Glad Sloopy did the links this morning. All I want to talk about is Spring Training and nobody cares about that. (Tim Tebow went 0-2 with a K on 4 pitches. Even Jesus don’t mess with the Astros)
First and foremost — Congratulations to our own Gordilocks — whose article about trucking regulation here at made the links at Marginal Revolution. Number 6 in the screen-cap. Look, glibertariat: We, the people who run this place are only smart enough to keep the site up and post links. You, the people who actually know and live stuff make this more than just a chat room, and we’re grateful. Please, if you’ve been considering submitting something, do. Here.
Narrative: Teachers don’t even WANT to be armed. Reality: Sheriff offers free firearms training to teachers and has to turn some away after over 300 sign up.
Broward County Sheriff discovers the spotlight is pretty hot. He’s just so darn proud of those officers who shot a black man with an unloaded air rifle. I really hope that the state Supreme Court throwing the SYG ruling back holds up. Under no circumstances should a LEO responding to a call be able to use the same standard of force as a private citizen going about their legal business.
An interesting attack on Obamacare. Now that the “constitutional” penaltax is repealed, the rest of the law is unconstitutional. Do I think this effort will succeed? No. But if it does, it will be seen as the moment the Stupid and Evil parties switched designation.
And the irony of this is so achingly beautiful I have to post it: Singer’s career destroyed by G-men, no larger lesson to draw at The Progressive. Good article about Billie Holiday.
Lady Day may be gone, but at least we still have Lou Reed!
An excellent mixture of tits and ass to appeal to a large cross-section of Glibs.
1, 8, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 40 ,47.
Yay on the booty pics
#8 is Lindsey Pelas. #10 reminds me of a woman whom I asked out and she shot me down. #30 is Angela White. #47 is Jordan Carver.
The Angela White picture is also part of a meme
Angela White is mine.
You can reach her agent through Twitter I bet.
#33 ’cause tits AND ass cannot be beat. Well, they can, but…
And I know EXACTLY where #7 was shot….would recognize that fissure anywhere.
Woohhoooo, Gordilocks!
Nice job, brother – you’re famous!
Congratulations, Gordilocks!
Didn’t ever think my road to fame and (mis)fortune would drive through this joint.
I’m working on another article, promise!
Well Done Gordi, that also means They Are Watching…………
Congratulations, Gordilocks!
This is good for all of us.
Everyone who has thought about submitting please do so.
Congrats, Gordilocks
Marginal Revolution’s big-time. Bitchin’!
Good job, Gord-o!
Nice Gordi!
That Marginal Revolution screen grab says it only had 7 comments, was it taken like 1 minute after the links were posted? What the hell kind of lazy comentariat they got over there?
As of now, they have 55 comments.
Rufus, surely the folks at MR are WORKING.
To be fair to them, it was taken pretty sharpish after the pingback.
Pingback? You got a notification?
Yes, I have it set to send notifications when someone links back to us here.
any link anywhere? like even in PMs and DMs on other sites?
Oh, cool. I learned something new about internet wizardry today.
So you mean no one has previously linked The Hat and The Hair?
I’ve linked the posts on twitter – but I don’t know if those count.
I’m late to this, but Congrats as well! Very good to see this.
Congratulations Gordilocks!
If this worked, someone’s gonna be a zillionaire and women’s vaginae will never recover.
“In the webinar, Greenfield and Comella explain how the procedure worked. Greenfield had U.S. Stem Cell isolate stem cells from his body’s fat cells. Then, said Greenfield, those stem cells were injected into the “meat of the tissue” of his penis. (“You don’t feel a thing other than a little bit of pressure,” he said in the webinar.)”
Joe Rogan had a joke about knowing when a penile growth drug that works is invented. A guy will be found dead in the doctor’s parking lot with his dick sticking out of his sunroof.
They tried it on lawyers, but they just got taller.
I read that as “margarine revolution” and realized Im out of parkay.
Nice work, Gordi. To think the closest I came to a Pulitzer was getting a “Best Of” ad on Craigslist.
*kicks pebbles
Literally in the links
Not to speak for Q– I think he want to see Tres’ Craigslist ad.
His Best of Craigslist link.
Best of Craigslist? Do you really want to go there Q?
Reading Craigslist makes me feel good about myself cause it’s physical evidence that things could be so much worse.
Ah, that makes more sense
Here ya go…
That’s wonderful.
I gotta ask: did you get any takers?
the “disclaimer” was put there as an addendum after it was up for about 3 days, for the reasons I cited (dick-pics, phone numbers, etc)
And like you said about CL (I was single at the time), it made me smile to realize that, “Christ, my life is shitty, but at least Im not THOSE guys”.
That is hilarious. Bravo, sir.
Much like Samuel Coleridge Taylor, I was taking a lot of opiates at that particular time.
….Taylor Colridge
BIG difference.
Was it this one?
Nah, that was me.
Did this sort of thing happen often when you lived in the UK ?
Well, not by me, but sure, that kind of thing got reported. If you know what some British women are like, you wouldn’t be surprised in the least.
Oh, thats gold.
/Spanish speaking Parkay container
-1 Senor Wences
I thought that was butter flavored tequila. I done learnt something.
RIP Vic Tayback
You…eat…margarine? …Why?
Eh, he never mentioned anything about eating it – just said he was out.
+1 Marlon Brando
The Nick Gillespie of presidents
He can’t be serious.
No matter how unprincipled he is, he can’t possibly expect to be reelected doing shit like this.
In the same week he announced his reelection campaign (after slightly more than a year in office).
I’m not saying I’m looking more closely at blowing money on scary black rifles, but ain’t making things that difficult.
He could be negotiating. I think he knows an AWB would alienate his base.
Or he realizes Democrats getting annihilated in midterms by dying on gun control hill makes his life a lot easier as far as impeachment threats are concerned.
If he doesn’t, then he’s too stupid to be let out in public unsupervised…
I think you might be too optimistic…
The difference between Trump and Obama is that Trump will probably buy a bunch of shares in gun companies before he says things like that.
Fuck them with a rusty rake
Said the guy at the center of a phalanx of SS agents.
It’s pretty unbelievable.
He’s doing his damnedest to be a one termer.
And living up to his character in Hat & Hair.
The documentary of our times.
“Take the gun first, go through due process second,” Trump said.
That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.
They’re trying to sneak in a repeal of the Dickey Amendment as well. Dems cannot help themselves when it comes to gun control. As soon as they have a single ounce of power they push it as far as they can right up until they get loud and forceful push back.
I just love it when the government spends my money to tell me how to vote. That’s just swell.
Jay Dickey himself has subsequently regretted introducing the amendment
But of course he did.
Well, it presents an opportunity for the right-wing media to put the left in a bind. Run articles like “President compared to Hitler attempts to disarm public, like Hitler”. What do they choose? TDS hysteria or the ban boner?
I thought that the guy fucked up and confused Klobuchar with Feinstein. Then I realized Feinstein was next to Trump.
She is more easily located by smell: old cigarette smoke, rotting lilacs and piss.
Oh my fucking God- it gets worse. The President outright rejected concealed carry reciprocity
Have the Democrats wizened up and learned how to work with Trump?
Is Trump just reverting to his default, old school Democratic stance on the issue?
Has the Swamp turned him into one of their own?
We won’t know… until the next episode of The Hat and The Hair.
Looking at Feinstein, Pelosi, Warren, etc., I’m gonna say yes.
Crone-capitalism, at its worst.
Not exactly. In context it’s still not great. “Current bill” in this context refers to the background check bill (minimum age for AWB, mental health) that they’re talking about.
From CNN live feed that doesn’t direct link to sections.
The howls of dismay from the morons who were stupid enough to support Trump would be funny, if, you know, I didn’t also like guns. Christ.
…Although, who am I kidding. They’re a little bit funny.
Can you show me some links to this howling?
Welp, I know for sure my impenetrable, self-indulgently pedantic treatises will never end up anywhere but here; and I find that comforting.
Nice work Gordy!
Not nearly as good as your daily links of Beauty and Mental Health Assistance.
Also, Eugene Volkh filed a brief in *support* of union fees? This after he filed a brief in *support* of coercion against bakers that don’t want to make cakes for gay weddings?
I’m starting to think that TOS is the problem and not WaPo, because Volkh was a lot better when he wrote for them. He’s pulled the reverse Weigle
W. T. F. I used to like Volokh, but fuck him with a rusty harpoon.
Each of the Amendments has a portion written in invisible ink. We thought it was just the Second Amendment, but now Volokh has found the invisible text in the First Amendment. Who knows what’s written in the Third Amendment.
All the amendments were invalidates by the commerce clause.
See, the founders spent a lot of time and effort carefully crafting a constitution that provided a government with minimal powers that could only be used in very specific ways. When they had the document completed and ready for ratification, they all changed their minds about how the government should operate and inserted the commerce clause, therfore giving the fedgov unlimited power to do whatever they want. I read that in the federalist papers.
And yet at the same time much of the text of the Constitution is apparently invalidated by a twisted reading of the 14th Amendment. It’s funny how this constitutional interpretation stuff works, almost like it’s about desired outcomes rather than consistent processes.
Damon Root and Sheldon Richman have a sad.
Prima Noctae
I wonder if it’s just that in contrast to the general tone of WaPo he came across as markedly more liberal (classically-speaking, dammit, I’m taking the word back), or if maybe he was just one of the few WaPo writers who just happened to coincidentally hold some liberal/libertarian positions and so was the only one writing in support of them.
120 years too late…
The Canadian Bar Association supported Bill C-16.
Oh, and thanks for the support from you lot yesterday, as I anxiously awaited getting my throat punctured for a lymph/thyroid biopsy.
More compassion than I deserve, and more than I expected from a gaggle of orphan-hoarding, cishet-shitlords.
I didn’t see your post yesterday, but hope all went well and the biopsy findings are benign.
There was actually a pathologist in the room, immediately looking @ the samples through a microscope. Nobody said “benign”. But the word “not malignant” was used in the same sentence with “lots of atypical”. Since none of the medical professionals in the room seemed to be shitting their pants (I guess that’s my job), it doesn’t seem to be an immediate crisis.
I’d take that as cautiously positive. In cases like that I understand that a lot of medical types don’t like to give unequivocally positive answers unless they’re 100% certain, just so if they find out later that they’re wrong they don’t have to call someone with unexpectedly bad news. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that the news is good so far!
Good luck, buddy.
Good luck and get better soon!
Stay …… Cool?
I have found this group of reprobates to be helpful when I have needed them to be.
Very True, Good Fortune Tres!
Agreed. But, honestly, how often do we need them to be?
We are, after all, orphan hoarding reprobates.
I am sending positive vibes your way, man.
“Tonight at 11- Earthquake malt liquor causes cancer!”
