Q. Custody: I am a single mom, with one daughter, dating a man with two sons. We were on the road to getting married, but that has reached a screeching halt.
My boyfriend’s 14-year-old son is a Nazi. He is addicted to alt-right sites and uses white nationalist rhetoric. Worse, he has acted aggressively toward my daughter and me (my mother was Persian and my ex is South Asian). He was encouraged by his mother until he was suspended from school for stalking and threatening a girl.
My boyfriend tells me I am the love of his life and to trust him, but I am afraid. I don’t want to lose him, but I am not putting my daughter anywhere around this. Can you see any way through this?


Q. Socializing with dementia: My cognitive functioning (memory, language, comprehension) has been declining faster than average for my age (68). Recently, after a thorough work-up by a neurologist specializing in dementia, I was told that I have progressive dementia (probably not Alzheimer’s).
My problem is that I’ve become what I call “socially vulnerable.” At least, that’s how I feel. It’s hard to remember important things about people—not just their names, but the fact that their spouse is dead, for example. I begin to talk about something I’ve read or heard, then my mind goes blank. I say odd things because I don’t put two and two together, or fail to comprehend in the first place.
My close friends know about my condition. I feel that they are distancing in a subtle way. Acquaintances look at me quizzically and exit the conversation. I know about suggestions made by various Alzheimer’s associations regarding memory aides. I’m still living independently and am able to take care of my finances. But I feel awkward and at risk whenever I open my mouth. I find myself avoiding social situations, which isn’t good for the depression I’ve had off and on most of my adult life. Do you have any suggestions on how to help myself with this?



“He says things like hate speech is free speech! And thinks African Americans are intelligent enough to not need government to take care of them like children! He is a monster!”
White nationalist rhetoric like, “We need to secure our borders,” and “there are only two genders.”?
meh there are actual neonazis among the edgy kids, specially at that age and from a broken family…
I can see not wanting your teenage daughter around a teenage boy who was stalking another girl.
Yes, but they have ‘cried wolf’ too often lately for one to able to tell when a wolf really is skulking about.
^This. “Nazis” are members of the Nazi party. They’re pretty thin on the ground. “Neo-Nazis” typically refers to white nationalists who have adopted the Nazi ideology and imagery but don’t have an actual political operation. They’re pretty thin on the ground, too. A white dude who says things like, “White men have accomplished great things and are largely responsible for the modern developed world” isn’t a Nazi just because you disagree with him. Neither is someone who says something like, “If the blacks would stop having babies out of wedlock for welfare money they’d do better”. That’s pretty racist, but it doesn’t mean the person who said it is a Nazi.
In college I had to take a ‘diversity’ class, and one of the documentaries we watched was about Samali refugees. One of the scenes this woman went in to see her welfare agent, and he straight-up told her just have more kids and we’ll give you more money. Of course the prof of said class saw that scene in a completely different light than I did, something something white patriarchy I think was her view of it.
The evil patriarchy is trying to force the refugee into another pregnancy slavery, forced to give birth after
having sex withbeing raped by her husband/boyfriend/lover/cousin?Meh, when I was 14 I was Wiccan. No, wait, at 14 I was still a skater, I didn’t become Wiccan until I was 16. There was a transitional period when I was 15 where I listened to a lot of techno, and that was sort of the bridge between the two. It was based a little bit in genuine interest in the religion, but it was mostly so I could be goth and hang out with chicks who looked like Siouxsie Sioux and liked to make out with dudes who smoked Camels and were bad. I also knew a number of “skinheads”, but maybe one in ten were actual skinheads and not just edgy bois trying to look tough.
Camel cigarettes are one of the best cigarettes ever made. That was the only thing I shared in common with Goths when I was in high school.
I was a metal head or a dirt bag (depending on how you define the terms) in high school
Then dirtbag. Today metalhead.
Yeah, I was a Camel Filter guy for years before drifting to Lights, then Marlboro Lights for some reason. There weren’t really metal kids in our school, now that I think about it. Some of the goth kids listened to metal, and of course all the music guys. Mostly it was local hardcore that had the big draw. But this was in the mid to late 90s.
I miss smoking cigarettes.
You’re not missing that much. I went from a pack a day in my twenties to maybe a pack every two weeks now. I pretty much only smoke when I drink nowadays, and less often nowadays than I used to. Still, there’s something about sitting outside on the patio of a bar in the summertime with a cold beer and a cigarette that I really, really like.
Naptown Bill – now I’m worried that I might have dementia. It seems like we lived identical lives, and around the same time period. So now I’m wondering if I’m really me, or am I NB’s hallucination of me?
I hated high school, and I was both a metal head and a dirt bag. I quit when I was 15, then took the SAT and got right into college. No one cared if you showed up or did the work in college, so I actually showed up and did the work.
Also, I liked Camels, too.
When you associate people like Pewdie Pie or this guy with actual neonazis, you’re a) watering down what the term means, and therefore why people should be offended, and b) not doing much for your credibility with Generation Edgelord.
That said, yeah, I’d have issues with my kid spending time around a kid like that.
Not to mention blithely associating the currently successful party in power with neonazis and white supremacists. Oh, you mean the guy who’s got you bunch of hysterical ninnies flinging shit like panicking chimps is a Nazi? And white supremacy is the antithesis to you bunch of race-baiting, white-hating clowns? Way to validate Nazis and white supremacists, idiots.
People who have been dubbed white nationalists or Nazis by our betters: Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, Tom Woods, Milo, Ben Shapiro, and everyone who has ever worked for the Trump administration.
The word has been whittled down to just meaning ‘someone who is not woke’
And this is again proof that these people don’t really want any sort of diversity or thinking, but expect conformity – to their dogma – or they resort to shaming to shut you up.
The left was for free speech until they got their horrible ideas made palatable by some serious omission of facts or outright lying. Then they basically switched to making the case that free speech only protected the speech they endorsed/liked. You should never compromise with these people: there is no middle ground. It is their way, or the highway.
DANKULA! His stuff on YouTube is worth a watch. He seems to be a fellow traveler with whatever you’d call people like Sargon of Akkad, to some degree Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson maybe, and Thunderfoot.
If you like Dankula and you don’t mind swearing, check out Bearing!
I don’t think Dankula’s *particularly* ‘like’ JBP and Rogan though.
