In honor of halfway week (we’re halfway through the first GlibFit challenge), I’m going to halfway write this article! Actually, I’ve been downtown at a conference the last 2 days, so I’m writing this Friday morning while my breakfast heats up and before baby trshmnstr wakes up.

This is a stunt double for baby trshmnstr, not actual baby trshmnstr
Did you know that getting some physical activity into your regular routine helps with more than just energy levels and endurance? There is evidence that it improves the quality of your sleep.
Some of that improvement may be because of stress reduction and the alleviation of anxiety.
As for me, I’ve been eating conference food the last couple days so I didn’t have much control over the carbs. However, it was mostly hors d’euvres and tapas, so I didn’t eat all that much. I got a bunch of walking in, but no specific physical activity. I’ll try to get out and walk with baby trshmnstr this weekend while Mrs. trshmnstr is marathon training.
Take in the mesmerizing mammaries and delightful derrieres of these pulchritudinous personages.
1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 18, 22, 32, 38, 41, 45 (lack of face made up for by lack of panties), 49.
De facto afternoon lynx.
And you just had to jump out of the gate OT, eh?
We all agreed a long time ago that Q’s pics are always on topic
People exercise. Women are people. Women have T&A.
You just had to drill down to see the on topic.
I agree.
Mellow vibes, dude.
Always with the negative vibes, Moriarity.
I know you know someone that has a negative vibe,
And if you’re tryin’ to make it they only push you aside.
They really don’t have nowhere to go,
Ask them where they’re going, they don’t know.
I’m in a pretty shitty mood. I’ll just take #1 and #2 and be done with it.
38, 2
I gotta go with 30. Not really my type, but great smile and the framing of her photo is great.
I could watch Hafþór pick it up and put it down all day.
That is much better.
I don’t even swing that way but I must admit he’s a pretty tasty side of beef.
He’s not even a legit weightlifting competitor right? He’s just insanely huge and strong?
Nah, he’s super legit.
Took 6th in the 2011 World’s Strongest Man–and 3rd in 2012, 2013, and 2015. Runner up in 2014, 2016, and 2017.
Also broke the Elephant Bar deadlift world record just about a week ago. I cannot even imagine picking up 1041 pounds.
*continues to stalk*
Squat – 440 kg (970 lb) raw
Bench press – 230 kg (507 lb) raw
Tire deadlift – 460 kg (1,014 lb) raw with wrist straps
Deadlift – 472 kg (1,041 lb) Elephant bar, raw with wrist straps (Arnold Classic 2018, World Record)
Log press – 206.5 kg (455 lb)
Log carry – [5 steps] 650 kg (1,433 lb)
Keg toss – 7.15 m (23 ft)
Keg toss – 7.15 m (23 ft)
I am glad that they have updated the sport to include modern manly pursuits. Logs are so 14th century.
his competitor’s (the Russian) nose faucet wasn’t half as much blood as the interwebz were claiming.
That is true! But it was more than none, so… OMG BUCKETS OF BLOOD SPRAYING JUST EVERYWHUR!!!1!two!
Exercise has many benefits. Our bodies were designed to move. Aside from the obvious cardiovascular benefits, weight training and, to less of an extent, cardio will raise your testosterone levels improving erectile function (in men) and sex in general. It increases your insulin sensitivity. It can stave off cognitive decline in old age. It can lift depression without drugs. It strengthens bones to ward off osteoporosis; especially important for women. If you wanna avoid osteoporosis, weight train starting in your 20s all the way through. By the time you actually have the disease, you can help a little but an ounce of prevention and all that. This is all in addition to the psychological benefits of setting goals and achieving them through hard work.
Bottom line: if you wanna maximize health and happiness, exercise is mandatory.
The more you know…
Exercise on topic: I picked up my 460V today. Lifting and shooting that thing is going to be some serious exercise.
It shoots through schools?
Danny Vermin, FTW!
3 Phase?
Just googled. Me want.
I never realized that Paul Kersey was one of (((them))).
This is what I was thinking about on the way back from the grocery store (pastrami and swiss, on dill rye, coming up!):
If the Ascended One had announced a face to face sitdown with Kim Jong Un, the usual suspects (you know, the ones currently shrieking in terror about Public Enemy Number One meeting with Kim) would be clamoring for him to be awarded a second Nobel Prize for Peace.
To be fair, also vice-versa.
aw Oscar the Grouch babies. I’m now sad I never posed my spawn when a baby in a trash can.