Shh, Don’t even think that way, not good for the Brain…
Don’t tell me that. Then I have to get one of those crystal suppositories blessed by a Native America Sha-person.
Drink enough of that sludge, and a terminal diagnosis would be a welcome relief. If your atrophied brain could even process what you were being told.
You posted that, when you could’ve posted this.
My bad, not that last link, this one.
Congratulations Gordilocks!
Gracias Señor!
OT, but I could really use some advice. I am in the 7th month of my new job, still getting the hang of things, and have experienced some ups, but also a lot of growing pains. The last few weeks in particular has been rough; my direct supervision has noticeably increased. Don’t want to go into too much detail I just discovered I may have made a major oversight that could have compliance, but apparently not operational, implications. The exec I ultimately report to on this has a big stake in this project and I am afraid if and when this is noticed it might be the last straw for me here. I am extremely nervous, haven’t been able to bring myself to divulge this to anyone in part because I am still trying to figure out what the fuck and how the fuck this happened. This realization has even impacted my sleep and overall just put me in a rough place. The job itself is a pain in the ass but is a good job at a good company and has allowed me to put into motion several long term personal plans that I have. I am still gathering info and trying to figure out how to proceed, but wanted to get any advice you all might have on how to deal with and/or message this. I’m not terribly active on here, especially not lately, but have always come away with good advice when I’ve asked for it. Thanks.
Blame it on the Russians. Duh.
*Sorry, I don’t have good advice.
Gotta tell em. Unfortunately. The longer you let it linger, the worse it’ll be. Also, it’s just a bullshit job; it’s not worth losing sleep over. I got shitcanned from my last job under extremely shady circumstances and for utterly bullshit reasons (that probably wouldn’t have held up in court, but I don’t have time in my life for animosity like that). If that’s the way they go with you, fuck em, they don’t deserve you.
However, it probably won’t be as bad as you think it will be.
I agree 100%. It doesn’t hurt to go in with some forensic detail, though, particularly if it’s a procedural thing.
We all fuck up. Business goes on.
Yeah. Just came to say this. I deal with a lot of compliance issues and you have to get in front of that as soon as there is a problem. Lay it out, and let them work to get it straightened out. Make sure you give them all the info so their work is just remediation instead of trying to reconstruct everything.
Have an action plan ready to role when you tell him. Give him choices not just problems.
Not blowing smoke, exactly what I needed to hear. As I mentioned before, whenever I or anyone else bring personal stuff up on here I am amazed by the responses that are obviously informed by experience and eclectic backgrounds. Y’all are the best and this is the best damn site on the web. Thank you much.
Good Luck!
Depending on the industry you’re in (but maybe not), when the inevitable problem arises for the guys in compliance and they’re talking to regulators, just as we’re advising you, good pre-emptive documentation with a remediation plan can utterly de-fuse the situation, so just as you’re presenting the cause of the error, the remediation undertaken or planned, and a proposal for how to avoid it, you’re providing compliance with the ability to provide the same kind of solution to the regulators.
Much of compliance’s job is about giving the regulators an easier target to pursue in the event of an investigation, so a compliance department that can make your company a “tougher nut to crack” by ensuring the (inevitable) lapses is more likely to deflect the attention of whatever USGov agency is being a pain.
Excellent. Very insightful.
Q: As an exec (and I am), I want to know two things.
(1) That there is a problem. The sooner the better. Don’t hide things from me. Being honest about any mistakes will actually increase your credibility.
(2) That you are on top of it. That you are investigating, have an action plan, etc. Don’t bring me a problem without a solution. Make us both look good – you credit for resolving an issue, and I get credit for you.
Sorry, directed to Mookman.
I say buy everyone in the office a bottle of seven year old Jameson, and after a few drinks that’s when you admit someone else’s mistake caused a problem on your end.
Whatever decision you make, make sure it’s one you can respect yourself for.
Best to be forthcoming and, if possible, also deflect the worst of the blame. If you take the narrative, then you don’t have to go on the defensive.
This advice works with women as well; both arguing and trying to get into bed.
Basically what The Late P Brooks said below: get out in front of it as soon as you can. Figure out what happened, why, and then see if you can figure out how to keep it happening again. Then go to the bossman, yourself, before he comes to you. Tell him what and why and how you’re going to make sure it’s a one-time mistake.
Yep, come up with the solution for the current problem and mitigate the possibility of a reoccurrence. Present both along with you mea culpa.
If nothing else, when you get to the next interview, do you want to be explaining why you were fired for making a mistake and not telling or making a mistake and bringing it to the boss’s attention?
It sucks, but you’ve got to tell the boss about it. Let them know you caught your own screw-up. That’s going to be better than letting it fester and someone else finding it. And it sounds like someone else WILL find it. If they keep you on board, let them know your plan to figure it out and fix it. There’s not a good answer here. But, you can limit the downside.
To echo the other responders, my take on this sort of thing is “confess early and often”.
As usual, it’s not the crime so much as the cover up.
Echoing everyone else, I would come up with a plan to fix the problem, or at least to address it, and go to your supervisor. Be honest, tell him you missed something that could be a problem, but also tell him (or her) that you have a plan to handle it and have taken steps to do so. If you have. If you haven’t and need some support to work it out, be honest about that, too. In my experience, good managers expect everyone to screw up now and again and would rather know about it sooner than later. And they also appreciate it when people handle those situations professionally and competently. Crap managers tend to encourage work environments where people are afraid to admit screw-ups and become expert in blame-shifting; if that’s this place, you don’t want to work there anyway.
And if it all goes pear-shaped, I’m sure there are any number of Glibs who can tell you stories about getting fired from shitty jobs without having it negatively affect their professional lives. Myself, for instance.
More good advice.
And I’ve been fired 4 – 5 times, and wound up getting overpaid to do a job I mostly love.
Cover ups don’t end well. If the worst happens and you lose this gig, at least you only have 7 months in. Many mid- and upper- level managers are getting canned (with no reason really except they are old white guys and expensive), in a corporation near me. These guys have 20-30 years in and are let go a year before retirement.
Make a plan, tell the truth, give it your best shot, and let the chips fall where they may.
It’s easy for us to say “it’s just a job,” but, it’s just a job.
Two dudes I know just got nuked after having their best sales years ever. Big companies baffle me. If I have a salesperson who is ‘expensive’, it means they are making me a shit-ton of money.
The assumption is that the new business will be loyal to the company for a few years without needing to be closed by the salesmen. It’s short-term thinking, but in 24 months time, the company might be closed down or bankrupt.
Short term savings give you an immediate profitability pop. They don’t necessarily build a better business.
Divulge tomorrow, fully and completely. Present details on how exactly you fucked up, what it means, and a plan to mitigate your fuckup.
Or, start looking for a job and plan to be gone by the time they find out.
Same advice everyone else gave with a tiny add: you can take the edge off *slightly* by leading off with “I’m not dead sure this is a problem but I’m concerned that it might be and wanted to bring it to your attention in case it is” rather than “boy I really screwed this one up but I promise not to do it again!”
Do you have a solution? I rarely try to talk about problems and issues without also offering up solutions.
Under no circumstances should a LEO responding to a call be able to use the same standard of force as a private citizen going about their legal business.
I’m having trouble decoding this.
Me, too. Brett, please clarify.
Brett, please correct me if I’m wrong, but I took that to mean that he’s saying a cop responding to a call shouldn’t be able to claim a SYG defense as he or she is actively engaging someone rather than defending him/herself in the midst of an otherwise lawful endeavor. Basically, there’s a big difference between my shooting an attacker in my driveway and a cop shooting a guy walking down the street who isn’t responding to his orders (because he can’t hear him).
That makes sense. Glad you worked out the logic.
@Rufus: saw your question about polygamy. IIRC outlawing polygamy was a requirement by the Fed Gov for Utah to attain statehood.
That’s why my sister wives are strictly off the books.
Utah, not Alabama.
Wait, you didn’t mean that your sisters would be your wives. Or maybe you did.
What do I look like a Trumpista? First cousins only please.
Come on, Xwedodah was practiced by royalty, who would die of embarrassment if you called them “Trumpistas”. Or impale you on a stake.
Crusader Kings II Reddit keeps the flame burning even today…
congratulations Gordilocks. In all honesty, that article on trucking has been my favorite of all the user submitted articles here. Mustang, your cop article is a close second.
What?! No love for the Cummiebot?
No. None whatsoever.
Man I need to write more.
/fantasizes ways to distract Mrs Gordilocks long enough so I can bang out another one.
Are we still doing phrasing?
Well, she *is* pregnant.
Wait until she goes into labor, call her an Uber to the hospital, then you can write while she’s pushin’ out your progeny.
Sounds like what Doherty did to Angela Keaton when she miscarried.
that isnt even a euphemism…..lazy
I am extremely nervous, haven’t been able to bring myself to divulge this to anyone in part because I am still trying to figure out what the fuck and how the fuck this happened.
As soon as you get it figured out, go to your boss and explain the situation to him. It’s gonna hurt, but not as much as if he finds out another way.
I second this. As a former boss was fond of saying: “I handle bad news much better than I handle surprises”.
Your tax dollars at work: killing one of the most beautiful voices to ever find a microphone.
Janis Joplin?
Amy Winehouse. Yeah, I know, but she had a fucking fantastic voice.
This. I listened to her first (only?) album one day for some reason, and I was amazed by her voice. She may have been a train wreck, but she was a real talent.
Tom Waits?
/the celebrity with a voice closest to mine
Still alive, I think. I hope.
He only sings like he’s dying.
Oddly, I’m somewhere around Bill Medley, of “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” fame. I’ve been told it’s a pleasing, rich baritone that would make me a mint on the radio or as a news anchor.
My wife always says I would’ve made a great sportscaster (as I anticipate their lines) save for my penchant to shout “are you fucking kiddin’ me”?
You were born too late for Sirius XM.
Bobcat Goldthwait?
I was in Cleveland once. I wish I had a free gun.
I read a piece on the Dick’s decision to drop teh assaulty gunz in the NYT. He apparently discussed the decision with the rest of management and the board of directors. That’s good. But he’s a fucking idjit if he thinks the effects will be restricted to the “hunting dept”, which he seems to be saying.
As was discussed in the AM links, a lot of people are going to be buying their kids’ new soccer cleats and lacrosse sticks somewhere else, and not just guns and ammo.
(insert sad trombone)
That pretty much encapsulates why gun-grabbing is a bad electoral strategy; gun-owners line up very closely with Republicans and they will view any gun grab more negatively than Dems view it positively. So, you end up with a net negative, except in constituencies with huge Dem numerical advantage; which is why most of the gun-grabby state laws are only in Deep Blue states.
