That reminds me- I have an appointment with out NHS tomorrow morning. The Veterans’ Administration.
“our NHS…..”
Right out the gate, and I flubbed my lines.
It’s only one veteran’s administration, and obviously you’re not that veteran. :-p
Nah, they seem to take their time killing me.
Gov’t workers, amirite?
Looks like the Turks are intent on joining the quagmire. Have fun with that shitshow Erdogan.
Why’d that shitshow quagmire get the works?
That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.
+1 Constantinople
1453 worst year ;(
“President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkey will “clean” its entire border with Syria”
Erdogan is giving Harvey Keitel a call.
Well, that IS what The Wolf, does.
+1 Mr. Kaplan
Does this house have a sign that says Dead Kurdish Storage?
This concerns me a little because we’ve [unwisely] promised our backing to the Kurds. We leave them in the lurch – not good; we back them up – also not good.
Meh, SLD applies, but if Turkey is planning on jumping ship from the NATO/West side to the Islamic side, better to get it out in the open then have another Pakistan situation.
Average wait time in the U.S. is three weeks for knee surgery. Oh well, better to live in crippling pain and hobbled by malfunctioning joints than pay for your surgery directly instead of through taxes.
Pay? According to the article they’re done for free, free I tells ya!
Ah yes, I remember a cunty article written by a piece of shit sometime back about Ireland experimenting with private delivery of hip replacements, and how, while the woman who got into the test program may have benefited, what about the undermining of public system and is it really worth it to shave a week or two off wait time?
That particular cunt of a writer was a) grandson of the leader of federal NDP (Canada’s “nice” Communists), son of the leader of Ontario NDP and a decade-long employee of the UN, husband of Naomi Klein and employee (at the time) of our Beloved State Broadcaster. He would never have to wait for months on end for a hip replacement, and he wouldn’t have to pay extra for it – his doctor would contact a specialist, specialist would have a word with the hospital and it’d be done fast.
Yeah that’s one of things I always love getting into with the fucking brainwashed Europeans and Canadians I come in contact with. As many problems as there are, I pay less money than you and I actually do in fact get into see a doctor in a timely fashion. Meanwhile you all wait six months for a fucking cancer treatment and they take 20% more of your income, but since you don’t actually swipe your card at the hospital, you seem to think it’s free.
What are your hiring criteria, oh granitic one?
I draw the line at the hooker boots. Everything else is ok.
…How is it I can write such absolutely absurd things in all earnestness?
You’ve got a future as an Obama speechwriter.
Really bland pot?
Hey! Ive totally seen that tree!
Calm down, Tres, it’s not the bacon tree, I don’t think.
No, not bacon.
Once, some years ago, I had a lull in employment, and tended to spend my days bathed in cheap vodka. One day, looking out the back door, I noticed something moving on the other side of the chain-link fence that separated the property from the neighbor’s lot. It seemed like the size of a large dog; at the very least, a smallish german shepherd. Totally snot-slinging, toilet-huggin, drunk, in the early afternoon, I was mesmerized. Like a moth drawn to a flame, I watched the creature ambling (like UCS’s tree), and then it hopped. No, it HOPPED! Once it was away from the refracted view of the fence, sun-angle, and my days-old ethanol-pickled retinas provided, my eyes focused. It was a rabbit. But not only a rabbit- it was a rabbit of brobdagnagian proportions….elephantine, as rabbits go. Well, just like seeing a pink elephant in those cartoons of decades past (or the WKRP episode with the pig), I took a hard look @ the bottle I was nursing, and decided I need to put the brakes on something. And soon.
It was about a month later that I learned my neighbors back there had a kid in 4-H. Part of her project was to breed and show “Flemish Giant” rabbits. I was actually witnessing a huge bunny.
works cited:
Night of the Lepus prequel?
I just wanted to have an avenue to use “brobdagnagian” in a sentence.
It does hide in plain sight.
I like the use of “woody groan” as a literary device. Forces an onomatopoeia on the reader’s brain.
Less Glibs, more writing.
Looking forward to the next installment.
You can find the majority of my published works in the finer stalls of Speedway/Gas Americas all over the Midwest.
Look, I’m trying to decide if Travis would answer his phone while pinned to the pavement by the tree.
Does he have caller ID? And does he recognize the call?
If he’s pinned down by a tree, and he has a phone with a camera, he should really make a…….VINE
/try the veal
Of course he has caller ID, and it’s Stephanie.
*Narrows gaze*
I’m so buzzed, but I still feel better than I did this morning?
Is the tree drunk?
I don’t think so, but it doesn’t have any speaking lines.
Oh, so its a jewish father?
Well, duh. Trees can’t speak.
The tree got drunk on…..*dons sunglasses*……wood alcohol
/I’ll be here all week
*narrows gaze*
You’re getting paid by the word?
In a way. The number of pages read determines the payment for KU royalties…
I spent so much time making sweet love on my wife that it was hard to hear anything over the clatter of her breasts…
Maybe there will be a coup in Venezuela sooner rather than later
tl;dr: Even the armed forces and police aren’t getting food, and there’s growing dissent among the ranks (but not, apparently, the higher ups)
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Unfortunately, the one thing that the USA could do, we can’t do. And that is to spread the propaganda of capitalism. Instead our media is intent on spreading the lie of socialism.
