Not an original thought but still, it’s what I couldn’t help while looking at the news and my Twitter feed. If I had said to younger me, “It’s 2018. Who is it that sees Russian conspiracies riddling government, vociferously defends the FBI and the DoJ, puts Jew-haters into leadership, and is pro-segregation?” I would have answered, “The John Birch Society.” Who knew that it would be the Democratic Party?
Team Red suddenly discovers that there’s FISA abuse! Clearly a party of principle!
Speaking of which, we need to spend more to prevent a nuclear weapons gap. The proposal here is $1.2 trillion. Team Red shows again that it loves to waste taxpayer money just as much as Team Blue does. #nothinglefttocut
Team Blue’s house organ sure does like stirring racial paranoia.
The latest in Groper News. At least it wasn’t with an animal, so he’s got that goin’ for him. Maybe I should introduce him to the girl in the previous link?
OK, who here is creating Poppy Porn?
Sorry, you’re not going to avoid it. Old Guy Music. But hey, not only is this one of the greatest collections of musicians ever assembled on one stage, but they all seemed to be at the peak of their talents. And Joni was not hard to look at. Great song.
Sorry, I am in thrall to Big Meat. I couldn’t make it all the way up to .39 Warties without tasty meats.
“I am in thrall to Big Meat.”
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
What are the 39 Warties?
The only movie ever made outside of Canada with a Canadian hero?
Superman was Ontarian.
Glenn Ford’s character in Terror on a Train was a Canadian abroad.
No Canadian would touch Karla, although I don’t know if you can call the main character a hero.
That was a Canadian film though.
Yeah, I guess “Duct Tape Forever” was filmed in Canada, eh?
Fisa abuse! I was caught on security cam leaving my place of employment with a garbage bag. I’m a raven now.
What does that even mean?
Or he’s a murderer like Ray Lewis.
Ahem. Alleged murderer.
It means that I steal trash. I didn’t want to take it to the bin because it was snowing. Footy prints on my burnished floor, you see. Someone else didn’t card out properly so security’s ears perked up and they saw me locking out, carrying a bag of sumpin.
There are plenty of things that you might call me but lazy and thief are at the bottom of the pile. I was pretty worked up.
Who’s supposed to clear the snow?
Not my concern. I am the Janitor and I sweep and I wipe…
Janitor Man
Gottdamn you Swiss! I wanted first!
I have been up for almost 3.5 hours. Not, I think, today.
Yes, be a polite cannibal.
I don’t know. I looked at the pic in that meat eater article and it didn’t look anything like a fine young cannibal. If anything, it looked more like Bowie.
“Eat less meat” is a well-intended caveat amongst woke environmentalists ”
No. No, it is not.
They’ll have to pry the bacon from my stroke-induced claws.
I was reminded of this.
It bears repeating. if animals weren’t tasty and nutritious, then there would be no animals.
If we weren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?
Black people afraid to drive through modern America; completely rational. White people afraid to drive through the ghetto; so racist.
One of those is not quite like the other, but yeah, that occurred to me as well.
I remember a few years ago driving into our “ghetto” district to pick up a guy for work. There were children running rampant at 4 in the morning. I didn’t get mugged or egged but I did give my head a shake.
I wasn’t overly afraid to bicycle thru the Baltimore ghettos as a white kid in college, but then I didn’t have any sense either. I got bum rushed at least a couple of times by guys trying to steal my bike, it was an adrenaline rush.
Heh. That isnt racial. I once had a beer bottle hit my windshield with a “Get outta here Whitey!” thrown after it.
There are a couple of places in the larger cities here in La where you absolutely dont go if you are white. Once upon a time that was true for blacks as well but I think those places are all gone a generation ago.
Well….don’t go into a South Side Irish neighborhood while black, in Chicago.
Well….don’t go into a South Side Irish neighborhood
while black, in Chicago.Don’t go into a South Side Irish neighborhood while
blackobviously English in Boston or Chicago.FTFY
Bowler hat and umbrella?
Teeth and glasses
Mr. John Steed of The Avengers was actually a Canuckistani. With an interesting (and rather sad) biography.
I get that a lot, although I don’t have Gordon’s (increasingly public and obvious Geordie brogue).
I gave up wandering around the city in broody, theatrical way like that years ago. Sadly, in a way, the world has moved on. NYC’s expectation of what an Englishman in New York looks like in this millenium looks more like Ed Sheeran or David Beckham than Gordon Sumner or Mr. #6.
I love that song. Is it cultural appropriation?
Probably. And I demand reparations.
Check’s in the mail.
Actually, a number of years ago, when the subversions, #6.1 and #6.2 were little, we found a CD of Sting singing traditional British nursery rhymes, which we bought, with the intention of royally screwing up our kids’ cultural identities (it worked).
That’s when you get Gordon’s real accent, which I’m led to believe is utter catnip to a certain subset of his female fans. This site’s ‘family friendly’ reputation denies me the ability to use the simile I was going to use.
Union Jack waistcoat and John Bull pork-pie hat.
And eating roast beef.
There. Thats better.
*narrows gaze*
They probably would have done more than just steal your bike.
Well yeah… nothing like a little personal danger to up the ante.
Why do you think it is called “rough trade”? He is trading his bike for some rough loving.
I want the author to take a casual stroll through West Balmer, at night, hell in the middle of the day.
Music, and relevant to the alt-text
All I’m getting from the #MeToo revelations is that I’ve been missing out and now I’ve passed my window of opportunity.
Ray Jones of Aurora, Colo., who identifies as African American, said he exercises caution whenever he rides his motorcycle outside of the metropolitan Denver area. He said “White lives matter” billboards and bumper stickers send a message that he’s not totally welcome.
There’s his problem. He should identify as white.
He’s even stopped traveling to North Carolina to visit relatives with his wife, who is white.
“Based on recent events in [Charlottesville] and the climate in America, I will not feel comfortable traveling south of D.C. for a few [years] when we visit the East Coast annually together,” he said.
I doubt anyone in North Carolina gives a shit that you “identify as black” and are married to a white woman.
Social media also gives a sense of what domestic travel looks like through the eyes of a person of color, chronicling stories of discriminatory encounters with such hashtags as #AirbnbWhileBlack and #TravelingWhileBlack.
I didn’t get much further than this. I suspect those stories have about as much credibility as a self reported penis size survey.
I’ll counter his anecdote with my own – I find more racists per capita in deep blue urban areas than in any southern town I’ve been in. I would give a ratio, but I got a divide by zero error with the overall non-issue I found it to be from the southerners.
Try Cleveland Mississippi.
Once did a job there and had some people calling the little black kids monkeys (quite openly), never seen anything like that.
Not saying the south as a whole is necessarily that racist, but I certainly wouldn’t say it doesn’t exist.
Even Southerners don’t like Mississippi
True, and Alabama gets some shit too, but both have incredibly charming aspects if you look like the right places.
A little while back, I was in the caf at work eating lunch with two coworkers. One a black woman who is about my age and the other an Asian woman who is around 60. Both married with kids. I don’t know where the black woman grew up, I suspect not New England based on her accent. The Asian woman grew up in the Boston area.
The Asian woman went on about how she doesn’t understand why people think the Boston area is racist because she’s never seen it. The black woman said, “That’s because you’re the good minority.”