Meanwhile, today I am eating my nerves, since today is Decision Day for private high schools and AT SOME POINT today these schools are supposed to email yay/nay/maybe. Two chocolate easter eggs for lunch is probably not helping, but so many things (we’re moving closer to wherever the spawn is going, for one thing) are trailing this decision, it’ll be a relief when we just KNOW.
*refreshes email*
aw Oscar the Grouch babies.
That first baby totally broke character. FIRED!
That’s one. But it’s everyone except for the Catholic schools who do their own thing.
Jesse went to Chadwick, and he turned out OK. Allegedly.
Well, at least he didn’t turn into a prog, so there’s that. 🙂
I think that very much depends on who you ask.
Boy or girl?
I have good things to say about Loyola.
one of the boys we know will be going there, but my husband went to an all-boys school and was not a fan, so we didn’t apply there.
Because money grows on trees.
The leaf did suffer from a little inflationary difficulty.
I was trying to figure out why I feel fatter than ever, despite the emperical evidence suggesting this was not the case.
I gave up.
*taps out pipe fillings*
Before you lost weight, you had decided, subconsciously, to accept the status quo, ignoring the work you needed to do. Now that you have decided to improve yourself, you have aspirational goals and are comparing reality to possibility, giving you a sense of dissatisfaction for the currently improved you.
*repacts pipe*
That’ll be $125.
Pact with the Devil’s weed, eh?
If by devil weed you mean free base, then yes.
Also, I have no mental health training; if you take advice from me, that’s the litmus test for poor judgement.
Next you’ll tell me that you’re not a successful animal trainer and I’ve been fingering aggressive dogs’ assholes for the past 24 hours just for the fun of it.
How are those contusions on your legs doing, anyway?
The anal stimulation will calm them.
What did you learn? That’s right. Never trust me. Now, step into this happy fun time room.
*leads Jesse to stairwell with crudely draw happy fun time sign*
*follows Florida Man into dimly lit stairwell*
In this scenario I want my last words to be recorded as “But I’m not event pregnaaaaaaaaaaaaa *splat*”
Sorry FM, but that’s not even close. It took a long time of being disgusted with the status quo to finally get started with changing it.
Can I still have the money?
*stratches aggressively*
I just need one more hit and then I’m going to quit.
Gonna go gnaw someone’s face off?
Perhaps…but I’ll never tell.
*smiles coyly*
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today. You have objective evidence that you’re better than who you were yesterday. Keep that in the back of your mind and, most importantly, keep going! The results you really want will come.
If you figure it out, let me know.
I was 375 at highest weight. Been holding between 185 and 190 for like 18 months. Just the other day I felt kind of ginormous, so much so that I stepped on the scale to see if I had gained 5 pounds. Nope.
It’s also weird how in the mirror I look fat to myself, but when people show me pictures taken of me I look slim.
run run run
don’t forget good heart health! there’s a reason 600K+ die from heart disease annually.. you saturated fat high cholesterol keto paleo clogged-artery motherfuckers.
My total HDL and HDL/LDL ratio has skyrocketed since I went keto.
TG/HDL-C ratio is much more important. How’s that one?
Better. The only thing that went in the wrong direction was the total cholesterol, but my doc said that was ok because it was pretty much 100% due to the increase in HDL.
Then it sounds like you are good to go.
Keto is amazing. I’m not sure I’ll ever go back (except for occasional cheating).
The longest I ever went was 90 days. I am seriously debating a longer stint. I aways feel so damn good and my brain seems to work better, too.
If it wasn’t for beer…
It really is. It does take time to learn tricks and decent substitutes for carbs. I’m 2.5 years in and couldn’t be happier.
Dinner is gonna be a nice a salad with ranch dressing, a ribeye, and bourbon. Now that’s diet food.
I’ll chime in here. I’ve been doing keto for about 2 months. I’m down 20 lbs, and I’ve got more energy than I have in years. Mrs G. has dropped from a size 18 to a size 12 since New Year’s. We didn’t even have to give up pizza!!
Ugh. There goes today. SWMBO is recovering from some minor surgery, and just ordered pizza.
My total Cal for the day is about 400 so far, so I guess it won’t kill me.
Massive fat intake a few days before the test can square it away. I’ll see if I can find the information.
Doctors don’t seem to know dick about cholesterol, anyway.
Nasty tendonitis in my foot kept me out of the gym this week, but my eating has been really good. I’m down about 11 pounds but I’m more concerned with just getting leaner. To that end I’m at the last hole on a couple belts. Definitely working.
I picked up my 460V today. Lifting and shooting that thing is going to be some serious exercise.