This is interesting:
Although the summary doesn’t add up (there are only 5 demographic groups in the chart), the statement is still correct. The older demographics are more in favor of gun control, the younger ones less. This probably explains, in part, why gun laws have been liberalized over the last 20 years.
Guns are fun, and once you get someone past the “come shoot with me” they are rarely gonna be grabbers. You give me an afternoon, the worst that person will get from that point is status quo (NICS checks, NFA, Hughes Amendment). All of which suck, but the current situation is absolutely tolerable in most states. Not ideal, not at all, but tolerable.
That’s why the grabbers are pushing this MENTAL ILLNESS thing so hard. The people who are fine with guns with background checks just see it as an extension of the background check. The real people pushing it are just running the same old Soviet playbook: dissent is a mental illness. We will treat you, comrade.
If they get their way, every HS and college male with a MAGA hat is going on the ban list.
Gun control is such a ridiculous term that polls mean nothing.
Everything is controlled, guns more so than most things anyway.
Dick’s has been lobbying for mandatory PE to increase product sales – no surprise that the CEO is whoring himself on gun control.
Mandatory premature ejaculation?
No; mandatory price to earnings.
Yes. Apparently, he’s got other shit to do.
Dicks is like Best Buy, its only purpose it to satisfy the person that has to physically see the product before they buy it. So they go there, play with it, leave, and buy it on Amazon.
Even better, tell an employee how much cheaper it is at Amazon before you walk out the door.
Can’t buy ammo on Amazon. But you can on LuckyGunner.
Academy delivers, and has pretty good sales from time to time. I love that place, I just wish they’d come into the mid-Atlantic.
If you buy case-sizes, try these guys.
They’re not the promptest shippers, but if you can live with that, they’re pretty good. And for a case-size order, shipping is free.
Thanks man, bookmarked. I usually get stuff from Freedom Munitions, but they don’t load their own 7.62×39, which is what I shoot in bulk most of the time.
I live in Los Angeles County. Alas, this means I can’t get any ammo shipped to me.
Best Buy only exists if I need something right away. Amazon drone deliveries may make them a moot point.
We have a local ice cream place called Jeni”s. She’s had to close multiple times over the last few years because of listeria. She announced they are dropping fed ex because they refused to dump NRA. Smart business woman there.
I will never set foot in another Jeni’s ever. I don’t feel like I need to risk getting sick for bullshit-flavored artisanal ice creams.
Yeah I went on and on about it in the AM Links. It really just boggles my mind. Especially with modern data analysis through the loyalty card, I bet you Dicks knows to the penny how much money every single one of their ScoreCard holders spends, and on what. I would bet money that anyone who bought an AR at Dicks is one of the top spenders at their store.
They really don’t get it. It’s cultural. When you say “ewwww guns I don’t want that” it’s a slap in the face to me and mine and people like me. People like me aren’t gonna say “Oh thank you for educating my ignorant hick ass, please continue to enlighten me.” Gonna nod, and smile, and buy my shit elsewhere.
Like, you pissed off a bunch of prosperous to rich suburban white dads who buy guns, golf clubs, camping gear, fishing gear for themselves. You pissed off the wife who buys all her yoga pants and tennis gear. All those Nike and UnderArmor clothes that son and daughter want for X Mas and birthdays? That’s getting bought elsewhere.
But I’m sure all the fat woke purple haired Tumblrinas and the skinny jeans wearing soy latte hipsters are gonna replace all that volume. Any day now……
The Philly NBC affiliate just ran interviews with customers at a local Dicks. Only one didn’t see the need for the ban on selling “assault” rifles and even she said she would keep shopping there. The correspondent said every customer stopped and gave an opinion, so maybe it was just “coincidence ” that the pro-banners got the most coverage.
Whenever they zoom in on people in the crowd at big sporting events, it’s always some super-hot girl. I guess only super-hot girls go to sporting events.
Soccer cleats are, what, in the $50 – $75 range for a kid in middle school? An off-the-rack Colt AR is around a grand? Guess which one I’m using to determine where I’m shopping. And I, like most people, am a creature of habit, so if the place I go for shooting stuff is, say, Academy, when I need a pair of cleats for my kid that’s the first place that’s coming to mind.
Sounds like the place for Steve Smith and Zardoz to eat after a day at Adventureland.
The Pakistani army has got serious about defeating domestic terrorism
a) Are they going to make Afghanistan pay for it?
b) the Pakistanis are quite happy with a porous border, as long as it it’s porous for their uses
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Make Pakistan Great Again!
Fencing in the Kyber Pass is gonna be a real job. They should hire mexicans.
There are defense contractors that would KILL to be able to hire Mexicans over the locals. The reason why? Mexicans will show up to work and not leave it up to inshallah
And they’d bring their own pickup trucks; lifted of course.
Well yeah, because the lowered ones would never make it to those job sites.
You misspelled “lowered El Caminos.”
Or 64′ Impalas….lowered
’40 Ford with twice pipes
Now I’m imagining a Mexican Mercenary Army rolling around the middle east in pickups and El Caminos. How hard is it to get those PMC contracts again?
If you can’t get one, just borrow someone else’s contract and use it instead.
Shit, I’ve encountered a fair number of Mexicans (and Salvadorans, and Hondurans) working for family who are general contractors. Those cats work, boy. They hit like a 65% pace and keep it up for like 14 hours straight. It’s like, they look like they’re slacking off if you drive past once, but then you notice driving home from work that the same dude has been carrying shingles up and down a ladder since you left that morning.
Same reason why GCs building condos on the Alabama coast in 2006-07 hired as many Mexicans as they could. We had one customer at that time who outright said that his preference would be to hire locals instead of the Mexicans, but the dropoff in production was so steep that he couldn’t do it even though he wanted. A fair number of the locals would show up late, leave early, claim all sorts of injuries, take constant breaks, etc.
Doesn’t the term inshallah imply the leave it up to?
Silent professionals!
Flag lapel pin FTW.
Sad, if true.
Well, he was silent until someone woke his passed out ass up.
Just wondering, but has anyone seen Rufus recently?
A guy on site was bitching about The Obama Penaltax today. This guy is at the low end of the income bracket and not working for a big enough company, he gets no insurance from his boss, and happens to also qualify for food assistance; he’s like ‘Why are they trying to draw blood from a stone?’
Tell him NOT to check the box on the tax form.
David French has a gun
Because of the threats against my family—and because I don’t want to be dependent on a sometimes shockingly incompetent government for my family’s security—I carry a weapon. My wife does as well. We’re not scared. We’re prepared, and that sense of preparation is contagious. Confidence is contagious. People want to be empowered. That’s how gun culture is built. Not by the NRA and not by Congress, but by gun owners, one free citizen at a time.
A not-completely-awful piece about “gun culture” in the Atlantic, of all places.
Gotta protect your home against all those guys trying to phone or email your wife!
Speaking of Jews and guns the German Army was terrified of guerrilla warfare. During WWI the German Army massacred Belgian civilians due to being suspecting franc-fireurs or for reprisals of alleged franc-tireurs. Lurid accounts of these massacres were pounced upon by British propaganda.
Indeed, I think* there’s a bit in Guns of August of some of the German troops reporting being shot at by troops in foreign uniforms and returning fire. Similar reports were made by other German units in the area, so hostages were rounded up and shot.
German troops went to war in uniforms based on the state of origin.
*I’m also operating on lack of sleep, so may be apocryphal
I’ve read theories that friendly fire and echoes also caused lead to massacres.
This massacre appears to be the origin of the “Germans bayonetting babies” propaganda.
Here’s How to Stop ‘Deranged Madman’ from Killing Defenseless Kids
Colorado organization already successfully training teachers.
I’d rather have national conversations about this type of common sense gun policy.
Seems like getting rid of deranged, blood-thristy, people, set on killing innocents would be an answer. But enough about Secretary of State Clinton…
Way back in 1979 when I started high school we had a solution for the real problem kids. It was called reform school. I have no idea what went on there, but they knew better than mixing the assholes with the regular students.
If teachers want to be armed, fine. See no reason not to let them be free.
See no reason to invest any time or money into conservative ideas that won’t work either, though. I like the word volunteer though.
Well, you can have that conversation, with people on the right. But you’re not having it with lefties. They’ll stick their fingers in their ears and screech like insane people. Basicially because they are insane and they don’t want to protect anyone from getting shot, they want to ban guns so they can then dismantle the first amendment and install Soviet style Marxism.
Please understand I don’t agree with gun control on any level, but I think you’re wrong.
I think many people simply believe erroneously that gun prohibition will stop people from getting guns. Simple as that.
Republicans believe the same fallacy about other things.
It’s a ubiquitous fallacy and probably tied to human nature.
Most people believe that the minimum wage will raise wages.
Most people believe the broken window theory of economics.
I could go on.
Most people don’t have time to learn the complexities of the world and instead choose to focus on their own lives and specialties because when you get right down to it that stuff is way more important to their lives.
Don’t harsh the narrative dude.
Why the fuck would they believe that? They’re idiots if they do, it’s already been tried and it’a a massive failure to say the least.
You had a chat with an average voter of late – idiot is putting it kindly.
“Wood said she would wake up ‘to the man that claimed to love me raping what he believed to be my unconscious body. And the worst part: Sick rituals of binding me up by my hands and feet to be mentally and physically tortured until my abuser felt I had proven my love for them.
‘In this moment, while I was tied up and being beaten and told unspeakable things, I truly felt like I could die. Not just because my abuser said to me, “I could kill you right now,” but because in that moment I felt like I left my body and I was too afraid to run. He would find me.’
Wood spoke of feelings of ‘utter shame and despair’ after being raped several times, and she said that she is still ‘not fine’.
A different man raped her after pushing her onto the floor of a bar storage closet.
‘Because of [the ex-boyfriend’s] abuse, when I was pushed onto the floor of a locked storage closet by another attacker, after hours at a bar, my body instinctively knew what to do: Disappear, go numb, make it go away. Being abused and raped previously made it easier for me to be raped again, not the other way around.'”
What were the hearings for?
“The Westworld star gave her harrowing account to members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations in a bid to support the Survivors’ Bill of Rights Act, which impacts survivors of sexual assault in the US.”
Harrowing testimony, but I hate the Survivors’ Bill of Rights.
What are they trying to do?
There are positives, but I don’t necessarily believe they should be mandated – rape kit/forensic exam, 20-year preservation of evidence. Applicability of crime victim’s rights to sexual assault survivors is a question-mark, but mandating access to counselors and DOJ grants to develop programs are non-starters for me.
The preservation of rape kits is bullshit. It means that they have to store a rape kit if the woman never reports a crime. They are already preserved if she reports a crime. So it is an incentive for possible victims to wait. This is bad for two reasons. Firstly, if there was a rape, then it leaves a rapist on streets. Secondly, building a case for both the prosecution and the defense becomes more difficult as time passes.