I jumped in. I said, “In the South, racists are honest. They’ll come right out and tell you they don’t like you because of your skin color. In the North, racists aren’t honest. They’ll say they don’t hate different colored people, but their actions show they think people with different skin colors are lessor beings and they hate them.”
The black woman said to the Asian woman, “Listen to . He’s right.”
I live in the ruralest of rural Arkansas. My area is probably 90% white.
My wife has a cousin who lives in Springfield missouri who has a thing for black guys. A few years ago she came down to visit with her black boyfriend. My wife asked if I would hang out with him while her and her cousin did whatever it is women do when the hang out together.
Lily white me and this guy (I forget his name, it’s been several years) Spend the day going around to the places I usually go, meeting the people I normally meet, drinking beer with the rednecks I usually drink beer with, and had a pretty good day. There were no problems whatsoever and the guy was comfortable and had a good time.
I’ve never been down south (I know…) but you’re probably right. And it comes from both sides. Due in part, I believe, to cultural… alienation?… for lack of a better word.
It’s utter bullshit.
“White lives matter” billboards and bumper stickers send a message that he’s not totally welcome.”
That isnt true at all.
I live in Aurora, CO. South of Alameda Parkway Aurora is pretty white-bread. Even north of there it’s not particularly “ethnic” as the vernacular goes. This guy is just full of shit.
Thats ridiculous. I lived in CO for three years, even worked in Denver for a year. The only racists there are Mexican.
So white racists then.
Many years ago my brother took in a black family from his church that was about to be out on the streets because the father lost his job. The father had done time for homicide in East St. Louis, but moved out west to get out of that environment. My brother took him fishing out in the sticks, and the guy was getting nervous because he was worried about racists or rednecks or something. The fear is there. It might not be rational, but it is there.
OK, who here is creating Poppy Porn?
If the answer isn’t everybody I would be disappointed.
The real question is, which one of you sick fuckers is making Wookie porn?
Rule 34 is simply a signal that there is a demand for it. The market will respond.
The sick bastards.
Well of course I made a pr0n video of some weird blond chick using a strap on to fuck a latina chick while shouting “Who’s your Poppy?”
I must be fucked up. I skimmed through part of that WaPo story and thought, “Huh- innovative problem solving by a community.” Also- assholes are everywhere.
I’m a monster, I guess.
You comment her, ipso facto.
Our work goes like this: We memorize every nook and cranny of a piece of land like a lover’s body.
Yeah, okay.
I actually understand that. It makes perfect sense to me.
Letters to the Local Rag: Tyranny of the Pussy Hats Edition
Fuck that shit! I don’t even accept the giveaways from the brewers. Politics is personal and none of your fucking business.
Letters to the Local Rag: Pussy
HatWhip EditionAs an additional observation, the entire Women’s March was a exercise in collectivization of the opposition, yet they object to the same treatment.
I bet she think’s Trump is mentally unfit to be president, too.
Of course! You can tell just by watching him on TV.
And all his supporters are racists who hate women.
She must have graduated at the bottom of her class.
That entire letter of hers was a pretext to say she was a psychologist and went to grad school.
If her name was attached, she just got a bunch of free advertising, and anybody who goes to see her based on what she wrote will be the easiest
patient she’s ever helpedmark she’s ever grifted.If I’m right, it’d a beautiful con. Ifnim wrong, she’s an idiot.
Just an idiot
I was at a conference this week where a psychologist stood up and asked the psychiatrist medical director of a large national trade organization whether the organization would support prescribing privileges for psychologists. He deftly said that the organization ‘hasn’t taken a position on it’ because it is controversial.
I don’t think it should be controversial at all. If you are going to restrict drugs to prescribing privileges (a big ‘if’ for a libertarian, but it doesn’t look like that’s changing any time soon) it should be at least to people with medical training, not those with years instead of studying interpersonal theory and doing counseling. Psychologists try to compare themselves to other non-physician professions (dentist, nurse practitioner) but there absolutely no comparison, these others have years of understanding disease, treatment, and more importantly, how medications interact with the body, other medications, and other disease states. Meanwhile, psychologist-prescribing advocates think psychologists should be OK to prescribe after just a two-week pharmacology course — how scary is that? Pharmacists are experts in pharmacology, but even they aren’t allowed to prescribe. Just knowing how to do motivational psychological interviewing doesn’t magically make you able to determine when a medication is safe and appropriate to use, nor does two weeks — try the nine years minimum it takes a physician before they can prescribe legally.
I fantasized pulling out a blood pressure cuff (no, I don’t carry them with me) and saying to the psychologist — hey, you’re an advocate for prescribing, so take my blood pressure (probably the easiest thing to learn in medical training, taught to anyone doing hands-on on day one.)
I would bet anything she wouldn’t have known how to do it, even though she feels ‘oppressed’ by not having prescribing privileges, as if it’s just like getting allowed by the bouncer to get into a hot club. Add that to the fact that huge swaths of psychologists get their degrees from schools you’ve never heard of, set up in office parks or the back side of shopping malls, and I think most people would be pretty reluctant to declare these individuals to be medically competent to prescribe dangerous medications, which most meds for mental illness are.
As these tools have become more powerful and easier to use, it has enabled the transfer of sexual fantasies from people’s imaginations to the internet. It flies past not only the boundaries of human decency, but also our sense of believing what we see and hear.
Beyond its use for hollow titillation, the sophistication of the technology could bring about serious consequences. The fake news crisis, as we know it today, may only just be the beginning.
As is typical, institutions and companies have been caught unaware and unprepared. The websites where this kind of material has begun to proliferate are watching closely. But most are clueless about what to do, and nervous about the next steps.
Oh, no. We’re losing control!
I would think this would be good for “celebrities”. Just deny everything, and call it fake. Unless the point is to get residuals.
I wonder how upsetting it would be if somebody were to make a pornographic sex film with animal-human hybrids; a giraffe-headed man banging the hell out of a moose-headed woman, say.
You’ve just described furries.
Yiffing. Please. You’ll trigger the otherkin.
Oh, you mean how various mainstream media outlets were caught in direct collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign?
From the Baseball Crank via National Review:
Quick Thoughts on The Nunes Memo Read more at:
That’s the most epic “To Be Sure” that I have ever read.
Meh, it’s only a scandal at all because it involves the political class. If it were just a prole? They already demonstrated their concern for us with the re-auth of Sec. 702.
Maybe that should be a story in itself, how all the news orgs were getting allegedly classified information.
Now the contents of the democrat memo is being leaked, surprise, surprise.
If you don’t want to see the hats any more, just vote next time for someone who respects women instead of belittling them.
I will continue to behave like a shit-flinging monkey until you submit to my morally superior philosophy.
I have managed to not see a single pussy hat. It’s easy if you ignore it.
Cuz you are always looking at their tits?
Imagine there’s no pussy hats.
It’s easy if you try.
Joni Mitchell the epitome of ‘Meh’ in every sense of the word.
Go eat your fucking pineapple deep dish, with extra foreskins.
I never got the attraction. Her music sounds like a cat in a burlap sack about to be flung into a swift flowing stream.
That’s OK I think Jaco Pastorious is WAAAY over rated as well
Them’s fightin’ words! (just joshing, he was pretty influential for at least two generations of noodlers).
He was into that strange method of catching catfish?
Seriously, I’ve been out noodling before. Saw my brother pull a 50 lb catfish out of a hole while
highly inebriated. But I’ll be damned if I’m sticking my arm down there.
