Now you can!
For the cost of a venti soy latte and a croissant you can have the salmon pillow you’ve always dreamed of. Thanks, Amazon!
Don’t forget to add the “large shrimp neck pillow” to your shopping cart to complete your collection. At the time of this writing the shrimp pillow has a coupon for 10% off.
If you had any questions about its quality, let your mind be put to rest. It’s been awarded Amazon’s Choice for “shrimp pillow“, which is a larger category than you might think.
Yes but what about an anenome shaped hot rock?
Lobster brains add a pleasant bitterness.
I have a Teufulhund Pillow, or does She have me as a Yusef Pillow?
I sincerely hope you follow Thoughts of Dog.
‘Splain please..
It’s a twitter account
I could Blow that away, i have a TeufulHund! Have you seen Rivens Alt text?
Are these available in the Glib store?
…asking for a friend
Hey Joe, has anyone Told you to Fuck Off?
i just did
I think he actually has longer tenure than you, Yusef.
Plus it’s actually not a bad idea, particularly if we can re-purpose it to a Teufulhund Pillow.
I was Bob Normal in another life…
I was only referring to Glibs. And I could very well be wrong.
Point being, he’s been around these parts for many months. But, I do like your zeal. The kids could learn a thing or two from a good vacuum salesman like you.
Of course! What kind of a glib store would it be if it didn’t sell Asian girls?
According to OMWC, those are past their sell-by date.
Wow, and Christmas cake girls sounded harsh…
I don’t like seafood.
You should try it at the “Y.” It’s awesome.
It’s the actual seafood i avoid, the y is all good.
I for one welcome WebDx more frequent contributions. You find some pretty funny shit.
You’re doing God’s work here, WD.
Although I have to admit I have a food intolerance to salmon. The pillow would probably give me awful cramps followed by the ninja shits.
I feel bad for you. Smoked salmon is excellent. Is it just salmon, or is it more wide-ranging?
Most cold-water sea fish that produce significant amounts of Omega-3 oils in their flesh. Oddly enough, cod doesn’t bug me, so NATO-standard fish ‘n chips are fine.
And of course, Omega-3 supplements are *right out*.
Dammit, too late for Valentine’s Day.
Guess the wife will have to wait till her birthday.
What’s the mercury level in these pillows?
Freddie says go for it.
i Love Freddie!
29.92 inHG at sea level.
at normal pressure,right now we are at 29.90 and falling,
/Asshole pedant
29.92 inHG at sea level and standard atmospheric conditions.
There, that better.
Don’t mean to be a Dick
OT, but just as weird and oddly entertaining.
Moon Zappa lip syncing her big hit on what I think is Solid Gold.
I remember watching that live on tv. my parents had no idea what the hell it was or why. i recall thinking, “i think most people won’t get that she’s mocking her own generation”.
I’d buy one for the cat, but he’ll most likely to just sit in the box the thing was delivered in, rather than on the thing actually delivered.
Bella would eat a Teufulhund Pillow for lunch and ask for more, Behold the Power of the mighty Teufulhund!
This WAS my 2 piece Ukelele stand, hardwood of course, nothing but the best for my Dog!
/I could kill her for this, but she’s so sweet….
The Loch Ness Monster decapitates a bell-bottomed hipster with the power of rapid fire air vents?
Bella would play with the LN Monster and then eat it, all things are Chewable,
Arf, indeed.
I may Submit one more article, She still hasn’t really Chilled,
“Chilled dog” isn’t something you want to bring up in a “marketable things that resemble sushi” thread.
Since we are doing wierd amazon shit-
Also available in negro
AKA “extra large”
Hatchet Harry is a man that you pay if you owe.
Ha! Awesome. I love the top rated review for that.
“This reminds me of when my nephew was born. Poor kid was born with no eyelids. But the doctors were able to use his foreskin to fashion eyelids from it. Unfortunately now he’s cock-eyed.”
My wife is currently perusing maternity wear websites, in search of a dress to wear to her babyshower.
Dare I ask for suggestions from the peanut gallery?
/posting this fully aware of what I’m possibly getting into and for the laugh factor
Stay out of it,
/ 30 years of Experience
I’ve tried to tell her that I’m not terribly concerned about what she wears.
Wrong answer.
Tell her she’d look great in anything from here
They look as Beautiful as Pregnant Women do, VERY, Good on you Gordi, Kids are fun, for a while….