“About two years ago, Nguyen was raped and submitted evidence to the state of Massachusetts through a rape kit. Massachusetts law gives Nguyen 15 years to decide whether to pursue legal action. But a pamphlet handed to her at the hospital said that unless she filed an “extension request”, under state law, the state could destroy her rape kit in just six months.”
Notice, like most articles about it, they leave out the part about her refusing to report a crime.
” Nguyen I remember one of the first things that I did after the rape was getting resources and calling legal advocacy centers. There was one advocate who said, “Just to be honest with you, you deserve and should have every right to justice. I just want to let you know that it’s a long process. It takes at least two years, on average. Be ready for it to consume your life.”
I had to hang up the phone at that point, because as a young person starting a career — and having to pause that potentially for a trial that the odds are so high against — faced with that decision, I chose to go with my career. It’s an intensely personal decision to make. That’s why a statute of limitations exists. For people to revisit it at a time and point in their lives where they are able to, and they want to.
I remember when I got out of the hospital. First of all, I wrote a sign — it says “Never, never, never give up” — and stuck it on my computer. Whenever I wanted to throw up from the HIV prophylactics, I would look at that sign and I would try to remember I have these goals and I’m not going to let my rapist get in the way of me graduating college.”
Also, I read the letter she wrote. If I remember correctly it was to Harvard’s paper. Basically she claims was drunk, went to some guy’s dorm, and started making out with him. Based on her description of events, it didn’t sound like rape.
If I find a link later I’ll post it.
Here it is:
“”Are you only going to make me hard, or are you going to make me come?” he said in a demanding tone.
It did not sound like a question. I obeyed.”
Jesus Christ.
Is it inappropriate to say ‘would’?
Why can’t she name them?
“assaulted by a second rapist on a closet floor during harrowing testimony to Congress” .
Al Franken?
Jesus, Daily Fail, get your syntax together.
Interesting. No one knows how the old calendar developed. Where do January and February come in since December means tenth Month? When did it stop being a lunar Calendar. How long was the intercalary month?
Fun facts about Leap Day: Originally it was the 24th not the 29th thanks to Roman practices of counting days. It appears it was originally a special double-length day as opposed to an “extra” day. Also the Romans used inclusive counting so they mistakenly used 3 years instead of four until Augustus stopped it. And no one knows the original erroneous leap-year cycle.
And July and August were the only name changes that stuck. Commodus renamed every month during his reign.
“How long was the intercalary month?”
Not certain. How much can I possibly eat?
Oh, that was the intercalorie month.
Jake Tapper called out Louise Farakahan as being a bigot and Leftists can’t even right now.
Farakahan has a long history of openly making anti-Semitic remarks. Billy Graham, to my knowledge, has only been dinged for making such remarks in a private conversation on tape. Obviously, that’s still wrong, but not the same as what Farakahan does. The Left celebrated Graham’s death and now is defending Farakahan. Let that sink in.
Louise? hah
Skin trumps soul?
Hottest White House staff since Marilyn Monroe.
Ohhh man!!!!!
If he can’t keep hotties in the White House, he may as well resign and let Pence implement The Handmaid’s Tale.
Under his eye.
A boon for all those who get turned on by their wife cradling the head of a surrogate semen receptacle while you’re rutting it.
Why do you think Pence refuses to meet women without his wife present?
This should be an Amateur Role Playing category on Porn Hub.
Looks like we’ve got President Oprah in 2020.
Wait, I thought “hearing a voice from God” meant you were crazy? I guess that only applies to candidates with an R behind their name.
Have you ever seen her give a speech? She’s 100x worse than Hillary, she’s not getting elected dog catcher.
Dunno, “you get a car, and you get a car, and YOU get a car” is a boilerplate political speech, but usually it doesn’t deliver straight away.
If she tries that route, she certainly can get a committed base.
Plus crying – lots and lots of crying.
Curse the universe that smartphones didn’t exist when I was in high school.
How many thousands of charges of receiving and distributing child porn would you have racked up?
Integer overflow is a legit way to beat the charge.
LOL at both comments.
Yeah, I would have been a sex offender at 13.
So far there is one good comment at MR on my article, from someone who knows the business and isn’t a moron.
The rest is Old Man Yelling at Cloud about trucks in the middle lane and/or driving like maniacs (look what happens when you force guys like me out) and some idiot who thinks double trailers should be banned.
Makes me glad I hang out here. The internet really can be a disheartening pile of derp.
It’s only because people in general are a disheartening pile of derp and the internet gives the worst of them a voice.
It’s not fair! He’s up high and he has a microphone!
What You taught me is why I don’t flip out over Semis anymore, so they can FUCK right OFF!
i liked the FL idiot. I don’t know about 95, but on I-75, it’s already “no trucks left lane” from I-10 to Ocala or further.
“An interesting attack on Obamacare. Now that the “constitutional” penaltax is repealed, the rest of the law is unconstitutional. Do I think this effort will succeed? No. But if it does, it will be seen as the moment the Stupid and Evil parties switched designation.”
Obama and the Democrats are completely lawless assholes and no one does anything about it. I’m applying for citizenship for my wife and I just copied this directly from the USCIS website:
Really? And why the fuck does this not apply to Barak Obama and his totally NOT constitutional DACA non-sense? This shit is really starting to piss me off.
And then there’s the fact that you have to pay a $725 filing fee and then get hit with another $85 for biometrics unless you can’t afford it. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford to live here, get back to your shithole already.
The $725 filing fee includes biometrics. I just saved you $85.
Hmm, I didn’t understand it that way, but I guess I’ll see.
You should have seen the run-around and cost for me to get me green card to come here. It took over 18 months, partly because at a critical point in the process, even having confirmed delivery through FedEx, they lost my fucking paperwork.
NO! I don’t believe it! Government has never fucked anything up!
It took my wife and I 8 months to get her green card and to do it properly, she had to stay in her home country for all of those 8 months and then I had to fly there and then fly to RIO because it’s the only city in Brazil that handles green card cases. So after 1000 extra miles of flying after my more than 4000 miles of flying to get there, we finally got her approved. And then I had to fly back to the USA alone because she wouldn’t get her card for another 3-4 weeks so that she could arrive here without hassle. When she arrived, she called me crying because the meanies wouldn’t just let her walk right in without verifying all her info, lol. I told her to just calm down and cooperate and she’ll be home in 2.5 hours.
That’s infuriating.
It’s a miracle more Oklahoma City bombings don’t take place.
If most Americans had to deal with that shit, there would be.
I guess the preferred method now is to just walk across the southern border and receive your free victim status bonus for breaking US law. Democrats approve, what is there to not like?
So Trump is trying to get gun control. What is to be done?
How so? I thought he was trying to get movie and video game control.
Maybe he’s trying to get the video game and TV remote controls.
They’ll pry my Xbox from my COLD DEAD HANDS.
You should throw it away on your own and get a PC.
I’m going to upgrade again soon, in the next month or so. Actually I’m replacing everything, even my case. I’m just trying to decide if water cooling is worth it or not. It’s so impressive looking, but looks to be a total pain the ass to install.
If I had the money I’d love built a PC desk like this, probably with fewer lights since I keep it in my bedroom
Of my four builds (from 2009-2016), two were water-cooled and two were air-cooled. I’ve seen no benefit whatsoever from water cooling temperature-wise. The only place it was useful was in a MiniITX build with a very small case which would not have had room for a decent air cooler. That one runs hot, though, so I don’t recommend doing that. My latest build was air cooled. The only recommendation I’d make is to get a decent aftermarket cooler, the stock ones are shit.
Modded PC builds
I’ve decided to go with this case, to replace my 10 year old Thermaltake case. I like it because it’s big open and all tempered glass besides the metal back.
PC Case
OK, well maybe if you’ve got time to burn and are willing to do some custom water-cooling setup, it would be worth it. I was just referring to off-the-shelf water cooling.
“The only recommendation I’d make is to get a decent aftermarket cooler, the stock ones are shit.”
People are saying it’s more effective, but I think most everyone is just doing it for the looks of it. My wife’s friend’s 18 old sun just built one water cooled. I might get him to help me with the water cooling since he’s already volunteered. I’ve been building my own PC since 1990.
My current cooling block on my GPU is a huge metal monstrosity, here’s the front view of it.
Cooling block monster
Those coolers are Steampunk AF, but they work.
See No. 5. I don’t trust Trump on guns. Also he is the type that wants “to something” and couldn’t care less about his supporters. Assuming they care since they are fucked either way.
Umm, no. I see he duped you right along with the Democrats.
What makes you think that? I really want to know?
You apparently have not been paying much attention to what Trump does. He has been doing this to the Democrats since day one. It’s basically the Lucy pulls ball way at last minute from Charlie Brown. He’s did the same exact thing dozens of times, where have you been?
You’re right about him doing this time and time again but we’ll see it that’s the case here. If he does push this he’s done though, a one-termer.
Think the Dems finally found something to blackmail him with? Or did they finally figure out that not insulting him and acting friendly can actually get him to carry water for you?
Remind the people that actually have to vote for it about a little thing called “midterms”. But by all means, get Congress to vote on it, so long as Rs vote the right way.
Like Obama on DACA, Trump’s trying to take Congress out of the equation here and do as much of it as he can by executive fiat.
That is one Trump Decree that the judges won’t stop, right?
I’m going to go with ‘yes’ on that one
Anyway I’ve been thinking about this for a while but I’ve noticed that Libertarianism as a political force is ironically very collectivist. No individual politicians but amorphous political forces: Libertarian Moment, Teh Yutes, “politics is a lagging indicator”, Free Trade will bring peace and Democracy, Consumer goods will defeat tyranny. Ignoring the role of individuals. A bad candidate, a bad election cycle, the right polling at the right time, the right judge, the right pivot can have long lasting ratchet effects that libertarians can not deal with.
Liberty is the exception to the rule. Thus it has always been, thus it will always be.
Your Mom?
thank you
I’ve been noticing that a lot of libertarians are just repackaged Bill Clinton neoliberals who value free trade and open immigration above individual liberty and smaller government
Like Gillespie?
Or they like to smoke weed and fornicate.
Congrats Gordi.
Of course, it had to be a Canadian.
/looks at everyone with challenging stare.
Why aren’t you working?
/wipes mouth from last bite of spaghetti all carbonara.
Did you use bacon? or did you have a real carbonara?
People put cream in carbonara?
Canadians are worst than Hitler. That’s just a fact
People who can’t spell worse are the worst, probably even more worst than Stalin.
Touche (I assume you know what that means, because you guys have to learn French)
Mais ouis, Monsieur Tête carré.
Don’t make me show you pictures of your prime minister in India.
Did he wear a turban? It would have covered the only reason so many women voted for him.
State media to the rescue!
It says so in the scripture …
“Canadians … must be anything but smug.”
