Today is memo day! Today is memo day! Today is memo day!

Looks like a bunch of Russian athletes will have their doping bans lifted.  But who cares since there will be no NHL players in the Olympics.  Speaking of which, the Maple Leafs, Crapitals and Red Wings were winners last night. And on the hardwood, Cincy, Purdue, UVA, Arizona and Michigan State all won while West Virginia fell.

Across the pond, Bournemouth drilled Chelsea, Man Shitty won again while their crosstown rivals fell to Spurs. Everton won (after Liverpool won Tuesday, by the way) and there were a couple of ties.

That’s all for that.  Now…the links!

She allegedly thought a bad thought. Its the end of the world!!!

Oh no! Here’s the smoking gun that will take the admin down for sure.  I’ll lay it all out: A former spokesman for Trump’s legal team allegedly said he is prepared to tell Mueller that Hope Hicks may have considered obstructing justice in one comment she made to him about Trump Jr’s meeting with a couple of Russians. You got that?  And apparently he said he keeps notes of meetings. So that, you know, should corroborate his story of her making a comment that no evidence suggests she even followed up on. By the way, what Trump Jr said in public about the reason for the meeting doesn’t matter as long as he told the truth to the FBI and the congressional committees that interviewed him. And we all know what he told them was leaked about 15 minutes after he said it, which is what caused the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC to explode…until it came out that the people he met were somehow allowed to be here because someone in the Obama White House had personally signed off on their presence but have since refused to discuss it.

The whole thing is laughable. And if they’re thinking this latest round of unsubstantiated claims of thoughtcrime that can’t in any way be corrobborated is going to move the needle on impeachment at all, they’re as dumb as they look.

Speaking of the memo that is set to be released today, the FBI has grave concerns about its accuracy since it omits so many facts.  In other words, it only discusses what the principals may have done wrong and doesn’t touch on the good parts of the investigation.  Because every time they hold a press conference about a suspect, I know they go out of their way to tell the public that the perp was an otherwise kind person and even took care of a stray dog once.  Hell, there are enough violations of ethics rules by McCabe alone to sink any investigation that ensued from information he gathered or was involved in finding.  Like, for instance, if he essentially tricked Michael Flynn into lying to him in what he would have considered to be a normal FBI briefing as opposed to an interview about Russian collusion.

In related news, Mueller and Flynn have both requested a delay in the sentencing hearing of Flynn. This on the heels of the same request being made for Papadapolous’s sentencing.  Conjecture away as to the reason, but I have no idea why a defendant would submit to a delay in sentencing for something he’s pleaded guilty to (that carries a minimal sentence with little to no jail time) unless there is a compelling reason to do so…like rescinding the plea because the evidence gathered was tainted.  But we’re gonna have to wait to find out about that too, although I suspect Nunes will shed a little light on that as well.

The two lovers. (Or: The Mayor and a subordinate who got $50k in taxpayer-funded OT while banging his boss)

Nashville mayor admits to having an affair with her head of security. Hey, what they do on their own time is their own business…oh wait, apparently it wasn’t on their own time. Not unless they were banging after he had clocked out. Which doesn’t seem to have been very often since he racked up $50,000 in overtime last year.  And there’s not a whiff of impropriety in the fact that he, and he alone, accompanied the mayor on “fact-finding” trips to Paris and Athens and other exotic locales.  Because if I know anything about the relationship between Nashville and Paris, Athens and Madrid, its that they need constant maintenance from the mayor and her head of security alone.

California: prepare to get fucked at the pump.

And coming to you live from the “No Fucking Shit” Department.

Meanwhile shit that happened overnight less than a block from my babysitter’s house. Which means I did the links with three little monkeys hanging all over me this morning because I can’t take them over until 8 because she had to drive her kids to school.

That’s it.  Except for this tie-in to the last link.

Go have a wonderful day, friends.