Still no hockey. Duke won in college basketball, preparing Americans’ disgust for the upcoming New England Super Bowl victory. And there was a big NBA trade that I couldn’t possibly care less about.  And that’s it. That’s pretty much the entire sports world yesterday. I don’t count the witch hunt of the football and basketball coaches at Michigan State a sports story. But I will mention here that neither of those head coaches or men on their staff have a responsibility to monitor, punish or otherwise do anything to adults whose alleged actions are the purview of the legal system, not Title IX kangaroo courts set up by the schools. Doing so diminishes the right of due process to those people and undermines our entire criminal justice system. Participating in those shams should be actionable.

That’s it. I went off the rails again.  Sorry.  Let’s see if I can make it up to you in…the links!

Hardline Hamas leader “dies” after “shooting himself in the head”.  Maybe the dies shouldn’t be in quotation marks. I don’t know because I haven’t seen the body. But the second part most likely does.  I mean, if he got all suicidy, wouldn’t he have gone full Hamas and blown himself up on a bus full of innocent Israeli children or something?

Black Panther

After such a long wait, has Hollywood finally made a really kick-ass comic book movie? (Confession: I thought Spider Man Homecoming was very well-done.) Well, its Marvel, so it has a much better chance of being good that if it was a DC film. Meh, I’ll have to see what real people rather than critics say.

HBCU graduation rates are probably a little lower than they ought to be. Of course, the researchers quoted in the story have a solution: throw more money at them. You know, because the solution to a 5% graduation rate after six years has to be more spending.

All that bitching from Pelosi and the other scumbag politicians from the Bay Area about how Trump is killing their housing industry by cutting taxes appears to be what L.Q. Clemonds would call “a load of hooey”.

Chicago government can’t even figure out how to run a ticketing scam. Well, they could until the courts reviewed it and realized it was a gross violation of due process.  Now if only every other city in America would abandon the whole traffic camera thing.

Pals James Comey and Andrew McCabe

Republicans vote to #releasethememo. And the whole McCabe resignation gets funnier as known perjurer and Keystone Kop of an investigator James Comey rushes to support him. He did not receive such kind words, allegedly, from Trump however after his wife lost her Clinton-funded run for office. Or when he let the taxpayers foot the bill for Comey’s use of official transport after he was let go. The whole thing is hilarious and one can only expect it to get even funnier tonight.

Get some visine handy. There’s a lot of dusty air around here. Or is someone cutting onions?  Oh yeah, its neither. Its the last link of the morning links. (TW: you will probably cry if you read this.)

This is for the people mentioned right above.

Have a great day, friends.