Glad Sloopy did the links this morning. All I want to talk about is Spring Training and nobody cares about that. (Tim Tebow went 0-2 with a K on 4 pitches. Even Jesus don’t mess with the Astros)

First and foremost — Congratulations to our own Gordilocks — whose article about trucking regulation here at made the links at Marginal Revolution. Number 6 in the screen-cap. Look, glibertariat: We, the people who run this place are only smart enough to keep the site up and post links. You, the people who actually know and live stuff make this more than just a chat room, and we’re grateful. Please, if you’ve been considering submitting something, do. Here.

Narrative: Teachers don’t even WANT to be armed. Reality: Sheriff offers free firearms training to teachers and has to turn some away after over 300 sign up.


Broward County Sheriff discovers the spotlight is pretty hot. He’s just so darn proud of those officers who shot a black man with an unloaded air rifle. I really hope that the state Supreme Court throwing the SYG ruling back holds up. Under no circumstances should a LEO responding to a call be able to use the same standard of force as a private citizen going about their legal business.

An interesting attack on Obamacare. Now that the “constitutional” penaltax is repealed, the rest of the law is unconstitutional. Do I think this effort will succeed? No. But if it does, it will be seen as the moment the Stupid and Evil parties switched designation.

And the irony of this is so achingly beautiful I have to post it: Singer’s career destroyed by G-men, no larger lesson to draw at The Progressive. Good article about Billie Holiday.


Lady Day may be gone, but at least we still have Lou Reed!