Yeah, I had a hard time figuring out how to refer to the…I guess community? loosely similar set of beliefs?…that I think used to be referred to as the “skeptics” but now is apparently just some nebulous thing. I mention Rogan because he seems to be sympathetic to the sort of quasi-libertarian anti-SJW thing, and Peterson because a lot of those folks really like that Peterson is taking such a strong stance against Progressivism and intersectionality.
I think the collapse of the “skeptic community” is a good thing. I disagree with Sargon’s establishment of whatever the fuck he called his movement. I think an appropriate generic (though not tribal) name would simply be “Contrarians”, because people like Rogan and Dave Rubin would have a spot at the table, and I think they’re valuable. On the other hand, to label yourself is to paint a target on your back, so if there is a ‘group name’ for these people, it should be loosely coupled to ideology.
Peterson’s ideologically (or was) left-centrist too, and all the sane members of what was the “skeptic community” are compatible enough in principles that they can spend the next millennia or two just interviewing each other and filming response videos to Justin Dennis, Kristi Winters and Chanty Binx.
Yeah, I like Sargon and I get what he’s saying but the notion that he needs to establish some sort of movement to combat SJWs is a little overboard. It seemed like a common response to that was, “What’s wrong with classical liberal? That already exists and it means something.” People who share in common a respect for individualism and dedication to rational debate pretty much covers all the major bases and distinguishes them from the people they’re typically arguing against. Why make it more complicated than it needs to be?
whatever the fuck he called his movement
He’s trying to popularize “liberalist,” I think.
Gold Medal at the Special Olympics.
Now the Alinsky faction have a named target to freeze and polarize.
Maybe in Europe, but I highly doubt there is a large clique of high school Nazis in the United States. It’s just not realistic
Eh…..in my years as a teenaged misfit, there were Nazi-wannabes I knew. Most of them didn’t actually have any sort of coherent ideology, but they liked being seen as mean assholes, and the Nazi/skinhead look fit the bill. There weren’t many of them, and I remember that several of them had non-white girlfriends, which was amusing.
So I am not surprised that there are a few of them out there, but more than a few scattered here and there? Nah.
My best friend’s brother was full-out Nazi as a teenager, and I knew some others. It’s not common, but it’s not unrealistic.
It’s possible. I just think it’s highly unlikely. Especially given the kid is 14 years old. My guess? It’s a combination of the kid going through standard teenage rebellion, the woman being a standard issue intolerant proglodyte, and the woman having an inherent bias against the legacy from his previous marriage (and not her little angel). Honestly, my impression is that even most people in the “alt-right” (whatever the hell that is) don’t qualify as Nazis.
My boyfriend’s 14-year-old son is a Nazi. He is addicted to alt-right sites and uses white nationalist rhetoric. – spare the rod, radicalize the child …
I say the give the daughter a blade and tell her to slip it in his thigh and twist so the would won’t heal.
Is progressive dementia something Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren struggle with as well?
*symphony applause*
Struggle with? Or embrace?
Kudos sir! Kudos.
“I was told that I have progressive dementia”
There’s alot of that going around.
I really must think about upgrading from this netzero dial-up.
AOL is still around!
Still running off the the millions of free CDs they sent out in the 90s, suckers.
I seem to remember someone speculation over at TOS that Hihn was still on dial up and only had the bandwidth to show up a few times a month…
I gotta say I like to no-troll policy but I wish we had a monthly “open Hihn” thread for the lulz
Please God no!
Michael Hihn|6.23.17 @ 10:31AM|#
I just spent my first five minutes there. Struck me as trying SO hard to be light-hearted that there is no content. Even a VERY outreach type like me saw nothing to persuade and convert with, which would have won the day (for me) even if I never returned
He has lurked here before…….
Who’s trying to be lighthearted?
I know right…..plus who knew Hihn was a “VERY outreach type”?
I thought his schtick was all about being the one true libertarian?
I love me some Evangelical ‘Real’ Libertarians, teaching me why I’m a heretic.
“The enemy—the indispensible devil of every mass movement—is omnipresent. He plots both outside and inside the ranks of the faithful. It is his voice that speaks through the mouth of the dissenter, and the deviationists are his stooges. If anything goes wrong within the movement, it is his doing. It is the sacred duty of the true believer to be suspicious. He must be constantly on the lookout for saboteurs, spies and traitors.”
Hihn, Libertarian True Believer
HIHN! Hell yeah!
If we could get Hihn over here but like confine him to a dedicated thread, that would be amazing. I would set aside time to see that comment section develop over a few hours. We could take bets on how long it takes him to go off the deep end, who manages to pull it off, etc. Side action for stuff like who he calls a bully first, how often he talks about Ron Paul.
That shit would be like the Royal Rumble! You could sell single-night logins like it was Pay-Per-View!
You overestimate the entertainment value.
I miss white injun and HERCULE SAVINEN wossisname too.
Hihn (which autocorrects to John on my phone…. Hihn is John confirmed!!) completely missed the point. This isn’t a TOS clone. You’ll find more clear attestations of the core principles of libertarianism scanning the 1 year archive of this site than you would find in 5 years at TOS. You’ll also find less libertarian heresy being spouted as orthodoxy.
nothing to persuade and convert with
Good. Bye.
Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
“zero”, “neutrality”, at this point, what difference does it make?
“It gets cheaper when when you bundle it with home and auto!”-Flo
Don’t know if that’s the case with Progressive, but it is the case with Allstate.
Not to worry. Soon you’ll have not close friends that you’ll recognize or will recognize you
ZARDOZ: My…erm….friend has been thinking a lot lately about getting a vasectomy. Should “he” do it?
Just go for the full transition and you to can star in lesbian scenes!
Castration… well that would certainly get the job done. A few more side effects though.
From a ‘friend’ to a ‘friend’ – he should get the non-invasive “Chinese” procedure. No muss, no fuss. 20 min’s in and done.
Are there details on this procedure? My friend would like to know.
Pioneered in China on pigs. The key point is, imagine a surgical one of these.
My ‘friend’ informed me that it was a shot of novocaine, and 5 mins later he had one stitch holding the tiny incision closed, No bleeding, very slight discomfort when the novocaine wore off. Drove home (although the doctor advise he have a friend drive him) and he was back at work the following day.
Wore tighty-whiteys for a few days, and that was it.
90 days later, tadpole test. 0 tadpoles per cc.
Oh, and regarding the important part of the procedure, the ends are sealed by cauterization, so be prepared for a whiff of cooked Q.
.. or so I’m reliably led to believe.
Nice, I’ll look into it.
This is fact. Easy procedure. Weird, but easy.
