Buenos Tardes Glibs! Once again, I take you for a brief foray in to the events of the day as seen by people that choose not to learn English
Today is happiest of days, as female rhinoceros have achieved victory over the patriarchy.
El último rinoceronte blanco del norte macho ha muerto, dejando solo dos hembras para salvar a la subespecie de la extinción.
El rinoceronte de 45 años llamado Sudán había tenido problemas de salud en los últimos días y estaba siendo tratado por problemas relacionados con la edad y múltiples infecciones.
Un equipo veterinario tomó la decisión de practicar la eutanasia en Sudán luego de que su condición se deterioró significativamente, anunció el martes el grupo de conservación WildAid.
The last white rhinoceros of the male north has died, leaving only two females to save the subspecies from extinction.
The 45-year-old rhinoceros named Sudan had had health problems in recent days and was being treated for problems related to age and multiple infections.
A veterinary team made the decision to practice euthanasia in Sudan after their condition deteriorated significantly, WildAid conservation group announced on Tuesday.”

¡SÍ! ¡Mira qué rápido salí de allí!
People that choose to live in a remote area, cut off by torrential rainfall want more free stuff delivered by helicopter.
En el video, que fue grabado por el propio cacique, se puede ver cómo un helicóptero del equipo de asistencia humanitaria deja su carga en un punto establecido y rápidamente levanta vuelo, segundos antes de que una decena de pobladores se abalancen sobre los productos indiscriminadamente. “Estamos aislados, necesitamos algo más de harina, arroz, fideos, azúcar, colchones y frazadas”, agregó.
Al ser consultado sobre este episodio el miércoles en Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires, el gobernador de Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, dijo que “es indignante y nada justifica eso” y agregó que “siempre debe haber un responsable del área social”. También hizo hincapié en que “es una zona del chaco donde está concentrada la mayor pobreza”
In the video, which was recorded by the cacique himself, one can see how a helicopter of the humanitarian assistance team leaves its cargo at a fixed point and quickly takes off, seconds before a dozen inhabitants swoop on the products indiscriminately. “We are isolated, we need more flour, rice, noodles, sugar, mattresses and blankets,” he added.
When asked about this episode on Wednesday in Perspectives from Buenos Aires, the governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, said that “it is outrageous and nothing justifies that” and added that “there should always be a person in charge of the social area.” He also stressed that “it is a zone of the Chaco where the greatest poverty is concentrated”.
Supreme Court to decide if it is constitutional to detain people that violated the law did nothing wrong, ever will likely vote Team Blue, should be released on bail in the event their sentence for other crimes is served, rather than being held for a pending deportation trial.
La Corte Suprema de Justicia anunció este lunes que decidirá si la ley federal de inmigración (INA) le otorga al gobierno el poder para detener de manera indefinida a quienes esté considerando deportar si la persona cometió anteriormente ciertos delitos graves.
La INA señala que, si los extranjeros no ciudadanos cometen un delito que los convierta en inadmisibles y/o deportables, el gobierno debería mantenerlos bajo custodia para su posible expulsión al salir de prisión una vez cumplida la condena.
La Corte de Apelaciones del 9º Circuito dictó en mayo el año pasado que los no ciudadanos que no hayan sido detenidos de inmediato por la Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE), se les debe dar la oportunidad de quedar libres bajo fianza.[…]
“Por lo general”, explicó, “cuando un no ciudadano cometió un delito grave y cumple su condena, ICE pide mantenerlos detenidos ( detainer) para iniciar un proceso de deportación. Si por algún motivo se cuela esta persona y el gobierno se da cuenta que no pudo transferirlo bajo su custodia, va a su casa y lo arresta para iniciarle un juicio de deportación”.
The Supreme Court of Justice announced Monday that it will decide whether the federal immigration law (INA) gives the government the power to indefinitely detain those it is considering deporting if the person previously committed certain serious crimes.
The INA states that, if non-citizen aliens commit an offense that makes them inadmissible and / or deportable, the government should keep them in custody for possible expulsion upon leaving prison once the sentence has been served.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in May last year that noncitizens who have not been immediately detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be given the opportunity to be released on bail.[…]
“Generally,” he explained, “when a non-citizen committed a serious crime and serves his sentence, ICE asks to keep them detained (detainer) to begin a deportation process. If for some reason this person strained and the government realizes that he could not transfer him into his custody, he goes to his house and arrests him to initiate a deportation trial. “
The dreamers will never give up hope. No sir, no how. It’s not like the Most Evil Presidentè in the History of Presidentès has recently put forth deals to legalize DACA recipients only to be turned down by Democrats. WILL.NOT.GIVE.UP.HOPE.
Los dreamers no pierden la esperanza. Aseguran que seguirán luchando hasta conseguir que el Congreso apruebe una ley que les otorgue un camino a la residencia legal permanente y luego a la ciudadanía. Pero hasta ahora todos los esfuerzos han fracasado por falta de voluntad política en el Congreso y la Casa Blanca.
“Es difícil de creerle al presidente y a los políticos”, dijo este viernes Juan Manuel Guzmán, director de asuntos gubernamentales de United We Dream (UWD), la principal organización de dreamers en Estados Unidos. “Siguen los rumores de que habrá un proyecto, un voto en el pleno de ambas cámaras, pero la verdad es que no se puede creer en nadie”.
“Es difícil de creer que algo pueda suceder, especialmente con el presidente que tenemos”, subraya el activista. Los dreamers no pierden la esperanza. Aseguran que seguirán luchando hasta conseguir que el Congreso apruebe una ley que les otorgue un camino a la residencia legal permanente y luego a la ciudadanía. Pero hasta ahora todos los esfuerzos han fracasado por falta de voluntad política en el Congreso y la Casa Blanca.
“Es difícil de creerle al presidente y a los políticos”, dijo este viernes Juan Manuel Guzmán, director de asuntos gubernamentales de United We Dream (UWD), la principal organización de dreamers en Estados Unidos. “Siguen los rumores de que habrá un proyecto, un voto en el pleno de ambas cámaras, pero la verdad es que no se puede creer en nadie”.
“Es difícil de creer que algo pueda suceder, especialmente con el presidente que tenemos”, subraya el activista.
The dreamers do not lose hope. They assure that they will continue fighting until getting Congress to approve a law that grants them a path to permanent legal residence and then to citizenship. But so far all efforts have failed because of lack of political will in Congress and the White House.
“It’s hard to believe the president and the politicians,” Juan Manuel Guzman, director of government affairs at United We Dream (UWD), the leading dreamers organization in the United States, said Friday. “There are still rumors that there will be a project, a vote in the plenary session of both houses, but the truth is that you can not believe in anyone.”
“It is difficult to believe that something can happen, especially with the president we have,” the activist emphasizes.
Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta Corporation who ask if you’re going to have an evening, why not make it a good one? If you’re going to have people collecting data on your personal life, why not us?
Early afternoon links.?? How am I ever to get work done?
How’s that for customer service?
Well, I didn’t actually get any work done, but at least the afternoon links weren’t the reason.
I’m mad as hell! And I’m not going to take this any more!
DON’T ANY OF YOU…wait you work??!!
The joke is on your Rufus. This is all an elaborate dream you’re having. You’re actually a brain in a nutrient jar on humanity’s last remaining spacecraft sent out as an SOS at the conclusion of the Great Apocalyptic War. As the last remaining human (in a manner of speaking), and all you do is float in a nutrient bath…
No one works.
It’s like I’m my own Truman Show.
Well, then someone needs to reprimand the programmers who designed this world. Rufus could have been a god king eternally enjoying an endless harem while basking in the adoration of his worshipful subjects, but instead they made him a Canadian in this messed up place.
I would usually still be sitting in my govt office – if that’s what you mean by work – but we were set free early because of snow.
How the hell did you do that?
I have eaten Fist’s heart to gain his powers!
Huh, I wasn’t aware he had a heart.
It was small like a turkey’s and smelled like the Hair after a night of hookers and blow in the oval office.
Ok that makes sense now.
Not La Derp?
I’m sure there’s some kind of expert in the field of Derp around here than can settle this.
It should definitely be in the feminine form.
La derpa’ o el derpo’?
Mentes inquisitivas quieren saber!
“Generally,” he explained, “when a non-citizen committed a serious crime and serves his sentence, ICE asks to keep them detained (detainer) to begin a deportation process.”
Here’s an idea: start the deportation process before the sentence is completed.
That’s just crazy talk. They’ll never go for that.
This is literally why Trump won and it highlights the extremism of the open borders crowd.
Playa is a right wing-extremist.
*puts fingers together to form a cross and hisses*
I thought we were calling them ‘alt-right Nazis’ now?
I was always partial to “Literally Hitler”
I got it.
Playa is literally, an alt-right Nazi extremist Hitler.
Russian bots made the open borders crowd extremist?
Why that isn’t standard procedure is beyond me.
You’re clearly not a Top Man. Top Men understand these things.
I’d settle for just not letting them go.
Why we need to pay to keep them in a prison where they can really build out their portfolio of criminal contacts and activities, before deporting them, is a baffler.
Prison is to get them gone from society. So is deportation. Why not go the cheap route.
Of course, they might just sneak back in. Perhaps a shoot on sight order for anyone deported after conviction of a violent crime?
I think that would really fuck up the incentives. If the only consequence for committing a robbery/murder was deportation, I could see the number of robbery/murders increasing by quite a bit.
And shoot on site upon return would get a lot of innocent people killed by the cops. I’d like to avoid that.
Good points, Lach.
Hot Mexican soccer chicks. Me likey.
After a morning off spent re-bluing my favorite revolver, here are your afternoon tittays.
2, 11, 12, 18, 27, 30, 31, 35, 49, 55.
HOWEVER, if I could clone #1 for every Glib (including teh wimminz and gheyz), I would. Everyone on Earth should have a #1.
#1 looks like she’s fun. I’ll take one, once the cloning process is perfected.
After a morning off spent re-bluing my favorite revolver…
Solid euphemism. Well done.
Damn you!
Kinda sad we both focused on that rather than the titties.
I’m at work, those links don’t open here.
I have to wait until I get home.
What’s your excuse, nancy-boy?
re-bluing my favorite revolver
Best masturbation euphemism all week.
21 and 47. I will happily except #1. She looks like bartender across street. Red hair, freckles, cute as a button.
Hooray! After an utterly abysmal AM submission, Q comes through!
You get a would! You get a would! And you get a would! Everybody gets a would! Everybody gets a would, Q! Just this once, everybody gets a would!
That’s a very thinly veiled euphemism.
Feels like nothing at all!
For once I agree with y’all. #1
You are a real humanitarian, Q.
Bikinis. As snow is coming in here and the temps are lower than average. Fuck I hate winter.
I’ll take one of #34 please.
Expect Ricky Gervais to be detained in the UK very shortly
Ha ha ha….silly Ricky, acting as if the UK has freedom of speech. Very droll!
They flushed their Bill of Rights long ago.
I don’t know how to take this. On one hand he should be free to say what he wants. On the other hand, I want Ricky Gervais to get his ass kicked in prison.
He’s soft and has some feminine features. He’d be someone’s girlfriend for sure
So you’re saying he lacks this?
Oh, so that’s what it means. I’ve heard quite a few women say that about me, but I just thought they were calling me a ‘dick’.
*smiles, as if the story is most definitely true*
No, they were definitely calling you a Big Dickface.
Say what you want about Ricky Gervais. At least he’s not Mike Stuchbery.
Oh, oh. Sounds like the Brits are slowly awakening from their slumber.
Is Gervais one of those progs who speaks out of both sides of their mouth?
He’s an atheist and a reliable prog on a host of issues, but has been quite good on speech for a long time.
Did he teach his girlfriend’s dog to Nazi salute too?
Wait, the northern white rhino is named Sudan? Did the park also have a black rhino named South Sudan, whom they had to forcibly separate for their safety?
South Sudan’s penis is HUGE.
Once you go rhino . . .
Alright, I got nuthin’.
You never stop pining?
My favorite part of the story is how, now that the last male is dead, it’s up to the last two females to keep the species from going extinct.
“It is difficult to believe that something can happen, especially with the president we have,” the activist emphasizes.
Do you mean the president that proposed every thing you are demanding? That president?
Also, what’s up with all this fake news Commie News Network en español?
¡Ahora, noticias shitlord en castellano!
Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor charged with murder and manslaughter.
So… the plan appears to be to over-charge him and get him acquitted that way?
3rd degree murder or manslaughter? No, I think they should be able to make one of those stick. But – cop, jury – you can never tell.