I have seen snapping turtles with beaks big enough to take my hand off. That’s enough to keep me from ever noodling.
I knew two guys back in the day who made a hobby of noodling snapping turtles, up on the upper Mississippi.
Three-Finger Pete and Lefty, I seem to remember that was what we called them.
“Noodlers” were the guys that played with highly technical precision but no heart. See any 80’s metal band, for example.
This is just as much a Jazz standard as “Take The A Train” or “A Love Supreme”.
Noodling is about right, He just doesn’t impress me, 20 years ago maybe, try Les Claypool, he can play
Heh. Love that band. Now if they could just get ahead of themselves and write an album instead of a gimmicky song…
I know South bound Pachyderm is is gimmicky, so is Tommy the cat, or Over the Falls, you know, the Big Hits.
/Sailing the Seas of Cheese
I owned all of the cassettes. All of them.
Letters to the Local Rag: Trump Can’t Revive the Dead Edition
10,000 people are getting laid? Talk about sexual misconduct.
I stubbed my toe getting out of bed this morning. Thanks Trump.
Letters to the Local Rag: Wishful Thinking Edition
Joe McCarthy is from my area, for some reason they don’t seem to talk about him much round these parts.
“Tail Gunner Joe” used to be a thing until his reputation was sullied by all of the shitty things that he did later in life.
I saw the headline for the article and thought “Interesting”
Read the article, which is remarkably light on facts. It’s just clickbait for something that probably doesn’t exist.
Finally, in a whipsaw reporting move at the end it becomes clear that it’s all Trump’s fault.
Nuke torps aren’t new. Both sides had them during the cold war.
Whipsaw, huh? In the morning to you.
Ivan forgot he was supposed to use the left-handed wrench, not the right-handed one.
Obviously these guys didn’t look to see the notch in the flywheel the guy before them left.
Or none of them have ever rebuilt a VW boxer motor
A discussion I overheard recently got me thinking about something. Every so often, reports like these come out about the area where I live having higher rates of certain cancers, and it’s generally attributed to local chemical factories, most notably the oil refinery pictured in the article (as an aside, it was built by the British during the Mandate to supply their Mediterranean fleet using oil piped from northern Iraq; it’s currently operated by the government owned company, rather boringly named in Hebrew, Oil Refineries Ltd and looks just like the nuclear power plant in The Simpsons).
So I’d like to pose a question to you, the Glibertariat: What does the environmental regulatory/legal/tort scheme look like when you envision Glibertopia?
I’m more familiar with arguments about private ownership and property rights relating to tragedy of the commons type resource issues and whatnot (plants, fisheries, endangered animals, etc.), but what are your thoughts on things like air and water pollution? What about when there isn’t a specific source to point to like a factory, but countless vehicles coming and going? If everyone goes back to leaded gasoline with no catalytic converters in their cars because it’s cheaper to operate, is asthma just the new normal? Who do you sue? What about geographical situations like Honk Kong where most of the air pollution comes from somewhere else upwind (in their case the Guangzhou area)?
(If you’re an AnCap inclined to say that giving an answer cedes the argument to central planning, pretend you’re an entrepreneur giving a pitch for people to buy into your particular proposed scheme.)
It’s too early for this. I need more coffee first.
That’s easy. We just build our nuclear plants and dioxin recycling centers upwind of Progtopia.
“If everyone goes back to leaded gasoline with no catalytic converters in their cars because it’s cheaper to operate, is asthma just the new normal?”
Not gonna happen. People like to spend less on things they need or like. Most people like or need to drive. Feul is one of the expenses related to driving. People who manufacture vehicles have an incentive to make their vehicles as fuel efficient as possible in order to attract more buyers.
Vehicles have been getting more and more fuel efficient for a long time and they will continue to do so. The total amount of fuel burned is much more relevant to the discussion of air pollution than whether or not the exhaust passes through a catalytic converter or not. The market itself is what reduces pollution.
Partly, lead in gasoline was definitely an environmental pollutant and there was a valid role for Congress to play in getting rid of it. Unfortunately, they delegated their authority and responsibility to the EPA so they could gain political cover.
This is the concept I’m musing over downthread.
Mazda, for example, are pushing to build the next generation of Skyactiv motors with >50% efficiency. That’s not a response to government mandate, that’s because people will want to buy them.
I would want one, and I know that Climate Change is a fucking crock, and I’m a scofflaw at heart, so my motivation is purely a personal preference.
The homogeneous charge compression ignition engine. Definitely innovative and definitely a boost to efficiency, but there’s often a trade-off between efficiency and pollution. To take the internal combustion engine as an example, a higher static compression ratio has better thermodynamic efficiency, but will generally produce more NOx. It’s one of the things a catalytic converter is supposed to treat, but a cat’ also adds a restriction to exhaust flow, which again reduces efficiency.
Not going to try and gainsay that – out of my wheelhouse so to speak – but sure, it looks like we’re approaching some efficiency limits where we’re constrained by a number of insurmountable (or at least very challenging) issues. But the fact is that it’s not government mandate that is (primarily) driving this.
Consider my above statement about NOx as relating to current engines, whether a spark ignition gasoline engine or a direct injection diesel, etc. I can’t recall who it was here who was saying the latest diesel emission regulations were killing fuel mileage for trucks, but it was particularly hurting trucks from Canada trying to haul stuff over the border into the US.
The “fix” for all the Volkswagen diesel vehicles that were cheating the emissions tests reduced the vehicles from 50 mpg to 35.
Non-polluting, efficient, and cheap don’t always go hand-in-hand. Leaded gasoline has a higher octane rating which means you can run higher compression and thus have better efficiency. Same with diesel engines (high compression being one of the reasons they’re more fuel efficient than gasoline engines), which is why they’re popular in Europe, particularly the UK, where NOx and particulate emission regulations are, or at least have been, more lax than in the US.
I’m certainly not going to claim that people only use things which are more efficient (and therefore cheaper to operate) because the government forced them to. But that doesn’t really address the issue of externality when it does exist. Suppose hybrid cars were economically viable without subsidies; that is to say, even with the added expense of batteries and an electric motor, the break even point on cost due to fuel savings was well before the expected end-of-life for the car. They’re more fuel efficient, but only because you’re outsourcing your pollution to strip-mines in China.
It seems to me like the debate over whether or not to have regulation is a false choice. I think regulation should not be a constant. Sure there are times when the government must step in to protect citizens when a hazard has been determined. Damages can be awarded through litigation.
From a principle perspective, this debate centers around preferences for having laws that prevent and/or laws that punish. The line between the 2 is what moves in one direction or another as our society evolves and our scientific understanding changes, as well as depending on which political group is in power.
As for the false choice, and perhaps this is already a thing, but rather than having regulatory entities like the EPA creating and enforcing regulations, how about they simply provide guidance for the courts in determining cases? For example OSHA’s CFR 29 would not be compulsory, but would be used by the courts to help them determine safety negligence on the part of an employer in a lawsuit.
Plisade, I think you’ve put your finger on a good solution. Take away the power of agencies to determine violations of the law and impose punishments; that’s a judicial function which has no place in the executive branch.
Regs are used in court cases, but, naturally, as a double standard. Non-compliance with a reg is proof of negligence or intentional wrongdoing. Compliance with a reg is proof of nothing. Drives me nuts. Is it the standard, or not?