… after all, we’re not like those backwards Americans who have nothing to live for but killing each other.
Yeah I know, except for better weather in most of the country, more wealth, and more freedom, those Muricans got nothing.
Real gun control is a lost cause everywhere. You’re never going to stop people having guns any more than you are drugs. They’ll still have those things, just that they will be illegal and you can occasionally make an example of one the them and feel all smug and righteous, but there is no way to stop people from having things they want.
I can tell you right now what will happen in the USA if they could ban guns. We will effectively be Brazil do Norte. You’ll get robbed at gunpoint on your way to work by 8-9 year old kids and you won’t be able to walk down the street with an expensive camera or jewelry. Car jackings, home invasions, and businesses being robbed in broad daylight will be the every day norm. That is exactly what gun banning will get you and nothing else.
Interesting article on scientists listening for information from the early universe. I do wonder how valid this is, as I would have thought (as a layman) that this stuff would have dissipated by now. I know the light from stars far away came from long ago, as it takes time to travel the distance, but these guys are trying to find information from before the formation of stars, and I would have thought that the information from that era would have passed us on by or faded into the noise of our vibrant universe. Any scientifically-minded people mind filling me in on how, or if, this works?
At a certain point I thought was all just Noise? ie BG Radiation so long in wavelength that it’s just, noise
They’re looking for RF emissions at a very specific wavelength that correlates to the energy released when an electron changes its orbital state. Then they have to compensate for the time and distance it took for the photon to get here, which will put it at a very low frequency. Hence why they’re concerned about interference from FM stations.
The theory is that during inflation, the expansion of the universe was faster than the speed of light. Nothing can go through a vacuum faster than light, but there’s nothing preventing space itself from getting bigger, faster.
There is no 32 dimensional chess- Trump is a moderate and always has been. But he is too stupid to realize that even if he outlawed guns the progressives will still hate him.
So Trump is a typical Republican after all?
He and Romney are cut from the same cloth, just different ends of the cloth
I’m waiting until Trump becomes the Reasonable Republican beloved by the MSM.
2023 when the Hitler/Pope Franciscampaign gets out on the trail
+ magic underwear.
You really believe that? Trump is not trying to make friends with Democrats, he’s playing them for fools, again. He must be getting really good at it, I guess.
You really believe *that*?
I mean don’t get me wrong, I fully expect Trump to do things I don’t like. Still the best president of my life time so far. I mean around $9000 extra bring home dollars for wife and I with the tax cuts, constantly trolling and trashing the Democrats and duping them like retards, repealed the penaltax, got rid of more regulations than anyone ever, stacking the courts with constitutional minded judges. What the fuck is there not to like to this point?
But I expect Trump to do things I don’t like, just not gun control. No way he goes there.
I don’t believe that. I certainly don’t believe Trump is some master strategist playing everyone for fools.
However, what I DO believe is that Trump’s diarrhea of the mouth leads him to spout off a shitload of things that he has barely thought about, if he’s thought about them at all. Many of his statements are contradictory. When he actually does something rather than just says something, then it’s time to be concerned. Until then, it’s just more Trump bluster that I basically ignore.
Rand or Massey should write a bill banning ‘Super Murder Weapons’ and make the definition so detailed and convoluted that it doesn’t actually ban anything. Then they can get on the newz and talk about how anybody who doesn’t support the bill is for letting children have Super Murder Weapons.
I like this approach. My only issue is that attempting to feed the grabber’s insanity might have the unintended consequence of insanesier gun grabbing when a couple of the smarter ones figure it out.
Well the AW ban never really banned anything. That was the most absurd thing about it. Oh I can’t have a flash suppressor and bayonet lug on my AR. F’g stupid ass liberals. I’d be embarrassedto be that stupid.
Social Justice Creep now completely subverting the law schools in Canada.
…. So do other law schools in Canada, some more explicitly than others. Social justice means defeating oppression and righting historical wrongs — by favouring or blaming people as members of groups, and by undermining Western legal principles such as the rule of law, equal application of the law, presumption of innocence, and freedom of expression, thought, conscience and religion.
One might expect Justin Trudeau and his ministers to jump on ideological bandwagons, but it is telling when law schools want to ride along too.
Human history is rife with oppression. Women were oppressed when only men could own property, slaves when they had no right to liberty, Indigenous people when they were forced to attend residential schools. Oppression results when some people do not have the same legal rights as others. But today’s law schools resist the idea of equal application of the law and openly advocate progressive policies. For instance, when Trinity Western University, an independent religious institution that receives no government funding beyond its charitable status, proposed to open a law school, the established schools urged provincial law societies to ban TWU’s graduates on the grounds that its community covenant did not reflect progressive values. The law societies in Ontario and B.C. obliged. The Supreme Court’s decision on TWU’s challenge of those decisions is pending.
Law schools may not need to preach revolution much longer. If you haven’t noticed, the tipping point is near. Courts and academics are transforming the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from a roster of fundamental liberties into a social-justice charter that justifies curbing individual freedoms instead of protecting them. The words of section 15(1) of the Charter, which guarantee that “every individual is equal before and under the law,” suggest that the same rules should apply to everyone. However, the Supreme Court has held that the law can nevertheless treat people differently if doing so produces equal outcomes, and that treating people the same — for instance, requiring the same qualifications from a minority job applicant as from others — might even violate section 15(1) if it produces unequal results.
Holy moly.
Well, they have a president who wants to raise his boys as girls and goes around the globe making a total fool of himself.
Prime Minister. The Queen is still the head of State. /pedant
Social Justice Creep now completely subverting the law schools in Canada.
…. So do other law schools in Canada, some more explicitly than others. Social justice means defeating oppression and righting historical wrongs — by favouring or blaming people as members of groups, and by undermining Western legal principles such as the rule of law, equal application of the law, presumption of innocence, and freedom of expression, thought, conscience and religion.
One might expect Justin Trudeau and his ministers to jump on ideological bandwagons, but it is telling when law schools want to ride along too.
Human history is rife with oppression. Women were oppressed when only men could own property, slaves when they had no right to liberty, Indigenous people when they were forced to attend residential schools. Oppression results when some people do not have the same legal rights as others. But today’s law schools resist the idea of equal application of the law and openly advocate progressive policies. For instance, when Trinity Western University, an independent religious institution that receives no government funding beyond its charitable status, proposed to open a law school, the established schools urged provincial law societies to ban TWU’s graduates on the grounds that its community covenant did not reflect progressive values. The law societies in Ontario and B.C. obliged. The Supreme Court’s decision on TWU’s challenge of those decisions is pending.
Law schools may not need to preach revolution much longer. If you haven’t noticed, the tipping point is near. Courts and academics are transforming the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from a roster of fundamental liberties into a social-justice charter that justifies curbing individual freedoms instead of protecting them. The words of section 15(1) of the Charter, which guarantee that “every individual is equal before and under the law,” suggest that the same rules should apply to everyone. However, the Supreme Court has held that the law can nevertheless treat people differently if doing so produces equal outcomes, and that treating people the same — for instance, requiring the same qualifications from a minority job applicant as from others — might even violate section 15(1) if it produces unequal results.
Holy moly.
Holy Squirrels!
I think it might have been capybara to move that much text.
The charter is China and Russia-style uselessness. And Turdeau Sr. was a fan of Mao:
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Ok, we got it the 2nd time, I mean 3rd time.
The Block is in trouble. Rufus?
Bloc. Damn autocorrect
So who then is the new bloc head?
So far there is one good comment at MR on my article, from someone who knows the business and isn’t a moron.
The rest is Old Man Yelling at Cloud about trucks in the middle lane
I know all about conservation of momentum, but when I get stuck behind two side by side trucks climbing a pass because one of them “thought he had a good run at it” I want to get the rpg out and express my dissatisfaction.
Dude, it’s the emission control systems. Sucks the power right out of the motors.
/also morons behind the wheel, we all know why, etc etc
My only bitch with truckers is that they are right behind teachers in the ‘my job is so important and people don’t respect that enough’ bullshite. Now it may only be the ones who call in to conservative talk radio show, but it is every single one of the ones who call in to conservative talk radio shows, And while I’m on the topic of professions that piss me off. Fuck lawyers for their ‘people always want free legal advice, I do this shit for a living” whinge, every professional deals with that, the rest of us just aren’t whiny arseholes about it.
They’re not right behind teachers. Teachers are so far in advance of every other profession at that that no one can even see their ass.
Teachers describe their job as the Four Yorkshire men describe life in their youths.
“Classroom? You were lucky to ‘ave a classroom! I taught 517 children every semester from 5 AM until 7 PM for 40 years for $10 a week, all of us huddled inside an abandoned bus!”
“Abandoned bus? Luxury!”
fair enough, not right behind, but they are next.
Yeah I can’t say I have heard Trucker Bitching, but Teacher Bitching is unparalleled in its intensity, duration, and complete disconnection from reality. They lie about work conditions, about hours, about salaries, about every single thing.
And then they say don’t blame them for the lousy results – they can’t do anything about what the students and the parents are like.
So, IOW it really doesn’t matter who’s teaching . They never go that far.
Maybe bitching is the wrong word but the “Look how Important my job is ” quotient is very high in both teachers and truckers, I rank them one and two in that department. Every third dude that calls in to the morning show is a trucker and either the caller/trucker or the host will bring up out how “nothing” happens without truckers. ‘We bring you everything that you use everyday and all the other shit that you shit with and shit.” I guess what I’m saying is fuck you truckers, come at me bro, I’m here all day. Finish Carpenters for life bitches!!!1!!.
Truckers who call in to Conservative talk radio shows are usually the same clowns that bitch about furrin truckers takin their work, any mention of making trucks more efficient or adding trailer, and generally don’t understand economics.
They should really be calling Thom Hartmann.
OMG! MASS Squirrel alert!
What the…. did somebody come back from the Before Place without going through decontamination?
Let a guy know he got attention someplace, and then he just can’t give up the Look At Me habit.
*Takes selfie*
There’s not enough chemicals on earth that clean the stank off that joint. I mean …. look around.
Stunning news: the Florida high school kids have been used by major leftist organizations almost from the moment the shooting stopped.
But….but…..CNN assured me that this whole thing was just a sudden grassroots movement of plucky teenagers!
I’m still a bit surprised Buzzfeed ran that story. Then again, they aren’t all that bright or experienced.
They don’t think it is a bad thing.
Hines is a good egg. He’s been reading and talking about left wing activist organizational strategies (and how right wing groups consistently fail at it) for a while. Also twits about script writing and movies.
What’s ridiculous to me is that anyone was remotely fooled by this. It was blatantly obvious almost immediately that these little bastards had people from lefty orgs using them as living hand puppets. Kids were so overcome with grief that they….instantly start lobbying?