Yeah, I think manslaughter would be very easy to prove
Here’s the MN statute on manslaughter in the first degree (leaving out the kinds that I don’t think apply):
That’s a very odd statute. No question he intentionally caused her death – pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger takes care of that. Its the provocation element that’s odd – it says you were provoked by something that would provoke the proverbial “reasonable person”.
The MN statute on third degree murder:
Its odd to me that third degree murder doesn’t require intent to cause death, but first degree manslaughter does. Regardless, pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger seems to be an eminently dangerous act without regard for human life.
Without going into any more detail on precisely how he should be charged, seeing as he pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger, this comes down to either a self-defense claim – theoretically, that a reasonable person would have thought she posed an imminent threat to others, or the sub rosa cop defense claim – he was askeert and started shooting, and that’s OK because Thin Blue Line, Heroes, Getting Home Safe, blah blah.
I say 60% chance he walks.
Naw. They’ve started to realize that if the worst cases aren’t prosecuted then the public will eventually demand serious reform.
Noor is charged with third-degree murder “perpetrating eminently dangerous act and evincing depraved mind” and second-degree manslaughter, “culpable negligence creating unreasonable risk.” in the shooting, which drew international attention and led to the ouster of Police Chief Janeé Harteau.
They might be able to get on him on the manslaughter charge.
I won’t hold my breath.
My epic weekend has transitioned into a very shitty week. I’ve been in emergency mode all day at work, they cancelled my third interview for a job I’d been hoping for because they hired someone else, and now DCS is at my house interviewing the family because the wife and our 17 year old got into an argument on Sunday, the wife slapped the kid, and the kid told the school counselor, who by law has to report it to DCS. Should I buy lottery tickets and hope my karma rebounds?
“the kid told the school counselor”
Ugh. I hope this serves as a valuable lesson to your kid that going to the authorities in cases less severe than murder is always a losing proposition.
Ugh. I hope this serves as a valuable lesson to your kid that going to the authorities
in cases less severe than murderagainst the family is always a losing proposition.Yeah bringing the law into a family matter never turns out well.
Shit. I’m sorry.
I have a 17-year-old. If he got DCS to our house, I’d pack him a bag and wish him luck.
Whatever happened to omerta? Kids these days.
How about pride? No way I would tell anyone my mom kicked my ass.
On ‘omerta’:
One of the earliest lessons I got in life from my father – who wasn’t much into child rearing – was when he told us of a story when he saw a dead body floating in a stream in Calabria – home of ‘Ndrangheta who eat Camorra and Cosa Nostra for breakfast with a slice of cantaloupe – when he was a kid. His older brother grabbed him and told him ‘you saw fuck all understand? And if they come talk to you, you shut the fuck up or else I’ll send you North.’ Lesson learned for a seven year-old. ‘What body?’
He was telling us ‘you saw, heard and smelled nothing and keep it in the family.’
I can remember being hit by mom for trying to tell on my brothers as a little kid. I can also remember being hit by my brothers for trying to tell on them as a kid. I’m pretty sure dad hit me for trying to tell on my brothers too. I eventually got it.
My wife and I are always reminding our daughter to not snitch or talk about her friends behind their backs or even people she once knew in school. Cut that shit out.
I saw my first dead body in Zug, Switzerland a month ago. On a train platform, the police were doing FA keeping the makeshift tent flap over it from opening. A woman on a train platform at 5 pm. Weird.
She’s had emotional issues and is seeing a counselor outside of school. She just told me she doesn’t trust the school counselor, but apparently she does if it involves getting your parents in trouble.
I told DCS my version over the phone. I kept it very brief, and in my own subtle way let him know I thought my wife and kid were both being assholes that day.
Real question-
Is the a law that was broken when your wife slapped your kid? If so, you might do well to hush up amd call a lawyer.
The law in Indiana is that you can hit your kid with an open hand. So slap on the face or spank on the bottom are allowed. No punching, arm twisting, strangling, stuff like that. That’s why I was very careful to say just that. I didn’t deny it outright, because it would become obvious in short order that I was lying.
If it’s not resolved shortly, I would strongly second Lach’s advice to lawyer up. In the homeschool arena at least, the letter of the law doesn’t mean shit when DCS pushes back and you need hired help at your back.
My Mom must have familiarized herself with Indiana child beating laws before we moved there. Because my beatings were literally “by the book”.
In my family, you do shit like that….well….let’s just say you’d be forever ostracized and then some.
In any event, good luck.
That sucks Kevin. I hope nothing comes of the DHS shit. That’s gotta be stressful as hell.
Ok, occurs to me now– how the hell did the counselor hear about it? I saw the counselor in HS only when I wanted to change/drop a class or was in danger of not graduating. They were too busy doing whatever to talk about hurt feelings with randos.
Maybe he meant the school psychologist. I had a friend in high school whose mother was a school psychologist in another district. I always felt like she was analyzing me.
WTF is a school psychologist and why would a school need one?
I think I’m seeing why schools are forever running out of money.
It was the guidance counselor. My kid has anxiety and PTSD so she’s supposed to go to the guidance office if she’s having a rough day.
Thanks guys, I’ll let you know how it turns out in the morning.
Sorry. Apparently that school counselor has never seen Dynasty.
Damn, sorry Kevin. DCS scares the hell out of me… way more than dealing with police.
Yeah, the cops can just kill you. DHS can steal your kids.
Sorry about the job.
Good luck with DCS.
Crap, that sucks. Hope it improves.
the wife slapped the kid, and the kid told the school counselor, who by law has to report it to DCS.
Two thoughts:
(1) Christ, what an asshole.
(2) I’d be surprised if she didn’t know this was going to turn into a DCS report and investigation. Oh well, I hope she enjoys watching you spend her college fund on a fabulous beach vacation.
No comprende
Ur mom lulz.
Ahem. I believe you mean “You’re mom lulz.”
Fuck off Tulpa!
Last day here in Del Boca Vista. I am living Jewsday Tuesday.
It’s 90, and that’s not just the average age of the residents. At home it’s 33. If it were 75 and not humid here year round, I might consider moving down here.
HAHAHAHAHA had you going for a second, didn’t I, OMWC?
So, LA without the socialism?
So Orange County (CA)?
Without the socialism? Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts, chief.
In LA, it’s either hot OR humid, but not both.
Erm monsoon much?
Give it 30 years, you’ll change your mind.
*joins in maniacal laughter*
“Kramer, these people move down here to do three things – sit around in the heat, pretend it’s not hot, and enforce these rules!”
75 and not humid, so…..Arizona in Nov-Feb?
I loved Arizona in the winter. If it didn’t get about a thousand degrees in the summer, I would have stayed out there.
But it’s a dry heat.
That only means something into the low 100s. Once you’re cracking 110, it doesn’t matter how dry it is.
My first day in Yuma was 114. Pretty much set the tone for the next two years.
Yuma is a bit different. The river and the elevation combine to make it the devil’s taint.
Lovely in the winter though!
The first year I was there was a crazy wet winter by Arizona standards. This led to two things happening, one good and one bad:
-A ton of flowers bloomed in the desert, which made the landscape rather beautiful. I often find desert landscapes beautiful, but the Yuma countryside was not normally one of them. Just rocky, brown, and drab. Great sunsets though.
-There was a massive explosion in the population of moths. On one of our weekend trips to Phoenix, they actually killed our engine near Gila Bend because we had hit so many of them that they clogged the air intake to the radiator. Was hard to see out of the windshield, too, as it was plastered with dozens of moth remains. They would explode in bright yellow like little mustard packets.
I’ve had that happen on the way down to Nogales. That’s just no bueno.
I driving down to Houston one year and went through the miller moth migration. Pulled over set a gas station to use the carwash because car was overheating for same reason. There was a guy on a motorcycle who was basically stranded.
Yuma – making Barstow look good.
Even El Centro had a better mall! El Centro!
I do miss going down across the border to Los Algodones for dirt-cheap Kaluha, though. At the time (2004-06) you could get the big bottle for about eight bucks. My wife always picked up knockoff Vuitton and Coach purses there, too.
The problem with El Centro: it’s between 2 rivers that flow FROM Mexico.
My folks live in Prescott, which is about a mile in elevation. Kinda cold in the winter, but warms up every day and not fucking unbearably hot in the summer, ala Phoenix.
My Uncle has a place in both Phoenix and Prescott, which is the perfect answer, if you can afford it..
Prescott hits the sweet spot for high desert – same elevation as ABQ, and Santa Fe is just a tad higher.
Tucson is lower elevation, so you get hotter summers.
I just got a flash flood warning on my phone. What the hell?
Lift your phone as high over your head as you can reach.
El último rinoceronte blanco del norte macho ha muerto
Practicantes de la medicina tradicional china y viejos hombres chinos son los más golpeados
Afortunadamente, OMWC todavía tiene acceso al pene de tigre.
¡Dios mío! Las niñas pobrecitas.
Shit my Spanish is rustier than OMWC’s knees.
Pinche maiate…
Viagra is more effective.
So work bought some atlas air compressors a year or so ago. There are three of them and the service contract with who they bought them from has just ended. One broke down today, so I went to see what the problem is. The compressor motor is a 125hp 3ph 150 amp electric motor. It has a wye delta starter on it. I found that the contacts in the started were burned up. No big deal, except after examining the starter, I found that it was rated for 100 amps. I thought this was curious, so I looked at the starters for the other 2 compressors. Same deal. And the starters for the other two compressors have contacts that are very close to failing.
This is some pretty incompetent bullshit on the part of Atlas compressor and it pretty aggravating to me.
Tinfoil is rated for 150 amps ya? Use tinfoil.
Ahem. A 16 penny nail is rated for 150. Tinfoil opens up at 80 of its Reynolds wrap, 72 if it’s store branded.
Then use two rolls of Reynolds Wrap, and you’ll get to 160. 😉
And chance you can replace the starter? They probably designed the starter to burn out rather than the motor itself.
Yeah. I have already ordered the right size starters. I’ll get them and put them in next week.
As far as protecting the motor, The overload block was sized right and set to trip at 160amps. This was atlas saving a grand or so by installing a smaller starter than was required by the load. Either that or serious incompetance.
Nobody needs 160 amps.
Three phase, 160A. Think of the children!
and 480 volts. Oh the humanity.
No one has the right to touch phase to phase.
Complain to Atlas.
I will and maybe they will cover the cost of the right sized starters and maybe they won’t. Who knows. it’s a PITA either way.
Ted just likes complaining.
Does Ted really like it, or does he just know nothing else?
A little from column A, a little from column B?
Eh, I just don’t deal well with stupid people.
Have a glass of milk ted. That should help.
“Oy was I thirsty”
You don’t deal good with stupid people.
My guess is that the best you’ll get from them is an indifferent *shrug*
…I’ll see myself out.
That is common among European industrial/construction equipment manufacturers.
They’ll make otherwise good equipment and screw it up with underrated electricals. I’ve encountered the same problem with several companies.
Lucas, prince of darkness!
The WSJ editorial board won’t be pleased until there is more dead Arabs in the Middle East.
“World War III will be even better than the previous two. This will be a sequel that we will all be able to get behind (at least for those who live through the conflict)”
As far as I can tell, the WSJ has never seen a war they didn’t like. As a bonus, the less congressional oversight and approval the better.
Yeah, they are absolutely awful with regards to foreign policy
They just need to get it over with and advocate depopulating the whole Fertile Crescent.
“I’d depopulate her Fertile Crescent IYKWIM”
You’re gonna sterilize her?
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Ahh, now I understand…
electro gonorrhea
Government is keeping track of who owns bitcoin, according to Snowden
Keep in mind that all the information leaked by Snowden is several years old now.
The NSA has been up to quite a lot since then. The Utah facility wasn’t even up and running at the time of the leaks.
That was my reaction too – while I don’t doubt that he’s right, I don’t think he has any specialized insight at this point. He’s been on the run for close to five years now, right?
These are good points.
John Oliver is the opposite of funny. This is genuinely cringe-worthy.
“Pence is notoriously hostile to LBGTQ rights”
Maybe I’m out of the loop here, but in what way is he “hostile to [gay] rights”? Does he support stripping gays of their franchise? Their gun rights? Does he actually oppose gay marriage, or is it a case in which he doesn’t support Nazi wedding cakes or forcing clergy to officiate gay weddings?
Pence signed an Indiana RFRA bill, which was identical to the federal RFRA law and identical to an Illinois RFRA law that then state senator Obama voted for.
That is literally the only thing that can be used against him.
John Oliver is literally the dumbest man to opine on politics in the US
But….but….he has a plummy accent and went to Cambridge!
While watching NCAA tournament games, I was treated to an ad for Colbert with his guest John Oliver. That’s like DEFCON 1 for punchable faces.