Oh goodie, article says they set up multiple police forces and the Chavez’s party armed force, so there won’t be a coup but a proper war.
Fucking Chavez. Fucking irritating how predictable and predicted everything was, and next piece of slime wearing a red rag will still get the same benefit of the doubt.
Kipling was right. “As dog returns to his vomit/ As sow returns to her mire” etc.
“do you enjoy Kipling?”
“Not sure. I don’t think I’ve ever Kippled.”
It can’t be too soon to see Maduro’s head on a pike.
From the NHS story:
Seriously, doctros? Your hospitals makes a deal with the French, they have room to take care of your patients, but you don’t bother to tell them because…you’re cunts? You don’t get paid for it? Even though, since the poor asshole is on a growing wait list, you’re getting the maximum NHS will give you?
Agh, I hope this is just some Daily Fail poorly researched shit.
Governments don’t care about the people.
Doctors in UK are not government employees. That’s what makes the situation as presented frustrating – somehow administrative staff figured out a way to try something that could end up being decent, and doctors decided to be selfish cunts and sabotage them.
Is there anything more futile than the NHL All Star Game?
I feel sorry for the players having to play it.
It’s like Orwell in “Shooting an Elephant”. They just have the All Star Game because they feel like they have to.
All the other sports do it!
It’s just a sorry ass spectacle.
They could get the kind of exposure they want time 10 if they’d just participated in the Olympics, but noooOOOooo.
Even apart from that, who actually looks forward to watch the All Star Game? The only people watching are people who wish there was some hockey on so they could watch, but there aren’t any games on–because of the All Star Break.
What is NHL?
*sheepishly raises hand*
Though I did bail with 3 or 4 minutes left.
USMNT at 9:30 for those so inclined.
OSU v. Indiana Tuesday at 7 pm. Outside of that and waiting on Cincy opening day, I got nuthin.
We just rewatched Miracle. I changed my mind. It’s better than Slap Shot.
The only thing good about the NHL all star game is that it was on when we were in the hospital waiting for Spawn 1 to arrive.
Well, the winning team at least gets to divvy up a million bucks. That’s not nothing, even though these guys make some coin.
A red shirt quarterback and I rented a house off campus back in Uni. He routinely got the test questions and answers about a week before each test. Come home one day and see him sitting at the table, focused on a list of answers to multiple choice questions. “What are you doing?”, I asked. “Studying.”
All the college football players went to ‘study hall’ instead of going to their classes. I’m sure they getting similar treatment. When it was time for the final in one of my classes one of these guys shows up, only time I had seen him in that class the whole year.I was like ‘I didn’t know you were in this class’ ‘yeah, I just went to study hall for it’…right, just like when one of my friends on the team went to rehab, and the school said he was ‘attending to a family situation’.
Big fucking meh. I’m not seeing anything in that story that doesn’t occur at every high school in America.
Especially nowadays. Can’t imagine how bad it is with social media.
but the point is that Stuyvie isn’t “every school in America”. its one of the most elite high-schools in the country, and its entirely subsidized by NYC taxpayers. All the kids are handpicked to attend there, and its a huge boost to their college admissions simply attending.
All true. But I don’t agree with punishing them harder than other kids would be. Maybe put the suspension on their transcript?
If they’re caught cheating, how are the schools supposed to expect that the test-scores/grades they achieved just to get into the school were legit to begin with?
this is why i personally feel cheating in educational institutions should be a one-and-done, zero-tolerance policy. UVA did this for decades, and has only recently started to water its whole ‘honor system’ thing down, which i feel is a concession to the fact that more kids commit these academic improprieties, and they lack the will to enforce their own standards.
i wouldn’t have this view if these were public schools with some broad mandate to ‘get the kid to graduate’. these are elite institutions that are supposed to hold students to a higher than normal degree of responsibility. School isn’t just ‘doing the work’: its teaching basic self-reliance and responsibility, and cheating to simply get higher-scores shows a willingness to compromise personal integrity simply to ‘meet the numbers’. Is this what you want in business? People who will fudge the accounting? Sandbag sales? make up news stories?
in my opinion its a bigger issue than mere academics: its the erosion of expectations of personal integrity
When it happens in “elite” institutions, it simply magnifies the problem further down the food chain. People will cheat to get in, then cheat to stay in. When no one has any fucking standards, there’s no competition to maintain them. shit rolls downhill
I see where you’re coming from but I’m not a fan of “one strike and you’re out”. I think people deserve a second chance except for some extreme circumstances.
OTOH, you make a good argument for privatization. If that were the case, I couldn’t argue.
Point: Somebody Tell Me Why I Work So Hard For You
Somebody told me “Everything she wants is everything she sees”. I guess I must have loved you, because I said you were the perfect girl for me. Well, now it’s six months older, and guess what? Everything you want is everything you see. It’s out of reach? Not good enough! I don’t know what the hell you want from me!
Some people work for their living. Some people work for fun. Me – I just work for you. I thought a marriage was a give-and-take – well, you’ve shown me you can take, now you’ve got some giving to do.
And now you tell me that you’re having my baby? I’ll tell you that I’m happy, if you want me too. But one. Step. Further and my back will break. If my best isn’t good enough, then how can it be good enough for two??
Counterpoint: Well That’s Your Problem Now, Isn’t It?