The last time I shot a .357 magnum, my shoulder was sore for two days. I’d be crippled if I tried to shoot something like that, right now.
* I have been trying to get back into a routine to resurrect my pathetic broken down body.
The damn thing weighs ~5 lb and has a massive compensator on it. Reviews say it’s not a ton worse than a hot .357. Supposedly if you shoot .45 LC out of it, it’s like a 22.
I was trying to figure out why I feel fatter than ever, despite the emperical evidence suggesting this was not the case.
It’s just butterfly you straining against the constraints of the chrysalis.
Ramadan style fasting FTW
The explosive vests really slim you down as well.
I’ll try to get out and walk with baby trshmnstr this weekend while Mrs. trshmnstr is marathon training.
Find some stairs to climb.
No weigh in for you all today. But I did go to the gym last Sunday for the first time in years. Did a bunch of lifts with just the bar in order to check my form with someone else watching me. Did two or three squats and discovered my left knee was in incredible pain and much weaker than the right.
Long story short, no ligament damage, just rather bad tendinitis. Visited a physical therapist. He gave me a punch of things to that that would violate the Geneva Convention if they were done to POWs. I have a half hour of self-inflicted pain positions every day in order to eliminate pain. So that’s fun. No lifting for me till I get this knee figured out.
Oh, and my regular Dr dropped me off 2 of my 4 blood pressure medications. That’s good. Genetics being what they are in my family, I’ll probably have to stay on 1 of them no matter what my weight is.
I purchased a new pair of jeans. From the regular section of Amazon, not the Big and Tall section. The waste was size 42, so that probably says more about how Amazon assigns things than about me. But fuck, I haven’t ordered from not-big-and-tall in decades. Four months ago I was buying waist size 50.
My thing: 1800 Calories, 135 g protein, 20 carbs.
Bravo Zulu, Leap!
Great job, Leap! Especially happy to hear about the meds.
That’s great news about getting off the medal.
This is excellent news!
3 Phase?
I keep thinking it’s some kind of a Ford pickup truck.
Taibbi, with the bit in his mouth
We have the dumbest, least competent White House in history. Whatever else anyone in America has as a goal for Trump’s remaining time in office, the single most important priority must to be keeping this guy away from the nuclear button. Almost anything else would be survivable.
Which is why it makes no sense to be taunting Trump and basically calling him a wuss for negotiating with Kim Jong Un or being insufficiently aggressive in Syria. In the middle of a shooting conflict, our troops are currently stationed right across the river from large numbers of both private and official Russian forces. Who doesn’t think this is crazy?
The rhetoric we’re hearing now about Trump’s weakness from the likes of Ignatius and Max Boot is essentially identical to the stuff we heard directed at Barack Obama when he had the temerity to express willingness to talk to leaders of nations like Iran.
There is a segment of D.C. thinkluencers who seem to think the U.S. is setting a bad precedent if it doesn’t bomb and threaten its way through every foreign policy conundrum, from Libya to Yemen to Iran to Syria to, apparently, even Russia.
The anti-Trump rhetoric is, as usual, overwrought, but not even Taibbi can be wrong all the time.
These people belong in a loony bin. Seriously. Who thinks that Trump is actually going to start a nuclear war? Yeah, it’s much preferable to talk with Lil’ Kim than bomb them; but what makes anyone think that Trump is any more likely to start a nuclear war than any other President?
“Who thinks that Trump is actually going to start a nuclear war? ”
It’s lefty projection, going back for a century of American politics.
“They told me if I voted for Goldwater, our boys would be dying overseas within a year.”
I didn’t know “thinkluencer” was a word until 30 seconds ago, and I hate it.
For the ladies:
“Bench pressing is an exercise that can help your breasts appear to be slightly lifted due to the strengthening of the pectoral muscles that are situated behind the fatty tissue of the breasts[…]this can help breasts appear firmer and more lifted”
+1 anecdotal agreement
Pics or it never happened.
No, the judges will allow it.
Reviews say it’s not a ton worse than a hot .357. Supposedly if you shoot .45 LC out of it, it’s like a 22.
I’ll stick with my 1911, thanks.
Okay, I’ve been out of pocket for a bit. What is this GlibFit thing? What are we supposed to be tracking? Is there a prize? Will I get free stuff from the GlibStore for winning? How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win?
I did a 4.5 mile ruck run today, 75# plus a 10# sledge. 61:40 total time. Don’t know what that gets me.
“4.5 mile ruck run”
Are you in the military?
Was. Just a regular guy now.
