Q. No strings:I am a struggling college student up to my ears in loans and am estranged from my family. (I am gay and an atheist; they are deeply Catholic.) I have roomed with “Natalie” since freshman year. Natalie has many mental issues. She is school-brilliant, but socially not so much. I spent a lot of my first two years with her, pulling her out of the dorm and into socializing. She has a private therapist and is doing much better, but she still relies on me for a lot. She will not go out if I am not there, and has refused invitations to events if I am not invited. I was thinking of dropping out of school to work when Natalie’s parents approached me. They told me I was the best thing to happen to their daughter, and they were willing to fund my education if I stayed and “continued to be her friend.” They also don’t want Natalie to know.
I am very, very tempted to take the money. Natalie comes from serious, old-world money—like yearly vacations to the family home in the Alps kind of money. I also know it will kill Natalie to think her parents bought a friend for her. What should I do?

Q. Friend hacked into my Facebook:My ex-friend is an alcoholic and I believe she has borderline personality disorder. She went to jail a year ago for arson and resisting arrest, and has since had police at her house twice. After her time in jail, I picked her up and let her stay with me. I tried to be a supportive friend for eleven months, and she just continued to be a manipulative bully. I stopped speaking to her, so she hacked into my Facebook and read all my personal messages.
I will never speak to her again, but I am so angry I am having trouble getting over it. Any suggestions?

Shooter at school shot dead. Sounds like he had one specific target who he critically injured. One other student injured not sure how.
Sounds like he was stopped after only wounding two when he was engaged by a good guy with a gun.
that or the SRO hit another student in the fight. It’s hard to tell they way it’s written. that would clearly be a tragic accident.
We’ll see. I’m glad they look like they’re all fine.
…who will be fired for failing to observe departmental policy, “Hide out behind your cruiser until the shooter gets bored and wanders off.”
Did this good guy have a badge too? Please say no. But thank God the damage was minimal either way!
Yes. He was an SRO.
Well, whaddya know – if the good guy with a gun isn’t a coward, he can stop a shooting. No way!
Everyone considered him the coward of Broward County.
Probably about a month late on that one around here.
It must be that super duper LEO training that turns rapidly fattening former childhood bullies who never picked up a firearm before and barely practice over the course of their careers into sleek, brutally efficient special ops equivalents. Not just any fool with a gun can do it, you know.
+1 Proper firearms training
-1 NRA firearms training
I’ve never taken NRA firearms training – I got mine in the Marines. What do they do?
There are a number of courses they offer. The best-known is the “Basics of Pistol Shooting” which really aims to ensure that you don’t shoot yourself in the dick, that you’re safe at the range, that you understand the different kinds of actions and ‘routine stuff’ like the 4 rules, selecting ammo, etc.
Most states that require that CCW holders attend a course, will have that course as one of the recommended (and sometimes the only) acceptable course.
I was going along with the sarcasm of Diego’s comment. When ever firearms training comes up with progs, the NRA training is never mentioned as a viable option. I’ve never been through it, but it’s very good from what I understand.
Notables omissions on the “Basics of Pistol Shooting” are the absolute absence of any training with holsters, and ‘shoot/no-shoot’ discussions.
There is a basic competency test which requires modest ability to put 4 sets of 5 rounds into 4 inch circles at 15ft.
Those are rather large omissions. So it’s much more a firearms safety class than a firearms training class?
I suspect the basics class is meant to cover the basics, for people who might not intend to carry or shoot somebody?
The course(s) is/are quite good.
The quality of training materials is high, and the NRA Training groups police the quality control quite well. The actual training an individual will receive is somewhat dependent on the trainer, of course, but anyone who passes will have demonstrated that he/she is not a hazard to other students in a controlled (=range) environment. The NRA are pretty up-front with stating that that is the objective of the course.
If you, like me, think that some modest level of standardized education is valuable when learning to handle a piece of potentially deadly machinery, that NRA course is worth considering.
It’s the only aspect of the NRA that I consider to be valuable to shooters, actually.