Oh, so now I’m spending all of your money, yeah? As I recall, when two people get married, his stuff becomes theirs, and her stuff becomes theirs. The TV and VCR isn’t mine anymore, it’s ours. The mangy, flea-ridden, incessantly barking thing in the backyard is ours. The only car in the house, the one you take to the job you hate so much, is ours. It’s not mine anymore, is it?
And since you’re on about how miserable you are at work, did it ever occur to you that your chosen profession is only ever lucrative once you gained a following? Maybe I’m wrong, but prancing about on stage in pink t-shirts and hot pants doesn’t seem to the way to do it. Furthermore, I dated men who worked at mill, men who worked offshore – is singing until your throat’s raspy really more grueling than getting black lung in the mines or losing a hand on an oil rig? Oh sweetie, did you break a nail gripping the microphone, then?
I know how this bloody goes. Marry your sweetheart, get famous, dump the slag, and run off with one of those back page sluts with the blonde hair and the legs. Can you at least spare us the drama until you’re on the cusp, won’t you? “My God – I don’t even think that I love you!” Piss off, ya queen. And bring back a pint of the chocolate chip, ya right bastard!
The Most Expensive Girl In The World
First thought
I know, I am showing my age
Shit. That triggered a ton of memories.
In a good way. Thanks, old man!
Oooh oooh oooh, Mister Kottah Mister Kottah!
Everything She Wants
Back to proper, regularly scheduled boobage since it was concluded that my username link was causing me to get screened.
One of the better groups IMO so all of them. But I’ll go ahead and say 17 because something about her says she’d get me.
And, back to Gingermageddon:
OMG, Mia Solis. She’s a favorite of mine. I haven’t seen those pics before. Nice.
I like the way she takes pains to hide her giant crappy back tattoo.
You know who else had a named that always got them screened for boobs?
Jane Russell?
+18 hours
Nice list. I’ll go with 27, seems like my sort.
Superb. Orgy. But if I have to pick one, there’s something about #2 that tells me I’d make terrible decisions around her.
Well nuts. Apparently my 5 1/4 year old laptop decided this weekend would be a good time to bite it. 1 week before I head to CA. Thankfully I’ve got pretty much everything backed up externally using safe mode. Probably wont get any more videos out before march but we’ll see.
Planning to head to best buy tomorrow to price current models. Suggestions/tips appreciated but I don’t have the time or money to go for anything fancy this time. Probably aiming for a windows machine in the <$750 ballpark again. May look at building a real desktop in the next couple of years – as I've been saying for the last few years.
This Toshiba satellite p855-s5200 was a real trooper though. Between a couple deployments, a bunch of moves and a LOT of traveling, it has held up great.
Go refurb. Go IBM (Lenovo). Troll New Egg and Tigerdirect. Im pretty sure they’re “authorized” resellers.
Maybe – not sure I want to take the risk (or that i have the time) – but if you have direct recommendations for models… my first laotop was a 2004 ibm thinkpad – last model year iirc before they rolled to Lenovo. Lasted about 4 yrs. Then a 4 yr gateway, then this 4 yr Toshiba. Will probably look at Toshiba again.
Used to be more of a tech person years ago – but now my dad is more in tune with some current tech then I am. I just want it to do what I need with a minimum of hassle ;p. Sad.
5 years is pretty much the lifespan of a laptop. 2.5″ hard drives don’t last much longer than that before failure.
have you actually checked to see if it wasn’t just the disk? (i.e. that it is a total-loss due to mb-fried or whatever) a $100 ssd might be a temporary solution, and something you could actually port over to cheap new machine as an later upgrade.
if you buy a new one, i also recommend the lenovo thinkpads between $3-500 bucks. more than that seems a waste imo.
Thanks for the suggestions – I’ll see if it’s an option by Friday. I should be flying Sunday. May be HD related – not sure. I can access the whole hd in safe mode – but in normal mode – assuming the mouse/keyboard aren’t frozen on the login screen – I can’t get anything further than moving the cursor around on screen with no access to anything. Malwarebytes/av software is current – so probably just age 🙁
Both laptops and my desktop are Macs. Desktop customized, laptops not so much.
I had a few Toshiba satellites way back when, and they just can’t handle heavy use. 9 months is about the limit.
Beer, beer, beer, beer, beer… did I say beer?
Just beer?
Oh, STFU, this rum is not admissable in the court of public opinion….
I got my 40 oz in a paper sack. Cause Im all class.
I wonder if MS managed to find the Earthquake! Malt Liquor.
Finally done racing, Cold King Cobra! FTW!
Love it! Today’s track, 70 footer, Short
Hey Mikey!, here are my Cars!
oops, no link,
Try this,
OOPs sorry, here’s the link,
It was funnier without…
How are you supposed to drive those cars?
I’m sure its fun, but I’m dizzy just from the thought of trying to watch those things zipping around. Worse than trying to keep an eye my kid on roller skates.
at Tres, it’s easier without the in car thing. Legal Drunk driving….
He’s actually very tiny.
138 lb Dripping wet
I have a Kia for that, this is adult Kid stuff
at UCS, they are R/C cars that have light sensors to “read” the track, it’s more than that but basically that’s it
I prefer to track something with more “heft”. The gouge you can see in the speedometer ties in with my previous comment about the abraded jacket.