Army, it seems – Marines don’t call them “rucks”
“Bench pressing is an exercise that can help your breasts appear to be slightly lifted due to the strengthening of the pectoral muscles that are situated behind the fatty tissue of the breasts[…]this can help breasts appear firmer and more lifted”
That’s nice. But work your upper back, and fix your posture. Nothing makes your boobs look perky like standing up straight, with your shoulders pulled back where they belong. It drives me bananas when I see attractive young ladies walking around all hunched up like they think something is about to jump out of a tree and eat them.
*This reminds me of an anecdote from the dim past. I used to go to this bar, and there was a waitress/bartender there who was very nice, but she was kind of mousy and slouchy and inconspicuous. For some reason, maybe because one of the other girls was teasing her about something, she suddenly stood up straight and pulled her shoulders back, and was completely transformed. Maybe she just stayed slumped down like that as a defense mechanism.
Did she take her glasses off, too? Maybe let her hair down out of the constricting bun/braid it was in?
Paging CPRM to add the slow-motion head shake.
I think it went something like this.
I was expecting a link to “She’s All That”
Jesse’s got you.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Did she take off her paint covered overalls and put on a dress?
Oh Laney Boggs, I’ll never forget you.
Jesse and Florida Man know what’s up.
This is #1 in Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. Is it possible that he’s just perving on tittays?
He’s male. Ergo, titty perv.
(even you Jesse, I know it!)
Down 0.8 lb this week, for 33% of GlibFit goal, and 21% of overall goal. Back to trending in the right direction. I think next week’s weigh in will reveal whether or not I’ve hit a plateau.
I’m on a 1000 calorie per day deficit. I usually get pretty close to that. Certainly a deficit in the hundreds every day. I wonder if my metabolism is slowing down because the deficit is too large. Thoughts?
How’s your energy?
Good! Better than in a long time.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it, then. If you aren’t dragging and everything else is cool, keep on truckin’!
Thanks, man!
Basic troubleshooting:
1) Are you sure everything that goes into your mouth is logged? No “its just a cracker, it won’t matter.”
2) Are you eyeballing your portion sizes, or are you using a food scale?
3) What is your current height, weight, and approximate body fat? This result means different things if you are 5’3 and 111 lbs vs 6’3 and 350 lbs.
4) What do you think your total daily energy expenditure is? How did you come to that number?
5) Is 1k calories a day sustainable? If not, what would be?
In healthy people, the slow metabolism because of a deficit isn’t a real thing that has ever, ever been reproduced when studied. Its a thing in unhealthy people.
And by “unhealthy” I don’t mean fat. I mean “have a hormone problem.”
I’m a cis-hetero shitlord, so, yes.
On 1 and 2, I do need to be more diligent. I’m usually pretty good at it, but a bit of fatigue with doing it might be setting in.
On 3, I’m closer to the latter than the former. Even when I reach my goal, that will be the case. Target weight is 217 lb and I’m 5’11”.
I calculated a BMR of 2870 calories using MyFitnessPal, which concurs with other online calculators I used. Got a step counter on my phone that syncs with this to add steps.
1000 calories might be a challenge for the next 9 months, but 800 might be.
Ohhh. That’s exactly it. That step counter on your phone? It’s bullshit. Its less accurate than a fitbit for exercise tracking, and those are off by at least 20% in studies I’ve seen.
For these purposes, don’t include it in your TDEE.
Here, use this one with an activity level of 1.4 and tell me what you get. This uses a different and more useful TDEE calculation than any other online calculator I’ve seen (if it doesn’t give you a graph like this one, I probably isn’t using this algo)
Pretty much confirms what I came up with.
I need to get down to about 2100 calories a day. Carb-restricted or keto should get me there.
If you are having trouble, here’s three techniques to increase satiety without increasing your caloric intake
Fat + Volume = Full. This is the primary driver of feeling full. Enough volume to make that curved part of your stomach stretch causes it to release a bunch of hormones that say to your brain “I’m full! Thanks!” Fat in your stomach at that times means even more of those hormones.
Visual removal. If your eyes sense food (and to a lesser extent smell, but we are visual hunters unlike dogs), they make one part of your brain release the opposite hormone that tells your brain “I’m hungry now!” So don’t put food in front of yourself at meal time that you shouldn’t eat. Don’t dilly dally at the table after you eat. In fact, make your plate in the kitchen, take it to the dining room, and happily eat the whole thing. Then clear it. (For some reason, this effect isn’t caused by food other people claim, probably because your elephant knows you might get stabbed with a fork if you try to take it. Or was that just my family?)