And look at the pictures – do any of these children look overcome with grief? Or, hell, even somber? A friend of mine died when we were in ninth grade from a congenital heart defect. I was depressed for months. I doubt I so much as smiled in that time, yet these little shits keep taking selfies where they’re grinning like jackasses.
Hines notes that right-wing activists suck and are not familiar with nor competent at professional organizing. They were grasping at the outline of what was happening with the whole “crisis actor” conspiracy but went full retard and were written off as crazies. On the flipside, there was a heavy media push with the narrative that “these brave kids are taking matters into their own hands” which can fall into the technically true no pinocchios fact check if it is literally kids who were there that were receptive to and had training, funding from activist organizations. Both narratives start from a similar starting point but end up exaggerating their claims to the point of falsehood. And at the end of the day once the news cycle has moved onto another topic, one of those narratives will be remembered as the correct one even if it’s full of holes (see: hands up don’t shoot).
using them as living hand puppets
OMWC hit hardest.
But….not Rufus?
:scratches head:
I was seeking out articles on Jacobite mag that have made that precise argument, and I just realized Hines writes for them—and probably wrote some of those articles.
Go figure
OT – Callout to PieInTheSky
Trip to my local Romanian Wine stockist tomorrow. What will be worth trying out?
They have:
Recas Castle Featasca Neagra
Recas Castle Pinot Noir (I think you suggested to avoid this)
Recas Castle Cabernet Sauvignon
Recas Castle Pinot Grigio
Recas Castle Riesling
Recas Castle Feteasca Regala
Recas La Putere Feteasca Neagra
Recas La Putere Cabernet
Stunning news: the Florida high school kids have been used by major leftist organizations almost from the moment the shooting stopped.
Pay no attention to that puppeteer behind the curtain.
Sucks the power right out of the motors.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just drop a gear (or three) and stay in line.
They are getting into the #2 lane now, Not legal in Cali, so now it’s 3 lanes of trucks and 1 or 2 fast lanes, that pisses me off
No argument there.
I actually drive slower than most, as I appreciate getting good fuel mileage and better lifetimes out of my equipment. Changing lanes and trying to pass people all of the time is for suckaz.
In heavy traffic, if you find a good trucker who doesn’t like to shift, you can tuck in and just idle behind him with no brakes at 15 mph
My derpy sense is tingling.
I’m a Teacher Who Went Through Firearm Training
And it was an absurd disaster.
After each video, teachers were asked to partner up and practice wrestling wooden pistols from each other’s grip. Our guidance counselor immediately dropped the “firearm,” citing our college adviser’s sweaty palms. The history department chair and a five-time “teacher of the year” was thrown by a maintenance man who had once fronted a Prince cover band. Due to the limited supply of wooden Glocks, some of us were forced to simulate guns with our hands, firing with thumb and forefinger. A cacophony of half-hearted “Bang! Bang!”s peppered the auditorium. Finally, our AP humanities chair noted that “this shit was dumb” and said she was “too old and educated” to play guns. She then proceeded to holster her invisible piece and head for the bagels.
My take is that it’s kinda pointless doing hand-to-hand training with a bunch of tactical guys. Whatever lessons ‘stick’ would need to be regularly reinforced with more training.
A more modest approach is probably better.
Situational awareness, cover, concealment, how to shoot straight and minimize the possibility of hitting the innocent. Teach ’em how to shoot people in the back.
A bit of honesty. The guy who gains initiative gets to act first. If you have to draw on a drawn gun, you’re probably going to lose, but you were gonna lose anyway.
How exactly was this “firearm training”? It sounds like some tacticool phony bullshit that the school was conned into paying for, rather than actual useful training. You know, actually learning how to shoot a firearm accurately and quickly, threat assessment training, etc.
You don’t need some secret squirrel bullshit to learn how to shoot a bad guy. You just need to learn how to shoot, and practice. It doesn’t take a fucking Marine scout sniper to drop a murderous lunatic who’s slaughtering unarmed people.
The mere presence of a someone carrying weapons openly deters all but the most determined attackers.
See Korean shop owners during the Rodney King riots and the guy who delivers money to the bank.
These people sound like they spend their entire lives in high school. Oh, right.
mental sandbox time
Suppose you put a Claymore mine on the bottom of a drone. That’d be a a good way to hit an area target. A drone that could release a bunch of cluster bombs might work well too.
Russia used a grenade dropped from a drone to blow up an ammo depot in Ukraine.
My gut feeling is that a drone wouldn’t be the most stable platform for a claymore. I mean, yeah, you’d get your projectiles SOMEWHERE in the area, but the drone would be knocked around by the force of the blast, and seems to me that there would at least be a decent chance that said force knocks the thing off target enough in the milliseconds after initial detonation to render it fairly inaccurate.
Good point. I really wish the Lazy Dog bomb would make a comeback. That has “drone” written all over it.
A Lazy Dog (sometimes called a Red Dot Bomb or Yellow Dog Bomb) is a small, unguided kinetic projectile measuring 1.75 inches (44 mm) in length, 0.5 inches (13 mm) in diameter, and weighing 207 grains, or about 0.47 ounces (13 g).
The weapons were designed to be dispersed over the battlefield with Mark 44 cluster adapters. Lazy dog projectiles were technically not bombs because they used no explosive, but were in many ways equally destructive. Mark 44 cluster adapters were one of many possible means to deliver “Lazy Dog” projectiles.
Lazy dog projectiles were used primarily during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
Even with high precision, a KE weapon that is relying on gravity is probably a waste of time from a drone, but incendiary, bio or vesicants would probably be work well for area denial.
flamethrower pointed down?
Huh. Flamethrowers *have* been mounted on drones:
Discarded sneakers hardest hit.
Hah! Drone with flamethrower used to cook turkey!
Luddites naturally complain bitterly.
Simply dropping ball bearings without force beyond gravity might do the trick.
Bring back Fire Hedgehog!
Today’s full 2-hour Big Jet TV was free for all y’all cheapskate avgeeks.
And don’t ask me WTF you’re watching. If you ain’t an airplane nerd, you ain’t gon’ get it.
I feel like I want to start using a dash cam. Any recommendations? High quality video and ease of use are top priorities.
black and white, no sound
then edit the videos like a silent movie- piano accompaniment, dialogue cards, the works!
I recently tried a Waylens camera and I do not recommend them. The firmware uses some incorrect fields to access OBDII functions and the only mount available is a suction cup that doesn’t suction all that well. The video, audio, and GPS functions work great, however.
It’s something I’ve been considering for a while too.
GoPro won’t work?
I’m not totally sure, but I think dash cams have features specifically for driving that GoPro doesn’t have
I went with BlackVue brand. Can’t speak to how it compares to other because this is my first one and haven’t tried others. Had it for a few years, works fine. I would probably buy another BlackVue unless more research led me elsewhere. There’s plenty of samples and reviews of dashcams on YT these days.
I uploaded a clip to YT if you want to check it out. The free video software I was using only let me export to 720p, not 1080, but whatever that’s fine.
Also, I bought a cheap “car trim removal tool set” to help tuck the power cable behind the trim around the windshield and such.
It says “Unavailable” 🙁
Oops, try again, had it set to private.
I’ve watched so many Russian dash cam crash videos that I was expecting a Lada to come out of nowhere and t-bone you
Dammit Gumby.
This is getting out of hand.
But what about woodchippers?
As long as they’re not black with a thing that goes up.
I don’t understand…so he’s saying the guns are NOT doing the killing all by themselves? That the operator of the equipment is a factor in the incident?
That’s so weird. I thought the item itself did the killing.
The T-1000 is the only machine that can do that.
The amount of ignorant motherfuckers who think “you don’t need it” is a legit argument for banning something is so fucking high.
You don’t need gay sex. You don’t need mosques. You don’t need organic groceries. You don’t need anything but rice, beans, and something to keep the rain off your head. Every thing else in life is a luxury.
Fuck off slavers.
You’ve got my vote
Assault envelopes
Expected George Costanza
Utah, the birthplace of hip hop.
I prefer the original.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Hip Hop is officially dead now.
“Hope Hicks is loved & admired by all who know her. It’s with a heavy heart, but tremendous gratitude, that I wish her well in her next steps”
So you are saying, there is going to be a lesbian sex tape?
I identify with Hope’s last name.
/puts in straw hat and spits tobacco out.
Any relation to William Melvin Hicks would be God’s Way of letting Bill knows he loves us from the grave.
Back… and to the left
On second thought, I’d submit his comments on the Clarence Thomas hearing.
On second thought, I’d submit his comments on the Clarence Thomas hearing.
Pigs rule
today I learned
There used to be a malt liquor called Power Master. The NYT was not pleased.
7.4% oh my word! That’s almost as strong as a glass of wine!
It is very easy for me to read that article in the voice of Uncle Ruckus.
CYOA was ahead of its time
Beer for tonight as I try to catch up with stuff here, at work, and at home. It’s been sitting in my fridge since last summer but still tastes OK.
Congratulations Gordilocks!
Beer for tonight. Or actually this afternoon. Been at it since about 1.
Since you or Deg were not around last night, I’ll repost this one for my beer from yesterday.
I recommend, don’t but it, it’s too sweet. But if you want a buzz, holy mother of jeebus, it will put a solid buzz on you. 4 of them and I felt like I drank 10 6% beers.
Yesterday beer
If I see it, I’ll pick it up. Thanks!
Be fore warned, I don’t really like it, it’s too sweet. The Ayinger Celebrator I bought a couple of days ago is far superior for less price. Talk about an excellent dark beer.
I try just about every bourbon barrel aged beer I see. Some were worth it, some not.
Celebrator is a good beer.
I choose to believe that dog was performing a magic trick.
You wouldn’t think so, but that’s actually Teller in one of his amazing disguises.
A hungrateful dog will eat anything.
/Ronnie Dobbs
Hell, dogs will try to eat their own shit.
Pimping one of my favorite movies.
If any of you Glibs haven’t seen it, it’s super troopers level hilarious.
Nice Teufelhund.
My wife used to work in a vet clinic. Most every night at dinner it was “You wouldn’t believe what this dog ate!” Usually it was some sort of retriever, not a shepard.
Ruined a few dinners for me. I’m real squeamish and she’s not at all.
I used to share a house with a chicken vet. Every time we ate chicken, he’d spend part of the meal telling us what diseases it had.
Now that’s funny.
Silly puppy. Thinks he’s a clown.
That’s what it felt like when I finally hit send.
If HM created a splinter site off of this splinter site, I’d follow him.
There is a splinter site…on the dark web.
Jake Tapper goes off on Farrakhan.
“Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more than the cancer”
Did the CIA create heart disease and diabetes to kill the noble, put-upon fat people?
You left out all of the caps for emphasis. It’s much more convincing that way.