He might have been an admiral a sultan or a king.
re: Stuyvesant cheating
“”No students were suspended.””
well, there’s your problem
For a magnet school which is supposed to be driven by elevated standards, a single instance of cheating should be grounds to remove you from the school and send you back to the “regular” NYC school system. Not only would that stop ALL cheating overnight, parents would beat their children senseless and disown them if they ever cheated.
I think a suspension is enough. Expecting the little monsters to be somehow morally “superior” to the proles is a fantasy.
no, boot them out.
the school is such a status symbol, but they’re unwilling to actually protect their own brand. its a disservice to the kids who do the work honestly to not kick out the cheaters.
You hold them to high standards, that’s how you maintain high standards.
A HS classmate of mine got our Congressman’s Naval Academy nod. He violated the Honor Code and was kicked out less than a month before graduation. A lot of other elite schools would have made arrangements, turned a blind eye.
the way you ensure kids don’t cheat is you make the penalty so severe and so guaranteed that you’d have to be a fucking idiot to do it.
and the institutions that are known to kick kids out w/ 1 offense are the institutions which employers trust. your grades might not top of the pile, but people know you graduated from one of these places, and it means something far more significant than GDP.
these places are few and far between. military academies are one, but it used to be that many universities and ‘top’ primary schools had similar reputations. they don’t anymore, and its because of this shitty slide in the expectations for personal integrity.
My brother holds a degree from the Virginia Military Institute.
They have a single sanction: expulsion. When a cadet is expelled, he is drummed out in the middle of the night at 3:33 AM, because a cadet who breaches his honor is halfway to hell already, with a formal announcement given to the corps the next morning. They used to drum him out of the gate with the entire corps assembled, but they stopped that because an expelled cadet killed himself. This decision is seen by a lot of the Old Corps as one of the signs of the continued erosion of the Institute.
That assumes that the parents believe the word of the schools over that of their snowflakes who insist that they are being picked on. More likely the response will be to assemble a battalion of lawyers to bring justice to their oppressed children.
Works for the Patriots.
“British patients who have been on NHS waiting lists for months are going to France to get them done for Free.”
I know someone from Canada who had a severe shoulder injury. Was on 6 month waiting list just to have it evaluated. Visited the States, “fell off a ladder”. Was treated immediately. Hospital billed Canada.
In my head I have this vision of some older lady in the hospital billing department stopping short, muttering “whatever”, and just typing “Canada”.
I like the idea of just sending an invoice to Ottawa…..”attn: accounts receivable, Purchase Order #: CANADA”
First the Armenians, now the Kurds. What a legacy.
How can I put this? Just what the fuck is Erdogan’s major malfunction? What is this guy’s deal?
Grandeur my Friend
And like the Persians we Can’t just get rid of them, so why are we even there?
Oh shit, I’m missing the Grammy awards.
Grammy’s not your Grandma it’s your Grammar.
Schoolhouse rock is brought to you by….
An interesting story about the Trump Admin considering the nationalization of the upcoming 5G network. WTF is up with this?
Seems like a terrible idea to me.
Two stories there: that one and the perjury panic story. Both are according to ‘sources’.
Not with the right people in charge.we could pay Venezuela consulting fees to help us both out.
It’s a hard-stop of G’s at 4.
Hopefully it’s just an idea, a really bad one, that’s being spitballed.
I skimmed the document. Obviously for all we know it could have been from a kid in high school.
It seems more that they are putting forth that a secure 5g network is necessary for security, or will be.
They give an example of one company having trouble building a network because of all the different local regulations.
I didn’t see nationalization of networks mentioned.
I have a feeling this is bullshit.
Gilmore: “if you buy a new one, i also recommend the lenovo thinkpads …”
Have they gotten better? It’s been a few years but my company went to Lenovo just after they bought the IBM business. They were shit. Many (including mine) didn’t even last the three-year lease period.
Apparently – via the site – best buy isn’t even carrying Toshiba laptops now.
And do non-gaming laptops now all lack DVD drives? This could make video reviews a lot more complicated too.
there’s no reason to put a dvd drive in a laptop. its asking to get broken, and eats up space/power for other things. get an external dvd reader for like $30
I don’t think I’ve used the DVD drive in my work laptop in 10 years.
Notionally i agree with you – but again, hard to give up what I’m used to – esp since I don’t have a separate standalone pc. I guess if the externals are down to $30. Just seems so weirdly counterintuitive.
My firm has tried a wide array of different laptops, although they concentrate on what the manufacturers promote as ‘business’ models. Lenovo tend to be the most reliable, and most resistant to physical damage.
I’ve got a team who have a range of different manufacturers, and the Lenovos hold up best. I’ve got an X220, which has been pretty heavily abused and it’s still going strong.
Yeah, it’s all Lenovo where I work too.
My main gripe is that as a “senior” in my team, I get stuck with a shitty, low-powered laptop that can barely keep up with my actual work – while the grunts get more powerful desktops that can run circles around me.
I think the first generation lenovos got a bad rap, but they rapidly improved. they had such large contracts via their IBM origins that they probably had some initial quality control problems.
i think all branded computer manufacturers are at this point all basically just sourcing their components to the same 3-4 OEM suppliers and the degree of ‘quality’ is really just in whether the company provides manufacturing quality-control, product support and warranty. Lenovo is the largest computer-company in the world now. compared to many of the people who currently try to compete in their (low) price points, they’re generally the best quality-per-dollar with the best support, mainly because they are configured to support large clients with large numbers of corporate-employee users.