I pretended it was worse than it was so I could sit on the sofa all weekend, drinking and watching hockey.
By the time the double dose of Xanax kicked in, you probably could have castrated me and I wouldn’t have minded much.
Benzos are like mother’s milk.
Don’t believe the hype Q!
Yeah, there is no scalpel. Instead they jam a forceps into your sack and open up a big hole to do their work.
One of the guys working for me had one and he came back the next day to work. Said it wasn’t bad at all. Since he wasn’t the manliest of guys, I figured it would be a walk in the park.
Nope. Once the Novocaine (or whatever) wore off it felt like a mule had kicked me in the groin. Fucking horrible. I was still hobbling bad enough after a long weekend that everyone where I worked laughed their ass off at me gimping down the hallway.
I’m not complaining though. You know why? Because I have a buddy who’s snipping got infected and his balls swelled up to grapefruit size. Couldn’t wear pants for a couple weeks. Fucking hideous.
If it hurts, all I have to think about is the fact that I can retire in 10 years with no bank account vacuums to deal with.
I never heard it described that way but that sounds like my procedure. The only pain was getting numbed. The cauterization was weird because that was me I smelled burning. Recovery took a couple of days.
Ah, the ole snip ‘n watch March madness with a bag of frozen veggies vacation.
Been there. It was a bad owie – followed by a lifetime of never thinking about birthcontrol again.
Yeah…I don’t know. I’m still in the baby-makin’ business, but even when I’m out I think I might rather just roll the dice and keep the wife in birth control pills than have elective surgery on my bits. I had epididimytis (sp?) over the summer and it made me want to kill myself.
I had that once. It was awful. Almost as awful were the beyond intrusive questions from the doc about why I might have it. As a married man, I can’t imagine what that must have been like; probably 45 minutes of a doctor accusing you of cheating.
Is your friend certain he never wants any/another kid?
Is your friend willing to possibly have to end relationships because the woman in question requires you put a baby in her and now can’t?
If the answer to both of these is yes then your friend should absolutely get snipped as soon as possible.
If there is any doubt or ambiguity in either answer waiting is probably for the best.
If a woman demands a baby, just walk away.
Me: I’m getting a vasectomy
Friend: what if you meet the perfect woman and she wants a baby?
Me: then she wouldn’t be the perfect woman.
^^^This guy gets it.
I had the traditional vasectomy. 5 Stars, would snip again. Just don’t get the clips. I did an epidural on a lady last week whose husband had the clips. Now they have kids 13 years apart.
If your up… friend does it, just remember there’s still “gas in the tank” for at least two weeks after.
Is it time related? I remember being told that there were about 20 rounds still in the magazine (or some number).
My buddy tells this story about his snippage. When he told his wife that there were still going to be 20 live rounds after the operation, she got a pissed off look on her face and said “You mean I have to give you 20 BJ’s before you are safe? …. Wait! You could beat off instead couldn’t you?”
He giggles and says that he was on the brink of total victory. 20 BJ’s from his wife. Then she thought things through.
You mean “get” to give me.
I was told the rounds are only live for a two week period then they die, and are the resulting brass is reloaded under normal circumstances. Which means two weeks post procedure…should this mean 20 shots, 50 or 1000…I don’t know.
there’s a Bruce Lee movie for that.. Fist of Fury i believe.
jeezus – you guys never heard of pulling out?
Nothing down there gets snipped or modified.
You know what they call guys who pull out don’t you?
The British Expeditionary Force?
My boyfriend’s 14-year-old son is a Nazi. He is addicted to alt-right sites and uses white nationalist rhetoric.
Okay, guys, which of you has the bitchy step-mom?
::hangs head as sad trombone plays::
Hey! Who’s stealth-editing me?
“My boyfriend’s 14-year-old son is a Nazi. He is addicted to alt-right sites and uses white nationalist rhetoric.”
Prediction: the kid is just a punk who supports President Trump because he also behaves like a punk. The kid probably reads Breitbart or Taki Mag and uses words like “chain migration” and advocates for a border wall.
Since everything has been conflated with ‘white nationalism’ and being a ‘Nazi’, I have a hard time believing any of this. Especially since ‘alt-right’ is a meaningless term that essentially means ‘not woke’.
Yeah, kid could be a so-called race realist or a Molyneux watcher. There are a lot more of those than real Nazis (although those certainly do exist).
I’d label race realists as ‘racists’, but I doubt he’s even that.
I don’t really follow Molyneux, but why is he always dubbed a ‘racist’? I thought his whole thing was parenting and stupid stuff like that
Molyneux has turned into a bit of a more-arrogant Derbyshire.
Some of his dialog could be intellectually supportive of what reasonable people might call a racist, but then, selective editing would make every one of us look like that Austrian guy too.
He certainly buys into the race related IQ stuff and pushes it hard when there are plenty of plausible alternative explanations, cultural attitudes towards education in particular.
You know who else could be selectively edited to sound like Hitler?
Bruno Ganz?
You won the internetz..
You … could be… Hitler?
He leans towards the ‘race realism’ stuff on occasion and pimps idiotic psychoscience bullshit like r/K theory (not really ‘racist’ but still dumb).
It depends how you define ‘race realism’. If we are talking about the work of Charles Murray then I wouldn’t label him a racist, but I still reject generalized statements about individuals based upon an immutable characteristic. I just don’t put a lot of stock in sociological studies, in general. Nor do I believe most studies in psychology. Sociology and psychology are the epitome of pseudoscience, in my opinion.
If we are talking about people who just conclude that based upon someone’s race or ethnic background they should be more or less intelligent then I would generally refer to them as racists (note that this is not really Murray’s conclusions)
I had to ask, because I’ve seen too many people whose response to “There are differences between the races” is “that’s racist”. It has the effect of shutting down the possibility of inquiry into the all important “why”.
I regard the act of applying generalizations to individuals as separate and distinct from the recognition of trends among groups. The study of those trends could help narrow down what those aspects which have a genetic or epigenetic factor and distinguishing them from those that are more strongly cultural in origin.
I’m not going to put words into Just Say’n’s mouth but I believe there to be a difference between the more ‘academic study of racial differences’ and ‘pop culture race realism’. The first is more in line with what you suggest, the second is blaming any problem in non-white (or not-East Asian, sure) communities on their low IQ and bellowing about “STUPID NIGGERS AND THEIR LOW IQ” when any black person tries to suggest an alternative (like culture).