Into Advertizing Mode: The NRA actually provide basic, intermediate and advanced training in handgun, shotgun and long gun disciplines, as well as ‘in home’ and ‘in public’ defensive techniques, but they’re pretty milquetoast and are (in my opinion) more to make the attendees feel confident than to make them competent.
Typically, trainers who are NRA certified have their own syllabi for subsequent courses, with varying emphases such as “I’m Military a military wannabe”, “house-clearing for when civil unrest unfolds”, “surviving the firs zombie onslaught” and my personal favorite “retreat to a room in your home and shoot anyone who comes thru’ the door”, and these are emphatically NOT NRA-endorsed courses, although you see that claimed/inferred far more frequently than I’d like to see.
Most experienced and competent NRA instructors have some subject knowledge on defensive carry, state regulations and so-forth. Variables precude the ability for the NRA to craft a national curriculum that will have sufficient coverage (or be of interest) to an audience.
The course I attended on Sunday was part of about 8 hours training. 4 Hours will be NRA-ish material concerning public carry, the other 4 hours will be Connecticut law and some practical one-on-one that deals with carry options. I still (probably) won’t be carrying, but the whole subject can get pretty complicated.
Put here, but really addressing DiegoF’s comment about super-duper LEOs.
The course I attended on Sunday was by a retired police training officer who ensured his lecture wasn’t being recorded. Some of what he said shocked some of the attendees, but us Glibs typically know better.
In the case of CT, most cops are not gun people. Most cops don’t know the state laws, and have been challenged a number of times over alleged open carry violations that weren’t violations.
Most cops fire less than 50 rounds a year, just at qualification. The range I shoot at permits local PDs to use the premises for officer requalification. It’s a reasonably good 50ft range, well lit, no excuses for fuckups. One police department isn’t allowed in there now – they requalified 8 officers, and when we inspected the range afterwards, there were at least 3 ground hits that gouged the concrete floor.
In CT, the selection of CPOs is usually based on seniority and competency on the job. That guy over there who is ostensibly there to save your kid? Chances are, he’s the least likely in the whole PD that is capable of doing so. Having said that, school duty can also ruin a perfectly good cop, because it’s boring, repetitive and safe. The obvious solution, cycling cops in and out is not without its problems either.
TL;DR – With few exceptions, cops are incompetent, government lackeys far more interested in their own safety than any oath they took to serve and protect. They are also poorly trained and can’t be counted on to do their job properly.
What kind of self-respecting Rapesquatch avoids his responsibilities to do links after his kitty died? I’m thinking that STEVE SMITH is all talk. He’s probably never assaulted a hiker in his life.
I believed in you, STEVE. Now I don’t believe in nothing no more.
Are you going to law school?
I will *not* abuse my God-like power to alter or disappear your post, to make it look as if I had the correct response first. I won’t do it.
But I’ll fantasize about doing it.
I’m going to law school!
Just Sayn’ wants actual proof that STEVE SMITH brutal rapist.
Sounds like he needs to experience it firsthand?
It does sound like a dare.
It was his bunny, Mr. Flopears. ZARDOZ lost his kitty, Mr. Whiskers.
It’s like he doesn’t even try.
This canon is getting complicated. How long until the first Glibs fan wiki makes its appearance?
Hmmmm. I wouldn’t know whether to be flattered, or afraid of a stalker.
Here’s a good starting point if you have the stomach for it.
qui huc intrasti omissa spe*
*I probably fucked up the translation
Who the Hell are You?
Fuck Off!
See, what did I tell you guys? Now we already have a name for it!
*narrows gaze*
STEVE, I have a splitting headache. How would you suggest I deal with it?
Hang out with STEVE for an hour. You’ll soon forget about your headache.
Were you hit on head with big rock?
God damnit, I wish I hadn’t posted that because now I really do have a headache, and nausea.
Hacked = I left myself logged in, a browser window open, and my computer on
Right? Seems likely that’s what happened. Drives me nuts when people say they were hacked when really they were just dunces about their own cyber security.
Yeah, the vast majority of cyber crimes are social engineering not “hacking” the network.