Hon, you already got schooled by the New York fucking Times in a huge Sunday morning magazine spread a few weeks ago. It cost NYC five times as much to build a subway tunnel than Paris or London. True, nothing short of a camera footage showing your boss blowing Sharpton would prevent his re-election but can you please consider dropping the bullshit?
A Cuomo campaign spokesman responded, “This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to politicize the US attorney’s office for a cheap headline. “
a) Preet Bharara and the Woodchippers
b) Eric Schneiderman, and all the former state AGs.
Just hit my local cable news network by accident – something about dreamers, resist, blah blah blah. I’ve gotta think even the Left is sick of hearing this shit 24 hours a day.
ERMAGHERD! I just took the time, after releasing a few quarts of “rented” Coor’s Light to notice I was bestowed my 1st ever FIRST!
/cherry popped
“Id like to thank the academy, Weinstein, potted plants, Q’s boobies, Yusef (for teaching me the V isnt “vaginosis”), SugarFree, SP, OMWC,Riven, JB, Rhywun, Mikeys of all flavors, UCS, Robby’s Hair (music begins to play), ENB’s sammiches, Stossels fierce ‘stache that’s on fleek AF, Kennedy (music swells), David Koresh, Martin Luther, Al Sharpton, Neal Boortz…
***Kanyne Breaks In***
‘yo, tres…..imalet you finnish, but really it was da (raise your hands) Web Dominatrix what kicked it the most!’
..Rufus, FoE, Stinky, Ken, Naptown……(Gilmored this)……Fish, Ani-mule, Army, Navy, Suthern….(hook gets ready)
But primarily- I want to thank Matt Drudge, who a couple years ago linked a article. It was HnR, and I saw the commetariat posting in the typical misanthropic dysfunction that has been the bane/hallmark of my existence. Immediately upon reading the threaded discourse and (vitriolic at times) opposition to each other, I realized….”FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! HALLELUJAH! “
You forgot to thank Ken Shultz for the inspiration for the length of the post.
Im about 5 paragraphs short of a proper “Shultzian Post”. But Ken as well.
And for as much as I wasnt inclusive, I meant all ya’all….
Well fuck you Tulpa.
And the V stands for ventalation.
At least spell it it right, Ventilation
Cathy Young was one of the few good contributors to TOS.
You might be right. Or, you might be wrong.
You know who else said “I could be wrong, I could be right”?
Johnny Rotten.
She can hate Putin all she likes, she was one of the two pro-Gamergate journalists in existence. And by “pro” I mean, didn’t call them vile racist who should be shunned by society.
And, while I made fun of her for always being a little of this, a little of that – she’s clearly a better & more thoughtful writer than almost anyone they have today.
Of guns and civil wars.
TW: Zerohedge
The scary thing about his speech is now both sides are more openly discussing civil war. The left has been doing it for awhile but nobody takes that talk seriously. When the right’s speech mirrors the inevitability of a war my blood gets a bit chilled.
How does the country defuse the escalation? I spent too much time in areas with civil wars (Balkans and Iraq) and studied too much history to believe that wars ever develop in means that any side foresaw.
“How were we to know tossing couple jerks out a window would lead to thirty years of plundering, rapine and murder?”
As long as the price doesn’t go up, I don’t give a shit what they call couscous. That stuff is delicious.
OT: wife is taking an English comp class and so far 100% of the example essays are SJW bullshit. She had to write a response to one piece. The one she picked was about how the military changes language to ensure “feminine” positions seem more masculine, i.e. a secretary is an adjutant and a maid is an orderly, or some such nonsense. Being a former military woman herself, she excoriated it in grand fashion. She has been pretty consistently pissed off at the crap she’s had to read. I’m so proud.
If my explanation doesn’t make sense, it’s because neither did the subject.
“Executive Assistants” hardest hit.
Oh, I get it. It’s the same rot that’s affecting every other aspect of life in America.
Have her throw at them that Lincoln had 2 ‘secretaries’, both men.
Trump has some male secretaries, too.
I always thought that ‘aide-de-camp’ was pretty cool.
a maid is an orderly
“Batman” is a superior term anyway. I mean, come on…batman!
Two interesting things from this weekend:
Friday night we went to see The Jacket interview Scott (“Dilbert”) Adams, who not only predicted Trump’s victory way back in 2015, but also correctly predicted the major national response and course of events through the first year of his presidency. Really interesting guy, by the way, and a self-proclaimed ‘extreme liberal’ (he said, as an example to back this up, he’s for a form of reparations for blacks) — so why does he ‘get’ Trump? Because he’s a big student of the art of persuasion, and he says that Trump is a master at that.
Reason arranged for attendees to get copies of Adams’ new book “Win Bigly” about persuasion and Trump, which was nice. My wife went up and spoke to Adams for a bit, and he signed her book and drew a little Dogbert inside. I was blanking on anything to say to him so I went to the bar rather than get in the line to speak to him.