Mrs Gordilocks sez –
Are those girls really pregnant, or are they just models posing with basketballs underneath?
I’d love to find out and let her know for sure, but alas, we’ll just have to take them at their word.
Hopefully they end up in a Q post, ‘Afterbirth TITTAYS’
Anything from this gentleman’s line.
My own wife would likely kill me in my sleep.
My wife at our baby shower
Not a dress but pretty tasteful.
*fights off urge to comment on Lach’s very cute wife*
John Deere blanket. Love it!
My wife’s great aunt hand made that quilt. It’s damn nice.
Yeah, I honestly do like it. I have a couple green machines – lawn versions. My “real” tractor is a Farmall
I don’t have any john deere tractors. I do have a 60s model square baler that I got back in working condition a few years ago. I use a 75 model 80 horse Alice chalmers for most of my work. I bought it for a 2 thousand dollars in 2012. It only cost me about another 1500 to get it in good shape. I’ve been happy with it.
Baby Showers, Guys! to the Garage! Beer! The Women were pleased….
Nice. A friend of ours in New Zealand makes some beautiful quilts like that. She made one for her husband who ran the Ice for 10 years, with all these photos from his time up there. She has some special printer that puts shit on quilt material.
And yeah, Mrs Lachowsky is …. easy on the eyes.
Thanks I like her pretty well.
My grandmother made quilts for each of her grandkids. 27 in total. I got mine when I was about 10 years old. Its pattern is made from old neck ties stitched together. I still have it and it’s in good shape.
Rain! in SoCal! I’m worried about driving with all the idiots, but i’ll get by
In local idiocity.
Umarex manufacturers paintball, bb, and air soft guns
The blowback on this is going to be Hilarious and Sad all at once….
Not the local story, as much as the overall strategy, it is doomed to fail, Hard
Too bad they can’t post shit that complies with’s stupidity. There’s gotta be an ap for that.
I unapologetically have a fetish for Asian women holding giant pieces of seafood.
I like what I like.
admitting your fetish is the first step to understanding it
This is no surprise.
Ravenous is a movie I think most Glibs will enjoy, plus the aunt of a guy I know was in it. Just a random thought.
I fucking loved that movie!
Guy Pearce almost always comes across as unlikeable but always makes the movie better than it otherwise would be.
I’ve always liked Guy Pearce. I wanted him to play Jean Paul Valley in The Dark Knight Rises, but they left that character out entirely to put Joseph Gordon Levit in. Anyway, I liked Guy Pearce in Escape From New York In Space.
‘Great minds’, and all that.
Are you my donor for the somewhat secret project?
Let’s just say I kept my word. 😉
If You give me an e-mail, I can give…some perks? Only a few overlords have had access to.
I’ll message you through your YT account, if that works.
And a tentative “thank you”….
I’ll watch for it.
Well, I can’t see where to send a message. And, I have no interest in reporting the channel…
Protonmail–you can reach me at crenshaw_pete
I sent a test e-mail, but I just thought, you know my e-mail, you used it for the paypal. DUH!
Well, we’re in contact, so it’s all good.
And no, that didn’t occur to me, either.
I’m going to have some Cake, Good night Glibs
Saw them in London. I still wonder why I didn’t get a shirt.
Maybe I did… a lot of that time is just dark.
獄友. Gokutomo which translates literally as “Hell Friends”.
While the army is off in the KongoIn Cyprus or some foreign partsOur navy is strained to the limitsDeploying it’s nautical actsOne day from the Russian invaderDefending our very odd fishWe found it was just the red herringFrom the signals we got from the cis’
straffinrun, so this wasn’t you, ok, has anyone heard from Mustang?
He’s not in Osaka either. Hearing about how people try to dispose of bodies here always summons The Benny Hill theme song in my head.
This one?
Is that historically accurate?
He’s British, so yes. Only the most accurate histories come from Britain.
And why should the people listen to you?
reportedly told friends she was going to visit an American she had met online
Crap. Ruining it for the rest of us.
Just because Asian women don’t do it for me doesn’t mean I want to murder them, sheesh.
Look at this racist.
I love to eat Chinese, but I won’t touch the food.
They would do it for you if you asked them nicely.
If you’re not allergic to pollen, you are gay because pollen is just plant sperm.
Antijizztamine FTW.
It took 15 yrs and $20,000,000 to get Antijizzmatine on the market. Show some damn respect!