Isn’t social engineering a form of hacking? I’ve always seen it described as such. After all, “hacking” is not limited to a software term; by extension people “hack” all sorts of systems. (You can probably triple the circulation of your self-help book if you refer to your tips as “hacks” nowadays.) In this case you’re not hacking a piece of technology at all, but a system of social trust.
It’s more people “hacking” than anything. But people tend to use the term to mean something that it’s not. I think that was the point.
But I think that horse is out of the barn, isn’t it? “Hack” has been completely co-opted and now has a commonly used alternate meaning.
Well, Merriam-Webster hasn’t acknowledged that use of it yet. My guess is that it is just a matter of time.
“Maybe it will turn out that this is the point of Al Qaeda’s sword” is still, imho, the prizewinner for lame “I WUZ HACKED!” excuses.
“for the last few months I’ve been questioning if I might be a transgender man.”
Might try shaving your head, not wearing make-up, and wearing a strap on for a while before you fuck up your body. The penis is evil.
The question askers from both letters can switch friends and things will probably work out.
Sounds like the start of an ID episode.
Lesbian writes letter starting with “No Strings”.
“The Forgetinator”
I will never speak to her again, but I am so angry I am having trouble getting over it.
If only there was a way that you could have seen this coming ahead of time…
OT, but I’ve been offline for a few days. Pardon me if anyone has posted here about this already.
Speaking of school shootings, it sounds like a WalMart employee reporting a suspicious purchase may have prevented a massacre here in Ithaca.
Damn Asian Math students.
Even worse, the perp was from New Jersey!
Damn New Jersey Asian math students! Probably set up a sexcam on his depressed gay roommate too.
That guy would only be called Asian in the UK.
That’s a remarkably well-informed piece of reporting there – comparatively speaking. The NYT should pin that on a board as an example to all their staff.
Maybe the tides of derp are beginning to shift.
/wishful thinking
But the only common denominator for mass shooters is GUNZZ!!!!!11!!!
And WHITE MALES, let’s not forget.
The blue hair may be a ‘tell. And … Cornell ffs.
You’d think if he was paranoid he’d want to blend in, so they couldn’t find him so easily.
Yep. My wife and many of her friends went there, and the south entrance to campus is two blocks from my in-laws home, and the perps apartment is around the corner and less than an 1/8 mike away. Close to home, man.
Speaking from experience, 1/8 Mike is 9 inches.
Notes Mike S megalomania.
That doesn’t track – the Mikes I know are little guys, so 1/8 Mike is closer to 7.5 inches.
You need to start hanging out with a taller class of Mikes
Ithaca College is higher atop Cayuga’s waters.
‘At Friday’s arraignment in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, Schlather argued that the criminal complaint and Valgora’s affidavit should remain sealed because publicity surrounding the case would “create a media war” impeding Reynolds’ right to a fair trial down the road.
“We all know the political atmosphere out there,” Schlather said.’
Translation : He expressed Leftist SJW politicization he intended to act on. If he was a Right wing Nazi sympathizer and racist then we’d have no problem revealing it.

Edit fairy?
No, let’s leave it. It’ll drive UCS crazy.
Looks like the edit fairy was blessed herself.
Fuckin’ WalMart…
Wha? Is he the 19th of his name? Or just a typo?
Class of 2019, I think
His graduating class from Cornell, I believe. They did the same with his lawyer ’72.
Expected to graduate in Class of 2019.
Ah, thanks.
Christ, even Shikha is attacking the Southern Poverty Law Center. Nick Sarwark has the sadz. How can he accuse everyone of being a racist without trumped up bullshit peddled by the SPLC?
…but not before going through the list of transgressions committed by the people condemned by the SPLC.
“The Tenth Amendment Center is literally all about slavery or something”
Sarwark’s hot take probably
To be sure…
What does that even mean?
“I can’t refute Sommers with logic, so enjoy some word salad”
“Based Mom is not woke.”
Standard cosmo disclaimer a la Robby so that they continue to undermine their own arguments with distractions and get cocktail party invites.
At this point, should we still even be calling them cosmotarians and just leave them as “woketarians”?
At this point, they’re just SJWs who didn’t sleep through microeconomics. Do they deserve a “tarian” suffix as a participation trophy for that?