Yeah, Titor said it better than me. I’m not good with words and shit
Also, its telling that in ‘race realist communities’ 9 times out of 10 the same people who will blame low IQ for, say, black poverty will then turn around and claim white poverty is caused by anything but IQ, including a conspiracy against whites by (((them))).
That’s because the race realists have a low IQ.
Easy solution. Every person on planet Earth is a fucking retard until proven otherwise by direct observation from me.
Race realist is John Derbyshire, right?
Well, he’s one of the VDARE people. All of them have the problem that they’re very careful about what they say, but it’s a complicated, nuanced viewpoint which may or may not be ‘racist’, but rapidly starts looking racist when people start to editorialize and summarize the ideas.
It’s a bit TOO near ‘racism’ for my tastes, but it’s not as though they’re (well, Derbyshire anyway) advocating lidderally genocide!!!
OK. I agree – while Derbyshire has SOME points worth considering, others definitely push up against the line of actual racism. “Race realism”, to me, flirts way too closesly with actual racism (not proggy “everything is racist” nonsense, but the real thing) for my liking.
“Sociology and psychology are the epitome of pseudoscience, in my opinion.”
I put more faith in Astrology than I would in these two items, especially when what gets produced and peddled as science always seems to have the stink of marxism about it.
I’d argue that this ridiculous multi-decade mission to turn psychology and sociology onto sciences is misplaced.
They both have merit as descriptive and to some degree, analytic disciplines, but it’s like spending billions of dollars on writing a computer program that writes perfect Bach concertos, or genetically engineering a lion to bark like a chihuahua.
Sure, you can do it, but – why?
Money and power..
Psychology/Psychiatry/Sociology are the new religion, and those not showing the proper deference can be taken to task by its priesthood.
Yeah…sociology in particular has always struck me as a little too pseudoscientific, like an entire discipline founded on the misunderstanding and misapplication of statistics and the dedicated pursuit of logical fallacies.
Remember, the kid is 14 years old. Maybe he watches Molyneux. Maybe. I doubt, at that age, he’d even be into the whole “race realism” spiel. The more I look at it, the more this really does look like the SJW Wicked Stepmother.
The concept that any 14 year old is irredeemable is the definition of bad parenting
Why? That’s old enough to get married and have 6 kids in 20 US states, unless that news article in the previous thread is lying to us!
How do you have six kids in twenty states? Do you have a hundred and twenty kids?
pretty sure there are some NBA players who fit this bill
Might be 4chan shitposting, picked up a few opinions on /pol/.
And what percentage of what gets posted, even there, is “race realist”, let alone white supremacist or full-on Nazi?
Meh there’s a lot of racist and anti-semitic stuff on /pol/ (The Daily Stormer crowd migrated there when their site was down for a reason). Some of which is just trolling or edgy teenagers, it’s not really productive to take the autists of /pol/ that seriously.
I’m just saying that an avenue for ‘race realism’ for young people that might freak out normies.
” get full physical custody of his son to “save” him. I don’t think it is possible,”
Oh, for fucks sake. The kid is 14 years old, I really don’t think his entire life path is set in stone and he’s destined to be an evil racist for his whole life. That whole getting custody to save him thing, yeah that’s what we would call “parenting”.
Unless there’s a 666 birthmark…
In which case, he’ll thrive.
Damien went on to be a successful politician. He lived quite a charmed life. And dogs loved him, dogs are good judge of character.
Those movies convinced my stepfather to get a Rottweiler.
She’s got her little angel. The older son is acceptable because he’s effectively out of the picture. A little brat tossing around wrongthink and acting like her and her daughter aren’t the Queen and Princess of the May is, in her book, a prime candidate for boarding school.
Christ Almighty. It takes virtually no imagination to see this woman as the caricature of the Wicked Stepmother.
I wouldn’t be surprised this is some hypergamic play to basically make the guy take care of her kid over his own.
When I was 14 years old, I delighted in telling people how I much I dreamed of killing large numbers of my classmates (this was way before Columbine, back when no one took that shit seriously). Spoiler: I did no such thing. I just reveled in shock value, as teenage assholes have for a very long time.
As a less than popular high school kid, I looked at it this way: if people weren’t going to like me anyway, wouldn’t it be better if they were afraid of me? You could either be the nerdy unpopular kid who everyone mocked and pushed around, or you could be the unpopular kid that everyone kept their distance from because they thought he was unstable and possible homicidal. I’m guessing the majority of the teenage “Nazis” are playing a similar game.
Lidderally Maciavelli …
Most of the “skins” in my high school were scrawny. Then again, a lot of the actual skinheads I’ve seen aren’t especially intimidating unless baldness makes you nervous.
My boyfriend’s 14-year-old son is a Nazi.
This, of course, is a sober assessment made by someone who believes Slate is a viable source for advice on her personal relationships.
He’s obviously and unquestionably a Nazi- Have him kidnapped and reprogrammed by a tribe of vegan anarchists from Portaland who will teach him to panhandle and shit on the sidewalk six inches from the entrance to his makeshift cardboard tiny house.
OMG! They’re making Black Dynamite 2! Here’s the teaser for the new one and the trailer for the original.
Fuckin’ A right!
Aww… there goes my dream of making a proggy bakery cook a “God, Guns, and the Nuclear Family” cake.
It’s a nice ruling, but I still think that arguing this point on free speech grounds rather than the very real right of religious liberty and accommodation is a massive concession
I think that arguing it on free speech grounds provides broader protection to a larger number of Americans, in far more scenarios.
I could refuse to make a “Happy Birthday” cake for whatever damn reason I please. I don’t have to demonstrate that as a Zoroastrian, I don’t recognize your idolatrous heretical calendar.
Yeah, fine. But, religious liberty is more expansive than free speech. It allows the Amish to not school their kids beyond the age of twelve (no homeschooling or anything, despite state laws mandating schooling to sixteen, depending on the state) and it allows Sikhs to carry daggers in doors. Free speech is not going to protect those rights
I think “freedom of conscience” is perhaps a better term, since it applies to all people with very strong, organized systems of guiding moral principles, even those that aren’t rooted in supernatural phenomenae. Religious rights tend to be special cases of either speech, press, association, or conscience.
Yeah, I agree and religious liberty has been expanding to accomodate conscience outside of organized religion. If anything, people who want limited government should push for more expansion from an established beach head, instead of retreating in general, like Gay Jay
Free speech is not going to protect those rights
And religious freedom* is not going to protect the rights of irreligious people.