I’m going to write an article going line by line and disproving John Oliver’s little talk about Puerto Rico. His whole monologue was basically “I have no idea what I’m talking about, so I’m just going to say stupid shit and end it with- muh Wall Street”
I’d actually really look forward to that.
The people who call Pence anti-LGBT are actually anti-Christian, because that is their only problem with him
I mean. Your’e incorrect here. Several lefty propaganda sites ran a very scummy propaganda war re: Pence. Attributing it to antipathy to Christianity is pretty similarly bullshit.
Folks are poorly informed and responding to tidbits of information crafted to make them angry. I’m sure you can relate to that feeling.
I mean, sure, we can pretend like it’s not about RFRA, but then we will have to also pretend like a major stink was not made after the passage of Indiana’s RFRA and that it isn’t literally the only reason why anyone knew who Pence was before he was picked to be Trump’s VP.
And why don’t you tone it down, instead of calling a factual argument ‘bullshit’
You can take issue with Pence’s beliefs and that’s more than fair. But, we shouldn’t act like RFRA wasn’t a major factor in Pence being dubbed anti-LGBT
The people who call Pence anti-LGBT are actually anti-Christian, because that is their only problem with him
Because it wasn’t a factual argument it was an assertion of fact. There is a difference.
That’s fair. You’re right. I should not have falsely labeled all those who oppose RFRA as being anti-Christian. That is the same game that I was chastising.
I apologize if you took offense
Well, they are against the restoration of religious freedom, so there’s that.
I think it’s mostly about the Indiana religious freedom bill that passed when he was governor.
All I know is 106k thumbs up v. 5.7k down.
I won’t listen to Oliver.
The short version is that at the state level he supported diverting Federal funds earmarked for HIV/AIDS toward conversion therapy. During the election that got widely and frequently misreported as him supporting electrocuting the genitals of gay men to make them straight with Federal funds, which had largely fallen out of fashion at that point…If you GIS pence and electricity, shit gets very weird very fast…After that he was on the board of a state level Family advocacy group which is affiliated with the American Family Association. Think Focus on the Family but instead of having an anti-gay wing being maniacally obsessed with homosexuals and witches coming for your kids (disclaimer: my parents still receive the AFA Journal and it’s a *little* less obnoxious now, but still elevates my blood pressure when I peruse it).
He has since spun the conversion therapy comments as meaning some kind of abstinence only program for gays since conversion therapy as he meant it turned out to be a pretty big clusterfuck of a hoax. My read is if SoCons had had more clout his openly held positions would be proportionally objectionable. Again you don’t get to be a board member for an AFA-affiliate without holding positions I’m going to find…bad, but they don’t and he hasn’t. I’m not sure I could get a beer with him, but I also can’t get emotional about it the way people who honestly believe the electroshock thing do. And at some point once the internet hate machine is after someone it becomes its own logic.
All things considered, Pence is an asshole for supporting conversion therapy with government dollars in the same way I consider all of the progs who use government dollars to teach first graders about sex.
“Stay the fuck out of it” is a apparently unknown principle in government.
Let’s make everyone happy by using tax money to convert kindergartners into sodomy and buggery, then blame it on capitalism and tell them that the only salvation is through Jesus.
Goddamm…. have you considered running for office?
And at some point once the internet hate machine is after someone it becomes its own logic.
Yeah, I was going to comment that a sane person probably doesn’t honestly believe the electroshock thing. But it lets them indulge their hate and boy is that ever pleasurable.
Even Snopes, which is not known for being too friendly to any opinion not officially of the Left, has refuted the concept that Pence was ‘diverting money to conversion therapy’. Pence’s statement was:
“Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.”
This is a conservative defending Pence against the accusation. Not saying this guy is right or wrong, but it is the defense that Pence would probably make.
Make of it what you will, but let’s not kid ourselves. Pence became problematic because of the passage of RFRA. Everything else is just stuff that people added to justify their opposition to the passage of a RFRA that is identical to the federal version and the version passed in Illinois, which Obama voted for. And that’s why they added new complaints, because their argument against Indiana’s RFRA made no sense, beyond religious animus
Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.
I have a very hard time believing that isn’t a reference to conversion therapy based on the time and his associations with conservative groups I have a more-than-passing familiarity with during that time period. Dropped in the context of today’s conversation that could be ambiguous but not in the context of a friend of the AFA (again on the board of a state level affiliate) in the early ’90s.
I don’t deny that. His statement could be interpreted a number of different ways. And I am not trying to defend Mike Pence against the accusation, necessarily. What I am saying is that Pence is a social conservative, no doubt. And like most social conservatives he took very statist positions on government and morality. There is no disputing that. However, these were not uncommon positions, even among non socially conservative representatives (including liberals at the time). And none of this would have mattered if he had not passed a RFRA law and become Trump’s VP
The RFRA is the crux of the matter. Had RFRA not been passed in Indiana there would be no anti-LGBT moniker for Pence (except when he became Trump’s VP then he just became another literally Hitler).
Well none of this would matter at all if he hadn’t become Trump’s VP. He’s now a heartbeat away from the presidency and all that. His opinions, unfortunately, are going to matter to people, and he was a board member of an AFA-affiliate. Just knowing that gives me pause having grown up reading their stuff and having Focus on the Family’s much more mild but still socially conservative positions to compare it to.
It’s also fair to say he’s being judged in 2018 for positions which were not out-of-step with the tenor of 1990. Again, I don’t think any of the way he’s being treated is fair or appropriate. My point is only that you’ve imputed anti-Christian bias to a large group of people, and I think the story is a bit more nuanced than you would prefer it to be in this case.
I apologized up top for that proclamation. I think you’re right. That was needless hyperbole on my part. I apologize again, if I offended you
Please try not to lump me in with John.
Too late, you are now officially John Say’n
Now read my mind and tell me all my motivations.
I figured we were getting in a cross-posting-between-subthreads loop, so I gave it a beat and refreshed before responding to the apology. I’m definitely not offended, and I appreciate your willingness to rethink that.
And I honestly don’t think you’re wrong, but I think it’s more an issue of politically motivated people dislike Pence because of the RFRA and his associations and those people have turned around and ginned up rage with a smear campaign with visceral imagery that *does* connect with a broader audience.
I too am glad I’m finally getting a rundown of the argument against Pence. I never had a good one before.
“Please try not to lump me in with John.”
But what about gay pizza?
With extra Santorum.
AFA is the brainchild of the Wildmon nutjobs, correct?
Yes. I think it’s now in the second generation of Wildmons leading it.
Don Wildmon, the preacher so crazy that not even Jerry Falwell could put up with him.
But not crazy enough for Westboro, amirite?
If you did have a beer with him, he would have to bring his wife along, so he wouldnt be tempted.
I think Jesse could take them both.
Interesting; I didn’t know anything about him diverting tax money to conversion therapy.
In principle, I don’t have a problem with conversion therapy if someone is an adult and voluntarily doing it. I don’t think it’s very emotionally healthy for that person to deny their nature though. I think orientation is a “choice” in so far as a gay man could force himself to marry a woman and make children with her, but he’s always going to be denying what he really wants.
Not really that different from anyone else though I guess. Everyone denies themselves things they want to some extent or another; lives of quiet desperation and all that.
It’s unconscionable that states are taking the extraordinary step of regulating psychotherapy like this for anyone. Not only is it so overbroad as to potentially affect ordinary church counseling, it is a repugnant intrusion into the rights of a parent. There are numerous reasons to be alarmed by these disgusting bills that are making their way around the states.
I would punch John Oliver. He needs it. He’s the perfectly punchable blend of smug and stupid that deserves it.
Eww, I don’t want your filthy White Man Munny.
When Trevor McFedries set out last year to raise money for Brud, his robotics and artificial intelligence start-up, he found himself in many meetings with “a ton of white guy” venture capitalists.
So Mr. McFedries, who is black, and his co-founder, Sara DeCou, a Latino woman, added a condition for investors: The pair would accept money only from venture firms that had a woman or a person of color in a position to write them a check.
“It was counterintuitive for us to raise money from a bunch of white guys who want to extract all the value from the world,” said Mr. McFedries, who eventually collected several million dollars from firms that met the condition. “We’re interested in reshaping the way that tech looks.”
What the fuck happened to, “The only color I care about is green”?
These fucking morons should worry less about their impending beatification, and focus on the goddam business plan.
“It was counterintuitive for us to raise money from a bunch of white guys who want to extract all the value from the world,” said Mr. McFedries
I thought it was only (((whit people))) who wanted to extract all the value from the world. Also, have fun letting your business fail because your Civil rights LARPing is more important to you than managing your business.
So you want POC-led tech startups to fail? Talk about a dog whistle!
This. Who on earth could take issue with their policy? Not only is it their business as businessmen, I can’t see anyone ever having quarrel with it! You be fussy about whose money you take all you want!
I’ll be more than happy to never give them any money. Wonder what their tune would be if they had trouble finding investors. I’m sure it would have nothing to do with race.
Morons come in all flavors.
I can deal with stupidity but when you combine that with sanctimony that’s when the face becomes most punchable.
The pair would accept money only from venture firms that had a woman or a person of color in a position to write them a check.
[POC entrepeneurs show up at Honkey Capital, LLC to get their capital investment.]
White Dude: Hey, glad to see you. We’re real excited about this robotics proposal, and we’re ready to invest. Now, I understand you want a check written by a person of color, right?
POCs: That’s not exactly what we . . . .
White Dude: Sure, sure, we want to do the right thing, ya know? So, I got our receptionist authorized on our checking account – Shaniqua is about as colored as they come, isn’t she? Blacker than both of you added together! Go ahead, sweetie, write ’em that check. Make sure they can see you doing it now!
Yeah, that doesn’t inspire confidence. They conflate check writing authority with the power to make decisions.
Would not invest.
Would not invest in someone so petty. It belies a bad business instinct.
Petty AND stupid. Not a good combo.
Actually, I love that combination. For a few hours.
So… they didn’t raise money?
C.K. Mann has died
This was atlas saving a grand or so by installing a smaller starter than was required by the load. Either that or serious incompetance.
“Oh, hey, look- here’s some parts on this shelf. Use them.”
Wife and I bought a Mitsubishi Diamante, only to subsequently learn about the transmission problem. The dealer though was good, when the problem happened they replaced the transmission. With another one from the faulty run, which lasted another 20K miles and then we got a transmission from a different production run.
My older brother had a 1990 or so mitsubishi Galant that ate 3 transmissions that were still under warranty before he got one that worked. I wonder if those were the same transmissions in your Diamante.
I want!
Definitely not available here though.
Most people aren’t even using 1G if they have it but hey, go ahead and burn your money.
Also note the 2TB cap. Assuming you can figure out how to max your capacity, you’d hit that in about 42 minutes.
I did not see the cap.
I’m at 1.4 TB on my Ubiquiti SG right now, so that’s a no go.
Are you watching all of the House of Cards episodes simultaneously?
Just how much porn can you watch?
PM has holodeck porn unlike us plebs.
Just the cleaning bill would price most of us out.
It’s okay, quark uses only the cheapest splooge scrubbing labor
So fancy goggles while he has Messican buttsecks.
Oh, and some alligator clips, right?
“Students demand university ban immigration skeptic after professors refuse to debate her
Vandals tore down flyers for an event sponsored by Lindsay Shepherd’s free-speech group and replaced them with flyers promoting popular progressive slogans.
Shepherd also claims that her professor canceled a weekly meetup because of that event, and another professor canceled the rest of the term’s class sessions in response to Shepherd’s tweet about that class.
While the administration defended Laurier Students for Open Inquiry’s decision to invite journalist Faith Goldy, a self-described Catholic nationalist and alleged alt-right sympathizer, it has yet to explain how professors can unilaterally cancel class sessions.”
Stupid people don’t like to debate people who are smarter than them. That’s why they just shut them down. They just parrot meaningless slogans and call people Nazis. Then they use Nazi tactics to prevent those they from responding. The thing that sucks is that most people don’t even know that crap is going on.
Of course they probably wouldn’t understand it if they did. I’m pretty much of the opinion that most of humanity are just hairless apes with nothing intelligent to contribute. Thank God for all the Glibs for keeping me somewhat sane.
*flings poo and hoots in solidarity*
The canceling of classes for the rest of the semester is actually the worst aspect of it.
Basically, Lindsay Shepherd tweeted a screenshot of a brief exchange she had with her mother about a conversations Lindsay had in class; and her mother mocked her classmates for arguing that the a major contributor to the existence of prisons was the heterosexual normativeness of society.
These people appear powerful because people bow to them. The reality is that they are chicken-shit and don’t stand the slightest push-back.
I loath the fact that any of my money goes to universities now days.