Thanks for adding eloquence to the idea 🙂
Ray Jones of Aurora, Colo., who identifies as African American, said he exercises caution whenever he rides his motorcycle outside of the metropolitan Denver area.
We all know what a hotbed of Jim Crow racism Colorado is.
Also- “identifies as” African American? Go fuck yourself, Ray. Is you is, or is you ain’t?
My guess would be mulatto who’s decided to deny his white half.
Or is afraid of being labeled “uppity” if he doesn’t.
He’s like Rachel and Shaun, he’s Trans-racial.
I don’t know this guy, but I score this quotation only a little wrong.
a) Be Prepared: situational awareness and the ability to defend oneself are handy 24/7, everywhere,
because towns don’t kill people: people kill people. So he fails this test.
b) The principle dynamic in US demographics absolutely is urban/rural, and here I give him a B+.
Coast vs Flyover and Red vs Blue are almost entirely co-variant with Urban vs Rural;
I give you:
I’d exercise caution inside or outside of the Denver metro area even if I wasn’t on a bike because Colorado drivers are complete shit.
I don’t know what to think about all this vegetarian/vegan stuff.
Grassland dynamics?
That’s a first.
Deep plowing on the prairies coupled with a severe drought caused the dust bowl during the Depression, prolonging it. The gummint implemented soil erosion techniques to keep it from happening again.
The question is, would the landowners have implemented similar techniques on their own after seeing their soil blow away (or were they out of capital?)
I dunno. Probably not, but only because they’d been doing that for 10 years. If they figured it out, it would have been too late. OTOH, if they had, it might have simply taken longer, but it would’ve gotten done.
I am conflicted about the gummint’s intervention because they had the scientists to do it that the farmers didn’t have access to. So … gummint good or bad? I dunno. This was FDR’s administration, so I’m extra good super duper conflicted. This was no TVA.
Plus, IIRC, the gummint only taught the farmers what they needed to do. It didn’t take over the land.
The land owners who did implement the techniques would sooner or later own the land of those that didnt. No government intervention necessary.
Are you saying those who implemented the techniques the gummint taught them or implemented techniques they figured out, where they had not before?
Okay, now I’m just thinking out loud:
Let’s assume they would not have figured out what to do, and those who might have weren’t coming west to speculate on farmland. I don’t think I have a problem with the gummint sending out scientists and teachers to get the situation under control. But the gummint didn’t have to STAY in the business and expand its powers.
“Let’s assume they would not have figured out what to do, and those who might have weren’t coming west to speculate on farmland.”
I can’t assume that because that not what would happen.
You say government scientists figured this out. I’ll bet that they figured it out by observing private farms that tried different things and saw that this worked. Absent the government, the successful farmers who implemented these strategies would be the winners and they or those who had their knowledge would absolutely head west to speculate on farmland.
I actually understand that. It makes perfect sense to me.
To be honest, the underlying principle reminds me very much of the way my grandfather managed his farm, but he wasn’t a pretentious melodramatic twat about it, unlike the woman who wrote that article.
Hey Chicago! (And a lot of other municipalities in America)
Watch and learn!
Ban ammo
Douglas Haig, an Arizona man who says he sold tracer ammunition to the gunman in October’s Las Vegas massacre, was arrested Friday on a charge of manufacturing and selling armor-piercing bullets in violation of federal law.
A criminal complaint alleges two unfired .308-caliber rounds found in gunman Stephen Paddock’s hotel room had Haig’s fingerprints on them as well as tool marks from his workshop. The bullets in the cartridges were classified as armor-piercing, the complaint says.
The FBI on October 19 searched Haig’s Mesa home and seized ammunition the agency says is classified as armor-piercing, the complaint said. Haig did not have a license to manufacture armor-piercing ammunition, documents said.
It’s just like he was there, pulling the trigger.
.308 is not a pistol caliber. As far as i know the only AP rounds that are banned are AP pistol rounds. What are they charging him with?
There was that attempt to ban M855 ammo, but the ATF backed down on that.
There are some very specialized single shot 308 pistols out there, but hardly the kind of firearm suitable for use in a protracted shoot out. And it’s still rifle ammo.
I’ll invoke the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. It’s usually the answer.
I imagine shooting a .308 pistol would be highly uncomfortable.
Yes. And?
Can’t imagine I’d waste my time doing it, but Youtube is full of people who would.
I have no problem with anyone who want to. More power to them. Just not my cup of tea.
Don’t the PTR pdw series count as pistols?
Sure they’re 8 lbs, but still technically pistols.
I’m not sure. They have a forestock. I’d have to re read the laws, but that may make them not a pistol.
They’re looking to add a couple scalps to the case.
What struck me was this:
Before the sale, Paddock told him “that he was going to go out to the desert and put on a light show” with the ammunition — that he was “going to go out and shoot it at night with friends.”
I’m telling you, the whole thing stinks. I still believe it’s a CIA/FBI Islamist sting op gone wrong and that Paddock got killed and the person/people that killed him got away. How else to explain the total absence of video evidence or personal contact by the staff of … anyone, Paddock included?
Sorry, I bet he was dead before the first shot out of a window was fired.
If I was going to ‘put on a light show’ – I’d be thinking more of tracer or pyrophoric.
I guess it’s plausible that some ammo was modified by drilling out the nose of the bullet and inserting a pyro material like a lighter flint – which could plausibly be called ‘AP’ by an imbecile or an investigator (but I repeat myself), but AFIAK, that’s not illegal either.
I have some API ammunition for my garand. It was pricy, but not illegal.
I’ve got some M62 too, ‘cos I wanna go pierce some armor with it, yo.
Have some tin foil sloop.
I have no idea what actually happened but you’re correct. The whole things stinks to high heaven.
“Sorry, I bet he was dead before the first shot out of a window was fired.”
I’m of that same opinion.
I’ve started to actually think that maybe Paddock met some shady characters who offered to take all these weapons off his hands for a nice sum and he needed the money to pay off gambling bets. So he was setup by these characters who planned the shooting and they went to his room to get the weapons, and instead killed him and used the weapons to carry out their nefarious plans. Makes a lot more sense than the current story we’re getting of single guy who planned all this out himself with no motive whatsoever, has no online presence at all, has a live in GF who knows nothing, in fact, no one knows anything. Bullshit.
OK, now I read and re-read it, there’s nothing other than one sentence that talks about AP at all.
Bullshit article. But then it’s CNN. Of course.
OTC parts-printing has recently clarified to average folk what technocrats and thinkers have known since the invention of fire:
the pace of technology cannot be even tracked, much less regulated; only behavior can be penalized.
What is intriguing is the law-givers’ zeal for garbage-phrases like “armor-piercing.”
If only delivery trucks had been properly characterized as “sidewalk sweepers” or “pedestrian-annihilating”,
imagine how many ISIS attacks could have been regulated out of ever happening.
I’m fascinated by the power of political words and those who have tried to comment of this part of the human situation.
Orwell, Huxley, Chomsky, and West (regardless of their politics) have distilled a threat: words are ammunition.
From this I take it that laws must absolutely be minimized, if for no other reason than to preempt their inevitable abuse.
“Genital-grabbing agent demands Terry Crews lawsuit be tossed since he did not squeeze actor’s penis ‘in a sexual way'”
So he squeezed his penis in a non-sexual way?
He grabbed Terry Crew’s penis?
That’s a bold move, Cotton.