* = Unless more people adopt my expansive definition of religion, but I highly doubt that.
Not true. Religious liberty is used to defend the rights of Satanists and Pastafarians- which are both religions that are just for lolz (at least the Satanists that invoke religious liberty just to troll Christians).
The definition of religious liberty was already expanding to people without a religion, but who still held sincere beliefs, before Leftists decided that religious liberty was problematic.
The definition of religious liberty was already expanding to people without a religion, but who still held sincere beliefs, before Leftists decided that religious liberty was problematic.
I’m going to want to see some citations of this. It does not match my own observation. Moreover, given the heated discussions kicked off every time I tried to make the case that strongly held beliefs are religious beliefs on H&R, it is hardly a point in widespread agreement.
“every time I tried to make the case that strongly held beliefs are religious beliefs on H&R, it is hardly a point in widespread agreement.”
Which is beyond disappointing
and thus more likely to be overturned
On the contrary, I think deciding iton religious freedom grounds would narrow the scope of the ruling and open up things like tests of belief and judges interpreting what is and isn’t religion.
As a freedom of (dis)association absolutist, I’m disappointed that the public accomodation laws were not struck down as being a violation of the right to not associate.
I keep hearing people make that argument, but that is not what RFRA mandates nor is it what has historically been done in the United States. The government must accept that the belief is sincere and then must show that it has a compelling interest to violate that sincere belief and that the manner in which it uses to violate that belief is in the least restrictive means possible.
I think a lot of the backtracking on defending religious liberty from libertarians really has to do with the fact that many people are not aware what one needs to show in order to receive religious accommodation. Pastafarians are allowed to wear colanders in drivers license photos, because of religious liberty and their belief is, by their own admission, not sincere.
Then that is a very recent development, because the “colander on head” issue was originally decided the other way, and more seriously, issues like conscientious objection and religious abstention from civil institutions like public schools have historically required very strenuous tests of belief.
I will stand for religious liberty as strongly as freedom of speech, but a case about forced expression can be a case about forced expression and not a case about a basket of issues without implying a disrespect for those other issues.
That shows that the DMV relented, not necessarily that the government must presume sincerity of belief. For example, even though some smaller religious groups have been allowed the use of Schedule I controlled substances in their religious practices (peyote, hoasca), no one has yet prevailed above the state level in a claim that that they have the religious freedom to use more common drugs (e.g., marijuana, psilocybin, LSD).
My argument here is that accommodating pastafarians who are “by their own admission, not sincere”, you’re undermining the legitimacy of the law.
Now, just to be clear, I’m no slouch when it comes to scofflawry, but I’d like the laws that do remain to be (a) beneficial, (2) universal and (3) respected. It would seem to me that there’s a moral hazard in pretending that a frivolous viewpoint *is* a religion, as a defense. As a man of faith, doesn’t that worry you?
Firstly, I’m not exceptionally religious despite my picture and my constant razing of Protestants and praise for Catholics. I just have sincere respect for very religious people whom I have met and have been some of the most decent people I’ve ever encountered.
I think that all people of conscience (whether through organized religion or not) should be exempt from laws that they find immoral, so long as the government does not have a compelling interest (frankly no law should exist if the government has no compelling interest) and the least restrictive means of instituting that law has been provided. This is what RFRA says.
Expanding religious liberty is really the best way to achieve ‘Libertopia’ (patent pending). If people are excused from following frivolous laws, because of their conscience people might start saying “well, what is the point of these laws”. It’s a beach head to undermine the state and I cannot understand why people who want smaller government would retreat from defending it
I think that all people of conscience (whether through organized religion or not) should be exempt from laws that they find immoral, so long as the government does not have a compelling interest
‘Compelling interest’ being the key defining issue here. We’ve got Mennonites up here who want to refuse to pay taxes because it funds the military.
Sufficient ‘interest’ to compel the Mennonites to pay up….
And Quakers, too. And that is where conscientious objector status came from- Quakers who refused to be drafted. Which helped to undermine the draft
I don’t want people to stop obeying frivolous laws.
I want the laws eliminated *because* they’re frivolous (which places a current burden on people like us who should be able to demonstrate why they’re frivolous) so that nobody is at risk of prosecution and conviction by an authority that may one day decide that while it’s frivolous, by God, they’ll apply it to some poor bastard who they want to make an example of.
When the opportunity presents itself, I’m an ardent scofflaw, but I’d rather do whatever it was I wanted to do without having to subject myself to an analysis of the risk/reward attendant to my behavior.
Allowing some to be expect from frivolous laws underscores how frivolous those laws are to begin with.
I, for one, would rather have some people exempt from the law than have everyone suffer under such law
If the people most liable to fight a law are expempted, it will never be removed from the books or overturned in court.
You don’t improve liberty by pointing at a stupid law, saying “that’s stupid” and relying on the innate sense of the voting public to then act and elect representatives that will abolish that law.
The State will not disassemble itself, least of all at the mild disapproval of the general public.
Leaving laws inconsistently applied leaves you at risk of losing your rights and liberty, simply because everyone else hasn’t done the necessary work to get that law struck down.
EVERY bullshit law still on the books is a potential death sentence. Ask Eric Garner.
Whatever you say, John.
The free speech (and free association) angles for this are much more likely to get traction in the courts than the freedom of religion angle.
Yeah, but that’s not true. You forsake religious liberty and you bring America to the European freedom of worship. What do you think prevent a burka ban from being implemented in the US?
Maybe I’m dense but I’m seeing a distinction without a difference. It was always my understanding that Free Exercise of Religion and Free Speech were both covered under 1A and essentially the same thing.
They’re different clauses with different case law attached with them. I see both of them being threatened right now. But, I definitely think religious liberty is on the path to being completely ignored going forward and then the US reverts to the European ‘freedom of worship’ nonsense, which is essentially the same amount of liberty as kings and queens offered dissenting faiths in the 1500’s (believe what you want, but behind closed doors and away from the public)
While they are, the rights under which the ruling gets decided also determines what future actions can or cannot be brought.
“I don’t want to put ‘congratulations’ on that cake” is a free expression argument. “We don’t celebrate divorce because it’s against our beliefs” is a free exercise argument.
Tipped your hand a bit there, Mr. Lawyer.
Fuck off slaver.
I had a physical with my doctor today and one of the questions that he asked me was if I owned firearms. I just answered: “none of your business”. Then he asked me if I wear a seat belt every time I’m in a car. Again I answered: “none of your business” (I actually do always wear a seat belt, but it is none of his business). And then we moved on.
