over user data, fake news, and Russia’s manipulation of the platform—has led to a “very basic shift in how we view our responsibility,” he said in an interview with The Atlantic on Friday. Now, Zuckerberg is transforming the company, opening it up to public scrutiny in unprecedented ways. “A big theme” going forward, he said, will be getting “independent expertise and assessment of the work that we’re doing.”
I’m sure the SPLC would happily scrutinize your user base for wrongthink.
FB is for sharing pics of family vacations with friends from college you don’t give enough of a shit about to pick up the phone and call. did i miss something over the past 8 years or has the fucking country gone insane?
Half the country has driven itself insane attempting to excuse themselves for nominating the most disliked, bilious windbag they could find.
Good thing she didn’t win the election.
I supposed I’d be driven a little loony toons if my party had thrown away the election on a besotted kleptocrat who still lost to the likes of Trump. I mean, if I were so fatally invested in politics that routine turnover of government caused me an aneurysm.