One thing he said during the interview that actually made me tingle: someone asked, because he had predicted the past two years so well, what he thought would happen for the next three. He said he thought we are going to have a ‘golden age’ for the next three years, that some day people will remember back to as a great stretch of time. Explaining more, he said that this will be due to a raging economy with wages rising and unemployment near zero, and the US not involved in any major wars. Trump will still be the relentless target of the Left this whole time, and may even get impeached despite this golden age, but it will continue despite this. (And sure enough, I thought that if you look back to the second Clinton term, while he was getting impeached, otherwise those were pretty good days for the country as well.)
Next: Last night we went to a friend’s 50th birthday, he an aging rocker that used to be in a semi-famous band, who now has a real day job, but tools around and jams sometimes with some neighbors, doing 70s standards from his garage (he can play that amazing Eddie Van Halen solo going into “You Really Got Me” perfectly). So for his birthday his wife opened up the garage door, and everyone drank and danced in their driveway while he and his buddies played. Between songs, I caught up with a local guy who I’ve always known as a casual lefty, not ‘too interested’ in politics, but when he was, it was always to agree with the prevailing PC opinion on Derpbook. And he started telling me that he’s really getting happy with all Trump’s doing, he still doesn’t really like the guy, but is very impressed with the tax cut and some of his other ideas, and, well, Trump’s personality is kinda funny sometimes, and it’s cool that he just says what everyone else is thinking. And as he says this I’m thinking, wow, for a guy that I’ve known for 15 years, who’s always been a reliable Democrat, to suddenly start talking this way, he can’t be the only one changing his tune like this. And maybe, despite CNN/Wash Post/Pelosi and Schumer etc’s best efforts, we might actually have that Golden Age, and people will embrace it.
Normally this is the part where I wake up, but this all really happened over the past 48 hours.
I’m thinking “because of”.
Adams is, while quite prescient, a devotee of “persuading”. Just like the adage, “if you sit down at a poker table and cant spot the sucker, its likely you”. Or for that matter, “water will seek it’s own level”. If you engage with him, even in a general, public, setting- expect to be manipulated.
Also, Adams is, however, brilliant. I’ve enjoyed those stupid comics, and I loved reading his blog during the 2016 election. It was insightful, and “showed the hand” of people in the public eye, similar to how Penn & Teller would show their ‘secrets’. In that sense, as a professional, he was working both sides of the street. He was pointing out Trump’s tactics, while at the same time, calling out to Hillary’s hit-man (the name escapes me). I’d gladly argue that Scott Adams, in his postings, was more of a direct influence in the 2016 presidential election than the *alleged* Russian.
Feel free to discuss.
I struggle to conceive of any form of this that makes even a lick of sense.
Well, outside of the “40 acres and a mule”, I wonder when this madness will stop. Here we are, fully 180 years beyond the abolition of slavery, nearly 55 years past the Civil Rights Act, and there’s still cries of some restitution. At what point will the aggrieved groups be pacified? I think that if you keep handing them free things, you know the answer.
The current girlfriend manages 2 properties for Section 8. Shes the 1st one that told me, “if you give a mouse a cookie, then it wants some milk.”
Any reparations should be based on an individual’s economic state in the US vs what it would be if they lived in, say, Guinea Bissau.
No, reparations are null/void after the act is passed that stops whatever you indentured servitude was. Are the Israelis gonna petition Cairo for some money over how they were treated? Am I gonna hit the Italians up for how the Romans treated Christians? Are the Japs or Italians gonna shake-down Ottawa over that business during WWII? At some point it has to stop, logically.
I can only think it’s him being “provocative” rather than having any workable ideas.
I get the feeling that there isn’t some grand awakening of any sort going on with people, they mostly just want each other to shut the fuck up and go on with their lives, and if the politicians and media won’t let them do that then replace ’em with someone who will.
This disclaimer has been getting a lot of use over the past year. Hell, I’ve used it myself. I’m close to dropping it altogether. I never disliked him deeply; it was more of an eyeroll at his self-promotional persona.
One of the reasons the left in on track for a 2020 evisceration is their commitment to sky-is-falling rhetoric. They should be glad the GOP nominated a guy who’s basically a Democrat, a guy who wouldn’t have looked out of place next to Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson, and Michael Dukakis 30 years ago.
But no. The latest Republican is always Basically Hitler. Keep telling yourself that, Dems.
It’s like W all over again.
They can’t stop with the sky is falling rhetoric. As soon as they do, Trump might become a little less ridiculous and all the fence-sitters will probably cascade into place behind him and the whole narrative behind leftist policy collapses.
Pulling out all the stops to try to make Romney an evil sexist was the final nail.
Sure, I thought it was odd that he was Mormon and didn’t drink and all that, but he sure seemed like a damned fine human being.
So when the left media lost their minds and called him the worst person in all history, it really caved in their credibiltity to attack a guy who probably did grab women by the pussy (before putting them in binders).
There’s no fucking way Trump is a master persuader.
Tell me how he isnt.
The guy acquired valuable property, built massive developments and is now worth somewhere between 7 billion and 50 billion, depending on how you count. That means he has had to deal with corrupt local, state and federal officials. He has had to deal with the EPA, OSHA, IRS and a whole alphabet soup of agencies. He has had to deal with crooked lawyers, slimy real estate agents and people lined up from here to the horizon who want to sue him on the slightest pretense. He has had to deal with God knows how many unions which are probably the worst of the lot. He has had to manage an army of employees, many of which are probably wildly incompetent. Shall I go on? None of that has anything to do with the actual planning and construction of those properties, we havent even gotten there yet. I cant even imagine what it takes to deal with all of that scum.