He should have knocked the guy out with one of his boobs.
When told the case can continue, the defendant responded, “aw nuts!”
“The case shall continue schlong as you can prove intent”
-The Judge
*narrows gaze*
Shouldn’t that particular gaze widen?
And lengthen.
It all depends on how you grope it.
I’m just talkin’ about Shaft.
So I missed most of the memo discussion yesterday. I am also too lazy to go back to read it now.
I was stuck driving around on various errands yesterday and ended up listening to a lot of NPR. According to them, the fact that the surveillance was renewed 3 times proves that there was collusion going on. If the wiretap was not producing evidence they wouldn’t have renewed it. So this memo proves that the Russians and Trump are totes BFF.
Ah, so they spun exactly backwards of what was revealed then. Bravo, NPR!
According to them, the fact that the surveillance was renewed 3 times proves that there was collusion going on.
The FBI investigates crimes. If the FBI is investigating, that means there is a crime.
Jeebus. I doubt even the Stasi had such a willing propaganda arm.
“Victorian nymphs painting back on display after censorship row
A gallery is to put a Victorian painting of naked adolescent girls back on display after a row over censorship.
Manchester Art Gallery said it took down Hylas and the Nymphs by JW Waterhouse to “encourage debate” about how such images should be displayed.
But critics accused curators of being puritanical and politically correct. The painting will return on Saturday.”
OK, now I read and re-read it, there’s nothing other than one sentence that talks about AP at all.
Something tells me they are trying to call pointy nosed FMJ .308 “armor piercing”. Because scariness.
Also- I hope the guy in Arizona who sold him the tracers at least said, “Try not to set the fucking desert on fire.”
Something tells me they are trying to call pointy nosed FMJ .308 “armor piercing”. Because scariness
Per our friends at the ATF-
The GCA defines “armor piercing ammunition” as: “(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium.
Someone, somewhere told someone that Level II plate won’t stop a 308, because they’re “cop killer” rounds.
I like how people don’t seem to know that any round above a certain size and velocity is probably going to whiz through a bulletproof vest, and even if it doesn’t, it’s going to transfer a tremendous amount of force into that person’s body, which can cause injuries that are equal to or worse than being shot without the vest.
“A Dubious Narrative Contributed to the NFL Protests
An exhaustive search of public records finds no evidence of the racial crimes alleged at the University of Missouri.
But public records obtained through the Missouri Freedom of Information Act suggest that the Mizzou protests, like the riots in Ferguson a year earlier, might have been inspired in part by a false narrative. Graduate student Jonathan Butler had started a hunger strike, claiming the administration had failed to address racist acts on campus, including incidents in which Mr. Butler, who is black, was himself the purported victim. Football players were “very concerned about his life,” Coach Gary Pinkel said at the time.
On Martin Luther King Day in 2016, Mr. Butler delivered a keynote address at Kansas City’s Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church, in which he described two instances in which he claimed he had been personally targeted at Mizzou because of his race.
“Being on campus, I’ve seen the N-word spray-painted on my door,” Mr. Butler said. “I’ve experienced white students who have jumped me during the President Obama’s election night. . . . I was jumped by three white students on campus.” Mr. Butler said such behavior “allowed to be going on, on campus—let me make that very clear, was allowed to be going on, on campus.”
But an exhaustive review of law-enforcement records showed no sign of the incidents Mr. Butler described.
Vandalism on campus is reported to university police, both a residence-life staffer and a university police spokesman told me. Neither the university police department nor the Columbia, Mo., city police received any report of an incident where Mr. Butler’s door, residence or property was vandalized. Furthermore, neither police department has any record of Mr. Butler being jumped, assaulted, attacked or otherwise physically harmed by students as he described at any time between January 2008 and May 2016, when he departed the university.
To make sure I wasn’t missing anything, I reviewed all incident reports from both the campus and city police mentioning any physical assault or harm caused to any individual on, directly before or directly after Election Day in 2008 and 2012. I also worked with authorities at both departments to double-check all such reports possibly matching the incident Mr. Butler described in which victim names had been redacted. Finally, although it would be unusual for an incident involving a student to be reported only to the BooneCo unty Sheriff, the department also performed a search under Mr. Butler’s name.
There was no record of the racist assault or vandalism Mr. Butler described. It’s possible that the incidents happened and he didn’t report them—but in that case there is no basis for his claim that the university “allowed” the incidents to occur.”
Wait, wait… An academic lefty lied to make some kind of point about OMGracism?
To be fair, I think he was angling for a desk at Rolling Stone.
I’m givin’ her all she can take, she canna take no more!
13, 28, 32.
Also, featuring no selfies, Gingermageddon!
I don’t care if they have no soul
You have glucose-deprived the link
Second orgy.
I always wondered if these hobbits ate that much, how they ever got anywhere considering they also had to shit like 10 times a day..
#10 is a somewhat prolific contributer to The Chive. I haven’t been over there since she was contributing, so I’m not sure if she still contributes.
I’ll spend some quality recovery time with #33 afterwards.
What’s with headless chicks?
Even if a girl is plain, I prefer to take my porn intact.
You know who else preferred to take them intact?…
Definitely not Hannibal Lecter.
“Perfume: The story of a murderer” is a bizarre film that I enjoyed. That guy preferred to take them whole.
NPR in full spin mode
The question that will never be asked by NPR is: who were the scary Russians seeking meetings with Papawhatshisface to reveal the “dirt”? Were they the same ones Steele got dirt on Trump from? Did they have ties to Fusion GPS like the moon face Russian chic that wanted to meet with Don Jr? Was it all just another worn out circular investigation the FBI is famous for? The Popadopoluza investigation was started by the Obama DOJ when they were looking into any sort of Russian meddling in the campaigns triggered by the so called hack at the DNC. How does some Russians wanting to give dirt on Hillary warrant an investigation at that time, but an ex British spy with ties to Russia shopping around dirt on Trump not trigger a similar investigation of Clintons campaign? I am not sure what NPR is spinning clears the Obama Justice Department and FBI as they would have their readers believe.
“The memo undercuts another aspect of the narrative that some Republicans have pushed — that the Steele dossier was the sole foundation of the FBI’s Trump campaign-Russia probe.”
Maybe McCabe shouldn’t have said that there would be no Mueller circus without the dossier. I mean that’s not his exact words, but it’s basically what he meant.
Also, when did it become a thing that people in the USA are not allowed to talk to Russians or it’s some sort of conspiracy? The entire thing is a joke.
I think McCabe said they would not have gotten the FISA warrant without the dossier. NPR is pointing out that Popodop… was already under investigation without even wondering if that was a legal investigation to begin with. You ask a good question. When did it become a conspiracy to talk to a Russian? It seems it is not a problem at all if you are the same political party as the administration that started investigating the conspiracies. It is a joke.
I don’t see that the basis for the “pre-existing” investigation is anywhere close to legit. A guy brags in a bar that he talked to some Russian who offered dirt on Hillary. What crime is that supposed to be? If the FBI is concerned about it, why not just talk Papadopolous and find out what happened?
It is crystal clear to me that Clinton and the Obama administration were desperate for any pretext at all to surveil and hopefully indict Trump and his team. Any pretext at all. And when they couldn’t stretch what they had (remember, the first FISA app was so weak it was denied), they manufactured one.