Oh Jesus Christ Almighty.
This is a serious question: Is Shikha supposed to be a libertarian? Because no magazines have rigid ideological purity tests; they often have contributors, even regular contributors, from outside their editorial stance. Reason, for example, has that dude from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. And it’s got Lenore Skenazy, a prog who’s on message more than most of their self-identified libertarians. And there’s Brendan O’Neill. And so on.
So is Shikha supposed to be one? This paternalist attitude toward the revealed preferences of women would seem to be rather obviously prohibitive. Not that it’s anywhere close to being the first prohibitive transgression of course!
Just remember, they dropped Judge Napolitano, but kept Shikha and Skenazy. I think that sums-up how ‘libertarian’ that publication has become
I have a feeling that Stossel even stopped reading Reason at this point
It seems that KMW is a legit Libertarian…maybe she just values social issues over other ones, so allows all other types of retardation as long as they are toeing the line on social issues? Not sure.
KMW is pretty good, even though she use to work for the Weekly Standard. My main gripe is that their foreign policy positions and articles now are utterly terrible.
What does that even mean?
It means any woman’s choice that isn’t sufficiently in tune with SJW orthodoxy is not to be legitimately recognized has her choice but the result of an imposition by the patriarchy. Fundamentally, its the sort of garbage that underlies the premise of “thick” libertarianism. The underlying premise is “Freedom is all well and good. But it’s only freedom when it’s the choices we approve of.”.
BTW, within that piece Shikha links another article she wrote for Time about how Indian Muslims aren’t jihadis. It includes this fun little passage:
Yes, life certainly is grand for the Copts in Egypt, isn’t it?
“I never read international news. Like at all. Not even a little bit.”
– Shikha
The dingbat only needs to have a basic understanding of the history of Lebanon to realize how utterly stupid her argument is
I mean, I’m hardly the most well-versed person on current events in the Arab world, and even I know that the Copts get massacred periodically, have their churches burned down, etc.
Hanging in there quite well indeed by Middle Eastern standards though. You have to give the people of Egypt that; they seem to be staying their hand in driving the actual Egyptians out of the place.
Doing better than the Chaldeans, definitely.
I still don’t understand what was so wrong about prioritizing Christian and Yazidi refugees who face genocide in the travel order. The Knights of Columbus have to set up separate refugee camps for Christian and Yazidi refugees because the get killed at the Red Crescent camps. It’s disgraceful that the West could give two shits about genocide if the victims are disliked by the Left
Absolutely nothing wrong, but hey, Muslims=good Christians=bad. Thus saith the Left.
They’re not terribly sure just who the Yazidis are, so they get lumped in with the Christians by default.
The travel ban was a bit silly, because it was based on an Obama-era list (for an exemption to expedited processing) identifying countries for which travel to as a foreign visitor was deemed suspicious–the kinds of people who would go there, not be from there, were of elevated chance to have been doing no good. Of course, it was never meant to do anything but provide a figleaf for declaring fulfilled his campaign promise for a “Muslim ban.” But it does seem perfectly reasonable to exempt religious refugees. I didn’t know anyone ever seriously suggested otherwise.
Perhaps a more interesting question is whether the government could institute a real Muslim ban if it really wanted to. It would have to be stopped, best as I can see, by the Establishment Clause. Perhaps the government could not decide to admit only Episcopaleans, for example. On the other hand, it would surely have an authority to consider some ideologies, in theory at least, unwise to import to this country. Would the courts set themselves up to scrutinize an international affairs policy, concocting “tests” for it and the like? It would seem so.
A Muslim ban would be illegal, from my interpretation of the ‘establishment clause’, but that is not what I am discussing. The travel ban didn’t just exempted certain refugees, it gave priority to Christians and Yazidis that are experiencing genocide. It’s the same logic that should have been applied during World War II if we had been moral and given priority to Jewish refugees from Europe.
Oh, of course yours is fine; that is precisely why I was not considering it “interesting”–i.e. it’s obvious.