If you swallow a pill, that is gay because you have to drink water and pretty much all water has touched a fish’s penis. I’m not down with that homo shit.
Finally, someone talking some biblical sense here!
You’re what happens when a Buddhist gets a chemistry degree from inside the closet.
Buddhist meditation consists of placing all of one’s attention upon one’s breath, but airborne dust is about 90% dead skin cells. The penis is covered in skin, and I’m not down with that gay shit, so I don’t breathe.
I’m reading the paper as we speak. Today’s advice column.. Coincidence or is that you?
Basically, I’m gay. Who’s gonna take care of me when I’m old?
The kid you adopted and hates you now because you forced your sexuality on them?
These guys?
Not a link to Lemon Party.
Affirming services. Don’t know what that is, but I doubt any of us would be good at it.
Do fish have penises?
Asking for a friend.
You like Fish sticks?
Girl, are you a hobbit?
Only when riding bicycles.
The Racontuers. Because fuck you, that’s why.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate Bell’s Two Hearted Ale? I need to punch my brother for buying it. IPAs are fucking Satan.
Anything other than Red Dog and you’re wasting your money.
You’re probably kidding, but if it doesn’t involve IPAs, I’d be okay with that.
Unless it’s Bud Light (shudders)
I’m super cereal.
Maybe you’re just in Ipa Shit land, and You Are Satan!
I can understand how people dislike IPAs. I am not one of those people, however.
^^^Peace Maker.
I was going to make some smart-ass comment about puddings and creme, but you have now raised this commentary above that. Good tidings to you, sir. And may you enjoy the IPAs you drink.
I thought you fell asleep eating cake old man.
The cake was a lie.
I don’t get that reference, so I’ll use my portal gun to solve this logic puzzle.
,a href=””>Google is your friend.
Read my post again, take into account context and snark.
Quit now and cake will be served immediately.
CPRM is just like you
(Maybe not quite as heavy)
Who you calling ‘heavy’?
Not my brother, anyway.
I was hoping for this.
Read my post again, take into account context and snark.
I blame my crappy Brave browser and HTML. It’s not like it could be my fault I didn’t recognize that Rick & Morty quote.
It’s funny what you find when you google “gay hospice ninjas“
Rick and what now? No, it’s a direct reference to Portal, from which the cake comes from. None of that millennial seschuan shit.
And for the nerds. This always gives me a chuckle
Still pissed about Tim Tebow? The 6 pack you bought me was delicious.
Robster Girl?
Red Wood, am I right?
Quit spreading that smut and be more like Bobarian!
Kind of a hard edge on 11:06.
It appears her bottom piece is disappearing.
Are you complaining?
I don’t know Bobarian, per se, but, I believe he’s making an observation.
A truly wonderful observation…
I, uh….excuse me for a moment.
I posted this last night, but It seems more relevant now that Q is here.
Hey Q. If I’m burning natural gas, air, and oxygen, which one do I need to increase/decrease in order to give off less CO2?
One way to give off less CO2, you can starve the oxygen. But you’ll get more CO. CO is nasty.
Shit I asked that question wrong. I’m actually try to get less CO, not CO2. It’s late, all apologies.
Increase the Air/O2 mix. Depending on whether anything else is involved, all you really need is more air.
copy. thanks.
But now you just made more NOx. Since any combustion burning ambient air is taking in 79% Nitrogen, oxides of nitrogen are always created. CO v. NOx concentrations trend each other. More air, less CO, more NOx. Less air, more CO, less NOx.
Also, depending on the burner set-up, by increasing excess air, you’re potentiallygoing to flush those BTU’s out the flue, resulting in lower efficiency, and more fuel consumption.
How do NOx go with a bagel and cream cheese?
Fair point. There’s always a trade-off, my assumption was that since he’s got pure oxygen available, that he was talking about an industrial process rather than a ‘conventional’ heating setup.
Ive tested from processes that use pure oxygen for NOx reduction, primarily boilers and furnaces. Works really well, but christ its expensive
*adds to shopping cart
How come I can’t see all of the comments? I got back from work and was gonna check out Q’s pics but now the thread starts with Lachowsky.
Happening to anyone else?
If you’re using Monocle, there’s the “Hide Old Threads/Show Old Threads/Hide Less Threads button”, That’s all I got.
Sexy bitch.
Now all comments have disappeared. Test.
Now the ones after Lach’s post are visible again.
Yeah, sounds like Monocle’s ‘Thread’ settings.