Since when did they start asking questions that are immaterial to my physical well being? He’s not a life coach- he’s a god damn doctor
Wasn’t there something about this not long ago, where lefty pediatricians were pushing such questions on kids to then harangue parents who own guns? Yeah, fuck off Marcus Welby – give me a prescription for whatever illness I might have and kept your opinions to yourself.
I told mine yes and asked him why he asked. His response was great:
“Aw hell, I’m from TX. Just lock them up or something.”
“Since when did they start asking questions that are immaterial to my physical well being? He’s not a life coach- he’s a god damn doctor ”
Thank Obamacare for this sort of assholish questioning by the medical profession. My doctor, whom I know outside his medical practice, asked me the same question (and he knew I owned firearms), got the same answer you gave yours, and put it in my file for the bureaucrats. He then told me he wished more people would answer that way to these intrusive and useless questions (for medical purposes) intended to let an intrusive government come after you whenever they decided you were a pain in their ass. He also told me he knew who was a prog immediately when they went all virtue signaling about how icky firearms were and they would never do something like that.
Since the CDC became even more politicized under the Obama administration.
I got asked the same thing over 15 years ago after a string of sexual questions that 18 year old me wasn’t prepared to answer. Once the firearms question came up I finally said; “I’m done with this survey.” The bitchy NP (whom I had known growing up) asked me: “what, got things you are not proud of?”
36 year old me would have responded in a way that had me escorted from the building.
50 year old me would have walked and found a new doc.
As MS states below – they’re directed to ask those questions. It’s not really optional.
Some are more enthusiastic than others.
A life insurance company has a reason to ask these things when issuing a policy. My doctor does not.
And yet the state demands they do and gets miffed when they don’t get an answer (especially if your answer is “None of your business”) from you, plebe.
I have a pretty decent life insurance policy. I was asked about my skydiving habits among other things, but nothing about my guns.
“I will not jump out of a fully functioning airplane.”
The pediatrician always does. My doc never does. From what I can tell, Minnesota forbids the collection of gun info, but I don’t trust that even a smidgen.
Good on you to not trust these fucks, because you can bet your ass they are collating that information and will use it when convenient.
Well, I have a carry permit so I’m sure my name is all over the databases already.
Same here, in a few states, but these douchebags love redundancy.
If the progs had their way firearm confiscation could be justified based solely on the answers to this survey. This is just them setting up a medical justification to strip us of our rights IMO.
You said you are bumming because the Eggles beat the Pats? Suicide risk right here! Confiscate his firearms….
‘You admitted that you sometimes get angry, therefore you clearly have anger issues. How long until you decide to shoot up a school? No guns for you….’
My doctor has never asked me that, and I live in New Jersey.
You do an annual physical? They ask you then for sure.
He does ask you if you have any hollowpoints though, right?
Since state and local public health officials require that he ask.
My doc has never asked, but then he has been seeing me for ten years and knows me well enough to not ask. My GP, same thing. She has a small farm with her husband and about 8 years ago in conversation it came up that she wanted a Winchester ’94 but had no idea how to get one (lots of docs are socially inept). I gave her one in 30-30 for christmas that year. The woman literally saved my life, it was the least I could do. Anyway, she doesnt have to ask.
Damn suthen. I wish you would do something stupid around me so I could save your life and get a free winchester 94.
Back in the 80s my father saved a man’s life who was a gunsmith. For christmas that year he recieved a repro kentucky long rifle that the guy who’s life he saved had built. It’s beautiful. Hexagonal barrel. .45 caliber. Hand carved cherry stock. flintlock action. I wish I had a picture of it to share.
I remember being 10 or 11 years old and trying to shoot it The barrel is so long and heavy that I could hold it steady.
I could never give you a Winchester Lachowski….You have that kid of that bagged a buck last season. A ’94 would be an excellent grown-up, workhorse, forever gun for him and something he could probably handle now. I made up some loads in 30-30 last year using 90 grain round nose bullets made for the 30 carbine. Those bastards were zipping out at over 3000 fps and recoil was very manageable. I must say, they did make the awfullest crack but shot very nicely. I made them up for a young nephew would was too small to handle full 30-30 loads. No matter how cosmetically flawed they get a ’94 lasts forever and shoots like the day it was made. His grandchildren would be shooting it.
The best chirstmas of my childhood was when I was 12. My grandfather gave a pair of Browning Auto 5’s to my father, who then gifted them to my brother and I. My father agreed that it was his favorite christmas as well. We had a hell of a time shooting those even though they were too big for us. I shot mine until my eyes were crossed. I could barely hold onto it but I didn’t care, I banged away all day with it.
I think you get what I am saying.
My father has his dad’s A5. I’m not sure how old it is, but it still shoots just fine. It looks a little rough, but nothing a little work couldn’t fix. The A5 is fine gun and I have shot many rounds through one. If I had one when I was 12, I would have spent all my blueberry picking on shells and been just as cross eyed as you were.
I didn’t pick blueberries…I hauled hay and planted/harvested sweet potatoes for a crusty old farmer, and yeah, every penny was eaten up by 12 gauge shells.
Interesting story about crusty old farmer – his father and his army buddies (wwI vets) robbed a bank in New Orleans back in the depression. All of his buddies drank their share, he bought 1000 acres of farmland and spent his life working that farm. The old man was still alive and riding his tractor when I worked there but the son, also an old man by then, ran the farm. The nasty old bastard had to be a hundred years old.
I’ve been answering “none of your business” to those things for at least 15 years here, and then back when I was in the Old Country.
Do I smoke, do I take drugs, how many units of alcohol a week, do I get angry. Have I lost my temper in the last 30 days. Living in Britain prepared me for when America caught up.
how many units of alcohol a week,
Every time I read a British site, I get really irritated with the British “units” of alcohol thing.
“Fuck off slaver.”
Maybe the answer to this is to have large numbers of people respond to these questions from doctors with equally sensitive questions about their personal life –
Doctor: “Do you own any firearms?”
Patient: “I don’t know, doctor. Do you find sexual relations with your partner satisfying? And if so, how long does it generally last?”
“How long has your wife been cheating on you due to your embarrassingly small penis?”