I wanted to know, for instance, what sort of test (and again, a foreign affairs test is a very rare thing) Judge Say’n would put on a religious ban. Shouldn’t the government be allowed to keep out adherents of extremist jihadi ideologies? Or Mansonish doomsday cults? Surely simply being a religion should not bar entry discrimination on that basis.
I don’t know. That’s a very good question. I take the extremist position that the government should not ban immigration to the US based upon opinions or beliefs, but only actions. So, I suppose, if someone believes in an extremist interpretation of Islam, I don’t believe the government should be allowed to forbid them from immigrating. I think if we start banning people based upon ‘extremist beliefs’ that will inevitably be misused to forbid people with benign beliefs that the cultural elites have determined is now beyond the pale. For instance, religious adherents who don’t believe in gay marriage or abortion might be subjected to refusal of entry due to their ‘extremist’ beliefs by a thoroughly ‘woke’ federal government in the not too distant future.
I think refusing people entry into the country should only be based upon whether or not a thorough vetting can occur and whether an individual has committed crimes or is affiliated with a group that commits crimes.
I’m not sure, but you’ve offered an interesting wrinkle into the question of immigration.
I take the extremist position that the government should not ban immigration to the US based upon opinions or beliefs, but only actions.
Hmm. To pose an extreme example:
If someone is of the opinion that the US should be violently subjugated to the Thirteenth Imam to bring it into the House of Submission under a properly conservative version of sharia (full bags for the women, full beards for the men, or else), you’d be fine with them moving to the US as long as they hadn’t actually beheaded anybody yet?
What would count as being “affiliated” with a group that commits crimes? If someone follows a radical Islamonutter imam who is a vocal supporter of the head-choppers, would that count?
“What would count as being “affiliated” with a group that commits crimes?”
I think current standards mainly cover that. So, a group that has been implicated in violence to promote its ideas in the recent past. Affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, for example, which has most definitely used violence to further its beliefs (despite the Obama administration’s attempts to rehabilitate its image, much to the chagrin of Egypt) would be a disqualifying factor.
if the victims are disliked by the Left
At this point, it isn’t even disliked by the left, so much as convenient for them to throw under the bus.
Willfully ignorant
BTW, within that piece Shikha links another article she wrote for Time about how Indian Muslims aren’t jihadis.
That elides the pretty important fact that the radical Muslim Indians formed their own countries, which both have pretty terrible records on religious tolerance up unto this day. It also ignores that things aren’t hunky-dory in India proper, which sees occasional sporadic inter-religious violence due to long simmering hatreds that have their origins in the rather less than friendly ways some of the Muslim kings ruled over their Hindu subjects back in the day.
Jerry Brown just made the best campaign ad for Republicans ever:
So you and I will pay for Califonria’s $100 Billion hole.
Is there anything the Left loves as much as their choo-choos?
Oh, right, confiscating the earnings of others.
How can the Federal government even think about funding a link between Los Angeles and San Francisco when they have not even finished linking the Quad Cities, a project that is now nearly a quarter century old?
At first I thought “Hey, here’s someone who’s familiar with the Quad Cities” and then I pressed the link. Well done
Because its not about finishing anything. Its about funding things. Hell, finishing something means the funding stops, so why the hell would they ever want to finish anything?
Fuck you Jerry Brown.
So you and I will pay for Califonria’s $100 Billion hole.
He said Trillion: then we’ll get that trillion dollars and we’ll put America back to work. What are they going to do with the rest of the money once they built the train?
They aren’t building a train. They are spending money on building a train. These are two very different things.
Dear Zardoz,
I have a little that is graduating from college this fall with a degree in mechanical engineering. I have used my considerable influence to get him a management apprenticeship at the plant where I work. I know that nepotism is bad and this brother of mine is a straight white male who should stand aside and allow a person of minority status to have first crack at this position. He is taking the job anyway. I think that this is great and am proud of my little brother. How should I confront my latent racism and misogyny so that I can feel bad like I should?
The Hallmark movies & mysteries channel has been playing Psych reruns.
By God, sir…I think you have it!