Simplicity. The more variety available in a meal, the more people eat. Make it simple, like a cut of meat and a pile of veggies, and you’ll eat less than a side salad + a veggie + a starch + a cut of meat + a cheese course + dessert + coffee and a biscotti. You just won’t be as hungry.
If you want to get more into it, find the book “The Hungry Brain.”
Yeah, that’s pretty much the approach I take. Summer will be easier – there’ll be less ‘soft pressure’ to hang around the table and shoot the shit with the family.
That and evaluating satiation 10 minutes AFTER you finish eating. Eating “home style” is a constant, ongoing temptation too.
This says my TDEE is 3173, and to reach my goal, I should consume 1621 per day (a deficit of 1550 per day) to lose another 80lb by mid-December.
Also, only M and F for sex options in the calculator? So unwoke…
That sounds within the ballpark to me 80 lbs in.. what 40 weeks, is pretty aggressive for someone your size.
Two pounds a week (actually, 2.5) was do-able for me when I was younger. More than a pound a week now seems to be damn near impossible for me; age is quite a thing, isn’t it?
Some math. It usually takes about 3,500 calorie deficit to burn a pound of fat. 0.8 lbs would be 2,800 calorie deficit for this week, or 400 per day.
My money is on there’s nothing wrong with you or your consumption, and that the culprit is probably in either you have your TDEE wrong or you have your intake wrong because you aren’t measuring your food with a scale.
And if you feel great and are losing more than half a pound a week, who gives a fuck how fast it comes off. You going somewhere you gotta be?
Keep the trend in the right direction, keep eating in a way that’s sustainable, and you are golden.
Dang, son. All of this makes me want to give you a hug (because it’s awesome).
Thanks, dude. You’re probably right on the input / output. First law of thermodynamics and all.
Yep. You can’t win. You can’t break even. You can’t even get out of the game.
Best way to improve your outcomes is get religious about your food tracking and say that your TDEE is your last week average + 400. Then pick your goal based on that.
Just make sure what you are doing is something that you can keep doing. It snot a sprint. Its a marathon.
It’s all physics baby.
Weight loss requires a plan, discipline and delay of gratification. Because the average American is so lacking in these three traits is why there is so much obesity. It has nothing to do with processed food, fast food or too-busy lifestyles. Losing weight, keeping it off and getting healthy teach you many important skills for other areas of your life.
And clean your own damn room, eh?
Agree, agree-ish, and disagree.
The lipostat (the thing that controls how much you eat) is more powerful than your conscious mind could ever be. You need to keep it happy, not fight it out with willpower. Finding a way to give your body a calorie deficit without expending willpower or fighting a battle with yourself every day is the key to losing weight.
We aren’t evolved for our food environment. Until like 1940, for all of human history, famine was the danger. Not overeating. We have the worlds most powerful supercomputer, tied to the worlds most complex data network, programmed with 4.5 million years of experience to operate in that pre 1940’s environment. Discipline and delay of gratification doesn’t stand a chance.
Better to hack the system. Put on your black hat and figure out how to attack your instinct’s defenses that have gone haywire with an red-team mindset so you don’t have to work against it.
At least in my experience.
Vodka and cigarettes then?
Well obviously.
*two thumbs up*
I’m hoping to stop maintaining and restart the losing trend this week. We shall see.
I’ve been a bit lax as of late.
Thanks for these posts. I missed the early weeks due to travel, but motivated enough to restart daily work-outs.
Did she take her glasses off, too? Maybe let her hair down out of the constricting bun/braid it was in?
As I recall, her hair was pretty short.
I went exactly 2 weeks without alcohol. Down to 179.
And then I had this for lunch:

Describe toppings, please – the pizza oven is fired-up for dinner.
The restaurant is called North Italia. The pizza is called “The Pig”. 3 kinda of cured meats. It’s spicy, hence the 2 beers at lunch even though I still have work to do. Man, I need a nap. So sleepy.
Now that I’m home, see The Pig under Pizzas.
That sounds delicious. I went with a ricotta/mozz/parm/herb blend + prosciutto with honey and balsamic drizzle; spouse had something disgusting with anchovies.
V8 might help with that.
Gross. If I’m drinking tomato based drinks, it better be a Bloody Mary with a slice of bacon in it.
What are you talking about V8 is just a bloody mary precursor and those business men are going to work pleasantly buzzed–as one did in the ’80s. That’s why they needed so much cocaine…to offset the day drinking.
Damn you universe. Why was I a child in the 80s?
/does 80’s need an apostrophe?
Does the number 80 own anything?