The more I try to piece this together, the more it is clear to me that yes, there was an active conspiracy among Hillary, Obama, top Obama aides, and senior people in the FBI and DOJ to subvert first, the election and second, the new administration. What crimes were committed, I couldn’t say with any confidence. But I bet a truly independent prosecutor with an ethical and unbiased team could find out.
That should be the next step – appoint another special prosecutor to go after all the crimes committed in the last election and afterward. I mean, if a special prosecutor looking at Trump’s campaign is appropriate based on the allegations against him, holy crap, how can there not be one looking at the Clinton campaign based on what we know about how they operated?
If the FBI is concerned about it, why not just talk Papadopolous and find out what happened?
They did and he has been charged with lying to the FBI. Funny that. The FBI gets a lot of people on that one (unless you are a Clinton or Clinton staffer) because many times they know what people are talking about because the person is talking to someone with ties to the FBI. In this case, I am speculating the FBI knew what was talked about because Steele told the FBI what was said because the Russians were being paid by Fusion GPS.
I meant, why not talk to him when they first heard he bragged about talking to Russians, before they did all the surveillance that set the perjury trap.
If that conversation was interesting to the FBI, why not sit down with him right away and say “Hey, we hear some Russian offered you dirt on Hillary. What’s up with that?”
Because hearing double or triple hearsay from questionably reliable sources about an event that doesn’t even sound like a crime shouldn’t trigger a full-blown investigation unless you are looking for a pretext. At most, it should trigger a conversation/interrogation with the guy you heard gossip about, to see if there is anything there. To me, its the triviality of what they hung the investigation off of that makes this an obvious pretext for something they desperately wanted to do anyway (for the wrong fucking reasons).
It’s some good spin
I mentioned yesterday about a story that Matt Welch wrote last year that if there is nothing to these Russia fever dreams then it will damage the country. Someone asked me to link to it, so I posted it above.
Judging by Welch’s recent writings, and his morphing into Nick Gillespie, I take it he doesn’t agree with this proposition anymore. Like all good cosmos, they’re just assuming that all the Russia fever dreams are totes real, because that’s what the cool kids told him.
Case-in-point, Welch has become dismissive of the notion that the FBI did anything wrong:
Which, of course, is the proper position for those who believe in limited government: defending the FBI
I’m pretty certain a quick google search of his articles will find one detailing why FISA is wrong and just how it can be abused…
I do recall back during the time leading up to the election, TOS was going full bore TDS trying to see if they could outdo WaPo on Trump hysteria. Right before all the commentariat ran off.
(drinks more whiskey)
i think that was me.
i’m sorry.
I remember seeing that, I honestly liked Welch before then.
I didn’t see that article but I noticed the morphing into Nick Gillespie (well put!). Only with more links.
Why is there a black and white photo of Ted Cruz at the top of this page?
always thought the same thing
and I’m still waiting on suitable praise for pointing out that Joe Scarborough is a Howell Heflin starter kit.
Not Cruz. He’s not teetering on the brink of a sobbing fit.
And his face isn’t melting off.
“It’s now the Cube vs. the Pentagon.
Our reader, who is a U.S. Army officer, has sent us the above screenshot showing that The People’s Cube has been blocked by the DoD Enterprise-Level Protection System due to “hate and racism” – a blatantly false label applied by someone on the government payroll, whose salary comes out of our taxes.
When I lived in the Soviet Union, my speech was expected to be blocked as politically unreliable and not aligned with the government’s collectivist, socialist agenda. Such was the default setting and there was nothing I could do about it. At the time I assumed that if I were to move to the United States, I’d be free to speak without censorship. Imagine my surprise when I found that many in this country, including on the government level, were motivated by the same collectivist, socialist agenda I had escaped from.
Dismayed at the sight of this happening in a free country, I began to satirize the left’s absurd and crooked schemes again, this time in English, and launched the People’s Cube. This site has become an outlet not just for me, but for thousands of like-minded Americans and contributors from around the world, who opposed socialism and collectivism in general.
Shortly after the Cube was launched, the “open-minded” proponents of socialism began to use misrepresentations and lies in order to block our content. Starting with the Google purge in 2006, we’ve been blacklisted, shadow-banned, suspended, down-ranked, and otherwise hindered by the prog-warriors inside what has since become collectively known as Googlefacebooktwitter. We’ve been purged from Wikipedia. We’ve had our products removed from online stores in Zazzle, SpreadShirt, and CafePress. We’ve been slandered by Snopes. PolitiFact put us on their list of fake news sites. We’ve been denied ad revenue due to organized complaints to ad providers from invisible leftist operatives. And, finally, my wife’s contributions to the People’s Cube have led to a forced resignation from her job.
If it weren’t for all this blackballing, our traffic and popularity could have generated enough income for us to focus solely on running and improving the site, instead of doing unrelated work to make ends meet.
Technically, since all those malefactors were private companies, they were within their right to censor any content, even though one could question the legality of their monopolistic use of public space to impose ideological filters and thus skew the national discourse leftward. And yet, the classic definition of censorship has always been about the government silencing a citizen’s free expression.
So when the Department of Defense, a powerful government organization, blocks our content under a false and partisan pretense, it means that we have arrived. ”
I’ve always been amused by their site. Never bought anything, though. I think that’s going to change.
Is it work related? No, then fuck off that it’s blocked and go visit the site on your personal time from your personal computer on your personal internet access.
I could live with that if they blocked every non-work related website. But they don’t.
I have no idea how anyone would define all the non work related sites at my job. Couldn’t be done.
Of course not. Its a judgment call. Which is why how they exercise their judgment is at issue. Using your discretion to ban non-work-related sites to ban sites for political reason is bad judgment. And when you are a government agency, a violation of the First Amendment.
they have tried all kinds of different ways to block stuff here at my work.
I pretty much have a cess to the whole Internet though.
Boss, “Lachowsky, why was the rolling mill down for 4 hours last night?”
Lachowsky, “I had a drive fail and had to replace it. The firmware on the new drive needed updating to make it compatible with the PLC. I tried to download the correct firmware from the rockwell website but I was blocked. Had to call in IT to give me access. Sorry boss.”
Why haven’t you people told me about this site earlier? Are they racists? They’re gonna end up being racists, I just know it…
JFC. I drank a lot tonight and listened to Bob Dylan on the way way home. Fuck it. The whole memo gate is worthless unless Hillary winds up indicted. Queen Bee of corruption and we’re supposed to be happy with Carter Page or Comey or McCabe? Meh.
Last Sunday I did pretty much the same. Sat around drinking and listened from his first album, up through Nashville Skyline. Twice. Decent journey.
Nashville Skyline is a good album. My favorite of Dylan’s albums.
Shoot enough henchmen, nobody will join the villain.
That’s how we defeated radical Islamists amd won the drug war.
Being a soft GS-15 serving Hillary and being a phanatique ready to die for Paradise are a wee bit different in degree.
Hillary cannot match cartel money (anymore) either. Plus, we don’t kill anyone who touches the stuff. The prisons would be empty and AFSCME would revolt!
“Princeton University’s health center will soon host a “Fat Positive Dinner” for students who are “fat identified” to discuss their experiences.
According to an online description for the February event, the dinner will be hosted by Health Promotion and Prevention Services (a division of the school’s University Health Services) in conjunction with the Women’s Center.
“This space is intended for fat identified people to share their experiences as a fat person.”
“This space is intended for fat identified people to share their experiences as a fat person at Princeton in an accepting and supportive environment,” a newsletter put out by the Women’s Center states.