I’ve missed the past few articles/threads but I caught a piece of the shit show on Fox News yesterday regarding this:
I’m not sure if it’s come up as I’ve been away, so I’m sorry if I’m beating a dead horse but Trump has been doing a good job in the last couple weeks of reminding me why I didn’t vote for him.
Shit, seems like most States can’t put murders to death even when that’s their sentence. This idea is just flat out retarded.
It’s also likely unconstitutional based on legal precedent. Pretty much only the death penalty can be used for murder now and not considered “excessive” punishment.
Donald thinks a law that passed into statute in 1994 (not under which administration) should be enforced.
Devil’s in the details, gentlemen (and ladies). Shit-heel idea that will go nowhere.
not? note.
“There’s nothing more conservative than allowing the state to execute people for minor infractions like distributing a product with high demand.”
They totally believe in smaller government
It’s nice to see Trump double down on the very worst policies to come out of the Reagan administration.
The man who coined the whole ‘conservative movement’, William F. Buckley, came to oppose the drug war beginning in the 90’s. This is just reflexive ‘law and order’ crap
Yep, to me it showcases Trump’s worst impulses. I mean, as fun as troll-president can be I still doubt he’s going to be a net-anything for liberty. Less-bad is the best we can do.
A small government conservative who holds political power is a very rare creature.
Ol’ Nick going with an abortion thread. Must need some clicks.
Nick abortion articles are less retarded than ENB abortion articles. At the very least, Nick accepts that there is an alternative viewpoint that is not motivated by fascism or some nonsense that ENB learned about from Vox.
One day, ENB will finally get the call from Vox or the Atlantic. It will be the most thrilling day of her life.
Considering that she’s been pimping Russia fever dreams recently, I think she’s interviewing at the Washington Post
Didn’t Reason have a pro-life female contributor not so long ago? What was her name?
Stephanie Slade and she’s given about as much column space as David Harsyani (remember him?)
Hey, when you have a line on a top-notch writer like Chapman something’s gotta be pushed aside.
I think they stopped publishing Harsanyi a while ago.
no, he had something up in the last few
Fair enough. I suppose I shouldn’t venture guesses when I only check out TOS maybe once a week or so these days.
I’m sure Hihn will be along at some point to thoroughly corpse fuck the comments. He can’t resist an abortion article. I’m a reluctantly pro-choice kind of guy and once found myself agreeing with Hihn about a point he made. When I expressed that he not only lambasted me for being pro-choice for all the wrong reasons but made the claim that he was more pro-life than the pro-lifers he so adamantly hates. It was truly a sight to behold. Kind of wish I bookmarked that thread. The crazy was extra strong that day.
When he’s off his meds he’s incapable of anything but attacking the goobers. As a dedicated Hihn observer it always fascinated me how he’d attack people trying to support (at least in-part) his arguments with impunity.
Hihn is an absolute nutter when it comes to abortion. I can have productive conversations with normal pro-choice libertarians, despite my honest belief that it’s a decentralized genocide. Hihn isn’t coherent enough to have a conversation with. He just froths at the mouth and shakes his fist in comment form.
Hihn is an absolute nutter
when it comes to abortion. I can have productive conversations with normal pro-choice libertarians, despite my honest belief that it’s a decentralized genocide. Hihn isn’t coherent enough to have a conversation with. He just froths at the mouth and shakes his fist in comment form.FIFY
Darn it, I meant to strike only through the second sentence…..you get the idea anyway
I think that what you actually submitted holds up pretty well.
‘I can have productive conversations with normal pro-choice libertarians, despite my honest belief that it’s a decentralized genocide.’
And I can respect your stance on that. To be honest I have a very hard time intellectually disputing that assertion. I guess if I had to explain my ‘reluctantly pro-choice’ view it is because I believe it would open up the possibility of having every miscarriage or still birth to being subject to a criminal investigation and would require an expansion of the powers of law enforcement at least at the local, if not also the state and federal level. I know there’s a logical fallacy or two somewhere in there given my attempt to follow the NAP and I’ve yet to make peace with my stance on the issue. I probably never will. That’s why this is as about as open as you’ll see me on the topic.