And you can absolutely go away in terms of trying to excuse it. Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more than the cancer that you MIGHT get due to MAYBE something to do with you POSSIBLY weighing MORE than a CERTAIN weight POSSIBLY MAYBE.
It loses something in translation from the original:
*nods head slowly*
“Leftists Celebrated My Friend’s Death and Made His Grieving Mother Cancel the Funeral”
I went today and filed my taxes. I’m getting a 3300 dollar federal return for over payment. I fucking hate taxes.
I paid 20000 in federal taxes this year. The federal government does nothing to my benefit. Literally nothing. Fuck those guys
I make under $15/hr, and the amount of taxes above and beyond FICA I have to pay is ridiculous.
My wife and I filed together, and between the two of us we paid the Feds 28k, and another many k’s to New York State.
I think that bought one half of a hellfire missile, and I hope it was one that missed the wedding and landed in the sand with no fatalities or injury to person or property.
That’s one of the worst parts of taxes. My money paid for a part of a missile that killed a bunch of kids in Syria.
I should be able to not pay taxes because of moral objection.
I’d also rather not pay the salaries of the mewling cabbages at the FMCSA who decided to ruin the industry to which I have dedicated most of my life.
Get a load of Thoreau over here!
Walden Pond was a thriving metropolis compared to where I’ve spent most of my life.
Taxes are immoral.
Taxation is soft slavery
Taxation is theft.
For real nigga
I feel you.
Thoreau’s mommy made him dinner and washed his clothes so he could go “live deliberately.” /pet peeve
It also paid for a lot of other unconstitutional bullshit you wouldn’t approve of. That’s why they make it mandatory now.
Somebody a few hundred years ago had this shit figured out.
But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful.
The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a “protector,” and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to “protect” those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you. He does not keep “protecting” you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villanies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.
I’m confused by the “went today” portion of this sentence?
What ‘Middle Chinese’ sounded like. I have no idea what I just watched but it was interesting.
Tonal languages are shit.
Have you ever watched people speaking a click language? Supposedly one of the oldest language types.
There is a pecking order to these things. I’m only slightly biased towards languages that went through deliberate modification and organization in the past few hundred years.
Are the shit, you mean.
[forces HM to speak an ergative language]
Chinese, or how to say 8 different things the exact same way.
For the first time in my life, I’ve gotten pulled over without having any idea why. I got a ticket for… a tinted rear window. I’ve had this car here for 7 years, gotten it safety inspected each time, brought it to the dealership far too many times, and not once has anyone mentioned that window tints were illegal in this bit of the vampire state.
in an attempt to dissipate the hatred flowing through me at this moment, I will be tasting a new (to me) whisky. Glenmorangie “Nectar D’Or.”
It’s not at all bad. I prefer the Quinta Ruban though.
Tulpa must have turned you in.
How is it? Haven’t tried it yet.
That isn’t whiskey, it’s scotch. Yeah, I know, it’s technically whiskey. I just picked up another of these today, don’t see it much anymore round these here part, and when I do see it, I buy it.
Bourbon, fuck yeah
They changed the law first of last year.
And what a surprise, they did it for the motherfucking cops.
The tint control legislation was proposed by state Sen. John D. Francisco of Syracuse and Assemblyman Michael DenDekker of Queens, and was lauded as a crucial safety measure by police officials throughout the state.
In a joint statement, the State Association of Chiefs of Police and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio cited the 2007 killing of NYPD detective in a traffic stop as an example of the need for the new law. Officer Russell Timoshenko died after being shot by an assailant driving a stolen SUV with illegal tints during a traffic stop.
“This bill would protect law enforcement officers from the unnecessary risk of walking into unexpected and dangerous situations,” de Blasio said in the statement.
The windows on my Tacoma are tinted, and I found an agreeable mechanic to ignore the windows for my last safety.
Dear New York State – Fuck Off, Slavers.
So the vehicle in the crime had ILLEGAL tints and the way to solve this is to make other tints illegal?
What does that even mean?
I wonder, can I get some sort of grandfather clause thing going on and get the ticket thrown out?
Especially since I am planning on trading this car in on Saturday?
Answer: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck you, pay me.
One of the reasons I decided to side with Gamergate when that thing blew through, is that they has so much more, and vastly better art.
Why does the left have the reputation for being the creative class?
Wow, my first Gilmore(tm)
You’re in Duchess Co., Not Adahn?
Saratoga, I believe
That’s my favourite, I can have literally a swig of it, and it just makes everything better.
OT – OK, on the expectation that I’m gonna piss some people off, I’m pre-emptively claiming my “Grandpa Simpson” privilege.
The Gay Accent Stereotype
I get it – it’s a stereotype – but just like valley girl diction and vocal fry behaviors, it’s an exhibited behavior, and presumably learned.
Where did it come from?
Self-classification based on media observations
My 2 cents, probably wrong.
You need to ask a lavender linguist
Fascinating. As always, I think the Freudians are batshit crazy, and – of course – wrong.
Now there is an interesting concept. Batshit crazy is always associated with wrong isn’t it? I mean the idea that someone is batshit crazy and right?
You could be batshit crazy and come out with something that is true. Broken clocks etc.
Obviously, the profoundly batshit crazy would find it hard to consistently emit objectively true opinions.
Yeah, but broken clock implies more that a unique circumstance holds as opposed to proper time being derived from expected function.
Nearest I can get to batshit crazy and right would be Agile Cyborg (in whatever part of the astral plane he might be in these days).
I’ve heard claims that it was culturally appropriated from sassy black women.
Martin Hilpert has a good lecture on it.
Thanks for that.
Skip to exactly 22:00 to get to the sexuality part.
I’ll watch the whole thing – the general issue is interesting in its own right.
Warmup whisky: The Glenlivet. Light, bright, mild, friendly. To transition to highland style…
Appetizer: Johnnie Walker black. Bog-standard, but drinkable highland style. Rather candy-like
Salad course: Glenmorangie “Lasanta.” not a big fan of this one, but drinking it now so I can get a good comparison. A lot of things happening in it, but none of them terribly good. This is one of those that vastly benefits from a drop or two of water.
Accompaniments: some ridiculously high-TDS water from the municipal source, water crackers, and a surprisingly good cheese from these people: Note the Swiss Brown in their rotating banner. That’s what the front half of Swiss’s cowbutt looks like.
Need to finish the Lasanta before I try the last one tonight.
I’m not too well experienced in scotch. I actually hate Johnnie Walker, but I like the blended Chivas Regal, I mean as a cheap every day type whiskey. I’m sort of spoiled now, drinking stuff like Blanton’s and Pitu Vitoriosa (actually rum, but oak barrel aged, and OMG nectar of the gods), and Colonel E.H. Taylor. Pretty much anything from Buffalo Trace is good. I’ve been trying for months to get a bottle of Elmer T Lee and still no luck.
It’s OK to not like Johnnie Walker. It’s an expensive and decidedly mundane blended, after all. If you want a (reasonably) cheap blended that might surprise you (it did me) – look at Crown Royal – the standard one, not the fruity variants. I was pleasantly surprised at the Canuckistani spirit.
Agreed, though I will say that for the money JW black is one of the better Highland styles. I personally find Highland styles dreadfully dull though. The red isn’t worth buying. The blue, gold, platnium, and yellow are all good, but not worth the money for me, personally.
Have you had the green? My BIL brought it with him to Christmas and left it for me. It was alright. Good, not great.
“Good, not great” should be Johnnie Walker’s motto.
“Johnnie Walker. It’s on sale.”
I could take or leave Johnnie Walker, which makes me feel a little bad because I have family from (and I think still in) Kilmarnock. It seems like it’s peaty because they sprinkled some liquid peat smoke in when they bottled it. At that price point for scotch I prefer Dewar’s. These days I’m mostly a bourbon man anyway.
I’ve had Crown Royal. Prefer Chivas although a little too sweet. My fav whiskey’s are Blanton’s and Colonel E.H. Taylor. And the Vitoriosa, which as I said, is actually cachaca, but it compares to the best of whiskeys. Here’s a pic. When a bottle of liquor I buy is about half empty, I move it to storage and buy another bottle. With the Vitoriosa, I can’t but it here so I’m out of luck for now.
Something else to add to my booze run tomorrow. Is there any particular brand of cachaca I should be looking for?
Yes, that one, but you won’t be able to find it. The regular cheaper Pitu gold is pretty good also, you might try for that one. Otherwise, I’m not sure, I never buy it here.
In general, white is inferior to gold, I guess. They don’t have Pitu Gold, but do have Ypioca Cachaca Gold and Novo Fogo Gold
I get the white Pitu at my local. It’s pretty rough around the edges but I just use it for caipirinhas, and for that purpose it’s fine.
No, the white is shit, trust me on this. The darker colored cacahaca is aged in barrels.
And you don’t use the darker colored premium cachaca in caipirinhas, you sip it like bourbon.
Anyone tried the Jameson Caskmates IPA yet? it hasn’t hit my liquor store yet.
Not yet, but I will. I loved their Stout Edition Caskmates. Very good whisky for 28 bucks a bottle.
Plat Principal: Glenmorangie “Nectar d’Or”
Wow…. I was not expecting this. This is actually really good.
Color: no different than the Lasanta. D’Or apparently does not refer to the color, it’s more of a tawny orange.
Nose: less aggressive than the Lasanta, more bass notes, definitely sweeter
Taste: a completely different animal than the lasanta. More of the bourbon barrel is present (char, caramel) and the sauternes aging really does give a fruit flavor. Honestly, the aging techniques are so prominent that I’m a bit leery of calling this “good.” It almost seems like a blending/flavoring technique rather than a distilling/aging one. Yummy though.
Value: Whisky suffers from diminshing returns hard. This is no exception, It’s pricy AF. But it’s good. I don’t think I’ll be adding this to my regular rotation, since for a lower price I can get whiskys I like better (Talisker in the hizzouse!) In fact I think i’ll drink a third or a half of the bottle, then put it on the shelf to bulk up the collection and offer to guests.
So apparently Dicks and now Wal Mart have arbitrarily decided they will no longer sell guns to anyone under the age of 21.
In the light of the gay wedding rulings how can it be anything except illegal age discrimination?
If a private entity cannot object to providing a good or service to a gay wedding and age is a protected class then how can they refuse to provide a good or service which is legal for the customer to possess based solely on their age?
Uhhhh… fuck you?
Age is more specifically 40+ and applied to employment. Granted that hasn’t stopped people from twisting the definition as far as possible and getting it accepted*
*if it applies to things progressives like
The C level of Walmart is going to start pissing off its corporate employees. The decision to stop selling ARs didn’t sit well and I highly doubt this will improve the mood. Plus constant layoffs.
Glad I’m out of Bentonville.
Volokh actually covered this today. The long story short is that it depends on the jurisdiction you’re in.