It takes a superhuman ability at managing and persuading to accomplish that. There is no way he isnt a master at persuasion.
I would argue dealing with those scum takes being even worse scum. But, I’m judging him on his record so far as a president, and the things I find fault with are things 90% of Americans never even think about. I had forgotten this feeling of disagreeing with a president, but not finding any of his vocal opponents having any actual principled arguments against him; just like the Bush the 2nd.
Well, for that reason, Trump has kinda emerged as ‘everyman’. I’m not carrying water for him, but he kinda took the ideas of less gov’t (for the reasons you cite, scum v. scum, et al) to the field. The (D) cant do that. Trump is only in this to feed his own narcissism, or megalomania. But he’s smart af. However, if you look at the screeching, wailing, and gnashing of teeth from the left, he’s taken the fight to their court.
It may have been Suthern or Lachowsky, some commenter the other day that pointed out, (sic) “Trump has thrown a wrench in the machine that drives DC, and politics”. He’s upset the entire process. Now you have an entire cadre of beltway, career, politicians that have worked their entire lives to get ahead. And Trump crashes your party. Cuts your departments, slashes your jobs…..Christ, what an asshole.
Then DNC hates him. The GOP abhors him.
Things libertarians say:
Retrograde viewpoints deserve to be steamrolled.
I’m sure by “steamrolled” he means “convincingly persuade against” – right?
That isnt what comes to mind for me
I don’t really remember Balko ever writing any thing on other libertarian topics. He was pretty much just a cop abuse guy over at the old site. Kinda a similar niche to Greenwald.
Balko still identifies “libertarian”He regularly pisses off his twitter followers enough to suggest there’s some vestigal principles overlayed by all the signalling and partisanship. Then he worms his way back in their good graces by going full commie, like here.
I am not seeing anything there related to what libertarians say. I am also not seeing any libertarian.
No offense, but you’re upsetting my chill.
BTW it’s motorcycles at MU this week.
You have the coolest family ever.
Yeah, I was pretty lucky.
Some more old fart stuff.
Dig this.
None taken.
Had my nieces baptism today. It was Lutheran church, but not even the almost kinda Catholic Lutheran type that I find offensive, but least offensive. There were chairs instead of pews, they had new agey guitar music instead of hymns, and the pastor had an earring. I quit going to church except holidays because my local Catholic church brought Santa Claus in for Christmas, that was too hippy for me.
im the kind of (barely) catholic who went to catholic mass where it was all latin, incense, stonemasonry and stained-glass, where sermons were highly-academic, liturgical parsings of some obscure phrase in the third set of letters from Paul to the Romans, where there was a 100yr old pipe organ playing scary-as-fuck death-mass music, and where you felt god was a bitter, angry old man who might be nice to you if you apologized a lot, but who otherwise was busy smiting everyone who annoyed him.
I felt like it was getting watered down when they gold-leafed the jesus on the cross, and he wasn’t so obviously ‘bleeding profusely all over the place’ anymore. pussies.
Change never leads to anything good.
Get Stoned….
How white boyz do it.
Looks like my house
this one is more my style.
If the Phone doesn’t ring by 8 o’clock tomorrow, I’m getting drunk and Quitting my Job, Fucked up shit going on
I hate when the phone rings.
even if it does, it just puts off the inevitable, I’m losing my House..
Look at this way, you’re not losing a house, you’re gaining a bohemian lifestyle…sorry; all I knows is the comedy. Not good on life advice.
I’m actually Frightened, The Wife is missing a Foot, with a final SS hearing on 4/24, and I don’t think I can climb out of my debt in time, We are right next to losing the House, not good. We have a plan, but need to buy about 2 months, Wish us Luck!
Sign up for a Senor Cardgage Mortgage. Like I said, comedy not life advice.
I’m glad I can smoke Weed free and easy…..
Homestarrunner was highly underrated.
My friend, if you can get to Ohio, I have room for you, a hobbled wife, and even the Teufelhund. We may have to work on “who buys beer”, but you always have a seat @ my table.
Sending positive vibes.
KMK yes!
That sucks, man. I feel for you.
We got behind on our mortgage and are waiting to hear back on a loan modification. It’s been almost a month. Long story short, it’s the culmination of our being bad at managing finances, our having some bad luck a while ago that we’ve struggled to handle, and our having taken on a huge amount of debt in the past. The crappy thing is that we could catch up using what we make in a month, but we wouldn’t be able to cover legal fees and so forth, not to mention other bills. The mortgage company doesn’t really offer an option to just make bigger payments until we’re caught up, which also sucks. Losing the house is not an option.
The plan B is a real bitch. It basically involves my quitting my job so I can cash out my 403b. As you might imagine, this is not optimal. I’m waiting on a phone call myself and hoping like hell it’s either good news or someone I can persuade.
If this is a serious thing, how long would liquidation of your instruments buy you? I know you have a few; not sure what your payments are that need to be met. But if that’s an option that could help bide the time. Also, if your wife has a pending appeal on her case, I know their are places that will finance against that; my parents went through that at one point. Just trying to offer some real advice before I linked this.
Don;t Forget the Glib Dogs!