I guess if I had to explain my ‘reluctantly pro-choice’ view it is because I believe it would open up the possibility of having every miscarriage or still birth to being subject to a criminal investigation and would require an expansion of the powers of law enforcement at least at the local, if not also the state and federal level.
This is a fairly common libertarian pro-choice argument that I see put forth, and I can certainly sympahtize with the intrusion concerns, but my standard rebuttal is to point to another high-risk time of life and how even when such people are concentrated in a small space, their deaths don’t cause the police to have to do a drawn out investigation. Specifically, I’m referring to nursing homes. People die all the time in those places, and it’s not like nursing homes are crawling with cops asking intrusive questions about whether Gertrude was poisoned or died of natural causes. It’s assumed that, without some level of evidence to the contrary, old folks die of natural causes. Similarly, I would think that absent some evidence to the contrary, miscarriages could also be treated as natural. Obviously SLDs apply about government fucking up everything it touches, especially when in politically controversial realms like abortion.
Hihn is an
absolute nutter when it comes toabortion.I can have productive conversations with normal pro-choice libertarians, despite my honest belief that it’s a decentralized genocide.Hihn isn’t coherent enough to have a conversation with. He just froths at the mouth and shakes his fist in comment form.I believe she has borderline personality disorder. She went to jail a year ago for arson and resisting arrest
Naaaaah. She’s just a free spirit.
Something something FloridaWoman something something
Panic, dammit!
Climate observers and commentators have used various historical parallels to illustrate the scale of the task, including the Manhattan Project and the moon mission. But for Schrag, the analogy that really speaks to the dimensions and urgency of the problem is World War II, when the United States nationalized parts of the steel, coal, and railroad industries. The government forced automakers to halt car production in order to churn out airplanes, tanks, and jeeps.
The good news here is that if you direct an entire economy at a task, big things can happen fast. But how do you inspire a war mentality in peacetime, when the enemy is invisible and moving in slow motion?
“It’s a quantum leap from where we are today,” Schrag says.
The fact that the really devastating consequences of climate change won’t come for decades complicates the issue in important ways. Even for people who care about the problem in the abstract, it doesn’t rate high among their immediate concerns. As a consequence, they aren’t inclined to pay much, or change their lifestyle, to actually address it. In recent years, Americans were willing to increase their electricity bill by a median amount of only $5 a month even if that “solved,” not eased, global warming, down from $10 15 years earlier, according to a series of surveys by MIT and Harvard.
It’s conceivable that climate change will someday alter that mind-set as the mounting toll of wildfires, hurricanes, droughts, extinctions, and sea-level rise finally forces the world to grapple with the problem.
MIT Technology Review: we need to nationalize the economy and put it on a wartime footing, so we can direct every ounce of effort to completely remaking the power grid, or we’re all gonna die!
Sounds legit.
Because nothing, but nothing, characterizes a war-economy more than making careful and deliberate policy choices intended to minimize environmental harm.
Even if I accepted the worst case scenarios presented by climatastrophists, and accepted that drastic cuts in our quality of living could head off disaster or mitigate its effects, there’s nothing to recommend entrusting those efforts to government.
The fact that the really devastating consequences of climate change won’t come
for decadescomplicates the issue in important ways.It ain’t easy being green.
War Communism would stop climate change, eh? That’s a new one.
Well, war communism would create a massive collapse in economic activity, so there is that.
OT, stealing the Minnesoda beat:
The cop who killed Justine Damond has been arrested (turned self in). Apparent charges 3rd degree murder/2nd degree manslaughter.
At least that’s a charge that may stick. IMO they intentionally sought the maximum penalty in the Freddie Gray/Philandro Castile cases knowing they would never get convicted. Same thing for the female officer who shot the dude in Oklahoma.
*maximum charge not maximum penalty
You think that’s often to protect the defendant though? Rather harrowing gambit.
This should be the real social justice gripe about Trayvon Martin! Get folks out there saying the fix was in–the state wasn’t appeasing the braying bloodthirsty mob by grossly overcharging George Zimmerman beyond all fairness or possibility, sacrificing an at least more likely conviction of a much lesser offense; they were setting him the fucker up to walk for sure!