It’s dumb but not cancelling class in the sense of depriving students of course material.
It’s still taking ball and going home attitude.
“alleged alt-right sympathizer”
The horror!!!
Bozeman mayor gives “state of the city” speech
Andrus said over the remaining time of her two years as mayor, she wants to search for ways to keep Bozeman safe and a place people can live and work. She said responding to Bozeman’s growth will take a lot of city planning and, in some cases, residents’ time and money.
Andrus said the city needs a plan that mandates affordable housing across all types of homes — Bozeman hired its first affordable housing manager earlier this year to help make sure that happens.
She said Bozeman will also have to find a reliable source of funding to plug into affordable housing construction and projects.
Andrus said she wants to see the city’s major employers — like Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital and Montana State University — step up to create workforce housing programs. That’s an ask city leaders have long repeated.
Central planning funded by new taxes will create new affordable housing and job opportunities. If they do it right, the growth problem will be solved.
I hope they build Chinese style workers’ dormitories. Giant concrete ones.
The Atlantic’s article on that rhino had an interesting segment about the possibility of artificially breeding new members of that species:
Someone call Mike Rowe: we’ve found another dirty job.
HM’s new fetish?
Amazon has you covered.
People who bought this item also bought…
Stirrups, soft ties, wall mount lock rings, and horse mask?…
Hip waders, a silicone spatula, a deck of playing cards, 20 feet of bungee cord, a box of ‘Nilla Wafers and a 55 gallon barrel of lube?
And a Nicolas Cage pillow cover.
They are two meters in so you need more than a glove. More like a suit and an air supply because that is going to require going in waste deep.
My dad is fond of the saying-
Richer than 6 foot up a bull’s ass.
I understand what he is saying, but I have never been able to come up with the origin of that phrase.
Will this be sufficient?
Condoms are for hookers and sailors.
Raw or GTFO
Kentucky eh? SugarFree country.
Since rhinos are not 4m wide, I don’t think that factoid is true.
Sort of on topic since we are in links espanol, I went to lunch with my folks at a new taco shop today. We were the only ones in the joint speaking english. I had an asada and a elpastor taco both very good, but I find most restaurants of the Mexican variety making tacos don’t cook their tortillas as much as I do when I make them. I like a thicker corn tortilla and cook that sucker in some oil close to it having some crunch. It made me wonder if tortilla prep was a regional thing or is overcooking a tortilla just a gringo thing?
The price was right too. Buck 75 for a taco. I will go back often.
If you are using a con tortilla, you are fucking up. Flour tortillas are the only way to go. If I wanted a crunchy taco I would order nachos.
Corn tortillas for tacos, flour tortillas for burritos.
If you disagree, it’s because you’re wrong.
Corn tortillas tacos are called nachos. There is no such thing as corn tortilla tacos. I’m right about this because I say I am.
Funny, I thought nachos were when you cut the tortillas up, fried them, and put cheese and jalapeños on them.
Also, I concur fully with PM. Although tacos can be with either kind, corn is best. The important thing with burritos is to keep them skinny too, with meat and beans and never those rice abominations. Disgusting! Whoever decided advertising burritos as being football-sized was highlighting a virtue? Great; they’re huge. Filled with loads of tasty rice! As much as you can stuff your face with! Bet you never saw so much food for such value!
Nachos are corn tortillas with toppings.
Not all corn tortillas are from the Old El Paso section…
There was a place on High Street, that served ‘Burritos as Big as your Head’, I believe it has since gone defunct. I don’t recall them using rice at all, bear in mind that I mostly patronized them between 2 and 3 am so my memory is a tad hazy.
El Tepeyac is a locally famous (I think one just opened in AZ) burrito place. You can easily feed 2-4 people on one burrito and they’re tasty.
It’s tasty, but I wanted to die after putting away half of a burrito.
My brother used to take me to a place in La Puente called Boca Del Rio.
Burritos and ‘street tacos’ to order. Frickin delicious.
Burritos were like a half a loaf of bread.
Stuffing a burrito with mostly rice and little meat is Chipotle and Qdobas business model.
They were designed to sell to poor people in San Francisco. Bonus points for selling to poor vegetarian hippies.
Rice an beans… I mean arroz con frijoles is how you feed a family of infinity on poquito dollars. Ask a Mexican about his cousin and then keep saying “no the other one” about every one he mentions. That’s why they use so much rice and beans
At least beans have protein.
umm… I live in north Mexico (Los Angeles,) and corn =taco, enchiladas and taquitos, flour= burritos and flautas. Nachos are an American invention, albeit in a similar manner to carbonara (at the request ofAmericans, the locals made food adjustments) BTW, Socal has the best Mexican food in the world, including Mexico. Start going east and you get Sonoran cooking and Texmex. Here we have fresh grilled Baja cuisine AND with high quality ingredients.
Somewhere in Mexico, they’re having the flour tortilla tacos are NOT tacos debate, as they eat pineapple and ham pizza, I bet.
Personal favorite: Las Fuentes in Reseda, ca. Been eating there for about thirty years, usually the carne de queso tacos.
I’m not one that agree’s with Playa often about Mexican food, on this one he is most certainly correct.
I’m also correct when I say it’s just fine to order sesos from a food truck. I’d even go so far as to say it’s a damn good idea.
Next week on Enlaces Mexicanos: “CA man diagnosed with mad cow disease.”
I had to duckduckgo sesos and fuck that.
It’s good. I promise you.
It helps if you’re drunk and order it accidentally. .
one food truck =/= all food trucks. Caveat emptor and all that
Flour tortillas are for burritos bro. The corn tortillas stay soft too, I just cook them more than most restaurants. I am not talking the pre formed crunchy taco shells ala taco bell. That is heathen food.
A taco shell is like bacon – cooked just to the point of crunch but still a little chewey. Doing that right is an art and takes practice. Doing it poorly should never be bragged about.
Mine are close to rigid with burnt spots coming out of the pan but return to pliability after a rest in the tortilla holder. Very tasty and chewy. My initial question was why restaurants don’t do this because I think it is far superior to what they serve. Most Mexican joints don’t even put them on the griddle and just microwave the things in the holder. It is a waste of what could be a good tortilla.
Here in NYC we have a local chain called Yummy Taco that is owned and staffed exclusively by Chinese. Normally if one enters a Mexican restaurant and sees nothing but Chinese, one would be well advised to turn around and leave but brother let me tell you that would be a mistake. Yummy Taco is bloody amazing! They make their tortillas a-la-minute on a giant steam powered tortilla press and they have a sincronizada with shrimp, chicken thighs, and skirt steak that will knock your socks off.
Cultural appropriation. I love it. Good food is good food.
There are quite a few combination Mexican food/Chinese food restaurants here in NYC. I’ve, quite literally, never seen this business model anywhere else but it is really good.
There were almost no Mexicans in NYC until the 90s. Chinese are the longstanding traditional proprietors of taco stands, only being slowly edged out in recent times. For a while in the interim, you saw Mexicans running around every Chinese restaurant but Chinese at every taco stand!
Chinese are phenomenal cooks. People have known that forever; that’s why they always made the chow in the Old West! (Indeed, that’s why we call it “chow.”) I would not walk out of anything, except a bakery, upon seeing Chinese staffing it. The only thing you have to know about Chinese run non-Chinese or “mixed” restaurants is never order any actual Chinese dish there fancier than fried rice.
“…except a bakery…”
Indeed. My exploration of Chinatown’s bakeries was rather short lived; every item was gelatinous and overly sweet.
Growing up, and still, we always just put them directly on the burners until some smoke comes out. No oil or pan or nothing. I always put two and flip them in order so as to hit both sides of each.
Those are for school lunches, filled with greasy slightly red ground mystery meat interspersed with tiny tooth breaking bone fragments.
Flour is for suckers.
Most people don’t know that store bought tortillas aren’t exactly ready-to-eat.
They’re only cooked about 75% done. They still need some time on the griddle before serving.
Who the fuck eats them parcooked right out of the package without putting them on the griddle? Gross!
I usually put mine right on the burner. Use tongs.
I see a lot really thin tortillas that will fall apart if doubled up. I much prefer the taste of a corn tortilla to a flour one but you usually can count on the flour ones to stay together better. I usually make Mexican at home. I have a tortilla maker that I need to start using more. I’ve mainly used it for empanadas. Corn based with Sazon that I fill and deep fry.
Corn tortillas for enchiladas.
Trillions of dollars for infrastructure? Why the fuck not?
Gov. Rick Scott said Monday the Florida Department of Transportation will suspend all remaining federal payments — about $5.5 million — for work on the collapsed pedestrian bridge at Florida International University.
The collapse, which killed six when the bridge crashed onto traffic passing underneath, happened just days after the span had been installed over Southwest Eighth Street in Miami.
“Before another dollar is spent on this bridge, we must know exactly what happened,” Scott said in a statement. “FDOT is working hand-in-hand with the NTSB [National Transportation Safety Board] in its investigation and until this is completed, all taxpayer dollars will be withheld.”
Of the bridge’s nearly $16.6 million price tag, more than $13.6 million was supposed to come from federal funding, which passes through FDOT to FIU, officials said. Only $57,000 of the bridge’s cost — already spent — came from state funding, and the project called for another $2.9 million from local funds. The governor’s order does not apply to the local funds.
Shovel ready.
Reasons I hate public construction projects….
To be fair, I probably wouldn’t pay for a bridge that collapsed either.
Look, that bridge was… like 144,000,000,000 microseconds old. We need to invest in order to replace that kind of old, crumbling infrastructure.
Stefan Molyneux and Tommy Robinson on the sad state England and the UK are in right now regarding free speech, the rape gang scandals, and Brexit. What a mess (about 41 min):
Is Molyneux a racist? I can never keep track of these things.
<a href="http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/north-miami/article205994974.html". Not as good as Headless Torso in Topless Bar, but…
Monkey on the loose last seen near the King of Diamonds strip club, police say
North Miami Beach police, working with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, are in search of a small as-yet-unnamed monkey that was first spotted early Tuesday morning outside of the popular strip joint, the King of Diamonds.
Someone spotted a monkey as they were leaving that establishment and notified police.
Florida Primate strikes again.
Also- the caption for the accompanying photo can be summarized as, “This is not the monkey you’re looking for.”
“as-yet-unnamed monkey ”
Because they could use it find his address?
“first spotted early Tuesday morning outside of the popular strip joint, the King of Diamonds.”
stupid keyboard
you forgot to add “Trix are for kids”.
Good government
Shut the fuck up Stanely.
So the World Wildlife Fund runs these commercials on the cheesier cable channels. The talk about how hunting of animal X is on the rise.
Am I the only one who thinks “the WWF has been around forever, and they’re saying hunting of animal X is on the rise? Then WTF good are they, if they haven’t succeeded in decreasing hunting in 50-odd years?”*
*yes, I know it’s an emotional marketing plea and likely not based on reliable data (or any data), but still. After however many years, and they have nothing to show for it?
To be fair, who can compete with the snort a white rhino’s crushed horn off a hooker’s ass, endlessly copulating Chinese?
“endlessly copulating Chinese”
Dibs on the band name.
Organizations like The Innocence Project and IJ tout their successes to solicit donations. The WWF makes it sound like they not only have had no effect on illegal poaching, but that they have actually had a negative effect. The approach is just all wrong. But, like with most top-heavy non-profits, they probably spend almost no money on programs, so they don’t have any real successes to show.
they probably spend almost no money on programs, so they don’t have any real successes to show
If the Clinton foundation is anything to go by, apparently this is a very effective fundraising pitch.
This story continues to give me a chuckle
“The city dumped nearly 90 percent of collected recyclable materials into the landfill from October 2014 to June 2016. The city didn’t notify residents and continued running recycling trucks, which cost nearly $53,000 a month, according to the lawsuit.”
Recycling fraud is common among waste companies, but cities make a specialty of it.
The city of Norfolk decided that it was going to get back into the waste business instead of contacting it out a few years ago. So they bought a bunch of well used trash trucks and put them on the road without really knowing what they were doing.
A few months into it and one of the drivers has a stuck compactor on his truck. So he climbs on to see if anything was jamming it. Unfortunately for him, the problem was a faulty safety switch that released itself while he was in the crushbox. Ooops
Jordan Peterson blows a gasket. To be fair, I had read the article and thought it was a bunch of ad hominem claptrap.
“This happened in part because of the work I have been doing alongside Charles: https://www.mbam.qc.ca/en/news/unveiling-of-a-spectacular-totem-pole-created-by-charles-joseph-of-the-kwakiutl-nation/ … Is that a “claim,” too, and something brought about by the romance of a fascist with a noble savage? Fuck you. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/975942395584856064 …”
Is this going to be like Buckley calling out Gore Vidal?