You’re not Swanson level yet.
i thought the correct response was:
“that my wife knows about? AMIRITE!” /fist bumps nurse practitioner
Those are insurance questions.
which is interesting; normally the medical interview for insurance purposes is done in a separate sort of ‘interview’, not a physical checkup. or at least if you’re buying insurance, and you need to get an exam before getting your quote, it can be done by non-MD professionals. my brother broker health insurance and occasionally sends medical people to go visit clients for checkups. the questionnaires includes questions about smoking, guns, car-seat-belts, skydiving, scuba diving, etc etc.
i don’t know how much/to what degree these things can be gamed. saying, ‘no answer’ probably guarantees you higher premiums, but also avoids ever being denied coverage because you ‘lied’. Lying (especially about smoking) is one of those things you generally shouldn’t do.
but i think its curious you were getting insurance-type questions from a doctor. they should normally tell you in advance if the questions you’re being asked are related to your insurance.
“This Florida case is just the latest example of how the politics of guns have affected physicians’ ability to bring science to bear on what experts can see plainly: That gun violence is a public health issue. ”
Gun grabbers have long been trying to paint gun ownership as a public health issue. It’s a way for them to use the medical community to restrict gun ownership. I think that having doctors document gun ownership is just another way for them gather data that can later be used to remove someone’s guns based on a medical diagnosis.
I’m very much aware of that. its just that there’s a limited number of ways that information could be used after its collected.
– if the doctor has some personal beef w/ gun owners and wants to lecture people, then its on them.
– if its being collected by state regulatory bodies, they’d have to disclose it, and you have every right to refuse – which is why having a medical professional ask the question has some serious problems.
– if its for insurance purposes, you can say what you want, but it has very clear cost + risk implications for the insurer. if you say, “i aint telling”, they can charge you more.
if the state you live in requires doctors to ask the question, only because the state wants doctors to inform people of risks, i imagine its a practice which could be legally challenged
I get the insurance angle, but I don’t think that when these questions are coming up is when people are seeing their doctors for an insurance interview.
well i know for a fact that “do you have firearms in the home” is asked by all health (+life) insurers when writing new policies (including in some cases when adding new members to group policies).
i have not heard about it being asked in medical interviews before. i can only assume, if that information is being collected by the MD, that they’re doing it on behalf of insurers.
If there are state laws requiring physicians to record that information, i think they’d be seriously challenged in court.
I may be seriously wrong here, but I don’t think that doctors collect information on patients to be relayed to the insurance companies. From what I know, doctors who are treating patients don’t have much to do with the insurance companies.
My father is an ER doc. I have asked him about how the insurance works with regard to how bills are made out and such. He has told me that he has no idea how all that happens.
Maybe a different kind of doctor is more involved with insurance companies. I don’t know that.
i have not heard about it being asked in medical interviews before. i can only assume, if that information is being collected by the MD, that they’re doing it on behalf of insurers.
No. This is being driven by the CDC. Guns are a “health issue” per the CDC. Obamacare requirements that all patient records must be online and searchable by the “health industry” means that gun ownership is visible to scores and scores of meddling agencies. On purpose.
I don’t think gun ownership is any uniform part of medical records anywhere.
if this has changed since the ACA, i’d like to see some source substantiating that. its not consistent with my own experience
in fact, a quick google suggests that the opposite was the case – and that restrictions on use of the ACA for collecting gun-ownership information was written into the law:
for clarity – this specifically bars ‘creation of a database’. it doesn’t mean they can’t ask questions.
which is what i said in the above – doctors can’t be barred from talking about anything if they think its health related.
laws which prevent doctors from talking about stuff is unconstitutional. its “how that information could be used” which could run afoul of other laws. the only exception i could think of is if doctors were collecting info for insurers.
this link suggests that’s the case:
so its not part of medical records – its part of insurance information gathering for premium-generation. those are not public records.
if you have newer information that’s different than this, i’d be interested in seeing it.
again, for clarity on that last part-
– there’s nothing requiring the collection of that information in the ACA.
what the person at the link was complaining about was that the law “Doesn’t prevent” the collection for other purposes.
it “could” in theory be captured in the individual physicians notes (although again – i don’t believe there is any uniform inclusion of gun ownership in any public health records, and it would be legally challenged if it was). but the only place the information would be collected to in any formal way would be insurance purposes.
I stand corrected
i don’t know how much/to what degree these things can be gamed. saying, ‘no answer’ probably guarantees you higher premiums, but also avoids ever being denied coverage because you ‘lied’. Lying (especially about smoking) is one of those things you generally shouldn’t do.
I’ve noticed people lie about dog breeds on their homeowners insurance application. It doesn’t make any sense to me since you would be denied coverage if sued for a dog bite. I had a lot of difficult finding coverage when we had a Doberman and even with the later GSDs, though that wasn’t as bad. I spent some time reading in forums, trying to find a dog-friendly insurer, and was just amazed how many people told their insurers they didn’t have a restricted breed when they did (at least according to their posts).
Just fyi for anyone interested, State Farm homeowners covers any breed of dog with no restrictions as long as it hasn’t previously bitten anyone. I now have farm insurance, which was needed to cover liability from our bull and is actually cheaper than homeowners for greater coverage, so no animal restriction difficulties anymore.
like 10 years ago and they are required to do so. Can’t remember whether it was in a law or just some government regulation somewhere or even just insurance companies requiring it on the “suggestion” of the government but basically any Dr who is associated with a hospital has to ask those questions as part of the physical
public health officials
The very definition of busybody bureaucrats.
OK, who’s responsible for this?
A cat butt coloring book. It has to be someone here.
there’s quite a lot of cut butt-themed stuff on amazon. what a great country!
My wife has crocheted many a cat butt drink coaster.
They’re available … FOR MONEY.
Lisa, I’d like to buy your rock.
Seriously I’d buy those coasters. Please send an email to the site & it’ll find it’s way to me, thank you!
And you were searching for what when you found this?
It was under funny gifts for Valentines day.
Mrs. Swiss: Honey, where is there a coloring book on the coffee table?
Swiss: Oh, I just bought that
Mrs. Swiss: All the pages are different cat butts
Swiss: I know, isn’t it great?
Mrs. Swiss: First I find all those pictures of cat butts on your computer and now I find that you bought a coloring book with cat butts. Is this some kind of fetish?
Swiss: That’s not true. I got pictures of cow butts on my computer too
Mrs. Swiss: I don’t even know you any more
Swiss: I ought to cat butt you for that remark
Thank you
would she not *narrows gaze* him for the cow butt backtalk?
Damn, that’s a good point
I got the cat butt and the cow butt! I think that’s the first time anyone has ever got both simultaneously.
Narrowed gazes are implied in the Swiss family.