I really do think that. I think it’s collusion good old fashioned collusion between the prosecutors and the PD. Charge them with murder rather than manslaughter so the prosecution has to prove intent, which they know they can’t do, so the “kings man” (or woman) walks away with an acquittal and the little people see that the justice system ‘works.’
Both Hennepin and Ramsey Counties have a tendency to overcharge everything. I think it’s more about grandstanding and forcing a plea.
Speaking of Minnesoda, here’s some prime, pharmaceutical-grade derp
The butthurt from the racialists is amazing. The writer in question did a longer article on the “Dear Colleague” nonsense: No Thug Left Behind
A disaster.
Same thing happened here in Tucson. It turns out the only way to get your disciplinary data in line with racial equity is basically to stop having any discipline in schools.
We had teachers resigning, parents protesting, etc. as two or three schools basically turned into teen anarchy lord of the flies situations, with violence, drugs, etc. running rampant.
Man, I bet everyone who is publicly known to have killed someone gets 9 months to get their legal house in order before being charged.
Trashy’s Garbage advice:
Contestant #1: take the money and drop out. While you and your roommate appear to be complementary forms of crazy, one of you is gonna have a meltdown at some point and your sugar mommy and daddy are gonna cut you off. Get while the getting is good.
Contestant #2: You are the average of your 10 closest friends, and this idiot is still dragging you down. Delete your Facebook and find friends who you drag down, instead.
OT, but I wanted to let you know I enjoyed our discussion on Christianity this AM, and I wasn’t upset, just trying to understand where everyone was coming from.
I wasnt meaning to be as obnoxious as I came off, except to people who eat Ranch on pizza.
And UVA fans.
I dont care about being obnoxious towards the zima drinking french.
How uninspired…..I guess I’d be on cruise control with the insults too if Josh Pastner were running our program.
He is an improvement over the last 2 coaches.
It is UVA, I didnt care enough to be clever.
How is Pastner an improvement on Hewitt? He was no great shakes but he at least made a title game once. Lil’ Joshie isn’t ever going to make it that far.
My wife loves the chicken and ranch pizza, so I end up finding it tolerable, but in no way preferable.
“but I am so angry I am having trouble getting over it. Any suggestions?”
So…take the money. Its not like you were going to pay those loans anyway.
I got 42 problems, and one of the the Macadonians. – HRCYONE-HILLARY-CLINTON-BLAMED-FOR.html” title=”I got 42 problems, and one of the the Macadonians. – HRC” target=”_blank” >EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING HILLARY CLINTON HAS BLAMED FOR LOSING THE ELECTION – 42 AND COUNTING
I got 42 problems, and one of the the Macadonians. – HRC
What have the Macadamians ever done for us, eh?
Delicious nuts?
Well yeah, but apart from that, eh?
Did you have a stroke while you were posting this?
Fuck off slaver. I’ll interrupt blood flow to my brain if I want to and its none of your business if I do.
Is someone burning toast again?
You’re alright
This is superb. Somewhere Mike Hihn is seething with envy.
Hmm, Mexican Sharpshooter post appeared & disappeared.
Yes it did! I noticed it too. And just when I had posted a magnum opus resolving all the outstanding controversies withins libertarianism. All gone now to history, forever.
“I found the cure for cancer and now I’ve lost it”
Just like that time when I solved nuclear fusion well on a bender and when I woke up sober I had forgotten it.
You work at the University of Utah?
Here’s something nice for your Tuesday afternoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgfs8cZphx0
Nice and appropriate.
Well played.
If anyone was interested in some of the city development stuff I was talking about in the morning links, here is a good youtube video:
It is two years old, I recommend especially minutes 5-30 (the first 5 minutes are a discussion of Minnesota stadium construction).
They can pay for it with the revenues from electronic pull-tabs!
The 50-60 min mark is pretty good too.
The whole thing is good, actually, but some is more equal than others.
What is this hit them in the head with a rock crap? Not one piece of advice to rape anyone? STEVE is going soft.
I thought the rape was implied; after all, what else is there to do once you’ve knocked ’em out?