Some mildly funny hot takes here, including by our friends at Deadspin: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/975941537619107840
I’d react much worse, honestly. The reaction to him has been absurd—from all angles. He’s probably the most excellent purveyor lately of the disposition I find to be appropriate and correct, and I don’t feel it’s terribly radical, and yet in our zeitgeist it’s treated as **profoundly radical**. And this is the slanderous, unprovable shit that gets hurled at him. I admired him for his composure through most of it, but I can’t blame him—and frankly relate to him—for cracking at a point.
I get it. This is what happens when you are resoundingly and on-principle honest. I know I wouldn’t be up for it. It makes me admire (further solidifies for me) those who have been, and who’ve sacrificed Everything. (I couldn’t do it, I don’t think.)
“Classical liberalism is dead.”
He seems to be phenomenally popular and widelyhttps://glibertarians.com/2018/03/martes-por-la-noche-enlaces-mexicanos/?replytocom=512241#respond admired. I see him pulling a lot of people back from both SJW and “reactionary” extremism, and unfair criticism of him is just exposing the critics, making them look extremist, stupid, and marginal. I don’t get optimistic easily, but I think he just may prove a significant hope for humanity.
So I only see some rather marginal crazies–and, of course, the media–piling on, to not much effect. If anything, I’d expect a lot more criticism of him from the identitarian right than I’m seeing, since he is their very worst nightmare even more than he is the Left’s.
Jesus, I didn’t do shit there. What the fuck?
OMWC’s tree house discovered
Child porn thing aside, that’s a neat treehouse.
Meh, a treehouse should be a house in a tree, not a shed someone hoisted off the ground between a few trees. It’s a neat shed in a rustic hillbilly sense, as a treehouse it leaves much to be desired.
Are any Glibs missing?
That type of cockfighting involves actual chickens, so probably not.
+1 round of sword fighting
Gather around sweet children to hear the lore of the land we once came from. Many ages ago, when neither Glibertarians nor SP were yet a glimmers in their fathers’ eyes there was a commenter at TOS who went by Single Issue Voter.
Over the years, this voter with strong feelings about cockfighting or a desire to troll on the issue shortened his name and was forever mistaken for being a simian immune issue.
And now you’re wise in the lore of the Glibs.
Huh. I never knew that SIV’s single issue was cockfighting (of all things). Having grown up in NM, this issue is far more contentious than people in other parts of the country would realize.
Makes sense why he was always calling people cucks.
Thank you wise master. I feel the warm glow of enlightenment washing over me.
You have passed the Test of Jesse, prepare yourself for the Trials of the Heroic Mulatto.
Um… I’m scared. Can I go home now?
Whatever you do, don’t go home!! He’s waiting for you there!
The calls are coming from inside the house!!!
No shit? Now the giant chicken profile pic makes sense.
I love history! Tell us more!
Just Sayn wants cockfighting legalized, doesn’t he?
Oh, wait, I think I got two commenters mixed up. :blush:
Much irony that this is published in Bloomberg magazine.
You mean self defense is an argument for gun ownership? I’m shocked.
“Everyday, everywhere you look, the criminal is armed with a high-powered weapon as the citizen tries to hide,”
This is what the progs want the U.S. to be like.
I’ve been telling these stupid fucks this for years, but they’re incapable of learning.
“Buenos Tardes Glibs!”
Boa tarde. Good grief, Messican, if you’re going to speak that pig latin stuff, could you at least learn to speak it properly?
Nice springy has sprung here, we have about .75 inches of ice. You know, it sort of looks like snow, but do not be mistaken, there is no snow, it is pure fucking ice, hard as a brick, and still coming down.
I’m a freezy
That sucks. Ice is the worst form of precipitation.
Venusian sulfuric acid begs to differ.
But it is a dry sulfuric acid.
I blame global warming.
Just up the road from Hyp’s ice house we are stacking up inches of fluffy snow, with an occasional layer of sleet just to keep it interesting.
It’s coming down here now, snow that is, you know snow is so lovely on top of ice, still not much, but I guess it’s going to get worse between now and 5pm tomorrow.
Pig Latin
I’m off to my last Service call of the Day, See Y’all on the Dark Side…..
Random OT: I’ve tried submitting this to the staff in the form of a gif but apparently it’s too large in that format. So I’ll just post the video version here. I present to you: Navy Seals Dog.
I think it would be a nice addition to the collection of the random links gifs/bro-down machismo threads that break out around here from time to time.
This is the same school that was shot up while the Broward Coward hid behind his cruiser.
So, not only are the Broward County deputies cowardly and lazy, they’re also extremely stupid.
Not really surprising (other than deputy dog). They cram 5K kids into a single school. Might as well have cage matches in the open.
I carried a Leatherman and a Spyderco for years in high school with no issues. And a Swiss Army knife before that. School administrators (and apparently some parents) are completely out of touch as to what should be normal for high school kids.
Yeah, I have to say that I’m a little curious what their definition of “knife” is.
Here in bumfuck, the last I heard from a teacher at the high school, the cops had arrested five kids for “threatening posts” on social media after the FL school shooting. They have a zero tolerance policy in place. I was not sure how I felt about that since mouthing off smart ass idiotic teenagers sometimes say stupid shit online. I don’t know if any of the kids who got arrested had the history of violence and mental issues the FL murderer had.
So when do those get declared a first amendment violation? (I know, minors don’t have real human rights)
I would imagine that most if not all were dropped after they scared the shit out of the kid. I don’t know any details. I will ask the guy who told me next time I see him. I am interested what happened to them all.
This is what all you libertarians want, isn’t it?
20 year old me would have loved that. Nowadays, coffee and cigarettes are more than sufficient.
Holy shit, yes I want diesel for $2.69!
I remember $.99 gas. I am old.
Gas was .89 when I was in HS. Of course, my 67 Ford Galaxie got about 7 miles a gallon.
It was .99 when I got my licence. Used my mom’s suburban and at the end of the night my friend and I put $20 in, not even a quarter of a tank.
That wasn’t all that long ago. I remember it being that low just a few years a… wait, that was almost 25 years ago. Fuck.
Heh. I like a good shuffle of sign letters. I am not smart enough to figure out what it said prior to the shuffle. I have mentioned it before, but the best liquor store sign I saw around 2009/10ish? Was, “If the economy is driving you to drink, we can help.”
WTF? Petro that is too expensive and only one sort of drugs? No ass sex? WTF?
Fucking gun grabbers. Petition now being circulated.
Anything with a muzzle brake is an assault weapon? What in the actual fuck?
Artillery have muzzle brakes, therefore it must be dangerous. I don’t think you need to be an expert, but you should get a better idea of how guns work before arguing for or against them.
They killed intellectualism with obscurantist post-modernism, and now they’re killing even that with a romantic revival.
Sounds like they want everyone to buy a Garand.
I wouldn’t mind the government buying me a garand.
Well, while muzzle breaks are OK in CT, Flash hiders are not, because as everyone knows, once you put a flash hider on a gun, nobody can detect where a shot is coming from.
Muzzle brakes are scary looking.
Why is it that none of the features that turn a weapon into an assault weapon, actually make it more dangerous.
Because it’s about outlawing as many firearms with as wide of brush as possible. Everything else is a lie.
Given the way the public folds for the gun grabbers lies every time and ever growing influx of Caliretards, I see this has a good chance of passing. Options then is either register (and wait for the day that grandfathered firearms and magazines are also outlawed) or take a chance on the state police unlawfully retaining transfer checks (or acquiring transfer forms from the ATF or retailers) and keep a felony time bomb in the safe that can’t be taken out in public and can’t be used for any lawful purpose.
And apparently YouTube is now going on a suspension frenzy of channels related to firearms.
SLD, their site and whatever, but could that be a violation of their terms? IDK, but if they keep it up, they will see the further decline of the platform. They are already regularly running two ads before video.
Let them go ahead. Let them enjoy being robbed in broad daylight by 8 year olds. Let them enjoy the home invasions, car jackings, and businesses being robbed in broad daylight.
They’ll just prog harder.
I was under no illusion that they could actually learn.
There’s been a slate of robberies and assaults near a local university. Even my sainted fairly gun friendly wife doesn’t connect the dots between these crimes and firearm ownership. Even though just one armed victim would have stopped this shit. Latest was a guy was abducted and sexually assaulted. Meanwhile, the local PD and college PD aren’t sharing info and purported reason for setting up a college PD (for enhanced safety) further collapses. At least before it was a single police agency. But that doesn’t give the school “prestige” and a way to sweep scandals under the rug like Penn state did for years.
it literally goes off the reservation in the first line
It doesn’t say, “Any semiautomatic WITH a detachable magazine”…. it says, “Any semiautomatic WITH THE CAPACITY TO ACCEPT a detachable magazine
Given the proliferation of conversion-kits available for almost anything, it basically means, “any semiautomatic”… and all the waffling about technical details in the legal-gibberish below be-damned.
Feature, not bug.
I peeked at my bracket, and I have to tell everyone that the bracket I did *seriously* (more or less) is only slightly better than the silly one I did where I decided who would win if the Team name/mascots fought for it (sorry Buckeyes, not much you can do against… anybody). That’s how broken my real bracket is. LOL
I wish I had thought of the mascot fighting angle. I would have entered a bracket.
I once made a bracket in which I pasted logos of each teams mascot on the blanks and printed it on the plotter (company resource, of course) and unfurled it at lunch in the cafeteria. It led to some pretty funny conversations among engineers about whether forces of nature always trump mythological characters, or if bears would beat tigers, and did the Crimson Tide mean an algae turnover, or the elephant? Good stuff.
Engineers should know that mythological characters would win over any force of nature or real animal. I always assumed Crimson Tide dealt with , how do you say……. a womans plumbing but I am not much of a sports fan.
And tigers used to regularly eat bears in the Himalayan region
My biggest “mistake” of the bracket was treating the Titans as mythological, but their mascot’s an elephant, which isn’t quite so dominating.
And of course I had the Cavaliers beating the Retrievers. Sigh.
I did that once but added in weighting- the 1 seed got 16 of their mascots against 1 of the 16 seeds’ mascot, 2 got 15, 15 go 2 etc…etc…ended up in the middle of the pack.
My brackets doing pretty good so far. I expect it to completely filled out by early April.
Whoo hoo! Look at me; I’m Peter Pantsless” Wifey is chaperoning an overnight field trip (75 middle school kids down to Howard University) and I just put our kids to bed. I’m halfway through my 2nd 120 Minute IPA from Dogfish Head and I’m really feeling it. I love each and every one of you and I thank you all for providing this erudite, vibrant, and truly diverse community that helps keep me sane.
God damn it. God damn you. I really wanted a drink tonight, so I fixed myself a glass of tonic water.
I only started drinking again last summer after 12 years of tee-totaling (made necessary by a decade+ as a hard drinking New Orleans bartender). I have a great deal of catching up to do; the beer choices these days are positively mind-boggling. Y’all got me hooked on milk stouts.
I’m living the bachelor lifestyle tonight. So this is dinner! https://twitter.com/egould310/status/976251837723504640?s=21
That looks delicious
Nice casserole.
No need to dox you now.
God damn it. God damn you. I really wanted pizza tonight, so I fixed myself chicken salad and served it on spinach.
I hope you really wanted to masturbate tonight. I can’t wait to see the compromise.
A handful of benadryl and dozing off all herky-jerky.
I like lasagna too
Donde es mi dia de Judia Martes?
They got high, man. Just chill out.
Damn it all to hell! I had a nice writeup on victimhood culture as applied to #neveragain, but firefox crashed and took it all. Now I’m tired and don’t want to rewrite it.
Instead you’ll just post a teaser for an article that we won’t be able to read?
I’ll rewrite it sometime in the next few days…. just had to vent about 45 minutes of work going poof because of fucking firefox.
Notepad is your friend…..
The save button is a better friend, but I was on a roll and firefox hadn’t crashed on me in months. I won’t make the same mistake twice…
I won’t make the same mistake twice…
How many times have you said that before?
Many, many times. It’s basically my catchphrase.
Firefox is woke, Firefox is watching you, and Firefox does not approve.
That makes me shiver
You’re shivering now, just wait:
They once hired a guy who agreed with Obama on same-sex marriage ten years ago.
I’m confused…why are you writing anything in/through Firefox?
I wrote enough at the start of this site that they gave me a writer’s account. I can directly design my articles in the site editor (but I don’t have an edit button or the ability to insert images into my comments)
Ahhh…OK, I get it.
How am I supposed to work on a machine with a Security cage wrapped around it?
