I hear you, Ennui Kitty.


I am bored. Today, I am filled with boredom. And I care not enough to do anything about it. But I suppose it would be expected to have Afternoon Links. So I have managed to convince Brett to go cook meth or catch pythons, fight gators or drive a fanboat….whatever catches a Florida Man’s fancy this afternoon. I will try to shake the ennui by doing Links.

  • Oh look, a Euro politician yapping for more American money to be given to others. *Yawn* Boring…
  • Speaking of boring…this fellow and politics fit the bill.
  • Oh look, another charity/celebrity/whatever sex scandal.
  • How unique… a gator walking around someplace in Florida, of all places. *snores*
  • Not really a link – which Glib said the following – “Daytime TV is like having a fine mist of hooker diarrhea sprayed in your eyes.” You all should be able to get this in one.

It didn’t work

*wanders off, aimlessly*


*Stirs, comes back briefly*

IT WAS SUGARFREE. (I will forgive the HM guess…this time)