18: old enough to fuck, marry, vote, smoke, kill & die for Uncle Sam, but not buy a hunting rifle.
I’ve been an admirer of Sabo, “conservative artist provocateur,” since years ago. He never fails to make me LOL. Three Billboards Outside
Ebbing, MissouriDolby Theater.I saw that, and guessed it was him.
Nobody else it could be, really.
Name names on stage or shut the hell up.
The “Name names on stage or shut the hell up!” is awesome because it’s true. Don’t get on stage and chastise anyone when you’ve been chums with the likes of Weinstein, Allen, and Polanski.
Thats awesome.
That’s awesome.
God bless Sabo.
CPRM commented further up about the laziness of the commenters at Marginal Revolution.
As of now, they have only 68 comments on their daily links page.
That said, here is one that is threaded under a comment about my article, and I’ll be damned if this doesn’t look familiar.
So Much For Subtlety February 28, 2018 at 5:02 pm
in 2020, the fashion in rap will be Victorian sailor outfits and licking huge lollipops with fent in them. artists will be named like AVGVSTVSGL00P. people will still think pants sagging is a thing
Has Agile changed names and moved location? Or is this a HM sock?
I wish either of those were true.
It’s not too late to set up an account over there…
Agile Cyborg Facts
Agile Cyborg uses his third eye so much he has to put Visine in it.
Crop circles are actually Agile Cyborg’s attempts to mow his lawn.
HP Lovecraft wrote greeting cards for Hallmark until he met Agile Cyborg
Death once had a near Agile Cyborg experience. Death has since become more spiritual and spends more time with friends and family.
The works of James Joyce are based on Agile Cyborg’s participation in a spelling bee.
Agile Cyborg visits the Astral Plane so often he gets frequent flier miles.
A man once helped Agile Cyborg clean out his garage. That was MC Escher.
Terrence McKenna originally referred to his infamous ‘Heroic Dose’ as ‘The Agile Cyborg Dose’.
Agile, being a modest interstellar traveler, not unlike Mr Lizard, declined the honorific.
William S. Burroughs is the only man who ever truly grasped Agile Cyborg’s magnificence.
There’s more Ass Sex in ‘Cities of The Red Night’ than on all of the internet.
Running insanely late again….few notes. The new Carpenter Brut (extended EP/Short album) is tight.
Still communicating with the Artist/Director from Serbian animation flick “Technotise”. He’s finally updated his site – got some great new teasers – and if you dig around a little further down, some amazing art projects – linked to youtube. You can still catch the full ‘Technotise: Edit and I’ cyberpunk flick for free if you’ve got amazon prime.
Drop him a note on the site if you have a chance – he’s always responsive – in English – don’t be afraid to tell him I still think he needs a kickstarter/indiegogo or at least a Patreon. That’s how we do these things these days.
Gotta drive down to Greensboro for more training this weekend – that means a few more William Hope Hodgson audiobooks. I love weird, nautical tales – or his bizarre ‘dying earth’ subgenre takes – esp from his POV at the early 20th century.
Satire? We can hope…
Forgot the link.
The Democrats should adopt this as their official handbook going forward. I’ts a WIN/WIN, I guarantee it.
There was a parody of Lethal Weapon 20 odd years ago with Samuel L Jackson. Why am I just finding out about this?
Loaded Weapon
It has its moments, but I can see why it’s never been the Sunday night movie.
Someone once told me that SLJ basically got shitty roles and no recognition/credit from audiences until he played the father(?) in the 1992 tupac-vehicle movie “Juice”
(*which is actually quite a good movie, from what little i remember)
it might have been the junkie in “Mo’better blues”. which i also remember being a role people said he’d killed.
But if you look at IMDB
… he was still mostly getting secondary supporting-roles, a few scenes at most, after that. in fact, even after Juice.
I think i’m confusing Juice with “Fresh”, where he gets a leading role against a child actor, playing his chess-teacher
Pulp fiction came out the same year, but i think it was Fresh where directors were like, “hey this guy is really good”. Up until then he was mostly getting a few lines, walk-on/walk-off characters like the guy who got shot in the back of the head in Goodfellas.
Nope, co-starring in Loaded Weapon 1.
that was the thing i was reacting to.
its not a good role, and its the sort of thing a better actor would go, “no thanks”. and simply co-starring in that led to nothing else in particular.
my point was that he was pretty much getting dogshit parts for a long time until 1992-1994, when he started getting name-recognition.
I’m guessing that Bruce Willis having a cameo in Loaded Weapon 1 might be connected to Bruce Willis working with him in Die Hard With A Vengeance 2 years later. Taking him from that guy that said ‘hold on to your butts’ in Jurassic Park into a bankable actor. Hollywood is all about networking.
Fuckin’ A, it does.
I do.
today I learned
The Purge has the same basic premise as a Star Trek episode:
Featuring the old “trick the computer into self-destructing” gambit
The Purge is a metaphor for the evilness of libertarianism.
Ha! There’s a whole list of the times Kirk talked a computer to death. Picard wishes he could do that.
Research Director and Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute:
A few decent replies, but the best one was in a retweet:
No, Teddy just got his blood up shooting darkies in Puerto Rico…Oh, he meant Franklin.
I would have pointed out that he writes for a commy rag named after a bunch of head chopping shit heels:
They totally are, but they say they aren’t.
“greater purity in regards to the ideals” = more killing
The Haitian Revolt led them to a secure and prosperous future which they still enjoy the fruit of…oh, Haiti is THAT country?
OK, they named their rag after a bunch of ass hats who did this:
The 1804 Haiti massacre was carried out against the remaining white population of native French people and French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by Haitian soldiers under orders from Jean-Jacques Dessalines. He had decreed that all suspected of conspiring in the acts of the expelled army should be put to death.[1] Throughout the nineteenth century, these events were well known in the United States, where they were called “the horrors of St. Domingo”. In addition, many refugees had come to the US from Saint-Domingue, settling in New Orleans, Charleston, New York, and other coastal cities. These events polarized Southern public opinion on the question of the abolition of slavery.[2][3]
The massacre, which took place throughout Haiti, occurred from early January 1804 until 22 April 1804, and resulted in the death of 3,000 to 5,000 men, women, and children.[4] Squads of soldiers moved from house to house, torturing and killing entire families.[5] Even whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population were imprisoned and later killed.[6] A second wave of massacres targeted white women and children.[6]
Dessalines regarded the elimination of the white Haitians an act of political necessity, as they were regarded as a threat to the peace between the black and the free people of color. It was also regarded as a necessary act of vengeance.[20] Dessalines’ secretary Boisrond-Tonnerre stated, “For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!”[23]
Dessalines was eager to assure that Haiti was not a threat to other nations. He directed efforts to establish friendly relations also to nations where slavery was still allowed.[24]
In the 1805 constitution, all citizens were defined as “black,”[25] and white men were banned from owning land.[20][26] The massacre had a long-lasting effect on the view of the Haitian Revolution. It helped to create a legacy of racial hostility in Haitian society.[25]
Massacres lead to hard feelings? Well knock me over with a feather.
I didn’t say it was *better*. I know the history.
I think a lot of people, though, have some kind of a weird notion about the Haitian Revolution being “noble”, while with the French Revolution they think of head chopping.
Mmmmmm, dessert.
Is your wife at the pregnant stage where she wants the sex stage, or the pregnant and feels insecure, thus Q is just leading you to blue ballsville?
The only one of the lot who really caught my eye, because she’s got that goofy mousy look I like so much.
Next time I’m in ABQ, we gotta have some adult beverages.
Definitely. Stone Face. Chicks in lingerie serving booze. Not my favorite bar, but it’s damned close to campus, and getting anywhere during rush hour that close to the valley is a PITA.
An Irish folk ballad about the uselessness of prohibition.
that time a bunch of leftists chopped off a feminist’s head
Meh, she was monarchist. No tears shed by me for her.
Look, she had the wrong ideals and was thus antithetical to the revolution. Perfect reason to chop her head off. The Jacobin revolutionaries worked for the people of France!
Happy 25th anniversary of the beginning of the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.
I’m sure Janet Reno is celebrating the anniversary with Lou Reed, both of them being alive and well.
If there is an afterlife, Lou Reed is jamming with the greats upstairs — a much nicer, and a much less fire-y place than Janet Reno is right now.
Lou Reed is fine, but as of November 7, 2016, Janet Reno has been burning in hell.
Or what JB said
i dont know if this has been mentioned already, but its interesting
WaPo: Why Are Senate Dems Torpedoing Their Own Gun Bill?
Answer: Because it might pass
they’re more interested in losing a symbolic fight than actually doing the ‘common sense’ stuff people always say they really want/need.
Republicans would be fucktarded to pass anything related to guns at all. Would Dems do the same with abortion? Of course not; they didn’t when Gosnell’s house of horror surfaced. Bipartisanship is a scam when one side’s only purpose is to reduce liberty.
I was thinking about Gosnell earlier… I probably missed it, but I don’t recall anyone suggesting that the Gosnell horrorshow was reason to further regulate abortions… even though he had a death toll aside from the live-birth babies he murdered. But there certainly wasn’t any media-wide calls for blaming more responsible abortionists for his crimes.
Well there is a reason the Stupid Party label was given to them…
this is probably the case, but i’m not sure. i think its messy and has very different electoral impacts depending on the individual representative.
but i think the dems would have been much smarter to continue w/ this thing, get some softball win, and then keep pushing for more and do the kibuki/pantomime thing where they flop and accuse the gop of wanting babies to die by not agreeing to gut the constitution.
iow, go for both the ‘real’ and ‘symbolic’ stuff.
instead they ditched the most practical measure because they think its too-small-ball. which can be used against them. the fact that wapo is griping about it seems to me that the progressive wing thinks this is stupid and they’re blowing a chance. i don’t think they’d highlight this otherwise.
Interesting how supposedly there is support for an AWB and a Semi-Automatic ban. Push polling, loaded question, in the news or gun support is not strong?
I got so many yuge side projects going on for Glibs. The best. Really class act. Classy, like trying to impress your mistress so she becomes your third wife classy. It’s true, it’s true.
You know who else had a mistress?
My dog? He sneaks out at night and acts very suspicious when he returns, he won’t even smell my crotch.
Another Irish song about rights.
for the other early risers out there
New Jersey high school mulls cancellation of Nerf gun tournament over shooting fears
Ridgewood police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke told that perceived danger and public safety are an important issue surrounding this year’s Dart Wars.
“In this day and age, any type of game that involves running around with any kind of gun increases people’s fear,” she said. “You can’t tell from a distance if it’s a fake gun.”
“any kind of gun” – game. set. match.
But just a few lines up…
The huge size and the orange/yellow/purple color scheme make it impossible to discriminate.