Damn Copper thieves, but really, didn’t anyone think about Fixing them? I have zero clearance to panels and ports so THEY”RE FUCKED!
Clearly you need to will the project to completion.
I was thinking Beer! but you might have an idea…
Just do what I do: explain that the cost is repair is too high, and recommend replacement.
I can’t even get at it to replace it, they used one way Bolts that need to be ground off to remove the Cage,
I like the way you think though $$$ 🙂
You’d think if anyone has a grinder, it’s going to be copper thieves.
I have a grinder, it’s just not my job, I’ve told this Landlord every time, Dude you’re Fucked! so now it’s on him……
A set of extraction bits is less than $40. Pull ’em out, replace with normal Philips head, put a ducking lock on the door, charge them for 3 hrs.
LL is going to do it, I’m already billing today as well as any other repairs,
I’m not in the mood to dick with it at 5pm, TBH, I ended up Chatting with the Resident, a cool Black Trump supporter, who got LOTS of grief from his friends for it, We got along great, and I’ll get him fixed up nice…….
RE: A morning-thread topic:
Gilmore, or anyone: Do you know of a really good exposition of the Carter–Reagan era state-run mental institution reforms, its causes and effects? I don’t know about the details. I’ve just heard the memetic emotionally-supercharged rhetoric about it (which is never specific). And so I imagine most of the writing about it is activist/politicized/tendentious, which is unappealing to ig’nant-me.
Patton State hospital, CLOSED
Lanterman State Hospital, Closed
Camarillo State hospital Closed
That’s just in SoCal, and it contributes to our homeless problem, We used to put the crazies away, then they got “rights”
I remember it well growing up, people were pissed
By the quotes do you mean there was ostensible focus on extending neglected / commonly-denied civil liberties to the so-called crazies, but that those rights weren’t really rights at all?
Maybe the “crazies,” along with everyone else, should just have the basic human “right” to not be imprisoned indefinitely without posing an immanent physical threat to their own safety or that of others. So should that threshold be there, for example, for you, should some local yokel official advise his friend the judge that lone wolf Yusef has been posting hateful, harassing mean tweets about my performance; has been stockpiling weapons; and has been making statements lately of extremist fringe wackjob sentiments about an armed populace needing weapons to overthrow an illegitimate state by force.
I lose my Right of Property when the crazies Squat in the back of my land, sorry, the Homeless can fuck right off!
And Fuck You Slaver!
“And Fuck You Slaver!”
And those supporting the locking-up and rights-privation of the mentally ill are.. not slavers?
I’m not making em work
Maybe an early bedtime is in order. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Go home, you’re drunk.
I actually forgot to include the second part, I was so on a roll. The gist was going to be, let’s give them the rights they have and not fictitious rights.
Though I don’t think it’s an increase in justice to remedy the violation of your property rights with more violation of rights in “compensation.” Justice does not work like that. Left – Right = 0 !!!!! as I have been taught. I assume that’s applicable here in some way, because it always is.
Anyway, note also that in LA still more property rights are being routinely and constantly violated, of people who wish to build innovative cheap homeless housing. The folks who want to keep crazy homeless bums out of their neighborhoods may be the very most sympathetic sort of NIMBYs, but they are NIMBYs nonetheless.
Nope I don’t want em in my Back yard, for real, There are no good fixes, The State is as much to blame as anything, We also get a large number of Young homeless that know the Welfare state is generous, so i guess I’M FUCKED! and a Slaver!
The folks who want to keep crazy homeless bums out of their neighborhoods may be the very most sympathetic sort of NIMBYs, but they are NIMBYs nonetheless.
I think this ignores the reality to some extent. If mentally ill homeless people weren’t, by and large, a disproportionate threat to their neighbors, these “NIMBYs” wouldn’t be sympathetic. There’s a reason that halfway houses are usually in shitty parts of town, and it’s because they make really shitty neighbors. The rights violations, both small and large, happen with annoying frequency, and usually the cops don’t have the resources to mess with it.
I recoil at the use of NIMBYs in this context because there is a legitimate fear of substantial and recurring rights violations. It’s not like putting a train station down the street where the only “rights violation” is an uptick in traffic.
Train stations also bring…. trains.
Knock knock
I was really expecting My Cousin Vinny, but I’ll accept.
Was there a knock knock reference in My Cousin Vinny? Don’t remember one.
No. Just a really loud train.
“Lisa, I don’t need this. I swear to god, I do not need this right now. I got a judge who’s just aching to throw me in jail. An idiot who wants to fight me for $200. Slaughtered pigs…..GIANT LOUD WHISTLES! I ain’t slept in five days! I got no money, a dress code problem, and a little murder case which holds in the balance the lives of two innocent kids, not to mention your *stomping* biological clock! “
I think this informative video may help https://youtu.be/d2utotyg6PI
lol awesome
Thanks for that. I love me some FEAR. Coincidentally, just last week I had the kids (4 and 7) singing along to Beef Baloney on our drive to school.
The Hospital that Sarah Connor busted out of was also Camarillo
Jack up the Dow Jones!
tough to beat this classic, tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjaZUmGLUG8
I’ll say that the criticisms I’ve heard have been from people ‘of the left,’ probably because they could hate on Reagan for it, as well as the very notion of any sort of cost-cutting. But their criticisms might be valid—I mean, it seems that the policies were colossal fuck-ups, in retrospect, right?—but also I’m not really sure how much better (morally) a “Titicut Follies” status-quo is for the mentally ill than the consequent homelessness that is the crux of the criticisms.
but also I’m not really sure how much better (morally) a “Titicut Follies” status-quo is for the mentally ill than the consequent homelessness that is the crux of the criticisms
I can’t think of any good options. In some senses it’s similar to having a special needs baby who needs round the clock care. Making them a ward of the state isn’t good. Letting them fall through the cracks isn’t good. Relying on the family to care for them is wishful thinking.
Is it better to let them live in a tent on the Santa Ana Riverbed?
or Various, parks and Fields within walking distance of my Palatial Estate, it’s a problem alright
I mean, the best thing we could do on a societal level is hold their families in utter contempt for not taking care of their struggling kin. However, what’s shame worth these days? It doesn’t even buy these folks a meal.
The only compromise I know is to continuously cycle them through the criminal justice system as they violate the rights of others, just like any other type of ne’erdowell. On some level, it doesn’t matter why you’re violating people’s rights. You’re just as incapable of harmonious interaction with society whether you’re mentally ill, a methhead, or an entitled prick with a bike lock.
In fact I think I can accept that there really a small number of adults chronically incapable of exercising their own rights. But I think we need to be so judicious in making this determination that having a bunch of “false negatives” running around as you point out is an acceptable price. Perhaps we can make treatment more enticing for them or something. I have no qualifications; I’d be curious to get the input of a liberty-minded mental health professional (good luck with that; interaction with everyday fuckups, let alone true crazies, seems to beat the idealism out of anyone) on this.
Giving the state too much power to commit people is so potentially dangerous to me that it seems we should substantially cheat away from that direction as much as we can.
But this is indeed a difficult point. It’s one of the few places that liberalism presents us with a necessary gray area. In fact, ordinary children are one of these. Custody of them is shared paternalistically by the parents and the state. (You may not like my choice of language, but it reflects the reality of their status.) Liberals generally want to keep the needle pointed heavily toward the “parents” end, even as it creeps in the other direction, but it’s still an irreducible gray area for us–which is not a place we’re used to being or very comfortable in, as people who are used to a project of discerning principle to determine fundamental issues of political justice.
“Liberals generally want to keep the needle pointed heavily toward the “parents” end”
And there it is
Please elaborate.
I thought this might be coming.
to the Current Liberal, the State is All, Takes a Village, that kind of thing, and your argument, while enticing, doesn’t solve the real World problem. I have an extreme aversion to the Mental Health Complex, and a lot of people just want to get Drunk and be left in peace, so no Shelters will take them in, etc.
There you go Good Sir!
Ah I see. We face a simpler problem than I thought. By “liberal” I certainly did not mean anything close to “the state takes all,” etc. Isn’t that the opposite of liberalism? I meant to articulate the “standard minarchist” position toward children. We might not like to phrase it that way, as sharing custody with the state, but that is the honest and proper way to interpret our position. That was my point.
Isn’t that the opposite of liberalism?
75-100 years ago? Yes. Today, “liberalism” has been changed into a synonym for socialist.
I’m not naive to how it is used, especially in the U.S. In fact, I would say that even though for a while it was trending toward a successful reclamation, the trend is probably going the other way as refugees from the otherwise mainstream Left (e.g. Sargon, Dave Rubin) and technocratic Center (e.g. Christina Hoff Sommers, Jonathan Haidt) begin calling themselves “classical liberals” out of a desire to distinguish any remaining attachment to liberal principles.
My point, which I wish to make clear, is simply that I was not using (and habitually do not use) it in anything resembling that way. I use it in the traditional manner.
My point, which I wish to make clear, is simply that I was not using (and habitually do not use) it in anything resembling that way. I use it in the traditional manner.
Gotcha. Although I don’t get the point of fighting for the word. It just confuses the reader. It’s a battle that the progs won well before any of us were born.
I actually haven’t had much problem on TOS and none here, heretoforth, with my usage. We are right in the social think of a community that regularly uses it that way. All the Austrians, all the Chicagoans, to my knowledge. Again, very rarely had a problem, which is cleared up quite easily when it does happen. In fact, one shibboleth as to whether you’re among conservatives or people who at least claim libertarianism (I will no longer assume the latter are more friendly than the former) is their accommodation of the traditional nomenclature system. Ranting about “progs” instead of “libs,” in the most prominent manifestation. “Liberalism” has always seemed like an identification you expect to encounter. And it’s not like it’s that much more common to encounter it among cosmos than “radicals,” really.
If anything, “anarchism” is the really remarkable flag to have defended. Nearly everyone now thinks of “anarchists” as people who explicitly call for destruction of private property and ruthless violence against wrongthinkers. And Rothbard actually regretted adopting the name. But still people persist.
sorry – i would have addressed this had i seen it;
and no, i don’t know any single good book which provides an unbiased history of the deinstitutionalization movement
it wasn’t entirely “just” carter and reagan – tho they are often credited with the decisions. it was something building up over 20+ years since the invention of thorazine.
you are exactly right that the reason for the lack of any ‘single, well known history’ is due to the fact that there are highly charged opinions – and frankly, some good arguments – on both sides.
its rather sad imo that the subject is so little discussed or understood. there are many millions severely mentally ill people in america, far more than many other “victim” groups that the ‘social justice’ types squee about, and yet no one seems to ever speak on their behalf or insist upon improvement of their condition as a relevant social-issue
Thank you
There were a lot of fingers in many pies back then. B.F. Skinner was King and “normilization” was a key buzz-word. The Government wanted out of the money pit and the do-gooders wanted to virtue signal. Everybody won except for the fucked up people that ended up taking a shit on the sidewalk and the citizens having to deal with them.
trolling wikipedia, other basic sources, is as good as anything
You can pretty quickly see the outlines of how multiple factors piled on top of one another. The fact that legislation passed under Carter (then Reagan) was really just the completion of 2+ decades of trends in that direction.
Was this the story that Geraldo broke?
About what I’d imagined. That’s depressing, because it’s so seemingly-reasonable every step. And here we are.
I appreciate your perspective
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a serial killer work as fast as this Austin bomber guy. 8 bombs in less than a month, that’s… prolific.
I hope he doesn’t make it to trial when they catch him. Save the spectacle of the whole thing and put him down like the dog he is.
Do it like the Israelis and order an Airstrike, Works every time!
Watching someone getting droned on TV would be quite a spectacle
I hope they catch the bastard soon. Unfortunately most of the evidence is probably destroyed in the explosions. Hopefully they find something traceable.
IIRC from prior bombings (maybe OKC??), they can tell what explosive is being used, and usually canvas all the stores in the area selling that ingredient. Although, these days you can buy all sorts of chemicals online. I vaguely remember one of the fertilizers for my aquarium plants having a relatively low maximum salable quantity because it could be used as an explosive.
Yeah, they might be able to trace some of the hardware too. If they could trace the original origin of any of these there could be camera somewhere near the box as well. If not they’re probably going to need a tip. Somebody knows the nutter.
Most homemade devices are relatively inefficient in that residue from a couple sources will give investigators a good lead.
Forensic physics also help determine the nature of the bomb itself. It’s probable by now that if the perpetrator is building similar devices that a fair amount is known about the provenance, and a relatively good idea of the sophistication of the bomb maker.
Looks like they’re poring through the surveillance video as we speak
The explosions almost never destroy everything. Plus he shipped a couple of the bombs so that should give the cops some good leads, even if he/she was in disguise.