The apostrophe in this scenario shows a contraction, the removal of the century numbers in this case. so ’80 is telling the reader that something has been taken out, the 19 in this case. Because apostrophes are dark magic to people and because there are apostrophes so frequently involved in talking about decades, they migrated over to the visually comforting space between a thing and an s. So 1980s becomes ’80s become 80’s. And then 80’s gets used so frequently that it becomes visually normal and you end up with weird shit where you’re going over reports written by your predecessor and he says stuff like “The patient began limping in 07′ but did not seek medical treatment until 08′” and suddenly everything looks red and you wake up in a pool of somebody else’s intestines.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn’t take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It’s clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother’s mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Wanna get high?
I’m literally having a stroke (not in the fun way) because of thepasswordispassword. Literally.
The 80’s own my childhood.
The 80’s own my childhood.
Now you’re ju’st being abu’sive
Hey, remember the nineteen eightie’s?
I remember the nineteen-eighties’ fashion.
The guys at SecPac didn’t bother with lunch, it cut into snorting time.
And that’s how poor decisions are made.
Eggplant naan?
A bovine placenta on a frisbee?
No, no, no. That’s a human omentum with red chile sauce on Navajo fry bread.
I often wondered if a simple omentectomy wouldn’t be the best way to deliver about 40lb of immediate fat loss, but for the loss of immunological protection and the increased susceptibility to stab wounds.
You nailed a pizza to a wall??
Calories count even if you eat them while standing up.
But you still can’t get pregnant standing up right? RIGHT?!?
Well, I never have. So there’s that.
Of course I’ve never been pregnant at all, so there’s also that.
No, that’s if you don’t have an orgasm.
Do you even science, bro?
This is #1 in Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. Is it possible that he’s just perving on tittays?
Whatever his reasons, we all owe him a debt of gratitude.
I gotta get back on track so they don’t stop me at the border to CA on accounta bein’ too fat.
Have you ever been to Fresno?
Way harsh, Playa. Not unfair, but harsh.
Is it like People of Walmart? Cuz I ain’t that bad
Calories count even if you eat them while standing up.
But you still can’t get pregnant standing up right? RIGHT?!?
Stay away from the bus stop.
A slight miscalculation, folks, Don’t be alarmed.
The California bullet train project took a sharp jump in price Friday when the state rail authority announced the cost of connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco would total $77.3 billion, an increase of $13 billion from estimates two years ago, and could potentially rise as high as $98.1 billion.
The rail authority also said that the earliest trains could operate on a partial system between San Jose and the farming town of Wasco would be 2029, five years later than the previous projection. The disclosures are contained in a 114-page business plan that was issued in draft form by the rail authority and will be finalized this summer in a submission to the Legislature.
The rail authority has wrestled with a more than $40-billion funding gap, which would increase sharply under the new cost estimates.
The biggest immediate driver of the cost increase has been in the Central Valley, where the rail authority is building 119 miles of track between Wasco and Merced. The authority disclosed in early February that the cost of that work would jump to $10.6 billion from an original estimate of about $6 billion. Roy Hill, one of the senior consultants advising the state, told the rail authority board, “The worst-case scenario has happened.”
Worth every penny.
Once built, it will have cost at least 160 billion.
And no one will ride it.
We should be so lucky.
No one saw it coming
I voted against this stupid project. Every time I read about it my blood boils.
2 weeks ago you fuckers and your little fitness bullshit inspired me to get back out there, so I did a 3 mile walk/jog, it went so well I did another two days later and fucked up my feet, they hurt for a week more so when I wore my comfartable shoes so I’ve been only wearing my work boots for the last week and the pain is gone. I’m gonna give it another week then buy some running shoes with more ankle support and give it one more go, if it doesn’t take this time I’m just going to accept the fact that I am either going to be a fat ass or quit drinking, which means fat-assdom here I come.
Describe your foot pain. Was it bilaterally? In the heel, ankle, arch, across the top of the foot, ball of the foot, or toes? Is it persistent, only on weight-bearing, throbby, like there’s a rock in the heel of your shoe, burning, etc?
Running is high impact and not *that* great if you’re on the heavier side and don’t have good form already. You can do some serious damage to your feet/ankles/knees. It’s one thing to feel like you’ve put in some effort and gotten sore afterward, it’s another to actually do damage and try to “push through”.
Thanks for the concern but no worries, I know the dangers, I’m not all that heavy (I could lose 10 pounds or so) and am very active, and was running daily for years until I broke my ankle, I don’t know that I’ll ever get back to being able to run but every few months I give it the old college try, the funny thing is every time it’s a different problem that stops me..broke foot hurts,good foot hurts, knee hurts,other knee hurts, etc..I never push through just wait a while and give it another go.