Ewwww. This is a family-friendly site!
That’s beyond the pale!
… I know when I’m being place-marked for a cat butt!
Better than being into Shark Porn
A&E had a 2 hour documentary on the silk road and Ross ulbrict on last night. My wife and I watched it. It was pretty infuriating. Half the documentary was on the alleged huts that ulbrict put out. There was no mention of the corruption of the agents investigating his case. The while thing was pro drug war. I was pretty irritated by the time it was over.
The fact that, barring some extraordinary circumstance, he will spend the rest of his life in prison is proof in living color of how sick government is as an institution. The guy did nothing but provide a platform through which other people could circumvent the all powerful State’s will. He must be destroyed. Bad press was the only thing preventing them from putting his head on a pike as an example to others that might challenge our omnipotent betters.
Yes, his greatest sin in the eyes of the state was providing an example of how the state is harmful. Providing a clear example of that is herasy against the state. 300 years ago he would have been burned at the stake.
He hanged himself after losing his appeal, so the circumstances would have to be extraordinary indeed.
Not that I’m aware of.
Gets a job because his dad is screwing around. He needs one of those #1 dad coffee mugs.
“her dad”
Window is closing fast for Falcon Heavy launch. If they cant do it by 3 pm central, it is scrapped til tomorrow.
Is this a code or some sort of signal?
The fox is in the hen house *wink*
“Falcon heavy, this is window 3”
“Window 3, I hear you loud and clear. What’s the status?”
“Looks like there is bear ahead and we need to make time”
“copy, I’m about to put the hammer down. Godspeed window 3, Falcon heavy out”
Damn. I just looked at the weather. Looks like starting here in a few hours we are going to get the most lovely of winter weather – freezing rain. That sucks.
Also, this has been one of the coldest winters I have been through in a long time. Probably a decade or more. All that cold and we got one measly snowflake. Zero snow, but now the tail end of winter is going to give me freezing rain. Damn it.
the rink by me is only 1.5″ thick. enough freezing rain and you could throw the skates on.
As fun as that sounds, I don’t own, nor do I know anybody who does, a pair of ice skates. They are just not an item that is ever needed around here.
ice storms around here always bring downed limbs and power outages too so you’ll probably have your hands full anyway.
That’s pretty much what happens. Hopefully it will be light.
As far as power outages go, I’m in a pretty lucky situation. I have loved in my house for 8 years and have never lost power. I think the main reason is that I am the second power drop off the substation up the road from me. Things have to get pretty bad to KO a substation.
I don’t own, nor do I know anybody who does, a pair of ice skates.
*cries a single, manly tear*
Pretty cool.
Didn’t realize all the states that had followed Vermont.
Sure, that’s the good part of the story.
The bad part being – despite – for example – CT being a “Shall Issue”, we have all sorts of restrictions on what we can carry.
A “Shall Issue” that only allows firearms up to a capacity of one round isn’t much of a victory. We get 10, but I’m surprised we were allowed that many when the laws changed in 2013.
Tell me about it..
And now it costs something over $500 to renew your permit because the state is broke.
Holy shit! That’s crazy.
Actually it was a nefarious way for them to both collect more money to piss away and restrict carry permits to people of means. This state is hurting. With a population barely breaking 3.5 million people, we have as many state employees as Texas does (22K). The state is so woke that it pisses billions away on social justice shit to keep the democrats in power. And they keep wanting to spend more, so they keep borrowing.
Your average Joe barely afforded the carry permit when it was $125 to do so a couple of years back (I renewed mine and helped my son get his then, and this was double what I paid when I renewed mine the time before). At the current price of $525 more than 2/3 of current people with a permit might not be able to afford it. It is one of the most elitist anti-gun policies masquerading as a sensible gun law you could imagine. Literally they are making it impossible to carry unless you are loaded or have someone else pay for you. It’s a shame.
Note that it is not the permit itself that costs around $525, but an aggregate of the expensive course, the safety training, the police background check, the town fees, and a bunch of other fees that add up to that amount when all is said and done, with the bulk of that money going to the state/municipality that is required whether it is your first time or a renewal.
This is true.
In practice, the cheapest way to get the permit would be:
$100 for the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting (although typically, it runs about $175
$70 to Connecticut for processing fees
$12 processing fee for fingerprints
$35 More to CT for the Card to be issued
Other fees your town might add. In my case, $40 processing fee.
So, around about $250 to be able to purchase and own a handgun in CT.
So fucking unconstitutional. How the hell is that any different than a poll tax?
Because our worses see guns as icky.
No, it was going to be $350+ a local fee, but that was defeated. The primary argument was that it effectively disarmed all but the very rich.
They passed the costs down to the other obligatory shit you need to do to get or renew the thing. My BIL just went through this shit show and he ended up forking just short of $525 for the whole painful experience.
Town fees will be variable and probably high. My town was surprisingly ‘reasonable’
Mandatory pistol course can get expensive too, if you don’t have access to a ‘charity’ training group
could be worse. here, if you can manage to acquire a permit to own a firearm in the first place, you’re only allowed to possess 50 rounds.
50 rounds down here would be called “warmup”.
Doesn’t anyone shoot bullseye where you are? That’s 100 rounds per competition right there!
you can buy more at a range for practice shooting, but you can’t take it home.
Falcon Heavy launching in 8 minutes (3:45 PM EST) http://www.spacex.com/webcast
Holy crap, I did not realize this.
Falcon Heavy shatters the $1000/lb to LEO price barrier.
Under NASA you couldn’t put a pound of payload into LEO for less than ~$5000 and a lot of space advocates considered the point where private space exploration would become feasible would be $1000/lb. Falcon 9 came close to that level at $62 million per launch and a payload of 50,000 lbs to LEO. Falcon Heave at a cost of $90 million per launch and a LEO payload of 140,400 lbs gives it a price of $641/lb
At that price things like space tourism and manufacturing become feasible.
Is this you Lachowsky?
I love ‘Stangs, but not enough to change my name.
Asset forfeiture has probably resulted in Mustangs being criminal defendants before. Just like cash.
Mr. Miller’s legal name is Shelby Mustang GT 500 Miller, and was booked on Friday “by Arkansas State Police on suspicion of driving with a suspended or revoked license, no proof of liability insurance and not wearing a seat belt, according to the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office.”
Oh damn that’s funny, but no that’s not me. I don’t go to Baxter county.
Also, since they were mentioned in the article. Fuck seat belt laws.