My Mom lives in the area. People in her retirement community are nervous.
I bet they are. that’s messed up.
It’s traceable. A subsidiary of a company formerly known as Motorola has a device the size of your fist that can detect explosives residue at 2 ppm in 10 seconds.
This isn’t a professional job. I guarantee you that this is going to be some fireworks or other home-brew bullshit.
And if they don’t get the right guy?
I meant it more in the context of suicide by cop, not in the skip due process context.
I’m not caught up on this. How many people has he killed?
He blew up FedEx. My money is on the guy working for USPS.
*too soon?
Maybe he is just woke to the children’s blood on their hands.
From the Parkland massacre, is what I’m saying. Hello, is this thing on?
At the very least, he knows about the USPS mail cover program. They’ll still know the address if the package is blown into 10,000 pieces.
I think 2 dead and 4 or 5 injured. 6 explosions and 2 non-exploded bombs found so far. The 6th explosion may or may not be him.
It looks like the bomber has been “caught”, he blew himself up when police approached. They don’t know if all the bombs have been found. No name yet.
Hope we hear from HaH soon. Much fun.
Holy shit
“The headline doesn’t even capture all of the craziness today involving women Trump allegedly either slept with or assaulted.”
The headline doesn’t even capture all of the craziness today involving children Allahpundit allegedly either gave piggy back rides to or raped.
See, that was fun.
This might be fun to go to. Unfortunately I think my wife volunteered me to put together furniture for her mom that day.
“I went to College”, now i can write SJW Madlib pieces about anything
Had the patience to skim through that business about the avatar. Would be funny if the author actually looked like Brooklyn Decker.
diego, I elaborated, somewhat^
I think you wrote this before I replied myself.
Hey, Anacreon? What’s the DSM-V diagnosis for someone who looks at something fun and thinks that it needs ham-fisted didactic browbeating about the person’s pet cause?
Terminal cuntiness?
This Count Dakula guy is alright
But YouTube have taken his channel down.
The dystopian future has arrived. The great digital purge has begun. We are the Remnant
*annnnd scene*
Not from here. If they, an American headquartered and hosted tech company, ever dared to do such a thing, to bend such a global knee to the UK Crown, I would hope there would be worldwide pitchforks the like of which no firm has ever seen.
Yeah, I still see it. America- fuck yeah. That’s why we blow those fire works on the 4th of July
In 7 states out of 50, plus select Indian reservations.
Off the top of your head- which select Indian reservations? I got my favorites
I’m in SoCal. Closest one for the good stuff is Moapa, which is on the other side of Vegas.
Sometimes it’s easier to make your own…. but I went too far recently.
Your own Indian reservation? I bet there is such a loophole, like that slice of land next to Yellowstone where you are beyond the reach of the law for technical reasons.
By the way, I like how everyone in the press refers to it as a “zone of death,” reflecting their visceral view of life in an area beyond state jurisdiction, when in fact many “lawless” places like that in modern times, like the gap between the Berlin Wall and the border, have been anything but.
We are the Bestess at Blowing Shit up, the USSR had Tsar Bomba, but how many people did it Kill? Our tiny bombs did better….
VPN via Slovakia and Romania has his site gone. There’s lots of republished stuff via other content providers.
Just resetting to direct connect via Uncle Sam to see what I find.
Technically if Count Dankula’s YouTube channel is up in the US, but not in the UK, I guess we win the argument about the righteousness of that whole independence stuff.
Looks like it is accessible, but if you type “Count Dankula” into the search bar, his channel isn’t included in the links. If you find one that is one of his, and click the link to his channel, the channel comes up.
Snap into a Slim jim!
RS was my Favorite, well him and Rick Flair….
My daughter and I have this inside joke we do. We’ll be in a restaurant, for example, and I’ll tell her to eat her veggies. She’ll say, “No” and I’ll say, “I’ll punch you in the face if you don’t!” as I roll up a fist. Or, I’ll ask her if she wants beer or whiskey when the waitress comes over. “Nah, I’m still hungover from last night.” She’s nine. Some people find the jokes inappropriate (my wife), but most get them. This Dankula thing pisses me off to no end because I get exactly what he was doing with the video. Fuck that court with a Nazi Pug.
You and the CPS staffers are probably sending each other Christmas cards by this point, if your locality is anything like what the rest of ’10s America seems to be.
Good luck to CPS. They’d have to take a 16 hour flight and get an extradition order.
It’s Japantown, he can make a lucrative business out of selling his daughters panties.
Oooh, a new joke idea. Hmmm, yeah, even I’m not going there.
Just send us random pictures of Japanese girls and we’ll never know the difference, we’re all racist, dontchaknow.
Oh, it’s Japan. Yeah they do not do P.C. Though they also don’t do much in the way of liberty. They must be the only people in world history whose government commanded them not to smoke weed, and they actually obeyed.
How is Abe doing btw? Talk about a roller coaster of fortune! I fear he and his cabal is pretty much the best Japan can come up with right now. Whatever happens, I’m just relieved that the Democratic Party is pretty much dead, and Koike–the most untrustworthy, unprincipled, opportunistic phony in all of Japan–has pretty much had her moment of hype collapse as well. (Good God let that be permanent.)
My last 2 pounds of deer meat. I has a sadz. I Ned to kill more deer.
Delicious! How are the deer and elk organ meats? Tasty like calf’s or only for the strong like beef?
Also, does wild deer and elk taste any different from the farm deer and elk this city boy eats in restaurants, or orders sent to me?
I do not process the organs, so I couldn’t tell you what they taste like
The deer burger by itself is pretty dry. In the fall I usually slaughter a hog. I will freeze some of the fat off the hog to mix with the deer meat when I grind it. A hog will always have more fat than you need. A deer is so lean that it benefits from the hog fat when ground into burger.
I don’t know about elk. I have never had any. I would imagine that it is similiar to deer though. It probably extremely lean and would need some fat added to it to achieve beat results.
I think depending on where you live. In Indiana, the deer is pretty juicy stuff, corn fed you know. Probably different than deer eating pine needles.
Arkansas deer eat acorns. Your point stands though.
I’m not sure what they’re eating here, probably your favorite shrubbery. But they look pretty healthy. You can almost walk right up and touch them, they seem to be totally unafraid of humans, almost. This is what happens when cities ban you from shooting vermin.
The deer here eat all my apples, third generation to be doing so; meh I’m no health nut, they can have the apples.
Hog fat? That seems like it would impart the wrong flavors, beef tallow or butter seem better for working with venison.
If it is rendered hog lard has very little porky taste to it.
The only venison I’ve ever really liked was a spicy sausage my f-i-l made that was about 70% venison and 30% pork.
Season 6, episode 23, DS9, enjoy!
The high point in Trek history, some say even besting that one where Janeway and Paris achieved presence at every point of time and space, turned into alligator newts, and fucked each other.
And now we know how Mr. Lizard came into being.
I feel like I didn’t miss anything after pretty much dropping out of Voyager after the pilot episode.
The woman that made Barrack Obama president
If Jeri Ryan’s divorce records to Jack Ryan had not been revealed president Obama would have never become a US senator
Instead we’d have had President H. Clinton. Not sure which would have been worse.
“Instead we’d have had President H. Clinton. Not sure which would have been worse.”
There isn’t anything worse than that.
I think the “deplorables” would have galvanized against her faster than against Barry and maybe we could have staved off some of the bullshit. Maybe even had only 4 years instead of 8.
And maybe she would have sold the whole damn country to the Russians. I dunno.
Speaking of which, the 2008 General is the only presidential election in my life, other than my 2016 primary vote for Sanders, that I don’t regret. I’d still vote Chocolate Jesus. I should poll Glibs about the topic.
If Hillary won in ’08, no Obamacare (she wasn’t going to touch that again) and most of the domestic programs. But, a fuck ton more war
Obamacare, chocolate jeebus? Is that the same piece of shit you are referring to?
Diego has to be trolling. That’s some fucked up shit to be proud of.
I’m not proud of it, you dolts! (I wasn’t old enough to vote for Coolidge, so I missed the opportunity to actually be proud of any candidate.) I fucking loathe Obama! Do you people remember the deranged maniac he was running against?
I should poll Glibs about the topic.
I don’t think a poll is necessary for this one. It’s not gonna pan well. I can kinda understand trying to primary Hill-dawg in ’16 for the chaos factor, but what the hell does a vote for round 2 of LBJ and Nixon’s love child have to do with libertarianism?
round 1*
Is there anyone left to catbutt Diego?
I honestly think that if John McCain had been elected president, we would be at war with Russia. And yes, World War III is even worse than Obamacare. (And even worse than the Bush wars Obama extended.) You may find this prognosis faulty, but I don’t see how you could see it as ridiculous enough to think I must be joking.
Do you people remember the deranged maniac he was running against?
John “Won’t nominate 2 progs to the SCOTUS, won’t fundamentally screw up healthcare, won’t weaponize the department of education, but is essentially a wash on all other issues” McCain?
I remember holding my nose and casting my ballot for him and Palin because I didn’t want Hope nor Change.
McCain’s Russian Tumor would have saved us! Now it has doomed us all!
McCain was worse than Obama in ’08. Agreed. I wrote in Ron Paul.
Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare.
What the fuck does premium beer, hot chicks, and Star Trek have to do with libertarianism? It’s not like this place is a fucking think tank seminar. I would be polling how people voted (or would have voted) between John fucking McCain and Barack fucking Obama. Neither has anything remotely to do with libertarianism. I was just curious how people voted in a presidential election!
trashy I agree that is pretty much the case for McCain. The case against him is that would have gone to war with Russia. I think it’s probable that all of our votes here hinge upon our assessment of the relative likelihood of the latter scenario. Mine was not optimistic.
I put a gun in my mouth after voting for McCain, if I’d pulled the lever for Barry I would have pulled the trigger. I had some mental issues then.
What the fuck does premium beer, hot chicks, and Star Trek have to do with libertarianism? It’s not like this place is a fucking think tank seminar.
You’re conflating irrelevancy with incompatibility. Talking about beer, women, and sci-fi has nothing to do with libertarianism. Voting for a statist technocrat whose first instinct was to go Nixonian and whose second instinct was to go Wilsonian is incompatible with libertarianism.
The case against him is that would have gone to war with Russia.
Fair enough. Russia was and is still a nuclear power. In my opinion (at the time and today), even John McCain isn’t dumb enough to start a direct war with a nation that has tens of thousands of nukes pointed at us.
I think today McCain may be that far gone, but then I don’t think he was. We may have bombed Iran though; but instead we gave them crates of money, neither is good policy.
I think looking back on the 2008 election in hindsight is obscuring the situation. At the time, with the knowledge available at the time, McCain was the worse candidate because of his absolutely horrible foreign policy prescriptions. That’s still what makes McCain horrible. The guy needs pictures of dead Iraqis to get a hard on
I can see the case for that. I do not buy it, given his expressed sentiments on e.g. Ukraine and Georgia. This is coming, by the way, from a firm friend of those two countries against Russia and a former out-and-out hawk who was incredibly alarmed even at the time.
I “conflated irrelevancy with incompatibility” initially because your language about “having to do with” suggests the subject of “relevance” on its most natural reading. If the issue is compatibility, I can understand that folks here have a wide variety of moral attitudes toward the act of voting. It’s something that leads to all kinds of fun discord among otherwise agreeing libertarians every four years, but ultimately doesn’t tie very well into any other aspect of our ideologies (not even our attitude toward pragmatic alliances).
To me, a socialist authoritarian is a better election outcome than an authoritarian who will get us into war with Russia. (And that is indeed what I believe we were working with.) And I place little emphasis on the importance of voting anyway, and certainly believe voting for the superior prognosis among the two major parties is always morally permissible no matter how bad that better option is.
I will never, ever, EVER vote for a Democrat. If the Republican is too disgusting to vote for, and there are no acceptable independents/fringe candidates, then I simply won’t vote.
“I will never, ever, EVER vote for a Democrat.”
You may as well vote for a Stalin or Mao.
Also understandable. In general I assume like all thoughtful people with ideological principles, and in accordance with a long and distinguished history of American liberalism going back to the early 19th century abolition movements, most of us have essentially no inherent party loyalty and view them as just vehicles of convenience. (That is certainly how I view my own: the Democratic Party.)
Today, however, the parties have become sufficiently polarized that, in practice, there are pretty much no Democrats who are less of a threat to liberty than Republicans. And in legislative elections, of course, party affiliation itself assumes an inherent importance through likely caucus membership. A firm alliance with the Right is the clear mandate of all liberals, in my opinion, at this point and even in retrospect during the Bush wars. (This is probably a good wedge issue between us and the Reasonoids, broadly speaking.) The Left, from the wing to the “center,” (and today that means the Democrats) must be kept off the levers of power at all costs everywhere they are, because they will destroy this country and everything it stands for. This has been true for a long time, even if it has taken me until it got this obvious for me to see it.