Sir Stanley, or GTFO.
You mean Flat Stanley?
Flat Ronnie > Stanley.
Ill drop some B.O.B on you tho.
Hey! Who’s a libertarian?
And always has been. She was the only name act to play the banned Powder Ridge Rock festival
Turn it up!
I was recently informed that I was not a libertarian.
Circumstance: after work happy hour at a brewery. Bunch of work guys, some from where I work in MPLS, some from California. MPLS guy whom I hate and who happens to be gay, millenial, and pretty sure the world owes him a living, says “As the only Libertarian at the table, I think (blah blah blah)” I said, dude not only are you not the only libertarian here, but that was a pretty pro-central gov’t argument you just gave.
He indignantly informed me that I am NOT a libertarian (maybe because I’m a chick who likes guys as opposed to a dude who likes guys, as he is. No idea why he would give me the NOT LIBERTARIAN label), and I said, What under God’s blue sky makes you think you can tell me what political position I’m in? Fuck off, slaver.
The “Fuck off, slaver” statement really threw him off and bore a fruitful discussion. I have delighted in using it with him ever since. If I do move to the new job, I am looking forward to telling him that nobody cares what he thinks.
Simple: there are no libertarian women.
Seriously, is he aware that you’re a believer? If so, maybe he thinks only atheists can be libertarians.
Yeah, he does know I am Christian (i don’t wear it on my sleeve, but it is pretty obvious). He himself is an Episcopalian.
I suspect he merely wants to be “special” and sophisticated, so he adopted Libertarian without knowing anything except that we don’t care if you like to take it up the ass.
My theory, like everything I put my brain to, is full of naught but rank conjecture – but it feels truthy.
90% (or thereabouts) of the US population hasn’t lifted a finger thinking about social-political issues. They have a hard time naming any politician besides the president, think the Supreme Court is the NBA All-Pro team, can barely find their own state on a map. But they know what they like and don’t like.
We glibs are in the 10%. I can only speak for myself here, but I’m not all that far into the 10%. But I keep abreast of issues, I have a decent grasp on how the govt operates (was going to say “works”, lol), etc. On the other hand, the “libertarian” you referred to knows that that label is different – and different is good. He’s not one of those rank partisans, you know.
I imagine he thinks there is a line that goes like:
He probably thinks of himself as a sensible centrist, hence the label. And sadly, if I’m right, this puts him in the upper quarter of the 90% of political morons.
You should repost this in a morning thread. I can even tee it up for you.
The “spectrum” is an unfortunately pervasive concept. If forced, I’d put myself a hyphen to the right of “Libertarian.”
When I see the GOPestablshment acting like left wingers, I just want to get rid of ’em all! Trying not to care about politics, but gop and dems want to force politics into every effing aspect of our lives, so we can’t ignore it, can we?
(I donate to Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul and a couple of “non partisan” city officers in my town.)
Every one else can just suck it.
This sounds like the greatest festival ever.
Dammit, don’t any of you lot have insomnia?!
I has a disappoint.
I’m living dat second shift lifestyle, yo.
Eating homemade spaghetti and meatballs, drinking wine, and listening to the Pirates of Penzance at 3 AM. This is my life.
Rock on, babe.
I am gonna make some microwave popcorn and act like I know what I am doing.
Tomorrow, all I have to do is pack up my cubicle for a move. Wish I could just have a 55 gallon drum fire to help sort things out.
So much insomnia, and not a drop to drink.
Different time zone, does that count? I don’t know where that guy gets off saying you’re not a libertarian. Pompous ass.
Oh, how badly I hate thee, Jimmy Kimmell.
His show has a segment “We Ask Kids…” and those segments are archived on YouTube. I was going to leave a comment (something something tiny human shields), but when I scrolled down, I found:
Because of fucking course.
Really, it would be a win for them to keep the comments up. They could round up the crazy/vile comments and hold them up as an example of the hate of Donald Trump’s far-right legions.
Kimmel is a fucking ass.
I always hear that he’s trying to be super-woke these days… Some of you may remember a little program called The Man Show. If someone wanted to impugn Jimmy’s wokeness, they could certainly find plenty of fodder within those episodes.
Reformed whores are the worst
Back when I used to smoke…
The Stuyvesant cheating story got me to thinking. I’m not really all that surprised. We’re increasingly setting up a system where the course of people’s lives is being set when they’re between the ages of 14 and 18. Do well enough then, and you get into the Ivies and you’re pretty much assured a great life from there on out. Don’t do as well? You go to a second-tier college and take your chances. Struggle? Yeah, well, somebody’s got to be a construction worker. Check your privilege, shitlord!
This is what they call a “meritocracy”. Except, it all revolves around merit for five years in your teens.
And we wonder why they cheat and don’t feel bad about it? We’ve told them the price of failure, the price of honesty, is to have their life suck. They’re simply responding to the incentives they’re given.
And what does it produce? It seems to me such a system is going to produce untold wastes of talent, as you relegate late bloomers to living as nobodies in favor of people whose talent, intellect, and curiosity peaked in high school. Maybe even worse, it produces a leadership caste, set in stone, for whom the key to success in life has always been resume building, being that person who looks good enough on paper to be acceptable to the right people. They take no chances, risk no failures, because that failure would have denied them the keys to the kingdom.