I did x-country and track in HS and trying to go back to any kind of distance running when I was ~30-40 pounds heavier than I was in HS fucked me up badly enough that while at a concert a few weeks after I stopped running I spent the entire time staring at an ugly guy’s flat ass because I couldn’t stand for more than 3 minutes at a time. I self-rehabbed my knees (helps that I’d been working in an occupational medicine/rehab facility for several years at that point and had access to all the things) and started biking to work weather and laziness permitting.
The annoying thing was if I’d been allowed to do wind sprints instead of the couch to 5k style running one day, wind sprints the next…I’d be fine. My sprint form was still amazing, but my running form had gone to shit.
I just cycle now. It’s reasonably low impact (steep uphills can harm rather than help ankles and knees if not careful), and I can use it as transpo so the exercise has an objective rather than being the objective.
Yes. The former girlfriend was/is nearly a decade younger than me. So when she decided to start running, I was drawn into it. As a former high school standout for cross country, not to mention military service, and weekend runs for years after, I thought “I got this”.
A month on crutches due to a tibial stress-fracture brought home the truth that….getting old is damn un-handy.
I need to get back into cycling, I rode so much as a kid that when I turned sixteen my Dad offered me his old car and I asked for a Dave Scott Centurion Ironman instead. It was stolen by a ‘friend’ of my college roommate,a wannabe hippie named Paul who was always bringing homeless druggies into the house… mother fucker…and I never got back into it. What’s a good bike cost these days?
I did my 1st century (the Huffman 100) when I was 13, on a solid-steel framed C. Itoh that must’ve weighed 45 lbs.
Depends on what you’re looking at. You can get a surprisingly lightweight fixie for surprisingly reasonable prices. I have something more in the urban/commuter/hybrid style (upright riding position/mountain bike geometry, but lighter frame and thinner tires).
If you like Paul don’t care if your bike is stolen so long as you don’t know about it, pop something like
into your local craigslist search. I spent ~$800 on mine 7 or 8 years ago and love it, but it’s definitely heavy. I have a friend with something more than twice as expensive which is a breeze to ride by comparison.
Fuck I think you jerks and my nostalgia just cost me $400
Running is high impact and not *that* great even if you aren’t on the heavier side. Even if your technique is ‘good’ there are lots of things that can screw you up.
The only thing it’s got going for it is that it’s relatively cheap to do. Doubly so if you are a miser with footwear.
Some people seem to do great with it, and frankly for younger people I think running can be a very beneficial exercise (particularly for bone density). There seems to be evidence that high impact sports can improve bone density even in older participants, but I’m of the (not particularly professional) position that the risks start out-weighing the benefits for a lot of people pretty quickly after college age.
I know a number of people I know over the years who are much fitter and leaner than me, who have been running years, who succumb to stuff like cracked metatarsals and calcaneus. No thanks – I’ll stick with rowing now I’m well outside my college years. My very minor rugby damage is enough for me.
I am not ready to quit drinking either, but I try to go low carb. Rum and DIET cola (Diet Rite brand being the best for the pancreas), no beer, no wine.
As for foot pain, I hear you, man. I have chronic foot pain after a terrible injury many years ago in which I almost lost my right foot by turning it around 180 degrees and shattering some bones along the way. I can’t even go barefoot in the house for long. So my foot and ankle surgeon (a well respected guy in his field) told me to get Haflinger slippers so I am not tempted to go barefoot. They are so great that I am thinking about getting another pair to wear at the office when I am at my desk.
Other than that, my footwear is exclusively Doc Marten boots, one pair of black with pretty embroidery so I don’t look like a total lesbo, and one pair of brown, plus a few Josef Seibel shoes (also excellent for arch support and walking).
Thanks, I don’t barefoot often but I am going to look into those Halflinger slippers my LLBean one are starting to get a tad threadbare.
I suggest searching Amazon or Zappos for “Mens Haflinger slippers arch support”. Then read reviews. Many people say they run big. Mine are size 41, and I do usually wear a 42 in women’s European size.
Oh man, what color laces in the Docs? That takes me back, haha.
The brown ones are army camo.
The black ones have black laces but this sweet embroidery. Compliments every time. I even wear them with formal maxi dresses.
If never heard that about Diet Rite. You add anything else to that drink? I just picked up a bottle of dark Jamaican rum.