Additionally, participants will “discuss fat positive programming ideas for the spring semester,” with the event description noting that “dinner will be served.””
So anorexics are invited?
Don’t forget us!
I identify as “Thin and VERY attractive to women”.
Excuse me while I go sign up on Tinder so I can reap my rewards.
I wish it were that easy.
Yeah, but I’m rich, and my name’s Tonto Goldberg too.
Health Promotion and Prevention Services
Aptly named.
“We prevent health!”
At a previous job, they used to have “wellness screenings” every year to determine the cost of your health insurance. If you were healthy by all these measures (no tobacco use, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, etc.) you would pay less for your insurance. I weigh 230, but I lift weights and run 20 miles a week. However, one of the measures is your BMI, so as a 6’0 male, I was considered obese every year.
BMI is a bullshit metric. I have no idea why it’s still used.
Because some people like to skew the numbers, especially if it allows them to charge you more for shit you don’t really need.,
And I’m sure the government has an interest in inflating the obesity statistics so that they can justify more funding to fight the “obesity epidemic”.
Damnit. Boy Scouts are selling popcorn in front of the hardware store.
Be strong. Don’t let them get to you.
…Muddy Buddies!
Sorry. I just spent $10 on roofing nails…
“A Scout is thrifty…..A scout works to pay his way.”
My son had the disadvantage of a wealthy, suburban troop with over-developed, parent-driven goals;
he was aging out as the popcorn thing became common.
In my day a weekend in the woods was easily paid for shoveling snow or splitting wood.
Ever since, over-organization always smells wrong to me:
the boys are seldom planning their program or paying their own way any more.
The local council just changed over to popcorn when I left. Prior to that it was chocolate bar sales. You could sell quite a few of those, especially to tailgaters.
I was going to ask “Popcorn – WTF?” Why would anyone buy that from some rando kids on the street. Gross.
Popcorn is one of those things that gives me the notion that I’m not eating real food. It’s like chewing in packing peanuts or something.
Thanks, but I have popped and salted corn at home.
Official technical explanation to wife:
32F is too cold to take down Christmas lights;
32F is warm enough to play golf.
What’s so hard to understand about that?
City of the Future
Uber, Lyft and LimeBike are among the companies that agreed to the 10-part “Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities,” which aim to “prioritize people over vehicles, lower emissions, promote equity and encourage data sharing, among other goals.”
The principles were laid out last October by Robin Chase, a co-founder of Zipcar, along with a group of city and transportation organizations including the Shared-Use Mobility Center, a Chicago nonprofit interested in seeing a future of transportation that is more efficient, according to Sharon Feigon, the center’s executive director.
“In our view, shared mobility is public transit at heart. And we value that over the single-occupancy vehicle,” Feigon said. “These principles to us were about just that, about trying to promote a future that is about shared vehicles and thinking about people rather than single-occupancy vehicles.”
Among the center’s backers, only Zipcar is also a signatory to the newly announced principles.
Feigon didn’t see the principle about fleets of autonomous vehicles as a negative. Instead, she hoped ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft would work together with transit agencies to provide affordable and comprehensive transportation options throughout cities.
All I can say is, “WTF?” Freedom and mobility are too important to be left to the preference of the great unwashed masses, I guess. Who are these people? Where is this Futureland fever dream going to be implemented?
Ok, so instead of people driving themselves around, other people are doing to drive them around. And this leads to less emissions, how?
The Magic of Good Intentions.
I think if they just use words like mandate, big data, the internet of things, etc, that will justify it.
I forgot green whatever and sustainable.
The real answer is to abandon the Priii and Civics, and start with palanquins. That creates work for 4 coolies, who can all get $15 minimum wage!
Single-occupancy vehicles?
Is she talking about motorcycles?
“Princeton University’s health center will soon host a “Fat Positive Dinner” for students who are “fat identified” to discuss their experiences.
“Do you identify as fat? If so, call this number, to hear about a special opportunity, just for you.”
All-you-can-eat buffet at Golden Corral? WITH SIX dinner rolls to take home too!
So we have a “health center” supporting the biggest public health problem in the country. Not trying to solve it; trying to make sure it doesn’t get solved.
Now you’re getting it.
Same thing the “We want to solve poverty” pimps do…
Hey ladies. How you do’in?
“This space is intended for fat identified people to share their experiences as a fat person at Princeton in an accepting and supportive environment,” a newsletter put out by the Women’s Center states.
Crying towels will be provided. Also, ice cream.
We were giving out coloring books and crayons, but the crayons kept getting eaten.
“The meetings were going on so long, and I hadn’t had my third breakfast! What was I to do? Go Hungrrrrrrrrrryyyyy?”
NYTs says that we don’t need to see no stankin memos, we need to see Trump’s tax returns.
Remember when maddow had that bombshell that he paid a boatload of taxes?
Remember that one weird chick, Melissa something something who was going on about people paying their fair share and then she got busted for not paying her taxes?
Bernie wanting the 1% to pay a lot (FAIR SHARE) in taxes and his overall was something like 14% that year.
that reminds me, I saw Owen Benjamin in Burlington and he did a very funny joke on Bernie to piss the people off and get some tables to leave because there were people who drove to see him and couldn’t get in.
He basically said Bernie sounds like bane and everyone who likes him is retarded. Then he did a good bane voice “I will give the people everything they desire!”
He’s talking about the ‘other’ 1%, which doesn’t include him and his wife.
You see, people like Bernie and Hillary earned that wealth through Public Service™. They truly deserve it, unlike those greedy CEOs who are getting money by running companies that provide goods and services.
I love how the spin shifted from, “this will destroy national security!!!!” to “this is a totally insignificant Nothing Burger!!! What about Trumptaxes??” in the span of two days. Utterly predictable.
And yet there are a bunch of people who swallow it hook line and sinker. Every damn time.
These people tend to do so by choice… They picked that blue pill on purpose..
Read the posts over at DU on and off for a day. (trigger warning). Since Nov of 2017, those people go from suicidal depression to total euphoria several times a day. It all seems to revolve around finding the newest hero and then finding out their hero failed them or betrayed them. There’s been Mueller, McCain, Comey, Maxine Waters, etc, etc, etc, on and off villain or hero. Their entire existence revolves around whatever figure it is today, destroying the evil orange one and saving them. When the memo was released, they were all ready to jump off a bridge. By that afternoon, Comey said the memo was bullshit, so they all posted their dancing banana gifs and Comey was the new hero once again.
2016, not 17
Oh, and I forgot, yesterday, none other than Preet was the new hero. He’s had enough and is going to single handedly put an end to Trump. Good luck with that Preety. So they all posted about how much they love Preety, lol. They never learn.
Can’t wait until the fawning Preet article comes out on the old site.
I can’t imagine being their therapist.
“Oh, its not so bad.” [zooms off in new Prosche 911]
OT: Are you doing chores? Running errands? Bored? Sober? Do your ears a favor and tune into WFMU for the next 6 hours. Michael Shelly, Rex, and Todd-o-phonic Todd will take you on a musical journey of #1 Hits! From power pop to 50’s schlock to today’s tastemakers.
I enjoy it, anyway.
Painting windows with Oingo Boingo blaring in the background right now. I hate painting windows.
Can you still call them windows when you’re done?
*gives paned look*
*thinks of ensuing puns; shutters*
You’re on the outside now.