Well, if that’s your kind of thing. A-hem!
I started watching Voyager last year. I know why I didn’t watch it at the time, and it’s still kind of meh. I didn’t even get to the Jerri Ryan eps yet. That is one regret looking back; I was 12 or so when we went to Trek con and Jerri Ryan was there, and I was all ‘I don’t care about Voyager’ Looking back, I coulda seduced her, that’s how time travel works or something.
Can you seduce her into fucking her husband already, so we don’t get Obama?
Oh, Say’n already picked that low-hanging fruit, damn him.
I don’t think it was the fucking she was apposed to, he seemed to be into more kinks than a garden hose.
Was this before or after he killed a bunch of people in Rainbow Six?
I couldn’t finish Rainbow Six, it was a first person shooter and those make me nauseous.
“You’re an actress that doesn’t like going to swinger clubs?”
That’s an honest mistake
Meh, I’m bored. When does World War Kim start?
About 2 minutes before it ends, badly for the Norks.
When Putin gives the word
I’m done with the healthcare system here. We’re going concierge. Fuck it, paying more for something is better than paying less for nothing. This is the way socialism works, folks, if you can afford it, you get to escape at least part of the consequences, if you can’t afford it, you get fucked. Feature, not bug.
The doctors who go concierge get to escape the consequences too.
I have a doctor who’s so good that I won’t even tell you his name. I pay almost 2k a month for family health insurance that covers things we won’t ever need, and I get a concierge doc for 1600 a year? Sign me up.
I mentioned earlier that I got the flu really bad after the new year. 2 strains, in fact. I call his cell, he knows what it is immediately. While we’re still on the phone, I get a text from CVS that my prescription is ready.
Try getting that from the Obamacare DMV.
Today was the last straw for us. Wife had a doctor she liked. Ice storm and accident on the highway happened on way to her appointment. She called and told them she would be 30 minutes late. They told her she would have to reschedule. For June. I told her tell them to get fucked. Tomorrow, we sign up for one of the local concierge doctors, about one mile from here. $1650 a year, done.
I pay about 800 a month for health insurance. Fuck Obama for forcing this bullshit system on me. I know that a lot less than you playa, but it still pisses me off.
If I could keep that 800 a month, and the other 1000 or so a month I pay in SS and several hundred I pay in medicare tax, I’d be so fucking rich that medical and retirement costs wouldn’t be a problem. Fucking socialists have put me in a system where I work my ass off to pay them to redistribute my earnings. I fucking hate governemnt.
But some other stupid fuck might still be poor at 65, and it’s all your fault!
Have 2 more kids, and your bill will go up.
I’m paying about $1200 a month for coverage in 2 countries. In one of them, which isn’t this one, that includes almost everything. Here, it gets me stuff after around a $2500 deductible. I’ll mention that in the other country, that is private healthcare insurance, because the public version, lolloloolool, yeah, that’s right, it’s a fucking joke, which my wife gets the privilege of paying for anyway, but the private care is really good. So now, I’m getting ready to pay $1650 per each of us to get private care here, which we call concierge, because the ACA has reduced regular healthcare here, despite what you pay for it, to 3rd world level socialized medicine, without the free shit part.
I’ve stopped looking at my pay stubs because it’s so damn depressing. I could’ve paid off my wife’s car over the past 12 months and still given the government enough to pay for ROADZZZZ and other basic federal and state services. Sure, there may not have been grant money available for top researchers to study the masturbatory habits of the water weasel, but the essentials would be covered.
In the end, though, we can never truly measure the impact. It’s baked into every price we pay, every decision we make, and every penny we earn. How much cheaper would cars be right now if not for Cash4Klunkerzz and CAFE? How much cheaper would college be if SallieMae wasn’t writing the check? How much cheaper would your products be when they aren’t regulated by 15 different federal agencies?
Fuck off slavers!!
Dude, did you see your crumbs?
I got some pretty nice crumbs, both from the reduced withholding and from my company’s reaction to the tax cuts.
Then stop complaining. What do you think Democrats would have done for you? A colonoscopy of tax increases? And be thankful if you have roads that are even driveable for your arse rapings. Wife and I got nearly $9000 of crumbs. Probably voting for Trumputin if he can stop talking about killing drug dealers. I mean I’m assuming he means pharm company CEO’s and I just cannot get with that program.
Wait what? Is this a thing everywhere?
What is everywhere?
in or to all places.
“I’ve looked everywhere”
all places or directions.
“everywhere was in darkness”
It’s pouring down rain out now. And freezing. So now, instead of all this snow we’ve been promised, there’s a 2″ thick sheet of ice on my patio table that couldn’t be removed with a jackhammer, lol. Fluffy, pretty, ice.
My car was frozen two inches deep in ice today. Yay spring?
Pretty heavy snow here. Weather forecast totally missed it.
We’re supposed to get 5-10″ of snow. I still have yet to see any snow, only sleet and freezing rain. Last year, we had our houseplants outside the first week of March.
Now it’s freezing rain. Goddamn, I don’t want to go outside.
Still the same here.
Fucking snowing here.
Work sucks.
Oregon trying to ban my guns. We’ll see if I stay a resident.
Straff, I apologize in advance if I get too drunk.
ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, we have a Glibs hookup! Buttsex and weed, is one of you messican?
No to all of the above.
Understandable, you’re too drunk to aim for the asshole, and we know Straiff isn’t the pitcher, so HJs and alcohol without messicans, not sure how that rates on the libertarian scale, but it works ok on the Glibs scale.
Not enough tentacles. This is Japan.
I’ll record it and post it. Maybe I can train you to do a Nazi salute.
Well, that would solve the work problem.
Wait, is it John Teetor or John Tietor? Time travel is confusing, on John Titor can answer this.
Wait, are you saying that JT went somewhere? Wasn’t here here just yesterday?
Listening to people describe their experiences while on DMT or LSD is like voting for John McCain.
My Gun Owners of America card came today.
I was going to sign up for the NRA but I’ve been back and forth on them. GOA seems to be more focused.
Which one hates children more? That would be my deciding factor.
Do not fuck with the ROA, robot grabbers. You have been warned.
Here’s some fun Malthusian/Gaia worshipping fever dreams from the Grauniad. We’ve got to find a way to depopulate half of the earth’s surface by forcing people to cram into cities!
YES! Everyone who disagrees with me, sell me your land! Mad Max land to come.
I’d just suggest that the luddites jump off a bridge. I mean, they said they want to, right?
Or just walk under one that they designed.
We laugh at the “derps,” but keep an eye on them. They are fast settling into an “animal rights” type strategy, with PeTA as the group willing to look like lunatics for a period and HSUS/ASCPA ultimately won over to a compromised version of their ideology, pushing it in watered down form little by little into the mainstream, even the “center,” and closing the Overton Window behind them. Derps of all kinds = PeTA; Democratic Party / mainstream prog orgs = HSUS/ASCPA
I just listened to some butt-plug guy from Duke on the C.B.C. trying to tell me that we could prevent 158 MILLION DEATHS by the year 2200 by abiding by the Paris Accord. My trusty convince-o-metre remained static.
I finally found a (willing victim) Friend to go to Slab City with me, this weekend, doing as much research as possible, even with Silver Kia it’s going to take a tank and a half to get there and back, about like a River trip. There will also be some Dystopian Salton Sea photos, since we are going past for a while, I haven’t done a Road trip in ages, it should be fun with a friend!
I’ve never even heard of that until now! Looks cool!
And we’re goin’ to Slab City, ’cause it’s two to one
You know we’re goin’ to Slab City, gonna have some fun
You know we’re goin’ to Slab City, ’cause it’s two to one
You know we’re goin’ to Slab City, gonna have some fun, now
Two girls for every boy! (Jesus, who are we kidding? Be lucky to find 0.2, I’ll bet.)
Agreed, thank God I’m married and not looking for Ass sex, the place is Libertopia, and they have ROADZ!
Be safe, Friend. We don’t need another HVAC going missing in the desert! (He Vacationed And Caffed)
Hot Voluptuous Agressively Curvy?
The Streets of Libertopia,
I Feel a disturbance in the Swartz, like Hundreds of Glibs have passed out, or found something worthwhile to do….
My work just kicked me square in the balls, so I’m drinking earlier than planned (usually on the weekends, maybe once a month).
Some of us have to sleep Yusef. I find it very worthwhile.
I can sleep when I’m dead and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
Between Count Dankula and Charlie Legarde…individual liberty is well and truly dead in the UK – unless you’re a returning ISIS fighter or child rapist.
At this point, everyone should just identify as a Pakistani Muslim man.
It’s shameful isn’t it?
Early morning link. Sounds like they got the Austin Bomber.
Too bad couldn’t get him alive, but at least it’s over. I hope any Glibs’ elderly or other vulnerable relatives in Harris County made it through the very stressful period OK.
It is not really over, they don’t know what the asshole was up to for the past 24 hours. As to taking him alive, other than maybe figuring out why he was doing what he was doing, whatever. The world is a better place with this fucker dead.
Excellent point! It’s been so long, thank God, since we’ve had to deal with a professional-quality serial bomber that I had a brainfart contemplating his M.O. Yet another reason it’s too bad he wasn’t taken alive.
It’s funny you should say that, because I was actually thinking that authorities should strike a tone of a bit more humility and failure when the suspect is killed. Trump: “AUSTIN BOMBING SUSPECT IS DEAD. Great job by law enforcement and all concerned!” A bit Dutartist for my taste, but certainly not out of the ordinary in that respect for authorities. Congratulations of sort in order, but measured. I kind of liked how it was a sort of national tragedy when the Icelandic cops killed a suspect for the first time in many many decades. They’re a very different society, of course, but still an endearing quality for one to have.
And they are not sure he was the sole bomber.
Well I hope he blew his own balls off at the very least. Christ, what an asshole!
This serial bomber never came forth with any “message.” I’m praying he didn’t have one. That’s the last thing our country needs to deal with right now.
Christ! Newest to oldest or oldest to newest, the comments there are a cesspool. They make us all seem positively high brow.
Anyway, glad to see that come to an end.
Ewww. Some of the worst shit I’ve seen outside of YouTube, where at least they have the excuse that they’re all under 12.
He was an Antifa commie/He was a Trump supporter repeated hundreds of times?
Pretty much. And don’t forget evil Muslim. I guess they were so shitty that the site deleted and disabled the comment section altogether. Or I’m just having a technical glitch.
Huh….technical glitch it is.
It’s interesting to me how people jump to firm conclusions regarding someone’s motivations based on no evidence whatsoever. It’s like a bunch of people needling each other over a college football game or something.
You’re only saying that because your NCAA bracket is shit.
I’m not overly surprised to be honest. I understand people are emotional at the moment and are either just blowing off steam or intentionally trolling just to be shitheads. But sadly, I also think many of us are nothing more than hateful partisan hacks.
That sounds like the phon/antiphon of the chorus in the grand opera that will one day be written about late-’10s America.
This is why. https://youtu.be/MM4lJKfu5Mg
Good one, I prefer this one though…
“Go and watch her and she capers and prances!” One of the best Bugs, bar none!
Nonsense. That film was written as a depiction of the relationship between Rand Paul and Rene Boucher.
…Speaking of which, why did that opera asshole not simply close the door to his house if Bugs was making such an intolerable racket? See, this is how these people operate.
Golly. Will people let the politics go for one second. I think we can all agree that he was a bad person and be glad it has stopped.
Hate to say it but I’m afraid some people in our society actually get off on this sort of thing and hoped to see more if their ‘enemies” were the ones being hurt the most. I’m feeling a bit misanthropic this morning.
Ya, tell that to NPR. You can hear the hope in their voices that the asshole was a white racist. He may have been, but I have a hard time believing he wasn’t on their radar if he was. They watch those guys pretty closely. Who knows they may have been watching him. The FBI doesn’t have a great track record with that.
I know ya’ll don’t give a fuck but I’m drunk and I just got told I’m in the bottom third of my peers across the whole fucking enterprise. I work my ass off. It was a goddamn shock to hear that shit and I can’t figure it out. My fucking boss with 20+ years of experience can’t figure that shit out. So fuck it all, drink more beer. Goddamn politics or some shit. If anyone wants to message me or something let me know cause I don’t know what the fuck happened.
Jesus! What is your racket, deformed bourgeois horsie friend?
I love that my avatar gets such names. I really do.
Military. I already say too much over places, so that’s it. I need more beer. Fuck.