No, i like a good gold rum (not a “spiced” one, which usually have yukky imitation vanilla) and diet cola. Diet Rite is cool because is uses sucralose (Splenda) not aspartame with phenylalanine (Equal), has no caffeine, no sodium, etc. Aspartame is zero calorie, but it fools the pancreas into spiking the blood sugar anyway. No bueno.
Another tip is to seek out the low carb premade Margarita mix. Most liquor stores carry it. Good for the occasional tequila splurge!
Cool thanks. Yeah, I don’t care for spiced rums either. Reminds me of suntan lotion. I got Appleton Estate, which I haven’t tried before so hoping I will like it. Selection of rums around here are pitiful.
Another shitty week. I kept under my booze limit (I’m drinking my last bit of booze for the week as I type). No doughnut today as I already had one this month. I avoided snacking this week. That’s about all that went well. I didn’t go to the gym at all this week except today. After trolling the parking lot twice and not finding a parking spot, I said, “Fuck this. I am no mood for this after this week. I’ll do some bodyweight work at home tonight, and come back tomorrow to work out and weight myself.” I will count yesterday’s snow shoveling as a workout.
Ouch. I went up in weight. 290.
a slight miscalculation, cont’d:
“” he didn’t expect his new memoir examining some of the agency’s uglier aspects would spark protests by far-left groups“”
what *doesn’t* spark protests from the far-left? the right doesn’t really do protests
it actually sounds like an interesting an informative book which sheds light on the reality of Border Patrol work. As such, it is obviously a bad-thing from the POV of the people who’d prefer narratives not to be complicated by reality.
Written by PR or gone full prog?
Should be mandatory reading for the FBI and the DEA, by the sounds of it.
Interesting anecdote. One of the cops I shoot with and I had a long conversation about – well, a lot of things – and we got onto SWAT teams – he’s broadly in agreement with all the observations we make here, and the Justine Damond shooting. He told me without any prompting that it happens from time to time, and cops who do discharge firearms in front of their partners’ faces find – unsurprisingly – that it’s hard to find partners in the future. This led to an interesting anecdote which I credit – the guy is less of a bullshitter than just about any other cop I know.
He’s currently NYPD, down in the city, and he got a call to execute a felony stop on a car theft in the Bronx just off the Deegan Expressway, so they roll, and make the stop with two other cruisers, and his partner gets on the 2-way to report in. The district is wood frame/single story housing mixed with old Section 8 brownstones, and just as the channel’s opened, all hell breaks loose down a side-road. Full automatics, multiple weapons. The radios NYPD use are 2-way duplex, so dispatch was freaking out because it sounded like a remake of Assault on Precinct 13.
Turns out that an FBI SWAT team were rolling that day and they routinely fail to inform local LE that they’re in the area. They turned up at some guy’s crib, were confronted by the guy’s dog, so they just lit it up with their MP5s. The yard was flagstone, so there was a lot of collateral damage, and a lot of brass. No explanation, no apologies, no remorse. Two of the feds then got into an argument with the NYPD responders, the other two cuffed the alleged perp, threw him in a wagon and drove him off.
My cop buddy literally said “Never, ever fuck with the FBI. We live in a Police State.” He hates those fuckers, and it’s not jealousy.
My question would always be to ask, “what sort of warrant were they sending the SWAT team for?”
i.e. what did the perp do / what sort of cat deserves this sort of level of force?
my expectation would always be that the crime is actually a ‘nonviolent’ one (even if they suspect the perp may be ‘dangerous’)
So if these are the ersatz evening links, I’m gonna need a ruling by Straffin on THIS.
HM may have a thought or two, also.
OK. i can die now. life is complete.
I claim the meganekko.
Since HM asked for pics, I sent one to SP. Pics because my too tight boots are now loose.
SP is on the road or sitting down to dinner with SugarFree. Did it go to one of the staff emails? If so do you want it posted in-line with your comment or just forwarded to HM?
I sent it to SP at glib etc. I wanted to post it here. Is there another email I should use?
Probably constructing a separate post to showcase the photo.
You’re gonna be famous!
I misread that the first time as your too tight boobs are now loose. [blushing]
::Tulip – catering to leg fetishists everywhere::
Somebody’s gotta do it.
This is why people call me “heroic”.
So I have pretty much completed my (non)goal of picking some lifting equipment and actually using it. Did my first workout last night – squats, barbell rows, and pushups. Basically as close to the stringlifts program as I can get without a rack.
I’m starting really light with the help of some technique plates. During and immediately after I was underwhelmed and considering that I was being too cautious. That is definitely not the case today – I’m sore from head to toe. Just gotta stick with it now…
Follow the program. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Good job, man.