” I hate painting windows.:”
(drinks scotch)
i felt like i’d made an important advancement in life when i learned
allmost of the known the potential uses of a 6-in-1 Putty knifeno one will ever know all its mysteries
If that cow got the chance, he’d eat you and everyone you care about.
I’m making spaghetti marinara with sweet Italian sausages for breakfast. Because why not?
Sweet. One of my favorite weekend evening meals is spaghetti with meat sauce (ordinary? Yes, but still fucking delicious) so I’ve had many a spaghetti breakfast to help whack the pinot grigio hangover.
Today I had sausage, eggs, broiled tomatoes, a croissant (baked last night) with pumpkin butter and a cup of Moka pot espresso.
I have a bunch of deer burger in my freezer. I make meat sauce and spaghetti with it at least once a week.
You make your own croissants? Respect.
Thanks, yo.
It’s really not that difficult. I’ve taken on all kinds of culinary projects since I started seriously cooking in 2008 or so, but I was always intimidated by croissants. It turns out that they’re just ordinary bread dough with cold butter folded in followed by a few stages of chilling, rolling, and folding. Check out the croissant video from Food Wishes; it’s very easy to follow.
More butter and fold a few more times and you have puff pastry. You can make killer hand-pies with that.
Partial soundtrack to current work in progress.
(drinks scotch)
what in the hell does “l’échafaud” mean
French movie. Title Elevator to the Gallows.
Great flick that.
I have it on my Amazon watch list. I found the soundtrack googling “noir jazz.”
(drinks scotch)
some dude the other day was like, “is miles davis jazz? he plays so slow” and i said, “that’s his point”
The control he has is other-worldly.
I drank like 3 too many heady toppers last night.
That stuff will ruin a stomach.
I’m making shakshouka tonight. Still need some ideas for food for the Superbowl tomorrow. So far I have beer.
brunswick stew. start killing small animals.
I’m gonna smoke a pork shoulder to make pulled pork. My wife is goin to use the meat to make some sort of nachos. Sounded good when she told me about it.
I’m doing falafel, tabouli, and some miscellaneous vegetable. That would go great with beer, though more likely we’ll do cocktails, since RAHeinlein and family left us with a veritable chemistry set.
I’d like shakshouka, but SP and webdominatrix are both on a vegan regime and neither of them would eat poached eggs anyway. That’s a solo dish for me.
More for you! What kind of bread should I have for dipping? I’ve never actually made it before.
Pita. Don’t let make it for you, though.
Long story.
i haven’t been following along with the Razorfist home game lately
I just went down to the MCC to reset an electric motor drive that tripped out. Somebody has been playing with the label maker again.
That is awesome. I’ve never seen workplace graffiti with a Ptouch before. it’s always some lazy slob with a sharpie.
Just imagine the hysterical shrieking which would ensue if a Trump appointed special investigation team subpoenaed Obama to “clarify” some of the things his administration did during the election campaign.
Both here and at ToS, I’ve read stories of cops and their usefulness when there’s an actual crime. Unfortunately I experienced it this week — my house was broken into Monday a little after noon. The thieves got away with a bit of my cash — enough to be annoyed about but not lose sleep over — and nothing else. To be honest, outside of the electronics, there’s really not that much inside that I could imagine a thief would want. In any case, I didn’t discover the break in until about 6:30 that night. Cops came shortly thereafter and went through the usual slate of questions along with taking pictures of (a) my broken-down front door, and (b) my bedroom, where I had the cash. They were there for about an hour, maybe a bit longer.
The next morning, I went to my neighbor across the street, as she’s got security cameras all over the place. Sure enough, after she let me look through the footage of her cameras, I was able to get a pretty decent look at the break-in — two guys did it, one of whom kicked down the front door (ruining a very old and non-standard frame in the process). I pulled the exact times of the break-in and exit — they’re only inside for about three minutes, although shortly after running out of the house, one of them returns. There’s one moment where there’s potential to see the thief’s face, but the camera footage was too grainy.
I relayed this information via voicemail to the responding officers the morning after the break-in, requesting that they call me so that I could get them the specific details of what I saw on the camera. It’s since been more than 72 hours, and I’ve not heard anything in response. Mind you, I’m not naive enough to expect them to work a miracle here, but with (a) the camera footage from my neighbor across the street, and (b) some apparent audio from another set of cameras of my next-door neighbor catching one of the thieves saying something along the lines of “hurry! this is my neighborhood”, at the very least I figured they’d give a token effort at solving it.
Frustrating week, needless to say.
There is no money to be made catching thieves. They don’t care.
Sorry about your house. I’d be furious.
cops don’t solve crimes. they report them.
That sucks. I’m sorry.
I’m glad it was just a bit of cash, could have been much worse.
I hope they follow up and get the guys, but as we all know that seems like a long shot.
Sorry bout that.
Here is a dramatization of ttyrant’s police interaction.
I suggest going in person to the police station. Grab a cheapo flash drive ($3 – $4), and put the relevant files on the drive. In addition to the entire video files, screenshot the best shots of the perps and include those as well. Plus a write-up of what happened. Package in a convenient envelope and write the police report number on the envelope.
YMMV but in experience, I’ve found that appearing in person helps and providing the files well documented results in detectives responding more often.
As part of my work, I am often providing this type of thing to campus security or the PD. I typically have a stash of flash drives in my desk and grab a few anytime I see them on sale for a few bucks.
Thanks Aus — I may give that a shot.
I mean, it’s one thing for a President to have a partisan interest in wanting his party to maintain the office, but using federal law enforcement to keep tabs on what the opposing candidate is up to? That’s un-American.
And see, they laughed and called it a conspiracy theory when Trump said that Obama wiretapped him…
Eliot Spitzer did the same thing.
That’s un-American.
And also a conspiracy to violate civil rights. You know, a crime.
I’m really fucking hungry, and you people aren’t helping.
More in FBI malfeasance:
FBI told state police not to wear body cameras for 2016 stop of refuge occupation leaders
At which point FBI supervisor I.M. placed Atarita under arrest for (#insert bs charge that FBI uses) just like a plebe that smarts off, right?
Wait a minute? They didn’t threaten to arrest the entire group for conspiracy and obstruction if they failed to show up individually for their interviews? Or, believing that the individuals wouldn’t cooperate & evidence had already removed or destroyed, obtained material witness & search warrants. As the individuals were known to be armed and to preserve any further evidence, police executed those warrants in the middle of the night without first announcing themselves. Right? That’s how it would go down for a plebe.
I begin to see the problem. Federal agents are not “operators”. Give him the Lon Horiuchi Award of Excellence.
Oh, and this attempted murder in no way invalidates the justification of killing Lavoy Finicum just minutes afterwards (which even aside from this, was bullshit). What happens you’re part of the same group that commits a felony? Oh that’s right, (#insert Oprah Winfrey gif of “You get a felony! And you get a felony! And you get get a felony!”)
Why I’m quitting the FBIM
Whaaa, I’m supposed to be above criticism, muh butt hurtz!
What? So this guy has decided on a career at professional whiner?
No idea how the M got in that link
it was the russians
He found the right outlet for it.
Christ, as if I needed any more reasons to hate Arsen-hole (← HT… somebody).
You sound as if you don’t think Everton will come back…
No way, Navratilova beat her too many times.
Don’t get me wrong. I hate Everton too.